
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Happy Wednesday Everybody! It's Hump Day!!!

Did someone say humping?

Yeppers, somewhere in the world it is already Wednesday, and being that Sunday's Tweet Party has over 300 comments, I'm opening up this posting so everyone can see their comment without having to scroll down and load.

I scanned through some of the Brown tweets from Sunday's show. Here's a sampling of the ones that caught my eye...

You know, it never ceases to amaze me how dense Kody can be sometimes. Where was Kody's support and love when Meri was feeling isolated and alone? Oh, wait...Kody was with Robyn, taking a trip to Hawaii and impregnating her with another spirit baby. Way to go!!!

Oh, oh....sounds like SOMEbody is about to take HIS ball and GO HOME!!

And with that, Kody has left the building!!

Meanwhile, Meri is having some fun (finally) with BFF Elisa....

And kudos to Meri for finally listening to the many people who tried to warn her. It is especially interesting that she has even started to follow @NickOconner and two previous victims of the Catfisher. Looks like she is beginning to start her crusade....but wait, you don't think maybe she is doing this for the show? Well, if she is, more power to her! I hope this leads to even more show time featuring Meri and the other wives instead of this season's Kody and Robyn show, if there's another season.

And don't the signs sound a lot like...KODY?????

What are your thoughts????


  1. Yeah it's already Wednesday here in the UK and yesterday I watched the last two episodes on you tube. A few things that stood out for me : Robyn's matter of fact "well tell us where you are " to Meri (real meaning one down, two to go). Janelle's daughter Savannah ? on the hike wrapping herself around Kody, those kids are desperate for that guy's love. Meanwhile King Sol continues to reign, "say hi to Sol" the numerous other kids don't get a mention, obvious they've had enough of this by Garrison's reaction to the Sol incident. I think Maddie may have fallen for the first guy that's shown her any love and attention, after all she's had precious little from the "I am the parent", glad you pointed that out Kody cos we'd never have known. For all the wrong reasons I do hope there's another season, mainly so I can come here and share the laughter in the living room, it's a great place to be.

    1. Thanks!! It's all of you guys that make my living room a great place with your wonderful discussions!!!

    2. It occurred to me during the whole "but my kids will only have one mother and that is sad/weird" that the kids are missing the fact that their kids will actually have a full time father, and 2 FT parents will probably be better than 1 FT and 4 occasional.

    3. I agree math probs. Maddie can't understand that you can have one mom who has sisters, sisters-in-law and good friends who serve that same purpose. And really the benefit of the four moms she is touting is totally negated by their misery due to them all sleeping with the same man.

  2. What is emotional abuse? That sounds like the brown family motto. Meri was the biggest abuser until Robin came along. They need to have a church service, so Meri can tell the children how the bad lady tried to take her cookies. seriously hope she told the so called adults before they read about it.

  3. For Bemused Bystander...
    Its a new day !! :-))

    s a new day

    1. And it's Hump Kody Day too, Bemused Bystander!!! ;-)

    2. Seriously Bemused... talk about "emotional abuse" sheesh!

      Yay, it's hump day ( like Cynical said), come back & join the snarky fun!

    3. Yes Bemused Bystander, you bring a lot to CJ's living room, so come on back now :)

    4. Bemused, We miss you. I always enjoy what you have to say! Hope to see you soon in the living room.

    5. Oh my God, I love you guys! Words cannot fully express my appreciation for your support; thanks so much.

  4. Can someone tell me what the ratings r. I didn't watch yet but did dvr it. I had like 2 years of sister wives my husband erased them all. Couple episodes I didn't even watch yet.

    1. Since TLC catfished the viewers by dangling tidbits of Meri's misery fiasco, they swindled 2.2 million viewers with .7 rating.

  5. Kody tweets......"Please be patient&supportive. The Brown Family is working on it"

    Working on *what* ???
    Working on a spin that will be digestible enough to keep the peeps peeping for next season?

  6. So why doesn't Kody's tweet read..."I will love and support Meri Brown when she show's respect for the family!?"

    Playin favorites big guy!!

  7. For Janelle's sake, MrSpock hopes everything is "worked out" by Thanksgiving. ;-)

  8. So I went to the notbatmanyet site yesterday and read his/her/its version of how things went down. As I was reading, something niggled at me. I recently read about half dozen memoirs by polygamist women (I know..get a life), and by the time I got through them all, my impression was that all of these women sounded eerily similar...they seemed to be trapped, emotionally and mentally, at about high school age. They were all about the drama...all about histrionics...every slight real or imagined they'd ever suffered, was almost cookie cutter similarity. When I was reading the catfisher's blog and trying to decipher whether I was hearing a man or a woman's voice, it occurred to me that the voice sounded extremely "polygamisque" (if that's a word ;>) That coupled with the sly smirks I caught Meri and Christine exchanging as they sat down for their Alaskan restaurant rendezvous, make me wonder if we are all being played by the Catfish saga. The whole thing is so bizarre it almost defies belief, you know? I could see the Browns cooking up something like this for ratings, but not being smart enough to think it all through or cover their tracks, and having it get away from them. Anyone else have these thoughts?

    1. I've wondered about being played as well. Afterall, this IS television.

      And although Meri might not be the sharpest tool in the shed (not a diss on her, I'm not the sharpest tool either, but I'm trying to make a point), she knew that putting compromising things on social media could hurt her much faster than it could ever help or heal her.

  9. And NOTE to Amused Bystander: MrSpock found yesteday's exchange with Tardis unfathomable in that you, Amused Bystander, said nothing even remotely wrong to warrant any apology by you.

    1. MrSpock, I do enjoy your sense of loyalty and justice! (And as random as this comment is, I'm actually quite serious).

    2. Bemused Bystander, let me also say that we love your posts and please don't let that unpleasant incident with TARDIS keep you away from us!! I think it was above and beyond of you to apologize in an effort to maintain civility on the blog - but I agree with Mr. Spock, you don't owe anyone an apology. Sending positive thoughts your way because I know how unsettling those things can be!

    3. Did you miss the part where Bemused told the Tard person to shove their cookie up their @as?

      The exchange was bizarre on both sides but not much if a big deal IMHO.

    4. Yes Anon, But BB instantly apologized & corrected herself for saying that too!

    5. BB's cookie comment made me laugh out loud! You go BB!

    6. The exchange was more than bizarre. It was more like choreographed.
      Bemused Bystander was goaded.

      But today is another day !!!! Right, Bemused !

    7. Your support gives me such renewed faith in humanity. Thanks to all of you from the bottom of my heart--super kind.
      I felt like something was off with that blogger' like that person was 'pretending' to be someone else while discussing catfishing (such great irony there) while pushing the "some technically savvy person likely photoshopped those pictures of Meri into creation and I bet they're not even she" agenda. Like someone from the Brown camp giving false intel; not quite an adult but at least a smart High Schooler who could provide a coherent argument but easily have difficulty with emotional regulation when pressed.
      Then General Xavier referring to the wigger (the wiggy blogger) his "niece" as if to throw me off the trail. One of Janelle's boy is really quite technically savvy, right?
      I'm not proud of the cookie part--not too classy on my part. My bad; we all fall short sometimes. At least I said "nether regions"...for the love of Christ, have you read some of the things they say on the Reality Tea Sister Wives blog?!
      Speaking of, the Reality Tea blogger "anjealka" said that her husband, who grew up LDS and has a family history of polygamy, has a cousin who went to High School with Robyn, that Robyn was part of a fairly "popular" group (though I believe she has not asserted this herself) who dissed this cousin pretty rudely (the cousin was overweight and 'anjealka' says that Robyn's group did some ridiculing). I found that a bit interesting.
      Oh, and Mykelti is said (again by 'anjealka') to be living in Southern Utah, working, and planning to move to Seattle in February, possibly with her LDS recently returned from a mission boyfriend.

  10. Conspiracy theory... hear me out!

    First I must also red-facedly admit I read about 80% of the catfisher's latest batsh*t crazy ramblings on her "blog" (I apologize that was insulting to bats ... and feces). Anywho... I was rather surprised by the ridiculously long and seemingly random praise chapter for Sobbin' Robin. Why? For what purpose? How is it remotely relevant for this clown to make a point about how awesome and sweet and nurturing Sobbin is?

    Then is occurred to me... what if this "Klown" IS in fact, none other than Sobbin herself?!

    (Mind blown)

    Think about it.... What a fantastically cunning way for wifey #4 to usurp legal wifey #1 - to infiltrate the emotional core of her prime competition, destabilize her to the point where Kodouche inevitably will want absolutely nothing else to do with her. To glean private insights into the sex life of the one woman Kody might actually "really" love besides herself, only to be reassured by Meri's admissions of loneliness and physical distance with the balding manchild. Then, to swoop in as the "shoulder to cry on", the counsellor, the "good sisterwife" - it's sinisterly effective! The final touch was convincing her to leave for good, ensuring nothing could or ever would come between them!

    I almost had myself convinced until I realized I'm giving way too much credit to Sobbin' long-term planning and evil "genius" abilities...

    1. Not to mention you gave way too much credit to Sobbin's command of the English language.

    2. Yes, far too much credit for her command of the English language, that's true. But... that doesn't mean that she's not behind someone ELSE doing her dirty work....

      LifeAsModWife, bet you're right.....

    3. I don't think Robyn is an evil genius because she isn't bright enough but the evil in her is loving every minute of Meri's situation. It's clear from the latest episodes that Robyn is loving her spot as Numero Uno wifey poo. God help the other wives. As usual the kids from the other wives are collateral damage in this sick business.

    4. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Sobyn and her good buddy JYD have something to do with this entire fiasco. The JYD has known some interesting tid-bits that line up with what the cat fisher has said. Either Meri really is over it all or this was set up by TLC and the Browns, but I just can't see Kody ever agreeing to a story line where one of his wives cheat/want to leave him because of his huge ego so I lean toward Meri being done. Maybe one day we'll get the real story on all of this.

  11. I wonder if Meri was smart enough to get some sort of property settlement in the divorce? Being a spouse affords certain legal rights that being a concubine does not. If Kody is still on the deed of her house, doesn't she technically now have less than Janelle and Christine, who are sole owners? Not that there is much equity, or anything. It was sold to us as a mere technicality, a piece of monogamist world paper, so who knows?
    I can relate to Meri on some level, as my youngest left for college about the same time as Mariah, and my husband travels extensively for his job. I get it when she talks about turning on the music just to have noise. Her sister wives and Kody are at a different phase of life, still have housefulls of kids and activities to keep them busy. Yes, she can help them out more, but I believe she is looking for something more personally fulfilling. The divorce and then watching Kody and Robyn be so giddy about it all must have compounded her lonliness a hundred fold. That being said, I think she needs to be really careful about spinning her participation in an online affair into a complete victimization. No doubt that the CF victimized her, and continues to do so through her blog, but Meri was participating in a relationship willingly with what she thought was a man behind her family's back. She needs to continue to own her choices or all of the understanding and good will she enjoys on the inter web will evaporate overnight.

    1. Maybe they didn't settle the property. Is that possible? Would be advantageous if she didn't. If she walks away, she would only assume half the debt for the house.

    2. I've wondered the same thing. In the divorce episode when they were in the lawyers office signing the papers. I can't remember the exact exchange, but Meri had a concerned look & good legitimate questions concerning assets. And ol' Kody "reassured" her that she had nothing to worry about & they would discuss that later?! Hmmmm??? Meri should've gotten her ducks in a row & in writing, discussed & handled all that BEFORE signing the divorce papers!!

    3. From what we've seen of Meri, I would imagine she made sure her best interests were taken care of in the divorce since she is very clearly always out for herself and Mariah first. However, other people have said that Kody's name is still on the deed to her house and she still is on the deed to the Lehi house so who knows and if both houses are underwater does it even matter? It is very scary to think that if anything were to happen to Kody, Sobyn would be in charge of things, with her record all the sister wives would be homeless in a matter of months.

      As for Meri being lonely, I get it. Kody didn't take into account or care how lonely Christine and Meri would be in Las Vegas away from their church and polygamous community where they had friends and a support network to help them cope. We've seen how much Christine and Meri have struggled since being away from their church and fellow plygs. Kody is certainly not a strong enough leader to keep his family engaged in the principle or excited about their religion so I bet internally most of the family is questioning their faith. Christine at least has her kids to occupy her, but she still needed her mom to move in to share the load. If Meri was still in Utah she'd be closer to family and friends to help her cope with Mariah being gone and if they were all still in one house she wouldn't be very lonely at all. As it is I think Meri will eventually move back to Utah since she has made no real moves to finish college or find a job in Vegas. Once she loses her home Christine will probably head back to Utah too. Ironically I think a lot of the kids would have chosen the plyg route had they stayed in Utah and now I will be surprised if even 1 of them does.

  12. I, too, when to the catfish site and was puzzled as to why JO went on and on praising Robin. It didn't make any sense in the whole scheme of things. But I guess a crazy person doesn't always have any rhyme or reason for doing what they do.

    1. The catfish monitors sites, such as this. She has no doubt seen all the Robin-hate and speculation that Robin may even be behind all of this. I wouldn't be surprised if the catfish didn't throw all the random Robin-love into her rant simply to keep people talking.

    2. In which case, if you think about it, we've then been kind of catfished! Yuck!!

    3. Maybe Robin & her r cat lovers. I always kinda thought Robin was involved in setting Meri up. I also think Meri wanted divorce because she was involved with the joker. Thought her future was secure. Then after the divorce joker & maybe The joker & Robin & JYD pulled the rug from under her.

  13. All of the emotional abuse and narcisict crap meri is posting is just crazy. Meri has been emotionaly abused her whole life being a child of polygamy and and a wife and sisterwife. she has dished it out as well as received it by ody. Thank god a catfisher came along to throw all the blame on..geesh talk about crazy

    1. Meri is a narcissist! A narc will never own up to anything! They bawl, throw tantrums and try to confuse others when they get caught in their lies and schemes. That is exactly what Meri has been up to. Kody doesn't care, he has no love for anyone other than himself. His only emotion regarding Meri is that of fear - she will bitch and moan about her poor self and he's over it. It is a money contract now that glues the "family." The others don't care about her either. Their couch sessions and lack of effort to console each other is real, no acting going on there...never a hug or a pat on the leg.

    2. Sad to say (not really), but maybe this knocked her down a few pegs.

    3. Kody does care, someone on this blog said Kody could lose everything if church decides he doesn't deserve to hold priesthood position in family. He would either lose family or b excommunicated from church. If Christine was told by church she now belongs to another man she's comitted, she would go. Robin wouldn't don't know if Janelle would give up religion for Kody.

  14. I agree with you guys...embarrassed to say I read the blogs too, well, more like skimmed them because wow...YAWN!! Also, it's most definitely a woman. My husband is extremely sensitive and sweet for a guy, but no way he'd ever take that kind of time - even to write about me, the great love of his life lol!
    I was wondering about the praise for Robyn, but hadn't thought of it that way. Can you imagine? What a train wreck this family is - and I say that with sadness because I really do care about the kids.

    1. maybe your husband just isnt that into you. plenty of guys would take the time

    2. Anon 12:16 - there is no doubt in my mind that the cf blog is written by a woman. The first time I went there I thought "no way does a man write like this" and of course it's all come out in the wash that a woman has written all the cf crapola.

    3. Ouch Anon 12:16! I'll assume you are being sarcastic and not mean!

    4. Anon 12:16, personally I'm glad that my husband doesn't write like a woman.

    5. Anon 12:16, are you under orders from General Xavier? Seriously, many of us on this blog have the experience of real relationships under our belts, and understand some of the basic "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" truisms of life. Of course, there are exceptions, which anyone past adolescence inevitably figures out.

    6. Bemused Bystander you sound like a bitter divorcee... i am sorry those are the experiences of your "real relationships". i am happy to say i am past adolescence and have figured out the much better exceptions

    7. I am not disputing that the catfish is a woman... OP was saying when it comes to writing, men don't "take that kind of time", which is pretty rude and sexist. i guess you guys have never met an intelligent/academic type. not saying that catfish is intelligent lol but you don't need to say all men don't/can't write, and if they do they are "womanly". you sound like arnold with you "girly man" BS

    8. I am the anonymous 10:02 - just was reading again, and yes, I hope you are being sarcastic anon 12:16 . And yes, he is totally into me, just doesn't spend night and day writing a ridiculous blog with that kind of wording is what I meant. Wow...

    9. Bemused, I have no idea who General Xavier is, but I am not under orders from anyone to post here lol. Are you?? If so, that is pretty sad.

    10. Wow anon 1:51- Hiding behind the "anonymous" moniker to to dish out what no one else here dishes out- personal attacks on people that didn't opt to be on a reality show but are sharing opinions on those who do. Back the fork up & grow up. Be nice or leave. Adios!

    11. Bemused, I can tell from anon's writings that she clearly has a chip on her shoulder and the emotional intelligence of a high schooler- otherwise she wouldn't be coming at you like a pit bull with lipstick. She has some growing up to do, clearly. I hope you disregard the ploys of youth to rattle the foundation of the wise. (hey anon! Time for dinner!). : )

    12. daisy, you were the one who started the personal insults. despite your insinuation, my husband does not write like a woman. he is a best-selling author though.


    13. So is mine! What a happy coeinkidink!

    14. LOL daisy, yes you and the other middle-aged (or older) women here obsessing over a reality TV blog. this is quite the wise bunch.

      have a great dinner! i have the feeling you could cut back though

    15. looks like you ladies can dish out the insults but can't take them LOL.

    16. Oooooooo burn! You got me but goooood! I'll remember your remarks when I'm running my 4th (count em, 4th!) half-marathon!

    17. Anon 12:16 I'm pretty sure you are a TARDIS companion. Go home, little boy.

    18. Thought for the Day

      * Ignore * rather than feed a troll.
      Even a "local" one.

    19. i seriously doubt this, daisy. you and yours seem like the type who work at mcdonalds.

      now stop wasting my time. goodnight, enjoy your meal!

    20. i thought it was dinner time, daisy? go eat!

    21. MickeyD's! How did you know? My shift just ended.... G'night to you too! Sweet dreams! Xoxo

    22. writing "i" repeatedly when referring to oneself, rather than using a capital "I" is psychologically quite telling...

    23. "i"don't put as much thought into my blog posting as you do! forgive me, Oh Wise One.

      I also didn't capitalize mcdonalds. you are quite deep, Bemused, since i actually DO hate fast food. but why did "i" capitalize Bemused? let me go think about this a bit, ill be back

    24. ... & clean your room while you're thinking!!

      Ah, what good fun... Hope you're taking it the way it's intended anon! Love ya! Mean it!

    25. Well, well. To insult a woman simple for reaching a point in her life where she is considered "middle aged" or older is the mark of a true gentleman...or is it?
      As Jim Morrison said "No one here gets out alive", so no matter one's age or experience or wisdom gained (or lost) through the blessings and travails of life, we will all meet our Maker one day.
      What will you have to say for yourself?

    26. Well, I've just turned the big five-oh-my-God and what do I hafto say about that? (I thought you'd never ask!)-- "Don't knock it til you've tried it!" It's much more fun than I had even anticipated (truly!). Especially the part where I don't hafto put up with crud from young 'uns anymore!

      Hey Bemused, pass me those french fries if you don't mind. Thank you Luv!

    27. I agree Amused!! Sometimes silence is golden!

    28. Sorry ladies, I was out for a minute!

      When I am before my maker, I would hope this online exchange wouldn't be at the forefront of my mind. You guys need hobbies! But as you are probably 85 years old, this might be the last thing on your mind before you croak, Bemused.


    29. Also you took the middle-age remark as an insult. That is on you, don't blame me for your projections.

      You "ladies" are fiery! Goodnight, it is past your bedtime!

    30. Hey just because you are 50 doesn't mean you don't hafto put up with crud from youngins anymore. Don't you have kids?

      Believe it or not, there are people much older than you who would consider you the youngin!

    31. Wow. Like a real mean girl's club. I think that some of the older posters, from what I've seen now and in the past, tend to be a little cliquish. I don't think that poster everyone is complaining about -- and her uncle or whatever -- meant no harm in the first place. Maybe she wasn't saying it right or well enough, but some of the regulars didn't need to jump down her throat. I think that's why she got an attitude. Freedom of speech and all that.

    32. CJ, any way to block or remove this distracting rant? Not in the spirit of what you are providing. Thank you.

    33. Freedom of speech protects the speaker from government censure, it has no bearing over regular citizens commenting or critiquing an idea or statement.
      That being stated, it's probably not *nice* to point out Anonymous' obvious struggles with communication or abstract thought.
      Obviously we shouldn't *feed the trolls* but we must also remember their scaly and gnarled troll hands often make typing and eating more difficult. Use your best discretion...and small easy to understand words.

    34. Seems like that one poster with the Uncle is awfully defensive and keeps lashing out in emotionally incongruous ways, and then blaming all the other posters for responding in any manner, as well as passive-aggressively baiting them.

    35. Seems like the tard poster didn't appreciate having his or her ideas critiqued in any way. The first responder may not have sounded great, but did offer an apology (from the older post) which was trampled upon quickly. When someone apologizes like that it might be better to move on rather than take that opportunity to go for the jugular.
      What's up with the 'tard going out to their car to sulk? Does anyone think that the insinuation that this person is a teenage boy could have some merit?
      I've checked this blog out many times, and I've seen some weird stuff here and there, but this takes the cake. Rather than a 'mean girl's club', it seems like a pretty supportive forum.

    36. Does anyone think feel like the brownclowns r attacking. I didn't capitalize brownclowns for a reason.

    37. Wow- using the word "tard" is a big crass.

    38. Definitely. Whoever it is sounds young and inexperienced. I've seen some of Mariah's tweets over the years and she can be one angry young woman. Possible? Who knows for sure but I wouldn't be surprised.

    39. Interesting.. do you think Mariah is My Two Sense? That would account for the misspelling.

    40. I really have no idea why she popped into my head while I was reading the nonsense. I can say that I feel we have a brownie among us causing a bit of turmoil at the moment. Mariah? Maybe? Or I could be completely out to lunch. Lol!

    41. The first "My Two Sense" poster was using that name by mistake (just read that down below). The second is the same "TardisCompanion" poster from from the "last several days in this time and relative dimension in space" continuum using a different name.
      At least, that is my humble and intuitive opinion. (so it's TARDIS not "tard" which could be taken as a short version of "retarded" which is obviously not politically correct or sensitive--developmentally disabled or cognitively challenged would be appropriate for that intention).
      Daisymae, I like the cut of your jib.

    42. Gabriel or Garrison...

  15. A few points:

    I wonder how the AUB and Principle Voices are viewing the Browns right now. Even they can't be happy with how the Browns are acting on TV. They were supposed to make the AUB/ polygamy look normal. Kody was supposed to be an example of the priesthood. However, they have done the opposite. I wonder if they have gotten any reprimands.

    If you look at the pictures they have previously shown us, they are becoming more and more secular by the minute. We have seen the original three dressed in matching prairie dresses. We have seen pictures of all 4 of them with super long hair and no earrings like the AUB prefers. Now look at them.

    Lastly, Robyn sure seems miserable and sour for a favorite and legal wife. Wonder if something else is going to on that we don't know about.

    1. I just think that's the "real" Robchin. The facade is slowly slipping away. For whatever reason, she's not playing nice anymore. Either she's just a little too comfy sitting on her throne, or she's reaalllllly hating all the hate. She's got a chip on her shoulders.
      Plus the honeymoon is over. Like all narcissists, they eventually show their true colors.

    2. Being the favourite in polygamy is an upgrade from being the least favoured but that is about it for perks.
      Maybe this whole time viewers like the idea of polygamy is because they think the idea of Kody fulltime is overwhelming.This either proves they see him as a burden or they themselves are not in marital bliss.If I had to be with Kody biblically I would be standing on a ledge somewhere.

    3. Maybe she doesn't like when anyone else has some limelight. Even with Meri and the catfishing. But especially Maddie and Caleb. She sure seems to not like Caleb. My guess is because he is not a plyg. Or when the talk is about weddings and young love. Makes her feel old...and look old.

    4. I've seen posters on other sites from the Brown's church back in Utah comment that their church is not thrilled with the Browns and that they think they've strayed too far because of the women wearing shorter hair, earrings, and appearing to love money above all else. I imagine their church is cringing that the Browns are what the public thinks of when they think of polygamy now. They've made polygamy look anything but appealing. I also remember a few people writing that the church leaders weren't willing to let Kody marry Sobyn because they didn't think he was financially able to support the wives he already had but they relented because of the show. I bet they regret that decision now.

    5. Hey Baylor, maybe Robyn has a chip on her shoulder b/c her "fans" aren't sending gifts for her 2nd
      She made a big haul w/ Sol from her over zealous fans years ago & this go round, no one seems to give a damn!

    6. Oh my gosh CB, I totally forgot about that! I remember shaking my head over how much crap King Sol got from her fans. Didn't she make a wish list or something, so people knew what to send her?

    7. That is something that really chaps my hide with all of these reality show grifters - that hard working, good people send them gifts!! Like the Duggar girls scamming for wedding and baby gifts. It's hard to believe people would send baby gifts to Robyn - blech!

    8. MBW...I seriously think she had a baby registry somewhere. Before that she was crying & whining that none of her kids ever had cribs. So that generated tons of sympathy. Come to find out, that she conviently left the part out about her preferring to co-sleep with her kids.

  16. Without a doubt there will be another season, and another, and another. This trainwreck is not going away anytime soon. There will be weddings and more babies. TLC loves this stuff and viewers tune in too. If the producers read this blog all I ask is please, please in future episodes let there be less rehash and less Robyn.

  17. The Joker's blog mentioned one thing I found interesting that came allegedly came out of Meri's chats...IF. it is factual !!

    The Browns are paid a bonus for doing talking head spots on top of their usual TLC cut.
    * Would really love to know if this is true !! *

    Because if it is true, considering how often his manic mug is on display solo, Kody-Idiot must pocket more $$ than the other four put together. Can anyone call to mind *any* epp since day one where Kody isn't strutting and spouting his verbose opinions and descriptions before and after *every* freaking clip or action ?? I can't !!
    And if true, Sobbin certainly is getting preferential treatment too considering how often she gets to "so importantly" in-articulate her confused, little thoughts. More $$ for her.
    Also, if nothing else, Meri sure has had her share of rather lengthy TH spots too, this season.

    But too bad for Janelle and Christine.
    Apparently not too many lucrative TH bonuses are ear-marked for those two.!!

    1. I doubt this is true. They are paid a set rate, per contract, for each episode. Their contract may specify that they're paid a bonus if they film anything additional like a reunion type show that takes place on many other reality shows, but the talking heads are part of the episode, so they'd be included in the "per episode" contracted fee.

      A few years ago when the Gosselins were going thru their divorce and there was lots of conflict and media interest, etc., a few of their contracts were posted online and there was no mention of extra pay for talking head spots. Of course I don't know what's in the Brown contracts, I'm guessing the contracts w/TLC still follow the same basic premise which was, a set amount per episode and that set amount included everything that was involved in each episode from filming, to doing extra shots, to talking head spots. Reality tv contracts are pretty non-specific and the networks own their participants, body and soul, and can manipulate the stories any which way they please.

    2. It sounded improbable.
      Odd thing, though, for the Joker to make up if she didn't actually hear it from Meri.
      Who knows.....???

  18. OMG, the latest post on that blog sounds like a passage from some tween's diary.
    NO WAY is that a grown ass man writing that stuff.

  19. If Meri has spoken out publically about her being a victim of a catfish, and also confirmed that it is a WOMAN, how is batman still insisting it's a man?
    I think Meri needs to provide details of how she knows, for sure that it's indeed a man.

    1. The murky quagmire of the internet makes the truth a slippery thing. This hit home yesterday when I realized that I was dealing with someone online who was not what they might appear or wish to appear to be, could be dangerous, and at the very least was a emotional-regulation challenged semi-whacko.
      So, all of you fine people on this blog, and I know there are many (this I believe), watch out and don't be too quick to trust, especially online. Being more cynical (Cynical:)) can be a good and smart protective mechanism.
      "Proving" things, even in a court of law, can be tricky. Look at the OJ Simpson trial. Or, on a lighter note, to "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules" in which Greg and his older teenage brother Rodrick host a huge party against their parent's wishes while the parents are away. When the dad finds actual pictures of the party and confronts Rodrick, Rodrick says "That's not me."..."That's not you?!"... "NOPE". Plain crazy.

    2. I wonder if Meri really knows that her CF was female - for sure. I think she has, at least, a nagging doubt in the back of her mind about who the person really is/was.

  20. Finding these tweets of Kody and Meri quite interesting. First, in order for Kody to claim that the family stands in solidarity, they would have to be a family in the first place. We haven't seen this in quite some time. These four women seem to have become acquaintances and neighbors at best, with King Baby making the rounds to dip his wick, so to speak, in each as he sees fit. Actually, I doubt that he's got a normal, active life with any but Robyn in that regard. Couldn't agree more that they have become more secular in a rapidly escalating way. Their form of the "lifestyle" is anything but a testimonial. As for Meri? I find her tweet listing the characteristics of emotional abuse to be disingenuous (or self-deceptive). These are ALL qualities we've seen in Meri herself back in the day. She's had no problem whatsoever attacking, blaming, shaming, twisting, playing the victim, manipulating, controlling, coercing, criticizing, escalating, and giving her sister wives the silent treatment. Maybe Validation Nation is right and this catfishing thing has knocked her down a peg, but until very recently she was Queen Baby in that family - a perfect fit for King Baby. If it turns out she was genuinely catfished, well, no one deserves that and the act should be punished (does anyone find it strange that this "catfish" even after being exposed, continues with the ruse?). However I stand by my original thoughts that she played along one-hundred percent, up to and including sending a virtual stranger provocative pictures of soapy bare thighs, underwear, and nipples. Now they want to play this whole thing out on national TV? Some things are best dealt with in private, in my opinion. Especially when you have 17 children watching with wide-eyed attention. Adult matters should be handled in adult ways - privately. I think they are all just terrible for milking this for dollars. I too would be very interested to know what their church thinks of them now.

  21. Last week I took a road trip to Zion Natl Park in southern Utah, which is amazing, btw! I went about 20 miles out of my way and drove through the Mecca of Plygdom, yea, even Colorado City/Hilldale. Wowza! It's situated in a geographically lovely high desert place, but looks very shabby and virtually deserted. There were a few children in fundamental dress here and there but no adults out. Near what looked like a park there were basketball standards with the hoops removed. It struck me as a pretty depressing place.
    I had the occasion to meet Sam Brower a couple of months ago when I saw his documentary, and what he says is occurring with the FLDS is seriously disturbing. I can't help but have compassion for these people.

  22. I had a few observations and comments to make being a fan of the show, as well as having a master's degree in clinical social work. First the reactions I saw from everyone at the Alaska dinner where Meri was talking, seemed very typical and normal. First it was very obvious that the topic of Meri leaving had been discussed before with the adults. Having no questions such as what? Where is this coming from, why do you feel this way? Leads me to believe this has already been a topic of discussion many times.

    Secondly it is very common for a person who is having an affair, rather physical or emotional, to start withdrawing from the family. In most cases, the person does not tell the spouse about the affair, and continue to grow distant and the weight of the guilt combined with the desire to want to leave the marriage but being afraid of the judgement or reaction of others, can cause the person to display signs of depression. The family sees the change and wants to help but is confused as to why the person is depressed.

    In this case I believe the Brown family believed the catalyst was Meri's daughter going away to school and her having a hard time being an empty nester., and that was leading to her depression, and pull from the family. The family asks what they can do to help, thinking she just needs time. It's quite a common scenario a family being confused and not knowing the real reason is because the person has made a decision to leave and be with the person they are having an affair with.

    Often times women are confused and believe their husband is depressed or stressed from work and within months the spouse has left them for another woman. Meri was displaying many of the characteristics of a person who planned on leaving the family, and then once removed from that situation, would then tell the family she is with someone else.

    In my opinion at the moment even though she was catfished, I still believe Meri needs to take time away from the family at this point. It is too easy to focus on being catfished, or making herself a victim, then to look at the very real problems going on in her life and marriage. It is not uncommon for women in polygamy to be depressed or have low self esteem. For once Meri believed she was desirable and beautiful from a man who wasn't her husband. Her confidence and self worth went up. Now finding out that she was catfished, could very well cause her to believe that she should have known better, that no one would really find her desirable, and her self worth will plummet.

    And if she believed her husband was distant before this scandal it can only get worse at thevmoment. Her husband will feel a total lack of trust and may pull further away physically and emotionally. I would suggest individual counseling for both and if they both agree to work on this, then long term marriage counseling.

    1. Great comments! It is too bad that if Kody and Meri did get counseling together he would just ignore all advice and do what he wants anyway i.e. Kody and Christine building the rock tower. I won't be surprised when Meri leaves in the next few years she appears so miserable.

    2. So insightful, thank you. Would also seem ismthis situation that the spouse potentially being left behind (Kody here) would blame himself but he doesn't seem concerned.

  23. someone is tweeting Meri's suggestive photos back to her and saying "threatened, really?" i did not know it was even possible to do that..not tech savy, but that has to be disturbing to Meri and the Brown's to find that on a twitter feed.

    1. Send me a pic of you in the bathtub or else! Ha.

    2. Good! I feel badly for Meri but she needs to own up to her actions more instead she's blaming someone else entirely which is so typical for her.

    3. Can so eone share a screenshot of that? Wow!

    4. It's a shame that she didn't know or that no one taught her that anything sent electronically is forever. I am shocked at what she would send...seriously. Even snapchat! I don't trust any of that and think we all should be a bit more vigilant.

      I agree too that she won't learn anything from this escapade because she is convinced that she has no guilty part in this relationship. She is a horrible representative of a victim. I don't want to victim shame which is why I think she is not a victim in pursuing an online relationship. She was mislead which I can imagine would make her feel betrayed, hurt, vulnerable, etc. However, she is a victim of being catfished. But as meow mix said, "Send me a pic of you in the bathtub or else! Ha."

      I also want to state that I don't typically post but am a long-time reader. I have been following this blog after its start and followed the sister wives blog before that. I have never felt attacked in the few post I contributed. I also have never seen such disrespect as I have seen these last two days. I want to thank Cynical Jinx for creating an atmosphere of respect and grace. I also want to shout out to those long-time posters! You all rock.

    5. Anon @ 4:05pm, I agree. If Meri had admitted to her part in the affair, I'd feel differently, but she is pointing the finger at everyone but herself and I'm finding if impossible to feel any sympathy for her.

      She's an adult and no one forced her to send those photos or to speak those words of love or to write those texts. She was a full and willing participant and she's not doing herself any favors by pushing the blame onto some big-bad-catfisher. She'll never recover and find emotional maturity and health w/o the help of a good therapist and an honest look inward.

    6. She didn't have an affair. She is a divorced woman.

    7. It is a pretty sticky situation .If one's boyfriend you are dating messes around with another girl people would frown on that. People like to know if they are in an exclusive relationship or not. They want the ground rules.This is another reason polygamy does not work. You can be a single Mom for gain or in a spiritual marriage for appearances.You are committed or not committed on whim. They don't want to play by monogamous rules or polygamous Mormon rules and I guess flouting the rules,laws,standards and code of ethics so important to others means nothing.II agree with Anon 6:10

  24. Sounds like a reasoned explanation Sunshine 29. The Brown's have spent the past 5 years or so wrapped in family solidarity and modesty, so it a bit of a shock to see Meri stray so far from the narrative. Of course we all new he could not satisfy emotionally and physically 4 woman no matter how much they tried to say or demonstrate on their show. Ever since this family got enough money to induldge what they really wanted and did not have to all live together and work together it fell apart.

  25. So I didn't realize until reading the above that Spirit Baby #492 was conceived in Hawaii. As someone who LOVES to travel, the inequity of Kody's trips with other wives would probably bother me more than him sleeping with other wives (OK, well maybe not MORE, but close... :). I'd love to see how the vacations per wife break down. It seems he took Robyn to Hawaii and Christine to Texas with their shrink (yeah, that TOTALLY seems equal). Does anyone know the rest of the breakdown over the past few years?

    1. Didn't Robyn tweet that she's the one who supposedly paid for the Hawaii trip?? I'm thinking Kody helped pay too!

    2. How can Robyn pay for anything on her own? Shouldn't all money earned go into the family pot? She only has two methods to earn, tlc and the hobby business. I think Janelle has put in plenty to the family account but I don't think she has taken multiple honeymoon trips with Kody. The thing that would bug me the most about being in this family is the inequity of how resources are shared (time and money). No wonder the kids split just as soon as they can.

    3. Exactly Double Chin! That's what makes Robyn's claim so suspect! I can't remember her exact tweet but it was something along the lines of saving her grocery money?! IMO, she just wanted to take the heat away from kodouche.

  26. I think everyone has covered anything I could remotely say about Meri and the catfish but on to Robyn...Did anyone notice the Debbie Downer music that started playing when Robyn started speaking in the couch segment regarding Maddie's boyfriend? I like to think that the producers are as sick of her as the rest of us.

    1. I wondered about that music, too! It seemed so weird and out of place, compared to the rest of the music in the show. I guess TLC is trying to drum up some drama and needed to use serious music to do it. I still say I don't care what Robyn's opinion of Caleb is- who cares what she thinks?


    Interesting site concerning the catfish.

  28. Stop feeding the instigating trolls that keep hiding behind Anonymous! They can't thrive, if they have no negative energy to feed on. Now I know all the anons aren't the same, but I'm referring to the mean spirited ones that's looking for an argument. Just wanted to put this out there!
    Carry on peeps!

    1. Yes !! Just posted the same thing up-thread.

      ** Please Stop Feeding Them **

      Annoying as they are, trolls are not worth your keystrokes.
      And not worth giving them any oxygen here.

    2. Caramel, you are so right. Two wrongs do not make a right.
      How clearly the microcosm of a blog can give insight into the macrocosmic problems of the World.
      I will do my best.

    3. Wiser words were never spoken..... And I apologize to the board for my part in that dialogue. I just couldn't resist. (I know, no excuse!).

    4. Let's all agree on a mantra for CJ's Living Room !!

      **** IGNORE Trolls !! ***

    5. CJ's place just caught on with the hip crowd? Trolls who insult all of us old geezers in here? Can't imagine their interest in this boring room unless they feel obligated to defend the Brown Circus for some reason. Not too many other reasons to waste their time puking out idiotic insults .
      Don't they have selfies to be taking and cut n pasting endless quotes and making wish boards?

    6. I feel the macro aggressions and the micro aggressions so badly that I may need a safe space. I'm gonna go out in my car & sulk for awhile.

    7. United we stand. Keep calm and ignore the idiots.
      Funny post, Las Vagrants.

  29. Don't they have selfies to be taking and cut n pasting endless quotes and making wish boards?

    Sounds like Meri!

  30. I don't have an uncle who will defend my honor or anything like that so I guess I'll vote thumbs up on the 'no feeding the troll' motion. However, if needed, I always have a can of whoop ass or troll spray handy.

    1. Bad Boy in need of a SpankingNovember 18, 2015 at 5:34 PM

      My "Uncle" named "General Grievous" will "get you" in the middle of the night. I'm his "niece" with a "time machine"....and I've got some stock in the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you.

    2. Hahaha General Grievous? Beauregrad Grievous of the Alabama Grievousssuses?
      We dated way back! You mean that bridge stock he gave me is no good?!!

  31. I can't figure out how not to be anonymous.....

  32. Wow. It's quite a crowd at CJ's lately. It sounds like someone is feeling frustrated about having her social media revoked by Kody...

    I think you handheld youself well, Bemused.

    1. That or the edict was given to show solidarity cuz ya know how united they all are. (unless we're talking legal names or pecking order or trips or a zillion other things) Rally the wagons, put on the armor and steer the conversation away from the cracks in the plyg life? Or maybe a garden variety nest of trolls that wanted to slime around?

    2. Thanks, Mock Purity. It was a good challenge for me to stop directly confronting the niece of General Xavier.

  33. Can someone who is twitter literate tell me if the tweets between JO and Meri show up when Kody goes onto his twitter? Kody doesn't seem the type to go digging through his wive's tweets, so I wonder if all their exchanges went un-noticed. I just get the impression that Kody is so self absorbed that he doesn't believe that any of his wives would step out on him and even now doesn't understand the full situation. There are a few pictures on JO's blog that I doubt Kody has seen because if he did I don't think he would be so publicly understanding.

    1. I bet his newly installed #1 wife kept up with Meri's tweets and reported ad nauseum back to Kodouche.
      His dumb act doesn't fly with me. If nothing else I'm sure that TLC has had many strategy meetings on how to present this with them all. By now even their kids must have read & seen it all.
      and that's unfortunate.

    2. I can see Robyn doing that! Running to Kody being a sneaky tattletale like a little kid. Lol

  34. Has anybody else noticed how secular the Browns have now become over the years? Its quite a stark contrast from Season 1. A particular episode comes to mind early on when Logan said a curse word. The adults were all horrified when they discussed it during a couch interview. Now you see these words used by them all the time. Then we saw Christine talking about drinking her wine. It makes me wonder what their church think of them now.

    1. An article at, written Sept 2014 stated that
      "Despite their reported devotion to their religion, which has governed their polygamous lifestyle, the Brown family of TLC's Sister Wives may no longer be as religious as they claim.

      According to a recent article in the Salt-Lake Tribune, the family has had hardly any contact with members of the Apolistic United Brethren-the religious organization they claim to be a part of that allows them to practice their polygamous lifestyle-since fleeing Utah and moving to Las Vegas back in 2010.

      "It's a peripheral relationship," David Watson, the priesthood council member who acts as the AUB spokesman told the newspaper."

      We're not the only ones that see that beyond claiming multiple wives who all live separately they seem to have little in common with the religion they say commands this practice

  35. Anonymous 4:45 PM, I totally agree. I have a hard time taking them seriously since they seem to abandon everything about their religion except the polygamy part. Like what do they believe? I guess they believe in money.

    1. Very good point. Money seems to be their new religion. They definitely cherry pick the parts of their religion they want to follow and ignore the ones they don't.

    2. The only time the Church of Kody assembles is when TLC cameras are rolling & on paper for Tax season. I'm willing to bet they commit some sort of tax fraud under the banner of religion.

    3. Let me clarify the church of Kody^^
      When they have company staying in their house & TLC cameras are rolling ;)

    4. And how times has that actually happened? Two, maybe three? Four at the most in 6 years.
      I remember one where one of his older daughters refused to participate, saying in effect, it was all for show and she didn't want to be part of it. Anyone else remember that?

    5. Yup, I remember. It was Mykelti & it was early on when they were in the rental homes.

  36. Don't get me wrong, they can believe or not believe what they'd like to. But one of the more compelling things about the show in the first place was learning about the facets of their faith and seeing their down-home Lehi UT life. But I don't mean to rehash, as a former lurker, I have seen this topic be addressed. They should realize though, that things like making a big deal about "not drinking" because of their religion and then all of the sudden saying, "Truly can drink hot chocolate and I can have my wine" like it's the norm we know for them makes everything they say seem disingenuous.

    1. Disingenuous could be an apt synonym for Kodyworld.

    2. The thing is, if they're moving away from their questionably cultish religion and becoming more secular and modern, I'm all for that. More power to them.

  37. Meri saying she has been pulling away from the family because she wanted to protect them from her catfisher is the biggest load of horse$hit. She pulled away because she wanted her new love interest and her mind was elsewhere. Nothing wrong with that, she IS a single woman, I just wish she would be honest. And Robyn needs some acting lessons to learn how to cry real tears.

  38. Tonight I went back to season 1 and watched episode 1 (the pilot) and episode 4 (Christine in labor).
    watchseries (dot) li It's free to stream all seasons/episodes.

    WOW. just WOW. :o
    What a difference 5 years makes.
    The wives and Kody were likeable, friendly, positive, supportive and familial, not just to the audience (me) but to each other!
    Fast forward 5 years to Meri---sullen, bitter, orange, distant, mad......
    to Janelle---vacant
    to Christine---manic
    to Robyn---manipulator, schemer
    It makes me so sad that these people allowed TLC and the almighty dollar RUIN their lives.
    TLC....The Lucifer Channel.
    nuff said.

    1. 100% agreed. It's a whole world of difference. Watching the early episodes makes me understand how they were all so hoodwinked by Robyn--she really played the part of the sweet new wife to a T. The kids say that they're excited for Robyn to join the family because she's so cool and young. Oh how times have changed.

    2. I don't like to criticize the outward appearance of others so I will just say this, it has only been five years and yet they have all aged SO much in that time! This is on top of what you noted above, realityisnotreal.

    3. realityisnotreal-- Now THAT was an excellent exercise in either "Look how far we've come" or "Look how far we've digressed" (which seems much more apt). Very interesting & telling experiment you've run, (& very sad too).

      So much for polygamy multiplying love-- sounds more like dividing down to the very lowest denominator (sobbin).

    4. It is really jarring to watch the first episode and compare it to how the browns are now. We know things weren't perfect back then, but I think 3 things happening totally ruined them. 1. The move from one house to living in separate houses in Las Vegas which is a totally different environment where they don't all get to see Kody and each other every day. 2. The addition of energy sucker Sobyn. Aside from the obvious aspects that adding a much younger and thinner wife with a ton of baggage and an agenda was a terrible idea, the wives went from having aprox. 10 nights a month with kody to 7 if they're lucky. 3. The reality show which gives them money at the expense of their privacy and some semblance of dignity.

  39. A tweet on the comments on the page with the Twitter feeds caught my eye. There are two people who claim to be friends with Meri in real life, Elisa Furr (?) and a Jen with a username of vegan something or other. One was making it clear that the stalking took place after Meri ended it. It was in response to the photo someone posted of Meri in the tub asking if she was threatened to send it or something. There were also saying that the CF was following Meri for 4 years, gathering information. They were both insisting that they are there for her, etc.

    It made me wonder where they were when the relationship was happening? I read the catfish/Meri tweets back in March, after a comment was first posted to this blog asking if Meri had a boyfriend. I didn't think much of it at the time, but noted that he kept talking about a girlfriend but not tagging her in his tweets. It was possible she existed but didn't have a twitter, but I doubted it. Then he offered Mariah a job in one of his offices. I knew then she was being set up and scammed. I think the batman username went private after a few days and I stopped caring.

    It was commented here and everywhere on the web that the story he was telling didn't make sense; no millionaire businessman with offices in several countries would have time to tweet constantly, etc. Where were her friends then? Did she not tell them either? They are standing up for her now and telling people that she was threatened (which I actually believe; that woman is psycho and is posting private info) and that we don't know the whole story or how bad it got for her. Well, she didn't tell us the story. She stayed mum.

    Were her friends silent through the whole courtship or did they believe Sam was real too? One, Jen I think, said that someone tried to hack her multiple times after Meri discovered the fraud. And that Meri was receiving texts and calls that said where she was and where she had been. Then asked, "What would you do? Report it to the police?" someone replied that yes, they would, there would be evidence of stalking, and hoped psycho went to jail and the friend agreed.

    I guess I find it interesting that no one in her life knew about Sam, or if they did, didn't know he was a fraud. It's obvious in hindsight, but it was pretty clear at the time, too. Strangers on the internet were telling her he wasn't real, but her family and friends apparently didn't say anything. I'm not sure Kody, Janelle or Christine had a clue it was even going on, because they are clueless and rarely on Twitter. I don't know that I believe Robyn orchestrated it, but I think she had to suspect he wasn't on the up-and-up before they took their tweets to texts.

    Also, for those who don't know how to use a name == under the comment box there is a "Comment as" and then a drop-down box that says "Unknown" on the screen. Click the arrow and choose "Name". Make up a name and leave the URL box empty and Walla - you're no longer anonymous!

    1. WOW!!! I didn't realize I was so wordy.

    2. My long post disappeared after I replied to it. I guess Blogger didn't like it. I'm going to give it a minute to see if it reappears, since Blogger is weird sometimes.

      I did mention how to not be anonymous though and will restate it. Under the comment box there is "Reply as:" followed by a drop-down box. Choose "Name/URL" then make up a name and leave the URL box empty and Walla! You are no longer Anonymous!

    3. Thanks Christina, I'm now no longer anonymous...literally.

    4. But still can't type lol.

    5. Thank you for the info - I've been posting here and on the previous Sisterwives blog as anonymous for years - so here goes!

    6. I saw that, but thought I had to enter a URL, so declined....

    7. Christina, Thank you very much for posting how to create a user name, I think you brought many Anonymous posters out of the closet!! It is great to see new names on the blog! Welcome!

  40. If I were a producer for the Dr. Phil show:

    1. Contact joker and request their side of the story...promising to help with legal fees and psychotherapy, etc. Must take lie detector exam and come clean about catfishing history.

    2. Contact Browns and offer them Dr. Phil's family spot for the next year. They come clean about living polygamy...lie detector tests for all. They each get psychotherapy as well as life coaches with their various disorders.

    The major problem would be the primary narcissist face off : Dr. Phil vs. King Kody

    1. Lol! Love it! A most excellent idea!

    2. Great idea ! would love to watch that one.

    3. The Browns as a Dr. Phil family. I LOVE it. Oh what a giant everlovin' snark fest it would be.

    4. Except it would be un-watchable. Dr. Phil has as many, if not more, 'coming ups' and 'previouslys' before and after the commercials as Sister Wives. There would only be 5 minutes of new (and snarkable) content per show/viewing. Yowza.

  41. Hi CJ! Long time lurker, 3rd time poster!! I have been watching Sister Wives since day 1, and have always been fascinated with polygamy (even though Polygamy USA was a better/more realistic portrayal). It's so sad to see how much this family has grown apart over these years and how they sold their souls to the TLC devil for some quick cash.

    The 2 main points I noticed in the 2 Alaska episodes:
    1.) Kody's son's DO NOT respect him and see right thru his BS (we've seen it in the past too)
    1b) Did anyone else hear Jangle basically tell him just chill you only have a few more years then you can get away??? Sheesh! Not something a loving family usually has to tell each other
    2.) When they were at dinner, Robyn pretty much told Meri she will help her pack her bags to leave and make sure the door don't hit ya where the good Lord split ya! (1 down, 2 to go!)

    Thanks, CJ!

    1. Uggh not Jangle...should have said Janelle* dang autocorrect!!

    2. That's a really good point about what Janelle said to Garrison, shows they're all just tolerating the situation.

    3. I dunno, I kinda like Jangle!

      And I couldn't bear to watch the show-- makes me sick now-- but did sobbin really say/imply that to Meri? Wow.

    4. When Meri said, "Don't be surprised if you wake up one day and I'm gone" Robyn very matter of factly threw in "Well at least let us know where you are and if you're safe." Didn't seem too bothered about it. She tried to have a breakdown about it in her talking head but she couldn't manage to squeeze any tears out.

  42. It was very strange this morning to read through the comments and see my moniker listed! I don't comment often (but read daily--love being here, thanks, all)! Fortunately, I liked what you said, "My Two Sense." Great minds think alike!

    1. Sorry--didn't realize. Thanks for being so nice about it!

    2. Dr. Know, no apologies are necessary! It took me by surprise because I obviously hadn't written the comments, but that's all. I thought it was funny!

    3. Thanks--hope there isn't another Dr. Know here...

  43. Thanks for posting how to be unanonymous - was getting tired of it!!

  44. your living room and the insight all the posters offer to this crazy Brown family. I have watched SW since the beginning and agree with the others that the Brown family characters have changed...not for the better..but that's what money and greed do to people. Like another poster stated they do not seem like a family at all...just neighbors.
    I can't for the life of me understand why these women are hanging on to this self centered manchild. I mean really...what does he have to offer them? He doesn't have a job so no financial security. He cares only about himself and of course the new Queen "B". So why oh why do they cling to this manchild?
    I think Meri really did love Kody at one time. I think Janelle is just comfortable with the status quo and being Kody's buddy. And poor Christine just wants to be loved. She really does need to take off those rose colored glasses and see what a jerk Kody really is. I think she might be Bipolar and is on a raging manic high right now. I feel for her the most.l..just so sad.
    Anyway just wanted to say a few things. I love this blog!

    1. Agree with everything you said (including your name). Meri and Janelle haven't even been wearing wedding rings for a long time. Or did I hear Meri has just recently resurrected hers? Christine is trying out her acting chops in response to Kody's edict that she must love "the family" in order for him to love her. It's so pathetically sad. The whole thing. I find him to be quite repulsive, not the sharpest dude (even when he tents his fingers oh-so-intelligently), and so very full of himself. I can't imagine what they see in him. To the outside world, imo, he looks like a self-involved little perv.

  45. Would it be possible that Kody declares he's a prophet and start another church? Basically a multi wife cult with no other requirements expected? I suppose he could swirl some of the celestial planet stuff in there but mostly the idea is to gather up a few women and spiritually marry them??

  46. I'm not sure whether Kody's declared himself a prophet. Yet. But the rest of it seems to be unfolding exactly as you describe. We don't see any evidence of their religion except for the promiscuity (errr...spiritual marriages) now.

    1. Supposing that Kody as head of his household, has decided that AUB is not quite the faith that he wants to practice anymore................. makes it very interesting. Would Christine, especially , want to abandon AUB principles? Obviously, Meri abandoned the principles of her own free will. Maybe she has gone back to them now?
      Robyn wahted out of the marriage to Jessop cause he wasn't practicing polyg and then she hooks up with a guy who jettisons the spritual part but keeps the plural marriage part?
      These ladies still believe Kody can get them to Heaven??

  47. I am trying to wrap my head around this spiritual marriage thing. At first, Kody was legally married to Meri and spiritually attached (?) to Janelle, Christine, and Robyn. Using their favorite term, Kody "legally divorced" Meri, but kept that spiritual bond. So technically, in our monogamous world, Meri is legally single.

    What exactly is the AUB's view on cheating? To most of us, having more than one partner would constitute an affair. For Polygamy, it looks like you can have a billion wives, but add in any more male partners and you are a heathen. How would that work for heterosexuals? Say one of the Brown Children comes out (like Janelle stated, it is statistically possible), and for whatever reason, decides to remain in the church. How the heck would that work without becoming cheating?

  48. If you'd like a sneak peak at Tamron's upcoming tell nothing - it is up on A full one and a half minute preview.
    No, they did not preview anything to do with Meri and catfish. It was centered on Kody crying on camera about the emotion he felt towards adopting Robyn's children.
    No, they women did not have their makeup professionally done.
    No, the women did not have professional help picking out their outfits.
    Yes, they were all crying. even Kody.
    Yes, Tamron acted as sappy as ever. Covering her mouth in anguish watching Kody cry. disgusting.

    1. Thx, Big Sky !!
      So...all will be scripted Brown BS, as usual. No need to invest any time/energy to watch it.
      Really appreciate the heads up !!

      Seriously, how long and how much do TLC and the Browns think they can milk this adoption farce??? Such grifters !!
      Note to Kody and Co..........No One Cares !!!

      *And Tamron, is this gig really worth it for your career ?? Guess so !! *

    2. Shamming in Las VegasNovember 19, 2015 at 2:44 PM

      Well, there you have it. I had a feeling this interview would be a whole lot of nothing.

  49. . It is not wait for the other foot to drop . It is wait for the other shoe to drop.That is the real expression. If any body part of yours is going to drop off I hope it is your penis not your foot,Kody.You need some acting lessons that fake cry was bad.

  50. That clip just made me ill to watch.
