
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sister Wives LIVE TWEET PARTY!!!! for Sunday, November 1, 2015

But First...

Let's reminisce, shall we?

How did Kody show his love for his wives? Well, if you were an Original Three wife, your gift was...

A wooden bowl...

A plaque that is now kind of embarrassing

 (Yes, there is a big difference between "then" and "than"!!)

And then there was this gift...
A nice clock, with just the right amount of antique patina...

Question: Who do you think is Kody's "favorite" wife?

It's Sister Wives  L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!

Prepare yourself for MORE Mr. Robyn Brown  BLOVIATING!!

Yep, that's Kody using the RV's white water hose to clean the RV's sewer hose. Get that water hose WAY DOWN in there!

And Kody wants you to know that hormones in the mouth are much more dangerous than the filth in a sewer hose.
While the legal Mrs. Kody Brown is busy training her NEW social media "protector" and "family friend" on how to demonstrate just the right amount of cray cray to keep herself out of the tabloids!

Will Robyn tweet to her faithful fans fan


It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!


YIKES!! Over 300 comments! I've opened a new posting for comments...for Hump Day!!

Don't forget 90 Day Fiance is on tonight, too! Hey Dani and Mo, come join the discussion!


  1. CJ, Thanks as always for your Living Room snark fest.

    This one.......
    "Robyn Brown ✔ @LuvgvsUwngs
    He is so serious! It was such a big reverent thing for him. He is so happy to be David Dayton Brown now! "

    Really Sobbin? "He is so serious"....??!!!?
    Good God, woman......he has Aspergers, you ditz !
    Of course he processes everything *seriously* !!
    WTH, WTF is wrong with you??

    And really, are you so *sure* that "he is so happy to be David Dayton Brown now. " ??????
    How would you know?...given that you are this clueless about how he perceives and processes things?
    If you think that you and the IDIOT lecturing and word-pummeling him with how he should act and *feel* gets the job done about his father relinquishing his paternal rights are as big an idiot as your baby-daddy. Shame on you !! On BOTH of you !!

    1. Apologies for the rant to the other guests in the Living Room.
      This is a sore point for our family. That boy surely deserves better.

      But, NO apologies to Mr and Mrs Brown.

    2. Bless Dayton, he seemed so confused about the process where his real dad was concerned, I think he just kept using "surprised" as the go to word. (In regards to his dad signing big paperwork)
      Asperger or not he is one of the only straight shooters on the show. I loved seeing his air time in recent episodes. Those adults should follow his lead when it comes to honesty, respect and kindness.

    3. Agree that dayton is one of the only honest members of this family

    4. Lisasumms,
      You are so right. Because he is not capable of mind games, what you see is what you get.
      When he speaks, you are hearing his heart.
      To be overwhelmed with confusing mandates is a problem for him.. Hence, his go-to words (his truth) in this whole adoption sham have been that he is "surprised" and "confused."
      Yes, Bless him !!

    5. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 1, 2015 at 7:26 PM

      How confused is Dayton going to be by the fake portrait? Robyn should not be messing with his mind like this. None of the three.

    6. Jeebus..are ya'll saying that portrait is supposed to be celestial vegas girlyman & the Jessop kids??? hahahahahaha....all aboard ! Crazy train leaving the station

    7. That portrait is horrifying on so, so many levels.

  2. So robyn doesnt think that your dad giving up his parental rights, getting adopted , seeing your bio dad for the first time in two yrs warrants being serious

  3. Love garrisons halloween costume!

    1. He looks alot like his mom in the picture.

  4. For "live tweets" read "damage control." The polygamy king and his harem use the time to tell viewers how they "should" be interpreting things because they know darn well that they're not looking good in much of what appears onscreen. Dayton looks confused and unsure . . . that's OK, Kody tells us it's hilarious how the poor boy "overthinks" everything, while queen sobbin assures us that it's because Dayton is simply overwhelmed with the "reverence" of the occasion -- I mean, becoming part of Kody's personal possessions is a highly reverent occasion, right? And just in case we think Dayton may be not be over the moon with the situation Sobbin has to interpret for us again - reassuring everyone of how happy he is. The list goes on and on - Meri is apparently thrilled to make the announcement that Robyn is pregnant (even though pregnancy is a really touchy subject with her), and the divorce was "all about the kids" even though it happened during the same period that Meri was having an emotional affair with someone to whom she pledged her love and was obviously about to run off with. Sheesh, these people are either pathological liars or they live their lives in such total denial that they themselves are no longer able to tell what is true and what is not.

    1. Good post !!

      "Sheesh, these people are either pathological liars or they live their lives in such total denial that they themselves are no longer able to tell what is true and what is not."

      Which eventually amounts to the same thing. Only difference is the pathological liars initially choose to do it, but as time goes on, they just don't care if anything is true. It becomes a reflex. They lie to achieve a goal or a result.

    2. They do like to give commentaries on how great they are and why they are taking each action.I watched the youtube episode of the girls trip . I once thought Kody wasn't close to his girls, but after he said he was four times ,I began to see it differently.Really I lied. I would have to have lived in a sheltered environment,minimally educated and raised in say, a cult, to think Kody was a great Dad.

    3. Lmao say, a cult. Love it!!!

  5. CJ: Glad you are fine---(saw your response at the end of the last thread!). Now, on to the business at hand---those Madcap Browns!!

  6. Why do they have to have a meeting to plan the celebration dinner? For goodness sake, if you want to have a dinner Robyn, plan a menu, shop at the grocery store, set the table and make the dinner. I've had dozens of dinner parties and hosted Thanksgiving dinners for up to 18 people. It's not that big a deal and I certainly doesn't need a planning meeting beforehand. It is so frustrating watching these people put so much effort into doing nothing. And Robyn is so needy.

    1. Oh she needs to delegate chores, child raising to the nanny, food to Christine, Meri to run her business, Janelle to do her bills to free her up to get her nails done and run out in the middle of the night to get a lunchable!

  7. I dropped into this episode....and dropped out again, as it made me genuinely nauseous. How could a judge allow this?

    1. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 1, 2015 at 7:54 PM

      Speaking of the judge, I cannot believe he permitted a proceeding involving minors, an adoption proceeding, to be filmed, much less for broadcast on T.V. That is not correct protocol. What a disservice to those children. Way to add to their anxiousness and violate their privacy, judge.

  8. Shut up....monogamous women cannot do this...WTF

  9. Whoa...who's the new guy Robyn is going to introduce us to after the commercial break???? Said she found him on the just know this is going to be anti-climatic...

    1. Yep...he's a portrait artist and Robyn is going to him with the idea of taking a picture of Kody when he was younger and the three kids when they were young-----put them together in a portrait--so it will look like Kody was with them when they were young-----that is just bizarre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Why doesn't she save her money for....oh I don't know....HER CHILDREN"S COLLEGE FUND?????

    3. A fake younger family portrait is just creepy. Oh my goodness these people are literally rewriting history, well I guess drawing a fake historical photo of there fake family. Lies lies lies!!!!
      Oh now we are going to gay bakers. They are soooo welcoming to different lifestyles. Sure

    4. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 1, 2015 at 6:59 PM

      An imaginary together-in-the-past portrait? Robyn is sick in the head. That's a cry for help. She needs professional help stat.

    5. I love how she talks really loud and slow so the Bulgarian guy can understand her. Typical Brown ignorance. "Haaaaave YOU EVERY HEEEARD OF ADOPTION???

  10. MrSpock is sooooo annoyed with Robyn's comment re. the adoption, that they have to follow the "rules" set down by the monogamous world----no, Robyn, you have to follow the rules set down for ALL people doing adoptions----you were not singled out for the "wrath" of the monogamists. So irritating!!!!!!!

  11. Poor Christine has no idea what friends are for...if she thinks monogamous women don't have those sisterly moments where we talk about our husbands, lovingly of course, without comparing him among women who share him...well she is just lamer than I thought.

    1. Yes. Me being a monogamous apostate...I have at least five very good friends that I have known since kindergarten. They are there whenever I need them and vice versa. We don't see that with the sister wives.

  12. I can think of nothing a teenager or middle school kid would want more than a plaque with Kody's picture on it. Some of that great fathering we hear so much about

  13. Christine.........WHAT is up with the squealing and clapping??
    She looks and sounds ridiculous.....and she has now added a little hop too.

    1. She saw Aurora doing the same and decided to act like a 12 year old and do the clap clap, jump jump, squeal like a pig, yell Yeaaaaah and the run across the room slamming into another family member with a bear hug. Reference Meri's divorce announcement, Maddies engagement and every time any of them say anything.

  14. So, Robyn is trying to rewrite history by painting a picture of the kids and put her kids as babies with Kody as if he were there...dumb ass

    1. In a season full of offensive stuff, that was by far the worst. Revisionist history. Pathetic. 'Nothing sweet about it.

  15. Trying to literally erase actual father by photoshopping Kody into pictures?

    1. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 1, 2015 at 7:37 PM

      That drawing is so creepy, it's straight out of a Twilight Zone plot line. It reminds me of the old mid-century style of brainwashing advertising. It is literally the sickest thing I think I've ever seen on this show. Robyn has always given the impression she is a mind-*#@%, but she just showed her mind is twisted beyond belief.

  16. The Bulgarian Artist's English is much better than Robyn's. There was no reason for her to ask and explain what a plural marriage is to him - except for the obligatory talking head of a stranger once again declaring that it's awesome and he has no problem with it.

    Meanwhile, the picture idea (Kody with Robyn's children when they were younger, as if it were real) is a new low in Brown Revisionist History.

    1. I was trying to think of a way to say this (both of your points) but I was too blown away by how crass the revisionist history "family portrait," is.

  17. MrSpock wants to know if Kody's "biological children" get/have gotten the same dedicated attention and gifts that he is now bestowing on the three adopted ones...MrSpock believes the answer is "no."

    1. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 1, 2015 at 7:42 PM

      As Meri and Mariah handle Mariah's tuition bills, I wonder if they resent the amount spent on legal fees for this adoption, not to mention the gifts and party. Two lawyers in two states in about a year-long process. I really, really feel for the Brown bio-kids.

    2. I wonder if dear Kody is on all of the biological children's birth certificate.

  18. Uhh....Kody gives me the creeps when he get that squinty-eyed Caveman he says "his special acknowledgement for the "kids" to know it is from HIM. Who else would it be from??
    What an ass. Sorry, no nicer way to say it.

  19. There is seriously something wrong with Christine. Seriously. Medicated? Manic? Just crazy?

    1. Desperate for her abusers approval (Kody and Robyn). Narcissists create a very dangerous environment emotionally speaking. At this rate I fear she will burn out. Never getting any approval. She may become suicidal. This is serious. I've been there. Narcissists enjoy mentally upsetting their victims. I feel sick for her. What were witnessing is her desperate pleas for Kodys approval, her way of trying to be the Perfect Supportive Plural Wife.

    2. I can't tell if Christine acts that way because she's on sonething or because she needs to be on something.

    3. If she is on meds, the dosage needs to be upped.

    4. I agree with you, Anon 12:06. She's gotten so much worse since her anniversary trip, when she had an epiphany that Kody is all about the family. She's learning that being herself isn't enough, and we've watched her try to stand up for herself for several years with no positive results. Everything she gets comes with a benefit to Kody, like wrestling mats in her garage and her cement with the abduction party paw prints. Watching her daughter perform for crumbs must validate to Annie how right she was to escape polygamy.

  20. Christine acts so fake now, the ridiculous fake giggle and artificial laughter every time Kody says anything. The constant validation of everything Kody speaks. Remember the first years they fought like brother and sister and Christine had such a good sense of humor and a sincere laugh? Ugh she is so fake.

  21. Notice how Janelle has suddenly become more engaged? What's up with that?

    1. Seeing Janelle becoming more engaged has been really disappointing, as I think she has the most potential to start over. The really cynical side of me hopes that she's just playing along because she understand the value of those TLC paychecks more than anyone.

  22. If one more Brown says "Adoption"....

    Now Janelle is getting a SPECIAL cake made for the adoption !!
    Talk about working a theme to death !!!

    1. ...and a Tree Cake, at that. Yes, the tree theme is back.

    2. That tree thing is about his trunk and his root/s you know...they are all about him as their trunk and they are the little flowers at the top....argh!

    3. it really is creepy watching this tonight.
      I feel itchy like it may be catching.

    4. Awww hell another damn tree cake?!?
      LAME-O!!!! I'm not watching, but reading yalls comments.

  23. Kody what do you do that's special and expensive for your other kids?

  24. I should have done the "DaytonAuroraBreanna" drinking game, so I could be passed out by now.

    Janelle did not need to describe a polygamist cake - It's an adoption, and the adoption was to the "legal marriage" couple, not to them and the concubines. If she were so concerned about bakers for a "polygamist cake," she should have returned to the commitment ceremony bakers. (Note that they must have foregone the publicity of a return appearance.)

    She looks like she's packed on a lot of weight. You know that she is ordering carrot cake and angel food cake, thinking that they're the healthiest or lowest calories.

    1. I guess that now that their family has been "validated" by the court system they feel the need to spread the word about how special they are, even to uninterested strangers

    2. I am so tired of that word "validate"along with "legal marriage", "legal divorce", "all about the kids" and "weird" to name a few.

    3. Haha! The "DaytonAuroraBrianna drinking game"! That is great! The "portrait" is one of THE creepiest things I have ever seen!

  25. The portrait thing is insane.......want to know who tossed that BAD idea in for ratings.
    A Brown or a producer??

    1. And they all tweeted the same image of that creepy stupid portrait raving how beautiful. Producer must have held them at gunpoint to do that. Revisionist history. If Kody were a real man, he would not be cool with this erasing of the real dad.

  26. Attention Bloggers: MrSpock is sure that Christine asked Aurora how the time with her FATHER went when the kids returned from Montana...anyone else hear that????? BTW, Aurora said she had a great time.

    1. Loud and clear!

    2. Yep, she sure did. I'm sure Kody was NOT happy to see THAT! And, yes, Aurora seemed thrilled about the way the visit went, so I'm sure Kody was obsessed with deprogramming them quickly, in time for the big party, I mean 'celebration'.

    3. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 2, 2015 at 9:24 AM

      When that was said out in the middle of the cult-de-sac, I'm pretty sure it was Mykelti who said it. Mykelti's face was just out of the shot and Christine was in the shot, but Mykelti spoke. Christine may have clapped (if Kody was out of earshot).

    4. They probably were thrilled - and relieved - to find out that their REAL dad still loved them, wanted to see them, etc. In other words, contradict the many, many lies they were told in Vegas. Disgraceful and sick.

  27. The cement names should be a Robyn's house, not Christine's. Maybe Robyn's holding out for the cement pond (which will require Spirit Baby 3).

  28. Maybe Kody should follow the path of Brady and get HIS tree tattoo on his balding head.

  29. Gee....will they still have time for the Meri and Janelle sob show?
    Or will that be shelved and pitched for next week?

    And Meri......about that PAP test........???

  30. Janelle is really excited about the adoption, now that it's weeks later and they're planning a party (Correction, per Robyn to Kody: Celebration). But, she's even more excited about the cake she bought. Kody notes that it's right up there with the other cool cakes they've had. These people are idiots.

    The scene opens with a long shot of Janelle, walking through the doors with the bakers, delivering the cake. They're wearing black t-shirts with the name of their business in large white letters.

    1. When there is cake involved Janelle seems to engage and animate up to a semi-conscious level.

    2. The cake was ridiculous. The top was green-frosted roses (or apparently cupcakes), but more than the 17 or 20 or how many people in the family. The tree trunk was carrot cake with chocolate frosting. It looked like a half a sheet cake, at most, and it couldn't serve the 60 guests invited. It also wasn't shown in the party food shot.

    3. Trying to compete with Cake Boss.

  31. Presents for Daddy from the kids? Must be torture for them. And for the sainted Meri who gave up that meaningless piece of paper from the monogamist rules world...ugh.

    1. That necklace is just another passive-aggressive gesture from Robyn toward Meri. Since it looks rather plain, it doesn't seem to be from MSWC. Maybe they'll sell replicas after this episode, if the server doesn't crash.

    2. LOL, was the necklace a a locket with her (Robyn) & her ex husband (Kodouche) so that every time she wears it she can be reminded of how awesome she is for playing along with latest zany Brown adventure? Divorce is so fun and all..just a piece of paper..right?! For the kids..gag me with a rake. Meri's tromp into online love 'validates' (one of their fave words) that it wasn't so fun but no worries Robyn, her replacement can keep rubbing salt in the wound.

  32. Oh Lord, to make those three kids have to do talking heads about you know what.....the A-word.
    Nauseating......just nauseating !!

  33. A diamond necklace for Meri and a watch for Kody---gifts from the three kids---sounds expensive.

  34. He doesn't pay this attention to the fruit of his loins...yuck just the thought of what I just typed, sorry.
    In what 5-6 years we have never seen him give a gift or special plaque or anything close to sentimental to his bio children or first 3 wives. I hate this man child so much.

    1. Yeah, I could have done without the reference to Kody's 'loins' - I'm eating breakfast!

  35. Watch out! Coming up next, the laying on of hands that the high holy man calls sealing. Let us cast out the evil that is in you 3, because of the other half of your dna.

    1. He needs to purify Sobbin then too !!
      After all, she is tainted!!

  36. Whoa......a cloth tablecloth !!! Water ones !!
    WOW !! This IS first-class !!

    1. It looks like a lined, plastic tablecloth, as did the red one on the dining room table at the planning meeting. But, it would meet the high bar (or wet bar) of of Brown Classy. It's even indoors.

    2. Amused, You were right - The purple tablecloths look sateen.

  37. Replies
    1. A Tag Heuer watch.

    2. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 1, 2015 at 7:18 PM

      Based on the "Swiss made since 1860" on the back, its either a real TAG Heuer (pricey) or a fake TAG Heuer. I'm going to go out on a limb and say even though Robyn is in the (air quotes) "jewelry business," she wouldn't know the difference.

  38. These people are nuts....really nuts. Yes, Janelle, it's a story...fiction...a story

  39. You said it, Janelle !!! so true !!!
    The portrait IS *creating* a story........a fake, phony, bogus story !!!

    1. Run.....we must have thought it simultaneously .....LOL !!

  40. Is Meri going to tell them on TV...I think so.

  41. Hate to think how expensive it is to get that crowd to Alaska. But after all the excitement of the last few episodes I guess they need a special vacation

  42. Why can't they just go right down to that courthouse, divorce Robyn and marry Meri to restore her legal status? Why is her divorce forever? Why is there no talk of playing the monogamous worlds game and then reverse it?

  43. So, has Meri's mother moved in with her? In her talking head, when she demurs from her saintliness in giving up her legal marriage, her mother places something on the kitchen island. Meri also hints at her "personal life."

  44. That portrait is creepy

  45. What the eff! What the eff! She actually said "I created a moment that didn't exist". That is so symbolic of this whole shat show. You psychos! That drawing is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen in my life. They actually want to steal what the children's past is.

    1. I just saw the portrait in the Twitter feed. It's worse than I thought. It's a 19-year old Kody, with toddler children. Would Robyn even have been born yet?

      Think of what King Sol's and Hash's interpretations could be when they're grown up.

    2. Kody looks like a wannabee game show host in that picture.

    3. Robyn would have been eight when Kody was 19 yrs old.
      So an eight year old mother of 3 children.
      CJ maybe you could verify, but is a 19 yr old Kody be prior to Meri 's wedding? Yet another passive aggressive slam towards Meri?

    4. Kody was 21 and Meri was 19 when they got married back in April 1990. I don't think Kody had met Meri yet when he was 19.

    5. Thanks CJ, so it was a pre-Meri Kody, literally producing a counterfeit, first wife portrait of her husband and her kids. She is an egomaniac. I wonder if all this subliminal programming was obvious to everyone? Robyn was first, Robyn is first above all others.

    6. She says it every week. "It's like we should have been together from the start."

    7. So will they send the portrait to People Magazine? I want them to publish the portrait. And while they are at it add the portrait with Kody's Burger King Hat, and that bizarre diorama that he carried to some celebrity event. Who carries a diorama with yourself in a king hat and your four wives. SO CREEPY!!! And his Twitter picture? Ackkkk!!! They are the strangest. It's like five year olds that are already weird thinking of these things.

    8. Grifter Lives, she actually says "shoulda been together" which is apparently the Queen's English (the Queen of Brownville).

    9. A Grody Little PonytailNovember 2, 2015 at 6:57 AM

      Cindy Snark I love calling it the Queen's English. We should make a dictionary of the Queen's English for this show! There are all kinds of weird pronunciations and merged words.

    10. That is not the Queens English. They have no regard for our dear Queens language.

  46. That portrait is freaky and would fit in well in a psycho thriller B movie ala Alfred Hitchcock.

    Thinking....25 years of marriage traded for a diamond (or CZ?) necklace.
    Seems like a bad deal, Meri.

    1. creeped out right now. I feel everyone but Robyn feels the same. Logans response- classic lol.

    2. what did he say?

    3. Yep, totally grossed out by the portrait. Although I liked the Bulgarian artist; maybe Meri should hook up with HIM.

  47. So... Kody gets a $2500 TH watch and Meri gets a $150 necklace from JC penney. Seems fair.

  48. I'm dying of laughter at your Freudian typo! Plague it is! A plague of stupidity sweeping through the cult-a-sac! Maybe autocorrect is smarter than we think!! (Meant in good fun and not as a spelling Nazi smackdown)

  49. I concur the portrait is creepy but the thumbs up by Dayton in the portrait was comical. Is that to symbolize his approval of the adoption? This is like time warp science fiction.Kody is following a long line of story tellers and spin artists in his culture.

    1. I am so shocked that I can't look at the portrait. But, your comment made me look at it again. Fortunately, Christine tweeted the link to the portrait and the artist's website.

      The thumbs-up is hysterical.

  50. they made the kids look like Kody in the portrait...Kodys nose

  51. WTF they are addressing the Catfish issue next week? Let's see if this is yet another fake teaser. What happened to Meri dying? Janelle and Meri love fest and now we are headed to Alaska? Could this cluster bunch get more fragmented? What we spent 6 shows on the adoption and now cram 5 story lines into one episode?

  52. I decide to watch The Leftovers instead of this horrible train wreck,which was alot better and gut wrenching. But I saw the preview of the next episode of Sister Wives.. If next week's preview is actually accurate then they are going to talk about the catfish ordeal which means TLC is struggling for ratings, since The Duggar clan is no more. All the next episode will prove is how miserable Meri is that she went outside the family for affection. Personally she doesn't need to apologize on national television for what she did. She did it for a reason and maybe she would be better off with another person that truly cares about her.

    1. She did it as a divorced single woman that has a baby daddy that is newly married to a younger woman.

  53. the most attention any of these kids have gotten is when they were a story line. When the show is over so is the attention.

  54. This week's episode was brought to you by Show Boy Bake Shop, Desert Concrete, Sun City Florist and Teodore Bojinov for all of your cake, concrete, floral and family portrait needs. Get an extra 20% off when you mention you're a fan of Sister Wives.

  55. So so soooooo creepy. And, what a slap in the face to the original three wives whose history wasn't just a photo. These women, no matter how delusional, put in the hard work of years of jealousy, in fighting, and raising a family. NEWS FLASH ROBYN-- You and your kids were not there!! Get over it.

    1. But... but... but... we SHOULDA all been together from the BEGINNING!!! You know... when I was like 8, cuz that's not creepy at all!

  56. these people are having a love fest with each other on twitter..and they probably wouldnt walk next door to say boo to each other. this is PR damage control on steroids. all of a sudden Meri is happy on twitter and engaging fans??who is left they havnt blocked? what good does it do when they have blocked people for several years? what a bunch of dishonest "save my TLC paycheck" at any cost grifters.

  57. Meri just tweeted something about how the artist Teddy did a fabulous job creating this memory, referring to the drawing. Um, Meri? You can't retroactively create memories that supposedly happened many years ago. Well you can, but it's called 'lying' in the monogamist world. That picture is the creepiest thing I've ever seen. Since the picture is fantasy why not throw Sol in there? And Hash drawn from the ultrasound? And Boba Fett? Possibly Abraham Lincoln?

  58. I think this is to make Robyn feel better because when they went back to their old "separate" houses they had hand prints from when they were younger and poor Robyn felt left out. Poor Christine probably had to negotiate more grocery money to agree to have it at her house. This was to satisfy Robyn and its her wedding reception disquised as a adoption celebration.

  59. Spock,
    If next week they are going to have Meri do a monologue about *all* her current woes....(catfish, pap test, Janelle angst, rehash of her martyrdom as the ex-wife, etc) get set to hear that super slowwwwwwwww delivery again. She seems to have perfected it to be the extreme opposite of warp speed.

    1. MrSpock is not normally fearful or emotional about life's circumstances, however, in this instance, fear IS warranted. MrSpock will look into using the slingshot effect around the sun to speed up time so that Meri may appear to be speaking at a normal rate.

    2. Amused, I was going to sum up all of Meri's woes and you did it perfectly! I don't see a plaque for her and all she has suffered. Maybe a fake portrait of a teenage Robyn wedged between Meri and Kody in their wedding portrait.

  60. If nothing else, THIS week was entertaining for the sheer absurdity of the premise and of all the ridiculous details.
    Kind of made me remember how bad Momma June and her HBB brood were at the ugly end.
    Similar shades of *it just can't get any more lame and stupid than this* !!

  61. Why does Kody pronounce the word,"lawyer" as, "liar." It's so annoying!

  62. the adoption episode...they all just parked on a red curb to enter the court room. i think Christine is still standing up...

  63. I find it hilarious the artist website is pet-portrait. Fitting for Kody.

  64. That fake memory "portrait" is hideous. Does anyone have a screenshot of the Kody plaques? I'd love to see what those looked like. Can only imagine..

    1. One of them, and maybe all of them, said, "I loved you from the moment that I met you."

  65. Why did Sobbyn pronounce chaos as "Cha ouse" is that some joke I missed during the show? The concept of the photograph is disgusting. Is bio dad really so terrible that he needs to be written out of history? Surely if she sends the kids to see them every summer he can't be horrendous. During the show Sobbyn was saying the kids were starting to get excited about coming back when they were getting closer to Nevada. So does that mean they actually like being in Montana and were sad to leave? To me this suggests they don't need to literally write over the biodad.

    In talks with my lawyer friend she suggested that maybe the adoption was necessary because in our state it is difficult to get the court to accept one parent surrendering their rights because that would mean no child support for the child. However, adoption is a benefit to the child (kind of replacing the source of $ from bio parent to adoptive parent). Finally the adoption made sense to me somewhat. I think it can be nice to acknowledge the adoption in a wonderful happy manner but the portrait although well done, was super creepy.

    Also bothers me that Meri says her feelings don't matter in the legal divorce. Why shouldn't they? Just goes to show how oppressive this lifestyle is.

    I wonder if they can afford that watch or if it is just more of Robyn's reckless spending habits from the first marriage?

    1. What money did those three kids need that adoption was required? There is no court appointed amount ordered to be given to kodys other baby mamas. Robyn is just as employed as Kody. In an interconnected business. He is not the God of insurance. Robyn gets her $850 a month like the rest of the wives no kids or 5 kids at home and she makes due. It's her brilliant idea for them all to be working her hobby business. No idea what he does for a living but given their lives before the show I can't imagine he makes anywhere near a reality show income or a business that sells merchandise relatived to that same show. There are five checks for 13-17 kids. He is one check to three, maybe more if he remarried. He isn't living polygamy. It's revisionist history. The portrait says it all. It's ego. Kody has the biggest ego in the world. I gotta wonder if her ex feels Robyn took his purity and threw it on the ground?

    2. The pronunciation WAS a reference from earlier in the show - Kody said that his brother used that pronunciation. So we can't blame that one on Robyn, just everything else!

  66. My favourite Tweet is the person who referred to it as an" abduction" party. Brilliant ,sadly true but brilliant.

  67. I could see all of the hoopla if Kody had rescued the kids from certain death in a war-torn country or if they were living in abject poverty or being held as prisoners against their will. Also, I wonder if the eyes in that ghoulish portrait follow you around the room. And geez, if Robyn took creative license to invent an image that never existed, why not just throw good, old Sol in there, too? As a tiny little baby. Why exclude him?

  68. In the preview, when Meri breaks down, the pained look on her face would scare the walking dead. But I'm not gonna be sucked in. She could be admitting to her Sisterwives that she lost her mind, fell in love with a fake person, told the catfish personal information about each of them, and voice mailed the fake 250,000 times. But knowing how the Browns sidestep anything real that's going on, she probably just breaks down because she's not been feeling well, and feels weird and stupid hiding it from them.

    1. Agreed; I'll be shocked if it's actually about the catfishing thing.

  69. That watch to Kody was beat to hell and back, not that it matters. I buy used items all the time. Just curious what a used one goes for.

  70. This message is for Meri, Janelle & Christine. Please do not trust Robyn with information that:

    A.)You wouldn't want to be made public.
    B.)Could be used to harm you or your kids/be twisted & used to harm you or your kids.
    C.)She is asking for. See B.

    1.)Do not accept her offers to help a face value.
    2.)She won't do anything for you unless she gets something out of it.
    3.)Put important & private documents in a locked box.
    4.)Get your living expenses as low as possible.
    5.)Put aside as much money as you can.
    6.)Hide cash in a banks safety deposit box. But never tell anyone what's in the box. Banks don't allow cash but don't look when you open the box. They turn their backs.
    7.)Focus on a career. Something you can do soon, that is profitable. Real estate, dental hygienist, pharmaceutical sales representative, paralegal, medical secretary, court reporter, cosmetologist, executive assistant or if you have a passion turn it into a business.
    8.)Use your career money to pay for your living expenses
    9.)Get to the point where TLC money is a bonus.
    10.)Plan on TLC canceling in or by 2017.

  71. 123 comments later and I'm still cracking up about that freaky painting. Thank goodness I found this room because it is such a creepy concept and hilarious at the same time that non- CJ folks couldn't appreciate the insanity!
    I'm truly surprised that there weren't multiple copies commissioned so that all the households would be forced to display them prominently.

    In all seriousness, this unholy union of 2 major narcissists is almost scary. Don't any of the others get it? Forget this BS religious junk. This is a mind fluck to force all of them to adopt Sob sister's mantra that she should've been there all along. Now she has proof and they will all ooh & ahh, beg to see it, titter about it and now acknowledge that indeed she & her kids were there and by golly they were first in the timeline.
    Nuts I tell ya, completely nuts

  72. That picture is making me physically ill. This is so sick and twisted. They're all making a big to-do about it; made a deal to publicize for a discount, no doubt. Nothing on this show has made me feel as uncomfortable and disgusted as this, and it has been a nauseating five years.

    1. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 1, 2015 at 10:32 PM

      Someone needs to burn it.

  73. OMG..... that delusional illusion of a portrait is just crazy and how damaging for those kids and disrespectful to the real father no matter how "bad" he is. Don't we all wish sometimes we could go back and change history but hey this is Sister Wives not some time traveller show. As someone else mentioned what will King Sol and baby Hash make of it when they're older ............ just what are they trying to do to these kids? it's wrong. Surely the real Brownies will be left wondering why there's no portrait of them as little kids with dad little Truly could come up with some comment. It's all becoming so cruel ..... I've gone to not caring about the stupid wives but feel so sorry for the kids.

  74. Something that just dawned on me during tonight's episode-- Robyn said Baby Brownie is due near Dayton's birthday. His birthday is the same day as Meri's. That's gotta be tough for Meri to know the baby is due around her birthday. Unless, of course, they aren't telling the truth about the due date and the baby comes sooner.

  75. If you don't need to see TV shows as soon as they come out, consider canceling cable. You can use an antenna and you'll still get all the local channels, news, etc. the antenna is super small and about $20 with no monthly fees at all. I watch shows on their channels web pages and on youtube. The local elementary school has a deal for $10/month internet. This savings means I have $1,800 that instead of paying to a cable company I have automatically put into my savings. So every year I give my college kid $1,000 to help with car insurance, gas, etc. the other $800 I give her in grocery, gas, fast food, etc, gift cards. I honestly could not afford to help her if I still had cable. It's that tight, for now. I just want people to know that you don't heed cable. I watch TV and movies constantly. There are so many free ones online. Which I play via my x-box on my TV. And the thrift stores sell DVD movies for $1 each.

    I got tired of TLCs deceptive ads. Each week they'd show commercials that didn't match up to the actual episode. The did this so much that I stopped believing their ads.

    I also grew tired of TLC replaying the same scenes over and over again. There are enough commercials as it is. They waste limited time!

    Their tell-all interviews are a JOKE!!' They never ask tough questions. They accept all answers, even haven we they haven't actually answered. They allow the Browns to be in charge. I believe the Browns have pre-approved all interview questions.

    TLC, if you want to keep the show:

    1.)Ask tough questions.
    2.)Allow fans to ask interview questions via Twitter, Facebook, etc.
    3.)Ensure the actual question has been answered!
    4.)Be honest with viewers about the actual problems they have. No mire sugar coating!
    5.)Get thenBrowns a financial counselor. They'll lose their homes without!
    6.)Document the education & career of each woman.
    7.)Follow each woman on a typical day.
    8.)Show what Kody does with LIV.
    9.)Send each couple to Marriage Boot Camp reality show.
    10.)Create Sister Wife Swap. Spin off short term reality show. Swap SWs.

    1. A Grody Little PonytailNovember 2, 2015 at 6:51 AM

      I like your suggestions to TLC. I wish they would ask the tough questions, but my guess is the SW "cast" would just storm off offended.

  76. Sorry...but I can't get the portrait out of my head!
    It's beyond weird.
    What an absolute passive aggressive maneuver. It's devious. Not a painting of their family now all affirmed and wunnerful, no..they obliterated the father and by extension made Robyn the "original" first wife by having Kody so young .
    I agree with the post upstream, the other wives better think about their future. Their lot in life was sealed with this monstrosity. They are all afterthoughts because the message is loud and clear. Sobyn was first, her kids were first. Yikes

  77. The portrait again.

    Why did robyn not have it framed? It was mounted on cardboard perhaps because it's too bizzare for display?
    It's just too crazy. Maybe christine will take it and hang it her house, after which she'll re-enact the adoption court proceedings with truley's toys again.

  78. 'What an absolute passive aggressive maneuver. It's devious. Not a painting of their family now all affirmed and wunnerful, no..they obliterated the father and by extension made Robyn the "original" first wife by having Kody so young .
    I agree with the post upstream, the other wives better think about their future. Their lot in life was sealed with this monstrosity. They are all afterthoughts because the message is loud and clear. Sobyn was first, her kids were first. Yikes:"

    I think that is what she is trying to do. Problem is the ages of the older children, many of them are older than Sobins kids. Sobbin wasn't there in the beginning and no amount of revising history is going to make it so

  79. TLC- Meri goes on a cruise with the artist. Kate and Leo style.

    1. I actually thought that he'd be perfect for Meri!

    2. Hey, hey, hey now. What has portrait guy ever done to you two? ;)

  80. Now that I've had time to digest this photo idea, I realize it was just executed wrong.

    Kody should have been superimposed to recreate a George Costanza scene on the beach. Robyn's kids with real daddy could be standing on the beach, all smiles, with old shark- eyes walking just behind them.

  81. Now that I've had time to digest this photo idea, I realize it was just executed wrong.

    Kody should have been superimposed to recreate a George Costanza scene on the beach. Robyn's kids with real daddy could be standing on the beach, all smiles, with old shark- eyes walking just behind them.

  82. Just spotted the question Who is Kody's favorite wife ? didn't see it originally cos of the hilarious photos. Well let me think....... could it possibly be sobbin Robyn, the newly manipulated real wife ? If anyone's in any doubt just watch the tenderness between them in the past few episodes....cupping her face in his hands when he kisses her, taking her hand and kissing it. Ever seen that with any of the other wives ? doubt it. most they get is an arm flung round the shoulder during the interview sessions...he may as well get one of those dummy arms to do the job for him. I can only think these other three women don't want to lose their tlc paychecks as none of them or their kids are getting much out of this man now his new family is all legal...must be so embarrassing for them.

  83. Whether or not Meri actually talks about the Catfishing next week, they have still acknowledged it with a wink and nod by teasing it. Janelle looks huge again, and Christine acts like a pet seal with the clapping and squeeling. I wish I could unsee that portrait- it is the stuff nightmares are made of!!

    1. I think TLC showed that clip to make us think they'll be talking about the catfish, but it will actually be about Meri and her health issues. I don't think they'll discuss the catfish at all. IF they do, it won't be until next season (so there will actually be something to film for another season).

  84. Not only does this horrendous "portrait" attempt to create a false memory for everyone, it reveals Robyn's desperate need to erase the fact she had been legally married to David Jessop and had produced those kids with him -- what Kody called the "yuck factor" of originally shacking up with her. That these people thought that the pet-portrait-artist's picture was an appropriate gift is disturbing and a clear indication of how truly out of touch they are with reality or what is appropriate and decent, No Robyn, you can't erase the truth. Isn't it enough that you have constantly defamed your ex-husband on TV, hinted that the children are somehow harmed by contact with him, and said all along that their father should have been Kody? I doubt very much that David Jessop is as bad as you have implied. What you have all done with this fake portrait and your oohs and aahs about it demonstrate the depths to which you have all sunk.

  85. At the end of the day, that Dorian Gray portrait in reverse is old news now in Kodyworld since this was all filmed months and months ago. Hopefully by now, that example of Sobbin's devious agenda (or mental dysfunction) is stuffed away with boxes of unsold MSWC junk.

    Just a few petty snarks leftover.....
    Is it a regional thing that Kody and Sobbin pronounce picture as "pitcher" ? Or are they just too lazy to enunciate properly.
    Between hearing adoption/validation/ day-un/aurora/breeana every other second, the "pitcher" was annoying.
    Sobbin's finger-hair combing has become a relentless part of her on-camera shtick now.
    Hmm...could it be that whenever she is lying, her subconscious reflex is to fondle her hair??
    Ya think....?? :-))

  86. I can't watch anymore.

    Do you mean that portrait is of Robyn's kids as babies and a younger Kody? At first I thought it was Logan, Aspyn and Mariah with Kody? These people are creepy?

  87. Here's a prediction for how the catfishing will be handled. Meri is a victim. The Browns are all victims and were targeted because they are 1, "stars" and 2, polygamists. What happened is an example of how they are constantly "persecuted." Meri is not responsible in any way as she was 1, very sick at the time; 2, believed she had "cancer;" 3, was emotionally vulnerable because of the great sacrifice she was making "for the kids," and family; 4. she was only involved with this guy/woman because of a business arrangement. Nothing will be said about her declarations of love and all the unfavorable comparisons between "Sam" and Kody. There will be no acknowledgement of how lonely women in polygamy are, and there will be an on-screen love fest (in the same style as the twitter lies) involving all Brown "stars" to show us inferior monogamists that the "family" is "stronger than ever" after this satanic plot to destroy their celestial tribe. (Well, they may not express the latter outright, but you can be sure that's how they will interpret this mess.)

  88. Serious question. .... does Kody get a tax break/benefit for all Robyn kids now that he's legally married to get and adopted her minor children? I wondered if his real motives were for some sort of financial gain since she has 4 and soon to be 5 minor kids living full time in their home?

    1. well. i dont think he can claim the ones of Christine and Janelle that are not his legally if he is not on birth certificate..i may be wrong on that

  89. Yep, all of a sudden, 'Preston' and his relatives are "good people". All season we've been led to believe that that situation is horrible. But then we see 3 kids really excited about going to see him, and really happy about how their trip went when they return. I feel more manipulated every episode.

  90. Even the cute family stories are annoying. Felt bad for the deceased brother who did not know how to pronounce "chaos" because he was homeschooled and had never heard it pronounced! Like that's a normal thing And had apparently been ridiculed for the rest of his life for it. What's wrong with these people

  91. Agree with you both. I was so disgusted at the way they're forcing the "Kody is your father" thing with those kids, when they'd just returned from a visit with their bio dad. And I think the plague/plaque thing says everything - 'sums up this whole season!

  92. I've noticed right away how the new Mrs. Brown is spend spend spend! Nice clothes, expensive gifts and a NEW DINING set! Notice behind the "presentation of the gifts".

  93. that portrait gave me goosebumps!! WTF

    these losers forgot they already had a dumb tree cake at their last soiree.

    of course janelle would get excited for the cake LOL

    1. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsNovember 2, 2015 at 8:51 AM

      And a tree necklace, and a tree planting, and now a concrete tree. It's funny when you think how they don't so much have a family tree as family brambles, given all the weird ways their relations are intertwined.

    2. Perhaps the tree represents their family because they are all dumb as stumps?

  94. Can anyone keep a straight face when reading THIS one........

    "Christine Brown ✔ @rosecolored6
    I love being married to @realkodybrown and how spiritual he is. Name blessings always make me cry. They're so beautiful. #SisterWives "

    Certainly puts to bed all the concern about Christine being unhappy !!
    Go for it, Christine......Tis the bed *you* have made..!!

    *Kody..."Spiritual"...!!!???* Truly laughable.

  95. Back to the tree cake: That was a simple concept---Janelle could have made it herself...or anyone could, for that matter...oblong pan for the trunk with a little cut out on the sides, brown frosting, green frosted cupcakes as leaves. Probably would have cost Janelle pennies by comparison---2-3 cake mixes, canned or homemade frosting---a little dye for color.

    As for the portrait: the more one thinks about it the meaner it is to Daddy Jessop. Imagine if you die, then your surviving spouse remarries and does the same thing with your children---creates a portrait (or photoshops something) so that the new partner is in it with your children (at some age when you still would have been alive) thus making it look like you never existed. That is really, really mean and demonstrates a complete lack of common sense and compassion for others.

    MrSpock usually does not care too much what the Browns do...but this portrait thing has gone beyond the boundaries of civilized behavior and any of the Browns who think this is worth "celebrating" should take a good, hard look at themselves and realize how hurtful it is.

    1. She should just cut the head out of all the photos with Jessop and paste Kody head in their place. She basically did the same thing with this bizarre monstrosity.

    2. Mock purity I agree. Some say it was awful for their dad to allow whatever the heck transpired but to be honest the Browns look despicable all on their own. Kody will be front and center when the oldest daughter has a baby, but the other two I think will think more kindly of their dad than Kody later in life. He didn't put them in fear for their family in the goofy exodus. He didn't out them on tv. He didn't try to turn them against their mom. He didn't publicly badmouth her. He didn't move the kids several states away from her. I'm glad these folks believe in hell.

  96. In an episode full of offensive stuff (I won't even talk about the portrait), I think the most 'telling' was Robyn describing how Jessup hadn't "been able" to see the kids for 2 years. Wait, that's not how it's been presented so far. Up until that we'd been led to believe that he was just an unconcerned deadbeat dad. Now we're hearing that he "hasn't been able"; that's a very different thing. I think the truth is that 1) he's just an average blue collar working guy who has difficulty just picking up and travelling a long distance to see his kids because 2) his ex-wife moved them so far away from him and his resources are limited in terms of getting himself/him back and forth. I'm firmly convinced now that they all struck a deal "with the devil" to absolve him of all of his back child support debt, and to enable him to have an ongoing relationship with the kids, IF he's sign over his rights to Kody. I was really glad to see that the kids were happy about going to visit, AND that they reported back that they'd had a great time there. I also shook my head when Christine said that the paternal (the REAL paternal) family are "good people", and chuckled when she inadvertently asked the kids if they'd enjoyed their visit with their "Dad". So many things last night just made it seem like we've been played this season so far. Oh, and I have to wonder if Brianna crying about the plaque was not so much that she was excited, but that she was conflicted after just having spent 2 weeks with her REAL Dad.

    1. I agree, Susie! This makes perfect sense. Especially the thing about why Brianna was crying.
      signed - Chau-hose

    2. Brianna has been a cryer from day one. Remember Kody and Robyns wedding and the family picture and Brianna crying and Robyn saying she was tender and cried easily? now thay make a point because it suits their story line that she rarely cries..BS and Auroa saying "we are criers" we have a heart was very telling.

    3. That's exactly what I was thinking!

  97. oh that was gross. Celebrating a little girl's crying on camera as the best thing ever. Where is the parental instinct in any or these adults? Most people want to cherish and protect their children

  98. I was physically ill watching this episode. There are so many sick and twisted things going on. I almost feel complicit and ashamed for watching the mental and emotional abuse of everyone else besides Kody and Robyn. The fact that Robyn chose a picture of Kody from BEFORE he met Meri is telling. How sick and evil is Robyn? I'm so disturbed, I feel like TLC should be charged it's all kinds of abuse for,this. All of those kids should sue.

  99. Did anyone catch the picture in Robyn's bedroom when the kid's were wrapping presents?! It was above the dresser and looked like it was Robyn and Kody kissing while leaning on a car at sunset!

  100. Ysabel standing behind Kody as Robyn gave Kody the artists interpretation of her revision of history..she had tears rolling down and looked so uncomfortable..broke my heart..that is cruel

    1. Do you think these kids have been so brainwashed with this pre-life and after life religious stuff that they believe all the mind yes, my dad is really Robyn's kids dad and was "there" spiritually so in effect he's their father now?
      It's so cult-ish that I do wonder if the older kids have invested themselves in the revisionist BS the adults are hyping.
      I feel for them. All these false/mixed messages with the added burden of being filmed for the world to see. They all had a pecking order so to speak and along comes this succubus who connives and weedles her way through the family and literally changes the dynamic.

    2. Thanks Las Vagrants for introducing me to the word succubus! How perfect! A female demon who has sex with sleeping men! On another note, how very sad that Ysabel was crying about the portrait. Probably the only one showing genuine emotion. Since I no longer watch the show, can anyone provide more info on how the original 13 kids reacted to the portrait? Thanks.

    3. haha. YW and it fits her well!

  101. Several things:

    1. Robyn sassing Kody. I say now that she is his legal wife and favorite wife, she thought that she could getaway with murder. I love the look on Meri's face when Kody told Robyn to ease up. Then basically telling her that she has known Kody longer and to get used to it. The look that Kody gave Robyn after that talk was scary. The look on Robyn's face told me she knew she had gone too far. Kody probably made her pay afterwards. Robyn, you may be the favorite wife, but not even you are immune to his anger. Tread carefully.

    2) Robyn looks so different without all that make-up. With her hair and make-up completely undone she looks not so great. Makes me wonder whose idea it is/was to make her up so much. Perhaps an effort to present her as the "pretty one" or "glam one." Makes you realize how pretty Christine is. She doesn't need all that work and has such a natural beauty.

    3) Something that also stands out to me is how bare and unglamorous the kids rooms are. Remember Truly was sleeping on a mattress on the floor? Compared to adult's bedrooms and Solomon's they have nothing. Robyn's kids and Mariah have it pretty good. Especially Solomon and Dayton. However, Robyn's girls and especially Janelle's and Christine's kids have next to nothing.
