
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sister Wives: The Season Ain't Over til Tamron Sings! November 22, 2015



It's Sister Wives  L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!!



Prepare yourself for MORE Mr. Robyn Brown  BLOVIATING!!

While the new Mrs. Kody Brown answers every question, because SHE'S Kody's WIFE now and the Original Three just don't matter anymore!

I can't wait to ride off into the sunset with my husband!


It's Sunday Night and the Sister Wives Tell All is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!


Don't forget 90 Day Fiance is on tonight, too! Hey Dani and Mo, come join the discussion!


  1. Amused said...
    Is anyone else just simply *done* with giving one more speck of MeowMix about the catfish stuff??
    Hasn't the Brown Harem and master had enough screen time (years) to spin their BS.

    -IF- Meri was catfished...then it's a shame.... but hey, if she is saying that *early on* she smelled a rat, why pray tell did she stay with it?? A question that needs an answer !!!
    A realistic answer....not a Brown BS one !!

    -IF- Sobbin, and by association, KopyIdiot, knew too....and decided to let Meri hang herself... what does/can anyone say to that !!?? Ugh !!

    -IF- TLC knew, especially since it appears that Meri confided in the film crew at some point...
    and TLC has been scratching their greedy heads to figure out how best to spin it and still keep those all important $$/ratings coming........then shame on all of them!!

    The Tell ALL will tell only what the Browns and their producers *want* said !!

  2. I sure hope the tell all is better than this season. I'm so sick of adoption, cartfish, legal divorce and Robyn's kids names being all one word.
    Let the games begin.
    Yes, Amused, I'm sick of catfish and the fake victim crap of Meri. After hearing all voicemails I have no compassion for her. She went a cheatin' and got caught irregardless of whom she cheated with.

  3. So Robyn tweets: I am so happy that tonight on our Sister WivesTell All more of the truth will come out. This has been hard for us all. So many lies!

    Yeah, BY THEM!

    1. I'd like to know why Robyn's JYD had to get involved in Meri's unfortunate mess. JYD's actions just scream conspiracy to me!

    2. Yesagree...JYD had her paws on this somehow, some way !!!

    3. "Robyn held me while I cried, she had my back" oh yeah, she sure did!!
      Robyn: "I tried to get her to open up to me"
      Translation: "I suspected there was someone else, I tried to get her to open up to me so I can run and tell Kody and my BFF"

  4. I DID call a few things...

    I said that they would spin Meri wanting to leave into Meri leaving to protect the family.

    I called them really playing up Meri's illness as a way of explaining how miserable she looked this season.

    No doubt the fish is a woman, and super duper psychotic. But, I just don't buy the United front. Adultery is EXTREMELY frowned upon in the AUB church.

    What will happen!?
    #1. Meri will take a break, and move out of the culdesac.
    #2. Meri will spend the rest of her life gravelin, and will assume her position as the last in favor. I definitely think this has bumped Christine into #2.

    1. I agree with you Suzzy except for Meri moving out of the culdesac.Nope, poor Meri will have to stay. But if Kody DOES bring in a 5th wife, guess whose McMansion she will be sharing? Yep, Meri meet your new roommate, Kody's 5th! Of course, this would depend on whether Robyn would allow a 5th, and something tells me no way!

    2. Why does TLC cave to the Browns and not ask anything hard or revealing in these "tell alls"?.... they're holding the purse strings but never push for hard answers. Is this normal for TLC shows?

    3. I don't think Meri is going anywhere as long as there is TLC money coming. I don't think Robyn will allow a fifth wife because she wants a monogamous relationship with Kody. He's a real catch after all. Ugh!

    4. TLC needs to hire Andy Cohen for the tell all's

  5. Nothing is ever ever ever revealed on these tell's just fun to see them made up like hussies.

    1. I've seen drag queens made up more tastefully!

  6. Lori had asked for a link to information about the Brown's bankruptcies. Yes, Kodyandhis Kodettes (minus Robyn) have filed....Janelle was first, followed by Kody and Meri.Christine was the last to file - shortly before filming started for the show. Here's a link to the sarcasm article....

  7. Any bets on who the two surprise visitors will be?? My money is on Madison and Caleb announcing a wedding date. Nothing like a wedding to keep those TLC $$$ coming in!

  8. Meri will be contrite and halting. And all tied up in her victim hood.
    Christine will be extremely soft-spoken and the point that it will be eerie !!
    Janelle will be animated for once.......ala Hunger Games. Her one big chance to be a star.
    Sobbin will be full-tilt emotional and weepy......and extra whiny.
    KodyIdiot will be especially confused and overwhelmed at what he claims he doesn't know and doesn't understand. But old patterns will prevail and he will have to fight to keep *to the script.*

    1. That is IF they do any catfishing!!

      Otherwise, Kody and Co will be crying about the BIG A !!

  9. Kody is talking non-stop---Robyn is running a close second.

  10. Robyn knows damn well she wanted a wedding. Lie lie lie.

  11. For some "unknown reason" people don't like Sobbin......says Janelle!!!

  12. There it is, my big question all along. Will he remarry Meri?
    And there is Janelle the resident explainer for Kody's bad behavior. When Kody stammers she (Janelle) rushes to interpret , apologize and explain. Ridiculous!

  13. Kody just said that D. Jessop at some point "floated" the adoption idea! Hmmmm

  14. Kody "crying"is nauseating!!!!

  15. Enough with the adoption already!!! How about talking about the trip to Galveston or something? Meri says she was dealing with "a lot of external issues" during this "filming season." Therefore, yes, she was "detached." Oh.

    1. How is anything external, especially an emotional affair? Their lives are unbelievably insular. TLC can't even buy them friends.

  16. Let's see, it has been 19 minutes and MrSpock does not remember Christine saying one thing so far. Meri spoke a little---but it's been Kody, Kody, Kody, Kody, ..................

  17. Big sky was right!

    No special effects for hair, makeup or dressing.
    However, Kody is not in denim.

  18. Now it is Robyn and the pregnancy...blah, blah, blah. Kody says we, the adults, are "teammates." He gives the kid quality---because he doesn't golf, doesn't have any hobbies... Janelle calls him a "super hero" Dad because he is so "involved" in his kids' lives. Kody says he has his "businesses" but does not say what they are.

    1. the kids quality time...

    2. HA, I'd love for them to explain the absences from some of the families for weeks at a time and ask the kids - those who are old enough to be able to quantify it, to tell how often they don't see their "super hero" dad and for how many days in a row.

    3. His "businesses" are his "wifes"... lol

    4. Uh...super hero dad, Janelle?? That's not what your son, Garrison said.

  19. Get set....Soobbin Will be sobbing after the commercial!

  20. I've been watching this drivel for 10 minutes, but when Janelle told Krody that he was a superhero dad, I had to turn it off. Barf Barf Barf

  21. Uhhhhh".......the rock building!
    EVEN dumber seeing again!

    1. Kody finally admits, in retrospect, that he was "wrong" doing the rock tower dedicated to the family.

    2. He must have peeked in the living room.

  22. Why are they all imitating themselves in obnoxious southern twangs?

  23. Correction.......Christine's eye makeup looks a bit cartoonish.

    1. She has a little too much illuminizer on, especially around her crows feet but she is still lovely nonetheless. I loved her booties!

  24. There's Janelle again defending Kody.

  25. Super dad, really? What a joke, these are single mothers all sharing a boyfriend. Yuck, Janelle is making me sick.

    I guess with Meri on the bottom of the heap both Janelle and Christine have had come-ups.
    Which seems to thrill them since they are all on board.

  26. Uhhh.........Kody is a bastard. He really is !
    He is miserable......mean!

  27. Christine and Kody state they both had a "break through" in their relationship after Galveston. Next up: Older kids.

    1. I watching with the sound off while they are showing the Galveston scenes, and Christine looks so sad as she's watching. I don't have the stomach to actually listen to what the jackass has to say. I don't want to punch my shiny new t.v.

    2. Railroaded. Christine was railroaded. Kody railroaded Christine. Yes he did railroad her. Railroaded. Railroaded.

  28. 45 minutes in and it seems like the majority of this tell-all has been spent criticizing Christine. With all the Brown BS to choose from, Tamron is focusing on Christine being disingenuous for being jealous because she was down with polygamy from the get-go? Weird way to go,

  29. Tamron has also looked in the living room and is trying to be a "tough" interviewer.

    Not really working though.

    1. MrSpock thinks Tamron is pressing them more this time and is having some success in not letting them off the hook too easily.

    2. Yeah, I actually had hope for a moment. She did better than the other times she has interviewed, but she still let them off too easily.

  30. Oh, now the LDS is persecuting the parents via Maddie's denial for baptism.

    1. Is Caleb Mormon? I remember from an episode with Kody's brother that Kody said that his brother wasn't part of their religion, and I thought that he converted to Erica's Christian denomination. I would assume that she shared a religion with her family.

      Since Maddie already said on a recent episode that she was contemplating what, if any religion, she would follow, and she and Caleb probably should have addressed religion in their marriage, the whole denial for baptism is moot, except for the Browns to cry persecution. However, I don't see why they have to constantly antagonize.

    2. He's a Christian... if memory serves

    3. I think he is a Christian also.

      Also, if he was LDS, wouldn't his marriage to Maddie get her into the church?

      And as a side note - I noticed he has tattoos on the back of both his upper arms. If I remember, that would be considered risque by the more strict of the LDS (and other denominations) because it is considered defiling the temple of the body (like drinking caffeine and alcohol).

    4. I thought it was interesting that Madi said the church said they'd reevaluate the situation if/when she's not so public and that their decision was also because of the show.

    5. Caleb was raised in the Church of Christ - his father was the minister in Worland, Wy.

    6. I am wondering if Maddie lost interest in joining the LDS after her engagement to Caleb? If Caleb is not LDS it might have dampened her enthusiasm and she was looking for a way out...

  31. Tamryn says that Logan is the leader of the family... Does Kody know that? Logan then declares that Caleb is the best boyfriend Maddie has had yet. (That wasn't his exact term.) He wasn't careful in how he spoke, and he's not as mature as they present him. Otherwise, he seems to imply that she'll have others after marriage, or that he expect no marriage here.

  32. Who dresses these people?

    1. I'd love to know, too! Doesn't TLC give them any guidance? Meri, who was happy to mysteriously lose 30 pounds is in faded jeans. They're all she owns.

      Janelle's pantsuit looks pretty dated, and she and Robyn are both wearing leopard print.

    2. Janelle looks like she just stepped out of a plus sized Romans catalog. Meri needs to invest in some nice black slacks. It's like everybody tries to at least dress up and she always wears embellished jeans.

    3. Janelle also needs to at least "try" to keep her knees closer together when sitting.

    4. And why is the makeup always the worst on Christine? It is always so harsh and overdone, even more so than the others (including Kody!) She looks so much better with softer, natural makeup.

    5. Re: Janelle's pantsuit... I just assumed that's what she wears to sell houses. At least she didn't wear acid washed jeans.

  33. Did Meri actually defend and 'validate' Christine?? Guess there's a first time for everything. (I guiltily admit that was my favorite part of the tell-nothing so far).

    1. If Christine thought that she was so flawed only after she entered the family, then mean-girl Meri in her first-wife tyranny probably contributed to that self-assessment. Now Meri's alienated and has to grovel to get on everyone's good side again. Christine is the most forgiving and the only one who nearly showed compassion in Meri's big announcement in Alaska.

    2. A Grody Little PonytailNovember 22, 2015 at 6:33 PM

      Would you mind sharing what happened? I am not watching but enjoying all the comments! Thank you.

    3. Christine was beating herself up for being so 'flawed' because of her jealousy and other problems dealing with polygamy. Meri leaned in and told her to stop being so hard on herself, that everyone has issues. And Grifter Lives, I agree with your assessment 100%. Meri absolutely contributed to the dysfunction of this entire family. But honestly, I don't even want to imagine the level of penance she'll have to pay.

    4. I think even Meri had to take pity on how pathetic Christine was being. Christine seems to have been reprogrammed to believe that if she's unhappy it must be her own fault.

    5. A Grody Little PonytailNovember 22, 2015 at 7:54 PM

      Thank you Nikki! Piper7 I agree Christine seems reprogrammed- she's been acting so odd this season.

    6. I was disturbed by her floaty soft spoken airy voice during her "I am flawed" monologue. So curious and sad for what she must feel day to day.

  34. None of the older kids---including Garrison and Paedon---said they were going plural---even Mariah is now seriously wavering.

    1. I actually only think Mariah kept saying she wanted to go plyg at Meri's prodding to please Kody when Mariah was trying to convince Kody it was "fair" for her to go to a private school in Utah while the others had to go to in-state public ones at a third of the price. It really seemed like a way to sell him more that her return to Utah will find her a plyg husband blah blah.

    2. Ark, I know I pledged not to watch - but the little clip I saw tonight had Mariah saying she hadn't discussed with her mom that she may no longer want to lead a plural lifestyle, but that she had mentioned it to Kody? I was wondering why tell Kody and not Meri unless the inevitable actually happened and someone "asked" Kody about her? I think that's how the girls worded it to Kody in the episode where they questioned him if any boys "had asked about them." Maybe Mariah was afraid someone would ask Kody for permission to court her and she had to let Kody know she wouldn't be interested in an AUB man??

    3. Mariah's reasoning for changing her mind about being a sisterwife, after she stopped giggling like a grade-schooler, was she's "grown alot". Well, how about that - if you get those plyg kids away from the cult-de-sac for awhile and among free-thinking, educated people their own age, and their eyes are opened and they see the things polygamy ISN'T and want more and better for themselves.

  35. 6 out of 6 older kids say no to living a plyg life.

    1. A Grody Little PonytailNovember 22, 2015 at 6:33 PM

      Yay! I am not watching, but so glad to hear this.

    2. I found it interesting that Mariah hadn't told Meri her change in plans but had told Kody [several talks w/ him] yet he obviously didn't tell Meri. That's very strange to me!

  36. You know people should be just as upset a church is holding an adult child responsible for parents choices on polygamy and homosexuality. The whole not associate thing is just like Scientology. For a church that actively seeks converts it's unimaginable. As a church claiming its Christian it's unimaginable. Madison was a dream in marketing for the LDS church.

    The kids properly dressed and with make up applied properly and hair styles sensible. I like the kids obviously are not pressed to live polygamy. That is fabulous.

    10 minutes is all I can stand. I don't want to see an awful 19 kids reboot in disguise, talking about Josh, parent endangerers in the room while the daughter delivers. People not supposed to be the focus.

  37. Janelle......WHAT do you realize.....? Apparrently ALOT gets by you !!!

  38. Sounds like Madison wouldn't give up a paycheck from TLC for appearing in a show promoting polygamy and she chose dollars over membership in a church she supposedly believed in. Dollars rule.

    1. Although she stated that she herself didn't want to be a polygamist the LDS church may have had reservations about her ability and desire to distance herself from her family's beliefs and the way she was raised. I'm not being critical, but Maddie didn't waste any time being back on the show on a regular basis(more than the other adult kids), So maybe the church was right to give her more time to figure out what she really wants.

    2. Regular basis, she does not live in the same state.

      On camera she was in another room asked why she wasn't in the living room with her family while they were doing "church". She said the church didn't want her to participate in church with her family. She also is the best marketing against polygamy. Never waivered. When this came to light people said gosh we baptize everybody who wants it. Most didn't know it was a separate procedure. Now with additional special procedures for kids both minor and adult with homosexual parents we see the same policy. Screw the second article of faith. Even with tweet if you are an adult investigator you clearly need to do more than say you will not live in a polygamist or homosexual relationship. They want you to cut off from family. Maddie has rejected polygamy since the world met her. She rejects the church of dad Sunday services when home for a weekend visiting. Why would she belong to a church that has different requirement because of the life of her parents. My gosh she is an adult. They clearly want you to reject family. But hey they get people from USA and two other countries to so just that by marrying in the temple same as the sealing, since here you must wait a year to be sealed. You can seal you dead great gram to dead great grandpa but for some reason a year is too much. You will be assumed to be unworthy to enter so you don't dare do the public service your MIL can attend. I don't know why the US allows a secret card holder only ceremony for a marriage that is to be accepted by the public? The sealing should be private. Nonmembers don't need to be there. But they do need to see a wedding and not a pretend ring ceremony especially when they go an explain they are already marrieed most of you missed it, how great it was.. Most grandparents didn't marry at the temple. They were sealed weeks later or months later when they could travel. No year banishment. A church constantly asking you to reject others. Community of Christ Madison. They have all the scriptures you are used to. No polygamy. There are a thousand Christian denominations.

    3. I agree kokie and anon @ 6:10pm. Maddie said the church talked about her being on the show as part of their reason for denying her baptism, so obviously her participation was a big factor for them and once she was denied, she came back to filming pretty regularly again. (IDK, maybe she's filming more than normal to earn money for her wedding? That is, IF the kids are paid separately on this show... )

    4. She is in least two episodes the tell all and the Alaska trip. So not being in the same State does not seem like an impediment.What was it she wanted for her kids ? The jealousies and insecurities?Is the community of Christ one that uses the book of Mormon?

    5. well I just read about the Church of Christ on google. Up pops a support group for people who left and an article calling them a cult. It says they think THEY are the only true church.Uh -oh

  39. Well, Aurora learned from her mother - fake tears get you camera time, and rubbing your eyes extends it.

    1. And Savannah is certainly not a clone of "her" mother. savannah is animated and vocal.

  40. Ysabelle is lovely! Aurora looked so annoyed when Savannah was talking. A Robyn mini-me for sure!

    1. Yes. Ysabelle is a very pretty girl.

    2. Ysabel is absolutely LUMINOUS! What a doll!
      I love Savannah's spunky little platform--so cute!
      All of the older girls looked really nice tonight--Mariah and Madison look good in dark hair; Aspyn is always pretty, and Mykelti looked fab.
      I felt a little bad for Gabriel when he was put on the spot; he may be a rebel but he seems to have a heart. So, God bless you Gabriel.
      Paedon was so polite during the greeting section with Tamron. Living with all of those women seems to have created a really sweet guy.
      It was cute to see Dayton, still with the 'younger' kids, try and rein in the rapidity of conversation.
      Logan's description of his kiss with Michelle reminded me of "Born on the 4th of July" where Tom Cruise's character walks up to the girl he has been 'in love' with and dances with her. So romantic.
      Christine's soft and breathy voice was disconcerting.
      Meri is obviously trying to come through this thing with a little something of herself intact. Who can blame her? While I believe that Tamron was "tougher" in her questioning this time around, it still feels like the X-files--the truth is still out there, because it wasn't on that tell-all special tonight in regard to the 'scandal'.
      Janelle. Funny how she can't understand why people yak against the Robster. Very funny, in fact. She's doing a pretty good job with heading the 'damage control' portion of the family public relations. Subtle with the Robyn thing, and so funny.
      Robyn, good luck and God bless you and your little one. Sincerely.
      I get the feeling that the scandal may have humbled the Kodester a bit. Like if it hadn't been for the scandal, he may not have admitted his lack of gentlemanly behavior with Christine. Of course none of them want to "tell-all" and wouldn't be there if not for the money. Pope Francis has called money "the dung of the Devil", and I agree. These types of scandals are better left to be private humiliations, not something to be splayed out in a two-hour carousel ride.
      Brown family, overall your kids seem really good. Do yourselves and them a favor and get yourselves out of the spotlight. I have watched you since the beginning, and have learned a lot about your lifestyle. I appreciate that. Whatever you sought to teach, I'm pretty sure you've taught it. Now it's time to go find yourselves some peace and stop "selling your souls" to the Devil".
      By the way, Truly is awesome. LOVE her cute pink socks. She will be the little leader of all of Robyn's and Kody's future kids since she is the closest in age without going over, which I think will be a good thing.
      And with that, my time blogging about this family has come to an end. I feel like it's been a cool and interesting ride and that I've been able to interact with some way cool, smart, and intuitive people on this blog, which is, in my opinion, the best SW blog site out there thanks to you-know-who. I'm sure I will keep reading these blogs, of course....
      Merci beaucoup, and au revoir.

  41. Just finished with middle kids---next: the scene with Meri going to Janelle to agree to work on their relationship---no catfishing yet.

    1. Meri still does not seem too enthusiastic about the future of hers and Janelle's relationship, although she claims she is "open" to it improving---but that was spoken without any discernible enthusiasm or believability.

  42. TamRon DID do a decent job with the Meri/ Janelle thing.

  43. Meri's "cancer scare" has dropped off the radar completely, hasn't it? They brought up the anthropologists from last season, but the big health problem cliffhanger hasn't been mentioned at all.

    1. True---and also no mention of the fact that Meri's and Janelle's relationship dates waaaayyy back to Janelle being married to Meri's brother. Wish Tamron had just stated the obvious there.

    2. Maybe her pap smear was normal.

    3. It says everything that they have been involved in each other's lives every day for nearly 25 years and have raised their children as siblings, yet they can barely tolerate each other. Just by circumstances, they should be best friends, except that they began to share a man after Janelle divorced Meri's brother.

      There's not even a sense that they love each other, even if they don't always (or ever) like each other. The benefits of polygamy.

    4. I read before that it was just H Pylori. A lot of drama for an ulcer

    5. I haven't heard anything official about her health from the family. I think everyone is still speculating about it. And, since she seems alright and since there have been no reports about her getting treatment of any kind or any hospitalizations, the popular opinion is that it was something fairly common with no need for further concern.

  44. Meri and Robyn are not articulate at all. Everything is I wanna, gonna , needa, woulda, etc. Janelle and Christine are articulate. The first 7 kids are not going the plyg route and Mariah has not told Meri yet. These people are nuts. The only new info has been from the oldest kids. Kody seems to love the newly acquired 3 kids more than his bio kids........what a messed up family.

    1. And let's not forget Sobbin's favorite word which she uses as a verbal space bar before every noun... "like"...!!!

    2. And how no matter what event Robyn is describing, she was "sittin' thar"

  45. Cat fishing now. Meanwhile Kody is doing his best perplexed face.

  46. Just reading their tweets above burns me like a chapped ass. They are such a complete mess, but each and every one of them is an arrogant jerk on twitter. It seems like a sampling of their live tweets every week shows a stream of mutual back-patting, self-justification, and snotty knee-jerk reaction to public criticism. Television truly has convinced this bunch of preening, prancing blowhards. In the first couple of episodes in season one, I thought they were a little goofy, but I liked them. After five years, I find them absolutely repulsive. I'm SURE that's all my fault though! What do I know...stupid monogamist that I am? ;)

  47. Did Robyn just mention not "going against the girl code"? I guess kissing someone else's husband while they're wife is about to give birth is totally ok. This is driving me nuts. They're trying to protect this facade for money.

  48. It kinda sounded like Meri just blamed her fans and supporters for getting her out of her "comfort zone," by cheering her on for divorcing Kody which led to meeting CF.

    1. She said exactly that and then she and the other adults pointed their fingers at everyone BUT themselves for every other issue their family has had to deal with.

  49. Threats......being forced to say and send things.

    1. So does Meri actually want us to believe she was forced into sending a banana eating selfie to the catfish?

  50. Oh, now Meri thought her house was bugged.

    1. And Kody just was confused. bullsh@t !!!!!!

    2. Yes, that was an interesting tidbit---sorry Tamron didn't follow up on that. Any proof, etc.?

    3. Bugged by whom? The catfisher or his agent? Does that mean that one of them was in her house?

    4. Tamron let it drop. All Bull anyway.

    5. Does she not understand that all someone needs is a little app like Find My Friends? It's not rocket science to use your smartphone to locate someone. She said something about the CF like, "He called me and he knew what store I was at!" That's why she thought she was being bugged.

    6. I caught that too...these are simple apps like "find my friends".
      It just shows how naive and unsophisticated Meri is and how easy it was with basic computer skills the CF was able to work her and reel her in.

    7. I think Meri was and is more afraid of her family and how they will freeze someone out and shun them than she ever was about the CF. Watching her tears about how afraid she was about what the CF might do to her family was cringe worthy. I think she was more afraid of her family learning the truth about what she actually said to the CF, ie: the family secrets she told him, her plans to leave, and how deep she'd fallen in love with someone else.

      She had to come up with something to tell the family about why she continued the relationship with the CF and what better one to use than the rationalization that's worked for them all in the past - she and the family were targeted, someone was going to try to tear them apart, yada, yada, yada. Poor us, we're always being targeted and victimized and persecuted for who we are. We're just innocent bystanders in all this. UGH

      They claim persecution all the time and Meri was pretty smart to latch onto the explanation she knew they'd believe and would get her their sympathy and forgiveness. She took the focus off of herself and her reasons for having the affair and wanting to leave and put it back on the big bad CF who took advantage of her (of little 'ole Meri who admitted no responsibility for any of this mess) and got her tons of sympathy.

      SMH at how unaccountable they are for everything. Nothing they say or do seems genuine or w/out ulterior motives. No matter who says what to or about them, they feign innocence and ignorance and throw up their hands and put the blame and accountability on the other person.

  51. I don't believe 75% of Meri's story. I think she was leaving the family. Period...

    I don't get that Kody really cares if she leaves

  52. The introduction to the Catfishing Tell-Nothing said that the others learned about the catfishing fiasco just days before filming.then, they show the revelation in Alaska, and Tamryn questions everyone what their thoughts were at that time. Now, Kody is blathering that he knew something was up, based on tweets in Meri's timeline during earlier episodes. They're conflating all the timelines to spin the whole catfish fiasco. Too bad I can't stand listening to them.

  53. Tamron has asked Meri twice what was missing in her life so that she became "vulnerable" to the catfishing....but she has sidestepped answering that both times...and Tamron did not press her. Kody admits he and Meri didn't have much of a relationship during that time. Meri denies there was ever a physical relationship with the CJ...that the guy was an actor. Meri believes the goal of the catfish was to break up the family.

  54. Oh jeez, there goes Robyn with the quivering and tears. Ugh....

  55. Even though this tell-all is different than previous years, it is not doing their image or the shows image any favors! They all are programmed liars when it is necessary!!!

  56. Sister Wives returns for a new season in the spring.

  57. Kody sees the whole CJ thing as a "flirt" and "so what." They are circling the wagons. Janelle calls the CJ people "creepy." Well, she definitely has a good point there. Just had an ad for a new season of SW "in the spring."

  58. Cheater portrayed as a victim. Now the catfish is dangerous and a threat to the family.
    Meri cheated, got caught and her plans to leave fell through. Emotional cheating is cheating!
    What a crap load of s**t, the spin that all the sudden the catfish is plotting on the family. Bugging houses? Threats of being exposed, yes, but what a joke to think the catfish was targeting the family.

    1. She isn't married. She has not been in an exclusive relationship since Jannelle started sleeping with Kody. You can't have an affair if you are not married and not exclusive.

      She had an emotional relationship with a person who lied and behaved illegally. Why blame the victim?

    2. Lisasumms, I agree wholeheartedly. The Browns are spinning it to keep the show.

    3. She's in the relationship that she agreed to, and part of that agreement was that she was exclusive with Kody.

    4. Meri may be a victim of a catfish, but that doesn't excuse her pursuing another relationship secret from the family and the man she agreed to be exclusive with...Kody.
      That is a cheater. If the relationship had worked out would she be a victim?
      The only way they could figure to spin this is to put the focus on the CF and potential harm to the family. It took two to send messages, talk on phone and send photos back and forth. No one can blackmail you if you don't have something to hide. Clearly Meri had behaved badly and was trying to contain it but the CF was like a pit bull and was not letting go.
      Meri was pursuing and planning a new life with someone other than Kody, when it didn't work out and it all came out she was trapped.

    5. Actually the agreement was she sleep only with Kody. She didn't sleep with anyone else. Even if that were still in force. At the time she married Kody they were exclusive to all others. Then Janelle came on and Kody had permission to sleep with her. That broke exclusivity. And with Robyn she became legally divorced. She is called to have an emotional relationship with the other women and any new woman that joins them. They are not supposed to be separate women married to the same guy at the same time.

      A woman who is called to be emotionally close and sort of related to hundreds of people: my daughter by sister wife B's grandmother.. She is required to have a zillions bonds at various levels with all sorts of people.

      I have a hard time with the notion Meri crossed boundaries.

    6. kms, I'm trying to understand your comments above. Are you saying Meri did nothing wrong? Are you saying there was nothing questionable or wrong about being emotionally invested in the relationship she had with the person she believed to be a man, the 'man' she planned to leave her family for and whom she professed to be in love with? That's ok in polygamy? IMO, it's not ok in monogamy - I and everyone I know considers that to be an emotional affair and not ok.

    7. kms, oops -- I forgot to complete my thought. I understand you saying she was not legally married so that means she was technically free and technically there was no 'affair'. But, Meri believed she was 'married' to Kody and I think that's where everyone is having the problem with her actions. She was in a committed relationship and whether she was someone's common-law monogamous wife or in a polygamous relationship, IMO, she stepped out of that relationship and 'cheated' by having an emotional affair.

  59. Kody doesn't think this was emotional infidelity? Whatever. I don't think his ego can wrap around the fact she was going to leave him. I am not buying that she felt threatened into leaving those voicemails. Who would go to that level and give the person ammo to use against them? She had an online relationship, was leaving, she got scammed and got busted and is playing damage control.

    1. Exactly my point above...she got caught.

    2. agreed. There is no possible rationale behind the banana picture and the white stiched blue jeans demure shot. Also, you can't convince me that she is that good of an actress to perform the way she does on all the voice mails. She is seductive, pouty, obsessive, whiny, but NEVER does she sound as if she has fear. The thing that ticks me off if she thinks we are as gullible as she was and will buy the whole story.

  60. Meri, have you told them about the pics (banana)
    Meri says she was NEVER was going to leave. "He" made her say it.

    1. Yes! Hey Meri, Meri quite contrary....where are your threatening vm's and texts? Also, it is cheating when you are breaking your vows (spiritual or legal) and romancing another.

  61. I think they'd all be okay if Meri just left. I mean she's a Debbie Downer, she bullied the first two wives after her, she's always unhappy, always cries, throws fits when she doesn't get her way. I mean seriously. They probably all wish she'd leave. They'd be happy and maybe she'd finally be happy. Mariah would probably be the only upset one, and give her a little time and she'll probably come around from the sounds of it tonight. Meri brings everyone down. Robyn and Kody are happy. Janelle and Christine are blissfully ignorant.

  62. Surprise Guests: Truely and Solomon. They don't want to come on camera, so Kody and Robyn both say, "Let me go get him." Then, someone notes that there's actually a Brown who doesn't want to be on camera. Kody drops King Sol on Robyn as soon as possible. Truely is regressing, by hiding or playing on the floor.

    1. Isn't Truely about 7 now? She is old enough to say "I don't want to be on t.v." and have that request granted. I felt sorry for her.

    2. On the Twitter feed, Kody (I think) said that the room was full of the tension from the catfishing portion, and the kids didn't want to enter. He's an idiot, but I can actually see them feeling something off and not wanting to do it. I'm sure a producer explained it to him, though.

  63. Long time lurker- first time poster
    I've watched this show from the beginning mainly to watch how what comes out of their mouths doesn't match their body language. This will be my last viewing regardless of whether or not there is another season.
    Kody is the most clueless human being on this earth. If the emotion doesn't belong to him he has no idea it exists.
    Meri I would feel sorry for however she's a grown woman. Get a clue sweetheart. You chose to be in the public eye and therefore chose what goes with that and sadly that includes people who attempt to take advantage. Being emotionally immature isn't an excuse. She's been introduced to the real word and is very active in social media. She was planning on leaving. That was what the entire conversation in Alaska was about. Stop lying. It's insulting.
    Robyn you aren't worth an explanation. You are fake and not one thing about you is real. Except for your adoration of kodouche.
    Janelle whatever. You have zero investment except the weird obsession you have with that weirdo Kody
    Christine good lord. Stop being a wimp. She'll never leave. It's indoctrated that this is how she is supposed to be treated.
    So in closing. I really hope that you all get your celestial kingdom or whatever it is that makes you choose to live in a manner that is good for no one involved.
    I feel better now.

  64. In the Alaska restaurant clip Meri clearly states that the others should not be surprised if she just ups and goes---is just gone one day. But, in the Tell All, she states she never planned to leave the family..."not on her watch." Inconsistent.

    1. Inconsistent equates to solidarity!

  65. Christine is calling everyone on social media stupid and mean. And, Meri blames social media for the rumor that she was leaving the family. She'd never leave the family, she insists. These people are the most obnoxious, lying ingrates.

    1. Correction: Robyn calls people idiots; Christine calls people cowards.

      Robyn Brown ✔ @LuvgvsUwngs
      Hard months!! Jeez! I love you Meri! No matter what the idiots want to say out there!

      Christine Brown ✔ @rosecolored6
      People that hide behind a computer while aggressively attacking people are cowards.

    2. They wouldn't have a show or any money without the "idiots and cowards". Lol!

    3. Can someone take the clip of Meri saying "don't be surprised if I up and leave" or whatever and retweet that to her with the sisterwives hashtag (other fans can then find it and retweet it)? That wpuld be awesome. Thanks to whoever can do that. I don't know how, plus she blocked me anyway. Let us know when it is up there.

    4. Hide behind our computers? Uh... would they rather confront them in person? Cowards are the ones who WILL NOT TELL THE TRUTH.

    5. But she thought she was going to have to run off with the handsome, rich, tall man to protect her family from him! I think...I kinda got lost in the multiple stories she was telling.

    6. Guess the Browns didn't listen to Meri's voicemails...she was so ready to bolt had this guy been real!

    7. Oh Corgi, I think they heard them.
      Heard them and saw the pics and when the ashes settled, had to face reality (of all things)
      The potential fallout cards were on the table, they all knew they *had* to show solidarity and agree to spin it whichever way TLC told them to...or else.

    8. I almost think that is the part of the story that bums me out the most is that she was catfiahed and it wasn't a true online romance. What a story change that might have got me watching next season or a spinoff of her leaving and glowing in a monogamous relationship.

  66. Does anyone else think that Chroistine has been taking anti-depressants. They all seem relieved that she won't be blabbing her big mouth showing all the flaws and insecurity with being polygamist.

    1. I think in Texas Kody (with the help of Plyg therapist, extraordinaire) convinced Christine that she had better get her act together if she wants any face time on the show. And TLC monies in her bank account.

    2. I think she is on some major anti-depressants. Her laughing and squealing about anything and her weight fluctuation all point to it.

      And also since it was obvious that Meri was pulling away from the family, she may have gained some more attention from Kody. The happier and less maintenance she is, the more likely he is going to give her attention.

      I can't imagine that the other three aren't doing the happy dance behind the scenes since Meri checked out. I can only imagine that she is in the dog house with all of them for this scandal. And I doubt Kody is going to be spending too much time with her now that she is contaminated with this affair. If Robyn has some ick factor to her when they first got together, I'm sure Meri also has major ick factor since this played out for the world to see.

  67. Meri's lies during this tell-all are laughable. How stupid do they think we (the viewers) are?! Wow!

  68. So now we find out about the subterfuge with the "Girl Code" among the wives. In other words, 'Chicks before _icks'? Wonder if Kody knew about this and how he 'fills' about it. That ain't know way to run a marriage, even if it's with 4 or 5 people.

    1. "Girl Code" ??? Now that is simply laughable with *these* women.
      They are only moderately cordial for the camera. You just know they are not connected at all except for doing the show and living in their McMansion compound.
      Oh yeah, forgot....of course they are also bonded by knowing their "husband" is doing one of three other women any night he isn't there with them.

      So I am back to square one after 6 years, and after this latest 2 hours of pure BS....

      *** WHAT in the hell do any of them SEE in that cretin?????? ***

  69. Meri,
    HONEY, JUST OWN IT that you wanted out of your marriage and away from the family and polygamy. It's ok. You will feel much better and not look so constipated if you just say you were done and wanted out. THE TRUTH WILL SET,YOU FREE!!

  70. Hall tweeted "see you next season. #NewBaby" so does this mean they were picked up and it will be all aboy this upteenth birth? Ugh.

  71. Meri was definitely leaving, no doubt about it. Kody not knowing what an emotional infidelity is? Incredible! It doesn't register because he can not comprehend that someone would leave him so he just calls it a flirtation. The part about threats and bugging the house was total bs. Christine is the one who deserves her own husband. She was brainwashed being raised to believe in polygamy and thinks she is flawed because she struggles with it. Christine is not flawed, polygamy is - and Kody is too.

  72. If Meri was not going to be totally honest about the extent her catfish relationship she should have remained silent. Not surprised the Browns decided to spin this into an f-listed celebrity stalker situation but wish Meri was truthful to help other people who get lured in by these sicko catfish.

  73. So Christine hated 'the principle' five or six years ago? Wasn't that when the show started and they were trying to show how great it is, and all of it's benefits? If Christine is taking anti-depressants, I don't blame her. It had to be hard trying to show how wonderful something is when you actually hate it.

    1. 5 - 6 years ago was when Kody was courting Robyn too. That was the reason she hated poligamy because she wasn't Kody's favorite wife anymore. She thought she was going to be his last wife.

    2. Didn't help that she was pregnant with Truly - I feel bad for that child.

  74. I did enjoy when Janelle rushed to defend Kody with the Christine rock thing that Tamron stopped her and said what if that was you and it was supposed to be just the two of you, Janelle had nothing to say.

  75. Hmmm...a few things stood out that certainly suggest the Browns/ TLC have taken cues from the blogs.

    * Sobbin refrained from the relentless finger-combing of her hair. Also, she resisted the urge to dig for mascara crud. That is progress!! (still needs work on her rambling, though)

    * Kody was decked out "casual/chic"in a suit. No rumpled shirt and surfer-dude jeans.
    Someone was definitely reading the blogs!! But he still loves the camera too much to dial back his need to over-explain *everything* !! The World According To Kody !!

    * Janelle gave more than her usual amount of commentary and actually looked at the others when they were speaking instead of vacantly checking out her shoes. Improvement there !!!
    But geez.....she sits like a guy.

    * Christine restrained herself from effusive outbursts and spoke coherently with a minimum of hand-flapping. She seemed the most controlled. Or, as has been suggested, the most medicated.

    *Meri.....well, Meri had to resort to what is her usual MO.
    Halting phrases that really do not clarify anything. And always ending a sentence by either shrugging, grinning oddly or looking away. It is not a convincing style when trying to project/speak "truth."
    But at least I was distracted enough to not notice how much bronzer was going on.
    THAT was an improvement...for me, anyway.

  76. Kody has a sore on his lip...poor Christine why all of this on her . To divert from Meri and her problems> I don't think Kody is as clueless and he is pretending. Why this constant need to prop him up? if he jumped off a roof would he fly? ore would Janelle and crew be there to hold him up? Kody does not like having to account for his actions or lack of honest human emotions. Something is off with him in a big way. When i figure it out ill let ya know. LOL

    1. Milo, it wouldn't be a Brown tell nothing if one of the family members didn't have a sore on their lip!

    2. Yeah, but none of the others had one, probably because he is only with Robin now - I'm sure she had one a week after this taping!

  77. Thanks to all for the show updates. Once again, lies, lies, distortion, distraction and some more lies.
    Praise the Dollah.

  78. Robyn called Meri BABE on twitter? she must have read the CF blog. Meri calling CF baby and Meri saying no one ever called her that. Do these people ever feel bad about lying? Meri was leaving. That is exactly what she was saying. Why drag the "family" into all of this. It was about Meri wanting out.

  79. The big, lumbering elephant in the room that Tamron refused to deal with and left there to stink up the truth....
    The daughter -dad dates, the discontent in high gear for Christine and whatever else was simmering.... all began when Sobbin entered the scene. No mitigating that reality.
    It was infuriating to watch Tamron wimp out on stating the obvious !!!
    It was *right there*... right there to say, but she bailed. She was doing so much better than other seasons. I would have given her at least a C* on this one instead of her usual F had she stepped up on that.

  80. I feel that they tried to focus on Christine because she blames herself, and Kody always mentions how she said she hated polygamy. So Kody can place blame on her. If they focused on his relationship with Meri then Kody has to take more blame, so they try to stay away from that. And when they do talk about it, he lessens it to just being flirting.

  81. Did anyone else think it was priceless when Janelle suggested she thought the family had been called over to Meri's house so Meri could announce to everyone that she had cancer??! OMG

    Did Jannelle not get the memo that the cancer storyline is dead? I guess that was as close as we were going to come tonight to discussing Meri's "cancer."

  82. St. Robyn, our lady of perpetual dry tears, MADE Meri tell the family! She was BEGGING her and BEGGING her to tell! Kody is giving the death stare and dancing all around the infidelity word. It was a "flirt". It is crystal clear that he no longer has any kind of romantic feelings left for Meri at all. Christine is somewhere out in the ozone, with her inappropriate smiling and little girl voice. And Meri took NO ownership for the affair AT ALL! Instead, she was throwing around victim speak words like "targeted" and saying that the CF GUIDED HER TO SAY ALL OF THOSE LOVING THINGS?? Disgusting! I think I just reached the point of no return with these horrible people!

    1. St. Robyn, Our lady of perpetual dry tears... Best line of the night, heck the season...freaking awesome Malamom!!!!

    2. Yes, he has no relationship with Christine, and none with Meri- we've established that he's been a terrible, uncaring husband to them. Janelle tried to fly the coop years ago, and their relationship focuses on the "brain", ha, ha, ha. So Robin is the only wife he has romantic feeling for and that is what they pretty much have said. And the first three have all wanted out of polygamy at one time or the other, and he pretty much doesn't care if they walk out on him. I guess he could always gather more wives.

  83. I am sad when I see Christine.She has aged so much in few stressful years of playing happy polygamist ,poorly. No amount of counselling will change her reality. That being that Kody shares his body and heart with others.I heard Kody mentioned his church not being too happy with the divorce restructuring. I guess it is not good to point out how legalities are worked in polygamy.

  84. I can't take these phony plygs anymore! The women are brainwashed and Toady is repulsive and I'm sick of their lies.
    Sooner or later their cash cow will burp them onto the burning hot LV sidewalk.
    TLC managed to shapeshift this hot mess into just another zany day in the life of the Browns.

  85. I kept drifting in and out of sleep while watching tonight (boy, Meri sure is a slow talker!), but I did catch a few things--

    Tamron did a much better job than usual in asking slightly tougher questions and reading slightly harsher comments from viewers. She definitely could have dug much deeper, but maybe next season.

    I wanted her to say something like, "well Janelle, do you think you've had a bad relationship with Meri all these years b/c you divorced her brother to marry Kody?"

    I noticed the glare Aurora gave to one of the other girls who was talking- yikes! Also, whichever son it was that was wearing a white dress shirt, sitting with the middle kids is sure a cutie pie.

    What did Truly mean when she said she couldn't see the camera and didn't want to say hi? How could she not see he cameras? She's so adorable, and her hair is quite a bit longer now.

    My first thought when Kody said that Christine has been struggling with living polygamy for the last 5 or 6 years was that she's been questioning it since the beginning of the show. I also wonder if postpartum depression has been a factor in her issues the last few years.

    I guess TLC can save the ob/gyn footage and the Meri/Janelle make nice story line for next season, since it didn't go anywhere this time around.

    1. Truely said she 'doesn't' see the cameras, not that she can't see them. She was basically saying she pretends they're not there and imo, probably because they've at times, bothered here, so she's had to pretend they don't exist. Another reason kids have no business being on reality tv!

  86. Shamming in Las VegasNovember 23, 2015 at 5:48 AM

    I started watching this show because it was promoted as "documentation of the rarely seen world of a polygamist family". I am officially done watching Sister Wives. I really don't know how I managed to keep watching for this long. The subterfuge and contrived scenes makes this just one of the many heavily scripted "reality" programs out there that just don't interest me. I know there has to be a certain amount of editing when many hours of footage has to be cut and spliced and that the final version might include recreations of key events that had happened off-camera. But when a show is so heavily scripted that it comes across as a drama rather than a documentary I lose interest. There have been some real moments (mostly of the kids) caught on tape but the adults are paid actors going along with a very boring story line. The real story is buried and we are fed a bunch of b.s. that the hard-core fans find entertaining.The only thing I find entertaining about this show is the follow-up snark I read in the Living Room.

  87. Wow, what a farce! Meri tells them all in Alaska, that she is most probably leaving. Then sits on the couch and swears she was never thinking of leaving. Christine tells the story of how furious ALL the wives were about the Rock building exercise. Then whines about how she was in such a dark place for many years (alluding to the fact it was all her fault). Hell, I'm no therapist (and don't even pretend to be one on TV) and can piece together her "dark days" conveniently started about the same time Robyn showed up. As for her one example of jealousy: surely she didn't forget the fact that she had to call Kody home from Robyn's when she went into labor, or call him to tell him that Truely was going into complete kidney failure.

    Message to Meri: your Family was not being targeted, or persecuted. YOU fell for an imaginary friend, hook, line and sinker.

  88. Christine's "struggles" with polygamy that seem to date back to the beginning of the show are really ironic. It was Christine who appeared in the media talking battle talk about "bring it on" (referencing legal action) and who openly admitted that they went on TV as a PR exercise to soften up the public toward that practice. It's a sad truth that the last woman into a polygamous mess never really knows what polygamy is until another woman is brought in after her. Till then she's the favored new partner. Afterwards she experiences the pain that the other women felt when she came along. This is the reality of polygamy Christine and it's nothing to do with you being "flawed" unless the flaw is disconnection with reality and your inner feelings.

    1. So Kody has been resentful of Christine not honoring the family for around 6 years? That is a big sentence for her .Some people do not get six years for murder. Christine was born into polygamy and her only mistake was falling in love with Kody.She does not deserve a life sentence for naivete.

  89. I would have so much respect of Meri if she had just owned up to having an emotional on-line affair, telling the viewers she got catfished, but really its nobody's business but mine since I am now an unmarried woman. That's what a strong woman would do. Weak women don't own the truth and hide behind their lies to play the "poor vulnerable victim" card. Way to take a big step backward for women, Meri!

  90. I miss Natalie Morales.

  91. My top 5 WTF moments:

    1) Janelle had "no idea" father-daughter time was so important to her daughters

    Tamron "calls" Kody out on the fact Maddie + company revealed their dad USED to spend one on one time with them and then all of a sudden that kind of... stopped. And Kody replies it stopped around the time they moved to Nevada (aka - when Sobbin entered the picture). And maybe it's because I'm just numb to Kody's buffoonery at this point, but what really irked me more than Kody's lame excuses was the fact that Janelle apparently saw a shift in her daughters (as did Christine) and yet "had no idea how important father-daughter time was to her children." I truly think we have given this woman WAY too much credit for being the "rational" one when in reality she is possibly the worst. Aloof, clueless, living in this lifestyle for no particular conviction while playing the family spin-doctor when confronted with the reality of their absurdity.

    2) Kody STILL not getting how much of an arse he was to Christine on their "romantic" counsellor threesome anniversary

    During the Christine self-inflicted shaming segment, we see Kody expressing concern over what a "jackhammer" he must have come off after seeing himself during the now infamous "rock tower exercise". It was clear he regretted letting his true colours show much more than he regretted treating his wife with such disregard. There is yet to be a true expression of understanding of his actions and as to what kind of "breakthrough" each of them claim to have had in their relationship is still a gigantic mystery. The burning question left on the table that Tamron should have asked? "Kody, why is your love for Christine conditional on her "keeping sweet" as a sister wife?"

    3) Kody "doesn't know what emotional infidelity is" and therefore, it doesn't exist and didn't happen

    W.T.F. Koday? Your WIFE shares details about expressing love to another "man", you admit you observed "flirtings" and your reaction is.... "Well I believe there has to be a person to be in love, so.... I don't see how any infidelity happened. What's emotional infedelity anyway?" I take back my earlier comment that Kody's buffoonery no longer surprises me. This is a whole new level of willing emotional stupidity. The burning question left on the table Tamron should have asked, "Kody, why was Meri in such a place of vulnerability that she was looking outside of your relationship to feel loved and wanted?"

    4) Wives can't/won't recall one specific moment that caused one another to be jealous

    Contrary to Robin claiming they won't share an example because it'd break the "girl code", the real reason none of them would answer Tamron's question was written all over the knowing looks and side glances - "don't rattle the lion's cage!" These ladies have been trained that any jealousy they feel is strictly THEIR problem to deal with. Don't dare bring it out in the open and don't dare suggest Kody's actions may have something to do with it. Christine's feeble answer that for her the jealousy stems from "time spent" scratched the surface of the truth. Here's your real answer Christine, "I feel jealous when despite the "schedule", Kody spends a disproportionate amount of time at Robin's house and when he IS over at my house, he seems checked out and uninterested in me or my family. I spend a lot of time trying to think of things to say to be engaging yet he'd rather plunk on my couch and drone me out with the TV. Oh yes, I also felt jealous when he made out with his GF Robin while I was in labour with our 6th child.”

    1. and 5) Where did Savannah's personality come from? LOL

    2. You are absolutely spot on LiveasModWife

    3. Shamming in Las VegasNovember 23, 2015 at 7:27 AM

      "don't rattle the lion's cage!" Exactly! When Tamron asked Christian about that I was hoping she would tell the truth and say it was when Robin came into the picture. But she just couldn't say it. This was a whole lot of tell-nothing. The more negative press they get from social media the more they clam up about the dysfunction behind the scenes.

  92. None of these women can say Christine's jealousy arose when Robyn entered the picture. They literally can't because Kody will go ballistic. She kind of says when she was pregnant with Truely, but that is when we all saw Kody abandoning her for his new love. None of them can be honest. It's so frustrating to have this interviewer because she seems like she knows nothing about the family and barely has seen the show.

  93. Anyone count the number of times Kody used the word 'railroaded'? Five or six? It must have been on his 'Word of the Day' calendar this week.

  94. I felt the "Tell All" was a joke. To this observer: Meri fell in love & was planning her exit. This story they were trying to sell of Meri feeling forced to leave lovey-dovey voicemails & forced to send suggestive pics, forced to text all that she did, the notebook paper love letter, etc etc..... just sounds like a concocted CYA story, after it was discovered that it was all fake of course. Wonder how much of this story Meri made up (after she found out the truth) & how much came from others? When everything is considered way could Meri tell the truth unless she was prepared to walk away completely right then. The thing is, none of them can undo what has been done. I think that Meri's "experience" kind of set the wheels in motion, and that it may not be able to be stopped at this point. No way can they all just go back in time....this will have an effect -- how could it not? What the effect is - is yet to be seen. But I do think that the bubble they lived in, now has at least a slow leak.

    So surprised(disappointed) by Janelle. It's like she has drank the Kool aide. Is she going with the program to protect financial interests, or b/c she is content with the status quo, or is she really that deluded? I have given her way too much credit for being smart.

    The person who broke my heart was Christine. I was watching her face as she watched the rock tower footage and I saw flashes of a woman in deep emotional pain. I am actually frightened for her and I am so glad that her mother is living with her. It's like she knows somewhere deep inside that she has lost the man she loves & that things will never be like they used to be pre-Robyn. It also seems like to me that K&R will never let Christine off the hook for being upset about being shoved aside when R came along. Like, for the rest of her life, she will always have to be trying to make it up to R. It is so sad to see. She loves deeply & so deserves to be loved in return the same way. Imo, she never will be by K. She is the one wife who really worries me.

    Robyn.....I just do not like her. AT ALL. I get vibes from her that are bad, bad vibes. Those other 3 wives don't have a chance with her around. I hope she & K end up with each other in monogamy....b/c they so deserve each other.

  95. When it comes to the Meri/Catfish story, it's liar vs. liar. Both parties are full of s&%t, yet each story has SOME truth to it, so it makes it difficult for us observers to take any one thing that either of them say as fact. The truth lies somewhere in the middle as is usually the case when you've got a he[she] said/she said type controversy. Both Meri and Pufferfish's lies have been exposed, thanks in large part to CJ's blog and all of you amazing commenters.

    I am utterly fascinated by this story and have read pretty much all that has been written on the subject (not something I like to admit but I know at least I'm not alone in this LOL). My frustration with this whole mess was definitely at its peak last night while watching Tamron completely drop the ball in her line of questioning, particular when it came to this matter. Yes, she was marginally better than "Tell All's" of the past, but still so far from where it should have been. The most obvious (to me) questions I was stupidly expecting to be asked (although not answered, of course) were:

    1. To Kody and Meri: As of today, are you two still spiritually married?
    2. To Kody and Meri: At any time did you two live separately (no overnight visits from Kody)?
    3. To Meri: Did you tell Kody you fell in love with [Pufferfish]? What was his reaction?
    4. To Kody, Robyn, Janelle and Christine: Have you listened to Meri's voicemails/read the texts/seen the pictures?
    5. To Kody: Are you in love with Meri?
    6. To Meri: Are you in love with Kody?

    And then just because:

    To Robyn: Because as you have stated on many different occasions throughout this season, your legal marriage to Kody was just a piece of paper to facilitate the adoption of your children, which has now gone through and been approved, why not legally divorce Kody so that all of the wives are on equal legal footing? Why do ANY of you need to be legally married to him now?

    There's a million more questions (and follow up questions) I would have loved to hammer away at them but I am sure you all have many more thought provoking and direct questions you would have asked. What would be your top ones?

  96. Not with a bang but a whimperNovember 23, 2015 at 11:29 AM

    I would ask Meri what the CF sent her that was emotionally valuable enough to balance against the "heart piece that bleeds" she sent to CF. Whatever she received that created the open glowing face in those pictures is what she needs to make her life work. However and wherever she finds it...Meri deserves it. All of these poor damaged women need to put down the burden of their pasts and go find a future that glows.
