
Sunday, November 8, 2015

SISTER WIVES Live Tweet Party!!! for Sunday November 8th, 2015

Christine practicing giving Kody a kiss...hey THAT's not Kody!

It's Sister Wives  L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!

Prepare yourself for MORE Mr. Robyn Brown  BLOVIATING!!

While the legal Mrs. Kody Brown attempts to rewrite history at the expense of the Original Three Wives and their families. No family photo will be safe from her edit pen!!!


It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!


Don't forget 90 Day Fiance is on tonight, too! Hey Dani and Mo, come join the discussion!

YIKES!!! We're way over 300 comments! Please continue your discussions here...

Before Y'all Watch the Season Finale of Sister Wives...


  1. Catfish has posted pictures of Meri's house and of Meri in bed in the dark and all the phone texts on his/her twitter feed. She/he is going for harm to Meri tonight.

    1. It is sad Meri gave her such ammunition, and would not have defended any other wife this happened to. I want Meri to stop looking for someone else (another man) to bail her out, pull herself up by her boot straps and MAKE her life happen. She can do it, but only when she stops trying to take the easy way out, the feel sorry for me way out. MERI, GET UP AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. enough of the pity party already. I think you can do this, but you have to want to.

    2. Wasn't that the most stupid thing to do? she lives in a gated house but let this creep in her house to take pictures and use these voice mails and tweets for future blackmail? and the Brown's think they were targeted? Meri gave her/him an invitation to do so.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Milo, where are these posted?

    5. Where do you see what the catfishes posts?

    6. Anonymous, it's on the cat fisher's twitter....

    7. i dont know if its ok to put it on cynicals blog

    8. I believe they are selfies that were sent to the stank fish by Meri. As CJ mentioned earlier, it probably best not to give the bottom feeder ANY kind of attention. I have no desire AT ALL to see/her what she is putting out there. No need to further humiliate Meri.

  2. I'm much more interested in seeing Garrison call out Kody tonight than finding out the gender of Robyn's baby.

    I hope this is their last season.
    However, if they do another season, this is what I would like to see:
    1) Maddies wedding
    2) Updates on the older kids
    3) More attention to the middle kids
    4) Kody courting a fifth wife
    5) Some of his wife's leaving him

    What they will probably show:
    1) Robyn giving birth
    2) All about Robyns new baby
    3) More parties
    4) More trips for Kody

    1. Oh I forgot,
      Another thing/ theme that would keep me interested in another season.
      Kody and Robyn having problems. Real problems. A discord in that relationship would be interesting to watch.

    2. A Grody Little PonytailNovember 8, 2015 at 6:01 PM

      ITA Baylor! I would love to see Kody court a 5th wife and all you mentioned, esp. his original 3 wives leaving. But we will be stuck watching the boring Robyn show.

    3. A Grody Little PonytailNovember 8, 2015 at 6:01 PM
      But we will be stuck watching the boring Robyn show.

      I think we already are...

  3. I agree Baylor, except for I want to see courting another wife going on while Robyn is pregnant, like it was for Christine

  4. What sort of booth is Kody running at a Las Vegas Gun Show? My Sister Wife's Gun Closet? WTH?

    1. Was wondering the same thing. Probably selling his MLM green goo. Not sure that is the right venue for those products though, but never mind, King Kody will have a great time. He'll be able to play with machine guns on his breaks..

    2. Another plus is that when his booth is a bust, he'll be able to write off his losses against taxes.

    3. Must have been added to show us that he has a "job." LOL

  5. A black woman to court would be priceless lol

    1. LOL..yes, that could ONLY be topped by a black woman who in reality was a black man. He , in theory, wouldn't find out until the passionate wedding romp. The dude could sit back and's how I shoulda been all along

  6. but not for the sake of making a point or ratings i hope. annon 3:24 i would not find it funny or entertaining for the sake of entertainment.

  7. I don't even see why Meri would need to skip town. If she was strong enough she could stay right where she is. If the other "cast members" don't want to work with her..not her problem, just send the check per the contract.
    It won't happen that way though. It's already evident that her punishment is to be the Sobby bootlicker just like Christine.

  8. Does anyone know last weeks ratings? How does one check?

    1. The ratings for last week: 1.410 and 0.4 share. You can find ratings at The ratings for the show usually come out on Tuesdays.

    2. The ratings have been holding pretty steady. It'll be interesting to see if they jump up next week - the week they supposedly address Meri's catfishing or as she likes to call it, "personal problems".

    3. A Grody Little PonytailNovember 8, 2015 at 6:09 PM

      Mock Purity sorry if I've already said this, but your name and profile picture crack me up!

  9. On the last thread, there was a query about the relationship between Christine and Robyn/David Jessop's children, as Christine and Jessop are cousins. If Christine and Jessop are simply first cousins then:

    1. Jessop's children with Robyn are Christine's first cousins, once removed.
    2. Christine's children with Kody are Jessop's first cousins, once removed.
    3. Christine's children and Robyn/Jessop's children are second cousins to each other.

    (MrSpock tried to post this on the last thread, but does not see it here is its "repeat" performance) :-)

    1. Thanks for adding that here. So does that also make the kids step-siblings via Kody and cousins!? Too funny.

  10. MrSpock agrees with other posters that Meri needs to find it within herself to stand up and take charge of her life so others will not take advantage of her---and that includes her own family. Meri should not kowtow or crawl or beg for forgiveness, but look ahead, go to school---then, perhaps, someday, find someone who truly cares about her---not as a producer of children, or to massage someone else's ego---but as a loving, kind---and strong---person worth knowing and caring about. The same goes for all four of these ladies.

  11. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 8, 2015 at 5:02 PM

    Robyn's acting credits on-line include not just Sister Wives, but an episode of Just Shoot Me in 1998 (called Steamed--available on YouTube) and a T.V. movie called CMT 2000 Countdown, which I didn't find online. Does anyone know if these credits are accurate? In Just Shoot Me, she is listed as playing a model, though that actress doesn't look or sound like Robyn (the walk looked similar, though). She's listed as playing a cheerleader in the Countdown movie. If these are real acting credits and she had a history of trying to get into acting/onto T.V., it would make me question her choosing Kody Brown just as the Browns were about to start a T.V. show. Well, I questioned that, anyway :)

    1. Sorry, it's not the same Robyn Sullivan Brown. IMDB incorrectly combined the bios of at least two different women with the same name.

    2. I don't believe it's "our" Robyn. I honestly can't see anyone casting her as a model...ever.

    3. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 8, 2015 at 5:20 PM

      Thanks for clearing that up, CJ. The odds must be pretty slim of two women on T.V. starting out as Robyn Sullivan and becoming Robyn Brown.

      Adding to the confusion, Robyn has a sign in her foyer that looks like it says, "Everyone in this house is a movie star." I'll have to try and catch a good look at it. Maybe it says something else. Though if it says that, it certainly would not be the strangest wall adornment in her house. Not even close.

  12. Whoops! Sorry, CJ! Your comment wasn't showing when I made mine. Thanks for clearing that up!

  13. Who takes 24 people (or whatever?) to Alaska for a baby gender reveal? These people are not living in the same reality as I am.

    1. Lucky Alaska...

      Did they visit Bristol Palin, the other Queen of Purity?

    2. Abstinence works. Except when it doesn't...

    3. MàybeChristiñe, Janelle, & Meri will bury Robin in the snow & not tell Kody where

  14. Hold on to your's about to come on....

  15. This whole gender reveal thing---here and elsewhere----well, it is just not MrSpock's cup of tranya. Not trying to put the kebosh on folks out there who do this---but MrSpock prefers things direct and to the point. If you know it is a boy or girl or twins or some combo---and want to share that info with others---then just say so!

  16. Meri is so much uglier when she cries....she ugly anyway but when she cries....and she has been pulling away from the family but trying to protect them....holy bat mobile...she is going there; I think.

    1. yep, it sounds like she's going to play the victim card and be a martyr again.

      I'm so sick of this family. They need to take a close look in their mirrors and own up to their part in all of their problems. It's not the big bad monogamous world with their rules out to do them wrong that is their problem - they're adults and full partners in all of the messes they've gotten themselves in.

      As for Meri, IMO, she needs to look inside herself to figure out why she was so vulnerable to someone's willing ear and kind words and admit she was a willing and full participant in her emotional affair. I feel badly for her about the catfishing part, but that doesn't change anything, or it shouldn't, because her feelings were what they were, no matter who the person really was. She didn't know the difference.

  17. Maddie's fiancee can meet the family in Alaska, but Logan's "significant other" (per Meri) is coming for the whole trip. Did Kody ever have his hormone-swapping talk with Logan? Will he have it on the trip?

    Also, Logan resigns himself that there will be drama on the trip. Why wouldn't they respect his guest?

    These are rhetorical questions. The answers are, "Because it's Brown Chaos," with eye-rolling.

    1. hmm I wonder if only girls get the watch out for the spit-hormone lecture

    2. Bet they are showing boyfriends and girlfriends now in prep for spin-offs.

  18. Caleb has a job and can't just buzz off to Alaska without a care in the world. I like this guy!

    1. Some acquaintance with that industry. He may have a six-figure reason to stay home and, you know, actually work.

    2. Kody mentions that he hasn't seen Caleb in 2 years, which would be since Kody's brother (Caleb's brother-in-law) died. He expects Caleb to bring up the engagement. Again, they reveal how isolated they are from their family and even their own children, while trying to present this wonderful, close family.

  19. Watched the clip of the shopping trip.....
    HOW empty is their "show Idea" supply to have ot film this stupid, stupid scene !!???
    Damn, I am tired of being insulted !!

    1. Christine declared that it's the first time that polygamists have ever gone shopping together - all the moms.

      Janelle's in charge of some dinners: hotdogs ("the good beef ones"). There's her diet secret.

    2. boring !!

  20. Heebie Jeebies! That face Meri makes when she breaks down scares the bejesus out of me. Bet that's a cliffhanger face. We probably won't find out what the constipated beet face is about this week.

    1. True.........Meri is an ugly crier.
      Something she can't help other than refuse to do those scenes.
      But it is not pretty to see.

    2. A Grody Little PonytailNovember 8, 2015 at 6:16 PM

      Constipated beet face... Oh my goodness I am laughing so hard! That needs to be a new screen name with accompanying Meri pic!!!!!!

    3. I saw it in high-def. It's even worse. Under the orange tanner, her skin is really bad.

    4. Constipated beet face!!!! Thanks for making me crack up after the devastating loss by my Cowboys. Not sure how much she will reveal next week but I'm betting she polishes that shit and serves it up to us on a silver platter!!!

    5. Hey, easy now! I'm no glamourpuss when I cry either! Let's give her a pass on stuff she can't help. She'll give us plenty of other things to snark about, I'm sure. Stuff she can control. No offense.

    6. To be fair Meri does choose the perpetual "tan towel" look. And that's what enhances the break down beet face. Meri's catfish situation is far more interesting than any of the boring fakery that makes it onto the show. She and the other 4 adult Browns have played the audience for fools for years with their constant lies about the facts of their life. Hard to have much sympathy when somebody lies to her. But I'm sure Meri will play the victimhood to the hilt. She couldn't help it. Right.

    7. I'm no supporter of this conman and these conwomen, but none of us can choose the faces we are born with so it seems a bit pointless to criticize their looks. I think we've all been conditioned by Hollywood where women cry with completely composed faces while a single tear runs artistically down their perfectly made-up faces. What really interests me is whether she will play the total victim or 'fess up to being really into the idea of running away from Kody. I'd have a lot more respect for her if she was truly honest about it, but I'm sure that's asking too much on the Kody and Robyn Spin Show.

  21. I know this sounds awful and totally off subject, but in my opinion none of the adults are attractive. I have thought this from day one. I keep reading people saying Janelle, Christine, Meri and Robyn are pretty. I am like what the heck am I missing. Kody is far from good looking. Again this is my opinion.

    1. They're all average, you wouldn't give them a second look if you passed them on the street. Kody is a good match for all of them. He couldn't do better, but neither could they. And the saying is that beauty does come from within, and it's sad that their insides are no better than their outsides.

  22. Logan and his girlfriend sound to be pretty serious about each other.

    1. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 8, 2015 at 8:07 PM

      Second Brown young adult publicly in a serious relationship, second Brown young adult officially rejecting polygamy. Very wise of them.

      Mariah was the only one of the older kids who previously expressed a firm desire to live polygamy. Now that her Mom's emotional pain has been turned inside out for the world to see, I wonder if Mariah's thoughts and feelings about polygamy have changed or are changing.

  23. 14 days in Alaska! Thar's a long and expensive trip. Thanks TLC!

    1. And thanks for the $3,000 in groceries that the Browns surely won't be able to consume in the 14 days they're there! And Meri says thank you for letting her purchase so many large bottle of Fiji water, she couldn't even carry them all!

  24. Awesome Garrison! He said, "we're raising a little narcissist!" Regarding Solomon. And yes, advise Grody, someone needs to.

    1. I loved Garrison's comments tonight! He's far wiser at his age now than Kody will ever be.

  25. Boy, Janelle's sons does not like Kody or Robyn's kid.....

  26. Garrison on Sol: "Well, if you raise a little narcissist..."

  27. of Kody's bio girls held his hand and Robyn's girls were not trying to horn in.....they be reading our blog. Yeah.

  28. The Browns discover Fred Meyers--is this exciting or what. Yikes

    1. Instead of putting 10 cartons into a basket one at a time, Christine piles them up in Kody's arms...dumb.

    2. Maybe deep down she wants to bury him.

    3. This brings me back to their bankruptcy papers and all the stores they frequented.I wonder how many credit cards they have now?

  29. The ultrasound date was July 2015 and it was her 20 week ultrasound her due date is January 7. So she . So she's going to be pregnant for 11 months?

    1. Yes, that does not compute.

    2. Sobbin is special.....
      Or the baby will "come early" 9 llbs.

    3. The tweets from the fans and companies in Alaska about the Browns were from early August. So, those Browns must need a month to get an ultra-sound and have their kids write their vacation lists.

  30. On the way to pan for gold, two of his bio daughters are holding his hand and Robyn's clingy kids are not horning thinks Robyn has read the blog and realized how creepy it looks for her grown ass daughter body hugging her step father.

  31. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who is watching and posting! I don't have cable but I am addicted to the snark! I sure do appreciate your comments and the heavy dose of sarcasm.

  32. THAT was awesome! Go Garrison; call 'em out on the bs!

  33. I know Alaska, I love Alaska. How can they make Alaska so boring

  34. Robyn teaching Goldsigging 101...hmmm

  35. Robyn will convince the family that gold-digging is how they'll pay off the four mortgages. It's more profitable than MSWC and LIV.

  36. Truly is so freaking cute...I wanted that short weally badly but Garrison got it. Now she is teasing Maddie and her boy friend.

  37. This week on Sister Wives: Christine squeals like a little girl over something inane, Robyn speaks for everyone, Grody is an attention hog, and at least 2 wives cry.

    Tune in next week for the same thing.

  38. That was one of the most real scenes they've shown all year. Garrisons resentment towards Kodys favoritism of Solomon, and his frustration at Kody was the best. This family harmony is a farce. Someone always is being left out, or hurt by this lifestyle. They never did address the fact that Solomon was getting ready to hit someone.

    1. Totally agree. The favoritism is very obvious and garrison called him out on it. And no one did address the little narcissistic's behavior.

    2. Yes, and now everyone thinks it's soooooo cute for Solomon to say "punch your butt" . I feel like they were all so much stricter with the other children . Did anyone else notice Meri buying the most expensive bottled water at the grocery store? Just an observation that while living on the TLC dime this family could care less about saving money.

    3. Garrison also totally mocked Kody's authority and wisdom.

      Janelle flaunted their wonderful parenting skills: In the talking heads immediately after, Janelle praised Kody and complained about Garrison's parenting Kody's other children. Immediately before the actual incident, she kept on telling Garrison "to just chill," in an authoritative tone. She was so effective.

    4. This scene absolutely infuriated me. It did not appear Garrison did anything out of bounds, but in fact stepped in because no parent seemed to make the correction as it happened. Didn't they say in their book growing up that the kids weren't coddled and things were strict? He's simply doing what he learned, and I think rightfully, called them out for comforting King Sol.

    5. Thanks Garriso. This is the kind of real TLC should be showing. Your observation about Sol is spot on; how could he not be a narcicist when both his parents are.

    6. The comments by the adults to Garrison about letting the adults do the parenting was so un-realistic and I wonder if it was just for the cameras. In what large family do the older siblings not guide and correct the younger ones - none. That's what being part of a large family entails and if it weren't for the older Brown kids not helping with the younger ones we'd probably be seeing them hitting each other regularly - there's no way I'll ever believe the parenting was done only by the adults in this family.

      I wonder also, if this parenting 'rule' may have been instituted when Robyn joined; maybe she didn't like the older kids stepping in with her kids like they do with their biological siblings, the ones they've grown up with their whole lives.

    7. They should listen to Garrison. If Kody or a mom had stepped in, he wouldn't have had to do anything. I wonder how often he feels the need to step up because the adults who should can't be bothered. I don't think they were as bothered by him correcting King Sol as were by him doing it on camera and showing them (esp Kody) up.

    8. I would love to see a special episode narrated by a completely free, uncensored, and unedited Garrison.

  39. Judging from the touching between kids and their SOs I'm guessing they maybe don't put all that much importance on "purity". Yay normal kids!

    1. Agree !!
      Hopefully, those kids did not get THAT gene.

  40. Maddie looks either heavier ..or......pregnant.

    1. Amused, I agree....

    2. To me they all look heavier, not just Maddie.

    3. Yes, they ALL do.
      Including the fact that Meri's lost pounds seem to have been found.

  41. I'm seriously doubting they're going to address the catfish incident this episode so I'm turning the channel. There is really NO content to this show...they tease what's going to happen before the commercial then give a recap of what we just saw when the show comes out of a commercial. Then we get to see the exact same thing as we saw in the preview AGAIN, but with a bit more detail. There just isn't any real content and it's obvious by all the filler.

    1. You appear to be correct about it only being a teaser as it is now 10 minutes to the hour and they still have not done the baby reveal... so the Meri thing must be next week..or else the phone will ring......... :-)

  42. Omg, Kody just called that man an ESKIMO!!!!! He's such an idiot.

    1. The gentleman called himself an Eskimo.

    2. Oh, sorry, I must have missed that. I was switching back and forth between football. I used to travel to Alaska once a week, and that's not the correct term . The natives are Inuits, and most consider the name "Eskimo" to be offensive.

    3. I lived in a predominantly Inuit community for a decade and in my experience Eskimo is not a bad word but rather one that has been reclaimed with pride. Like naming a multimillion dollar corporation Eskimos, Inc. Though that my be a local aberration so I suppose it's good to be sensitive to the issue

    4. I am from Canada and an Inuit woman attends our church she dislikes eskimo and says it is offensive.

  43. the tweets from catfish say Meri stayed in a separate house on the Alaska trip so they could talk at night.he /she posted their conversations during this trip.

  44. I thought it was interesting that all adults were all saying it is not okay for kids to correct other kids...didn't they used to make a point of talking about how parental Logan was towards the kids, and how motherly Aspyn was towards the kids? They need to start watching this show that they're on.

    1. Good heavens. Think how lost most of those kids would be if (especially) Logan and Aspyn hadn't stepped up while they themselves were *growing* up.

    2. its just not ok for any of the kids to correct Robyn and Kodys offspring.

    3. "They need to start watching this show they're on"
      Made me chuckle

    4. They expect the kids to be surrogate parents when it's convenient --like when Janelle preferred to be a working mom rather than being at home, but Kody wasn't available to be a proper dad and Logan had to do it all, including cooking breakfast and getting siblings ready for school. Now these adults criticize an older kid for pointing out the truth.

    5. Yup. Instead of Logan having to get up extra early as a teen to cook for 6 and get the kids ready for school (even if homeschooled in same building), where was Kody to instead make those meals? Where were these wonderful bonus moms to have chipped in? Meri should have been there instead of leaving Logan on his own while she poured cereal for just her and Mariah. More hypocrisy.

    6. Yep. No wonder the kids leave at 18.

    7. So true, all of your comments! And Garrison is just mimicking his father's behavior towards his bio kids. His pompous ass presence would only be required when it was time to "discipline" (basically point out their errors) and then he's gone like the wind. It's the kids who raised themselves, because with that size of a family there is no way in hell they aren't doing the brunt of household/childcare duties. Yes, hypocrites!

  45. Kody thought it would be appropriate to talk about courting Robyn to Maddie and Caleb. And then he was surprised when Maddie was super uncomfortable.

    1. Kody is a moron. He has no sense and cannot seem to read the most obvious cues from his kids.

  46. Re; bio kids hanging all over Kody, shutting out the adopted clingers.....because we all know it is "a first" on the show and too, too obvious....

    I don't think Sobbin read the blog and adjusted, not her. Too selfish.
    I think the bio mothers OR their older kids read the blog enough and got some strategy going and made sure it was for cameras.

  47. Wow---looks like Meri is really going to talk about the catfish episode in next week's finale.

  48. oh lordie complete with a convenient Eskimo (that is not a derogatory term where I lived the Natives had reclaimed the term and used it proudly and/or ironically)to mention plural marriage in their precontact subsistence society where survival was precarious and very few could afford to support more than one wife and when they did it was a matter of necessity--But yeah it's exactly the same thing as you and your lady friends Kody, always looking for validation

    1. And it sounds like it ended in the 1700's, way before Joseph Smith and Brigham Young taught their version of polygamy.

  49. Finally they tell us the catfish is NEXT Sunday. I won't be watching, I'll just come here to get the details. Lame.

    I so don't care the gender of their ten millionth baby.

  50. So this goofball Kody launches into telling Caleb about his courtship with wait for it, ROBYN. A 32 year old divorcee with 3 children is hardly the same type of love story as 19 year old Maddie. Would have made more sense if Kody had talked to non plyg Caleb about he and Meri's betrothal. But then he wouldn't have been able to work ROBYN in.

    1. Wow! Just WOW!! How could Maddie sit there and listen to that? The story of asking the gold digging manipulator's father to marry him. Oh I am so sure he was nervous, (barf) And he was so sly knowing Robyn's step dad really wanted him to marry her...OF COURSE!! She was getting a show and someone who was going to have more than a vacuum, a VCR player, and a 1974 mobile home due to TLC. Just when you think Kody can't top his own idiocy...Wow! Just Wow!

    2. I'm actually not buying that story. Was it on the show? Robyn and her family were overjoyed at the prospect of her marrying a TV star.

  51. After spending over two thousand dollars for a week of groceries it looks like they are eating take out at the reveal party.

    1. That was stupidity at its finest. There didn't seem to be any shopping lists or plan whatsoever. There was no need for the whole crew to go shopping. Plus they bought ridiculous junk. Of course the bill came to over 2800. Did they even buy any fruits and vegetables? Its not wonder that the wives are all overweight (even Robyn was heavier pre-pregnancy than before marrying Kody).

  52. Was the clinging being discussed back when this was being filmed?

  53. Jeez, Hunter gets the chance to call from school, and it's ALL about the baby's gender. Ugh....

    1. I thought the exact same thing.... I'd have been so hurt if I were Hunter. And Janelle had to play along also instead of spending that rare time focusing solely on her son. Sobbin just couldn't stand for it to be all about Hunter for the short time he was on the phone. She had to find a way to bring the attention back to her.

    2. Janelle's kids cannot get a break. Anything regarding them has to be spun to include Robyn. Weird. Robyn is super full of herself to think Hunter was calling about the gender. Remember this is the kid who said Kody didn't need more kids.

    3. I was thinking the same thing. I really can't believe how everything this s a son has been about Robyn. Even his talk with Caleb was about Robyn. He made it sound like he was courting a 15 year old not a grown woman who was living on her own with her three kids.

    4. You know, just once, Janelle can woman up and do the right thing. How about telling them all to back off and let her talk to HER son? How about letting it be about HIM in that moment? I never thought she was a saint in all of this. She's a willing participant, after all. But geez. She deserves none of the respect that people still give her.

  54. Christine has to bring up the Tale of Two Maddies, their graduation film, and we get a flashback. this has to be a budget-cutting measure for the production crew.

    And, after we see them in the polygamist shopping segment, the family is eating take-out salad. All they seem to do in Alaska is eat, so we can see them eat. It's gross.

  55. Janele is saying savannah is a daddy's girl? Kody was so dismissive of her on the California trip. They are trying to put a narrative over their own actions and try to make up for public backlash with theire twitter comments during the show.

  56. Poor Truly has now been deposed by the upcoming princess of Robyn's. Will she have a Disney Princess name like Aurora?

    1. A Grody Little PonytailNovember 8, 2015 at 7:28 PM

      I didn't watch the show but I'm assuming this is the gender reveal you're referring to? I like guessing names like you mentioned, I'm thinking: 1) Elsa 2) hadassah 3) Bathsheba 4) something popular yet with an Old Testament twist like Anna Ruth OR 5) Kobyn, Koby, Rodyn, some crazy mash up of Robyn and Kody.....I'm sure others can come up with better/funnier ideas than me.

    2. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 8, 2015 at 7:30 PM

      Robyn was wearing a Disney princess t-shirt in last week's episode. I'm pretty sure it was Cinderella. Fitting for the episode in which she horrified the world with her revisionist fairy tale.

    3. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 8, 2015 at 7:49 PM

      Second Brown young adult publicly in a serious relationship, second Brown young adult officially rejecting polygamy. Very wise of them.

      Mariah was the only one of the older kids who previously expressed a firm desire to live polygamy. Now that her Mom's emotional pain has been turned inside out for the world to see, I wonder if Mariah's thoughts and feelings about polygamy have changed or are changing.

    4. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 8, 2015 at 8:05 PM

      ^^that was supposed to post after Spock 11/8@6:11.

    5. Nevaeh. Heaven backwards which is surprisingly popular

    6. That's a good guess, Farthestnorth.
      I have a niece & her name is Heaven Leigh & we call her LeLe

    7. A Grody Little PonytailNovember 9, 2015 at 5:07 AM

      Yes farthestnorth! That seems like it could be a real contender!

    8. My first thought when I read here that the latest is a girl: Poor little Truely.

  57. I missed it. Is the baby a boy or girl?

  58. SO relate to whoever ran from the room when the salmon was held up, holding her mouth.
    My reaction was similar to hers having watched this hour of "nothing" ......

    1. I think it was Robyn, and if it was, I'm not surprised. Remember when she snapped because it was snowing on one of their vacations?

  59. So are we waiting to tell the gender until everyone has seen the show tonight? I never really liked the name Solomon, as I remember, Kody didn't either. Wonder what they will be naming the new baby. Whatever Sobbin picks out I guess. She got to name King Sol. That lil one is going to be a spoiled rotten pistol, mark my words. And for four, he doesn't seem to put sentences together a well as most. Not putting down the lil tyke, really, just observed that the last few episodes. With him being around so many adults/older kids, I would think his vocabulary would be more than just three or four words put together.

  60. OOps, seems others were typing the same time i was.

  61. Oh man it was honestly was heartbreaking seeing next week's preview and hearing her say she just wanted to talk to someone.

  62. Janelle could have been a little supportive of her son Garrison taking the initiative to try to right a wrong instead of cutting him off and basically telling him to shut up. The older kids have likely babysat at times and there needs to be a voice of reason when the adults are too busy with their parties and aren't paying close attention to the kid play. Kody or Robyn or even Janelle should have thanked him for bringing it to their attention and then dealt with Sol in a loving but firm manner. Period. No wonder the birth children feel that resentment, the little boy can do no wrong. I recall he used some sort of white-out tape in Meri's office and got it all over her desk and floor -- she thought it was cute and posted photos. Children live what they learn, and they live with one of the biggest narcissists ever.

    1. yeah that was gross. Shut up and let Kody deal with it with his great fatherly skillz

    2. Everyone just needs to bow down to the almighty Kody. Janelle was basically just telling Garrison that there wasn't point in trying to set Solomon straight because he would be grown and free from the family soon enough. Janelle, Christine and Meri all realize that it's pointless to cross Kody. It's sad and I predict that as soon as one of the wives decides to put their foot down and say "no more" the other two will follow suit, leaving just Robyn.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. In my 4 pregnancies I don't remember my husband/their father ever theatrically kissing my fully clothed pg belly, much less being photographed doing so. That tweet photo is just weird

    1. I don't think my DH did either, but it is quite common in pregnancy photos these days.

  65. PEOPLE BREAKING NEWS -- I just got this in my e-mail in-box. Thought it was something important in the world of Hollywood...only to find:

    Sister Wives Star Robyn Brown Is Having a Baby Girl! 'She Kicks Constantly'
    "The whole family is so excited," the reality star tells PEOPLE

    THAT'S breaking news???

    1. Makes you wonder how mch People paid them to send out that "breaking news." Booo People.

    2. "She kicks constantly" is breaking news??


      I'm really on the edge of my seat here.

  66. 1) So I guess we officially have not seen a graduation party for Hunter. I wonder if A) He choose not to have one. B) They had one off camera. C) They had one on camera but it ended up on the cutting room

    2) The incident with Solomon. Garrison was right. That being said, it looked like he was going to hit Mariah and/or Gwen. Then we see Garrison arguing with the adults and Meri comforting a crying Solomon. So did Garrison get after him and that's why he was crying? Who did the comforting? Meri or Kody as well?!
    Also, if you listen carefully to Janelles words, she wasn't disagreeing with Garrison about the probability of Solomon turning out bad. She was just telling him to shut up and not worry about it because he won't have to deal with it. I think everyone knows that Solomon is treated differently and there is a lot of unfairness but no has said anything publicly before now.

    3) Did Robyn just shade Curtis? She made a statement about how closely she was watching him, etc, etc but then didn't tell us her conclusion. She made it sound like she was concerned.

    4) Did Kody just say that of course Truly was going to throw a fit? What about saying a negative comment about Of course Solomon was going to ....

  67. My observations for this show are 1) Christine needs to have her meds monitored more closely. What is with the manic screaming and flapping her hands? 2) It seems none of the older children have any respect for Kody. Garrison and Hunter have always shown their disdain for him right to his face.

    I think it is great that these kids so far will not follow the lifestyle of their parents. Caleb said he is a one woman man and did not know what polygamy was until his father explained it to him when he was 14. I don't think Logan will follow that lifestyle either.

    1. I think Christine is being overly enthusiastic because Kody has commanded her to "Support the family" in order for her to receive any attention from him. I have observed Logan closely when he is on the show,, and it seems like he is starting to become arrogant and bossy like Kody. I honestly would not be surprised if he did follow in Kodys footsteps.

    2. I disagree Piper7 about Logan. He's said all along that he's not living polygamy and I think he'll stand by that. He lived thru not having a father around when he was growing up and he knows the pain his mother experienced from the lifestyle as well as how all of the children were slighted. I think he'll steer clear of polygamy.

    3. Logan has always been the father figure for his full and half siblings, We've known that from day 1. He's bossy because of that. Someone rational has to be the boss.... it's sure not Kody and the Kodettes.

    4. I've long had the impression that, polgyamy or not (and likely not for at least a couple of them), Janelle's boys will be very different husbands and fathers than their own. They've seen and experienced the damage his ineptness in those roles can cause. His *negative* example will benefit their future families.

  68. Meri's tearfull..."They don't know what I have brought into this family".......
    "They don't know"..sniff, sniff....but I am okay with telling all you camera and sound guys....??/!!!
    Uhhh.....This show, these people.......
    Either they are too stupid to be out alone.....are gut level crazy.....or are *very*shrewd fakes.

    1. She doesn't know what she's brought into the "family"?? This is no family. If this polygamist farce was everything they claim it is, Meri should have had plenty of "sister" support. I also had to laugh out loud at Robyn "watching" and assessing Maddie's boyfriend, as if her opinion was needed, or her permission, or her blessing. No. These are four (well three, actually) single women who live in their own homes, who take care of their own kids, who live their own lives, and who for some ungodly reason allow that creepy man to come into their bedrooms on some sort of a schedule and pretend he's a husband. I sincerely doubt even much of that is going on anymore. The ONLY relationsihp that bears the slightest resemblance to a marriage is what he has with Robyn at the moment. This is no family. They don't appear to help each other in any way - they are neighbors. I couldn't help but think of Christine in labor with Truly, alone, in the hospital, and having to call her husband to come. But first, he needed to pack up the remnants of his sleepover with Robyn and smoosh with her before going to Christine. A jarringly different scenario than the sugary bs we just saw.

  69. Haven't watched yet but there are a ton of comments on another board about racist comments made by Garrison. Anybody catch that?
    Something about making gagging noises when he thought someone said they liked black men??

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. So back to the ultrasound. "The date" on the machine read July 31 2015 and GA was 17w4d. Meaning that if Robyn's ultrasounds were not "altered" like everything else in her life, she would be approx 31 weeks preg which means she is in fact due around Jan. 10 2016.

  72. Sheesh, from everyone's comments it sounds like another Brown blockbuster show. They went shopping for groceries and the expected adoration for the new baby from Queen Robyn.
    Snooze fest. It's hard to best the twilight zone portrait episode.

  73. Christine kissing the camel.......... perhaps she did think it was Kody ........ he always gives her the hump !!!

  74. Thanks for the recap.

    Honestly Aspyn and Logan were mom and dad to most the kids. No idea what sol did but to say an older sib doesn't step in completely contradicts their life up to now. Of course revisionist Robyn forgets she didn't live in a combined home. Madison was full of how Logan promised to always keep her safe. Do they not watch the show? Robyn pushed Christine's kids hand away at Christmas. Who else with parent these kids if not the sibs.

    A girl. Do they have a name? She will be ignored. Practice for when she grows up. I think they will merge meri's name with something. Like Meryin? Mody? Doesn't matter. She will change some of their names when she marries again and takes the kids away from Kody. I do hope the baby is fine and she recovers from the labor quick and no complications.

  75. Kody mentioned that Logan and someone else were planning on going to grad school. Anybody know which one? What will they be studying?

    1. I think it was his girlfriend Michele. Not sure what they are studying.

    2. He said Logan and Mariah which I thought was awfully strange because IF she's still thinking she'll pursue medicine, she'd go to medical school, not grad school, plus wouldn't she still have another year of college before she'd be thinking about applying to grad school?

    3. I thought I read somewhere Logan was taking the PA path as well.

      Of course we only know about Mariah and Robyn's kids. Christine's and Janelle's just do the brunt work.

  76. I'm so confused as to why Meri was still texting the nasty catfisher before during and after the Alaska trip. If she had had her big revelation and confession, why was she still carrying on? Is it possible she knew this person (Jackie) was unstable and could out her, just as she has done? I feel sick for her and what she must have been feeling. I don't wish that on anyone.

    1. They were in Alaska the first part of August and Meri was still going strong with her relationship with the catfisher. If the text messages this person is posting are legitimate, she was texting as much as usual and sneaking calls, too while they were working/vacationing. They didn't "break up" until after the AK trip, around the 3rd wk of August. Apparently her 'revelation' didn't come until either the end of the trip or after she got home. We'll have to wait and see how the show is edited and if they tinker with the timeline.

    2. Just a quick note. The "catfisher" is a known liar. Basically any info coming from her side of the story can't be held as truthful. By the beginning of July Meri's Twitter activity with that person had slowed considerably, so I'm not surprised the "catfisher" claims their relationship moved to text messages. Let's wait until the episode actually airs to see Meri's side if this sad story!

    3. CJ, I would love to think there *will* be a somewhat cogent version of the catfish mess coming from Meri next week (well, already taped).
      However, history with this show has proven that it is usually all a shell game of titillating previews that get the viewers logged in for the ratings and then actually airing nothing but innuendos at best, or crafted distortions or outright lies at worst.
      However the producers have decided to spin it with Meri doing whatever dramatic TH's they ordered, Meri's pathetic catfish debacle actually may have bought the Browns yet another season of TLC income.
      Obviously, they needed something scintillating since Sobbin's pregnancy wasn't going to be ratings gold. Not even close !!

  77. So I decided to actually watch a show for myself (on YouTube of course). Now I really know what people mean by CJ "taking one for the team!" Some scenes were repeated at least for times. TLC obviously has a problem finding enough footage for a show (which also explains why what we see is complete drivel). It made me want to scream. I will never waste my time like that again. On a note of humor though, the video seemed to be playing at a slightly faster speed than it should have, so the voices were higher and faster. It took away the fake gravitas they try to achieve by speaking in slow, ponderous voices, and made it crystal clear that what they were saying was complete rubbish!

  78. Once again Janelle allows one of her kids to be embarrassed for the world to see. What is wrong with her??
    Is she that disconnected?
    Is she that passive aggressively nasty?
    Or is she just that dumb?

    So far Hunter was maligned way back when he wasn't thrilled to hear that king sol was on the way and was also annoyed as any boy would be on a camping/hiking trip and had to wait until his father's latest bedmate put on her makeup.
    Then Garrison and Gabriel have a typical brother squabble about seating in the car and that became a major, preview-making scene.
    Last year Gabriel lied about starting a fight with Garrison His interrogation was filmed with Kody as judge and jury while Janelle sat by looking stupid.
    Maddie had her interrogation about her religion preferences earlier in the season and now is filmed looking very annoyed while Kody recounts his courting of "not her mother" but another wife. As if that story will impact the guy who wants to marry Maddie.....*only* Maddie.
    Dies anyone in that adult group (or over at TLC) not see how these adults are coming off?? No one??

    Also watching Kody once again getting his neanderthal thrill, puffing up to impress a person (the older Eskimo who *just happened* to be walking on the trail...yeah, right) about his many wives, his horde of kids was enough to flip the channel.The Idiot has no point when enough will be enough.
    Narcissist to the core !!

  79. I am confused re: Meri's relationship with the Catfisher...Did it all take place via text/email? She thought "it" was a man, right? So, if there were phone conversations, the jig would have been up (unless "it" had an extremely masculine voice). I can't believe Meri wouldn't have smelled a rat pretty early on, if this person made up reasons not to speak to her on the phone, so can't figure out how things went on for such a long time?

  80. So Meri calling catfish a "bastard" in the promo? does this mean they are going to go with it was a man? or not admit it was a woman??? or Meri is so convinced it was a man she just can't go there that it was the woman she went to disneyland with and had in her home??

  81. I guess I am going to be the only one on here that says kids shouldn't discipline siblings. I am NOT a fan of the Brown parenting team, but as a parent who has two children that are 9 years apart, it is a rule in our house that if me or their father is present, the older does not discipline the younger. It causes resentment and attitude problems. Now that being said, I would have dealt with the situation differently. Garrison's complete and total disdain for his father spoke VOLUMES. He really can't stand him! He is probably very hurt and jealous from the obvious favoritism that Kody shows to Solomon and I am sure that Solomon gets attention that Garrison has never received. This has to cause extreme hurt. I agree with an earlier poster as well, Janelle did NOT disagree with Garrison, just told him to be quiet.
    And as far as the joker goes, she needs to give it up. We know Meri was dooped, the text messages could be utter BS, anyone could post texts on the web and say they were anyone. Once a liar is proven to be a liar, nothing they say is worthy of your time. I am very surprised that it is being addressed on the show at all though. Actually looking forward to watching that one.
    And Thank you CJ as always for running this site and giving us such a great place to discuss!
