Monday, January 20, 2014

Live Tweeting Kody Brown Style

I made the mistake last night (and today) of venturing over to Twitter to see what  Kody had to say about yesterday's Sister Wives episode.

Unfortunately, it was a lot.

Maybe TLC should think about hiring someone to ghost tweet for the dope. I think he's doing more harm than good to the Brown's public image.

And mind you, he does not even attempt to answer the questions tweeted to him. Class Act. NOT!

Just file this one under the heading "Be Selling Crappy Junk, Always" subheading: BUSTED!

On that ridiculous San Francisco trip his wives took, Kody tweeted...
But then the dope answered his own question when he tweeted...

Maybe Kody can audition for The Worst Cook in America Show once the TLC gig is over...

Two of the best back-handed compliments I've ever read! Another perfect example of Kody "Just Keepin' It Real"...

Last but certainly not least, Kody demonstrates what a wonderful, caring father he is to his youngest daughter...
A concerned fan asked him...
To which Kody replied, proving what a "class act" he truly is...
The World According to Kody Brown, as his 15 minutes of fame continues to count down.

Tick Tock...


  1. Kody is a disgusting sociopath who watched his daughter decline over several days and did nothing. At the end, she was slumped on the kitchen floor, receiving no medical treatment at all. We literally treat our dogs better than he treats his child. Watching Truely sitting on that floor was horrifying.

    Honestly at this point, I really hope he is charged with something and goes to jail. He is a fraud, a manipulator and a completely incompetent father.

  2. No crying today???? Truely gets deathly ill? Stay tuned? Christine might be wacko religious but she does really love all the kids. She and Janelle need to team together and get rid of the rest of the crew.

    1. I saw that tweet about Truely and was dumbfounded. Besides that fact that he is the child's father and that should actually be the most important job he has, as a business man who is hawking his family on TV wouldn't ticking off your fan base (your consumer) be the one thing that you want to avoid?

      Sister Wives has "jumped the shark" so many times it should be an attraction at Sea World.

    2. as a business man who is hawking his family on TV wouldn't ticking off your fan base (your consumer) be the one thing that you want to avoid?

      I can guarantee you that thought has never entered Kody's extra large skull. And if it ever did, it would die from loneliness, for sure.

    3. I'm still just so dumbfounded that this group of so many adults hasn't figured out how to work social media to their advantage. With so many of them to take turns, it should be so easy. Take Kim Z from RHOA/Don't be Tardy... She is 1 woman (with a whole slew of kids now) and works her social media to extend her 15 minutes into several years now, same with NeNe. Why can't these bozos figure it out?!

    4. You expected Kody to think beyond his hair and showing everyone what a manly man in control leader he is cause he as FOUR wives? Nah, ain't ever gonna happen. Hey, did I mention that he has FOUR, count 'em, FOUR wives?

  3. Maybe Kody wanted to go dress shopping because he secretly wants to wear a dress too.

    1. No, he's too busy overcompensating by talking how much of a man he is, and what a great leader he is, etc etc. And how he has 4 wives and 17 children. I wonder if he has a secret room where he dances in front of a video camera...

    2. Oh how I've missed you CJ, this particular comment made hot chocolate exit my nostrils. Now, for some reason, I feel compelled to watch Silence Of The Lambs.....

    3. it puts the green goo on it's skin or it gets the hose again.

    4. YES PsychoSisterWife! You beat me to it...I was trying to remember both the lines but could only remember "It puts the lotion on it's skin or It gets the hose again". I know there was another one about how It does as it's told. Yours is much better. :)

    5. This constitutes abuse. Why was this family not charged?

  4. looking up symptoms of renal failure and the pain it causes made me sicl Mykelti saying truel diidnt want to be covered or didnt want to be touched and so restless. she was in pain? and al that LIV crap Christine put on that testimonial about how it helped her 2 year old not throw up..she was throwing up and dehydrated before this.

  5. back when robyn started this BE Values line, it was mentioned on SWB that it was a rip off ofthe mormom community and sayings that they used. I am glad to see kody called out on it finally. Robyns mother posted on TLC facebook..Hi im robyns mother and i just wanted to let you know i watched robyn draw all these symbols and dragonflys and designs for jewelety and how cool it is to see your daughter as a designer..paaaalease

  6. Robyn has jets in her tub! noticed those in the scene of kody cleaning the stubbed toe..noticed janelle didnt have them in an earlier episode, robyn upgraded to jets! so much for robyn hiding her personal space

  7. the conversations with the mr guido teacher that was mentoring the kids on college and asked mariah to view a video of a child dying..christine getting so upset, and mariah refusing is comming back to haunt her i bet. Wonder how meriah feels about being a pediatrician or doctor now

    1. This whole story arc (begun in season 1) of Mariah becoming a physician and a plural wife is sooooo contrived. It just reminds me of The Beverly Hillbillies when Jethro said he wanted to be a brain surgeon or a fry cook.

      My BFF's daughter wanted a medical career and volunteered at a hospice while in high school. She's now a RN, and is pursuing her Master's degree in nursing. What did Mariah do? Oh yeah, she worked the counter of a popcorn store in a mall.

    2. "Jethro said he wanted to be a brain surgeon or a fry cook"

      OMG--that was hysterical and you nailed it! Does anyone think that Mariah is interested in earning anything but a ring by spring?

      Kody has no use for college degrees, you just "bleed the beast". Well, maybe he values them if he has no financial responsibility whatsoever for any college expenses and it means the kids can support themselves so that he has no financial responsibility whatsoever.

    3. Does that pertain to all the future college expenses? God forbid cody can not retire...

    4. Mariah would never cut it in medical school. However, her choice of college should land her a better quality husband with her as the first wife.

  8. There were many things that bothered me about this episode...too many to mention, so I will comment on the 5K. I couldn't believe that Kody was so self-absorbed that he started the race without Janelle, and then NEVER turned around to check on her throughout the race. What a jerk. Instead, during what was a major milestone in her life, she was left to share the victory with her trainer and his kids. Keeping his pace. Not impressed. Oh...and Meri's excuse for not going to support her sister wife was BS. "I was so busy shipping orders for MSWC." I run 5Ks all the time, and they typically start at 7AM. Your finished and enjoying a big breakfast by 8AM. That certainly wouldn't interfere with shipping boxes to your multitude of customers. I think she just didn't want to admit that she and Janelle don't do anything together if they can help it.

  9. did danyone catch when the wives got home and were unlodaing, Kody had solomon in his atms, meri reached out to hug kody and kody said, I have fondue and private dinner set up over there..pointing to meri's house. So that was kody's priority..Meri;s night. Nothing in Truely's behaviour disturbed him enough to hang around with christine and make sure she was ok

  10. The scene when Robyn came in all breathless with the XL t-shirt for Janelle before the 5K race felt fake and staged to me. She totally appeared to be acting. Just another set up scene to push their t-shirt line. Cynically wondering if the trip to San Francisco was a set up for perhaps a new dress line they have in the works? Fabric shopping because they couldn't find a thing to wear in all those stores, so they will design their own dresses and poof there you have yet another line of business. The show seems very different than what it was in the beginning - nothing now but contrived situations/scenes where they introduce then add merchandise to the MSWC website. It shouldn't be on TLC cuz it's a QVC reality show!

    1. I agree about Robyn being fake in the scene about the t-shirt. She kept making it all about her, "I am so stressed! I was so worried! I have been thinking about this all night!" Robyn does this a lot though, she makes things about her. Often times when they are doing a couch interview, one of the wives will be talking and make a point and then Robyn will swoop in and say the exact thing in her broken english and steal the spotlight. This happened A LOT last season. Now this is going to sound mean, but I find it hard to listen to Robyn talk sometimes. She always sounds strained, like it is hard for her to get the words out, I find it very distracting, is it just me? I also can't stand it when Christine claps.

    2. I forgot to add that I do not think Robyn would have been so over the top about the t-shirt if Kody had not been there.

    3. I agree about Robyn kickin up the drama several notches when Kody is around. She's so manipulative. Ugh!

  11. A lot of Christine's paranoid views have come flooding back to me from past episodes, Mykelti going to a chiropracter? sharks versus toasters ...hospitals and disclosing the name of the father of your child? i really have to wonder if truely had regular check ups or if christine distrusted doctors much did this mind set contribute to truely getting delayed care..we have all seen something was up with her health since christine bragged she was petite. i hope im wrong..and kody flitting off to meri's for fondu "shutting this thing down" he was not concerned enough to insist he stay with christine to make sure truely was ok..he didnt want to piss meri off on her night..will they look back on this and learn anything? and kody being pissed aspyn beat him in bowling..he said she had no form..well he has no heart

    1. I'm not so quick to blame Meri. That was total classic Kody. He put in his time "babysitting" and couldn't wait to go lay on the couch in the empty house with his hand on his forehead "woe is me" aatitude cuz he was forced to take care of his offspring all by his lonesome. Martyr Syndrome I call that. Hes so disgusting. Seriously.

    2. When Janelle tweeted her birthday greeting to Kody, she mentioned how he is a good father to her children....not our children but her children. And he never says my children, it's always (insert wife name here)'s children. I'm always thought maybe this was in response to being so secretive because he's a polygamist - but that point is moot when he boldly announces to everyone he meets that he's a polygamist and has four wives.

      i really have to wonder if truely had regular check ups or if christine distrusted doctors

      Christine's grandfather (and leader of the AUB until he was murdered) was a homeopath and chiropractor so she might prefer natural remedies, however, she did give birth to Truely in a hospital because she had a miscarriage the year before.

  12. You made me lol with the last two tweets hahaha thanks, I had a rough day.

  13. A few things..

    Meri is back to the "lover" thing on twitter again. Guess shes back in good graces again. Kody can only seem to be nice to one wife at a time. Papa Darger & My 5 Wives guy both seem nice to all wives but not Kody. Too big of an ego.

    I'm sorry but chicken (& his precious and $$$ 2 in steaks) to feed that big of a family for a couple days? No. We are a bigger than average family (blended, not plyg lol) and when I need to feed all of us for more than 1 day I make a big pot of sauce or soup. It goes further & costs less.

    Something didn't seem quite right with the beer/pub scene. I honestly do think they drink socially. And seriously, that was just odd. Really, the whole trip was odd. And not at all entertaing. This season makes no sense at all.

    90 Day Finance - the jealous controlling creeper dude is a Mormon & felt the need to mention it 1000 x. I guess TLC picks a theme & sticks with it...

    1. 90 Day Finance - the jealous controlling creeper dude is a Mormon & felt the need to mention it 1000 x. I guess TLC picks a theme & sticks with it...

      That show is a recent guilty pleasure of mine! Isn't he the one that had to have a friend start living in his apartment as a chaperone? I keep seeing only bits and pieces of the show (it's now on my DVR rotation) and it's not on On Demand yet...bummer!

    2. I love this new train wreck of a show for some reason. And only because it is SO awful! You are going to love it too! Yes, he's the one with the "chaperone" and wait to see where that ends up going. Good grief. This man is so inconsiderate, self centered, and jealous I'm pretty sure he's related to Kody some how! There is also a couple that is "online only". Not sure why they didn't make it on the show, although the age difference probably has something to do with it. I haven't watched them yet, haven't had time. Let me know if you do check them out. I've been following TWoP and no one has said much about the online couple there either...

  14. Seeing Truely on the floor was heart breaking. I think he is not only a narcissist but also a sociopath like Robyn. I am sickened as it appears Kody can't prepare different meals each day for the kids but he can have fondue ready for Meri while his little girl is so sick? He needs a real man to go over there and kick his arse.

    1. Send Papa Joe...the big balled husband that had his act together!! He will whip Kodouche into shape

  15. I wonder if they are going to mention that Robyns sister (?) Mindy Jessop is in most of the scenes with the kids this season. She pops up but is never mentioned. She seems to have a great relationship with the kids maybe Kody should make her wife #5? Robyns damn head would explode!

  16. Finally watched the episode tonight. I found it interesting that the one kid that wants to be a doctor in the family (Mariah) was no where to be found when Aspyn and Mykelti figured out there was something wrong with Truely. That poor child should have been taken to a hospital when she was slumped over on the floor. That broke my heart.
    I agree with posters above about the dress shopping scenes. The entire time they were in that fabric store and talking about how no one has modest clothing to offer, I kept thinking about how they're soon going to start designing ugly dresses for MSWC. And how they're more than likely going to label them as original and iconic and expect people to pay $150.00 a piece. No thanks...
    Lastly, when is Meri going to finally come out and admit that she hates being a sister wife? She's just not "into" the commitment ceremony or shopping for it or planning it? Followed by her typical negative face and shoulder shrug. Isn't that what she was implying? Not just the fact that she didn't know how she felt about a wives only road trip to San Francisco with another sad face and shoulder shrug. This woman seriously detests being a sister wife. Anyways, that's my rant. Thankfully the Browns spoil things on twitter so we know that Truely ends up being okay in the end.

  17. The very idea that "modest" dresses cannot be found in an area as large as San Francisco is ludicrous. My son is getting married this summer. I am from a small town. I went online and found plenty of modest clothing available. I wear it because it fits my size (not small) and it suits me. The producers could have found the right stores for these women. This trip was a definite set-up.

    1. Not to mention the most boring TV reality show trip to the Bay Area ever aired IMO.

    2. Boring, so true DJ, I thought maybe I was the only one who thought that.

  18. You know, they talk about 'modest' all the time.
    So why is it, then, that they seem to wear ridiculously tight clothing all the time??? They say they want to be modest. Modest doesn't just mean staying covered, it also means not drawing attention to the areas with super tight clothes, right??

  19. I found it deplorable that they would use there kid as nothing but a prop for next week, and yet the rabid fans defend them,, God there disgusting people

    1. "Tune in next week--Christine's kid gets really, really sick and you don't want to miss that!!"--signed, Kody-the-worst-father-in-the-World

  20. I don't think we will ever see dresses/designer type clothing on MSWC. Namely because it costs too much to produce in small lots...and takes too much time and talent. Mykelti notwuthstanding - she has little or no experience in the field. T-shirts and aprons are cheap quick and easy to produce.

    And yup Kody could have made a huge pot of soup or stew. It doesn't take rocket science. One of the worst things to make as a "planned-over" is steak because of its tendency to dry out. IMO.

    But of course it was all for show anyway. They probably ended up going to McD's every day.

  21. He could've made different pastas with chicken added, cheap and makes a lot. Or spaghetti.

  22. what's up with Dayton's eye? it still looks swollen shut on the group hug scene.

    1. I noticed that too. I remember his eye being like that at the end of last season when the Browns were finally able to celebrate Christmas. Which was January of last year when Meri finally the got the keys to her house. It looked as though it happened when Robyn's brood came back from Montana. I'm pretty sure the timing of this episode is right around July/August of last year because the girls are about to leave for college. I don't know much about swollen eyes but it sure seems to be taking a while to heal. I hope he's okay.

  23. Kody really failed as a father with Truely. He never really seemed like he cared about her...this last episode and his tweets prove it. I wonder how Meri and Robyn will try to make Truely being sick about them... Kody has four wives but still doesn't realize he should start the race with his wife? Kody truly is a selfish piece of shit.

    1. one of the pitfalls of not spending enough time with his baby daughter. He didn't know her signs of distress like Aspyn and Mykelti did, were not normal for her. He was too focused on getting over to meri's for fondue.

    2. There is absolutely no fricken excuse for that child to be ignored for 5 days BEFORE seeing a doctor or visiting the local ER...Urgent care at the very minimum! Kids need people to pay attention to any kind of warning signs when they are ill and any dumbass knows that dehydration can lead to complication that can kill..swiftly!
      When my son (now 26) was young, I was always very aware of what serious dehydration can do and pinched the skin on top of his hand frequently. Watching those shots of Truley and no one listening the teenage girls that KNEW something was seriously wrong with Truley was heart breaking - no one would listen. I cried when Aspyn broke down in the prayer circle

  24. Okay, I know that this has happened (yet) but Krody literally looks like he's become his own grandpa and with the family wreath being what it is, that could literally happen. Shudders. He looks horrible. I don't know if it's sun damage but he looked fifteen years younger on season one. Is there an MLM scam for sunscreen? Someone tweet him about it asap.

  25. Kody totally neglected his child. If he had one of those *gasp* horrible monogamous families maybe he wouldn't have so many kids that he doesn't take care of them. Or, having seen what he is on this show, he would neglect his kids no matter what. He doesn't care about anything but himself, money, and what he perceives as his image. He makes me want to puke.

    Meri is miserable. Run Meri run! I think she is the only one who isn't completely drinking the Kool-aid anymore.

    1. But he established his pace as babysitter....he couldn't stop because of something like a sick toddler.

  26. You know what really gets me? I mean beyond the obvious that Kody is a pathetic, self-centered, crappy father? It's the whole religion thing. They blab on and on about how they live this lifestyle due to their religion yet they evidence zero conviction to even standard LDS beliefs, let alone "fundamentalist" beliefs.

    Mormons don't believe in consuming alcohol. That isn't negotiable. These women, with the exception of Robyn, sat there on national television and drank alcohol. Do I care if anyone drinks? No, I really don't. Well, I don't until they try to justify the other behaviors in their life because of their "religion". Fundamentalist LDS don't hang out in casinos, laugh when their kids drop the F bomb, or drink alcohol.

    I think their claim of religious persecution is a big fat joke. There is no religious conviction in this family until it conveniently supports what they want.

    1. They had wine earlier in the show as well.

      also in the vacation eps from earlier, I've seen cocktails being consumed by Meri at least.

    2. And I forgot about the fortune teller! Dude, seriously? Divination that comes from anywhere but one of their prophets would be considered satanic. No way would any fundamentalist have someone who reads tarot cards and predicts the future in their home.

      My dog is more of a fundamentalist Mormon than these people are--and my dog licks his privates in public.

    3. ITA. Producers suggested the fortune teller and then they said "let's pretend it was Robyn's idea". No way would they have done this otherwise. They won't even hang out with (gasp) Presbyterians!

  27. I'm glad that Janelle is losing weight buuuuuuut, those weren't "curves" she was showing. Those were rolls. And I know because I have them. No way in heck would I have worn something that tight that showed every roll. But they are the modest fundamentalists and I am the sad, pathetic heathen monogamist. MmmHmmm.

  28. I watch the show every week, and end up wanting to toss out the flat screen, there stories change so much fro week to week, they lie on just about everything, the joolerery is hideous and people buy that crap, I swear Meri is bipolar, Janelle is just going with the flow but wonders if she could do better, Janelle, hard to tell with her, and robyn, has to be front and center of everything, Kody, what can I say, the man is so far out there,, he reminds of someone who pretends he listens to you, but is off somewhere petting unicorns and picking rainbow flowers, hes an idiot, but a shrewd idiot

  29. Tick Tock indeed. Just noticed the ratings for this week's show - 1.440 mil and a 0.5 share - that is way down for them. This season they've been in the 2.5 -2.0 mil and a 0.9 or 0.8 share range. Seems like a downward trend to me!

    1. Until next week when they exploit poor little Truely's sickness. Let's face it - that's all 99% of us viewers really care about is the littles. I could care less about the adults & the spoiled brat teenager. The other teenagers just kind of blend in which I think is normal. Mariah is always angry/sad about something & likes to be a scene hog.

  30. big houses and being ungrateful is never appealing and crying over selfish crap, the have deviated so far from the original show..the are not polygamists in a true since

  31. boy has robyn aged! she looks so much older now compared to the original episodes,,and Janelle looks so beautiful..she shows alot of saasy leg in her knee lengh pants on the couch sessions..could robyns face expressions and mouth contortions look anymore freakish!

    1. i really don't think robyn is healthy at all. she is slim but has absolutely no muscle tone. her skin is sallow and very aged. walking up a flight of stairs takes her breath away (see house tour video on the tlc website). she needs to start working out and get some of those collegen supplements that trainer sean and janell are always going on about.

  32. i wonder if the lien on robyns house has anything to do with daytons eye injury. The lien is in robyn and her ex husband name. It looks like he had it for a long while thru filming

  33. There is a long drawn out story on the MSWC facebook website about how Robyn came up with the BE Value line of jewelry. It's all fabricated. Kody got called out on it vie twitter a few days ago..they ripped off someone else of course.

    1. and what's worse is that they ripped off the LDS!

  34. Finally watched the episode last night. I feel that I am getting pretty good at spotting ‘made-up’ drama and producer suggestions. Plus I think we have watched the Browns enough to know when they are faking stuff.

    Robyn and the whole tshirt thing was totally fake. When they rush in the door and are breathless about something, it is producer-suggested. I don’t get the vibe that they just rush into each other’s houses without the film crew there.

    I am convinced that when Kody just casually called all the wives while they were at dinner, the producers said to the wives “look upset and irritated when the other wives are on the phone with Kody”. It’s really obvious if you watch it closely – remember these women are not actresses so you can really tell when they are ‘acting’ versus a normal reaction. It was an over the top reaction and just plain silly.

    The hot tub scene where one of the girls just casually asks Kody if “anyone has asked about them” was totally producer-driven. Like Mariah would randomly question that when her mom wasn’t around and at a neighbor’s house? Again, producer suggestion….although I did like Kody’s answer, at least he isn’t wanting them to marry off and start popping out kids.

    Some other observations….I am enjoying seeing the family doing more normal-ish things this season versus all the wet bar and MSWC nonsense. Meri is just such a pill this season, can she act any more put out by everything? I call her Meri Sunshine now. And her non participation at the 5k was flat out rude and shows her real commitment to this family.

    And, finally I just know that Kody’s fondue idea was his way of using up burned bits of steak from his day of cooking and burning.
