Kody trying to look like he's busy at work... |
As the Browns continue to chug their way through this current season of Sister Wives, every Sunday I find myself asking...what is Kody's job? I mean, what does he really do for living, outside of making an a$$ of himself on TV every week.
We never see him wearing a tie, like in the first season. We only see him wearing a crappy shirt and levis, with sandals. His hair is always a shaggy mess. Last week he worried about spending his retirement money to finance his children's college education.
But what job would Kody be retiring from in a few years?
So while you ponder that, and the problem of global warming (I'm sure Kody's being a polygamist with four wives is a major causal factor), I'll start my recap of the latest episode where, once again. Kody finds himself the center of attention.
As you can tell from the episode's title, Kody's Kodettes get to take some vacation time away from him. But before I get into that particular waste of time, money, gas (not to mention the wear and tear on Christine's vehicle) we watched Janelle participate in her first 5K race!
Of course there was contrived drama: A flustered Robyn (followed by an equally flustered Kody) ran into Janelle's house and announced that a big mistake had been made.

It seems that instead of being shipped a 4XL t-shirt flaunting Robyn's "Be" Values (that she apparently borrowed from the mainstream LDS church) she received an XL t-shirt instead.
Reluctantly, Janelle took the XL t-shirt and tried it on. Surprise Surprise! She was able to get the shirt on! Robyn was so pleased, she gushed how Janelle wearing something really tight "...showed off everything [she] lost."
Kody showing Janelle how he looks when impressed |
I think the only thing this segment showed off was the fact the production script writer must be running out of ideas. And then to put the cherry on the top of this crazy segment, Janelle looked at Kody and asked " Is it OK? You're the one who says don't wear it or wear it..." Kody, obviously still in shock that Janelle actually had a waistline kind of mumbled out "...I'm thinking...I'm actually impressed!"
Whatever, dude.
In the couch segment, Christine, Robyn and even Kody were very enthusiastic over Janelle's weight loss, and I think I heard Meri say something positive. But when the camera pulled back to show Kody and wives sitting on the couch, there was Meri with what looked to be a scowl on her face.
Oh well....
The next scene was the 5K race. Of course, Meri wasn't there because she had MSWC orders that just HAD to be shipped out. And Robyn was there, but couldn't run because she had hurt her back.
Once the race started, Kody ran off, leaving Janelle in his dust. Thank goodness Trainer Sean and Janelle's kids were there to keep her company. Even though Kody sort of apologized - he was setting his pace don't you know - it would have been nice if Kody had stayed with her and not have run off.
But then that would be asking for Kody to show he cared about other people besides himself.
Kody basking in the afterglow of running his race at his own pace (without Janelle) |
Back at the cul-de-sac, the Kodettes(c) prepare for their totally useless trip to San Francisco. Can someone please tell me what was the purpose of having the wives drive to San Francisco when there were perfectly fine airline companies willing and able to fly them from McCarran International Airport to San Francisco International Airport in less time than it took for Kody to barbecue steaks into charcoal?
I just don't get it.
Anyway, eventually the wives plus King Sol arrived at their San Francisco hotel. Now, I once visited San Francisco and stayed at a beautiful boutique hotel like the Hotel Rex. The difference, though, was a doorman who greeted me when I arrived by cab from the airport, and a bellboy who took care of my luggage for me. The only time I touched my luggage was when I started to unpack in my room.
It was so strange to watch Meri and her semi-merry sisterwives struggle getting their bags out of their vehicle. I guess being married to Kody prepared them to not expect any help and to be self-sufficient. But surely that hotel had a doorman and bellboys....wouldn't it?
The next morning (I assume) Robyn introduced us to her "great friend" Kendra, who was going to take the wives to a clothing store or two around San Francisco.
Needless to say, this segment became all about Robyn, who volunteered to "model" the clothes that her sisterwives were obviously too large to fit into properly at the clothing stores they visited.
Oh yes, according to this tweet, Kendra is also a BUSINESS PARTNER !! Why does MSWC need a business partner? How many other business partners are there?
Wait a minute...why does this look soooo familiar....OMG!!! She just can't be @HeroinOfParis - you know, that t-shirt designer I used to call Robyn's Rottweiler in the early years of Robyn on Twitter!! I'm pretty sure she is! Now everything is making sense!
Anyway, Ms Rottweiler....I mean Kendra took the Kodettes to a store that obviously catered to women of a certain size if you know what I mean. And why would they go to a store just to look at last season's clothes? They could do that in Las Vegas and save a lot of time and money!
If you want to see what I mean, here's a link to an article which discussed Ginnifer Goodwin and Kelly Ripa both wearing the same hot pink mess of a dress Robyn tried on....please note that the article was from
2012 !!
Kelly Ripa vs. Ginnifer Goodwin In Roksanda Ilincic: Who Wore It Better? (PHOTOS)
The best part of this whole dress shopping fiasco was when the Kodettes went to a plus sized shop and the owner bluntly told Robyn her services would not be required. Needless to say, the dresses
were kind of frumpy looking, but Meri insisting that a top made her hips look bigger was just delusion on her part.
You be the judge!
You're never fully dressed without a SMILE ! |
Hey, isn't Meri wearing leggings under that dress?
See what I mean??
After a day of shopping (apparently Janelle did buy a blouse that she wore on last week's episode), Kendra decided to take the wives to an Irish pub to sample some beers.
Robyn needing to chill out! |
Thank goodness for Polygamy, USA which showed us that some polygamists DO drink alcohol. And didn't Meri enjoy her cocktails on that anniversary trip to Mexico shown the first season of the show? So why the sudden snub against alcohol? Lord knows, Meri could benefit from a drop or two! Robyn too!
Cheers to Janelle and Christine for actually tasting the samples.
Meri and Robyn need to chill out!
So what was Kody doing with 15 kids in Vegas?
Well, they went bowling and Kody got mad because even though Aspyn had "no form" she still beat his score, which if you ask me would not be hard to do if you bowled gutter balls like Kody was doing.
Back at home, Kody started cooking steaks (?) when he was interrupted by Ysabel who stubbed her toe. Of course, Kody had to make a big deal out of carrying her into the bathroom and cleaning her wound. And I agree with Kody, that child's feet could use a lot of soap and water. Oh yeah, Kody burned the steaks. I guess Kody never thought to delegate steak grilling duties to one of the teens while he tended to Ysabel.
Kody and his kids then invaded neighbors Deirdre and Bill pool. I just hope those kids washed their feet at home first before diving into the neighbor's pool. While in the pool, Kody had a very contrived convo with his teen daughters about dating. I think it was all to show how Kody's religion doesn't condone underage marriage to older men.
As the wives were about to drive their way back to Vegas, we learned that Truely had taken ill. Even though Aspyn and Mykelti were very concerned, Kody seemed to ignore the possibility that Truely could be seriously ill. In fact, he argued with the older girls whether the child had a fever by insisting that she "... wasn't that hot! I know a fever!" as he touched Truely's neck and extremities with his hands.
I guess Kody actually taking Truely's
temperature with a thermometer never crossed his mind. Or, better yet, since he didn't really know what was wrong, perhaps taking the child to an emergency room to be examined by a DOCTOR who would be able to make a proper diagnosis of what was wrong with her.
It seemed like Kody quickly passed the ailing Truely off to her mother Christine when she got back from her trip and directed his attention to cuddling King Sol while everyone congregated at one of the wive's house for dinner. Wow....
Shame on TLC and the Browns for allowing Truely's illness (she later had to be hospitalized) to be used as a friggin' cliff hanger!