Wednesday, April 8, 2015

When Reality Stars Bite Back: A Review of "Robyn Brown Sisterwife #4"

Without a doubt, Robyn "The New Legal Mrs. Kody Brown" is the least liked of the Original Three Sister Wives consisting of Janelle, Christine, and of course, the former legal Mrs. Kody Brown, Meri.

If you listen just to Robyn, in her many tweets on the subject, she tries to present her case as one of being...misunderstood.

I remember a few years ago, Robyn crying on Twitter how people don't see the "real" her. That she's a wonderful friend, etc. etc. etc.

Funny, but in most social circles, if someone has to constantly say they're being misunderstood maybe they should start looking at themselves for answers, rather than blaming others.

Robyn does have an image problem. It seems all those years of ranting and raving against people who don't "like" her, calling them 'haters' and boasting about #blockingsprees have not improved that image. And let's not forget how she appears so'm trying to be positive here...witchy when it comes to dissent from within the Brown Family itself.

The moment Christine found out Kody chose Robyn's dress

Who can forget how she chose not to tell the Original Three that, after a day of trying on wedding dresses, she decided to go with the dress Kody chose? And if only Kody had kept his mouth shut, the Original Three, particularly Christine, would have been none the wiser. That's how Robyn related the incident in their book Becoming Sister Wives. It was all Kody's fault, not hers!

Queen Robyn was not amused Hunter dissed her
Or those immortal words she chose to use to show her new family that yes, she was indeed Kody's wife when she was pregnant with Sol..."A baby is a physical manifestation that there is an intimate relationship between a husband and wife..." and later demanding an apology from Christine for her being less than sisterwiferly (I made that word up)  towards her.

And let's not forget that Open Letter to a Monogamous Beautician, her blog entry on TLC's own website. In this epic essay, she tells us monogamist women how superior polygamy is, especially when choosing a prospective husband. She asks us if we have  "... ever looked at someone else’s husband and thought: 'I wish I could find someone like him' or 'All the good men are taken'?" And then further explains "...Well, in my belief system a woman has the opportunity to consider every man in our church as a potential husband."

I'm pretty sure Loretta Lynn wrote a couple of hundred songs about that very situation. Lynn's  "Fist City" (I'm here to tell you gal to lay off a my man,  If you don't wanna go to fist city) quickly comes  to mind. So Robyn, the answer is we may have thought about it, but we have the good sense to keep our mouths shut because we monogamist women like our teeth to stay in our monogamist mouths and not knocked out by a monogamist man's wife.

Girlfriend has a Texas sized image problem, ya'll...

And let's not go into how Robyn gleefully accompanied Meri and Kody to witness the demise of their marriage, watching Meri tearfully sign her D.I.V.O.R.C.E. papers. I think a sensitive woman would have seen how much mental pain Meri was in, and tactfully would have declined the opportunity to be a witness to the actual signing.

I'm sure  Meri's and Kody's attorney could have found another person to witness the signing.

Rather than seeking legitimate professional help in repairing her damaged image Robyn has decided instead to open a brand new fanpage on Facebook, featuring, yep you got it, Robyn. All Robyn. Twenty-four/ Seven /Three Hundred and Sixty Five Days worth of...Robyn.

Bad move, Robyn.

She has named her fanpage simply Robyn Brown Sisterwife #4, and in an attempt at humor, promised she has left her broomstick at home.

If this fanpage was the best answer to her image problem, Robyn's the Queen of De Nial. And from one witch to another, never EVER leave your broomstick at home!

Robyn's problem isn't "haters". Robyn should look in the mirror and see the real problem is...and has always been...Robyn.

But enough of me writing about Robyn's shortcomings. Let's take a brief tour of her new fanpage...shall we?

 First, we have Mrs. Kody Brown's "proof" that this is her real fanpage.

Well here is some proof...I guess I will have to put some time into getting verified. :-)
Posted by Robyn Brown Sisterwife #4 on Saturday, April 4, 2015

Frankly Robyn, you want to know the real giveaway this fanpage was you? It was the number of times you used the words 'I', 'my', 'my family', and when you showed pictures of your family - composed of only YOU and YOUR children. Thank goodness there was only one picture of Kody, of course that will change, I'm sure.

We get it, Robyn. It's you. Thanks.

Then we have Robyn's explanation for creating her very own fanpage.

This is really Robyn Brown from Sisterwives. I have decided to do this like page to connect with fans. I know I have a...
Posted by Robyn Brown Sisterwife #4 on Friday, April 3, 2015

Earth to Robyn...It's pretty darn hard to connect with "fans" when she blocks them at the first sign they may not agree with her. Now, I'm not saying Robyn need to become best buds with trolls, but maybe if she spent less time trying to explain herself  and more time actually connecting with fans, more people will begin to like her.  Maybe...

For example, someone suggested how Robyn could connect with her fans.

robyn would it be possible for you to have a meet the fans day. like maybe set up a location for a book signing and that way everyone can talk to you

Posted on Wednesday, April 8, 2015

As of this writing, there has been no response to their comment. [UPDATE - 4/9/15 It appears this comment has been deleted, most likely by the poster. This is the info from the original embed code] Perhaps, Robyn should take note of other reality stars, most notably Teresa Giudice and Bethenny Frankel who made millions by doing a lot of meet and greets and book signings at Malls, stores and other public places. It's a good idea. So instead of asking a troll to explain what they are talking about, maybe ignore the troll and acknowledge a "fan" and their idea!

Here is a lost opportunity to connect with her potential new fans.

Perhaps if Robyn were to relate WHY this meme touched her, instead of just typing "Right?",  more people would begin to see the real Robyn. And let's face it, it would be a good place to use all those personal pronouns she loves to use.

So there it is. Maybe Robyn will be able to rehabilitate her image, much like she rehabilitated her credit rating in order to obtain financing for her McMansion.

But it's going to take time, and a lot of work. Can Robyn eventually turn her bad image around? Only Robyn can answer that question for sure.


  1. Robin's biggest critics will emerge in 5 years or so when her three older children fathered by David Jessop are mature enough to write their personal stories about parental alienation and how it's affected them. This show is video evidence of parental alienation perpetrated entirely by Robyn.

    1. You are so right Anonymous 12:16, what Robyn doesn't realize is that by denigrating their father to her kids, she is also slamming them, as 50% of their genes are him.
      By what stretch of her imagination does she think that Kody will be a great adoptive father to her kids. Has she not seen his dismissive, ineffective parenting he has demonstrated with his own biological kids(aside from Sol of course).
      Be careful what you wish for Robyn, this could come back to bite you hard!

    2. I can say its true. My mother said how horrible my dad was and over time I come to realize he had his faults just like her! The only difference was He wasn't around to tell us about hers!! And her trying to get her to be more loyal to her was a big loss to HER in the end. Sobyn will pay for this in the end. It's crazy.

  2. Extremely well done story-thank you

  3. CJ, love the assessment. I agree with every thing.
    Robyn is so immature both emotionally and socially. Her immaturity blinds her to those instances where she acts not like a polygamous wife but like a monogamous wanna be. For instance, the dress episode; she used that let's shop for a dress to rub the other wives' faces in her upcoming marriage, her youth, and her smaller build. Walking around in her waist cinching dress in front of pregnant Christine and obese Janelle was cruel. Then to take her soon to be sisterwives' husband to the store where she tried on dresses and modeled for him so that he could pick out the dress was total hog wash...we get it; Robyn you wanted to show his wives and him that you got waist....we get it. But your constantly saying how much you love your sisterwives on the one hand while on the other you are alienating Kody's affection in much the same way you are alienating your kids' affection from their father proves you are not into this polygamous life as a participant but more as a conqueror. Also, the lack of respect for the other kids blows my mind....telling the girls to cover up; telling the cameras that Hunter will have to accept you as a mother and wife to his father and also pushing poor Truely away from you right in front of the cameras demonstrates no love or maternal actions but contempt for those kids that you so often neglect to mention in your social media proclamations. We have watched the looks on your face as one-by-one the other wives have criticized you and your facial expressions tell us how you really feel: the look you gave Meri when she said she was going back to school and then the way you tried to squeeze a tear for the sacrifice Meri made by giving you legal ownership of the breeder horse, er, I mean Kody. Let's not forget the face you made when Christine shut your private down with Kody and the, if looks could kill; then when Janelle called your business a hobby business...yikes.

    We have seen all of the faces of Robyn...we've heard the rude comments, the rub it into the other wives faces about sex with we see what she is doing. Then, her attempts to bring the haters to her to talk...yep...we see that working.

    1. What's very telling in my opinion is that NONE of the kids have defended Robyn on the show, on Twitter, on Instagram, nothing. Most of the older kids are active on social media, one of them could have posted a picture of Robyn and said something nice about her when she was getting bashed left and right. Or they could have made a comment that it was no big deal that their dad divorced Meri to legally marry Robyn, instead we got nothing aside from cryptic posts at the time from Maddie and Mariah. That speaks volumes.

    2. I didn't consider the radio silence from the can be damn sure I would have posted something positive (or protective) if my loved one was being 'bashed' online.
      That is an excellent point.
      Did any of the other sisterwives defend Robin? I recall Meri stating that she 'wasn't forced' but most of the input from the Brown adults seemed to defend Kody and or the divorce, not the slurs and accusations made against Robin.
      I'm going to have to do some serious internet sleuthing (or 'stalking' depending on how dirty researching the Browns makes me feel) to see if anyone other than Robin sings Robin's praises...or virtues...or ONE just ONE positive point or anecdote.
      I'll take anything at this juncture.

    3. La Petite, I had assumed that the Browns en masse had closed ranks and given the order for *no* feedback/commentary.
      Will look forward to whatever you may find in your sleuthing. Thanks.

    4. -I like to think that Janell is relaxing with a cup of her butter coffee, comforted that in this family she is the mature and sophisticated one.

      -Christine did tweet a photo of the two of them a little while ago which was sweet. It was a horrible pic of Robyn, though. Like, REALLY bad.

      -Meri has no time to tweet Robyn love, she is too busy posting inspirational quotes and convincing her twittos that she is a carefree gal who likes to have fun!

    5. Could Christine have posted the picture not to be sweet - but to post a BAD picture of Robyn?!!

    6. @Big Sky, the thought that Christine posted the picture to show Robyn in a bad light entered my mind too! Also, Janelle posted a picture of Robyn last seasons from the back and I thought she did it to show how Robyn is no longer the skinny one and is in fact around the same size as Christine now. Could just be me being mean though.

    7. @Anon 2:06 ; I think you are right on track! I am sure Janelle has not forgot when Robyn delivered Janelle's shirt for the 5K run. Robyn had to announce many times on camera that she was sure the shirt would not fit Janelle and that she "couldn't buy one big enough...." I was mortified for Janelle!

    8. I will not be surprised to see the kids and sister wives coming to Robyn's defense soon since it has been pointed out. I am convinced they read CJ's blog, which IMO is much better than the show. The season is over with and I still come to this page several times a week.

    9. Butter coffee.....that actually sounds kind of good.:)

  4. I think Robyn likes to control things. My biggest shocker in the divorce episode was when Meri and Kody were reading the section of the divorce papers that waived each other's community property.

    Kody: (dismissively) We'll work something out. We'll work it out with a will.

    Meri: (looks a bit concerned) Yeah, we should ask him [the attorney] about that.

    Kody: (dismisses Meri's concern, clearly wanting to hurry the divorce along) Let's get going.

    Robyn: (perks up at the sound of the word "will. She interjects with a surprised voice) What does that mean? What do you mean? What are you worried about?

    Meri: (Meri explains that the divorce waives interest in community property) Kody's concerned that I won't get anything.

    Robyn: That's what I'm here for.

    It is evident from that convo that they haven't got a will dividing Kody's assets and Robyn doesn't want one. I really think she wants to be the one to dole out the assets, according to what she thinks everyone deserves.

    As for her continued protests that she is a nice person, my sister and I always used to say that truly nice people don't tell others how nice they are. It doesn't even occur to them. We had a rule that we would never date a guy who told others he was a nice guy. Those guys are usually the worst ones.

    1. Eeeeewwwww,
      I agree she is a control freak. I can see why a woman who comes from the polygamous life would fight for control. When you see Meri's strong hold on Janelle in the early years of their marriage and her control over the kids to the point that Christine said she didn't like the way that Meri disciplined her kids, then you can see a pattern of these women. Meri wanted so much control and had it until Robyn entered and then Robyn took control. Robyn's control of both Kody and the other wives is sickening and I am surprised that the wives allow it. I don't think Janelle really cares as long as Kody makes a monthly visit and Christine has sort of just left the room and denies that Robyn is around...Meri's idea is see you later while Robyn has control, the other wives are passive participants. Robyn wants to be the legal wife, the family provider (HA!), and the one that brings the cool factor to the family...I gagged on that one.

    2. I really think Meri is shrewd enough to have financial arrangements made in case of Kody's death. If she didn't set it up for herself, she definitely would have made plans for Mariah's sake, because she puts Mariah's needs as a priority above everything else. At least I hope she did because Robyn deserves nothing of Meri's.

      Also, Robyn may think she stands to inherit a lot when/if Kody dies, but that isn't going to happen. All Kody is going to leave behind is a lot of debt and a leased sports car.

    3. But if it's in his name he can change it any time. Robyn will get the social security not only for his kids who are minors but also get as spouse caring for kids.

  5. "And let's not go into how Robyn gleefully accompanied Meri and Kody to witness the demise of their marriage, watching Meri tearfully sign her D.I.V.O.R.C.E. papers...."

    Oh, let's...let's do go into that just a little more!! .
    That scene was sooo telling and was/is a crystal clear indication of just what makes Mrs. Purity Brown, tick and tweet.

    ANY woman who claims to be "a good person".....who claims to have compassion and sensitive insight and delicate feelings would have KNOWN how inappropriate (and for Meri, surely, unwanted) her presence was at that lawyer's office. It doesn't matter if even TLC producers wanted it, she should have NOT been there.
    But...since Sobbin always blames someone else for her clumsy at best, conniving at worst, faux pas, she likely would blame the producers if the fans called her out for that scene.

    For me, this fan page is a classic manifestation of her super-sized ego and a frantic cleanup and distraction from her recent tweet debacle...
    Or....TPTB at TLC have told her she has to do something to clean up her image in preparation for next season because those adoring fans are needed to *stay adoring.*

    1. just gotta say sooooo funny--the line "Oh, let's...let's do go into that just a little more!!"

      Those matching orange jackets looked kinda silly that day. Weird that orange is associated with the 2nd chakra and personal power, and that an exchange of personal power was in the making.

    2. the only reason robyn accompanied meri and kody was to make damn SURE those divorce papers were signed.

    3. You couldn't be more right!! Anon: april 10,2015 at 8;06

    4. Still think all 4 wives should have gone to the divorce signing if Robyn was going. Just shows how left out of things Janelle and Christine really are, or do they just not care?

    5. "Mrs. Purity Brown...." LOLOL! That's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one. Well done!

  6. I am shaking my monogamous head at this one. Wow. It's sooo hokey.

  7. Oh Robyn, you're delusional! Nothing you do, nothing, will ever be able to redeem you in the public eye. Give it up,'re toast.

  8. Well, the first step is admitting you have a problem..... but all I see here is Robyn admitting she knows she isn't popular, while not admitting the valid reasons why people don't like her. She just doesn't get it. She may just be repeating behaviors she saw growing up of plyg women doing whatever it took to get their husband/dads' attention and thinks there is nothing wrong how she has acted. Meanwhile the rest of us have seen her as manipulative from day 1, and as the cause of a lot of problems for the Browns.

    If I could say something to her it would be to just lie low, there is very little she can do after this legal marriage stunt to get the public to ever like her now. Anything she does at this point will only give people more reason to dislike her. The bashing of her ex husband as a bad father, the outing of Meri as the legal wife, and the scheming to be the number 1 wife and her subsequent Twitter meltdown where she was unable to justify any of her actions only reinforced people's opinions that she is ruining the Brown family and is a little crazy. Now a fan page dedicated to herself, and run by herself is just weird. STOP!!!!

    1. It's not just weird, it's downright creepy. The level of self absorption and pathological narcissism displayed by Robin and Kody is kind of frightening.

    2. Scares you what goes on that we don't see from those 2,, I'm glad we don't but scary!

  9. I am really getting sick and tired of the victim card! Time to reshuffle the deck.

    1. actually time to burn the deck ''' and get a new one, this one has failed beyond belief!!

    2. Especially burn the "we were forced to flee from Utah" card. All that footage should be banned. It's to the fingernails on a chalkboard status now.

    3. And turned out to be a lie in more ways than one ugh!

  10. Manipulative! Yes Indeed. She tries to find topics to draw people in like Janelle does with her weight loss. The thing is that Robyn is so bizarre and self serving that she picks weird things like the refrigerator picture with "right?" as the title. People have to like you first before you can post things like that. One of her first posts used her oldest son's autism to gain attention for herself. She knows nobody would call her out on a topic like that. He's such a great kid. She should let him have his privacy. At 5:04pm she posted to her "like" fans that Easter was great and the family was going to watch a Bible movie. She tried to draw people in by asking which movie she should watch. Fast forward 3 hours and you'll see two fans tweeted pictures of themselves with Robyn and apparently (shockers) she was on a date night with Kody and not watching Bible movies at home. Hmmmmmmm!

    Robyn needs to stay out of the public eye and shut her trap on the program if she wants to improve her image.

    1. WOW, just WOW. I guess I'm not surprised, but at the same time, she should know she can't get away with this stuff. There is delusion and narcissism for sure, but this is just plain stupidity.

      I now have a road map for what not to do when I become famous for doing nothing. I didn't watch Housewives, but I also know to make sure I am caught on camera spending large wads of cash on expensive stuff before filing bankruptcy, so that I become so famous that people who don't watch my show recognize my name. I'm all set, so now to come up with a trainwreck to pitch to TLC.

  11. What was the fan's suggestion? I have a gap between paragraphs but even after reloading the page, there is nothing there. Was it a suggestion to do meet and greets? Write a book?

    1. The original comment apparently was deleted by the poster (I say this because other comments are still there). Luckily, the embed code still provided the contents of the comment.

      Was it a suggestion to do meet and greets? Write a book?
      Yes, the suggestion was meet and greets and book signings...I suppose for Becoming Sister Wives - which strangely enough the Browns never did go on a book signing tour like other reality stars (and non reality stars).

      Thanks for the heads up!

    2. I wonder if she realizes she would come off worse in person. When we see her interact with others on screen, she doesn't come across the best, i.e. yelling while camping, scouring at that other poly family at dinner; trying to think of other examples but I haven't watched in years, I'm just going by the recaps.

    3. Also, I got the idea of what the fan suggestion was from the context of the next paragraph, I just thought something was missing because of the gap on the page.

      The family didn't do so well on the interview that has went missing (thankfully I saw it live), so maybe that is why they didn't do a book tour. It seems like the interview was right after the book release, and was supposed to be about the end of their season. It really showed how clueless and cruel Kody was, and how dense and manipulative Robyn was. In comparison, the others didn't come across that bad.

    4. Two things that make Robyn come off really bad is her constant interrupting and the constant crocodile tears. I might actually politely tell her that on her "fan page".

  12. Nothing about Robyn is original! Even the name of her hobby business - guess what? My Sister's Closet is a clothing shop in Missoula, MT that has been in existence for years. I am going to go out on a limb and say that when she wasn't ordering extra long pants from Victoria's Secret and racking up debt at the Missoula Target - she was shopping at the popular consignment shop My Sister's Closet. I'm sure she didn't think they would mind if she took their name and added in the word "wife".

    1. Bet she only shopped at My Sister's Closet in MT if they sold extra long pants and lacy bras and panties! Just kidding, kind of.

  13. No wonder Purity-Sobbin needs a mother's helper and housekeeper if she is pledging "I will do my best to get on here regularly and connect with people."
    Guess Kody and Sol and her other three kids are going to have to take a backseat to her daily fan page visits.
    And hey, what about *all* the work she has to do for the Junk Closet??
    Hmm...well, hopefully, no time left for any more middle of the night psycho Tweet-rants.
    Mrs. Brown's dance book seems pretty well filled since she is now on her "Mrs. Congeniality" mission!

    But did you notice how primped she was for her "verifying" pic?.
    Makeup/ hair all done up....*as if * she was just strolling by the laptop and decided to take a casual selfie? Mrs. Brown had better add *vanity* to her bucket list of misperceptions to overcome.

    Good news is that she can now put a lid on all those sly, covert moves.
    "Getting liked" is her new arts and craft hobby.
    And good luck with that!!

  14. The most effective way to change public perception is to get OUT of the public eye altogether. Get your ass off TV, Robyn--the great voyeur that is American television will lose interest in a microsecond as soon as they have a new freak show to eat popcorn by. Problem solved.

    Of course, who'll pay the mortgage on the fancy cardboard houses then?

  15. I cant quite put my finger on why I dont care about Robyn anymore. I think shes too honest imo. She puts stuff out there that doesnt need to be implied. Her whole comment of being pregnant and saying that a baby is a manifestation between a husband and wife and u cant deny that sex occurs. Its almost like duhhh lady. they all have relations with him, or if I was a wife, I would automatically assume that they are. And speaking as if shes the spokesperson for the Brown family. Its plain obnoxious. She needs to learn to take a back seat sometimes. She needs to stop trying to be Kodys front seat passenger. Lol

    1. happagurl, good synopsis !!

      She does try ridiculously hard to be relevant and knowing when it is just unnecessary.
      Queen of the already obvious !

  16. Even if Robyn had not had public meltdowns via Twitter...even if she hadn't posted holier-than-thou screeds on the TLC blog...even if she hadn't pulled I-am-the-plyg-goddess moves repeatedly on the show...even if she hadn't done ALL THAT...

    Once the divorce/remarriage stunt played itself out (especially her just plain WEIRD responses to Meri) Robyn would inevitably get a lot of negative pushback from the public. She tells herself that the negative ideation is the fault of selective editing, viewer ignorance, and viewer prejudice, and though those things can play into the problem, there is another reality that she chooses to ignore: the fact that maybe--JUST MAYBE--it's seeing the very real drawbacks associated with the plural marriage lifestyle that are turning people off. Maybe it's not viewer ignorance causing that negativity, but viewer intelligence.

    1. Brav ooo redwood curtain! (as you can tell for some reason I can't spell that)

    2. Redwood curtain,
      I agree with you on it's not as much Robyn as it is polygamy and when the series started, she was the "other" woman. We were introduced to the three wives and Kody all living happily in the Utah house. We saw somewhat of an honest set up with Kody moving from living unit to living unit and all the kids seemingly to meet centrally in Janelle's kitchen while Christine seemed to be the stay at home mom and the other women were either working or going to school and Kody in between hair flips was working. While we, at that time, didn't know the real relationship problems of the wives, we saw what appeared to be a working family unit...then enters Robyn. She was introduced as the other woman and she was moved closer with Janelle's concerns about finite resources and Christine being pregnant and we saw her as taking away not only resources but time that we all felt he should have been spending with his kids and pregnant wife.We saw her manipulative behaviors towards the wedding, the move to Vegas, and in general the move to start a business that took from Janelle's idea...she seemed to be the one who won the arguments.....But, we also read between the line and saw the subtext of all the stories that we read that we saw and that she tried so hard to, it is very easy to see how her character, even the one she tried to weave, became the villain with Meri running close behind...but she still has no clue that her attempts to build relationships with fans and haters should not start with her begging and saying but with her's a good one...volunteer to do some time at a homeless shelter or work with kids or work with old people or in a soup kitchen and don't tell us after doing it once, taking a selfie, and then ending....really volunteer. She is an idiot. Plain and simple.

    3. Totally agree, runKodyrun. I think it's part of Robyn's makeup to have an answer for everything (even when no one asked for opinion *lovingly fondles a huge roll of duct tape*), and her answer for all of your spot-on points is either that she's been a victim of poor portrayal, or she's a victim of viewer ignorance/prejudice. I guess when you're raised in a system that treasures martyrdom, it's nearly impossible to break out of your victim story. No wonder she spends so much energy barfing out platitudes about strength, e.g., the "BE" designs on MSWC and the endless plaques hung on their walls and all over her pinterest. I honestly wouldn't doubt if creating a "gee, aren't I swell?" facebook page was prompted in PR brainstorming with SW producers. The problem being, of course, that she can't handle it--that's why she got in Twitter trouble in the first place! Your suggestions about how to ACTUALLY change her public perception are fantastic and spot on...though I can't see her going out of her way to do much ACTUAL good in the world (you know: the kind that isn't intended to put HER in the spotlight).

    4. Apparently, she can't handle being a SAH mom without help, can't handle whatever her role is in the Closet production since Meri's complains of being in charge of all S&H and they seem to have a webmaster for the site; yet still, she always seems and sounds overwhelmed. Doubtful she could handle a volunteer effort. As if she would anyway.
      Robyn is a "me" person. "Me" people rarely think of "they."

  17. Cynical Jinx,

    Do you know what the Polygamy USA cast is up to now?

    1. I don't have a lot of info because as soon as the ruling came down on the Brown lawsuit, basically favoring polygamy, CP apparently didn't need NatGeo or the publicity anymore. So no season two which is too bad because the show was entertaining, especially when Mike talked about monogamist harlots walking the streets...

      But this is what I've culled from ThePrincipleTumblr and FB...

      Rose Marie Cawley did get married, and she's going by the name Rose Marie Knudson now on FB. Which is the last of her bonus mom Teresa Knudson Cawley. Oh, and Teresa's brother Rob who married the Darger's daughter Amanda? ---she gave birth to a baby girl recently.

      Ezra Hammon (old uncle Art's ne'er do well son) apparently did marry Tiffany. They have a baby boy now.

      Back to Teresa Knudson Cawley (married to Michael Cawley), I think I read she had another baby. Just another little one Mike can house in the shipping container housing he built in his backyard.

      I read somewhere that Becca (married to Isaiah and sisterwife to Margene, and first cousin to that Hyrum) had a baby recently.

      I don't have any info on Hyrum and Kellie. Pity... I want to know if Hyrum brought in a 2nd wife yet...

      That's all I can think of right now...

    2. Thank you for the update. I hope Rose Marie is happy she turned herself in. She is an adult and changed her name. She could not have married an old man already married?

  18. @RunKodyRun, wonderful summary! I couldn't have said it better myself. Robyn was always going to look like the bad guy coming into the Brown family the way TLC set it up, and she has certainly done nothing to make her image look any better.

  19. The posts to #4's page are getting entertaining. People are complaining about questions not being answered and posts being deleted. Earlier Sobyn had defended blocking and deleting when the person is obviously a "hater" (second verse, same as the first). She asks haters to leave her page. Kendra jumps up and stirs things up wherever she can. And Sobyn, predictably, has been AWOL for about a week now.

    1. "And Sobyn, predictably, has been AWOL for about a week now."

      Is anyone surprised?
      Sobbin has a pattern of putting herself out there in all her glib selfness. and then turning tail, disappearing.into her "poor me" sanctuary when she attracts real people with real opinions.
      For all her bluster, the woman lacks brass ovaries!

    2. Yep, I think the New Mrs. Kody Brown bit off a little more than she could chew. She blocked and blocked but those "haters" simply came back under a different account to ask what seemed to be the same questions over and over again.

      It's beginning to look a lot like her old blog on the TLC website, which she abandoned after writing only 3 or 4 posts. I suppose that's the Brown Family way of handling a problem...if something doesn't go the way they think it should go, run away from it like a thief in the night!

    3. I don't see any of the Brown's doing anything that's hard. Too much like WORK.

  20. So, I was like so happy that Robyn unblocked me, so I lurked but didn't comment, but then, I suppose I sort of let loose on Facebook a time or two and then I guess she didn't like it so I have been blocked, again. I was not mean, so I don't understand her blocking me but at this point, I don't give a XXXX. That is why she will never be popular; she has this ideology that you either worship from afar and yes her to death or you are a hater. There are no middle points for her, Kody, or Meri...It's all about agreeing and supporting their lifestyle without pointing out the flaws, the dangers, the inconsistencies. Once you object, even if your objection is nice and contributing to the conversation in a logical and well thought out ways, Robyn identifies you as a hater, a mean girl, an enemy. While Christine and Janelle don't see their life as dangerous or objectionable for women, they are not quite as eager to wage a war with any fans, those like us who watch to critique or those who watch and want to be a part of the life. Robyn shows her mental and emotional IQ on a daily basis, particularly when she tries to connect to people on Facebook or twitter. Plus, like others have said, she and the others get all gun ho about really connecting but they are not willing to invest the time or energy that it takes to really connect.

    My point, I am once again banished from the daily or weekly tweets of the self proclaimed cool one...the thinker....the problem solver of the Browns...sigh...what to do...I guess I will depend not upon my own trolling for the ramblings of the ignorant one but will have to depend upon others...those who can keep their mouths shut. LOL

  21. Has anyone else noticed that Robyn is not dressing as conservatively as she used to? In one of her FB pictures, she is actually showing some cleavage. What happened to the Brown Family's beliefs that women should be covered and not let anything to the imagination?

    1. Maybe the New Mrs. Brown is intending to change up some things in Kodyworld, just because she can.

      Or maybe Kody has issued a special attire dispensation for his new bride.
      Is Kody a cleavage kind of guy ??

      Or....maybe Sobbin has been a counterfeit plyg-wife all along, and it is time to get some use out of those lacy VS push up bras.

  22. She changes her dress code like they change their beliefs to go with what they want that day! They have no real standards that they stick with other than acting like anyone who doesn't like what they are doing is crazy. It's us haters who are aweful, if we would just step in line to the Browns life would be perfect,! For them!!

  23. That picture she posted about midnight snacking was a none-too-subtle slam to her beloved sisterwives, make no mistake. It's a picture of a skinny woman standing in front of a fridge. When you know that all three of your sisterwives have issues with food and weight, you simply do not post something like that. And Robyn has said before that when she eats too much, she gets sick - so that picture was meant to hurt and alienate her sisterwives even further.

    1. I think Robyn's page is all about Robyn only. She put up the fridge picture because she probably only eats small snacks very frequently. I can't really eat a lot of foods at once either and that is what I do. You know when you stand there and look in the fridge that's full, but there "isn't anything to eat?"

    2. The difference is that Sobyn is aware that anything she post can be taken in many ways. She also knows the other "girlfriends/sex partners" will see the post or someone will make sure they hear about it. So yeah I think she wants to hurt them but make it look like she is some sweet person. I think she knows exactly what she is doing! And I understand eatting small amounts and often I have to do the same but I try to be respectful of people who have other types of issue. No reason to be mean to others.

  24. Wow, I just looked at Robyn's facebook page. She posted that she will not be on the site all the time... one of the reasons posted was that she has "several jobs". What several jobs does Robyn have????

    1. Brown family spokesperson, re-writer of Kody's wills, part-time joolry designer, excessive selfie-taker, Pinterest goddess, Facebook princess, Twitter-blocker, Kody's #1 Babe...gosh, it's a wonder she has time to apply her false eyelashes every morning.

  25. one job is lying to her worshipers that she has a job and is busy?

  26. In a response to something I posted, her favorite defender of her honor wrote that she is too busy with four kids and one with aspergers to do anything other than work her jobs....I said, well, on the show, it was revealed that she has a nanny to watch the baby and the three older ones are in school all day and when they are home, they have a nanny...I also added, she has time to get her nails done and get her hair done and get her eyelashes applied, but she doesn't have time to give to others? I am pushing for banishment....

    1. :) Are you a glutton for punishment? You know no matter what that Kendra will defend her!

  27. I asked Robyn about her several jobs and she replied to me. I screen capped it and blurred out my name. Now I just need to figure out how to crop it as well as how to send it to Cynical Jinx, if she wants it, of course.

    1. Thanks for the offer BasYisrael79, but her answer was probably: Filming for the show, MSWC, her family, appearances at those Vegas shows, having dinner at a fancy Vegas restaurant, etc etc etc...And like runKodyrun has mentioned, she most likely did not mention she has a nanny/housekeeper with a college degree in child development, right?

  28. In the hopes that Robyn actually does visit my living room, I want to say something.

    Rule #1: Don't engage Trolls. They live for attention and will never be satisfied. Ignore them or if necessary, block them. Life is too short to deal with their BS.

    Be careful of those "friends" who want to break rule #1 on your fanpage. Remember, it's YOUR reputation at stake, not theirs. You are the reality star, not them. Advise them to BACKOFF, NOW! And quickly refer them to Rule #1.

    If you ever need to ask someone to get to the point, or that you don't understand what they are trying to say, or you answer their question but they come back asking the same question but worded differently, immediately refer to rule #1.

    It's a simple rule to follow, and very very effective.

    1. I didn't even know what a troll was until I came here and you referenced it. I looked it up in Wiki (what else?) and am still a bit vague. I got a better idea when reading some comments on Realitea or somewhere like that where someone kept responding with crazy "you are the spawn of hell, the whore of Babylon and I will rain down fire from above" comments that didn't even seem to be addressed to anyone. Is that a troll? And in Robyn's case, she is so quick take any question that is a follow-up to one of her versions of reality as a "hater," So how can she distinguish a troll from someone frustrated and trying to get a straight answer?

      Any troll enlightenment is appreciated.

      With the FB page and being "so busy", I keep thinking of the commercial with kids pleading with their parents to take one more vacation day. One girl who seems like she is already an adult emphasizes, "They are PAID VACATION days!"I feel like posting, YOU STARTED THE FB PAGE! You knew how busy you are, you were the one who said you would interact with folks and let them see the "real" Robyn. And then get all pissy when people want to interact, Sorry, "sweetie", I think the real Robyn is on display after all. I have problems accepting the reality of my weight, but I don't go on FB and invite all comers to engage me on it. Face it Robyn, you have so many "realities" that you are juggling, FB is too much work. I agree with those who say she should shut up and stay out of public eye to improve her image. Of course, wouldn't be so entertaining would it?

    2. Any troll enlightenment is appreciated.

      Rule #1 will give you all the info you need. A troll keeps coming back again and again and again if they are given an iota of attention. If they are ignored, they will starve and eventually leave for another venue. They crave attention. See anon 12:17 below for an example.

      Case in point. The trolls that inhabit the TLC Official Sister Wives fanpage are largely ignored now. Once Robyn opened her fanpage, they found a new source of attention - direct from Robyn herself and they immediately flew over there. Basically, as long as she's feeding them with attention, they will stay and disrupt her fanpage.

  29. Cynical Jinx - I think it's quite ironic, not to mention hypocritical, that enjoy speaking condescendingly about the "trolls" yet here you are, someone with a blog entirely devoted to snarking and making fun of the Brown family, even going so far as to using a very unflattering picture of Robyn as your profile/avatar pic. Do you see the irony here? You spend countless hours (and have for years now), obsessively copying/pasting their many tweets to your 'living room' (stalker much?), only to use them as fodder for your condescending snark. The hours you spend taking screenshots of stills from their episodes to use as material for making fun of them........yet you are so much better than "the trolls"? Did it ever actually occur to you that the vast majority of your "living room guests" are actually many of the trolls you look down your nose at? And how rich of you to be so concerned with Robyn's welfare that you have taken time out of your busy Brown family obsession to so lovingly post helpful hints to her about "Rule #1 - Don't engage Trolls." Absolutely hilarious coming from someone who regularly mocks Robyn by virtue of using a really horrible picture of her as your avatar. You are just a different kind of troll, but still a troll - so get over yourself.

    1. Cynical Jinx - I think it's quite ironic, not to mention hypocritical, that enjoy speaking condescendingly about the "trolls" yet here you are, someone with a blog entirely devoted to snarking and making fun of the Brown family, even going so far as to using a very unflattering picture of Robyn as your profile/avatar pic.
      I wouldn't call it ironic nor hypocritical, but I can see your point.

      ... even going so far as to using a very unflattering picture of Robyn as your profile/avatar pic.
      I suppose I could use a picture of Warren Jeffs, but I don't find him very funny. How about your picture, perhaps? No, I like this picture and I only use it in my living room. Soooo....if you come to my living room, you'll see it. If you choose not to come to my living room, you won't see it. You have the freedom to choose whichever, but own your decision and don't complain about it!

      You spend countless hours (and have for years now), obsessively copying/pasting their many tweets to your 'living room' (stalker much?), only to use them as fodder for your condescending snark.
      Wow, you are giving me WAY too much credit. My blog is not the first to focus on a reality show (or rather, reality television) and it certainly won't be the last. And those tweets are not copy and paste, indeed, they are actually embedded into my blog using the code provided by Twitter (and Facebook) for that very purpose. Ah, the joys of social media. So while you envy the amount of work you think I put into My Living Room, I just want you to be aware, my living room is not the only group that discusses Robyn. I suppose you'll be visiting the forum at Previously TV. Or perhaps, Free Jinger? They'd love to talk to you, I'm sure.

      The hours you spend taking screenshots of stills from their episodes to use as material for making fun of them........yet you are so much better than "the trolls"?
      Again, I think you are giving me way too much credit. I simply watch the show (which I'm sure TLC appreciates), I make notes, I write my review, I insert pictures to illustrate my point. Easy Peasy. And Yes, I like to think that I and my living room guests are lightyears above the average trolls that have literally taken over Robyn's fanpage. Of course, that's my opinion. YMMV.

      Did it ever actually occur to you that the vast majority of your "living room guests" are actually many of the trolls you look down your nose at?
      You appear to enjoy exageration. The vast majority of my living room guests you say? Doubtful. Maybe one or two, perhaps. But to label any "my guests" as trolls is presumptuous and rude. I'd like an apology.

      And how rich of you to be so concerned with Robyn's welfare
      Yes, I am indeed concerned that Robyn is spinning her wheels by dealing with people who will never change their opinion of her. Time is precious, and in Robyn's case, she should really spend her time with her fans, not with the trolls who could care less.

      Absolutely hilarious coming from someone who regularly mocks Robyn by virtue of using a really horrible picture of her as your avatar. You are just a different kind of troll, but still a troll - so get over yourself.
      Ha ha...yes it IS absolutely hilarious, as YOU came to MY living room so YOU get over YOURSELF while I refer you to read Rule #1 if you have any further questions.

      It's time for you to go now. Shall I show you to the door? Do you need a cab? Take Care and Thank you for visiting!

    2. Boom. Go, CJ!

    3. CJ watches so we can skip it. We get to be entertained by their hypocrisy w/o adding to their ratings.

      Thank you , CJ.

    4. Lipstick on a plygApril 14, 2015 at 8:16 PM

      Mic drop!

    5. CJ,

      Just wanted to give you a "heads up" that there are a dozen or so of your blog members who are regular and active participants in a private Facebook snark group and that your the butt of a lot of their joke. I just thought she should know. They are saying that most of your content for your blog is from their comments on Sobyn's and Sister wives face book pages.

    6. I was taught to never write in anger. So I've waited before posting this comment.

      What I'm doing is a direct violation of Rule #1, but I feel compelled to say - something...

      Not for me, but for the members of both of my living rooms.

      Anon 11:01 PM, I want you to look at the comments being made here. All of them. From when this blog was started almost 2 years ago. The comments may be snarky, but for the most part, they do not demean, they do not accuse without some proof either from a documentary, a book, the Sister Wives show, or from testimony of people who have lived in polygamy and chosen to leave it.

      The people who post in my living room are informed, and if they have a question, we find the answer. Sometimes they go to the "source" directly, but that is OK. I am familiar with a few of the people who DO post on the Browns fanpages. They have asked legitimate, thought-provoking questions.

      I can only hope they do not ask questions or post comments meant to embarrass or disparage the Browns. But I have confidence that the behaviors they show on the "outside" mirrors the behavior they've shown in this group.

      So here's my Rule #2. Trolls will always post in a forum provocative lies to upset the status quo, to start infighting, to embarrass, to disrupt....all for the reward of GETTING ATTENTION. Refer to Rule #1.

      It's never enough for these "goblins" to stay in their hidden group, they are compelled to spread their venom to the next "easy" mark, in this case Robyn Brown's mismanaged fanpage.

      And they resent anyone who does not agree with their disruptive activities.

      I will never demand the members who come to my living room to play "nice" on the outside because it is not necessary.

      Thank you for visiting, now please leave.

    7. CJ, this is why I love you and this living room......Boom! you did it with class and we love you for taking up for your little snarkets. We knew we could count on you to defend us with truth, we class, and with honor. That is why I love this rockit

    8. At its heart, this blog is about human behavior, as evidenced by CJ's responses.

  30. why put up a facebook page to engage viewers and then make excuses for why she is not on there? did she not know what was expected, or is it a case of starting something she did not realize she had to participate in and work at? so wierd

  31. Has anyone seen this tweet?
    Janelle BrownVerified account

    “@Brownboss99: Super excited that I will be attending the Air Force Academy!! #FutureFalcon”. Proud and looking forward to your future!!

    1. Yes, it's apparently true Hunter was accepted at the Air Force Academy. I've made sure his tweet will appear in the next I Scour the Internet!

    2. Thank you ! I quit watching the show and enjoy the compact version threw your work. curious about the kids not so much the adults.

    3. So a child with an actual work ethic made it into a service academy. Good for Hunter.

    4. So very happy for Hunter and quite the honor for him! I wish him all the best and I hope he flourishes in Colorado Springs. The Air Force Academy can give him a.wonderful start to his adult life.

  32. Wow! So Robyn admitted the show was a job. She then gave a lot of details about said job. Of course, she then named mswc. Then she said that they are still working for LIV. They are also working on " other projects" she said she can't talk about yet. Interesting stuff I guess.

    1. Sobbin's been insinuating about "projects she can't talk about *yet* " for 2 maybe 3 seasons.
      Perhaps these projects are figments of her alter ego, SheRa's, imagination.

      In fact, maybe the new fan page is yet another visit from SheRa.
      Come to think of it, maybe her midnight tweet rant was just ol' SheRa being feisty.

  33. In one of those comments on her fan page, she said that on their filming there's a lot of waiting to which someone said so it's staged and she said no it's real but we wait our turns and to that I thought, keep talking so you can tell everyone how you guys sit around waiting for that moment for your turn at being spontaneous. My nanny always said, give her enough rope and she will hang this case, Robyn has enough of a platform and she will spill the beans, the potatoes, and the cornbread. LOL

    1. "she said no it's real but we wait our turns"......HUH???

      So how is something "real" as in spontaneous, if the Kodyworld cast members must *wait their turns* for the camera begin filming them? Filming what...?
      How does the film crew know who and where to set up if nothing is scripted or pre-arranged? Do they just walk in and set up, filming teeth brushing, trash emptying, etc.?

      Yep, keep Sobbin talking and answering and she will paint the whole picture for what it always has been.....a scripted, faux show.
      But at least she has confirmed that there is obviously plenty of non-productive, leisurely time in between takes to freshen makeup and hair for their turn in their "real" show.
      I guess we all should realize that in itself must be quite exhausting and time-consuming.
      Thanks for the clarification, Sobbin.

  34. Her fan page is a complete disaster. I predict she will have to take it down. Robyn does not have the motivation, energy, or desire to maintain and moderate it. You cannot start a venture like that and then announce you will only be dropping by once a week!! Can you imagine if CJ only dropped by her living room once a week??! Starting this fan page is a commitment that takes time - time she is obviously unwilling to give. It is complete chaos over there on that fan page!! I did read for entertainment value, saw no need to comment on anything. I will ask this group - the Kendra we have been referring to, the apparent friend and defender of Robyn - this is the same person who appeared in the SF episode? This is the woman who Robyn deferred to as having a great sense of style and Robyn let this woman arrange the stores they would be visiting to try on gowns for their commitment ceremony? So is Kendra the one who made sure they first went to a store where only Robyn could try on dresses because there were no sizes for the others??? If Kendra is that person then I think I know all I need to know about Kendra....

    1. this is the same person who appeared in the SF episode?
      Yep, that's her!

    2. And I'll add those two go way way back at least 4 years ago...

  35. I can tell you from the comments that Kendra is making on the SW facebook and the Robyn Fan Page, she is not helping their brand....clearly, she is creating and stirring up more negative emotions and ideas against Robyn than she is just hateful and very argumentative and defensive. But, Robyn has no idea how to use social network for branding and because of that, she is only going to alienate even more of the fans while attracting trolls who engage her in these awful fights. Bless her heart; she has no idea how to run a business; how to,create, manage, and protect a brand; or how to connect to people. The girl needs help...really.

    1. She's toxic. I never really understood how a person could be considered toxic (a favorite word used by former cast members of RHoNY) until JYD. Remember, she will attack any fan or foe that dares to say the "wrong" thing about Robyn. Even if it is the truth. And that is scary.

    2. A troll is to social media sites as a rat is to refuse and debris.
      Both are nasty, voracious foragers.

    3. I looked on FB for Robins page. There r so many fan pages for different Robins. (Is it fan page for Robin pit bull).

  36. I am still shocked at how un-media savvy she is. Her last three posts have been in reaction to commenters. She should be posting things like, "I'm making Mac & cheese tonight. It's Breanna's favorite. What are you making for dinner tonight?"

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. On Sobbyn Robyn's "like" facebook page, she announced that she will need to mass-unfriend a lot of haters. Do what ya gotta do, Sweetie!

  39. I'm sorry if this was answered in the comments. Was there or is there now going to be a ceremony, new dress and all, to commemorate her new legal status with Cody?
