
Sunday, November 29, 2015

He Said WHAT??? Unforgettable Kody Brown Quotes from This Season

"Real Men don't dream they are Batman, nor aspire to dark, controversial roles." - NoWayThisWasKodyBrown
"Men lovingly become Santa Clause [sic] to their children! ;-)" - RealKodyBrown
Ah yes, the memorable tweet Kody sent out at the height of his former legal wife's infatuation with a person who later was proven to be an "imposter"...if you know what I mean. But while the second sentence has Kody Brown written all over it, that first sentence, the one where the gauntlet is thrown down for the lovely Meri Brown could not have come out of the Real Kody Brown's gray matter. Just.Not.Possible.

Here's a collection of a few more memorable Kody Brown quotes from this last season, which, in my opinion, illustrates the true nature of the man named Kody Brown.

And folks, it ain't pretty.

There's the infamous anniversary trip to Galveston Texas. Not only was Galveston the least romantic place for a trip, let alone an anniversary, Kody and producers also dragged along a marriage therapist.

And it showed the lengths Kody would go to avoid any romance with the woman who gave birth to six of his spirit babies.

Mind you, this is the same man who, while being interviewed by Natalie Morales about the "chili-cheese nachos" incident, in which Kody in a cold matter- of -fact manner told the audience he was so disgusted by Christine's gobbling up nachos, he almost called off his spiritual marriage to her. And even when chided by Morales that, perhaps, he should apologize to Christine because she looked very hurt by his admission of disgust, Kody flat out refused to apologize.

The sad truth is he probably would not have "married" her if it wasn't for her polygamous blue-blood heritage.

So here's Christine, obviously stuck in a one-sided relationship with a man who thinks being a "Santa Claus[e]" with his children is good parenting. It was pitiful how she grovelled at Kody's feet, for a crumb of recognition and maybe a little which Kody replied...

"Honor the entire family, and I will love you..." 

Sorry Christine, you got the booby prize in the form of a man named Kody Brown, stuck in a loveless polygamous marriage with three other women. Correction, 2 other women and a new legal wife who took Kody on a romantic trip to Hawaii, with her saved up grocery money. Yeah, right.

Yep, Christine, you lost out to Robyn. Her family with Kody is the one you and the rest of the Original Three must honor if you want Kody to throw you the leftovers after he's given Robyn and her kids the majority of his time and attention and love.

Sucks to be in a plural marriage, doesn't it?

On the topic of parenting, the next Kody Brown quote is typical in that this man is not very bright, and whenever he tries to be clever, he fails miserably.

Case in point. When King Sol threw his tiny fist in the direction of big sister Gwennie's face, it was Garrison who took issue with the obvious coddling of the little prince, in effect, rewarding the little fellow for bad behavior. Of course, his mother Janelle (who will never win Mother of the Year for her parenting skills) chided him by saying (using a pointed finger to emphasize her point)  "It's not up to you. That is not your decision. You are not a parent...You're gonna be gone doing your adult life in a few years. Just relax about it. We are on vacation and you're going to be chill." To which the soon to be out of the cul-de-sac Garrison replied "Okay, but if we end up raising a little narcissistic brat..."

Now in some respects, I agree that children should not parent other children. But let's face it, before Garrison, it was his brother Logan who did most of the parenting. So when Kody mentions there are five parents available to parent, it was like a "say whut?" moment for me.

Look at the scene when King Sol threw his fist in anger at Gwennie. It wasn't a "parent" who took on the little prince, it was Robyn's live-in Nanny/Housekeeper/Driver Mindy Jessop who took control of the situation.

So where exactly were the five parents, Kody?

And then Kody spells out what REALLY is going on when he says "Let's just not have the kids correcting my other kids...That's all I'm trying to do here."

Now, Kody has historically called his children with Janelle "Janelle's kids." Or his children with Christine "Christine's Kids." He has never called any of the children "My Kids" let alone as "My Other Kids", ever.

Nope, what Kody was telling the audience was "the kids" belong to Christine and Janelle, while "my other kids" he mentioned belong to Kody and ROBYN. And no one will be allowed to parent Robyn's kids except for...Mindy. And once she leaves, whoever the next family member Robyn hires to take Mindy's place.

Now, I'm not saying Garrison was correct. In fact, Garrison appears to have some anger issues, which hopefully going into the National Guard will help him work it out. But it's obvious there is no love lost between Kody and Garrison. Garrison acknowledges that Kody does "piss him off" sometimes, while he sarcastically mentions "But, you know, Dad's all wise and powerful."

Yikes! Here's hoping Kody sleeps with an eye open when it's Janelle's night.

Finally, from the Tell All episode, Tamron asked the question we have all been waiting to hear the answer to..."Are you going to divorce Robyn and remarry Meri?"

To which Kody simply answered "Why would I go through that process again? Why would we do that? Everyone seems to value this legal marriage."

The look on Meri's face was priceless. It seemed to scream at Kody "You thoughtless, narcissistic fool." It was Meri who gave up her legal status, presumably to enable Kody to adopt Robyn's kids. But that process is done. Robyn's kids are now legally Browns. So what's the hold-up?

Well, that "hold-up" was sitting next to Kody on the Tell All couch, in all her pregnant grandeur. There is NO WAY Robyn will ever give up that legal piece of paper. And it doesn't matter how many times Kody and his mouthpiece Janelle will try to explain it away. Robyn will remain Kody's wife until she can no longer profit from being his wife. She will then move on to the next husband.

Wouldn't it be rich if Kody and Robyn suddenly denounce plural marriage and ride off into the sunset with their kids to live as monogamists. I wonder how Janelle will explain that away?

So those are my most unforgettable Kody Brown Quotes from this season. What were some of yours?


  1. Kody Brown is a dip***t.

  2. CJ-- I love your posts and my biggest disappointment is that they are not longer! Good job. If Kody and TLC thought that this season would endear Kody and Robyn to the fans, they were horribly wrong. I understand it is scripted "reality" but you cannot edit what wasn't said or a facial expression that shows true feelings. I think that after this show is cancelled Kody will be a monogamist for about a year until his eye wanders and Robyn's oven turns off and can't bake brownies. I wish that this show was filmed in the same format as Big Brother with multiple cameras around the house to catch all the real action. That would be worth watching. Thanks again, CJ.

  3. Is Kody prohibiting Meri from using Twitter this week?

    1. Meri tweeted on the 23rd that she was taking a break from Twitter to focus on family and friends. I doubt Kody has restricted her, being that he didn't seem to care earlier this year about her Twitter activity so it would be vindictive and mean to restrict her now!

      Robyn, on the other hand....

    2. Robyn thinks people are going to love her now because of her Brownie baking. Quite the narcissist as always. I wonder how she manipulates the film crew to only concentrate on her and her monogamist husband? I would love to hear the conversations between TLC/Figuer8?/Browns.

    3. I'm just glad that her "fans" finally wised up about sending gifts for the new baby. If they can afford those homes & keep having babies then they really shouldn't expect their fans to keep sending gifts. I haven't seen a baby registry for this brownie...yet anyways!!

  4. Ah, CJ, reading your signature snark is like sipping a favorite glass of wine...taking small sips to savor the taste. And jmo...the glass need not be over-flowing to provide the vintage and quality. :))

    You did pick out the most glaring examples of this season's Kody Brown's favoritism and hypocrisy when it comes to the pecking order (in his eyes) of all of the children.
    You highlighted the absolutely *huge* and telling faux pas (or was it finally a piece of truth) when he said, ""Let's just not have the kids correcting *MY* other kids...That's all I'm trying to do here."
    As if most definitively...Sol IS...HIS kid !!

    There is no forgetting that for 6 years we have seen and heard him addressing the other kids (kids who are from HIS loins) as the appropriate wives' children. Not *my* children or *our* children, but Janelle's or Christine's children.
    It was unmistakable and deliberate. Chilling.

    As for Tamron's unexpectedly candid question of "Are you going to divorce Robyn and remarry Meri,?" Kody's answer is a lukewarm sarcastic bluff that he hoped would shut down any more on that.
    However, in retrospect after trudging through that "tell-all," a nagging thought does remain for me.

    If anyone is to believe this ultimate bullsh*t that he HAD to divorce Meri and marry the sly Madonna-Sobbin to legitimize her three children who are not of his loins but of another man's; then we also are forced to wonder why Kody was never interested in legitimizing/legalizing his *other* children.
    Those 12 children by Janelle and Christine who surely deserve to be identified legally as his progeny as much *or more* than Sobbin's three kids.
    How, even in their convenient, cocked up version of polygamy, is it okay to simply renege on one legal marriage in preference to the newer, more cloying model? And to believe that all of the harem ladies are just fine and dandy about that switcheroo? (Looking at you, Janelle)

    Kody Brown and his bedded sycophants....again looking at you, Janelle, and sadly, you too, Christine...more than clearly this season showed the viewing audience just whom and what they are all about. And as CJ has already said, it is not pretty.
    Kody obviously has the hots for a very determined leech who convinced him to do the unthinkable when it came to Meri and to his other kids, and to most definitely at least, to one of her own.
    Dayton could not/did not fake his confusion and distress at the plot. No matter how much the editing elves tried to sweeten it up,.it was quite clear how he felt....he was blindsided !!
    An Aspergers' kid blindsided like that is akin to abuse !!

    I couldn't care less about the Meri/catfish deal now. And I am done hoping that any one (or all) of the lost wives see the light and get away from this pathological opportunist, Kody Brown...and his determined sidekick..
    Meri should go, but she won't. Neither will the other two.
    So they really all just need to go away from TV.........!!

    1. Your bringing up legalizing his biological children is an interesting point to me because I've always wondered if Cody's kids have him on their birth certificate. For one, it's illegal in Utah to live in a polygamous situation but also, and I'm hoping someone here remembers this, Christine was on food stamps for at least a while when living in Lehi. How could she get those benefits without naming Cody as the father? Or did she? I used to work for a nonprofit agency assisting single Mothers In my home state, where a woman is asked who the father is when she applies for benefits because the food stamp offices want to factor in his income, child support, etc....and if the father is not financially supporting his children, he gets wage garnishment. Does Utah not have similar requirements? Cody had a great sales job, yet his only unemployed baby mamma living in his house was getting food stamps for a while. Christine probably told the food stamp office she didn't know the names of her kids' dad so she could get benefits. I know the Browns spent a lot of years paranoid that they would get into legal trouble for being polygamous, so it stands to reason that he's not on his bio kids birth certificates. So, I tend to think his bio kids don't have him listed on their birth, I question Cody's big push in adopting Robbin's three older kids.

    2. I've long assumed what they really feared was being discovered scamming the system that kept those children fed and sheltered. :)

      I did wonder, though, whether the kids used "Brown" as their last names from the beginning. That would seem to be a big piece of the puzzle for anyone who cared, government authorities or curious neighbors.

    3. I have not and will not accept that the Browns were worried about being found out as polygamists.If the government wanted to arrest polygamists the AuB alone has a giant tract of land housing many of their members.I read this whole item that stated when they apply for building on these lots, they factor in services for the area ,so it is discussed with officials.Not to mention the fact I watched some overly giddy woman talk on an LDS video about polygamy. She not only said they do not practise it in LDS ,she cited the names of the various groups, like Kingston to AUB.There goes the theory that they are unaware of who the polygamists are. They line up at the Safety net and other agencies so they are easily tracked. I used to be offended how stupid they think we are, but hey, there appear to be no shortage of suckers out there.My favourite quote was from Meri not Kody. "Not on her watch " would someone destroy the family. Uh huh.

    4. All of the women legally changed their last name to Brown when they "married" Kody. So, Janelle's and Christine's kids would have the last name of Brown because their "single mothers" had that name. Kody's input is immaterial.

    5. Also, Meri introduced Janelle as Kody's sister and Christine lived separately until they moved to Lehi. After that, she listed herself as a tenant of Kody, Meri and Janelle (at least on the bankruptcy paperwork). Christine probably did arouse suspicion from government workers but provided "documentation" of her living situation and that she wasn't living with her children's father (third party statements are often asked for). I wouldn't be surprised if Utah hasn't already investigated the Browns for SNAP and Medicaid fraud. We wouldn't know about it because it wouldn't necessarily be public record. They would just have to pay any ill begotten benefits back.

    6. Amused you hit the nail on the head, I still can't understand why Kody felt the need to legitimize Robyn's first 3 kids instead of the 12 he has with Christine and Janelle. What a douche thing to do. I don't buy that they were worried about Robyn's ex being abusive since as soon as the adoption was final they packed off her 3 kids to visit their real dad. I can only imagine how hostile some of Kody's real kids are feeling about this adoption, including Mariah because she lost her status with this change. The anger is probably festering and being unable to voice any opinion that doesn't line up with Kody's or face being publicly humiliated by him doesn't help.

      I would love to know if Janelle and Christine's kids have Kody's name on their birth certificates. They made a big deal about them putting Kody's name on Truely's birth certificate so I think not. I also think Janelle was in such a rush to get out of Utah was because she knew they had done some shady things and were being investigated. It would have made more sense to have Kody legally divorce Meri a dozen years ago and Meri Christine since it was clear Meri wasn't going to have a ton of kids but Christine was and she had no health insurance since legal marriage doesn't mean anything to them. Lol, we all know why that would never have happened.

    7. "I also think Janelle was in such a rush to get out of Utah was because she knew they had done some shady things and were being investigated."

      Oh, Yeah !!
      Since Janelle has always been lauded as the family bookkeeper, it was logic 101 to assume that she was on the front lines preparing the info on all those "application for benefits" and subsequent bankruptcy filings.
      You are so right, Anon 2:16...Janelle was likely not opposed to that 12th hour run from Utah.
      Not one bit !!

      In fact, wasn't she the wife who later said that "Kody always wanted to live in Vegas" ???
      Lies......just a 6 year cavalcade of lies.

    8. We keep rehashing the same thing. It is entirely possible that the state of Utah could decide they needed benefits with all the proper parents on the proper vital docs. It is not uncommon for a single parent to receive child support from the spouse that has the kids less and still qualify for benefits. This is the same thing. It is also entirely possible for a two parent family to be on assistance and both working. This is the state where so many marry and start the family before finishing college. Lots of people on at least state health insurance until that recent law extending it for kids up to 26. Also women can actual be the ones with the company with the health plan the family is on. Single parents can get insurance for them and their kids too. Kody never appeared to work for a company of the type that had the group plan. They likely had to buy a plan private or go uninsured. I think a while back they were uninsured until one kid had their appendix out or something similar and after that got insurance. Having Kody on a birth certificate doesn't mean some special insurance option unavailable to any of the mother's or their kids.

    9. Rehashing whether they got benefits from Utah, legit or not from Utah's perspective, isn't so much the issue as much as their collective chosen plan to have the women all claiming marriage to Kody with producing as many kids as possible, yet documenting themselves as single women, thereby intentionally milking the system. Throw in the fact that each one has filed for bankruptcy once they exhausted credit.

      Underlying issue is Kody grandstanding *for the show* (clearly to guarantee more TLC $$s) to adopt the Jessop kids and have them have HIS name now, yet consistently referring to his birth kids as their mother's children.

    10. Way back, way back when, when I first started watching the show and then happened upon online discussions about the lifestyle of the Browns, and the Polygamous groups in general I remember the very first thought that came to mind when they said they were being "investigated" was if it was completely investigated...meaning welfare and benefits fraud.

      In modern day it seems to me (from reading, if anyone from Utah knows more please correct me) that if authorities step into a polygamy family is for one real reason, child abuse and sexual abuse. Since the big groups take over the whole area they seem to keep themselves pretty separate from the "Others". So all the fear that the Brown family was oozing was plain and simple for the cameras, that is pretty clear. BUT...what if there was some fear...what if they really did fear welfare investigations etc. They were pretty clear from the beginning that they went on television, putting themselves "out there" to show how normal they all were. But if headlines of welfare and tax fraud hit the news that would have blown their innocent and normal persona they are still trying to sell people on...but no one is buying it, obviously.

      ...something I have always wondered...

    11. I wouldn't be surprised if they were after the tax benefits as well. Robyn has the most underage children who will qualify for child tax credits as well as the earned income credit. I doubt they would qualify for EIC because they make so much but still get the deductions for all of Robyn's bellyfruit.

    12. Speaking of taxes, they probably haven't been singing the praises of MSWC this season bc they plan on writing all that off as a loss & then filing bankruptcy. So hopefully IRS will be on the lookout for the Browns doctored tax returns.

  5. I don't think the Brown kids are as healthy as they appear. The adult kids are still young. A lot of people get a dose of reality in their mid twenties and start falling apart from childhood trauma, These kids have been mentally traumatized by their father, the legal queen bee, and their sycophant mothers. The statements they make about why they don't want to live polygamy are concerning, especially the statement about not being able to do it as well as their parents. Uggg!!! Let's hope they were coerced into saying that. I was also concerned about Maddie worrying about having only one mother for her kids. She's choosing monogamy for herself but thinks her kids will miss out? Sad. The kids, especially the girls, don't see examples of women who have solid friendships and build each other up. They see terrible examples of women tearing each other down and not showing their true feelings. There are a lot of red flags when it comes to the kids' statements. Garrison might have an anger problem, but he and Dayton seem to grasp reality more than the other kids. I do hope they all go on and lead happy lives.

    1. I am sure Maddie feels that way, because Janelle was never home. She feels lucky Christine was there since Janelle was not.

    2. I agree with your assessment. It was very telling to me when Maddie announced her engagement. It seemed so sudden, and I got a great vibe of her and Caleb together, however, her getting engaged suddenly seems like she wants out of the Brown chaos. I just got a rushed vibe from her, and she wants a strong male in her life, which I am assuming Kody is not.

    3. I don't get the sense that Janelle was never home, just that she worked full time like many mothers.

    4. Agree, Anon 2:25. I bristle at "blame the working mom" language, especially today (and, in situations like theirs, where working mom was keeping her family out of complete poverty). That said, it may be part of Maddie's distorted reality: she had the "best of both worlds:" a mom who contributed to her family's survival and one who stayed at home and was accessible.

    5. You couldn't be more right about the fact that the trauma to these kids is yet to really surface. Living in a Brown household means living an abusive lie, keeping sweet, being ignored, feeling fortunate if your father can remember your name that day, being left to die on the ground like some third world starving child while your father plays to the cameras - I still think that incident with Truely should have been investigated. That kid went into organ failure for lack of parenting.

      Maddie throwing her life away to get married the moment she can is the first sign of this. There will be more. Over the next ten years, I think there will be a lot of tell all interviews, possibly charges laid, etc, trouble for all concerned.

      I don't for a second believe that the way the Browns raise their kids is healthy. Their kids are almost all obese once they hit adulthood. Mariah, Maddie, Aspyn are all the size of small trucks. The boys have fared physically better, but we've only seen the oldest and most prized males graduate so far. The younger ones seem to have a lot more pain to carry.

      The Browns have failed to model any kind of loving, respectful relationship for their children. All they have modeled is passive aggression, lies, more lies, hurtful backstabbing, etc - oh, and eating your feelings. Gotta stuff any semblance of emotional realness down with as many calories as possible.

      Mariah got so much flak for being unpleasant, but who can blame her. We've barely heard from her since all this stuff with the divorce went down, I can't imagine what a ball of seething repressed 'Hi daddy, yes I still love you' rage she must be.

      I think the real trainwreck is yet to come here.

    6. Yep, the Brown kids are carrying a lot of pain from this lifestyle. The older kids have mostly done okay for now but the weight of the older girls is an issue. It will be really interesting to see how the middle kids turn out. They haven't all been living in one house, they've gotten dad for 1/4 less time thanks to Sobyn Robyn joining the family, they haven't had the benefit of seeing their bonus moms more often, their church of Kody is a joke, and there is bound to be a ton of resentment on all sides that Robyn's kids get favored even though they aren't even biologically Kody's.

    7. Paedon is very tall..but he too was very large around the middle when the kids were on the couch for the tell nothing. Christine's kids all have large middles. The first season was when people thought Aspyn was pregnant. It is from eating a sugar and carb laden diet. Mariah has just exploded in her weight. Foes no one in the family care about the health issues these kids could have like diabetes? good grief

    8. Anons at 2:25 and 4:05, I don't think the earlier anon meant anything by that. I just think it's telling that we've only ever seen Logan caring for the other kids, and Janelle has repeatedly shown no interest in actual parenting. That's not because she's a working mom, I think it's because she's so emotionally detached. I thought it was interesting that this season they were saying that Janelle loves babies, because I had an aunt very much like that who had several kids because she was baby crazy but had little interest in them when they got older. I think that Maddie thinks having multiple moms was a good thing because she was able to get the warm and motherly side of Christine and structure from Meri which they may not have experienced otherwise. I hope that when she has kids she will be pleasantly surprised by what a family can be like with two parents who truly love each other, an emotionally available mom and a concerned and present dad.

    9. Christine said in one of the couch sessions that Janelle loves babies but wants to hand them over to someone else right away. I think Janelle likes kids . . . from a distance. Even Kody said a lot of the credit for raising the kids goes to Christine, but that's the only credit he seems to be willing to give the woman.

  6. CJ, what a great meme you have started here. Kody has said so many crazy things that are just not true. His love should be multiplied is, perhaps, my favorite. His multiplication, of course, is with him being the thing that is static while the love that is multiplied comes from multiple women. His idea of love is also not clearly defined because he admits that the women in his life have had a function of popping out babies and even though he didn't love any of them, maybe Meri, he still had babies with each one. Now that the older breed mares are no longer breeding, he has stopped multiplying his love. Meri, Janelle, and Christine have been put out to pasture and because they are retired, their children are not on the schedule of visitation with their father...well...maybe when the film crew is there. Another quote was when he told his daughter and her boyfriend about the hormones in the spit...I wonder if he has had the same conversation with the boys: I doubt it. Finally, I think he was at his finest when he told one of his boys that he decides how many kids he will have and tough luck...even though those kids were worried about how they were going to afford living in vegas and instead of taking a moment to set aside their fears, he lets them know that he makes the babies and he decides how many babies he will have. In each of the quotes that I mentioned, it is clear that Kody speaks before thinking and that he has no idea how to be responsible or logical for that matter. He speaks his cray-cray and his kids and wives listen and if they object, tough crap. He is the epitome of white trash. My favorite quote of Janelle's are two: her finite resources and then when talking about Robyn's business calling it a hobby business....touche for her. Meri is such a slow talker and speaks responsively instead of directively so for her, she just blabbers about nothing much like Robyn and Christine. They all make me nauseous. Christine's fear of someone breaking up their family and thinking their children and the wives will be sent to the four corners of the earth is just nonsense and follows the rhetoric of fear that has no basis for reality.

  7. C. J., thank you for the time and energy you put into this blog. I love the updates. I stop here daily and read the other posters thoughts. Just the decorum you insist on in your living room is wonderful. It is a safe place to come and snark. Again, I say thank you.

  8. At first this show fascinated me and I thought they were all crazy but functioned as a family unit. Now I find it all so depressing. It seems obvious to me that he only has romantic love for Robyn and the other three wives are left wanting. It's really just sad now. I feel for all the kids and Kody is the worst father EVER. How can Meri, Janelle and Christine sing his praises??! But the show will go on and the three non legal wives will stay for MONEY! The almighty dollar will keep this train wreck going, and going. I wish they would cancel the show but TLC is just desperate at this point. Sad.

    1. Absolutely !!!
      Beyond all their past skulduggery and creative filings for single mother status and/or non-habitation with named father (or not named) status, the bankruptcies, and the tweaked tax deductions for their past and present various sham businesses, their bottom line was to just keep having children despite relying on government benefits and loopholes to feed and care for them. Benefit payouts courtesy of those ignorant, clueless about true bliss, monogamous American taxpayers.

      Absolutely, now the SHOW is and must continue to be the income producer....the money.
      Lies, faux plots, stupid trips, silly projects (think cardboard boats), scripted dramas, pretend group interactions which obviously *only* take place for the cameras, ridiculous to downright inept parenting scenes.....All For The Money.
      It wouldn't be so insulting if the show had a thread of credibility, but it doesn't.
      The first three women are miserable. Inflated scripted stories and dialogue can't hide it.
      Robyn/Sobbin is transparently stealth. A predictable and unpleasant character.
      Kody is just completely insufferable. Listening to him spout his self-glorifying BS makes one feel stupid to even still view it.
      Really, what is left of this show to watch, let alone enjoy?????

    2. The real interesting thing to watch will be when the show ends and the wives start going off the crazy train because they can no longer support their lifestyle. The mud will be flung left and right then. I bet Kody will be left with one wife after the money runs out and it won't be Sobyn. Too bad the cameras won't be filming then.

    3. Anon 1:56pm... My $$$ is on Kody going all kinds of crazy first when the $$ dries up. He's like a big ass little kid & when he can't have his way he throws a Kody tantrum. And I'm sure it's not

    4. Anon 1:56pm... My $$$ is on Kody going all kinds of crazy first when the $$ dries up. He's like a big ass little kid & when he can't have his way he throws a Kody tantrum. And I'm sure it's not

    5. Anon 1:56pm... My $$$ is on Kody going all kinds of crazy first when the $$ dries up. He's like a big ass little kid & when he can't have his way he throws a Kody tantrum. And I'm sure it's not

  9. When Kody said that he cannot entertain the idea of brother husbands and Meri said that she can only have one husband....and then we find out that not only has Meri had some kind of infidelity going on to which Kody isn't sure if he was albeit temporarily a brother/sister husband, well, you know, it was know that sweet spot he brags about finding with Christine...even though he was and is repulsed by her.

  10. Something has been bothering me about this story with Meri. Did she set this up way back when she had "the talk" with Kody abut brother husbands. I sometimes think that we, the viewers, have been taken for a major ride by the Browns and the production team. I have read that the show seems to be following the script of "Big Love." But, would they go this far?

    1. If it is following the script, watch out Kody. The producers may decide to eliminate you, all for ratings, of course.

    2. the neighbor with "the lawn" next to Robyn's house. lolol

    3. I could totally see the Browns setting this up for ratings just like Kendra and Tori Spelling did for their reality shows. I just don't ever see Kody agreeing to this, his massive ego couldn't take it. I would easily believe Robyn set Meri up like a bowling pin to knock her out of her way.

  11. I wondered the same thing. I hadn't seen the nacho diss video until recently. I think he is an idiot, but it's got to come from a scary place - who talks that way about their spouse? Why marry her in the first place? So rude and ignorant. Not to mention all the other inappropriate ways he talk and acts. He's a child and needs to be put in his place.

    1. Just me, I suspect he's more intelligent than he often seems. Kody has been upfront in a previous episode talking head with Christine sitting beside him exactly why he married her. Of course, it had nothing to do with love or attraction. He said Christine was a plyg princess as her family is well known in those circles as polygamy royalty. Kody wanted that in his breeding stock and Christine was willing.

    2. I didn't know that. How sad. Lot's of times I think of all the reasons I have to be thankful for so many things, like the country I was born in, my family, countless other reasons etc. I am so grateful I did not grow up in this way of thinking.

    3. Kody is a textbook sociopath/psychopath. He's also an idiot. His narcissism is fed by his wives and children bowing down to him. He doesn't need to adjust his behavior to appear "normal" for a workplace or any other group of people. He literally gets everything he wants when he wants it, He's not very bright and his wives praise everything he thinks up, Hence the constant display of buffoonery.

    4. One downside for the men in polygamy in the Brown's sect is that the women get to pick their husband so if the man isn't thrilled with the woman who chooses him he is basically stuck. Boo hoo right? Not sure if the man is able to say no or not, but I highly doubt Kody could have said no to Christine since she is a plyg princess.

      I am a big believer in sexual chemistry and emotional compatibility being essential to a relationship's success. Not defending Kody at all, but if he's never felt a spark so to say with Christine it explains a lot of his behavior toward her because we all know he isn't mature enough to fake it like a good man would. Kody obviously has sexual chemistry with Robyn and had an emotional connection with Meri when they married, who knows what he and Janelle really had but they must have had some connection because they sprung their relationship on Meri last minute. He probably sent every signal he could to Christine that he wasn't interested, hoping she'd get the clue and he'd get the trophy wife he thought he deserved but she didn't get it.

      It's too bad Christine ignored all the signs that Kody wasn't into her and just assumed being the third and hopefully last wife would keep her favored. This culture sets these couples up to be unhappy. It sort of reminds me of Hyrum and Kellie from Polygamy U.S.A. and how she chose him and he seemed less than thrilled. Hope he is more respectful of his wife than Kody is.

    5. You are thinking centennial. The Browns don't do it this way. This wasn't Robyn proposing to Kody after getting permission from the elders. This was the other way around. It was in agreement with everyone in the family and then perhaps their church who sealed them together. Ick. He had to marry someone the rest were okay about. After Meri and Janelle's relationship I bet he thought twice about a third. I think it would be hard not to marry into polygamy royalty. At some point everyone is related to one another once or twice removed.

    6. Christine's parents are Rex Allred and Ruthann LeBaron. She is more closely related than most to the founders of the AUB. Although it gets incredibly complicated to follow the family lines because of common relations, Christine Allred Brown is easier than most. She has relatively few full blooded ancestors, meaning aunts and uncles. Her mother's brother Floren LeBaron Jr. is a book all unto himself.

    7. Ervil LeBaron, a brother of Christine's maternal grandfather ordered the murder of her paternal grandfather, Rulon Allred. Rulon Allred was the President of the Priesthood of the AUB from 1954-1977.

    8. Honestly, at this point I'm not sure to believe anthing that flies out of Kody's mouth anymore. However, I was recently re-reading their book again and in it Kody does admit that for a second he really was attracted to Christine. I can't quote anything word for word because the book is not in front of me, but he described her as young, cute, bubbly and really flirty. It was her shoving the nachos in her mouth that disgusted him and turned him off. So It could be that he was attracted to the fact that she stroked his ego more than any physical attraction that entire time. Which is what I believe now. At one point he said Christine yelled out that Kody was her man and that Meri started growling with jealousy. He seemed to enjoy rehashing that moment. Eventually, Christine showed up to his house after she found out he married Janelle and basically begged for Kody to have her. So at the end of the day, I don't think it had to do with her being plyg royalty. But that she fed his narcissistic ways.

  12. Thank you CJ! Excellent break down of some of Kody's top quotes this season!

    Truly, Christine's conditional love declaration has to be the worst not just of this season, but possibly all time. I used to have so much sympathy for these women but I cannot muster up even an ounce. They do it to themselves at this point. Meri, Jannelle and Christine deserve what they get at this point. May sound harsh, but they've only got themselves to blame after Kody's true colours have been repeatedly revealed year after year.

    If I were to add one more quote, it'd be from the Tell All where he revealed just how "not bright" he really is. In response to Meri's online infidelity, "Emotional infidelity?!" (perplexed look as small brain tries to process and than says something to the effect of) "What's that? How is that a thing? I believe there has to be a real person for infidelity to happen" .

    1. For a person who doesn't understand or care about people's feelings, I guess emotional infidelity wouldm't be a thing. The only type of infidelity Kody would recognize would be sexual. If a member of his harem had sex with another man, that would be an unforgivable property crime. As far as I can tell, members of this cult have to deny all feelings all the time. They are trained to believe emotions, especialy a woman's don't matter. Therefore Meri couldn't cheat on him with her silly little feelings, could she?

    2. I know of a polygamist woman in the AUB cult who was branded with "Adultery" because her kids were living on bread and she went to the food bank against his wishes. The AUB neighbours were told of her "Adultery" .Won't mention her name but I am so sad for her painful past.If the food bank is cause for "Adultery" what is Meri's sentence?

    3. Yes... Agree!!! He can't understand or care about other people's feelings as he is a sociopath, In fact, he sees people with feelings as weak and flawed. That's why he likes Robyn so much. She is also a sociopath. They make a strong team because they understand each other. They both smugly laugh about the other "foolish" wives/kids whose lives are "emotionally hindered."

    4. "She is also a sociopath"

      There it is !! SO true !!!

  13. Something that just came to mind. In monogamous relationships, you work on ONE relationship with ONE person. You don't have to "shift gears" like you would in a polygamous relationship. As we all notice, Kody is one way with one wife, another way with the other, etc. Being different around your spouse than other people isn't necessarily bad, but when you add in the element of polygamy then expect three of your wives to conform to a standard set forth by the fourth, of course you will have all types of problems.

    1. To quote Christine, too bad monogamists are "boring". I think I will take being boring any day of the week over sharing my partner. Lol.

  14. Slightly, I understand the reason if this doesn't get posted. I am so tired of all this senseless drama! I FINALLY realized, this morning, that I don't get this invested into any other television show. These people, this show, this network: UGGGHHH! I watch television to be entertained. This is not entertaining....this is way too time consuming. I've tried to follow the Joker's twitter and Blog and Facebook. As well, I've been reading the Sister Wives' social media. Just a crazy crazy joke. I think I'll just start coming here for the latest highlights (or maybe it should be "lowlights"?). I enjoy reading the comments and perspectives, here. And, I also know that whatever I do read, here, is factual. Thanks, CJ!

    1. I so agree with you anonymous. These people have taken far too much of my time. I will come here for intelligent responses but "unlike" all the other social media sites devoted to them.

  15. Not a Kody comment, but Christine in the Tell All saying over and over, "I am flawed," meaning because she was not living out polygamy joyfully or by keeping sweet, that she was, therefore, "flawed." Well, Christine, that does not make you flawed, it means that part of you recognizes that polygamy is a horrible way to live but you choose to suppress that truth and try to convince yourself that the truth is somehow a "flaw" in yourself as a person. MrSpock would like to believe you will acknowledge the truth someday and throw off the polygamy shackles, but has little hope of that happening.

  16. How wonder how Janelle's kid's feel about her saying Kody is like a super dad. Considering they spent 5 seasons explaining why Kody does not get involved in the kids fights or disiplines his kids, the moms do that. Janelle goes on and on about how she dosnt call kody for every little thing. He dosnt want to be the bad guy.What in the world is wrong with Janelle the apologist?

    1. Janelle the Apologist.....!! Yep, that is what she has become.
      And every time she does it she looks less and less "the smart one" of the family, which had been an illusion all along anyway.
      True, Janelle had a job in Lehi, and by her own admission enjoyed working over staying at home child-minding. She had a limited background in clerical bookkeeping, so consequently did the family finances....such as they were. (???)
      That hardly qualified her as a candidate for Mensa.

      When she goes so far out of way to pump Kody as an "awesome father" and problem solver, she comes closer and closer to matching Kody in delusion and stupidity.

      Rather than play the non-existent sex/romance card, I think she does it because that is *her* method to curry favor and keep sweet for the Idiot.
      Ugh...these women are pathetic.

    2. Agree. She's the one out of the group who wasn't brought up this way. She is so obviously turned on by Kody, (Blech!), you can see her go googly eyed when he gives her any kind of attention. Her apologetic and historical revisionist comments were enough to make me puke this season. She sat there many years content with being the victim and letting people call her the smart one. I think she fancies herself as a progressive thinker. She used to follow mountain men and talks about nature. She lived in a TeePee for a day. We see her science reTweets all the time. And just think...All those years ago she was searching for something different. She finally found something "awesome" in polygamy, er.... her husband's brother-in-law. (Quite the Progressive, eh?)

    3. Janelle has been the apologist for years. I crown her Queen Apologist and declare they need to have a party for her.

    4. Excellent insights! about Janelle! I would also like to add that she was probably dubbed the "the Smart One" for so many years because..... she had a job. That's it. In comparison to the other wives she had some sort of normal human capacity to have a job. If you pluck Janelle out of the line-up with her sister wives she becomes quite average, to arguably below average (re. Kody) when it comes to intelligence.

  17. I have wondered if Kody show financial favoritism to Roby and her kids also. Does he punish Christine with money also? He seems to like to "negotiate" husband or fatherly time with her. I bet he punishes her by witholding money too.I know Robyn has a bit of a shopping habit by looking at her pinterest, and i doubt she paid for Hawaii with grocery money.

    1. Yes, Milo he does. A few seasons back when Christine said she couldn't afford to go see her father, Kody told her to save her grocery money. She has SIX children to feed plus many of Janelle's who hang out there to eat as well. He absolutely gives her the bare minimum.

    2. Christine really needs to think about how she is going to support herself once the show is over. Her name isn't on the deed to the Lehi house, she has already declared 1 bankruptcy and practically have no job skills or education. Truely will be in kindergarten next year and has no excuse not to put herself out in the work force, but I am sure she'll continue playing the victim waiting for the rare times when Kody shows up at her house.

  18. I like to think Kody isn't the monster he appears to be, but a few things make me stop and wonder about him. The biggest thing that stands out to me is how Truely act around him and can't stand to be around him. So not normal for a young child, particularly a little girl to be so anti-daddy when she shows much love to other people in the family. The other glaring thing that stands out to me is how all the kids have gotten the heck out of dodge asap and none of the grown up kids want to have plural marriages. It makes me think they've seen a lot and most of it hasn't been good.

  19. The CF said Meri said they spend like crazy and the APR was adjusted on their mortgages, which caused it to increase each home by $700 a month. Each household spends about $7000 a month. Robyn and possibly Christine have leins on their homes due to unpaid medical bills. When the show is over they will be up shit creek, because all they do is shop shop shop. Claims thats why Meri is still there, because they need the TLC money. Ummmm yeahhhh lol

    1. Don't a lot of people try to self medicate with compulsive eating or shopping? These women can't get real help with emotional problems, even from the therspists, because they can't acknowledge the truth about anything in their lives. Overeating and overshopping may be symptoms of how polygamy and Kody are hurting them.

    2. I was shocked how much Meri divulged to this woman. She thought she was talking to a smart and financially savy business man. I know everything is not the truth from this CF, but a lot of what she said about the episodes was true. The voice mail Meri left CF about going over her checking account and just to ask a question was astounding.Meri supposedly gave her a copy of her TLC contract to try and get her out of it so they could run off together. The bonus info for ratings and couch sessions..just wow. Meri just about got herself off of the income that paid for Mariahs college and her house. I bet Kody just loved that. She just about blew it for the whole family.

    3. Totally agree with you NoLongerLurking overeating and overshopping are definitely the result of this "lifestyle". I don't think Kody has a physical relationship with anyone other than Robyn despite him at one time saying his relationship with Janelle since she lost weight had become more amorous. Janelle's attempts to lose weight were to try to be more attractive to Kody, when Robyn told him this couldn't work Janelle returned to overeating . Sad..... she should have done it for herself.

    4. oh yes! remember how "supportive" robyn was when she bought shirts to go to the 5K with Janelle and she got Janelle a 4T??? That was a subtle dig and showed Kody that Robyn has the cute figure and Janelle is still "fat" Even though she lost weight-- look Kody, even the new t-shirt is tight! UGGH, that Robyn is horrible!

    5. Kody shouldn't b getting it any where. He shouldn't b having cookies with Robin while she's pregnant. Can't make a baby if u already have one in the oven. I think Meri may have prolonged the possibility of a baby so she could still b close with Kody-boy. Douche makes up rules as he goes along. No one looks happy including lil man Kody. He shouldn't have been having sex with Robin if she didn't want another child. Who thinks he followed that?

  20. Why would I go through the process again? Gosh he doesn't deserve to be married to anyone. It's all a lie.

  21. These days there is lots of talk on line anyway about people who identify as asexual, like just no interest in it. That might explain at least one wife who doesn't seem to mind that there is no physical affection now that procreation is no longer possible.

    1. I also get that vibe from her. You may not be too far from the truth there.

  22. Kody: "Everyone say hi to Sol"
    I betcha that really irks the middle & younger kids...geez!
    Oh here's another statement by Kody. Not in words tho, but action. Kody carrying Sol around on his damn shoulders all the time.

    1. Yep this carrying around on the shoulders all the time says to the others this kid might be the smallest but he's above the rest of you and acknowledge that by saying hi to him. It's sickening how he's given more time to Sol than all the other kids put together.... borders on cruelty.

    2. an extension of Kody's ego

    3. There HAS to be some extremely resentful Brown kids over Kody's blatant favoritism of Sol and Robyn's kids. It will come out in a few years too, just wait. I bet Sobyn feels the heat of the hate on that cult duh sac.

  23. I don't have the direct quote and I'm entirely too lazy to look it up, by my vote for the stupidest Kody blather was when he was looking earnestly into the camera talking about going to war over the adoption. War with the crazy, deadbeat, abusive bio dad, who was in hiding avoiding the process server. Miracles do exist, because this same scummy bio dad was transformed through the miracle of signing adoption papers into Preston, a great guy to put in charge of the kids for two weeks, and hey, he's from good people, according to Christine.

    1. And Christine should know David Preston Jessop is from good people...He's her first cousin!!! (His mother is Christine's aunt and sister to her father)

    2. Kody was willing to 'go to war' over the adoption; yet when Meri states that she was fearful of the safety of her family due to the 'catfish' he did not seem ready to go to war to protect his family

    3. No worries, mtgal, Janelle was putting on her armor. She'll handle it for him and then tell him how brave and manly he was to let her.

    4. Malamom - hilarious. Janelle and her armor! Too much to think about. LOL

  24. Also notable this season was the story told without words. Meri's beeach face during virtually all of the couch sessions, Robyn's look of pure glee as she was kissing Kody by the car after they were legally wed, Christine's demoralized and defeated expression when she realized that Kody was too stupid or unfeeling to consider her feelings about the rock tower, Kody's cock-o-the-walk smugness as he, well, did everything. Ugh.

  25. In the restaurant in Alaska ?............. Kody : "I'm the parent" . Thanks for pointing that out Kody cos you sure don't act like one to most of your kids.

    1. He might be the biological father but he sure is not a parent.

  26. I think the "Honor the family, and I will love you" is one of the worst things I've heard on the show. Not "I love you, but these are the things I think need to change" but a flat out statement that his love is conditional on her behavior. How heartbreaking.

    1. And then ironically enough in the next episode it was fine for Robyn to tell her kids about the pregnancy first. Then it was just fine for Robyn to give Kody that super creepy portrait of Kody and just her kids in it.

    2. Good point, Anon 4:36

    3. Yes, "honoring the family" definitely means "fall in line behind Robyn".

  27. Oh I have another one, but I can't remember it word for word. Hopefully someone bvan help me out please :) It was during his Cali trip with his younger daughters . He said he doesn't have to worry about his words or actions around his daughters as much bc they don't get jealous like his "wives"do. Or some BS like that.

    1. CB,
      I think you got the gist of it. It was close to exactly what you wrote.

      And I'll toss one in too.
      Not from Kody, but since he is the whole reason it was said......
      ** Christine comparing herself and the rest of Kody's harem to the shacked, obedient sled dogs.**
      Cringe-worthy for sure !!!

    2. Oh yeah, when she was overly excited to refer to them as Kodys b*tches. But yet, if people call them bitches on social media, then they're being persecuted by cowards & stupid people hiding behind computers.

  28. I rewatched the very first episode, way back when. The dynamics were completely different. The "couples" seemed intimately connected (not using intimate in a sexual way, more a typical married couple way). There was a genuineness to their interactions, and obvious cohesiveness.

    Flash forward, I don't believe there as any substantial interactions between Kody and any of the women, other than Robin. He may pop by and put in an obligatory appearance, and obviously trying to play the part when the cameras are rolling (albeit, failing miserably). There is a reason none of the children are interesting in pursuing plural marriage. The example that they have had for the last so many years has been one of immense dysfunction, played out on the screen for the world to watch. I think that had it remained the three original wives, in the Lehi setting, that perhaps more of the children would have been at least open to the idea. The relationships between the adults seemed for intends and purposes, healthy. Unorthodox and unconventional, but healthy none the less.

    The addition of Robin to the family, along with the move from Lehi to the separate houses, was the ultimate downfall of everything I believe the family originally set out to show the world. Robin brought discord, and I believe she is highly manipulative. Her intentions were well masked early on, but the facade cracked even before the marriage. She is not the meek, humble woman she wants the world to believe she is.

    The move from Lehi was the worst thing they could have done. It fractured not only the relationships between the "couples", it fractured the relationship and boundaries between the woman (Robin excluded). In the house in Lehi, there was order, there was cohesiveness, there was togetherness, and a family feeling, yet each family had its own nucleus as well.

    Christine is the one who got the shortest end of the stick overall. Not only has he publicly humiliated and belittled her, multiple times, he has told her that in order for him to show her any affection or love, she has to 'honour the family'. He has invalidated she self worth and esteem to such a level that she comes across now as manic. She always was a little odd, but lovably odd, not is is like watching an abused puppy begging for attention, getting kicked for its efforts, and coming back begging for more. The therapist they are using (this is the therapist in me talking), should have her license revoked. She is a disgrace to the clinical practice. That being said,m Christine needs help, she is trying so desperately to hold on to something that no longer exists.

    I will be surprised if Meri doesn't leave. Once she is finished her education. The signs are all there. Once the TLC money train ends, Meri will take care of Meri.

    I think you will see a 5th wife as well. Once Robin has popped out another child, and she causes more discord throughout the family, I think Kody will look for a younger woman. He is egotistical enough, I think you will see the next wife, significantly younger, mid 20s.

    All speculation of course. Time will tell.

    1. I don't think he wants anymore wives. Once the show is over I think he will live a monogamous life with Robyn and may even return to LDS. Robyn will stay as long as he supports her in the style she has become accustomed. The other wives will become friends and their children will not really matter to him or Robyn. My theory lol.

    2. You summed it up perfectly with your comments but the part I agreed the most with is that "Robyn brought discord". She sure did and I also agree that Kody is going to take a fifth wife, probably right around the time Robyn turns 40 and is having her 6th and final child since you know she has to have 6 total like Christine and Janelle.

    3. I remember when Meri said Kody "deserved" a younger, more attractive wife when he married Robyn. I wonder what she REALLY thinks now. And will Robyn feel the same way? I doubt that very much.

  29. Despite all the new "drama", I found the new season to be more tiresome than ever. The Browns continue to try and appear just like everyone else, when they're clearly not. Isn't that why they got a TV show in the first place?

    After how many seasons, I am still waiting for them to "enlighten" the world about their faith. Instead, they refuse to even identify their belief system by name.

    I am sure the show's producers craft all their fan questions, but if they did actually answer real fan inquiries, this is what I would ask:

    1. So are the wives drinking wine now? Doesn't your church believe consuming alcohol is sinful?

    2. Is that coffee in your mugs, or do you really just stick with milk, sprite and herbal tea?

    3. Did you relax the modesty dress code for the girls because of the LV heat, or did the kids just tell the parents to shove off and started buying their own clothes with their own money?

    4. So where do you all stand with this whole men populating their own planet thing?

    5. Do you follow a prophet (other than Kody)?

    6. Still tithing to the church? Did you ever tithe?

    7. Did the church instill a fear of outsiders and apostates? Did that make the move to LV harder? Do you still fear them?

    8. Why do you refer to polygamy as a "lifestyle" instead of the "Principle"?

    I could go on and on. The snark in me thinks I know the answers just from reading this blog, but I do think it would be a nice change of pace to hear the truth come from the Browns. In any case, I do think the producers should press from more honesty and substance in the show. Right now, it plays like a propaganda piece advertising the "joys of plural families."

    1. He talked in the Tell All about members of his church not being happy about the marriage restructuring.

  30. In the beginning Kody seemed to be a carefree happy go lucky surfer dude who happened to be a polygamist. Now, years later we see the true Kody. He is very much the boss of the family. Its his way or the highway. We all KNOW he is not spending equal time with the kids, he spends more time with the kids whose mothers he prefers. Its possible that is why Janelle is so inane around him all the time calling him a superhero and all.

    Kody has appeared controlling all season long. He is furious at Meri about the CF thing, you can see it in his eyes. He just won't say it publically. But I'm sure she is suffering his wrath for sure. And Christine, well he has hated her for years, since she didn't flap her hands with joy when Robyn entered the picture while she was pregnant (shame on her!). In fact, when Christine was talking about how very dark things got, I worried that she was going to hurt herself. Maybe that's why her mom is there now. God knows. Kody won't help her out any.

    I agree with others who have posted that one by one these women will leave. After being iced out for many years, Christine will probably end up moving in with one of her grown daughters and Meri will have left and hopefully found her 'real' Sam. And Janelle doesn't care one way or the other so she might stick around.

  31. Does anyone remember when Kody said that "Christine saved our bacon" a few years back? Talking about how adding her as a third wife saved the family. I remember that because it was an odd saying, It was also in the book.

    It must stink for Christine to have felt that she saved the whole family to now being the reason for its perceived failure. No wonder she feels so flawed. Because Kody tells her she is.

  32. It's been said here before since it became all too apparent that Kodyworld is anything BUT a place of love multiplied and joy.....that the three has-been wives should defect and flee the compound with the same level of Hollywood-ed drama that the fake Exodus from Lehi had going.
    ** DateLine Las Vegas !!!.....Three Wives of Kody Brown, TV's most famous polygamist, have left him and the show !!! ** They will star in their own show "What happens in Vegas "Shouldn't Happen"

    If TLC execs are worried at all (and they should be) about SW Kodyworld having any viewer juice left, they would be putting their money-grubbing think tanks on overtime and pitch a show to the original three.
    What a concept ! What a guarantee for print and social media PR explosive exposure !!
    What an opportunity for the three "not-Sobbin" wives to extract their revenge on Bonnie and Clyde Brown !! What a perfect finale to Sobbin and Kody's master plan.

    AND.....the defecting moms would be able to forge a better life for themselves and their kids courtesy of continuing TLC income. And have self respect and dignity on their own terms.

    1. I'll watch that show!

    2. Bonnie and Clyde Brown lol. Seriously that's a great idea........... surely TLC cant be thinking of continuing with the show as it is....... it's supposed to be reality.

    3. Ok, who read Amused's post and started singing the theme from "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"?

      Because I did.

    4. Ha !! Perfect !!!
      ", la, la...Unbreakable, la,!!!

    5. it's not a comment from this year but if I look one more time at kody kissing robyn's belly i'm gonna puke. we all know that the camera couldn't capture what robyn really wanted, and that's kody kissing her ass to show all the other wives who really is the boss

  33. Well, you can add plagiarism to Pufferfish's list of skills! I just read through the comments section of her most recent blog post and when she refers to the Book of Mormon, her comment is copied word for word from a publication found on the good old World Wide Web! A basic internet search will show you the site it was taken from. Way to go, Pufferfish! How scholarly you are!

    1. Mono, you mean catfish didn't just get back from Paris and Dubai on the private jet either? Just in time to remind the readers for the 500th time, "I'm a guy, and I'm still in love with her". Wahaaha!

  34. Favorite Kody quote that hasn't been mentioned yet...

    While taking his daughters on their beach trip he is in the kitchen and announces that " I'm making myself eggs do you girls just want to have cold cereal?" They all jump about because they want eggs too, and bacon and all the fixings...yet the camera never does show him actually cooking for the girls.

    I think there was another scene in a different episode that showed him cooking steak for adults and something "lesser" for the children. I thought this kind of pecking order tiered eating went out with House Servants and the Class System...

    1. Or Kody eating his mothers breakfast or garrisons mock tapioca. Kody does not respect the kids as people with opinions or feelings. The adults eat well and the kids get was that way in Lehi too when Kody was grilling steaks and said the kids get hot dogs.

    2. Very true Milo. And the great thing is that a Polygamous lifestyle is the perfect place for men like this. They are King of their worlds filled with adoring subjects. They are the center of attention and there is no need to care for others, that isn't their role. Why should any of their time be wasted on something that might "bring them down" or "make them go there"?? They only need to collect wives and children to surround them with continuous attention. Kody is very much an adult version of that teen child who is throwing a fit that they are old enough to do anything they want!

      I have a feeling that Kody's father was a stern taskmaster with little humor for his obnoxious, energetic, attention hungry son (kind of like Kody and his female "mini Kody"...Gwen). Kody is now the adult and he gets to have ALL the attention and do everything HIS way and he is KING and there is nothing you can do about it! Insert your own obstinate teen sounding voice of course...

      The episode where the Browns met the Christian based poly family and the man described how he was sitting on the couch alone while his wife made cookies and thought it would be perfect for HIM to have two women, one to make the cookies and another to join him on the couch and keep HIM company. This lifestyle is perfect for these men.

    3. The feminist in me is now ready to toss my cookies. I would rather be single!

    4. Me too, lol!!!!

  35. What is most noticeable to me is how robyn has morphed into a Brown wife. Even thought she is pregnant, she is significantly heavier then she was five years ago. She was able to bounce back after the first 3 but after Sol she retained a lot of weight. She also wears the long sleeved shirts-sun shirt combo and heavy make up ala Meri.

    1. Robyn may have learned what a lot of us have: that numerous pregnancies can have a cumulative effect on the metabolism, especially after age 30-ish. And our speshul snowflake is pushing 40 up a steep hill as we speak.

  36. As dysfunctional and staged as the show is, I miss my Sunday evenings with a glass of wine and the Browns. Thank you CJ for keeping the living room open during the off season.

    1. I agree. This show is a guilty pleasure and this blog is simply wonderful. I love the light atmosphere and reading everyone's snark.

  37. At least Janelle is the frugal one. She wore the same pantsuit for the tell-all show that she is wearing in her Team Brown Vegas Facebook page. How often do we see high-maintenance wifey Fake Cry wear the same outfit?

    1. Could be frugality, but at Janelle's size it can be difficult and discouraging to find outfits that you feel okay in. I imagine if she finds something that works for "dress up" events, she's not going to quit on it.

  38. Just read over on the previously tv forum that Janelle had a lien placed on her house for an unpaid trash bill!

    1. I read this too. It really did make me snicker...Janelle is supposed to be the frugal one who keeps the books and passes out the dough to others. All under the direction and control of the King of course. HOW high of a trash bill do you have to have before they put a lien on your house!!?? And how high of a pile of trash, in the desert heat, do you have to have to achieve that bill?

    2. I doubt that Janelle is in charge of handing out the dough at this point. Can anyone really imagine Sobbin Purity Reigning Legal Concubine Brown sitting still for one of the other lowly ex-bedmates of "Idiot-lover" doling out her share of the spoils?? . Hard to visualize...?/!!

      It's more likely that either TLC does the allocating based on who had x-amount of face-time per epp, or they have a system within.
      Janelle *had* a designated role in that area way back based on what.?....the fact that she used to be the bean counter and document signer 6 years ago in Lehi. As for all the stuff about Janelle saving the day and giving her inheritance..well, that's what *was said* in their book. However, given their proclivity for enhancing if not re-writing, the truth, jury really has to stay out on how true *any* of their past statements were or are.

      From sources, Janelle's trash lien looks like a plyggy familiar case of trying to bleed the beast. Vegas residents are expected to pay for trash removal once they alert that they are a resident. Possibly, Janelle never did that and instead used another SW's driveway for pickup....until someone alerted the PTB in Vegas. Consequences, no doubt !!

    3. The hypothesis is that she was caught sloughing off her garbage to the other wives and got hit with a back bill.

    4. Remember Christine said " WE LOVE FREE STUFF!!!" The homeowners association of which Kody is/was president would have been privy to this.

    5. Was Janelle pretending to leave Kody for two years to get in the good side of the relative she inherited from? I read besides her Mom the other relatives were not pleased?I wonder when she inherited?

    6. knowing these free loaders - of the four houses they only have the garbage man pickup trash at Janelle's house, and that is why the lien is on her house.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I really wished when it was discussed about Christine being unattractive to Kody, why it was not asked if he found Janelle attractive.She has a lot of pounds on Christine. Yet we never hear about this. I think Christine's polygamist royalty crown shines less brightly since the AUB incest sex abuse scandal.She has become expendable as his foray into T.V. celebrity changed his audience from AUB to TV. I watched Kollene Snow's video on the principle site and she describes Christine as a typical polygamist Mom.Christine believes the crap Janelle only pretends to believe. Good strategy there, to have Christine afraid of non polygamists . Keep her paranoid and suspicious so she does not look at the real problem.

  41. Brown is the Color of You know whatDecember 3, 2015 at 7:13 PM

    I feel compeled to comment. Probably because I'm in Las Vegas right now and I've been dying to run into the Klown so I can appear to be serious when I question him about the beliefs of his "religion."

    At any rate, I have a couple of favorite moments to share. These are from past years because I refuse to watch the show anymore. OK. Number one: when Robyn was just about to join the family. Meri was absolutely giddy about Robyn. Krody made some comment about Meri having a "crush" on Robyn. And it was there. Front and center. Like Meri was about to switch teams for Robyn.

    The second was when Meri and Krody went to a fertility specialist and the doctor asked them how often they have intercourse. They both stared at the doctor like, "What do you mean? You have to have sex to have a baby?" In the end, they just stumbled and said frequency wasn't the issue.

    I'm no doctor, but if the guy is on a rotation then frequency (and quality and quantity) IS an issue, you idiots!

  42. Nothing Kody said this season stood out for me. I did just remember a previous season's talking head, when he was talking about what attracted him to Janelle. He said something like "I thought she was just as cute as could be. And when I looked at her, I thought there's a woman who will produce many fine sons!" Pretty funny that was his story after the fact that Janelle is the only wife that has given Kody 4 celestial heirs.

  43. I remember an earlier season when Robyn was late for Logan's (I think it was Logan) graduation. Kody was so preoccupied with Robyn's absence and so overjoyed when she finally made her entrance. His concern about Robyn's whereabouts totally overshadowed his involvement with the rest of the family. Can you imagine Kody's reaction if it had been Christine who was late?

    1. That scene was one of the more transparently phony re-enactments.
      And we all know much TLC loves and uses ** re-enactments. **

      Sobbin was driving with a frantic, confused look and why do we know that?
      Because TLC had a car driving right beside her filming her "acting" distressed and "lost.".
      She couldn't find the building....and obviously neither could the TLC camera car !!
      Meanwhile TLC also had a camera crew filming Kody at the building all unglued, moaning, "Where's Robyn?"
      Now wouldn't you think that since supposedly TLC had two cameras at work that day, one with the family already seated at the venue, and one on Sobbin as she tearfully drove aimlessly lost, the camera crews would have been in contact with each other for logistics and "locations?"
      Yes, of course they would have!!! That is IF it all had been real...!!!

      The best part of that bit was that once it was aired a poster on the blog wrote that she lived in Vegas and reported that the building where the graduation was held was a huge building with a huge sign on it that was clearly *visible* from the freeway.
      It was a typical TLC / Kodyworld re-enactment !! Just typical Brown/ TLC bullsh*t !!!

      Ranks right up there my personal favorite BS moment with Mariah throwing a fit in Meri's car parked in front of their spanking new McMansion where Meri is filmed *outside* the car pleading with hysterical Mariah to please not be upset (poor baby) and please stop crying ...
      while a camera is *inside* the car filming and recording Maruah's sobs and rants !!!!
      And why were we to learn why she was losing it??
      Because.......they would have to wait 48 hours until they could move in !!!
      Uhh....As if anyone couldn't see the setup and scripting on that one !!!

      Re-enactments....gotta love them !!

  44. Waaaaay up this thread there were several comments made about how, in the beginning of this show, the adults were more genuine, likable and really seemed to be committed to the whole family. Here is the link to the first episode, season 1: See for yourself.
    Now, note how Kody introduces his family...My first wife Meri. She and I have one child, Mariah. My second wife Janelle. She and I have 6 children...(names them)...My third wife Christine. She and I have 5 children with one on the way.....
    SO. If Kody goes on national TV and states that these ARE his children, then why wouldn't his name be on those children's birth certificates????
    This was a HUGE discussion WAAAAY back up the thread.
    (speakin' a' which, each comment should get a number assigned to make referencing so much easier)

  45. I'm sure Kody said some pretty stupid one liners, when he was being a bully to Christine in front of Robyn whenever they were working on the MSWC boat.

  46. I just rewatched first episode (compelled by comments on PreTV about Christine's fear of toasters). They show Christine making toast in the oven. As she's explaining that more people die from toaster accidents than shark attacks, you see Vitamix on her counter. That's a $500 blender!!

  47. It's funny, they've tried to sell the world this image that polygamy is just another healthy lifestyle choice, they've even thrown this feminist patina on it. Strong women, sister wife power, blah blah.

    The fact remains that Kody doesn't have to LOVE them equally in a romantic way. That's not part of the deal.

    Of course, I don't think he can mistreat any of them directly, I do think they would speak out about that.

    But love? How do you enforce equal love among four different wives. It's impossible.

    Now Kody and Robyn can work on keeping their love low-key in front of the others out of respect, but you can't legislate love. They can have all of the rules they want, and he can still love one of them more than the others, and he does.

    This situation is more like a thrice-divorced man off with his new lady except the three divorced women are sticking around for the ride. I'm actually not putting them down for their polygamy....I don't think that we in the monogamous world in general have a right to do that, with our high divorce rates. But I do think it is inherently less cruel to separate from the spouse who doesn't love you anymore.

    I'm not sure who got cast off, I guess it was Meri. Or maybe the three of them had just settled into their 20-year-old marriages the way most people will. Maybe he was more equal with the three of them before, in his love, although I still think Meri held the trump card in his heart. Janelle didn't care, and Christine was happy being last in.

    The other reality which I see is the fact that Kody is monogamous, like most humans. Serial monogamous? Perhaps, again like many of us. But monogamous nevertheless. Most of us really don't have the bandwidth to love more than one person at a time. We might be able to manage an affair or something, but at the core, I believe that most humans only have the capacity to love one human at time. I think that is the painful truth here that the other three do not want to admit.

    And to be honest, they don't have to confront the truth as Kody seems very eager to keep everyone around in his quest for his big family or kingdom or whatever this is all about and they can read into that as love. The fact that he is forgiving Meri for her transgressions means he doesn't really care about Meri all that much in that way, but would like to keep her in the family.

    So I'm not sure I have sympathy for the other three. And I'm not sure that Kody is evil or even mean. I think what they are living right with now IS polygamy at it's core. It's not what they were trying to sell us when the show started, but they are actually showing reality. It was never supposed to be easy for the wives, it was never built to be "equal." It was built as a way to salvation.

    1. I sure hope most people can love more than one person at a time, otherwise anyone who has multiple children guarantees that most of them will grow up experiencing serious emotional neglect.

      I'm not a fan of polygamy, mainly because of the inherent double standard. It does appear on television that Kody Brown treats each of his wives differently, but I always bristle when people assume he cannot possibly love any of them simply because he has more than one.

    2. Obviously I mean romantic love and wasn't talking about children or other family members or friends.

      I think that MOST people are monogamous when it comes to truly being in romantic love with another person. Most. Including Kody.

    3. Perhaps we should be cautious about using a word like "obviously" when clarifying our comments for others. After all, we're communicating wholly through the written word, which is notoriously easy to misconstrue among humans--instinctively reliant as we are on observing body language and interpreting tone of voice.

      My guess (because ultimately we are all only able to speculate) is that Kody's affections have waxed and waned to differing degrees and at different times. Long-term monogamous relationships do that, too. Kody just has the option, when one (or more) relationship is in a trough, to shift his attention to whichever woman is more appealing to him. It doesn't necessarily mean that romantic love has evaporated. The danger of that happening is perhaps more acute in a polygamous relationship, though, because one never has to mature through the natural ebbs and flows of romance that are part of long relationships. So we watch Kody happily satisfying his romantic inclinations with Robyn, having no need to concern himself about whether the other women's romantic needs are met. When we see evidence of his lack of concern, it's sad, but not very surprising. As stated above: that's just how their religion/lifestyle works.

  48. From an earlier season:
    Acting as if he's a "truly" loving parent in front of the cameras, Kody asks Truely to give him a kiss.
    She turns away, with an awkward yet attempt to be polite, "No, thank you."
    Maybe not a "favorite" moment, because I feel it's was a sad statement that likely demonstrates that Truely didn't/doesn't feel very close to her father -- or possibly has noticed that her father isn't very kind to her mother.

    1. I think that Kody doesn't give his kids enough credit to see that they're all pretty aware and perceptive, even the younger ones like Truely. What you mentioned is very, very sad. And the man who is supposed to love and protect her steps over her body lying on the floor when she was deathly ill, doesn't check on her, feel her head, pick up up lovingly and ask what's wrong. Just steps over her like she's a discarded toy lying on the ground. Doesn't he realize what he did or that millions of viewers saw him do that? Shame on him. Any man can be a father, as he's proven, but it takes a great man to be a dad, which he's NOT.

    2. Dang, where is the screen shot of him stepping over her? You would think a girl of her age would idolize her dad and she definitely does not, seems even from the get-go. I am sure he never tried to bond with her because when she was born, he was in the beginning depths of All-About-Robyn-24/7 and didn't make time for her. Sad is right.

    3. Wow, I didn't watch that episode. I'll have to go find it on youtube. Can you imagine the neglect had the cameras NOT been there???

  49. It's not a quote, but a scene from this year:

    On the day they all went to court, Dayton was waiting for Kody to show him how to tie his tie -- almost as a father-son right of passage, kind of thing. Do you remember how rude and kurt Kody was about it -- making it all about himself -- of course! He didn't show any kind of sensitivity or kindness toward Dayton, as I would have expected -- and in fact hastily command Dayton through the steps to tie his tie. Then, without a kind word or jesture toward Dayton, Kody self-importantly removed himself from the bathroom, coldly stating a command to Dayton " tuck in your shirt." It wouldn't have taken any extra time for Kody to extend a smile or a gesture of kindness in Dayton's direction.

    I really like Dayton.

    Telling Dayton quote:
    Dad really caught me off guard with the plans to go to Alaska.
    AKA - blindsided. Abrupt change of plans are difficult for aspies.

    Years ago, Kody had raved that to Dayton that he was the best behaved, (and probably most obedient), of all his kids, and Dayton seemed quite flattered by Kody's attention at the time. But I think as time went on, Dayton was able to see beyond Kody's charade, and no longer "bought into it."

    There were so many times that Dayton's reaction to the adoption was hesitancy, shock, and disbelief. After while, it seemed that Dayton just wanted it to be over, knowing that there was no escaping this adoption decision, and it was CLEARLY what his mother OBVIOUSLY wanted to have happen.

    1. I love Dayton too. His reactions are so real and I loved it when he expressed his excitement about seeing his bio dad. All his reactions to the adoption have mostly expressed confusion and bewilderment. God bless all the children of this crazy family, they all get the short end of the stick emotionally with the only plus being the money they make for their educations.

    2. Double chin, and there's no guarantee any money the kids earned will be there for them when they come of age. There are no laws in Nevada that protect their earnings plus there is nothing that guarantees that the kids are even being paid individually in the first place. The reality tv contracts play fast and loose with the underage children of the adult participants. It's not like they're child actors in California and a few other states who are protected by the Coogan Law. Reality tv kids who are a huge part of so many of these reality tv shows, are exploited, taken advantage of, and are generally given few protections while working.

  50. Another memorably shocking scene from this year:

    Kody and Robin had a manipulation session while Dayton sat on the couch at Robin's, where Kody rudly and kurtly made sure that Dayton was aware that at 15, if Dayton makes any illegal action, he can be tried as an adult. It seemed to me as if It was an unnecessarily harsh reference to throw at a kid as oviously conscientious kid as Dayton. Robin tried to laugh off the awkward harshness to Kody's comment, and Dayton turned his head to try to make sense of Kody's rudeness.

    Then, it made sense why Kody wanted to state what he did about Dayton being of legal age, when they were meeting with the "lah-yers" office, the lawyer reminded Kody that he would be held responsible or liable for Dayton's behavior, should he get in trouble with the law. I then realized why Kody made that comment earlier, that was more about intimidation and threat -- to let Dayton know that he'd be tried as an adult, if he should ever get in trouble with the law.

    Kody is an awful father to Dayton, (and the others). Kody has always shown a mis-understanding of Dayton.
    However, I feel that Dayton "has Kody's narcissistic number."

    1. Given Dayton has a form of autism his legal parents are going to be responsible for what he does for an awfully long time.

      I think Kody is in la la land about what Dayton would actually face if he got in trouble of that kind.

      Kody also needs to realize what behavior is actually inappropriate and what behavior really a misunderstood communication. He knows nothing of his capabilities he just assumes he will conform to Kodys world.

  51. I'm just curious. Kody referred to Meri's thing with the catfish as harmless flirting. I imagine he'd say the same if it happened with Christine or Janelle. BUT, would he airily dismiss it like he did if it were Robyn that did the exact same thing? I'd venture that not in her current pregnant state, but otherwise. Would he tolerate those same words about himself that Meri said -- (Catfish) is taller, better looking, loves her more, cares about her -- if Robyn said them? Harmless flirting? I think NOT.

    1. Exactly. He would not care about this slightly-cheating incident if it was Christine or Janelle either.

      Robyn on the other hand....I don't think he would be so nonchalant.

    2. Yep, The Princess of Wails can do no wrong in King Kruddy's kingdom.

    3. Princess of Wails! I love it.

    4. Kody would say the same thing if any of his wives had an "emotional affair" because the tell-all is not about the truth. It is about damage control and furthering their political agenda to decriminalize polygamy. Kody and his klan will never make ANY public comments that suggest anything but a happy, normal, well-adjusted family.

      I have no doubt that behind closed doors, he is furious. Kody does NOT like his wives to make him look the fool. I believe he has imposed a stiff penance on Meri, and she will pay it because her catfish experience has reinforced the brainwashed belief that outsiders are dangerous and have wicked intentions to harm their family unit.

      Stay tuned for season 7 when Meri is forced to play the happy nanny while the storyline centers almost exclusively on the birth of Robyn's next golden child with brief coverage of Maddie's wedding planning. If TLC needs a scriptwriter, I am available.

    5. Oh yes, and maybe Maddie, in search for a wedding dress, could appear on Say Yes To The Dress with all the Browns in tow. I can just see Kruddy, "..and these are my wives, blah blah blah..."

  52. I just read TLC renewed Sister Wives for another season. That is crazy.

    1. I expected it but glad at least we will be able to continue to enjoy the comfort of this living room. Would be good if the producers could see this blog and realise that we're sick of being fed all this bull**** and would like to see some reality in this reality show.

    2. Very likely that the TLC camp has been trolling this blog for quite some time.
      Hence the many, timely and contrived scenes which address the more blatant observations and criticisms. Phony, scripted scenes like Kody all of a sudden shown picking up Truely, or taking his middle daughters away for a weekend. There were several in the last few seasons which were too obvious to miss.
      TLC and the Browns have to tolerate the snark blogs because they at least guarantee ratings at a time when they know that their appeal is now anemic to even hostile.
      The ride is over......Kodyworld and TLC know it. They have to at this point !!
      But they will milk one more redundant, boring season out of the deal.

  53. Well, we have to see the birth of the newest Brownie and hear about Maddie's wedding plans, I guess. And find out if Meri has cancer (no) and if she and janelle go to therapy together.

  54. Please someone on twitter or facebook which I am not on). Please tell Sobbin how tacky, greedy, ungracious, foolish it is to have a baby shower for the 18th child in the family. Baby showers are for the first born to help the young couple out with expenses it is expected that after the first child all the baby "equipment" will be used for subsequent children. I find it in extreme bad taste to see all the baby shower pins on her pinterest page. Sorry for my rant. CJ thanks for the living room.

    1. Hey, you can't blame her, the P. of Wails is a Material Girl!

    2. And with some still young children they should have plenty of baby and small children clothes and all the equipment etc. needed.

    3. Anon 7:37
      I'm not disagreeing that Robyn is tacky and greedy (in fact I agree so hard my neck hurts) BUT I will say I have noticed more and more families throwing showers for multiple pregnancies. Self celebration is not unique to the Browns...especially not the queen brown.

      Plus, we can't expect Robyn to use HAND ME DOWNS or BOY stuff for her new daughter. That would be entirely too sensible.

    4. She must be dead ser against hand me downs from Truely. They should have enough equipment or be able to buy some. But alas, the attention needs to be all about Robyn. Beyond the immediate Browns, who the heck would she invite? It is her 5th kid so this should be old hat.

    5. LOL @ Anon 8:02 - Princess of Wails! Priceless!!

    6. Thanks, Anon 2:52!

    7. It was a little weird with a show for sol since she had older kids, but there was a small break in breeding. Having one after sol is tacky. But these people have a party for sneezing, buying a new dress, and other important life events. Honestly with all the stuff from sol and a dad, and four moms buying the occasional little girl outfit what could the kid need? My gosh a car seat? Sol needs a bed. She gets the crib. I'm sure Mariah will make another blanket and no doubt a few other sibs will gift the new baby something without a shower. Not to mention all the adult relatives that are there all the time living with them. The real reason a family of 8 max needs 8 bedrooms and two bonus hobby/workout/dinning rooms.

  55. sounds like it'll be an "lets all pay homage to Queen Robyn night" in the neighborhood

  56. I'm on the fence about posters thinking Kody will take a 5th wife. Or that Robyn will continue birthing Brownies after this one (wait until she sees how unenthused he is about a girl). As much as Kody wants to populate his planet, he is a selfish, selfish man. Those "finite" resources Janelle refers to are going to start catching up with him. Convertibles, expensive watches and vacations are not free. There is also a limit on how many bankruptcies you can declare. Also, he has stated the family will fund in-state tuition at non-private universities and as more kids enter college the expenses will mount - and he can't count on all of them joining the military!

    Unless Meri departs leaving a McMansion available for a 5th wife, I don't see it happening. Although I would really enjoy watching that show! I believe Robyn has Kody so wrapped up in her, another wife is not in the picture. As much as he reveres Robyn's kids - excuse me "OUR" kids, he dislikes her family bed practices and has often complained about Sol sleeping with them. He probably just convinced her to put Sol in his own bedroom in advance of the new baby, or next inhabitant of their bed - or maybe all four of them will sleep together! No matter how much help she gets from live-in nannies (family members wanting out of Montana!) she is just too selfish to continue having more children. I think the unborn baby was just a reward to him for the "legal marriage" but I don't think there will be more.
    Also with regards to the AUB stance on sex with wives if they are not breeding - who knows? Kody's father Winn married Janelle's mom later in life - well after they would be having any children together. Kody himself said when he married Robyn that he could relate to his own father "who found the love of his life" later in life.....still can't get over what any assy thing that was to say and what Kody's mom thought of that statement. Anyway, with his own father marrying someone beyond breeding age I doubt Kody is going to abstain from sex with Robyn just because she quits having more Brownies!

    1. Now that I'm finally getting over whatever ailment that has been kicking my ample you know what since Thanksgiving, it's been fun reading all of y'alls comments while catching up!

      as more kids enter college the expenses will mount - and he can't count on all of them joining the military!

      Yep, I agree with you. I can see Robyn absolutely demanding equal treatment with Aurora and Breanna, the newest girl brownie still cooking and Dayton. I wouldn't be surprised if Aurora enrolls in a "prestigious" private school just like her big sister Mariah. And I'm willing to bet money that Dayton, King Sol and baby girl Brownie will not have to join the military to have their higher education financed. Daddy Kody will finance Robyn's offspring's education by taking on more debt. You know, the Kody Brown way, right?

      Unless Meri departs leaving a McMansion available for a 5th wife, I don't see it happening

      I have a feeling our dear Meri is still in the doghouse for her..uh hem..."flirting" this year. I wouldn't be surprised if she was given notice her McMansion will house wife number 5 when she eventually shows up (and I think the fifth wife will definitely appear if Robyn get's knocked again trying for her 7th child to beat out Janelle and Christine's 6 kids each). You know Kody...he most likely told Meri if she doesn't like sharing she can always LEAVE. Ah, the joys of Kody love.

      still can't get over what any assy thing that was to say and what Kody's mom thought of that statement.

      I don't think there's a lot of affection between Kody and Janelle's mother Sheryl. Flashback to the episode Kody bought those horrible plaques for the Original Three, and that antique clock for Robyn for Mother's Day. When the mother in laws, wives and Kody were sitting together before he presented the wives with their gifts, Sheryl talked about how hard it was when she married Winn. Kody did not look very amused, in fact he had this look on his face like "You're upset about how you were treated? How about how my MOM felt?!" Kody's mom Genielle has mentioned that Winn favored Sheryl...that "Sheryl took care of Winn. I took care of the children." No doubt in my mind Kody was affected by Winn finding the love of his life with a woman that wasn't his mother...maybe that resentment is represented by his making plyg blueblood Christine's married life a living nightmare.

      I doubt Kody is going to abstain from sex with Robyn just because she quits having more Brownies!

      Oh yeah, Robyn is Kody's favorite wife and she knows it but she's not getting any younger. Kody wants...NEEDS to keep bringing those spirit babies of his into this world. So if Robyn stops popping out babies again (like that too long hiatus after Sol was born) Kody will most definitely start prowling for #5 whether Robyn likes it or not. He has already established a pattern for bringing in a new wife when a wife is pregnant, like when Janelle was pregnant and he married Christine and with Christine after she had a miscarriage and then finally was able to get pregnant and give birth to Truely. So Robyn needs to be wary if she thinks he won't bring in another wife. He will still think of Robyn as the love of his life, but when he starts having sex every day with the new wife, I don't think Robyn will be able to deal with that very well.

    2. "He will still think of Robyn as the love of his life, but when he starts having sex every day with the new wife, I don't think Robyn will be able to deal with that very well."

      I liked, really, really liked, strawberry ice cream...!!!
      It was the ice cream love of my life!!
      That is....until I tasted coffee ice cream.
      Just sayin..... :-))

      CJ, Glad you are feeling better.

    3. CJ - I am also so glad you are feeling better!! Loved reading your above comments. Have to agree that Meri is in the doghouse and I have a feeling no homemade jammies this year for all the kids (maybe just for Robyn's!) and I also think Christmas dinner will be sans wet bar - someone else will be playing hostess.

      Amused; loved your coffee talk!!
