Post by George Takei.
In real life, polygamy is pretty damn scary if you look too close, for too long. But some of us like our polygamy served to us once a week on a silver platter called reality television, seasoned liberally with some social media. If you just to want to snark about reality shows like Sister Wives, Polygamy, USA or some newer shows on the horizon, my living room is yours.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Double Review: S08Ep05 Anthropologists Move In and Ep06 First A Verdict, Then a Lawyer
But first, an essay...
For some reason, this season of Sister Wives seemed a little off. And then less than a month ago, the stunning news was leaked that not only did Kody and Meri get a divorce, Kody then legally married Robyn, his fourth wife a short three months later.
So when the producers and TLC try to cutsey up episodes with the umpteenth road trip to no where in particular, or meeting the newest polygamist to come out of his sister wife's closet, jaded viewers like myself roll our eyes wondering "When is this all going to end?"
Kody not owning up to anything... |
What the hell are these people thinking? Have the Producer's lost touch on what the majority of the audience wants to see? Even the ficticious "Big Love" was better than this reality crap being served on a cracker, and face it, when it became apparent that "Big Love" had irrevocably lost it's way, HBO quickly severed its ties and brought in a new show...called "Broadwalk Empire" to fill that time spot.
I don't think it's all the Producer's fault, after all, they also produce the mostly harmless 19 Kids and Counting reality show featuring The Duggars.
But unlike the Duggars, as Sister Wives progressed season after season, it has regressed into a primordial ooze of fake histrionics featuring at it's center, an overbearing, narcissistic, man-child incapable of feeling any empathy for any of his wives. Or, as Kody explained to the latest plyg on the block Nathan Collier, that his wives have to be responsible for their own emotional state. He can't "...own the whole thing."
Well of course Kody can't "own the whole thing." Of course he can't claim responsibility for his wive's emotional state, even though his actions (or rather inaction through ignoring his wives and children) are the main CAUSE of discord in his wives emotional state.
That's like a serial killer telling the judge and jury, "It's not my fault I killed those people. The victims should have stayed away from me, or run faster. I can't own the whole thing."
And the kicker is, the show is called Sister Wives. So why are we listening to Kody's phony baloney speech about HIM? We want to hear from his SISTER WIVES!
So who's to blame for this mess called Sister Wives? I'm laying the blame down at Kody Brown's sandaled dirty feet. I would put the blame on his shoulders but I don't want to hurt King Sol who seems to be permanently affixed up there.
Sister Wives should have been about Sister Wives, and not about Kody Brown. And now instead of Kody owning up to why HE chose to legally restructure his family, we have a brand new storyline of Meri saying she's been thinking about D.I.V.O.R.C.E since five years ago. I bet during that low point of Meri's marriage to Kody that she mentioned in her chapter of Becoming Sister Wives.
You know, when Kody started "courting" Robyn.
We can only hope that whatever scripted story comes out in the next season, at least some semblance of true reality will peek through the inevitable Sturm und Drang the audience will have to endure.
Double Review: S08Ep05 Anthropologists Move In and Ep06 First A Verdict, Then a Lawyer
Or..."What are we, Monkeys?"
Ah, from the mouths of babes...
Thus spoke Robyn's son Dayton after Kody announced two anthropology students would be living with them for four days in order to observe their family.
Now to be fair, at no time did Kody, or Dr. Jankowiak mention that this was to be a formal "study" of polygamy. In fact, Dr. Jankowiak made it fairly clear this would be a " wonderful opportunity for students who have never experienced this lifestyle to actually see it..."
And it's a whole lot easier to drive a couple of miles to the cul-de-sac, rather than driving all the way to Centennial Park or Colorado City/Hildale. Plus, the accomodations would be better, and they will be on television, too!
What grad student would turn down an opportunity like this?
Later at a meeting with Kody and his Kody-pendents©, the grad students laid down some guidelines, such as "Don't treat us like a guest." What was interesting was how Christine found her voice again and didn't call the grads sharks. In fact, she welcomed them with open polygamist arms. "Everyone that comes into our home we treat like a guest" she explained.
Of course, Robyn the eventual Usurper got hooked up on the fact Richard (the male grad student) was an atheist, while Janelle was worried about the awkwardness of having someone in her space for four days with no downtime.
Are you still an effective team, Christine? |
And later in the couch interview, I think Christine has watched the movie Oblivion one too many times when she mentioned she was worried the grads would not confirm that the four parental units were effective.
I almost expected a drone to come flying onto the set, ominously beeping and scanning the Brown Krew with lasers.
On the first day, Kody warmly greeted Antoinette and Richard in his "compound" otherwise known as the cul-de-sac. He then took them on a guided tour of each of his McMansions. Once situated in their rooms and shared bathroom at Meri's house, the Duo began their task of observing the Browns in action.
While Antoinette helped the women folk in the kitchen, Richard joined the men folk for some rough horseplay which ended with Richard's glasses getting broken.
Later, Richard helped Kody move hay bales ominously close to the barbeque grill for some reason. That's a sore point for me, as it was apparent this was a "set up" scene, punctuated with a grill inferno that had to be manmade. I'm surprised a neighbor didn't call the fire department. That fire was huge!
The food offering prank was another sore point. It seemed to me the Browns were making fun of their visit with the Richard Family in Missouri, who would have to wait until father Nathaneal took his first bite of food before being allowed to eat.
Isn't it funny how whenever the Browns have someone staying with them over a weekend, Kody always has a Church of Dad service?
The grad students were no exception, and they noticed some of the older Brown kids were missing from the service. Kody tried to explain their absence in the couch interview but the excuses (rock climbing with friends, homework, etc) just shows how little influence Kody has as the Priesthood holder of his family. And in the couch interview with those missing kids we found out that Logan doesn't think of himself as religious, that Mykelti and Hunter think it's great that Maddie has made the choice to become LDS, and that Aspyn will probably go LDS, too. Good job with the Church of Dad, Kody!
The intervention with Maddie had to be the worse. Maddie decided to join mainstream LDS, and had been "told" not to associate herself with her Church of Dad Sunday services. Being confronted (actually ganged up) on film by her mother and father plus three bonus moms was uncalled for and seemed vicious. Frankly, the discussion should have been between father, mother and daughter. The other three interlopers should have been paying attention to their own families. For instance, Christine, exactly WHY wasn't Aspyn at the Church of Dad service? And Meri, couldn't Mariah have called in and listened to her Dad's service on speakerphone?
But I have to disagree with Antoinette on her observation that this "intervention" in some way was the parental Browns allowing Maddie to find her own path. Especially when those parental units thought that Maddie's decision was not her own, that she was influenced by outside forces like peer pressure or, heaven forbid, a guy.
Shame on the Browns for doing this on film to Maddie.
And then the farce of the "family" going to the movies. Again, it was obvious this was not a regular outing, that Kody had no idea who his children were, or their ages ( turn around and LOOK at them, fool!). He was just lost.
The cherry on the sundae of this fiasco was the fight between Gabriel and his bigger brother Garrison in the parking lot.
Yep, the last time these two got into it in a parking lot, Gabriel bloodied Garrison's nose. Three years later, we find out nothing has changed.
Seems to me Kody and Janelle still have not improved their parenting skills. And yes, Janelle, you should be embarrassed and devastated that you have two boys who prefer to physically fight each other over something so mundane as calling shotgun on the front seat.
So that's how Episode 5 ended.
Episode 6 began with Kody's Kangaroo Kourt Trial of Garrison vs. Gabriel.
I'll cut to the chase. Paedon "testified" that Gabriel threw the first blow. Gabriel lied. Janelle and Kody were shocked. Gabriel looked like he was going to cry. Garrison looked like he didn't give a damn.
I'm not surprised because this is what happens when you have two dolts who think misbehavior is due to hormones (just like what happens when kissing). Maybe, just maybe the real reason behind the misbehavior was due to these two boys seeing their father spend more time with his new spiritual wife five years ago when they lived in Lehi, then having their lives torn apart when their father decided to uproot the entire family for Las Vegas. With Kody further ignoring them when King Sol was born.
And to have this played out on a reality show was just sickening. Boo on Janelle and Kody!
Next up, Antoinette and Richard went to visit Christine and her mother Annie. Now for those of you who don't know this, let's take a look at Annie's roots, so to speak.
Her father is Floren LeBaron, a member of the LeBaron polygamist group centered in Mexico. Her uncles were Joel LeBaron, a polygamist prophet who was murdered by his brother Ervil LeBaron, and Verlan LeBaron, husband to authors Irene Spencer (wife #2 and author of Shattered Dreams: My Life as a Polygamist's Wife) and Susan Ray Schmidt (who married Verlan when she was 15, author of Favorite Wife: Escape from Polygamy).
Annie married Rex C Allred, the son of Rulon C Allred who was the first leader of the Apostolic United Brethren (AUB) the church the Brown Family are members. Her uncle Ervil had Rulon C Allred assassinated (blood atoned) in 1977. That's right. Her paternal uncle murdered her father-in-law.
What was brought up, very fleetingly, was the fact that when Annie spoke about divorcing Christine's father (she was his first wife) she told Antoinette and Richard that she left the religion but NOT polygamy. Was this followed up by the anthropological dynamic duo? No, not really. And that was too bad because the editing of this segment was confusing as to what exactly happened when Annie left her marriage.
Now, I didn't see this episode until long after the news about Kody and Meri getting divorced became public. But now I wonder if, maybe, this short little discussion about divorce ( Meri and Kody's divorce had to have occurred when the episodes were filmed) was a little sneak preview of things to come. You can almost hear a producer whispering "let's throw out the "D" word to show the audience that divorce is normal in their religion".
Guess what. It didn't work. And divorce may happen in the AUB but I'd hardly say it was common or that a husband would give the excuse he was legally restructuring his family after he legally married his 4th wife.
When Antoinette and Richard eventually made it over to Meri's house, the conversation drifted to the problems Meri had with her sisterwives, particularly Janelle. Meri did not look happy and her conversation illustrated, at least for me, why there are 4 houses. She told them she was cordial with Janelle, but I got the feeling if Janelle was on fire, Meri would not make the effort to piss on her to put the fire out.
Some other interesting observations were the discussion of Kody's obvious preference of King Sol over the rest of his children. Confronted by Antoinette, Robyn tried to concoct a story that Kody tailored his interactions with his other children based on that child's comfort level.
Whatever, Robyn. I guess the fact that almost 99% of the pictures generated show Kody with Sol firmly planted on top of his shoulders doesn't mean a thing.
And surely Robyn has seen the audience wondering if King Sol could even walk. Well, if she hadn't blocked them first, that is.
Of course, was anyone really surprised when Mariah announced that she no longer wanted to be a medical doctor and was now pursuing a Physician's Assistant degree?
Or that Kody shoved Christine's face in the fact that they did not have a long courtship by flippantly saying how having a long courtship enables the couple to really know if they are compatible with each other and that he wanted all his children to have long courtships.
The irony of this was in the first season of Sister Wives, Kody mentioned that he had a very long courtship with Robyn because she lived so far away. No wonder Christine blew a gasket. It was the same misstep Kody committed with the chili cheese nachos incident with Christine. And Robyn should have kept her big nose out of the conversation. Period.
The debriefing of Antoinette and Richard with Professor Jankowiak was unnecessary. If anything, it looked like just another scripted moment to show the Sister Wives fans hey they are just normal people after all. That there was no favoritism, that Kody spent the same amount of time with each wife and child, blah blah blah...
This was definitely a scripted moment that should have been shown the cutting room floor. And for the record, I'm not off my rocker nor do I have an agenda to pursue because I don't agree with you, thank you very much, Richard.
Which, on the topic of having an agenda to pursue, can definitely be said of the final scene of this episode.
Meri walks into an attorney's office, sits down and while the camera lingers on her left hand, minus a wedding ring, she says "I want to see about a legal divorce from Kody."
As the screen fades to black, the words appear "to be continued..."
In real time, TLC takes the unprecedented step of almost immediately announcing Sister Wives will be back for another season. Of course it will. There's only one episode left, after padding the season with two very unnecessary Behind the Scenes episodes featuring first Robyn, then Meri. That final episode on March 1, where Meri has promised the "true" story will come out, will just be a teaser for the next season.
You know I wouldn't be surprised that, on the season finale, after 55 minutes of rehashing the past season, they cut away showing Meri running to her McMansion to answer the phone.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Off Topic Friday 2/20/15: Who Really Puts the Twit in the Word Twitter?
Well, after this morning's Twitter exchange, I have to say the Browns are the hands down winners.
But before we go any further, let's take a look at some Euclidean Geometry, shall we?
First, we have a Greek named Pythagoras.
Who has a very famous theorem named after him, and it looks like this:
Second, Aspyn Brown's birthday is March 14th. It just so happens, this year ...
And for that reason, 3/14/15 is being called....
Get it? Ha ha ha. Those funny mathematicians!
So here we have the new Mrs. Kody Brown reminding us simple minded monogamists why she's the legal wife and the other three aren't when she retweets this embarrassing exchange between the adult Browns early this morning...
Call me silly, but what happened to face to face conversations?
Not so fast there, Mrs. Kody Brown. Something tells me Mr and Mrs Brown didn't spend much time in the Mathematics Building of their high school. At least not while awake. And Kody continues to embarrass himself with this stream of Twitter consciousness ...
No Kody, I won't believe you about "hormones." If I have a hormone question, I'll ask a professional like that monogamist harlot taking care of her business on the street, thank you very much!
Seriously, I don't know WHAT the heck Kody was talking about...and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know, either. He has now added mathematicians across the known Universe to his list of alienated parties, right under accounts he's blocked on Twitter.
That's Kody for ya...always making friends and influencing enemies (or was that influencing friends and making enemies???)
And on the subject of making enemies...
Looks like someone's done it...They made Mrs. Kody Brown mad. You can tell because she always apologizes, uses an ellipsis then says excuse me, and ask a question. Just aching for a fight, if you know what I mean...
Breathing perhaps? Speaking? How about that Twitter #BlockingSpree you boasted about a few weeks back?
But it hasn't been all fun for Meri. You see, she's having those dizzy spells again.
Now a fan did ask her if she was in a "family" way, which Meri tweeted back...
But if you remember, Meri was having dizzy spells on the days she was in court finalizing the demise of her legal marriage. I wonder what could be bringing on this new round of "dizzy spells"? Has she been reading "Little Women" and is just having a bout of "the vapors"? Or did she get some more bad news, like someone ELSE may have a bun in the oven. Hey, this is how rumors get started, right???
So we are left with Janelle to make it better, right? But wait...sounds like Janelle is going through her own bout of suffering, thank you very much!
Hmmm....I do remember Meri having this very same affliction last year...could it be? Nah....
Like I've said before, I can't believe how many people will click on a link that shows up on Facebook AND believes what it says! That's how rumors get started...and how divorces get leaked...know what I mean?
Thanks for clearing THAT up for us, Janelle.
On the lighter side of Polygamist News (if there even IS such a thing) Papa Joe Darger proudly announced the birth of his newest grandchild by his daughter from a different father...
Let's hope it wasn't really a fist baby because that would be rather uncomfortable and odd, wouldn't it?
That's all for now...More updates as they happen!
But before we go any further, let's take a look at some Euclidean Geometry, shall we?
First, we have a Greek named Pythagoras.
Who has a very famous theorem named after him, and it looks like this:
Second, Aspyn Brown's birthday is March 14th. It just so happens, this year ...
And for that reason, 3/14/15 is being called....
Get it? Ha ha ha. Those funny mathematicians!
So here we have the new Mrs. Kody Brown reminding us simple minded monogamists why she's the legal wife and the other three aren't when she retweets this embarrassing exchange between the adult Browns early this morning...
Yep! These are the kind of conversations we have at 7 in the morning...I love these people!
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) February 20, 2015
Call me silly, but what happened to face to face conversations?
@DianeKSC @realkodybrown @JanelleBrown117 Sorry Kody but she has you on this one. You got the formula right, the name wrong. It is Pi!
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) February 20, 2015
Not so fast there, Mrs. Kody Brown. Something tells me Mr and Mrs Brown didn't spend much time in the Mathematics Building of their high school. At least not while awake. And Kody continues to embarrass himself with this stream of Twitter consciousness ...
No Kody, I won't believe you about "hormones." If I have a hormone question, I'll ask a professional like that monogamist harlot taking care of her business on the street, thank you very much!
Seriously, I don't know WHAT the heck Kody was talking about...and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know, either. He has now added mathematicians across the known Universe to his list of alienated parties, right under accounts he's blocked on Twitter.
That's Kody for ya...always making friends and influencing enemies (or was that influencing friends and making enemies???)
And on the subject of making enemies...
Looks like someone's done it...They made Mrs. Kody Brown mad. You can tell because she always apologizes, uses an ellipsis then says excuse me, and ask a question. Just aching for a fight, if you know what I mean...
@kimsanrn I am sorry...excuse me but what did I do that was shameful?
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) February 20, 2015
But it hasn't been all fun for Meri. You see, she's having those dizzy spells again.
Laying in bed with dizzy spells... Again!! Ugh!
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) February 20, 2015
Now a fan did ask her if she was in a "family" way, which Meri tweeted back...
"@ManzillaKilla: “@MeriBrown1: Laying in bed with dizzy spells.Again! Ugh!” Are you pregnant?" If so, I'd have been pregnant for15 years! :)
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) February 20, 2015
But if you remember, Meri was having dizzy spells on the days she was in court finalizing the demise of her legal marriage. I wonder what could be bringing on this new round of "dizzy spells"? Has she been reading "Little Women" and is just having a bout of "the vapors"? Or did she get some more bad news, like someone ELSE may have a bun in the oven. Hey, this is how rumors get started, right???
So we are left with Janelle to make it better, right? But wait...sounds like Janelle is going through her own bout of suffering, thank you very much!
You know this middle of the night insomnia is getting old. In a perfect world I'd embrace the time & sleep later -but my day starts early 😴
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) February 20, 2015
Hmmm....I do remember Meri having this very same affliction last year...could it be? Nah....
Like I've said before, I can't believe how many people will click on a link that shows up on Facebook AND believes what it says! That's how rumors get started...and how divorces get leaked...know what I mean?
@christy4mikey @realkodybrown No it's an ad for some sort of supplement. It's not true in the least.
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) February 18, 2015
Thanks for clearing THAT up for us, Janelle.
On the lighter side of Polygamist News (if there even IS such a thing) Papa Joe Darger proudly announced the birth of his newest grandchild by his daughter from a different father...
Breaking News! Our daughter Amanda just had her fist baby. A girl 7lbs 8 oz.
— TheDargerFamily (@TheDargerFamily) February 19, 2015
Let's hope it wasn't really a fist baby because that would be rather uncomfortable and odd, wouldn't it?
That's all for now...More updates as they happen!
Monday, February 16, 2015
Selected Sister Wives Tweets from 2/15/15
Unable to completely ignore that big ole D.I.V.O.R.C.E. elephant taking a big ole poop in their cul-de-sac, they have chosen to deflect the audience away from the distracting sight. They now have taken to teasing the audience, cajoling us to keep watching the show to find out "the truth."
Well, I've had enough of the bait and switching. The stench of elephant dung gets worse each day.
Hey Sister Wives, we are NOT amused anymore.
So how did the Browns handle the first episode since the bombshell that exploded 2 weeks ago?
Well, in the case of the New Mrs. Kody Brown, she took time out from her #blockingspree to tweet some positive thoughts to the faithful she hadn't had time to block.
For example, here she is showing the world that even though she has usurped Meri's throne as legal wife she can still suck up to Meri's acorn when necessary.
I love @mariahlian! She is such amazing young woman! I am honored to have her love.
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) February 16, 2015
And when faced with the harsh fact that Mr. Robyn Brown spends more time with her offspring than his other 13 kids with his original 3 wives, she is quick to defend her man...even if it doesn't really make sense.
@realkodybrown spends time with all of his kids. I think it is a constant struggle 4 him to be there 4 his kids as much as he would like.
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) February 16, 2015
In a rare honest moment, Robyn does take the time to show her dwindling fanbase she is human, after all.
My Dad is here this week as we tweet and watch #Sisterwives together. So good to have him here! I love him so much!
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) February 16, 2015
Meri, on the other hand, showed her audience that her patience is wearing thinner by the hour. I mean, really Meri, can't you at least PRETEND to be nice?
Listen to the conversation here. Neither @realkodybrown or I were feeling strong to have a baby. Not that time of our lives. #SisterWives
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) February 16, 2015
One word describes the tone of this tweet. And it's a word normally heard in a kennel, if you know what I mean (and I think you do!)
For those who didn't catch it, I did say that the story would begin to be told tonight, and to watch over the next few weeks. #SisterWives
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) February 16, 2015
Oh man, Meri. Maybe you should just stop tweeting for a while and listen to some Danny Gokey, or VanLadyLove. Do SOMETHING to chill out, damn...
Can I just say tabloid? Or media? Come on, you guys have got to be smarter than that! ;-) Watch my REAL reason on March 1. #SisterWives
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) February 16, 2015
Kody has caught on to the haters phenomenon (otherwise known as anyone who speaks their mind rather than spouting empty accolades to a narcissistic man child and his emotionally needy baby mamas. Oh, and Robyn.
Oh look, Kody makes a joke about blocking his "haters." I wonder what will happen when he's blocked the last unblocked person on Twitter. Will the universe implode?
@JanelleBrown117 says, "my goodness the haters are out tonight!". I said, " I didn't notice. I guess I blocked 'em!" 1/2
— Kody Brown (@realkodybrown) February 16, 2015
And actually, I'm kind of happy I'm not a middle child of Kody and his Original Three Wives. I really don't think too many people want to be in that thankless position. Kody, are you laughing at him or with him? Earth to Kody: Hate is never funny...
2/2 Then Gabriel says, "They hate us 'cause they ain't us!". I'm laughing out loud. #SisterWives
— Kody Brown (@realkodybrown) February 16, 2015
Even Papa Joe Darger gets into the fray, but at least he refrained from using the "H" word, and speaks the truth. Of course, Kody and his Kodettes© were never the brightest lights on the Christmas tree so I imagine this tweet went right over their heads...
@realkodybrown Engaging with jerks online is like trying to drown a vampire with your own blood.
— TheDargerFamily (@TheDargerFamily) February 16, 2015
Don't you just love how Kody dishes out those back-handed compliments?
So proud of @mariahlian ! She is reliable & considerate. She was so cute too. Wish @MeriBrown1 & I could have had more. #SisterWives
— Kody Brown (@realkodybrown) February 16, 2015
Janelle continued to tweet about her two favorite things; Food and the Sister Wives TV Schedule.
Finishing touches on tonight's cheese fondue. They say nutmeg goes in it ?!? I'm so not a cook I guess.
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) February 16, 2015
Have a good evening everyone! With traveling this weekend we are having our annual Valentines Day fondue a day late!
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) February 16, 2015
Hey, don't forget Sister Wives returns on March 1, 2015!
Now how many weeks do we have to wait for the next episodes of Sister Wives? And what show will you be watching next Sunday?
Academy Awards next Sunday - we will be watching for sure! Join us 3/1/15 - in 2 weeks @TLC 9/8c
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) February 16, 2015
Hey Janelle, you better repeat it for us dumb ass hater monogamists...We can be kind of thick in the head from all that social media and tabloids overload...
Join us 2 weeks from today to find out the story behind all the Hoopla. March 1st 9/8c @TLC .
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) February 16, 2015
Thanks, Janelle. I'm off to enjoy Mardi Gras!
YIKES!!! Over 250 comments! I'm shutting down this posting for comments, but please continue your conversation here: Off Topic Friday 2/20/15: Who Really Puts the Twit in the Word Twitter?
To see ALL the comments, Please scroll all the way down til you see a link that says "Load More" or "Loading..." Keep clicking on this link until it disappears - that indicates you've loaded ALL the comments!
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Sister Wives: L I V E T W E E T P A R T Y for 2/15/15
It's Sister Wives L I V E T W E E T P A R T Y T I M E !!!!
Prepare yourself for MORE Mr. Robyn Brown BLOVIATING!!
While the new Mrs. Kody Brown indiscriminately BLOCKS TWITTERS !!
Are YOU on her list tonight???
It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!
Tweets by @LuvgvsUwngs
Tweets by @MeriBrown1
Tweets by @JanelleBrown117
Tweets by @realkodybrown
Tweets by @rosecolored6
#sisterwives Tweets
YIKES!!! Over 250 comments! I'm shutting down this posting for comments, but please continue your conversation here: Selected Tweets from Sister Wives 2/15/15
To see ALL the comments, Please scroll all the way down til you see a link that says "Load More" or "Loading..." Keep clicking on this link until it disappears - that indicates you've loaded ALL the comments!
Saturday, February 14, 2015
I Scour the Internet: The Post Valentine's Day Pre Mardi Gras Edition for 2/14/15 OFF TOPIC SATURDAY too!
After all the excitement these past 2 weeks, it's about time we settle back and enjoy what is left of Valentine's Day and anticipate the partaying in store for Mardi Gras on February 17th!
So even with the restructuring going on in the cul-de-sac, it appears that for the Browns, life still goes on...kind of...
Hunter has proven himself to be quite a wrestler this weekend. He has been crowned, for the second time, 195lb Nevada State Champ!
Here are some congratulatory tweets...
From himself:
— SH²B (@Brownboss99) February 15, 2015
From his bonus Mom, Meri :
Congratulations @Brownboss99 on your 2nd state wrestling title!!
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) February 15, 2015
From his good old Dad, the new Mr. Robyn Brown:
Both second sons. Both 2X State Wrestling Champs! Who is the better wrestler? Hunter aka @Brownboss99 is.
— Kody Brown (@realkodybrown) February 15, 2015
From his bonus sis, Mariah:
just watching hunter kill it at state #proudbigsister #browntakeemdown @Brownboss99
— mariah (@mariahlian) February 14, 2015
From his proud mom Janelle Brown:
In Winnemucca 2day 2 watch @Brownboss99 wrestle State Championship. Go son go! So proud of all you've accomplished!
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) February 13, 2015
And from a fan, we have this group photo...Ha!! For once Kody has taken a picture without King Sol hanging on for dear life to what's left of his DaDa's hair.
Um so this happened 🙈😱 #SisterWives
— Hallie Caratzola (@h_caratzola7) February 15, 2015
I'm still not sure where the new Mrs. Kody Brown was, perhaps she was taking the picture? Or maybe she got lost? Well, at least she did retweet Kody's tweet about "second sons." You see, King Sol is Mrs. Kody Brown's second son, too.
Meri tweeted about having a weird dream...and yep, this does qualify as a weird dream...
I dreamt last night that @dannygokey called me & asked me to sing with him. :-D #GoodDreamOrBad
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) February 14, 2015
Well, I suppose we should be happy it wasn't an old ad for Maidenform know, "Last night I dreamed I went to the Opera, in my Maidenform Bra." Although I think it would make for a hilarious skit...Meri, in a Maidenform bra, singing with Danny Gokey...priceless!Of course, Meri wants EVERYBODY to watch the remaining episodes of Sister Wives...
Hey guys, remember, there's still episodes airing this season where questions will be answered.
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) February 12, 2015
It is, after all still ratings sweep month until Feb 29th.
Now this is really funny! I can't believe their little Mykelti actually tweeted this!
If I was asked to write a sermon, I'd crack open a bunch of fortune cookies and add the phrase "for Christ" instead of "in bed" after them
— Mykelti Brown ΣΣΣ (@Mykelti15_B) February 12, 2015
Shocking, I tell you! And oh so deliciously witty! Although I don't think Kody and Christine will see the humor...Since today was Valentine's Day, Papa Joe Darger tweeted this greeting to his followers....get it???
Happy Valentine's, Vickentines and Alinatines Day. #lovetimesthree
— TheDargerFamily (@TheDargerFamily) February 14, 2015
What was totally absent (which a number of you noticed) were the Lover, Let's Get It On tweets from Meri to former legal husband, the new Mr. Robyn Brown. In fact there were no Valentine's Day greetings at all from the Brown parental units. I'm guessing they are wanting to keep their profile kinda low, being they really can't afford another #BlockingSpree from the new Mrs Kody Brown decimating their already dwindling fanbase, especially when it's a ratings sweep month! Bwahahahahaha!
At least Christine retweeted the nation's First Lady...
Tell our troops and military families #HappyValentinesDay →
— The First Lady (@FLOTUS) February 14, 2015
That's all for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet so YOU don't have to!!!
Happy Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Selected Tweets from Sister Wives 2/9/15
Kody and his Four Wives


You know something? I have a message for the Browns...
To paraphrase Judge Judy, "Don't piss up my back and tell me it's raining."
Your audience is NOT stupid. We DO have the intelligence to see through this charade of Kody shedding one wife like so many hair follicles in order to marry the last fertile baby mama waiting in his cul-de-sac.
Barb Hendrickson contemplating her divorce from Bill |
Simply put, one doesn't up and divorce a wife to solve a problem. Divorce should be the last resort. And frankly, I don't care what the issue was, or what explanation the Browns may come up with. This divorce stinks to high Celestial Heaven.
Now the legal spouse wasted no time during the show to tweet this to someone who must have ruffled the new Mrs. Kody Brown's feathers. I still don't know what word "expose" meant - autocorrect probably didn't either.
You expose how see our family & marriages when you refer to us as not married just committed. We are ALL married to Kody! #BlockingSpree
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) February 9, 2015
My dear Mrs. Kody Brown, you see, when you make a rather rash action of divorce and then three months later Kody Brown marries the next wife waiting in line, well, it looks like the women in your "family" are simply interchangeable parts and that "legally restructuring" a family is a normal occurance.
Just like those spokes in a wheel Kody's mother likes to talk about, this divorce and remarriage only illustrated how interchangeable women are in plural marriage. In a not so positive way, I might add.
And then to take issue with tweeters who disagree with you. Are you serious? #BlockingSpree ? Seriously? During a ratings sweep month? Are you seriously MAD???
Well, I took to my twitter, and even though the new Mrs. Kody Brown blocked me at the beginning of the season, I didn't care. I tweeted this response for anyone to see!
@LuvgvsUwngs, @TLC #SisterWives #hubris when on a #BlockingSpree is never pretty or smart when your show depends on #ViewerRatings !
— Cynical_Jinx (@Cynical_Jinx) February 9, 2015
@Cynical_Jinx @LuvgvsUwngs @TLC If everyone Robin blocked stopped watching rating would drop as fast as she hits the block key
— cynthia pearson (@cynthiapearso18) February 9, 2015
As if on cue, Meri tweeted for followers to watch the upcoming shows. Literally milking the sympathy she's getting from others who think she got a raw deal.
"@mentor2k: @MeriBrown1 - what are the chances next week's show will be "the real story"?" Very high. Keep watching.
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) February 9, 2015
@BrandiGirl76 You're definitely not cut off. All about the timing! :)
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) February 9, 2015
@debbdotblonde Don't be disgusted by what you don't understand. Give it a few more weeks. For me.
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) February 9, 2015
But you know what Meri? You have chosen to live in the cesspit known as plural marriage to Kody, so don't expect many to follow pleas to watch the show, for you...
And then here's this beauty of a tweet from the new Mrs. Does anyone know what work ethic the new Mrs. Kody Brown is talking about? Please don't tell me it's that Keeping the Honeymoon Alive crock of you know what...come to think of it, it did work on
Watching #Sisterwives with my Mom & the family tonight! I got my smile, cheekbones, work ethic & tears from her. ♡♡♡
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) February 9, 2015
And this gem from Kody. Frankly Kody, I don't think the way you run your family exists anywhere else on this planet.
Our family runs nothing like those in Colorado City. I thought Professor Jankowiak would get this. #SisterWives
— Kody Brown (@realkodybrown) February 9, 2015
I was surprised to see Kody use the word "hubris". That's why I made sure to use it as a hashtag on my tweets. And Kody, it still takes a lot of hubris to actually say "It just takes confidence to be this vulnerable." while you and your new Mrs. block with abandon.
Was it hubris, or a slick selling producer convincing us to do #SisterWives ? Either way, It just takes confidence to be this vulnerable.
— Kody Brown (@realkodybrown) February 9, 2015
Better, Bigger and much more fun, but what about profitable? Is MSWC making a profit? Well, if #blockingspree is an indication, I'd say Nope...
Over the past two years @MySisWifesClos has grown to be better, bigger & much more fun. Thank you to all our patrons/customers. We love you.
— Kody Brown (@realkodybrown) February 9, 2015
And finally...
Careful! Many may judge what they don't understand. If you want to know, watch #SisterWives and most will be revealed over nxt3weeks!
— Kody Brown (@realkodybrown) February 9, 2015
Join us next week for another "2 hour tour " 😜. We have a behind the scenes look on @MeriBrown1 after our regular episode.
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) February 9, 2015
Thanks but no thanks Kody and Janelle. I'll be looking for a replacement reality show that I can understand without sacrificing my valuable brain cells and won't make my back wet and stinky.
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I Scour the Internet: The Post Valentine's Day Pre Mardi Gras Edition for 2/14/15 OFF TOPIC SATURDAY too!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Sister Wives: L I V E T W E E T P A R T Y for Sunday 2/8/15
It's L I V E T W E E T P A R T Y T I M E !!!!
#RunMeriRun #SisterWives
Meri in 2010 |
Meri Four Years Later |
Prepare yourself for MORE Mr. Robyn Brown BLOVIATING!!
While the new Missus indiscriminately BLOCKS TWEETERS !!
Yay! I'm legally Mrs. Kody Brown! |
Are YOU on her list tonight???
It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!
Tweets by @LuvgvsUwngs
Tweets by @MeriBrown1
Tweets by @JanelleBrown117
Tweets by @realkodybrown
Tweets by @rosecolored6
#sisterwives Tweets
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YIKES!!! Over 350 comments! I'm shutting down this posting for comments, but please continue your conversation here: Selected Tweets from Sister Wives 2/9/15
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Timeline of A Leak: How the Discovery of Kody Brown's Divorce and Re-Marriage Was Played Out on Social Media
Here's an outline, with screen pics, detailing the events that eventually led to the public outing on January 31st of Kody Brown's divorce and re-marriage. Two groups played a major part in this saga. The groups were a Pro Polygamy/ Sister Wives group and a group that focused on TLC programming.
The first item in the timeline is this innocuous comment, left on Bonnie Fuller's Hollywood Life gossip website. This comment was found by a member in my Facebook living room who searched using the keywords kody, brown, divorce on January 31st.
Date: 1/21/15
Obviously, someone knew Kody and Meri Brown obtained a divorce. The only question is, why was it placed on an web article that was almost a year old?
Date: 1/31/15
Group: SisterWives Polygamy[...] (a private group)
Time: 8:03AM

Someone I've named "GC" asked a question about Kody having an affair. The post caught my eye because the language was weirdly archaic. Black maid? VD? When was the last time anyone used VD to describe what's commonly referred to as STDs nowadays?
Time: 9:35AM - 10:22AM
Someone I've named "KD" comes on the scene. She supposedly searched the "judicial records" and didn't find an arrest record for Kody.
But I assume for SOME reason she decided to check Family Records and found the divorce filing.
Being curious, I started my own research to confirm Kathy's findings. I assume other readers of these comments also starting researching to confirm.
Time 10:37AM - 10:38AM
Here, "KD" explains to the group her reasoning for researching Clark County Courts records.
Time 1:35 PM - 2:45PM, 6:56PM
(Apparently a block of comments were deleted by the admin after the 10:38AM comment.)
"KP" (a Brown family friend) comes on the scene and demands "KD" deletes the link to the document and PM her ASAP.
Later that evening, "KD" wonders "if the whole thing is for ratings."
Later that afternoon on the Sister Wives TLC FB fanpage:
Date: 1/31/15
Time 4:56PM
"MP" posted about the divorce and marriage but did not substantiate the claims with documents.
Almost forty five minutes after the comment was left on the Sister Wives FB fanpage, pictures of the documents were posted on the private TLC programming focal group:
Date: 1/31/15
Group: Get [...] TLC
Time: 5:35PM
Someone I've named "VC" posted the divorce document and...
Time 5:36PM
The marriage certificate document.
Someone named Mandy Robinson commented she worked for the Examiner and asked "VC"s permission to use the pictures posted. Coincidently, she became a member of this group on 1/31/15.
Her request appears to have been deleted.
Time 7:13PM
Mandy Robinson notifies the Get [...] group her article (with copies of the divorce and marriage docs) was published on the internet (time noted on the article was 7:01PM).
Time 7:17PM
I received a PM about this particular tweet.
This tweet was by a friend of "KP" direct to Robyn and Kody.
Group: SisterWives Polygamy[...] (a private group)
Time 8:10PM - 8:12PM
"KP" reappeared in the SisterWives Polygamy[...] group and had a conversation with the group's admin, "F".
Makes me wonder if "KP" was blindsided or just trying to cover up for the Browns.
So there we have it. One thing is sure. The leak concerning Kody Brown's divorce and remarriage was the result of deliberate planning to optimize ratings for Sister Wives during February's ratings sweep.
Someone wanted this information to be found. The first attempt on 1/21/15 was unsuccessful. But the second attempt, by dropping clues to two specific private Facebook groups, utilized the power of social media at it's highest level for maximum effect to insure the successful dissemination of information on a controversial reality show star.
This was not a case of serendipity.
The only question left is, was it enough. Your guess is as good as mine.
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