
Sunday, November 15, 2015




So sorry Original Three! Kody's got a NEW family now! And they are all LEGAL!!!

It's Sister Wives  L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!!


Kody feeling some gibbering in his nether regions!


Robyn: I'm too busy, dude. No baby until you make me legal!   Kody: Wha??? Oh, OK, dear...

Prepare yourself for MORE Mr. Robyn Brown  BLOVIATING!!
I know who MY Queen of Hearts is!

While the new Mrs. Kody Brown decides to boycott Live Tweeting tonight as she wonders "Will this be the last Season?" !!

I can't wait to ride off into the sunset with my husband!


It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!


Don't forget 90 Day Fiance is on tonight, too! Hey Dani and Mo, come join the discussion!


  1. Wonder how the bs is going to be spun tonight!

  2. CJ, can you add the 90 day fiancé Twitter feed too?

  3. Yes, let's get on with it.
    Let's witness another installment of Acting-101 from the Browns tonight.
    Let's hope it is their final swan song.
    There will be tears
    and tight lips
    and "huh" stares
    and Charlies Manson, rodent, darting eyes.
    and hair flipping
    and hand flapping
    and mascara crud wiping
    and hair finger combing
    and scrunched faces
    and UN-asked & UN-answered questions
    And redundant, recycled, replayed clip after clip....(will be particularity annoying)
    and bogus statement after statement, talking head after talking head of pure unadulterated Brown BS.

    Welcome to Kodyworld.....Land where the truth never sets.

    1. "Charlies Manson, rodent, darting eyes" Ha! Love this!

    2. ...and eye booger examining

      "The Charles Manson rodent darting eyes"
      Perfect description!!!!!

    3. Will Meri's upper lip move when she talks?

      Will Meri 'splain everything by robotically saying "I had all these emotions"

      Will Christine be so high she's bouncing off the walls

      Will Janelle be so high that she sisits in a catatonic stupor

      Will Kody realize that the batfish made him a laughingstock

    4. "Will Meri's upper lip move when she talks?"

      My personal fav......LOL !!

    5. ""Land where the truth never sets"! Awesome Amused!!

  4. so Meri was a bitch all season because she had something better on the side. Nice. When the paychecks stop because of her little trip to lovers lane she will have no one but herself to blame, She has always acted like she was better than the rest of them.

    1. I would suggest that the paychecks will continue because of Meri's "little trip to lover's' lane." This is ratings gold, and the Brown clowns will shamelessly milk it for all its worth, tease the public by telling almost nothing, and then finish with a cliffhanger for next season, just like the divorce last time. Since dollars rule with these nasty people, they should probably thank Meri fro giving their dying show a new lease of life. Putrid behavior.

    2. Anon 5:19: the problem TLC has is we've all been getting the info outside of their realm and they've been FORCED to address the situation. It will take a lot at this point to keep control of the narrative, they can't hold back much at this point or people will continue to not watch the show and get their updates from such sites like this. In other words, short of Meri leaving, there really can't be any "cliff hangers ". So help me, if TLC doesn't bring any new material tonight, I'm done ever watching the show.

    3. Funny the power the legal marriage certificate and first marriage gave Meri in that Queenly position. No longer; Henry Vlll has a new Queen on the throne.

  5. The segment being shown first was what MrSpock saw on Friday from 9:15 to 9:30 p.m. on TLC (see prior thread) ---still not sure why TLC did this last Friday????

    1. It probably was part of their original season finale. Maybe they didn't want to once again diss the poor children for another adult stealing the storyline. Just a guess.

    2. They have done it before. It's a "sneak peek", like BRAVO does with the Real Housewives shows.

  6. I read a text above that referred to being blackmailed by the Catfish person. It is a facebook photo of JYD supposedly worried.Isn't the whole premise of blackmail that you have done something wrong and do not want to be outed? What could JYD be outed for?Is it in conjunction with A Brown secret?

  7. I can't imagine that a 29-year old Caleb doesn't feel somewhat degraded in this Alaska trip. First, Robyn is watching very closely, as she lets us know again and again. (He's closer to her age than he is to Maddie's.) Then, he's grouped with 19-year olds, as if he's as immature as he is. Kody is exerting his proud papa/protective father powers, as if he hasn't known this guy for a few decades, and is making sure that Caleb fails the test of asking for Maddie's hand in marriage - as if the guy knows. In the earlier episode, he actually said, "I don't do hints."

    And, because sisterwives are catty to everyone - one of them (Christine, I think) says that Maddie is emphatic about marrying Caleb, but she's not sure about him. They're engaged! He gave her a ring. Despite all this, I don't feel sorry for Caleb, or anyone on this show.

  8. Ugh! Meri is already self promoting in her tweets, about how "brave" she is for owning her story.

    1. Ya,it is not like the audio tape evidence outed her. And the tweets . And the Pictures.

    2. Omg! Not ashamed, but brave...victim speak!

      A little too late poor, poor Meri...tsk, tsk we have seen your dirty underwear!

    3. Yes we have. And it has Batman all over it.

  9. Are they going out to hunt 'shrooms? Wouldn't be any less delusional than what they live everyday.

    1. It might be more interesting if they were going to hunt snipe. I do love a traditional 1980s snipe hunt.

  10. did anyone else find the talk about caleb's fishing line a bit too phallic?

  11. Halibut fishing (one group) and dog-sledding (other group). Christine compares the musher and his dogs with Kody and his "wives." Har, har---not.

    1. Pregnant Robyn, who was too delicate to go on that hike, could go dog-sledding. They can't even keep the details of these fake story lines straight. Or, Robyn can't be left out of too many scenes.

  12. Christine is on speed or something. She is high.
    Oh ha,ha........comparing themselves to the sled dogs. Kody's bitches......then the wild giggles
    Total waste if film,,,,
    CVS by CVS

  13. iPad goofed with CVS junk

  14. Caleb seems like a really decent guy, very down to earth and sincere. Hope he and Maddie are very happy forever.

  15. Kody says, "When you guys are married I turn her over to you." Oh, for crying out loud, Kody, women are NOT chattel to be passed along. GROSSSSSSS!!!!!!

    1. Amen! Thank you Mr. Spock!! She doesn't need another "father"' she's an adult.

    2. Seriously, I wanted to throw something at the TV when he said that........

    3. I doubt very seriously that Maddie belongs to ANYONE. :)
      Kody is delusional.

  16. oops one of my kids was visiting and I forgot (ok maybe was too embarrassed to turn it on) this was on. Hope I didn't miss anything!

    1. If you forgot to watch the entire season, you wouldn't have missed anything!

  17. Yep, nothing about catfishing---just fish.

    1. If that fish is stinky it cannot be very fresh...fresh fish should just be fresh-smelling.

  18. And delicious salmon--which someone gave them, they didn't even bother to catch themselves...yikes

  19. The only fish they've ever had comes in stick form or from a drive thru where its called "fillet 'o fish"

  20. Why is Kody asking ROBYN if it's ok for Maddie to marry Caleb? Like, what the hell does she have to do with any of this?

  21. What was wrong with Truley's lips?

    1. I wondered too.

    2. It looks like she licks them a lot and they are chapped. I had a kid that did that and wouldn't stop, had chapped bits all around.

    3. she's been dragging her bottom lip over her top lip and has chapped it. Lot of kids do that.

    4. It looks she has a serious case of chapped lips and has been licking them for relief.

    5. i hope she is not daughter when she was young got dehydrated so easily and the first sign was her lips

    6. If she was going from one place to another, Vegas to Alaska or back again she is going to need them Chapstick more or less in each place. Different humidity. Give her a few days to acclimate, gosh.

  22. I can't imagine how much fun a date night with your husband's other 3 wives would be!

  23. Robyn makes a joke, when Kody reports on the question Caleb asks him. She says, "Can I have your bank account..." She can't help but project. Then, Janelle thanks Robyn for her steely assessment, since Janelle says she's "in la-la land, 'Okay, you're getting married.'"

  24. Meri honey if you are lonely, isn't there a neglected bonus kid or twelve you could spend some time with?

    1. Exactly! Guess she's never heard that the best way to get over feeling sorry for yourself is to help someone else.

    2. She's not lonely for more baby-sitting or "aunty" time.

      She's had to share her husband and watch him have more than a dozen babies with other women and then divorce him to make room for a new queen-bee as legal wife. She deserves so much more. All women in polygamy deserve so much more. Very sad.

  25. For Meri to bring this up, if she really is bringing it up there, in public in a restaurant where they are supposed to be having a nice dinner, is wrong! And now I'm watching it, did she actually say this at the table or just in the talking head session?

  26. Me thinks Meri is on her way OUT!! Listen up Christine.

  27. Each one of them brushes over Meri's tears to talk about themselves:

    Christine and Janelle: It's unfair if she just gets up and leaves the family.
    Robyn: She is needed here, in the family. It's obvious.
    Kody: Maybe she means that she doesn't want to be married to me. (Maybe that was what the "legal divorce" was about. He still doesn't get it.)

    1. Why wasn't he begging her to stay? Telling her that he can't live without her?
      Why was he just sitting there?

      Robyn: It you really want to leave...I'll help you pack your bags!

    2. Per the catfisher, long before the AK trip, Meri had already kicked Kody out of her house - told him he was no longer welcome to sleep in her bed. He wasn't coming over anymore and they were supposedly barely speaking to each other when this took place.

      Not wanting to send that site any traffic, but last nite's episode made more sense and it was interesting to see the body language and hear the reactions of the other 3 women and Kody to what Meri was saying.

  28. Why would Meri do this in public- saying she is leaving- wouldn't you tell your "husband" first? So much wrong with this!

  29. I"m not watching, but curious how much airtime did TLC devote to Meri's catfishN' fiasco?? Since the title of this episode is Meri Catfished, they should've at least devoted half the episode to it.

    1. So far the last 26 minutes of the hour.

    2. No, the catfish explanation started at 45 minutes into the show.

    3. Alrighty thanks! Just like in true TLC fashion, They used a juicy headline to reel in viewers only to disappoint by not really giving that much time to address it! SW seriously needs to be cancelled!! This show is no longer a reality but just scripted BS so they can collect easy $$. Time for these grifters to move on!!

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Snark about adults, but please leave the Brown children alone. They did not sign up to be on a reality show! Thank you!

  31. Jack Spratt's Restaurant...Robyn is eating mustard out of a bowl with a soup spoon.

    1. And she was really hitting the salt!! Didn't seem very heathy ...

  32. Since they are showing footage of Meri on her phone.......are we to believe that the film crew knew to get that footage and the family didn't........Bull !

    1. I assumed those were "recreated scenes" and not actually taken throughout the season.

  33. Oh Meri....wrong way to go. She is spinning her web. Web of LIES!!

    1. What lies is she telling anon 6.57?

    2. I don't have total recall memory...not even close, but she started saying something like right away "he" was saying things that were intimate(not the word she used) and that she knew right away something was not right. According to the voice-mails & texts, she fell right in and reciprocated, happily it seems. Why are you asking? Did you feel that Meri was being honest about what happened and how it happened and her complicity? I did not. And don't care to debate you on that point, you are entitled to your opinion.

    3. Anon 7:12 probably wasn't watching and just wanted details. That response was quite brusque.

      Meri said that she knew she was being fed a line of bullshit, but she enjoyed the attention and ignored the red flags. That seems common in these catfishing scams.

  34. You can go figure this stuff out.... but make sure you are fixed by Thanksgiving... ya know... for the kids.

    Nice Janelle.

    1. meri has been talking about finding herself for two years,,remember robyn said i hope you dont go too far from the family on the tell nothing when the makeup was so bad

  35. Wonder what the overall viewer perception will be after this episode? Good or bad for Meri? Or SW in general? Was this attempted spin by TLC successful it no??

  36. Oh, now the joker was verbally abusive.
    Not all.
    This is doubt in my mind. Damage control.

    1. The Joker did tweet some rather disparaging comments about the Book of Mormon, and A$$ made fun of the Mormon Temple in a tweet (she asked Meri why there was a baton twirler on top of the Mormon Temple....yikes) so I can imagine what was said in private.

    2. Hanging up when the conversation got nasty, threatening was always an option.
      So would not taking calls !

  37. soo shes not telling them anything so when does she tell them? ohhh thats the stupid cliffhanger. YAWN come on 90 day fiance

  38. Anyone else want to just smack Meri?!? Sweetie, you tried to have an affair! The voicemails and texts prove that you wanted out with another man! Own up to the fact that you wanted to cheat on your "husband"!

    1. She reached the final and real conclusion of just doesn't work. Can't fault her for that. Let's just hope she has the courage to get out now. Lots of resources for her out her, hope she uses them.

    2. If she was going to leave, I think she'd have already done it when her emotions were high and she was feeling empowered. She's beaten down, now and probably feeling pretty hopeless. The Brown's have circled their wagons around her and have bought her tale of woe about being victimized and targeted because of who she is and what she believes and if their tweets are any indication, they're a united front fighting the big bad world together again.

  39. Meri's "research" and conclusions about the catfish come straight from this and other websites. I'll give TLC partial credit for their spin, but they're still so lazy that they can't even bother writing their own scripts.

    1. And most likely from the TLC executive producer who briefly followed the Joker for about 24 hours before being summarily removed (and I assumed banned) by the Joker. Joker mentioned it on its blog asking the question why would Discovery Network be reading the blog. Discovery is the parent corporation of TLC.

  40. How about everyone saying hi to Truely?? She's cute and sweet and awesome.

    1. Yeah, what the heck was that all about? I haven't seen a kid of that age that can and should walk be carried as much since Suri Cruise. More preferential treatment, probably did that to get a dig in at Garrison. At least to his credit, the kid tried to shut Kody up...

  41. Kody is "confused" by what Meri is saying and is "afraid" to talk to her. Way to step up to the plate, Kody!

    1. THIS is why he's losing her. He can't face up to The failing of polygamy because that would mean admitting he was duped too. Had he stuck with Meri only to begin with rather than pleasing his father and joining this narcissistic cult they'd all be better off.

    2. I think that Kody is likely not very invested in Meri's ultimate happiness--only his own; his own and what Robyn agrees to (like when he looks at Robyn and asks for her approval in his 'okaying' Caleb's request for Maddie's hand) Did anyone else catch his comment that "you can be in love with someone one moment and they the next they can become your enemy'?

    3. I did catch that line, shows how self-centered and passive aggressive he is. No wonder Janelle left him at one time and Meri wanted out. He is seriously disturbed and under-handed.

  42. Can't stand KodyIdiot !

  43. so using the Joker as a cliffhanger for another season? How low can you go...

  44. Kody ceded his alpha male status to Caleb for one moment, so Caleb could have the spotlight and clean the fish. That way, Kody didn't actually have to do the work, either. King Sol had to be front and center when Caleb was cleaning the fish. And, Robyn had to run off to upstage everyone.

  45. Well Joker basically said he "broke up" with Meri after Alaska dinner - so at dinner, she was going to leave family for joker, but after Alaska is probably when producers got involved and it all became clear and the Talking Head footage and computer footage were after the scam was discovered. And stupid Kody saying he didn't want to talk to her cause she was going to say it was on him - well bingo! It is! Maybe he should have been nice to her!

    1. I don't believe anything the joker says. I think she figured out she was being played about a month before, in July...after the the Living with Models fiasco.

    2. But I do agree with the rest of what you said, Hopeful...particularly about the producer involvement and how Kody mistreatment of Meri was a factor in leaving her vulnerable to a catfisher....although I can't believe she could be so naive with the pictures and vms.

    I *I* were to sit down with my monogamous husband and tell him that I had been having an emotional affair and that I was confused, etc. He would have jumped across that table and scooped me up and asked what he could do to fix it!
    Well, first, he might be just a little miffed that I had been talking to someone else, but dang!! He would be devastated.

    What Kody SHOULD have done is to tell Meri that he can't imagine his life without her!
    Tell her that they are a team and that he loves her more than he can express.
    Tell her that he is sorry for anything he's ever done wrong and that he'll fix it starting now.
    Tell her that she is his happily ever after and that she just can't go anywhere and that he'll do whatever it takes to win her back.

    He absolutely needs to realize that HE IS *IT*.

    Do you remember when he said that he is not responsible for his wives' emotions? That they have to figure it out on their own?
    How's that working out for him now?
    Maybe if he had invested just a little bit of time into their relationships, he might not now be asking Meri if she is staying or not.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking!

    2. Absolutely, Just Me! Any husband who wouldn't respond that way should be an EX, very soon.

      Supposedly, (per the catfisher) the talk during dinner in Alaska was Meri telling the adults she wanted to leave to "find herself", take a trip, etc. Other than the adults being suspicious about what was bothering Meri and them noticing her preoccupation and always on her phone/texting, etc, I don't think she had the courage yet to tell them about her affair. Kody had been on the outs with Meri even before the trip so he was probably even more clueless than the other wives about what was really bothering her.

      I hope TLC explains the timeline of their return from AK and her admission about the affair when they do the tell-nothing next week.

  47. What a colossal waste of an hour !!!
    Said it before.........
    TLC and Browns, you * insult * the very people who are keeping your lying butts on the air.

  48. All I want to know after all this time invested watching this jump the salmon show is this: How did Meri think that she was talking to a man? Wonder if ole Jackie has a voice changer device that she hooks up to her phone?

    1. Supposedly, the catfisher "can deepen" her voice to sound like a man, but I find that hard to believe. But an electronic device to modulate her voice down an octave sounds feasible, and would be the reason "he" could never meet his victims in person, sending the female assistant instead.

  49. Mariah didn't say a word, did she, when the older kids were talking on the couch?
    Mariah is huge. Is she still in college?
    I noticed Maddie has an extra chin. She has one more than me and I am almost 60. Maybe she is pregnant? (as someone on a previous thread suggested)

    1. That is really unkind, Realityisnotreal.

    2. Calls 'em as I sees 'em. Sorry if the truth hurts.

    3. As Cynical Jinx pointed out above, the kids didn't sign up for this show and should be off limits re: snarking.

    4. OK. I haven't seen the episode yet but I have seen pictures. I think what we are seeing is the result of all the stress these people must be enduring. Janelle appears to have regained all the weight she lost, and while I won't single out the college girls, it must be very difficult for then, too. The only adults that look healthy (ie...not sedated) are Kody and Robyn! It's a damn shame, because the whole premise of this show...for the past 4-5 years has been a lie. Polygamy doesn't make the women better, it doesn't empower them, sister wives aren't friends and they don't look after each other's children (proven by Robyn's need to have a nanny/housekeeper - first her sister Taralyce, and then Mindy). The Browns have shown the world they live in a fairytale world, in a cul-de-sac with a rapidly crumbling facade!!

    5. Hmm. Stress, health problems, depression, and a dash of genetics can all create such a situation. However, I will say that 1) the kids didn't volunteer for the show so didn't consent to be snarked on and 2) I think Maddie in particular is adorable. Just my two cents.

    6. This has definitely had an impact on these kids growing up. Maddie said that she had a boyfriend in high school who thought it would be OK to have another girlfriend at the same time just because her parents are polygamists. Can you imagine being a teenager and having a boyfriend cheat on you because of your family situation?

      I'm not saying this to be unkind (because I truly like the kids), but most of the kids do seem to have weight issues and I think it's due to the family stress and the poor eating habits of the adults. Did anyone notice Logan's comment about how the wives actually got along in Alaska? I have a feeling that life is hell most of the time when the wives are together.

      It's a miracle that despite the horrible Brown parents, the Brown kids seem to be awesome. I just hope that they all are able to get far, far, away from all the drama and are able to avoid having those cameras intrude into their lives.

      Canadian Ginger

    7. They probably decided to "play nice" with each other in Alaska since Logan brought his girlfriend & Maddie brought her fiance along on the trip.

  50. Meri's excuse for the affair is that she was lonely in her empty nest. Lots of single parents who do not have a "husband" every 4th night, three sister wives, and at least a dozen are kids around are lonely. Please do not believe that she did this out of loneliness.

    1. You can be surrounded by people and be lonely. Especially having to wait your turn and having to be guarded around him since his others wives and kids are present. Even the nice affection is limited.

    2. I agree with kms - it's very possible to be surrounded by people and still lonely. And I think it would be far worst to be trapped into a life with an "every 4th night" husband I shared with other women and no hope of ever being able to have a real, 100% relationship. It would be easier to alone and know I could seek it out, rather than trapped with so little of real value.

  51. I didn't see tonight's show- but my guess is that maybe Kodidiot doesn't care if Meri stays or leaves. Thoughts?

    1. My guess is that he does care because 1. it would dent his enormous ego if a woman left him, and 2. Guys in polygamist cults who lose a fake "wife" are looked at critically.

    2. Hey, he's got three (count 'em) three spares!

    3. I wouldn't be surprised if Kody and Robyn suddenly declare they no longer believe in the Principle of Plural Marriage and left the AUB (before Kody's excommunication for not being in control of his wives with the Meri catfish affair and being an extremely poor priesthood holder). Of course that's speculation, but if they do remain polygamists, I hope Kody starts courting his 5th...but I doubt Robyn would ever allow that to happen.

  52. Here we go again with another round of Meri's "Strong Women" quotes. Pu-leeze. Don't flatter yourself and count yourself among them. You are NOT strong. You are weak and manipulating, you are pliable and vulnerable and sadly pathetic. Your create your own bad situations and then cry victim. You are always wronged, never wrong. Always the problem and never the solution. You don't have the strength of character to finish what you start (school, keeping your commitment to the family). Don't have to gall to continue to pat yourself on the back for being a strong woman. Talk is cheap, there are hundreds of great quotes on the Internet. Don't just re-post them, live them.

    1. I must admit that your points are quite lethally on the mark, Anonymous 7:26.

    2. Even if she does see this, they will chalk it up to us "monogamous" women not knowing anything about relationships.

    3. Wowzers Anon 7:26, you got it in a nutshell! Really am stunned by your summation of Meri, quite impressive.

    4. AMEN! Well said

  53. What a pathetic heap of cryptic crap!!! Unbelievable! So here is my guess, they've been renewed for a July season opener and their way of stringing interest for eight months, is (1) poor Meri will she or won't she stay...will she ever be able to truly "find herself" (Newsflash lady, most people are busy trying to keep their heads above water, let alone "find themselves"...come on Meri, dont you remember 5 years ago when you were sweating the mortgage??? All this self-imposed melodrama is getting downright offensive...) AND just in case the poor Meri story line doesn't capture your heart how about (2) the promise of a nice June wedding!!! we all saw that coming with the perfectly timed engagement announcement...
    Dying to hear everyone elses thoughts on this garbage.

    1. I thought next week is the part 2 finale with the tell all.

  54. I did like that Janelle said that her kids like Meri and Christine better than her sometimes. No mention of Robyn.

    1. Such a nice burn. Agree.

    2. Favorite part of the show. Very typically passive aggressive of Janelle. Loved the look on Robyn's face when Janelle said that!

  55. Prediction.......
    Meri will NOT leave. At least not until the show gets cancelled.
    She won't give up her share of the show money and the show needs her woeful rehabbing back into the harem. So get set for more intense, sappy therapy sessions with the nutty Plyg therapist extraordinaire next season. Such drama !!
    That, and added somewhere in there, Sobbin will again be the Madonna in labor in the bed.
    Yawn !!

    1. As she was crying, I was wondering why she would have this confession at a restaurant, and not at the office of the plyg therapist extraordinaire. Maybe she should have been on this vacation, and this group date, too.

      This scene was supposed to be the season's climax, but the melodrama was insane. This scene, however, showed how much hate and disregard these people have for each other.

    2. You're right, Amused, she won't leave because this situation has beaten her down even more. She's like a prisoner who has tried to run and has been dragged back to her cell. She probably doesn't have it in her to even try to escape again after this attempt has ended in lies and ridicule.

      Canadian Ginger

  56. Dear Meri,
    Please leave. Don't walk, run. You are a beautiful and intelligent woman. You are a child of God. You are WORTHY of a man who loves and cherishes you. A man who, when you sit across the table from him pouring your broken heart out, pulls you into his lap and cries with you. Not one who sits stoically with his arms crossed. You deserve more and better.

  57. Didnt watch and trying to follow by comments...Meri tweeted about ' doing what she had to do because of threats' she actually trying to saythat all of her come hither pix and pillow talk thru text & letters was a PLOY on her part????? Tell me I ve got it al confused

    1. maybe threats that the show would be cancelled if she didn't play along with the stupid plot line once the catfisher became public knowledge

    2. Las Vagrants, I think that the claim that Meri makes about being 'coerced into behavior due to verbal threats from the catfisher' is a lot of smoke and mirrors to obfuscate to reality of the situation and create doubt in the viewer's/family's minds about what might have really been going on. Meri is trying to save face and scrambling here. Pity. There very well may have been verbal threats; but could that have made Meri take that banana photo?

    3. Meri taking that picture with the banana had to be the single most dumbest thing a women of a certain age could ever do. The same with the bubble bath. And I bet the catfisher was egging her on. Oh let's take some pictures. You send me yours, I'll send you mine. And the rest is history....

    4. Meri was incredibly stupid. I'm not a public figure, but do have a career that could definitely be compromised if I took raunchy photos of myself and sent them to anyone electronically. I would expect this type of naivety of a young teenage girl, not a grown woman. I don't think I would even send my husband raunchy pics for fear of him accidentally forwarding (50 year old men aren't always great with technology), his phone getting compromised or stolen, or my kids coming across them. Really Meri, you need to smarten up.

      Canadian Ginger

    5. To be felled by such a cliche...

    6. Thanks friends for answering.....what abunch of hogwash.

    7. I do believe the "threats" (exposing her) came after she willingly, without coercion, took those pics. Any way she slices and dices it, she DID have an emotional affair. And Meri? Please, why is the only way you would leave this farce of a marriage is if you had another man?? Leave because it's what YOU NEED AND WANT IT

  58. I am speechless. I do feel bad for Meri in terms of being lonely and obviously not feeling love and support from Kody. How are any of us to believe that plural marriage is anything but a soul-sucking relationship with a man who must divide his time and attention among multiple women and sister-wife relationships that are filled with jealously, animosity, and sadness. If what the Browns are trying to make us believe is that they are a tight-knit family, they are delusional. No one in a family that large should be lonely. Why aren't the children spending time with their "other" mother? Why aren't the sister wives doing things together?

    Of course, anyone who has been watching this show knows it's all a sham. What I'm completely annoyed at (this time) is that Meri is making it seem like she's been victimized. As far as I'm concerned, she could not and would not have been preyed upon had she not been looking for a relationship. Had the person actually been a man who was interested in a relationship with Meri, then the ending to this story would not have been a tearful confession to the family, it would have been Meri actually leaving the family. While it is horrible that this person took advantage of Meri's loneliness, it is plural marriage that created the void in Meri's life in the first place.

    I hope that Meri reads these comments and knows that she deserves to actually have a happy relationship with one man who is a one-woman man. I see Meri as a captive who almost escapes from her prison, and when she is put back into her cage is completely downtrodden, helpless, and hopeless.

    Canadian Ginger

  59. Anyone notice that Robyn wanted to know about Caleb's bank account before she could support his proposal? Typical gold digging Robyn!

    Canadian Ginger

  60. I couldn't stand Kody's smirky face as Caleb talked to him about wanting to marry Maddy. That's what I call a s**t-eating grin.

  61. I feel bad for Meri because yes she was full in and participating with joker - she was enjoying what she thought was a real love and friendship and ignoring obvious signs - but she still was victimized - she was targeted and played - none of it would have happened if she had a good loving relationship with her husband - she was lonely- it took a toll on her

    1. Yep, she certainly did ignore the signs all right! I imagine living in plural marriage with Kody would be hell on earth!!!

  62. I think the restaurant scene was recently staged and filmed. They didn't make a big deal about where they were or the name of the place. Watching the reaction of the other wives and Kody seems like they had heard the story well beforehand. The actual story about the catfish was told by Meri's TH. Nobody looked shocked, alarmed, saddened or anything! Kody just sat there looking down at the table. This was filmed way after the Alaska trip in August.

    1. The restaurant scene wasn't Meri telling about her affair, it was just her telling them she wanted to "go away" for awhile to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. Her admission about the affair doesn't come until after they're back home. Per the catfisher's timeline, they "broke up" a week or two after they returned from AK. I think the reason the wives and Kody seemed so blah is that they had known something was going on with her for quite awhile and since she'd been pulling away and hadn't been engaging with them, they were just listening and going along with what she was saying - not really knowing the meaning behind her statements. Heck, she really didn't "say" anything. She beat around the bush. IMO, from the little she was actually telling them (at least from the edited version we saw) it's no wonder they had the reaction, or non-reaction, they did.

  63. Seems like Kody isn't getting much love or support on social media or blogs. He doesn't want to admit that he has failed as a husband. Plus he'll never admit that polygamy just doesnt work! But I'm sure the Brown family will tweet a "happy facade" Brown family pic at Thanksgiving.

  64. according to CF Meri told the other adults in a therapy session she wanted to leave the family before filming even started. You can tell Meri does not want to be there around the family.

  65. If Meri leaves, Kody will get add a young, pretty, fertile wife just to spite Meri and boost his damaged ego. And then the new wife will enrage devious Robyn. I smell popcorn!

  66. Does anyone else remember back to an episode around the time that Sol was born where Meri gushed with glee about how happy she was to finally be able to have the kind of sisterwife relationship that she always knew existed? It was probably one of Meri's worst slams of Janelle and Christine. She went on and on about how she had never had the closeness with either of them that she expected. But that she now had that closeness with Robyn. Meri then compared how her excitement at Sol's birth was so much greater than when Truely was born. She was preparing a room and buying clothes for Sol for when he spent time at her house. I was reminded of all this during the restaurant scene. Although I think she is the closest with Robyn, I wonder if she became disallusioned somewhere along the way with her sisterwife soulmate. I would have thought Robyn would have been more of a comfort to her loneliness.

    1. Oh yes, I remember that episode well...and it almost seems like Karma has Spoken with Meri being catfished, and her so-called "good buddy" now Kody's legal wife, who will never ever give up that legal piece of paper...unless Kody loses all his money. Then Robyn will drop him like a hot potato taking away as much as she can.

    2. Robyn giving as well as taking in a relationship?
      I think it was staged. Christine also loaned her a kid or two for the night off and on. But it really was unnecessary for her to have sleep over spaces. The place under the stairs for the little kids toys was logical. Their older kids stepped it up and Meri was unneeded.

  67. Two things are irrefutable.
    1- Meri said she had been thinking of getting a divorce *for the kids* for a few years.
    Was that true? Highly unlikely !! So why *last season* did Meri to say that on camera?
    Why was she willing to spin that tale last year, tears included for effect?

    2- No way did Meri*first* tell the family at that dinner, in a public place, at that table,* with the kids over at the next table.* It did not happen like that.
    The more likely sequencing was either Sobbin or JYD got wind of the affair and confronted Meri, or Meri knew she in a corner and had to tell them before someone else did.
    THEN the script for the dinner filming of her telling was written. Hence those cameras were at the ready sustained close-ups of the adults faces. Everyone knew what they had to do.
    THEN...the Meri talking head was filmed and edited.... and edited some more.
    And....obviously Meri agreed to do it.

    As for Meri being in a trapped place...ehh, I can't really agree. She has a sister and brother back in Lehi. The Lehi house is rented to Meri's relatives. Or at least part of it is.
    Meri *could* leave.
    And more importantly, since this whole catfish mess is months old by now, she could have already left....if she wanted or honestly needed to.
    It all just *reeks* now of the perfect answer for the cliffhanger, the needed hook for the promise of a new season.
    Yep......something IS fishy.
    It is all just too convenient and tabloid compelling to insure those ratings will be in a lock for next session,

    1. Don't forget, she can leave as long as she's back for Thanksgiving!

    2. If Meri was smart, she would take this opportunity to leave & capitalize on it! Like y'all have suggested a spin-off, Life after Polygamy, etc...
      Meri can leave if she wants! She is being held captive by greed & TLC $$$. Wonder how long she'll stay when TLC $$ is no longer flowing?

  68. The other thing that doesn't make sense to me is that Meri is so lonely that she needs to play music in her house everyday, but then according to Christine, she hasn't been bothering to come to family events.

    I'm assuming that she also wasn't helping out with any of the younger children, considering Christine moved in her own mother to help out. I know it's hard when kids move out, but in Meri's case I don't consider her situation a true "empty nest" there are many younger kids still in the family homes that she could be connecting with and helping with. I can imagine that Robyn and Christine still need help with carpooling, activities, homework duty, etc. While I assume that it's a faux-pas to hang around at the home where Kody is having is scheduled visit, at any given moment there are 2 other wives who you can visit with, go shopping with, or just hang out with.

    If Meri is lonely, it's because there never really has been a true connection with any of the other wives or children and now that her own child is gone she is alone. She is avoiding the family events, happily suggests a "legal" divorce, and is constantly on her phone (all this according to Kody and the other wives). Meri was on her way out, and her plans were only thwarted because the other person wasn't real.

    1. Good points, but let's face it. If I were sisterwives with Meri, I would NOT want her taking care of my children. Nope, no way.From what I've seen of her parenting skills she makes Nurse Rachet look like Mother Teresa. Nope, no way.

    2. There are plenty of caretakers for them. But really feeling connected and occupied by child care doesn't fill the need for a relationship. There is gram living with one, a nanny with the other, scores of adult kids or older kids with licenses. Janelle has no little one either.

  69. So let me get this straight, is Meri claiming that she only continued the online relationship and sent photos of herself in compromising positions because she was being threatened? That makes no sense. Why would you give the person who is victimizing you ammunition to blackmail you even more?

    1. Is that what she said? That she was being threatened? I believe any threats (or "perceived" threats) came about AFTER this catfish caught her hook line and sinker. AFTER she was fully into the the online affair of her own volition. No explanation for that?

  70. CJ, I love your blog and never comment, just lurk. You, and your cast of commenters, often say what I’m thinking, but express it far better than I ever could.

    I didn’t watch tonight’s show. In fact I’ve been trying, not entirely successfully, to give up this mess for years, but keep coming here for the snark.

    I’d like to comment though, on Maddie’s engagement. I agree with previous posters that TLC loves a wedding and a wedding could keep those paycheques coming in for another season. I’ve always liked Maddie, and Caleb seems a decent enough guy. But I wish she would take a few more years before committing to marriage. Finish her education. Date. Learn, grow and mature. Figure out what SHE wants. Get some distance from, and adult perspective on, her truly wacked-out family.

    Thanks CJ, for inviting us to your living room. And thank you and your guests for the hours of amusement.

    1. I love the Maddster as well and wish her the best. Caleb does seem like a very sincere guy, and I get the feeling that Maddie will be well taken care of by him financially (ahem, Robyn). Robyn's assertion that Kody should have investigated Caleb's financial portfolio is just ludicrous, considering her own poverty-inducing introduction to the family ('boo hoo, I just hope they see my worth, blah, blah'). Janelle is just throwing some kudos to Robyn in the same way Christine is playing Robyn's sidekick (like LaFou to Gaston), in order to puff up the Kodester.
      Kody is clearly only concerned, on a very visceral level, with Robyn's reaction to his discussion with Caleb, when they were all at the dinner table--he looked like a boy who done bad the way he questioned her about his response to Caleb.
      At the table, Meri was clearly ONLY talking about her 'boo-hoo unhappiness' and how she might just wanna leave, not sure, hem haw, not sure, maybe I'll go away...she did not divulge the catfisher story to them at the table. The Meri 'bawling head' shots were added later. Talk about a dog trying to cover it's sh*t. As Christine would say "those b*tches be cray! woof"

    2. it's=it is; its=possesive. My English teaches of past would want me to clarify that. Oops.

  71. Robyn really has been mouthy to/about Kody this season. Despite her seemingly getting everything she wanted. I'm starting to think she's not so happy about being pregnant. She seems resentful about something.

    Also, anyone notice how David was telling Robyn to relax and take deep breathes thru the door when Robyn was vomiting. He was being the caretaker and mature one. I wonder how much he has had to do that in private at Robyns house. If he has to parent Robyn sometimes.

    Christine has lost a lot of weight. She also seemed very different when talking about Meri vs. her usual manic self.

    1. She's mouthy cos she can be now that's she got Kody well and truly snared.... all legally too. I'd say she's not happy cos it's all backfired on her and she's worried about losing her show and most importantly her paycheck. She must know by now how unpopular she is with viewers.

    2. I think she's not appreciating the public forums (such as this great blog) calling her out or how she comes across. People have her figured out and she's pissed.

  72. meri says dont be surprised if one day im just up and gone. she was planning on leaving with Sam. Thats what that was about. The editing is weird but that is what she was trying to say.

  73. Sorry for being long winded, but please bear with me...this is something i've been pondering for about...oh...six years? I have long held the belief that Meri Barber Brown, was NEVER cut out for plural marriage. Setting aside all judgment about plural marriage itself, for some people who truly believe in the the Principle of plural marriage, they are committed to trying to make it work. Maybe they believe it is their only way to heaven, maybe they have been indoctrinated, but regardless, they believe this is the way to live, they know what it means to live it, and they choose to do so. For Christine, she's committed to it probably because she was born into it and it is a huge part of her family identity, and Jenelle is committed to it because at some point she was a die-hard convert, but Meri, despite being raised in the AUB, just can not quite pull it off....hear me out a minute...

    The most telling episode ever about Meri, was when all the mothers were in town, and it was said how much Meri's Mom ADORED Kody, because he was the only person with whom Meri would ever be able to live plural marriage... That statement might not seem like much unless you consider the fact that the Barber family was fairly prominent within the AUB. Meri's Mom was a teacher at the AUB school, Meri's sister married into prominent AUB families, and yet the ONLY person Meri's mother could see her daughter with, was Kody Brown, a convert of less than six months. Which makes sense when you consider the fact that the likes of Joe Darger or even Brady Williams, or any other man raised in the AUB faith would never in a million years put up with Meri's crap. Her only chance was some wide-eyed newbee, who literally didn't know she should be behaving any differently. Meri's been a fly in the plural ointment from day one. From the way she treated Jenelle in the beginning, to setting the no-affection rules, to the each wife gets an equal share rule regardless of how many kids, right down to up and leaving jobs to go on trips with Kody as was cited in their book. I'm not saying Meri, is a bad person, she is probably a totally normal (relatively speaking) person, she is just BAD at her religion, she is bad at being a sister wife. According to the book, Meri has struggled forever, Kody and Meri were in therapy prior to Robyn, Meri has felt "lost" forever...Although the book mentions that Jenelle and Christine had their struggles too, I always got the sense that they both found their place in the family and found a certain rhythm. I just find it peculiar, and fascinating to think about, that the first wife Meri, who was the architect of the whole family has innately been unable to live the the religion she says she believes. I would love to hear what you all think...

    1. i agree..ull give you thoughts tomarrow i think your post is worthy of a response..just too tired from waiting up to see the episode and upset the way tlc and the brown insultingly portrayed it

    2. I agree with you about Meri. But Meri was never the architect - Meri was blindsided when Janelle joined her happy family unit. She was blindsided when Christine joined. And I think the only reason she wasn't blindsided with Robyn was that she noticed Kody scoping Robyn out at church, so she took the "lead" and supposedly "orchestrated" Kody meeting Robyn...when in reality, Robyn already knew about Kody, and that he had been approached to do a reality show.

      Meri wasn't ready for plural marriage...even that young, under 18 years old teen Kody "courted" left them at the altar. That speaks volumes of what kind of person Meri is - just from the book, mean-spirited, vindictive, unfeeling, overbearing...she could never live with other women invading her space. No doubt that's why the Dargers were so shocked with Kody saying he couldn't force his wives to share the same kitchen. Kody knows nothing about his faith...except the part about having sex with multiple women. And let's face it, Kody's own father suggested to Janelle that she marry Kody's OLDER BROTHER. If your own father couldn't recommend you as husband material....well you see what I mean. And that was from Janelle's section of their book in reference to Kody's father.

    3. Hagar's Harem, I like your post and think you are spot on. Meri was able to deal with being the Queen Bee, and clearly the legal marriage had a lot more meaning than any of the adults in that family wanted to admit. I think that if I had been brought up in Meri's family with her history I could envision going through the motions of polygamy since it was their family tradition and it was NOT 2015 when she and Kody first married.
      I found it completely annoying that she and Robyn kept using the divisive "THEIR" rules and "OUR" rules line of malarkey. Hey, people, we live in the USA...the rules apply to ALL of us. And Meri, they sure were YOUR rules when you benefited from the station they allowed you.

  74. It's too bad that Meri's internet romance did not work out because she seemed to be very happy in that fantasy world.. I think that she is playing victim and insisting that she was threatened now for the benefit of her fans who have not seen the pictures or heard the voice mails. She probably wants to maintain some credibility with them. I always suspected that she just wanted to be monogamous with Kody but when her sister in law Janelle and then Christina started chasing after him she had to go along with the concept of polygamy because that.'s how she had been raised. Robyn was also chasing Kody . I can't believe that Meri REALLY liked heer. She probably had to go along with adding her to the family because Kody was hot for her and also because her addition and the conflict it would cause made a better story to sell to TLC.
    If there is another season, I bet he entire catfishing episode will never be mentioned again, just like her cancer scare will never be mentioned again and that it will be all about Robyn's new baby and maybe Maddie's wedding.

  75. The true soulmate and love of Cody Brown's life? It is not Robyn, it is CODY BROWN.

    Robyn is currently the favorite of course, but that is a fluid position. Robyn is still the "newest", she still constantly feeds his ego with manipulation and praise, while she is not a good looking PRETTY woman she has the most appealing shape out of the 4 I suppose, and she is now the only baby maker to continue expanding his brood. Christine, Janelle, and Meri had closed up shop. Cody was looking at NO MORE BABIES. THE HORROR!!! Once Robyn closes the baby shop, by choice or by biology - his over inflated ego will demand another, fertile "wife" be brought in - assuming anyone wants him at that point, and there will be a new "Favorite". I honestly doubt Robyn will even be in the picture at that point though, so her "allowing" such a thing, or having a breakdown over it would be moot.

    To think they will actually ride off into the monogamous sunset is hilarious. "All you need is love" will not pay the bills once TLC leaves them high and dry. She'll hang on as long as the money, trips, and camera time rolls in and then she'll ride off with whatever child support that she's suckered him into with this hoaky adoption and onto the next sucker - there's one born every minute!

  76. I watched the last 12 minutes of the midnight showing. It was clear to me that the restaurant and talking heads, with the exception of Meri's, were all done without any knowledge of the catfisher, and Meri's TH was interspersed after to make it look like it was all related.

    The wives were talking about whether she should leave to "go camping by herself for a week" or go back to school/work. There was no acknowledgement of the betrayal, and we know that Christine, at a minimum, would have had a break down.

    I think the season was done and edited with "will Meri stay or go?" being the cliffhanger, but they couldn't ignore what was discussed all over the internet and had to add in Meri's talking head. I'd be ticked at TLC for playing me for a fool if I wasn't used to it, and if I still watched or cared about this show. I really only follow for the snark. I do wish we would have seen the actual reaction when the family found out, though. Kody's anger would have been a sight to see.

    1. Yes! Agree that the cliffhanger was supposed to be "is Meri leaving?" and it was obvious all the catfish stuff was patched in afterwards. TLC probably picked up on all the chatter about Meri's reaction to the "legal" divorce; last summer there were so many internet articles devoted to was Meri going to leave Kody, TLC thought the storyline of "is Meri leaving the family?" would be a good season finale cliffhanger. TLC lucked out in that once again the Brown's were hiding something much more interesting!

    2. TLC doesn't give a flying f%$# about the truth. With Jon & Kate plus 8, Jon had moved out and was living in an apartment over the garage for MONTHS while they still we're trying to portray the "happy family". The jig was up when the tabloids printed pics of Jon out at bars with another woman. Just like here, the tabloids exposed the real "reality" of this farce of a marriage and forced them to come clean and address it.
      TLC is pure EVIL
      They have a huge hand in the demise of these families, will do anything to keep that gravy train going, and when the lies are exposed, they capitalize on the hurt and anguish they've helped and encouraged. They are exploiters who partner with exploiters.

  77. I just did a search for Meri Brown voice mail, and found one 40 second audio clip where she is begging "someone" to please talk to her - that she is there for them, etc. She calls this person "honey" several times, and says "I love you". I don't understand why she would be leaving voice messages unless the other person had actually spoken to her on the phone at some point. I have no doubt that it is Meri's voice, and I believe that she was catfished, but does anyone have more "proof" of all this?

    1. There are MANY voice mail messages on the CFer's site. They supposedly spoke on the phone many times and of course, texted constantly. She was obsessed with 'him'.

    2. True. While I understand Meri's loneliness and feelings of abandonment, no one FORCED or TRICKED her into leaving those desperate messages of love, nor did anyone trick her into sending provocative pictures over the internet of all things - to a person she had NEVER MET(!) in person. Who does that? Especially if they have put themselves into the category of public figure. Meri has been a mean girl for years. She's treated those other women terribly. Note that Janelle is the only one of the 4 who showed any sort of genuine concern. This whole thing is messed up. But it was Meri herself who messed it up by engaging in behaviors, emotions and actions that even the most naive high school girl would think twice about. She never met the 'man'? But she shows 'him' her underwear and nipples on the internet?

  78. I think Meris iduendo's are a cry for help. I think it's quite possible she is in a deep depression and these idiots are too stupid. I hope she gets help asap.
    One can only imagine how this issue has poured into each wives relationship with Kody.
    And Robyn...enough hyperventilating, fake vomit and fake tears.

  79. "everyone say hi to Solomon" -kody
    "no one blow fish breath in Robyns face"- kody

    Fave quotes tonight.

  80. Didn't watch yet, but this is my take on the talk about Robchin's puke face.

    Histrionic Personality Disorder Symptoms By Psych Central Staff

    "Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of attention seeking behavior and extreme emotionality. Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the center of attention in any group of people, and feel uncomfortable when they are not. While often lively, interesting and sometimes dramatic, they have difficulty when people aren’t focused exclusively on them."

    1. Oh yes! A walking, talking, breathing, perfect example of histrionic personality disorder - that's Robin in a nutshell. My goodness. The drama. The flipping of the head back and forth, the puckered up face. The crying WITH NO TEARS. At least she had the good sense to cover her face with her hand. Even she knew she couldn't squeeze a single tear out of her lemon face. I suggest she get herself into some acting classes stat. Before she isn't even worthy of the "Sobbin Robin" hashtag. Such bs.

  81. I felt uncomfortable with how absolutely giddy the adults, particularly Janelle and Kody, were in talking about Maddie's engagement. Of course they are happy for her, as I'd be too if I was pleased with my daughter's announcement that she was getting married and I approved of her fiance', but they're gushing about it, almost like it's their engagement rather than hers. It just didn't feel "parent of the bride" but more like they were the bride/groom themselves.

    I think my reaction and when giving my opinions about it would have been tempered with concern that she was in college, was still young, he was older, and she supposedly had a career path planned out that she might be jeopardizing. I'm sure they addressed these things with her, but there's just something about their glee over this that seems 'off'. Maybe it's because they're over-acting because they're on camera? idk

  82. "A narcissist's weapon of choice if often verbal - slander, lies, playing the victim in flipped tales of who was the victim and who was the abuser, gossip, rage, verbal abuse and intentional infliction of emotional pain. It is a systematic dismantling of another person's relationships, reputation, emotional, physical and spiritual health, life and very soul. This is why narcissists are so often called "emotional vampires." Gail Meyers

    Meri posted ^^^^ on Twitter (along with her usual platitudes about strong women, etc) and Kody retweeted it. SMH
    The comments to the tweet refer to the catfisher. I wonder if that's what she thinks the CF is. Does she not know she has one or more in her family? A narcissist isn't what I'd call the CF person.
