
Sunday, April 10, 2016

I Scour the Internet: The Pre Tax Day Edition for April 11, 2016

It's that time of the year again!

Well, almost. For those of us who haven't filed yet, we have until Monday, April 18th....aren't we lucky?

So what have Kody and his Kody-pendents been up to this week on Twitter?

Well...not much, as usual. They must be <cough> busy<cough, cough> filing those tax returns, meeting their many fans while Kody entertains them in his own inimitable way...right?

Zero out of three is par for the course for this klan of kut-ups, I'm afraid..

Last issue, I asked the question "Where in the World" were the Browns? Well, the answer was they were filming in Kody's and his blushing bride (and proud of it, dammit!) the New Mrs. Kody Brown's honeymoon spot, our 50th state of Hawaii.

Thanks to our friend at the Principle, if you're hankering for some more pictures of the Browns doing their reality thing the Hawaiian Way, there are a couple of more pictures to amuse you.

Yep, the next season looks like it's going to be a winner, I'm telling ya!

More pictures for Cynical Jinx’s TLC Sister Wives in Hawaii

Now that they are back stateside, Original Three sister wife#2 Jangle tweeted about her favorite things: food, movies and the pursuit of happiness least for her dog Bryn I think...

Original Three sister wife#3 Christine raised herself from her chaise lounge long enough to tweet these two April Fool's Day tweets for her fans...

Oh noes, Jaeden! Don't do it!!!

And now that Original sister wife#1 Meri is still on the apparent outs with her former hubby Kody, Christine finally is enjoying quality Kody time out in public. Looks like Robyn's Aurora tagged along, too. Good job honoring Kody's family, Christine. Hope it works out for you ( /snarkoff). Retweet from Aspyn's twitter...

Also from young adult Aspyn, her shout out to her Daddy dearest...

Yep, ole Kody sure made that divorce from Meri happen mighty quick, didn't he? But he's kind of dragging his feet a bit, I mean, like we've been saying all along, if a marriage license is just a piece of paper, why is Robyn hanging on to it for dear life? For that matter, why is Kody hanging on to it? No wonder Meri was ready to jump ship out of the krazy khaos of the kul-de-sack.

Since I've inadvertently mentioned katfishing, let's take a short interlude, shall we?

Question: How do you keep a blonde occupied for hours?

My public service announcement for the day: Save your brain cells by skipping this interview. It ain't worth it, folks.

'nuff said. Now back to our regular programming.

Meri had her own version of a PSA with this timely tweet. Check out the response from someone named Rusty <giggle>...

Of course, there was the obligatory tweet showcasing Mosby the Dog...

And the obligatory King Sol tweet, also featuring Mosby....

Last but not the least, the obligatory kiss up to the new Mrs Kody Brown tweet with a big birthday greeting for bonus kid Breanna. Oh yes, how wonderful the other Brown bonus kids must feel knowing they could be one of Meri's LEAST all time favorites.

Just like being Kody's spiritual instead of legal wife, right? I think I'm seeing the logic in polygamy now!

That's all for now!

Til next time, just remember I Scour the Internet so YOU'LL have more time to get those tax returns completed!


  1. I am one of the lucky ones that Overton blocked from her boring page. Therefore, I won't trouble my pretty little head about the unbearable audio.

    As always... Great job, honey chile' !!!
    Thanks !

  2. Oh Holy Cow,
    There goes that Meri trying to look all seductive in a not so seductive pose. Well, let me say that I am always happy to see Christine out and about with her faux husband. I am also very happy to see the children getting to do things other than eat mock pudding. But here's the deal: why do you think the production company whisked them off to Kody and Robyn's honey moon destination? Could it be to spark interest from the snarkers? They had to know that we would all say, there is no way I would want to go on a trip with my faux husband, his other faux wives, and the one real wife especially if it is going to be all about the honey moon memories that are still fresh in both of their minds....those looks when we pass the know?
    These people just make me want to hurl. I know this is awful but I sure do wish Christine would get knocked up and he would have to spend more time with her......

    1. Poor Christine. Even if she did get pregnant, I doubt Kody would spend any time with her at all. Just like when she was pregnant with Truely...old Daddy Dearest was too busy courting the new Mrs. Kody Brown to even setup that old hand-me-down baby crib for Christine. It was her two other sister wives that helped her!

    2. WhyNotBrotherHusbands?April 12, 2016 at 7:32 PM

      What is it with Meri and the come-hither poses? Is this a prolonged mid-life crisis, or is she still simply in crisis? Not to say a woman her age can't be sexy or playful, but it's a lot for public consumption from a quasi-married woman. Doubtful it's, 'Hey, Kody, come get some of this.' Seems she's signaling: Still on the market.

  3. Kody-pendents: That's a good one! Thanks CJ, Can't stand the program, but love the blog!

  4. I noticed Christine's sweater is the same colour as the baby's sweater.The two girls are wearing jeans and black shirts. Months back two of Christine's were on twitter posing in non prescription glasses ,then we saw Savannah posing in non-prescription glasses (possibly the same ones).Meri and Breanna are wearing the same colour .Does anyone have an original idea?Are we to belief these candid shots are not contrived? And Kody cannot hide his big gut behind that vest, nice try !

    1. Kody looks a mess. with 4 "wives" I'd think at least one of them would hem his pants.Oh,I forgot, he divorced the one with the craft room & sewing machine. And those shoes.....

  5. I LOVE the blonde joke!!! 'Rora is getting a lot older. Yikes! Let's hope she's not still hanging on Kody. It might ok in their world but in the real world it's just creepy.

    1. Well, if Kody decides to follow polygamist's Tom Green's example, YIKES is right!

    2. This may be who Robyn pushed for the ADOPTION.In Utah you can have it public knowledge that you breed with your sister or neice or stepdaughter but in Vegas maybe not so simple.

  6. Meri and those damn photo filters!

  7. Well good to know that Meri, despite being coldly shoved legally aside for Sly Sobbin, and being humiliated by an obvious psycho catfisher, is still happily addicted to selfies. And good to know that she is skilled in using the filter option for her...let's face it...narcissistic selfies.
    Kim K has nothing on our gal Meri in the selfie department.

    And talk about a new dawn for the attire of Kody's harem...WOW...Christine's blue top has a definite hint of cleavage in the pic with Kody and the girls. Could it be that the "Kodyworld" Principle for the appropriate Kody-harem look has been restructured too? In SW days of old, Christine seemed to be the most devoted to the sausage, layered look.

    Agree, it is no coincidence that the latest trip for TLC footage took place where Kody and his new/old bride enjoyed honeymoon bliss. Maybe they had SUCH a good time,. they wanted to share it with his non-wives. Ya think??
    Or maybe it was simply a two-fer deal TLC worked out with the travel company.
    These people are so NOT entertaining.

    As always...Thanks CJ !!

    1. Agree, it is no coincidence that the latest trip for TLC footage took place where Kody and his new/old bride enjoyed honeymoon bliss. Maybe they had SUCH a good time,. they wanted to share it with his non-wives. Ya think??

      I would have loved to be on that flight to Hawaii with that group. And something tells me ole Kody didn't have keys to the rooms of the other wives, just Robyn's suite.

      In SW days of old, Christine seemed to be the most devoted to the sausage, layered look.

      I have a feeling Christine doesn't care much about modesty anymore. She looks like she's overcompensating...

      And good to know that she is skilled in using the filter option for her...let's face it...narcissistic selfies.

      I never noticed she has the same clef in her chin as in the tip of her nose...

      As always...Thanks CJ !!

      You're welcome! My pleasure!

    2. "never noticed she has the same clef in her chin as in the tip of her nose..."

      Went back for a 2nd look. Not only are you right, but that 'cleft" even shows up between her eyebrows too. Symmetry if nothing else.
      Or time to explore other camouflage options on the cell camera.

  8. Can we discuss kody's man clogs?!?!? No...just no.

    1. Poor guy, thinks he's looking good...

    2. Poor Kody has no idea how ridiculous his hair, his shoes, his clothes, and his multiple wives make him look. He struts around like a rooster in the hen house while all the other men and women are shaking their heads thinking dude...really. He has nothing whatsoever to offer and I am willing to bet there's not that much happening in the bedroom because the women are all frustrated beyond belief and it isn't just because he is only spending a few hours a month with three of goes much deeper if you catch my drift.

    3. ...And his pregnant pot belly! Ahhhhh!!!!!

  9. I thought Janelle got rid of her dog? At least she appears to not even try to fake a decent marriage with Kody.

    1. She got rid of the unfortunate Sacha, who kouldn't kope with the khaos of the kul-de-sak.

  10. I think Christine looks great in that picture with the 2 girls and Kody.
    Looks like she lost a few pounds too. She is by far the most attractive wife of the bunch. Kody on the other hand...well I just don't know...he just looks like a total goof with that kind of Dutch boy/Amish thing going on. And the shoes? OMG! LOL!

    1. WhyNotBrotherHusbands?April 12, 2016 at 7:44 PM

      Christine has been looking great in recent pics, no more so than the first picture released with the newest clan child. She's naturally attractive. These latest two pictures both struck me like Christine maybe, maaaaybe had some work done. But, nah, Robyn would never allow Christine to spend that kind of money.

      Aspyn and Aurora look great, too, even like they could be blood relatives. Oh, wait, they are.

      As for Kody, well, which wife is getting the windmill in their yard?

      Nice to see they all look genuinely happy.

  11. Brown is the color of you know whatApril 11, 2016 at 12:17 PM

    Does anyone else think that the trip to HI was to re-write history and show everyone having a grand time there rather than just showing the honeymoon? I can totally see this: "Did you take Sobbyn on yet another honeymoon?" Krudy: "Ah, no, it was a family vacation. Let's sit back and watch the hi jinx ensure." Oh, wait, that sounded far too intelligent for him!


    So there is this. Common sense wins!

    1. WhyNotBrotherHusbands?April 12, 2016 at 9:19 PM

      The Brown's prior appellate victory in their constitutional challenge to Utah's polygamy ban has been overturned on further appeal. Their attorney was quoted as saying they will appeal. It will be very interesting if the Supreme Court accepts the case for review. (Hopefully by that time some in our Congress will have ended their hissy fit and restored our Supreme Court to a full panel of judges). The Browns' legal challenge raises compelling and important constitutional questions that happen to be germane beyond polygamy.

      The Browns challenge Utah's ban as infringing on their constitutional rights to religious freedom and free speech, and their rights to privacy, and from a constitutional perspective, they are right. Should a state have the right to determine how and who anyone cohabitates with? We've seen various states' attempts at this crumble across the country with regard to same-sex unions.

      While it's plain to see the psychological harms specific to polygamous relationships and communities, and my heart breaks
      for anyone indoctrinated into this way of life, I do not believe, as the prior panel of judges did not believe, that states' rights should ever trump the constitution or extend to preventing people from making private relationship choices and religious choices (and obviously this isn't about extreme examples, like animal sacrifices).

      I'd like to see Utah allocate adequate money to do an effective job of routing out child abuse and welfare fraud in polygamous families and communities (all families and communities), certainly to prioritize those problems over what they're spending on this legal battle.

      I'm looking forward to reading the decision and finding out how the 10th Circuit couched Utah's ban as not violating rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Utah's arguments have thus far been pretty weak--something of a, well, we don't enforce the ban--and the Browns may ultimately prevail if the case goes higher. From a constitutional perspective, I hope they do. In the meantime, I'm still glad to see that the adult Brown children have, so far, rejected polygamy.

    2. I agree with you Whynotbrotherhusbands. However, I feel that the court made the right decision. The Brown's were not going to be arrested. They were never charged with any crimes. Polygamy is still against the law. I really don't care who Kody sleeps with or not. I only have a problem when they want to be recognized as spouses. Right now only Robyn is the legal spouse. The other 3 or not wives and I don't know what reason they seem to consider themselves as wife's. Legally, they have no rights to anything if Kody dies unless they have a will. It would be a nightmare for courts if polygamy becomes legal. There are too many variables that will have to be settled. As long as Kody's girlfriends don't want to have the same legal rights as Robyn, then it's fine for them to shack up. The government does not want to be in their bedroom telling them who they can sleep with. They are just following the law. I am so glad that their children seem to be ok, and thankfully they do not choose polygamy. No one cares what they do behind closed doors as long as the taxpayers are not footing their bills. And as for privacy, get off the freaking tv.

    3. "No one cares what they do behind closed doors as long as the taxpayers are not footing their bills. And as for privacy, get off the freaking tv."

      Agreeeeeeee !!!!!

    4. I am confused by this whole issue. I am not from Utah and never studied Utah's history in depth. However, wasn't making polygamy illegal and criminalize it part of the agreement Utah had to make to be part of the Union/U.S.?

      If so, wouldn't decriminalizing/legalizing polygamy threaten the statehood of Utah?

      Will be interesting to watch.

    5. Jessie,
      Yes, way back when, Utah had to give up the practice of polygamy for it to be granted statehood. It was a good thing that God told the Mormons to give up the practice, it came just in time. However not all Mormons gave it up, so you have the split between the modern LDS and all the others.

      Although every state has bigamy against the law, the actual getting married to multiple spouses(with a state issues marriage license), Utah took their version of the multi wives law one step further. They also added cohabitation to their law. So a married man, and his legally married wife can NOT legally live with another adult woman, that is cohabitation. Which is how polygamists get away with legal wives and spiritual marriages.

      Legalizing polygamy is NOT what they want, that would mean that all those single moms with litters of children collecting every state dollar they can would end. I can't imagine the legal nightmare of one man and multi women fighting over an estate after the husband's death, or a divorce court where one woman wants out and has to fight with the husband and the wives. That just isn't going to happen...

      What they want is a decriminalization of the cohabitation laws. If you read enough about the history of polygamy, years ago they would step in and break of families of cohabiting adults. I don't know how often it was practiced, but hell, if you read about life in the compounds and the prophets breaking up families and assigning the wives to new husbands....I honestly think that they did more damage to themselves internally than the "outside law" did to them. But the retelling the stories of the "outsiders" persecuting them to their children to keep them constantly scared is a much better way to control their masses. Christine loves to tell and retell the fear of her relatives split up, she is well indoctrinated.

      The powers that be have stated that they don't split up families and break things up unless there is fraud or abuse etc. But what the Kodettes and others have their knickers in a twist over is the fact that the law is still on the books...and so they must LIVE IN FEAR!!!

    6. @Roslyn, thank you for breaking the history down for us and summarizing the issue of decriminalizing cohabitation laws in Utah. Appreciate the info very much!!

  13. Why do people not clean the disgusting eye goo off their dogs faces?? As to your comment on the other post about Kodys strong DNA, aren't they all related? So it's no wonder they all look alike....

  14. I do think Christine is looking good. Just my opinion. I know she is a little thick, but so am I. Overall I think she is an attractive woman and looks pretty amazing for 6 children and in her 40's.

  15. ""

    Thanks, NoiSara for the link.
    Yes, common sense did prevail.

    Loved this quote in the article from good ol Brady Williams.....
    “We’re only guilty of trying to love a different way than the norm,” he said. “They are marginalizing a minority class in the United States. That’s unconstitutional.”

    Don't you just love how Brady can massage words????? Damn, he is good!
    HIS version of "trying to love a different way than the norm" is just so sweet and tender, isn't it?!

    Hey Brady (and Kody).....!!!!!.....
    Is trying to love a different way than the norm *good* for the your harem?
    Are they happy, confident, stable women who can count on YOU 24/7 for your presence and attention.... and hands-on, in--the-now love???

    And how about your double digit (triple if you had your way) horde of innocent children?
    Do they feel secure and hands on loved by their father?
    Do you have time for each and every one of them every day?

    And didn't both of you sign up for a D-list reality show pimping your wives and children to get more money to even feed them?
    Is that what "loving a different way" is all about???

    Ha, no surprise here.....
    "The Browns will appeal the ruling, either asking the 10th Circuit to reconsider or taking the case to the U.S. Supreme Court, said their lawyer, Jonathan Turley."
    *Of course they will* because Kody the Narcissist must have his name and mug in the media any way, and for as long as he can.

    And then there is this........
    “It is gratifying,” said Parker Douglas, with the Utah attorney general’s office. “In this case, I don’t think the Browns had a legitimate fear of prosecution.”

    Well a big DUH !!! on that statement! We all knew that !!

    No, they never feared prosecution other than maybe Janelle-Jangles' creative filing and bookkeeping through the years.
    What they *feared* was staying in their drab, haba-trail house in Lehi and losing the TLC contract by not adding Sobbin and moving to wild and wooly Vegas and their McMansions.

  16. Great more storyline of the pretend exodus.

    If you are married and you do it falsely for benefit like citizenship it's criminal. When polygamists marry for benefit as a lie (not intending to be exclusive) or divorce in a lie (intending for the relationship to continue) why isn't it criminal. If no one ever married at all they would be just like unmarried people living together. Then you could say they were also being unfairly targeted. It's bad public policy for the state to say yes we agree with a man hogging two or more extra wives at the same time because that leaves 2 or men without wives. They all need a math lesson.

  17. From that article "They argue their show is evidence that polygamous marriages can be just as healthy as monogamous ones" WHAT show are they watching?

    1. What! "honour the family and I will love you?" so polygamy love is conditional, is it? Monogamous love is NOT!

  18. because this is the pre tax edition, I think Kody and world left Utah not because of persecution, but because Nevada has no state taxes and he wasn't about to let the government get their greedy hands on his money. Oh, its ok for him to get his greedy hands on our governments money, just not vice versa

  19. From the link above

    Meri retweeted Elisa’s messages of support. Elisa, who has left “Legends” at Flamingo to star in its new production for former Luxor chief Felix Rappaport at Foxwoods Resorts Casino in Connecticut he now oversees, posted a tweet showing the catfisher’s arrest: “It doesn’t pay to stalk and terrorize people. Bye, bye, Jackie.”

    I don't see that tweet anywhere. Is this old news? I thought Zero was arrested for traffic violations back in 2015.

  20. Link to article re overturning on Polygamy Ruling.
    And on Love Times Three Facebook, Joe Darger is asking for support against this...says Polygamy is once again considered a felony. He says they will not stay they ever been ?

  21. Hmmm.....
    So now Joe Darger and Kody Brown and Brady Williams are an online a band of three stumping for legitimization for their " just trying to love a different way than the norm" lifestyle.
    So interesting how loyal they are to their beliefs that having multiple ongoing bedmates and baby makers should be A-OK with society at large....even if that means that non-plyg taxpayers are forced to chip in for the care of their children and bedmates.
    It doesn't matter if Brady and Joe may not have bled the beast (and do we really know that they never have?)....however we do know that those in Kodyworld have tapped gov't resources in benefits for single mothers and filed multiple bankruptcies

    So what's really the beef from these three TV Plyg masters?
    Are they really worried that Plygs will be breaking the law?
    Or are they worried that they and future Plygs will finally be shut out of expecting others to pay for any $$ shortfalls in their life choices??
    And if rules and regs are so important to their chosen lifestyle...does that respect for rules and regs carry over to US laws concerning Polygamy??

    Questions, Kody/ Brady/ Joe....we non-plygs have questions.

    1. I thought Brady left his religious cult, so he is now polygamist just because?

    2. Brady Williams declared bankruptcy in 2014 - walking away from credit card/loan debts over $300,000

    3. I thought it was a business bankruptcy he filed, like Trump has done numerous times.

    4. Trump has had multiple wives too, just one at a time.

    5. He listed his wedding ring valued at $50 as an asset - so it seemed personal to me.....TMZ had a listing of what he listed as assets (cars, lawn mower, etc.) He had over $300,000 in credit card debt and a business loan of $100,000. Of the over $400,000 debt, the judge wiped out about 3/4 of it. The assets of the construction company were not listed in the bankruptcy.

  22. I'm not understanding how the Browns are still able to continue with this lawsuit. Esp since they no longer reside in Utah nor have they lived there for 5-6 yrs now?!

  23. If these 3 polygamous families wanted to just live in peace and with multiple partners then why are they on tv. Oh right, TLC money. No one would have given them a thought had they stayed hidden and away from the public eye. When the cameras started rolling, all Kody could see was dollar signs and thinking, wow, this is easy money and I don't have to lift a finger. Honestly, how many polygamous families live like the Brown's. How many men don't work to support their huge families. As long as these men can financially support their households, then no one cares. It's when they "bleed the beast". Do you think that Christine and Meri have not pooled their resources to feed their kids. I don't know for sure but I think that if you are on government assistance you cannot use your benefits for other households. I can't remember which show I watched where they showed someone's food cabinet and it was large enough to feed a small army. I believe this is how the Jeffs group was caught. I bet these women have to turn over what they buy to the groups leader. I love reading this blog but I have stopped watching the show. CJ does a great job of keeping us informed. I have noticed that not many people are replying. I guess they are so over the Brown's too.

    1. Were it not for CJ's blog and her willingness to keep it going with updates, the Browns would be a distant memory.

      Also agree that until self-proclaimed *progressive* Plygs like the Kody Browns and Brady Williams families chose to sign on for reality show monies, their lifestyle was private and would have stayed unknown.
      I still believe that Joe Darger seriously wanted a piece of that reality show booty $$ too, but his family was not offered a contract. Brady Williams and his harem were not renewed for their show, but odds are if they had been, they would still be pandering to the sick TLC game plan for Plyg shows.
      Hands down, Kody was the brass ring winner in this pool of wannabee TV Plyg stars.

      Absolutely true........."Honestly, how many polygamous families live like the Brown's." .......
      Looking at the Brady and Joe compounds as examples, damn few., if any.

      Kody Brown may be a slothful, self-obsessed, obnoxious, career user.
      But he certainly won the prize for exploiting "the lifestyle" to its most extreme and self-gratifying ends.

  24. On is an article published today with a preview season starts 8th of may...subjects this season..meri in therapy(whats new:-) the birth en maddi getting engaged

  25. So the new season of SW primieres on Mother's Day?!? Hmmmm,...interesting! Is the 1st episode gonna feature Baby A's birth?

  26. The announcement I read also said weekly 2 hour episodes.

  27. WOW the picture of Jangle's in the People magazine, she looks awesome. ... now only to cut out Sobbin and King Kody

  28. Why are they going to have two hour episodes? To just get through showing them all and then canceling?

    1. That may be the agenda.
      They'll air what footage they have in 2 hour epps......which means it could be a 3 or 4 week final season.

      If they really are going to open with another Madonna in the bed tight-lipped grimacing her way through delivery with Kody-Idiot stroking her inner thigh like he is strumming a guitar again....uhh, gag !! Once was enough !!!

      Meanwhile the horny Meri catfish saga is so done it is crispy !! Really, who cares anymore !
      And who cares which wife is now TLC scripted to feign anger at Meri or at anyone else for the cameras! Collectively, the adult Browns' credibility about anything has more holes than a colander.

    2. Just in time for a very Maddie wedding special in July!

    3. It's probably the same as what they have been doing ... a 1 hour repeat of last week, and then a 1 hour new episode. Some writers don't know how things work.

  29. In the trailer/preview, they show Robyn once again having a silent birth.
    Then it cuts to Christine saying that Robyn feels betrayed by Meri and she is mad at her. Really?! Really Robyn?!

    1. Maybe Christine is saying that Robyn felt betrayed by Kendra? Kendra was Robyn's best friend and biggest Brown Family supporter but now it seems she is friendly with the catfish.

    2. I do not think Robyn had a "silent birth", she moaned thru it like she was having sex

  30. If the season is really opening on Mother's Day, skip or record and watch later. Why waste/ruin 2-that holiday holiday. They don't deserve your attention.

    Regarding the court case, it feels like grandstanding by these families. If it really became legal, and these couples (including those not on TV) got married, the families would lose thousands (millions collectively) annually from all the government assistance they would lose. They have all basically been committing welfare fraud for decades and would no longer qualify if one large married/legal family. Their greed will cause them to want it to stay illegal. Do those men really want to le on that many birth certificates and legally be on the hook for so many? Doubt it.

  31. The season Logan goes to college is being re-run next week at 4am on TLC

  32. OMG, Jon Gosselin is on Steve Harvey today. He said things that we all said when his show was cancelled. Steve asked him what he thinks Kate is so mad about. And he said the loss of the money and potential exposure for Kate. He said that going from the top rated show to the bottom was hard. Kate was upset because when he quit the show, she knew what would happen. He did mention TLC which is why I am posting. IMHO I feel that TLC is doing the same thing with the Brown's. Why are they showing 2 hour episodes. Are they trying to get rid of them faster. Plus, Jon stated that TLC loved when there was controversy because it booted the ratings. Why would TLC showcase Kody & Meri in therapy. Why would you want your kids to see and hear this. Why would the Brown's do this to their kids. Money is not evertpything. At the end of the day, can you look your kids in the face and say that you have done the best thing for them. Yes, TLC Has afforded them with money, cars and homes but at what sacrifice. I just don't understand why these women continue to stay and suffer in silence. They need to get a back bone and take their kids and leave. For the life of me I can't see how these idiot fans can watch this show and think that this is a All American Family. I wish that there was something we could do to get TLC to take them off tv. I personally will not watch. I will just come hear to read the blog. The new season will be all scripted and full of lies. Enough is enough. Poor CJ, how will you be able to stand 2 hours of this nonsense. Does anyone know how many episodes they plan to air?

    1. Ha !!! Loved the Jon Gosselin's comments on fame ho, Kate.
      Kate Gosselin and Kody Brown have very similar attention-craving, money grubbing DNA.

      "Why would TLC showcase Kody & Meri in therapy. Why would you want your kids to see and hear this. Why would the Brown's do this to their kids."

      For the same reason that they (all of the adults, including Saint Sobbin) allowed that horrible scene to be filmed *and aired* with their kids traumatized and crying as they were told that they would be moving in 3 days to Vegas because daddy Kody was going to be arrested by the police.. That scene was despicable !!!
      And lest we forget, it was the adult Browns and TLC who created that pure BS !!!
      What parents would do such a thing, would inflict such a filmed scam on their children !!???
      They would and they did.....that's who.

      No idea how many epps TLC has planned...hopefully it is few.

    2. As dysfunctional as John and Kate's relationship was; he has no room to talk about anyone being a fame ho. And, to be fair, if either of the parents has to be told over and over and over by the other parent how to be an adult, then I can see why one would be a major bitch. My problem with the two putting their children on TV was the circus freak aspect of it; however, I did admire and still admire Kate's organization. When they had their six, my grandson was born and I ended up getting custody of him until he was almost three. Of course, I was a lot older than Kate but I was worn out and I only had one baby. There were times, I would tell my husband, look, I will give you a hundred million dollars if you change this diaper...he would remind me that we are not rich and I say yeah but in the event we win the lottery, right off the bat, you get it all....see how that works; he would change the diaper....When he was really tired and it was his turn to bathe or change the diaper, he would say, I will relieve you of your million dollar debt if you just do it this one time. But, I did have the organization down much better than her because I went to work every day and I didn't have nannies or friends helping me. My point, both Kate and Jon were horrible people and still are but at least she is still trying to support her kids. You have to give it to the Dilleys and McCougheys who could have done the reality programs but chose, instead, to keep their babies out of the spot light.

    3. Not only did she have Jon to order around, we heard it on camera, but she also had a team off camera to cook and take care of the kids. He cheated with a nanny. Her organization was taking an entire day to make two stock pots full of organic soup while he tended to the kids. When they moved into the estate she needed four hours of uninterupted time to obsessively clean the fridge that was replaced the first episode after while he was told to tend to the kids.

      Kids need to be done with reality tv after no more than three years. No one is that interesting. It hurts the kids. A few years and it's just a part of childhood. They can still have one with the rest of the years. The younger brown kids will turn out different than the old ones. The Duggars are ruined. They didn't know how to live before in their isolated compound like existence and they certainly don't know how to live as adults and the parents are similarly messed up. They made family decisions based on the brand. Then a year after the son hopefully stopped doing awful things they go on tv to display how your family works and how functional and appropriate it is?

      The Browns did therapy a few season back. Remember their family mission statement?

      There is a new set of multiples on TLC. I hope they are on a short time. With the Little Couple is was just about their marriage, then fertility, then adoption. I hope they are done soon for the good of the kids with the series. Maybe an occassional update. People can put out information online and make it public.

  33. It will take 2 hour episodes ONLY because that's how long it takes for them to shove in all those re-runs from the prior seasons. It will be an endless loop of regurgitating the same old material with a few minutes of new crying thrown in.

    1. So true !!
      It must be page one in the Universal Reality Show format manual....
      Show the same redundant clips at least 3 times before it is actually seen in its entirety....
      Before each epp begins, then before each commercial and then again after commercial.
      Oh, wait, 4 times.....same clip is used as the trailer for weeks ahead.
      So annoying. Thank God for DVRs

    2. What a riot! So true. With all the recaps from previous seasons and the pointless recaps after EVERY commercial break of what just aired mere minutes earlier, I bet a 2-hr episode wil take only 15 minutes to watch. Please don't watch live, if at all, as you mig jump out your window!

  34. Looks like it all starts again on TLC May 8th!

    1. Ive watched this show from the very beginning. I dont know if I even want to watch this show anymore. Its not even enjoyable anymore. The first three wives are sooo unhappy.

  35. Anyone else see the newest preview clip that hints Maddie may be preggars? Janelle says Maddie has news to share with the family, and one of the younger girls is jumping round, saying excitedly to Maddie "you're gonna have the/a baby after you get married"! I guess I will be on baby bump watch in the coming weeks.. Also seems as if Mariah and Meri are having troubles. When Mariah found out that their mother daughter trip to Disney was less about bonding and more about Meri trying to hook up a booty call, she was probably very upset.

    1. But wouldn't the Mariah/ Meri discord about all that have happened last year........???
      Is TLC banking on viewers getting all revved up about footage that is growing mold by now, since that story is now way outdated ?

      Or.....was it *re-created,* brought back to life as fresh fodder for this season's ratings??
      So, so predictable......zzzzzz

  36. The new season picture is horrid. Christine and Meri look worn to the bone. Robyn looks like she has fluid retention. Janelle with the live in caregiver /cook all those years has learned to do makeup with all the energy she reserved while Christine was out getting welfare food and raising her kids.Kody just -blech.

  37. I just saw a preview on TLC with Meri saying "I DIDN'T HAVE AN AFFAIR! It was all a lie." The Catfish is trashy, manipulative and downright evil but I don't believe Meri is completely blameless here.

  38. Even if there was no physical relationship involved, there was definitely an emotional affair going on. Meri's dishonesty is not going to garner her any sympathy. None of these people seem capable of taking responsibility for their actions.

    1. How does a single woman have an affair? She is divorced I.e. unmarried so who cares if she is online dating. I hope she finds a nice guy who will treat her kindly and be a REAL husband to her.

    2. How does a single woman have an affair? She is divorced I.e. unmarried so who cares if she is online dating. I hope she finds a nice guy who will treat her kindly and be a REAL husband to her.

    3. I know it is hard for some people to understand that there are so many different types of marriages. Legal marriage (government) and spiritual marriage (religious) are just two types.

      More and more people are turning away from religion but there are those who still get married religiously as well as legally. Religious marriages are not recognized by the government and some religions do not recognize government marriages (meaning if a person attends church/temple/mosque/whatever and is married legally and not religiously...some people would think the couple is living in sin).

      Meri was married both legally and spiritually to Kody. While she broke her legal marriage contract with Kody, she did not break her spiritual marriage contract. So in the eyes of God/their religion/their religious community, Kody and Meri is still husband and wife.

      So yes, she was having an emotional affair with someone who was not her husband. She even insulted her husband on one voicemail which says a lot about her, her beliefs, and the religion she practices.

      She got suckered into being in a polygamous relationship when she truly wanted monogamy.

    4. ...actually, no, Meri did not get 'suckered' into anything. She was complicit and actively courted Janelle with Kody. There are layers of sick behaviour being sold as religion. Kody and Meri are two of a kind.

    5. According to Janelle's commentary in their book, SHE proposed to Kody, which was corroborated by Kody's commentary. Also, Meri wrote that she did not realize Janelle wanted to join Kody's family (which only consisted of Meri). So I don't believe Meri was complicit in anything...otherwise she wouldn't have treated Janelle so badly. I agree with Jessie's assessment in that publicly Meri maintained how she wanted a sisterwife but deep down inside she wanted Kody all to herself, and treated Janelle like sh*t when she became Kody's 2nd wife.Meri was queen Bee until Robyn strolled on the scene and connived her way into becoming the legal wife. Robyn will never give up that legal license she fought so hard to attain!

  39. Okay, the trailer was aired last night and it looks like at some point in the distant past, a Meri Catfish/Affair inquisition was staged at her house with the whole adult crew present.
    For that occasion, Kody looks more Dutch Boy/ Amish than ever !!
    OMG !!. All he needs are either wooden shoes or a wide-brimmed straw hat and suspenders.

    And it sure would help if when TLC airs clips they would include the actual dates of when they were filmed because didn't we already see Meri interrogated and sniveling at the end of last season?
    What.......did they schedule a repeat performance? Apparently so.

    Also, seeing that trailer in HD was not kind to any of the Kodettes. The one group shot of the gals is a bit shocking. Sobbin's face is super puffy (okay, give her a pass on that, pregnancy and/or post-partum can do that) Jangle's eye bags look like they have offspring even though she does have the drama eyeliner/mascara going, Meri looks miserable, very pinched and stiff, and Christine, yikes, she needs some serious moisturizer. Guess these last 6 years of TV stardom are taking their toll. Either that or they should refuse to be filmed in HD.

    Of course, just knew the Plyg therapist to the stars would be making another appearance.
    Stupid question, but wouldn't you think if this crew really IS seeking candid, intimate, therapeutic counseling, they would NOT do it in front of cameras? Would not do it knowing that the version to be aired for the public masses would be clipped, shuffled and edited to fit the *script?*
    But hey, who are we kidding...this is Kodyworld.
    Wonder how may "takes" it took to get the final footage...?

    As for Meri shown crying that it "wasn't an affair".....
    Umm, Meri, was that now infamous banana selfie just your innocent fun way of showing Sam the Sham your fruit preferences? Was that the idea?

  40. I loved the part of the trailer when Kody said to Meri ' so you didn't want to leave the family, you just wanted to leave me', and she replies 'I was angry with you, I'm not going to lie'.

    Finally he has to face up to what divorcing Meri did to her emotionally. not that he cares... but he can't handle that she may have wanted to leave him!

    1. But.....Meri agreed to divorce him.
      Not only agreed, but acted out the 'script" that it was all for the kids. That's the BS story that THEY ALL agreed to act out for the viewers.
      SO how does one assign sympathy to any of them??
      They ALL are/ were in in for the ratings......viewer ratings which translate to the $$$$ !!!!
      Always has been about the $$$$ !!!!

  41. That new sister wives cover photo on facebook is a scary copy of the intense and "artsy" photography of the opening theme of Big Love. I mean, did they hire the art crew from that show? Did they steal the script? The parallels just keep coming and coming!

  42. Have any of you noticed that Meri has been tweeting with another, (what appears to be random), man on twitter? Honestly, why would you do that at all after what she is going through? It just opens the door for more speculation and such. Certainly not helping her image repair "efforts"....

    1. it is all innocent i am sure, but she does it to get people talking. she is an attention starved drama queen. if no one says anything she will up the ante and if people comment on it then she can play the oppressed victim and whine about people making assumptions and judging her. she did the same thing when people called her out for all quotes she used to post on twitter. people reacting naturally to all her melodramatic twit pics? POOR MERI!!

    2. You can't be talking about Danny Gokey. He is a friend, and former contestant on American Idol. He is married and tweets a lot of inspirational sayings. Nothing wrong with that!

    3. You're right, I wasn't. I was talking about some Stephen guy.

    4. Oh Lord, she needs to quit! Somebody take her Twitter away if she can't learn to keep certain things PRIVATE when you're a Reality TV Star!!

    5. Yes, exactly, CJ. I don't care if it is innocent or whatever, it just seems like poor timing and it's really awkward. It would be different if there weren't a pattern of behavior already.

  43. WOW!

    1. lolol
      I suspect Kendra is lashing out because of her fallout with Robyn, some of it sounds a lot like what we have put together from just watching the show. I mean yea, Janelle is like a buddy friend. His financial guy who puts no emotional expectations on him. Christine is on his nerves, and most likely has been for a long time. He and Meri both even admit they have had problems for awhile, dating back to before or around Robyn's arrival. So none of that is really real news to anyone.

      The "he propositioned me in front of Robyn" is what I question. He seems to cater to Robyn and I don't believe that. However...doesn't Kendra have like 9 or 10 kids...maybe he is after another smooth sailing adoption??

    2. i am completely fascinated with kendra. who is this woman? doesn't she have a bunch of kids? do her and robyn still talk? is she a plural wife?

  44. Biggest issue about the whole divorce/adoption/ Sobbin RE-marriage ("re" cause we were all told that plyg "sealing" IS a marriage) is that the producers and Brown adults all conspired to make it look like just a happy routine "have-to-do" event to adopt Sobbin's kids.
    Kids who were not fatherless orphans, kids who *saw* their father for visits like any other kids of a divorce. Kids who didn't need to be adopted since supposedly they were living just fine with their custodial mother in Kodyworld.

    TLC and Kody and Co can't have it both ways........
    Either it was that Kody and Sobbin decided that Meri had to go as legal wife so Sobbin could ascend that throne and then agree to have more Kody-kids. A plan that would guarantee that Meri would be devastated and made irrelevant, yet still expected to act resigned and happy about it all for the show.
    A plan that just may have sent her into a spiral of despair and uncertainty that resulted in her reckless *and clueless* choices and behaviors.....behaviors which she now must defend and be publicly chastised for as part of script for the family's new season of their fading reality show.

    Is the pitch that the rest of the family, including her daughter, is just aghast that Meri had sullied their Plyg Paradise so willingly and covertly?. Kody being especially flabbergasted that his has-been wife, the one that helped him construct his harem, would be so disrespectful and disloyal to the family that had just celebrated such plyg-wonderful events like divorcing one wife, not to please the replacement wife, but to adopt her children, (another man's children)

    Which is it TLC/ Kodyworld.....???
    Was Meri and her online wana-have affair and unfortunate catfishing mess all the inevitable psych collateral damage from Kody and Sobbin's actions? Actions that all of the Browns, including Meri herself, agreed to hide and replaced with the adoption story for the show.

    Or did Meri become a wanton cyber player simply because she was bored and no longer wanted to be near her lord and master??

    Which will it be ???

    1. It's unforgiveable stealing those children to add to his number of kids. Just wait, if she is still fertile after the show and bails on him Kody's children by her will be adopted by the new husband. Even the Browns aren't above reassigning children. The was no reason they needed to be adopted by that man.

  45. If Kody "propositioned" Kendra in front of Robyn, it was probably a joke. I can just picture Kody, "Hi, I'm Kody. I'm a polygamist. These are my 4 wives, and I'm looking for a 5th. Thoughts? lol!" Just another dumb dad/plyg joke that he does for attention, just like telling everyone he meets on the show that he is a polygamist, whether it was asked or not.

    1. I completely agree with you about Kody joking around! I don't believe any of that article. I have no doubt that Kody will take on another wife eventually but I doubt he would be courting someone now, not with this situation with Meri going on.

  46. ~~HAPPY 26th ANNIVERSARY to Kody and Meri~~

  47. cute dog. did they name it after a confederate general? Mosby?

    1. Gen. John Singleton Mosby, "The Gray Ghost" --- there was a television show called "The Gray Ghost" (1957-58) which used "The Yellow Rose of Texas" as its theme song. There are some episodes on You Tube.

  48. MrSpock finds the new picture of the Browns on Facebook to be strange and weird. Why would TLC use one with strands of Kody's hair sticking out? And no one looks happy---no happy suburbia there.

    1. That photo reminds me of the opening theme of Big Love, when they are in slow-mo floating in the darkness with their hair floating all around them and their faces frozen in odd expressions.

      Poor Christine, in the snaps taken of her she looks quite nice, but that photo has aged her a good 10 years.

    2. It's almost like they went out of their way to make some of them look as unattractive as possible. I have never seen such deep forehead frown lines on Christine - almost as if they photoshopped them in! Her skin and nose are often red like rosacea or it's burned but the frown lines are new....we know Meri can take a sultry selfie any day or time of the week, so there's no reason for her to look so unattractive. She's very capable of being photographed in an unsmiling pose while still looking somewhat attractive. Robyn's face is posed at the most unflattering angle - maybe to accentuate she has gained weight? The only one looking attractive in the photo is Janelle and the contrast between her and the other wives is striking to the point where it is obvious. So why stage the picture for maximum benefit to Janelle at the detraction of the others??

      At first I thought they must have used a wind machine for the photo - why else would Kody's hair being flying around or look like he put his finger in a socket? Except the others do not have windblown hair, so did they just style his that goofy way? For what purpose did they do such unflattering things?

    3. I think the picture of Christine looks terrible. She does not look that old on the show or in the photos that are posted normally. It's like someone tried to make her look bad. The only one who looks good in that picture is Janelle. Terrible "promotional" photo.

    4. They made sure to have Meri's left hand and wedding ring front and center next to Kodouche's face in that picture. Sorry, no one is still thinking they are married in any sense of the word.

    5. Anon 3:19, if you look at their twitter feeds you will see about 99% of the people commenting believe they are still spiritually married. I believe they will keep up appearance for as long as they can, Kodys ego wouldn't have it any other way.

    6. You know, neither Robyn nor Meri are very good at picking confidants. I mean, hell, both are getting betrayed by two women that they thought loved them so much. And I cannot for the life of me understand how any person in their right mind could hear the voice of that JO and think it is a man. She sounds just like my aunt who has smoked like two packs of cigarettes a day for like fifty or more years. And Kendra, holy cow, if Robyn thought she was a woman she could trust to keep her family secrets, wow, she is as big an idiot as Meri. But, really, Kendra isn't telling any of us anything that we didn't already know. Come on. It isn't natural for women to share a man; I know that somewhere there's a man with multiple wives and they are going to smile and say, oh, we are sisters....well....I couldn't share a doll with my sister so I know all that crap about I'm in this for the sister wives, not the man....not true. But the deal with Meri being so absorbed in the message that she didn't think about the messenger...I just cannot for the life of me get through her ignorance and stupidity: Ignorance because anyone with an ear can tell from the voice that JO is a woman and anyone with an eye can tell those texts she wrote are not written by a man; and stupidity because every one knows that if you are a public person or you want to be a public person, you never, ever, ever leave a paper or a voice trail. I've always known that Robyn had a lower than normal intelligence both emotional and intellectual and I've thought Christen was socially stunted and very immature. I've also thought that while Jangle seemed to be functional, she certainly had issues with her own self esteem as evidenced of her living in the same house all those years with a man and his wife and the abuse the man's wife poured on her; I sort of thought Meri was a little smarter than the others but this cat fish thing has me re-evaluating her intelligence and pretty much putting her lower than all the other three wives...hell, she's still posting come hither looks on twitter and she is still on the prowl...someone needs to take her to a single's bar and let her look for a man...bless her heart.

  49. In light of Prince's passing, I can't help thinking about the time, when Kody was trying to defend & justify the ridiculous over pricing of MSWC pathetic jewelry. Stating it was Iconic?! Kody Brown please take note, that Prince is a true music & pop culture Icon. Sister Wives & MSWC jewelry, not so much!!
    R.I.P Prince

  50. I'm beginning to think that Kody isn't allowed to go anywhere alone with any of his Non-Robyn "wives". And the chaperones always seem to include Robyn's kids. LOL, she probably questions the poor kids for hours upon their return!

  51. The more you look at that picture the more bizarre it gets.
    As if it is intended to be somewhat a macabre, frenetic version of them as their *final* season begins.

    Either that or someone on the production team is definitely not a fan.

  52. I think it is just Janelle's turn to look good. They know she has a lot of people rooting for the fat wife. Every other wife has their detractors but Janelle is this years product.She is cold ,detached oops I am mean calm and stoic.She has a job walking around a house like at home but gets money for it.They say she is a hard worker but she is not the labourer type like Christine.As pointed out here Janelle is also the assigned twitterer this year.Is this suppose to balance out the negative stuff we read when the intouch magazine comes out? If the attacking a pregnant Meri story is true I will not give her a pass.I hope people will not excuse violence towards a sisterwife due to temperaments.Violence should not be excused.Everything we heard from Kendra so far has proved out watching the show.

    1. Where did you hear that Janelle attacked Meri?

  53. Maybe the photo was TLC's gift to Janelle for taking on the role of point person for taking on tweeting live during and after the episodes. Also, for a while when it seemed the other wives were banned/off twitter Janelle was still chugging along tweeting out pictures and posting occasionally about the family. Can you imagine if TLC gave the designated social media role to Robyn or Meri?? It would be a disaster. There would be so much push back. TLC trusts Janelle as the most professional/reliable to be the face of their social media, so maybe the picture is their way of rewarding her efforts!!

  54. Why does Meri always show favoritism toward certain kids, like Solomon, or as in one of her postings above, referring to Breanna as 'one of my all time favorites'? She's said that about Sol before, fawning over him ever since his birth, while giving very little thought or sweet words to Truely. I notice it's always Robyn's kids, same with her love for Dayton. I wonder if the other kids or their mothers notice this, or if it hurts their feelings. It would be like Kody calling Robyn 'one of my favorites'. Ouch.

    1. Could be Meri feels Robyn's kids are being ignored?
