
Monday, March 28, 2016

I Scour the Internet: The Post-Easter Edition for March 28th, 2016

Where in the World are Kody and his Kodettes?

According to this semi-innocuous tweet, Kody and his family were spotted on the Big Island in Hawaii.

Considering Hawaii was the vacation spot Kody and his new Mrs Kody Brown chose to "vacation" soon after his divorcing former wife Meri, how that's the word...interesting that production would decide this was the next family vacation spot after Alaska.

Then again, this could be a random, fake tweet. I mean we've all learned, thanks to that little ole catfisher from Shidler OK, that Twitter locations can be spoofed, right?

So where are they? Where are the Browns?

Guess we'll have to wait until the next season to find out, maybe...if there IS a next season.

Until then, let's check out some Twitter tweets from that krazy Kody and his Ko-dypendants.

Jangle has turned out to be the family Twitter tweeter, responsible for keeping those who care informed of what's going on behind those hallowed cul-de-sac gates.

So far, she has tweeted about a bonus young adult's milestone birthday...

Her #3 son Garrison getting spiffied up for a school dance...

Now this next tweet is up for interpretation. I hate to say it (but I will) Jangle's not known for her cooking chops...I mean, Peanut Butter Fritos? Anyway. maybe it's not necessarily cafeteria food driving her kids wanting to cook...

We hit the jackpot with this next tweet. Finally, a new picture of the Princess Areola with her bonus brother Hunter. Now I ask you. Was this just a feelgood snapshot of two siblings, or was it a staged to show how welcomed Kody's newest legal child is with the son who a couple of years ago declared King Sol was not necessary as there were enough children in the family already. You decide....(PS, Kody's got some strong DNA, I tell ya)

Jangle retweeted this tweet from her son Logan's girlfriend. Hmmmm...maybe there's another Brown young adult wedding on the horizon? Well, at least the pictures don't show a glass or bottle of alcohol nearby...

Let's take a short interlude, shall we?

RadarOnline has been milking an interview from Christine's aunt Krystyn Decker for all it's worth.

Now I realize there's not a lot of Brown publicity coming out of the cul-de-sac since the end of the last season, but damn, is it necessary to use such gossip magazine gimmicks to get people to read their articles?

Cases in point, look at the titles, then read the articles. See what I mean? Bait and switch at it's best!!!

‘Sister Wives’ Fakery! Kody & His Wives Faked Storylines For Ratings, Relative Says

‘Sister Wives’ Scandal! Kody & Christine’s Secret Past REVEALED In Never-Before-Seen Photos

and this one is just a big,  NO DUH!!!

Kody’s Wife Christine Is Not ‘Happy’ In ‘Sister Wives’ Marriage, Aunt Claims

Like, does RadarOnline think we're stupid or something? This is OLD news. Krystyn Decker should DECK  the people responsible for writing those articles!

Back to Twitter land....

Poor Maddie is in a quandary trying to figure out why she's getting wedding mags in  the mail...

Gee Maddie, maybe this is the reason?

Just like Mariah and Meri, Maddie the acorn doesn't fall far from the Kody and Jangle tree!

Looks like Logan's got a new legal drinking partner now...

Hey, on the topic of Aspyn, we have a recent tweet showing Christine does indeed leave the cul-de-sac to intermingle with us mere monogamist heathens...Oh, and you've got a lot of hair, Christine. Maybe find a headband that's a bit larger next time?

And finally, the new Mrs. Kody Brown released a new professional photograph of King Sol and the Princess Areola. Psssst...Hunter's candid picture is nicer, but that's my opinion, of course!

This just in, or rather, brought to my attention...

Looks like Meri visited her bestie Elisa while in Hawaii!! Yep, Kody and the rest of the krew weren't around or hiding or something...Hey Meri, if you are reading this, why not stay in Hawaii for a while? Who knows, you might like it!

Many thanks to PolygamySucks for the scoop!

Well, that's all for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet so YOU don't have to!


  1. Meri's friend Elisa Furr has two photos of her and Meri in Waikiki on her twitter. No sign of the rest of the family, though.

    1. Thanks for the FYI!

      Funny how Meri didn't retweet to her fans, isn't it? Well, at least she has a good friend in Hawaii...the rest of the Kodettes, I don't think so...

  2. Funny that "Jangle" (still love this, CJ) the Browns gossip reporter extraordinaire, didn't tweet anything about Hawaii. Hmm...seems like they didn't want the adoring fans and snarkers to think they are living high, so Jangle was told that mums the word.
    Newsflash to the Browns......those who still follow your fake, sordid story line already KNOW !!!

    "Was this just a feelgood snapshot of two siblings, or was it a staged to show how welcomed Kody's newest legal child is with the son who a couple of years ago declared King Sol was not necessary as there were enough children in the family already. You decide....(PS, Kody's got some strong DNA, I tell ya)

    Ha !!!! Yep, Kody's DNA is dominant for sure. That baby looks like a piece of Kody fell off and grew.

    Triple Yep on the pic of Hunter with the newest Kody-clone, Ari.
    Oh Sobbin, you are so sly along with the help of enabler just had post that pic to rework history.
    Sorry, Sobbin, we all saw that epp with Hunter who was merely speaking his teenage, observant truth. just HAD to try to mitigate all that with making sure that THIS pic hit twitter.
    You are pathetic and predictable. Really you are !!

    Agree, Christine's Aunt should be livid about what RadarOnline manipulated.
    Christine"s hairband looks like a sad leftover from the hippies, tie-dyed, "peace and love" days

    And yes, tweet about registering for your wedding and you are dumbfounded about how companies know......????? Damn, seriously???

    CJ. great job as always !!!! Thanks !!!
    And the Browns (and TLC) should be thanking you too.........!!!!

  3. "That baby looks like a piece of Kody fell off and grew"

    Sentences like that are why LOL was invented. I actually did, when I read that. More than once! So, so funny, Amused! :D

  4. Kody probably put Jangle in charge of all the family twitter updates so he and Robyn can spend more time being a monogamous couple! And what's up with poor Christine's picture? Looks like she accidently put a tourniquet on instead of a headband...ouch.

  5. So, here's the deal with putting the new baby in the lap of the son who totally hated Robyn and wasn't keen on adding new siblings either biological or other, Robyn cannot stand to have fans think that her babies are not authentically appreciated by the family. Because Christine and Jangle's kids grew up as close to full-sibling as possible given the circumstances of their progeny, Robyn must make certain that we believe she and her kids are as brown as the other kids...if that means sticking those babies in the lap of the most vocal objector, then she will do that too. I wonder how much they had to pay for that, take a picture with the current wife's brat and we'll give you a little spending money!!! I wonder.
    I am amazed at how much the Brown kids have come out of the closet in terms of drinking and night life. What I find hilarious is the lip lock between Logan and his gal, which is completely fine by most standards but then we have Kody warning his girl child not to kiss because of the spit and you know all the exchanges....for real. I also wonder why any of the wives would want to go anywhere as a skankie second to Robyn's Hawaiian know. Not that I would ever be in that kind of relationship but here is a conversation of if it came to be:
    Old Man (OM), so legal wife and I really had a fun trip over there in much better than our spiritual honey moon...better than our anniversary trip....maybe we can load up and get some frequent flyer miles from my trip with legal wife and all of us go'll be so as the surfer dude and you guys as my go go girls.
    Me: Hey, when his ass comes to, tell him that the frying pan needs a new handle.....Oh and that trip...tell him best not mention it to me again.

    1. something doesn't fit with Logan having so many references to alcoholic beverages in his tweets and instances pictures. Some of the pictures he even looks wasted drunk. And what's with the double standard with kissing and the transmission of those hormones Kody was talking about?

    2. I'm thinking that it is a lot easier for Hunter to deal with another baby when he is no longer living at home and its not his problem.

  6. Is Meri showing some serious arm up there or what?

    Also, I'm not sure why we should listen to any "inside' information from Kristen Decker, it's not like she and Christine are close, she's hardly privy to new details of her life...and as far as saying she's unhappy, well that is about as hard to see as the ocean from the beach. If you have eyes and a basic handle on normal human emotion, you can see she's not happy.
    Finally, I second the lol on the "looks like a piece of Kody fell off and started to grow", nicely done!

    1. How do you know if Kristyn Decker is close to Christine or not? Christine's maternal grandmother was a wife of Kristyn's father Owen Allred by the way.

    2. Right, I am just going off of Christine's reaction to her on the show, calling her " unsafe" and not wanting to even look at her or breathe the same air. They could be closeted bosom buddies and the best aunt/niece around but as previously mentioned, Christine is not the best at hiding her feelings.

    3. I am shocked at the amount of skin Meri is showing! If she was only holding a banana....

  7. Hunter was always connected to the babies. At least to Truely. Maybe it was cause of the static btw aunti Robyn not liking how he wasn't amazed enough with Sol?

    Too many politics and relationships in polygamy. Too many parents. Too many parents to please. Then there is the hierarchy. Then there is the siblings a full generation older or younger than each other.

    All the biblical occurrences turned out bad. This is not what people are supposed to be doing.

    I find it odd that only one child is thinking of marriage at this point. This is the west coast and the adult kids grew up in Utah. It is very normal to marry while in college. Are they scared of it? Could Logan be married and just not want to be part of the circus?

    Everyone getting married gets ads and magazines. I don't think it's getting free things. They want her to buy stuff.

    1. Maybe Hunter just doesn't feel comfortable showing affection to baby brothers?

    2. I really expected more from Maddie, I'll just leave my comments on her at that.

      As for the rest of the adult Brown children, I am thrilled the rest are not rushing in to marriage or polygamy. It thrills my heart to see some of them actually drinking, having significant others without having to be married, and enjoying their lives. With the exception of Kody, I don't think any of their parents ever had much fun.

  8. Why is Robyn separating her bio linked to Kody kids from the ones stolen from their father? Please tell me they all got a photo shoot with the new baby?

    1. Please explain?

    2. kms: i am not a robyn fan in the least but don't you think it is a cute picture? i love snark and these peeps give us plenty to snark about but this is just nit picky.

    3. I think kms is on to something. It's not unheard of that children from earlier marriages or relationships get pushed aside once a new family is formed. Robyn is just the personality type to do it. And in her defense, Kody would totally enable that behaviour -- remember what he said to Christine! Kody decides who is kin. The adoption was for the cameras because these are narcissists. I don't think it's any accident her kids are clingy.

    4. Omg you are so right kms and anon! But didn't sobbin Robyn do the same thing when she had that artist concoct the picture of her children from her previous marriage with Kody as their father? It's as if she has segregated her children based on who their father is. Sol could have been placed in that painting but he wasn't.

    5. Yep.

      Heck Robyn could have treated all the kids the same and still not had Kody declared their dad. They are legal and she still isn't. I hope one or all of the kids in adulthood terminate his fatherhood and reinstate their actual dad. Baby m did it. It's possible. Robyn is not really accepting as parent any other bonus kids either. Except to try and dominate them. You gotta earn some respect step mom. Is Sol upstairs? They are even divided by floor of the house.

    6. Well I must say I did think the same thing. It's a sweet picture, but I sure hope all of her kids got to take pics with the new princess.

    7. It is a super sweet photo, but I have no doubt that Robyn treats her children with Kody differently than her kids with David Jessop.

    8. I never thought of that.
      Good catch on subtle, that idea scares me more than the painting did.

  9. I need this show to be cancelled. I am spending entirely too much time following the story of this family. Or should I say trying to follow the story of this family.

  10. Alphonse Areola would be proud to call his daughter Princess Areola. He's a soccer player you know. The word has more meanings than you are willing to recognize. It's also a proper name.

  11. Christine, that picture is not going to make people want to buy a headband. The founder lady's headband looks cute tho...

  12. I don't think anyone is dissing that little baby.
    It is simply remarkable to see how much she *does* look like Kody. The face, head and eyes are identical. Little Solomon, too, bears a strong resemblance to his father.
    Mariah, Mykelti and Hunter also appear to share those dominant genes.

    On another note, it's doubtful that any one wife is spending any quality time with the others.
    It is quite apparent that at this point, they just live as neighbors on the same street.
    Aside from the scripted, funded TLC trips or the scripted family encounters when the cameras are rolling gathering footage for the impending season, bets are on that these alleged plyg-blissed adults are autonomous and distant 95% of the time from each other.
    Maybe that is the upside of the older kids leaving home...they can contact/socialize with each other without the pressure and intrusion of having to do the faux show BS.

    1. Hunter looks like Janelle to me.

    2. Hunter has the space between his teeth and the freckley look of Janelle. Janelle's kids look more like Janelle than Kody, methinks, especially in the complexion.

    3. Hunter also has Janelle's squinty eye smile. Logan doesn't resemble Kody or Janelle.

      Kids that look like Kody clones are Aspyn, Mykelti, Paedon, Truely, Gwendlyn, Mariah, Hunter and Ariella.

      Kids that resemble Kody's father Winn are Garrison, Gabriel, Sol.

      Kids that resemble their mothers are Madison, Savanah and Ysabel.

      Logan doesn't resemble either parent but does look like a twin of a Wyoming cousin and resembles Kody's youngest brother.

    4. I agree for the most part, Anon 8:08, but I think Mariah looks a lot like Meri's sisters.

    5. Honestly, Kody's looks aren't his problem, he was actually a nice looking man when he was younger and had a decent haircut. I'd rather look like Kody than Robyn or Meri. It just bugs me that I've never been able to tell what color eyes Kody has, are they a really dark blue or brown?

    6. "It just bugs me that I've never been able to tell what color eyes Kody has, are they a really dark blue or brown?"

      Thinking they are the color of "dull gray" a rodent.

  13. Note how the baby's binkie is bolted to it's clothing, so when it is passed around to all the family it is right there for the plugging.. Christine's brains are being compressed with that headband! I wonder what Jangle thinks when she sees those photos of Froggin and his girlfriend being romantic? Reminiscent of her early days with Kody ( not)!

  14. About Christine's headband: The organization behind those headbands is:

    For each headband someone buys, a headband is given to a child with cancer.

    I love snarking on these idiots as much as anyone, but I draw the line when one of them might actually be doing something worthwhile.

    1. No one said Christine shouldn't do good works. Just she should wear an appropriate size headband so she doesn't look like an idiot while doing her good works. That headband is too small and looks painful.

    2. @Anon. 11:08; Agree! If it was not so small and painful looking she might actually promote the headband and encourage others to buy one. Instead of wanting to find out about the great works of the organization, people are distracted with how goofy the headband looks. If they had put a much better looking headband on her (more similar to the one on the lady representing the organization) Christine could have really helped sell the product--as we are finding out in this presidential election, optics matter!! ;)

  15. I think Robyn will be getting pregnant again very soon. Ariella doesn't look like she is breast fed.

    1. doesn't look breastfed? what?

    2. I vaguely remember Robyn commenting (many years ago) that she would not be getting pregnant while breastfeeding King Sol. Maybe that's what Anon 8:35 is referencing...

    3. There is no way that you can tell just by looking the baby if she is breastfed or not. Ariella looks like Kody, but she is completely adorable and looks happy and healthy.

  16. Wonder if the older kids who are now out for good have reservations about coming home where they are still expected to participate in whatever scripting nonsense TLC plans and requires?
    Is there pressure from the adults on them to keep solidarity and do/act whatever it takes to keep the paychecks coming? Even if they hate the whole scenario?
    Could they refuse at this point?

    Do the older kids talk among themselves about if/ when the show is done?
    Beyond the $$-fallout, will they be glad for that day for a myriad of reasons???

    1. Amused - I am thinking they did go to Hawaii and perhaps this is how TLC/Brown adults combat the potential refusal of the kids to participate; bribing them with vacations? I sure know if I were a kid and my parents said they would take me to Hawaii/Alaska/California Coast, etc. that might have gone a long way to appeasing me!!

    2. True, I thought the vacation trips would be appealing to them, but wonder about the rest of the dramas.
      Is it okay with them now to still be expected to suffer through the ridiculous premises that TLC has created through the years. Just to name a few, like the oft-mentioned "hormones in the mouth" BS or the Maddie changes religions interrogation.
      These "kids" are young adults now. Are they really okay playing along with it all for the ratings. Have to assume some of them, if not all, must have a few conflicts about it at this point in their lives.

    3. I'm pretty sure that Aspyn actually moved back home a while ago. I remember seeing something about that, either on her twitter or something. Also, I really don't think it's so unusual for young adult children to move away from home, I have a wonderful family and left for an out of state college at 18 and still live away.
      Do I think a lot of crazy stuff goes on in that family? yes! But I don't know that the young adult children moving away is a big tell on this one.

    4. The issue was NOT about them leaving home, don't think that was implied.
      Kids moving out is normal and expected.

      It was about how they deal with what may still be expected of them to do when they are around the family when TLC is filming.

    5. Perhaps my comment was somewhat misplaced in this particular thread. There have been several times on this blog where it has been directly mentioned that the young adult children move away as fast as they can to get away from the family.

      About the expectations on their participation, it's rather unfounded to assume that the young adult children mind being filmed for TLC. They seem more than happy to join in, they don't shy away from public social media, they don't have private instagram or twitter accounts, etc. I think at this point, they are still in for the fun ride...all but Mariah actually. She used to have something in her profile on twitter about being a tv star and that has been removed and she posts much less. You have to wonder how she felt with the whole Meri scandal and how that affected her feelings about being so public.

  17. Look at Meri wearing a tank top! What happened to all their talk about dressing modestly and not showing skin? What happened to those skintight tshirts with the babydoll tops? She does NOT look good in a tank top!

    1. It's about no "girls" falling out and dressing appropriate to the activity. Shoulders are fine. It's the LDS that sexualize shoulders for prom, but not volleyball.

    2. In the AUB shoulders are not "fine." They have even stricter dress standards than the LDS. Some relax those standards on vacation, but others won't even put on a swimsuit.

    3. Me thinks Kody is done with Meri and could care less about what Meri wears or doesn't wear now, so she is just doing what she wants.

  18. I was wondering if all the trips that the Brown's have taken is considered part of their salary. How does TLC justify the cost of a trip to Hawaii for the who bunch. If these trips are part of their salary, then who is paying the taxes involved. I have been to Hawaii and it's not a cheap trip. I can't see TLC footing this gigantic bill alone. I sure hope that they appreciate all the free stuff they have been given. TLC is like a cash cow to Kody and crew. I sure hope like hell this is their last season of lies and deception. Their angry rabid fans get upset when people rip apart what they see on tv. Yeah, it's a small part of their lives that we see but what we are shown is a different matter. Why let TLC make them look like fools if not for the money. Their FB pages and Twitter pages have been so empty. No one cares anymore. All people ask is when will the show be back on. I wish like hell they get their answer soon. I am done with this family but I still like reading this blog. This blog is much more entertaining than the Brown's. And a big "NO", I don't feel sorry for these women. They made the choice to live polygamy. They put themselves and their children in an environment that is abusive to women and kids. They continue to act like they are miserable for the cameras for the drama. Hell, for all we know this could be part of their plan for the ratings. They could be blissfully happy with the asshole Kody. Like I say all the time, they will do anything to keep the gravy train going.

    1. Of course, we won't know until the episode airs and we see or don't see marquees in the camera shots and/or credits mentioning the hotels, etc, but in the past and with shows like Bravo's Real Housewives, Kate Plus 8, Little People, etc., the accommodations are comp'd in exchange for advertising, as are restaurants, airlines, and amusement parks, etc. The production company and/or the network write off any costs they incur for these trips as production expenses, but after all of the comp'd expenses are deducted, what looks like an expensive vacation doesn't really end up costing TLC that much and the families enjoy basically a free vacation.

      It would be unusual for a trip to be considered part of their income; trips are usually a perk or incentive for these families to film. Anything the families end up keeping, such as home improvements is considered taxable and the family is issued an IRS statement and they have to pay taxes on it, but that and trips are different entities and are handled totally differently.

    2. I think the trips are similar to when someone travels for work, to a class, seminar, client site, etc. The employee is not taxed for that, and the employer pays the expense. The Browns travel to Hawaii in order to film the episode, they aren't going to have to pay taxes on a required company trip.

  19. I really did try to buy into the "they don't know any better" mindset in the early years of the show, but it just didn't wash as time went on.
    Not that they weren't genetically predisposed to the plyg world by birth (excluding of course, Jangle-Janelle, who very definitely made a conscious choice for herself and her future children)...however in their almost seven years of being reality show stars, they have shown themselves to be more than savvy to the ways of the non-plyg world especially after the swift move to Sin City to nail down future seasons.
    Yes, in the blistering heat of Vegas, they relentlessly wore the prescribed long sleeve shirts topped with tank tops, then moved on to the baby doll numbers. Was it for effect back then?? Who knows, who really cares now !
    But that look has been gone for many seasons now.
    So Meri now showing skin for the camera doesn't surprise me at all. Nor did her infatuation with first a D-list rock group star, then a reckless cyber romp with a hoped for Gatsby-type millionaire businessman.
    None of them were prairie-dressed, high pompadoured, docile sheep. They all made the decision to bring on Sobbin to get the TLC contract, the monies and future storylines.
    There was nothing spiritually compelling or Plyg fulfilling about any of that.
    It was all for the money and the fame.

    1. I tend to agree, Amused. It used to be somewhat compelling that they wanted to live their faith and made life choices based on that. "Oh they grew up this way...they never had healthy relationships modeled for them...". Now they don't even pretend.

    2. Amused; what is Meri's infatuation with these people?! I had no idea that Elisa Furr (Meri's supposed best friend and social media defender and shown above with Meri in Waikiki) is actually a Las Vegas entertainer and it seems fairly well-known Celine Dion impersonator who headlines shows in Vegas and other casinos?? What the heck?!

    3. Meri does seem to "crush" easily with people who have even a mild star status.

      In a strange way, she is a passive version of Kody.
      Kody craves and "gets" attention, where Meri seeks out hanging and hooking up with attention getting people.

  20. Meri is a co-dependant,a groupie ,a follower etc. Charles Manson just loved her type.

    1. Non-sharer - I think the spelling is Ko-dependant.

  21. "Meri is a co-dependant,a groupie ,a follower etc. Charles Manson just loved her type."

    Very true !!
    And in this discussion, Christine does deserve some degree of respect.
    As daft and silly as she can come off, Christine is loyal to the Principle.
    Whether it is by hopelessly blind genetics or by conscious thought, Christine wouldn't be easily led astray from her life choices.
    She may be visibly miserable in the life, and however stifling the plyg life has kept her hostage, at least she is consistent in her beliefs and wouldn't be easy prey for a catfish.

    But.....don't know whether that is necessarily a good thing in the big picture. ???

  22. Do all my fellow posters think that the Brown's did go to Hawaii and not just Meri showed up in Waikiki?? If they did go, which I am leaning to think that they did, I find it curious that the only one posting is Meri. It's as if TLC told them not to give it away on social media that they were in Hawaii (or why wouldn't the teens/others have posted pics?) I'm curious why Meri felt so comfortable letting Elisa post her whereabouts. Could it be defiance to TLC? Or maybe she did opt out of filming this season but had to make her presence known in another way?!

    1. I'm assuming that as usual TLC puts a gag on "reality" show participants so that they don't jump the gun before what was filmed is shown on TV. Meri appearing in social media with a friend doesn't really give anything away.

      The thought of watching the entire mob frolicking on TLC dollar in Robyn and Kody's honeymoon haunt is pretty nauseating. Glad I don't watch the show!

    2. Garison posted some pics on his Instagram. Even Annie was there.

    3. You can't tell where the two pictures were taken. He just says while they were on vacation.

  23. They are always on vacation at home or afar.

    1. The vacation/ travel scenes seem to be the signature "reality show" agenda.
      Doesn't seem to matter which show it is or what the genre is of the show, they all HAVE to be filmed on location in some tourist or vacation spot, nationally or internationally.

      They all result with the same predictable and boring scenes with all shows ending up with similar repetitive travel processes and outcomes.
      Do the producers really think after years of this travel crap that it is entertaining?
      It's not......!!!
      Having saved hard-earned money (not funded by a 2nd rate reality show) to travel when possible, our satisfaction is far more rewarding than watching the Browns, Kardashians, and other such fakes posture and pretend for the cameras and ratings.

  24. I've never noticed the odd renewal dates before. They are just all spread out all over the place.

    September 26, 2010
    March 13, 2011
    May 13, 2012
    July 21, 2013
    June 8, 2014
    September 13, 2015

  25. Sorry. SEASON PREMIER! I have no way of editing my post.

    1. So the newest SEASON PREMIER could be as early as March (I read on their Facebook Page April but I doubt that) or as late as September. I just can't get over the disparity of the Season Premier dates. I won't be holding my breath or anything.

    2. My money's on a September 2016 date for the season premiere. BUT, they have to capitalize on the latest birth so maybe as early as June.

    3. Agree..more like June.
      They can't afford to risk letting another six months go by. Even the most ardent fans have a limited attention span.

      Plus, if they wait until the fall, the fanfare with the impending election will be in full swing and could eclipse any PR they may try.

    4. At the end of the last season, didn't they say on the screen that the show would be back in "the spring"? So, I'm thinking at least by June...and it seems like Sister Wives comes after the Duggars so maybe they will announce soon.

    5. I also think May or June - I think they will lead off with the birth and if they wait until September it will be so stale (although that hasn't always stopped them in the past) but I think they will then end with Maddie's wedding as a finale. Surely if they filmed the birth back in Jan. and then also in Hawaii last month they would have enough material to get it going by May/June?! It's not as if the show looks professional with much time spent on editing - between the regurgitation of material going to commercial and replaying it all again after the commercial break, I would think they could crank an episode out in a matter of days!

  26. On the Sisterwives page there is a tape made by the trolls supposedly proving the catfish can be catfished and likes phone sex. I cannot bear to listen.Obviously when she hurts people for fun she is ill. What does this make the trolls? It also makes it more probable that Meri was doing phone sex.How does this make Meri feel better?

    1. I really, really don't get that group of people.

    2. I made it 14 seconds in and can not go any further. Like, I am physically ill right now. BLECH! Who takes it this far?

    3. non-sharer, what Sisterwives page are you referring to?

    4. It is on the Sister Wives facebook page. Someone had phone sex with Meri's Catfish and posted a recording on youtube. It is proving that the Catfish can make her voice sound like a man and trust me, you don't want to listen! Both Meri's group of trolls and the Catfish spend hours on the internet egging each other on, basking in all the attention they get. Drama attracts drama I guess.

    5. I don't get why people continue to give that catfish person any attention. Who cares?

    6. Okay, I didn't listen to the sex tape but I did listen to the tape on the other living room and I don't hear a man. I hear a woman who sounds like she has chain smoked her entire life. I have friends who have smoked a lot and I remember when their voices began to change and now when they laugh, especially, they have that raspy voice. But, when one of my friends calls me, she sounds a little like a guy but after we began talking, I can sure tell the difference. I don't understand how a woman can be fooled by that voice...but then I guess if I really was looking for someone to save me and the person made all these grandiose promises, I might, maybe, believe the voice to be a man....but to be frank, I doubt I would do that thing where I meet someone in a chat room and then hook up...male or female; it's not safe. My husband and I have known each other since I was 4 and he was 7; he was my brother's BFF so when we grew up and married, I was not only marrying the man I love but I was also marrying the man I have known my entire life and who was already a part of our family. In fact, my family takes his side over mine when we disagree. I feel so sorry for men and women who are catfished because that happens in real life too where a woman or man meets someone and gets fed a bunch of lies and they believe it and then marry the fool and find out that the person they thought was actually someone else entirely...we always called that liars.

    7. What other tape? What other living room? Thanks!

    8. I have a hard time feeling sorry for Meri. If she was that desperate, why didn't she leave Kody? Why sit and proclaim polygamy to be great/strong bond/praise Kody on TV? I bet she'll be back again in the upcoming season to do the same thing (praise polygamy and Kody and his wives).

      She has NO children to worry about at home since her daughter is grown. She could have taken her TLC money and left to start a new life.

      It isn't like she lives in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia where women aren't allowed to drive or work.

      IMO, if she was desperate and no longer wanted to be with kody, she would have left.

      What annoys me about her is that she is a lazy, gold digging hussy. She isn't desperate but an opportunist. If Sam was real, Meri would have waltz out of that cult de sac as a rich wife of a monogamous man. She would have something to rub in Kody and his wives' faces. And she would have probably had her own reality show/tell all book to boot ("Escaping Kody's Harem").

      She is sitting on her plumb ass waiting for the right RICH, monogamous man to come around and notice her. She thinks she is desirable enough that she doesn't have to work too hard to get her rich man (throw around some "I love you", send pictures, etc. and she'll have the man wrapped around her fingers). Doesn't work that way.

      She has neither age, weight, beauty, social connection, fame, or money on her side (something she doesn't understand even now seeing she's still responding to men on twitter).

      Oh well, guess this season she'll play the victim card to death.

    9. Jessie, I totally agree with you. Next season will be Meri playing the victim card; Sobbin giving birth to Princess Ari; Maddie's wedding; Hawaii family trip; Jangle's enjoying real-estate; so sorry Christine, once you figure out how to "honor the family" maybe we can have an episode on you.

    10. Jessie,
      I totally agree with you. While Meri, Christine, Jangle, and robyn preach about all those virtues that are made great by being in a polygamous marriage and how much they preach about how it is the nature of men to have multiple wives and how much more love they have than us monogamous, the first chance one gets at running off with a single man, she jumps at it. Now what is it that attracted Meri to a man she had never met? Could it have been that Meri wanted three things from this wonderful too good to be true something: 1) she wanted her one only to worship her; 2) it helped that the too good to be true supposedly have all this faux wealth that she thought was real; 3) that marriage she had and now has with her lover boy was never happy nor fulfilling... I cannot stand the idea that as sad and miserable as Christine is, she would never consider that there is a way for her to be happy....Meri, on the other hand, had only to wait until she found someone else....too bad that someone was fat, middle aged, poor white women....yep...anything sounds better than jody.

  27. TLC Sisterwives page blue background white lettering.

  28. Christian times publication reporting new season cancelled. Anyone else read or see this oranyother report?

  29. Wishful thinking on my part...Just all rehash of speculation and interview of Krystin Decker (Christine's Aunt) that has made the rounds this last week.

  30. You know, when my children were babies, I divorced their father because he wouldn't work, was abusive, and drank like a fish. I left him and never looked back. I worked one full-time job and another part-time job just so I could give my kids a decent life. When my children were grown, finished college, and living independently of me, I remarried Mr. RunKodyrun and we have a partnership that doesn't include either of us doing the hanky-panky with others. We both work and we both support each other and our children (his and mine) as much as we can. Now here's the deal with sharing that bit of information about me. I suspect that many, if not all, of you are just like me. You provided for your children, supported your spouse, and became an integral part of some community. I know there are many single parents who choose to stay home and raise their children and I am so thankful that we have those social programs that allow that for those parents who choose to stay home; sadly, the government keeps them living below and I mean below the poverty level. Then we have people (some monogamous and many polygamous)who are on welfare and foodstamps but they also have some support from their children's father. While I am sure that Christine didn't get much by way of support from Kody before the big TV show, she did live in a house that he and Jangle, in essence, she was somewhat supported by him. Now is that any of my business? not at all but my point that I am slowly getting to is that with the TV show, the Browns have had somewhat of a steady income and they have been able to do things that would not have been possible on their own...and if they all worked and contributed, they would have certainly been able to give their kids a much better life without blasting their life for the world to see just how messed up they are; how sad they are. When Christine jumps up and down and claps her hands for the silliest reasons, I really think that she is so happy that show is still on and she still gets to buy things...I am not one of the ones who hopes the show is cancelled so I can watch them lose everything. I am one of the ones that hopes the show is cancelled so that those little pixies and the younger ones won't have their teenage years broadcast on TV while their mothers compete for attention from that short, fat, balding man....dang that is pitiful.

  31. That wasn't remarried but married. Geeze what was I thinking

  32. Thought I'd share this on "Polygamy USA":

    Further up, the Brady Williams posts: Please don't forget that Brady's father Rod Williams took a 16 year old as his 3rd wife when he was 50 (she is now the only remaining wife, after wife #2 came out as a lesbian and Brady's mother died of cancer).

    1. Isn't it amazing how TLC left out that crazy little "oh by the way" about Brady's dad. Just like when Natalie Morales brought up the fact Kody Brown was courted a teenage girl. Luckily, when the girl reached 18, she bowed out of the wedding Kody and Meri planned for her.
