
Saturday, March 5, 2016

I Scour the Internet: The Post-Multiple Personality Day Edition for March 6th, 2016

I hate to say this, but could those gossip rags be right? Will the next season of Sister Wives ONLY focus on Kody, his blushing legal baby-mama  Robyn, and his newest contribution to the polygamous gene pool, little Princess Areola?

Are the Original Three Wives packing up their meager belongings and and heading back to Utah?

Good grief, I hope NOT!!!

But all the signals are there. Absolutely no new pictures of Kody's little Princess have been leaked out of the cul-de-sac. The Original Three Wives, excluding poor Christine who appears to be permanently out of the picture nowadays, appear to be "living" their lives separate from spiritual hubby Kody nowadays. On Twitter, Janelle has been planning trips, with nary a mention of the love her life, Kody, joining her.

Frankly, I don't blame Mistress Jangle. I mean, we ARE talking Kody, who I doubt would enjoy the simple pleasures of admiring the Irish countryside, or a day trip with daughter Savanah to local tourist destinations, like Hoover Dam or the Grand Canyon.

Yep, old Kody has shown us (you know, the people who actual WATCH their insipid reality show) if the show doesn't center around him or his 2nd legal wife, he doesn't care. Well, unless it involves a gun. Then he can muster up some enthusiasm. A LOT of enthusiasm....

But it's really pathetic that an ole catfisher's faux blog can rustle up more attention and speculation by going mercifully dark for a week, than the recent birth of Kody's now hidden 18th child, the Princess Areola. What's up with that?

Looks like the only thing left besides the obvious Sister Wives Wedding of the Year special episode when Maddie walks down the aisle with her aunt's (by marriage of course) brother this summer, is for TLC  to change the focus from the Original Three Wives, and the wife we so love to dislike (intensely) Robyn, to what will guarantee a home run in the reality TV ratings game.

That's right. Kody needs to start courting his 5th wife. And you know what, if the next season focuses on Kody courting the new love of his life, with  mommie dearest Robyn staging a glorious mental breakdown on Twitter....  Heck yeah, I'll watch that! In a New York minute!

TLC...Bring on wife #5!!!! Puleeeezzzze?????

Here are some candidates...

One of the former FLDS girls from the failed TLC reality show, "Breaking the Faith." The young lady in white must have met Kody before, and is savoring the memory of that experience. Hun, the brain bleach is in the bathroom cabinet, under the sink.

How about one of these nice Utah girls, straight from central casting and also featured in "Breaking the Faith." Those toothy grins would complement Kody's big head genes his offspring tend to inherit, don't you think?

Ramona Singer from Real Housewives of NY is a free woman...and would give Mistress Robyn a run for her cray cray money. Oh, and she's rich and is a businesswoman, too.

Wait up, this will be a winner! How about Kody showing everybody his sensitive side by courting his old wrestling pal? And if he's into guns, it's a double winner for the Kodester, right?

Or he could keep with polygamous tradition and marry one of his mothers-in-law!

See TLC?? If you use a little imagination, the next season could be a true ratings WINNER!!!!

So what's been up on Twitter land?

Uh...not much, unfortunately.

But leave it to Jangle to keep her fans informed. At least informed of what SHE'S been up to, that is...

She was recently featured in an article published in the Las Vegas Review-Journal...I wonder when an article featuring the new Mrs. Kody Brown and MSWC will be published...Anyway, great publicity for Jangle, don't you think?

Of course, Jangle mentions her bucket list vacation locations. Guess Kody will have to suffer going on vacay with Robyn.

What's that, Jangle? Your schedule and the kid's needs, you say? Hm...I wonder where your kid's father was. Oh yeah, he was a newlywed fresh from a Hawaiian vacay, working hard to impregnate his new legal wife. Ah, the joys of being a polygamist sister wife!

And it seems Jangle's spiritual husband is giving her a lot of leeway in managing her alone time  in the evenings...

Of course, Jangle tweeted a picture of cute Savanah, so the Kodster can remember what the dear child looks like...

And there's always a movie date to keep a sister wife properly motivated, right?

This just in. Jangle finally gives an answer to what happen to her doggy, Sasha. But I'm still left wondering, why? Why was the dog miserable? What chaos? Did she eat Kody's favorite pair of shoes? Or is it the obvious, that the cul-de-sac is not fit for human (hence the exodus of all the elder Brown children) nor beast?

Meri has left us a plethora of meaningful memes to think about, and speculate what might be going on in the cul-de-sac...kind of... this a direct dig to ole "Sam the Sham"?

oh yeah...

And what did the former Mrs. Kody Brown have to say about a certain faux person's birthday this week?

How lonely it must be to be an ignored catfish.

So that's all for now, and remember: I Scour the Internet, so you can enjoy entertaining your multiple personalities this weekend!


  1. "And you know what, if the next season focuses on Kody courting the new love of his life, with mommie dearest Robyn staging a glorious mental breakdown on Twitter.... Heck yeah, I'll watch that! In a New York minute!"

    Right there with you, CJ.
    TLC, are ya listening???

    Meanwhile, back at the cuddle-sec, still not feeling a mutiny from the lost, used-up original three.
    More like they are adrift in their McMansions, budgeting their show monies, making bucket lists, tweeting psych-inspirations and living as if the rest of the sisters are merely neighbors they occasionally wave to as they back out of their driveway.

    As far as their has-been sperminator, Kody-Idiot, he is likely now nothing more than the creep that is still the master of their $$$ universe. While our gal Sobbin is the proven spoiler they wish had never happened. Choices, Brown was all about your choices!!!

    No pics, tweets of the princess ??? Now that IS strange.
    Strange, maybe ...but not compelling. Not one bit!
    No pics.....oh, okay. Life goes on.

    1. No pics, tweets of the princess ??? Now that IS strange.

      I have a feeling the legal Mrs Brown is witholding pictures of their little princess as punishment to all the people in the world (and there are a lot of us) who simply don't like Robyn. It seems like a typical vindictive thing (like her twitter #blockingspree) that she would do. Childish, but then again, maybe this child will be allowed to grow up in an environment that doesn't include TV cameras. I doubt Robyn understands she's doing the baby a favor.

    2. I'd like to think that you are right that maybe, just maybe, due to her need to stick it to her non-fans, Sobbin will inadvertently spare at least one Kody-kid the rigors of TV intrusion.

      However, Sobbin is as much a media/attention glutton as her puppet husband, and for sure, she is just as greedy. It's more likely that the game plan is as you suggested where the birth and ensuing months will be the filmed showpiece for the season opener epp.
      And/ or there is already a ridiculous priced exclusive magazine article with pics from day one that has been negotiated for release right before the season begins.

      Then there will be the gang faking camaraderie and plyg bliss as Maddie's wedding plans ramp up to the big day. The special plyg therapist may make another appearance to calm down whichever non-wife is allegedly unhappy in the plyg-pen. Throw in a school graduation or two, with a RV trip to see Hunter and another season will be done.

    3. Babies, weddings and graduations. I can envision that being exactly what unfolds next season. News flash to TLC and its (current) favorite band of grifters: that's life. And most of us living it are far more interesting and likeable when we do so. The boring buffoons are not entertaining. They are lazy con artists, pure and simple. Prepare to lose even more of the few fans you have left when he finally get that.

    4. "they," not "he." :)

    5. Speaking of Maddie's future wedded bliss: I have no idea which mine Calab works at, but the industry is shutting down as we speak. Neighboring Wyoming's economy is in the tank and sinking, with no sign in sight for this new bust. Mine companies are declaring bankrtcy right and left. He probably makes twice what I do, but that big money could be gone in an instant. Does anyone know whether his mine is still standing? If it's laying off yet? If I recall, there are one or two from Montana here who might know.

  2. I wish Rhonda Vollmer from Big Love were a real person. She'd make a great fifth wife for Kody.

    1. Which one was Rhonda?

    2. She was the devious child bride of the polygamist leader (and Nikki Grant's father) Roman Grant.

  3. I don't think anyone would leave it would be the end of their livelyhood

  4. Here's a thought... wonder if any of my five wives would fancy living the vida loca in Vegas as the Kodster's no.5 ? I reckon Nonie would give mommie dearest a run for her money for sure.

  5. I am happy to see the older kids doing their own thing. I don't follow Mariah--she has private account and even if it wasn't private I feel like she would be a snooze anyway. Logan seems to be enjoying young adulthood with his pretty girlfriend and Maddie is blissfully in love. From what I can tell Mykelti has left Vegas and is living in Utah, working at a pawn shop and has a boyfriend. Aspyn appears to be thriving living the Greek life with her sorority. She has lost weight, and looks very pretty in her pictures. What I find most interesting is that she consistently tweets about Alex and Ani jewelry. Wonder if she is a paid tweeter. All seem to embracing the world of monogamy. As far as the wives leaving.....Christine would have to take another husband. She has no job skills and no desire to work. I can see Meri going back to Utah and finding a mundane job. Janelle might stay in Vegas or move closer to her Mom. I would be curious to know how things are now handled with Wynn's wives. Are they just neighbors now? Glad to see a new post this morning. Happy Sunday All.

    1. I believe Aspyn was working part time at Alex and Ani, at least for a while.

  6. Meri, Jangle, and Christine are not leaving Kody. Not because they have bills to pay but because what man would take them?

    From a polygamous point of view, all the women are used up. They all had babies for another man. Even Kody expressed some misgivings about having Robyn in his harem because she was a divorced woman. The ONLY thing Robyn has going for her is that she is younger, skinnier than Kody's three old wives and more fertile. See how Robyn tried to rewrite her children's history with Kody as their father in that creepy drawing? Can't be done with Meri, Jangle, and Christine. They seem as if they are done reproducing.

    From a monogamous point of view, I just don't see monogamous men putting up with these women polygamous BS. These women manipulated, bitched, used baby voices, whine, used mean girls tactics, etc. to gain a crumb of Kody's affection and attention. They did this for most of their adult lives. Such tactics are probably needed for polygamy but will not translate well in a monogamous relationship.

    Finally, these woman would find it hard to get a man who respects them. These women been in polygamous marriages for how many years? A lot of men would think these women would be ok with them cheating.

  7. Jessie,
    I totally agree with you. Meri and Christine have absolutely no gumption. Christine has spent her life being a stay at home, good or bad, she has no skills that are marketable and she is not interested in learning strategies to become so. Janelle is the only one who could possibly survive financially. She has and still works, which is probably the only reason why Kody married her from the start and has stayed married to her. He needed the second income and when he realized Meri wasn't going to be devoted to work, he saw Janelle as the second and probably primary wage earner. Meri has had a half-assed relationship with work where she did it when she wanted or didn't do it. I imagine that even when she didn't work, Mariah hung out with her siblings that were probably always at Christine's, leaving Meri to rest or do whatever she needed to do.
    If Kody dies before any of his wives, the only one right now who stands to even benefit from his SS is Meri and truthfully, I doubt he has paid much in over the years. I suspect if he lives another ten years, Robyn would draw a little and his children would draw a little....because of the show, maybe Christine has paid in a little social security but I don't know how that works...but I do know she has to have paid in for several years and the social security is determined not just on the amount paid but the number of consecutive years paid she will be screwed when she hits social security age. I suspect that is why her mother is selling purses. None of those women or any polygamous women think past today or after death...they grow old and trust that the legal wife will throw them crumbs just as she has done their entire marriage. Robyn can scream all she wants about the legal marriage being about the kids but she is about the benefits the legal security brings down the road.
    I don't see there being any long trips with wife 1,2,or 3 any time in the future because wife 4 is at the helm....She is the only one producing babies so she is the one he is doting on. Now what I suspect is that she is nearing the end of her fertility run, which means that if he can squeeze another child out of her, it comes at a very high risk, as we all know. If there are going to be more spawn to add to the Brown's Clown Bus, he is going to have to bring in a younger breeder hen. If that happens, I see two things for sure: 1) Christine will jump, laugh, and clap hysterically while she watches Robyn fall apart; 2) Meri's wet bar will be shared by the new wife...cause she is the only one with all that room. Can you imagine how that will look....
    I've recently started watching Big Love and holy cow....I know it's fiction but it resembles so much the Browns...don't you think.

    1. All these plig women und up alone and broke. See the photo of Kody's mother in laws? None of them have anything and no one.

    2. I agree except, I don't see Meri sharing her house with any woman unless Kody pulls the "you had an affair" card on her. Otherwise, I see her giving a HUGE bitching fest over sharing her large home with a younger, fertile wife. She'll use the "I'm unable to have anymore children and this isn't fair for me to be around someone who can pop out a baby like nothing" speech.

      Robyn's days are numbered. She best hope she is one of those women who can reproduce late in life or she will be facing the same treatment as the older wives. I would love to see her smug face after a new wife is added.

    3. I don't ever see Meri sharing her house. I see her leaving and moving back to Utah before that happens, although I kinda think she's going to head back that way once the show is done anyway.

  8. A dear friend was a polygamist wife in the Manti cult. She is no longer. Let's not underestimate these women.

    1. I agree with you jane. I for one do not want to mimic the little voice in their head that says "Don't leave you can't make it alone".For one thing they will not be alone. Every kids who has accepted Kody being selfish would have to give the women a break.

  9. I find it ironic that Meri is posting about karma.

    1. Karma sure bit her in the posterior, didn't it?

    2. Yes it did !!

      "The theory of karma hones in on the principle that every action produces an equal and/or opposite reaction. Every time we think or do something, we create a cause, which in time will bear its corresponding effects. "

      For Meri, that appears to mean tweeting psycho-spiritual sayings that she just tosses out there, rather than applying.

  10. If I was Meri I would do something - anything! with my Twitter account than what she is doing. That is just...

    I won't even speculate if those are for Zero or what or whom. It truly doesn't even matter. It's kind of like when I tell my nephews or nieces not to break up on Facebook. Just don't. It serves no one.

    1. Here's a scary thought. Meri wants to work with at risk teens but her own life seems to be out of control. Is it possible that job she was let go from was because of her poor performance and not because she's a sister wife?

    2. The little snippets of information about her antics in others jobs (like flitting off with the doofus without notice), that's entirely possible. So is her suddenly becoming a "star" and not focusing on her job. I've learned to never take her stories at face value.

  11. There is a really great quote out there...I don't remember who to give credit to.

    "Any fool can repeat someone elses slogan"

    Meri's meme-fest reminds me of this...

  12. Welfare fraud is finally catching up with FLDS in the form of indictments.And the good folks of Colorado City and Hildale are learnng that in a democracy you cannot arbitrarily discriminate against people who are not members of your cult. I don't follow anybody on twitter but I wonder if Kody will take this as further evidence of persecution of polygamists

    1. or more likely take it as an opportunity to self-righteously proclaim that "we" are the good polygamists, not at all like those other

    2. There is a Washington Post article about the court decision and it has a photo of Brady and two of his wives in the crowd or possibly a protest. I laughed in that they all look so said while the sign says something like "I am not brainwashed," and "you are a bigot." But they look like they are in a trance.

      Surprised Kody and crew weren't in the front line trying to be camera hogs

  13. What chaos is there at Janelle's these days? Logan, Maddie, Hunter are all gone. Garrison spends a lot of time at ROTC? Kody is not there often (and he is the one that creates all the drama).

    1. Good point, very good point.
      She has just 3 kids at home, no babies/ toddlers/ or even preschoolers, with one son, as you point out, a busy teenager doing his ROTC thing. Yet heaven help her, it's just "chaos!"
      They live in a spacious home, with all the amenities.'s chaos.

      It's clear that sometime in the last year or so, Jangle-Janelle has been anointed as the tweet "communicator" for the compound. She is the cheerleader, pic poster, KodyIdiot defender and all around sisterwife for the ages.

      Makes sense since Meri is in hibernation with only her twitter account and "The Complete Encyclopedia of Inspirational Sayings for All Occasions" for company.

      Christine is busy alternating between scary euphoria and remembered despair about building sand castles with a certain Plyg narcissist and the therapist smugly looking on.

      Sobbin is heavy into Madonna world as the reigning fertile goddess of Kodyland. She has no time even now for the loyal fan sycophants who kept her star shining. Perhaps there were not enough gifts sent for the princess like there was for the little king.
      I guess the Queen is not amused.

    2. I agree, her house should be pretty peaceful these days. Garrison might be almost out of there too. I would think Robyn's would truly be chaotic as who is watching the other 4 kids? More "staff" more mess and noise there I bet.

    3. Good question about the chaos in Janelle's house.

  14. Just wondering if Meri was talking about Catfish or herself with that Karma meme...I have no doubt that Kody is punishing her for her "vulgarity". If she felt alone before, I can't imagine how alone she feels now. I'm also sure their priesthood holders have used her story as a cautionary tale. See what happens when you open yourself up to the monogamist world?

    I have to remind myself that these women have been brainwashed by a cult. They are victims of abuse, and it takes a lot for the abused to leave their abuser, and in this case, leaving means eternal hellfire. No. I think not. It's far more likely that they are just stuffing their feelings in mock tapioca.

  15. Say what you will about the whole "Sam Cooper" catfishing saga, I do at times find the postings of notbatmanyet to be much more entertaining than the last season of Sister Wives. The plot, settings, development of characters, conflict are much better than what the TLC writers threw at viewers.

    1. It would be good entertainment if it was somewhat believable but everything on that blog is so over the top. A millionaire business man simply does not run his affairs using Twitter. It is a poorly written fantasy story.

  16. So having been made aware of all the Non-goings on in the cuddle-sac via social media, what chance do they have for a stellar or even borderline season of ratings. What do you think???

    My guess is that there is one season left on their contract. TIC is willing to run with it since it is possible that there are ratings yet to be scrounged out of curiosity about those covertly planted rag mag seeds about a wife or two leaving.
    And then, they may also be delusional (desperate enough) to even think that Kody's *15th* bio child will be ratings worthy. Yawn !!

    But then again, TLC is busy pitching a new Dugger faux drama starring only daughters and babies.
    That re-do has to be a risky venture, since the daughters, while definitely attractive and appropriately duggery demure, way to sugar it up.....they are BORING.
    So looks like TLC and TPTB are hedging their bets and putting on both "iffy" shows this season.

    One.... to see if Kody and his Harem have finally run the gamut of stupid, scripted BS from Kodyworld.
    Will it finally be clear that NO ONE Cares??? (will we get to hear Taps?...hope so)

    And two... to see if the public really has finally had its fill of JimBob and Michelle and *any* of their offspring.

    Any thoughts ???

    1. Something tells me that saying about cockroaches and Cher will now have to include Sister Wives if the show is renewed after this season!

    2. I was wondering this myself. The sad thing for the Browns is that the Duggar spin-off show is still probably going to kick their butts rating wise. TLC doesn't seem very excited about promoting Sister Wives any longer. Anyone know when the next season airs?

    3. Re the cockroaches and Cher.........yeah, no kidding.

    4. Yeah. Even the most dedicated, hardcore SW fans will eventually lose interest if TLC continues to ignore them by presenting NO information about an upcoming season.

    5. I lost interest last season and won't tune in this season. The last season I did watch I dvr'd it so I could ff thru all the stupidity. I could watch the whole show in less than 15 minutes. I still love CJ's blog, it's better than the show.

  17. Yes, it certainly falls in the fantasy realm. However, it has a campy, old soap opera feel to it, "Let's jump in the Escalade, with my live in nanny, two adopted babies, drive to my lake house, jet off to Dubai, and run all my multimillion dollar businesses, while still having time to blog." I grew up watching shows like, "Dallas," and "Falcon's Crest." I guess I just like to see what outlandish element will be added with the next post.

    1. It's been done before. Bachelor Father, Three Men and a Baby, even Different Strokes follow the same formula but the difference is those shows were well written. The notbatman blog goes to an unrealistic extreme like three nannies where one would do. It reads like a conman or conwoman in this case trying to pull a fast one. The quality of the writing is not at a level to make it believable and it falls flat.

  18. I guess I don't keep up what way is Christine out of the picture???

  19. Some site called She Knows(?)just posted a pic from Robyn of baby and Sol. And states that Meri won't be back on show. Probably not true, but entertaining!

  20. I wonder if Kody ever bathes? There is a picture of him on the Principle site at a gun show.He looks like he is homeless so if that rumour goes around you will know why.I could not fake keeping sweet to save my life if that crawled into my bed.

    1. Nah....he doesn't look like he's homeless, but that middle part is new. He does look a bit greasy, but that could be the gazillion hair thickening products he uses. Oh, and that he's sweating from finally working a REAL job. Is it my eyes, but does his face look like it's been botoxed? Hmmmm....

    2. Here's the url:

    3. Just had to take a peek at that url Thx, CJ.

      Oh yeah, I agree, sure looks like Kodyboy has had "something done" to the cheek and under-eye areas Botox, Jevaderm, dermabrasion, etc.???
      It would be just like that idiot to get spruced up for the camera.

      His hair? Looks like he had it permed...again.
      Have seen that before through the years of the show.
      Fluffs it up to look like "more!" His top hair (what is left) is straggly and thin.

      Kody working....??
      More likely just a photo-op...both for him and for the gun dealer.

    4. ...he is wearing an apron!? Is it possible that HE is the gun dealer? Could that be what they call "work"?

    5. Well, he IS showing off a gun, and yes, that's an apron (no doubt picked out by his new legal Mrs), but I believe he's representing for a gun seller's booth at a recent gun show. There are other pictures of Kody with other looky-lous, here's the url....

    6. Curious....I asked a neighbor who is a sportsman and hunter if wearing aprons are common at gun show booths. He said they are since gunsmiths, just like machinists, wear them to protect their clothes from all the oils used to lubricate the guns.
      He also said that it is common for the gun companies to have a celebrity onsite if they can get one during those shows. Kody possibly was either paid to be there or he was promised discounts to appear.

    7. Thanks Amused for checking with your neighbor! Let's hope Kody was paid for his presence, but knowing how knuckleheaded he can be, he most likely accepted discounts against future purchases.

    8. Ur welcome !!
      No secret that I am super skeptical of Kody being gainfully employed consistently (other than TLC) anywhere and for anything. That's what watching the SW sham-show for 6 years will do to a person. Kody does not work and hasn't for now going on 7 years.

      However, he is a gun enthusiast. We know that from the show where his beleaguered "wives" (really hard to type that word when it comes to them now) put together and bought him a new gun. He was certainly more thrilled with that then he was when they bought him a new laptop. Wonder which of his harem's McMansions houses his "toys?"

    9. I say his permanent residence since the move to Vegas has always been Robyn's home. So the "toys" are probably housed in a secret room there.

    10. I am a hobby photographer. That photo has a filter ran on it, which is giving it that sharp/cartoony look and making his hair look greasy. It's also responsible for the sharper facial features.

      You can really tell on the guns.

    11. I agree that Kody looks a hot mess is this photo, but did anybody notice the set of crazy eyes on the guy next to him?

  21. Was it noted that Meri's tweet of a couple of days ago was in keeping with your 'Post-Multiple Personality Day Edition' -- "The woman I was yesterday, introduced me to the woman I am today; which makes me very excited about meeting the woman I will become tomorrow." Now, a multiple personality disorder coming to light would make for a great season of Sisterwives. It could actually be a lot of fun. Like Sybil, there could be a good Meri, a bad Meri and a trampy Meri; nobody would know which one she was and she could literally get away with murder.

  22. The Catfish said that "his" book is on amazon. I don't see it anywhere. Anyone else?

    1. I saw it. I typed Samuel Cooper in the search on my Kindle and it came up. I didn't buy it. I just read the reviews.

    2.'s there!

      Search "Almost Meri'ed Samuel Cooper" in the kindle store. 31 comments that are warning people to not buy. I am truly amazed that its there at amazon. I wonder how many people will email them and send a few links for background checking.

    3. I didn't realize Amazon hosted books written by 2nd graders, I'll get my granddaughter right on it, writing her memoirs, gosh knows her spelling and grammar will be better than Batfish crazy.

    4. I think we all should publish a fictional biography on Amazon now! I think I'll title mine Totally Jinx'ed!!!

    5. To be or not to be Amused

  23. OMG, I checked out the photo of Kody at the gun show, yikes! That is *not* a pretty picture! I think shaving off that scraggly, greasy looking hair and losing the facial fillers would be a big improvement. In his current state, he looks scary.

  24. Once their show gets cancelled, theyre going to have to face reality when they have to find 9 to 5 jobs. Especially Kody being the man. Well, he should be the one to provide, but who knows, he might make the women work while he plays with Robyn.

  25. So Meri is going to be in a documentary where she can star as the tragic victim who was "forced" into leaving tons of messages and images showing and declaring her love. "Shannon C. Keith is actually filming a documentary about Meri’s situation. Keith spoke out and said, “We’re going to be using the unfortunate scandal involving Meri as the catalyst to have a discussion about catfishing, identity theft and fraud. I hope to expose slimy catfish.” There is no word at this time on where you will be able to see Meri Brown’s documentary when it comes out.

    1. If this is true and Shannon Keith is doing a documentary on catfishing I hope she brings out the truth that Meri was a willing adult looking for friendship that turned to love - no victim there. Until Sam was figured out be Jackie.

  26. I think that Meri is a poor choice for a victim. I wish that this documentary writer comes here to this blog or other blogs on the Internet and learn the truth. It would be a shame for her to do all this work portraying Meri as a hopeless and innocent victim and then realizes that she has been duped.

    1. You don't have to worry about Meri being made out as a total victim here. The lady making the documentary actually knows more about the situation than many of the commenters here. She is very active on Twitter which is where all the juicy catfish news really can be found.

  27. Jangle's poor puppy, I suspect, was rehomed because she was too much trouble for Jangle to train. Christine housebroke Jangle's children because, as we were told by Jangle, she is more of a worker girl and didn't enjoy the tenets of being a mother. I also suspect that work ethic was the only reason Kody kept her around which is the reason for the overly exaggerated devotion to "ambition". Even though he claims that no one of the women is the bedroom wife, he claimed otherwise when he said that no one of his wives could complete him; that he gets something from each...which is sort of like saying,, now, we men have this ability to complete not woman but many women because we are from head to toe and heart and mind complete but women...well those women can only do one thing so we need to make sure we get plenty of women so we get what we need: only one of my wives is a good cook; one is a good worker and is like my buddy; one is where I go to relax without chaos; and one is where I go to...well...gosh darn it, he better be doing know? And in return, those titles have stuck to those women and they thrive at being the best they can be at the trait he bought into them for...Jangle is a worker bee and she struggles to work hard at all costs to her children, her pets, and even to herself; Christine, bless her heart, she must make the best faux pudding in the world even if it means adding tons of sugar to everything...she is the cook and best mom...and she will continue to struggle to maintain that position at all costs...even if it means her own sanity; then there's poor Meri whose house was where Kody went to for serenity and sanity but then he has to eat food so Christine could sort of compete with the bedroom wife...there's only so long he can go without those wonderful faux foods; and because Jangle does the books and works, he has to go see her; but the strange thing about serenity and doesn't trump siree. The wives' values identified who they were so without the fulfillment of those roles, they began to lose out not only Kody time but also their identity and so we saw what happened to poor Meri who said that sisterwives completes her...hold on there haven't been looking to complete over the last few months so what's up....Jangle...that dog thing makes you almost as bad as Meri putting her dog down cause it peed on the rug. These women have only one love and that's Kody and now that they have lost him to the bedroom wife (I believe, and I may be wrong, but I believe any woman could knock her off her bedpost cause she ain't all that and at my age...I still have some know?, they are falling apart and losing interest in everything. I feel so sorry for the younger girls who really are seeing more than their mom's jealousy and heartache...they are watching as their moms sad.

    1. great insight, runkodyrun! "These women have only one love and that's Kody" I think it is their devotion to their religion/family life style and lack of self respect more than their love for him

    2. I totally agree with you runKodyrun...spelled out like that makes it even more sad. I cannot understand why they put up with it!! I have said before, if it's for religion then you can kind of sort of understand. But they don't practice their religion beyond just being polygamus.
      For him to be so incredibly arrogant and proud of himself is too much. He's so immature and if they do have a new season, I am not watching, but will keep up here. I hope that Meri, Janelle and Christine leave at some point and grab some self-respect. The kids are old enough now that that can't even be an excuse.

  28. Oh my! I just don't know what to think of all the trolls who are chasing down JO...I've been following them on twitter and let me just say that I get what they are doing and know that JO is dangerous to men and women. She plays games with people in such a way that can not only hurt them emotionally but also I get the need to let folks know. And, the trolls (I say that lovingly) have a blog where people who have been catfished can tell their story as a warning and cautionary tale. My problem with it is that they are not just trolling but they are now stalking and again I get it. But, they are giving JO so much attention and that is something she thrives on and there comes a point where their best intentions arouse sympathy for the mentally ill JO. While JO is all those things they say (liar, catfish, scammer, bitch...) she is also very mentally ill and here this mentally ill person who lives with an elderly lady is being cornered and I worry what will happen as a result of the pressure. I have never been catfished so I cannot quite understand the anger that some of these women and men feel and there's a part of me that puts equal blame on the victim. I know...don't blame the victim but if I went to a dating place on line and some one seemed too good too be true but had excuse after excuse as to why we couldn't meet, I don't think I would continue that online friendship...for real. How can you claim you were victimized when you are a grown ass woman and you have a brain and you ask to meet this go to a city to meet him (which is really kind of dangerous) and then he tells you over and over that he has all these horrible things happen...that there's this woman you can meet and see but never him???? I think I would have been suspicious way before the length of time it takes to really fall in love with the idea of someone or the someone. Maybe I am a cynic but I don't always buy everything someone tells me in person but I damn sure am not gullaby to online friends....well, it goes without saying that I love all my fellow-snarkers.

  29. Love you too, rKR!! I also am having a hard time with the current witch hunt directed at JO. It's one thing to educate and warn others but this is bordering on stalking and vigilante justice. While I think her behavior is sick and horrible, from what I can tell, the people she catfished were all mentally competent, grown adults---some made more vulnerable by their particular situation/circumstance. What would be a game changer for me is if she had gone after the segment of our society that needs extra care and looking out for - the elderly, the mentally disabled, children, etc. Those people that we have a duty to protect. However, it seems like she targeted people like Meri and while I feel sympathy, Meri has got to take responsibility for her behavior. This nonsense talk from Meri that the catfish was set on destroying their family, etc. In the tell nothing and the few articles where Meri is quoted on the subject, she takes zero responsibility for potentially placing their family in danger. I'm sure they continue to invite complete strangers into their homes in order to sell their green goo. It is a shame the JO stalkers/trolls could not channel their energy in a more productive way than focusing all their rage on her.

  30. BigSky, I totally agree with you. There are education programs about internet safety aimed at teens and tweens and I'm sure there are programs for adults but a better way to channel their energy would be to work toward more worldwide awareness. While they are letting people know, their focus leans more toward revenge and left toward prevention. I feel really bad for those women like Meri who have been catfished but to be truthful, they, like you said, are partially responsible.

  31. Has anyone seen the website 'Not a Man Yet' subtitled 'Life as a phony sure is lame'? It's got a silhouette of the joker's chubby body and is fairly hilarious. It's a knock-off of, but this website is There's a recounting of the Superbowl incident with 'Myron,' as told by 'Myron.' Check it out.

  32. They were all at The Coffee Shack this morning on the BigIsland. All 21 of them and crew.

    1. Do you have a picture or any other details?

    2. Hawaii? That's the only Big Island I know of. There is a Coffee Shack on the Big Island of Hawaii.

    3. I work my tail off, have no debt, solid savings, a full-time professional job (30 years, same employer), and multiple teaching/consulting projects to bring in additional income since raises don't keep up with inflation. I'm still saving for a Hawaiian trip with my husband of 32 years. No way in hell I'm going to sit and watch these lazy cheats and frauds yuck it up in paradise.

    4. HeyPal where's your BatBookMarch 22, 2016 at 9:48 AM

      This makes me sick. Who pays for this crap???

    5. I keep trying to post - not as anonymous - but can't figure it out!!
      Anyway, I would not want to watch them on another vacation when they are clearly so dysfunctional and in emotional tatters. But let's go to Hawaii cuz it's a trip and we can pretend that polygamy works! I really think TLC is being totally irresponsible with this family, imo.

    6. Does this mean that all of the magazine articles and online posts suggesting that Meri, Janelle, and Christine will leave/have left Kody are wrong?

    7. Well we could have been Catfished with this Hawaii Anonymous post since I can't find any reference to it anywhere else. This could just be someone starting a new rumor.

    8. @LBL; I'm with you on it could be a rumor. When they went to Alaska, social media lit up immediately with all kinds of comments about seeing them out and about. There is absolutely nothing about them in Hawaii anywhere. Also the poster said all 21 family members were there which is so unlikely given all their different work/school schedules for this time of year.

    9. I gotta agree on this one. When it's a family trip, the Brown's usually don't fly, and the only way to get to Hawaii is...well, unless Kody strapped all 4 wives together to make a human raft and paddled his way across the Pacific with King Sol and the Princess Areola in tow.

  33. My friend Is a flu ght attendant and was in Kona surfing today . There were 5 cameras and after nosing around found out they were filming Sisterwives there. Can't believe TLC thinks we want to see any of these people on another vacation that they don't deserve. Hope it's not just Robin and company claiming he needs to bond with his new adopted kids!

    1. Someone on the Sister Wives facebook page posted about being on vacation, seeing them and wanting a picture. They didn't say where they were on vacation though.

    2. misttya on twitter March 20:

      -That moment you're waiting for your flight and see @realkodybrown and all his family #sisterwives

      posted from the Kona International Airport

    3. Oh no. Not Meri in a swim suit again

  34. When does the new season start....anyone know??

    1. Hmmm...good question. Last year the "season" started in September so I'll guess the same for this year. Of course the first half will focus on Robyn giving birth to the Princess Areola. Then the obligatory hiatus for a couple of months ending with a special episode Maddie Gets Hitched featuring Robyn and Kody, of course.

    2. Also, from the reports above, we will be treated to yet another mind-numbingly boring, scripted TLC-funded trip of Browns frolicking and pretending to be blissful. Just think of all the talking head spots we are in for with Kody center stage next to his surfboard.
      Cuz we all know how he just loves to do them with his tossed scarecrow hair and rodent eyes.
      Hawaii......that could be a golden opportunity for the three non-wives to bury Kody up to his neck in the sand and leave him there until just before the tide comes in when Sobbin will then be allowed to dig him out.
      Anything will be better than seeing *another* Sobbin birthing and another Brown celebration even if a wedding. Sorry Maddie, but it's true.
      The blame goes to TLC, your parents and bonus parents who all played The Browns Having Fun card just too, too many ridiculous times.

    3. If deep in their hearts, the spiritual wives want to leave Kody, I wish they'd summon up the courage to do so. I would watch a show about the first three wives adapting to life outside of polygamy. If TLC continues to rehash old story lines, I will boycott "Sister Wives". It is fun to visit here though. So I'll get the scoop by reading comments.

  35. I have decided that I cannot stomach another season of the brown clowns. I know...but I will still follow on here and facebook. Their life style choice has ceased to be entertaining. When there was the hope that Janelle was going to snap at Meri and put her in her place or the hope that Christine was going to candidly blurt out the truths, it was entertaining. But, what I've come to realize as my desire to see the women liberate themselves is my desire and certainly isn't the women's desires. They are like rats on a wheel...they just keep going, trying to be first, running as fast as they can...making the wheel go around. That struggle they have reminds me of abused women, of which I was one so many, many years ago, and how they try so hard and nothing they do can fix that relationship because it is broken and vastly flawed. Their children are also flawed and that is probably what made me decide to stop watching the train wreck. When I left my children's father, they were babies (6 weeks and 1 and half years) and I left so they would be better and act better and not ever know how vile their father was but Christine, Meri, Jangle, and Robyn's kids will never know normal. They will always have those scripts of their mothers and those insecurities and the shame that their mom wasn't number 1.I wish women who are in those kinds of very damaging relationships could move away and save their children but for some the man's life is more important than the child's life or their lives. My granddaughter said to me the other day, Nana, did you know that sometimes there are really mean people and they fight and sometimes they are mean to each other and their babies (she is 8) and I said, concentrate not on those who are mean but on those who are good...those poor polygamists' children have no one to show them the good...for them, sadness prevails. But I will still snark...

    1. Amen and Amen Sister runKodyrun!

      And the worst part is that TLC just perpetuates the abused wife syndrome with their TV shows.

      Sister Wives and the Real Housewives series, just to name a couple off hand.

      It is sadly too real and something no one should have to live through. I wish more Doctors would have it on their new patient questionnaire when you go see them. Questions like, "Do you feel sad a lot of time". "Are you lonely?" Things like that. Something that might save a life. Instead they just ignore it.

    2. I am with you runKodyrun 100%. I also have boycotted watching this show. It is not entertaining to me. I feel so sorry for the kids. I know that they are having fun and all being on tv but the small ones don't really know how much their father is despised. The older ones can read the comments from the various sites. It has got to be extremely hard going to school and having kids talk about your family. I wonder how much of front they put up in school. Kody and crew need to think of their kids and family first. The should get off tv and try to mend this broken family in private. But if stabbing your baby mamas in the back for more TLC money, Kody will not hesitate in throwing these women under the bus. They need to ask themselves "Is what I am doing worth it at the end of the day". They are destroying these kids. This facade has gone on too long. I wish that we could all boycott TLC and have them cancel this show. They don't care who they hurt as long as it's making them money. This is just irresponsible for the adult Browns. People are just tuning in to see the train wreck. Most of their rabid fans are stilling drinking the kool-aid. They still see this as the best family on tv. Are they for real. How can they conclude that Kody and these women are great parents. Yes, the older kids are going to college and seem to have their acts together. They see the hurt in their mom's eyes and want no part of polygamy. This blog is so much better than watching the show. Thanks CJ for all that you do.

    3. Keeping with the thought about how plyg life impacts the kids, I do wonder about this season airing Maddie's wedding if indeed that is on the agenda.

      In six years of SW, Maddie emerged as a free thinker who showed spunk and independence. Despite having grown up in it, or maybe because she did, she consistently made it clear that she did not want that for herself or for her children.
      And true, she and the other older kids surely have seen the criticism from the viewing public about Plygs and for sure, about their parents' choice to exploit and capitalize on their family for money and even more benefits beyond their documented plyg history of bleeding of the beast.
      Surely she, like the other older kids, has seen the internet evidence of the public's disgust about their parents, and certainly had to endure the intrusion of the camera crew, along with contrived trips, scripts and inane scenarios during her teen years. She never looked comfortable or okay with what her parents had foisted on their kids for the almighty $$, McMansions and perks..

      No doubt TLC using (and directing) her wedding as a plot point this season will have its obvious benefits. Paid wedding/honeymoon, maybe bonus cash, starter house? Who knows?

      But will that really be worth the scrutiny and potential criticism/snark from *complete strangers* about what should be a a loving and special day in her life shared with family and friends??? Does it seem out of character for Maddie??
      Dunno... ::shrug::

    4. Does it seem out of character for Maddie??

      Oh, yes, it does seem totally out of character. Which brings me to my conspiracy theory #1,366,788:

      The Browns are out of cash and can not afford college costs for all the children. Therefore, if there is no full scholarship paying their way, they have to delay their college plans or drop out and work. That would explain Mykelti leaving UNLV to work at the pawnshop that "loaned" money to MSWC, Garrison's decision to join the National Guard after graduating this year, and Maddie's decision to leave school and get married, making her available for more face time on the doubt for the money and freebies like getting a free wedding and honeymoon courtesy TLC.

    5. Sigh....have to agree.
      As to running out of cash, Kody and Co may already know from TPTB that this IS the last season, so their dreaded D-Day for income termination is already on the table.
      Hence the wedding being thrown in too. Something else they won't have to pay for.

      Either the contract has officially run out with no hope for extension ....
      Or it already had expired but thanks to whomever dreamed up the divorce/ adoption scheme, they bought themselves another early season in 2015. Then Meri went over the the top stupid and had her online teen love affair and instead got catfished, which was big news and worth airing.
      But sadly, that still doesn't explain Maddie willing to pimp her own wedding.
      Unless... she does retain a bit of the plyg DNA for using creative $$ resources no matter what the fallout.

    6. Unless... she does retain a bit of the plyg DNA for using creative $$ resources no matter what the fallout.

      No matter what we see on the "show" the fact remains she is still the offspring of Janelle and Kody. I don't doubt she wants to finish school, but I don't think college was easy for her so instead of persevering she gave up, to get...married. Just like her daddy when he and Robyn made the decision to run like thieves in the night away from Lehi to the bright lights of Las Vegas would make a better show. No doubt back then, the show was on the verge of being cancelled - the bright lights of Vegas saved the show. Now, with the divorce (which I think was engineered by Kody, Robyn and the show's producers) not getting the positive press that was expected due to the leaking of Kody and Robyn getting married on the sly, the show was most likely one foot out the door (the other on a banana peel) from being cancelled again. They know Robyn is not liked even after giving birth again, and none of the Browns (except for Jangle) regularly tweets TO their fans anymore. What's left? Highlight Maddie's wedding and hope the ratings will be profitable, then silently announce the show has been cancelled. Done.

      UNLESS...the producers can persuade Kody to take on a 5th wife. That's the only way I can see this show being salvaged.

    7. Um, welcome to the real world, Browns? College costs money. College for a zillion kids costs a lot of money. No one owes them or their offspring anything. Having to work their way through school, drop out until they can save up for school, etc., is what millions of others find themselves doing all the time. The idea that all those kids can - or should - receive higher education otherwise is a fantasy. Scholarships covering all of their expenses, not taking out loans (he of Kody's more ignorant ideas), and otherwise breezing through college without a financial care in the world? Yeah, right.

      I'm not up on Garrison's plans. A couple of things come to mind when the Natiional Guard is mentioned. One, his commitment to ROTC tells me joining the NG isn't some consolation prize. It may be a completely noble and legitimate next step to him. Kudos, If it is. Two, th National Guard can be a perfectly viable, *part-time* path to serving his country while also helping to fund part of his colleg expenses. Either way, it seems like a sensible, in-character path for him to pursue whatever his life goals migh be.

      Maddie getting married is a bit baffling, but I admit I really know nothing about the girl. It could be her "boy crazy" side that her mother supposedly referenced earlier. It could be an escape from things getting tough. It could be she just fell in love with the guy. Who knows.

      The idea that the world owes the Browns anything else is fantasy. Nothing more.

    8. "UNLESS...the producers can persuade Kody to take on a 5th wife. That's the only way I can see this show being salvaged."

      THAT is the only way this show and Kody can/will see any future TLC paychecks !!!

    9. I feel the same way runkodyrun. My grandson calls me Nana too. I have been fortunate with the men in my life (dad, husband, son, uncles, etc) I have always been treated very well, but my heart has cried for these women and the children who don't know it can be better. I hope the daughters will marry good men that show them how good monogamy can be, they'll never believe it otherwise

  36. Kody will do whatever he can to stay on TV and if that means taking the fifth, he will take it. At his age, I doubt he is going to get a young woman who has never been married or who doesn't have children so that would be his icky that he would have to deal with but if he can stay on TV another year, he'll get icky. I had higher expectations for Maddie because she really seemed to want out of that lifestyle. Jangle's kids were the most devastated by the move and I think, in some ways, that was because she blamed Robyn and Kody for uprooting everyone on Robyn's need to move. The children are like all children and react or act according to what their moms' responses are to any situation. Jangle's older kids have not really been to keen on Robyn or her kids and Christine's kids have seemingly been more open to Robyn. So, for Maddie to give up on college so soon was a disappointment. Since the Brown's have some TLC money, their kids are not eligible for any grants, other than scholarships based on academic performances, so the kids would be required to work but working your way through college won't kill you. I don't think the Brown children are as smart as TLC portrayed them nor are they overly ambitious. My children had part-time jobs while in high school and all through college as did I and probably the majority of my fellow snarkers worked through school. But, Kody is from a culture that is all about getting free stuff and Christine even said polygamous don't like paying and love free things...yep...we know all about their milking the beast or cow or whatever they call getting all the social service programs. While I would hope that the girls would all stay out of polygamy, we all know that female children follow in their mother's foot steps (if mom is married to an abusive man, the daughters tend to marry men like their mothers' husbands...drunks...etc.), so they will probably end up living lives like their parents. Of all the kids, I suspect that Jangle's next to the oldest boy will end up totally divorced from his family.

    1. At his age, I doubt he is going to get a young woman who has never been married

      Unfortunately, I believe there are a couple of thousand women in the world who would tie the spiritual knot with Kody because he is a "celebrity". I'm still holding out on a younger, former Vegas showgirl who has kept up her showgirl good looks to capture Kody's heart and make Robyn's life miserable. He needs a new distraction now that his relationship with Meri has taken a new direction.

      I don't think the Brown children are as smart as TLC portrayed them nor are they overly ambitious.

      WORD...Except for Mariah, who has benefited somewhat from being an only child (therefore having 100% of her mother's attention), the only Brown young adult who has been surprising in her ability to acclimate to the outside world has been Aspyn...and even then, she sought out sisterhood in a more traditional way - via the college Greek system. That said, I do think she will also walk down the aisle soon after graduating (fingers crossed) but I think she's too smart to go the polygamy route after witnessing how Kody has treated her mother, her immediate sisters and brother, and how Kody ignored Truely's dehydration symptoms until her kidney's shutdown.

      Of all the kids, I suspect that Jangle's next to the oldest boy will end up totally divorced from his family.

      Hunter and Logan were smart enough to get into wrestling, which meant Kody probably paid a lot of attention to them. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that's why Robyn has pushed Dayton into wrestling. The troubled boys are Garrison and Gabe in my opinion. Garrison's supposed constant fighting with younger bro Gabe while Janelle threatened and used the excuse of too much testosterone while Kody basically stayed in the background quiet, supposedly because he didn't want to be the bad guy or, something like that he said has been highlighted on the show several times. Damn, Kody, you're those kids FATHER so ACT like one! I've always thought the acting out was a cry for attention, which was continually ignored by both parents. So I'm thinking third son Garrison will be the one to leave and not look back.

    2. I want Kody to get another wife who looks like a showgirl too, I would watch to see Robyn go crazy. And to watch the other wives watching Robyn go crazy. I also feel like there is nothing wrong with working your way thru college, I did it, my husband did it and my children also did it...of course we didn't see ourselves as "celebrities" so it was probably easier for us. I do want to see Robyn squirm like she made Meri squirm during the courting days. I didn't like Robyn then and I don't like her now.

    3. I just wished Kody would have started "courting" while Robyn was preggers. That alone would have probably cured Christine's depression.
