
Saturday, February 13, 2016

I Scour the Internet: The Happy Valentine's Day Edition for 2/14/16

Can we talk?

Ok, I've got to get this off my ample chest (while I sit on my equally ample rear-end) before I simply burst.

What the heck is Robyn and her brain-challenged husband (Kody, aka Mr. Robyn Brown) doing with their supposed cash-cow, My Sisterwife's Closet?

In this day of social media, these supposed business partners have only sent out ONE message in the past 30  days advertising Robyn's hobby business.

All right, I understand the current legal Mrs Kody Brown recently gave birth to Princess Areola, but heck, she's got a full-time nanny in the form of relative Mindy, right? And it appears Meri has stepped up babysitting for the young, narcissist in the making King Sol, now that her "love" affairs with Kody and a stalker/catfisher are no more.

So what's the deelio with that junk...excuse me...junque jewelry store (with some other junque thrown in) and the almost complete lack of advertising?

It's now the day before Valentine's Day, and this is the best Robyn (in the form of My Sisterwife's Closet Twitter) could muster, way back on February 1st...

Call me silly (Ms. Ritz-Carlton if you're nasty) but, if I were a semi-famous reality show star, wouldn't I want to have more than one lonely tweet advertising my online store that supposedly helps pay for my McMansion and my addiction to the "finer" things in life like Victoria Secret clothing (for my extra long legs)?

I would be a tweeting fool. There, I said it. I would tweet so much, I'd get warnings from Twitter about spamming. Heck, I'd tweet so much my friends would wonder what the heck was wrong with me...well, actually they wouldn't wonder cuz they would already know...I'M HUSTLING TO MAKE A BUCK!!!

But apparently the entitled Robyn simply feels SHE doesn't need to go to the unwashed masses, because THEY will gravitate towards her wonderful, warm personality. She is, after all, the new legal wife of Kody Brown. Well, maybe her newness has finally eroded away since it's been over a year since they got hitched. And I don't care how many Honeymoon Experiences Robyn is making Kody endure, it's GOT to be getting old by now.

Kind of the way fish does, after a week.

So here's a message from Earth to Robyn, whose brain must be floating around somewhere in the Celestial Upper Atmosphere. Take control of your business. Make an effort to drum up some traffic to your website. Use your notoriety to get your followers to visit your hobby store, because if you don't, you won't have to worry about fixing a broken website anymore.


The new Mrs Kody Brown did take time out of her busy busy day to tweet this to her many fans this week. Funny, wouldn't it be more appropriate to tweet about, oh I don't know...MY SISTERWIFE'S CLOSET??? I mean, c'mon, at least make an effort, know what I mean? Sheesh!!!

Let's get back to the Original Three Ssterwives, shall we?

"Jangle" Brown appears to have taken the lead in keeping the thousands of Brown Family fans informed about what's going on in the cul-de-sac of horrors.

There's the obligatory shout out to her son Hunter, on his birthday:

And of course, the obligatory "look close or you'll miss it" tweet informing fans how the Browns watch the Super Bowl...notice how Jangle includes her obligatory mention of food...

There's the obligatory tweet exclaiming how much Jangle is enjoying life in Las Vegas land...

And here is Jangle's obligatory subliminal "I need some lovin' NOW" tweet to her spiritual hubby simply doesn't have the same impact as Meri's old "Lover" tweets from years ago...

Last but not least, Jangle musters up the courage to mention Valentine's Day. Funny, how can someone wish Happy Valentine's Day and not mention the father of her six children, baby Daddy (aka the Sperminator) Mr. Kody "I married  Robyn , what's YOUR excuse" Brown:

Yep, Kody's a caveman all argument there!!!

And now for something entirely different, looks like Logan's found himself a keeper just in time for Valentine's Day! Following in the footsteps of old dad, only without the multiplicity.

Looks like Janelle took yet another road trip...yep, when the going gets tough, the tough goes to Lake Havasu to check out the Bridge! (PS, it isn't the REAL London bridge, but it is a real bridge from London, brought over piece by piece)

Well, that's all for now. Happy Valentine's Day Everybody, and remember:

I Scour the Internet, so you can spend time eating yummy chocolate things for Valentine's Day! Stay tuned for any Valentine's Day updates from our "favorite" polygamist, Kody and his Kody-pendents!!!


  1. I've noticed that with the Kody and the Brownetts, it is always that which isn't said that is the most telling. I, too, agree that if I had a hobby or other business, I would be tweeting, facebooking, blogging, and anything else that I could do to get folks interested. But, we all know that when Robyn began her little closet, she really wanted to be the boss and the creative genius and have Jangle, Meri, and Christine to do the actual labor...which really, that probably would have been a good idea or at least have those women more active than what they are or have been. None of the Browns, and I include Jangle, are very motivated. I doubt Kody ever moves off of the couch and from the look of his gut, I'd say that he moves from the couch to the refrig and then back to the couch. In a couple of years, Christine and Jangle are going to be down to one child each and they will begin to feel the absence of connections that Meri felt when Mariah left for school...Christine already complains about Kody's lack of love and affection for her and Jangle is starting to throw the passive agreesive jabs his way, so I would be willing to bet that once he has three very vocal and unhappy women in the cuddle-less sack, there will be a some interesting jabs going out over twitter. I am with the rest of the snarkers who do believe that this will probably be the last season so we won't see any couch scenes in which we can pick up on the what was not said, but if reality rears its head on social media, we will still have a bone or two to chew....

    1. I so agree with you, Run. What is so funny is how quick Kody was to defend his actions of divorcing Meri, first as being a "legal restructuring" his family, then later,coming up with the sob story about Robyn and her ex-husband.

      What I don't understand is, if being a legal wife is not a big deal, why won't Kody and Robyn divorce? Why does Kody need to have a legal wife? Even when Tamron approached that very question in the Tell All, Kody looked at her like she was nuts. "Why would I want to do that?" (or words to that effect) he sputtered, with that caveman look on his face. Because, Kody precious, if that legal piece of paper means nothing, why are you and Robyn holding onto it, so desperately?

      Something tells me Robyn's got that marriage license professionally framed, and placed between that awful picture of her with Kody next to his Lexus, and that equally awful painting of Kody holding her three kids from her ex husband.

      She's not going to let go of that license, ever. Even to keep Meri in the family. Robyn is now boss lady...what she's always wanted and her kids will now always come first before Jangle's and Christine's.

      Robyn has taken over Meri's spot as the legal wife, Kody's #1 favorite wife. Just like in the fictional Big Love, Robyn (like Nikki Grant) is the new boss lady, thanks to that legal piece of paper.

      And I think the only way Robyn will give up that piece of paper would be after the show is cancelled, MSWC goes bankrupt, and her McMansion is foreclosed. Once the money runs out, Robyn will be gone, no doubt in my mind!

    2. I'm sure they made plaques for all the kids rooms of the marriage license to go next to their really cool adoption/step dad award plaques.
      And I'm sure we will see an artist rendering of the marriage license with the date changed back to say 24 years ago. (Seems like destiny, Like we should have been together from day one)

    3. Oh Yeah, Sobbin has that marriage license firmly and permanently in her gnarly, manicured talons. Even if she divorces him, she will be entitled to all the law can deliver in alimony, property split and child support.
      Sobbin Sullivan Jessup Brown may be inarticulate, lazy, socially awkward, self-indulgent, immature in her tastes and style and a committed drama queen...but she IS a successfully conniving wench...a wench whom KodyBoy make rue the day he ever agreed to bring on the show to seal that original TLC deal.

      Maybe the need for KodyIdiot to always have "a legal' wife is more about not being called a career lowlife who is nothing more than a full-time baby daddy with all illegitimate kids in the eyes of the law. A baby daddy who had the Americans taxpayers pay into the fund for all his children and brood mares.
      To be legal with *one wife* somehow makes him respectable in that scenario???

      "....he sputtered, with that caveman look on his face"
      Yep, KodyIdiot definitely has a sneering Neanderthal look with that sloping forehead and tiny, beady eyes.
      Caveman meets Dutch Boy...he looks like he should be a cartoon.

    4. CJ, I always wondered why the legal marriage if it wasn't important. But, I am having a really hard time believing that Kody actually adopted Robyn's children. I talked to my lawyer friend and she said that even when a father gives up his parental rights, adoptions are not easy and while true we only saw bits and pieces of the process, the idea that a judge would let a man with all those kids and three other wives the privilege to adopt blows my mind. My friend said that what may have happened is that they gave complete physical custody to Robyn and that Kody was given some custody or maybe power of attorney incase something happened to Robyn. But, of course, my friend is speculating and she did say that there are judges who allow adoption when other judges would say no. I agree that once the show ends and the money dries up, Robyn will take her children and move on to another man who will provide for her because she will not work nor will she be content as Christine and Meri were to live off the state. Because Robyn isn't all that to look at and her mind is sort of a cluster F word and she has absolutely nothing to offer, she will be forced to take the first sleezy polygamist family that she tries out they try out? Her non-Kody-connected children, especially the girls, are so messed up and I hope they are able to stay with Kody until those girls grow up because they would not be safe in a place where their male-seeking behaviors could be seen by perverts as an invitation...and, to be frank, those girls imitate their mother so all those behaviors and flirting and running to the males is sad for the girls but shameful for Robyn to have allowed these girls to adapt her behaviors into their childhood innocence. I like how you describe his caveman look and for some men, that caveman attitude is a trait they take on but for Kody, it is due to his total ignorance....He is really oblivious to his environment and the needs of his wife/girlfriends, and kids. Caveman, douchebag, name it.

    5. LOL at "Robyn's gnarly, manicured talons" !!

  2. Princess Areola, Freaking awesome. You floor me every time. Thanks for the great update. I couldn't stop laughing through the whole post.

    You know when these folks were in Utah they actually looked like they were productive. Robyn really did a number on this family. The minute they "escaped persecution " to Vegas it is as though they retired. They struggled so hard that first year because no one would leave the rentals to get a job. They went out only to act out the script that tlc strung together with the same old constant photos and a rehashed explanation of their history. Oh, I almost forgot the weekly announce that Kody has four wives to every poor soul they encountered during the outing.

  3. Tonight, February 13, 20/20 is airing an episode on Warren Jeffs' cult and someone trying to get her kids from the clutches of the husband.

  4. CJ, if I may:
    Dear Meri, Christine, and Jangle,
    Tonight is the night before the most romantic day of the year; in fact, it is the night before the V day that is the night that more babies are conceived because of the romantic expectations for the pending heart day. So, here I am, sitting in the living room with my husband and we are watching a movie and have had a significant conversation off and on today about Eienstein and politics, and what we should do about our old cat that has had a stroke and only feels safe in his lap. Last night, we spent the evening at our favorite Vegetarian restaurant where we ordered expensive and tasty food and even though he has already given me a V day gift, I noticed when I was putting his socks away, there is one more gift and no I didn't look but I did want to.
    You see, Meri, Christine, and Jangle, those of us in monogamous relationships don't have to worry about who spent the last holiday with our significant other and we don't have to feel the guilt or the gloat of having him when the other wives don't.

    We also know that when we tell our significant other something or there's something that we are not really getting along about, no other partner knows unless we tell our friends. So, the humiliation factor of being betrayed by the one we love is zero.
    Okay, you got us...there are couples who have a partner who may be unfaithful but not all and certainly that isn't the majority.
    My point to you ladies is that if you are reading this, know that there are really happy relationships in which both partners are committed and no cheating or hurting goes, too, can have this but first you have to walk away from the man with whom you are having affairs with and you have to make wise choices about picking up the pieces and moving on and certainly don't do it online...for real...
    To all my fellow snarkers: Have a Happy V Day andI hope if you get chocolates, they are expensive; and if you get jewels, they are costly and they don't come from areas where those harvesting the jewels get paid and are not mistreated; and if you get flowers, they are plants that can be kept for a long, long time for you to enjoy.

    1. Wow, that was intense, runKodyrun. Well said!

    2. runKodyrun, This is the 2nd time in a week that I genuinely got WAY more enjoyment reading about one of your date nights than I did reading about the Browns. You have a lovely relationship with your husband and my hope for the poly wives would be that they too could one day experience the simple pleasures of a normal monogamous relationship.

    3. This was my second V Day without my husband of 20 years. We never made a big deal of V Day because it is a 'staged' holiday so we celebrated birthdays and our anniversary in big ways. That being said, I am sure my memories kept me much warmer this past weekend than Klown kept his broodmares. I wonder if they will have 20 years of memories when 'the love of their lives' dies. I will always know that my husband loved me... on every holiday...and I will forever love him.

    4. @runKody, your letter to the wives is spot on! You could send this same missive to the Dargers, the Williamses, and even the Colliers.

  5. All the wive's have posted or commented about how 'amazing' Kody is as a father or husband...Kody Brown.
    Jangle has made a few comments that are bland and forgettable but I distinctly recall a tweet from Robyn showing Kody changing a diaper on a dirty carpeted floor-bragging about how monogamists don't do that? Does anyone else recall this tweet?
    They've all made offhand comments about husbands having affairs or hobbies, not being involved or 'dead beat dad' like every non polygamist lives in a seething pit of infidelity and parental neglect.
    I know dead beat dad's exist as do philandering husbands, but among the people I know, even the shittiest husbands and fathers are more present and helpful than I've ever seen Kody be.
    I had a great dad and have a pretty kickass husband, and most of my friends and family have decent men in their lives as well (and I don't think that's all that unique or amazing). I really wonder what awful experiences these women have had that make Kody seem fabulous and useful.
    I can't tell if they truly believe it because he's great compared to other men in their religion or if they're trying to convince the world (and themselves) that they haven't made a terrible mistake.
    Granted, I've have heard some horror stories about ex husbands from friends and coworkers, but for the most part even the crappy or useless husbands seem head and shoulders above Kody Brown. The worst father I've known (I know there are abusers and worse in this world but I speak to my own experience in this statement) wouldn't have let his toddler go into kidney failure while he played at being a parent.

  6. Your post about Valentine's Day has got me thinking, runKodyrun; how DO the Brown's celebrate V day? Each wife has her own anniversary she can celebrate romantically (or not) with Kodouche, but V day....? Do they have a yearly rotation....this year he spends it with Jangle, next year with Christine, etc. or does he run from house to house with candy and flowers for each one, spending an hour or so with each (ending up at Sobbin's house for the night, of course). Either scenario sucks for the wives. Have they ever addressed V Day on the show?

    1. "Have they ever addressed V Day on the show?"

      Yes, they have, and one season (early on) it was quite memorable. (like acid reflux)

      With cameras in tow and honed in on the PlygKing of the hour, Kody strolled into a local Vegas florist. With a grand and smug flourish, he loudly announced that he had four wives to buy V-Day flowers. I remember he reminded me of a squealing 5 yr. old who just lost his front tooth and wanted to show everyone. Seriously, he was almost proud of himself.

      He then had the staff help him pick out four big bouquets which of course had to be four different colors and floral assortments. We then got to watch him regally and benevolently bestow each bedmate with her bouquet. Oooh and Ahhhs were expected and received from them.
      We never got to learn just whom he awarded his nightly presence for V-Day commemorating.

    2. "it was quite memorable. (like acid reflux)"
      LOL! This just cracked meup so much!
      I recall the episode, and how after so much (apparent) fuss to pick the flowers to match each wife (what they were like, what they represented, blah blah blah...), he went on to almost completely forget whose was for whom when giving the arrangements to each wife. Thoughtful, indeed!

    3. I meant : which was for whom, sorry!

    4. Robyn shoulda waited until Feb. 14 to get married instead of December as a way to guarantee always geting him on Valentine's Day. But then again, she probably already has him every night in their monogimist marriage so maybe that is a moot scheme.

    5. Ark,
      I'm betting Kody spends majority of his nights at Robyn's. The Browns seem to think the viewers really believe there's a fair rotation. They're not fooling anyone but themselves.

  7. Thank you Run. I will be having a nice Valentines Day with my husband of 30 years, I have presents coming too (I didn't peek either when I saw them)but it isn't so much about what I get on Valentines as how good he treats me ALL the time, all year long. I can't imagine sharing this with "sister wives". Have a wonderful Valentines Day to all the monogamist out there and I hope you polygamist (whichever one is selected in the family)have a good one too.

  8. I put a few posts up that are Kody Brown related (link below): Annie's mom died and Kody has a gig for a firearms company. Plus some old news: Kody registering as a Republican when he moved to Las Vegas in 2011.

    1. Would you consider making your tumblr anon friendly? I always want to comment but don't want to make an account to do so. Thanks for all you do.

  9. On another matter, according to her blog, Meri's catfisher is in the process of preparing to adopt her cousin's twin baby boys (!). I'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction. After the babies are born, the birth mother will have a change of heart and decide to keep the babies, who are due very soon. Catfisher will be devastated, garner a lot of sympathy and the imaginary baby story will die a slow death.

    1. I predicted the same thing in CJ's FB living room.

    2. The catfisher is also saying s(he) was up late painting the twin's nursery. Because, yeah, dont all multimillionaires wth 6 businesses who pilot their own planes do their own house painting?

    3. I actually think the opposite I think that the cf will say that the babies have been born prematurely and will garner sympathy from staying up around the clock to take care of the babies

    4. It also said on its batblog that it installed 2 massage chairs in the nursery. What does that even mean? When I read the batblog I always like to play "real or not real?" When it declared that it "can't sleep because I'm having anxiety at night." --I decided that is probably real!!

  10. I obviously have unresolved hositilty towards Tampon because everytime you mention the interviews my blood boils.Ms Hall is so far up Kody's vagina she is unable to act professionally. All her "I will make you answer" ploys and then she caves.Her wishy washy questions and photo opportunity with the Browns after the tell alls is a give away. Not only is she unprofessional. She is a traitor to women and blacks ,two oppressed segments of AUB society.As for the woman who gets the day with Kody today ,I hope Robyn lost and got Kody.I defended her for years but after she did that to her ex and the kids I dislike her more than Tampon.

    1. Seek help for your unresolved hostility. Those tell all's are for entertainment not for news. Hall has always been professional and does not deserve to be called a traitor.

    2. As soon as I wrap my mind around abusing women as entertainment it will all be great.It could be worse though. I could have been born in the times when people were thrown to the lions for entertainment and you had to watch and cheer.All I have to do is turn off the idiot box and do what most of Utah does-pretend it just is not happening.

    3. Change Utah to the world and you have made a valid statement without the need to polarize.

    4. Tamron is not a very good journalist. Her investigative journalism for the ID Channel is awful. I cringe watching her. The questions are so basic. I'm not sure what that has to do with her being black or a woman. There are many black, women journalists who are excellent. I think she's just a person maybe knows someone important so she's able to get good jobs? She certainly does have a love fest with the Browns.

  11. As far as I see not a single Valentine's Day tweet from any of the Brownies. Multiplied love is great isn't it???

    1. Whenever I see Kody say that "Love should be multiplied" crap on the show's intro, I just wanna smack him

    2. Polygamy Sucks: I agree with you. Love is only multiplied from his perspective: he gets love from 4 women and all those women's children. They, on the other hand, do not get multiplied love because they get 1/4th of his time, his support, and his love....and in most instances, they don't get 1/ his idea of polygamy multiplying love is from the patriarchal and misogynistic way....

    3. Along with Kody's many other obvious lacks, apparently fundamental math is also low in his skill set. However, self-interest, self-absorption, those he excels

      Run, your V-Day/marriage meme was really nice !! :-))

    4. Amused,
      Thank you so much. I think there are so many of us monogs that have something to be proud of and our love is multiplied in that we love our spouses so much and because we have that much love for each other, it spills over into the way we treat our colleagues, friend, and extended family. When a couple is happy, those around them are happy too so we really know how to multiply love....on the other hand, pollywogs not so much.

  12. The speculation on how they spend Valentine's Day got me thinking: the production company really did Sister Wives no favors. We complain about the rehashing and lack of new material, but the Browns can only be but so much responsible.

    Also, as I recall, Kody spends the first six weeks with exclusively that wife when a baby is born, so Robyn has another week or two with just Kody.

    1. Wow. The six week thing - seriously? That would be a major incentive to pop babies out.

    2. LOL, or not!! :)

    3. what??? where did the six weeks thing come from? i can't imagine kody spending 6 weeks with any of his wives, except robyn of course.

    4. Anon @ 2:49 - so true!!! ��

    5. what about Christine...when she had Truely. Did SHE get 6 weeks of non-stop Kodouche?

  13. I think he started that for Robyn, he didn't do that with Christine, he was too busy courting Robyn

  14. I could be wrong and certainly am open to corrections, but when Christine had Truely I am not so sure the prescribed six week Kody presence was in effect. The epps during that time were all about Sobbin and her tale of tears and woe, and Kody's devotion to his new, soon to be #4.

    However the whole concept of the postpartum six week ritual for harem masters is interesting since "usually" the six week post delivery moratorium is all about no sex. Trying to picture Kody all jiggly about enforced no action even with any of his other willing bed mates?

    Dunno, since Meri, Jangle and Christine were all pregnant at the same time at one point. *shrug*
    Too disinterested to even try to do the math on that one.

    In a mono marriage, the attention and desire is all about the mom recovering and the "parents" enjoying their time with the new baby. Did Truely get that time and ritual??

    1. Amused, you are right on track here! The six week rule was most definitely not in effect as Kody and Robyn's spiritual marriage took place 5 weeks after Truely was born. I doubt he gave up his wedding night to change diapers! I also wonder how "present" he was to Christine and the baby in the days leading up to the wedding.

    2. "Kody and Robyn's spiritual marriage took place 5 weeks after Truely was born"

      That makes me sick. Can you imagine, 5 weeks after you give birth, your baby's father - the man you consider your husband - goes on a 2 week honeymoon with another woman. No wonder Christine has struggled with depression. I know these women chose this life , (or were raised in it and felt it was expected of them) , but it still must hurt like hell. Especially at such an emotionally vulnerable time.

    3. Also....Not to forget that Christine, the 5 week post-delivery new mom, had to stuff herself into one of those "brown-colored" bridesmaid dresses (wasn't that just so, so clever of TLC), then had to make nice for the camera, and act thrilled for slim, radiant Sobbin as her baby's father fawned all over his newest squeeze.
      For me, that was the episode that first began hinting/showing the real story about Kody, his harem and their Plyg life..

    4. I think we were all so caught up in Kody's courtship of Robyn and that kiss he gave her while Christine was in labor---that we kind of forgot to close the loop on the rest of the story (which was actually even more egregious than that kiss) Most likely Christine endured even more distress and pain than the kiss/courtship while having to film all those scenes for the spiritual wedding 5 weeks after giving birth wearing that hideous brown bridesmaid dress. Then Kody left immediattely for that excessively long (in plyg standards) honeymoon, while she was caring for a newborn.

      I am trying to think back now about that whole ridiculous scene of the wives helping pick out Robyn's wedding dress- - did Christine have to endure that while pregnant and near delivering or maybe worse yet, she had to go do this task right after giving birth??

      No wonder Christine walked off the set after finding out Kody went back to the store alone with Robyn to pick out the dress. If I were either heavily pregnant and/or had just given birth and was asked to perform a task that in the end had no purpose, I'd be more than a little resentful given the circumstance.

    5. Big Sky,
      Indeed......Christine had to endure all the wedding hoopla while in her third tri-semester, and right up to and after Truely's birth. Can't even imagine the emotional hell that had to be for her.
      But.....then there is the *real* reality....
      They all knew that Sobbin's entrance was part of the deal to get that show contract.
      That's what is sooo sick..they all signed on for this farce.

    6. All these events may have been brain washed into them. It may have even been part of a tv deal. But the timing was cruel and hurtful to a woman that bore his 6 children. But then again he only got one son out of her, so in plyg world denotes her standing in importance. It is clear Kody only married Christine for her last name and he may have ran around and had allot of laughs early in their marriage but his first impression of the "nacho" incident never really changed.
      His choices of timing, abandonment and lack of compassion is the true character of the greedy, selfish, self centered man child we met in 2010.
      The six week rule was made for Robyn and Sol. The six week rule for Christine was the courtship and marriage of #4. Christine and her older daughters were on their own. No wonder she wanted Aspen at the delivery. I'm sure she is Christine's support and close companion.

  15. There sure has been a lot of tabloid rumors the last couple months that the Brown mistresses are leaving Kody, leaving Robyn to be the one and only. None of the sites are reputable, but the story isn't dying. I don't believe it for a second, but I am curious what or who is feeding the flames.

    1. Probably TLC. The Browns will remain silent in order to garner some curiosity for the next season . This sham of a show needs to end !

    2. Anon 9:03, I also "don't believe it for a second" Maybe it is TLC's lame attempt to divert attention away from the batfish's book and crazy ongoing batblog. TLC is obviously not going to give any more airtime to the catfish scandal so they are trying to create other faux drama.

      I am not understanding the tabloids angle, the supposed linkage that somehow because Jangle is going to devote more time to her real estate career--why that means she would be any more motivated to leave Kody than all the prior years she was working outside the home as the breadwinner.
      Also, as a previous poster mentioned; what does leaving Kody entail?? Asking him to pack up the few remaining belongings he has at Jangle's that he hasn't already moved to Robyn's?? Janelle is carrying a mortgage on a home in her name that she is stuck with. No one's buying her house, in the middle of the cuddle sac.I see Jangle as one of the least likely to leave, she is tied to that house and is going nowhere. At best, leaving Kody would mean he's no longer to sleep there once a week.

    3. Leaving him may be the only way they can collect child support for the minor children at home still. I say go for it and good luck.

    4. Not sure how one "leaves" a non-spouse in the same sense as leaving a real marriage. Kody is obligated to help support his minor children whether or not he is legally married to any of the women. In the real world Janelle would not be "leaving" Kody since he was never really there in the first place---in the sense of a real marriage. Really. :-)

    5. MrSpock,
      That is the reality of their lives which is sort of tragic irony...that spiritual connection that was for life is about as real as golden harp played by one-eye giant....not real. But, they sure do believe they have every benefit that we monos have from security to love to happiness to ... Years ago, when I was but a young lass with a nice ass...okay, that was totally inappropriate so I'll stop with the poem but for real, I married the man who was the man of my dreams...tall...good looking....okay he wasn't very bright or smart and his sense of humor sucked but he was tall and good looking and I thought my brain was big enough for the two of us...well...not so much. There's only so much idiocracy one smarty pants can take and after a couple of years, two children, and a huge debt, I finally left, hired an attorney, got divorced, and waited for my knight in intellectual armor and it took a point is that in spite of my legal connection to this man and my attraction to him and my two beautiful little anchors, I walked away leaving everything but my two anchors and we set sail for a more fulfilling life...I don't think those women of Kody's get that they can survive walking away. I think they feel doomed if they leave him and do not get picked up by another planet king or whatever they believe. I wish they would leave but even Jangle who feasibly could support herself won't walk away...I imagine that they are already separated in terms of time spent with him and love shared by him...but to say that they will ever walk away or close the cuddle less shack doors on him for good...not going to happen.

    6. How to leave a spiritual marriage? Well, on Big Love, Ana just took off her wedding ring, laid it on the counter, and walked out.

    7. Have I missed it in the first few seasons when I did watch or have the Brown women ever said that their suffering in this life is to be rewarded in the next? I have only heard about sisterhood and the multiplication of love.Now what I have seen is a whole other story.

    8. @nonsharer, the Brown women have all stressed that coping with the jealousy they feel makes them stronger. Obviously part of the indoctrination of their cult!

  16. When talking about wives leaving Kody you have to remember...these women are a product of a cult's upbringing. They have been indoctrinated from birth that they only are on this earth to please their man in order to please their God. For them to leave their husband (that is what he is according to their beliefs) they must go against their doctrine. And for Mormon women it is very strong. Their Church will not support them in that decision, that goes against all church teachings. You please your man to get your reward after death, you suffer in your life because the man's happiness is far more important, only he holds the key to your entering your great eternal kingdom. It doesn't sound like a life to me...I see marriage as a partnership, but I also don't have a heavy doctrine to carry around.

    Lots of very strong religions have these doctrines, you follow or you leave. Leaving isn't easy because they teach from childhood that leaving means a certain hellbound path. Religions, cults, even strong belief systems all follow this pattern.

    1. From my understanding, indoctrinated is true for Meri, Christine, and Robyn but not for Janelle. Wasn't Janelle raised by parents who were monogamous and she converted to AUB?

      Also, people seem to forget, Robyn divorced her husband and is now married legally/spiritually? to Kody. If leaving her first husband went against their religious belief, does that mean Robyn and Kody aren't truly married in the eyes of the AUB? Shouldn't she stuck around and pleased her husband so she could get to heaven? After all, she did stick around the first husband to have a few kids.

      And finally, if their religious beliefs were strong, Meri wouldn't have been chasing some strange tail on Twitter. She would have devoted her free time to making Kody happy sexually and emotionally, etc. and preparing for her great eternal kingdom in the afterlife.

      Yet, she has sent desperate voicemails, immodest pictures, flirted publicly with a man on twitter which made many people think (including myself), had "Sam" been real, Meri would have said "fuck religion", left Kody to be with a rich, young, handsome, MONOGAMOUS man.

      IMO, those women are lazy as hell and would only leave Kody if there was another man waiting to take them in and financially provide for them.

    2. Christine is the true believer. She tries to keep all aspects of the religion in her household. I do feel sorry for her as you can tell she really believes in the Principle. There would never have been a show if she hadn't been active in Principle Voices. Meri I can see has become disillusioned. She grew up in polygamy for most of her life so that is all she knows but I could see her switching to Mormonism in her later years. Janelle, Switched religions because she was so enamored with Kody and his "exotic" lifestyle. (Ewww) Switching religions was her excuse to divorce Meri's brother and join Kody and Meri. Robyn is a sociopath so this religion is something she knows well and can use to manipulate others.

  17. Thank you @Elaine and Joe Parrish for mentioning the wedding ring. It seemed well documented that at some point last spring, Meri discontinued wearing her wedding ring. Maybe we have been jumping to conclusions that Meri and Kody are even still spiritually married. There is a good chance that taking off the ring was her declaration that not only is the marriage over legally, it's also finished spiritually.

    A spiritual dissolution between them would not fit the narrative of the show so there would have been no motivation to make it public. Although I think they missed a great opportunity to "unseal" their marriage on tv--they should have done a two for one with that adoption/sealing the kids to Kody party. They could have taken advantage of having those AUB elders there and then proceeded on after sealing the kids to Kody to unsealing Meri to Kody. It would have been a nice touch! But again, would not have fit TLC's narrative.

    I truly believe the reason Kody seemed so impassive during the silly Alaska dinner where Meri announced she might leave is because their marriage ended when she removed the ring. I think in August the only thing in question was not the status of their marriage, but how was she going to behave going forward. Would she stay in the cuddle sac? Would she continue filming on the show? Would she stick Kody with the McMansion since his name is on the mortgage? Those were probably unresolved issues between Kody and Meri, however, the status of their marriage was probably not at issue.

  18. My prediction is if Meri bolts, which I am not entirely sure she will, the house is in both of their names so Kody will just get another wife to move in and enjoy Meri's famous wetbar. Robyn who is younger than the others is still 36 and has had 5 children; baby days are almost over for her. A departure of the original wife and the arrival of a new wife would absolutely jump ratings and interest again. Just my opinion....

    1. @Sara: I don't think their show would survive another new wife. While none of the wives have any likable traits, when Kody divorced Meri to marry his new/young squeeze (Robyn), a lot of fans were really disgusted/angry over that action.

      Some thought (probably correctly) that Kody was simply replacing his old wife/wives with a younger woman.

      If Meri leaves and Kody gets a new younger wife/replacement, I am sure there will be a lot more anger/disgust. And it will confirm to people that Kody is replacing his older wives with younger women who can breed more of his children.

      Furthermore, it will confirm for many that polygamy is all about sex even though Kody and wives refute it.

  19. Have the Browns *ever* expressed devout loyalty to the religion they say that they follow??
    Have they coherently offered insights/education about their beliefs??
    Have we seen them engaging in routine religious (The two staged living room services when company was there being filmed, and Sobbins ridiculous "Purity" group lecture and the staged prayers outside TLC provided RVs on two of the trips do not count)

    Up thread, Jessie, stated several points which are irrefutable about the Browns.
    Jangle-Janelle was not indoctrinated, unless having the hots for Kody was considered synonymous with a "calling."
    Meri was more than ready to chuck the Principle for Sam the she-man.
    Sobbin already had strayed from the doctrine and was looking for a replacement pot of gold.
    And Christine has shown in six years how miserable she is with Plyg life.

    The Browns became paid actors.
    Their story from the show's beginning has been a soap opera, reality-style. "The Housewives" franchise has nothing on the Browns...SW just has tackier clothing/hair/ makeup.
    Their "faith" if there ever or even is one, took a quick backseat to the silly dramas and absurd scenarios. $$$$$

    1. So true Amused...Their devout loyalty has been to chasing $$$
      The constant hussle was the only religion they practice. Anything we have seen on TV from the Brown's is scripted, even the living room church.

    2. Agree, Amused. Love your summary. Jangle-Hots for Kody, Meri-Not really that into the religion, Robyn-Pot of Gold, and Christine-True believer but miserable with her crappy priest holder

      Narcissistic/Sociopath Kody is in it for oh so obvious reasons..He hasn't had to carry a real job or do any housework/yard work his whole life. The women buy him gifts and take him on trips. His days consist of lying on a couch with his hairy toes hanging out of his flip flops. ICK!

    3. Amused, I was thinking after reading your post how it has been said before but bears repeating--as you have pointed out--there is just zero to little ever mention of religion among this family. If we as an audience didn't know the backstory, that they belong to the AUB, I think unassuming viewers watching this show would assume that polygamy in the Brown family is more a lifestyle than a religious choice.
      Even in the limited run of that trainwreck show Brady and his 5 wives--who all admitted they left their church and were not part of any organized religion--they seemed to have twice the spiritual self awareness as the Browns!

    4. Big Sky,
      Interesting that you cite Brady and his harem.
      True, as much as their show vividly showed the same emotional problems for the wives as the Brown women, there seemed to be more "humanity" in the way they went about living as plygs. No question, they too had depression and anxiety and had to deal with jealously, but (at least what the cameras showed) there was a subtle spiritual decency threaded through their interactions.
      And yes, agree.......they owned their choices and didn't pretend to be following a prescribed religious script. Brady fancied himself a modern day prophet and at some point had assumed the role of faith leader for them all.
      Both Brady and Kody claimed that their progressive version was far removed from the extreme abusive practices of other plyg cults. And in many ways that is true.
      But what is also true is that their respective shows displayed unmistakably that polygamy itself is more often than not, a hellish life for the women.

    5. Interesting how Brady pretends to be progressive.How he speaks against the male patriarchy but two of his kids joined the LDS. Even if they no longer tell the licked cupcake example for used girls or send kids in to be shamed about their bodies in the sex talk with church groomer they still are in the same game. It still is a patriarchy with women below . He still runs his own in-house patriarchy. Mormon and progressive are two wrds that do not work well together.Progressive is women having equal rights.Progressive is Brady cutting his concubines loose to be happy.

  20. Update from the batblog; the twin bat babies were born yesterday. The batfish was very pleased with itself that it thought ahead to order a custom shirt to wear at the hospital "I am the Batdad" The mother of the twins signed the papers giving custody to batfish. Batfish loaded those babies in its Escalade and left the hospital. The batfish thanks all the supporters on the blog for their congratulatory posts (there was one) and now it must take care of the twins so we must not worry if the blog goes dark.

    1. "so we must not worry if the blog goes dark."

      Hhmmmm, is this an opening for Batfish to just disappear?

    2. Should have made the birthday 02/16/2016 @ 02:16 am or pm. I mean if you get to choose why not be creative like Robchin was with Areola's date and time?

  21. Brady and Kody can claim that they are not in the same category as the polygamist who abuse women and children but, to be frank, the very nature of their marriages set them up as misogynists: 1) only men can have multiple spouses; 2) it is the women who must grow from their sins of jealousy etc; 3) women who are in emotional pain must learn to deal; 4) the sole responsibility of the children falls on the women; 5) the man receives while the women give; 6) on the rare days that each women get visits from the male, their entire household is on alert...don't piss him off, we are having a big meal tonight, stay in your room....etc. Just from what we have seen with Kody, the children are not a big part of his visits. On more than one occasion, when he was visiting Jangle, the kids were in their room and fights broke out...It may be just me but if my husband was only going to be at my house once every few days, I'd want the kids front and center but, Kody has said he goes to Meri's because it is organized and peaceful...the subtext of that message was that she only had one child and it wasn't as hectic or loud...So many times with the Browns it is what they don't say that provides their reality. When Christine was negotiating with Kody to get more grocery money and more visits, we get the idea that it is normal for a wife to try and negotiate more time, more money, more kids, more whatever. I'm sorry; based on her constant negotiations (remember the love my family and I'll love you? or respect my family and I'll love you?) we get the idea that life is about nuggets...give me a nugget of your time, money, love, etc. And nuggets are not healthy....human nature dictates that if we are given less than what we need, we try to adjust but then we began trying to get more and then some become sort of obsessive. Recently, I saw interviews of people who were homeless for long periods of time and they all basically said the same thing...being without traumatized them and now, even though they have all they need and some more than they need, they still woman over eats, one man sleeps only on a sofa because that was his existence and he needed the security of a fast woman is constantly looking for the warm doorways just in case....that is similar to Christine, Jangle, and now Meri...they are deprived and they cannot accept that their lives are forever about deprivation, so they obsess and become negotiators, tricksters, and even, in Meri's case, looking for it in other places....they have the faces and the actions of emotionally deprived and emotionally abused women. They start talking about the most simple thing and they cry...they make passive aggressive comments...well, you all know what they do. Those actions are not the results of happy, well adjusted wives...they are the result of abuse. So, let Kody and Brady brag about how they are not misogynists all they want but if you loved women, you wouldn't watch four or five of them suffer under your abuse....true that.

    1. True that indeed. Thank you rKR for this excellent summary. Even though Brady was hands down more likeable than Kody, he is every bit the misogynist as Kody. The only value of these shows, in my mind, has been to illustrate that polygamy is a destructive unhealthy lifestyle for the women and children whether they are in a more "progressive" home or a Jeffs cult.

    2. insightful and spot on.

  22. Is it time for TLC to see the light? Get a clue? Buy A vowel? Get REAL??
    Is it time for TLC/ F8 to deep six the notion that Polygamy *in any form* is a good thing to pimp, even if the $$$s are still mildly lucrative??

    Thanks to CJ and her Living Room here and in her FB Room, there is a cadre of thinkers who post thoughtful, lucid posts clearly stating that what they see and have seen on SW is an abysmal life for the women in the Plyg world. What else is there to say ??!!!
    runKodyeun and Big Sky are but two (the most recent on this thread) of the many, many concerned, articulate folks on these blogs. Bravo to them !!

    Polygamy is NOT entertaining TV !!! It isn't !!! Not anymore !! TLC has successfully proven that.
    SisterWives has exhausted every inane, ridiculous premise the producers can dream up for ratings.
    There is nothing left to hawk circus style, nothing left to hint and tease on Twitter, no outrageous "maybes" left to announce to gossip shows and insert in rag mags.
    Kody can troll and even nail down wife #5, 6 or will not matter. Sobbin can have Kody-clone triplets. People are saturated with the BS.

    Polygamy, if it must exist headed by the blowhard males who benefit from such a female-abusive lifestyle, should not be heralded as a normal alternative lifestyle and used as a TV investment/ $$-maker. An investment that only profits both the low-life producers AND the greedy, Plyg griffters who offer their families for sale.

  23. So the batfish is moving to Dubai with his newborn twins, but don't worry, his entire family is so rich they can visit whenever they want!

  24. Since I do travel to the Middle East often, I can say with certainty that faux sam does not have a business i Dubai or any other country because they do not allow foreign folks to open businesses in their country. They will allow someone from the country to own the business and you work for him, but you would not fly in and out at will....and, you cannot just decide to move to the Middle East like you can decide to move to takes months to get a visa and someone there has to sponsor you and they usually only give those long term visas to academics or medical I said, not happening...

  25. Lyle Jeffs, who has been running the polygamous Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for his imprisoned brother, has been indicted on food stamp fraud charges, the U.S. Attorney for Utah announced Tuesday.

    The indictment was unsealed the same day FBI and sheriffs deputies searched businesses in Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Ariz., that are owned by members of the FLDS.

    1. I hope this is the beginning of the end for the FLDS cult.

  26. Or Check out the sisterwives or other lies page.Or Sound Choices Coalition,or Plygs or Polygamy .org. There are some well orchestrated plans that can happen when women speak out and take action. Thanks,Cynical jinx .

  27. Kody just retweeted a pic saying that right to education, food, housing, and healthcare are "rations of slavery." Pretty short memory he must have. Exactly how many years did they depend on welfare, Medicaid, and food stamps? How many of their kids depend on federal college grants? These are absolutely necessary programs and the Browns were lucky they exist. His hypocrisy disgusts me.

  28. i dont understand the phrase "rations of slavery" could you pls expand?

    1. It's too bad we couldn't have a Q & A session with Kody and have him explain himself. He is a registered Republican and consistently makes remarks that belie the fact this family relied on, for their very existence, the welfare programs his political affiliations disavow. I don't want my comment to be regarded as a commentary one way or another about Democrats or Republicans, but it is a fact that this family has taken advantage of every subsidy out there including the biggest "subsidy" of all which was 3 adults declaring bankruptcy and writing all their debt off. In CJ's above post, she questioned why Robyn and the others are not making an attempt to market their junk on Sister Wive's closet. I think it's as Janelle stated many times--it's a "hobby" business and it's not supporting the family and will probably be the next business to go bankrupt. Otherwise, why not put more effort into as CJ suggested??

    2. I can't stand the arrogance of this man! Has he ever addressed the welfare, food stamps and bankruptcies?

    3. "A hobby business" OR to be more exact.....
      Yet another juicy tax write-off as a business just not producing tangible profits.
      A big, sad loss on the books!! Another version of bleeding the beast.

      Like their record as Green Goo distributors, just because they held 'show and tells' in their homes and used their homes as a storage facility and managing office...btw, all are write-offs to some extent.. doesn't mean that they were actually showing substantial profits.
      They may have been very content to keep a nice ratio of expenses vs income.

      After all, they have had the TLC income *and freebies from that* for the last 6 years.
      And how many all-expenses-paid trips would you say at this point ??
      Sobbin even had enamored fans showering her with gifts for Sol's birth.

      Hell, Meri and Kody probably deducted the cost of the wetbar as a needed business expense for displaying product. No doubt the same deductions have been used for the Junk Closet. Just think if the Gym facility had been a sham reality too.

      CJ is so, so right.
      Something just doesn't smell right about a family who is allegedly all in with "a business" because they have soooo many mouths to feed and colleges to fund, to be so negligent and unconcerned about marketing and selling.
      Why. Gosh...It's almost as if.... *It doesn't really matter*.........wink, wink !!

  29. Looks like the bat blog is gone. I guess CF/Sam/Jackie/BatDad just couldn't continue with the sick twisted fantasy/delusions.

    1. Anonymous 3:08 probably waiting for her mom's social security check so she can pay the bill...she is too lazy to work.

  30. Just read some recent Kody tweets. Hilarious. Must be trying to sound intelligent with all the grandstanding political quotes that it is comical! Even using bug words like "socialist" probably while Christine picks up another gov support. Sheesh

  31. The Batfish's website is down now you guys! I hope this is a means to the end!

    1. The domain client status is client renew prohibited. That generally signifies legal action could be pending. If it was just domain renewal fee due last week go Daddy would not have it blocked for transfer renewal updates deletions etc. Right now it is frozen pending who knows what.

    2. hmmm, do you think that some criminal charges for fraud are forthcoming? Or maybe just child abuse of those two imaginary babies.

    3. All the Ys in UtahMarch 1, 2016 at 11:06 AM

      It says right at the top of the Go Daddy page that it expired on the 22nd and is pending renewal or deletion. Wish it was something more exciting, but doesn't seem so.

    4. It's back up as of today.

    5. That website was more exciting being down.

    6. When domains are up for renewal, there is a grace period (renew or deletion). It simply means that the owner of the domain have time to renew or delete it during this grace period and no one else can buy or claim the domain. After the grace period, than it is up for grabs by others. Which is why the batcrazy was able to continue blogging. Her site is up again.

  32. Thought all my fellow posters here would get a kick out of my news --after 2 rounds of filling out questionnaires--guess who was selected to be a Nielsen household??!

    We are always talking about boycotting watching/taping sister wives to send a message, well now I feel like I have a voice for all of us!! I will take it one step further and make sure the tv doesn't find it's way to TLC. period. Which will hard because I do like my wedding fix with "Say Yes To The Dress." I will watch that on my laptop!

    1. Not with a bang but a whimperMarch 1, 2016 at 10:37 AM

      Congrats Big Sky! You are indeed our voice and much appreciated if your actions show the disgust we all feel over flappy hair grifter and his more hair then wit harem.

  33. In other news...Madison & Caleb have their bridal registry at a popular online wedding site "The Knot." Their wedding date is listed as 06/04/16 in Caleb's hometown; Worland, WY. Whenever I see Wyoming in print I think about the episode where Robyn tried to spell Wyoming with a "Y." Sure she took college calculus.

    Now I don't want to sound snotty or pretentious but Madison's registry looked like it could have used a mommy's influence. She chose to register at only one retailer; Bed, Bath & Beyond. Picking things like an entire set of dinnerware for $60. Entire set of flatware for $70. Yes, I'm talking not place settings for $70, but the entire 45 piece set for $70. A mom would say, "Madison, why not pick an everyday dinnerware and flatware that you can build on with serving pieces, something of quality to last your entire marriage??" It's not like they don't have a multitude of family (and unfortunately fans who will send gifts) why not pick quality items that will last for years? Absolutely no linens, towels, bedding of any sort was selected. Only a total of 18 random items on the registry so that means they are going to get lots and lots of stuff they don't want or need. If you don't provide your guests more options, the few things you did pick out will be purchased quickly leaving the rest of the guests to just guess and buy JUNK.

    Oh, and did I mention she picked out an entire 10 piece pots/pans cookware set for $50?? It's as if there was no guidance in this process by any adults. Kind of like when Hunter applied to the Air Force Academy....sometimes your kids NEED your help. Rant over!!!

    1. I think parents following along to put together one wedding register is a bit too helicopter. I really don't think the stuff you get when you marry is supposed to last a lifetime anymore. People update household items in their generation as styles change. Also consider they are on their own already and already set up a household. They don't live at home anymore. They already have some everyday utensils and plates...even some pots and pans. Also consider they may register somewhere else as its a long way to June.

    2. Tend to agree with kms on a few points.

      If a bride/ groom asks for parent guidance on registry selection, then fine.
      If not, it is their call.

      Also agree about the concept of longevity of belongings with this generation.
      Through the years, manufactured styles do change, as do personal styles.
      And personal experience, you may have items that are expensive/ durable/ even family heirlooms, and you assume your kids will want them too. Odds are, they won't.

      On a snark note, one bright spot in the low end price selections, it will make it more tempting for the vested fans to contribute to the fanfare...just like they did for Sobbin and Sol.

    3. Neat find. Going the every day route with pricing options guests can afford is thoughtful. One of my first bosses picked all super expensive items, invited the whole office, and then all I could afford (and it was a stretch in late 1980s) was the $50 salt and pepper shakers! Crazy.

      They may not need towels and bedding. I know people today registering at Home Depot and REI for tools and camping equipment. We did a honeymoon registry on top of a Macy's one and that was awesome as we were already living together and I had my great-grandmother's china.

      It's a new world and I am sure that list will grow along with the guest list.

    4. I totally get the idea of a registry, but I don't get why people think they have to choose gifts from the registry. The last wedding I attended, I went to the registry and nothing was less than a 100 bucks...the girl wasn't even a relative or close friend so I put a walmart gift card in a cute congratulations card. The bride may want a 200 dollar a place setting of fine china or 9000 count Egyptian hand woven sheets, but I am not going to give it to her....

    5. When I got married I registered at Target, Kohl's, and Amazon (online). I picked out things that weren't super expensive and a few things that ranged in price. I made sure to add things for the kitchen, bathroom towel sets, and a few frames and stuff. I didn't have a mom to help me but I had the idea that between a wedding shower and the wedding, you should price out several ideas and items for people to choose from. I feel sort of bad that Janelle didn't help her out a bit (from the sound of what's on the registry). I hope Madison has a great wedding and is happy in her marriage, she's a favorite of mine. I wish she would've finished college and then gotten married, but hey - it's her life.

    6. OMG, my DH grew up in Worland. I asked, and he does not know the Brush family.

      I must snark and say that although I like and support is difficult to imagine a worse venue for a wedding than Worland, WY, especially in the middle of the summer.

  34. When the registry list is filled people can give them money.

  35. FYI, Lifetime has a new reality show Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity edition. Kim Richards(Housewives of Beverly Hills); Courtney Stodden(Teen Bride 16 yr old that married a 50 yr old); Heidi Montag/Pratt; Shar Jackson; & Jessica Canseco & others. They're trying to work through & repair their damaged relationship w/ their daughters. It's definitely interesting.

  36. Emotional polygamy. That's a phrase I learned over at the WaPo comments to Carolyn Hax column. About the kind of guy who needs to be the sun around which all his little planets revolve: wife at home, emotional affair with someone at work,possible actual mistress.I guess in the actual polygamy world at least they are open about it and know what to expect;here in the real world it's considered a sign of emotional and/or mental illness and any self respecting woman is advised to run from such a soul sucking narcissist.

  37. Okay so is there going to be another season or not? I've heard mixed things. It would be great if they cancelled it. Also is it true the Duggars are coming back? :(

  38. I'm so far behind these blog posts. I was just going to say that bridge in Havasu is actually the old "London Bridge" built in 1831. So the tweet is right, it was called the London Bridge whilst in London. Many people confuse it for Tower Bridge which is still in London.
