Sunday, January 11, 2015


It's L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!!



Prepare yourself for Kody BLOVIATING!!

While Robyn indiscriminately BLOCKS TWITTERS !!

Are YOU on her list tonight???

It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!


  1. Reposting this from the previous thread just so we all know the desperation TLC has had to resort to try to sell this show for another season.....

    Surprise, surprise !! The TLC gremlins have been busy rearranging things.

    Our Xfinity cable has listed the three SW epps airing tonight as...

    "An unscripted series documenting the daily life of a polygamous family Utah"

    !- What is with the "Utah" bit ?? What happened to the cuddle-sac in Vegas?
    Too embarrassed to admit the sham of the McMansions?

    2- *Unscripted".........HUH !!!???
    Now come on........they can't be serious on this one !!!
    This show is about as unscripted as any of the "Housewives" shows.
    TLC....shame on you !!!

  2. Janell's tweet that Mykelti is the whole thinks she has been visiting the living room. LOL

  3. CJ I agree with the green koolaid but Janelle specifically addressed the sewing, the pattern making, and the designing which sort of what we discussed. I think they lurk.

    1. If they were lurking hopefully they also picked up on the fact they should never dance on tv again...never.

  4. CJ I agree with the green koolaid but Janelle specifically addressed the sewing, the pattern making, and the designing which sort of what we discussed. I think they lurk.
    I agree with ya, runKodyrun!

    Anyone else having a problem nesting comments?

  5. Yeah, they very definitely lurk !!
    And perhaps a few have even posted. (blink,. blink)

    1. That last post was supposed to have nested. So yes, I guess there is a problem with nesting.
      We'll survive though.......

  6. Replies
    1. Run,
      When you reply to a specific post (hitting reply instead of the "add comment") your post should go right under the post you are respnding to....indented just a bit.

  7. Okay, I hate to keep harping on this but Janelle has definitely gained her lost pounds back plus some. Meri has added another twenty pounds. Robyn is also packing on the pounds. Christine is now the sexy mama and she ain't all that what's up with the wives gaining all this it really not as good as they say?

    1. I noticed during the lipsynching, after everyone's comments here and definitely agree. I think that Christine is smaller than Meri, even if she's bigger-boned. Meri was visibly heavier - even in her higher heels and all-black attire.

    2. I think they eat for recreation.

  8. The apology:

    Christine demands an apology from Kody's friend Ken, who says that Kody's invited back to the church, if he leaves 3 of his wives behind.

    1. He can't be in that church with four wives. Who doesn't know that? Can't be In their church without thinking plural marriage is okay. I guess she shkuldnt be friends with his friends then?

    2. I felt like the proverbial "fly on the wall" listening to Kody and Christine. That disagreement isn't about what Christine claims it is about, JIMHO. Christine claims that Ken's comments about polygamy and his admonishment to Kody--"get rid of three of your wives and come back to the church" are what upset her. Christine stated that she doesn't feel that Ken is "safe" and harkens back to the time when her grandfather was jailed for practicing polygamy. I'm guessing that isn't that the disagreement isn't about that at all.

      First, the Waddoups decision has essentially decriminalized polygamy. When polygamous men are jailed in the modern time, it isn't for having more than one marriage-like relationship. It's for crimes, such as child rape, tax evasion, and other wrongdoings that violate the public trust. So Christine's fear that her family will somehow be broken up is now unfounded.

      Second, her demand that Kody tell Ken that Ken needs to apologize to Christine is immature power-tripping at its most manipulative. Christine is an adult. If she wants an apology from anyone about anything, she should approach that person directly.Ken's comment wasn't specifically directed at her; Ken did say, "You need to break up with Christine and two of your other wives, be married to just one woman, and come back to the church". As a member of the LDS church, Ken, like all the other men, are priesthood holders; they see it as their mission from God to instruct "the fallen" about how to make themselves right with the community of the faithful and with their deity. I'll bet if yo ask Ken, he truly believes he's trying to save Kody and the rest of the Brown wives from condemnation.

      Finally, if I were Kody, I'd tell Christine to knock off the princess routine and grow the hell up. If it were a rule that I had to like and approve of all my husband's friends and hobbies (or I gave him that right about my friends and activities), neither one of us would be up to much other than work. If anything, Christine owes Ken and the other wives an apology for causing all this sturm and drang on a family vacation, expecting everyone to bow to her demands, and for behaving like a tantrum-throwing brat.

  9. Kodyboy has either had a perm, or he is spending mucho time with the curling iron before each shoot.
    What a douche !!

    He continues to look more and more like a balding cross between a caveman and a Dutch Boy.

    1. I think he's wearing some Kardashian Klip-on extensions...he doesn't have enough hair left to fluff like that!

  10. Oh geez they're at a family pawn shop getting a line of credit. They had to leave so!me of their MSWC inventory for collateral. Just wow!!

    1. Did you notice, too, the "For Sale $2500" sign on one of their cross-overs when they're getting ready for the trip? I'm sure it will see in the driveway of their gated community (and the neighbors love it).

      Also, Janelle tweets that they got off to a late start, because she had a closing. Please...

    2. NO WAY!!!! How much did they get, 50 cents?

    3. No I didn't notice Grifter but yeah that's crazy!!! CJ they asked for $50000-100,000 and upon owner said yeah I think we can do something within that range. Then he asked him what they could give him for collateral

    4. At which point the Browns all looked at each other.....DUH !!!

    5. They used MSWC inventory for collateral on a $50,000-$100,000 pawn shop loan which is weird because I seriously doubt the entire MSWC inventory of trinkets is even worth $1000. Fake venture capitalists last season, fake pawn brokers this season.

    6. most of their inventory is drop ship, and customers wait for the sterling crap because it has to be made. So what could be of value? absolutely nothing. Unless they did a second mortgage or other kind of line of credit, this is not believable. Pawn shops loan .25 of wholesale max. If they were as financially stable as someone who owns 2 million in real estate should be, a pawn shop with massivelly high interests rates is a very questionable decision. That makes it look like a last chance effort. That is a really wierd choice. What do they get out of tweeting or using this family business? Vegas pawn shop cross-over?

    7. Good analysis, Milo

      Just to add: Kody says that they're at the pawn shop because they're desperate. The VCs fell through, and the pawn shop owner has always told them that investors would be the 5th wife. (There were also jabs at Christine for being most likely to bit hit hard if there were ever a fifth wife.)

      And the pawn shop is in St. George, UT, home of Robyn, anti-polygamists and that craft fair where they lost money. They should be doing better at the out-of-business consignment shop that we saw last week.

    8. They basically had to pawn their mswc crap inventory. They're most likely overextended in all of their lines of credit. Otherwise, why not just go to their bank for a loan?
      Oh yeah, I'm sure they didn't use the "loan" $$ for MSWC business either like kody stated that was the purpose. They've clearly squandered their $$ at Disneyland & other foolish spending.

    9. I call BS storyline. Pawn shop isn't gonna give them anywhere NEAR that much, but it's made up for the show.

      My ex used to pawn his basses just for extra $ - leave them a couple months then get them back. for a bass retailing at $2k he'd get $400-$500 if the pawn shop guy was feeling generous, if memory serves.

      Anyone who watches "Pawn Stars" knows that pawn shops won't just take drek. They want stuff with real resale or meltdown (if jewelry) value. Not a bunch of cheap ass crap.

  11. Is it my eyes..
    'Christine does NOT look any thinner in this road trip.
    Wonder what the time frame difference was for this filming and for last week's dance routine !!??

    1. The timeline must be within a few weeks,if that, and I think that they said it was June. Madison had just moved into her apartment in Logan, UT - which makes you wonder why they bothered to stuff the car in the last episode. (They could have brought up whatever didn't fit when they drop by a week later.)

      Also - I guess she doesn't get or need a car, even though they have one for sale in the driveway. They could have offered to sell it to her.

      Final note: Mariah's nowhere to be seen or visited.

    2. Updated: Mariah's at Yellowstone with the children sent to Kody's mother's. She packed on everyone's freshman 15.

  12. I was thinking, well hell yeah they're going to let christine mom move and weather. I'm sure they're going to have her pay a portion of the mortgage &\or bills plus she'll be helping out babysitting masked as grandma duties

  13. Oh shut up already about being "forced" from Utah(eye roll) And surprise surprise there back in Lehigh visit in the old home that is now under remodeling

  14. Hey, it's their "first trip back to the Lehi house!" Except for all the other trips back, I guess.

    1. And in 6 months they will have yet another "first trip back to the Lehi house"!

    2. Guess he forgot about returning already to put the dog down and bury it in the backyard!

  15. So last week's BS comments about being "forced to move"' was indeed a setup fpr this week's tearful nostalgia tour of the habatrail house....again.
    Again, since we already saw that routine 2 or 3x already when they went back to put down and bury the dog there. The one where the dog was frolicking in the yard while Kody was supposedly digging the grave !! And when the older girls went back for some reason or another.

    Recycled, redone, repeats...geez, they really are fresh out of plots.

    1. For reals!!! Talking about beating a dead horse! Geeeezzz!!

  16. Wow christine throwing a temper tantrum and tell telling kody to please say ur with someone else tonight! And kody responds by saying I'm with you tonight and I'll sleep on the couch.

    1. I pity the poor couch! #KodyKooties

    2. Right!! Well later in a talking head segment Kody says he didn't sleep on the couch but he didn't sleep well either. Oh boo hoo!!

  17. They trashed Maddie's apartment! Why can't they leave that poor girl alone?

    1. If I were Maddie, I'd be pissed that her "mothers" decided to prank her in this infantile, , and disrespectful fashion. My question to them would be "you all know that you didn't like sharing a kitchen, so now why do you think it's o.k. to enter ANOTHER WOMAN'S HOME, and mess with her kitchen? And short-sheeting the bed, Robyn--talk about a$$hole behavior! Meri, Christine, Robyn, you should all be ashamed of yourselves and of each other--this wasn't pranking, it was sadistic and cruel. No wonder Maddie doesn't think she'll ever want to come home to live with the family. I wouldn't want to live with those witches, either!

    2. Agreed. Agreed 100% about sharing kitchens and immature behavior.
      If I recall correctly when Kody was complaining about Maddie's apartment last episode she indicated that parts of the apartment were a shared suite? I'm guessing the kitchen would probably fall into a shared category.
      So if that's correct (which I'm not completely certain of) the 'bonus' moms are not just 'pranking' Maddie, they are disrupting and sowing discord with anyone else unfortunate enough to be placed with a reality show participant...I don't mean this is disrespect to Maddie as she seems like the best Brown to live with, though her situation with filming and family is still not ideal.
      I can't quite tell if this is a way of minimizing maddie's achievement and autonomy from the Kody Klan, or just tone deaf self serving immaturity from women who never developed passed junior high school.
      If the family is worried about Maddie distancing herself they have not shown it; complaining about lack of connection and then terrorizing her private space are counterproductive.
      These people are embarrassing. Painfully embarrassing. It is not funny or charming to disregard the express wishes of someone you claim to love and value. It's senseless verging on cruel. I hope at least one of the Brown kids can escape this famy without being humiliated on air.

    3. So many typos. I'm apparently too mad to type. Apologies, all.

    4. LaPetite Terror -- I believe that at the time of filming (summer), Maddie was the only student in the apartment. Either way, it was completely rude and I would be livid mad, if that had happened to me. I would never do something like like to one of my kids, especially if they had roommates that had to deal with my stupidity.

      My oldest had a similar apartment/suite when she was in college and the kitchen, living and bathroom was shared. They had two students in each of the two bedrooms -- it appears that Maddie has her own room in this place.

      Geez, just thinking about when I took my kids to college. Although my oldest had the apartment type suite, I didn't hang out there with her. (Thinking about Kody on the couch scene last week) And putting his feet on her sofa was so beyond rude! My second lived in a traditional dorm and his roommate was already there by the time we moved him in that day. My son couldn't wait to get us out the door, we had to get his laptop and printer set up for him and he was stressing me out with his "get the hell out of here" vibes. Ha ha ha!

      Even remembering how I felt when my mom helped me move into the dorms the first time -- I was the same way. Get out and let me get on with my new life. Also, thinking about my oldest (who spent first two years at a community college 45 miles away); I usually went shopping in the same town as her on the weekends, I would call her and tell her I was there and she would meet me in the parking lot, jump in my auto and we would go grocery shopping and eat dinner. When we were done, I would pull up to her dorm, she would grab her stuff and hop out. Rarely, did I go into her dorm.

      Her adult parents must drive her nuts! She is way more mature than they ever could be.

  18. No Janelle, you are NOT just 'stepping back into the dark ages' are living in them. Sheesh these people are twisted in their thinking.

  19. Why does King Sol have a bottle? He's three. And didn't Robyn make a big deal about him being exclusively breastfed?

    1. Maybe her way of "weaning" him? Recommendation is to have off bottle by 1 YO...get the kid a sippy cup. Although, they shouldn't use a sippy at bed time. Who knows with these people. I had my youngest off at 15 months.

  20. Oh God..
    Christime says, "Ken's not safe" need to live in a bubble or just hole up in your McMansion and stay there.
    The guy Ken had an opinion about with it !!

    1. Hmmm, one of Kody's old classmates sends him a private joking text (maybe) and the Browns respond by dragging his name through the mud on national television? Isn't this somewhat slanderous, especially since Ken is not going to appear in the episode? If I were him I would demand more than an apology after this airs.

    2. I think in the original episode where Ken and his wife were introduced, they discussed their theological differences, and there wasn't the animosity. They know the fervor of Ken's devotion. Kristine didn't throw a fit any time during the 2-3 days that the families spent together.

      Also, a few scenes before her rampage in this episode, Kody expounds on how the children's friends are mostly Mormon; Maddie is in a predominantly Mormon school, where he wants her to have good friends. There's no issue about the other students being "safe." They'll do or say whatever just to stay on tv.

    3. Seems like anyone non- AUB is "not safe" for her...she has some major issues.

    4. Seems like anyone non- AUB is "not safe" for her...she has some major issues.

      I think it's because Christine IsThisClose to leaving Kody. But she probably won't because then she would be considered another failure in her "illustrious" family. I say get the heck out of there! Heck, stay in the AUB but ask for reassignment. However, her next hubby may be even worse!

    5. Even if the entire drama was rehearsed, planned, and rehearsed again, I get the feeling that Christine was way to into it for there not to have been some serious issues that she was trying to deal with and I don't think those issues had anything to do with Kody's boy friend. Mind you, I'm no marriage councilor person but each of the wives, during the coach scenes and other times, seem to jockey for the right to speak and be heard. For instance, Janelle tells her therapists that she doesn't think anyone listens to her; Robyn tells Kody that they don't hear her and don't care about her desires for artistic integrity (sure), and even Meri walks away from him shaking her head. The truth is that when Christine and Kody fight, the other wives seem to see humor in it. They are all nuts but Christine will not let it go. Kody is a little right when he says that she won't shut up. Maybe she did mess up their vacation by not bowing down and kissing Kody's shrinking bolitas. Who knows. But that argument and her not giving in is definitely an indication that even though Kody and Christine seem to be a better terms now more than ever, she still feels the need from time to time to rub his face in her power. But, if my husband had a friend and that friend invited him to go some place but to leave me at home, I probably would get a little pissed. Especially if the place had other couples there. But, I an see why Ken said just bring one wife. it's a religious thing, I suppose. Anyway, there will be many hours of snark over this awful episode.

    6. CJ, I think you're on to something with Christine being close to leaving Kody. I thought she was projecting her anger onto poor Ken because she really does have thoughts of leaving and is pushing those feelings way down. That girl has a lot of built up resentment over the way things have turned out for her. Add that to having a big mouth and there is trouble. The trip was probably ruined for Christine after seeing their old Lehi house and remembering how happy and safe safe she felt in her marriage back then. Remembering having Kody all to herself most days while Janelle and Meri were at work and being the main mom. Now she's alone 3 nights out of 4 in her mc mansion while Kody leg-humps the new fertile wife and coddles Sol while she is taking care of her kids by herself.

  21. Christine runs her mouth about everyone and everything. Guess she can dish it out and not take it.

    1. Dear Christine:

      If you choose to live "openly," here are a couple rules of the road that are non-negotiable to the rest do us.

      One, respect is earned, not demanded. You and your grifter family have done nothing to move anywhere near the "earned" end of things. You are low-life con artists who live off of food stamps and other government support (when not sucking on the TLC teat) while bashing the very "culture" that you so openly despise.

      Two, tolerance is a two-way street. You no right to insist on it from all of us when you dig in your little heels and deny the same basic respect.

      Presbyterians and other "sharks"

      P.S. You're not that smart. You're not at all special. You are fodder for Sunday night laughter.

  22. Oh lawdy the dramatics tonight!! I'm already looking forward to CJ's review :)

  23. Kody blaming Christine AGAIN for "poisoning" the whole family...smh come on christine, get the hell up on out of there!!

    1. Kody really has some nerve, calling her a princess every other minute and getting mad because she has too big of an ego. Pot calling the kettle black much?

    2. Kody doesn't go for "the hair tossing and stomping feet." That's him! Each episode!

    3. The other wives don't look too poisoned to me Kody...they are all sitting around laughing about it!

  24. remembering the first season when kody was telling christine to save her grocery money if she wanted to go visit her dad. But now all of a sudden since TLC has come along they can afford to take family vacations. Instead of bitching about it they should enjoy it while they can because this train can't last forever.

  25. What !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kody says he doesn't like Christine's "hair-tossing" and "princess behavior".
    Now THAT is funny !!

    Kody the man-girl who tosses his obviously newly permed hair every other syllable and routinely does his own he-she "princess" behavior.

    I am laughing out loud.

    1. IKR??? He's got some nerve!! I'm laughing out loud with you :-)

    2. Kody uses the word princess when he really means bitch

    3. The problem with Christine and Kody is that they are too similar, they both suck all the energy out of a room, therefore they butt heads.

  26. Holy sh*t, Janelle, don't just sit back and let that man put pliers in your sons mouth. Lord, ROBYN is coming off as having more sense than you.

  27. I don't care where you slept. Doesn't her mom want her to leave polygamy? Wasn't she hiding from her aunt in the bathroom because she is anti polygamy? Do they need an apology. Robyn has no math skills. Everyone can't be in polygamy. Yes it's not Kens fault christines mood but it's Christine's fault kody is in a mood? Logical. Not.

  28. You can visit your parents in prison Christine.

  29. Kody: "Even (asking Ken to apologize to Christine) makes my testicles shrink."

    Pass the brain bleach.

    1. Yuck! But yeah, real men don't do things for their wives, like respect when they have hurt feelings or stand up for them.

    2. At least he wasn't sporting a Pebbles Flintstone ponytail when he said it...I don't even think brain bleach could overcome that!

    3. I really think he is gay. He obviously dislikes women and keeps trying to say how much a "man" he is too much

    4. The Ken argument killed me.
      I saw both perspectives and I hate seeing either Christine or Kody's perspective.

      1.) Christine is ridiculously scared of the outside world and every time she questions the 'safety' of an outsider I want to shake her. Hard. I felt like Ken said much worse things to the Browns in person during Kody's 'reunion' visit.
      He made it very clear that he no longer respected Kody or his choices, frankly I do not believe Ken has made any true effort to maintain a relationship with Kody. It seems like any effort Ken has made were done as a 'voice of reason' to his community.
      From what I recall of Ken his text seemed to be the least of his issues with their family.
      2.) If demanding his friend at least feign respect for his wives emasculated Kody then there isn't much to emasculate in the first place.
      I am beyond tired of hearing Kody affirm his masculinity, sexuality, and dominance over women...I have seen toddlers and animals with more fortitude and honor than him.
      3.) I get why Kody thinks Christine is overreacting about a text from a man who seems plain spoken. I get why Christine is mad that her priesthood leader and husband won't demand respect or somewhat disassociate with a man who clearly does not respect her or her choices.
      4.) I don't think this fight had ANYTHING to do with the text message. I truly believe Christine is tired of coming in not just second or third, but below a man Kody has not had a real relationship with in at least 20 years. This fight is about the fact that Kody has never (and will never) be the man he thinks he is and that Christine has convinced herself that he is. He will never choose her first.
      Kody is furious that he is not obeyed and that any complaints Christine has as plyg 'royalty' further throws into question his worthiness as a priesthood holder and future celestial king.
      5.) I think it would have been amazingly productive if this fight had actually addressed any of the real issues at hand, but as it is this fight was argued by two very delusional and stupid instead we got talking head mentions of Kody's testes and Christine's self loathing.


    5. I disagree. I am not a big fan of Christine but I think she has a legitimate beef with anyone who tells her husband to divorce her. I thought Kody was manipulative and incredibly dense about what Christine was saying. I thought the sisterwives ganged up with Kody against Christine. If someone told my husband to divorce me, I would never want to see that person again. If Kody "divorced" Christine, she would have no where to go and would also lose her salvation (in her religion) so I get why she sees Ken as a threat to her safety.
      I also think Kody is a real horse's a$$ and that his true, awful colors came out in this exchange. He isn't holding up his end of the bargain.

  30. I can't believe they are using Kody's friend as a plot point and making him out to be such a villain. How low can they go?

    1. Yup & Christine asking why would you hang out with someone like that?? Well Christine, we're all wondering why you would choose to stay in an unmloving relationship with a douche. Which most of us clearly see it as a one way street.

    2. "Well Christine, we're all wondering why you would choose to stay in an unmloving relationship with a douche."

      CB, The best line of the night !!!!!

  31. And there it is!! In Christine's talking head segment she blames herself for ruining the family vacation... Smh

  32. Well guess what Kody? Ken is no longer your friend after you used him for an entire episode of your stupid show tonight. It sounds like you only stayed friends with him to use his boat anyhow.

    1. Ken will hopefully be the claimant on a defamation lawsuit after this episode.

  33. Oh lawd, here I go....Kody, dear, at your age, your testicles don't shrink...they sort of stretch and well get larger; it's your penis that is shrinking and your prostate is probably growing. You know...age. Christine is pissed're her life and when she looks at her life and she sees you, she has to be like very disappointed that she didn't get a better deal. One middle aged balding fat man with big balls and a shrinking other organ and his other fat wives all sitting around a picnic table lamenting who's on first. Wow! I think Janelle and Meri are menopausal and maybe even Robyn. Christine does look fatter this week than last but they do go to Mickey Mouse's house a lot so they are probably partaking of the junk food. They are gross

    1. run,
      Loved your anatomy lesson for Kody !!!! LOL !!!
      Agree about Meri and Janelle being menopausal. Would be about right.

      Meri just has to buy bigger jeans. Women's jeans just shouldn't be that tight in the front (crotch) area. Just not a good look....uhm.... kwim?

    2. Menopause seems to be next week's episode, according to preview clips with Janelle and Meri.

    3. Oh Joy !!!
      And you just know that Kodygirl will be spouting off all about it with his best know-it-all, authoritative tone every other talking head spot.

      He will be probably be having hot flashes too.

    4. runKodyrun, Amused, and Grifter, you had me laughing out loud (not a good thing when you share an office). Please excuse me while I put a few drops of Drano in my eyes to wash out the mental picture of Kody's evolving "cash and prizes". For Amused, I think the term you're looking for about the unattractive look when a woman's jeans are too tight is "camel toe". There's a term for what Kody's changing "man bits" are becoming, too: "moose knuckle".

      Now I am laughing out loud again and my (male) office mate is peaking around his own computer screen with a quizzical look on his face to see if he can determine what I think is so funny. The snark is so much more entertaining than the actual show! Fun times, y'all!


  35. BTW, I thought Meri was the official tooth puller

  36. Bwhahahahahaha... Almost forgot about halfway thru the show we see the dumpy hotel where kody & Meri spent their honeymoon!!! Compared to Robyn's 14 day paradise honeymoon. it's funny because Robyn got a lavish honeymoon and she's not even a legal wife! Lol No wonder Meri didn't want to watch Robyn's honeymoon special. Lmao!!

  37. Yes Kody we know you & Christine aren't gonna split up over this! She's not ready to move out of the mcmansion yet

  38. I wonder what Ken thinks?

    Christine is the first wife whose husband had a friend they don't like.

  39. What a freakin' waste of an hour. I cannot believe how low these people will go.

  40. Great, so just leave all those soggy marshmallows laying all over for the wildlife to eat and to get sick on !! What lazy, sloppy people !!

    And I am now convinced that Sobbin's jaw is partially wired shut. Her speech pattern is so odd because she talks only through her teeth. She never opens her jaw.
    Hard to watch (and listen) to her speak.

    1. Funny enough, I saw her jaw opened really wide in the part where she saw the hotel Kody and Meri stayed in on their honeymoon. I have never seen her mouth opened before so I was surprised.

    2. Also, another inconsistent statement that I picked up on. Kody said that their honeymoon hotel was the first hotel off the interstate. Umm, really? Anyone that has ever been to West Yellowstone can call BS....There isn't any interstate within 90 miles. Two lane highway US 20 in and out!

  41. So in next weeks previews we see kody teIling christine that shes not behaing responsibly in a seething voice & beady eyes. I really think kody meant to say that she's not obeying and keeping sweet like she supposed to be doing.

  42. Remember when they went to Missouri to meet that other Plyg family and they slid down the hill on those paper plates, what you bet they left those plates at the bottom of the hill?

  43. SSA. Do people call TLC. Where do they find people?

    1. I'm watching this and don't understand what their message is supposed to be. It's awful. But, Kody and Meri can both make guest appearances about this syndrome.

  44. If Kody could just talk in a normal voice that might be helpful---instead he is always turning up the volume. His response to anything the least bit disagreeable has him talking louder and louder---and that, in turn, incites others.

  45. Spoiler alert!

    Ugh not another road trip!!!

    1. Follow the link and read the comments on the article. This guy is replying to a majority of the comments and defending his lifestyle. There are plenty of supporters that know them personally, as well as non-supporters. Not sure where he works, but he must spend plenty of time on social media replying to everyone.

      And I am surprised that they are in Billings. I thought most of the AUB (if that is what this family is) were in the far western part of the state -- where Kody found Robyn. I also have a hard time believing this guy is from Montana with his accent -- sounds like an import to me, but that might change once i see/hear the show.

      In one of his comments to a "hater", that said one of his wives didn't look very happy, he replied that it was hard to form an opinion from one still shot that was pulled from 30 minutes of filming. So the Browns traveled all this way, to have 30 minutes of filming? Wow!

      On a positive note, I am glad the Browns enjoyed their vacation in Montana! Those of us from here love our state!

    2. Ahhh -- works at his own business -- Bighorn Refrigeration google search shows it was started in 2005.

  46. What a weird episode! Christine is afraid of anyone who's not AUB but now her ex-polygamist mother is moving in? Wonder if she'll keep hiding in the bathroom like she did with her ex-AUB aunt. Also found it strange that Kody doesn't realize he already lost his testicles along with his man-card a long, long time ago. These people just get crazier every year.....

    1. She lives in Vegas, and yet she fears the LDS guy who grew up in a small Wyoming town and now lives in Bozeman? Billings? Because he's "not safe." Well, neither is she. Because she's paranoid, ignorant, intolerant and entitled.

    2. I would love to know the story of Robyn's friend from Bozeman that cancelled on them, thus creating the Ken drama. Perhaps he decided to not climb on the crazy train?

  47. CJ,
    As opposed to last week's lean pickings, this week is a virtual smorgasbord of snark material.

    Stretch out those keyboard fingers, this one should be a cinch.

    Still laughing at the Village Idiot. He really is super focused on his genitals.
    But then adolescent boys usually are.

    1. Can't wait, only 90 minutes left. I hope I won't fall asleep!

  48. Kody is STILL calling Christine petty on Twitter over this. And Christine is blabbing about how she STILL hasn't forgiven Ken. And ROBYN is talking about how great Ken is. They have ROBYN on damage control? And Kody is blaming his fans for everything: "If I was to "go quietly into the night", then you would have gone to bed w/o watching. So we "air" our stuff. ENTERTAINED? :-\" Wow.

    1. Yup kodys ego talking! They're only "airing" out to collect a TLC paycheck! When TLC finally pulls the plug along with the TLC $$, kody will be wishing he could still air out his stank ass. And rant & be rude on Twitter.

    2. Monkey in a cage moment for Kody again? wow he is blaming fans a viewers that he has to sell his soul for money to keep his crazy train going!

    3. Yeah & in the same breath telling folks on Twitter that their house is for sale in Utah if anyone is interested in 3 kitchens. Ending with a smiley emoticon. Shut ur pie hole kody!!

    4. ""If I was to "go quietly into the night", then you would have gone to bed w/o watching. So we "air" our stuff. ENTERTAINED? :-\"

      Really, Kody !!??? Is that your response to your "viewers"?
      "Entertained:, you ask?? Why yes, as entertaining as it is to watch any fool.

      But by all means.....GO quietly in the night !!! You and your harem are easily replaceable !!
      Or haven't you noticed that TLC (and even other networks) seems to be lining up new plygs in the wings?

      But let's be real, Kody.
      You could not "go quietly: anywhere, any time !!! Never happen!!
      You need the spotlight and attention like the rest of humanity needs oxygen.

  49. I always poor myself a glass of wine in order to get through this shite of a show. This season is so off too a boring start that I'm about half way through a bottle of wine right now. If it weren't for this blog I would've been out 5 seasons ago. I loved how the 1875 Harper's Weekly plural marriage "cartoon" in the pawn shop was just referred to as just that ~ a cartoon. This is exactly what this Brown family is. Poor Christine's mom moving into the Brown 'hood and having to watch her p's and q's around Kody. Hopefully, this new addition will stir up some much needed drama. Maddie's very prevalent distaste for her own father is priceless. Robyn's response to the craptel that Kody and Meri stayed at on the first night of their honeymoon is ever better.

  50. Christine seems to have a lot of issues and MrSpock is not sure she would be any different if she were in a monogamous marriage.

    1. Good point, Spock.

    2. She seems like a very confrontational person who thrives off drama. I also wonder if she doth protest too much? Maybe she is so upset because she sees that Kody's friend has a point and is covering up her feelings of wanting to leave?

    3. Agree that she seems to thrive off drama. When the part was re-played with Ken, Kody & the "wives" meeting up, MrSpock took Ken's remarks as: 1) not a joke, as Kody tried to play it in last night's episode, and 2) that Ken was actually concerned for Kody's future salvation---however one may agree/disagree with Ken's religious convictions. It could have been better if Ken was concerned with the salvation of the "wives" also...and not just Kody.

  51. Janelle - not Kody - is the one who suggested that they visit Ken. They hadn't even called him before (or after) she exploded. Then, Janelle, in a talking head, says that she usually steps back and hides her head in the sand when there's conflict with a sisterwife. Meri says that they've all had awkward moments, yet Janelle, true to her word, won't bring up the hurt from 20 years ago.

    1. I suspect that Janelle's suggestion was a TLC plant. The whole "Ken is not safe" theme was probably sorted out with Ken before the show began. This network has nothing new or true.

    2. Either that or she knew how Christine would react and wanted to see would happen....some more of that passive-aggressive behavior. Although I don't really get that "mean girl" vibe from Janelle, but who knows!

    3. I think that Janelle, Meri and Robyn were all being passive-aggressive in their eternal fight for Kody's favor.

      When Janelle made the suggestion, she said, "I know that not everyone will like it..." She knew what she was doing. Then, after Christine's hissyfit, in a talking head, Janelle tried to elevate or distinguish herself by interpreting Christine's over-reaction as a product of her being raised in the polygamy culture, unlike non-reactive Janelle. Meri, who was also raised in the polygamy culture and introduced Kody to it, sat silently. Robyn, raised in the polygamy culture, then added her own interpretation. I forget what it was, but it was not consistent with her earlier wailing about how scared her family was to be revealed.

      And, of course, when Christine ran off from the picnic table, the other 3 wives laughed it off and validated Kody's annoyance with Christine. I think that they're so used to competing for Kody's favor and attention by putting down another wife that their behavior is instinctive.

  52. Actually, MrSpock is with Kody on this "Ken apology" thing because Christine's attitude is the thing "ruining" the trip. Further, MrSpock sees nothing for Ken to "apologize" for. Ken just said to Kody what most people think----i.e., why would anyone live polygamy?

    1. Amen, MrSpock. If Christine was so butt hurt about a comment/opinion Ken gave a year or more prior then SHE should be asking for an apology, not telling Kody to do it. If it's true what Robyn tweeted "It is something we get all the time and we have to forgive it over and over. #notsoeasy.", then WTH is Christine's problem?

    2. Mr. Spock, I agree with you. If Christine believes she had been wronged and requires an apology, she should call Ken herself, talk to him about why she was offended by his comment, and ask for an apology. Christine was hurt because Ken had the gall to offer his unaudited opinion of polygamy and it is the opposite of Christine's. Her "problem" is that she's not able to view differences of opinion as anything other than personal attacks on her chosen lifestyle. And, she's immature, infantile, and poorly schooled.

  53. Ken----if you are out there---don't apologize!!!!

  54. Per the Ken apology drama. Technically kody would only have to legally divorce Meri. The others are just "spiritual wives" aka concubines. So Christine is definitely overreacting. She got all butt hurt b/c she just didn't like what ken had to say & causing commotion for nothing esp since she's taking kens words literally.

    1. No in the LDS world you can't live spiritual polygamy. They do consider it polygamy if a man is spriiually married to more than one woman. He would have to end those relationships.

    2. Kms, you're forgetting that an LDS man can still be sealed to many women for time and eternity. However, a woman can only be sealed to ONE man for time and eternity.

      No matter how much the LDS want to spin this, there IS polygyny in the celestial kingdom for them!

  55. Christine's viceral reaction at the Lehi house and insisting that they leave, bad memories, I'm sure were triggered by the memories of her husband leaving her for another woman while she was pregnant. That is in fact what happened regardless of how they paint polygamy to be so great. That is what probably what set her in a bad mood, and Robyn tweeting that Christine starting the trip in a bad mood and maybe this RV trip was just to soon from the last. Guilt Robyn Guilt! She knows her coming into the family hurt Christine horribly. Christine is still carrying around a lot of pain from Kody taking a fourth wife.

    1. Yes! Yes! Yes! My thoughts as well!

    2. So sad for Christine. She married Kody when Janelle was pregnant. Janelle and Christine accepted her and moved on. Christine just thought she was so special Kody would never take another wife. Boy was she wrong. Agree with you though Milo, she still isn't over it.

    3. I meant Meri accepted her.

    4. Christine heard about her ancestors family break up after a raid. Only any incarcerations were for a few years. The reason the family never got back together again is not all of them returned to the lifestyle after the raids. And it's all passed down and exaggerated like a game of post office. Kody is right. LDS wants everyone to be LDS. I still don't get how a LDS missionary comes home, lived in the American west and had no notion of polygamy until returning from a mission? BS. He spent two years knocking on doors and standing in the street trying to convince people to be LDS and the he leaves? Christine and many of the polygamist groups that split with the LDS church are still looking for validation from them. If a jehova's witness neighbor (another door to door faith) they became friendly with suggested they stop living polygamy and convert to their church it would not be the same anger from her. It's only cause the lifetime friend is LDS.

    5. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but here goes: The LDS is the same as every other Western religion in that they think they've got the only keys to Heaven and a monopoly on salvation. They may practice spiritual plural marriage, but they believe God only has eyes for them. In this way, they're identical to all the religions who believe in the God of Abraham, who believe their way is the only "true way" and everyone else is an idolator, an apostate, a blasphemer, or a heretic. Sort of like this:

  56. Love how Christine can have an opinion on Monogamy (I believe she said "boring"), but others cannot have opinions on Polygamy.

    What did Christine's mom say when she she was talking about dealing with Kody....we did a re-wind about 5 times and still couldn't figure out what she said.

    Kody's glaring look.....just want to slap it. What was with the hair!

    Maddie is so over it, she is being very cordial...but boy you can really see her displeasure of her father. The director probably really had to direct her in that scene in the

    1. I think her mom said that she and Kody don't want to "intrude" on each other.

    2. That would require money! You know she is there to help pay the bills. They had to borrow money from a friends pawn shop to place MSWC order. They are broke!

      Either that or Christine is thinking about leaving him and wants her mom for moral/financial support. She doesn't have any income, so if she leaves him, she needs someone to support her and help with kids. If she sticks it out until Truly goes to school, she won't have to be tied to home during the day and can get a job.

      Her mom is against polygamy, so no matter what any of them think, that will factor into things. My impression from Kodys TH segment is that he is not thrilled at all to have her there. Maybe some pressure from the other wives to bring her on board. They were espousing the "family" culture slant, but could be some ulterior motives such as more disposable income because she is helping Christine with her bills, maybe they know pressure from mom will motivate Christine into leaving him, maybe more Kody time if Christine's house becomes less desirable to Kody with mommy there, etc.

    3. I really think there's more to this story than Christine's mom no longer wanting to live alone. And I agree kms, she could live in a condo or even in one of the "renovated" apartments at the Lehi house.

    4. I agree, both her mom and Kody looked extremely uncomfortable in their TH segments regarding the move. They clearly are not fond of each other.

    5. I thought what Christine's mom said was she and Kody would have to find a way to live together without triggering each other.

    6. That's another good guess at what she said! Both are plausible and have the same implications.

    7. I recall Kody admitting during the Mother's Day special that he disliked one of his MIL's. I think we all deduced that it was Christine's mom.
      Now he said that it was an "obligation" to take her in.
      Then the comment from the mom (that we are trying to figure out)... love lost there. This part I believe is genuine. But as for the rest...I call BS. Contrived.

      Not only was this whole episode one big Kody/Christine fight..but they mentioned several times that they fight a lot..and that Mommy dearest will need to stay out of it.
      Fighting..dreaded MIL moving in...this is totally storyline for drama and ratings. This shit is bogus.

      Last week Christine was all about dirty dancing with Kody and yukking it up with silly antics!!
      It's always a shit show..all fun and games or it's melodrama and tales of persecution. Ya never know which one your gonna get.

    8. Kimbagirl -- I remember that scene and that is exactly what I am thinking too. Christine needs to get real -- seriously her mom might stay out of the fight/argument when it is happening; but you know that she will have something to say afterwards when Kody is gone.

      Even Meri said that they get involved in each others fights to a degree. They try to reason or be the sounding board with which ever person is fighting with Kody. They even showed her talking to Christine after they all piled into the RV. Meri was driving and Christine was saying how mad she was. Meri said something to the effect, "Did you think maybe he was blah blah blah (can't recall right now, but she was basically defending Kody).

      Personally, I wouldn't be confiding in any of the other wives, if I was one of these women. Nothing like putting another nail in the proverbial coffin.

    9. Well seeing that Kody most likely doesn't even stay at Christine's on a regular basis, they(Kody & C's mom) shouldn't be too concerned about triggering each other. I believe this has been discussed awhile ago, but I'm thinking, even when Kody does stay at Christine's, he comes over late( most likely after kids have gone to bed) & leaves early.

  57. Christine is asking for an apology for all of Kody's hurts against her. She is standing her ground for issues larger than just this verbal slight from a friend. Although i do believe they are agreeing to air this fight for ratings (fans have asked for more on their individual relationship issues) it will drive fans to take sides and Kody's sign off on twitter did not sound like he enjoyed airing his dirty laundry. What's next? he let's us in his bedroom for ratings? by the way..Janelle's house looked like a bomb went off in it. If her kid's have been gone for two weeks, what does she do? I just cannot stand slobbery mess

  58. Last summer we took a trip out West, visiting Old Faithful, Yellowstone, Bozeman, and Billings. We could have run into those Klowns--close call! Whew!

    Christine, you are so tiresome. Listen chick, Ken just represents how a good number of people feel about your "marriage." You need to grow a thicker skin! Polygamy ain't easy, you keep telling us!

  59. Was it Janelle's mother who watched them rehearse their lip synch dance for one of the graduation parties? (and thought it was silly & stupid) Has she moved in with Janelle? And now Christine's mother will be moving in with her? I moved in with my older daughter 7 years ago. Our family includes her 2nd husband, who is disabled, and her 23-year-old son. We work hard at making this family work without a lot of chaos. I can't imagine adding mothers-in-law to the Brown family living situation is going to make things easier. I think somebody mentioned that perhaps Christine's mom would be able to contribute to finances (plus babysitting). Do you think TLC is pushing these moves to try to add more drama to the show?

    I know that all of the reality shows feature couch sessions that are recorded at least weeks after the rest of the "adventures", but it was noticeably jarring to see Christine & Kody arguing out on the road, and then a number of sessions with various combinations of the 5 of them talking about it on the couch - as if they were still in the middle of the trip.

    I don't buy the "we were going to visit a friend of Robyn's, but that fell through" - and then Kody supposedly calling Ken out of the blue, to ask if they could visit. I think Ken had the good sense to refuse to let the Browns and their camera crew "drop in" for a ride on his boat - if there was even any conversation between Kody and Ken on this trip at all!

  60. Not sure if you noticed, but there's a giant pic of a naked woman on the Twitter feed that shows on the front page of your blog lol

    1. I saw her too. I think she wants to be the fifth wife?

    2. Guess the person missed the SW episode about "modest is hottest"...a long-sleeve shirt and coordinating babydoll top would be more appropriate when tweeting #SisterWives!

    3. Well, at least it was a "tasteful". I pictured something much raunchier. Now I'm off to check the widget because that shouldn't have happened!...

    4. Widget reconfigured to no longer auto expand photos unless tweeted by Kody, Christine, Meri, Janelle or that dastardly Robyn. Sorry for the immodest earlier display, everybody!

    5. That was just too funny when I saw it on the Sister Wives twitter earlier!

    6. Speaking of modest is hottest --wth? I was stunned that they have let the teens be filmed in spaghetti straps and short short -- graduation parties.

  61. You know....Maddie had no food in her house so why didn't they take her to the store and let her buy stuff or, even better, drop her a few dollars to go buy food. If Janelle is so worried about her food, Janelle should send her money to buy food. These people make no sense. If I walked into my daughter's house and there was no food, I wouldn't clean out my refrigerator (unless I was broke), I would take her to the store. Dumb asses

    1. Exactly !!! Either take her shopping or leave some cash or a store gift card.

      That whole bit with Maddie and Kody raiding the food in the RV was all about giving Kody yet another show shot at playing the all-concerned and all-knowing Dad.
      And didn't Maddie put it all on the table when she calmly said, "I am not lonely, I am liking being alone." That statement was totally believable...and good for her !!

      As for the "moms" saying rearranging her kitchen and the sheet thing was a loving prank....these Brown adults are beyond immature, they are intellectually deficient.

    2. I loved how she flat out said she wasn't going to share everything with her dad. Bawhahahaha. She was right on when she said she knew he wanted her to share and he wouldn't be happy about the fact that she wasn't going to share everything with him. Good for her! She is an adult and she can decide what and when to share her feelings, life events, etc with her parents. They don't need to know everything that goes on in her life, that is part of growing up and becoming an adult.

    3. Anon 8:40am...I was cracking up when !Maddie was saying all of this! Even funnier in kodys TH segment, BC he was really thinking that him & Maddie had really connected in that TLC forced interaction scene in the trailer. Kody has no clue! Only child I see him interacting with is Sol.
      I agree with y'all that they should've just given her grocery $$ or taken her to the grocery store. Besides, I'm pretty sure Maddie has a meal plan at the cafeteria so she's not missing any meals.

    4. Maddie is awesome. I would not have had the guts or maturity at that age to be so blunt about things. Christine's quote about pranking her out of love just baffles me. I guess different families have different senses of humor, but it just seems really immature. I think Maddie is more mature than all of the wives including her mother.

    5. Seriously, when Kody said, "Let's go get you some groceries," I thought he was serious and even when they climbed into the RV, I was thinking that "well, hey, they would have to drive that since they didn't seem to take a van this time around." I about chocked when they just raided the refrigerator...wth? The second thought that came to mind was either they pack a lot of food and they won't miss it -- or they eat out a lot and these trips and the little camp side scenes are just that, all for the show. Or maybe the kids eat camp fire food and the adults eat out.

  62. Christine was upset that Kody called the friend after knowing how she felt. He doesn't care a thing about how any of the wives (but especially Christine) feel, he is going to do what he wants. The call was what she was really upset about. She wants an apology from Kody for calling Ken, but she knows she won't get that.

  63. This current Christine drama punctuates one of the glaring issues with the plyg lifestyle.
    I agree that Christine, more than the other wives, likely does harbor deep resentment and hurt about her last years in the Lehi house Her last pregnancy occurred with Kody being all jungle-loved over Sobbin. Christine was post-partum when Sobbin's wedding was the big story, both for the show and for her, privately. Couldn't have been easy for her.

    So having said that, why couldn't a plyg wife "say" that her master. Why can't these plyg wives, especially the ones who have chosen to be media reps for the lifestyle, walk their talk and show the world how honest and committed they are in communicating as "spouses." This lack of candor was very apparent with the Brady group too. So in true reality show BS, they can only tell their inner woes to the camera in a TH... and not to their "man" or to each other??

    Which brings to mind another example of the lack of honesty between these plygs, and for sure, of the "reality show" BS.
    Janelle is filmed telling the therapist and in her TH spots last week about her repressed anger and resentment toward Meri (and Kody?) for the early abuse. And then says that she is going to confront Meri about it down the road.
    *This week* she does another brief TH spot and again says that she s going to talk to Meri about it.
    So my question is ...
    They tweet about watching their own show when it airs, right?
    So Meri has seen last week and now this week's final cut. She knows what Janelle has been filmed saying, so now what?

    In a normal world, Meri and Janelle would already be in deep private confabs working through it now that they both know it was aired for the world...???
    In an abnormal world where *everything* IS for the's all BS !!

    1. Totally agree Amused...the whole Janelle/Meri issue has already been talked about in their book and brought up in past seasons! My guess is TLC finally decided to move away from Janelle's amazing weight loss journey and brought this back to life as filler for a new dramatic storyline!

    2. If these 2 haven't figured out to communicate & like each other after 20+ yes! It's never gonna happen. Supposedly their original cry for wanting to get into those homes is so that they could all be closer together & unite as a family. So they've been in these new homes for about 2 yes now, & we know that even to this day, they don't see each other as often. Any family dynamic they may have had in Lehi is forever gone. All of their kids are getting older, moving out & starting to live their own lives now. The women are just doing whatever they want to cope the best way they can with their choice of lifestyle. All of these women, not just Meri & Christine, really don't like each other & they just seem miserable.

  64. I think my tolerance for Christine's intolerance of others has come to an end. If Christine feels she was wronged and, boo hoo, had her feelings hurt and wants an apology from Ken, then SHE should ask him for it, not drag Kody and the whole family into her drama. Whining and stomping her feet like a child and telling Kody to do it is ridiculous.

    She wants everyone to accept her religion and lifestyle but she needs to accept the fact that the most of the world will never approve. Having a different opinion doesn't mean they're bad people trying to harm her, though. She whines about wanting tolerance and acceptance of HER beliefs, but she's unwilling and/or unable to give it others. As Robyn tweeted last nite: "... It is something we get all the time and we have to forgive it over and over. #notsoeasy." They hear it all the time, so why can't Christine move on? She's getting something from these reactions and behavior. I wonder if she does it for attention or does she think she has to ramp up the persecuted pyg 'wife' act and then doesn't know how to drop it? Either way, she needs to talk to their 'family therapist' and get some help. It's fine if SHE wants to be miserable, but it's not ok for her to drag the others into her misery - especially the children!

    I'm tired of her drama and her intolerance of others. She needs to grow up. She was raised to have irrational fears but despite none coming to fruition, she's holding onto them and is now teaching her own children to be fearful, too. I'm finding that watching her on the show is almost as unpleasant and intolerable for me as it is watching Kody.

  65. You know that 'Freshman 15' where they say you gain 15 pounds your freshman year in college? Well, Eeee-Gads, Mariah!! Dang, from the brief glimpses of her on last nite's show it looks like she misunderstood the statement and gained 50# instead. Dang, girl, get thyself on a diet, pdq; you're too young to be such an unhealthy weight.

    Something's 'off' in that young woman's life for her to have gained sooo much weight last year. Over the previous year, she should have increased her activity level by walking greater distances to everything on campus, hopefully had more of an active lifestyle being exposed to college life, etc., but holy frito pie, Batman, WTH happened to her?! SMH I didn't even recognize her at first.

    1. Metabolism changes at that age. I don't think she gained 50.

    2. Metabolism? Her and Meri both induldge in fast food and eating out with high calorie and sugar desserts. They post to twitter about it. They both stay up all night eating crap and watching movies..they have tweeted this..Food is their pleasure

    3. If I was broke and poor like they claim, I would be stretching my dollars and cooking at home. Eating out is expensive, even fast food joints add up. Just another inconsistent action on their part. And I am a single parent with no help from ex, with two kids in college and two at home. I know about stretching dollars! And I live in a nice paid for mobile home and have a paid for but reliable vehicle....not new luxury vehicles and mansions.

    4. If you do not have "help" from your ex monetarily, you should---go to family court and make him cough up some money.

    5. Yes that is true MrSpock, but his money was not worth the price I had to pay. I didn't want it and fortunately didn't need it too much. I know that many won't understand that sentiment, but some will.

      I just wanted to make the point that it is irritating to hear the "poor me" spiel when they could make so many better choices in spending their money. For example, I chose the cheapest housing mode that I could find, I haven't bought a new vehicle (still nursing along my 150,000 mile beast), eat out for only a special treat, etc.

      I would be slinging fries or scooping poop if I had to in order to provide for my kids! Luckily I have a great job with great benefits that allows me to do just that....albeit i still make responsible choices so that I can help my college kids pay the rest of their tuition and fees after financial and scholarships are depleted.

    6. Anonymous I understand ditching the ex. Does Christine's Mom sew? They are giving her 2 rooms .Is one for sewing. Does the fashion designer kid sew? Maybe she is there to help Mykelti. Maybe it's a new Brown business venture. Is Kody chastising his wife publicly to get back in the AUB good graces? Is he retaining LDS friends to emerge back there later as he sees the error of his ways?

    7. Does Christine's Mom sew?
      I remember Christine mentioning her mother having a lot of fabric and Kody looking at it with a "where will this stuff go" look on his face. So yes, she sews. I think it's cool she'll have her own "suite" of rooms in Christine's McMansion.

      Is Kody chastising his wife publicly to get back in the AUB good graces? know that's a possibility. He has to show he is the man, the leader of his family and the way Kody is acting over this Ken affair by not giving in to Christine's constant nagging for him to make Ken apologize could be the way.

      Is he retaining LDS friends to emerge back there later as he sees the error of his ways?
      I don't think Kody's big ass ego would allow him to be a lowly member of the LDS again. His four wives are what distinguishes Kody from the rest of the rank and file LDS as well as fundamentalist Mormons who only have 3 or less wives.

    8. I thought I saw somewhere that her mom makes handbags, thus all the material in that one room in her house. Christine said they were giving her the family room and a bedroom -- I can't remember the layout of the McMansions -- where is the family room located?

  66. I saw a new show on TLC after SW...'My Husband's Not Gay'....does anyone else think that would be a great tag line for SW?

    1. "Our Husband With the Dorkiest Pony Tail Ever is NOT GAY."

    2. I hate stereotyping the 'fashionable' gay man, but I've never met a gay man with as poor of taste or limited self awareness as Kody...granted I've only ever known metropolitan gays.
      Maybe that's how a closeted self loathing rural gay man acts? He's definitely not the paragon of lady love that he says he is, but if the Kodester is in fact gay he is a terrible representative for the religious gay community.

      Kody is so in love with himself that there isn't any room for anyone else (male or female).

      ***Brain Bleach Warning***
      Does anyone else suspect Kody is the type to look at himself in a mirror during sex?

  67. More proof that not only are the Browns regular stealth visitors to the Living Room, but it is also apparent that Kodyboy does have some input in the script preparation.

    Why else would there be two (or was it three) shots of him attending to the RV's sewer line?? All geared and gloved, doing a yeoman's job of taking care of that manly bizzzness.

    Having the cameras on you while you drain the sewer line on this trip was your attempt to clean up the "dumb and dumber" sewer line image from last season.....huh, Kody??!! didn't help, Kody.....
    Nope, didn't help !!

  68. I'm still thinking about last week when he said he didn't have any early childhood memories of Maddie. No matter how I try and stretch my mind around that, if I were Janelle i would be furious. It shows how selfish and self centered he is and how he is disconnected from his children. Having 14 of your own children is not an excuse as to why you have no memories of their childhood....the truth is you didn't take the time to be involved Kody!

    Also, if he wanted to even try to work on creating a relationship with Maddie, he should have kept his mouth shut and not made a dumb ass statement like this. If thAt had been one of my kids and my ex, that would have been the last straw for them....done deal relationship over. I believe that is exactly what we are seeing with Maddie and her interactions with Kody. And Janelle knows this, no way does she not see what is going on between them.

  69. I believe that during the episode last night, kody said something about being caught in the middle between Meri and Robyn and Christine and Janelle. I didn't hear the reference because my husband was screaming at the TV about how stupid are these women. I think it was in reference to the business and it seemed as if on the one side were Christine and Janelle and on the other were Meri and Robyn. Does anyone have any explanation of that?

    1. Yes, he was referring to the business and (I think) the fact that Meri and Robyn have been the most involved with MSWC from day one while Janelle and Christine only recently jumped on board. Other than that, I'm not really sure what his point was. (Like you, my husband talks to the tv and asks me questions during the show.) I can't remember if it was in the context of adding new [not designed by them] inventory to the website....

    2. Well here's an idea, don't ask for help and input from your sister wives if you aren't going to take their advice!

  70. 1) I think the reason Christine was soo upset about that comment was because she knows that if Kody were to do as suggested, she would NOT be the one to stay. It would be Meri or Robyn.

    2) I think the reason that Christine's mom moving in is soo tense, is because her mom doesn't like the way that Kody treats Christine. However, she knows that she can't say anything lest she be considered "unsafe" and kicked out of their lives.

    3. Is it just me or is Robyn being more and more sassy with Kody and Kody less and less sweet to her?!

    1. So a basicly Christine sees that comment as an invitation to get rid of HER. Hence why she took it so personally.

    2. Nope, it's not just you, there has been an obvious cooling between Kody and Sobyn. He is most like ticked that she won't have any more of his spirit babies. And yes, Kody would give up 2-4 and keep the one whose house he gets peace and quiet at and who keeps a clean house.

    3. Speaking of a clean house. Did you see Janelle's bedroom and master bath. Disgusting! Clutter and fifth everywhere. She keeps a very dirty home.

  71. Question on something I haven't seen discussed here yet... I probably wasn't paying attention closely enough and it was explained better, but early in the camping trip there was a moment where Kody talks about the order of who he's going to stay with. I guess at first he was just going to stay in a hotel room? By himself? And then the wives got annoyed that he changed the plan. But I couldn't really figure out what the big deal was there.

    1. I haven't had a chance to dissect this episode yet, but what I found strange was the fact that Meri and Robyn were AGAIN staying at a motel (a month earlier on the Missouri trip these two women stayed at a motel). I think Kody talking about "changing" the night order so he could camp with Janelle and Christine was for show. He stayed with Robyn/Meri in Missouri, and made a BIG deal about having a good breakfast with Robyn and her kids before having to go back to Janelle, Christine and their kids at the RV park. I think the big deal made about him "changing" the order was all for show. I'll eat my chapeau if he did stay at the RV park that night!

    2. I think the order was set as wife #1-wife #4. Meri typically stays at a hotel. Janelle and Christine each take an RV. And Robyn stays at the hotel. It was supposed to be his night with the hotel. he liked the RV park and wanted to make a switch.
      So Christine's comment that a couple of your wives would be mad meant: Meri (for losing her night) and herself or Janelle..for getting stuck with him I guess.

  72. You know this is just gross, but when he stays with Robyn, in the hotel, do her children go over to Meri's room or do the kids actually stay with Janelle and Christine? So, he stays in the hotel, Meri and Robyn also stay in the hotel, and Christine and Janelle share him with their kids in the RVS....if that's the case, then for Meri and Robyn, they are like getting honey moon like time without the cooking, cleaning, working with the kids, etc. Unless, now here's another thought. Maybe, the kids all stay in one RV with Janelle while he and Christine share the other RV. You know, this is all so freakin' unfair and sick that I am shocked that I am even trying to figure it all out. But, the fact remains that they swear the women are treated fairly and that they are each respected and loved. They also say that polygamy makes them better people, but then we have a huge disparity in the treatment and quite a bit of unhappiness and petty, silly fighting about nothing, really. Then, these immature women spend time trying to embarrass their children, and like last night, they demonstrate how much fun is it to disrespect one of the adult kids by messing up her kitchen. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE IDIOTS. Meri's stunt of having a marshmallow war would have pissed me off so much because 1) you have grown kids fighting small kids and parents throwing at teenagers; 2) waste of food and their finite resources; 3) the litter from the marshmallows is left for the wild animals to clean up and most of those wild animals don't thrive well on chewy sweet food items. I think Meri's immaturity is not so much about her being immature but her being a trouble maker and if she can cause trouble with the kids and their moms, then she sees that as her having fun and sending them home for the moms to deal with...that is just crap.

    1. I thought the entire marshmallow fight was gross...ick who wants that sticky crap on you? And what about the others in the campsite -- who wants to listen to that much screaming and carrying on. I saw a tweet that Robyn said she went and hid; this is one time that I would have been with her! Absolutely gross, I can't imagine that at least one or two others were not impressed.

      I also wonder where the kids stay. Maybe they camp out in tents or something. I know that when we all piled in an RV for a trip, some of the older kids slept in their own big tent. Perhaps, they do the same. If I was one of the older teens/young adults in this family, I would be rolling out my tent and inflatable mattress to get the hell out of the RV that Kody was staying in each night.

      Just a thought -- in many of the better RVs, the main bedroom can be closed off from the remainder of the RV, so there is a modicum of privacy. But still, ewww!
