
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

It's Wednesday!! Happy Hump Day Y'all!

And on the topic of Hump Day....

This portrait is wrong on soooo many levels!!!

I am speechless....

Oh and for all you fans of PolygamyUSA, our friend at The Principle has reported that Kellie and Hyrum are parents of a baby girl! Check out their Halloween pic.* AND there's a picture of Rose Marie Cawley and her's a must read...

*Thanks to Baylor for this information!!!!


  1. CJ, Great to see you!!! And hope you are taking care of *your* life's stuff.
    As you can see, the Living Room guests are humming along fine thanks to your hospitality.

    It is now clearly obvious that Christine is being held emotionally hostage to act positive and cheery (keeping sweet) ...especially to, and anything about, Sobbin and her kids in order to stay in Kody's good graces, meager as they are toward her..
    Looks like a similar dynamic could possibly be true about Kody and the demands Sobbin has made on him. Demands which led to the promises of making her and her kids legal to satisfy her. Easy to imagine that If no demands were met, then there would be no baby OR any *baby-making.* !!!!
    Throw in that the "restructuring" was going to make for good ratings once it all got out....sure, he would be that greedy and malleable to go along with it..
    The whole phony thing could be THAT simple......and that ugly.

    Kody doesn't get a pass here as being just a passive, coerced collaborator.
    He wants her like a horny 18 year old wants it, and she had, and will continue to have, a commanding price. A price which she will set each time. I just don't think the Village Idiot would have thought of this divorce/re-marriage/ adoption sham on his own. He is NOT that smart.
    Slimey and dodgey,, no.
    Not that Sobbin is much smarter, but she is more cunning, and for sure, more desperate, more manic. Kody is text book narcissistic, however stupid.

    Nor do I believe that Meri "has been thinking of doing this for a long time now".....
    A big BS on that one !! More like she was told the plan and that was that.
    Her options were go along with it and spin the heart-tugging tale, or be ostracized.
    Unfortunately, Meri isn't too bright either, as her catfish troubles "validate."
    (ooh, there's that Brown V-word again)

    1. Yes, Amused, Christine is doing what Plyg women have been taught for years "keep sweet". Her mania over the adoption, hand clapping and general over-the-top reactions are 1) part of her personality and 2) trying to stay in Kody's good graces. After all, he basically said "I wont' love you if you don't support the family" (the Galveston trip) and now Christine has turned into a trained seal trying to gain Kody's love back.

    2. Yes, but then did you all hear kodouche's snarky remark about the poor cement guy's ears?( or something like that?
      How Christine's shrieking would scare him away.
      She can't win. I really think he truly dislikes Christine.
      Why doesn't he ever insult sobbin like that?
      No, he bows down to her. Imagine one of the other wives speaking to him like like she did during the party planning? (which was a normal bickering session in my opinion)
      He bit his tongue, told her to calm down, but she went on and on and on...what's it like on the receiving on kodouche?
      Wonder if was sobbin's ex that left HER because of her narcissistic abuse?? These people's true colors come out slowly...I think sobbin has a temper and a truly malicious side to her. Just look at what little we've witnessed?

    3. Love the name, Validation Nation! Yes, Kody clearly despises she keeps clapping and giggling like a lunatic to keep sweet and win his love back.

    4. CPA and Valadation Nation (terrific name, yes)

      No question, his distaste for her is palpable. That "Manson" glare goes overtime for her.
      It is really troubling to witness. And just think, we only get to see edited clips of it!
      Her kids must see it all off camera. How awful for them to witness too.

    5. Oh thank you peeps:)
      She's like a beat up dog, the more she gets kicked around, the more she tries to win his affection. Sad, very sad.

    6. I remember someone posting on this site a long time ago about seeing the Klowns at Disneyland. Kody was furious because some of the kids had wandered off and he was yelling. The poster said that Robyn spoke to him in a very soft voice. That stuck with me and and made me wonder if Robyn does the soft sweet meek thing with him all the time. He likes to be in charge and for the women to keep sweet and not complain or yell. Robyn using a gentle voice has to be a relief compared to Christine's obnoxious, hyper squealing.

      I also remember Robyn talking about how she gets her kids calmed down and in bed early on the nights he stays with her where Christine talks about how her kids spaz out when he comes to stay with her because they want his attention.

      When Kody compares them, Christine comes out looking like a shrill spaz and Robyn comes out looking like a sweet wife. Robyn is very calculated and makes sure she comes out looking good.

    7. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 4, 2015 at 4:20 PM

      When it was just the four women on the couch and they were snarking about Kody, Christine did get up the gumption to sum it up for everyone by declaring: "He's crazy."

  2. When the initial shock and horror passed after first seeing this portrait (can it honestly even be called that!?), the first thing that popped into my head was the scene from "The Office" when Michael Scott's girlfriend came into his office with a christmas card in her hand. Michael had photoshopped HIS face over her husband's (now ex) face of a family photo of her and her kids on a ski trip. Then he used this new doctored photo as his greetings card to be sent out. She was calmly horrified when he told her ""...but what you didn't realize at the time was that I was with you, in a sense, I was in your heart...and next to your kids ""

    I think to make things even worse, if they can even get the fact that she had Dayton smiling ear to ear with bright shining eyes, yet with Asperger's I'm not sure that he ever carries that expression on his face. So a double whammy for that poor is your new daddy because your old daddy doesn't exist anymore and here is the face we want to hang on the wall, because your actual face just isn't good enough for us.

    I think the biggest and truest truth of all is in the actions of the teenagers. Not one of them stay when given the option to go. Not one. At the exact moment that they can escape they make haste to the front door.

    1. My son has Aspergers and he has a bright smiley face. Aspies find reading emotions difficult but they do have emotions and can show emotions.

    2. Yes! I totally thought of The Office with Michael Scott's cutting out the ex and putting his picture in. A seriously horrible idea for both Michael Scott and for the Browns. Seriously troubling.

    3. Kids with Asperger's smile plenty...although this is really Kody and Robyn's fault for that misperception, because they want us to believe that his autism is the cause of his doubtful feelings and confusion. Um, no, it's the fact that you are screwing him over and everything in his life is topsy turvy.

    4. Yes he can smile. The emotions are not always fitting to the situation. He will always look confused since it's ridiculous how they expect him to react to stuff even if he were not on the spectrum.

      Just wait until king Sol and the new baby are pictured with a younger version of her next love.

      Of course he wasn't smiling in Kodys arms as a small child.

      Kody would have had Logan, Aspyn and Mariah in the same photo. I'm surprised she didn't add her three to those kids or her oldest to kids of Kody around the same age. Proves she isn't a polygamist. She just wanted to marry one. And she picked a family where no other wife would be having kids.

      Wrong. The removal of parental rights and this revisionist history is unforgivable. But TLC is rebooting the Duggars. Yes the child endangerment parents and other family will be part of the specials. Well isn't that special? Waiting for mama June to come back any day.

    5. Yes, sure, Aspies can and do smile.
      Key for them is that the subject makes some sense to them.
      Doubtful that any of this has made sense to young Dayton. By all the clips shown, he did his best to give those adult freaks what they wanted him to do for the cameras.
      *he should get combat pay for his efforts*

    6. Roslyn, good catch! So they copied their entire storyline from Big Love and now they are copying the Office??? Holy cow! Maybe we should start sending them scripts from shows for some new ideas

    7. hmm. Breaking Bad? at least that would be interesting!

    8. I was a school bus driver, drove children with all kinds of disabilities. Kids with aspergers can't stand change. If I deviated from route they would get upset & the aide would have to calm them down. Most r very smart if I was out they could tell the driver the whole route. When I saw picture I wondered who the kids were. They don't look like him at all. Very sick people.

    9. I was a school bus driver, drove children with all kinds of disabilities. Kids with aspergers can't stand change. If I deviated from route they would get upset & the aide would have to calm them down. Most r very smart if I was out they could tell the driver the whole route. When I saw picture I wondered who the kids were. They don't look like him at all. Very sick people.

    10. 5th wife,
      Good post !!
      Which is *why* at the dinner at Sobbin's house with A-hole Kody, Dayton asked clearly a few times exactly where the judge/lawyer-signing meetings were to be held.
      Aspies need to know the agenda. HE needed to know!!
      They need to know in advance so there are no surprises to have to confront that can take them off their comfort zone. They plan ahead to visualize what is going to happen.
      That is their coping mechanism.

  3. Can I be so bold as to beg you, CJ, for a screencap of Logan's face when he saw, "portrait?" It was just such a purely shocked expression of "WTF IS THAT THING?!?"

    Logan's reaction was my favorite part. My second favorite part was Meri's extremely underwhelming reaction to her lovely new piece of joolry that signifies for all time that her usefulness to Kody and Robyn is over.

    1. The expression on Logan's face was the best part of the entire season so for for me. Another boy, looked horrified too. I can only imagine the crazy things these poor kids have seen on the cult-duh-sac of polygamy. Robyn's Twitter melt-down showed the world her true cray colors and she just keeps letting her cray out more and more as time passes and I don't think it's going to end well.

    2. I'm going to have to go back and watch that part. That photo is beyond creepy. . Meri is a terrible actress, she cannot even pretend she's happy when she repeats, "it's not about me, it was for the children" she looks like someone who's been heavily medicated repeating the lines she's been programmed to say. When the kids gave her that necklace her facial expression didn't change. I'm not quite sure why Christine is squealing and jumping around like a newborn piglet, because neither Robyn, Kody, or the three kids acknowledged her at their fancy dinner. Shouldn't all of the Moms received a present? I guess not when it's the Kody and Robyn show.

  4. I feel sorry for the artist. He is quite talented and just trying to support himself in a new country. Little did he know that the TV exposure he would receive would be at such a creepy cost. I am sure he went home after his meeting with Robyn and was like WTF.

    1. Ha no kidding. I'm sure he could be hired by Disney, since he's so good at portraying fairy tales!!!!!

  5. This portrait is uber creepy!! She would've been better off getting a recent portrait of her, Kody, Sol & DAB. Since now they're a family. Creating a moment in time that never even existed is weird & just not right!!

    1. Creating a moment in time that never even existed.....

      Stated perfectly! Totally agree!

    2. It's a job. I don't blame the artist.

    3. Isn't there some deal with their cult when Robyn got "sealed" to Kody then DAB were also sealed to him and they actually believe the kids' blood changes? I know I read that weirdness somewhere. Maybe she really believes she can change history. Wouldn't be surprised to see Kody photoshopped over their real dad in all the family photos.

    4. See Below--This was written as a comment. Follow the link to see. I think this gives insight into what the Browns were thinking. I don't know who wrote it. For all we know it could be Meri's catfisher but it sounds like it might have been written by a cult insider.. It's disturbing.

      mosesknowses Candy Cane • a day ago
      "Jessop took Robyn's virginal purity before Brown had an opportunity to protect her honor. Kody feels intense guilt over not being able to be the first to have sexual relations with Robyn when she was young. His only option now is to implant in the children's belief's that spiritually he was there with them when they were small, guiding and nurturing them as needed. Embedded in their past lives is where he believes he should be to successfully modify their memories. Destiny, Robyn agrees, made an error. She and Kody are simply attempting to rectify history."

    5. thats's some f@*#*!/% up s@$!

    6. I for one, hope his shark infested brain will not allow him to fully believe this spiritual hocus pocus. I hope he always has the niggling thought that in real life...her vajaayjay was dirtied up before he came along and no amount of prayers, revisionist history, no new names will EVER make it pristine.
      The shiny will wear off that shrew one day and he will treat her just as disrespectfully as he does the others.

    7. Funny you mention shark. I was thinking the show just totally jumped the shark with this bizarre painting.

      Meri looks miserable and is extremely inarticulate. Example: "I have all these emotions." Repeat over and over. Never explain or identify, just act like existence of emotions is a problem. Obviously, the legal piece of paper meant more to her than her religion dictates. Spit it out Meri. Stop lying and acting like a martyred saint. And by the way, should Robyn really be buying diamond necklace consolation prizes when the family has all those children to feed, clothe, and educate?

    8. Yes, what was wrong with giving Meri the latest joolry design being offered over at My Sisterwife's Outdated Closet??

    9. I posted that. I've read about six books about polygamy. New dad=new blood. So, so odd!

  6. Hate the way meri keeps saying "when we DID the divorce" instead of saying "when Kody and I divorced" or "when we divorced"
    Is it an attempt to make it sound less...serious?..or I don't know what.
    It just sticks out for me

    1. That bothers me as well. She says it so did she memorize it or what? Just say it "I divorced Kody"...she doesn't want to really acknowledge what happened. I dont believe it happened the way they are portraying at all.

    2. I agree. I'm thinking Meri didn't get to reign over Sobbin like she did with Janelle and Christine. He was physically attracted to Meri up until mid life and sobbin showed up.. She ran the roost with only the 3 because they were not in her league, there was no competition. In walks young, slim and willining (bow wow chicka wow wow;) Sobbin and now he's under her spell, like the Red Witch in Game of Thrones!! haha
      They knocked Meri down an notch and she was lost. I'm thinking she voiced this and was basically told to be sweet or you'll reap your punishment. They cut her out and demoted her together. This is all just speculation

    3. What drives me nuts is the use of the phrase "legal divorce". Is that to clarify it from an illegal divorce? Honey, you're divorced from the man, just say it and stop with the Brown lying double speak reality revisions.

    4. It is very odd that Meri phrases it that best guess is that it is because she blames Robyn for the divorce and it is some passive aggressive coping thing for her to say we.

    5. She's saying that because they believe that they are still married in the eyes of god - the "legal divorce" is supposed to be irrelevant as far as their relationship goes.. Hence, a "legal divorce" is not the same as a "real divorce' i.e. a release from the marriage by their priesthood leaders in their cult.

    6. We have to remember that it really has been a different ballgame for Robyn in that she has NEVER lived under the same roof or shared the same kitchen with any of her siser wives like they had to. She really has only been a semi-sister wife at best. If only we could have a portrait made of her back in time being bossed around by Meri while she does housework and is pregnant.

    7. yeah the constant use of the phrase "legal divorce" is probably to signal that it is to them a meaningless accommodation to monogamous rules. In which case, why bother getting legally married at all? Shouldn't Spiritual Marriage be enough? But Meri's reaction, and everybody else's (shocked other wives especially)except Klueless Kody show that it is a big deal in fact.

    8. I hope she gags every time she says it. If she didn't "know" before, she does now: "legal divorce" eliminated the rights she had in the REAL WORLD that came with her "legal marriage." Rights that she handed over to the one least deserving and the one most self-serving. Dumb move, Meri. Dumb move.

    9. You know, that is very true farthestnorth. In their beliefs it is the spiritual sealing of each other. Why would they then bother getting a legal marriage by the laws of the Governing Beasts if it honestly and truly does not matter to them. Huh...

  7. Even though the picture of Kody in this portrait was taken from one he had with Meri and Mariah, he looks very old. What a stupid idea she had trying to rewrite history. I find it quite telling that as soon as the older bio kids graduate high school they are out of there. Even the kids who attend University in Las Vegas do not live in the Cul de Sac. I can't really see any of those kids continuing with that life style. Nobody seems to be happy and there is so much competition between the "wives".

  8. Robyn & this portrait isn't getting much love or acceptance on social media. Even some of their devoted fans are creeped out by this picture. And most seem to be over the whole adoption saga too!

    1. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 4, 2015 at 11:20 AM

      Even Kody's reaction was a bit WTF. All he could stammer out was an unenthusiastic 'That is ...... I'm speechless ...... That is really neat.'

    2. It's just plain weird. We've seen a lot of weird things on this show, but this takes the cake IMO and that includes Robyn's step-dad watching her give birth. It's just a total WTF moment. Logan's face when he saw it said it all.

    3. I agree completely. I'm sorry but that is the CREEPIEST portrait that I've ever seen!!

  9. Are there no laws to protect the rights of these special kids from this form of mental abuse? service where are you?

  10. This is where I draw the line. TLC needs to step in here. The Browns are hurting their children – all of them. For Dayton, Aurora and Breanna – this whole “adoption” storyline is problematic. It’s not like they were some orphans abandoned at the side of the road. They have a father. One who apparently can’t see them frequently, maybe because the Browns moved to Las Vegas. David Preston Jessop must have been intimidated into letting his children be adopted by Kody. They probably cut a deal where he was no longer on the hook for child support/insurance if he signed the kids over. Obviously he wasn’t some abusive dad since right after the adoption, they went to visit their biological dad (which is baffling) and Christine said “they are good people” . So what’s the real story and how do the Browns justify hurting these three kids by basically saying ‘hey your dad didn’t want you so we will pretend you were born to Kody and change your birth certificates and come up with a super creepy portrait”. So how are these kids to process this information? Their dad no longer exists? Yet they want to see him? They are constantly being asked by Kody “Are you happy? Are you excited?” meanwhile, they have to play the “keep sweet” game and say “yes I am happy”…except Dayton who expresses honest emotions and says he’s confused to which the Browns attribute to Asperger’s.

    This season has really hurt these kids. The kids who aren’t Robyn’s are probably confused as to why all this fuss is being made over Robyn’s kids(and why doesn’t our dad seem to want to spend time with us?) and the older kids are just like Logan’s face “what the heck?”. It’s all very troubling. I believe they have stepped into the realm of emotional abuse. It’s one thing to have a fake show about MSWC and the fake meetings with investors – that’s ok. But when you start telling kids that their dad no longer “exists”, that’s crossing a boundary.

    1. great post.
      Can anyone who maybe knows more about this lifestyle/cult chime in? Would this all have transpired even without TLC cameras and a storyline?
      Is this how it goes down when there's divorce and children are reassigned? Will Preston do the same should he remarry and his new wife have children from a previous marriage? I can't wrap my head around how all the wives were nodding their heads in unison and awwing over how what a "great gift" that grotesque portrait was.

    2. Totally agree with you, I feel exactly the same boundaries have definitely been crossed here. I watched Isabel's face when DAB were presented with their plaques, she was so confused probably thinking where's mine ? Wouldn't be so bad if he showed as much affection to his real kids but he doesn't ..... very cruel all this.

    3. I felt that Robyn crossed the line a while back with her "purity" speech and her constant public parental alienation of David Jessop. Now, I/we have no way of knowing if David Jessop is a terrible person or father but from what we've seen of Kody and Robyn, I tend to think he's just a regular guy who got totally screwed by Robyn and the rest of the Browns. Who has ever heard of sending 3 kids who were just adopted by a new man to go back and visit an abusive man who has no rights to them?

      I wish more people were publicly calling TLC out on the abuse that is going on in the Brown family. Parental alienation is a huge deal and leaves lasting scars. It's not going to be pretty when this next batch of kids gets older. There's going to be a ton of resentment from all the kids, Robyn's kids are going to be hurt over how their real dad was publicly treated and the other mom's kids are going to be resentful as hell. It is totally going to blow up in the adult Browns' faces.

    4. Word. While it is fun to watch and snark on the ridiculous actions of the so-called adults, the emphasis on the children lately is just cringe worthy. Doesn't anybody in the production company have any common sense that they allow this exploitation of children to continue? Pull the plug. Hope there is a fund of TLC money for each kid somewhere to use for future education etc and that the parental units have not already blown it all.

    5. Thank you, CPA Carol. I have a son with Aspergers. TLC has totally crossed the line. Dayton should have been assigned an advocate from the court/social services and no doubt would have told them no filming. I can't imagine how confused that poor boy is.

    6. "They probably cut a deal where he was no longer on the hook for child support/insurance if he signed the kids over."

      CPA Carol, only the state can modify or absolve anyone from paying child support or insurance. There could have been no "deals" between the Browns and David Jessup. That said, I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out how they convinced him to give up custody of his children. Making Kody the legal representative of Robyn's 3 kids made sense and that's what I thought was actually happening - until they went to court and the judge made it clear it was an actual adoption complete with birth certificate changes. IDK what took place or why, but I think what took place was shameful because it's obvious the kids love their dad and it seems he must still love them, too.

    7. In my experience in some states at least the state only gets involved, and and makes major efforts to collect from deadbeat dad if mom and kids have been on any sort of public assistance. Mom can choose to withdraw from collection efforts for support due her on behalf of the kids So seems plausible to me that Robyn could have just agreed not to pursue collection of support in return for adoption consent. Though who knows what may motivate anyone in this weird cult to do anything...They do not view the world in the same way as th rest of the world

  11. Holy fudge. If the Krew is seriously searching for Any kind of public approval (be it for ratings, acceptance of their lifestyle, equal rights, whatever) the last episode just killed any dream of it. How can any sane person look at this image of what polygamy truly represents and think this "lifestyle" is ok. To me this drawing and every event in this adoption "process" represents competition among wives, deceit, selfishness, pain, suffering, chauvinism, abuse of women and is disgusting. There is nothing subtle about this subterfuge. I thought this entire process was vile to begin with...but I guess why not have the culmination of this storyline with one of the Browns "classic" faux parties and a nice creepy piece of creepy art.

    True love is not self seeking Krew. And I think this picture is a perfect representation of everything the Browns claim they are not. The irony. Perhaps Robyn should have considered a COMPLETE family portrait instead. If that's truly what this is/was about.

    On a lighter note, I think the artist should have painted one of his other clients faces on Kodys head...I think a nice chihuahua would fit perfectly.

    1. "On a lighter note, I think the artist should have painted one of his other clients faces on Kodys head...I think a nice chihuahua would fit perfectly."

      Or a Yetti ??

    2. Perhaps a shark ? (old shark eyes) . Anything that would have made us laugh instead of cringe would have been better.

    3. yes, beady shark eyes
      They get so dark when his temperment changes or he feels he's being emasculated.
      It's like a dark cloud enters the room

    4. My 130 lb Alaskan Malamute is named Yeti! And believe me, while his portrait could possibly fit on Kodi's ever increasing forehead, the space between Kodi's ears couldn't contain the results of even one brushing. Wait a minute! Maybe his head is filled with fluff already!

    5. My wish for Kody.....?

      He becomes a traditional Harem Master....that is, a Eunuch !!

    6. How come Robyn gets to make it all about her little family and Kody is fine with it but with Christine, who's always been about all the kids, wants a little time with just her and Kody he slams her and tells her to make it about EVERYONE in the family? Ridiculous.

    7. I agree. Its all about Robin Robin Robin. I understand they want DAB to feel loved and accepted, but theyre over compensating. I think Kody feels so insecure that Robin laid down with another man and had kids, and now he wants to claim the three as trophys.

  12. Polygamy USA...

    Gosh her husband isn't 70. What a relief! She is dressing and wearing her hair loads better.

    1. I had the same relieved feeling! Without knowing anything about him they do look like they fit together, while still being part of the polygamy family wreath. Kelly also looks like she's snazzed it up for Hyrum, and they look happy. The baby looks just like him.

    2. I don't know I don't know? There is something off about the husband. And the men don't get to pick. That I just as unfair as the women not getting to pick. And to think every day of his life he may find out that another woman had a prompting or the elders decided someone "turning themselves in" (how creepy to phrase it) will thrust another woman or woman with kids unto him. But at least he is not 70. And no longer cinderjana... for 20 kids and three moms and her father. And she will get 5 more stepmonsters.

  13. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 4, 2015 at 11:47 AM

    There was a funny line from the episode, from the argument at the table...
    Kody: "I am not married to anything but the brisket."

    1. LOL, yes, that was funny
      Why is so interested in all the planning,, set up, what's being served etc.? Is it just me?
      My husband would just ask "what do you want me to do?" and would do it.

    2. So that is a reference to Robyn, right?

    3. Brisket is what he calls Christine.

  14. Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaasssee tell me that the photo of Kodi in the pitcher was one of him alone and Robyn did not cut out any of the other children. Snow Bunny, I'm horrified to think that Meri and Mariah would be looking at their photo with them replaced by the new family. And now that the adoption is over, can we get to know some of the invisible children, that even those of us that have been watching from the beginning can barely name? Have you ever heard Paedon speak? Kodi has said that he connects better to his boys than his girls, but have you ever seen him with Paedon, Gabe, and Garrison? Why can't Janell's adorable youngest girl be seen in a close up instead of Aurora ALL THE TIME? Go away Robyn, back up Aurora, sit down Breanna. The amount of physical attention Kodi gives Aurora is disturbing when you notice that he is never seen holding Gwen or her sister's hands, ever!

    1. I think she did cut out the other children. It's awful. One thing he can do with his own children though is identify all of their baby pictures. Good grief I still am shocked that he was so pleased with himself for that.

      I cringed at his fake-emoting when he was talking about how he missed holding Robyn's kids when they were babies. No Oscars headed his way any time soon.

    2. Yep, that WAS cringe-worthy.
      It all comes down to how much that Idiot craves and loves his camera time. In five years, we have seen epp after epp of just how much he gets off on being the star *actor* in any and every bogus, vapid scene they write for him...and ultimately throw at the viewers.
      That STAGED bed scene with Sobbin looking at the pics, faking the tears as he whines was ridiculous.....and totally NOT convincing.
      Contrived BS...all for the Show. as usual.

    3. Didn't see it but agree totally. They are television personalities and perform as such depending on the storyline and I'm sure there was a run through the pics beforehand to showcase his ability to recognize all the pics.
      Why ppl believe this charade I'll never understand.

    4. Whooptie doo, so he can recognize his army of kids as babies? Does he know anything about them now? Their personalities, goals, likes, dislikes?? Is he invested in their mental well being, their happiness, their joy? They don't even have real beds for God's sake! He remembers them as babies because that's the only time he's plugged in, he loves the limelight, being at the delivery, vying for more attention than his breeder who is doing all the real work.

  15. Polygamy USA :

    How I wish they had another season....

    There are more pics of their baby on her Facebook. Such a cute baby! Kellie is also looking a lot different. She seems to have lost weight and has colored her hair.
    She looking a little like Becca from the other family. Hyrum had a fling with her afterall. Maybe that's the look that Hyrum likes so she is trying emulate?

    Hope Rosemarie is happy. Wonder if she is the first wife?

    1. Be courteous.
      This blog is about 'Sister Wives'.
      CJ extends her hospitality and she determines the context.

    2. Anon, what's your beef? CJ herself brought up the topic of Polygamy USA and specifically Kellie and Rosemarie in her post. Did you read it?

    3. Ditto. Plus, we have discussed Polygamy USA and My Five Wives here before. CJ has never objected to or deleted such comments.

    4. What is her Facebook name? I can't find her (forgot Hyrum's last name).

    5. YES... as soon as I read your comment I realized she does look very similar to Becca. Very telling.

    6. Anon 9:22:
      Kellie Timpson.

  16. Since everything that is shown is long past once the outrage has ebbed TLC will forge ahead with the next installment of the Kody & Robyn show. The new baby. The inevitable holy birth. Whispers of undying luv for the family. Nevermind that it's a dysfunctional mess.
    The more they try to ram the idea through that somehow Sobyn unifies the fam, the more it looks like it borders on cult madness.
    Possibly the producers will try to quiet some of the critics and create some stupid event that the kids can be paraded out like Marionettes all sooooo glad they're Browns. Soon the entire klan may be doing the seal clapping and nervous giggling in giddy excitement.

    1. I liked in the Robyn pregnancy announcement a few weeks ago how the family had been coached into oblivion about how to react next time Robyn is pregnant. That had to be pretty humiliating last time to see how everyone truly felt. They got it "right" on this take.

  17. Journal of discourses... What the heck? Again it's all about BY. Emma didn't accept a sister wife. Her son's who continued the latter day movement back east never instituted it either. Obviously BY could not do math.

  18. A close friend from way back in college was in town staying with us.
    She watched SW the first couple of seasons and we would email and compare notes. But then she defected in protest when what she called the McMansion misery was the lead story. She could not, would not swallow the f*ckery as she called it. She also detested Kody and the whole phony setup with what was supposed to be the "happy" side of polygamy. Let's just call her "Not-Amused"

    She grudgingly agreed to watch this episode with me after I told her just how insanely bizarre things had become with the Meri divorce, Sobbin marriage and adoption. She read up a bit in the Living Room as a prep to watching after such an absence.

    One of Not-Amused's ongoing laughs was that Kody told Joe Duggar that his wives would never share a kitchen....meanwhile obviously they all were A-okay with sharing his genitals.
    She never got past that one.

    After digesting the shock and horror of the replaced head picture, she honed in how it is crystal clear that Kody only has eyes and other body parts for Sobbin, wondering how the nocturnal rotations are working out these days.....?
    Does he show up at another McMansion for a sleep over and just "get to it"
    No tender, sexy anything?
    Or.....does he show up, pop some advil, claiming a headache. Then in the morning check off that night on the schedule as "done"....??

    She left today and I miss her already.

    1. I feel so badly for Christine. Watching her be "sweet" is disturbing to say the least. I thought the hand prints idea was fun, I like seeing the evidence of her actually being a loving adult to all the children not just her own. But of course Kody didn't show her any support, I don't count yelling at the kids and then telling everyone to leave as support. Or berating her about her enthusiasm. Can you imagine if it has been Robyn's idea? Can you imagine how much air time and interview time that would have gotten?? The way he treats Christine is sick.

    2. Haha - "f*ckery" - totally stealing that. Also loved "McMansion Misery." I thought I was going to vomit if I had to hear "in by Christmas" and watch Meri and Mariah pout and whine just one more time. Sooooo painful and annoying to watch! Glad they're in those ridiculous houses. Let's never ever replay those scenes again, ok TLC?!?!?

    3. Ohmygosh, I was just thinking about this. How DOES it work?
      I mean, does he really put forth effort into tender and thoughtful foreplay for every wife?
      Does he ever come in and tell the wife of the night that he is just exhausted and "can't possibly?" lol. That would not go over well with me, btw.
      Or is it more of a "Here I am...watcha got for me tonight??"

      And, am I the only one who looks at the couch scenes and wonders how he really "is" with each wife? Like, I try to picture how they operate in the bedroom - lights on? lights off? quickie? does he make sure she is "finished" before he rolls over for the night? does he jump up and wash off each time? does she? does he shower before leaving a house or after getting to the new one?
      Just weird questions that I hope I am not the only one who thinks about.

    4. I honestly believe that Kody only gets intimate with Robyn. I'm pretty sure their religion thinks a man sowing his seeds is for the sole purpose of populating the earth. I actually had a Mormon explain this to me....ewwwwww!

    5. You are not alone. The simple act of intercourse is one thing, but the four play/intimate stuff is whole different level. We do know at least, he is at least kissing every wife as evident by the freaking mouth herpes!

    6. I think it's become overtly obvious this season that Robyn is the ONLY wife he still engages in physical intimacy with. I actually think Janelle was cut off years ago...probably when she decided no more children. Janelle and Kody have been very forthright about the fact that their relationship was a buddy/buddy thing and not a romance. Physical intimacy could have always been for the sole purpose of procreation. And in their religion I don't believe it's unheard of to forego intimacy with a wife who's no longer willing or able to conceive.

      As far as Christine goes I think he cut her off from their physical relationship around the time that they moved into the rental homes in Vegas and Robyn got pregnant with Solomon. That's the time that Christine appeared openly depressed on the show and later in the season had to go groveling to Robyn with apologies. And now on their anniversary trip to Texas we see Kody admitting in a talking head interview that Christine has been asking him "why is there no intimacy in our relationship?" I think intimacy is plyg code for a physical relationship and if you listen to what they say Kody lost trust with Christine even before they left the big house in Utah. So if we take what they said as face value then Christine's been complaining about a lack of intimacy for YEARS.

      I really do think it's possible that Christine and Janelle have both gone years without Kody performing his 'marital' duties to them. I think this could also explain the lack of time that he spends with their children. If he doesn't have intimacy with the mother then it appears the children are just out of luck and move to the bottom of his priority list.

      And in their religion I think Kody feels justified in this behavior. Both Janelle and Christine have put their foot down and said 'no' to more children. With conception off the table Kody may not be required to be intimate with them. At this point I suspect that both of them are 'wives' in name only.

      Though Christine seems to think that sucking up to Robyn may change that for her but I doubt it.

      I do think Meri may have actually hung in there longer as an actual 'lover' then the others. When they moved to Vegas it became apparent that Meri's house was the quiet piece of solace for Kody. It was a clean, organized home where Meri seemed to make herself available as the 'bedroom' wife with no little ones underfoot trying to hog his attention. And for a while their Meri was pretty nauseating on Twitter with all her 'lover' this 'lover' that garbage.

      But as it stands now I believe he also cut Meri off and probably quite some time ago. I think that Robyn is now the only REAL wife with marital rights and the others are just treated like aunts or other distant relatives. Christine and Meri are clearly miserable but Janelle seems oddly okay with the arrangement which makes me wonder if she's relieved perhaps not to get nocturnal visits from Kody?

    7. "The simple act of intercourse is one thing, but the four play/intimate stuff is whole different level"

      Other than Robyn, do any of these women know that foreplay or true intimacy even exists? If Meri says that the intimacy with a person she never actually physically met is far and above anything she ever got from Kody--that's really saying something about his lack of sexual prowess.

      Christine probably thinks foreplay consists of Kody saying hurry up, I need to get to Robyn's.

    8. Did anyone else notice the sexual innuendo moment Kody and Robin had in the cardboard boat episode? They were with Christine in her garage and they were all working on the pattern for the boat. For some reason the number "69" came up and Robyn gave Grody a sly smile and tried to get him to Make eye contact with her about their little inside joke. He carefully avoided it but she still had a goofy grin on her face. Christine didn't notice at the time but I wonder if she did when she watched the episode.

    9. Christine probably has no idea that 69 has any sexual connotation. Both Christine and Janelle seem clueless about normal sexual activity. I think Meri was the only one getting anything beyond "I have to do this thing to you in order to bring spirit babies into the world" until Robyn showed up. Once the Chin was on the scene, no one was getting any action but her. You can see the huge change in Meri. She needs more than just produce.

    10. You are probably right, they prob don't know foreplay exists and just got what was absolutely necessary for procreation. No wonder it flew over her head. I really hope for Christine's sake she finds a real man someday...boy will she be surprised at what she's been missing out on.

    11. I am loving these comments! I have been thinking the same things, and I also noticed that there was some "energy" between Robyn and Kody when the number 69 came up. Christine has absolutely been "keeping sweet", and the fact that NOT ONE of these adults can see that, or see the parallels between the FLDS and there OWN situations goes to show how blinded and brainwashed they are. Anyone else get creeped out when Robyn says "THE family"? Why not say "our family" like a normal person? all I can think of when she says that is Charles Manson and his "family"

  19. I'd also love to see more of the middle kids. They're growing up so fast! One of Janelle's boys dresses quite nice, and another boy (not sure if it's Janelle's or Christine's) is so tall! I guess they could just not want to be in the limelight (especially since they're in junior high through senior high), but I'd love to hear more about them and how they're doing.

    1. I just had to say this because I read about it all the time on this blog. I personally don't want to watch a reality show about kids. It's fine to show them every now and then but I feel that the less we see of them, the better they are in the outside world. It must be hell going to school with kids teasing and taunting them about their nutty parents. These kids are emotionally abused. They don't deserve to have their life televised. They are the innocent victims in all of this. Polygamy is all they knew. I think that TLC also uses the kids when it suits them or to boost the ratings. They know that the fans want to see more of the kids so they spoon feed it to us a little at a time. I don't feel that kids should be on reality shows where they constantly have to defend their parents lifestyle. It's not their job or responsibility to fight their parents battle. Can you imagine these kids having to go to school on Monday knowing how we reacted to the photo of Kody and Robyn's kids. It was so creepy to me and others. How can the kids just shake this off as normal. I just think that is time for TLC to cancel this show. A TV special every couple of years to find out how the kids are doing is all that is left.

    2. Sew Crafty - I so agree with your sentiments. When the kids are on camera they immediately start acting loud and obnoxious - vying for attention - I think of how Janelle's son, Gabriel, acted when building the cardboard boat. I am sure he is a very nice kid, but on camera he reminded me of how my kids would sometimes act when their friends came over - showing off, acting mouthy, etc. not unusual for kids to act this way to impress their friends, but unfortunately the Brown's have this behavior documented on tv for all to see. I remember when my parents bought our first movie camera in the late 60's and I would prance in front of it during family scenes and of course when I watch old home movies I am mortified now - just like those daughters of Robyn's will be when they look back on their scenes.

      AND, it's not just the younger children acting out for attention on camera. Mariah has to live with the ridiculous storyline that she is going to be a doctor and having her parents constantly repeat it; unlike most kids who change their mind about their major, think of the pressure she feels. Or how about Hunter announcing he was going to the Air Force Academy? I think he felt the need to exaggerate because of the pressure TLC places on these kids (not an excuse) but if your family places a high value on drama and exaggerating your accomplishments (I'm going to be a doctor or attorney) because they are on a reality show then your behavior becomes conditioned to their expectations.

      Kids do not need this kind of attention placed on them, I don't think it's healthy! Their lives already appear chaotic and the more normalcy they have the better, being filmed for a reality tv show is NOT normal.

  20. CJ, is it possible your recap could juat be "a picture tells a 1,000 words" and just run the highpoints people have said: Christine the seal, Logan's and any other kids' reaction to that drawing, Kody's reaction, the original photo (not sure how to find it) and this do-over. Pretty please...


  21. Anyone else squicked out at all the PDA between the official Mr and Mrs Brown? The huggy kissy stuff was somehow jarring

    1. I think Robyn changed the rules for PDA in front of another wife and since Meri said she is the one that originated this rule, it infuriates Meri and Robyn is rubbing it in Meri's face.

    2. I noticed that when Janelle came in with the plyg cake that Robyn and Kody were quite snuggly with each other and Kody gave several affectionate kisses to Robyn. I'm not sure where Janelle was when those kisses were exchanged. But the Kody and Robyn looked like the perfect monogamous couple and Janelle was just some distant family member coming over with a cake.

  22. This whole adoption and now this picture has come across as so batsh$t crazy that I hope it finally sounds the death knell for this show. There are only a half million fans left on the sister wives Facebook page and 98% of the comments are hate unless it is directly regarding one of the kids.
    TLC needs to stop supporting these idiots and by extension all of the mental abuse these kids are going through!

  23. As a long time student of literature and rhetoric (BA and MA) I studied multiple forms of pop culture and historical literature, graphics design, and advertising and branding. There's something about this picture that reminds me of a Communist propaganda poster. Or a picture of Hitler. It's not just the rhetoric behind the drawing, but the actual style and image itself. That realization brings a whole new level of creepiness to this picture...
    Sieg Heil Komrade Kody.

    ...they should've let Meri the picture Nazi proof this...

    1. the artist had an accent im not sure where from, but he did say this was his first artist job since he came to the States. He has a thick accent, so maybe his style is what you are seeing.

    2. Robin said he was from Bulgaria but who knows if SHE knows...

  24. CJ, maybe some of these links will work for folks? Remember when Robyn claimed she and Kody didn't take photos of just them on their wedding day:

    Robyn, Kody and her kids posing in front of the house they never lived in together (the Lehi House):

    Doesn't Janelle know how to hold a kid by now:

    great Robyn screenshot for you:

    Possible idea for "portrait":

    Can anyone find the two "before" photos that are now what everyone on the internet seems to call the "creepy portrait"?

    1. The photo with Robyn and her kids in front of the Lehi house was most likely a photo shoot of everyone. Here is him with Janelle and their kids:

      And all of them, they are wearing the same clothes:

      For the life of me I can't figure out why Kody is wearing glasses in the portrait. If you look at his older snaps, in none of them does he have his chin tilted upward in the way of the portrait and in only one is he wearing glasses, it seems to be a random snap with Meri and a very small Mariah.

      I haven't seen any one photo that stands out as one used for the portrait. I have a feeling that the artist was given several and made a mash up

      it's also very odd that all the subjects eyes point in different directions...adds to the overall creep factor and the fact that it is faces put together like a photoshop.

  25. I read the autobiography of one of Christine's aunts. In the book it was constantly reiterated that sexual intercourse is for procreation ONLY. So if a woman is pregnant or no longer able to have children, there is NO SEX.

    1. Big topic for debate in AUB. This is Joseph Musser's so-called "Law of Chastity." Musser was a revered leader in the polygamist group that split into what are now the FLDS and AUB. The leader of AUB, LaMoine Jenson taught this too before he died about a year ago. The "super righteous" live by this, but mutterings in the ranks imply that some people don't follow this particular doctrine so easily. And since older women don't produce babies there's no way to know who is on board with it -- unless leaders grill AUB members on it in their "worthiness" interview processes.

    2. I would totally believe the Browns follow this to an extent. After Christine stormed off the set at the reunion show a couple years ago, it occurred to me that Kody was saving his sperm for Robyn only as they were trying to get pregnant. I'm sure it's also why Kody said no to Meri's fertility treatments. How could he possibly keep his numbers up at his "advanced" age for two treatments at the same time.

      As someone who has experienced fertility issues and treatments, it's a definite job with a schedule. And when you're not doing "it", you are building up for "it."

    3. I always thought that Meri's reference to Koday as "lover" this and "lover" that was a way to let the other wives know that even though she was not procreating with him, they were definitely intimate and having sex.

    4. Eww. That unfortunately makes sense

    5. With regards to Meri and her "lover" I am also wondering if that is why Meri drug out deciding to have another child for so long. Once she told Kody she was not interested in procreating with him it would be an excuse for him to check out of the marriage and no longer be intimate.

    6. I guess we know he was never really attracted to Christine and just buddy-buddy partners with Janelle, so Meri could think she was the great love of his life with some real intimacy there, sort of like in a normal marriage. Until sexy Robyn showed up as a plot device and unlike the previous 2 presented a real emotional challenge that she couldn't intimidate. So yeah Big Sky I can see her drawing out the will she or won't she try for another baby as long as possible to retain some semblance of intimacy. I guess it shows some self awareness, or something, that she didn't go for it. Think of the fertility treatment plotlines we could have enjoyed.

    7. As someone who has dealt with infertility as well I've always had a lot of empathy for Meri. I can't imagine the pain of watching your husband have multiple children with other women. I wondered how deeply it hurt her to hear Kody tell Sobyn that she never even had to ask if he wants to have more kids after he told Meri he didn't want to try for another with her. And now taking into account what y'all have said I wondered if that meant to her that he was shutting the door on their relationship in a much deeper way, since they were officially no longer trying for more children.

  26. So, the post about the creepy portrait looking like a propaganda piece is spot on, esp. since that is basically what it is. But did anyone else notice that younger Kody with the glasses and the short hair with a wave looks totally FLDS? He totally resembles old Warren Jeffs himself! Is it just me?

  27. I will just say one more thing about the adoption and then I will lay it to rest. From the start, it was obvious that Robyn was misrepresenting her ex-husband, which as many on this blog have pointed out can be so damaging to the children. It's never made any sense to me, but recently, it occurred to me that in the early years of this show, Robyn would comment with such nervousness that her children could always choose to leave the Browns in favor of living with their dad in Montana. This must have been a constant fear for Robyn and Kody. For Bio Dad, he no longer belongs to the AUB and does not practice the Principle, so he would have had real ammunition in court to gain full custody of his kids if he chose to fight. After all, the Browns still belong to a weird, creepy cult that places girls in subservient roles, and they are actively exploiting them for financial gain (against his wishes) on a reality TV show.

    Hmmm. No chance of losing custody now. And since the adoption was finalized long before the show aired, the kids can be featured as much as Robyn and Kody choose, which is now every episode.

    So if circumstances changed in Bio Dad's life, and he was no longer able to provide financially for his children as he had in the past or even afford to take off work to care for them in the summers, wouldn't it make sense that the Browns would seize the opportunity to offer Bio Dad a deal, asking him to voluntary relinquish his parental rights in exchange for financial freedom and increased visitation rights at the Brown's expense. I can only imagine how deep this guy must have been buried.

    Oh and why they are at it, they can start their parent alienation plan with Robyn's purity speech at a made for tv church service in their living room.

    And by the way Meri, you are going to voluntarily divorce Kody, so we can turn this into a two-season cliffhanger.

    Gross. Double gross.

    Does anyone else think this sounds plausible, or am I way overthinking the situation??

    1. Completely plausible. You are not overthinking, in fact I think you have completely hit the nail on the head!!

    2. I vote for plausible. I have also wondered about something else. Was Jessop portrayed as a bad father and abusive husband because he did not want to be a polygamist? If he rejected the Principle and AUB, would Robin believe he was abandoning his responsibilities and keeping her out of heaven. In their world view is that the real abuse?

    3. I wonder of the man's family still in the cult. Did he worry for their harm? The Browns are the royalty and saviors with the show and lawsuits against Utah. Perhaps he had to worry about families losing jobs or membership or even reassignment?

    4. I think in addition to Robyn wishing to rewrite history; Kody has financial interest in Robyn's children. If the children are receiving trusts from TLC for appearing in the show, perhaps as bio dad, Preston Sr. would have access if anything happened to Robyn. Even worse- Kody needs her children to appear in the show (because as usual- no one has a real job) against wishes of the real dad.

    5. No reality show kids get the money. None of them. The bank account with one parents name means only that parent can deal with it. A trust would be just tight. Mama June said she did use but once that guy got out of jail the oldest was letting the world know her account was raided. At least the Browns are going to college.

  28. anyone else notice how meri the family photographer in the past wasn't holding the camera and snapping pictures for posterity but robyn had the camera? did meri lose first wife status as well as her official family photographer status?

    1. I think since the catfishing Meri has been totally deposed, well and truly ostracised. What we're seeing in the show is all an act that she can barely get through, probably all to do with the tlc contract. Bet Kody has completely detached from her.... one less wife he has to pretend with. Coupled with the adoption what Meri did has completely burst the bubble on the "reality" show and no doubt she is being severely punished..... official photographer status included.

  29. meri's friend that helped her shop for her green dress for the committed ceremony was standing by her too while she was opening her gift for divorcing kody.

  30. I read in the paper today that working parents say that they feel stressed, tired, rushed and short on quality time with their children, friends, partners or hobbies according to a new survey. Then I thought of the Browns and wondered what's their excuse. Oh right, they are not working parents. I still don't think that Kody gives these kids enough of his time. These women are basically single mothers and pine for any time Kody throws their way. This is not how to live ladies. There is so much out there for you all to explore. What you have is an emotionally abusive male figure. He is not your husband. He is Robyn's husband. You are free to roam about the country. You will be amazed at what the outside world holds.
    Us monogamist women like having someone to share our bed every night and not every 4th night if that.
    I don't feel sorry for you because after all these years on TV, you all should have learned that the outside world is not a scary place. I don't like to mock anyone's religion but I have to tell you that there are other ways to get to heaven. Your salvation does not lie on Kody. You will not burn in hell for leaving Kody. I so wish that we could de-program your thinking. If none of you had the guts to say to Robyn that the portrait was creepy and what in the hell is wrong with her, you all need psychological help. SMH.

  31. Maybe Robyn is reenacting a scene from her own childhood; it's her STEP-father that was in the room when King Sol was born. Maybe her mother erased Robyn's bio father from her life and that's why she doesn't see how horrifying the portrait is.

    On the matter of Curtis not being able to pronounce chaos because of being home-schooled-none of the Brown adults speak as if education was a priority in any of their homes while growing up. Robyn thought Wyoming started with a Y for crying out loud! I don't think FLDS plygs put much stock in real education. We've all read books about how the Jeffs group took liberties with the student curriculum, Why would it be any different in their home schooling. When Christine announced that she home schooled the oldest kids I was gobsmacked! She's as dumb as a box of rocks. Mariah was worried about getting into a med school because her plyg school didn't play as strong as a public high school.

    1. I missed the part where Robyn thought Wyoming started with a "Y". Was that in some episode?

    2. second season they all went to Kody's family ranch and on the way they stopped to take pitchers at some red rocks in Wyoming and Robyn said "put your arms in a Y" for wyoming and Meri said " Wyoming starts with a W Robyn said sorry and slithered away

    3. Once while spelling out a word over the phone said 'E as in Eve, K as in Knee...sorry. Silent K...' and I went to a very decent high school and university. I don't have much room to mock.

      I hate that I can kind of see 'Y for Wyoming' at least as a 'dad' type joke. My dad was the king of cheesy puns.

    4. And from the way it was presented it looks like Curtis was ridiculed for mispronouncing a word no one in his "educational" experience had bothered to teach him That's just mean, not a cute story I say this as a youngest child whose older sisters made fun of everything I did wrong when we were little but mercifully none of it carried over into adulthood

    5. Oh, LaPetite Terror, bless you. I too have the occasional disconnect between brain and mouth. I am intelligent and very well educated and yet...

      It is reason #753 why I would never allow myself to be on reality TV.

    6. Exactly!! That's what sets us apart from the Browns! We are all self-aware and intelligent enough to realize no one comes off looking good, smart, etc. on reality tv and we would never place ourselves in that situation!

  32. Maybe Robyn is reenacting a scene from her own childhood; it's her STEP-father that was in the room when King Sol was born. Maybe her mother erased Robyn's bio father from her life and that's why she doesn't see how horrifying the portrait is.

    On the matter of Curtis not being able to pronounce chaos because of being home-schooled-none of the Brown adults speak as if education was a priority in any of their homes while growing up. Robyn thought Wyoming started with a Y for crying out loud! I don't think FLDS plygs put much stock in real education. We've all read books about how the Jeffs group took liberties with the student curriculum, Why would it be any different in their home schooling. When Christine announced that she home schooled the oldest kids I was gobsmacked! She's as dumb as a box of rocks. Mariah was worried about getting into a med school because her plyg school didn't play as strong as a public high school.

    1. I homeschool my kids with an established program. My kids are three and a half years ahead in their reading level alone. On that note years back I saw Christine reading a book on the bed with her girls that was a level three reader.I saw the recognizable sign on the outside of the book. My kids read level three readers at the end of kindergarten and her kids were older and could not easily pronounce the words.Kody constantly misspells words or misquotes expressions.

    2. That is why Kody did do the real estate licensing when Christine and Janelle did. It involved reading a big book and comprehension and test taking. Christine was honest about it and said Kody changed his mind when he saw the books that came in the mail, but Janelle made excuses for him and said it just wasnt his thing and chose the green goo crap.

    3. I went to public school with the Browns, another lie!

    4. Actually, pronouncing a word in a phonemic way is quite common as mistakes go. Even well schooled children who read a great deal can easily make that error. They read the word before they hear it used...then they often don't realize that it is the same word being discussed in school. It is not necessarily a home schooling problem only.

    5. I was an avid reader as a child and encountered many difficult or unusual words in print before I had ever heard them pronounced. I would say them one way in my head only to find out later (some times MANY years later) that the word was pronounced quite differently. I was always afraid I would slip up and use one of these words that I hadn't actually field tested...until I attended a very well-regarded lecture series with an inspired (and beloved) lecturer. He stopped in the middle of one of his talks on Wagner's operas and the political arena of the 1800s to say, "I've never used this word out loud before - is banal pronounced with a long A or a short A?" That cured me. If HE could ask a large lecture hall how to pronounce something, I was no longer going to feel embarrassed or timid to do the same.

      Now my problem stems from regional and familial mispronunciations of quite common words - a habit that is SO HARD to break. My grown children give me grief for it and that doesn't help. I have overcome many of them, but a few are still holdouts that trip me up...melk for milk, pellow for pillow, and (the one my kids HATE), wush for wash. I am trying though. :)

      Oh, and I'm a public school child so home-schooling can't be blamed.

  33. Next week TLC will put on a big ol' pity-party for Meri! Poor thing was depressed...yada yada...and got catfished. Boo- Hoo!! If it had been legitimate, she'd have already run off into the sunset with him. She "thought" she had her a wealthy catch. Now, pour on the pity because the TLC income is the Brown priority! I hope she does find someone better than Koody eventually. The bar isn't exactly set too high to beat him. Now Koody has her where he wants her. Sobyn probably breaks out in the giggles when she thinks about taking Meri's place and Meri being emotionally kicked to the curb. Note how the disgusting, creepy picture wasn't in a frame? What an idiotic idea! The adoption doesn't make sense to me. I wish a reporter would go look up the actual court documents! I'd really like to see the facts on the matter. I hope someone talks to Aurora about her actions. The long, full body hug from Koody gave me the creeps. I've never seen him act towards his daughters as he does to her. Koody is about TLC money and Sobyn and her kids, everything else is secondary. Christine has gone bat-crazy and I think Janelle is taking delight in Meri's fall from grace. I took the show off my DVR, I thought, but the show was recorded. I now made sure the show couldn't count me in it's rating numbers. I'd like to see it canceled because the show is fake and the real story will come out after it's canceled. Until then, I'll enjoy the input in CJ gracious living room!

    1. I'm not blowing my own horn, but I am a much better looking woman than Meri even though I am years older than she is. If a younger, wealthy, good looking man is after me, i'd automatically think something was wrong with him, something not quite right. (Maybe he wants to take my kidney and leave me in a tub full of ice or something would be going thru my head). It amazes me that she was so easily sucked in and is now calling herself a victim. Maybe she thought he was after her star appeal ? She didn't think at all, like when she served Kody up on a platter to Robyn to aggravate the other wives. Yeap I think Meri is paying for a lot of her decisions, and anytime anyone else messed up, Meri was always there to make them pay. Karma....

  34. With due respect to the artist since we only saw an edited (for sure) clip of what Sobbin discussed with the artist, and have no idea what she may have told that man to produce.
    But the finished product does *not* look like Kody. His neck is too long, jaw is too defined, cheekbones too high and the banker glasses and hair are wrong. Kody is more squat and muscular. I have no idea if the kids are accurate, except to say that they look like all the kid faces that are drawn on a certain line of greeting cards. *shrug*
    The quality of the drawing is not so much the issue.
    It is the *intention and purpose* that is so skeevy and suspect.
    Sly Sobbin has struck again !!

    1. I could pick him out in a photo line up! I googled "Kody Brown photos" and found one that reminded me of this one (minus the glasses). It's a photo with him and the 3 wives holding their babies. Robyn had a monogamous relationship with her first husband. In the end she'll have one with Koody Kody. The picture is creepy on all levels imo.

    2. Idk- I think the artist was pretty close. Kody has just really let himself go and you can't tell that a guy with decent bone structure is buried under the flowing hair and extra pounds. And he really did have those stupid glasses. You can see then in his old pics with Meri

    3. I feel for the artist because he appears to be quite talented; it's not his fault his client is demented. As much as it gags me to say it, Kody used to be a good looking guy- especially when you see his high school senior photos and early marriage photos. He's just aged badly due to weight gain, stress (of his own making) and his atrocious hairstyle and bedazzled denim clothing.

  35. I googled pictures of Kody to find the one that was used for the portrait and boy did i find some dooseys. A picture of all four wives plus Kody on horseback at his dads ranch. Janelle had not lost any weight yet, and Meri was on a very short horse. They all had tie downs so they couldnt run, (the horses) and King Kody was riding high boy. I also found paparazi shots of Kody and Robyn before they were married. She was supper skinny. They were snapped with him buying her perfume in a department store and walking arm and arm and smooching. She also had an add for a jewelery store in her hand.

    1. Any luck finding the original photo? I surprisingly couldn't find it. Must have been shown in one of those clip shows like when Robyn got that phone call.

    2. They were all on one horse, isn't that anamial cruelity. Poor horse probably had to b put out to pasture.

  36. "....tie downs so they couldn't run," Ha ha ha ha ha!!

  37. I may be the only one looking forward to the Alaska trip. Kody on a glacier. Kody with a dog team (in summer but that's a thing). Kody and Robyn embracing and looking at spectacular scenery while their unruly brood creates Chaos in the background and the other wives shiver.

  38. looking back thru google for old SW info and came across old cynical jinx and sisterwife blogs...boy i miss the episode reviews they were written so well and right on point

  39. What ever happened to Mary going to school? How is Janelle doing with real estate? Does Christine work outside the home? Does Robyn work the website jewelry business from home or has she hired others at this point? I want to know what these people do day to day, assuming there must be some ordinariness in their lives. The tv depiction is just endless contrived drama and weird stuff. Maybe that is their actual lives but I don't think so. Many 'reality' shows have a downfall when it is found out that either people scripted things or were presenting major lies.

    1. Excellent point anon 10:34, Meri's test results, older kids in college and their progress, grandmother after losses of husband and son...all story lines I would have loved to know about instead of Robyn and her make believe family sketch. And what about Christine's two older girls and their life together after escaping Brown town? It's like they dropped off the face of the earth. We seen them in group scenes but never updates on their day to day lives.

  40. in addition to that..many pictures of Kody had him giving a thumbs ups..very creepy Robyn put that gesture on Dayton

  41. Some comments have mentioned that Robyn's two daughters and Kody were unusually demonstrative and physically affectionate with each other, whereas Kody and his biological daughters were not. Could it be because of the stigma of their religion and incest implications and he feels uncomfortable about it? Have any of his real daughters either sat on his lap of had their arms around him (besides the little ones or when the older ones were small)? And maybe that's why Robyn felt comfortable having her step-dad on board for the birthing process. Robyn's two daughters seem to be extremely needy when they're around older men including Kody, his brother, Logan etc. I think that Kody will be extremely involved in a creepy sort of way when they reach dating age.

  42. Did you see the listing for a show on the "ID Channel" (whatever that is) called "The Wives Did It"? Has anyone caught this?

    1. Ark, I'm watching it now. They're featuring Rullon Allred & his 7 Wives.

    2. YES, Ark, I've got my dvr programmed to record the 2 episodes listed so far. The episode descriptions reference polygamy and the wives being involved in murder. The ID network makes movies from real-life events so it'll be interesting to see who they're profiling.

    3. Ark~ I watched it last night. It was really good. About the murder of Rulon Allred. I hope that the fans of polygamy watched it. The show was factual about the extent of fundamental cultism and the extremes that the followers 'must' obey or risk eternal damnation. It also was clear from statements from a couple of his kids that the sisterwives do battle depression & jealousy, always.

      Just because the Vegas grifters landed a gig that allows for no household sharing and gives couch scenes of united bliss but it can't edit the real life struggle that the wives deal with on an emotional level. No amount of lipstick on this pig makes it pretty.

    4. Just watched a clip of allegedly Meri's confession about getting catfished. The whole thing ticks me off. A woman (no matter that she's a bitch) married to an ego maniac for decades gets pushed aside, her divorce papers, a demotion in rank, told to be super happy about it seeks out some affection and normalcy and yet it is she that gets branded with the scarlet letter. She is forced to flog herself on national tv to atone for this??

      "Struggling with some stuff"?? Spit it out! A natural need to find someone who would treat you like a human being instead of an old used up broodmare ?
      The world needs to watch a woman beat herself up for getting so depressed that she defies lifelong beliefs just to find she has been duped AND now she must repent on tv?
      I hate these people and I hate TLC for promoting this abusive family.
      ...(rant over)

    5. She could refuse to do it, but she might have to get a real job like the rest of us. I can't believe so many are still watching. I tried to watch the first couple of episodes this season and could not do it and I've watched from the start. I'm done, I'd rather read about it here

    6. Agree, Las Vagrants, that Meri should throw off the shackles and step boldly into the light and refreshment of brave!

    7. Is the movie for tv made about it or new?

  43. Just started watching the recording of "the wives did it," and it is a documentary with re-enactments About the life and murder of Rulon Alllred. some of his children are interviewed.

  44. One has to wonder how/why these Brown adults can continue to film a show that has proven to be nothing more than a 5-year documentary authenticating why polygamy does not work in any way for the women and children. Their ONLY motivation at this point, given all the negative reaction they receive, is just 100% for the money. Which only proves how bogus it all is.
    They never coherently or convincingly explained their "religion"....never !!! And there is no way any of them can dial back to the sales pitch of wanting to educate the public on the joys of women existing in a rigid vacuum to simply breed and share one man. Certainly not by women who, for five years, have displayed clearly what patterns of dysfunction are inevitable when living with chronic unhappiness and insecurities..
    Underneath all the contrived scripts and fake scenarios, the true "reality" of the lifestyle always managed to rear its ugly head up through all the silly produced fluff, leaving a viewer very sure of how dysfunctional the Browns are, and how their plyglife is so unmistakably unappealing in society..
    Watching it now is less about wanting to actually see the train wreck, now it is more boredom/impatience waiting for the wrecking crew to finally arrive and clear off the tracks.
    It's long overdue !!

    1. Exactly! Can't overlook the dismal failure of this hot mess with the huge bonus of not even living under the same roof, sharing nothing except a penis. The woman are no less cast aside and jealous than the ones who live in compounds. Maybe more so since there is no 'one-family' situation except filming the prerequisite parties, grand poobah announcements and reality show fundamentals..the trips to anyplace they could never afford.

      After those events, back to your own house waiting for the next contrived scene to bow down and kiss Sobyn's feet but hey...hurry with the paycheck!.

  45. I just can't get over that Robyn used a photo of Kody so young before any of his family existed. That was a definite insult to the other wives and ignoring all his natural bio-kids.
    CJ verified that this would have been a couple years before meeting Meri !!!!
    "It's like we should have been together from the start" they should update her opening statement to..."it's like no one else exist, except Kody and my kids."
    As for the affection that is shown towards Robyn's kids vs. othe mothers' children, I remember a kiss with Savanah, and truly rejecting a request for a kiss. He kisses, hugs, hold hands and embraces Robyn's kids in every scene together. We can only conclude that These kids are so needy because Robyn is not affectionate with them since the real father is MIA according to Robyn's account.

  46. Wow...Judging from the preview of Sundays new episode it looks like King Soloman gets a hug for hitting the other kids (the bastard kids that didn't come from Queen Robyn's sacred womb)

    1. Saw that. Other kids are starting to have a problem with Solomon being treated like a king.

      Nice to see that Ligan is planning on Monogamy.

  47. I am probably going to hell for this........
    Logged on and while scrolling down to read any new posts, looked again at "the picture".....
    Toddler Dayton's teeth are way too fake looking.
    And here's where I am going to hell.....they look like that commercial selling dog food where they superimpose super sparkling teeth on a dog. (of course, NOT equating boy and dog)
    The commercial is funny for *its purpose*..... but Dayton's dazzling toothy smile is not, nor is it natural looking.
    Between the added, unnatural "thumbs-up" and those teeth, Dayton certainly deserved better than that.
    If that too was Sobbin's desperate attempt to show the world (and his birth father) how deliriously happy that poor kid is about all of this...she is delusional !!

    1. I agree with you. Whoever thought that portrait was a good idea....YIKES!!!

    2. I 'll go with you! They all look like they've been given a dose of lithium.
      The whole damn family is now living Sobyn's delusion.
      The thumbs up is over the top (well, the entire thing is over the top and the brain child of someone whose cheese done slid off the cracker but..)

  48. Amused, you are forgetting that this is Robyn's fantasy. And in this alternate-beginning, Dayton has perfect teeth.

  49. Does anyone know what the Alaska trip is all about? I mean, besides polygamy only being a misdemeanour up there.

    1. I have read the whole trip is just so Robin can have all the hoopla focused on her again as they do the gender reveal on the new annointed one to be. Woohoo exciting stuff!

      Between the continuing Robyn deluge and how they are going to turn Meri's cancer scare (which is actually just H Pylori) into a half dozen episodes of fake drawn out suspense this show is a joke

    2. So, Meri has a stomach ulcer and the Klan travels to Alaska so Robyn can have a baby hash gender announcement. Seems TOTALLY normal.

  50. Reading over at The Principle (F-LDS) it was surprising to me how the pattern of the Sister Wives was laid out:

    BUT what makes this “not like other families” and more as you wrote “polygamy stereotype” is the pattern:

    Maddie is marrying her aunt’s brother.
    Maddie’s parents Janelle and Kody are step-siblings because Janelle’s mother became a plural wife to Kody’s father.
    Janelle was ALSO Kody’s sister-in-law because before she became Kody’s 2nd wife, she was married to the brother of Meri, Kody’s first wife. That is how Janelle met Kody.
    3rd wife Christine’s grandfather and Kody’s grandmother were first cousins.
    One first cousin of Christine was the previous husband of 4th wife Robyn and is the father of Kody’s adopted three children.
    Two more first cousins of Christine were the (same age) stepmothers of Meri. Meri’s father’s plural wives.
    Yet another first cousin of Christine is married to Robyn’s stepsister.
    The uncle of Robyn’s stepfather was married to the sister of two sisterwives of Christine’s grandmother.
    The previous husband of this woman was Christine’s grandmother’s own brother.

    I'm sure it's all been mentioned before but I've just never seen it all in one place at one time I guess.

    1. Way back on the old SisterWives blog (which content can still be found online), I remember CJ dubbed the Kodyworld family tree as a family "wreath" rather than a tree due to its jumbled, circuitous composition. It surely was an apt description of a gene pool that is inter-twining to a fault.

    2. HEY WAIT! Based on Christine & David Jessop being cousins, that means Christine's kids and Robyn's first three are cousins...blood relatives! Right?

      A wreath description sounds perfect.

    3. going from memory I think Meri has some mothers tied in too. I have always thought Kody's attraction to Meri is that she looks like a female version of him, they could be brother and sister

    4. Thinking of Joe Darger and his three wives...Twin sisters plus their cousin......!!!
      Which made all their kids collectively either siblings, half-siblings AND cousins to each other !!!

  51. We have seen Maddie on camera not do church with her family while visiting because the LDS church asked it of her. We have seen her in camera want nothing to do with polygamy for years. First adult kids of polygamists and now adult kids of same sex relationships. We know like Maddie they need to do more than promise they won't be in such a relationship but disavow not just their parents loves but their parents. All you shocked they would not baptize her have less a leg to stand on after the recent announcement. First they get people to not marry publicly so all can attend or else wait a year to seal. Now this. Because they can I guess. If they deny family in one thing why not another. The blind following of leaders is off given Joseph Smith disdain for a pope. As a Catholic I can be upset and even ask for change and be a member. What if a different conclusion had been announced? Would the same people sustaining the "sins" of the parents policy nonsense be fine is suddenly the church formally allowed for same sex sealings in the temple or a return to polygamy instead? No. Would these folks jump off a bridge if a sustained leader told them too?

  52. My first observation about this situation is that the Brown's claim to not only embrace gays but also use the legalization of gay marriage to justify polygamy.Yet they are more than happy to belong to the AUB which I was told discriminates against gays. They and their daughter were more than happy for Maddie to join the LDS knowing they discriminate. Hypocrisy abounds in their cult. They are the first to cry discrimination yet discriminate readily against women and gays.

    1. I am speaking to those who said Madison must be misrepresenting the LDS, that they would never deny baptism to her or make her disavow anything other than polygamy itself, not her family. Some churches (specific congregations) are specifically made up of those in same sex lifestyles, some simply include and some don't allow for the unions to be performed in church and ask members to be chaste. The LDS is first in denying the adult or minor children who have reached the age of reason with parental permission who are delaying and in some cases denying membership based on the actions of their relations, not the prospective members. The AUB would not join such a union, true. But the family seems fine if the children stay in their church, go to another or even the most hostile denomination to their own faith. And Janelle has said, statistically a child of theirs is going to be gay. What happens happens. I don't think they were hoping that if a child went to a different it would be one hostile to homosexuality. Occasionally you see an individual priest or pastor at odds with a child IVF or same sex parents. But the headquarters of that denomination isn't setting the practice of denying sacraments and often makes the clergy member do it after they find out there is a problem. This was done with intential thought on the part of the leadership. In a church less than 200 years old that already went back and forth on polygamy, people of color having full membership, even migration as you initially had to move to Utah territory. The Lord does change His mind.

  53. If you all can PLEASE hold out and not watch or record Sunday's episode. Lets see if there are enough of us to help make a significant drop. It really is the best way to show TLC we are not digging the Robyn Show nor do we buy Meri as victim or having such a life threatening illness that Kody still doesn't spend more time with her at her deathbed drama. Plusmit would also show that so many were so creeped oyut by that drawing, we can't take it anymore.

    This will crack you up...I was starting to have a weak moment to look on my DirecTV on demand to see the moment of when this stupid gift was shown, and I was amazed to see that TLC on Demand doesn't list SusterWives as an option. Wow, used to be a few years back.

    1. Tried to watch a couple of episodes his season and just couldn't get thru them, made a drinking game up during the third episode and decided we'd rather not drink than have to be tortured, so you can count me in, will not be watching, it's gotten ridiculous

    2. I'm not watching or recording it either! My Cowboys are playing tomorrow night so I'll be watching them & visiting CJ's living rooms :)

    3. Ditto, CB !!
      Except will be watching the Eagles play your Cowboys !! :-))

    4. LOL, who else is watching Sunday Night Football instead? ;-)

      Masterpiede too... Great combo...

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