Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Selected Tweets: Kody Brown and Robyn Brown Laying Low on Twitter

The Brown Krew in happier days prior to Meri's and Kody's  D.I.V.O.R.C.E

Yeppers. Seems Kody Brown and new "legal" wife Robyn Brown, along with the original three Sister Wives Janelle Brown, Christine Brown and poor poor Meri Brown are keeping  extremely low profiles on Twitter since the outing of Kody's divorce from former "legal" wife Meri on January 31st.

Jiminy, that was a mouthful! Anyway, never fear. The Twitter universe is still buzzing with the news. Not quite "viral",  but respectable. Look, even TMZ's Harvey Levin has reported this news. That's important, isn't it?

Well, ISN'T it?

And on the subject of "viral", it was an internet article from the examiner.com article that mentioned  "On Saturday, things went wild in a private group on Facebook saying that Kody has divorced Meri and actually married Robyn Brown now, which is his fourth wife." That group is Get Real LOL TLC, a popular (over 2K member) Facebook group featuring discussions on TLC shows, including Sister Wives.

The article was written by Mandy Robinson, who coincidently joined the Get Real LOL TLC Facebook group on...January 31st, 2015.

Hey, you don't think...Nah...I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation and it's not a coincidence at all. It's serendipity instead! (cue the cute, happy music now)

Here's a link to Mandy's goblin free article that continued it all:

'Sister Wives' news: Court dockets show Kody divorced Meri and married Robyn

And for your reading pleasure, here are some selected tweets floating around the Twittersphere expressing shock, dismay, horror and general snarkiness about this turn of events.

Oh, and the Browns and TLC wants to make sure everyone (old and new)  tunes in on February 8th to watch a one hour homage to the new wife.

Hmmm...when is the Nielsen ratings sweep period this year? Oh, it's January 29th - February 25th 2015.

Now, isn't that special??? And what a coincidence!

Selected Tweets

Live Tweeter Feed

And now from msn.com...

The story is getting more coverage the closer we get to the Feb 8th episode!

Here's a quote from Mr. Sensitivity Personified, Kody Brown regarding why he took such drastic actions in 2014...

"We have chosen to legally restructure our family," the Brown family said in a statement obtained by E! News. "We made this decision together as a family. We are grateful to our family, friends and fans for all their love and support."
You can read the rest of the article here:

Sister Wives' Kody Brown Divorces One Woman to Marry Another!


  1. I won't be watching--I will let someone here do that for me and report back. But I'm thinking it's the bankruptcy scam. Robyn's poor old closet will go down the tubes and Kody and Robyn will get rid of a bunch of family debt. Things never change with these grifters.

    1. I agree with you Serena...yeah sure kody "legally restructured the family" what the heck is that, plyg talk for, good'ole bleeding the beast pre-bankruptcy planning...like I said in the earlier post, Robyn is the ONLY Brown adult who has not declared bankruptcy, SW Closet is incorporated under Robyn's name, so as husband and wife they both can offset TLC income with losses from the Closet (plus tax credits for alimony owed to Meri) all while simultaneously racking up debt to support the family with the intention of declaring bankruptcy and walking away from the debt when the time comes.

      Giving Robyn's kids added security is COMPLETE BULL...there is zero legal advantage in terms of support / child custody for her marrying kody ZERO... those children already have two parents, Robyn Brown and David Jessop...those two were legally married, had 3 kids, and were legally divorced...step-parents do not have any legal rights to/over step-children...Family Courts in this country regardless of what state do not take changing parental rights lightly. Courts are not quick to terminate parental rights nor are they quick to allow parents to relinquish their parental rights, NY statutes state circumstances must be "extreme"... (an ATV accident won't cut it) ... the entire "its for the kids" story, is a complete LIE! Sorry for the long post, I had to vent, this has me ticked off

    2. From Hagar @ 3:19 pm. : "Robyn is the ONLY Brown adult who has not declared bankruptcy, SW Closet is incorporated under Robyn's name, so as husband and wife they both can offset TLC income with losses from the Closet (plus tax credits for alimony owed to Meri) all while simultaneously racking up debt to support the family with the intention of declaring bankruptcy and walking away from the debt when the time comes."

      Somewhere, in prison, Teresa Guidice's head just exploded.

    3. "Somewhere in prison, Teresa Guidice's head just exploded"

      Oh man, I can't stop laughing!!! Can you imagine Kody behind bars? How about Robin with no curling iron and no mascara? Hopefully someone does drop a dime to the IRS, the Browns are grifters, who have been working the system for years.

    4. YES!!! I totally agree! They need to be responsible for their own personal debts & held accountable. So just like that, all of them multiple family trips to Disneyland will be charged off just like that! Wonder how their die hard fans feel about their favorite scamming polygamist family now?

  2. I have no respect for Kody or Robyn. What if Robyn was the surrogate for Meri? Would Kody have restructured the family and take the baby away and give it back to Robyn? Robyn thinks she is all that- best selling author, star personality, business woman. I for one cannot wait until she is out on the street with her balding puppy dog clinging to her. Meri, call an agency for help. You need it.

  3. Makes ya wonder if this Mandy Robinson has the user name of J702 on Bonnie Fuller's page..and if she joined that page on January 21. Agree..no coincidences here at all.

    1. AND this is a Nielsen's sweep month. 'nuff said, kimbagirl! This was leaked on purpose!

    2. CJ, you are very savvy when it comes to the Brown Klowns!

    3. Absolutely. There's no room for doubt on that at this point!
      Just read through all the screencaps that you posted on the FB Living Room. Thank you for putting it all together in a way that shows how it unfolded, esp for those of us without access to those boards.

      Now..will it be addressed on the stupid Robyn episode?! Or more likely, Draw us in..tell us nothing.

  4. My thoughts on this whole divorce thing: First, doesn't surprise me at all, almost from the beginning I got the sense (like many others did) that Robyn was after Kody, and would eventually wrangle her way to the top of the Khaos Pile. If my predictions hold true, the other "wives" will drop away and then Robyn will get her "we should have been together from the beginning" storybook marriage, as a monogamist, with Kody. Then she'll get bored of the arrangement when it's not as dreamy as she'd hoped, and Kody will become her next victim. The more I watch the shenanigans in this family, the more I believe Robyn is a sociopath. Sociopaths have a pattern: They lure you in, isolate you, then destroy you. Part one is done, and part two is almost complete.

    I don't for a minute believe they are doing it to legally restructure for practical reasons. I think Robyn probably made some threat, or made up some threat "my mean ex-husband will take my kids!" All baloney in my opinion. I think she wants to be the wife with the only legal power to "pull the plug." And other things.

    Meri is a fool to give up the only card she had in this game. I can only hope she gets a clue and gets out while the getting (and money) is good. Christine is likely feeling very "unsafe" right about now, and with any hope, maybe she'll realize polygamy ain't all that good. Maybe her mom will help her with that. Off camera anyway. I doubt Janelle cares one way or another, she's been living as a single mom the whole time anyway, maybe letting Robyn get her way will cut down on some of the drama in her eyes. And Kody. Well, he's a damn fool to legally marry Robyn. Isn't she the one with the habit of running up debts she can't or won't pay? And now that they're legally married, she is no doubt no longer getting any alimony or child support from her ex. All her (new) debts will now be his too. She wants his paycheck to go to HER and her only. And no doubt it will.

    As for insurance? My ass. Kody is legally and morally responsible for providing financial support and insurance to ALL his kids, whether he's legally married to their mother or not. And if you're going by who has the most "needy" kids, I think Christine is up there at the top of the need list. She's the only one without any visible means of support. And six kids, two of whom are in college. So why didn't he legally marry her instead in this "restructuring?" Because Robyn no doubt whined and cried and said it wasn't fair, that her kids aren't part of the family waaah waaah so you have to marry me Kody, to make it legit. Waaaah. Wink. Wink.

    1. I doubt that Kody is on the birth certificates of most of his kids (his kids with Janelle and Christine anyway). Unless there was a paternity suit for some reason, Kody would not be legally responsible for them. I mentioned this on the other thread, but if Kody adopts Robyn's kids his name will be on their birth certificates. If I'm right and he's not on the bc for his biological kids but then suddenly is for his former step kids, I can only imagine how psychologically damaging that would be for his bio kids (and their moms!)

    2. Robyn will still receive child support. It may change due to household income changing, but her ex will still need to pay. If Robyn was receiving alimony, any change will depend on their divorce agreement. Do the Brown's even have health insurance? Health insurance is tricky depending on the policy and who they are getting it from - who can be covered under the policy. Step children and spiritual wives are probably not covered.

    3. I agree. Robyn is definitely a sociopath. Kody is also a sociopath. The scariest one out of the two is Robyn because she manipulates over a period of time while Kody manipulates and resorts to bullying if he doesn't get his way upon snapping his fingers.

      Robyn's luring timeline is frightful. Robyn tricks Meri into thinking she'll have a BFF sister wife and Meri encourages her to marry Kody. Robyn pulls the surrogacy BS and keeps Meri on board with her joolery boteak dream by backing up Meri's need for the biggest house with the wet bar. After Robyn has secured the baby, joolery biznez, and McMansion she starts the push pull. Kody says no to Meri's baby in favor of Robyn ((hmmm). I think around this time the Browns started having a say in the filming. They start showcasing Meri, Mariah, Robyn, and of course Kody. Robyn takes it further by pulling Meri in and planning mean girl episodes that were intended for Christine and Janelle to look bad. (5K shirts too small, San Francisco episode to the boutique that didn't have any plus sizes, and the commitment ceremony dress fiasco) I think Meri didn't get until after the fact that those mean girl episodes were intended to make her look bad too. Meri pulled back when she announced plans to attend college and Robyn being the opportunist used it to play the victim. I think Meri thought she was in on planning the episodes this season but the joke was on her. Kody and Robyn have run the show all along. The marshmallow fights etc, were just fillers that made Meri think she was part of the planning. I call BS on Robyn's so called friend that was supposed to meet up with them on the Montana trip. I think it was Robyn's idea to call Kody's friend with the boat knowing it would send Christine into a tail spin. Kody and Robyn might have sold the divorce as a ratings booster as well as some financial gain for the "family" so Meri took the bait thinking they were a trio planning the season. Meri your life is going to change after Sunday. Robyn doesn't need you anymore and now she's going to chew you up and spit you out.

      Kody+Robyn=Maniacal and Diabolical

    4. MA - I think you have said some good stuff here!

    5. M.A., your ideas are very interesting. I can actually see all of this happening, just as you described it. Sad. And downright scary. I am not very familiar with the characteristics of sociopaths. I am curious if you are a psychologist? I would like to know more about how they fit the description.

    6. Monogamous Apostate - I just read your analysis. It's brilliant; I never put it all together, even though I watched it unfold.

      Even in all her mean-girl stunts, Robyn chose territory where she had the upperhand on Meri (the fertile womb, the joolry income, the race shirts for an event Meri wasn't going to participate in). College was where Meri had the advantage, and, as you said, Robyn cried victim but still attacked Meri for the possibility of making friends outside of the family. Robyn's the most dangerous combination: dumb, vicious and parochial.

    7. I'm not a psychologist but I have done extensive reading about sociopaths. There are some great books out there on the subject. Here are few ways they fit the description. Lack of empathy, gaslighting, undermining, narcissism, only laugh at the expense of others, always manipulating, never apologize, don't believe rules apply to them, toying with people, playing the victim to draw others in, need to dominate, preying upon the weakness (emotions) of others, taking a small piece of truth and turning it into a big lie, pitting people against each other, making people doubt themselves, anger when confronted about anything at all, etc.

    8. I think that means I know a whole bunch of sociopaths! lol

    9. M.A. My sincere thanks for the explanation. I find your posts very informative and thought out, which I really appreciate. And like the above poster, I know a few people who definitely fit the bill!

    10. Supposedly 1 in every 25 people are sociopathic so we probably all know some!

  5. Legally Restructure

    "Now isn't that special?" Church Lady

  6. It doesn't really matter what fairy tales or "poor us" stories they may conjure up to calm their angry sycophants. It simply won't matter.
    The glue that held even the most rabid of fans watching was that it was about the "group" of them, with all the warts and the fake virtues.

    Sobbin and Kody have blown that to hell, and it won't take long for even the most deluded of fans to lose interest in watching what amounts to a guy with several baby mamas and many illegitimate children to settle down, switching out his one legal wife and kid for another, making her and her offspring now newly legal.
    What would be any compelling plotlines in that scenario? None!!
    May as well watch old reruns of "Married with Children".....!!

    Just think.......
    Sobbin, the Queen of the Principle herself, the one who lectured the other three about love and friendship, the one whose tagline at the opening is "It's like we should have been together from the beginning"....
    Yes, our girl, Sobbin has gone the ultimate hypocrite route, and insisted that she and KodyIdiot go monogamous !! How very un-Plyg-like !!?

    Just think,...
    Sobbin, literally the fox (vixen) in the henhouse, has had her balding, paunchy caveman make her an **honest** woman...all legally married and righteous.
    Now THAT point alone is a sick twist of manipulated fate.

    Yep, they may get a juicy loss tax write off for the Junk Store, since it's very unlikely fans will be throwing dollars their way for that crap now,.
    And they may switch out names on benefit applications and college loans and mortgage papers. Hell, Meri could even file for bankruptcy since she is the only one who hasn't done it yet *as a single.* $$..It has always been about $$

    The show may have finally jumped (or was pushed) over the shark
    And here may be the lasting reality.......
    Sobbin may come to realize that she really should have been a lot more careful for what she wished for. Losing her "purity" was nothing compared to losing her credibility across the board.

    1. I think they'll calm the rabid fans with the premise that this was all Meri's idea from the get-go. Sobbin' isn't a home wrecker--oh no! It was Meri who threw herself on her sword so that Sobbin's children could be safe.

      It's the only thing that will make people put down the torches and pitchforks. Then Meri comes out looking like a proper plyg martyr and we all see how dedicated to the family they all are. *gag*

      But how oh how will they spin that trip to Hawaii? Grody was so stressed out by the whole situation that good old Mer said take your new wife to Hawaii?

      Take your dramamine, there's gonna be a whole lot of spinning going on....

    2. In their book, Robyn talked about how she never imagined she would ever be a fourth wife (or something like that). She said with her status of a divorcee with children she figured she'd never be a **first** wife again but couldn't even fathom being fourth. Status matters, no matter how much they try to deny or reframe. "Legally restructuring our family?" Remind me of how companies "right size" instead of "down size." Call it whatever you want, but people are still getting fired.

    3. Snark,
      Gotta say IF they go that route, my TV may end up with a crack in the screen.
      And if Meri and the other two Stepford robots go along with that BS, then they all deserve what this outcome will bring !!

      Seriously, if they wanted to really spice up the show and "get real" since the divorce and marriage are now close to viral, they would let it all out..!!!

      Let Meri dish to her heart's content. I would even lay off snarking her scarecrow hair and orangeglow just hear some REAL words from her. She is "entitled" to speak her reality !!

      Let Janelle either pop a xanax and sleep through it, or get down and dirty and spew her stuff too.

      And Christine.... let that woman have a handful of darts and take aim at a Sobbin dartboard.
      She deserves to vent her Sobbin spleen too.

      And put duct tape on KodyIdiot's mouth and stick him in the corner next to Sobbin who must appear sans eye makeup, wearing a witch's hat and her best VS negligee.

      THAT would be ratings GOLD !!!

    4. Oh...now THAT is a show I would watch.

      Scarecrow hair and orangeglow. Very good.

  7. Kodouche may want to look up the actual meaning of the word support. I haven't seen any support from his "fans". Everyone is pissed off and disgusted.

    Restructuring our family? Watch out Janelle and Christine, you may get down sized

    1. I totally agree- he needs to start reading the fan comments because this "legal restructure" isn't going over too well! Looks like it backfired in his face actually.

    2. They are downsizing, they have both lost weight. Rim shot.

  8. Legally restructure? What does that even mean? I'm completely at a loss. I hope Meri takes him to the cleaners.

  9. Legally restructure? so this polygamy thing did not work out so well after all...what are they trying to avoid or use a marriage license for? they have some splainin to do! if you can believe a word they say

  10. I was kind of a live and let live person when it came to this show, but now it just all feels so yucky. I don't care who you are divorce hurts. It had to have been extremely painful for Meri to sign those papers.

    And I think you are on to something with the mysterious leaks right before the ratings period. I wonder if the ratings have been declining. I did a quick search but I couldn't find any recent ratings on the show.

    How do we know that Sobin and Kerbi (ha) went to Hawaii for their second honeymoon? That sounds more like a real wedding then a re-org for legal purposes.

  11. They'll be getting no ratings from me Sunday. Walking Dead is coming back. I'm even more disgusted than before. These ppl will do anything to make money. Janelle and Christine need to leave Kody asap. That's some serious low self-esteem.

    1. I'm with you creole cutie!! Daryl has better hair in the zombie apocalypse than Kody could ever hope for. Ha!

    2. I am with you creole! Walking Dead is coming back on and that is my Sunday night show....how funny is it that we would rather watch a bunch of "dead" people stumbling around than this fame/money crazed bunch!

    3. Lol RIGHT! Darryl's hair is far better than Kody's. Once Walking Dead is on sister wives doesn't matter. I'll come here for the recaps lol

  12. Something is Rotten in Denmark, or Las Vegas. Not only are they "legally restructuring" (yeah everyone who divorces legally restructures their family- duh) they are so full of it, their eyes are brown, as my dear ol' Dad used to say. This reeks of stunt and how! Are they really that desperate. Don't give me that line about helping to adopt Robyn's kids because if I were Janelle or Christine I would slap you before you finished that sentence, and I am not a violent gal. You did nothing to provide for their children that you biologically fathered. Why would you suddenly step up for children who belong to another man? How can they be so cold about throwing away 20+ years of commitment for whatever farce they have engineered? This seems like FRAUD with a capital F and I really hope that someone in Nevada is paying close attention. I am sure that this happens all of the time with shady families but in this case it is on national T.V. Someone please go after them. Not because of your religion, Kody (as you CONSTANTLY like to say) but because you are a dishonest lying cheating scum. Why does TLC pay these people? Because Mama June is too good for them?? Rant over.
    Thank you CJ for digging through the Muck to find the kernel of truth in this sad little parade of lies.

  13. I think my tv viewing habits just got restructured. Will continue to come to the living room!

    1. "Think my tv viewing habits just got restructured" too funny! I love it!

    2. I would rather watch zombies eat people's innards on the side of the road than watch these ridiculous and desperate people. They are not nice people.

  14. http://allaboutthetea.com/2015/02/02/sisterwives-exclusive-kody-meri-browns-divorce/ Don't know if anyone posted it already but this article is interesting. Don't know how true it is.

  15. Last week, when I read the synopsis of the show where Grandma Annie moves in, it stated that Christine's oldest daughters were moving out, Grandma Annie moving in AND "Meri comforts Robyn about her struggles with her ex-husband". I never saw any mention about Robyn's ex in this episode. Did I miss something?

    1. I didn't see anything about Robyn's ex. I wonder if that was cut? Maybe TLC swapped out the All About Robyn episode next week for the anthropology footage? That would be hilarious and a little more palatable. Meri made some comment a couple of weeks ago where she thought one of the episodes was going to contain a bet Kody lost. She wrote how they cut out the best scene. She said, "You should have seen Kody in the car. It was so hilarious." (No doubt it was probably some stupid thing like Kody dancing and the wives exalting him with laughter. ) Maybe the Browns tried to write this season and the producers went back and changed it up? The Browns planned this leak of Robyn marrying Kody and they figured we would watch because of the publicity while Robyn explains "her journey." Kody and Robyn thought the fans would like her again after they explained it all. Maybe I am just wishing too much because this news is so vile.

    2. Well I guess it was wishful thinking. It looks like February 8th is two episodes? The first is anthropology students and the second will be a very painful Robyn "love me again after hearing my journey" episode. Is that the same professor William Jankowiak who moderated the meeting with the Browns and victims of polygamy a couple of years ago? Weren't the victims victimized again in order to purport the decriminalization agenda or was that just TLC/Production Company editing? I would like to hear from someone who sat through the entire debate.

  16. I was just thinking of my own experiences with adoption and step-parent adoption. IF Jody is adopting Robyn's kids, wouldn't there be a home study? How does he explain to a social worker his living situation? I guess this varies according to where you live but......I guess I cant wrap my head around those folks.

    1. When l remarried my husband adopted my 2 kids. In order to do that wehad to post a notice in 3 papers in the area where we think the other father lives. The notice gives a court date and tells the dad if he does not show he will forfit his rights. But they know where he is so that shouldn't be a problem. My kids were 7 and 3 at the time and the judge interviewed them without our presence to see if they wanted to be adopted my my husband. Then the judge turned to my husband and asked him if he was willing to care for them as if they were his own with all that it entails, like health insurance , school etc.

  17. I hope Sobbin's is sitting in front of her computer reading to Grody everything on the 'net that is being said about this whole circus of crap. (I'm not certain Grody can read)

    Can you just hear her boo hooing about how we all have it wrong! Grody is a saint for saving her children from that man (you know the one, the kids' actual father) and she is not a home wrecker! This was all Meri's idea to save poor little her!

    She will sob uncontrollably as she recounts all the horrible things that were said based solely on everyone's prejudice against their religion....

    1. That's what Robyn was doing the morning Janelle was driving to Maddie to college. It was the day after the venture capital bomb. Kody was tending to "business" related issues and was really irritated which rubbed off on Janelle. You can see it in the tweets. If only I could be a fly on the wall while they try and tackle the fallout from this!

    2. I'm not sure Robyn can read either. I've always gotten the impression she thinks very highly of herself and thinks she is "better" than they other wives. She's definitely an attention whore regardless of what is going on with any of the other "wives" or even the children. She has been in completion with them all from the beginning throwing herself and her children at Kody. Always notice me, notice me. Her oldest daughter is going to be trouble but she is only following the example shown by her mother. She is also notice me, notice me to the point where it should throw some flags to someone around her if they didn't all have their heads up kody's ass. I guess she could end up eventually being another one of his wives couldn't she? The whole thing is sick and twisted and gives me the creeps.

  18. Monogamous CharlotteFebruary 3, 2015 at 3:41 PM

    I think I'm going to legally restructure my household, too.

    First, I'll declare our third of an acre of land an independent nation.

    Then, I'll declare the dog the King.

    The kids will be ambassadors to the neighboring countries.

    If anyone of our neighbor nations have a problem with this they can ask the ambassadors to present their issues to the king.

    Since it's a fairly small nation with the wealth held in the hands of the people, rather than the government, the "people" shall be in Disneyland.

    1. Monogamous Charlotte ,Thanks a lot I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. Lucky I go as Anonymous.

    2. I just. I just couldn't take that seriously.

      I suppose, now all Meri has to do is "consciously uncouple" from the other four adults in their marriage and she can be free as a bird!

    3. Rare poster but reading your comment I nearly died. Best laugh of my day so far, however Harvey the Cat would be our sovereign ;)

    4. OMG, that was so funny!! Thanks for a great laugh

  19. Kody says "legally restructure our family" as if it's a technicality, and then he thanks family, friends and fans for support. Well, if it's a technicality, why the support? Also,we haven't seen many friends or family (or fans) on the show. The family is delusional.

    Reading Meri's quotes drives home for me that she should return to the workforce and school as a de-programmed divorcee and beat the other SWs to the tell-all. She'll need a better publicist, and she needs to strike at the end of the season, because sympathy for her is at the highest. All her crying talking heads would probably be quite dramatic during the book tour, and she could coordinate with VLL concert tours and bakery appearances.

    1. I never thought of this . The only problem is how do you know if she really left or it is a ploy.

  20. On Big Love (which Kody obviously idolizes), Bill divorced his first wife to legally marry the second so he could adopt her child by a previous marriage. Obviously, legal marriage is just a government tool to Plygs, to use as needed. They really believe the Celestial spiritual Marriages are just as morally binding. Those brought up in polygamy are taught to use the System to their advantage. I remember Kody's name could only be on Meri's mortgage. I think only he and Janelle understand the complexities of their family finances. Their main source of income is the family 'Entertainment' corporation which is a place to plunk their tv money and divvy it out as 'salaries.' Less taxes that way. I do remember last year Kody thought the teens should pay for their own college (he was quite selfish about it - wives were mad) then this year, the teens suddenly have enough money to live in nice apartments and/or pay out of state tuition. Maybe they got their own lawyer to get their piece of the pie. You must admit the teens are more interesting television than the wives making white-trash meals and overspending at the party store for the 20+ birthday parties per year. Ugh.

    1. "They really believe the Celestial spiritual Marriages are just as morally binding."

      Even though 50% of his faux wive were already sealed to another man.....I love it when they wax poetic about how our marriages are eternal...I mean, except for that pesky one Janelle had with Meri's brother and that short stint Robyn did with the father of her children...

    2. I just realized all the Browns now have legal marriages/divorces on file except Christine. I wonder if this high percentage is common in other polygamist families?

    3. Exactly snarkaholic ,their magic tricks don't work on you

    4. I wonder how often this happens in polygamous relationships. Kody may be imitating Big Love, but Big Love could have been art imitating life.


    5. "....but Big Love could have been art imitating life."

      Could be that HBO did their homework well and wrote scripts that accurately replicated what really does go on in the Land of Plygs..

    6. IIRC, Kody wasn't against helping the kids pay for college. He *was* against the idea of Mariah overspending on a private school while Aspyn and Logan went to the local state u. He made it very clear that if Meri/scholarships/work study couldn't make up the difference, Mariah would have to take out her own loans. I think he was trying to scare her into making a better college choice, but it obviously didn't work. Oh well - it's well and truly Meri's and Mariah's problem now!

    7. That tv show, The L Word, and the tv show, The Real L Word, did just that. The first show was about a made-up group of L.A. LBGT women, while the second was a reality-based show of the same.

    8. Bill could not adopt Carolyn until one of them confessed her grandma and new mother killed the father and Bill was helping with the cover up. Can't adopt her from jail. And with the criminal case they put the logical protection into place should something happen to Nikki naming Barb as guardian. Which again would not work unless someone fessed up that JJ was burned alive in the clinic where Bill and Nikki and Grandma/new mom had just been. When a parent died they go to the other parent. They don't stay with a step parent. Unless the bio parent agrees with the set up.

      I wonder dad seems to have limited their involvement with taping. Could that be the problem? Or horrors could he be remarried? What suddenly happened several years after divorce and several years after being on realitty TV with the kids almost grown to make this suddenly an issue. They all pay for their own health insurance. Unless their real dad covered the kids? Kody is not the money maker. Really makes no sense. If robyn is the one with no bancruptcy why would she have the most trouble keeping the home that marrying someone with one would be a good financial move?

  21. IMHO, Kody does what Kody wants. Then, he "sells" it to his wives. If he thinks he needs to, he "sells" it to his audience.

    Remember the move to Las Vegas. Kody claimed that he feared prosecution by the district attorney. He didn't hire a lawyer to advise him or confer with the district attorney. Instead, he uprooted his four wives and seventeen children and moved to Las Vegas. Later, Janelle admited that he had wanted to move to Las Vegas for quite a while. Did he really fear prosecution or was that just an excuse? I'll let you decide.

    I wouldn't be surprised if he relied on some imaginary or possible future event to justify marrying Robyn. Picture this: Kody on the couch, beady eyes darting in every direction, talking about Robyn's children. David Jessop (Robyn's ex) MAY remarry someday. Afterwards, he MIGHT seek custody. The judge MIGHT consider giving him custody because he could offer the children a two-parent family. Oh no! Kody must marry Robyn right away to save the children! If polygamy were legal and discriminated against, he wouldn't have to restructure his family. He is persecuted.

    Emotionally mature Robyn understands that her marriage may be difficult for her sister wives. It may be painful for them to watch her and Kody in their post-marital bliss. Sweet, sensitive Robyn proposes that she and Kody run off to Hawaii so her poor sister wives don't have to watch. She is stealth.

    Ratings galore and Kody paints himself as a hero, saving Robyn's children.

    Personally, I can't watch anymore. I watched from the start out of voyeuristic curiosity. Then, I watched to yell at Kody and throw potato chips at the TV. Then, I watched to laugh at them. Yeah, I'm going to hell.

    At this point, it is just plain uncomfortable to watch. I can't watch while the emotional abuse is heaped on Meri and Christine. It is like watching a man whip a dog. I can't stomach it.

    1. I thought this was a bad concept from the beginning -but I grew fond of the teens. Now I can't even begin to think what they learned as a result of these events. Legal marriage/divirce arent just pieces is paper - they are mindsets and emotional sea changes. Ones that can't be explained without being experienced. This sets into motion long term consequences

    2. MrSpock likes your name, Eeeeewwww, it is so fitting to describe SW.

    3. I agree, except I think he sells himself these half-baked ideas as much as he sells them to the others. He's weird.

    4. " he sells himself these half-baked ideas as much as he sells them to the others"

      Exactly, he lies so much that he believes his own lies. Tell the same lie long enough and it becomes your truth.

    5. "he sells himself these half-baked ideas as much as he sells them to the others."

      He tells his lies so many times that he believes them himself.

  22. Mariah is 18 now, so Kody gets no tax break on her. I know they're grifters, so why didn't he marry Janelle or Christine? Both of them have more dependents than Sobyn.

    1. You can claim a full time student as a dependent as long as they are 23 or under. Divorce papers usually say which parent gets to claim them.

    2. As long as Mariah is a full time student (up to age 24) she can be claimed on taxes.

    3. Divorce papers can say whatever they want but IRS determines who is a dependent and who is eligible to claim them.

    4. Actually, divorce papers do say who will get the tax deduction. It follow the IRS in that who pays more than 1/2 of the support claims the dependent. If the support is somewhat equal, sometimes parents will do an every other year tax claim.

  23. Whoops. That was supposed to be "If polygamy were legal and not discriminated against, he wouldn't have to restructure his family." My bad.

  24. So a while back, Janelle posted a picture on Twitter of her Christmas stockings. There was an extra stocking for someone named "Sasha". Have I missed who this person is? Has someone come in to help Janelle, like Christine's mom?

    All of this is totally staged, but it still has to hurt. I really do hope that these ladies are finding some real family to help support them!


    1. Sasha is the new dog at Janelle's house. She tweets about her all the time.

  25. "At this point, it is just plain uncomfortable to watch. I can't watch while the emotional abuse is heaped on Meri and Christine. It is like watching a man whip a dog. I can't stomach it." Yes, Ewww, my feelings exactly. I wish i never started watching this show to begin with actually.

    1. OMG, these are my feelings exactly.

  26. I think that article may be accurate on how it'll play out on the show. What I don't believe is that it's the truth.

  27. Of course the means they saved their show for at least another few seasons. I wasn't sure I believed they would add a 5th wife but now I see that happening in the future without a doubt! Ooo I hope she's "hotter" than Robyn (snickering)

    All of this means they have more material to write another book...cha ching!

    Me. Spock: would you have any objection if I adopted the very clever "Sister Lies" handle you coined in an earlier post?

    1. MrSpock would be honored. So you have decided to "restructure" your name? ;-)

    2. Sister Lies (formerly Sister Blister Wife)February 4, 2015 at 7:31 AM

      Thankyou MrSpock!

  28. Just using the word re structure screams financial issues. Bankruptcies re structure..these people are masters at that. Something is up in The Kody Brown Family finances. I can see Meri wanting out. Her unhappiness has been seeping out of her tweets for a long time. The fact he married Robyn before the year of 2014 ended may be for taxes. Maybe Janelle did not do her taxes right . Who knows. When i saw on the show pre views they said Robyn cries on Meri;s shoulder about her ex but the show never aired it. Maybe the ex threatened law suit if it aired. I do not think we will ever know the truth because these people are masters of deception.

  29. This is so messed up. And hearing that it might be for Robyn's kids is sick. Kody has a gazilion kids himself. Kids who need him, kids who deserve a present and involved father. Robyn's kids have a dad too. And it's not Kody. And to cast Meri aside claiming it's for the children....shame on both of them.

  30. Wow. I am speechless. So busy with work I missed out on the biggest plyg news of the century! Have to catch up, thanks CJ

  31. MrSpock's Musings:

    1. Did Robyn go wedding dress shopping with the other 3, just like the first time? Ha! Ha!
    2. Did Robyn have to be "unsealed" from Kody so she could get "re-sealed"?
    3. Did Meri get "unsealed" then "re-sealed"?
    4. Is there a "seal"/"unseal" limit in AUB land? 5? 10? 167?

    Unless there is some agreement with David Jessop, Kody marrying Robyn has no legal affect on her first three children. Further, since Robyn's income as part of TLC has not been unsubstantial it could have have been HER paying child support to Jessop all this time. There is a formula for determining child support that includes income and what percentage of time the children are with either parent.

    Whatever story the Browns spin, no explanation will suffice to make any of this palatable. "Legally restructuring"? That is how the Browns view their family---as something to be legally restructured? Moving people around like pawns? Sad, sick, mean, cruel.

    1. I don't think their spiritual union status has changed at all. Meri is still a wife, and still first wife, for the purposes of their religion.

    2. MrSpock wasn't seriously asking those questions, Anonymous. :-) However, if the Browns care to enlighten us that could prove to be an interesting explanation!

  32. I read the article and some moron over on Sisterwives facebook page is telling people they read his statement and it says Kody wants to adopt the kids and get them medical. Nowhere did I read this quote from him.Spin city

    1. Robyn makes good money. She can afford medical. Chances are Her ex is required to cover the kids or pay for part of their insurance. Moreover, Kody didn't rush over any marry Christine to get Truley different insurance and her medical bills must have been huge, as long as she was in the hospital. I don't like this weird perception the public seems to have that Robyn has all the young kids. She's has a two teens, a big kid and a toddler. Not that different from Christine.

    2. Sister Lies (formerly Sister Blister Wife)February 4, 2015 at 7:35 AM

      I agree, Anon 9:04 pm! Children can get health benefits thru a parent whether their parents are married or not. I think it would have been cheaper and easier for Robyn to buy a policy, then do all of the other stuff you have to do to get divorced. This makes ZERO sense.

      "Legally restructing our family" my boring monogamous arse!

    3. And what job does Kody have that offers medical insurance??? If that is the case, then he should have married Christine since Truely has had numoerous medical scares.

    4. "I don't like this weird perception the public seems to have that Robyn has all the young kids. She's has a two teens, a big kid and a toddler. Not that different from Christine."

  33. Well Kendoll did say pick 1 wife, unload the other 3 and return to the church......just saying

    1. True! Kendoll's comment may have hit too close to home for Christine, which resulted in her two-episode rant for an apology. They were filmed during the restructuring. She knew that she wasn't going to get the legal wife spot, and she felt that Kody was choosing his friendship with Ken over his spiritual marriages.

    2. I was thinking the same thing. If you remember, Robyn acted as if there was nothing wrong with what he said. They all acted like Christine was crazy for being upset, but I think they should have ALL been bothered by his remarks. Maybe not to the degree it bothered Christine, but at least to some degree. I think Robyn has planned this from day one, and now I fully expect her to pull the plug on their poly lifestyle. She will have Kody to herself before you know it!

    3. That is too funny. I remember we have all discussed who he'd marry legally next. I think we all said Robyn, not knowing that dork would actually go through with it.

  34. Hmm...we have a Darger Family tweet today..."Making permanent decisions for your family based upon temporary feelings is seldom wise."

    Could this be in relation to the Brown Khaos?? Papa Joe knows what's up.

    1. Yep, it has to be. The Dargers have more integrity that the Browns. I can't ever see Joe doing this.

    2. Haha ... I bet it's a passive aggressive shot at the Browns! It's true though!

    3. I don't see Brady doing something like that either. Whatever their faults, both Brady and Joe, they seem to have it more together and get things actually done!

    4. Sounds like a Chinese fortune cookie.

    5. No love lost between the Dargers and the Browns, huh? That tweet is not even subtle in the slightest.

    6. Wonder if Kody or one of the kodettes will retweet this? Since they usually like to retweet Dargers tweets. I'm thinking, nope! Lol

  35. CJ, CONGRATULATIONS on scooping all of the news media on this story!! Your hard work and the diligence of those who read your blog forced the Kodster & the Kodettes to break their silence and admit the truth!!

  36. Kody's the king of cockeyed logic. When he gets a bee in his bonnet about some problem, imagined or not, he can't rest until he's "solved" it. I think he honestly believes that he's doing the right thing, even if his solutions ended up being proven entirely unnecessary at the end of the day (like the move to Vegas).

    I can totally see Kody convincing himself and everybody else in the family that Robyn's kids needed the security of a legal stepfather, even if the courts don't give a shit and the only Brown who seemed to have an issue with the Jessop kids' status was Kody (and maybe Robyn). The others may not fully buy it, but I'm sure they'd rather let Dude have his way instead of running the risk of looking petty by splitting hairs over the formalities of legal marriage, which isn't supposed to be that important.

    Left at that it's a ridiculous situation, but it does at least follow a logical (for the Browns) progression. What really gets me is this trip that Robyn and Kody supposedly took back in December. I don't know any of the details, but it seems really shady to have a "honeymoon" of any sort if the legal marriage is *just* a formality. If he gave every wife a sort of recommitment vacation around that time, fine. But just Robyn? Especially given how irate everyone was when she got a ten-day trip to San Diego for her first wedding? That makes him look like an insensitive, disingenuous douche and it makes Robyn a total hypocrite.

    1. How did Kody and Robyn manage a trip to Hawaii with no TLC cameras and no tweets from anyone regarding this trip? A situation like that would've produced a crapload of passive-aggressive, deep-thought tweets especially from Meri, if not Christine and Janelle.

      And am I just not caught up, or has Christine been laying very low on social media lately?

    2. Sister Lies (formerly Sister Blister Wife)February 4, 2015 at 7:30 AM

      I remember reading something about Kody and Robyn being in Hawaii not long after the last Tell-All when Christine walked off set and Robyn sat there for the remainder of the show imagining all the ways she would murder her in her sleep. Did they go on a SECOND solo trip in a matter of a few months?

    3. How did Kody and Robyn manage a trip to Hawaii with no TLC cameras and no tweets from anyone regarding this trip?

      This was doing the time Meri went to Disneyland with a female friend and then immediately on a LIV cruise to Catalina Island and the California Coast.

      At the same time Meri was gone, a fan reported seeing Kody and Robyn in Hawaii and thanking them for being so nice on the Sister Wives TLC Facebook fanpage. This was confirmed when Kody tweeted about something (I think it was a wrestling Hunter was in, or something) and his tweet indicated his location as Hawaii. Thus, confirming the fan's statement.

      Christine has never been a prolific tweeter. She mainly tweets about her trips or her kids, occasionally for MSWC. And she'll tweet during Live Tweets as mandated by TLC. Other than that, she maintains a very low profile on twitter.

    4. Christine may have had to spend some time in a padded room during Robyn's second honeymoon.

    5. Yes the family sure have money problems when they can go to Hawaii and Disney all the time.

    6. Thank you, CJ! I cannot imagine how you keep up with all of this. If they were somewhat normal, it would be one thing, but you have to sort out all of their underhanded shenanigans on top of it. I picture your living room with dry-erase boards stacked on every surface, covered with color-coded flowcharts, with your laptop beeping in the background every time a Brown tweets!

    7. You're welcomed, laurakaye966! I don't have all those things in my living room but I do have a lot of folders and bookmarks in my browser!

    8. This REALLY ticks me off! Why does Sobbin get another fancy trip??! UGGGHH the injustice of the whole situation! Why do the other wives (especially Christine and Janelle) put up with Grody?? At least Brady on My 5 Wives ATTEMPTS to be fair with his wives. Grody seems to go out of his way to play favorites. Evey time I see his arrogant face on tv I want to chunk something it! OK rant over, I feel better.

  37. All hell breaks loose when I am out of the country. But, since I am far, far, far away and not distracted by work, I've had a chance to read everyone's comments, follow the breaking news, and ruminate on it all. Plus, my dear friend, who is giving me shelter while in the Middle East, and I have been watching the very first few episodes of season 1 of sister wives, so I've really been trying to put all of this drama into perspective. While I don't think the wives have ever been truly happy, I think Meri was happiest in Leah. I believe she felt superior to the other wives based on her own going back to school, having the most healthy body, and being somewhat more organized in terms of running her household. When Robyn came along, the stress piled upon Meri because she was no longer the "hot" one. So, she lost that status and probably lost the status as the wife that Kody chose to hang out with. Looking at Meri from season one to know, she has gained a tremendous amount of weight and she seems, on the show anyway, to be depressed and near tears all the time. Her only hold on Kody was the marriage license and now she doesn't even have that legal standing. I cannot imagine what story Kody and Robyn spun to get Meri to give up her throne, but I do believe that she would not have fallen for the divorce unless she has something to gain...or her own plans for leaving. Janelle is just pathetic and has no hope of winning Kody's favor as the bedroom wife, the domestic wife, the calming wife...she is just the wife that pushed out four boys...and she feels that she has some standing from that. Christine is not only falling apart for her own loss of placement but I believe she has some loyalty to Meri and feels her anger toward Kody and Robyn is justified because of pulling a fast one over on Meri. What we have here is an example of the insecurity the wives live every single day. At any time, they can be replaced in position and in legal standing; they can be added to, taken away from and during it all, they must keep their happy face for the public. All during season one, Christine kept her over eager countenance and her zealous defense of bring Robyn in and those instances when she was mad, it was over silly things...who picked out the dress...that kind of thing. While I have no patience for any of these wives, I feel the worst for Cray-Cray-Christine and Mad-Meri. (BTW, I do believe this is all for ratings and the Browns are all scrambling to increase their ratings so they can keep their show.) Too bad they let the show dictate so much of their emotional lives.

    1. This is good too. I agree with what you've analyzed. I would just like to add in what world would Meri and Robyn ever be considered hot? Only in polygamy.

  38. There is a site called Kody Brown family the entertainer on facebook one of th links on the page is starcasm . You can see it on the bottom left. I guess that means they are friends of the Browns?

    1. In the early days, Starcasm was the preferred gossip blog for the Brown Krew...at least for the friends of Robyn who ran the Kody Brown Family fanpage (and twitter @sisterwives01). Robyn's friends did this as a "slap in the face" to SWB, but little did they know...Well let me just say one hand washes the other!

    2. Where did Robyn get all of these JYD friends? She seems to employ them like a Minion army of anger. If she doesn't know these people, she certainly is pretty Chummy with them. 5th Wife Mindy? Anyone want to take odds on that?

    3. CJ,
      There is an article on Hollywoodmtv.com titled "Janelle Brown from 'Sister Wives' leaves Kody Brown". It sounds suspicious and probably not true...but I just wondered if you had seen it. It looks more like an ad for some diet pill, but....thought I would throw it out there. If you don't want to post this, that's fine. I just wanted to bring it to your attention (though you probably already know about it).

    4. Agnostida that is exactly what it is...SPAM, however, this spam site apparently did play a part in the leakage of Kody's divorce. Tomorrow I'll post a timeline of what happened on Saturday and the many coincidences that occurred.

    5. Ok, thanks! I KNEW you would be on top of things. I'm not too savvy when it comes to online researching.

    6. Anonymous 1:50 pm,

      I'd be willing to bet you 10 to 1 that if Kody ever decides to put a ring on Mindy's finger , or that of anyone else, he would have to first pry it from Robyn's cold dead hands! Now, what odds would you lay that Robyn, marriage certificate in hand, will put the kibosh on the whole sister wives thing? I don't mean to judge... but it seems like these days when they speak of their living arrangement, I hear the word "lifestyle", now I can't speak for anyone else, but when I hear that word I think more of something that a person chooses for their own satisfaction. I guess what I'm saying is I can't think of a time that I've ever heard a person of any religious belief refer to it as a lifestyle. I bet Robyn is already planning her monogamous life with Kody, just long enough to inflict all the pain she can on her beloved sister wives, then she will get rid of him too, after all I don't think anyone could really be attracted to such a mess of a man.

  39. Wow. Had to comment, glad I found this blog and these comments, all interesting.

    My initial reaction was, "Oh no! Poor Meri!" But then I thought to myself, Why do I think that? Because I think of the legal marriage as the real marriage. But does Meri think that? If she did, then why would she bring in three other "wives"?

    My theory is Robyn got him to do this by saying that she was the only one who would be having more biological children for him, so they are the ones that should be legally married now. In other words, you want more babies for your planet? Then you'll do this. And yeah, I think there was some horse manure sold to the other three that they needed to do this to protect Robyn's first three kids from the other family or something.

    The funny thing is, Robyn's not THAT young. She's 36. She better get on pushing out more babies for him quickly if that is her plan.

    I think Janelle and Christine and Meri should leave. But do they really believe that this is the only way to salvation? If so, then how can they leave?

    I think they play this act that Kody is this beaten-down goofy husband and they are the ones running the show, but I don't think it's that way at all. I think he runs the show. Meri probably had two choices...give me the divorce peacefully or leave the family. But where does that leave her? Off his planet in the afterlife, separated. If they really believe their own religion, these are the things they are grappling with.

    And I think deep down, Kody knows that there is great meaning in who you are legally married to, and the one he wants to be really married to going forward, for now anyway, is Robyn.

    On the other hand, I'm also wondering about the Mormon friend who was telling Kody that he was wrong for having multiple wives, the one Christine freaked out about. Maybe Kody is starting to fall back on his traditional LDS roots. The things we learn as children stick with us sometimes, whether we want them to or not. Maybe he does think that this isn't the way and wants to return to a more regular Mormon life. Now he is free and clear to do that with the woman he really wants to be with.

    1. You may have a point! Maybe this us the REAL reason Christine was so upset ...maybe Kody warns to be monogamous after all

    2. ..and we all know how Christine gets when she thinks someone isn't safe! She wasn't so much insulted as she was scared that Kody and the new Mrs.Brown would take Ken up on that suggestion.

  40. The picture that accompanies this section is spot-on perfect...there's Robyn, as always, in the process of wiping away her tears and looking at her finger to see what's on it.....GROSS.

  41. Not that the Browns deserve any more musings for the whys of what they do.....
    However, since one of the possible fictional reasons for this "family restructure" will be about Damsel in Distress, Sobbin, and her three Jessup children. It is interesting how Dayton's almost 2 year old injury was front and center in the last two episodes. Actually, he has been much more visible in the filming so far this season that he ever has been. I still believe that he was probably not wearing a helmet for the ATV accident, which could explain the lack of any mention of it at the time it happened.

    Also, the two daughters, particularly the older one (who always seems to vie for camera position) have been more present in the scenes. All a crafted a lead-in to boost the need for Kody to swoop in and save the day and make them legal?
    And how that saves the day is beyond me. But it is possible that something about those kids and Sobbin's relationship with their father is going to be floated as the crisis that required the shuffle of "who's on first."
    Which is another reason why I definitely think TLC is a key player in this faux "leak." along with all the Brown adults.

    Reality is that at the end of the day (relaxing in the Living Room), it just doesn't really matter why these grifters did it.
    No matter what BS the Browns ultimately throw out there, only three possible reasons make sense to me....
    1- Behind the scenes, Sobbin pulled rank and yanked Kody... by declaring no sex, no babies, no nothing until I am #1 And Kody then selling that *somehow* to the other three. (imagine Kody BS'ing his way through that)

    2- TLC putting the hammer down for more ratings...OR ELSE !!!!

    3- Or it was simply time to reshuffle the money and debts around in typical "bleeding the beast" Plyg fashion.

    Bottom line is they distort and lie, TLC supports and films their lies, sponsors pay money to keep the lies going !!! Win-Win for all !!

    1. Completely agree Amused. And Robyns kids once again are used for unscrupulous reasons. However, I think (and wouldn't be surprised) if a conglomerate of all three situations were sto some degree intertwined.

    2. And we know that Kody likes to use that phrase Win-Win too! He said it on the couch 2 wks ago when Christine called out Robyn for the babysitting debacle. He also tweeted it last season during the venture capital episode. When they supposedly got approved for $500K. But they have still yet to receive it....bwahahaha

    3. I believe that TLC is doing us a great service. They continue to show us how this culture uses the taxpayer base to support itself. The more citizens see how polygamy games the system, costing us untold millions, the less likely it will be legalized. So, thank you, Kody. We see through the BS and know that this is about bleeding us dry.

  42. I'm surprised that we're not seeing clips leading us to believe that Robyn has a BIG announcement.

  43. "We have chosen to legally restructure our family."

    lol wut?

    I really try not wish actual violence on people, but I really wish someone would chose to physically restructure Kody's face.

  44. Dear cynicaljinx..how do you write a review for a show that is completely fabricated and full of crap? Their real lives are the story now, and they have been outed for the deceivers that they are. The show is not where the story is. We have been reading between the lines (tweets) for awhile looking for clues as to what is really going on. They may be living what appears on the outside to be a normal family life and want to be treated as such, but now the genie is out of the bottle and i dont think they can put it back in. Bring back Natalie Morales!

    1. Yes, let Natalie do the interview. Tamron Hall is not objective enough!

    2. Tamron: "There was quite a bit of public reaction when it came to light that you and Meri had divorced, and that you married Robyn. Some people found it pretty shocking--what happened there?"

      Kody (intensely beady-eyed): That was a choice we all made together for the good of our family. These are the kinds of logistics that monogamists don't contend with. Meri made a sacrifice of love. Monogamists have no idea what we're talking about. THEY get divorced. WE get re-structured.

      (Robyn and Meri weep and smear black eye-boogies on their laps; Janelle stares at a spot on the wall by the ceiling; Christine's face is twitching wildly as she enters a grand mal seizure.)

      Tamron: "Okay." (Faces the camera.) "When we come back, we'll find out what was REALLY up with the loose threads on Nathan Collier's hat."

    3. Bahahahaha ... you nailed it Redwood Curtain. I can see it going down exactly like that. Tamron won't pry. She'll just switch to another subject.

    4. Bravo, Redwood - we all know that this is exactly how it will go down!

  45. Radar is quoting meri's sister ...

    1. And it starts...what's the big deal? No biggie, Meri's all good with it. These people are so sick and twisted!

  46. Grab a barf bucket and take a close look at Kody in the TMZ photo. Horrors!!

  47. Thanks Everyone for you patience today!

    I got seriously behind but everything is up to date now!!

  48. Where in the Bible does it say to reorganize or restructure ones family?
    I am appalled that these people hide behind religion. Very similar to Jim Jones. One day, Kody too will be passing out the Kool aid.

    1. They're already drinking the Kool Aid and it's green!!! I wish they would leave God out of their mess!

  49. I was just wondering if anyone had a chance to check out politicsrusprinciple.tumbler (an interesting site with a very raw look at all things polygamy) anyway, they have an old newspaper article with a picture of Meri's mom Bonnie and sister Elaine... it also has a mind blowing family tree of Meri Barber...

  50. Just read the comment Meri's sister made to Radar...everythings fine, still her husband, only for legal reasons, blah, blah. The funniest thing was her saying "I don't know what the big deal is"...Janelle's favorite line!! Polygamists sure seem to have a different view of what's considered a big deal.

    1. No big deal...as long as you have no morals or decency it's really no biggie

    2. Isn't it interesting that they plygs supposedly don't want to be legally married to more than 1 wife - just spiritually - but they sure know how to work the legal marriage how they want it. I'd have more respect for them if they had never been legally married in the first place, or if Kody had just remained legally single after the divorce.

      Still thinking they have just doomed the offspring to a long long road of trying to figure out what the * just happened, and what it means to each of their Moms. Hunter had a hard time accepting Robyn.... wonder what he thinks now?

  51. OK the Browns BS spin to this shit storm has done pissed me off! Legally restructure my ass!! More like financial scam & gain! Ugghhh! I'm joining a few others & not watching this BS on Sunday. However, I will be visiting this living room & CJs other living room to get my snark fix.

    1. I love your comments CB. They have ticked me off too!!! :)

    2. Funny how they jump at the chance to use the law when it financially benefits them (family "restructuring", getting welfare as single parents, filing multiple bankruptcies) yet spend every episode slamming the legal system for persecuting them. Total grifters.

  52. Monogamous CharlotteFebruary 4, 2015 at 4:29 PM

    I just read the tmmblr link posted above with the family trees and story of Christine's cousin and the lawsuit...

    I knew everything was a lie on the TV show, but I guess I just didn't realize how much of a lie it is.

    They all know that their religion is about power, sex, and fraud. They know their grandfathers murder each other, that they are all cousins, and that their mothers live in constant fear for their lives.

    They know that sexual abuse is the norm weather they are a plain dress community or not.

    They know this stuff. But they play it on TV like getting highlights, jobs in real estate, granite counters, and fake nails makes their own family histories--their own very, very very recent pasts a figment of OUR imagination.

    all I can say to all of that is a big, fat, *harrumph.*

  53. Kody is quoted as saying he has decided to serve as legal guardian for Robins 3 Jessup spawn. You can be declared a legal guardian for anyone that needs it as long as the court agrees to it. You don't need to switch wives. Robin is their mother & I assume therefore their legal guardian in NV. Their dad is their dad. After 5 years of "marriage" to Koduche I don't get how anything changes unless its all about money, TLC checks & ratings and preparing to off load debt. From a child support or tax or benefits view this move makes zero sense at all. On Radar Kodys mom is quoted as saying she was blindsided, the whole family was surprised, that she is now sworn to secrecy and more surprises are to come!

  54. I should have put that on YahooNews Kody was quoted about being legal guardian blah blah blah....

  55. Saw this comment on another message board....no provenance, but interesting;

    So I read that Robyn had a no cohabitation clause in her divorce decree. Since she and Kody weren't legally married, but living together (at least a couple days a week) she apparently was running the risk of losing her alimony and custody of the children. Meri insisted that they divorce (I think for it was a "yay I have a way out if I need it") and he marry Robyn so that she wouldn't run the risk of losing her kids. Who knows if it's true...

    1. There was a clause prohibiting excessive use of alcohol in front of the children so maybe there is one about cohabitation...hmmm. I wonder if having a sleepover every 4th night can even be considered cohabitation?!

    2. No-cohabitation clause. is this a common thing in divorce decrees? You can stop your ex from living with someone?
      Or is it a plyg thing only? Doesn't that just basically mean in plyg speak, no plural marriage? So let's just entertain the idea that it's true:
      It was okay for Robyn to re-marry, just not become a sister wife. Real daddy doesn't want his kids in a plyg family. But Robyn not only joins a plyg family..she joins one about to have their own TV show. Wow.
      SO..if this clause exists..she knew all along that she was going against the divorce decree,in a very public way.Maybe this was the ace up her sleeve all along.
      "Big,bad purity stealing Jessop might take my children away from me,whatever shall I do?" "What? Me..marry Kody..for reals? I couldn't."
      "Oh,Okay..if you insist."

    3. My aunt's custody agreement had rules about overnight guests when my cousin was home. They are Easter and Christmas Catholics so I don't think it's a plyg thing.

    4. Why would a Jessop have a no cohabitation clause written into a divorce decree? That doesn't make sense to me. I mean, basically Jessop = polygamy, right? What am I missing here?

    5. Maybe Robin has a problem with drinking and sleeping around if her husband felt like it should be in the divorce papers. I've been married a long time and would never think of having this written up if I were divorcing my husband who doesn't drink or sleep around....

    6. The no cohabitation thing is interesting, since ex-hub knew Robyn wanted to marry a plyg. That may have been D. Jessop's attempt to control the kids' future living situation. The no excessive drinking part could reflect a problem on either side. My ex-husband was an alcoholic (he eventually drank himself to death) and I asked for a similar clause in our divorce; it legally pertained to both parties, even though I am a three-drinks-a-year kind of drinker.

    7. So it took them 5 yrs to finally comply with a supposed cohabitation clause in her divorce decree! Like my mama used to say to BS, "Ahhh BULLCORN"!!!

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. So why haven't the kids been taken away in the last five years? Honestly. I suppose she should have married a man who wasn't married already of she left the marriage with that. Why would she agree to a such a thing in the first place. This isn't a country where you need a man father to have insurance for kids or manage the details of a divorce to include debt, which the people owed could care less about they will go after both people no matter what the court document says. If she did agree maybe she should lose her kids since went against rules she expected him to live by. Again after five years why would this be a problem? He should have divorced Meri and then married janelle and then divorced her and marry christine and then divorced her and married robyn. It's unforgiveable. All these reasons are not even real. They are guesses. At this point they will keep an eye on the public and claim it's the one with least damage. We aren't going to know for real why. Further why did he wait so many months to get married after the divorce? Gosh we are not going to know. Doesn't matter. It's unforgiveable.

    10. ITA...not buying the cohabitation for a couple of reasons.

      Courts in MT will not prevent a divorced parent from getting into a new relationship. Daddy would have to prove that Robyn is bringing every man she meets home and introducing them as the new man of the moment. There is no indication that she had dated anyone else except for Grody.

      Also as far as alimony...once Robyn started her business, she wouldn't be eligible for alimony any longer, if she was even getting it to start with. Of course this is assuming that she divorced in Montana, and I'm assuming that because that is where she was living when she was dating the Krew. Alimony isn't a given in MT and it is never permanent.

  56. They have just gone too far from my point of view. Not only have they declared us monogamists boring, they have shown complete disrespect for our values. It is one sick, dysfunctional culture. And if Robyn has a no cohabitation clause, well, she should have thought of that before she shacked up with Kody.

  57. I have not seen one news article that talks about their bankruptcy or previous failed businesses. Why does that stuff never get reported? It completely changes the image from hardworking and family oriented to grifter and scammers. I would think the latter image would get more people interested in their show!

  58. So......Meri is quoted as saying, "No big deal" ???

    Well, alrighty then.....no "big deal" for the viewers to say, "Buh-Bye !!
    Good luck on peddling your BS and groveling, scamming, phony "lfestyle" to the few deluded fans you will have left. *You are running out of shills.*

    1. It wasn't Meri - it was her sister.

  59. The no cohabitation clause can't be the reason for the "legal restructuring". If Robyn was worried about that little detail, how could she have put her "marriage" and subsequent childbirth on TV? Suddenly she remembers a clause in her divorce document?

    This whole business stinks to high heaven.

  60. Replies
    1. Another infestation?

    2. Could someone fill me in on what this means? Perhaps its already been discussed but if so I missed it. Also, infestation?

    3. It's a combination of Homeland Security/Defense Readiness Condition codes (used by military). I use it to manage the comments on the blog. As you can tell, it's business as usual for most of the day.

      As far as an infestation, a goblin was here recently and left some "presents". You know, the gift that keeps on giving kind. If you start to feel itchy, you better see a doctor pronto!

    4. They need to make Troll-aids to help us digest all the bullshit these trolls be serving! Lol

  61. Brady and bunch is officially cancelled

    1. Yep, just saw that on their Facebook page. Personally, I found them dull. I think they would have turned out to be as bad as the Browns, given enough time and money.

    2. My 'dang...' on that is wondering if this hole I the schedule means they may have to hang onto the thieves and liars past their obvious expiration date.

      Indifferent on the Williams family, they were boring as hell, but they seemed to give a truer sense of what it is like. Oh, and the head fool actually works. In a real job.

  62. Boston Corgi wrote further up thread....
    "Funny how they jump at the chance to use the law when it financially benefits them (family "restructuring", getting welfare as single parents, filing multiple bankruptcies) yet spend every episode slamming the legal system for persecuting them. Total grifters."

    Bingo !!!!
    Yup, these griters are very savvy on how to work the system. Dumb as tree stumps on everything else, but sharp as tacks on scams.
    Yes, cue the tears and their tales of woe as we monogamous taxpayers get to pay for their choices to have harems and double digit hordes of children.

  63. Unless David Jessop has a) given up his parental rights or b) they have been taken away from him by a court, Kody can no more become a "legal guardian" of Robyn's 3 than the Man in the Moon. Further, a "guardian" is a specific legal designation. For example: " A guardian is appointed by the court to make the personal decisions for the protected person ("Ward".) The guardian has authority to make decisions on behalf of the protected person about such things as where to live, medical decisions, training and education, etc." So, unless there has been some court action here, Kody is not a guardian to anyone. MrSpock is irritated by any such "yammering" on the internet by people who obviously have zero legal knowledge. The most that would happen is, if David Jessop has no more parental rights (and there is NO evidence that such is the case), then Kody might be able to ADOPT the 3 kids---IF Robyn agrees.

    1. MrSpock, you are right on about the legal guardian status. I doubt very seriously that David gave up his parental rights unless he couldn't make child support payments but even then, it is doubtful he would give up his kids. I knew a man who gave up his child so that he wouldn't have to catch up years of child support and his ex wife's husband adopted the child that he had essentially raised but they gave the dead beat dad numerous chances to catch up child support and the judge didn't relinquish his rights, he did in exchange for no more harassment from his ex and the child support authorities. I also doubt Kody would be so stupid as to put his name on the birth certificates of three children he didn't father because he then would be financially responsible for them and they would, in the event of his death, take away from his biological kids. I suspect, like has been said, they needed publicity and they needed ratings so this is going to get it; even though, Robyn has wanted to be legal wife from the get go and she has this fall in her lap, I doubt the other wives will realize the extent of their alienation from Kody and Kody from his kids...she will be the only hen that rooster visits.

    2. I'm convinced Kody pulled this explanation out of his ass based upon online comments that it would be the ONLY situation viewers would find acceptable. I'm not sure they ever intended to tell the public, but we will find out when the Robyn episode airs. Well, some of you will. I don't intend to watch.

      If it was a purposeful leak, then the episode will probably mention it; if not, there will be no mention. I don't know if there would be enough time to re-film a talking head and re-edit it to include this info, but I also don't know how long that takes.

      What makes the most sense to me is that Robyn couldn't get the new loan on her home and needed Kody's income too. I also think bankruptcy for those two will happen, after she qualifies for a loan and gets a mortgage locked in. It is unlikely they would have to sell their home during the bankruptcy.

    3. I suspect you're right, Christine. Unfortunately for him, his supporters most likely to stick with him through the mess also seem to be the "wholesome family values" crowd. (Which, obviously, they haven't been paying attention.) Based on the posts I've seen on their show's Facebook page since this broke, they aren't taking too kindly to him dumping the older one for the newer model - "restructuring" or not.

  64. Robyns gotta love December now. She gets to celebrate her anniversary, Christmas & New Years. She'll probably just declare December her & Kodys special month to be celebrated at her every whim(eye roll)

  65. I hear they're going to come out shortly with a new, inspirational necklace on My Sisterwife's closet that reads "God doesn't give us more than we can restructure".

    1. Bwhahahahahaha.... Good one anon :)

    2. LOL! Maybe we could all think of new items for MSWC befitting this turn of events. :-)

    3. Heh. And we still wouldn't buy them, because they'd be butt ugly like everything else the new Mrs. Brown has "designed."

    4. MSWC could sell embroidered pillows that say "What's the Big Deal?"

  66. Can these Brown klowns just go away already? First the story mysteriously "leaks" & now Meri's sister and Kody's mother come out of the woodwork to talk to Radar Online. Meri's sister hints at "bigger changes" and Kody's mother says she knows the reason but is "sworn to secrecy by my son". Seriously?
    The only person I want to hear from is the elusive Mr. Jessop...now that would be interesting!

    1. Agree, boston corgi. Enough with the mystery----if there even is one---MrSpock thinks it will all end with Robyn or Kody having to take another phone call. But if it is David Jessop calling, THAT MrSpock wants to hear!

  67. I want a David Jessop special...

  68. Now here's what I think...

    When it was the three wives, Meri was at the top in Kody's eyes. She was the legal wife and I guess the most attractive. She was the top dog. She also had the time to keep herself better than the other two and keep her house cleaner, since she only had one child. She was probably his refuge from the chaos of the other wives and their kids.

    Then they bring Robyn in. Robyn, with a functioning uterus and who is better-looking. Then they move to the four McMansions, so Meri can't wield her power like she did when they were all living on top of one another. She can't compete with Robyn. Robyn is novel, younger and Kody is a jerk. Meri is not the top dog anymore.

    She's not ok with being second or third dog, like Janelle and Christine are. They've always been in that role, they are used to it. Meri is not.

    Meri decides if she isn't going to be top dog anymore, she is going to throw a fit. Her and Kody fight, they fight, they fight some more. Meri throws in the towel. If she can't be number 1, she'll be nothing. She asks for the divorce and gets Kody to agree to some sort of financial settlement that is in her favor. Because she knows deep down that he is very motivated because Robyn is the one he wants. She decrees that he will remarry Robyn, which he "agrees" to because that's what he wants anyway. The only thing worse than Meri not being top dog anymore would be for Janelle or Christine to get that spot.

    Meri will now drift away when the show ends. There is nothing tying her here anymore. Her religious beliefs will be a hindrance to her but I think she will move past that. I think Janelle will drift away too. She's had all sorts of religious beliefs over the course of her life, I think she will be ok with moving on. I think she's drifted off already anyway.

    Christine is the one who will have real issues and lose it. She will either stay and fight for it or maybe even find someone else to remarry. I don't think she can or wants to function outside of polygamy. Although her mom being there might help her along in that path.

    End conclusion: Kody ends up with Robyn and he takes more new wives and the whole thing starts over, with Robyn as top dog. For now.
