Sunday, May 21, 2017

Maddie Is A Mommy Now!

After a lot of anticipation, speculation and general wondering when she was going to pop, Maddie finally gave birth to Baby Boy Brush!!

From Bonus Mom Meri's twitter today, and Bonus Mom Robyn, too...

And here's the new grandmom Jangle announcing her first grandchild's emergence into the world...

Of course, nothing yet from new granddaddy Kody, but I'm sure once the cameras are gone, he will go into a retweeting usual.

Oh, and it looks like Baby Brush perhaps shares a birthday with his uncle sweet!

Just think, last weekend this was Bonus Mom Christine's tweet on Mother's Day...

Well done, Maddie! Congrats to Maddie and Caleb!


  1. Thanks for the update CJ. Congrats to the new parents.

  2. I do hope that Maddie preserves her dignity and does not allow this precious private event to be televised for the money.

  3. Tacky that the photos had to come via People mag. Yep, profits before pride. Ring those cash registers Browns. Disappointing but not surprising that they didn't announce until after People was there to take photos.

    1. Good grief, if you open the People mag link from Meri's tweet, at the very bottom it says there is a "premiere wedding special" of Sister Wives on June 12. Not done yet. The article also looks like a People exclusive photo of Maddie and Caleb from a baby shower. Milking it but why does People think they are worth paying to take photos of?

  4. Congrats to all!!
    I certainly hope that if filming was happening during the event it will be nothing but family reactions and mayhem from the kids and Christine with her usual clapping hands and NOT Kody with a catchers mitt. I still have no idea WHO would want PHOTOS of the working end of a birthing mother as Robyns births went.

  5. We also see by the photo that Kody attended Logan's graduation, not Mariah's. Looks like Christine went with Meri and the rest stayed home. Don't think that would have been the case just a few years ago.

    1. Were both graduations on the same day?

    2. Another problem with polygamy.

    3. Well poor Robyn was probably so busy taking care of her litter. I mean she has absolutely no help whatsoever. If it ain't about Robyn, she ain't going.

    4. Yes, Mariah's graduation in Utah was the same day as Logan's graduation in Los Vegas. By posted instagram photos it looks like Meri and Christine and Christine's daughters attended Mariah's ceremony and the rest of the family (unsure about Robyn's little ones) attended Logans along with Christine's son Paydon. If you click on Logans instagram and click on the group of photos that starts with his graduation photo with his girlfriend there are more photos with the family.

    5. Did any of the kids graduate from high school this year? I remember Kody saying they had a HS graduation every year for the next decade or something like that a couple of seasons ago.

  6. The article wouldn't load properly for me (my internet's issue, not your link), but by the picture it looks like she gave birth at home. Any verification on that?

    1. Pushing for 4 hours doens't happen in a hospital setting. Plus that picture looks like it was taken at home and was released when he was a day old. I'm thinking home birth, definitely

    2. 72 hours of labor wouldn't happen in a hospital either. The risks they take with these home births...
      Just shaking my head.

    3. I had 37 hours of back labor with DD1 and pushed for 3 hours. In the hospital. They finally had to use forceps to get her out. I can't imagine 72 hours!

  7. Indeed, congratulations to the parents !!

    As for the People article...dubbing Maddie as "a star" of Sisterwives seemed like a bit of a stretch.
    One thing is clear though, like the 2nd generation Dugger girls, Maddie's ease of trading news and pics of her pregnancy, birth and baby for cash is certainly right in sync with her parents' lifestyle.
    That particular DNA must be very strong!!!

    1. Hopefully this baby won't look like Kody like all the rest have since Maddie looks like Janelle. Speaking of DNA lol

    2. Kody has strong DNA and it ain't pretty.

    3. He doesn't have strong DNA. They all have the same DNA as they've all been intermarrying for years!

    4. Good point! I keep watching for some of the Brown clan to be missing finger nails. I've heard that with some of the Kingston clan, this is a common occurrence from the inbreeding.

    5. My thoughts and comments about the DNA in that family were about the apparent 2nd generation's inbred inclination to "sell" themselves and their offspring for $$$.
      Probably sounds judgemental, but it would be nice to think that SOME of the kids would reject that DNA for grifting and exploiting for easy cash....and just get on with living a private life of dignity.

    6. Amused I see what you mean. I'm inclined to think these kids will learn from the bad example their parents have set. Also, as a quasi celebrity, I think, with some of the kids, especially Mariah, that they see themselves as better than, and above a 9-5 jobs like some kind of commoner would have. The adults barely worked before the show, heavily relying on welfare, food stamps and bankruptcy to get by. So no, I don't foresee any of the kids having the self respect and gumption to hold a job and provide for themselves and their families. They will continue to milk the TLC money long after the show has been canceled like other D list celebrities who can't get past what once was.

  8. Wishing all good things to Caleb, Maddie, and their baby. I hope they have the good sense to leave the family and make a live for themselves and their child(ren) out of the public eye. Though it may be more difficult to support their family by doing "real work" than it is to have cameras following them hither and yon, in the long run, it will be worth it. Personally, I wouldn't want anyone knowing all my business--ain't noboy got time for that! Any way, all health, happiness, and prosperity to Maddie, Caleb, and Baby Brush.

  9. "The family’s little bundle of joy was born after 72 hours of labor — including 12 hours of hard labor and four hours of pushing."

    Yikes, thats pretty intense. Wonder if the baby started off malpositioned?

  10. Off the subject but I wandered into Meri's Instagram page and saw she posted a picture in front of the OKC memorial while advertising her Lularoe clothing in the hashtags. I'm sorry but that is just tacky. Way to take a national tragedy and use it to peddle your wares. Typical Brown move.

    1. MrSpock agrees that Meri did not think that through before posting, but her comments about the OKC tragedy, itself, appear heartfelt. MrSpock has spent a lot of time in OKC/Moore as MrSpock's child lived there many years---including living in Moore during the 2013 F5 tornado that, thankfully, missed their home.

      As for the Lularoe clothes...dunno...looks like a lot of material to be schlepping around in...tying it up, etc. Is it comfortable, CJ???? MrSpock has more of an affinity for more tailored clothing---for lack of a better term.

    2. While we are on the subject of Meri's LLR clothing....let me just say that maybe Janelle should make a permanent switch to wearing all black! In the above photo at Logan's graduation, I will have to say that the black outfit is the most flattering thing I have seen her wearing recently in photos. Perhaps all the wives could switch to black. I have lots of black in my wardrobe and my kids will tease me about have a "lifeless" wardrobe, but I will say that there is nothing like black for being flattering to the figure!! I can't tell from the photo if it is the clothes or she really is having a benefit from her "Strive" program - but the black clothes sure do help if you are trying to look slimmer or hide some flaws.

  11. MrSpock First off hope your day has been well. I agree that her comments were sympathetic, it just really bugged me that she's using the landmark as an opportunity to instagram advertise her clothes. To me its akin to going to Ground Zero and advertising her Green Goo.

    1. MrSpock does not disagree with that analysis. :-)

  12. If in fact they had camera's rolling for baby brush, it does make inquiring minds want to know....
    1. Did Kody video his daughters nether regions during labor or is this just an honor approved for step-fathers?
    B. Since Kody Knighted Caleb, did this honor bestow him with the Brown family tradition to rub and stroke your wife's inner thighs while she is in labor, spread eagle on national television?
    3. Were siblings and bonus moms allowed to come in as soon as he crowned to wait with dirty hands and cold sore inflamed lips to greet him into the Brown world of communal germs and infectious diseases?
    IV. Did Jangle have the presence of mind to go fishing during labor and delivery?
    E. Did Christine jump up and down, squeal , clap hands real close feverishly as though she was praying for wings?
    5. Did Meri send a birth announcement to catfish?
    VII. Last but not least, did we really think that two adults with no careers wouldn't sell anything they could to support their little twig?

    Sincerely, congrats Maddie, you have always been a favorite of this blog and viewers in general.

  13. I will admit I was bored this evening - took a look at Madison's twitter and just recently within the last month she tweeted;
    "When Caleb is at work and I go to the bathroom Nova (our dog) sits outside the door and whines till I come out. I guess its like parenting??"
    I am hoping that 1. Caleb really does have a job and this is not referencing an event in the past! (she did use the present tense...) 2. Maybe they filmed the events leading to the birth (but not the actual birth) as an opportunity to put $$ aside for the baby's college fund. 3. This was a one-off for their parents show and they will now move out of the cult de sac.

    I am optimistic so I am going to believe these things to be true!! Congrats to Maddie and Caleb - now go get a life!!

  14. Congratulations to the new parents. Um the Joker and his/her pretend wife are now pregnant too. Creepy

  15. I know she just gave birth and she was in labor for a hellacious amount of time, but Maddie and her husband are looking kinda dirty and unhealthy. Sorry to sound so mean. I think being around her family is not a healthy place to be. With the cold sores, terrible diet and general drama and sadness, it looks like that place has taken a toll on both of them.

  16. There are several subtle things that make me think all is not well with Robchin and Kody. Her twitter pic is of her and Dayton and it's been awhile since it has been a pic of she and Kody. Crickets on her twitter surrounding their anniversary and Meri's syrupy Happy Anniversary to them just reeks of passive aggressiveness like she knows their relationship is suffering right now and she rubbed that right in. And I just don't think that Robyn has the character to "keep sweet" during all of these milestones that are taking Kody's time and attention. Janelle appears to be lapping it up though.

  17. Not sure if this is allowed but I found a new train's called 3 wives 1 husband (or something similar). I just stumbled across it and could wait to share with my other living room dwellers! It's another show about polygamy although I will say some of the wives don't paint a very pretty picture of it.

    1. I watched the episodes on youtube and I agree with you. Those wives are brainwashed and miserable!


    2. This will make you smile :

  18. So, all we have heard about is a wedding special. Do you all think the show is over?

  19. Update from Polygamy USA:
    Becca had a baby boy, making her bio mom of 3.
    Marlene had a baby girl with Down Syndrome. Wonder if it's gonna to be her last bio child.

  20. I just took a quick look at Mariah's twitter and it looks like she just attended her first Pride... and Janelle and Meri were marching with her. Pretty cool to see that.

  21. Radar online saying wives are leaving Kody...probably just publicity stunt to keep interest in show and it is Radar online so it's probably just BS.

  22. Maddie might be getting a spin-off:

    Also Robyn posted this:

    I call BS on that story.

    Lastly, Look! Another vacation! Wonder if this one will be filmed.

    1. That story on the mswc blog IS BS... It's like they think we have no memory whatsoever of what they've said on their show...! Sobbin is so full of it, that's not the reason she gave before for her "dream business"... Oh and let's not forget she can have her dream and complain about support/buy-in from the family, but God forbid Meri have her dream to go back school! Go "stomp your foot" some more beeeyotch!

  23. Big news coming from British Columbia today...I wonder how long it will be before Mr. Brown vows to take on the Canadian government.

  24. On another Poly family.......has everyone seen that Joe Darger is running for Mayor...?

  25. How can someone run for public office when they are committing a felony?

  26. Just wanted to say how much I miss you all and to see if anyone was watching Escaping Polygamy on AE and what your thoughts were? Does anyone know if the Browns will back? I can't believe they lasted as long as they did...

  27. Looks like Maddie is going back to college; UNLV, I would guess.

  28. @Hagar's Harem - I miss everyone as well! I check here every so often to see if there are any updates. If the Brown's do come back, I will once again shake my head at TLC's crazy marketing strategy. I can't imagine they would have another season since TLC has put no effort into promoting the Brown's or keeping them a going concern for their "fans" (and I use the term fans very loosely!) more like fanamies (you know when you have a friend who is more an enemy - a "frenemy"!!) I think the Brown's do have a few true fans, but I think most viewers fall in the "fanamy" category. The upside if they do renew, we can all trade comments and visit again through CJ's forum. Happy Eclipse to all!!

  29. Maybe they should do another pregnancy season featuring Kody Brown as the first biologically born man to give birth...have you seen his belly?

    1. Ha! Good one, run !!
      Now which one of the Kody Babes will be his mid-"wife"??

      Miss everyone too, Big Sky and Hagar's Harem.

  30. Anyone know if Rhonda Williams (Brady's 5th wife) ever followed through with adopting a child?

    I was checking in on whether or not there will be a new 'Sister Wives' season and saw a picture of the Williams family.

    TLC could do an update special on them. Brady seemed like a decent guy, not a showboat.

    1. CJ, I would love to read a current essay of your thoughts about what's up about just about anything.

  31. Is this blog going to come back? I miss reading the comments from everyone and I miss "I scour the internet".

    1. Yes it will. Just having some pc difficulties and it's difficult to post using my Fire!

  32. Judging by the fact that MSWC is suddenly back on the scene, I'm guessing the Browns are off the air for good.

    1. I think Sw is gone but Maddie may get a spin off?

  33. Re Anon Sept 7 5.17pm....Where are you CJ ?....

  34. Knock, knock....Is anyone home?

    1. I'm here! I can read but it's kind of difficult responding on my Fire!

  35. OK so my sisterwife's closet updated and that Kendra creature is tweeting the new inventory is her creation and she wasn't paid by the Brown's for it? I'm confused. I thought MsWC was now an adult site?

  36. Just in case no one saw...Logan and Michelle are engaged now.

    1. Good for them! They both seem to be pretty level-headed.

  37. So can we conclude that CJ has disappeared for good? Just like politicsrusprinciple did?

    1. Just having some PC problems. It's difficult to post using my Fire!

  38. Okay, October is on our doorstep, Logan is engaged and Maddie is back in Las Vegas compound???? Time for a Post!

  39. Okay, October is on our doorstep, Logan is engaged, and Maddie is back in the Las Vegas compound??????
    Time to post!!!!!!

  40. The fact that she hasn't responded at all, leads me to believe she's either sick, or has lost interest . . . I hope she's okay :(

  41. I really hope CJ comes back! I will miss this blog terribly!

  42. go back and read some of the original sisterwives blog and you will get your CJ fix!! the writing and observations are brilliant.

  43. ii saw Kody and boy is his hair long!!!! it looks like bad extensions or a wig, seriously. i wonder what wife loves his hair so long now hes giving her dream hair on him

  44. Sorry for being MIA!!! I'm having some PC problems so hopefully I'll be able to post a new article before Axel's first birthday!!!

  45. Yeah!!! So glad to hear you will be back CJ!! Doing happy dance right now!��

  46. You're alive yeahhhhh. So is there a new season?

  47. So glad you’re ok, CJ. I was getting really worried. Please post when you can.

    1. OH GOOD, I just felt that CJ was certainly not "gone" !!!!!!
      Detained, maybe.....but not gone!!

      Kody's longer hair? His look has now morphed from over-the-hill surfer dude to aged, unwashed panhandler.

  48. I just saw a commercial om tlc with the browns in it. i thought they were gone, but it looks like they are comming back

  49. Groan......same old....same old....

  50. Kendra writes that meri is being sued over her lularue Business...

    1. Ooh do you have more on that? My googling only led to an article about how after her catfishing scandal she went in with Lularoe and that Lularoe was involved in some lawsuits. The article was misleading and said "Meri w involved in another legal drama"...but was only about the company being sued, oh and she is a consultant and loves it.

      As much as this show has lost it's shine I can't help but watch the whole trainwreck to it's conclusion.

  51. @CJ a bit off topic for this post, but had to share with you for the snark:

  52. I haven't seen any commercials on TLC showing/promoting the Browns as coming back....@Milo, are you sure?! I asked my daughter who watches the 90 Day Fiance shows and she hasn't seen any!

    I did see the very interesting interview with Rachel Jeffs on the Today show this morning. She is a brave woman for escaping with her five children the cult her dad, Warren Jeffs continues to lead from prison. Dateline is featuring her tonight, she is promoting a book she wrote about her experience.

  53. I saw her on 20/20 and the hold those men have on all the women is frightening. I'm so glad that jeff Warren was exposed. ( for his crimes)

    1. Her book comes out today and it looks interesting - getting good advance reviews.

  54. Saw a commercial on TLC that Sister Wives show is back in January.

  55. You guys!! If anyone still reads this thread, I just saw on the TLC blog that SW will be back in January!! I'm not sure of community rules, if I can post the URL or not - but if you Google "Sister Wives Returns in 2018," the TLC Me article is one of the first hits.

  56. The TLC page on FB just announced new Sister Wives episodes beginning Jan. 7, 2018. Wonder what the Brown's have been up to lately. I love to snark on them so much.

  57. It's BAAAAaaaaack!

    A wedding, a baby, more Cody/Meri drama, a stupid march that didn't accomplish anything...and another Meri project that probably won't work out.

  58. Have you seen Meri’s latest monetary pursuitt?

  59. Happy 2018 to all! Looking forward to the New Year and reading your comments when the show starts its new season next week. Hope CJ is up to hosting us??!!

  60. Happy New Year CJ and everyone. We need you back in this New Year CJ. Any chance of that ?

  61. Happy New Year!
    A new season of this stupid show is starting on Sunday.

  62. I know CJ IS coming back, but just in case it's a little bit longer . . . I did a thing . . .

    Just until CJ gets back ;)

  63. so: show is back tonight! opposite the Golden Globes but most of us have DVRs. previews still show Kruddy with horrible hair although picture on social media last fall show him with a buzz cut and goatee.
