
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

It's Wednesday Again, and Yep, Reviews are Still LATE!

Robyn and Kody syncing up their brainwaves

There just aren't enough hours in the day (and coffee in my coffee pot) to complete these reviews! But don't despair...Soon...very soon....

In the meantime, here's a new posting where you can continue your comments without having to 1) Scroll Down Forever just to find out you have to 2)Click the "Loading More" link just to have to 3) Scroll Down Forever, again.


  1. No despairing here, CJ.
    Considering how much time and detail you put into any review, whenever it happens will be a good thing. Besides, haven't we learned that the really good things are worth waiting for ??!! :))

  2. A Grody Little PonytailOctober 28, 2015 at 6:40 AM

    Thanks CJ! I haven't been commenting as most of what I think is already said by other posters. But I do love coming here to read your posts and all the comments for entertainment. I have only watched one episode this season as I find SW continues to be so incredibly boring.

  3. just say you dont want to do it!! its been too long now to matter. you are dragging this out for a reason. don't drag every one along. maybe ask someone to be a guest reviewer if you dont want to do it anymore.

    1. ???????
      Was this necessary?

    2. Have you forgotten whose living room this is?

    3. Meow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      These shows are not in real time so we're not really waiting on the edge of our seats for brand new nuggets of info. It's a privilege to hang out here and wait for a review..or not. The Browns pretty much get the same criticism each & every episode anyway.

    4. considering there is practically no new action to review or recap, it is perfectly understandable that writing something smart about this mess (which CJ always manages to do, somehow)will take some Herculean efforts. I for one would understand if you gave up entitely

    5. CJ can drag it out as long as she wants since this is her living room! Besides you should be used to TLC dragging out BS story lines for the Brown klowns.
      Also, CJ does this as a courtesy for us & on her own free time!! She's not on anyone's payroll, although she does deserve some sort of kickback from TLC!
      Perhaps you should start your own blog & write your own reviews! & Then you can invite as many guest writers as your heart desires. In the meantime, please have some manners while you're in someone else's living room.

    6. Anon 7:00 am...really! How rude are you to say something to our host. I think we all agree that after the other blogger stopped hosting us and over time, one-by-one, we all found our way over here, and we are so happy to be back together that we don't care how long CJ takes and we will be here waiting.....

    7. Go to All About the Tea or Reality Tea and they post their reviews within 24 hours of the show airing.

    8. I agree with runKodyrun. It took me quite a while to find CJs Living Room after the other blog folded and I am so grateful that she has opened this up for us. The reviews are insightful and very appreciated when they are posted, but they are not the reason I pop in here. I love the dialogue and snarking and camaraderie found on this site and I am truly thankful for the way that CJ controls the content and decorum herein. Write a review CJ, or don't write a review CJ, I'll still be here either way.

      FYI, in case anyone hasn't figured this out yet, dissing on other posters or the blog administrator is not something taken lightly here (CJ and Mr. Spock - we have your back).

    9. *dragging up back armor* We are here in this living room as guests and I for one would wait a month or more for CJ's clever word play on the slogging mess Sister Wives has become. Remember being here is a privilege not a right.

    10. Seriously, Robyn (er, I mean Anon 7:00). What everyone else has already said! And be grateful that they've already said it, because my response wasn't going to be nearly as kind.

    11. When you're in someone else's living room don't diss the owner, keep your feet off the furniture and use your manners.

    12. C'mon, Kody, we all know you love attention, but do you really miss seeing your name over and over in CJ's reviews?

    13. Everything runKodyrun and agnostia said.

    14. MrSpock joins the chorus!

    15. Ha Ha Ha, cracking up at the caption on that picture too. I'm a sometimes a realist when it comes to this show and family. Sometimes I genuinely like them, often I think they are fools. But I can always appreciate well-placed hilarity!

    16. That photo is BRILLANT! Thank you.

    17. CJ, It's a wonder to me that you've held on this long with this train wreck of a show. I applaud you for that alone. Maybe a season wrap up would be more than enough. Just know that your long time Living Room guests appreciate every word you put to paper(computer screen). When we all move on from SW, after their inevitable implosion,we will happily snark on the next hot mess. We will also happily wait for any review that you are able to produce. Sorry for your technical difficulties and sorry for unwarranted criticism that you've received. Note: Reality Tea is an okay place to read and occasionally comment,but it lacks the insight and "real story" that we have always enjoyed here. Just sayin.

    18. When u start paying her for reviews, then u can bitch. The rest of us love her humor in her reviews. Maybe this is Kody who can't wait to see his name in print. When she's ready they will be here.

    19. I agree with all of you. I also appreciate the hard work put in by CJ - love her writing and humor, and all the rest who post. I was kinda shocked at that post when I read it, but LOL that it could be one of them!!

  4. CJ - I can only imagine how you dread this task of writing reviews for what has become the most deplorable season yet. I remember in college I despised doing homework for a hated class and it just clouded my enjoyment of life!! Why don't you just start fresh with next week's show and give yourself a pass on these last ones? It will become a novelty and future talking point that there are a few holes for the reviews. These missing reviews will become folk legend, "Remember that horrible season 9 that was so awful CJ couldn't even bring herself to write the reviews??" And new people will ask "why are there a few reviews missing?" And all your bloggers will say - "It was the crazy season of the adoption storyline....even CJ couldn't stand talking about it!!" SKIP THEM!! Give yourself a break, you deserve it for all you have done for us!!

    1. Oh CJ, I agree! Give yourself a break and skip over the BS adoption storyline reviews. Reserve your energy for the upcoming Catfish storyline - that should be a real lulu.

    2. This is a PERFECT idea, Big Sky!! Love it!

      Every blog needs it's legend and lore. This IS the best run blog on the 'net.

    3. Yes we wish CJs reviews would hurry up; no we don't want a guest writer; yes we appreciate her having this blog and doing it well; but NO TO SKIPPING REVIEWS!! Some of us are overseas and this our only option as SW isn't broadcasting. I wish the reviews would hurry as up waiting weeks to find out the storyline isn't fun.

  5. I was in Las Vegas the last few days for a cont ed conference at the Luxor. We did some sightseeing, and we did some people watching if you get my drift. Anyway, forgot the sordid details, but my friend and I ran into Meri at a little boutique not far from the cul de sac. :) We watched, I mean shopped, Meri bought some wrapping paper and ribbon. We exited when she did and did the "are you Meri from Sister Wives?", she was not rude but not friendly and said yes. I said, I am so sorry to hear about your being catfished, how sad and embarrassing it is all over the internet. Then I said I hope you do find your Prince Charming for real though. She said, "mind your own business", got in her car and drove off. I am not saying we followed her or not, but it appreared as though she was driving very, very fast through residential areas.

    No trip to Vegas will be complete without a little Brown snooping.

    1. I think your actions were very intrusive.

    2. Agreed Unknown. I met Meri (and kodouche plus other wives and some kids) about two years ago when they hosted a green goo thing at Meri's house. Meri is actually the one wife who was warm and welcoming out of the bunch. That is when I stopped bashing on her and realized how bad I felt for her. Telling her that and stocking her are not ways to let her know the outside world is supportive of her if she were to make the decision to leave.

    3. Stalking***

      Ugh, my spelling sometimes... *Facepalm*

      Sorry CJ, don't mean to spam, that was just going to drive me nuts. Since I am adding a new comment I might as well chime in and tell you that I completely understand you not doing the reviews yet. As a matter of fact, I would support you if you decided not to do them at all! Though they would be greatly missed.

    4. Mind your own business? These people are priceless. You go on television in a reality show, the entire premise is to make your personal business public and then you want people to mind their own business? If everyone minds their own business, won't the show be cancelled?

      They want to eat their cake and have it too. Doesn't work that way Brown clowns.

    5. Wow, not cool and very childish.

    6. I think someone telling Meri they are sorry and hope she finds love is supporting her not stalking her. She didn't heckle her. I am with Snarkaholic they intentionally made their business our business. It is like when they said to leave the kids alone and tweeted inviting all asunder to go get your car washed and the location of Hunter's car wash. How fundie to come out for freebies but not free advice.

    7. R E L A X... I'm sure snooper's words were coming from the heart. I'm sure she said what she said to try to make Meri happy. I probably would have apologized for all of this catfish stuff as well if I saw her in person, just like any other misfortune she would have encountered. I do however, find it rude of Meri to say what she said. Meri gets paid to have her life on display, and she can easily change that. But she chooses not to because life in the sac is much better than welfare and bankruptcy. Jmo

    8. How very TMZ of you in your approach to Meri. Too bad you didn't nsteatd say "run Meri run."

      I am actually struggling whether or not to have sympathy for her over her life of the past year. Seems like a lot of karma came back at her.

    9. Nothing is gained by rubbing this in her face. It's one thing to snark online, it's another to stalk and harass. I feel that was way over the line.

    10. Last year my first husband was killed because a careless driver failed to look in her blind spot. Think twice before chasing someone in a car. You can kill someone. Leaving children, parents, family, friends devastated. Also, why point out that it's all over the internet? That's some seriously shitty in-your-face commentary. I'd feel like crap if I spoke to someone like that. She has nothing to be embarrassed about. She's human and made a mistake. Which one of us haven't?

    11. This kind of thing must happen to Meri and the others all the time. The old adage "don't play with fire if you can't take the heat" comes to mind. Fan comments are part of being a public figure. I say, fair game.

    12. In what world is stalking, antagonizing and chasing someone through residential roads okay? I hope it doesn't happen to them all the time. They don't deserve that and neither do their kids. Everyone, even celebrities (d listers included) should be treated with basic decency. Just as we expect to be treated. Remember the golden rule?? What this page participant did was extremely dangerous. Driving very, very fast through residential areas. In fact, I thought for sure the blog owner would reply stating she doesn't condone this kind of life endangering behavior. I'm disappointed some of you feel this kind of behavior is acceptable in other adults. Surely if it were your residential area and you had kids who can do things like impulsively run after a pet or ball into the street you'd feel differently.

    13. sorry, but I don't care about Meri being cat fished one way or the other. She wouldn't treat any of the other wives kindly if it had happened to them and let's face it, this is probably the "biggest" thing she's ever done in her life besides defrauding the welfare system. The catfish thing was interesting for about three days, like Robyn being pregnant again, I just don't care. I'd think being a reality star, any attention is better than no attention. I think if I was in a store & saw her, I'd walk by like I didn't even know who she was. She WANTS attention. I don't even watch anymore but I love reading CJ's blog and I don't care how long it takes her, I feel grateful for her time

  6. For any new or relatively new posters here....
    May I suggest you take a stroll through the archives and indulge in Cynical Jinx's past efforts.
    (the four part SW Book Review from 2012 is an excellent place to go)
    All past reviews are examples of the time and creativity CJ offers to folks *just for the taking.*

    And....we all have a life.....Including the blog's Owner and Creator!

    1. Seriously read the archives. Funny stuff there. That said, aren't we all here just enjoying the living room? We do not pay CJ nor do we even bake her a cake or let's appreciate what we have! We are lucky to have the living room to hang out in!

      We all do have lives. Really we do!

  7. Anyone know why the newest episode has not loaded to Amazon? Is this a problem that just I am having?

    1. It's not just you, it hasn't popped up on my amazon account to buy either.

    2. I contacted their customer support, they said there was a "glitch". Hopefully it will be posted soon.

    3. Just watch on youtube so they don't get money outta you!

  8. Brown is the color of you know whatOctober 28, 2015 at 9:49 AM

    Hey, C.J., do you get Combat Pay for writing the reviews? You should.

  9. Wow, I was stunned to read a few of these post!
    To our wonderful is incredibly hard to get inspired by THE most boring, ridiculously silly season of refried clips, redundant plot lines and repetitive d r a w n out lies about suburban life as a fundie.

    1. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsOctober 30, 2015 at 4:45 AM

      And it's getting uncomfortable to watch (and maybe to review) knowing it was filmed during what we know is some sort of cry for help or breakdown for Meri, with Christine careening from one coping mechanism to the next with painfully forced emotions, and the exploitation of the Jessop children, and Janelle--who may be the best equipped to help--still seemingly checked out, and those narcissists (!).

  10. People has an exclusive article about how difficult the adoption was. And how it was a big affirmation for the family. Yeah, was really hard to get a couple notarized signatures and spend 2 minutes in court. The only really hard part, having to divorce your wife to marry another, is not normally part of the process

    1. You said it..sounded pretty easy. Yep, alienation of a parent must be very exhilarating and surely makes the children feel part of the krew.
      Now with the updated hierarchy, those who want some crumbles of 'affirmation' better remember to slobber over the Jessop-Brown or they will find themselves on the cold side of the Kody shoulder.

    2. I agree. How exhilirating and exciting it must be for Dayton, Aurora and Breanna to know that their dad walked away from them and didn't want to claim them as his own. They will surely grow up with self confidence and pride as a result of this huge fun event for them. They will move forward from this event to have wonderful and happy relationships due to their increased sense of self worth and selt esteem.

      Honestly the whole thing is sad. I really want David Preston Jessop to say something, tell us it's all fake and for the cameras and that he didn't willingly give up his children to Kody. Please David, please tell us you did not do this.

    3. Exactly!!!!!!! I was in college before some of the intricacies of my parents' divorce dawned on me. My mom had full custody. My dad was behind on child support. None of it hit me until later, and it hit me HARD. I was a toddler when they divorced. I can't imagine being the age the newly adopted Brown children are and dealing with those emotions.

    4. TallGirl, I appreciate your comment. The Jessop kids as well as any of the others that bother to think about this more than 10 minutes will have to wrestle with all kinds of demons. Was it all a sham for tv, was it a sham to make the divorce more palatable to the non plygs who support their lifestyle while watching the show, did their father let them go w/o a care in the world or is that another non-fact that was dramatized ..for..yes..again, tv.

      Lol, or maybe they will become Kodyites and worship the ground he walks on and never question a thing? If they become the favored household, favored family unit, will that be a positive or make them feel guilty?

    5. This is exactly why I have missed CPA Carol, right again about the kids in the future. If only these Brown "parents/adults" would think about this from the kids' perspective and not about a storyline. They have to be asking "why doesn't Dad want us?" You can see bad relationships will be on the girls' horizons indeed. Three cheers to Robyn on again being a nominee for "Mother of the Year." Not.

    6. I should hope that People Magazine verified there was really an adoption before writing anything about the Browns. I doubt they did. If part of that article said anything about the kids needing health insurance, we know they didn't verify anything.

    7. I just looked. It's the same writer Emily Strohm that wrote the both People articles. The picture looks like a court room but we never know with this family. They lie so much. If Emily bought the health insurance BS who knows if she's just writing what the Browns tell her. I find the exploitation of these kids deplorable.

    8. There is always some woman in that group that will need insurance for her and her kids. Insurance doesn't fly with me as a reason. Especially with 400K homes and trips to Hawaii from saving grocery money.

    9. I think the kids in this lifestyle are used to being reassigned on a whim. The next life matters not this one. Robyn could care less about her real dad. She has set the kids up to feel the same. In their world the kids would go with the parent who stayed in plural marriage and a women can only be sealed to one man. I think they would be far more upset for the dad to resist given the ridiculous fake dramatic emotion they see in the five adults at home worried about them being legally another man's kids. These are just bad people.

    10. Kody doesn't work. So he doesn't have an insurance plan to put them on anyway. You know LIV dosent offer be. It's a very small MLM business.

    11. They all get checks from TLC. Robyn has a business, Janelle sells houses. Meri does multilevel marketing with the juice. Whether they suck at earning money is another matter. These folks were either Medicaid or self insured before the show and there is no reason Robyn needs a man to get her or the kids insurance. Kody doesn't have some work group plan. The point is Christine and Janelle need insurance. Likely they would just get a family plan to include their kids. Robyn could have married one of her sisters wives and gotten on a family plan with Christine or Janelle. Kody has no special insurance powers that the rest of them lack. Could you imagine the self insurance plan covering 18 kids, Mariah could still be covered with four different mamas and their ages overlapping?

  11. CJ, you have a knack for always picking the best photos with the best captions. I always laugh out loud and enjoy it very much. Thank you!

    1. I so agree! I always marvel and the captions for the photos and think how very much time must be spent in selecting just the right one. Add my name to the long list of those who so appreciate the hard work that goes into this blog. Being able to come here and read all the excellent comments and observations is one of the highlights of my day .

    2. I always marvel at the captions for the photos is what it should say. I was so sure I had proof read it so carefully! Oh well.......

    3. My favorite is how each tweet party has that same picture of Robyn but always a different caption. Cracks me up each time!

  12. This living room has proven itself to be full of quality people. I've been to "All About the Tea" and "Reality Tea", and the comments can get smarmy (although on "Reality Tea" for Sister Wives, there is a poster whose icon is 'the Simpson's' Maggie and name is 'anjealka' who claims to live in the Vegas area and seems to have a lot of interesting information to share); additionally, one of those sites recently contained some slight misinformation (the incorrect fact eludes me right now).
    Cynical is a fount of information on this subject, funny, and insightful. New reviews are great, but we already know the deal overall with this family. I recently dredged the old reviews and discovered some millionaire polygamist with an enormous compound, 24 hour kitchen, hot tubs, you name it--I had never seen that one before, so it was pretty cool to check it out (again, the blog tab eludes me--but go search for it).
    Let's keep the joint classed up.

    1. Check out the 2011 reviews for the millionaire's compound; OMG.
      I realize that "incorrect fact" is an oxymoron; should've put "fact" in quotes.

    2. I couldn't find it. Any hints?

    3. To the right of all these entries there is a "blog archive" listing. Click on "2011" and check each one of those, which should get you somewhere. I recently re-read the reviews of "Becoming SW" which was highly entertaining. Good luck.

  13. CJ PUT DOWN THE iPAD. Gently, Gently. Now back away. Stretch, look around. There now, it's all OK.

    I always pretend you live here in Las Vegas with me, so look outside. Temperature is about 72 degrees, a little overcast. Beautiful day for a nice walk.

    Hey, let's meet at Mimi's for a glass of wine and lunch. I think there's an Art Walk at the mall nearby. See, there is life outside of the cul-de-sac. Go and enjoy it! ! !

  14. CJ it must be hard to come up with those reviews given the current situation in Brownville, personally as well as the reviews I love the captions ........ the expressions on the photos are so funny. One suggestion why not just throw something out there like you did with Elvis.... the comments were hilarious.

  15. I find CJ's blog to be far more entertaining than the show! The most priceless part of this week's episode for me? Let me set the scene...Mariah is sitting in the court room looking all sour-faced as usual. The supposed judge asked Koolaid Koody if he'd take care of them...yada them and Bam! Mariah starts grinning ear to ear! What part did she find funny? Financial support?! Moving along to Maddie, there does seem to be an effort to cover her stomach. While standing at the kitchen bar she pulls her shirt away from her stomach to make sure it's loose. Her hair appears to be two different colors from scene to scene; sometimes more red and lighter and some scenes dark. She's such a pretty girl. I wish she'd quit with the box colors and get her hair professionally done. Wouldn't hurt Mariah to do something about her hair either. It was all greasy under that cap. Christine is all up on my nerves with her hyped-up giddiness. It's going to hurt when she falls from her tower of mania. Well, there's my personal review. I took Sister Wives off my DVR. I'll check in here to see if anything is new on the koody-de-sac.

    1. Love that line: it's going to hurt when she falls from her tower of mania! LOL

      Christine is so ridiculously over the top with her hand clapping and giddiness, she is either acting or has some serious issues. Only poor Christine believes the silly adoption storyline. Kody really ought to love her more. The kids really do love her and consider her a real mom, not just one of those bonus moms.

    2. LOL, maybe she sees how much lovin Sobyn's daughter receives from being all hyped up with happiness (or whatever that might be called)........Christine might be trying it on for size. Plaster a smile, clapping, squealing and maybe if she does it just right Kody will swing by for some tater tots before going "home".

      I can't understand her falling for this adoption crap. She just can't be that dumb and if she is..doesn't she for one teeny tiny second wish he would suck down any penalties that might be incurred to legally put his name on her kid's birth certificates? ( and yeah, that's a firm guess that he's not listed)

    3. Christine is dumb... like a fox... she is putting on a show! I think she's shown us who she is. In that episode where she questions her own authenticity at her lunch with Robyn? She always seemed fake to me but that solidified it. She is putting on a show for her Kodster and the TLC world.

    4. Sadly, Christine is not living in reality and needs to be analyized and diagnosed. Some bipolar moments but I would suspect more is mentally going on. If that "therapist" Nancy were legit, she would see it and offer true help. Who's to say she has ever had real medical care for any kind of mental health diagnosis. She needs true help.

    5. Come on Christine ....... what has Kody promised you if you put on a show of living la vida loca ? Half a smile instead of the usual angry beady stare ? You deserve so much better.

    6. Christine isn't dumb or mentally ill. Kody is a narcissist and she is just trying to get his approval. That means she's in an abusive relationship. Narcissism isn't simple vanity. It's someone who sees their victims as objects to be used, they have NO empathy for them. They're master manipulators. She's miserable and I feel sad for her as I've been there. It nearly lead me to suicide as I felt zero self worth. I had been abused by my narcissist parents. They make you feel dumb, ugly, never as good as those they compare you to, confused and crazy. And they love every second of it.

    7. Well said Anon 1:39PM. I suspect Kody's children will have the same feelings you went through. Robyn's children have a double whammy. So sorry you had to live that way. I think all these kids are going to college but suspect quite a few of them will fall apart. Agree about Christine. I don't think she's on happy meds. It's just really sad she's abused by the religion and by Kody, Robyn, and Meri.

  16. Ok that rude poster demanding that CJ post a review is clearly from the Kody camp trying to dissuade CJ from posting her reviews. Because we KNOW they will be scathing!!!

    1. well I suppose what's scathing to some is honest to most

    2. Of course, it will be honest and scathing. Nothing that has happened this season isn't worthy of some real honest discussion and feedback.

      CJ doesn't mince words which is why we like hanging out here!

    3. i never "demanded' a post CPA Carol..i just stated the obvious. A lot of people found this blog when the Sisterwives blog ended, and were happy to have found it. It's disappointing Cynical has lost interest in writing recaps thats all.

    4. With all due respect, Anon 6:00 PM.......
      When you posted "you are dragging this out for a reason. don't drag every one along." it did read as a tone of indignant impatience toward Cynical Jinx.
      Who is "every one" ? I certainly do not feel "dragged along."

      It was strange to read the speculation that there is "a reason" for the timing":...!!!
      Other than the reasonable assumption that IF there is to be a review, it will be on *her* time.

      Seriously, this is not a situation that we, who come here for free, can, or more importantly, should, demand....*and yes, it did read like a demand* anything.other than appreciation for all her efforts to manage this site and effectively monitor the traffic.The fact that she also provides excellent (and entertaining) material is indeed an added bonus.

    5. Well said. (I am a different anonymous oerson.)

    6. Ditto Well said (I'm yet another different anonymous person)

  17. I still love reading your reviews and I've been waiting for what you think of the last two episodes. I must say, whoever it was that ran into Meri, that was very insensitive. Yes, she put her life on public display. I get that. But what you said was hurtful because you're not a close friend or someone she can confide in and it seems like you were trying to pick on her out in public. What should she have said? "I'm unhappy in my life, that's why it all happened?" I feel very sorry for Meri on the catfishing thing honestly.

  18. The adoption episode was aired Oct 25th and according to wikipedia, the adoption was June 8, 2015. The Browns must have been laughing at the viewers while they were on Twitter last week tweeting about the upcoming adoption that had long been over with.

  19. We appreciate you, CJ!!!! Thanks for making us laugh. I also appreciate all the commenters who make funny, insightful comments and don't pick on other people. So nice that we can all get along. Thanks everyone!

  20. I stopped recording the show a gew seasons back and just read CJ's recaps. I admit I have been dying to read them and get it that your hear isn't there. It seems like a lot is being dropped into these episodes (adoption, pregnancy, re-enactment of Maddie's engagement to fit what happened 6 months before in same episode) so I guess for me I just need CJ to call "b.s." on this and that will suffice.

    Ok, I set up the snark for you...

  21. If they can actually show proof of these private messages it might be enough to finally blow the lid off of their BS and shut the show down

    1. Radar Online better have something to back that up besides "the source." We all know who the source is. It's believable but I want to see proof or it's just another Radar Online BS article.

    2. Wowza! Radar has been riding the Brown charade for awhile now.
      I bet they do have those messages.
      For me, it all sounds exactly like I would have imagined. Sobyn backstabbing. Kody totally checked out from the others. What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas when ya put in writing. Hmmm will be watching for this to blow!

    3. They are like a dog with a bone. The Browns have screwed themselves now. Any little thing that doesn't jive with their BS presentation of themselves is now going to be broadcast out for everyone not just the blog members who have known they were full of it for years

    4. That's what happens when you jump in the pool with the sharks. You become one. No way to hold up the pious fundie values while being TLC celebs complete with their own individual homes, rubbing elbows with dirty rotten sinners .
      A narcissist like Kody couldn't go back to obscurity. He's the swinging Vegas dude with multi

  22. Why are people gving TLC & the Browns money to watch on Amazon or wherever? I bet if folks guilt-trip the,selves enough to not buy episodes, it will sink even faster. Hold out and just read the comments. Save your money. ;-)

  23. Check Out Christine attacking JYD on her page.

    1. Which page? Thanks.

    2. FoundItThanksForTheTipOctober 28, 2015 at 11:07 PM

      Christine's own FB page and on the side of the SW page. If anyone else wants to see.

    3. FoundItButRealizdItsFakeOctober 29, 2015 at 5:08 AM

      That's not her real page tho. As she posted a pic of Christine and her mother and said "Christine is so lucky to have her mother..." And if u look around it's fake.

  24. CJ, don't worry about doing the review. I agree with most of the people in your living room that it's all drawn out, boring, and repetitive. I think we all know that 90% of what we are seeing is no longer even reality. I for one, appreciate a place to come discuss this train wreck of a show. (my husband refuses to watch it with me). They need to definitely rename it the Kody & Robyn show..... And no one will tune in for THAT!!!!'

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    1. I'll be sure NOT to use you bc you spam. You can also loose your franchise for doing so, mate!

  26. Christine Brown

    4 hrs · Edited · .
    Further to my post bellow, Kendra is still on the internet informing people she is a friend and representative of the Brown Family.

    She is telling lies about Sam being a real man and that Robyn was well informed of Meri's emotional affair with Jacqueline Overton.

    I would like to take this opportunity to advise that she is NOT a representative of the family or TLC in anyway. She is not under contract by the family or TLC.

    Please ignore anything she has to say or Block her from facebook. She is doing the family no good in anyway and just increasing unnecessary and untrue rumors.

    Thank you for the support.

    So the wives are following this saga. Poor Meri. Or not.

    Not sure this is such a good idea of Christine's. Streisand Effect, anyone??

    Christine Brown

    4 hrs · Edited · .

    Further to my post bellow, Kendra is still on the internet informing people she is a friend and representative of the Brown Family.

    She is telling lies about Sam being a real man and that Robyn was well informed of Meri's emotional affair with Jacqueline Overton.

    I would like to take this opportunity to advise that she is NOT a representative of the family or TLC in anyway. She is not under contract by the family or TLC.

    Please ignore anything she has to say or Block her from facebook. She is doing the family no good in anyway and just increasing unnecessary and untrue rumors.

    Thank you for the support.

    WOW! So the we can conclude the wives are following this saga. Probably listened to all Meri's VM messages and read all her texts.

    Mentioning 'Sam' probably isn't a good idea. Streisand Effect, anyone??

    Christine Brown

    4 hrs · Edited · .

    Further to my post bellow, Kendra is still on the internet informing people she is a friend and representative of the Brown Family.

    She is telling lies about Sam being a real man and that Robyn was well informed of Meri's emotional affair with Jacqueline Overton.

    I would like to take this opportunity to advise that she is NOT a representative of the family or TLC in anyway. She is not under contract by the family or TLC.

    Please ignore anything she has to say or Block her from facebook. She is doing the family no good in anyway and just increasing unnecessary and untrue rumors.

    Thank you for the support.

    WOW. Christine just posted this on Facebook Christine Brown. Hmmm... not so sure mentioning 'Sam' by name is a good idea (to shut down rumors) or a bad idea (Streisand Effect).

    So we can now conclude that all the wives are following this saga and probably listened to all Meri's VM messages and read all the texts. Yikes. How...embarrassing.

    1. That's not her real FB page.

    2. CJ, why don't u invite Christine to our blog and speak her mind. We would all b willing to learn sten. Believe me the Browns know who u r.

    3. I apologize. I truly (Truely lol) didn't know that wasn't really Christine posting that. Please forgive me. thanks!

  27. apologies for my bad formatting above! :)

  28. I stopped watching a couple of seasons ago. While I do appreciate the recaps here - which must be tedious as everything to write - watching them implode in real time is far more entertaining. Well, the adults. What they are doing so some of the children is deplorable.

    Blogger to blogger, CJ, you do you. And thanks for simply providing space to watch it all cave in around them - just as they deserve.

  29. The reality is that everything in the aforementioned non-recapped episodes is such old news that just following the comments on this blog during and after each episode is enough. Plus with the impending birth of the newest planet dweller, and the ongoing saga of the catfish, we have more than enough to snark about here in CJ's living room.

    I do not comment often, but have been reading this blog since CJ started it and was a follower of the previous blog as well. it is enough for me to read here, I have not watched in several seasons, just too fake compared to the delicious reality of their real lives!! That is what you get when you put your family out there for a paycheck. I am horrified that the adoption was a plot line, I think it is an abomination that those children have their personal lives and diagnoses splashed out there for all to experience!

    1. I'm so confused by this season's timeline! It seems like the stories just weave in and out of each other and stories that are featured in the same episodes aren't even occurring in real life in the same months? How long is this season? If the adoption was done in June, and it's now almost November, how much more Real Life Drama™ will we see this season before they run out of time? Also, do you think that the Hawaii vacation line was nixed by the Browns because everyone already hates Robyn and it's more fodder for the gossip? Can you imagine how it would feel to be Gabriel, Paedon, Truly, or one of the other invisible kids, and have to listen to Daytonaurorabreanna and King Sol gush about their vacay? I've been to Hawaii with my Hubs and kids and it cost a fortune. How much 'grocery money' does that woman get?

    2. All her kids went on that trip? Dang, if true!

    3. hmm. weren't they spotted in Alaska? that should be good for a few episodes

    4. Wait, Kodouche took David Jessops kids to Hawaii but not his own?? So many parallels between him and my narcissist father. At 40 something I still am traumatized. My dad took his girlfriends daughter (my age) skiing all the time. When I had never even seen snow. When they did include me, I was unwanted, I felt it. Oh, I ache for what they're going through. That's a pain that never goes away. We all long to be accepted by our parents. Being treated like an annoyance while you father spoils someone else kids just.......hurts. Makes you feel sad and worthless, like there must be something wrong with you.

  30. Just watchd the supposed birth of King sol n youtube. Fake. That baby had a big fat round head and Robyn wasn't delivering naturally. She'd be sweating and making primal sounds and natural off the cuff comments. I love to hate this show, lol.

  31. Thanks to Everyone that understands life sometimes does intervene, and that there are only X-number of hours in a day. Thank you so much for having my back! I appreciate it so much!

    As for the um...others, I appreciate the feedback...

    Enjoy your day today everybody!!!

    Cynical Jinx

    1. As always, you are the epitome of grace and dignity, CJ.

  32. What is the Streisand effect? Isn't it illegal to make a facebook page with someone else's identity.Their name and their picture. There is a site called Fake Michelle with witty jabs but not under Michelle Duggars name.I think the person referred to as the JYD is an enabler but I think it is not right to paint the Brown's as victims,this is their circus.

  33. I think this is the final season. What do you guys thnk?

    1. I think they will get it thanks to Maddies wedding. Tlc loves weddings.

    2. Lets hope Maddie rejects having her wedding televised and elopes.

    3. Ark, don't we wish that were true. Maddie was reared by these grifters. Christine " plygs love free stuff" Brown surely explained how free is the way to go and if the wedding could be free. . . And on tv ( more money) she will do it. She has no qualms about using her engagement as a plot line so buckle up for the Brown wedding special. The Brown moms and Say Yes To The Dress. Four Weddings as each mom will want to host one with Kody as the center of it all! Sigh.

    4. You know it just occurred to me in order to carry off a Brown wedding one kid would have had to go nonMormon. I do not think they would let TLC film a Mormon or polyg Mormon wedding woud they? If we ever seen the inside of a temple or their equivalent on this show?We never even saw a real church service or any explanation of it.Just Kody doing is fake sermon or Robyn talking purity.Maddie leaving was potentially very profitable.

    5. they are barely pretending that its all about the religion anymore. I suspect that if the paycheck was right (or maybe just the hope of dragging out another season, or even episode at this point)they could decide that it would be educational to show whatever they do at their weddings to us heathens

    6. Farthest north we are not heathens ,we are gentiles . Those who leave are apostates. I think I qualify as a whore because I am non polygamist too.Blacks have the mark of Cain.For people who cry persecution they sure are not tolerant of other's .

    7. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsOctober 31, 2015 at 11:46 AM

      TLC probably won't pull the plug while there's so much interest in seeing episodes filmed during the scandal and its aftermath, unless the Browns implode. It's doubtful the Browns could afford to pull the plug even if they wanted to.

      There are so many possible twists and turns that could happen with this group . . .

      Truely starts riding her scooter over to Meri's house every afternoon for some doll therapy with Meri...for Meri, using the skills Truely learned from Christine. After a year of Truely using the dolls to explain the difference between real people and imaginary people, Meri has regained a small grip on reality. This leads to a spin-off Saturday morning kids' show starring Truely, Sol and by now one-year-old Hash Brown, with the kids sitting on a couch while teaching other youngsters how to cope when your parents are cray-cray by using the original therapy dolls and a line of plyg puppets sewn by Meri in her craft room. Kody and Robyn try unsuccessfully to patent the puppets. They are able to put just their names on a trademark for "plyg puppets". They sell them out of MSWC and use the money to start building an addition on Robyn's house for the twins they're trying to implant in Robyn's uber-womb.

    8. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsOctober 31, 2015 at 11:52 AM

      Christine's child-care center is the first successful Brown business enterprise, and she's able to open five more locations within the first year-and-a-half. She smartly hires a business manager and they make plans to branch into other markets. Christine announces on the couch that she'll be a millionaire soon, and live tweets Robyn, "It's easier when you're older." Christine then announces she's leaving the show. Kody hyperventilates, walks off set, and doesn't return for three days.

      Jackie launches a line of much sought after joo-ler-ie for the LGBT community called, "My Same Sex Lover's Closet". She succeeds in a hostile take-over of MSWC. Robyn refuses to relinquish the business inventory--2 watches, 3 scarves, 1 necklace--and the two of them launch a months long twitter war that culminates in 100's of angry voice mails left by Robyn getting leaked on the internet. Robyn tweets, "Don't put words in my mouth, sweetie." Jackie shuts down MSWC, ending the misery for all.

    9. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsOctober 31, 2015 at 11:54 AM

      Meanwhile, Janelle has been doing all the real estate deals for Christine's business, and is the top selling residential real estate agent in Vegas for two years running. Janelle is able to pay for landscaping in her backyard, including a pool, deck, and basketball court for the kids. When Robyn sees this, she takes a lap around the cuddle-sac and marks it all as her territory.

      Janelle also splurges on a Town Car and personal driver. daytonaurorabreannasolhashbrown get a ride from Janelle's driver to Ron's office, where they ask him to file a petition so they can be adopted by Christine and have Robyn and Kody taken off their birth certificates. With the loss of all those tax deductions, Robyn and Kody can't afford a roof on their addition. Kody tries to fashion one out of the wrestling mats and the lumber from the throne chairs in Robyn's house.

    10. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsOctober 31, 2015 at 11:58 AM

      Robyn and Kody finally start baking two brownies in Robyn's oven in the hope of keeping the show going. The Brown kids defy Kody again and clamor to name the twins Dark Brown and Light Brown, or perennial favorites Charlie Brown and Poop Brown.

      Eventually, Janelle realizes her life hasn't really been all that awesome, and visits Ron to draw up papers for a spiritual divorce. She sells her home in the cuddle-sac to JYD, and rides off into the sunset with her new trainer. JYD moves in amid much cross-cuddle-sac yelling and hand gestures, with a TMZ video crew in tow.

    11. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsOctober 31, 2015 at 12:00 PM

      When Robyn is eight months pregnant, Kody goes courting. He has a testament about red-headed twin "entertainers" he spots on the Vegas strip. In a talking head interview, he puts on his serious face and explains that he deserves all the hair colors of women. He swears he's still in love with all his other wives who haven't left yet. Kody marries the twins in a televised double wedding ceremony. They all get ex-communicated for televising the ceremony. Kody moves the twins into Meri's house and moves Meri into the R.V. in the driveway. Meri cries and whines on the couch in every episode because she can't get an internet signal in the R.V.

      Kody stays home to make out with the redheads while Robyn is in labor with the twins. When he finally pops in to see the twins when they're four days old, Robyn beats him with the mother's day phoenix necklace he designed for her.

    12. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsOctober 31, 2015 at 12:02 PM

      Christine finally realizes what she meant when she said she didn't just want the man, and she, too, visits Ron to put a spiritual divorce down on paper. She puts her cuddle-sac home up for sale. Regretting his decision to let Kody adopt daytonaurorabreanna, their bio-dad buys Christine's house so he can be closer to his kids.

      Kody neglects all his wives and children while spending all his time in Robyn's front yard sending beady-eyed death stares in David Sr.'s direction.

      All the Brown children eventually reject polygamy and lead happy lives. Mariah does become a doctor and pays for Kody's in-patient treatment at a psych hospital, even though it cuts into her retirement account.

      Robyn has Mykelti design a wedding dress for her that she wears every day, waiting for Kody to get un-committed and released so they can have a re-commitment ceremony.
      The lien-holders repossess Robyn's house and she begs David Sr. to take her back, which he declines. Robyn was last seen wandering the strip in her tattered wedding gown, going up to random men asking, "Are you my soul-mate?"

  34. I wish I could join in with sympathy for Christine or ANY of the Kody Babes.
    It sure would make it so much easier to stray vested in this Reality-Show/ Soap Opera...But I can't !!
    Now it is down to seeing it through and watching the fakes get their comeuppance.

    All of them have been at this filmed game for "FIVE" be accurate, now going on Six.
    By now, they all the know the rules of engagement. Really, they do !!

    They have pimped themselves for the cameras, posturing and pseudo venting over and over...script after script !!! They have shilled their fake, tax write-off closet business with practiced straight faces. including the ludicrous epp with the equally fake capitol investors. Really, can we ever forget that sham ??!!
    They have enjoyed regaling all the lowly crowds at Disney with their Star many times now? They traveled the country for insanely phony road trips which accomplished nothing more than eating up episode minutes and showing how hamstrung they were by the producers for footage.
    They exposed painfully private moments of their children's lives for ratings. Think poor Dayton !!
    (As a parent, these were the most heinous acts of all)
    The unbelievable sham of the divorce and re-marriage and adoption which no doubt guaranteed a new season. They knowingly led viewers along garden paths of intrigue that led to nowhere once the trailers stopped, and the dialogue inevitably proved to all be scripted.and hollow.

    Bottom line.......
    They, the adults, were all actors in that they played their parts as the beginning epps showed them to be. None of them have changed spots since the beginning.
    Maybe better clothing, for sure, BIGGER houses, more older kids to be exploited, more celebrity events to attend, definitely more Internet scrutiny (Meri certainly knows this now)...!!!
    But what else has changed?
    Nope, no sympathy for any of them. They all have been well paid for their TLC "jobs"

    1. WORD!! ^^^
      I have no sympathy either! I was even struggling to harness any type of sympathy for Meri & her catfishN' fiasco. I just want the lazy Brown klowns to be cancelled so they can go grift elsewhere besides on fake reality TV!

    2. Yep, they are done even trying to convince anyone that Kodyworld is the least bit worthy of any further airtime.
      Kody may have traded in his surfer dude jeans for khakis and ironed shirts. But he is still the same blowhard, annoying and "boring" Idiot.
      Meri may be a less the bully, and now more the bullied. But she still can't act.
      Janelle may be....ah, hell......Janelle is still as beige as ever. Hard to color up beige.
      Christine may be clapping more and crying less. But she still makes no sense.
      Sobbin may be all about being younger and fertile, but she will always stick out as the plot line insertion needed to get the show.
      Nope, nothing new can save this group. It is time !!

    3. Well said!! Meri was really 'ignorant' of the world for being taken in by Jackie, too. Sure, she lived a sheltered life but like Amused said, FIVE years they've been 'out' in the real world. Hell, they live in LAS VEGAS.

      She really should've known something was 'off' about that whole Sam debacle. Ridiculous. No common sense. Would ANY one here, after 8 weeks of texting a complete stranger, never once having met them, commit themselves to unadulterated love and commitment, over a 25 yr. marriage?? Makes 0 sense to me.

      I'm baffled as to how a grown woman could make such a giant mistake. Poor Meri? I don't know.......

    4. You mean wealthy men don't send frumpy, insane, aged, broke lunatics in lieu of them? Setting them up in cheap hotels? You mean they usually have actual photos of themselves and all their properties and goodies? I knew within 2 minutes that page was a crazy woman's, soooooo desperate and obvious.

  35. If I had an icon of clapping hands I'd use it for this comment ^^^^^^^^ & many others!

  36. I don't know if it's OK to post this, so you can delete this post if needed. But the catfish is crazy! Read some of the blog and it's out of control. How is it that this story can keep going?? I know meri was catfished, but I have doubts looking at the extent this catfish is taking this. Any thoughts? I go back and forth between feeling bad for meri and not feeling bad at all! Crazy situation, but then again, Polygamy is crazy, too. The brown clan has proved that!!!

  37. Exactly Amused. Besides exploiting children in their Saga, they love playing the victim. But at end of the day, it's just a greedy narcissist and his lazy, dependent and foolish wives. Perhaps what's the (latest) most pathetic thing amongst the born-again baby daddy, is the fact that Kody and Meri have not made a statement regarding Meri's love affair. It's so obvious that there is an elephant in the room and the do not have the esteem to say something to their "givers", or maybe, they are saving this BS for next season?

  38. CJ: MrSpock not only leaps to your defense but has now composed a review of the past two episodes so you do not have to. Here is the Review:

    Adults on couch. Robyn hyperventilates. Robyn talks. Kody talks. All meet at Meri's house and leap for "joy" that new Brown is on the way. Kody gets mad. Meri talks S-L-O-W-L-Y. Christine is beyond over-the-moon at all times--nothing is too small to escape her glee. The adopted kids are soooooooooooooo happy---or confused. Kody blathers about plygs and the legal system---but, of course, no plyg is harmed in the process---and Kody's disappointment at not being the poster child for plyg discrimination is palpable. Maddie has a guy that everyone knows but, mysteriously, no adult in the family had a clue they were dating----rrriiiggghhhhhtttt. Janelle---she said something about something.

    End of Review. Probably also the end of MrSpock being the substitute Review Writer. ;-) MrSpock bows to CJ's superior skills.

    1. you forgot to add that Caleb was Curtis's brother-in-law, and yet somehow Maddie never met him until she was 16, even though the Kody Brown family used to live in Montana and Wyoming.

      Otherwise, I am thinking this is pretty close as a recap. However, CJ does a great job at giving us her own personal spin/snark. CJ - you can review, or skip the reviews. It's going to be hard to make any of it interesting. .

    2. Since I refuse to watch the show, ANY review is golden to me!
      I have a I understanding that Sobby has full time "help" in household help? For the kids? The half grown kids?
      Is that true?

    3. Hide the children is rolling in the floor after reading Mr spock's review. Mr Hide's husband is wondering if he should call the looney bin.

    4. I love this blog

    5. Where is the LIKE button? Forget the Like button. This review deserves the LOVE button!

    6. Also: Christine has major modesty fail with huge cleavage shot as she uses dolls to show Truly the adoption story play. As Seth MacFarlane would say "We saw your boobs!" (well, almost--for an AUB gal that probably counts).
      (Yes, I realize that my juvenile comment seems to rail against my call for 'keeping this joint classed up'...but hey, the boobage was funny...)

    7. Bemused Bystander-Yes and we saw Robyn's big white stomach too! Oh And Meri getting a gyno exam. Modesty? Oh Yes

      Monogamous Apostate loves Mr. Spock's review. CJ take your time. We're good. This season is so boring and heinous it's hard to get into the details.

    8. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsOctober 30, 2015 at 4:24 AM

      I do believe I said "Eeeew" out loud at the move-in-close shot of Meri's feet in the stirrups and her doctor finishing up digging around down there. It was a sound combining 'ugh' and 'ick' at the close-up of Robyn's stretch-marked fish belly. Wow, Meri actually allowed a camera crew/person in at her gyno exam. More boundary issues.

    9. MrSpock, I like your review...and you are so right.

    10. MrSpock is glad fellow bloggers enjoyed the "review"--- ;-) .... and appreciates that CJ lets us have fun on this blog.

  39. I also love this blog. Thank you, CJ, for providing a "safe place" to express our snark, our humor, our caring concern for the crazy Browns and also for each other. This is a remarkable community that you have brought together and I feel blessed to be a very small part of it. Thank you, CJ, for your talent and your dedication. You rock!

  40. washington state lurkerOctober 29, 2015 at 8:17 PM

    I lurk daily but only have commented once. I so appreciate your reviews cj. However, even if you don't review just opening a new thread is enough for me. I have an hour lunch at work with too much time to kill. I lurk around on my phone on various news sources etc. But the first place I check daily is this blog :) I love reading all the posts here. Thanks for your witty style! All of you...and getting me through another long lunch hourď

  41. Did the newly adopted kids have to sign anything for the adoption? Were all of the kids admonished by Kody with the threat “If any of you misbehaves during our adoption ceremony, I’ll kick you out of the family,” as he proclaimed prior to the commitment ceremony (his words exactly, minus the word adoption)? I seem to recall that Robyn also threatened them and Kody when he didn't want to order all the kids to sign the mission statement. “If they don’t, they can move out,” she said. Do these people use threats to get their kids to behave? No wonder Dayton is confused and a bit hesitant.

    1. Only Dayton had to sign that he understood what was taking place, etc. since he was @ 16 years old. The girls were still under the age the court lets the parent decide w/o the child's input.

  42. CJ, is it possible to post some images of the moments people have been talking about? Mainly the spazziest clapping moment by Christine and when Dayton was signing some piece of paper. That might be enough of a review.

    I am missing your recaps as you are a comic genius with them!

  43. I would love a picture of the "courtroom" scene where Christine remains standing throughout (even though she clearly had a chair....) she looked like she was doing everything to be the center of attention except screaming "notice me!!"

    1. Right! What was that?? Was she waiting for the judge to ask them to be seated?

    2. IKR, that was the oddest thing and made me SMH. Do you think she wondered why everyone else was seated or do you think that never crossed her mind? LOL

  44. I have this season on my DVR but have not been able to bring myself to watch it. I just feel done in with all the phony "I think this lifestyle makes us better" crap. I have no sympathy for Meri and her catfish. Who leaves over 200 voicemails proclaiming your undying love for someone you claim you never meet in person. The first time "sam" didn't show up for a meeting, maybe you get a pass, but this is supposed to be a man with considerable financial means, so he could fly to her where ever she was, Las Vegas or Utah or Disneyland. If she was so naive to believe that this man was deeply in love with her and she had never had a face to face meeting then she deserves the award for dumbest or most desperate reality persona.( I refuse to refer to them as reality stars).

    1. Agreed Snarkaholic. She was wanting love and companionship with someone who was devoted to her. So who does this? Someone who is sad and lonely (and also a bit naïve about the world).

  45. I'd like to see Meri sell the house (She did get Kody to sign over his half in the divorce settlement, right?) Take her alimony (She got that too, right?) and move far away from the ridiculousness of the polygamy mess she got herself into. She should go somewhere warm and enjoy her life. I recommend Costa Rica or Panama. Meri, living well is the best revenge!

    1. I'm pretty sure she's just staying for the money. If I were her Id move in with a SW and let the home foreclosure. I'd go to school for Real Estate or to become a dental hygienist. Then I'd save up so I could put 30-50% down on a 2 bed 1bath little home in UT. Taking a 15 yr mortgage and maxing out retirement accounts.

      She won't tho.

    2. Of course she won't. Her self esteem is such a wreck she probably couldn't make a decision even if her life depended on it.

  46. We all know that the sisterwives are hypocritical. They talk about how being in this lifestyle makes them better women but they all are forced to admit that they are not better and, in fact, many times are consumed by jealousy and often feel neglected. This season, as sorry and boring as it is, we are seeing the real colors fly. We are seeing texts and subtexts that show how they really feel, and thanks to some betrayals of another flavor, we are seeing how desperate one wife felt.
    Christine's get away to TX with Kody revealed what we always thought; for Christine and Kody, there is not separate relationship and, in fact, his love for her is totally dependent upon her love for Robyn. In order for Christine to earn that love, she has to bend over backwards, jump and clap, and run and hug and embrace every aspect of Robyn and her kids while accepting the crumbs that Kody drops from the table of his and Robyn's marital bliss. We have also seen how Janelle's fear of Kody riding off into the sunset with his new wife is not unfounded. She is, according to Kody, the logical wife; yet, she also has insecurities about how much time Kody spends away from her nest and if her forced smiles and often detached look aren't enough proof, look at her's staying pretty much the same in spite of her efforts to lose weight. And, of course, none of us or their family can refute the evidence that has surfaced as a result of the catfish who, with very little effort, fed Meri a line that she swallowed, hook, line, and sinker and he/she reeled Meri in without a struggle. Meri's desperation for attention and love made this effortless scam easy and now that her name has been ruined and she has been humiliated, the new Mrs. Brown can sit back and watch as the house of Brown crumbles until all that is left is her house and her family and that doesn't seem to include the other children or the other wives.
    We can watch as they try to make out like they have it all and are made better by sharing one man but all we see is how sad, lonely, and desperate they are to have the love of one man part of the time...Christine begs and finds she has conditional love from him; Janelle worries and he reassures her but we can tell she isn't buying it; and finally poor Meri needed him when he was busy restructuring the family and as a result she was shamed and probably is being shunned by the entire family when the cameras aren't rolling....they are a sad lot, those sisterwives.

    1. Why doesnt Meri leave? Why must she have a man to save her?

    2. runKodyrun, You nailed it! Yes, true colors are showing and what a sad hue.

    3. Polygamy certainly doesn't foster good self esteem in their women added to what Meri has experienced with giving up 1st wife legal status and now the catfishing, I doubt she has an ounce of self-esteem or confidence to make a simple decision let alone one as big as leaving her family, lifestyle, and the image she's crafted on tv and in the media for 6 years. If she'd never been on tv she might have done it, but I don't think she's strong enough to do it without major influence and help - help she desperately needs whether she wants to leave or not. Heck, ALL of the women need help!

  47. Mmmm...the preview for Sunday's episode is most intriguing. It starts with a party for the adoption but then asks if this is the calm before the storm...devolving into darkened pictures of Meri, Kody, Robyn looking "concerned." Considering TLC's past previews it will probably be a lot of nothing.

    1. Saw that and since that bit does feature Meri, Kody and Sobbin, and since we do know that a preview like that usually means there is little to nothing to fill the episode, wonder what pretend disaster has struck the compound.
      Have moths invaded their MSWC junk Closet?
      Did Meri sign the divorce agreement in disappearing ink?
      Is Meri still waiting for her pap results?
      Did Kody go to the wrong house on the wrong night?

      The possibilities are endless.

    2. Interesting how the preview changed from a few days ago...I smell more damage control?? Meri's emotional carnage post divorce.

    3. rut roh..maybe Sobyn is going into labor "early"? Ohmygoshgolley...
      Or maybe they've sprinkled some fairy dust on the catfish scam and changed it into plyg persecution...they get a lot of mileage out of that plot line.

    4. Haha! That's why I stopped watching years ago. TLC misleads, over dramatizes and repeats the same scenes. Annoying! It's nothing but creatively deceptive editing.

    5. Perhaps Robyn is going to get a phone call.......

    6. Have any of you seen the new preview somewhere online? I'm so curious now...

    7. You guys are a freaking RIOT with your responses!!!! LMAO !!!!!

    8. Semi, MrSpock was referring to the continually-playing snippet on TLC for the upcoming episode...but as Unknown points out below you can go to the TLC website and see a longer clip.

  48. I don't know if this has come up before, but I only learned today that Brady Williams' mother Stella, who appeared in a number of episodes of 'My Five Wives' has passed away almost two weeks ago. She announced that her cancer had returned and spread throughout her body in September. Sadly, she only lived about a month after this announcement.
    I was not her biggest fan (something irrational and visceral which reflects on me, not her) and I cannot stand her smug sociopath of a son, but this is a very sad thing and I am sure she will be much missed.
    RIP Stella!

  49. TLC uploaded "trouble in the cult-de-sac" . Kids are off to see their bio dad for 2 weeks and Robyn is laying down the law for celebration plans!

    1. Hold the phone! You can't possibly mean the brand spankin new thrilled to the bone, super duper newly minted Brown royalty kids are going to see the 'abusive, neglectful' bio daddy??!!
      Are we in a time warp, a Brown wormhole?
      Big daddy Kody is allowing this? His new tax write-off chidrems havin a trip ?

    2. Wha-wait, are you tellng the truth or jokng? After the hearing, the kids get to spend two weeks with this "abusive" person? Well, that confirms he must not be what Robyn claims in her lies because what mother would really do this? They all must not understand what giving up parental rights really means. Insane in the membrane.

    3. I thinks that David Jr.'s atv accident may have something to do with REAL not being able to see his kids. I just have a feeling they used it against him.
      Oh and funny how they couldn't locate him to serve him papers but are able to ship them
      Off no probs.

    4. I've wondered about the ATV situation in all of this, too, Mock. It probably was raised as a factor. But here's the thing (for the Browns, not you): people who ride ATVs have accidents. Fathers and sons sometimes do dopey things together. Teenage boys go rogue and do stupid things on their own. If that's one of the biggest things they could throw at Jessop, he's a wimp who gave up too soon on his kids.

  50. I just watched it and was wondering who is the woman with a skin-tight wife-beater shirt sitting on Robin's stairs as she and Kody are leaving to take the newest Browns to see their bio daddy.

    1. I was wondering that too. She sure didn't meet the modesty standards of "our religion", did she? Was it Mindy, and she just came out of the pool?

  51. Ive seen lots posts here of our husbands comments as they watch the show or walk through the room while we are watching.
    I finally have one.
    When Kody said "don't get your panties in a bunch" and Robyn says "Don't talk about panties at this table" My husband said "That guy has 4 times as many reasons not to use that word"

    1. I won't watch because they'd be paid for my purchase so I only watch on youtube. So I missed that. Anyway, wow! RobChin sure has turned out exactly as I and others predicted. Controlling AF! She has had kids with at least two men (my instincts tell me David was passed off as being his but was not! Had a baby with a married man. And has sex with a man who has sex with up to three other women. But you can't say the word panties, lol. Actually that's a bad sign. Families who can't talk about normal bodily things, sex, bodies, panties, bras, are always the sickest ones. Think Duggars! The harder they try to have a squeaky clean image the more dirty minded they are. Normal people can say the word panties while eating!

    2. Anon 9:52, I think your observations are spot on about the silly inconsistencies. It's like Robyn not letting viewers see her bedroom in the special house tours, even though 1) we all saw her bedroom when she got new bedroom furniture before Sol was born and 2) we all saw her GIVING BIRTH in her bedroom.

      I very, very seldom actually watch the episodes anymore because nausea. But if perhaps you REALLLY want to catch the show, not to worry--the Brown family doesn't earn money when you purchase an episode. They get paid for filming their show. Any money made from the purchase of episodes goes from you to the provider, who has paid TLC some contracted amount of money for content. ;)

    3. Ok, I watched the promo. Sobyn looks to be 5 or 6 months along. Wasn't that filmed in June?
      This shell game they play with the timeline is deceptive. If they're saying the expected due date is Jan. they're either outright lying or she will be as big as a Mac truck.
      WTH is the reason to lie about this ? Their religious values excuse lying if it's for a television show?

    4. I watched it too. When Kody was talking about how in the past when the kids would come back from visiting Robyn's ex, they would act differently. He was hemming and hawing about how it was just weird to have to readjust being back in Vegas. And that's why they thought it was a good idea, to have the celebration when they get back from visiting their bio dad. Anyways, Robyn was nervously flipping & finger brushing her hair while Kody was talking. This must be a nervous tick for her since she's always doing it.

    5. It was, Robyn has taken over...big time. That promo was literally the most I've watched in several seasons. Last I saw, she was whiney and insufferable but now she's full on fish wife.
      Now I also got a glimpse of Christine snapping to attention to Sobyn's decrees. Pen in hand, 'you don't want drumsticks & wings...Kody! no drumsticks.. SHE said so . A thought bubble over her head surely said "see see, look at me, I want whatever she wants so that you'll love me"
      Double scoop of nuts all the way around that table.

    6. Lol Las V's. And Meri- if looks could kill. Janelle just well, wanted to get out of there. "I have nice white napkins and centrepieces, I wanna nice Sunday-dinner like."

    7. "When Kody was talking about how in the past when the kids would come back from visiting Robyn's ex, they would act differently. He was hemming and hawing about how it was just weird to have to readjust being back in Vegas. And that's why they thought it was a good idea, to have the celebration when they get back from visiting their bio dad."

      ^^ What does having a celebration have to do with them acting or not acting different when they get back?
      I haven't watched the clip, but was Kody implying they weren't happy when they came back from their Dads and that's why he had to throw a big party to welcome them back to 'Brown'town? Is he trying to convince them they have it better with him than with their Dad and the celebration is so they concentrate on the party he threw and hope they forget about a good time with their Dad? There's something I'm missing about this or that Kody isn't coming out and saying, but his actions are saying for him. Am I way off base about this?

  52. I watched the promo on TLC. What I see besides your abusive father suddenly getting visitation is KOdy bribing the kids with a party when they come back. An hour or two of loud activity is not going to make them more secure in a big bunch where they are just a number.That is just a lure for them to think about when they are gone.If they were worried about stability they would not live in four broken homes.I feel bad for Dayton .When he talks about hoping there is no drama I know he is parroting what adults are saying about his Dad.Which brings us back to four women sharing one man . No drama there.So Robyn wants a classy event for the adoption dinner.As much as you can be classy, all celebrating a philandering man incapable of making a commitment in legal marriage ,making a commitment in legal adoption.Ya that makes sense.

    1. Don't you think that she wants "classy" because she knows that we make fun of all of their tediously tacky parties? Don't you think that she is responding to the hum on this blog? I am positive that the Browns (hi Brownies!) read this Blog and they adjust their show accordingly. do we think that it just took a few years for Kody to unpack his iron (nope, we called him sloppy and commented on his wardrobe one time too many for his sensitive ego!)? Robyn is trying to change her image so that people will like her. I'm pretty sure a "classy" (what the heck does that mean to them-- Clear plastic spoons?) party is not going to change my mind about their shenanigans.

    2. I was thinking the same thing Anon. Robyn was totally responding to the tacky paper plates blog chatter. Lol
      Robyn should know that you can't buy class & her bitchiness is showing. Bullshit tossed in all the glitter in the world still stinks.

  53. Another perfect example of the relentless BS this group tosses to the cameras, and which TLC chooses to air.....
    Kody says......"The kids always come back from these visits with their bio-dad (can't dare call him their FATHER, can he) in a weird mood that has to be dealt with once they get back."
    *Hmmm....exactly what does that mean, Kody? That they have normal wistful feelings about not being with their *father* more often?? *

    Sobbin says......"They always go to see him for a few weeks this time *every year"*

    Sobbin AND Kody say......."They haven't been to see him for 2 years."

    So.......if we try to comprehend what it is they are saying, knowing that the kids have only been around Kody for 5 years, and that they have missed 2 years of those 5 for their annual summer trip to Montana...
    Then the kids have only been to see their father in the Kodyworld time frame TWICE. (not counting the trip yet begun)
    Which means that Kody saying that the kids ALWAYS come back in a weird place from seeing their father is beyond a bit of hyperbole.
    Just more of the usual tweaked Kodyworld BS designed to fill up an episode. However, this one attempts to continue to cast a dubious shadow over the kid's *real* father.
    Nasty people, this Mr and Mrs Brown....very nasty people.

  54. Hell, my daughter says that when the kids visit me for the weekend, they come back all hyper and spoiled so for Kody to say the kids come back different, well, hell, they are around different people with some different ideas and the rules may be different there too....he is such an ass that he cannot let anyone be outside of his idea of how they should act. When the kids didn't act happy enough about the adoption, he had to make them see and act according to how he thought they should act. I bet when the cameras quit rolling, he told those kids, well, you sure made it seem like you weren't happy about being adopted...made me look like an ass. He has conditions on everything...he is a total narcissists.

  55. This preview just cements the impression for me that the Browns will spend all kinds of time and worry on superfluous celebrations. Some people will do that rather than work on real relationships and problems, because that is more difficult. I'm wondering if they put this much care into the online jewelry business, where the site never changes. Or more importantly, do the legal Mr. and Mrs. put this much involvement in any of the 13 people that Robyn didn't give birth to?

  56. During that clip, when Kody sternly tells Robyn to settle down , Meri is looking at her and smirking/laughing. Love it!
