
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sister Wives LIVE TWEET PARTY for October 18th 2015

But first...

A Short Story of Four Wives

OOPSIES!!!  Sorry Kody! My bad!

Kody, you're not thinkin' about ridin' off into the sunset with Robyn are you?

But...I...thought...NOOOOOOOO!!! Not Robyn!!!!!! NOT ROBYN!!!

Seems like I shoulda been the legal Mrs Kody Brown from day one!

The Beginning...
Of the End

It's Sister Wives  L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!

Prepare yourself for MORE Mr. Robyn Brown  BLOVIATING!!

I'm actually dumber than I look!!

While the new Mrs. Kody Brown tries to make new friends  while influencing "haters" and the proxy!!!!

Surprise us, Robyn! LIVE TWEET tonight! 


It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!


Don't forget 90 Day Fiance is on tonight, too! Hey Dani and Mo, come join the discussion!


  1. Who do you Think will be live tweeting tonight ?

  2. Damn it, Catfish Scandal! I've fallen off the wagon and I'm actually watching the show again. Another evening of ping ponging between feeling sorry/pity for one or two of the players and also experiencing an exuberant dose of Schadenfreude for one or another's comeuppance at the same time.

    I'm not proud of myself.

    1. If ur looking for them to cover the catfish fiasco, that's never gonna happen with this crew.

    2. I'm sure we'll never hear word of it on the show. Still the situation piqued my interest enough to tune in again. My interest will wane soon enough. Or they will be cancelled. Probably both.

    3. I want them cancelled unless Kody finds a fifth wife, then I'm watching! I'd love to see Robyn handle that! I want him to marry an 18 year old former FLDS member. Someone more petite and much prettier and much more soft and feminine than Robyn. Someone with a cult like admiration of Kody. That would give old Robyn a taste of her own meds. She enjoys upsetting the other wives, it makes her feel pretty and powerful. I think Heavenly Father wants her to learn to deal with the emotions of Kody taking on wife #5. It's good practice for when the afterlife. The Lord knows it's going to take more than a mere four wives to populate Kodys planet!

      Aside from finding a fifth, stick a fork in it!!

  3. I cannot bear any more of Robyn and this adoption storyline. Everything about it screams emtional and psychological scarting for those kids. Having their birth certificates change us the last straw!

  4. Eh I'm watching my Sunday night line up on Channel 9 & I'm recording Bloodx& Oil & Quantico so no SW for me tonight. I'll be checking in here for yalls snarky comments & updates tho ;)

    1. What's Quantico about? :)

    2. It's a terrorism thriller drama about a group of FBI recruits at Quantico. They all have different reasons for joining & do flashbacks of their previous lives. One of the recruits is suspected of pulling off the biggest terrorist attacks on US soil since Sept 11 terror attack.

  5. I do not believe that Meri lost 30 pounds in six weeks....when I had chemo and was not holding anything down, I didn't lose weight that quickly....that's 5 pounds a week and while you can lose twenty pounds rapidly when you start a diet, it levels off and there's a bit of a regain...I don't believe it.

    1. I'm not trying not to be snarky but she doesn't *look* 30 lbs lighter in this episode to me

    2. Aw, cmon, Anon 6:26. Be snarky! Let it all hang out. ;)

    3. Count me in for *not* seeing it either.

      In their recent Hard Rock shot, she did look slimmer.
      But then again, one thing they all have at least learned in 5 years of publicity shots.....they stand sideways, leaning in. Guarantees to look thinner.

    4. Dear RunKodyrun...this what i said when they showed the previews last week. I was just livid. It is a stereo type the Brown's are using and pumped up for their show. Anyone diagnosed with cancer has their own organic experience from diagnosis to to treatment plan; Not "I lost 30 pounds in six weeks" i must have cancer. Lets put this on our show for ratings and sympathy. People magazine how has Meri had a cancer scare article they are tweeting. I find the whole thing sickening.

    5. They're lying. I know obese people who didn't even lose that much right after gastric bypass. Shows how desperate they are for a storyline.

    6. I wouldn't be surprised if she had diabetes and lost that much weight, especially with the way they eat but they haven't mentioned that at all, just cancer. Anyway, I can't tell that she's lost any weight at all either if I am being honest. All of the adult Browns should evaluate what they're eating and how to pass on healthy eating habits to their kids.

    7. I'm going to be that person to say it is possible to lose that much weight that fast. I have a disease of my digestive system and I lost 30 in three weeks. I won't go into all the gross details but it was horrible and I looked like I was dying.

      Do I believe everything Meri/TLC is saying about her? Not at all, but if she is honestly truly "sick" (and not love sick for a Catfish) totally possible to drop weight that fast.

    8. Sure it's possible. But not with Meri. She lost some weight, yes. But not that much, no. And not that quick, no.

      Sorry you were sick. I had a tummy bug last year. I couldn't believe the human body could hold so mch water! Lol

    9. I ended up with a potassium imbalance a few years ago. Basically my kidneys were scrubbing all of my nutrients out of my body. I lost at least that much. I loved it. My husband didn't. He insisted I go to the doctor. But...neither of us immediately said "cancer." And yes, it too, runs in the family. This is for the ratings.

    10. Meri does not appear to be ill in any way. Although one cannot rule out the big C, but given the scheming Brown/TLC MO- there is a 99% chance she does not have cancer.
      This is a classics case of having what she thought was an online affair with a young, hot and successful businessman. Both intentional and unintentional- she shed some pounds before their meetup in DL.

  6. The last step...the last step...give me a break. wow....Meri looks very pissed. The plural marriage persecution begins; pour us. On the couch Meri is snarling or almost snarling. Kody's name is the father on the birth certificate and the lawyer hesitated. I kid you not. I cannot believe the lawyer is going to lie about it.

    1. Wait, what?? Please explain! I don't watch.

    2. Yes, details please!! I didn't watch either & not sure I want to esp after reading yalls comments & looking at the gleefully smug pics of them on the TH couch.

  7. This whole adoption thing is the most contrived BS I have ever seen a television. I cannot think of any possible way for that man child to be seen as a fit parent to adopt three more children, when he can't take care of his biological ones or make time for them.

    On the plus side, Meri is killing me with her expressions. She frankly doesn't give a damn.

  8. Poor David's brain has to accept it. I cannot believe that they have done this to those kids. That oldest daughter of Robyn's is very emotional...I wonder about that.

    1. I feel so bad for Robyn's kids. I bet the future tell-all comes from one of her kids. There is something off with that one daughter of hers, God only knows how awful Robyn is to her kids behind the scenes.

    2. It's been said children of narcissists do not fear hell, because they've already lived through it. Robyn doesn't have empathy for her kids. Her daughter is going to be desperate for Robyn's attention and approval. She will crave it. She'll say and do whatever she believe will get her mothers approval. Because of this, she lacks her own identity. She will morph into being whatever Robyn needs her to be at that moment. This will cause her daughter to be hyper aware and suffer from hyper vigilance. Meaning her daughter will be acutely aware of everyone's emotions around her and of the smallest details which others overlook. She I manifesting herself to be what Robyn wants. Right now that's an overly joyful step kid who us super elated Kody is adopting her. She probably doesn't even know what her true emotions are because she had never been allowed autonomy.

    3. rKr,
      There is something about watching Robyn's daughter that makes me uncomfortable. I haven't been able to put my finger on exactly what it is (other than seeing her extreme emotional responses to anything related to Kody), but it is concerning. I've never seen anyone that age so emotionally invested in things that most kids would brush off, I mean, her response this episode to the news Robyn was pregnant was "off" - why is she that excited to hear about another baby? smh

    4. If I were to tell my 13 year old we are having another ( I also have a 2 and 4 year old); her expression would definitely not be ecstatic like Aurora's. I don't think it would be negative either...but in her normal, 13 year old mind I know she'd be a little off-put at the news at first. And btw, she does not have Asbergers!

  9. Robyn keeps screaming we are all in this family together but she tells her kids first.

  10. The truth is out; not everyone is excited about Robyn and her kids. She says that she has to prepare herself for those in the family who may not like that she is pregnant...a crack in the big happy family.

    1. I bet there is a ton of resentment for Robyn and her kids among not only the other wives but the kids too. Her joining the family has ruined a lot of things for them and sucked up a ton of time, resources, and energy with little to no pay off for anyone other than Kody. Robyn hasn't brought a single redeeming thing into the Brown family, just drama.

    2. Anon, that's right. Robyn has the Princess Syndrome. It's all about her, all the time. Take, take, take. That's why she sought Kody out to begin with, TLC money is easy money. I knew she wouldn't be the kind to jump in there and be babysitting for her SW. She's having another baby so she can have excuses, oh I have morning sickness, oh I gave a new baby, oh I'm breast feeding. She has a live in nanny and she doesn't even work, lol. MSWC isn't a job, it's a hobby. One she doesn't even take seriously. Everyone who emails about a return or concern is ignored. If you of plain on the FB page, you're blocked. And the only way to get a refund is to facilitate a complaint via your credit card. Be sure to start the process right say btw when you buy something because often the merchant drags out communication til it's too late.

      I wish I knew some single guys who could take these women away from this donkeys behind. All but Robyn deserve better. I say all but because her and Kody deserve each other.

    3. It's very telling how Robyn only ever talks about herself and things that have to do with her. She really can't understand why the kids who'd just had their entire lives uprooted weren't thrilled about her first pregnancy announcement? She can't understand why it was in poor taste to ask Meri to announce the pregnancy for her after she divorced Kody for her or having major health problems? Classic narcissist right there for you.

  11. gotta give them credit for artful manipulation of a routine stepparent adoption--with the biological parent's consent!--into a many episode drama.Wake me when its over

  12. 24 minutes into this episode and i have told the tv "shut up Robyn" at least half a dozen times. maybe someone else could say something there are 3 other wives

  13. Wonder if Meri had an endoscopy...for the stomach issues, that is.

  14. Meri is getting ready to go through menopause...give me a break. Also, to be frank, can I be frank?, she should have been getting a pap smear every single year. Meri seems to really like this attention, which is sad that she has to have medical issues to get attention. No story line for Meri so they give a thick cervix. LOL

    1. Haven't seen that part yet...(will dvr later)
      But not surprised........!!!
      They are sooooooooo desperate for plots and twists.........
      It's all BS now, Browns....we get it !!

    2. exactly my thoughts..this is routine..

  15. ugh. Cancer or not it is despicable that they are playing this out for drama. And Meri is complicit in it

  16. I swear, if they never show the scene of Meri signing the divorce papers again, it will be too soon!!

    No Sobbin on Twitter so far...

  17. I just turned it on......
    What the hell is Christine wearing under Meri's denim jacket at the therapist...a beach towel !!!

  18. Kody, what do I have to do what I do...When he crunches his beady little eyes together and tries to say he is learning and when he repeats what smart people say, it looks like his head is exploding. And, Robyn tells Meri but not the other unfair are they. Robyn doesn't want every body to know...she is very sneaky. Robyn needs every body to kiss her butt. she is nauseating. shut up robyn. They all have this persecution complex...the world is against us...the kids are against me...the other wives are this....

    1. What is she accusing Meri of being unfair about?

    2. MrSpock believes runKodyrun meant it was unfair that Robyn told Meri privately, thus, not including Christine and Janelle.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. No way! MrSpock is the best poster on here!

    5. *raises eyebrow* ...would blush except Vulcans do not have such emotions... ;-)

    6. MrSpock never tells other posters how to post. Live long and prosper!

    7. Please don't change a thing, MrSpock! I have very much enjoyed your posts in here as well as in CJ's other living room!!!

    8. Twisted sisters, you are way out of line and owe MrSpock an apology!

      I want to thank everyone who had MrSpock's back. You guys ROCK!!!

    9. MrSpock thanks CJ and fellow posters with all the emotion a Vulcan can muster. MrSpock also believes in moving forward in all respects and returning to the raison d' etre for this blog---those madcap Browns!

    10. Before we move on from this - I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the posters on this blog for providing me so much enjoyment. Your thoughtful and insightful comments have been fun to read and have often changed how I think about the Brown's.

      I appreciate how we all have different opinions and feel free to express them and disagree with one another - but mostly I am grateful that while we snark about the Brown's - we DON'T snark about each other!! So, thanks MR. Spock for being so gracious and thanks CJ for providing such an inviting living room!

    11. I missed twisted sisters' offending comment, so I have no idea what this was about. I Just wanted to say I always like Mr. Spock's comments and don't know why anyone would say something to him so bad that it would have to be removed. Team Mr. Spock! (Now I can move forward.)

    12. I just read it...thanks MrSpock for explicating my post and runKodyrun likes the way MrSpock uses every color in his box to make his post exciting and eventful....Yeah MrSpock.

    13. Did anyone notice Robyn's Hand of Fatima necklace during the announcement dinner? It is the biggest one I've ever seen. She must really feel the need to protect herself from the evil eye (oka Christine).

    14. S & O, I do not remember the necklace but I will say that if you owned a jewelry company and that was your business, wouldn't you take every opportunity to promote your own jewelry and wear it on camera? Do we regularly see them wearing the jewelry? It's as if even they know it's hideous...and speaking of jewelry, what's up with that crazy, ugly, Godawful ring Kody has been wearing?? Is it for Halloween? A spider, or a skeleton head??

    15. Not sure what the heck was going on with our Mr. Spock, but my admiration and respect for Mr. Spock and Mr. Spock's postings will live long and prosper.

  19. kids were smart in flashback. Don't we have enough kids already? Can't believe Robyn is getting victim mileage out of fact everybody might not be ecstatic she's pregnant

    1. I found that whole thing sickening.

  20. They cheer for me they cheer for me....and they love me; they really love me. she is such a narcissists

  21. Kody is a douche. He cannot be nice and give the kids attention. And, it's all about him..I name my baby.

    1. how can the "father" of so many children have no idea how actual children think and act?

    2. He is a narcissist. I was raised by two. Children exist in their lives to meet the parents needs, it's truly sickening. My parents couldn't have told ya anything about who I was or am. Neither could Kody or Robyn. Outside of traits what will make them look good and reflect positively upon them, they have no clue who their kids are as people. It's heart breaking on so many levels. They parent for show. In this family literally for show! Being more concerned with how the public sees their parenting than how the kids do.

  22. There really is something off about how Robyn's older daughter reacts to everything... Almost like she is reacting so she can emotionally manipulate everyone in the situation. I hope that is not the case, but it is just weird.

    1. I think she is *emoting* for the cameras.
      A wannabee star in the making....!

    2. The adoration that Aurora lavishes on her "dad" is extremely unsettling to watch. It borders on flirting.

      Robyn has a desperate need to be the #1 Wifey. Nothing is going to stand in her way of this mission. If she trains her kids to worship and adore Kody, then this reinforces Robyn's position with him. It's completely sickening, but I believe that this is exactly what's happening behind closed doors. Robyn is training her girls how to act around Kody, and we're seeing the results.

  23. Wow. talk about damage control to refute Blog chatter ....

    Kids ALL happy that Sobbin is pregnant.../ check
    Hunter on camera saying HE is happy....../check
    Truely sitting on Idiot's lap.for more than 2 seconds....../check
    Janelle says that *she* will help more with *this baby*......../check

    Wow.......Who knew that the blogs are now actually *directing* the scripts.......??!!

    1. if next episode aurora acts completely calm and cold-faced we will know something is up LOL

  24. Wi guess Robyn never once even considered that the reason the kids felt like there were enough children was because the older kids probably always got stuck taking care of the younger kids, and probably rarely got any personal attention from Kody. But in typical Robyn's all about her. She's really too much. And why do they keep forcing Meri to keep sitting on the couch when it's obvious she would rather be anywhere else but there. Those TLC checks must mean everything to her.

  25. I like how Kody makes little Solomon say his name and it is Solomon Kody Brown. He just has to hear his name again and again. Everything is about Kody ...

    1. i didnt know his middle name was wonder Kody has him on his shoulders all the time. Its a minnie me Kody. None of his other kids have Kody as a middle name do they?

    2. He probably insisted on Sol having his middle name since Robyn's oldest has his father's name

    3. MrSpock not posting in the third person would be illogical.

    4. Except David Preston Jessop won't have his dad's name as his middle name for very much longer. Kody is making sure that gets erased in the adoption process. And we are to believe that was Dayton's idea to get rid of the name "Preston." Because Dayton seems like a kid who likes change and wouldn't be attached to his formal given name that he's had, like, all his life.

    5. ...your statement is most logical, Labbie Lover...

    6. Did they really call him Dayton before Robyn's second marriage or is that just a convenient excuse for erasing all reference to his real father? Who retains phone/visitation rights and without whom's consent the adoption would have never gone through? The Monster!

  26. Forgive my ignorance but can someone explain how this works? The tweets are real time about something that happened months ago or did this just happen?

    1. My understanding is that they are tweeting about previously taped events

    2. I think they are live tweeting about what is on the TV tonight. The events of course happened months ago.

    3. Thanks much. They are ridiculous.

  27. And it doesn't help that she is still loyal to that "orange glow" !!!
    Really, Meri....what is up with that !!??

  28. So Janelle tweets: "The truth is @LuvgvsUwngs is just the vessel for the new sibling !" A vessel? And JUST a vessel? So she's pointedly calling Robyn an inanimate object and calling it the TRUTH? What's up with that? Very weird way to put it...wonder what the vessel and the pitcher (Kody) think about that one?

    1. Since the 2 of them have as much IQ as a slug they probably take it as positive reinforcement of the "restructured" family. Every time any of them barf up these tweets I'm betting all they really see in their mind is a TLC paycheck.

    2. If the pregnant woman was "just a vessel" then every house would have a photo hanging of Kody, that mom who lives there posing with all the children, not just the ones they were the vessel of. Good grief, what hypocrisy. If Meri believed that too, for example, why does she only display photos of just her, Kody and Mariah? Walk into Christine's house and be greeted by scrable boards of just her kids. their actions are not in step with their words.

    3. I think she was swinging for some spiritual Biblical "vessel" reference, and missed

    4. Regardless of what Janelle meant, I LIKE IT! It was a nice way to dehumanize Robyn. Robyn is not the favorite, not the "sex wife," not the legal wife - no, she's just the vessel!!

    5. I think the inference here is that she is just a vessel here to bring in the spirit babies. Is that not what they believe?This is one of my problems with this mindset. It is so demeaning. women are just containers for men's fluids and popping out spirit babies. Another word for vessel a receptacle.This is very backward thinking that does not lift any woman up. And if by merit Janelle is saying that all kids belong to the "group" despite who incubated them I call Bull. Janelle is very possessive and protective of her kids but never saw that shown to any of Christine's.Janelle is not level headed she is a cold broad,no pun intended.

    6. Ok i like your guys' pthinking so much more on this vessel thing. LOL, can anyone do a meme of Robyn shaped like a vessel?

    7. That's super aggressive. I love it. Go Janelle. I know you're getting a dig in at the witchy woman who came in and disrupted your family. Even though it was highly dis functional, you guys were n your own groove. And here comes young, petite, fertile, Kody worshipping Sobbin, ever the narcissist. Call her a vessel. Remind her she means nothing to you. I can't blame ya, sister! And while you're at it, put aside 15% of your income into a safety deposit box. That's not technically allowed, just don't tell the bank and they won't know. They look away when you open and close the box anyway. Do this to ensure you keep YOUR home. Otherwise Kody WILL expect you to bail out Sobbin from losing her home. Don't do it. Stash, stash and stash. If u r not already. :)

    8. I don't think I'll explain this very well, but I'll give it a shot. They believe that each person already exists spiritually and is just waiting to come to this planet to continue their journey, so the woman is just the vessel used to accomplish it.

    9. TeamStash, I like your post.
      Did anyone else find it discomforting to see Meri in the hospital gown at the OB office? For the love of Christ, why would she allow them to show that? Talk about lack of modesty.
      Kody kissing up Robyn's hand in the lawyer's office precipitated a wave of nausea...the fact that Preston Jessop will be removed from the BIRTH certificate seems wrong, and Kody looks like he's celebrating his name stamp being put a a big toy..."yay for me!" despite the fact that he voice-overs his 'profound humility' about this big change. Not right, Browns.
      Christine, in my opinion, looked pretty in the tallking heads sequence--I like her hair loosely pulled back. She's maturing emotionally, from the high shcooler who was an obedient wife to a woman in her own power. I LIKE IT Christine! You go girl. She is now my favey. Anyone notice that though she did not hug the therapist, Kody DID?! That was pathetic a bit...eew. That Kody and Christine hand holding tells me that perhaps there is now some "intimacy" in their relationship (someone's gotten L**D). Christine seems content enough to see ANY effort from Kody, and now that Robyn's getting Larger (not just the pregnancy--before) that count is leveled.

  29. I just saw the previews for next week. Ummmmmm is this for real? I am almost positive the courts will not allow filming at all. Am I wrong?

    1. Depends on the state/jurisdiction, Anonymous. It might also depend on the particular court procedure within that state. MrSpock does not know the court rules for filming in Nevada or if it is different if juveniles are involved. MrSpock has to surmise that all parties agreed to the courtroom scene filming---and/or it is a reenactment.

    2. ".....or it is a reenactment."

      Very plausible !!

    3. in my former life in family law, adoptions including uncontested stepparent adoptions were the best! Everybody happy to be in court, which is rare. Can't imagine a judge would allow proceedings involving juveniles to be filmed, even if (unlikely) it were allowed under state law. So yeah, reeinactment

    4. But would a family law judge grant adoption to a plygamist, which is still illegal in every state and the federal government? That fact should be the deal breaker

    5. Ark of Snark - my thoughts exactly! Just because the government isn't aggressively pursuing prosecution against polygamists (despite what the Brown's claim when they "fled" Utah) polygamy is illegal and the Brown's are public polygamists. How could they pass a home study? When this adoption storyline first came out I thought it was too ridiculous to take seriously and with each week as they trudge forward, I am becoming incredulous that it might be real??? I want to slap myself for even saying that!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Exactly. I don't see passing a home visit either. How could this legally happen. When that wife on My 5 Wives wanted to adopt she was laughed at so how could it move so swiftly here if true despite being in different states.

      I als find it sad that the kids are not getting a say in this. What if they don't want the adoption and just leave Kody as a stepdad? Tuff? What inheritance might they be losing from the Jessops in the long run?

    8. "What inheritance might they be losing from the Jessops in the long run?"

      Ark of Snark,
      Interesting perspective!! Yes, erasing any and all legal ties to their birth father, including his name on their birth certificate, could indeed result in being eliminated in any future inheritances.
      How stupid are these people. And how cruel !!

    9. Plus, they put federal financial aid for college further out of reach. Kody's income will now count on their FAFSAs. Not to mention he'll be on the hook for child support if Robyn takes off at the end of the show.

  30. So, it wasn't enough for Meri to divorce Kody. Now she gets to announce the impending birth of the happily married couple. Isn't that nice? And, isn't it also just lovely that Robyn not only had her daughters with her at the prenatal visit; but, Kody also took time out of his busy schedule to accompany them. Hmmm guess Robyn was too sick and Kody was too busy to go with Meri to the Doctor, for the contrived Cancer storyline.

    1. Meri will probably have to deliver the baby, too.

    2. What happened to Meri's backbone? Maybe forcing her to make this announcement is punishment for flirting with another.

      Meri: get your balls back from Robyn and go have a mocktail at your wetbar!

    3. Ooh, Ark. I had not considered that Meri was being punished by having to announce the baby.

      Seems like Kody and Robyn take extreme joy in constantly reminding Meri that she is now divorced, menopausal, and has failed in helping to populate Planet Kody.

      Meri - sign those papers! Meri - be there when we tell the kids that you're divorced! Meri - announce the newest member of the Brown compound! Meri - you're dizzy and losing weight? Sorry, no one care right now!

      I'm no fan of Meri's but I am getting so uncomfortable watching how she's being treated.

    4. Did anyone else catch Robyn introducing her girls to the mid-wife? She said this is my daughter Brianna and our daughter Auroua, I watched it twice to make sure I heard it right. What's up with that?

    5. She also didn't include Aurora in the TH segment when she was talking about DPJ giving "permission" for Kody to adopt her kids. I think she just babbles and doesn't pay attention.

  31. So Kody is going to use his new found counseling insight to be nice to all his wives. Like pay attention to them and validate their feelings. Isn't that special!

    1. We've (or CJ) have been watching this show for 5? years now. We've seen Kody in counseling sessions (or being talked at by Robyn) saying the same thing several times. He's yet to practice this advice.

  32. Just watching the dvr now....
    OMG !!!
    The oxymoron of the century.......
    Kody Brown saying......."I Stand In HUMILITY".....!!!!

    I am speechless. Was he *trying* to be THAT funny.....???

  33. They pulled the cancer card so Meri can have a pity party.. Wants us to join her in it

  34. I am really pissed if this "cancer" storyline is just another bit of playacting. As a person that comes from a family that is high in cancer cases I do not like the idea of them playing around with such a serious subject just to get more attention.

    1. Meri has an article out in People magazine also. They are using "cancer" as a scare tactic and reinforcing the worst aspects of it.

    2. it is heinous for the Browns and the producers to use this story line the way they did.
      Like many, many families, ours too has had several serious cases (actually an ovarian C case going on right now). Was it really necessary to film her car leaving the compound for the doctor's appt? Walking into the building, walking out of the building....filming her feet just out of the stirrups? WTH ??!!! We know Meri had a sister who passed from colon cancer, and Meri had a colonoscopy in season one. It would have been far more appropriate and believable if they had simply addressed that she had tests and all was well. But no, they have to have Meri doing blow by blow THs (which she is NOT very good at doing) and dragging the whole thing out. And why would they do a pelvic untrasound *before* the pap test?
      And while I am rambling, do these doctors, lawyers, therapists, fitness trainers, etc, etc get paid scale to appear on the show??

    3. It's maddening. TLC has no ethics and lucked out by carefully selecting a man with no ethics to be the stud in this farce.
      To use a cancer scare is wrong. If she was diagnosed and in reality dealing with the challenges that's one thing but to use it as a plot line is messed up.

      I felt the same about the endless 'surggit' story line. Can't they feel the angst that couples who can't conceive must question why Meri wouldn't accept a baby that according to their supposed beliefs would be not only hers to raise but part of the Kody planet?
      They are so full of shyte and dragging viewers along in this weird farce.

    4. yes. Of all the stupid made up story lines lately this is the worst. Total disregard and disrespect for people who have had to deal with cancer or any potentially deadly medical situation. Just gross

    5. Remember faking religious persecution? Remember choosing to kill their dog? That's where they lost me as a fan. I ache for my pets I've lost. My heart breaks for people whose lives are ruined because of their religion. I've lost loved friends to cancer. Yet to these grifters, it's just a storyline. They don't care they're insulting and hurting. They just use people. It reminds me of the bleed the beast mentality.

      They don't like the government, but don't mind taking welfare benefits.

      They don't like monogamous people yet they expect us to buy their shit online.noh, but don't try returning complaining. I read a few complaints they ignore complaints via email, the block and ban on FB, refusing to refund.

      They don't care about people. They see them as a means to an end. Their treatment of their own customers proves this. Think about this. They're the people who want to support the Browns. They're the people buying their crap. And even then, they don't care. Once they get the money it's a done deal for them. They don't care if you're happy. All they care about is getting whatever they want outta ya.

      This reminds me. Robyn tweeted she sent some products to a blogger to review. So I checked it out. Oh, it didn't disappoint at all! The blogger did a horrible job reviewing. Very non description and super obvious she was just saying she liked the crap bc it was free. And hilariously the plan backfired. As on the blog post, about 3-4 MSWC customers popped up to complain, lol. Their orders were a disappointment and their emails were ignored, their complaints on FB resulted in these fans and customers being blocked! With not a refund given!

      If you would like to witness that train wreck, it's super easy to find. Check out MSWC on Twitter. They tweet every couple of Months in some cases, so the blog mention/link is easy to find.

      Which reminds me, what the hell is Robyn even doing? She will Tweet every 60-90 days in some cases. I'd be Tweeting 3-6x DAILY and I'd be offering codes for Twitter fans and flash sales monthly. We know she isn't processing returns. So no advertising and no customer care post sale, hmmmm. Sounds like a mock business to me!

      I sure hope someone turns in MSWC for fraud. They're breaking consumer protection laws by refusing to acknowledge return requests. Btw, check out their "Terms" on MSWC. Super aggressive!

    6. Most of us here at the blog who have been long time followers since SWB, believe that Kody & krew plan to file bankruptcy & include MSWC merchandise. Since they can only claim it as a hobby business for 3 yrs. Well since the MSWC 3 yr mark is fast approaching and that's part of the reason for their lame reasoning for restructuring finances. They better tread carefully, or soon they'll be indicted for bankruptcy fraud! The Browns have all declared bankruptcy in the past and it's about that time to declare bankruptcy again. F****** grifters! I hope it does not end well for them!

  35. Robin is too old to b planning children. At her age if God blesses u with a child wonderful. At her age your planning for your retirement not children.

    1. Well, maybe not planning retirement at 38 (I have three adult kids in their 30s, and they sure aren't at the retirement planning stage yet--they're in the early stages of child-rearing and all that stuff). But DEFINITELY not in the let's-have-more-babies stage when you've already made 5. Besides, this is Robyn--what the hell does she have to retire from? ;)

    2. haha.I had my last at 42. Not exactly planned but not unwelcome...Then again I was in a stable loving monogamous marriage and we both worked so what do I know...

    3. That's what I loved about having a baby at 19. By 37 I was free! Oh but I went and had another, lol. I'll now be 51 when my baby is 18, ugh!! But at least I stopped there. I wouldn't want to be having kids in my 40s. I should've stopped at one. I'd be free now.

    4. It was weird when all the 20 something moms assumed I was his grandma when I took him to kindergarten. Was 60 and widowed (husband was younger than me, go figure, no guarantees in life)when he graduated from high school.But he and I and his siblings are fine and none have ever complained about having such an ancient mother So I don't think having a baby at 38 is a bad idea (I did that too)if you are mature and able to support a baby emotionally financially etc

    5. People think my daughter and I are friends. She is 21 and I'm 40. I used to be offended but now I've decided to enjoy it. Because looking at pics boy I've aged a LOT in the past 7 years, wow. I look like a different person, it sucks so bad!

      It's ridiculous people assumed you were grandma, I know better than to assume.

      I see so many positives in waiting to have kids until you're settled. I really had no business having a child at 19. I was a good ten years away from being ready.

      I don't think Sobbin is too old to have a baby at all. I was a little surprised she has only been pregnant twice. But I thought about it and I figured out that she doesn't even like kids. She is a narcissist. So her kids are there to serve a purpose for her. The three from her first husband were probably based on marital and religious expectation. Sol to please Kody and to make her feel more a part of the family. I think this one is to wrap Kody around her finger more and to piss off Kodys other baby mommas. NOT because she wants a kid. She is lazy. There is no reason she can't raise her kids while running MSWC. Her kids are in school all day. My husband worked and had an ebay business that sold way more than the 500 a month they were selling on MSWC and he had 100% positive feedback, if Robyn's business were on ebay, she's have under 80% positive, I bet. So she expects Meri to help her and she has full time life in help, lol. For WHAT? That girl has the princess syndrome.

      Hey, I heard some idiot invested in MSWC. Is this true? Do any of you guys happen yo have any details on the terms, who they are, etc? Considering the high dollar value of their free on air advertising, they shouldn't even want an investor.

    6. Too bad none of the adult Browns with the exception of Janelle have ever actually worried about getting a legit job, just about having more babies. 3 of the 4 wives are done birthing babies, there is no excuse to not be working a real job at least part time.

    7. I want to clarify to everyone that my post didn't say that 37 is too old too have a child (I originally said 38...typo). But I DO think that Robyn Brown should out of the babymaking stage of life because she and her husband have now, between them, already produced EIGHTEEN CHILDREN! So in Robyn's case, yeah I think she ought to find a new hobby. And for the record, I had my first child when I was 21, and my last when I was 41...but we weren't into double digit offspring. ;)

    8. Retirement needs to be planned throughout ones working years. You can't just tell your body to get pregnant in the later 30's. And she breastfeed forever with Sol making her less fertile. But if you are just buying your first house at 35 you have 25/30 years to pay off the house and save for retirement and get the kids through school.

  36. As a breast cancer survivor myself, I find the play on cancer, any cancer, as a storyline abhorrent!!

    When Sobbin said she worried about what the response to her current pregnancy would say about the state or the thought was "circling the drain".

    1. Remember when they pretended they had to suddenly leave Utah because police were stalking them, faking religious persecution? They are disgusting people. How offensive to those who are in prison, killed, harassed, who lose their jobs, homes and families over TRUE religious persecution! I was shocked there wasn't outrage over that. That was when I started getting real sick of their antics. They later admitted, Robyn did, that they moved bc Kody had just always wanted to live in Vegas.

      Remember when they killed a perfectly happy, healthy dog because they were too lazy to take her outdoors to pee or install a pet door?

      It's bad enough to fake this crap, but much worse to profit off it and to fool people. People actually felt sorry for them. As if they were forced outta Utah. Sorry, a police siren having NOTHING to do with you makes you look paranoid as hell to even think about it. Then to act like they were so sad about losing a dog the had killed, uh! So this cancer mess comes as no surprise. Maybe next they'll pretend Snobbin almost loses the baby! Wouldn't surprise me one bit. There is no level too low for these bottom feeders.

  37. I just caught part of this on the late show (rerun) so I don't know if it was the current show or not. Meri was in the Dr's office talking about Cancer.

    I don't know (and they didn't say) if this was HPV or not. I hope it was not. I just went through this a couple a years ago myself and I was truly surprised by it since DH and I have been together for almost 20 years.

    I researched the heck out of it and found out all kinds of facts on it. If this IS what Meri has and Kody is having is having relations with all of them, then it is just irresponsible. He (and Meri) is putting them all at risk.

    Sadly, HPV is just the what we grew up with. It is so important that we give our Sons and Daughters the shots they have come out with. They may not be perfect but they are better than nothing. The only other thing better is abstinence.

    The last time I researched it the numbers were staggering. 20 million cases of HPV currently and 6.2 million new cases a year. That's according to the CDC HPV Pink Book.

    NO ONE talks about it because of the shame of it. I will.

    After I was diagnosed with VIN 2 I found out my daughter was diagnosed with VIN 3 earlier and did not tell me. I had to travel to another state to be treated after I read all I could about it and my options.

    IF this is what Meri has then it is a crying shame that she is not taking the time to speak up and inform millions of women about HPV.

    But if that's not what she has then I'm sorry for getting up on my soap box and talking about it. If she has it then she probably would not want to talk about it anyway. It was embarrassing at first for me to explain what I had. I had to research it first and then I understood it. God Bless my Husband.

    1. HPV is also responsible for 70% of all Cervical Cancer cases. 80% of our young women will be infected by the time they are 50 with HPV.

      In contrast, there are currently only 1.5 million AIDS cases in the US. But there are no concerts being held, no money being raised for HPV. No actors stepping forward to raise awareness. What I found in researching were children saying it wasn't safe or necessary to have the HPV vaccine, because of the side effects, or that it doesn't work against the HPV virus. So they are telling other children on the message boards not to get the vaccine.

      I found in my own family that my Husband's daughter had not gotten her Son inoculated, she thought it was just for females.

      I find these numbers staggering and frightening. I had to go through 4 Doctors to get diagnosed. They kept saying it "didn't look like VIN". I had already Googled the symptoms and knew something was seriously wrong. I kept slipping through the cracks of Doctors because my regular Doctor that brought it to my attention during my annual Pap Smear by saying "you look a little irritated down there".

      There are women that are in their 20's and 30's that are having total or radical vulvectomy's and this is just horrifying. It forever changes their lives. I think women are not talking about it, because of where and what it is. I think that it will become more prevalent over time though because of the nature of the disease and it will become more common. Will they talk about it then or will the shame of it keep them quiet? When I said I had VIN II, everyone says, "what's that?" There's no easy way to explain it.

    2. I completely understand what you are going thru. In my case my husband and I have been married 23 1/2 yrs and I was completely shocked to find out that I had stage 3 precancerous cells in my cervix. Successful removal and so far so good!!! If this is what Meri has then I pray she will allow the cameras to follow her thru her treatment to get more people aware of the HPV virus.

    3. Excellent thread here !!! Thanks !!

    4. HPV causes 99% of cervical cancer. It also causes penile and anal cancer. Also, it's an STI. Nothing to be ashamed of. But we need to talk more, I agree!

  38. On a frivolous note, because the bulk of show was so insultingly inane.......
    Hair.......Why does Sobbin have to be *constantly* finger-combing her hair? It is annoying and only serves to highlight what her main focus is in any filming.
    And surely Kody-Idiot has a rather interesting do going on now.....between the fact that he apparently has had a cut and perm and now someone has to *curl* that runway of hair left going down the very top of his head to curl over either side to hide the temples that are all but bald. Unfortunately for him, several times the lighting goes right under that curl and blows the camouflage.

    What store has given free vouchers for printed lyrca leggings to the wives?
    Or was the store going out of business?

    Kody was wearing an *ironed* shirt and khakis again (with even a belt)......impressive !!
    Meanwhile.....uh, what look was Mariah going for? Female trucker?

    And really, was no one else "in the know" for Meri's pre-dinner announcement of Sobbin's news?
    Not even when they all got there and saw a full camera, lighting and sound crew poised for "action"..??
    Even a camera stationed on the staircase shooting down??!!

    What another colossal waste of time !!

    1. A few of those daughters dress like they're homeless. Sorry to say. But they're pretty aside from their weight issues. Speaking of which, they're half my age and have zero kids, why are they so very big and out of shape already? Sadly, I think it's because food is their drug of choice. They're way too young to be plus sized. What will they look like after four kids and twenty years? I imagine at this rate they'll be 250-300lbs. Gosh, I sure hope not! They should use that TLC gravy train and get them some nutritional education and get a gym membership. Or, hey go online and learn about it free and go on walks and jogs. I'd hate to see those beautiful young ladies get diabetes. Then losing weight will be much harder as they'll be sluggish all the time. That being said, I still think they're gorgeous.

    2. PCOS. Other metabolic disorders. Taking medications that cause weigh gain. Women can have weight problems for many reasons.

    3. Can TLC please set the Browns up on What Not to Wear? Stacy and Quentin would have a field day with this family. And obviously the Browns are eating bad foods from the looks of some of them, they really need to change their diet and set their kids up with healthy eating habits instead of setting them up to be overweight.

    4. The girls r young & go up & down season to season. In other words Maddie might b thin next season (if there is next season). So yeah sounds like emotional eating. Then after seeing themselves on TV & lose the weight fast. Makes u wonder how they lose it so quickly. There bellies must already b roadmaps from stretch marks. By the way Robin might b the youngest, but she looks the oldest. The 3 other wives r prettier then her, with Janelle being beautiful.

    5. We've seen some of the meals the mothers have cooked and it's obvious none of them ever took a cooking or nutrition class. I agree their body sizes are a result of emotional eating as well as extremely poor nutrition and I blame the parents for all of it! The young adult children are all beautiful, but they're a product of their environment and need help finding a healthy lifestyle because they're definitely not getting it at home.

    6. I have to give Christine my vote for being the most beautiful wife. Janelle needs dental work and more of a personality.

    7. Most kids gain the "freshman 15" when they go away to college. I'll bet the Brown kids lose 15 because they are being introduced to fruits, vegetables, and salad bars for the first time.

    8. There is nothing wrong with stretch marks.
      Idc if I'm stepping on a soapbox, but I really hate it when people make snide remarks about the girls' appearance and weight. We don't know for sure why they weigh like they do, and to be honest they are not going to take unsolicited advice from a stranger commenting on a site that is known for snarking on their family. Take it from someone who grew up in a Kody/Janelle like household, someone who has been 180 pounds down to 95 pounds and hospitalized in a year, you have no idea how a comment from a stranger (who knows nothing this girl's mindset) about their weight can effect a person.

    9. "you have no idea how a comment from a stranger (who knows nothing this girl's mindset) about their weight can effect a person."

      But when you go on a reality show and put your whole life on national television, you know that you are opening yourself up to comments about every area of your life.

    10. How old were these girls again when this shit show started? 13-15? They had absolutely no say on whether or not they wanted to be on a reality show. Haven't you noticed that they are barely on anymore? When's the last time you seen Mariah or Aspyn on the interview couch? Have some basic compassion.

  39. Anyone catch Kodys tweet? It said, "I like our counselor....but I don't like hearing women's complaints about me!" Oh my gosh

    1. No accountability or thoughts to improve. Insensitive.

  40. Kody just dosnt seem to like any of his family except robyn and her kids. He barely tolerates the kids and other wives. This has become so apparent. O the irony Meri may have a health problem related to having had mulitple partners in the form of sisterwives and a herpetic sisterwife. and she is having this cervix health issue while on national tv and trying to reel in a man..

    1. Kody is a classic narcissist. That's why he LOVES to brag about the number of kids he has more than he actually enjoys getting to know or taking care of any of those kids. He will NEVER by his own accord (I am sure TLC will continue to arrange mock parental interest) choose to sit one on one with any of his kids and the to know them as unique, special individuals. Nor will he by his own accord choose to be hands on in the physical and emotional aspects of parenting. He is all about quantity and not quality. My dad is a lot like him. Narcissists put on shows for people to showcase how altruistic they are. But when they're not "on stage" they turn off and become their true, miserable, deeply self centered selves. It's painful for children to come to terms with dealing with the public vs private persona. Especially when the narcissist is so good at fooling the public. It's hard to hear admiration for someone you know is an absolute different person behind closed doors. Robyn and Kody deserve each other. Two narcs who can be miserable together. I just feel load empathy for the kids. When you said he barely tolerates the kids, you nail it! They are just something in the way of him relaxing & something to be managed so that he can reach his goal, whatever it may be at the moment.

      I am with you on feeling a hit sorry for Meri. Having a potential sexually transmitted infection because her ex-husband has sex with three other women. Two of whom have previous sexual partners. And one of which we know has the herpes virus. With Robyn bringing in herpes and Janelle and Robyn also brining in other stis and them all sleeping together (shiver) that means it's very highly likely Robyn *may* have infected Kody, Meri, Janelle & Christine with herpes & ?? When you have herpes, the chances you'll contract other stis increases. I don't look down upon them for that. I can't judge. But it does carry a certain ick factor. I hadn't noticed, until you pointed it out, the irony of Meri potentially being infected because of polygamy then being left to deal with it all alone. So much for her supposed sisterly bond!

    2. I am no lover of Robyn, but for God's sake, oral herpes is a common infection, and clearly many in the Brown family deal with it, and we don't know that Robyn brought it into the family. Also, that fact that she has oral herpes does NOT mean that she has genital herpes.
      (basic microbiology, BS in nursing)

  41. When I went through a recent health scare I did not invite my husband to the doctor's office with me. MrPetiteTerror would have been very emotional and probably would have made it more stressful for me than he intended. His mom and sister died of cancer and I was very concerned that he would make himself sick imagining the same outcome, and until I knew what I was dealing with I chose to go alone.
    I very much doubt Meri went alone because she was concerned about Kody worrying about her too much, since we saw how he dragged her out of the house to sign divorce papers after she had just claimed feeling ill and faint...who knows though?
    I can't imagine a single situation Kody couldn't manage to make all about himself so maybe Meri was concerned about his possible behavior. Just not for the same reasons anyone married to a loving husband would.

    1. U kidding he'd fill up that empty house really quickly. Since this is probably Robins last baby he'd have to marry a 25 year old to have 3 more children. I don't want to see anything happen to Meri, her life is so unhappy the saddest original wife in pologamy.

    2. How are you doing, good I hope? Sorry to hear what our husband and family had to deal with, that's got to be very hard.

      I think Meri sees herself as a single woman. I think she'd love it if Kody went and showered her with love, concern and lots of attention. Something all of us in normal marriages just fully expect and probably even take a little for granted. But I believe she may have succumbed to the fact that he is just not into her. She lost him and she knows it. Also, I suspect maybe him not attending was a form of punishment for her affair with the Joker. I could totally imagine Kody saying something to the affect of, "Meri, if you want to act single, them I will treat you like your single. And Meri, I am not doing this to be mean. I don't want to be the "bad guy." You know how much I love you. But you need to learn to appreciate what you've got at home. When you get out, text me to let me know if you're dying or not. 'll be Robyn's doing her dishes then feeding her grapes and rubbing her feet."

    3. I hope you're feeling better LaPetiteTerror! My partner is the same way. I had a long and scary hospital stay a while back and now my partner gets very anxious whenever I have to go to doctor's appointments/etc so for his sake, I don't have him come along.

      But it's obvious Kody's only going to doctor appointments with his favorite Robyn or with King Sol. That is if he can stop napping!!

    4. Honestly I think every single thing that is filmed is contrived. Why bother taking a husband or one of the other wives along for support when all of them know it's nothing more than the latest plot line?
      Being paid to take kids on vacation. Being paid to humiliate yourself on an anniversary. Being paid to grovel in a demotion as legal wife by being the announcer of the new baby carried by none other than her replacement as legal wife.
      Being paid to rip apart children's history. Being paid to sit in shame while a husband tells of his repulsion toward a wife's eating habits.
      Every episode is filled with these painful psychological scenes. I do think this is an accurate version of the alienation and neglect that a lot of polygamist wives must endure but the irritation for me is that they want the viewer to believe this is love.

    5. Thanks for the concern. I'm not 'perfectly fine' because there will be some ongoing issues and some possible fertility difficulty down the line but no where near as bad as I had thought when I first noticed something was off.
      I'm a worrier and I immediately jumped to cancer concerns, probably because of my husband's family, but so far it doesn't appear to be a valid issue. I'm lucky because it could have been much worse.
      I could imagine putting my husband or parents and siblings through that kind of worry until I knew for sure, I certainly can't imagine airing it to the public. I guess I'm not cut out for 'reality TV stardom'.

  42. Hadn't thought of the potentially serious HPV etc conditions mentioned above in comments.I really doubt that it is anything other than a fake cancer scare since that's the angle they have chosen to exploit. I doubt these folks would allow anything that might make
    it look like sex with multiple partners could have a downside when done within the peculiar parameters of their 'religion' to make it onto the show

    1. This reminds me of when Kim from Real Housewives of Atlanta implied that she wore wigs because she had cancer. Yet when pressed for details, she revealed that at one point in her past she had *thought* she *may* have had cancer and that she did not have cancer. Meaning she of course never had chemo, which is what causes hair loss, not the cancer itself. You'd think that someone who claims to be a nurse would know that cancer doesn't cause hair loss. So if she was losing hair, it wouldn't be from cancer. Though she may have thought she had cancer. Who hasn't at some point in their lives thought maybe they could've had cancer.

      She couldn't be woman enough to just admit she wears wigs because she likes them. It's not a big deal. To *pretend* she had cancer was super pathetic to witness. "Oh, I thought I might have had cancer, so I started wearing wigs."(just paraphrasing her ridiculousness, not an actual quote) Yeah, okay Dim Kim. Whatever you say!

      Cancer is not an excuse or a storyline, it's a terrible disease! Don't tempt fate!

    2. i think the Brown's are not smart enough to realize that they may be implying with this storyline the downside to multiple sex partners. Thay ran with a potential scary cancer story and everyone else figured it out. Yo them there is no down side to having 5 wives.

    3. I, like everyone else, am sickened by the Brown's inappropriate and abhorrent use of cancer to manipulate their audience and ratings. Only Meri and TLC could turn a routine pap smear into a cancer storyline. The OBGYN told Meri at the conclusion of the exam that the cervix looked normal and she didn't see anything alarming. Of course the whole point of the pap smear is that it is a screening device and the cells are sent for examination.

      Meri honestly tried to twist it that because she was "waiting for the results," she needed to be in a state of alarm. I am trying to picture myself coming home from a pap smear and telling my family that I might have cancer and until I have my pap smear results I am going to let everyone wonder and worry whether or not I have cervical cancer.....these people are crazy.

  43. I hope this is acceptable to ask here in your living room, Cynical Jinx. If not, I sincerely apologize. And please erase this. If it is okay, thanks a million! :D

    I need me some Sister Wives related advice, lol. I do not have or want cable at this time. I would love to catch up with Sister Wives. From Season 1, Episode 1. I found has some episodes. But not all. And I'd like to watch in chronological order. I'm thinking it would probably be most economical to pay for a monthly pass to a viewing service. Given they have all episodes. As opposed to paying per episode. However, I'd pay per episode. I'm also open to buying the discs. I have the internet hooked up to my TV.

    How would you recommend I watch Sister Wives, without cable?

    Thanks! :) And also thanks for sharing your varied perspectives on this show. This blog is so much fun. I think TLC should cut Cynical Jinx a commission check because without this blog, there is no way I and I am sure others would even bother. Also, we know the executives are all over this blog looking for ideas, what an invaluable resource! Few shows are fortunate enough to be able to pick the brains of viewers. All from the comfort of their offices with no effort nor expense on their part.

    1. I signed up with Amazon, and can watch missed episodes for $1.99... Or you can purchase a whole season for around 12.99 I think.... Not sure on last price., but do know it's easy to do. Just wish I could find the episode where Natalie Morales questions the wives and Kody admits he was grossed out by the way Christine ate nachos when he first met her. Apparently that episode has been completely scrubbed from the Internet.

    2. Thanks for the tip, Piper! I'll check it out. I do have Amazon Prime. As far as the nachos incident, I sometimes listen to SW on youtube when I clean. I'll be on the look out for it. If I come across it, I'll save it & let you know. I do know it's written about in the book, which I have. Would you like me to find the quote so you can use it? I used to have to search for content quickly as part of my job, so it won't be that difficult for me, lol. Just lmk.

    3. Advice Needed, check out - the popups suck but the links are usually good. And free!!

    4. Advice needed, I dumped cable TV quite a while back, so if there is an episode I think I might actually watch, I grab it for $1.99 on Amazon. (And I haven't spent much, let me tell you!) RE the nachos story, they did tell that story in their book. If they also mentioned it on the show, I don't know.

    5. Dear AdviveNeeded WWYD, save your money and just read this blog. It is much more entertaining than the show. I would not give these grifters a dime of my money. They are not worth it. They probably laugh all the way to the bank at how gullible their fans on. They believe along with TLC that they can tell their fans anything and they will swallow it hole. They probably sit in their cul du sac and hi five each other saying, "Wow, Meri good thinking, you have gotten us another season". But if you must, try finding it for free. Their are so many clips on TLC which highlight what went on in that particular show. You really won't miss anything more. I was never a fan. I just tuned in to see how these women could live like this and be controlled by this jerk. I can't for the life of me understand their religion. If they wanted privacy as they so stated in their lawsuit, then why in the hell are you on TV. Oh right, TLC money.

    6. Dear Advice Needed; The best way I have found to watch Sister Wives completely FREE is to go to the site I just checked there now for you and Epidosde 6 is up. I have consistently used this site over the last 5 years while visiting my daughter overseas. When I am home I have it on cable, but if I miss a recording I just go to this site. A few tricks to the site - people themselves are posting the shows and so the more popular shows get posted immediately and several people will post. It is nice because viewers will rate the quality of the episodes posted so you can download a version with better quality ratings. If you download a version that doesn't have good video or sound quality just go back and search for a different posting. A show like sister wives sometimes is not popular enough to get posted until a couple of days after it airs. I have used this site in Italy, France, UK - and it has never failed me!!

    7. Big Sky - Wow! Thank you! I have been buying them on Amazon but it won't let me buy the season which usually saves a few bucks. Anyone know why they do that? Anyway, so glad to have free access and not pay TLC - the pro molestation, spousal abuse, child abuse network.

    8. DON'TSPEND ANY MONEY that would probably just help keep them on the air or money trinkling in. They were on Netflix but not sure about now. If you have the version of cds coming to your house you can probably check out a season at a time.

    9. Anyone know why they do that?

      I wonder if it's because Amazon (or TLC) aren't sure how many episodes will be broadcast this "season" and want to maximize their profits. What I find strange is how quickly the episodes appear on Amazon instant video versus previous seasons. I've found that at 12 midnight west coast time the episode is available. It used to be at least 24 to 48 hours after broadcast. I wouldn't be surprised TLC did this so they can make money for that "Robyn Gives Birth Early" (wink wink) 2 hour special episode featuring a recap of Sol's birth in the first hour, numerous Robyn and Kody talking heads, Robyn's stepfather directing the midwife, and Kody making an ass of himself as usual, but without sucking face with Meri outside Robyn's bedroom like he did when Sol was being born. I guess Janelle's going to have to step up to the plate instead of Meri.

  44. I've been watching SW for about 4 seasons now and just ran across this blog a week ago. My neck hurts from reading the entire blog I was thinking, "Wow, others feel as I do!" If you go to the SW TLC Facebook, the "Nice Nice Police" are out! Say anything negative about the show and you're subject to attack! After tonight's show, I'm through with this fake reality show! I'll just peruse CJ to see what's happening. Christine got so on my nerves with her laughing and budding up to Sobyn like they are now Besties. Did anyone else catch Sobyn's daughter holding up 8 fingers and saying, "eight weeks." Sobyn shrugged her shoulder at her with the "shut up" look. Staged! The children already knew about it. Actually, I think everyone already knew she was pregnant. I don't know if it's Aurora's immaturity or she's an over-actor for the cameras. And what's up with Sobyn's constant throat clearing? As far as Dayton goes, for someone who doesn't handle change well, having his middle name legally changed was supposedly very important. I must not be too bright because I don't get the adoption process at all. I was adopted (which I didn't want) and my step-son actually adopted me as his legal mother when he was 16. It took months; filing papers, home study reports to the courts; criminal background report from law enforcement, court date set, etc. Guess my state is more thorough than NV. The reasoning behind the adoption seems to me to be part of Kody's control by ownership and religious bonus (imo). There really seems to be a pecking order in polygamy, Christine,and even Janelle, seemed to be so very happy, happy with everything Sobyn and didn't give Meri the time of day in this episode. If I could give Meri advise, it would be "Run as fast as you can!" One last thought, the possible cancer bit was way out there. I've been there, being a cancer survivor myself, as well as others on this blog, being aired is not something I would have done. I think it was just a way to bring Meri into the script and deflect with some sympathy. Regardless, didn't see any of the happy family there with her. Oh yeah...she had the camera crew for support for something as frightening as the C word! Sorry my first post is so long.

    1. I enjoyed your post! I can't wait to see these episodes, lol. I'll be sure to carefully watch the interaction of Robyn & her daughter. I bet you're right. Isn't it pathetic. How so verrrrry fake, fake, fake they are! They try to distance themselves from the FLDS, but I've read blogs from members of the FLDS who were way more in touch and authentic than these frauds!! I sincerely hope fans tire of their act. I mean, come on! They'd HAVE to see they've been lying this whole time! Otherwise Meri wouldn't have expressed such misery and tried the only way she knew how to leave, hitch her wagon to a man who will pay her way(too bad the joker only pretends to be a man, wish he were real)! The fact the Browns & TLC have decided not to handle this in a genuine, honest manner confirms they will NEVA be honest with fans. Meri lied in her statement when she claimed she never met the Joker. She makes one statement initially, a few sentences and she outright lies! Then, she plays the victim role. Claiming she wants to help, "other victims." She met the person she was talking to @ Disneyland, there are photos! And I feel sorry for a cheater who was catfished like I feel sorry for a person who goes to shoot their spouse and accidentally shoots themselves. She's no victim and she has no intention of helping anyone but herself. I don't forget how narcissistic that woman is. Concentrating deeply on her scrubbing a countertop as she is told a child in her family is gravely ill. Reminds me of my narcissistic father. I said to him, "I had some complications after my surgery. My blood pressure was too low and I lost so much blood that......" He interrupted me to tell me how his gambling was going. Never going back to ask what I was going to say. Never again addressing my surgery, as if I don't exist. I hoped it would later dawn on him. Meri is so into Meri even a potentially dying child isn't enough to distract her from her own self interests. I remember Meri being annoyed Truly being ill interrupted her & her precious daughters schedule. And then Robyn makes a highly insensitive comment during an interview about how Truly seemed to have given up(on living). As she psychotic-ly gazes into Christine's face to enjoy the pain she is inflicting upon her at that moment. You do not EVER as such a thing to a parent, that's beyond cruel! You say what a little fighter the kiddo is and you knew they'd pull through stronger than ever. Keep those dark fears to yourself. Robyn wears a mask of concern and I am soooo glad so many see her not so well hidden motives. It sounds like the eldest daughter is potentially a manipulative molly in the making. I hope not.

    2. CJ's living room is a great place for Brown snark, so welcome. You might also enjoy the Sister Wives forum on Previously TV.

  45. Janelle's tweet from above: @JanelleBrown117 "We hadn't even thought about the fact that the birth certificates would change !" made my stomach turn. That's one of the questions these 'adults' should have thought to ask - or their lawyer should have told them about early on in the process, had they an ounce of concern for the kids involved.

    That's a HUGE change for anyone and IMO it's unconscionable that they removed the kids' biological father from their history like that. Their stated goal to the kids, per Dayton on the show anyway, of Kody being able to step in in case of an emergency, etc., could have been accomplished with a simple legal guardianship which would have left the birth certificates intact, but noooooo. Not the Browns. They had to HAVE Robyn's children like they're possessions or assets like a car, going so far as to have their birth certificates changed. They make me sick!

  46. I really want to know if any of Christine's and Janelle's kids list Kody as the father on the birth certificate. If not, can you imagine how they feel?

  47. I don't know why any of this surprises me in the least. I have to create lists, otherwise I can't categorize my disgust.

    Meri going alone to an important doctor's appointment. Why wasn't Kody with her? I mean, I know why - because he's Kody. But still. Way to be supportive there, Surfer Dude.

    Meri - who is supposedly all about modesty - basically having her pap smear on camera. When a woman is at the OB-GYN and wearing only a paper gown, she can't get much more vulnerable than that. I found that entire section HIGHLY inappropriate and am shocked that the cameras were allowed in the room, let alone the fact that Meri and her doctor actually went along with filming it.

    Robyn deciding that MERI should be the one to announce her pregnancy to the family because Robyn was afraid of how everyone would react?!? MERI? Really? The one who divorced her husband for Robyn, the one who can no longer have children? In what universe is this a good idea? I can't - I mean - what?!

    How is Robyn being allowed to basically erase he ex-'s husband from existence? Between the birth certificate changes and David erasing his middle name...and YET, Robyn still says that her kids can see their dad, and furthermore - they seem to want to still see their dad. Which is it? Is he a monster that needs to be stricken from their lives? Or is he a decent person? Can't have it both ways, SWEETIE.

    The ONE highlight was when Gwendolyn suggested that Robyn's new baby be named "Hash." Hash Brown. And I LOVED how pissed off Kody was.

    I hate this show and yet I cannot turn away.

    1. I'm pretty sure that in Aug or Sept Meri's OBGYN posted a picture to twitter. The picture was of she and Meri, wearing the same outfit she wore tonight on the show. The twitter comment was something like, "look how came in to see me today.. This show is so full of lies its disgusting. Clearly this was a staged, scene. I am so so over this show.

    2. Cameras in the courtroom, cameras in the lawyer's office, cameras in the therapist's office, cameras in the doctor's office (during an EXAM, no less). Where do the Browns find these so-called "professionals?" Does TLC just write them all a big check and in barge all the camera guys, the sound dudes, the lighting crew? I mean...????

  48. Re: the cameras being in the Gyno room with Meri and also the cameras being in the lawyer's office for the "not so final at all" signing of the current phase of this adoption farce.......
    Well, as MrSpock noted further up thread, these scenes can be (and probably are) reenactments.
    *And for the record, having a Vulcan on the Blog speaking as only a Vulcan would speak, is a pleasure*

    It is appears that TLC may be economizing on filming schedules since the whole Brown troupe did their talking heads about it all in the very same clothes they all wore to the lawyer's office.
    Hmmm....must have been an especially long, arduous day (3 hours, maybe?) of film time for those hard-working TV stars.. But hey, gotta earn those paychecks any way the producer dictates!

    And could the producers PLEASE realize that having Kody of the Charles Manson, darting rodent eyes expounding on every freaking detail of what is going to be shown....even though the clips have already been shown before going to commercial and then again coming back from beyond annoying and off-putting. It sets up a teeth-grinding snarl aimed at the Idiot !!!
    Or is that part of their overall game plan?? If so, it is working !!

    1. Actually, Amused, the "real" Mr. Spock did not speak in the third person...but for some reason that defies explanation---or logic---this MrSpock does. ;-)

      As for Meri at the Gyn, that seems to be "de rigueur" on reality shows: women are everywhere in various stages of undress at the doctor, having babies, doing ultrasounds...seemingly the most "modest" of women, to wit: the Browns, the Duggars. Cannot fathom a paycheck grand enough to put oneself in those situations for all the world to see...well, maybe $50 million per episode....

      Nonetheless, it is always disconcerting to see the professionals (doctors, therapists, lawyers, professors) pop up as advertisements for themselves in these situations---because MrSpock cannot see how any fleeting "fame" from such acknowledgments could possibly be worth it to one's business. Nevertheless,the Browns, of course, are as entitled to professional services as the next person.

  49. If Robyn is a vessel is David Preston Brown a seed bearer like in the other fundie group where a guy impregnates a woman not his wife. It appears that Mothers and Fathers are expendable

    1. I thought the same thing. They are so busy trying to claim they are nothing like FLDS and yet there's Janelle referring to Robyn as just a "vessel". Creepy cult speak.

    2. I also think the wives reference each other as "vessels" while pregnant in order to alleviate their own jealousy. Easier to think of the pregnant wife as an inanimate object rather than a woman having sex with your "husband".

  50. RE: Adoption In the jurisdiction where I mostly worked consensual step parent adoptions are pretty routine, requirement for a homestudy waived etc. Though a judge has to have some discretion since all proceedings involving children require a finding that the proposed change is actually in the best interests of the child. Now a judge looking at this mess and saying Hell NO is a story line I could embrace but since this all likely happened months ago we probably would have had even more poor persecuted polygs ranting so I assume the judge held his/her nose and signed off on it

    1. So right, farthestnorth----"best interests of the child" trumps. But, with so few knowing the true situation re. biological dad, and us not being privy to any court filings, it is hard to do more than speculate what information was actually before the presiding judge.

    2. yeah most judges probably don't watch a lot of reality tv (Though Theresa Giudice's may have!) and are sadly limited to the actual pleadings before them

    3. Abby Millers bankruptcy judge watched her on tv and that's how she was busted!

  51. CJ, I laughed so hard as I read this, u r so talented. So please keep entertaining us with your wonderful humor. I also wanted to let people know I wasn't saying your getting ready for retirement, I believe in your mid to late 30's is when u make the most money so that's when retirement is on your mind. I did say Robin is past the age of planning for children. Like I said if God blesses u with a child at that age great that's a gift from God. These people start popping babies a lot at 15 or 16 wind up getting raised by a much younger sister wife. That's all I mentioned. I just don't think Kody has any interest in raising his children just making them.

  52. I want to know if Kody is on the other 12 kds' birth certificates too?

  53. I've been watching this from the beginning and the only thing I enjoy, which they show the least of, is the kids. I loved how they were teasing Kody about the name and he couldn't even join in the fun. I liked hearing the honesty from the kids on the couch scene from a few years back when they found out Sol was being hatched.

    He runs his family like a pack of wolves where everyone kisses the Alpha Female's petutie. Christine sucking up to Robyn is more than I can take, but it is telling. Kody pretty much told her the Alpha Female is Robyn, suck up to her and you will not be exiled.

    Robyn saying this pregnancy was so different.....she usually gets sick at four weeks in and this time it was three weeks.....SOOOO different! She is a little scheming snake. Incidentally, she was so much smaller when the program first started.

    Meri couldn't be more zoned out. She seems to be in the middle of her on-line love connection when these couch scenes aired or she was in exile after getting caught. Her plan of bringing Robyn on board to make Christine and Janelle jealous is clearly backfiring. The whole story with her stomach pain, uh yeah, you're living a secret life with in a family that is living four different lives. That would be stressful and you might begin to experience some physical distress. She needs to loose that orange glow. She has an interestingly 'thick' skinned face and the tanning just highlights it in all the wrong ways. And don't get me started on that hair. Why does it look so dead all the time? If she cannot manage the blonde locks, she should go natural.

    Janelle looks to be gaining back the weight she lost. She should look at whether or not she has a metabolic syndrome. She may be pre-diabetic, and that along with being pre menopausal will cause you to hold onto weight even though you're eating right.

    I think I'm pretty much done with this circus. I've been DVRing it but I don't want them to get any ratings credit. I've deleted it from my series manager. The only thing that will bring me back is Meri's tell-all, with catfish included or adding a fifth wife that is smokin' hot (just to see Robyn's reaction about how it is all destiny that they are together!!)

    1. Yeah but Grody thinks it's soooo cute King Sol wants to name the baby "poop" per his Twitter. How much ya wanna bet he'd be pissed if any other kid suggested that, ugh.

  54. Does anyone else think that Kody & Robyn are going to LIE to the court about how many kids Kody already has? I can't see him admitting to all of his kids. And I highly doubt his kids have him on their birth certificates. Because if they're on them, then to Kody would be on hey hook for welfare payments, less medical, food stamps, WIC, housing, etc. As the state only goes after reimbursement for cash welfare payments. Pretty confident these beast bleeders how to work the system. If they are honest, I can't imagine a decent judge not being very concerned there are hidden motives for the adoption. The children have a living, involved father. It's not like he can drive to Vegas every weekend for visitation. Robyn alienated him from his children. If I were a judge I would deny the adoption request. And to change a child's birth certificate is in humane. You can not change history. Kody is not nor will he ever be their father. He is just their mothers lover turned husband.

    Assuming the adoption goes through, it will change nothing. Kody is still going to be emotionally absent. Robyn's kids will still need to see and know their real father. Unless of course someone who has more to offer Robyn comes along. Then Robyn will leave Kody and Kody will have parental rights to her first husbands kids, lol. What a mess. I feel sorry for the kids.

    1. It is very unlikely that any of them received cash welfare. There is a work requirement to receive the benefit (30 hours a week for most recipients, sometimes 35) and it is mandatory to persue for child support, even if the birth certificates don't name a father. We know Christine was homeschooling which does not count as a work activity. Janelle would not have been eligible since she was employed.

      We know Christine received SNAP, which does not require birth certificates or compliance with child support enforcement. I do suspect she committed fraud, however, because when you live under the same roof with someone you share children with you cannot declare a separate household from them married or not, so their income has to be considered for the benefit. Technically, for Christine to receive, she would have had to include Kody, Meri, Janelle, and all of the children since they all lived together, shared food, and shared children. That is federal policy. I suspect she did like on her bankruptcy and claimed to be a tenant of Meri and Kody and collected SNAP as a single mother of (then) five kids, which would have been fraud. She also had medicaid for her birth with Truley, which also does not require compliance with child support enforcement until after the prenatal care is over (adult Title XIX medicaid requires it, under 18 an pregnancy does not).

      I do suspect that Kody's name is only on Mariah's birth certificate at least until Truely was born. They were always scared of being found as as polygamous, and his name on their birth certificates would have given them away. Janelle and Christine changed their last names to Brown so that last name wasn't questionable. Given that Meri said she used to introduce Janelle as Kody's sister, I doubt he would put his name on birth certificates for her kids. Which is, in an of itself, an interesting point. How do all of Kody's biological children (Save Mariah and maybe Truely and Sol) feel that his name will be on Robyn's kids' birth certificates when he's not on theirs?

    2. There is no work requirement during pregnancy or postpartum. And they don't peruse cs if there is no name on bc & you'll sign a declaration u either do not know the father or naming him will put your life at risk.

  55. "I want to know if Kody is on the other 12 kds' birth certificates too?"

    Pretty sure THIS came up eons ago on the old SWB. And the answer then was No !!
    The reason being it makes it easy for plygs to get bennies as single moms??

  56. Robyn's oldest daughter will find her way into an earlier marriage than the rest of the kids. She is too needy. More people doesn't mean tons of affection and attention. It means less. For people who don't need legal titles I am curious why Kody needs to claim in legal name these members of the family.

  57. I read a good while back that Sobyn's ex did not want his children on the show. For several seasons back you only saw them in group settings, if at all. They are definitely on the TLC payroll this season! Sobyn exchanged her tears for throat clearing and hair flipping in this episode. Poor Meri...all Jokered out with her catfish messages being put out there for all to read. My husband asked me why I watch such garbage as SW. I told him it was like watching a train wreck about to happen. You don't want to look, but can't help yourself. I also told him it made me appreciate our happy, long committed monogamous marriage that much more! The show is so fake, I'm wondering if there really was an adoption or just given legal Guardianship. It seemed too easy, too fast and yet the kids can still talk to and visit their bio father. Christine and her hanging on to Sobyn's every word was like...gagging! Even Janelle was more vocal toward Sobyn than usual. Sobyn is so queen of the harem now!
