Friday, March 7, 2014

Review Sister Wives Tells All 2, S06Ep20

There's a reason why I hate the Sister Wives Tells All episodes.  Except for the Natalie Morales Tell All episode where she really put Kody in the hot seat for not apologizing to Christine when he said how her being overweight and eating nachos almost put the kibosh on his marrying her. Even as Morales gently led Kody down a path of redemption by mentioning how hurt Christine seemed earlier, Kody, ever the air headed, Geico caveman only got this blank beady-eyed stare on his face as he said "What I said earlier was true" or something like that.

He just didn't get it. When you look up empathy in the dictionary, it's safe to say you won't see a picture of Kody Brown as an example.

Yes, that Tell All was wonderful. Too bad it has never appeared in its entirety on the internet - Amazon and ITunes only have Morales' much nicer first time on the Sister Wives Tell All circuit from a previous season.

Unfortunately, Tamron Hall is no Natalie Morales. In fact, in this most recent Tell All, she seems to be downright friendly with the Browns and their antics. Now I have seen Hall in action - she shares the same killer go for the juggler instinct that Morales displayed. But, this season, she is clearly in the Brown Kamp.

Tamron has drunk Kody's green Kool-Aid, and she likes it...

Anyway, this episode wasn't so much a Tell All as it was a retelling of all the "events" that happened this past season.

You know a show must be lacking in content if the Tell All episode is 99% rehash of boring stuff. I wanted to see cameo appearances by the other three neighbors in Kody's cul-de-sac. I wanted to see Robyn actually doing something to justify having to have a live-in family member as a housekeeper.

Hell, I wanted to see what Kody Brown does all day! We know it's not work!

Robyn emoting for the cameras
But that wasn't to be. Instead, we got Robyn doing most of the talking for the sisterwives, even though she only has been in the family for a mere four years compared with two decades the other wives have been together.

Now Robyn says on twitter that it was editing that made it appear she did all the talking. I say, Robyn you must have been doing a lot of talking, because otherwise the editor would NOT have had all those sound bites available to edit in your responses to almost every question.

For example, when Meri says that maybe since Mariah is in college now would be a good time to find herself. Or, as she put it " do something big and crazy and different."

Robyn adding her two cents...
Was it really necessary for Robyn to butt in saying "This whole conversation makes me mad...Because I feel like she's sitting there thanking us all for helping her raise Mariah, and I expect her to do the same thing for my kids!"

Now, Robyn's statement really doesn't make sense. She came into the family when Mariah was a teenager. After the move to Vegas and the birth of King Sol, Robyn clearly couldn't handle her own children because she announced on an episode of Sister Wives that her sister Taralyce would be helping her out. So where was Robyn helping Meri with Mariah?

And let's not forget in their book "Becoming Sister Wives" how Meri recalled Robyn popping over unannounced at her house with (at that time) her three kids in tow to spend time with her. I've always wondered if Robyn only popped over when it was Kody's night at Meri's house.

Anyway, after Robyn had finished, Meri stated that she will still help Robyn raise her brood.

Kody sort of gave his opinion by saying "...I don't know if right now is the time to gallivant off and find yourself. ...When you think about needing something else to replace's right here."

Meri thinking (from SNL)"Robyn, you ignorant slut..."
Of course, it did not help matters much when Robyn finished Kody's thought by interjecting "it's right next door" before he could even utter the words "it's right here." That was not editing Missy Robyn, that was YOU butting into Kody's conversation with Meri. And it is very transparent what role you feel Meri should play in your family unit - as free domestic help being a nanny while you get busy with your online store and Kody. Ask your sisterwives Christine and Janelle about how Meri parented their children, or better yet read their chapters in "Becoming Sister Wives".

Yeah, we see right through you, Robyn. And apparently so does Meri.

And it was a lost cause for Meri to try to draw a picture of her feeling of emptiness to hard skulled Kody. She asked him to imagine if Janelle or Robyn were to suddenly die, wouldn't he feel an emptiness because instead of four wives, there would only be three wives to have a relationship with.

Kody's empathetic look (or was that constipated?)
This went totally over Kody's head, and Meri knew he wouldn't understand. "But you do, Mariah is still on the phone with you all the time..." he responded, with that blank, beady-eyed stare he gets whenever called upon to consider someone else's feelings.

Meri knows that look well, because she yelled to Tamron, "Next question!". And Meri's tears started to flow when Robyn proceeded to tell Meri "....I can totally see missing [Mariah] - I get that, I really can sympathize...[but] there are so many kids that still need love...There are still relationships I know you want to build..."

Yikes Robyn. So no matter if Meri wants to find herself, it's okay with you as long as 1) She doesn't go far and 2) Still makes time to take care of the kids next door...mainly yours. Funny how quiet Christine and Janelle were during this discussion...they have first hand knowledge of Meri's parenting skills. Again Robyn, READ THE BOOK!

The rest of the episode was just a retelling of events already shown this season. Truely being hospitalized (but no mention of how Meri was away in Utah with Mariah until the day before Truely came home). Mariah and Aspyn graduating from high school and Meri's petite breakdown. The San Francisco trip, with Robyn "modeling" clothes at the size 6 or less shop. And of course, PDA between Kody and his four wives. The same old stuff we already saw.

I want to know what the wives think about Kody's TV room/man cave at Meri's house  only being accessible by walking through Meri's bedroom. I wonder how many times Robyn attempted to pop over unannounced with Meri telling her "Kody is busy right now..." while closing the door in her face. Now THAT would be a Tell All I'd want to see!

Even Tamron's interview with the Brown teens seemed like been there, done that. The only new revelation was that Mykelti was dating. Hmmm...that could explain why she looks so much more stylish than her sisters.

And Mariah apparently has gone the way of Maddie so many years ago by dyeing her hair a dark brown. Like I use to say, what better way to stand out in a sea of blondes than to have shocking brown or black hair. Or in the case of Mykelti, magenta.

Robyn bringing up that Kody doesn't like sharing a bed with King Sol
Last but not least, the most uncomfortable scene was when Kody mentioned how he has to remove King Sol from Robyn's bed every single night. Meri's look was stoic. She must have been remembering how Robyn cried to Kody about not ever having a crib for her first 3 children, and how Kody said "All of my children have cribs". Then much later, Robyn talks about co-sleeping with ALL her children. Guess you don't have need for a crib if the baby sleeps with you, right Robyn? And before I forget, when Robyn furnished King Sol's room, she also had another crib placed in her bedroom. So Sol had TWO cribs.

So Meri, in case you're reading this. I've always thought that Robyn would be the first wife to run away once the money's gone. I'm saying to run run away and divorce Kody ASAP, while the money is still there. Demand your 50% and RUN like the wind and don't look back!


  1. I think entitling this program "Sister Wives", when hardly anyone in it is married, was the first clue that this TLC series would not be dealing in reality. That and the intro to each week's episode where the ladies utter one untruth each about their personal joy in plural union. By their own words and actions, they belie every word of that intro weekly. For example, based on Robin's age alone, if they had "all been together from the beginning", Kody Brown would now be in jail with Warren Jeffs.

    1. Nobody said living a plural life was suppose to be easy! It's hard so they can be worthy to go to the highest level of heaven in the afterlife.

    2. I wonder at a belief system that bases its adherent's position in the afterlife on wives and offspring alone. Not feeding the hungry - not clothing the naked. Just wives and babies.
      Is that a reasonable expectation of how our time here should be spent? Just working our way toward heaven by overcoming personal jealousies? How does that make the world a better place or draw others to God?

    3. For this religiuos group it is s reasonable expectation. Since this religion is based in a country founded by a group of people seeking religious freedom, I don't think any of us can say their religion is right or wrong. It is what they believe, and I have to respect that.

    4. We do not have to respect that they misrepresent themselves - a role they grew accustomed to while hiding their union for twenty years. I would not agree that their cause has risen to the level of the Pilgrims.

    5. Religious freedom does raise fundamentalist Mormonism to the level of the pilgrims. I may not agree with the tenets of their faith but I do have respect for their beliefs. I refuse to join a witch hunt just because someone's religious beliefs are different from mine. Perhaps if people were allowed the freedom to practice their religion in peace they wouldn't need to hide their marital/commitment relationship with each other.

    6. The Brown's have intentionally not explained their religion on this show and have used words like "lifestyle" over and over again. I don't think Kody even knows the tenents of his religion. The Brown's can't have it both ways, Plead religious persecution and then be unwilling to or unable to explain the religious foundation of polygamy. They make it just freaky enough to make people interesest keep them viewing and then become a circus ast.

    7. I think people get confused when watching a reality show on TLC. It's not really reality...the show is structured more like a sitcom. You have the goofy haired father and his four wives. Sister Wives is the 21st century version of I Love Lucy. The difference would be called I Love Lucy and Carol and Susan and Karla back then.

      On the other hand you have a reality series like NatGeo's Polygamy USA which appeared to be filmed in a more traditional documentary style. I think that's why the audience was shown a lot more of their religion. Polygamy USA educates while Sister Wives entertains its audience.

    8. Hmmph - the blog is way more entertaining!! The Browns would be painfully boring otherwise

    9. The pilgrim didn't want to practice a different faith so they moved to where they could practice their own. Only they didn't move to live in a world with relgious freedom. They demand those living near them obey their religion their way or harsh penalties ensued. The problem is you can't start a religion, require illegal practices to be included in the religion and then claim you are persecuted for religion. Just cause animal sacrfice is in the bible doesn't mean it will be allowed. You can't stone a person for adultery and claim it's part of your religion. Same with polygamy. The only thing in the US contitution is that congress can not establish a relgion and require citizens to adhere to it. We do bend over backwards to accomate the conscientious objector but we do not allow one persons religous freedoms to interfere with another's happiness. That may make the person wanting to sacrice an animal at the birth of their child so they will be clean unhappy. Or the man who wants to stone his wife for sleeping with another man unhappy.

    10. If polygamy was decriminalized we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    11. We would be having discussions of why so many children are collecting social security in these communities with fathers of collectible age since their fourth wives were twenty when they added them to the family at fifty five, when the next youngest wife stopped bearing. We would be having discussions of problems, just different ones.

    12. Religious persecution...but for a while they were living off the "unsafe" government that was "persecuting" them. Why do they ask for decriminalization and not legalization? Could it be....Government Benefits??? I bet most of these families won't claim the baby daddy on the birth certificate if it is decriminalized. Who could really afford health insurance for a boat load of kids unless they work for the government or a big name union? These poor persecuted people who pre-plan a family that will drain the taxpayer.

    13. I refuse to fear a group of people because of their religious beliefs. I refuse to have more laws enacted based on the prejudices of one group over another. I choose to empower myself to name my own decisions and to make my own choices that conform to my beliefs of how my life should be lived. If you have a problem with how Social Security is distributed then you should contact your congressperson or senator to change the law. Until then worry about your own family first.

    14. I refuse to live a life without snark. I choose to empower myself by making judgments about those taking advantage of my tax dollars. I will continue to contact my congress people as they are supposed to work for me too. I continue to conform to my beliefs that the plygs should continue to have their freedom but should not be allowed to commit welfare fraud.

    15. I have no problem with a child of a senior also receiving social security. I have a problem with a man fathering children over more years than a typical man and wife period can do so. We all pay into the system and have a say in the rules. I do not fear them. I think they are committing marriage fraud. Kody and Meri are legal married. Legal marriage is a contract of two people, usually a man and woman agreeing to cleave only until each other until one of them dies, if they want to go off with another they need to divorce and not cleave again. From the begining they planned on living the principal. It is not for the public good to endorse these decisions. The general public pays a price. Less women, men without partners, unusual take on entitlements and I'm not talking snap. If this arrangement is decriminalized who is to say adoption could be restricted? Would you want your child raised in these communities? To date you have to ask a church leader, then a parent. The other person hasn't even been asked yet. Really that is not freedom to couple. Maybe the ultimate decision to accept?

    16. I have a problem with a man fathering children over more years than a typical man and wife period can do so
      I have a real problem with the word "typical". What is "typical" to one person may not be considered as "typical" for the next person. I think we can all agree the USA is not mainland China which only allows one child per married couple.

      We all pay into the system and have a say in the rules.
      There are specific requirements that must be met before SS will pay out benefits.

      Legal marriage is a contract of two people
      Yes, but how does common-law marriages fit into your definition? What about divorce and remarriage to different partners?

      It is not for the public good to endorse these decisions.
      Let the people and their representative lawmaking officials make the determination what is in the public good.

      If this arrangement is decriminalized who is to say adoption could be restricted?
      Let's wait until there is a formal decriminalization law approved by congress before speculating about adoption laws.

      Would you want your child raised in these communities?
      If I love and trust my child I would support whatever decision they make. I can only suggest but I can't make demands based on my own prejudices or petty disfavors. I wouldn't want to live in a polygamous community, but my child is free to make that choice. It's their life. Like that old saying...You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

      To date you have to ask a church leader, then a parent
      Isn't that a cornerstone of having faith? Isn't that why a pastor is considered a leader of his congregation? What about a Catholic priest? I would imagine there are many sons and daughters who seek a priest's direction before conferring with their parents. And I have a feeling many parents seek direction from their spiritual leaders too.

      There's a concept I learned about in Cultural Anthropology - it's called Ethnocentrism. This definition is from Wikipedia:

      "Ethnocentrism is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture. Ethnocentric individuals judge other groups relative to their own ethnic group or culture, especially with concern for language, behavior, customs, and religion. These ethnic distinctions and subdivisions serve to define each ethnicity's unique cultural identity. Ethnocentrism may be overt or subtle, and while it is considered a natural proclivity of human psychology, it has developed a generally negative connotation."

      Unfortunately, I have to call it the way I see it.

    17. Men don't father children over a 30 year period. Cause their wives and second marriage wives after divorce statistically are not fertile that span of years. Typically means statistically.

      If it's not illegal they can adopt kids into these communities which would be great for them to increase the supply of women. States will allow it before it's a federal issue. A kid doesn't decide where they will be placed. Representatives are elected by the people. The people can have a concern and want it to be legally recognized or not. All laws take into account the public good.

      I have never heard of a boy asking a priest permission to date a specific girl.

    18. Religious freedom in this country doesn't mean unfettered freedom of action. We are all free to think whatever we wish but cannot act in ways that are prohibited by law. Theoretically, our laws are formed by consensus of the majority of folks in the society. The polygamists are part of the larger society and seem to be mounting a campaign to change the larger society's views about legislation limiting polygamist's actions.

      The fluff of Sister Wives and probably My Five Wives to show "we're just like the rest of you only we practice polygamy" is undermined by the abuses of Warren Jeffs and FLDS. Both Utah and Arizona have practiced voluntary blindness to the abuses and tried to sweep lots of nastiness under the rug. That can of worms has less to do with religion and lots more to do with cult brainwashing and financial chicanery. LOL I've been doing a lot of reading lately and am reminded of the old saw, "the wheels of justice grind slowly". Let us hope they keep grinding! beegee

    19. Men don't father children over a 30 year period. Cause their wives and second marriage wives after divorce statistically are not fertile that span of years.
      You are wrong.

      Bing Crosby (1903-1977) was married twice.
      With wife Dixie Lee, he had 4 children: Gary (1933-1995), twins Dennis (1934-1991) and Philip (1934-2004), and Lindsay (1938-1989). Dixie Lee died in 1952 at the age of 40.

      He married wife Kathryn Grant in 1957. He had an additional 3 children with her: Harry Lillis III (1958), Mary (1959) and Nathanial (1961).

      The gap is only 28 years between Crosby's eldest child Gary and his youngest Nathanial, however, it is interesting to note that Kathryn Grant was the same age as step-son Gary - both were born in 1933.

      John Wayne (1907-1979) had 4 wives.
      He had 4 children with wife Josephine: Michael (1934-2003), Mary (1936-2000), Patrick (1939) and Melinda (1940).

      With wife Pilar, he had another 3 children: Aissa (1956), John Ethan (1962), and Marisa (1966).

      The age gap between Wayne's eldest and youngest child is 32 years.

      Currently, actor Stellan Skarsgard (born 1951 and father of HBO's Trueblood actor Alexander Skarsgard) has a 36 year gap between his eldest and youngest child.

      With wife My (divorced in 2007), he had 6 children: Alexander (1976), Gustaf (1980), Sam (1982), Bill (1990), Eija (1992), and Valter (1995).

      With current wife Megan Everett (married 2009) he has 2 children: Ossian (2009) and Kolbjorn (2012).

      To be blunt, as long as a man can ejaculate live swimmers he can impregnate. Look at actor Tony Randall.

      And by the way, I was taught just because you haven't heard of something doesn't necessarily mean it hasn't occurred.

    20. my daughters mother in law had about 10 children over a 25 year span with several different daddy's. She was an awful women, most of the daughters were molested, one son got killed by a drunk driver at the age of 12 and mom was in the bar at the time. Her one son who married my daughter somehow turned out well, but he would have nothing to do with her.

    21. Funny you should mention Bing. After he married Kathryn they moved to Hillsborough and I only live about 1.5 miles away from their estate which they purchased from Charles Howard's widow (famous as owner of Seabiscuit).

      The second crop of Crosby kids are from what I've heard good kids. Nathaniel his youngest is a year older than me and went to the high school that is a rival with mine, so I did see him around on occasion. Note that Bing wanted his kids to have a normal life so they attended public schools. I'm talking about Kathryn's kids not Dixie's. Kathryn actually still lives here at the old estate.

      I never saw bing but I have lots of friends who used to see him on Burlingame Ave shopping, or at Bay Meadows Racetrack watching the horses, or at his favorite pub hanging with his buddies, and of course playing golf at the Burlingame Country Club. Every single one of my friends who met him say he was a great guy, gracious with autographs and a generous tipper to anyone fortunate enough to be his caddy!

      Just memories of Bing oh and people today don't know what a huge influence he was on recorded music. Ampex, a company he helped start, is still headquartered in Redwood City.

      Can you tell I'm a local history buff and a Bing fan? :)

    22. Snarkaholic Fears No Relgion, Only the IRSMarch 10, 2014 at 5:16 PM

      "I refuse to fear a group of people because of their religious beliefs"

      OMG--seriously? I disagree with the Brown's b.s. claims so we "fear their religion". Nope, I don't fear them. I am disgusted by people who hide behind religion in order to excuse their behavior. They drink, they swear, they hang out on the Vegas strip. Zero fundamentalist Mormonism until it is convenient for them to claim religious persecution.

      The Brown's are reprehensible human beings and their show has set polygamy back.

    23. "Since this religion is based in a country founded by a group of people seeking religious freedom, I don't think any of us can say their religion is right or wrong. It is what they believe, and I have to respect that."

      Sooooo, did we give up our freedom of speech? We can most certainly voice our opinions on whether or not we find their religious beliefs to be 'right or wrong'. There are a whole bunch of cults in this country and we all have the right to discuss them and voice our opinions about their religious beliefs. The KKK has a whole bunch of beliefs (and yes, they have tried to use religion as their basis at times) and I most certainly do NOT have to respect them.

      Freedom is a two-way street. I think that is the main problem narcissists like Kody have--they want to scream "this is MY RIGHT" but they don't want anyone else to have the right to criticize them. Freedom of religion does not mean that no one can disagree with your beliefs.

      And my broken record refrain--the Browns do NOT evidence the beliefs of fundamentalist Mormons. They do whatever the heck they want (Kody won't care if we drink beer on national television) and only scream religious persecution when it is convenient to them getting their way.

      The Browns are an insult to all the people of the world who are truly victims of religious persecution.

    24. "If polygamy was decriminalized we wouldn't be having this discussion."

      If polygamists didn't participate in "bleeding the beast" then maybe it would be decriminalized.

    25. Would you want your child raised in these communities?
      If I love and trust my child I would support whatever decision they make. I can only suggest but I can't make demands based on my own prejudices or petty disfavors. I wouldn't want to live in a polygamous community, but my child is free to make that choice. It's their life. Like that old saying...You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

      I'm going to have to question that one. If you saw your child becoming involved in a cult where they subjugate themselves to their leader (priestholder, whatever term they use), live in poverty because they have too many kids to support, have to beg for their husband's affections because he's out having sex with his other non-legal wives--I think you would say something.

      We all want to support our kids' decisions, but when they are self-destructive, we speak up. No, we can't stop them, but you try to speak reason.

    26. I'm going to have to question that one.
      I appreciate your voicing your opinion.

      If you saw your child becoming involved in a cult where they subjugate themselves to their leader (priestholder, whatever term they use), live in poverty because they have too many kids to support, have to beg for their husband's affections because he's out having sex with his other non-legal wives--I think you would say something.
      I'll say it again. I can suggest but I cannot demand. It's their life and they are free to choose whatever religious path they decide to take.

      We all want to support our kids' decisions, but when they are self-destructive, we speak up.
      There's only so much one can do. They are adults and free to make their own decisions what religion they may choose to follow.

      We all want to support our kids' decisions, but when they are self-destructive, we speak up. No, we can't stop them, but you try to speak reason.
      I will not tell my children what religion they should follow. If they want to be Mormon, or Buddhist or Muslim with sisterwives - that is their decision to make.

    27. And my broken record refrain--the Browns do NOT evidence the beliefs of fundamentalist Mormons. They do whatever the heck they want (Kody won't care if we drink beer on national television)
      Not all Fundamentalist Mormons follow the Words of Wisdom section of the Doctrines and Covenants. We've already seen that some of the fundamentalists in the Second Ward (Centennial Park) drink wine and shots of tequila (Polygamy, USA).

      As far as Kody Brown is concerned, my understanding is that the Apostolic United Brethren (AUB) did not approve Kody Brown to mention, or discuss their religion on the reality show.

      What I hold Kody Brown in contempt for, was his running away instead of staying in Utah and fighting for what he believed. If he had stayed in Utah, defying the authorities and the law he felt was unjust I would respect him. Instead he took the easy way out and ran to Las Vegas. So many people died defending their freedoms, and he ran. I don't blame his religion for his actions, I BLAME THE MAN!

      So I think it would be prudent to say let's just agree to disagree and move forward.

    28. That should be Doctrine and Covenants.

    29. I'm going to have to question that one.
      I appreciate your voicing your opinion.

      And that, my dear Cynical, is why I enjoy your site!

  2. I want the math question answered. They want all their kids to live the lifestyle while accepting that all of them won't. I know they won't throw anyone out but there is no way all of their children can live plural marriage. The gender ratio just doesn't add up. I wish they would be honest and not only admit they can not make them chose this, even if their children all wanted this it's mathematically impossible for all their sons to find three wives or more a piece. It falls apart with the math.

    1. There are quite a few fundamentalist Mormon men who only have one wife. I don't think they believe everyone should be able to attain the highest level of heaven, only a few. Those chosen few are the men who have more than one wife.

    2. It is still a problem. In their own family they have 7 boys and 10 girls. Robyn hopes her sons will find their loves as in plural. If only two of the sons have three wives each that means 6 women are out of the pond, four remain for the other five men. It's ludicrous. And that is if all the men and all the women chose this. And then there are men who go over three like the browns. Even a fundamentalist with one wife would remarry after her death before him. Even if he did it one at a time.

    3. But what if there are more women than men in the AUB? If it isn't considered a problem since there are men with only one wife why would anyone care? The women choose their husbands. The man should make himself an attractive catch by being a good priesthood holder and provider for his family.

    4. There are not more births of that proportion.


  3. "...because otherwise the editor would NOT have had all those sound bites available to edit in your responses to almost every question."

    Exactly right!
    And judging from the lack of interjections from Janelle and Christine and Meri's stoic non-responses, it appears that Robyn is now the official spokesperson and laughably, the family historian for the cameras. Even Kody is silently compliant when Robyn spouts her opinions. wonders if this is now part of the family mission statement buried in a subtext under miscellaneous items?

    1. I think that the three original wives are just kinda done with the constant camera and are in it for the buckaroos at this point, but Kody and Robyn are total narcissists and love the attention. So they're generally fine with having Robyn monopolize the convo.

    2. DJ,
      You probably are right about that. The have been doing this faux show long enough now that the whole thing is boring even to them.
      Remember when Meri used to be the focused, organized one, Now she is just a lumpy,weepy neurotic.
      Christine was the fun, energetic one and now just seems drained and out of choice.
      Janelle, well Janelle has always had that valium vibe anyway, so nothing different with her except that she doesn't even try to fake it anymore.

      Yeah, no question, Kody is a hardcore attention addict.
      Robyn has finally shown her true colors and traded in her practiced sobbing for lecturing and informing, which unfortunately for her, also showcases her lack of education and class.

  4. It wasn't the move to LasVegas, or the "the investigation", it was money, that allowed this family the ability to live the way I think they would have liked to all along. Kody sold his family to pay the bills and once the wives had some stress relieved. They were able to rent four large homes and get away from each other. They might live in a cul-de-sac and be back together geographicly, but they are just four neighbors whose job it is to film together and collect a check.

    1. And sleep with the same dude. Ew

    2. I agree Anon 7:10. If they were truly a family, they would live together. They are four very separate families. Single moms and a dad with visitation.

    3. And share Robyn's " badge of honor". I'm still laughing over that CJ. Now I just wish I could get my eyes to refocus after looking at the pics of Kody. He looks like a poorly made Madam Tussaud version of himself.

  5. OMG the pics of Meri and Kody above are too funny!!! Now I am no fan of Meri's, and I think she is getting just what she deserves with "the sister wife I always wanted" so it is a little bit fun to see how Rock Star Lover and Robyn are behaving now. But of course I do feel sorry for her also and think she should leave.

    1. And about the picture of Kody (the last on the thread) with Christine and Robyn...
      OMG, he looks like a dead ringer for Charles Manson. Seriously, he does!

    2. I kinda have mixed feelings about Meri. But the twinges of feeling sorry for her are overwhelmed by the feeling that she's pretty much getting what she asked for, if indeed the official story that SHE picked out Robyn is the truth. Which I have my serious doubts. Remember Meri and Kody didn't go to counseling until AFTER he started courting Robyn, according to the book if memory serves...

    3. Yeah, and if Christine had a set of black felt ears she would look just like Minnie Mouse.

    4. Cult-de-sac CommentatorMarch 8, 2014 at 6:54 PM

      Awwww... I thought Christine looked really cute in her outfit! I might have gone with a different color hose, but I thought her dress and jean jacket had a nice, mod retro look. :-)

    5. I don't believe Meri had anything to do with the Kody Robyn hookup other than being with Kody possibly at a church function or dance or whatever the story is. Robyn has said she saw Kody at Church and they had an "it" moment. I think Meri knows Kody very well and how impulsive he is. Meri just didn't count on their relationship being real because she knew with Christine and Janelle it wasn't.

    6. I agree. Robyn almost certainly scouted out Kody because of the $how and either manipulated Meri into thinking she would be her BFF or Meri realized there was nothing she could do about it so she pretended it was her idea.

    7. "Meri just didn't count on their relationship being real because she knew with Christine and Janelle it wasn't."

      I've always thought that Janelle and Christine were brought in as insurance markers and brood mares. Kody flat out admitted he wasn't at all sexually attracted to them. I think that Meri and Kody needed certain things to get to their version of their eternal reward and Janelle and Christine were a means to an end. I think it has always been the Meri and Kody show and Robyn was not supposed to work out the way she has. After all, Robyn was yet another woman that Kody thought "Ick" about.

    8. He has five and six kids with them. That means he is sexually attracted to them.

  6. Robyn is a real you know what! She doesn't like the mass text to all the wives, but she can sit there in front of the others and say how Sol sleeps between her and Kody. The others have to listen to her and Kody go on about it while she leans all on him. I'm thinking come on Meri say something. I don't really like Meri. I was wondering if Kody still had it for her and yep he does. Robyn likes the others to know that she and Kody share something special, like Kody picking out her wedding dress. Robyn is all oh I feel so bad... yeah right Robyn. She messes with their heads big time. Meri has to go to Robyn to get Kody to do what she wants. Robyn is smart have them need her, have them think that she can do this and that. She is doing it for the sisterwife. I'm hoping Meri gets mad enough and lets her have it. They are all so passive aggressive .

  7. They are all so shiney in the pictures! The friend that did their make up had no experience doing it for bright lights or cameras..Robyn's forehead wrinkles are so painfully least she didn't have to cover blisters..i think whatever side the blisters are on her mouth determines wihch side of the couch shes on

    1. Yikes! I hope the friend who did the make-up didn't use the same lipstick on everyone. Blisters Forever!

      If Robyn would stop breast feeding maybe she could take some Valtrex or something.

    2. But then she would have to get pregnant...and something tells me ole Robyn isn't ready to have another baby.

      Which is weird, because her junkyard dog friend/pseudo business partner is pregnant with her 9th or is it 10th child!!!!

    3. The junkyard dog is at it again on Facebook. I guess her older kids are doing the parenting for her while she spends time on Facebook. I think I did read she had 9 kids and 1 on the way or something like that.

    4. I noticed last week when I "accidently" clicked on her profile. She's replaced her picture of her standing with the four sisterwives in San Francisco with a picture of her latest sonogram. Mind you, she was pregnant when they filmed the San Francisco segment in what, August 2013? I wonder if she'll be reporting people to Kate Gosselin on twitter again.

  8. I feel like I'm interrupting a very interesting conversation here on this thread & I'm totally off topic, but I've got something I've been meaning to share.
    As spring break for my 9 year old daughter approaches, we are planning our annual trip to Disneyland. The point of this little story is that I'm reminded that I have seen the Brown family on three of our trips. Hey! I even talked Kody once & got a a high five! We were on the Grizzly River Run in the boat just in front of Kody, Christine and Aspyn. As we disembarked, I said something like "what a great way to cool off hey?" (The ride is a particularly water-logging experience). He charged the five feet between us right towards me, YES, his wet tangled tendrils flapped in the wind! He said, "how's it going? Isn't it a great day?" His outstretched hand was raised for me to slap in celebration of our surviving the perilous rapids of GRR - which I did. Scowling behind him was Christine. She did not seem terribly impressed. Aspyn, who is very pretty, stood beside her mother gazing down at her phone. We proceeded to file out of the exit together, but both my family, & his, were happily re-living the excitement of the ride. My husband said something to Kody about probably having to go on this ride a few more times because our daughter immediately wanted to line up again. Kody answered "I hear you man, been there, done that!" & then the Browns disappeared amongst the crowd. That pretty well sums up that particular meeting.
    Throughout our stay we saw him repeatedly. And guess what? He was always joggling (no that's not misspelled!) through the crowds making every effort to ensure his hair was fluttering. No one seemed to recognize him; several seemed annoyed that he was trying to bumble through the crowd. Once he was accompanied by Robyn-& she too was joggling, although (not surprisingly!) she was about five paces behind him. They had lost track of some wayward kids & were scanning the parade route to try & locate them.
    My friends had a chance to talk with Robyn & Christine, who were feeding a passel of kids at the Pizza Port near Space Mountain. They talked about "motherhood" stuff & the challenge of keeping track of so many kids & keeping them all fed. My friends reported that the Brown kids were all very well behaved & polite.They further added that the discussion with Christine & Robyn was a rather "regular" conversation you'd strike up with strangers at a place like DL. Neither my friends, nor the Browns made any mention of the "Sister Wives" show. It was just ordinary people sharing a few minutes of conversation.
    The strongest impression that I first had of Kody was that he's actually a pretty small guy. He's rather short & his physical structure is slight, although he's got some girth around his middle. He was very friendly & quick to smile. What surprised me more is that Christine is BIG! Not as in fat, but as in tall with wide shoulders & quite imposing. So is Aspyn by the way-very tall & quite striking. When I said that Christine was scowling earlier, I didn't mean at me. It was as if she were impatient that Kody was dilly dallying. Maybe scowling is too severe a descriptive-how about she rolled her eyes & sighed impatiently.
    Robyn. If I thought Kody was a small man, well, Robyn is a teeeeeny woman. Short in height & scrawny through her limbs. She actually looks kind of frail. I heard her offering suggestions to Kody about where to look next for the kids, & her voice was wispy, and not all that confident-which is quite different than how she comes across on TV. Kody disregarded her suggestions by the way, he carried on joggling without turning back to answer her.
    So, I wonder, when we are roaming Disneyland this Spring Break, will the Browns also be there again? I'll keep you posted if you like.

    1. I love this! Thanks Fleagh!!! more more please!

    2. Oh yes Fleagh! This was wonderful reading!

      I'm not surprised that Christine is built like an Amazon...if you look at her hands in that picture on the Facebook TLC fanpage, they look bigger than Kody's! On the subject of Christine, I'm not surprised to hear about her rolling her eyes at Kody and his need to be the center of attention. I have a feeling she makes his life a living hell (she IS polygamy blueblood after all). If he loses her he would lose all credibility in the polygamist world - and he would be down 2 wives from the My 5 Wives guy (which premieres tonight by the way).

    3. My 5 Wives guy (which premieres tonight by the way).

      Thanks for the reminder. DVR will be set !!

    4. No problem Amused! For some reason I'm just not feeling My 5 Wives. The commercials make it seem like it's the polygamist version of 19 kids and counting. And that Brady (is that is name) creeps me out.

      I'll still review it...

    5. Not feeling too enthused about the Brady Bunch Plyg Show either. I guess 4 years of the Brown circus can do that.

      The Brady guy is a bit a vanilla version of Joe Darger.

      The one thing that stood out and interests me is in the one-off show TLC did on them last year, it looks like they live in what looks like a motel type arrangement with each wife having her suite/house right next to another one.
      Like an old style motel all joined together. Looked kind of stable-y !!
      We'll see how TLC plays this one.

    6. Thanks for sharing Fleagh. I noticed before that Kody didn't appear to be a very tall man on the show, when he stands next to all the wives it is very apparent. I thought his height had a great deal to do with why he was not initially attracted to Christine because she is tall and IMO why he is so attracted to Janelle who is much shorter than they other wives.

      I would never have expected Robyn to talk so quietly and passively in real life, interesting. Where you there recently, because if so I guess Roby isn't currently pregnant.

  9. What a let-down it must have been for the Brown wives to move into their big, shiny new homes and discover they are still as lonely and unfulfilled as they were in their rental homes. The problem is not in their location, it's in the dysfunction of their family dynamic. Meri, please go find yourself. Go back to Utah and finish college, take a long road trip with your outside friends, get a job working with at-risk kids, which you expressed was your dream back in season one. It is not your life's mission to be the poster child for the "principle". Just because you chose to share a husband does not mean you have to sacrifice yourself in the process. I would extend that sentiment to all the wives. Show some individual spirit and this show may be worth watching again. I, for one, am done watching you "keep sweet."

    1. As a Substance Abuse Counselor who has spent most of my career working with "at-risk kids," I sincerely hope Meri stays away from that field! I have worked with behavioral techs and residential youth care workers with personalities similar to Meri's (strict, controlling, self-centered) and they caused much harm for the children under their supervision.

    2. Great point, Anon.

      Meri's MO is too self-focused and brittle to be effective with at-risk kids.
      Besides, her actual "job" with such kids was never clearly defined when the show started or even in the book except to suggest it was part-time or maybe even volunteer. I doubt she had any credentials to be on the counseling staff.
      As with all their history, the facts on that are murky at best.

    3. Oh yes, anon 11:55, I agree with you that Meri shouldn't work with at risk kids. I've always thought that the reason for her dismissal (supposedly after she came out as having a plural marriage) was not because she was a polygamist but because of her performance. And I'll never forget how she treated Mykelti when she wore a revealing blouse. Out of no where, Meri barked something like "Mykelti!! I told you before...I don't want to see that...go change NOW" and the next scene was Mykelti saying that she will wear what she wants, when she wants. Yeah, Meri, nice work with Mykelti...NOT!

      Like I said, Robyn needs to reread their book to see what the other 2 wives say about Meri's parenting skills!

    4. I totally agree that Meri needs to "find herself" with a career, volunteering, or just leaving the family. At this point, a part-time job anywhere would be an improvement for her self-esteem.

      As for Robyn, I bet she could care less about how mean the other wives think Meri is. We have seen snippets of Robyn's true parenting colors come out on the show before and she seems way harsher than Meri ever sounded. I will never forget the way she shoved Truely's hand aside.

    5. In early episodes when Robyn was moved to her Lehi rental, several times the camera caught her swatting her kids behinds..then laughed it off,,like her first instinct is to swat kids. She is not the person she was in the beginning at all Her confidence in the relationship with Kody has brought out the worst in her. I don't think she even likes kids..i dont see any maternal instincts at all.

    6. I remember when Robyn was so happy that a neighbor during a block party said she would yell at her kids to get out of the street. She said something like "good, tell my kids where to be." She acts as though she loves to have others looking after her children for her so she can have that permanent honeymoon. Her justification for an 11 day honeymoon was "well, we were going to have to come home to kids and homework and stuff." I suspect she is still breastfeeding Sol for a number of quasi-selfish reasons: to keep weight off, as birth control, to keep bigger breasts, and as an excuse to get out of other activities (i.e. "oh yeah, I'd totally help you with homework, but I have to lie down with the baby").

    7. I work with at risk youth in California, maybe kids are a lot different in Utah (where Meri 'worked') but the teens I counsel would eat Meri a best case scenario Meri would alienate them and be forced to switch clients.
      I think the description of brittle is on point. I consistently see Meri on the verge of explosion, ready to scratch and wound those who 'wronged' her, or implode and eviscerate herself.
      Young adults in crisis need someone who can keep their shit (for lack of a better term, as that is ALL I notice in the Brown marriages) together for at least a few hours at a time.
      Thus far I have not noticed Meri to be able to do so.

  10. In Canada recently in the news a lesbian couple who wanted a child together had a friend be a sperm donor. To acknowledge this person in their child's life they are the first in Canada to have more than two people on a person's birth certificate, two Moms and one Dad. The article said you can have up to 4 people on a birth certificate. I wonder if any polygamous families would do it if it was legal? I am thinking mainly of the group in Bountiful BC.

    1. Does that mean that every non-custodial parent on the birth certificate has to pay child support as well?

    2. I doubt that has been decided. In the story it just said that the man wanted to be in the babies life and acknowledged as the genetic father. Since there has only been one case in Canada thus far there is no precedent.

  11. Right On! annon 10:58 the continued cover up of true feelings is getting boring. When Chrisitine said she is tired of Kody's antics and said other wives agreed, Robyn reacted like she was shocked she would say that, but Christine is the only one to let slip any true feelings. Meri is about to explode her's, and Janelle is well practiced at hiding hers. Kody thinks he is a celebrity, all of the pictures on twitter of him with D list Vegas entertainers, he is shinning his pearly whites, Kody loves the camera.Mariah's tweets are a little disturbing too. She copied Mykelti's red hair and is dreaming of hot men while obsessing over Mily and drooling over women.

    1. One thing I remember about my transition from high school to university was my music teacher telling the class that right now, we were big fishes in a little pond but once we got to college we would be little fishes in a big pond again. Boy was he ever right! I went from a school with maybe 2500 students to a university with over 25,000 students!

      The thing is, I don't think Mariah was ever a big fish in a little pond at her high school. I looked up the class sizes at Westminster - I was surprised to see the freshman class only had like 500 students! That's smaller than my high school senior class. So I would figure, her college has a student population perhaps on par with her previous high school.

      And now she's dyed her hair that horrid color. It seems she goes home to Vegas almost every weekend. Anyway, I'm thinking maybe she's feeling the effects of the little fish/big pond syndrome and she's trying too hard to "distinguish" herself so her classmates will notice her. She's handicapped though, because she's never had the experience of being a big fish before like Maddie who is class president or Hunter who is making a name for himself in sports. Even Aspyn seemed to have been more popular in high school than her. I have a feeling she's having a hard time socially.

    2. As for Mariah having a hard time, do you think the fact that she comes from an openly polygamous family and has stated that she wants to be a plural wife is a strike against her at her new school? I have heard rumblings that a lot of people in Utah are less than happy with the Brown family and the recent court rulings. Not to mention the fact that Mariah was probably going to have a hard time socially under the best circumstances. Throw in a little notoriety and a clingy mom with the other stuff and it is a set up for a disaster.

      I hope for the best for Mariah, she was not taught many important real life and social skills by either Meri or Kody. After getting a taste of the real world, I am thinking that she is not going to choose a polygamous lifestyle but will end up with a nice LDS man. Meri just might follow her and leave too.

    3. Oh CJ, I'm guessing that Mariah won't last the entire 4 years at Westminster since she can't seem to untie the ol' apron strings.

  12. The journalistic integrity of these Tell Alls doesn't exist. They act like scripted interview questions. Rehearsed answers. There's no "telling", just more lies and faked loving family nonsense. Janelle is completely checked out, Christine is delusional, Robyn is a manipulative twit, Merri hates all the women, and Kody is an adolescent bafoon. I wish they'd ask real questions and give honest answers.

    1. I know, right?! I still say Bill O'Reilly and Inyanla! Now THAT would be a tell-all!

  13. Hi Freya, my Brown "sightings" at DL happened over the past two years (2012-13). We had been there three times during that time and on each of these trips I spotted Kody alone, as well as Kody together with a variety of combinations of wives and kids. There were a few days where it seemed like I couldn't turn around without bumping into a Brown! But no, I haven't seen them there this year - YET!!!! So I don't know anything about Robyn being pregnant or not. I'll keep an eye out when we head down in a couple weeks. He always seemed gregarious and outgoing - it's hard to NOT notice him, which, if you're familiar with Disneyland, says something! I've watched him talk easily with fans who approached him for pictures, (usually groups of young girls btw - 20ish) and I also saw him chatting amiably with people who obviously had no idea what "Sister Wives" was (like my husband!) In both cases, he dominated the conversation, tended to talk quite loudly and smiled and laughed often. Used Car Salesman is a stereotype that pops into my mind..... It occurs to me that I also saw (and heard!!) him talking on his cell phone. Same thing! Loud and assertive.... And unlike his patient wives who were mostly tending to and/or talking with the kids, Kody seemed to have an inability to remain still. Let me think on this... I'll see what else I can recall and try to write about it. I did see the Browns A LOT - they were everywhere it seemed!

    1. We were just having a discussion about going to Disneyland and lamenting how freaking unbelievably expensive it is for a family of four. Nice to know that a crew who has filed for bankruptcy multiple times and was still on food stamps when their show started can afford to take the whole damn circus to Disneyland.

    2. Someone posted on Facebook that they had seen and talked to Kody at Disneyland just the other day. He was with Janelle. Later that day they saw Robyn but didn't talk to her. They are sure blowing through their TLC bucks fast.

    3. Why are grifters so obsessed with Disneyland? I have known of many people in the same off and on food stamp/health insurance and bankruptcy/bad credit situation as the Browns who buy the year round passes to Disneyland. They have an option to pay where they take the money out of the checking account monthly. It would cost the Browns about $11,000 to $16,000 for the passes alone. That doesn't include parking, hotel, food, and crap from the stores.

  14. Do you remember in some of the first episodes that Marian wanted to go to the Naval Academy for college. Kody said she would never get in because she is a plug. Omg she would be chewed up and spit out there. Her personality wouldn't last one day under that pressure. Ha. Just remembered that.

    1. "Do you remember in some of the first episodes that Marian wanted to go to the Naval Academy for college. Kody said she would never get in because she is a plyg."

      I sure do, because I LMAO! Mariah didn't even know what it was called! "The Navy like has their own college..." And Kody teared up because he was so proud!! Ya baby, she won't get in because of religious persecution..that's it! It couldn't possibly be because they only accept the best and the brightest, the most academically accomplished hard working young, no, it's because of your religion....snort!!!

  15. I'm guessing that Mariah won't make it through an entire four years at Westminster, if she's spending all her weekends back in LV as she appears to be doing with the exception of the Disney spring break trip. That must be costing a fortune in gas and car wear & tear, not to mention time taken away from studying and interacting with other students. She might as well save the fam some $ and transfer to UNLV.

    1. I was thinking that too. I don't ever remember having that kind of time in college. (Granted I had a job too.) Premed has long labs. The drive to and from Las Vegas must cause her to miss some classes.

  16. What happened to blog? I see some of the same names here, did that one close down? there are no 2014 posts.

    1. Hi Richsmom!

      You're welcomed to stay and chat with us if you want!

  17. Richsmom, the writer was ill and haven't heard from her since. Hope she's ok.

  18. I think Robyn's "Junkyard Dog"/designer/perpetually preggers friend may be a sister wife.

  19. Not sure if this is the right place to post this or if I've missed some discussion but I was looking through tweets last night and saw a conversation between Mykelti back on Feb 17. @cricketfence asked why the Moms didn't get Mykelti to design the dresses and her reply was "I did design them, but you will have to see what happens next week" This completely confused me. Did Mykelti design the dresses or did JYD?

    1. I rewatched the SF trip segment. From what I could tell, JYD drew a design for her best bud Robyn. But in the couch interview Christine mentioned she was going to have Mykelti sketch out her design.

      Hope this helps you out!

    2. It is confusing as I could have sworn that the junkyard dog wrote on Facebook that she had designed the dresses and "just wait until you see them." Maybe she thought picking out the fabric was designing. A lot of her ramblings were deleted including that one. Someone commented that she was private messaging people. She sure has a lot of time for having 10 kids. What the heck is Rechord Records? That used to be on her Facebook but she has it separated now.

    3. She did write that. I believe those comments are still there (you have to search and search). The comments that were deleted occurred shortly after her tirade. I suspect TLC's FB admin was told by TPTB to start cleaning house when JYD mouthed off about other scenes from the show that should not have been publicized, like the wives fake drinking the beer or how she assisted the producers. And yes, how she designed the dresses. Total delusional.

      JYD has a long history with Robyn...she used to be known under a different name on twitter and at one time was an admin on the Browns super selective approved friends only FB page (run by a friend of Robyns and is now kaput). She's now created her own record "label" and has 2 musicians. I pity the fool who associates with a JYD. (Thank you Mr T!!).

    4. If the dress that Christine was wearing was actually designed by Mykelti...well. um.
      credit for trying.

    5. I thought I also read on Twitter that Mykelti helped pick out the couch fabric. I thought Meri was trying to put that unfortunate choice off on the kid. Maybe they should wait until Mykelti has more knowledge and experience ... I'm with DJ. I give her credit for (ahem) trying.

  20. Has anyone already mentioned the HORRIBLE make up job on these adults for this interview??
    I mean...gag! Choke!
    Meri's face looked more "normal" than the others, but....
    Kody's eyebrows? Who decided to put color in the eyebrows?
    Christine's makeup? Holy clown college!
    I could not stop staring at their faces...trying to decide if I was really seeing what I was seeing.

    Someone should fire that makeup crew!

  21. By the way - Mainstream LDS church members are not taught (and most don't believe) that PM is essential for exaltation.
    Some former church leaders said that it was...other leaders have said that it's not.
    And as an LDS member myself, I can tell you that it simply isn't doctrine.
    I fully acknowledge that the "revelation" is in our cannonized scripture, but I'm not alone in thinking that including that particular section was a mistake that was made before anyone knew any better.
    So, please help your readers to understand that we simply don't preach it - we don't practice it - and many of us wish it would just go away.

    I personally don't care if people want to live in a polyamorous way - just don't blame religion for it.
    Me? I'd love to have a few more men/husbands around the house! lol.

  22. Thank god Ive found you all again! Yes! Hola from Ireland :D

  23. If LDS founders were alive today they'd be FLDS not LDS as they practiced plural marriage. And the goal for every single LDS member is to have 3+ wives in the afterlife. I don't get wanting to distance from the goal and history of the church. If you think it's wrong......
