Monday, March 2, 2015

Selected Tweets: Sister Wives Season Finale 3/2/15

 Meri looking like she's ready to sacrifice her legal marriage for Robyn...

What a clusterfuck this whole divorce situation has turned out to be.

And for once, I'm siding with Janelle's initial thoughts about Meri's decision.

Yep, Kody. I think you and Robyn WILL BE riding off into the sunset together some day, leaving the Original Three hanging out to dry. And Meri, I DO think you didn't fully think this situation out for other alternatives to divorce.

But I'll save my thoughts for my review...

Until then, I've picked out some of the more interesting tweets from last nights Live Tweeting by the Browns...

No Meri. You are wrong. When you sacrifice something precious, you ARE really losing it, otherwise it's not a sacrifice. So wake up and smell the coffee, lady. You divorced Kody for the wrong damn reason and handed Robyn a gift she will never reciprocate back to you. Robyn now holds all the power in your "family". And she will make sure her family unit will come out ahead, just like you did for so many years.

Robyn, besides your blocking me for no good reason, the only other reality I see out of this situation is how Meri's action HAS changed the Brown family, at least for the television audience.

You know, I can't even say that Robyn is the equivalent of Nicki Grant on Big Love. The audience grew to like Nicki. Robyn, on the other hand...

You know something Kody? If you have to plead for your audience to support you, maybe - just maybe you might have made a bonehead move. Are you sure divorcing and then marrying Robyn was the only solution to your problem of needing to "own" another man's children?

I think this was the most honest of all the tweets Sunday night. Surely there could have been some other course of action rather than divorce?

Yep, leave it to Christine to rose color this mess of an episode as Happy. I bet there was a whole bunch of "Happy" going on, too!

I would rather have seen Kody fake courting a 5th wife.


  1. In this picture they look like they are laughing at all of US! Laughing all the way to the bank with this fakery. What a bizarre bunch of people. Jokes on all of the viewers who keep watching this junk show. I finally gave it up after the first episode this season. Have to agree - love for once, Janelle providing an appropriately honest reaction!

    1. Yep, laughing all the way to the bank - except the joke will be on the original 3 when Kody and Robyn leave them with nothing once TLC pulls the plug!

    2. Well they can have all the money they want. There is no paycheck big enough to make me silently suffer while my husband makes love to another woman/ women over and over. Their life is like a groundhog day of emotional horrors. No amount of indoctrination can take away the pain of living through that. So they can keep their $ and I'll be the one laughing when it all falls apart.

  2. I agree, Anonymous @12:40 PM. Janelle was gobsmacked by Meri and Robyn's news, but I call bull$h!+ on the whole thing. I can't believe Meri took this action unilaterally and without considering whether or not the Sullivan children's father would actually relinquish his parental rights. Usually, it takes far more than failure to pay child support and failing to maintain contact with the children for a court to decide that someone's parental rights should be terminated. There's got to be something in it for Meri--she doesn't strike me as the charitable type. Also, I can't imagine any woman in her right mind giving up the only protection she has in a polygamous situation (the protection of being the only legal wife). Something's not quite right here. To paraphrase Hamlet, "But if indeed you find him not within this month, you shall nose him as you go up the stairs into the lobby." (Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 3) I think the true stink behind this situation will eventually come to light. I doubt it will be pretty.

  3. Missing portion of Tamron's "Tell-All:"

    Tamron: Meri, how did you feel as you were about to sign the divorce papers?
    Robyn: I felt awful.
    Tamron: That's nice, Robyn, but I was asking Meri how she--
    Robyn: She felt awful that I felt awful. It was such a sacrifice.
    Tamron: Again, I am asking Meri how she --
    Robyn: The whole thing was such a beautiful sisterly sacrifice and as her sisterwife I felt awful that she would make such a sisterly sacrifice for me, her sisterwife.
    Tamron: Robyn, I am going to ask Meri a question, and you --
    Robyn: (wipes giant eye booger on couch)
    Tamron; *barf*

    1. Lololol! They must have cut out most of her interjections, although I did notice her trying to answer for Kody but actually spoke. You could tell she wanted to answer his question so bad!

  4. CJ..I eagerly await your review and your thoughts on this mess. One little gem from last night.

    Kody: "As long as Meri doesn't start acting differently, and as long as Robyn doesn't start acting differently"

    Janelle: "No Kody ,as long as YOU don't start acting differently"

    Exactly Janelle. Problem is, he already behaves abominably. He is a selfish SOB, and he has already ridden off into the sunset with this grifter that has him by his you know what. He is already gone.

    Smarten up Brown women..WTF is the matter with all of you?
    Also, Meri pointedly said that she was closer to "some' of the kids than "others". Yeah, we get it, you would never make this "sacrifice" for J or C's kids. Once a bitch,always a bitch.

    1. Lipstick on a plygMarch 2, 2015 at 4:11 PM

      *applauding* perfectly said kimbagirl, perfectly said.

      It is actually sad.

    2. funny he said the "sister wives" have his nuts in a vice grip, all the time trying to blame this on his fight with christine (O HAI kody... btw its really sobchin aka "goliath" with the colossal grip too tight for you to notice! guess she has it wrapped around your "brain" too!)

  5. Janelle..."I can't even manage a rhythm by snapping"
    Tamron .."Neither can any of them!" (cracking up, laughing)

    Ah, such a gem.

  6. Please please please do a recap/blog of last nights episode! They absolutely make my day and I'm going to miss reading your recaps in the off season!

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I will be doing a review of the season finale. Stay tuned!

  7. He can really leave them. Or he can leave in place. That the beauty of polygamy right? You can have a favorite, be in love, all of that, you just have your ex-wives around still. Hasn't he really already left Janelle and Christine? I guess he has to throw them a scrap once in a while, but he can still be in love with Robyn and not with them and not be doing anything wrong according to them. Meri is scrappy, she's a fighter, I do think she believes that she is just as important to Kody as she once was. I remember when the show first started, it was very obvious to me that Meri was the favorite. Part of it was being first wife, part of it was that she was more assertive than Janelle and Christine. I also thought she was sort of a refuge for Kody, house was always clean, only had one kid. Well, if you were the favorite once Meri, someone else can be the favorite now. They can tell themselves it's all equal until the cows come home, but it doesn't mean it is so.

  8. why didn't Kody tell Christine and Janelle about marrying Robyn? it's one thing for Meri to ell them she is divorcing Kody, but for Kody to stroll into Janelles house and ask her if she talked to Meri and Robyn floored me. Once again Meri is calling the shots as first wife just like it was her that drug Robyn into the family in the first place. This was all carefully crafted to protect Kody which in turn protects their show income. period.

  9. I thought the whole show was BS. I can buy that Christine and Janelle didn't know until Meri told them in front of cameras but there's no way Kody and Robin had no idea that Meri was planning this. It's too important. Of course, Kody new that if he wanted to adopt the kids so badly, he would need the legal marriage with Robin. And they are trying to say that Meri was never approached about a legal divorce but instead took it all upon herself to see a lawyer and break the news in front of Robin and Kody oh-so-conveniently in front of the camera crew? Bullshit. I will say that Janelle and Christine surprised me with their reactions. I thought it would be the opposite with Christine flipping out and Janelle being happy.

    1. You bring up a good point. Is meri really TV savvy enough to have called the producers and set up the filming all without telling Kody? Doubtful!!!!

  10. Wow, this family is falling apart by the second. This will definitely have a lasting impact, we may not see the fallout until the show is canceled, but wives are going to leave and kids are angry about this. Meri's face and body language is not that of a happy woman. I don't believe she willingly stepped aside and never will. She is a huge moron if she didn't make Kody sign over his part of the house to her and have Sobyn put his name on her house instead. I have a secret hope Meri is about to flee once the show is over and Mariah is in on it, but I doubt it.

    Janelle could hardly hide her fury last night, she is playing sweet right now, but you know she's pissed. She probably always thought she was the next in line to get married if something happened to Meri, this showed her what is really important to Kody and it ain't her or her kids.

    Christine needs to get away, this marriage is killing piece by piece. She is just a burden to Kody and I hope she really isn't dumb enough to have thought Kody would be able to adopt the Jessop kids instantly but somehow I get the feeling she is that dense.

    Sobyn Robyn is one of the worst mothers I have ever seen, and I cannot believe she is willing to film it all. Everyone sees through her, why don't the Browns? She couldn't even cry real tears last night. What is wrong with this woman to say the things she says about the father of her first 3 kids? I don't care what he's done, you don't bash the father of your children to them, ever. If David Jessop is such a bad, absentee father what are they so worried about? I liked how they chose their words so carefully last night about saying "he hardly calls anymore" and "he's basically an absentee father". That means he still does call and is around which will make it next to impossible to terminate his parental rights and allow Kody to adopt the 3 Jessop kids. Kody and Sobyn both had trouble hiding their glee at the divorce signing.

    Robyn sweetie, you better be careful, because parental alienation is frowned upon by the courts and it is on film for all the world to see how you've alienated your kids from their real father. I hope David Jessop starts to stand up for himself and takes her to court. I've seen mothers lose their kids for less. One mom I knew was blowing off her ex and deliberately missing visits with him and the judge got frustrated and awarded him full custody.

    As for Kody, I would like to see him start taking care of the 14 kids he already has before he tries to adopt another man's kids, and that means more than carting around Sol all day. What a disaster he is. Karma is a witch, and this smear campaign against David Jessop is bad karma. If David Jessop really is a bad, abusive man, fine, try and protect the kids, but do it quietly, not on t.v. Get his rights terminated and then set it up so the kids go to one of the wives or Kody. But the Browns aren't doing it this way because they know there is no proof, just Sobyn's that word no one trusts. All of this drama and Kody still isn't going to be able to adopt the kids. What a crock.

  11. Their reality.....please see it from "our" reality. Girl...we see it from your reality. We watched as you faked surprise; we watched as you crowded in the car to ride with your boyfriend to the divorce attorney where his wife signed away her legal rights to his name, his money, his property, and his loyalty; we watched you sit there acting like you were involved in this as her best friend but the look on the attorney's face said it all and you ain't fooling him nor are you fooling know you cannot get a judge to let Kody adopt those kids while their father is still alive and kicking...if you believe otherwise, I have some property in the middle of the sahara that is right for a banana farm. Why, then, would Meri do this if not for the kids because we know it wasn't for the kids? I suspect that Kody has hounded her and even said, if we want the show to go on, we need drama....suck it up. I also believe she is on her way legal ties frees her up to have the life she wants. I also believe giving her husband the divorce and pushing him into a legal marriage to Robyn is her last chance to stick it to Janelle and maybe, in the process, improve her image just a bit. Yes...she is evil but so is Robyn...they are all evil. When your entire life or your reality is about vying for the attention of the same man, there will be game playing learned....for sure game playing.

  12. There are so many lies here, it's going to be hard to dissect them all. My first thought was about Mariah. She is such a drama queen, and they want us to believe that she just sat there and was cool with her Mom divorcing Grody? Please! I guarantee there was screaming and crying when it actually happened.
    The timeline of Grody and Robuns marriage stinks to high heaven.
    First: Robun claims that she was divorced 7 months when she met Grody. There has been speculation that it was a very calculated move on her part, once she heard of the tv show, she made her move on Grody. I think it was much worse than that... On the finale, they showed a picture of the 4 wives together. In the picture, Meri had very long hair. She has never had long hair from the very beginning of the show. So, the picture must have been taken way before the show aired. I don't see how the 7 months of divorce before marriage adds up in that case. Could it be that Robun left her husband FOR Grody? And possibly an affair with Grody which could then explain leaving UT without the comforts of their church?? She certainly heard about the upcoming show, and arranged herself to be at a party where they could meet. I think the whole thing is calculated by Robun for money. I think she weaseled her way into a meeting, THEN left her husband. Grody and Robun had a "sealing" ceremony, then staged a "wedding' for the show.
    Second: According to Robun, within those 7 months as a single mother, her kids repeatedly asked for a new father. LIES! Actually very sickening lies! I used to be a foster Mom, and one of the very first things we learned in foster care training was that no matter how abusive, disgusting, or horrifying the childrens living conditions were, or how they were treated by their bio parents, the kids ALWAYS choose their parents. No matter what has been done to them by their parents. It doesn't matter how good of a job you are doing as a foster parent. IF the child prefers you over their bio parents, it is a major cause for concern because it indicates severe attachment disorder, which then indicates even more serious abuse. There is no way in hell that in 7 months her kids went from having a father, to wanting a new one. Even if there was serious abuse taking place. They wouldn't know any different. The abuse that I see happening is parental alienation by Robun to those kids against their father. Which BTW is emotional abuse. Ask any state caseworker. It is very upsetting to see this play out on national television. Those kids are being gaslighted and emotionally abused for the world to see. IF the father was so abusive and terrible, there would be investigations by the state against him, AND HER... If there aren't any investigations at all, she is lying through her teeth.
    As for this divorce, It was not Meri's idea. No way! Robun used her highly sophisticated sociopathic skills to plant ideas in Meri's head. Speaking of Robun being a sociopath.... If you notice, she only shows appropriate emotions when others are.. except that she doesn't do them right. If everyone else is laughing, she laughs too... but too long and too hard. If everyone is crying, she cries the hardest and the longest. She mimicking everyone else. The woman is evil. She has played this family for fools..

    Lies... All lies....

    1. Meri had long hair in a couple scenes from the first couple episodes. I think she did during the one where they celebrated Robyn's thirtieth birthday? But Robyn is an amazing, compulsive liar. Remember how she said she and Kody had NO pictures taken of just the two of them at their wedding? Google "Robyn Brown wedding," three of the top pictures are professional pictures of just the two of them. I'm pretty sure she actually believes her lies.

    2. YES!!! She is mimicking everyone else! Her IQ is not the highest so she doesn't have the ability to fake the appropriate emotions. She is either trying too hard or she gets the constipated look which is confusion. Kody is the same way. He gets that crazy rodent stare when his wives are displaying sadness and hurt.

      It is fascinating how emotions are completely foreign to sociopaths such as Robyn and Kody. They know rage and anger. Anger can sometimes come out as crying when they are frustrated about things not going their way. You will also note that sociopaths never have a hearty laugh. They can only really laugh at another's expense. The "cat ate the canary" grin is called Duper's Delight as they do genuinely show pleasure at pulling the wool over people's eyes.

      It is quite clear that Robyn injected herself into the Brown's life. The book explains it clearly. If you take the few kernels of truths and apply it to the timeline it is plain as day.

      You could be right. When was her divorce? That would be interesting to review. I always got the feeling from the book that she had moved to Pinesdale, MT to go after her first husband. The guy was a year younger and she writes about him being in a prominent church family. She moved there for "community college" and got married.

    3. I remember Meri having long hair at the birthday party. Funny but at the time I assumed they were some cheap a$$ looking extensions. Sort of trying to look like Robyn...she must have felt threatened even back then.

    4. Anon March 2, 2015 2:33

      I have always been concerned/uncomfortable by how Robyn's daughters sought attention from males in their family.
      Robyn's girls were extremely vocal about receiving attention, physically demonstrative in a manner befitting much younger children, and often clamoring for reassurrance and camera time.
      Recently Robyn's eldest sparked some controversy by 'draping' herself over Kody during a family meeting. It did not seem typical behavior for a tween/teen (of either gender) and certainly not for a non blood related child.
      Having worked with children from abusive or disruptive homes I was (admittedly without any concrete cause) concerned that Robyn's daughters may have unusual attachment disorders or tendencies.
      This can be alarming because it often coincides with physical or emotional abuse and or instability at home, and after the Honey Boo Boo scandal I think we are all probably more observant and anxious when behavior seems odd. That being said, the Brown family is often odd.
      I also began to wonder if their behavior was 'encouraged' by Robyn. We all know that the sisterwive's must protect and bolster Kody's ego at all costs. It can't be easy for a 'super dude' 'cool guy' like Kody to know another penis was there first.
      *Or maybe that was a bonus.*
      Either way, to protect Kody's fragile manhood Robyn must show Kody's superiority as a lover, provider, and father.
      I wonder how much of the kids affection and attachment to Kody isn't an attempt to nullify his original 'ick' factor regarding a divorcee and the dirty living reminders of her lost purity.
      I agree that most children have difficulty moving on from their family of origin (no matter how awful it might be). In my experience there are usually three reasons a kid will display these behaviors...physical or emotional instability and or abuse and to please the primary parent.
      Any way you look at it a child that feels safe, loved, or secure will not beg for a new parent (and certainly not in the timeline Robyn claims) nor feel the need to constantly reassure an adult of their value and love.
      There is no good reason-no positive circumstance for the way Robyn's children integrated into this family or how they are forced to hear their family of origin (and introduction to life) examined.
      Either Robyn has entwined her daughter's sense of self worth with the approval or love of whatever man is in her life (bed) or Ribyn has encouraged them to 'keep sweet' and baby-ish so that new daddy doesn't feel 'icky'.

    5. Robyn has complete control of her children. They are pawns in her life like everyone else. I think her breastfeeding Sol for so long is a sign of that control. The girls are fawning over Kody to please their mother and they are emulating their mother. They see their mom getting the best of everything so they mimic that behavior. When they have couch interviews, Robyn's girls talk as if in full agreement with the parents whereas the other Brown children have their own opinions. She probably gives them hell if they say something in disagreement. She probably always talks over them like she does with everyone else. Now that Dayton is older and has been allowed to talk more, we see he is an intelligent kid that has formed some of his own opinions. Maybe that's why Robyn ALWAYS labels him as her "Aspie." If she reminds people of his Asperger's, (in her mind), people might not listen to what he's saying. He is much smarter than Robyn and Kody. He had some pretty funny answers to Kody's dumb questions on the day of his surgery.

  13. I find the Janelle - Robyn dynamic fascinating.

    Consider the interaction that has been shown between Robyn and Janelle. Janelle raised Robyn's ire when she called MSWC a "hobby business." Robyn became frustrated with Janelle when Janelle declined to work for MSWC, choosing real estate instead. When Janelle wondered aloud whether a canvas mission would allow flexibility for another wife, Robyn rolled her eyes and exclaimed an exasperated "Oh, Janelle."

    Christine has tried to create a friendship with Robyn by taking her to lunch, admitting her mistakes, and giving her needlework (I believe this is Christine's "keep your enemies closer" style). In contrast, Janelle has used the strategy of avoidance. Janelle has been successful in that she hasn't given Robyn any fodder to whisper in Kody's ear.

    However, Janelle is like the worker bee who keeps her head down and works, instead of engaging in water cooler chat. She is the last to know who has been ousted and who has been promoted. I'm guessing that the divorce announcement was the first time Janelle fully realized Robyn's influence on Kody and the extent of Robyn's power.

    IMO, Robyn is very jealous of Janelle, but lacks the clout to undermine her because Janelle has special protection.

    Why is Robyn jealous? So many reasons.

    First, Janelle is the fan favorite. Image is important to Robyn. In the book, Robyn writes at length of the injustice that she is perceived as the least favorite wife. She even claims to have instructed the producers to show her in a favorable light. "I've had to be very open with Tim, our producer, and tell him that in certain areas he has to tread lightly so as not to give America's women another reason to hate me." She inflates her importance by intertwining her popularity with the purpose of the show, stating, "if the audience dislikes me, then we have failed in our mission to convey the joys and stability of our lifestyle." (p 255)

    Second, Janelle has a degree in a business-related field, while Robyn strives to be a successful business woman despite lacking the education or experience. Robyn's pintrest account boasts that she is the COO of her own company. Fact is, she lacks the experience and vocabulary that Janelle has. The venture capital presentation really highlighted the disparity between Janelle and Robyn's experience and confidence in a business setting.

    Third, Janelle's "project" (ie, weight loss) is succeeding and Robyn's project (ie jewelry design) is failing. During the venture capital episode, Kody said that MSWC was good at designing jewelry that women would buy. Now, he has turned the tables and wants to bring in other goods. claiming that the Robyn-designed jewelry isn't selling. I got the impression from the business meeting that Janelle was the impetus for his changed vision for the business. From what Robyn said, I'm guessing she got the same impression.

    (To be continued. I ran out of characters)

  14. Part 2

    Since joining the family, Robyn has forged an alliance (albeit lopsided) with Meri. Christine is easy pickings. Kody doesn't care for her anyway. Janelle is the last one standing.

    From Robyn's standpoint, Janelle is "untouchable." We know Kody doesn't love Janelle, but he does love money, affirmation, and sports. Janelle is the fan favorite, which translates to ratings and higher pay. As fans praise Janelle on FB and twitter, it feeds Kody's need for affirmation. She is his wife, after all. Finally, Janelle is mother to sports star Hunter, through whom Kody lives vicariously. Robyn tried to paint Hunter as an angry, hormone-ravaged teenager when the Browns first moved to Vegas. But then Hunter joined the football team and became a football star. Suddenly, all that negative talk ended and Kody tweets about Hunter's sporting events and victories all the time. Sorry, Robyn, it will be a few years before Sol can fill that role.

    I have to wonder whether Robyn will continue to leave Janelle alone, apart from her little digs here and there, or whether she will bide her time and go in for the kill. Like I said, three are down. Janelle is the last one standing.

    1. Wish there was a "like" button for your commentary, Ewwwwww.

    2. Applauding!!!! Plus Janelle gave Kody four "manly" boys. Per twitter, Robyn now has in David Jr wrestling. King Sol will have to wrestle too, mark my words.

    3. Like. That was a spot on assessment. Well done. I agree that she has a protective shield of being the mom of the athletic boys (and I love that she is the mom of Maddie the Brave). If she would wake up and see that although Kody is fulfilling her needs she deserves so much more. That cheek kiss was very telling last night.

    4. Yes, yes, yes! I also think Janelle is the most beautiful wife already and so badly want her to drop all the excess weight to grab Kody's attention away from Robyn. If she's this pretty already, then imagine what a knockout she would be. I so hated when Kody pecked her cheek. Grrrr it's like he doesn't even try to be affectionate with her. But I very much agree with what u are saying and I think she is smart for not engaging Robyn. Of course I think she would be even smarter if she said adios to the whole bunch but one can only hope.

    5. EeeeeWWWWW!!! Great assessment! Robyn is seething over Janelle. Robyn must have been able to manipulate "Tim" into scenes where Christine and Meri look really bad but she hasn't been able to do that to Janelle. I think of all the horrible things she's done to set Janelle up. When Janelle had her weight loss blog Robyn had to start her own "I can't help being so skinny" blog. Meri and Janelle worked with the producers to create episodes that made fun of Janelle's weight. I remember the 5k shirts being to small, Robyn's dig about a plus size clothing line, and the extremely cruel San Francisco trip. It's backfired on both of them every time. Both Robyn and Meri were probably LOVING announcing the divorce to Janelle. This backfired too. It didn't make Meri a fan favorite and now stupid Meri is divorced. Robyn comes out on top here as the legal wife but Janelle is still the fan favorite.

    6. Excellent analysis!

    7. Bravo! Loved this too. Don't forget Robyn and Meri are buddies (well about as much as you can be when sleeping with the same guy). Meri hates Janelle so you know she has said things about Janelle (and Christine) to Robyn. They are like kids so they can't be individuals and judge people by their own personal experiences with them. It's "my friend hates you so I hate you too." So high school.

      Meri is mean and selfish and very unforgiving, apparently. That type of personality won't work in that family situation. I think that she too is jealous of Janelle. They love her being far because weight is the only thing she's behind them in. And not that anythings wrong with being a certain size, but we all know how we are judged as inferior for being heavier. Since Meri is as the rest of them, she's probably extra miserable and couldn't wait to get back at Janelle in some kind of way.

      Robyn is a gold digger, in my opinion. She picked a family where she could stand out by being younger (notice I said younger - NOT young cause she ain't). She would not stand out as much amongst the Darger wives or even the Brady Bunch. She knew what she was doing when she picked the Browns.

      Christine is pitiful. She is very insecure (for good reason) and it projects onto everything. She will never see that polygamy is the problem. Let's not forget that she is its biggest advocate and has as much to say to us boring, poor, misguided monogamists as we do to her. She may want your sympathy but she doesn't won't your help.

      Same for Janelle. She may be the favorite of the four (which again, ain't saying much), but This is what she wants. She's getting what comes with polygamy.

    8. I am so sorry for all of my typos. I am typing on my phone. I was trying to say Janelle being *fat* is the only thing that they had over her. Now that Meri is fat, she is probably extra mad at Janelle. Also I meant to add that Robyn being younger AND thinner is what made her stand out the most. The Darger wives are fit and the Brady Bunch has a fit wife or two, so Robyn would not be the star. Like you guys have called it, she is stealth......

    9. I'm thinking Kody wouldn't want Robyn to see him kissing any of the other wives like he does her.

  15. After reading some of the comments on TLC sister wife fb page, I am convinced that most fans are either blind or stupid or a little of both, the gushing to Meri about her selfless act,

  16. Didn't watch most of hour 1, but watched the tell-nothing, with the clips of hour 1. All this divorce stuff has to be re-enactments up until they tell Christine and Janelle. And, I question Christine's reaction then.

    In real life, IF Meri was the one initiating a legal divorce and/or spiritual annulment, she would/should have had several discussions with Kody and only Kody. After that, if continuing down that path, Kody and Meri should have approached the other wives. If Meri was going to leave the family, Kody could have told the other wives on his own. Since this is all supposedly about adopting Robyn's kids, Meri and Kody still should have discussed all this on their own. If continuing, Meri and Kody should have approached Christine and Janelle to see if they were on board with the whole thing. Then, and only then should Robyn have been approached. I don't like Kody, but it is so disrespectful to even pretend that this is how he learned about the divorce, let alone if it actually happened that way.

    Second, Maddie joined the LDS. That means that she agrees that polygamy is not necessary or even appropriate for a religious reason. Otherwise, she would have joined some religion that wasn't so adamant about distancing herself from the FDLS religion. The Browns' and Tamron should quit worrying about Maddie's churchmates, and worry about how soon Maddie distances herself from them because she thinks they are nuts Maddie will eventually decide these 5 adults are dangerous for her peace of mind.

    1. I think Maddie is about to distance herself from Robyn. She has a history with Christine. She isn't going to think if the rest as mothers.

    2. Robyn is jealous of the children too. She doesn't want anyone to be the center of attention except her and this includes Kody. That's why she can't keep her mouth shut during the couch sessions

  17. CJ, you make watching SW worthwhile. Thank you for your hard work. I agree with so many of you who know how to put into words how I feel. Seems to me they have done this backward. Why would you go through a divorce before you even know if you can get the father to give up custody? And maybe the kids want Kody to be their dad right now, but give them a couple of years - step-parents become the bad guy pretty easily. I really hope Christine and Janelle escape from this mess someday.

  18. Clearly the plot for next season is already planned. Step one in adopting Robyn's kids is already complete- Meri divorce/Robyn marry Kody. Step two- dealing with Robyn's ex. Step three- dealing with the judge. Or rather, "fighting" them, since that's how the wives put it. It sounds nicely organized. I also predict we will see the lawyer again next season too.

    1. Fighting a guy who doesn't seem to care? Right. Their reality is so warped. They are so selfish. Robyn gets a wedding and honeymoon. Why use logic to solve the issue. Maybe janelle and Christine should marry?

    2. Since the show started Meri & Robin has had at least 2 trips with Kody. Witch I assume family pays for. Janelle & Christine have had 0 trips. To me that is sad. I also think Meri has one foot out the door. When show ends, Meri will b gone. Meri didn't give divorce for nothing.she got something out of it

  19. If you have a TV SHOW called SISTER WIVES and your tell everyone who says "good morning" to you that you have 4 wives, how in the hell do you think you can go before a judge and just pretend you aren't polygamists? In an adoption, even a step-parent adoption isn't there a homestudy? Even if they pretend that Kody only lives with Robyn, uhh, all they social worker has to go is google them and find out they have a show. Or, uh, look at his adoption application and see where his income comes from? DUH. DOUBLE DUH. These people are dumber than a bag of hammers if this is the real reason why they "legally restructured". Why not get Jessop's parental rights terminated first before you set fire to Meri and Kody's marriage? And if they find the stupidest judge in Clark County, and the adoption goes through, then what? Will Kody divorce Robyn and re-marry Meri? Maybe he should marry Christine, she is the only one of the wives who has never been legally married. Janelle was married to Meri's brother before Kody

    1. In a foster parent adoption it's basically is the kid is missing a legal parent and your current spouse, their parent is in agreement. Perhaps the kids would be asked, and at these ages yes. Now to terminate rights is a whole other matter. David should be fighting. Even if he has an addiction surely robyn has a shopping addiction with that big a VS bill. She was even investigated by the DA. And who knows what else we don't know? Here publicly bashing him and placing the blame for everything on him and taking the children so far away and telling her children they are not going to be with them in eternity doesn't make her mother of the year.

    2. And they care whether or not kody has a criminal record.

    3. I think what Robyn is doing is shameful, but I would not compare owing a few grand to Victoria's Secret to drug addiction in terms of potential neglect or danger to children.

    4. And there's no proof either parent has any type of addiction, shopping or otherwise.

    5. I think behavioral addictions are worse than substance additions in many ways. She had way more debt than the VS. It just showed the excess of her spending. An alcoholic can't stay away from bars and liquor stores and not keep it in the house. A shopaholic is forever accessible to a store with a cell phone or computer. You have to buy groceries and groceries these days are connected to larger stores with far more avaiable. Hoardable stuff. The people leaving two years in the car on a hot day while they step into a store for minutes are surely endangering their kids. She is concerned about child support. A shopping addiction can be all consuming to where neglect happens not to mention the financial instability it brings to the family and the care of the kids. Yes, mostly there is no violence. I do wonder based on the fact there is stuff everywhere and so many rooms are never open to us on tours or in episodes. They made a whole episode over a crib and rocker. They made another episode about a bed.

      But yes it's purely wondering.

    6. As a substance abuse counselor, I respectfully disagree. For one thing, effective immediately recovery for an addict involves being able to function in a world of triggers without giving into the addiction. An alcoholic who merely avoids bars is setting themself up to fail. Hoarding is also different than just compulsive shopping. Much as Robyn seems to like to buy stuff, her spending habits don't seem that radical. All the Browns have filed bankruptcy(except Robyn) and all had store cards and credit card debt. Robyn may have been shopping to try and fill a void left from a bad marriage. Maybe wearing pretty undies made her feel better about herself. Maybe she was planning on looking good for dating knowing divorce was near. I don't know. But I do think panties are way more innocuous than say, meth.

      Robyn has never said her ex was an addict and she doesn't appear to be a hoarder. She has said he was abusive, neglectful, and Deadbeat
      We know her as a manipulative narcissistic liar pants. They both probably suck, but I don't think it's fair to assume bio dad is a better patent by default. The most egregious thing Robyn has done is bad mouth him on television. He might be capable of worse. I'm sorry it's a storyline because frankly it is none of our business and it is psychologically damaging to the kids.

    7. Good points, Anon. Thanks for sharing

  20. I mentioned this on the other thread, but I think it got swallowed up by all the comments :). If Kody were to adopt the kids and the Robyn were to pass on, where would they live? Would Kody continue to live in Robyn's and he not see his other kids anymore? Would they rotate with him? Would they move in with another wife and then only see their "legal dad" 1/3 of the time (like the other kids)? Would he marry a fifth and they live with them?

    1. That's something Kody needs to work out. Like on Big Love, each wife should specify in her will who her minor children should live with.

    2. They would move in with a sister wife/mom. Like when Meri's sister died there was a sister wife who took over for her.

    3. Meri's sister made that arrangement before she passed away kms.

    4. The sisters husband wasn't dead.

      They had mentioned that each child would have a say. Some kids may want one mom over another. Like janelle said she has the most boys so the boys would probably pick her house just for the boy bonding. It just depends on the relationship and desires of the child at the time. So siblings from one mother may not all go to the same sister wife. They would still have their dad 1/3 or 1/4 of the time. Robyns kids would go to the dad full time. That is what they are worried about. I don't see why this is a worry though.

  21. Oh and Robyn's little gem "I am so scared of a legal marriage" wah,wah,wah, poor me.

    Did she actually try and get sympathy and credit for "going along" with "Meri's idea."
    Just when ya think she couldn't possibly be more disgusting and shameless.
    Now today she was whining all over Twitter. Oh My God..someone please tie a gag on this shrew.

    1. She was scared of the judge saying where the kids should live and how long. And she is doing what to her ex.

    2. She tweeted that she's "seriously misunderstood" and her family & friends are baffled by all the hate...really Robyn?
      I'm baffled why no one has told her it might help the situation if she stops talking & tweeting for awhile!

    3. I have a feeling the new Mrs Kody Brown is with child. The last time she had a twitter tantrum (nobody likes me, everybody hates me, wah wah wah) she was pregnant with King Sol. I wonder if there will be have another baby shower ... with a special PO box to send presents....

    4. Sheesh Robyn should already be on baby #3 at least, w/ Kody by now since that is the purpose of adding a young & fertile one to the harem. So what happens if she's not preggers now or isn't able to get pregnant anymore? Will this be the end of Kodys seed or will he look for a new, younger & more fertile girl? Just so he can continue spreading his seed?!

    5. Oh great, another child for Janelle to support.

    6. The new Mrs. Brown needs some DUCT TAPE to cover her mouth. That would solve a lot of her problems. She might need a little extra for her Stan Laurel chin.

    7. I think you're right CJ. Her twitter conversation this morning/last night was cray cray. She also looks preggo in the pic she tweeted.

    8. Patting myself on the back here as I called the pregnancy on the previous page.

    9. "She might need a little extra for her Stan Laurel chin"

      Funny !! Very funny !!

  22. This is a bit long but the clip I saw really kind of hit me in a soft spot.

    Someone on a FB group posted a clip including the talking head where Jenelle said that the divorce and remarriage change the reality of "what is" and made her question if things would be the same for her.

    That really hit home for me. Many years ago I walked away from a polyamorous relationship that had become toxic. During the relationship though, I would sometimes overhear conversations (not eavesdropping type overhearing!) about "when we retire let's move to ____" or "what if we sold this house and got a smaller one way out in the country." Considering that they were six and ten years older than me it occurred to me one day that these plans didn't seem to involve me -despite the fact that we all entered into it as a serious, long term commitment. That was my first link in the chain of realizing that while I was in for the long haul, that wasn't the case with at least one of the others. I had felt I had finally found my place, my spot in the world... And finding out I was wrong was devastating.

    I think maybe that's where Jenelle is. She's seeing how Meri and Kody snuck Robyn into their family. Then there's the move which happens to be to a place Kody loves and Robyn has family. Then her gym idea is dumped for Robyn's play business. Now there's a major change and shift in the family and she's not even consulted.

    I feel sorry for her. Don't get me wrong... I'm not her biggest fan, but I feel like I sort of know how she feels. She found a place where she felt she belonged... She had children, she invested in it and now she's seeing that maybe it was all just something that was "good" but now that Kody has found something "great" with Robyn, the rest of it is just not good enough anymore. She's not as important as she thought. Not as needed and doesn't have as much say as she thought.

  23. I really wish I could jump onboard with al the speculation and concern for the various victims in this latest Kodyworld faux nonsense, but the truth is, I just can't.
    The really "bottom line" is crystal clear to me.

    "They" collectively needed a storyline to insure another season....or two..or three seasons !!!
    They had the McMansions, Meri *wasn't* going to rent Sobbin's uterus, Janelle was either going to lose weight or not (no one cared anymore), the older kids were leaving and some even the faith, King Sol was a fait accompli...there was nothing left that was "awesome" for non-snarking viewers to want to pledge their loyalty to. Nothing left that would *guarantee* reliable future ratings.

    *Someone*...and that someone was likely Kody in closed meetings with TLC, and day and midnight talks with the one wife he still has the hots for, and the wife who would eagerly agree to the plot for her own conniving agenda.... Kody was all over this new plot.
    It was a win/win (his favorite line) for everyone. That is, as long as Meri agreed to it.
    Just saying that he wanted to adopt the kids had no pizzazz, no wow factor.
    It wouldn't have worked. (Brady Williams found that out the hard way)

    No doubt that Christine and Janelle were likely left out of the initial discussions.
    No question that Meri was "asked/ coerced" to do this for the show...all plaintively offered as the remedy to insure their continuing collective TLC income.
    And no doubt that ALL of them were prepped and primed for those faux tear jerker filmed revelations and paper signings.

    I don't think Janelle was at a loss for words, rather she was trying to follow the script and fell short of whatever she was supposed to do or say. She froze.
    Christine on the other hand in her usual giddy fashion, jumped way ahead of how it was supposed to play and went right into crazy, effusive reaction.

    Meri's part was to be the suffering, stoic martyr and keep somber, and she did manage to pull it off. And probably DID have anxiety provoked dizzy spells at the thought of what she had agreed to do...for the show....for the rest of them. She could have refused but she didn't. Sad (dumb) for her, but what else is new about these women?
    Meanwhile, Sobbin could barely contain herself at the thought of once again being *the* star of it all. She is the quintessential stealth bitch. Her stealth-self is clearly evident now.

    And Kody.....Kody is the RingMaster and MC of it all.
    It is and always has been *his* show and *his* world.

    1. I agree, I think that the "dizzy spells" are a proxy for anxiety attacks. Not uncommon when people suffer from anxiety.

    2. I agree with you Amused. All these "reality" shows seem to have one central drama producing plot/event. This show really has run it's course. The divorce also invented next seasons drama plot-adoption. Kind of a 2 for 1 deal. They all knew/agreed bc of the $$.

  24. I am curious to what is going on with Meri. If she is dizzy a lot it could be something quite serious.

  25. They are all trying too hard to sell this BS on twitter. These women have had difficult relationships with each other. They havn't been out together for 2 years..but now Meri is the saviour and Kody is the worlds greatest dad? Christine is bashing Robyns ex on twitter and building up Kody as a father. I wonder what the kid's that are old enough to understand and have lived this carnival think of the parents blatant lies?at what point do they cross the line of fabricated fraud? their twitters are blocked from negative comments and positive ones are imported. They are trying hard to close the deal for future seasons.

  26. The thing that is just so odd, is a huge family decision was being made and Christine and Janelle didn't even know about it until it was a done deal.

    And when Meri was telling Robin and Kodi of "her" decision, that was fake fake fake. They already knew. Sobin just isn't a good actress. They just wanted it to appear like it was all Meri's decision.

    1. Just when it couldn't get dumber . . .March 3, 2015 at 2:27 PM

      Oh, no. After all, we poor misguided monogamists cannot understand how wonderful it is to have a sister wife divorce her husband for you!!! Robyn is all about being loving and giving . . .

    2. Ha , ha just SOOoo... misunderstood! Indeed....NOT!

  27. We have seen Kody neglect his child Truly until she almost died. We have never witnessed any neglect, including near-fatal child neglect, from David Jessop. Who is the bad dad again?

    1. Exactly! That mess with Truly was 100% because she was not being attended to as she should. She was so severely dehydrated (which if Kody was paying attention shouldn't have happened) that it nearly took out her kidneys. I was just amazed how this was over looked.

  28. The dizziness that Meri is feeling may not be a serious thing. As a middle aged woman, I have had many friends (and myself) develop vertigo problems. It is not uncommon at all. Of course, it is important to go to the doctor and have the reason diagnosed. Has Meri thought of doing that?

    1. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. I suffer from it myself. I have medication for when I am going through a long spell of it, but most of the time I make adjustments (no more morning yoga classes) and deal with it until it passes. It's a bitch when the spell is a long one though (months long).

      Meri could very easily have seen a doctor about this - if in fact this is her problem and not just the fallout of emotional stress. You are right. It is not uncommon.

  29. So a couple of weeks ago Kody admitted that he doesn't have much of a relationship with his own bio daughters, right? But yet he has good solid relationships w/ Robyn's daughters? That's just not right in any manner one may try to spin it. And they seriously expect a judge to grant him an adoption when he can't even connect with or raise his own bio kids? What a bunch of buffoons!!

    1. Bingo. The most vivid example that I can remember was him admitting he basically had NO memories of Maddie's childhood. How the hell does that happen with a parent who's not only in the same town but in the same house (Lehi) for a decent portion? He gets no father of the year credit from me. Or, apparently, Maddie. Her responses to his too little/too late attempts were priceless. And appropriate.

    2. Also super creepy the way those girls hang on him!

  30. I don't know how David Jessop is to compete with Kody. Chances are David probably works .He will have constrictions for his time as a result. Whereas Kody is on permanent holiday . He is the consummate Disneyland Dad as that is a family favourite. He provides houses and holidays.These are all things the materialistic Mom values.She models their importance to the kids. I think David Jr . is a cutie but I attribute a lot of his phrases about the family to his parroting what Adults say around him. They don't belong to a cult without indoctrination starting young.If Kody adopts Robyns kids then he can't marry the girls later can he? Either way I would hate to see him do a Woody Allen with the one who sat on his lap on that one episode.Lastly ,I am with the foster parent no kid asks for a new Dad 7 months after divorce. Another example of the kids parroting Robyn's desires.

    1. Your post says it all "David Jr.", but they call him Dayton as a "nickname". Maybe he's ok with it, but he's named after his father. That should be his choice, as an adult, to change his entire name.

    2. Let's not speculate whether Kody will marry one of his step daughters. After all, he's not Tom Green. Thank you!

  31. On the tell all, Kody says that he was ready to give up the show. I say "bullsh**!" They claim they still have a message to tell, so they decided to keep on doing the show. The only reason they are doing the show is for the money, because they would go from a very large income to nothing!! I doubt if they have any savings due to the large mortgages, new cars, vacations, etc. The only one who might be able to survive is Janelle. She could step up her real estate business. They would sell or lose 3 of the houses and move in with Janelle.

  32. Thank you cj for all the recaps and breaking the show down. I have deleted them from my dvr and refuse to watch anymore. This is my first time commenting so please bear with me. I find the adoption aspect well crap. I have done a step parent adoption with my oldest son and my husband (my husband adopted him when he was 5) granted it was in a different state but this is how it was run. We had to be legally married for a year, after that point we consulted a lawyer who after hearing what we wanted pretty much told us to do it on our own due to our personal circumstances, he didn't think it would require an attorney, My oldest biological father wasn't a bad abusive man just absent. He hadn't seen him nor contacted him since he was 3 months old and we started this process when he was 4 years old. He payed his child support through the county and that was that. There was also no relationship to any of his biological fathers family (this matters too!). I asked the attorney what would happen if he refuses to sign off rights and he told me that I would have to prove to a judge that he was harmful to my sons life in some way. He pretty much told me even with only paying child support, no contact what so ever that my chances of forcing a dissolve of parental right were not likely. So we went to the clerks office and they gave us all the paperwork. In the paperwork is a form to terminate parental rights. You mail it or whatever to the parent who you want to terminate, they fill it out, have it notarized, need 2 witnesses and send it back. I asked the clerks office what can be done if I didn't know the address and she told me we would have to take out an ad in the newspaper closest to where I last knew he was located that would announce we were looking for him and anyone who knew where he was to contact us(this ad had to run 2 weeks minimum). We were lucky and mailed the form to him in which I told him why I wanted to terminate his rights and a few weeks later we got it back signed. We handed in all the paperwork, had a court date to get the home study waved they waived it and 10 days later we had a court date to get the adoption finalized. During all this we had to show my son had no relationship what so ever with his biological father or any of his family. There were forms that asked all this as well as finances, other children etc. it was a long process with many hoops, for example, if after running the ad to locate him you hear nothing another ad is to be placed before the adoption can be finalized which states the adoption and court information so he can show up if he wants. They do not make it easy to terminate rights if the person does not want them terminated. We were told my attorneys, clerks and judges how easy our case was and how if he refused to sign the paperwork then it would be a huge uphill battle and then we needed an attorney.

    I was lucky (or not) and he had an absent father who only paid support and didn't care that we wanted him to be adopted. It made everything smooth and easily. But if Robyns kids are still seeing/talking to their father or any of his family weather it's regular or not, I just don't see how they think this is going to go through. i think they all believe the show makes them seem amazing and if they say something mean about Jessop putting it on tv will make it true! They are shooting themselves in the foot before they even start the process! I don't forsee any family court judge forcing a termination and if by some chance Jessop does give up rights they are not all clear for Kody to adopt! It still has to be approved by the family court. A judge decides weather or not a need for the home study and weather or not it is in the best interest of the child. I just don't understand how they see their lives being favored on by any family court judge.

    1. Thank you for this helpful information! I'm glad it worked out for your son,

    2. According to NV, own Foster/Adoption Guidelines you do not have to be married.

    3. This is how it worked for my sons step-patent adoption as well, PLUS we had to show that the stepparent was financially able to support my son AND that there was not any parental alienation going on. There were also criminal background checks done as well.

  33. Robyn is on Twitter trying to do damage control. She said about 4 times "I don't bash my kids father".... Sure, you just implied he was a rapist that's all.

    1. And it's his fault she "took" all the debt. Doesn't even make sense. She never takes responsibility for anything. It's someone else's fault. Letting TLC write Brown as a last name for kids as they are featured on the show isn't bashing the man who gave them life? If she didn't want their last name public they could have just used first names.

      I wonder what she would think rises to the level of bashing?

      I am slightly bothered that she changed her name to brown. Her kids had their dad's name. Sol and more children after would have his dad's name. If I were her I would have kept my maiden name so as not to share the name of one kid over another. This is not a problem with her character or the decision she made, just something I would do differently.

      They are supposed to be married to each other. Not each woman married to Kody. His role is depositing sperm every fourth night. His role is providing, with the help of the wives, and parenting his kids. He has not enough memories of the kid he spent 16 years parenting in the same house for most of the years. He can treat robyns kids like his own without this step.

    2. Oh wow she is losing it on twitter.

  34. Wow! Robyn just posted a picture of herself on Twitter in her pjs. Girl looks like such a backwards plyg when she is not in full hair and make-up! I'm tired of people saying she is the young skinny one, when she is neither anymore. Janelle and Christine are looking so much better lately at the tell all.
    Robyn is also defending her Hawaii trip with Kody and saying that she would never ride into the sunset with him. She says her friends and family are baffled, just baffled, that she is getting any hate.

    1. Yeah, she was young....five years ago LOL. She's pretty close in age to the rest of them. I guess she has a few more years on them in terms of childbearing, but she's no spring chicken.

      This is killing her that her public perception isn't all shiny and happy.

  35. Thanks to the live Tweet Party, I can see some of those posts from Sobbin even though I don't have a twitter account. Not only is she claiming she has not bashed D. Jessop Sr. (dear God, what WOULD she see as bashing?) She is also claiming that SHE TOOK Kody on the Hawaii trip "for her birthday" which is something she has wanted to do for a long time. She claims the others will get their turns. Let's see how many trips we can count so far. And sleeping on the side of the road on blankets is not a trip Guess they finally realized they couldn't hide the trip so try to bs the type of trip it was. She says we snarkers (my term) are the reason they all look so grumpy. It was MERI that turned down her womb offer. Looked like Kody did it on FILM. And that "someone" told them that the first step would be for her & the Kodster to be legally married. So Meri had been thinking about this for 5 years and that is all the groundwork they have done? And they wait 5 years to do step one? At this rate Kody can adopt the first 3 children's children.

    Again the question that needs to be asked (course there would be no "real in the "reality" that the answer would come from) - what has changed? Has Jessop indicated that he would relinquish rights? has Jessop indicated he has plans to swoop in and take them? Has he done anything that would lead a court to take his rights away? The only thing I can think of that has changed is that TLC was no doubt ready to cancel the show? Courting a new wife wasn't going to fly with Robyn despite her tweets about they would if they received a testimony.

    She really engaged with that one tweeter, that was why she sent fugly picture to prove she was Robyn. Maybe it's one of her friends giving her the opportunity to answer the haters in a controlled way. "Why doesn't anyone love me?" Can we do a clip show that would illustrate the reasons - "Robyn - condemnd by her own words and actions."

  36. Um, it looks as though the newest Mrs Brown kind of lost it on Twitter last night. I bet most of those tweets Get deleted today.

    1. No kidding. She even tweeted a couple pictures of herself in her jammies. To 'prove' she wasn't hacked. Oy what a mess.

  37. Someone needs to send a picture of the Kody Brown Family watching the show together. Robyn states her children do no watch the show. If she really wants Kody to adopt her children she needs to shut her trap on twitter.

  38. "And that "someone" told them that the first step would be for her & the Kodster to be legally married."

    And so *THIS* is the vague reference that they have agreed to use to tie this whole phony story with a big ribbon of righteousness and innocence.
    An un-named "someone" who told them to do it !!!! Yet another amazing bit of Brown BS !!

    So who is this "someone".....?
    Their friendly lawyer? Their producers? Trainer Sean? The local Nail Salon?
    Cashier at Victoria's Secret? UPS driver? Their Lord and Master?

    Have to grudgingly give them *all* credit for having the brass balls and brass ovaries to toss this fairytale out and expect it to be accepted.
    They do not lack chutzpah.....they surely do not !!

  39. They must surely believe they are already on planet Kodvillle, because there is NO WAY any court on Earth will grant the adoption. This manipulative, discredible women has assimilated her poor children into a polygamy dollhouse so soon after her divorce. That's VERY disturbing to me.

    I'm wondering if the "antropology study" was more or less an effort to demonstrate how warm and wonderful they are just prior to filing the adoption case. Always an angle with these master manipulators.

  40. When was the Tell All filmed? Correct me if I'm wrong but they acted like it wasn't a sure thing that Grody would marry Robchin but we all know it happened almost 3 months ago. They are acting out two different versions of the story: the one for the strictly TV viewing audience and the one for the rest of us who are somewhat enlightened on social media.

    I agree with CJ and the commenters on this blog - neither is the real story.

    1. The divorce was a while ago. The wedding was in December.

    2. Those dates I know, KMS. I'm wondering when the Tell All was filmed. During the Tell All, they were very coy about how Kody "may or may not" marry Robyn; they hadn't decided yet. I'm wondering if the Tell All was filmed after Dec 11. Just more lies is all, so what else is new with these clowns.

  41. So, will we be seeing Robyn and Kody getting married next season? Will we see the trip to Hawaii? Or will they not show that in order to not fan the Robyn hate flame?

    1. I bet it gets brushed under the rug and isn't mentioned.

  42. I finally watched the season finale and the tell nothing. I honestly think that the episode before the finale where Meri announces she is going to the lawyer was supposed to be the season finale and what they showed Sunday was supposed to be the first episode of the next season but when the news broke TLC switched it all around.

    1. cuzbran,

      Agree !!!
      The Meri announcement obviously was to be this season's mysterious, ominous cliffhanger.....
      Matching last season's Sobbin going for the phone....!!! (which was all a farce anyway)

      But it does prove rhat TLC knew along (probably had a hand in it) but sure as hell wanted it all to stay underground until next season so they could layer on the drama, week by week.

  43. Snark aside some of us started watching hoping we could some polygamist families less than a mess since so many are living it despite it not being legal to do so. With no underage brides and at least in the first episodes people leaving for work and their living in separate but connected spaces this seemed like the ideal family to present this in a good light. It did the opposite.

  44. I'm glad they're getting a huge dose of backlash! Robyn even tweeted that she's tired of the backlash & was hoping that by responding via Twitter that might help...smh Geez, what did the Browns expect? That we'd just accept their kumbaya version of the divorce/marriage debacle? The Browns need to know that how they treat the sanctity of marriage like a business transaction is not ok. Us monogamists actually value marriage.
    I seriously hope TLC just goes ahead & pulls the plug on their renewed season.

  45. The idea that a judge would allow a man who has 13 or so kids from four different women to adopt three more kids is about as crazy as the idea that he did it for the insurance. My mother died when I was a little girl and my sister and her husband gained legal custody of me (she was a lot older than I), but the judge would not allow my sister and her husband to adopt me because I had a biological father still living; he didn't pay support and never visited me but the judge said he refused to give up his rights. My sperm donor had a little girl by his first wife and during my second pregnancy, his wife was trying to get her husband to adopt the daughter she had with my sperm donor. As long as the sperm donor said no, her husband couldn't adopt even though he paid no child support nor did he make efforts to see the little girl (one of the reasons I divorced him); however, at one point, he finally said, sure, I'll sign her over and he did. The father, no matter how crappy he is, has to agree unless there has been some major abuse and some major neglect....I don't see it happening. They's drama to keep the TLC bucks rolling in.

  46. I just want to say...nay YELL!!!! I am SO EMBARRASSED for Robyn and her twitter tirade.

    Next, I want to yell I GOT PICTURES!!!! Just in case the tirade mysteriously disappears.

    I'm not understanding her January she blocked thousands of followers...Many of them never even sent her a tweet (YEAH, I'M TAHKIN ABOUT ME!!!). In March she decides to have a friggin' TWITTER WAR?

    Hey, Earth to Robyn...last night you should have used your block button! What a maroon!!!

    Stay tuned...

    1. LOL !!
      Doesn't bode well for the new legal matriarch of the Brown plyggy commune to be an embarrassment.even to the matriarch of snarkers.

    2. Holy guacamole! She IS totally losing it on Twitter. It's hilarious! Grocery money for Hawaii, I call BS. The more she says the worse she sounds.

    3. I bet the other wives had to have a talk with her after that. Not gonna lie, I was afraid she was having a breakdown! That was just weird. Well, we know that wasn't Kody's night.

    4. Her SW are probably cracking up behind closed doors & loving the fact that she's gone bat shit crazy on Twitter. Yeah Kody got a real trophy with

    5. I couldn't see her crazy tweets because she blocked me ...but there is mute button . I guess she didn't use it lol

  47. I'm gonna be honest, I don't know why she seems to have a social media version of diarrhea of the mouth but hey I'm up for getting some questions answered. Seriously, she may be onto something here.

    1. Absolutely. She started on the wrong foot by appearing to be above it all, blocking people right and left. Now she finally realizes TLC doesn't care if the audience loves or hates as long as they WATCH the show!

      The more she talks, the more approachable she becomes. More approachable=more human more like "you and me". It's a win/win all the way around (including MSWC).

      Only thing is, she needs to shut up already. She's past the point of diminishing returns...

    2. Agreed and she also should have told JYD to stay in her damn cage!! She seriously just ruined everything Robyn had accomplished since 3 am this morning. Insomnia runs in polygamous circles I guess.

  48. CJ, when was that trip to Hawaii? Blubbering Robyn is saying it was in October for her birthday and she saved the money for it out of her grocery money. And she only used Victoria's Secret for trousers because her legs are so long. She is going on and on and on....

    1. Serena, I checked and the tweet from Kody was indeed in October

    2. If she's using her grocery money for trips to Hawaii, how are her children eating?

    3. well it's not from child support we know that!

    4. Saving money from the 'grocery money', heh?
      Sounds like Robin has heard us all remark about how Christine was told by Kody to save money from her grocery allotment in order to go see her father. See, Robin has to go by the same rules as Christine, everybody!
      RE: Christine. Christine is trying SOOOO hard to back polygamy. She is existentially tied to her "title"..."Princess Christine" of plyg royalty; without it, what's the use?

    5. VS isn't the only store to sell pants for those with long legs, Robin. (I know because I am 5'9" with legs up to my armpits...)

    6. "I didn't have a walmart nearby" was her answer lol.

    7. Seriously, Robyn??? If there's a Victoria's Secret in town, I'm pretty sure there will be a Walmart somewhere

  49. Oh wow, just checked the ratings, they were way up. Almost 2.8 mil for the final episode, and 2.1 mil for the tell all. Why don't people ever catch on to this sham and stop watching this crap? They hype it all up and then deliver nothing. Numbers like this will certainly keep this show rolling on..and on.

    1. Just remember - Jon & Kate got their highest ratings for the 'divorce' episode. It was all downhill from there. It lasted what, a season and a half or so after that? I think this was the last 'gasp'. People tuned in last night, discovered these people are STILL not smart and unlikeable, and will likely forget all about this show by the time it shows up later this year...

    2. These 'reality shows' are, what they are. Some people get suckered into this type of entertainment and don't really care about the truth as long as they can be spoon fed their emotional fix every week. And thanks Browns, for giving us a good long look and enlightening us on true horrors of a 'normal' polygamous family.

    3. We expected the ratings to be high for the finale bc people wanted to know WHY? Well now we got their side of the story & majority of people aren't buying or liking their BS story. They may have had high ratings this go around, but they definitely won't have these numbers when they return in the Fall.
      I'm still hoping TLC will just pull the plug early & not go forward with their new season.

    4. If TLC cancels the show before next season, does the family still get paid? Do they get partially paid if tlc films but doesn't air the season? Just curious how that works.

  50. Is Robyn up for the number #1 job? All of these life and death and monetary decisions? Might Kody rethink
    putting such an obviously rattled wife in a legal position? Meri with all of her faults at least could hold her powder dry, an asset at this point might well be appreciated. In their zeal to secure another season or two
    (experts at dragging out a story line with proven results) Kody and Robyn might have screwed the pooch, jumped the shark, permanently damaged the brand.

  51. These women will take it up the u know what for Kody no matter what. Robyn paid for and invited Kody for her birthday to Hawaii? right....

    1. TLC money or not, no one in these families has money for trips anywhere. They have children to feed and educate, mortgages to pay, credit card bills (that you KNOW they're racking up, even if not for the same kinds of things). Irresponsible a-holes.

  52. I think Meri might actually be tired of the whole mess and that is why she really divorced Kody.....she does alot of things on her own....and she might just be thinking it's not such a bad thing......she'll hang around till the show wears out it's welcome......(which for me it did a couple of seasons ago)....then she'll quietly move on........I might be wrong......but if it happens it won't surprise me one bit!

  53. There's another topic after review or before it, CJ - The cray cray tweets of the new legal wife. Please devote a page to it and we can have a contest to see who can make up the craziest Robyn tweet. Tho' fiction will be hard to beat with fiction.

    As Mr. Spock (we love you Leonard!) once said, "Having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting, It is not logical, but it is very often true." You got what you wanted Robyn, you just don't want all that that came with it. My comment - Boo fricking hoo!

  54. One of her sister wives has got to get her away from social media for the day and get her mind off things.

    1. But, they haven't gotten together for two years! Why would they get together now?

  55. Christmas came early(again) for us living room snarkers & the blog world :D Thanks to the new Mrs Kody Brown losing her cookies on Twitter... Lol

  56. Grocery $$ my ass!! She probably charged it to her MSWC credit card & plan to tax write it off majority of the Hawaii trip as a business expense. Then eventually file bankruptcy in the future since she's next in line to file.

    1. You may be on to something Caramel Brownie. If Robin files for bankruptcy, Kody will be included as her spouse. I don't know all the rules about filing but do both husband and wife have to file together. If so, them Kody can write off his debts by marrying Robin. Wow, this could be what they planned all along. She is lying about saving her grocery money. Who does this. Christine can't save enough grocery money to visit her father and yet Robin can save enough to take Kody on a vacation. These other ladies never get Hawaii trips. Their little world is crumbling all around their dirty feet. Poor kids, it must have been hell going to school on Monday. Do these idiots realize the damage they are doing to their kids.

    2. Only reason why Robyn has grocery $$ to save for trips is b/c TLC $$ gives them the luxury to do so. Without TLC, there's no way they could afford their LV lifestyle & horrible spending habits. Look back at the old Lehi days.
      Also what grocery $$ is Kody talking about? He knows damn good & well that Christine received a shit load of food stamps to help feed the family. Maybe she received TANF payments too & that's what he was talking about?!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Bless her heart, she is still going at it! Robyn is insisting that Kody was absolutely heartbroken about the divorce from Meri. *sob*

    1. I swear she needs a Valium before her head explodes.

  59. So, here's a thought, does Kody have "grocery money" too? Or does he just go from house to house eating out of their budgets?! Hawaii is EXPENSIVE. How did she save up enough for airfare, hotel, etc...from just grocery money alone?!
    So, Kody expects the women to sacrifice and feed him and his kids, and then pay for themselves AND him to go home on trips?! Lovely!!!

    1. Now I wonder why Meri got a trip to Mexico without having to use her grocery money? If I remember correctly Kody gave her that trip as a birthday/anniversary gift.

    2. BC....sadly, Janelle most likely paid for their(M&K) trip to Mexico.

    3. I bet you're right Caramel Brownie....and in return Janelle got a night of camping in a tent with Kody & a bunch of blankets to use for sleeping bags!

  60. Also Robyn, no. Christine did not have the same opportunity. At the time, there was not near the same amount of money flowing in the household. Plus she has more kids then you, so less corners to cut. Just FYI.

  61. I don't think Robyn's twitter meltdown is going to help her popularity!
    If she's soooo busy working all the time why the need to siphon grocery money for a tropical vacation? Too bad I fell victim to her #BlockingSpree because I would also love to remind Robyn that there are pictures of her kids watching the show... even though she's frantically denying it!

    You would think her wonderful sisterwives would run over there & shut down her twitter tantrum...maybe they're enjoying it too much!

  62. I'm not sure whether Robyn's statement about saving her grocery money is reliable. She only came up with it after someone reminded her that Christine has to save her grocery money to visit her sick dad.

    Look at the whole twitter conversation:

    Random Fan: (I'm paraphrasing here) Why do you get to go to Hawaii when Christine has to save her grocery money to visit her sick father?

    Robyn: (I'm paraphrasing again) I saved my grocery money to take Kody to Hawaii. Christine had the same opportunity.

    1. See my above post about "same oppurtunity."

      Not to mention, if they all have such a sisterhood, why didn't they lend Christine money to see her DYING dad?

    2. Then some other fan asked how they divide the money among wives and if kids have anything to do with it. Crickets from Robyn.

    3. Points to Christine if she chose to use her "grocery money" to take care of the needs of "her" children - since she can't rely on Father of the Year for any of that.

  63. I got curious and looked at the SW closet website. Been a long time since I did that. It has drastically expanded from just the initial jewelry. I guess Annie's purses is Christine's mother's handiwork or design. There is music and soap. All sorts of things. Christine wrote an upbeat blog about a family Oscar party. I guess maybe Robyn's hobby business is ending up a moneymaker for the family since they got investors. They need to tweak the website a bit more - got a little clunky clicking around to different categories but I'm used to

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi "doo"!

      Kody can only be legally married to one woman at a time. His legal wife was Meri. They divorced so he could marry Robyn.

      However, the Browns are fundamental Mormons so Kody is "spiritually" married to his four "wives".

      Think of it this way. Under Man's Law (created by men) Kody can only be married to one wife. Under God's law (for eternity), Kody can have multiple wives. In their religion, God's Law supercedes Man's law. That's why Meri felt it wasn't such a big deal to give up her legal status, since she is tied to Kody for eternity.

  65. Helen Van Patterson-PattonMarch 9, 2015 at 10:06 AM

    Kody IS going to ride off into the sunset with Robyn. He has shown over and over that he does not care for the other three. He allowed his wife of 20+ years to divorce him for Robyn and didn't even try to stop her. This is what will happen...As everyone has speculated, this will probably be the last season of the TLC money train. When that money dries up, NONE of them, unless they have done some drastic planning (and we know better), will be able to afford those homes. They won't even be able to pay an interest only loan. Even if they go to work and get real jobs, they are qualified for what, minimum wage at best?? Maybe Janelle can keep herself afloat but the rest won't. Since Kody only truly loves Robyn, the two of them will "pull a Lehi" and disappear off into the night, leaving Meri, Janelle, and Christine to fend for themselves and figure how to attempt to pay for the homes, or not pay for the homes. He can't possibly do anything, job-wise, that would pay for all four homes. He and Robyn will ride off into the sunset and sell their home, (if they can), and he is not grown up enough to deal with the worry of where will his other real kids live. He legally owes the "wives" nothing since his name is not on any of the homes. (I am sure he will take his name off of Meri's before this happens). They will all be a big ship of fools. The "mans" only priorities are himself first, then Robyn. Janelle knows what will happen., that is why she asked Kody what she did. I bet she is putting back money now to prepare for it but the other two are too dumb and trusting to do that.
