
Sunday, October 11, 2015


It's Sister Wives  L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!

Prepare yourself for MORE Mr. Robyn Brown  BLOVIATING!!

While the new Mrs. Kody Brown tries to make new friends  while influencing "haters" and her ex-husband!!!!

Will Robyn Live Tweet Tonight, or Will She Be A No Show for the FIFTH WEEK In A Row???


It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!


Don't forget the 90 Day Fiance Season Premiere is tonight! Hey Dani and Mo, come join the discussion!


  1. Do you really think that all of them will be live tweeting. I will not be watching. The Walking Dead is more interesting than watching Kody and his wife and girlfriends. They most definitely are reading this blog. On the previews, Kody is spending time with his young daughters. And Meri & Jsnelle talk about their relationship. More tears. You would think that after all these years, there would be a better bond between the two of them. Meri will not be tweeting about being catfished. TLC will monitor these tweets. I wish for once they would be honest with their fans. The whole world has heard about this. I hope that others will not turn in to see this fake drama. TLC told Kody that they wanted him to interact more with his daughters and Kody states that he relates better with the boys. This is so funny. This blog is so much better than watching this crap. I will just have to wait for someone to give us the scoop on tonight's show. Time for TLC to pull the plug. One last thing that drives me crazy is their lawsuit asking for privacy. One judge stated that the Browns can't have it both ways. They can't expect to have any privacy when their life is being broadcast on a reality tv show. The Browns are so stupid. It makes you wonder if all of this is just an act. They will do anything to keep the checks coming. God forbid if Kody had to get s job. I am not buying what they are selling. They may fool their adoring fans but CJ will uncover the truth. Thank you again CJ for such a wonderful blog. This blog is what keeps this show on air. So many things mentioned here is being done on the show. CJ, let's not give them anymore of your wonderful ideas. Remember what happened to "Bill" at the end of "Big Love".

    1. I'm watching football. Ill wait and read about the latest Brown lies and fakery here on the blog.

    2. I'm watching Madam Secretary & Good Wife

    3. me too Caramel. I get my Sister Wives recap from CJ when she has time to get to it. The blog tells me enough in the meantime. Not going to add to their or TLC's ratings.

  2. He is really an a$$hole. It was really obvious during the last episode with the making of the boat (on top of everything else of course). He was just plain rude to Christine. He gave frightening small beady stink eyes to Meri on the couch session when she declared she wouldn't help with the boats. I agree, walking dead will be so much more livelier than this!!! And yes, pun intended.

  3. Sadly, I will be watching just so that I can participate here....but the truth is, the show has run its course. It totally sucks.

    1. Thanks for taking one for the team! We appreciate your sacrifice!

    2. Thank you for watching for us! Maybe we could assign ourselves to watch in shifts and spread the pain around.

  4. I've really grown to loathe this bunch, but I must watch to see how this train wreck ends (and hopefully soon)! Love this blog. I never want to see this blog end!

  5. Hahah! It looks like in the top photo Robyn is about to examine her eye boogers. Freak show!

  6. MrSpock also watches because it is hard to turn away...but MrSpock is most displeased with Kody's rude, rough behavior with his "wives" and sees no desire on Kody's part to love, support and honor them, and instead only sees a desire to have things his way through bullying and withholding affection. No woman---or man---should tolerate such behavior. Surely, God is not reflected in such negative actions. To the women: God relates to people one-on-one and your relationship with Him is not dependent on Kody or any other person. MrSpock is sad that you have been indoctrinated to believe Kody or some other man is how you get to heaven and is also sad that you have been indoctrinated to believe that a fraction of a man is all you "deserve" in your earthly life.

    1. He does bully and withhold affection to get his way, and I suspect he learned that from his father based on the episode from when his father died.

    2. Remember the Big Bear episode where they stopped at a restaurant and the camera caught the older boys bullying Robyns young girls? Meri addressed it right away, and she said they all do it to each other and pointed to you and you and you, like it was passed down behaviour. Kody said on the couch session" I'm afraid there may be some bullying going on in my family" he doged any accountability by asking whats a parent to do? i knew then it was what the kids had witnessed and thought too KOdy was treated that way by his father and knows no other way to relate

  7. Anonymous 5:53, Robyn is the mastereyeboogerchecker. I've never seen anyone in my life who looks at the eye boogers like she does. Talk about being a lover of the grotesque; Robyn is a lover of what comes out of her eyes when she cries.

  8. Yes, once again, it is vacation time for Kody---this time with five daughters to a beach house.

    1. I think this is one of my biggest pet peeves about this family. People online can argue about how it's unfair that Christine only gets to go to Galveston, and Robyn gets Hawaii, but Kody gets all the trips, all the presents, and all the special treatment. Every wife wants to make his birthday, Christmas, anniversary, etc special. People judge Meri because she has an equal cut of the TLC pie, but so does Kody and as far as we can tell, he doesn't contribute to any of the households. They've only talked about how the wives budget.

    2. Yah, I've always wondered about that. Does he get a cut? Maybe a smaller portion?

    3. He gets the same salary as all the other adults. They have five salaries and five bank accounts (per one of the "tell all"specials) but his money isn't allocated for any of the bills or children. This family claims to love having things be equal, but has no idea how to be equitable. And Kody is a selfish, spoiled brat who gets to go on 10 vacations a year, while pocketing a huge paycheck to do with as he pleases.

    4. Well now the marriage is beginning to make more sense. Who knows what will happen when he becomes a God in the afterlife because I heard the lifetime sacrifice does not mean he has to allow you entry. He will however be sitting on a nest egg that Robyn may want part of in the here and now.

  9. Janelle really trusts Kodyy....has she forgotten how he let Truly dehydrate to the point of almost death?

    1. You beat me to it. But, their lack of trust in him is "appalling."

    2. He's such a moron.

    3. Kody is a moron . Did you ever think about how people would perceive him if he cut his hair,threw on some work duds and was named Ervil? He is all sales image no substance and the image is getting uglier.

  10. Note who ran to get in the front seat...shotgun....?

    1. Yes, I saw that and thought how selfish/inappropriate. It was Ysabel's birthday and she invited all the other sisters - wouldn't she get to sit by her dad in the front as the birthday girl or at least get the opportunity to decline the front seat?

  11. Nice tweet Janelle. If it wasn't for the "haters" you would get no attention at all.

    1. Yep! And she says the haters are cowards that hide behind the keyboard. Well Passive, Passive, Aggressive Janelle..... We haters would NEVER cowardly sit there while a man was berating one of our friends like she did when Kody ripped on Christine during that RV trip. Cowards sit quietly on the interview couch staring into space while their sister wives are crying or being berated. A coward doesn't help her fellow sister wife for fear of upsetting Kody the leader.

    2. Oh please, please, please tell me you tweeted that right back to her! #truth

  12. Where was Meri during the couch scenes? Because she had no younger daughter, she felt it necessary to avoid the sister wives get together, which again speaks to the lie that they spread about the wives are all the mothers of all the children.....tsk, tsk, tsk.

    1. She was was at home alone. Snapping pics of bananas and texting the Joker.

    2. I really didn't expect her to be there, since the episode was about the younger girls and she doesn't have one that went on the trip.

    3. The show was actually about Kody! (snark) ;)

  13. Oh, my, Robyn has a herpes outbreak...again. five adults for 17 they have to say that over and over.

    1. Good grief, I'm a teacher and regularly, I'm in charge of 30 kids, get over it! How many people have large families and do just fine? THEY ARE NOT SPECIAL! They picked this for crying out loud. Ok, I'm so frustrated by this show, I can't even stand to talk about them.

      As for maddie and the LDS church. I would imagine that they have worked hard to keep the polygamists from recruiting their people (like Kody and Janelle were recruited) and are wary of the interaction with a public plyg family. Truthfully, Maddie was not really into the LDS church, she was just looking for a way out. She found it in marriage.

    2. I agree!! Maddie seems very put together, but im sure deep down she has issues having Kody as a father. Shes trying to escape by getting married. She seems in love, dont get me wrong, but it seems to have happened so fast. This is just my opinion, of course.

    3. "Truthfully, Maddie was not really into the LDS church, she was just looking for a way out. She found it in marriage."

      You nailed it, Anon. 7:13!

    4. newsflash madison (since we all know you read this site): if the church is saying you can still go to services without being baptized they're not saying "you can't sit with us". if anything, they are saying quite literally the opposite. maybe they want to see some sort of commitment from you? i am glad they saw through the facade...stay in school, einstein

  14. Really, those two older daughter's should have sort of had some experience with shopping....or that's my experience.

    1. it was funny when the cashier said their receipt was the longest one he's printed and breanna said robchin's receipts are "bigger than those". also kody, there was a proper grocery store (pavilions) just across the bay, einstein

  15. So, he just admitted the wives compare how much time and love he has for the others in comparison with their own relationship with him....

  16. Kody says his daughters know that he loves them...can the same be said for his wives?

  17. Maddie has really, really gained weight...a lot of weight....

  18. Meri just bit her that a message to what's his name?

    1. Good Catch!! I was going to remember to look for the signals and completely forgot!

  19. To Maddie: LDS telling you to reject your family or wait until they are no longer public and then join is just plain wrong. Please reconsider why your beliefs coincide with LDS as you said.

    1. Anything is better than the AUB/FLDS.

    2. She will join The Church of Christ. Her soon to be father in law was a minister there for many years in Worland WY and her mother in law to be is a Mormon covert to said church. Did you all know that Maddie is keeping with tradition and marrying her Aunt Erica's little brother? There are two sides to every story, and I believe Maddie is holding info back on why she can't get baptized right now. We won't hear from the LDS.

  20. Why do they think that anyone cares anymore about what the Idiot does?
    Why? So boring, so insufferably boring?

    1. I have to agree with you Amused...insufferably boring!

  21. A lot of this vacation has seemed to focus around food and eating.

  22. Kody sure does get frustrated when the girls don't want to do what he does.

    1. I think he has little to no tolerance for females & sadly that includes a multitude of wives & daughters!

    2. Because the little girls still have minds of their own, unlike their mothers. That's got to be frustrating for Kody...dealing with females that don't automatically yield and cower in the presence of his bullshit.

  23. Kody says, "I am trying to teach my children to push boundaries" !
    Does that include pushing kids that are another man's children to worship you"???

    He is nauseating to watch and to hear..!!

    1. He wants them to obey him but push boundaries?

  24. Why does Kody feel the need to explain his vomiting preferences? Reckon he never matured emotionally past the 6th grade........

  25. I read Collier on his page complaining the AUb would not remarry him and a concubine because they did not get consent for the marriage.There are people being told if they have a problem with molestation in the AUB told to leave or shut up and Kody is crying discrimination?They consider that apostates are going to hell.That women are second class and want to talk discrimination GRRR.

    1. speaking of mr collier, he tweeted the most repulsive thing i've ever seen on september 12:

      My wife Vicki got her hysterectomy six months ago, my wife Christine gets hers this week. I really should stop breaking my wives. ��

      please remember that janelle described this man as a 'gentleman', just like kody.

    2. Bored now, that is a new one for me,never heard that said by anyone.I hope number three reads that and runs.

  26. And to add to the frustration of watching this mess, the audio is not synching withe video

  27. Why do they keep on telling us that Kody loves his kids/wives? After what seems like an eternity on tv, don't you think the viewers would know without constantly being told? When all the kids are grown and gone who will compete for Kody's love?

  28. Meri and Janelle........uhhh !!!
    If that was that damn important and real, why did Meri need to wait until the camera was in her house with another waiting at janelle's to film the tears??
    Do these morons do ANYTHING anymore without a production crew on site. Is that part of the contract.?
    And will Nancy the nutty therapist be in upcoming epps, as she labors to solve the 20 year riddle of why Janelle and Meri had *problems*?
    Hell, TLC.... save production costs on phony scenes.
    The problem is they are PLYGS?

  29. Why weren't more people on the beach? Looked deader than Doornails there.

    1. Maybe because there was a shark sighting??!!

    2. The weather was crappy - no sunshine.

    3. Maybe everyone left because Kody was there.

  30. Don't know whether Kody was on meds (or herbs) for some pf those TH spots....but he is seriously working the Charles Manson eyes and darting stares this episode.

  31. Without a doubt this was the most boring of all episodes to date. TLC is really hurting for material. Well, there's material there, TLC just refuses to use the good stuff and gives us this garbage. We got to see Kody "growl" (or at least talk about how he likes to growl) at yet more females in this family and this time the younger ones. Ugh.

  32. Kody probably had to spend the day memorizing his daughter's names before he left. Most people pack food for the trip BEFORE they leave. This includes men. My husband packs food and snacks for my nieces before we go to Havasu. Here is another news flash. Newport Beach is not quaint. They have plenty of grocery stores. He must have been on Balboa Island. What an idiot. AND WHY the surfboard? He doesn't even know the beaches in Southern California so I don't think he surfs. I doubt they have surfing in Utah. Also it was very cold when they went to that beach and he got a wet suit for himself but nothing to keep his girls warm? Did I see that right. Figure 8/TLC should have just left pretending to be a good dad alone. It just made him look worst.

    These girls will grow up to marry jerks because of his example. That is very sad.

    1. A good plyg wifey would have had meals prepped for their vacation.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I agree I'm a lung cancer survivor. not easy the cure is almost as b

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Sorry, I wasn't trying to make light of cancer or make a joke about cancer. Snatkaholic was right, I only meant to say that if Meri has cervical cancer or precancerous cells, it's due to HPV and Robyn is the most likely carrier, since Janelle came in so long ago and Christine was a virgin when she came into the family.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. WHOA!! Timeout!!!!

      Thank you anon 1:41 for clarifying your original comment. There's no need to argue about this but...I fail to see how Robyn can be accused of being a "carrier" of HPV . So.... let's all agree to disagree and move on. Inflammatory comments have been deleted.

  34. Christine tweeted a photo of Kody and Truly. Wow ,look at his face. Says a lot about him and about Christine. I guess she's just excited that has interacting with her?

    1. I know!!! That was cringe worthy.

    2. Because sweet Truely was upset she wasn't included on the trip and wants to go on one.

    3. Sassy, I was referring to the look on the caveman's face.

    4. I think that Kody lumps his children into generic groups because he can't be bothered to get to know them as individuals. There's "the boys," "the older girls," "the younger girls," "my shiny new adopted kids," "the KING," and "whoever's left." Sadly, Truely - who may very well be the most astute of all the children - falls all by herself into the last category.

      I look forward to reading Truely's tell-all book in about 15 years.

  35. Wow! Robyn really gets after Kody now. In the last two episodes, she has been arguing with and bossing him around a lot. Stark difference from before when she was all gaga 24/7 and never even laughed at a joke at Kodys expense. Being the legal wife sure changed her attitude.

    She is so pregnant in the couch interviews though.

    Meri barely said a word again and was absent a lot from the couch interviews.

    In other news, in the most candid recent pics of them in Vegas, Christine is looking great!

  36. Kody keeps comparing how the daughters relate to and treat him vs his wives and he paints himself the victim. He also says this trip wasn't about bonding with the daughters and claims they already have that...yet he said he set out to look for what was wrong. (Yeah, yeah, we know Kodster...NOTHING was wrong...can't admit that, so just spin it by saying you found instead what was right. That right thing you haven't been doing.)

  37. Kody is so just about himself. Did you see me surf? I was on the shark for 30 seconds. All my wives fight over me. Gag ... He is so self absorbed. I wonder why josh williams was allowed into the LDS church? I hope Maddie and Caleb find a nice Christian church that will embrace them.

    1. Caleb was raised in The Church of Christ in Worland, WY. His sister Erika was married to Kody's late brother.

  38. So I had a thought about why Robyn's daughters seem overly (weirdly) affectionate with Kody. If you are a woman brought up in a religion that basically demands that you share your husband with another woman, you are always going to be looking for ways to elevate yourself with your husband. So Robyn teaches her daughters, as she was probably taught, that you need to be the wife/female in your husband's/male's life that loves him the most and shows him the most affection... It is a survival/power play thing.

    The best part about tonight's show was the sass that the daughters showed.

  39. Synopsis and summation of this week's episode........
    It was about ........NOTHING !!!
    Just more, and then even *more,* of Kody-Idiot spouting his drivel in his so, so self-important and so, so annoying delivery !!! He needs a muzzle, strapped into a time-out chair facing the wall.

    CJ, good luck and blessings as you tackle trying to make *anything* out of this hollow mess of sheer nothingness for a review. You may have to resort to fiction.
    And that's okay since it would have to be more interesting that what was shown tonight.

    1. I'm thinking TLC should've reverted back to two half hour episodes a week this season. Just not enough content to justify hour episodes anymore....even with the bogus divorce/adoption storyline.

    2. You're right. They are now scraping the ground *under the bottom* of the barrel for content.

      Throwing Kody-Idiot into the center ring as the main attraction is a huge mistake
      But I guess since their assumed *hit* stories have fallen flat, and every other faux story has already been used, they have had to resort to shoving the resident narcissist down the viewers throats. Bad move !!!

    3. Seinfeld was the original show about nothing, but it was actually good! I wonder how many people turned in and were disappointed that there was no mention of Meri's little emotional affair? If the show never touches on that story, and I doubt it will, it may be the final nail in the coffin for them.

  40. There was a tweet that showed up in the feed, in response to a tweet from Kody about his LDS friends being surprised Maddie wasn't allowed to join. It said something about Maddie misstating the conversation for the purpose of the show, and that being the primary concern and she knew it. Other people posted that they were LDS and were also surprised she wasn't allowed to join, and I clicked on the link to read more, at which point the original post must have been deleted. I can't quote it, but it sounded like the concern was her discussing the faith on the show, and the other LDS seemed to think it made sense. I don't know why the person would have deleted it, but I can't find it now.

    1. Like someone pointed out upstream, both the Dargers and the Williams have sons who are LDS. The Williams boy is serving his mission while the Darger's son just finished his LDS mission to Taiwan. It sounds like there is more to the story.

    2. I thought I would try and grab that tweet from my history, but couldn't. However, it seems that the whole situation has hit a nerve with members of the LDS. It's almost 1:30 a.m. here, and there has to be 100 tweets about her not being able to be baptized, and the Mission President being blamed. Maddie has stated on her twitter that it was the First President that decided her family was too controversial, and the Mission President fought for her. I don't know the difference, but wanted to post it here since the post I originally brought up was deleted, and it may have been referring to the wrong person not allowing her baptism. Maddie states that the church itself is beautiful, but the politics are not. It's unfortunate that her families faith caused her to be rejected by her own.

    3. I have a theory about why Maddie wasn't accepted into the LDS church, that's only indirectly related to her parents' polygamy. The LDS church has a rule that "worthy" members cannot associate with apostates, and since Kody was likely excommunicated from the LDS church when he started practicing polygamy, he (and possibly Janelle as well) would be an apostate. It's not so much her parents are polygamists, it's that her dad and mom are former LDS members that now practice polygamy AND are pro-polygamy "activists." Subtle difference, but the LDS church is sensitive about being associated in any way with polygamy now, which is why they excommunicate people practicing it.

      Kudos though to Maddie for refusing to cut off contact with her family just to join the LDS church. Hopefully she'll end up in a healthier place this way.

    4. Surfkitty, I am a life-long, Utah-bred, member of the LDS church and have never been encouraged to disassociate myself with...anyone. And certainly not family members, regardless of their personal practices/beliefs. Yes, the Church is sensitive about being associated with polygamy, but I cannot imagine any circumstance that an individual would be encouraged to "cut off contact" with family (unless, of course, there is compelling evidence of emotional or physical harm--WHICH I AM NOT IMPLYING is the case here).

      Like everything else with the Brown's, there is waaaay more to the story than what is being stated.

    5. From...disassociate myself from anyone. *Blush*

    6. She wasn't able to seek a temple recommend. She was seeking baptism. I'm sorry it sounds like Scientology and subversive persons simply being people who once were and no longer you can't talk to. I'd say she is better off without them.

    7. Maybe she asked that the baptism be filmed for the show and they refused?

  41. I skipped Sister Wives again, but did watch 90 Day Fiance. There is a woman who is engaged to a man from Israel, and seems to think she is auditioning for her own reality show. I think she may be exhausting to watch, like Jason & Cassia last year, who were clearly playing to the cameras and would tweet about it later.

    I think the young LDS man will probably regret doing this show; his sexual-orientation has been called into question on social media, and he seems pleasant enough. His fiance is from Russia and was in Prague when they met; she worked in a club as a go-go dancer before her Baptism.

    The entire time I was watching the 58-year-old who is bringing a 19-year-old over from the Philippines, I couldn't help but think that this is a scam he is running WITH her, to get her over here. He moved his 21-year-old daughter into the guest house so that the fiance could have her room, then makes a comment about her liking to be with him, but letting her have space (or something). He didn't seem fame-whorish, and she doesn't appear until next week, so I'm not sure why they are on this show, but I don't think it is because he's a pedo. I think he is just trying to help get her here. My opinion may change once I see them interact together. He mentioned his first wife coming over on a K-1 20+ years ago, and leaving him and the kids when they were young, and that is probably what got them on the show.

    The other one met her fiance in Jamaica and they got together very quickly. The preview for next week shows that he is saying that he is going to send his family money home every month, and she says she is getting a prenup. I missed most of their segment so I don't know how I feel about them yet, either.

    By now, there is no excuse for someone going on the show and NOT knowing that it is going to edit them poorly, so I will have no problem snarking on them. I hope that the ratings blow Sister Wives out of the water, and the producers "accidentally" release a clip of Kody's head exploding when he finds out he's cancelled. :-)

    1. I was an immigration officer and currently practice immigration law and I see fraud in most of the 90 Day Fiance couples. Maybe it's the way it's edited, but something is off with most of them. Immigrants already get a bad wrap here, this show doesn't help.

  42. I think its weird that Maddie was "rejected" by the LDS church...while two of the Darger Kids (Caleb and another) were both Baptized into it.

    1. The Browns are such liars I wouldn't put it past them that the whole thing is just another storyline for the poor persecuted plygs.

      Look at the timing of her engagement announcement. Everything is about trying to keep their mock gravy train rolling.

    2. I don't believe it either. Guess Maddie is more like her parents than I cared to believe.

    3. Liesl is the other, also Vicki's, I think.

    4. Sorry ! That reply was in answer to who the sibling of Caleb Darger is, who has been baptised into the LDS Church.

    5. They are not any where near as public as the Browns. I think all these comments are playing the poor misunderstood LDS card.

    6. The Browns are much more famous than the Dargers. They've had their own show on TLC for multiple seasons, and they have battled the state of Utah on the legalization of polygamy. Maddie specifically said that they had a problem not with the polygamy itself per se, but with the public nature of her family.

    7. BUT...who usually made an appearance at the Courthouse representing polygamists while Kody and Wives were hunkered down enjoying the Vegas good life in their McMansions in the gated culdesac??

      That's right...The Dargers!!!! I still have a feeling there is more to this than being presented on the show. Put me with the skeptics. At least for now...

    8. I'm not sure why she would publicly lie when she's used to being on national television. I hope the church comes out with a statement because this makes them look really bad.

  43. Wow, Meri didn't tell Maddie to cover her cleavage. At this point though, Meri is totally checked out.

  44. Here we go.... Another producer driven, fake trip where Kody gets to "act like" the girls in his family are important to him. His "wives" are acting like he deserves a medal for spending alone time with the girls. And what would an episode of sisterwives be without the Browns showing us how persecuted they are. Poor Maddie can't get baptized because of her parents lifestyles, but they can sure buy big houses and sit around with no jobs because of said lifestyle. Keri could barely muster any real concern for any of the conversations on the couch. Her conversation with Maddie was awkward..... I can't wait for the Browns to have to all move into one home and have to work. I'm sure Robyn and Kody will have ridden off into the sunset together by then.

    1. So many of Meri's conversations have been awkward for so long. I was wondering if she was medicated or just so emotionally checked out she's not really there. When was the last time we saw her show any real emotion? It's all that stilted weird bad acting. She showed more emotion for the banana than she does any of her "family".

    2. It's hard to say, is Meri medicated or is she really just that checked out?

    3. Snarkaholic, an example of extreme bad acting in a reality show was Danielle Mullins R Nuts Jbali on the 90DayFiance Where are They Now show. I watched the episode for free on Amazon. I don't understand but Danielle had this grin plastered on her face when she was supposed to be "concerned" and/or "sad." It was very weird!!!!

    4. Danielle's affect has never been right. Makes me think she has some serious issues. Well that and the craziness that is her life.
      I was sad that two of the couples declined an update.

  45. So....We clearly know that the Browns don't have Disney passes anymore or else Disneyland refused to let them film? They went down the street to Adventureland??? Those of us who live here have never been to Adventureland. They could have just had fun on the Newport Peninsula/Balboa Island attractions and rented bikes or something. Why drive to Anaheim from the beach in all the horrible traffic? Or...They should have gone to Santa Monica and stayed there by the roller coaster and the beach. This show is all over the place. The trip was in March and the Pirate Regatta in April. The divorce last year. Talk about spinning.

    1. You make a good point, there's plenty to do around Huntington Beach and Balboa Island (love the restaurant "Ciao", btw!). I also can't believe those girls didn't want a wetsuit, the water is cold anytime of year but especially in March. But I guess that's kids.

      And yeah, Adventureland?

  46. you dont loose 30 pounds if you have pre cancer..unless meri has been doing chemo, or is staged so late in cancer, this is a ploy. Using cancer and connecting that to weight loss is just beyond reprehensible for a story line. She was having a full blown online sexual affair..and that is why she lost weight..just awfull of these people..ive been thru this and it pissed me of they are intimating this for a storyline

    1. Yes!!!!
      I'm right there with you! I thought, how many people have we seen lose weight while they're wooing someone! She was love sick! Plus, she & her trainer/maybe just workout partner have been going back & forth on Twitter about her workouts.
      Also, and I want to touch lightly, b/c I've lost family members to cancer... But, I know of several women who have had cervical cancer or the precancerous cells, and there wasn't weight loss involved. I do not want to be insensitive in anyway, but HPV is extremely common. There are various stages. There's the precancerous vs. cancer. I really PRAY this is not a dramatization for TV.

      Per Kody & the girls trip. If he were a normal father, this wouldn't have received the accolades & praise that it did. I don't feel like patting him on the back for doing something that he SHOULD be doing. And, God bless her sweet heart, it is not that baby girl's fault, but I feel Aurora is becoming the fave girl.

    2. "....I don't feel like patting him on the back for doing something that he SHOULD be doing."

      EXACTLY !!!!!!!
      It is insulting to all the men who father their daughters without expecting special accolades or gold stars for doing what should be just normal fathelyr love and interaction.

      And who really believes that this trip was Kody's idea?? And that it wasn't funded and organized by TLC/F8F in response to all the blog chatter about his pitiful relationship with his female children??
      And even more obvious, it was a much need for filler/content for an episode. That fact is unmistakable!!!
      And really..has it occurred to anyone in that compound that Kody-Idiot COULD spend quality time with his daughters, one on one quite Vegas???
      Come on...he has no job !!!

    3. ..has it occurred to anyone in that compound that Kody-Idiot COULD spend quality time with his daughters, one on one quite Vegas???
      Come on...he has no job !!!

      Exactly!! It's not they still live in's VEGAS!! Surely Vegas has theme parks or other attractions much better than that lame Adventureland. Take them to a concert...and if cameras aren't allowed film the girls happy faces as they leave the venue! Take them on a cruise to Mexico or Catalina...or San Diego Zoo...SOMETHING FUN!!

    4. He could spend quality time with his daughters in Vegas, but that would involve taking time away from his wives on a regular basis. In Lehi, they said that they reserved Friday evenings and Sundays for the entire family to do activities together. When they were living in the rental homes in Vegas, they said they didn't see each other much. Sounds like that has not improved because Kody said he didn't feel all that close to his older daughters while in high school.

      Yet another argument for monogamy, where you have plenty of time to spend with both your spouse and your children.

    5. No, it really wouldn't have to take time away from his wives since he doesn't *work* and always has unlimited available time for show-driven vacations and road trips.

      He could pick a daughter or two up after school here and there *during the week* and spend a quality hour or two with them. Or take Truely out for breakfast or lunch once in a while.
      *Without the camera crew* !!!

      There is NO reason why this indulged, self-centered fool couldn't put time and attention on those kids. Both sons and daughters !!

      What else does he have to do??? It can't take that much time every day to have Christine drag out the curling iron to refresh his do.

    6. According to one of the daughters, she said he had to "go to meetings and work out" so he would not have to do those things and have uninterrupted time with the girls!!! Sounds like a rough life....

    7. Work out?? Is that code for doing Robyn?? Bwahahaha... The only work out Kody seems to be doing is walking to the fridge!

  47. You know the Browns are involved in law suits currently against the state of Utah. I don't know that the other families were all that public. The son converted prior to tv I'm my five wives. And that family is really not affiliated with a group, and to be honest are not encouraging the kids to do polygamy. They simple left after already having a plural life. The purpose of the LDS church is to make everyone else LDS. If the church could not use Maddie to the extent that they wanted to I could see them saying no. Good for her for not bending. I don't understand why it got to the point of anyone other than her making the decision to be baptized. She was never engaged herself in polygamy. There are other latter day churches that accept the BOM. She should look into community of Christ. The really odd thing is both her parents were born into and heck her dad served a mission for the LDS. She was merely trying to return home to the church of her family. I think the whole thing makes the LDS church look bad. On the other hand at least all her family can see her marry. This whole marry and seal in the temple thing is what makes the group look arbitrary and cultish. And inconsistent. It only applies to three countries. It's not an issue elsewhere. Why the draconian year wait? It could be that Robyn's girls are only clingy on tv. Some sort of acting to further the disgusting storyline of being ripped from their read dad so he can claim a few more kids to ignore 3/4 of the time until they move out. They also have lived in five homes with losing and adding on of people in their lives. It screams attachment issues. Also they have a half sibling. I don't remember the kids being like this before sol. It was Robyn insisting they go up every 4th night to put the kids to bed after a talk and such that made him be more present than with the other kids. With the others he instantly had kids with all three wives and there were just 5 toddlers about. All in one house. This is different. They never had to share a home with the rest of the kids from other moms.

    1. I don't believe that the LDS rejected her just because of her family. I believe that they wanted her to admit that the LDS was the one true church and to reject all other churches and she couldn't do it when push came to shove. Her line that the only church that aligns with her beliefs is the LDS church but she doesn't want to join them right now stood out to me, so it sounds like it is more on her part than anything else.

    2. The LDS has the BOM and Joseph Smith. That is where they align with her beliefs.

      Again it's in the manual that it's more complicated for children of polygamist. The children themselves not engaged in polygamy. Why must one convert go through more than another? It is much more than saying she isn't going to be polygamist which she has or not attending her families "church" of dad which she already publicly stopped doing.

    3. I kinda see the Church's point. She was probably asked if she would attend a specific ceremony like a family member's plig wedding ceremony or if her dad takes wife #5. If she said yes she would attend then she gave the wrong answer!

    4. If attending another's services gets you out of a church than its a cult. I've seen Mormons at mass or other service for weddings and such. Attending doesn't make you an adherent. It simply means that the person marrying or who died was a member of a different and they get burial according to their own rites. How anti family this church is. She may not be able to attend some types of services if the AUB is as exclusionary as the lds. What is most boggling is not anywhere near as many people think the LDS practice polygamy anymore. The show did more to even further this information. All this posturing and fear of offshoots is unnecessary. Maddie was still in process when she didn't attend church of dad. And she said it was cause the church asked her to stop attending. And she did. But most of America if evangelical would go to Jewish or Catholic wedding or attend funeral services in a Methodist church. It's what you do for coworkers. Friends, family, your best friends mothers brother.

    5. kms, again, life-long, Utah-bred Mormon, here. I've attended many, many services at other churches, been to weddings and funerals for friends of other faiths, HAVE many friends of other faiths, etc. and have never had my membership called into question for doing so.

      The LDS church is many things, but "anti-family" it is not.

  48. These people have a lot of nerve they expect free admittance everywhere they go. I am glad for the time being that Maddie is not allowed admittance to the LDs but let's where she ends up. She does not seem to have strength of her convictions.The Browns get free houses.don't work really,used welfare and bankruptcy and broke laws living polygamy .They get rewarded all the time for taking the cheap way.I am sick of the LDS persons gushing on Sisterwives sites that they love the lifestyle. Huh,it is a belief system. why are their ward bosses not bringing them into line? Next abuse case the same LDS fans will say we have nothing to do with those polygamous people..I think the highers up want to pretend to detach from polygamy because when they feebly attempt to stop polygamy in the pending case,they can throw up their hands and say oh well we tried. How many times has Kody done his infomercial about how different LDs is and then complains Maddie does not to avow different values to join?They are entitled people playing all the angles.

  49. ** I sincerely hope that Meri does not have cancer. **
    As Milo said upthread, let's also hope they are not using this as teaser for future epp ratings.

    When Jen Arnold of "Little Couple" had a bleeding crisis while filming in India adopting their 2nd child, that epp ended with her going home for immediate medical attention. That happened while the show was being filmed and so that epp was not to be aired until the new season would begin. However, Jen's cancer Dx was released to the media long before the start of their new season..
    I remember reading about it long before the new season of episodes began. They did NOT use it as cliffhanger. She chose to allow her treatment and struggle be filmed to encourage other cancer patients.

    My point is that last night's Meri cliffhanger preview was filmed...when?....5 or more months ago?
    Would these people really use that......let's hope not!!

    Again......** I sincerely hope that Meri does not have cancer. **

    1. I noticed in the Twitter pic where Meri was thanking Catfish for the flowers that her face looked as if she had lost weight, she also tweeted something about running x miles like she had been working out. My guess would be she was motivated to look good, a common reaction to having someone new in your life. I hope it's that vs cancer. Hopefully she'll continue any workout regimen for her own health and gain the confidence to seek a better life.

    2. Diabetes maybe? That can cause a drastic weight loss or scare someone into losing a ton of weight fast. Nothing like the fear of going blind or losing limbs to whip someone into shape.

    3. Meri lost all that weight because she was 1)upset over the divorce, and 2)in LOVE.

  50. My apologies to Julie S . I accidentally zapped one of your comments when I dropped my Kindle! My bad!!!

    1. Hope your Kindle survived the fall okay! Did that to my iPad and the result was not so good.

    2. No worries! Hope your kindle survived!!

  51. I wonder if each wife had to give a portion of their weekly grocery money to Kody so he could pay for groceries on the all girls trip?

  52. So my husband who doesn't watch the show, walks thru last night as I'm watching Kody on the shark ride. Hubby: Yesterday we took the grandkids to October festival, right? How many rides did we go on? Me: What? We didn't go on rides, we were busy watching the kids and taking photos of was all about the kids! Hubby: BINGO! That guy's a jack@ss

    1. Yes, he could have just as easily sat a few rides out and spent some quality time visiting with Gwendolyn and Savannah. One of my children was afraid of the scarier rides at amusement parks and instead of making him feel left out or embarrassed - either my husband or myself kept him company while the others rode.

    2. he also began breakfast by saying "I'm making myself eggs, do you guys want cold cereal?" kody might be so dense he doesn't get what he is saying (at least i hope that is the case)

    3. thats like in Lehi when the adults had steak and kids had hot dogs. or Kody eating everyone elses food.

    4. If I was one of his daughters, I'd put black pepper on his eggs real quick when he wasn't looking ;) Remember that episode when Robyn cooked him eggs & put pepper on them?? He said something like, "that's ok, Christine will show you what foods I like & dislike"

  53. Where to begin?

    1. Kody and/or the wives have to be reading this blog. Not only is Kody suddenly concerned that he doesn't spend enough time with his gaggle of young daughters, but he is no longer dressing like a denim surfer caveman.

    2. Renting a vacation house, on the beach, with enough room for the girls to get their own bedrooms. WOW. That has to cost a pretty penny! Good thing the Kodester and Janelle, his bookkeeper, are super good at budgeting and whatnot, so they can afford yet ANOTHER extravagant vacation. Must be nice!

    3. Kody and Aurora. Something really "off." Of all the children, I think I worry about her the most. Robyn is damaging her daughter's psyche.

    4. Christine's daughters are all some kind of beautiful, just like their mom. Too bad Kody saw Christine eating nachos that one time and cannot stand to be near her without backup.

    5. It took Meri FOUR MONTHS to get back to Janelle with an answer to her question?? WTF? They live next door and see each other all the time, and it took Meri four months! I can't...I can't even.

    1. Christine's daughters are lovely, I think Christine is a very pretty woman and I am sad for her that her "husband" has never been able to see that.

      Aurora has probably has seen a lot in her young life. I feel the worst for Robyn's kids. Dayton seems to have it together pretty well, but her girls seem to be struggling. Parental alienation is never a good thing, and to have it shown on national t.v. to boot has to be so damaging. I just can't even imagine.

    2. Ysabel is really blossoming into a lovely looking young lady. The recent pics of Truly up above (with the appeal for gluten-free chocolate cones) resemble Ysabel quite a bit; I used to notice Truly resembling Aspyn more strongly.
      I see that Ysabel has braces now--has anyone noticed this before? I'm glad to see that Christine is paying attention to orthodontia.
      All of the girls on the trip clearly adore their Dad and love his attention. He may be a narcissist, but to them he's a lovable one. At least they have a Dad.

    3. I see that Ysabel has braces now--has anyone noticed this before? I'm glad to see that Christine is paying attention to orthodontia.

      I'm pretty sure Christine (or maybe it was Aspyn) tweeted a picture of Ysabel showing off her braces sometime last year...

    4. here's a link to Christine's piicture of Ysabel and her braces at the orthodontist's office from November 11, 2014.

  54. For once I felt something genuine taking place between Meri & Janelle when they tearfully hugged after their counseling conversation. Not that their hug was about solving their problems, but more a longing sad hug because they know that Meri is no longer in the group, the family dynamic has changed, Robyn now rules & that their days are numbered on TLC. I felt a goodbye hug from where I was sitting.

    1. I did too. it was the only genuine moment during the whole episode.

    2. I also thought it seemed genuine. But what was up with Meri's behavior on her way there??She practically barged into the house and stormed the place. It made me anxious.

  55. I didnt see birthday wishes for Robyn on twitter fr Kody, Christine and Janelle. ...hmmm

    1. Check twitter again, they are there.

  56. I wonder if Robyn knows something is off with her girls. Hence her saying they need a relationship with Kody so badly as to not be drawn to boys with bad intentions. Does she fear them being sexually active sooner than most?

    Also, doesn't she just gush about her step-dad all the time? Then what was your excuse Robyn?

    1. Robyn's relationship with her step-dad is weird - I think her boundaries are off with her step-dad much like Kody's are off with her girls. I will never forget when Robyn had her step-dad in attendance in the actual bedroom watching while she gave birth to Sol. I am very close to my dad, but I can never in a million years imagine having him watch me give birth.

  57. I tried posting on last weeks blog but so many comments mine never made it to the page. Did anyone else catch this??...On previous shows, the Browns are always saying that Robyn's ex never makes contact to see or talk to the kids. However, when Robyn announced that he signed the paper allowing Kody to adopt, one of the girls was talking to her father thanking him for signing the paper and couldn't wait to see him again. WTH!! Just more lies going on with this family.

    1. Ann - I also noticed right after talking to her attorney about his signing she made some comment about now she "would make sure to set up regular calls and visits" Double WTH! It's as if she intentionally alientaed him and is now rewarding him with contact with his kids. She is sick.

    2. Maybe if Robyn had really gone to college she may have a more functioning brain to have told her that when someone ALLEGEDLY gives away their parental rights it does not mean they get to see their children more often. Duh. People do not put up their newborn children, for example, up for adoption so they can see the kid!

      What IS this woman smoking!?

    3. I guess it's going to be an open adoption. ..

    4. It makes me think that these kids don't understand what this relinquishment and adoption situation really means.

    5. Oh Mastiff!! That was my good giggle for the night!!

  58. I just watched this episode. It is official no more sisterwives for me. Who the heck compares their wife/wives to his daughter/s? That alone proves something is seriously wrong with this man. He not only does it one time, but several times throughout this boring ass show. I feel soooo sorry for these children. This is all they know just pure foolishness.

  59. Has the LDS church or _________ made a statement in reaponse to Maddie's tweet:

    "choices was one of the most devastating things I have been through" 10/11 post.

    I realize a church has bigger fish to fry but it feels like this deserves a oublic respinse as this church is being made to look like the bad guy, supporting their persecution theme, when the reason could be as simple as she didn't show up for some appointment. But I thought she said when she was in some episode that she could not attend "her dad's church" service because she joined the LDS. Anyone remember that?

    1. I am wondering since Janelle made a comment about being concerned Maddie would "meet a boy" and I think her insinuation was basically tie her strings/future to him - other posters have stated Caleb's family is not mormon. I did see online where his parents appear to be affiliated with a Church of Christ in Wyoming. I am wondering if all the teachings she had at college by the missionaries to bring her into the mormon church are not as appealing now that she has met a boy and is engaged to someone not of the mormon faith. Could she have been looking for a way out of joining the LDS??

  60. I. Just. Can't. Anymore....haven't even watched the show for a while but reading the snark just confirms it. I'm done with this show. And is anybody actually buying their hideous crap online??????

  61. Yeah. Makes you wonder. No official response from the LDS church. No response whatsoever from Robyn's ex. Why? If the show was saying things that were flat out lies, then that would be grounds for a slander lawsuit. So, what's the real story here?

    1. Can you imagine if the LDS church responded every time someone slandered its reputation? They'd be tied up in litigation for years from some of the comments on this blog alone...and this is one of the most civil blogs out there.

    2. Lol, no one has "slandered" the church on this blog.

  62. A few random thoughts .I like how Kody spells Queasy- queezy and drawl- drawel.Christine does not know there ,their and they're .And the phrase is love in action, not- love in actions, Kody.The tweet about not punishing children for their parents actions was rich. Kody's kids are getting punished every day for his actions and his inaction.That is why after two decades he is making time for the girls. Of course Maddie ,Aspyn,Mykelti and Mariah are all gone.

    1. This time Kody is getting paid to spend quality time with his girls.

    2. Exactly. Not impressed that he is "finally" spending time with his daughters. Probably more because he wanted to get away but was sick of his wives and didn't want to travel with any of them. I doubt there wasn't a female there doing the real cooking and such as he is truly clueless onchild care and the kids know it. Doubt this trip would have happened without cameras rolling so he could get paid to be with them.

  63. CJ, thanks for having the tweet party because without it I couldn't read their posts due to being blocked.

    Any chance you can edit my post above of the copy of Maddie's tweet? I didn't notice until after I hit the publish button that the first part of that tweet was cut off.

    1. I've been blocked by Kody since last season! I challenged him on Twitter over the way he was treating Christine. He actually tweeted me back saying it was all editing that made him look like a jack wagon. Then, like a real man, he blocked me!!! I am shocked Sobyn hasn't blocked me yet. It's only a matter of time!! ;)

  64. Oh for Pete's sake, give this man a medal already! Poor guy had to finally interact with his girls, all on an expense paid vacay on the beach! Oh the humanity! Love how even the girls couch time is
    This is not normal tween and teen behavior. I hope it's just editing. What girls this age talk so much about their father? Girls with "daddy issues" that's who.
    Loved how he got the full gear for boogie boarding, new board including a carrying case, wet suit...the girls? Didn't one of them have the broken one from the garage? And what happened to their modesty rule for girls? The older ones had to wear tshirts over their bathing suits, not these girls?
    Yeah right,he "threw himself off the shark" bahaha-he just cannot lose to anything, let alone anyone.
    The show has officially "jumped the shark"!
    "Me, me, me, how great am I? See what I put up with? See all that I do?" He said he enjoyed being with his daughters more than his wives because the girls only boss each other, not him. Who cares who "tries" to boss you Kody? You always get your way in the end, you "crybaby"
    He even had to point out, first thing, "see? there's ME on YOUR cake"
    And what? no candles? no singing Happy Birthday? is that a plyg thing?
    Also, he wanted to bond over "cooking and stuff" What? That's all girls are into? Shows you the disconnect right there, and the misogyny.
    Too little too late Kody. A weekend will not make up for the years you've been absent. The pure giddyness and excitement those girls showed spoke volumes. They don't have you in their lives.
    You can profess and "bloviate" (love it!) all you want, your feeble attempts at damage control for your brand and business are obvious. Keep to just talking about how great you are, that's the only thing that you really enjoy doing. That's your real truth

    1. This so reminds me of my ex-husband. We went to his nephew's high school graduation party. While he was looking at the poster board of photos, he said, "Where's the photos of me?" He was a flaming Narcissist!!

  65. Opinionated ChristianOctober 13, 2015 at 7:11 AM

    When are they going to call this 'adoption' what it really is... legal guardianship? When you give up parental rights (or are forced to do it), you no longer have a relationship with your children. However, guardianship is/should be for logistical purposes and the parent is still a parent. They are all such liars and must think the rest of us are unintelligent and clueless.

    Thanks to my parents for raising me in a loving, nurturing, monogamist marriage home! It is so sad to see children raised in their home believing their parents' behavior is normal and 'right'. The kids need to go to a large college far, far away and have their minds opened to possibilities they never dreamed!

  66. I was studying the couch session picture for a few seconds (that's all I could stand), and I have to say, this picture is worth a thousand words with this group of "adults."

    We have Robyn crying and examining her eye crud. Typical, no surprises there. Does she ever do anything else during a couch session?

    Meri, who is sitting next to Robyn, is smiling. This is very surprising not only because she doesn't normally smile, but she is basically Robyn's emotional opposite in this picture. If you are sitting three inches from someone who is crying, the normal reaction is not to smile. But at this point, who can blame any of them for LOL-ing at the constant theatrics?

    Janelle is staring in confused wonder at Christine, not really listening, wondering when she can go back and hide in her house.

    Christine is talking - most likely trying to explain her current emotional state to the others, which is difficult to do, since they all live within their own brains and have zero compassion for whatever else is going down in the cuddle-sac.

    Kody is shooting eye darts into Christine's brain in an effort to shut her up.

    I'm no body language expert, but this would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

  67. I know there has been several comments that the one genuine scene in the episode was the Meri/ Janelle hug-fest. At the risk of being the chronic cynic, I am not buying it. Not the filmed tears, they may have been real once the expected dialogue got going, but I don't buy the premise.

    The show set the stage for this potential scene 4 or 5 years ago when their book (a book that was quickly written as a PR piece to pump the show) included the alleged early and hostile dynamics between the two of them. This potential plot was always there to be trotted out on the show when the need for drama (ratings) was needed. They have alluded to the "problem" several times through the years with offhand comments from both of them. But not until *this* season was it ever developed. Coincidence? Just a matter of lucky timing?? I think this story line has been sitting in the emergency plot file, to be developed and used when needed.
    For me, if the dynamic was that deeply rooted and that hurtful for over 20 years, why would either of them want such a poignant, intimate moment to be filmed ? Why would two women supposedly struggling to co-exist for all those years and who now agree to bare their souls and finally speak of it to each other want it to take place be in such a plastic, intrusive setting as a TV set, and for the world to see?
    They wouldn't ! Not unless they were convinced by Kody and the producers that the show now needs any life-saving devices and plots they can muster. The show must go in, as does the $$

    At the start of this season, we saw Janelle *completely out of character* begging Meri for an audience. Then, instead of getting on with it, they use it as a teaser for 3 more episodes before finally showing this week in what amounted to.."Sorry...Me too....Hug..Cry...Let's go to the therapist"
    Nope...not buying it !!

  68. such a pretty picture of Truely on Christine's twitter. She is the only one who has not blocked me.

  69. The ratings for the latest episode are out, about the same as last week, just over 1.3 mil with a 0.4 share. So, despite all the Meri drama, no spike at all in viewership. Also noticed this afternoon that Radaronline has a story up about Kody and Meri's bankruptcy from a few years back. The gossip sites will be digging up all their old dirt now. Commenters on the Radar site were telling them to please look at the bad finances/bankruptcy filings for all of the wives. I think it's good for all that info to come to light, shows the actual reality of living their lifestyle and not the bogus/charade they offer up each week on TLC.

    1. I'm just glad ratings didn't increase like TzlC & Browns were hoping! As far as their past debts & bankruptcies, that's old news & old SWB covered that when the show first began. But it wouldn't hurt for them to be investigated for possible bankruptcy fraud.

    2. Not everyone read their book or saw the papers with the kids claimed or what they spent money on. It makes an impact on working people to know that they slug and pay bills while supporting the slackers. I personally am peeved women leaving are not given the ease of financial support but cults are able to line their pockets.Not everyone knows that Kody did not provide for his own progeny ot there would not be all the dumb comments on their page saying he is a great provider.

  70. "Relationship Politics". Never heard a father compare spending time with his daughters to spending time with a wife...or in this case "wives." I've also never heard a father refer to his relationship with his daughters as political.

    If it's normal for the Brown wives to compete against their own daughters for Kody's attention, then they have serious problems.

  71. Janelle must have known this was a BS episode & knew Kody would receive lots of flack for it. Why else did she feel the need to tweet for the haters need not participate??

    1. Gotta love her "Stand By Your Man (Idiot) " loyalty.

    2. Yeah, there's no hope for Janelle leaving. She's satisfied with the buddy system status & forking over all her monies earned into the family pot. I don't feel sorry for her anymore!

    3. IMHO, I feel that Janelle has been leading the fans on. I think that she knows exactly what she is doing. Anything for ratings. It's like she is 2 faced. They claim that the cameras are only catching a small portion of their real life. It's hard to watch all the tears they shed on camera and then see a picture of all of them smiling like one happy family. Did anyone see the picture from the Hard Rock event. Christine and Meri were next to Kody. I kinda find this ironic considering that these are the two ladies that he is having conflict with right now. I think the picture is damage control. And for Janelle to call out the haters is crazy. Why does she always defend Kodys bad behavior. I think that she is so in love with Kody that she does not mind the scraps that he is throwing her way. I don't think that she would ever leave again. The money from TLC is too good to lose. Kody is the puppet master. These women are brain washed in their beliefs. I don't see how they can pretend to like each other. Don't they want a man of their own. Don't they think they deserve happiness. And no, I don't feel sorry for them. The door swings both ways and they are choosing TLC money over their happiness. Such idiots.

  72. I just saw the pic of the family at the Hard Rock Cafe 25th anniversary celebration on Realitytea and noticed Meri looks to have lost a TON of weight. She looks very healthy and not sickly at all, so I doubt she has cancer. She looks good and should be happy, but the weight loss definitely isn't due to illness.

    1. I agree, she did look good, and she had her wedding band back on! Kody must have forgiven her ( how generous of him, haha), because she had her hand on his arm and they were all smiles- and it didn't look forced or posed. Meri missed her opportunity, and Kody grabbed his- forgiving Meri as a tool to control her, and make her shut up and fall back in line!

  73. the new People magazine story..ughhhh..they are persecuted victims once again. The family is angry they were targeted and persecuted. No individual responsibility. They rush to group think and back to fear mode. yikes

  74. Okay...let's be real, Brown Family.
    You all attend a very recent media event (Hard Rock Anniversary) and all of you are sporting smiles and doing the usual group huggy pic.
    Meri is looking svelte after what was surely a love-sick inspired power diet....Janelle is smiling slyly wide.....Christine is glammed up, and both she and Meri are hanging on their master despite all the wild speculation that both are/ were in the Kody doghouse....and Sobbin is proudly patting her new Kody-klone belly. And Kody is at the epicenter of all the love and bliss.

    After all the mess with the Meri and catfish, and Christine filmed yet again suffering at the hands of her bully, and Janelle still getting getting the chatter that she simply must leave her indifferent, ungrateful family since her intellect and business acumen is just too developed to be exploited by the rest of them, and Sobbin agonizing over having to replace Meri, but certainly for the greatest cause of getting her kids legally out of range of their horrible birth father, and then crying over the fact that she just had to do to it, and *then* promising visitation for the kids to see him. All in between being visibly thrilled to be the new, official Mrs. Brown........meanwhile Kody Idiot is smugly content in the midst of it all.
    All of this and yet there you all are........doing what you all now do best !!
    Collecting the checks and laughing at it all.
    * Isn't reality TV just a hoot!!?? *

    Oh..and btw,.....
    We DO know how very lucrative it is and has been for you "to be persecuted" for being Plygs!!
    *wink, wink*

  75. I can't believe that People Magazine article where Meri takes no responsibility for her actions! That poor ol' Brow family, everyone is out to get them! *eye roll*
