
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

It's Wednesday and I'm Still Working on the Reviews!!!

Yep, like the title says, my last three reviews are STILL in process.

I suppose if I had a punching bag I could have had those reviews done quicker, but I don't. And my Kindle is much too precious to me to get thrown, in disgust, on the floor while watching the episodes Sister Wives on

So I appreciate y'alls patience while I try to crank out something decent. Yeah, I said crank, because watching these fools on TV is making me very, very, cranky. I'll explain in the review.

Also, I notice that the latest Twitter Party posting has reached the point where you have to (or least I have to) click on the "Loading" link to see the additional pages of comments.

Here's a new posting where you can continue your comments without having to 1) Scroll Down Forever just to find out you have to 2)Click the "Loading" link just to have to 3) Scroll Down Forever, again.

But First...

Las Vagrants wrote a comment that, unfortunately, takes about 2 clicks on the "Loading" link to finally see. Here's the comment, and my response. Feel free to add your response below!!!

I'm so confused about all of this "restructure" business. Maybe someone familiar with the religion might know? 

Isn't the 1st wife considered a permanent status? Do they normally need the church's blessing to divorce and especially since the divorce appears to be based on a secular (supposedly) issue, not because Meri deserved it by sinning or something.

So much of what's presented is like the sanitized version or maybe more accurately, a view of plural marriage without all the religious strings attached. They don't live together. They act like they barely interact unless it's for a episode.

Is Kody the prophet for this mini church? Do they still even follow the AUB principles? 

Just curious if anyone might know..

My Response:

This is my opinion: The divorce between Kody and Meri was meant to be a SECRET. The remarriage was DEFINITELY suppose to be a secret. 

Of course, once the story broke and everyone within reach of the internet and the Clark County Family Court and Civil Court database websites could SEE the divorce and marriage entered into those court records, Kody had no choice but to make a hastily made statement claiming he had "legally restructured" his family.

Kody using the term "restructure" or "legally restructured" was just his doublespeak for his real thoughts: "I'm doing what I damn well please. And right now, I want Robyn to be my legal spouse. So Meri, it's been a great 25 years but it's time for Robyn to be my lawfully wedded wife....even though I might look like a hypocrite since my religion teaches that God's Law is above Man's Laws, but I'm Kody Brown and that doesn't matter anyway. Not here in Las Vegas." And the rest is history.

Isn't the 1st wife considered a permanent status? Yes it is. Meri will always be Kody's 1st wife.

Do they normally need the church's blessing to divorce and especially since the divorce appears to be based on a secular (supposedly) issue, not because Meri deserved it by sinning or something. The way I understand it, Meri was Kody's first wife, his legal wife (Man's Law) as well as his spiritual wife (God's Law). Since under Man's Law, only one woman can be a legal wife, Janelle, Christine and Robyn were Kody's spiritual wives only (God's Law).

In the AUB (the Church the Browns are members of) a "spiritual" wife can petition the ruling Priesthood Council for a "release" from her spiritual marriage, so that she could be free to become another man's spiritual wife. So, in the case of Meri, she legally divorced Kody BUT she has not asked for a "release" so she is still spiritually married to Kody. And remember, in the AUB, God's Law trumps Man's Law. 

To finally answer your question, I don't believe the AUB is happy about the bad publicity generated by the legal divorce, but Kody and Meri are still spiritually married to each other so no harm no foul.

So much of what's presented is like the sanitized version or maybe more accurately, a view of plural marriage without all the religious strings attached. They don't live together. They act like they barely interact unless it's for a episode.

That's because polygamy is not pretty, whether the wives are living together in one home or they live in  separate houses. I think National Geographic's Polygamy USA was a good representation of plural marriage BUT it was still greatly sanitized for monogamist's consumption. And Polygamy USA was very quick to admit plural marriage was not for everyone, that it was basically a difficult life that a few "lucky" people were called to endure in order to reach salvation in the afterlife. Definitely different from Kody Brown's simplistic lie that "Love should be multiplied and not divided." On another documentary about Centennial Park (where Polygamy USA was filmed) a plural wife made the point of saying they do NOT marry for love, because love is fleeting. They marry for eternity and are very discerning of the man they choose to marry. Frankly, I doubt Kody Brown would have made the cut for a wife if he was a member of Centennial Park's polygamist group.

Is Kody the prophet for this mini church? As the husband, Kody is the Priesthood holder responsible for the religious instruction of his family members when they are unable to attend their Church regularly. I'll leave it at that because, frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if the only time he holds "Church of Kody" services are when the camera's are present. Otherwise, he's busy doing "other things."

Do they still even follow the AUB principles? From what I've read, Kody picks and chooses the principles he follows. For instance, he's not supposed to show preference of one wife over another. But one thing that is preached is that the husband makes all the decisions for the family and Kody certainly has been shown doing just that - like when Christine "slipped" and mentioned how Kody has always wanted to live in Las Vegas. And the wives rarely are allowed to voice their own opinions, or as Kody puts it "Honor the entire family and I will love you." But he sure is Johnny on the Spot when it comes to collecting wives and having babies, isn't he? He may not know much about the children he has, but he sure knows how to make new ones, doesn't he? 

Again, this is just my opinions.


  1. Imho
    CJ is absolutely right about the secrecy of the legal wife jumble. It was never intended to be released or disclosed. If it were they would have played it out for a huge dramatic issue across season after season. For goodness sakes we had "Sir-GATE" across three seasons.

    I think Robyn with held another pregnancy as leverage to be married legally.
    I think "financial restructure" is laying the ground work for some type of bankruptcy in the future of MS Closet.
    I think the adoption was about getting her kids lawfully eligible for inheritance.
    Who knows what these grifters are scheming on at any given moment.
    But we certainly know that the church of daddy picks and chooses between adherence to religious doctrine and the law of the land depending on which ever serves his latest con.

    1. I think it was obviously supposed to be a secret because there was not a peep about it until the 'restructuring' and the Hawaiian honeymoon was done. Since I did not watch the episodes concerning the Kody-Robyn marriage, I am ignorant of the following: Did the children know about the divorce and remarriage in real time, or did they find out about it afterwards? Because, I would really love to know the college aged offsprings' thoughts on this matter.

      I am breathlessly awaiting CJs review, because again, not watching the episode, I would also like to know how many college aged offspring were present for the Robyn pregnancy reveal. In my opinion, the college age offspring (and Hunter who was in his senior year of high school) most likely said under their breath' have as many children as you want, because I have washed my hands of you Dad'. Kody has said he is not close to his college age daughters, so they have probably given up on a close relationship as adults.

    2. Kodys marriage to Meri meant nothing once Robyn came along. I think Kody and Robyn knew they didn't need the adoption and they didn't need to be married. They used that as a excuse. And Meri is naive enough to fall for it. I bet Kody and Robyn laugh their butts off in bed about how easy it was to fool Meri.

    3. Did the children know about the divorce and remarriage in real time

      In reference to the divorce, on September 13th, Janelle took the older, college age kids (that were in NV) on an impromptu road trip to the beaches of California around the time of Meri filing. At the time it seemed Meri was in the midst of her VanLadyLove obsession, flying to Utah rather than driving. Now we know that was the time period Meri filed for divorce, so I'm thinking someone suggested the older kids be taken out of the situation in case she went full tilt crazy in the culdesac. I would think the younger kids were also isolated from the situation. According to Kody, the entire family agreed to the divorce. Sorry, but I don't think that's what happened at all, and what was shown were scripted recreations. I think it must have gotten pretty ugly in the culdesac and that's why Meri looks totally tuned out in the couch interviews supposedly filmed sometime this year.

    4. Thank you for the answer, CJ. I think you are right. Also, Lisasumm, I want to apologize for my use of 'obviously' - I've been cringing every time I read my response above. The word sounds condescending in response to your question, and I didn't intend that. I just meant that I believe they would have shouted it from the rooftops at the time if they had wanted us to know, not keeping quiet until someone outed them (see CJ's timeline in further postings here).

      Also did anyone else catch Robyn's comment about her happiness that the 'kids' were happy about her pregnancy?. She made some rude comment about how the kids hadn't been in agreement or happy with the adults in sometime. I think this further bolsters CJ's comment about it getting ugly in the family.

  2. Again, great post cj. As much as I enjoy the comments, it's your reviews and commentary that keep bringing me back. Thanks for all your work.

    1. Agree! Love your reviews so much! Can't wait. Thank you, CJ, for keeping us informed and entertained!

    2. CJ I cannot blame you for having difficutlies writing the reviews recently. I have such a bad taste in my mouth for what these people are doing. My heart breaks for their children. I just tried to recap the last few episodes for my sister who missed them and all I could say was how disgusting it has gotten. Each week I think they have hit rock bottom yet they manage to sink lower and lower as time goes by. I cannot fathom how this man attracted these women and how he manages to hold on to them. There is no religon or afterlife worth dealing with what they deal with.
      Good luck to you writing these reviews and thank you.

  3. Also had a suggestion for name of new baby...since Kody doesn't take the time to bond much with his children (except Sol) I think the name should be ( inspired by George Costanza)
    Eighteen Brown, it works for a boy or girl.

    1. Yes!!! Poor child. :/

    2. I hope no one else thought of this one:

      Downtown Julie Brown!!

    3. How about Bad Bad Leroy Brown!

    4. My favorite was when one of the children suggested Hash Brown.

    5. I sincerely hope they don't try to pretend the baby was a premi. My baby was and it was beyond stressful. That one will be hard for them to fake since special care (i.e. feeding tubes, nicu, incubators) are necessary.

  4. I know FLDS believe remarriage means the kids actual blood changes to be that of the new fathers! I wonder if AUB believe that. And if it applies only to legal marriage or not.

  5. finally watched Sunday's episode...
    Did anyone catch the date on Robyn's ultrasound? Bottom corner I thought I saw March 19. The baby looks to be 8-10ish weeks, as suggested by one of Robyn's daughters. Of course, if that were the case the baby would be due nowish. The numbers and abbreviations could be off, moot, or coincidence. It could also explain the deafening silence from Camp Brown...although other recent turn of events are also acceptable explanations. I do distinctly recall Kody and Robyn specifically state a Jan due date. Just have to say it's pretty difficult to take anything these folks dish out as credible...

    1. Ah you all know what, bet they are pushing the date out so they can spin some drama of having a preemie. But ha ha, what if it weighs 10 pounds!

      They really do think the viewers are morons. I am convinced that Robyn is conniving enough that she withheld her womb until she became legal and Kody is whipped enough to do it.

    2. They said on the show the baby is due around Dayton's birthday which is in January. They also said on Facebook and twitter the baby is due in January so they are not trying to spin anything.

    3. The setup to the spin is laying down the foundation that the baby is due in January when it is really due a couple of months earlier. When the baby is born in 2015 instead of 2016 tlc can spin it that the baby is premature. Tlc thinks this will drawn in viewers who innocently believed the show and Facebook that the baby was due in January.

    4. I think they're going to fake drama when Snobbin is in labor. They'll pretend like normal routine events are super dramatic. Like the umbilical cord being wrapped around the neck. It happens in 50% of deliveries. But they'll act like the baby almost died.

      Just like how they take a routine pap, which is nothing but an HPV screen, and 99% of cervical cancer is from HPV. So it's basically always a pre-cancer screen! And twist it to make it. Look like Meri might have cancer. God,that's sooooo pathetic! And did they not realize that if she does have cervical cancer that there a 99% chance it's from an STI? Awkward.

      I've been reading their FB page and even their fans are turning on them! I hope they're ready to make four gigantic mortgage payments! Lol

    5. Oh how thoughtful of K&R to have their baby around Meri's & Dayton's birthday since they share the same day. I wonder how that would make Me to feel if Hash Brown(thank you Gwendolyn for that, I love is born on her birthday?!

    6. I have a sinking suspicion that no matter what they name the new baby....the internet world will most likely call it "Hash" Brown...just because. :)

    7. You can be sure I can't wait to use "hash" Brown for the first time!

    8. Don't all sexually active adults have exposure to HPV by Meri's age? It's why women and men older than late 20's are not given the guardasil. It's why they are desperate to get it to kids at very young ages. Even for monogamists. It's almost impossible for each to be in their first relationship and each to be faithful and each other and to never had anything abusive happen to them. The stats on sex crimes are quite depressing. 1/4 women and 1/7 men have endured something awful that they had no choice about.

      Amber Brown? It's a book series. Actually I'm guessing some BOM name. Lehi Brown? The kids all have two hundred half/step first cousins. It has to be hard to name so as not to confuse the grandparents.

    9. My husband and I have no exposure to stis. We have been each other's only lover and were in our 30s.

  6. Thanks CJ for the opinion and explanation to my long winded questions. Even though I refuse to watch, the latest antics drove me right back to the place I knew would be just as WTF about it as I was. HERE!

    It looks like Kody and crew aren't so far removed from the patriarchal dominated AUB communities .
    He may play a buffoon on tv, mainly because it's his real personality , but when it comes to behind the scenes..what he wants, he gets. The wives must still feel all that indoctrinated rhetoric that their ticket to Heaven is the buffoon regardless of how many twitter fans they have or the tabloid celebrity they have. They're still required to kiss his azz and now kiss Sobyn's too.
    Guess you can take the AUBs out of fundie land but no way can wives shake off the fundie chains.
    Thank God, the kids are taking their own paths.

  7. They leave me so aggravated. I've watched from the start but haven't managed to sit thru an entire episode this season, I finally un tuned it from my DVR, the only reason I was watching was to come here to the blog and see what everyone else thought. I discovered I can still come here but not go thru the anguish of sitting thru the episode, it has just gotten too ridiculous.

    1. I'm the same way! I have it dvrd, but I watch a couple of minutes and I'm done with it!
      I like to just come here and see what everyone is talking's alot more interesting than
      actually suffering through the show!

    2. I haven't watched on tv since I used to read the first SW blog. Since then, I've only seen a couple on youtube. They just insult my intelligence with their antics. They must have some highly naive fans to fall for their games.

  8. a young hot fifth wife would get me to watch, just to watch Robyn go crazy. That seems to be when Kody goes a courting

    1. He should court JYD. That would be priceless.

    2. Yes, a 5th wife is definitely needed to save the show. Weak, weak storylines. ...

    3. Didn't JRD say she is no longer associated with Sister Wives? Lol I'm not surprised if Robyn cut her off, she was beyond obsessed.

    4. JYD isn't my idea of a hot new wife. I want a stripper looking wife that will drive Robyn completely crazy and take Kody's full attention

    5. OH dear, why would you wish such a terrible thing on that poor stripper looking girl?

    6. I just watched Golden Gate Bridge Sister Wives on youtube. JYD looks as old as the Sister Wives, not at all,pretty IMO.

      I'd love to see Kody a marry someone who is young and good looking. Someone who has no baggage, no ex, no kids.

    7. JYD looks like she's a frumpy 38-42 year old. She's an older plus sized woman. Never seen a stripper look like that. Lol

  9. "Again, this is just my opinions."

    CJ, not "just" your opinions....!!!
    You have spent enough years as a blog CEO here in your Living Room, and also several years as a co-manager of the old SWB blog. You have spent who knows how much time researching Plyg wreaths and ideologies.Your "opinions are based on knowledge gleaned from many documented sources, which entitles your intelligibility to comment.

    Point? You do have solid info and perspective about how plygs of any organized sects, or, as in Kody Brown's case with his "progressive," self-tweaked version of Plygdom, do think and act.

    Nome of these various plyg groups differ when it comes down to the man/harem-master calling ALL the shots, with the women's value solely predicated on her fertility and youth in the eyes of the master..

    1. What amused said!.There is no one else that I can find that knows the history and willing to say what they really think is going on with these fruit loops. CJ kindly offers a place for the gobsmacked crowd to collectively slap our foreheads in complete disbelief week after week.

      I like the term "self tweaked version of Plygdom", exactly right. Kody has created his own cuddle sac of bastardized rules , found his soul mate and to hell with what the others might feel....all in a days life for a swingin Vegas neanderthal.

    2. CJ, you also insist upon decorum being observed in your living room. That sets your blog apart form any other I have ever found. It is much appreciated and is much needed in this world where people say anything with any words that come to mind. To you I say, "marvleous job."

  10. Thank you, CJ for all you do! Please don't feel pressured on our account. We all get that you have a life. It's so kind of you to take a Brown bullet for the team week after week.

  11. Thank you for this blog CJ, I really appreciate what you do here.

    This past episode also had me in anger and disgust. Especially when Robyn deemed it necessary to "explain" David's lack of enthusiasm about brown #godknowswhat. Has he ever been diagnosed other than by Robyn via WebMd? Have they ever dove into Asbergers and had cameras follow David through devolpment/counselling/treatment, or followed Browns along a marathon/fundraiser to raise awareness of Asbergers????? No. Instead we get Meri's Pap smear.
    There are some serious issues in my sister wife's skeleton closet. And I cannot, for the life of me figure out this adoption thing. What I wouldn't give to hear from David Jessop Sr!!!!

    1. I hope this thought isn't too out there but it's something I've wondered about , why so many yrs have gone by without another baby from Robyn. So, here it is ~ ( CJ, if you don't think it's appropriate please delete)

      I've read that this syndrome has some tendency to run in families. Maybe that's the reason Robyn wasn't utilized as a brood mare sooner after King Sol's birth. Perhaps Kody wanted to assure himself that Sol wasn't "quirky" too. I know nothing other than what I've read so this is pure speculation on my part.

    2. She had other kids in between the two, in my opinion Dayton is the coolest

    3. She is in her 30's and was breastfeeding until the kid begged her to stop. Both those things dampen fertility. I'm surprised she had more after the autism. Siblings have a slightly higher rate of being somewhere on the spectrum. Her oldest has a pretty mild form. But most families are small and it's really hard to determine for certain since there is no blood test or scan yet that is definitive. You just have to wait and see if certain milestones are met and figure it out. Some don't realize until adulthood. First they blamed mom, then shots. They really wasted a lot of years on nothing. They think paternal age is a factor. Another reason I'm surprised they had another one. If anything I would think they would do IVF for a girl and do gender preference as boys are several times likely to get that label. There are several genes associated with some but it's not really definitive knowledge yet. Sol might be quirky. To be fair Kody is full of quirks. At least David Preston has a reason. Everyone has quirks. It's one is 68, more common than 1 in 88. Another reason I'm surprised they had another one. Having that many kids your chances of having it happen are increased since they are going for dozens of kids. They made one plug to support autism, I think a walk, and tried to sell stuff using an orgs label without permission briefly if my memory serves in order to raise money so they took it down real fast. You know given they are a people of faith other than some teen kids helping relocate some polygamist leaving the community by fixing up a home to house them really no service projects have ever been done. The Duggars manage to make complicated such photo ops like their "helping and hurting" in Central America and being in the way for tornado rebuilding and the fake food donations that I think the teens helping paint and move furniture for a family to be relocated was probably the most sincere effort on volunteering time on reality tv.

  12. I think got nasty about the kids naming the baby silly names because he was ecpecting the kids to have a negative reaction based on what happened when they announced sol. Kody was just itching to bitch at his kids for not embracing Robyn and their new baby. They were loaded for bear before the announcement.

    1. Yes, I agree! He was ready to give a sermon and lecture, but they robbed him of it. So like a true narcissist, he was going to make them pay anyways.

    2. Agreed. I think part of Sobbin's "poor me" act is that the other family members, including the kids (her kids' competition, remember) just don't like her, aren't accepting of her, etc. She probably primed Grody for that reaction and so he was on the defensive from the start. Good on the kids and their moms for not playing into that crap.

  13. Kody..meant to say Kody got nasty

  14. I think Kody felt the kids were making fun of the idea of a new baby and, therefore, of him and Robyn. He wanted the kids to run to Robyn, the Madonna, and ooh and aah at her feet and then do the same to him. When they started joking about the name, it seemed kind of crass on their part as if they were making light of it. I'm glad they pissed off Kody and probably Robyn too, although she tried to deflect it as "they are owning it." She'll make them pay in some little way off camera.

    1. Narcissists always do.

    2. I haven't seen this last episode, but I only want to watch the part where Gwen says Hash Brown, just so I can see Kody get his big boy panties in a tight

    3. Wad^^ .... Ugghh my tablet has a mind of its own today... Haha

    4. to be fair, it did seem like the kids were making fun of it (which i LOVED)

  15. I love love love the reunion photo you posted above. It looks like a Vegas-style b- theater wardrobe check for The AUB Book of Mormon, starring Kody Brown as Carrot Top, Christine Brown as Minnie Mouse, and Robyn Brown as Elphaba, the Wicked Witch. I beeleeeeeeiive!

  16. Someone over at Previously TV reminded us that Meri's brother died in March which probably affected her demeanor in couch interviews. I think it probably also contributed to her lack of common sense regarding internet relationships. Meri has had quite a rough 12 months.

    1. Good point. And reading the dMs that woman really laid it on thick, the desperation was palatable.

    2. The JOKER WOman was arrested as was her mother. She was arrested for traffic infraction warrant, not having a security cert, etc and her mother was arrested for defrauding elderly or disabled by theft via deception. Winners!

    3. Meri showed she has no common sense at all and is very naive. She met that woman at Disneyland with Mariah and several hotels in Vegas, and had her in her home. Scary stuff. Meri had no instinct that she was in a very dangerous situation and shared so much family info , especially about Mariah. Mariah met her. Just crazy stuff.

    4. everytime I start to feel sorry for meri, I think about how she would treat any other wife who did the same thing

    5. I feel the same "hide the children." She would be very mean if Janelle, Robyn or Christine stepped out. She would be ice cold and never let them live it down. I hope her SW are kinder to her than she would be to them.

  17. One minute I am annoyed at the Wives and the next I feel sorry for them. Christine and Kody going to therapy is completely useless as he will never feel the way about her that she wants him to. He freaking admitted on TV that he wasn't physically attracted to her when they got married and then said he was grossed out by her!

    1. And yet she popped out 6 kids for him despit her grossing him out. Cray cray

    2. Maybe I can give some insight as to why Christine is with Kody. Twenty years ago I spent four years in a relationship that looked a lot like Kody & Christines. My friends wondered why I'd be with a man who treated me like shit. Yet the thought of losing him felt like a death. He became my whole world. He only gave me crumbs, occasional approval, little affection. Yet I know he was seeing other women. But I lived for the moments where I got his approval. The less he gave, the more I craved it. He never hit me. He would withhold affection and make comments about my weight. But also compliment me on my strengths. And I lived for those compliments. My friends couldn't understand and neither could I.

      Looking back, my desperation for approval from someone incapable of giving it was derived from the rejection I experienced from both parents. Though at the time, I hadn't yet even realized that my parents had rejected me. My parents would also give me the very, very occasional compliment. I was in denial, it took me another 15 years or so before I realized my parents were both narcissists incapable of having any empathy for me. Once I realized that I had spent about 35 years trying in vain for parental acceptance, I was able to see why I would wind up in such an unfulfilling relationship and for so long.

      We often repeat painful childhood situations that we had no control over. In an attempt to control the situation and make it right, fix it.

      During childhood the child of narcissist(s) will feel their survival and acceptance is fully dependent upon their ability to earn their parents approval. Only true approval never comes. So they live for the crumbs.

      Losing my ex would've felt like a death to me. Normally children are accepted by their parents, for whom they are and their parents have empathy for them. So children grow up feeling a built in sense of self worth. Children of narcissists lack a feeling of ingrained self worth. So they seek it from outside sources. Losing those sources literally feels like a death. This explains why some hoarders can not let to of items without feeling like they're dying. As they gauge their own value based on the items they collect. When adult children of narcissists replace that parental relationship with another narcissist, they feel like losing them would be comparable to a death. They see others approval as an extension of themselves, on the deepest level. If Christine's father, step father, mother, etc was a narcissist that explains her attraction to Kody The Narcissist.

      If Christine can learn to start valuing herself then she will no longer seek out Kodys approval,

      I feel like Christine hides behind beings mother of six. What are her hobbies and interests? Does she has girlfriends? I know she made a beautiful picture for Sol. I would suggest she work other crafts, since she obviously enjoys them & has a talent. I would also suggest she set some business hours for her real estate business. She will be able to retain her home and it would help her elevate her self esteem. I'm at my worst when I have nothing but being a mom going on for myself.

      Now I could be way off here. I really haven't way of knowing. However if she grew up with the kind of men who are into plural marriage, it wouldn't surprise me if she's suffering because of narcissism.

      Either way, I really like Christine. And I wish she'd see how wonderful she is! Kody isn't good enough for her.

    3. FreeChristine, I appreciate your insightful post.
      I just re-watched "sisterwives nacho diss" on youtube...OMG. Kody comes off as such a jerk; he could have behaved more gentlemanly. It was like ripping a scab off a wound--ouch. When Natalie asks Christine how it feels to hear that...on national television for God's sake! AND NONE on the other sisterwives say anything either in her defense or palliatively; I think they're just glad that he's not talking about them. Robyn appears to have an almost-smirk on her face.
      BTW, nice job with the post up above, Cynical...always nice to hear your input.

    4. I don't think I ever saw that, just watched it now. Wow, just wow. Seeing her face, oh my goodness, she looks beyond crushed. And for him to say he wasn't attracted to her - STFU!!! Seriously, and see how arrogant he is - like he's totally in his right to say that. I'll tell you this much, I honestly would have ripped him to shreds. Everytime I see something new that upsets me, he can do something worse. I hate that these women are allowing themselves to be abused publicly. I do feel sorry for them but at some point as has been posted her regularly, they are ultimately to blame.

  18. Kody: I will be honest, I was not attracted to Christine in any kind of physical sense. I mean, I look back in retrospect and I wonder if that was fair - but I can't even look there because we have children together, we have a life together, we have a relationship and have found our sweet spot.

    Natalie Morales: So you were not attracted to Christine.

    Kody: That's an understatement.

    How do you get over your husband saying that? Especially saying that on TV while the wife he is attracted to is sitting next to him. I hope Annie can offer enough support so that Christine can leave but I know that is just wishful thinking.

    1. LOL, that brutal admission effects me and I can't stand the guy! That would kill my soul to hear that.
      And what kind of viper pit of sisterwives could sit there & not be second guessing every beady eyed side glance from that meathead wondering, is he grossed out by me too. I would never want to be with a man that is that cold and hurtful.
      It must be consuming to be faithful whipping posts so that your list of pain can help you get into Heaven. They're so brainwashed.

    2. Has he ever said why he married her? Couldn't he have found another cult member willing to join his harem to get to heaven?

    3. I feel sooo sad for her. I find her to be much more attractive than any of the other wives. She deserves to be loved. To think she invested so very much in that a@@ is super depressing to think about. She has the second half of her life left, I so wish she'd leave him. Too bad she's wasting all her money on that house. TLC could've been her escape.

    4. If Christine was so odious to him, how did he impregnate her six times? I just don't get it. She clearly loves all those kids. It is hard to fathom why she stays . . . there are other options for her.

    5. I think for a lot of men they don't have to be attracted to perform. So long as she is willing, they are able.

    6. "Has he ever said why he married her?"

      He was attracted to her "pedigree". He wanted her as a "wife" because of who she was related to. Isn't that special?

    7. I'd have told him not to let the door hit him in the ass on the way out

    8. He has no empathy for anyone. He was so cruel to Christine to say that. And Jenelle had a HUGE smile on her face. Robyn was clearly enjoying it. Meri seemed checked out. If I were her SW I would HAVE to say something. He is so RUDE! Why even share that? All it does is hurt feelings. And after watching it twice today, I am currently disgusted by Janelle. People say she is smart. I don't see having a normal work ethic as being smart(NOT saying she is dumb by any means.) And sitting there smiling while your SW is being humiliated on tv by your husband, wow. Four women and they STILL haven't taught him how women need to be treated! What have they been doing the past 20+ years? I blame them all for their disfunction. And I don't think Janelle is insensitive like Robyn or Meri, I think her exterior doesn't often match her interior emotions. She was probably smiling about something else and is so used to be fake that she didn't frown when something upsetting was brought up. Keep sweet.

    9. Remember clip called "Blue Blood Polygamist"

      Also remember that when this tell all was filmed and he was so cruel to Christine was when she was not being "welcoming" to Robyn. Therefore Christine had to be punished. No better way than to publicly humiliate her especially about her appearance. This jerk is as cruel as man can get.
      Christine is beautiful, loving and full of so much color and light. Those children are so successful because of her positive energy that gave them a head start in life.
      Christine is the only one I'd be friends with out of the group.
      I know she's as delusional as a cult member can be... But she is FUN , energetic, enthusiastic and has wasted it on a vapid, egomaniacal con artist that sought position and clout with the church elders.

  19. I think Kody got nasty over the name suggestions because he is the only one allowed to be zany, goofy and funny. Because he thinks he is (!) and he thinks it's charming.

  20. Hi! Long-time lurker, seldom poster. :) LOVE this blog!

    A couple of things that I have to get off my chest...

    1) If they are still following their religion, why don't we see it? At least the Duggers (despite their issues) claimed a religion and you actually saw them try to practice it (however horribly).

    2) Related to #1, remember that episode with the pool party and they made a big deal of all of the older girls asking their dad if any guys had "asked for them," meaning if any guys had asked to court them? What happened to the whole courtship idea? And why isn't TLC filming this? The Duggars capitalized on their children courting, marrying, etc., so why not the Browns? Or maybe, as everyone else has mentioned before, it has to be all about Kody and no one else.

    3) In the beginning of each show, Christine says "I wanted a family, I didn't just want a man." So now why is she complaining that she wants to focus on just her and Kody's relationship (i.e. the anniversary episode), and Kody is all "love the family, and I will love you," and Christine gets all upset. Why is this a big thing for her since she never, supposedly, wanted that simple man/woman only relationship before? And that whole "I never knew I could be so jealous...I call BS. That or she really is brainwashed and indoctrinated so far that she can't analyze her own thinking and own feelings enough to realize that she could be jealous.

    This family is so exhausting because they keep contradicting themselves. I think they should do a tell-all episode where Tamron Hall calls them out on all their BS. A kind of "You said this, but also said this, so which is it?" episode. I would pay to watch that.

    Sorry, had to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening. :P

    1. Isn't it funny how many fans thank them on FB for sharing their religion with them. When they've share nothing about their religion, aside from the obvious fact they practice plural marriage. How many fans know that the women believe if they aren't in a marriage with 2+ other women they can

    2. Continued: they can't get into the highest level of heaven where GOD dwells?

      I agree with you. They claim they're sharing their religion, but they don't even mention it.

    3. To Anon 6:58, I liked your post, especially point 3. It's true, Christine DOES say she wanted the family, not just the man. I have wondered this before, but it's clear ALL of the Browns are using double-speak in their opening lines:

      Meri: "I believe in living this lifestyle. It just makes each of us better. I definitely don't believe in having a relationship with a man outside my marriage."

      Janelle: "I think we have something really awesome. I wouldn't want anything else. Except for that time when I left Grody for a few years between my fifth and sixth kids. Oh yeah, and my Kody's my second husband. There's that."

      Christine: "I like Sister Wives. I wanted the family, I didn't just want the man. But I actually resent some of my sister wives and want to have a Prince and Princess relationship with the man."

      Robyn: "It seems like destiny. Like we shoulda all been together from day one. Well, me, Kody, DaytAurorBranna and King Sol, that is. Forget those other b*tches."

    4. I think Christine's attitude has changed because she felt secure in her position with the family prior to Robyn's arrival. She didn't just want the man. However, she wanted her man to want her or at least appreciate and "respect" her. That is no longer the case. Kody does not see her value, doesn't want to work on their individual relationship, and neglects to remember that Christine was the glue of the family for years. I think Christine actually believes her statement and couldn't have a monogamous relationship because she feels she doesn't deserve it etc.

  21. IrishLoveMultipliedNotDividedOctober 22, 2015 at 7:37 AM

    I noticed at the beginning of the episode, they had an aerial shot over the houses and I paused it to have a better look. From left to right it is Robyn, Meri, Janelle and then Christine's house right? Well, it seems that Meri's and Robyn's houses have a lovely manicured lawn and Robyn has a lovely swing set near her house, but it is a barren waste land out the back of Janelle's and you can't see Christine's. I'm wondering why the houses with the most children do not have the backyards landscaped, but the (perhaps) favored wives side is beautiful? Hmmm...just something to think about.
    P.S. Love the blog [from here in Ireland!]

  22. That is so telling, right? the house were supposed to be built in that order also. Meri and Robyn were supposed to start construction first. Now Christine and Janelle have never gotten landscaping. I live in Arizona and know what its like to have dirt and weeds in your yard when its 115 or raining hard and what it tracks in the house. They could at least lay rock to keep the dust down, but it looks like thay have not done anything. Favoritism for sure.

  23. Why was everyone excited about Robyn's baby? Because the older kids were NOT there. Ask them, and I bet they have a different take on it.

    1. In a family that big why would any new addition be cause for starry eyed wonder? Which of them really gives 2 shits? Why in a family that the whole mission is to multiply would any particular wife's pregnancy be news worthy to them?

      oh yeah... because everything they do for the camera is a c t i n g.

    2. I'd be tired of it. That's just too many kids for my comfort! They think they can afford it now, but what the hell are they going to do when they spend the last TLC check? Robyn doesn't have the brains to support six people. She is running MSWC into the ground.

    3. Robyn doesn't have the brains to support six people. She is running MSWC into the ground.

      Robyn lost control of MSWC when she allowed Kody to be the CEO. Every business Kody has touched went out of business, and for Robyn giving him the "power" because she believed he was such a great businessman was ridiculous!

    4. MSWC is obviously a huge tax write off for them. I hope they have kept immaculate books and records because I predict an IRS audit of that scam.

    5. They can only report a loss with MSWC for a few years. Then the IRS considers it a hobby and they lose their ability to have write offs. I think it's nothing but a tax shelter for TLC money. They'll claim to be using TLC money as legit business expenses. Like CPA said, hope they're ready for their audits.

  24. Looks like the "catfisher" is now in jail for unpaid tickets and taxes

    1. Correction: the "catfisher" was arrested but made bond and was released. Her poor mother is still cooling her heels in jail on more serious charges.

    2. This story keeps getting stranger and stranger. When I first got into the old blog years back, I was so excited to find people who felt the same way I did about the Brown circus, but I never thought things would spiral this far out of control.

  25. Why did Kody marry Christine when it is obvious that he was NOT attracted her?
    And then how did he stifle his non-attraction often enough to father 6 kids with her?
    Kody is inherently lazy, as evidenced in 5 years of watching him in action.
    If his designer version of Plyglife was to have a harem, he isn't wired to put much energy into trolling for bed-mates/breeders. Instead he just waited for the heavens to send the sycophants to him.
    And come they did !!!
    First, Janelle, who in somehow unfathomable way, decided he was the man for her and to be her kids' father. And then came young, drifty Christine, who was raised from birth to look for a suitable harem to join. Why him? Only she knows why.
    However, surely he knows why he allowed her in.......Plyg prestige!!

    Sobbin was a Meri/Kody mutual agreement. An agreement that fulfilled TLC/ F8F's requirements for a compelling story line for that debut season. All parties needed a 4th wife plot to get on the air.and nail down that delicious $$$ contract.

    Kody has the ethics and integrity of a slug.
    His women, unfortunately, are proving to be not far behind him.

  26. I agree with CJ - I think the divorce and remarriage was not supposed to be for public consumption. Maybe Meri "leaked" it out. Then the entire show had to be redone for the year making it seem as if the children's very lives depended on being "adopted". I call BS on the whole storyline. Robyn demanded legal status or no more babies and Kody backed down.

    And Kody ought to be on his knees thanking God (humbly of course) that Christine is such a dimwit who really believes that the kids need to have the Brown last name. Of all the wives, Christine is by far the most supportive and excited about the adoption. Why can't Kody see that? All of us can see it.
    I think during one of the couch sessions, I saw Janelle roll her eyes over the adoption thing. She and Meri aren't "selling" the storyline.

    And it's very hard to watch poor Dayton trying to process this pile of crap they are selling. Do the kids think their dad just walked away from them forever? How will that impact their self esteem? That has to be devastating. Robyn's intentions have been suspect from the beginning. Now she has hatched her plan and everyone else pays the price.

    1. Dayton is the one I feel for the most in this. He seems like a solid, genuine, honest kid - a kid who would expect everyone else to act as genuinely and honestly as he does. I don't think he will question the motives of the adults in his world and thus will have a very difficult time wading through the conflicting information (lies) swirling around him. Argghh. It makes me angry.

    2. I have missed seeing posts by CPA Carol. Hi! I enjoy your observations.

    3. I'm with Ark of Snark. A post by CPA Carol is always welcome. :)

    4. Here, here!

  27. Given the scrutiny on Sister Wives, and the availability of information in public records, I just don't see how either SW/TLC/production company could have hoped to keep the divorce/marriage a secret.

    1. Funny you bring up the point about keeping the divorce secret.

      What I remember is something very simple: Someone did leak that Meri and Kody were divorced. The first leak was a strange question posted on the Bonnie Fuller gossip site. No one answered. About 30 days later, someone asked in a FB SisterWives group if anyone was aware Kody had been arrested for assaulting a black maid(their wording).

      Someone then responded that they found the divorce filing when looking for the assault case for Kody.

      The problem is....Clark County uses separate databases for arrests. So the person who found the divorce specifically had to search the Family Court Records database because the assault would have been in the Criminal Court database. The same thing with the marriage.

    2. Do you know who posted that, originally? It probably doesn't matter, but I find it interesting.

    3. Here's a link that shows the timeline. Like you said, it doesn't who, but it is interesting to see how it all became public.

    4. Thank you CJ

  28. Christine tweeted that Meri was sick during filming and was quite miserable, that they are concerned and still dont know what her health issue is..blah blah blah..apologist Christine..Meri was LOVE SICK!!!
    why do they trot out these blatant lies on twitter? between her and Janelle, wow..

    1. Hi, Milo. I noticed that too. She said poor Meri was sick ALL season. Huh. If that's the case why didn't they ever mention that on their twitters at the time? All her posts at that time were about her trying to find herself and be free, or that's how I personally interpreted them. I saw nothing about being sick. Certainly nothing about being chronically sick. She wasn't sick. Like you said, unless you count being love sick! They're in damage control mode. That's why I believe their show is going to end soon. Let me explain.

      They will always have a certain following no matter what they do. But they're not enough to keep the show going. They've already lost many fans, such as myself, over their abhorrent behaviors. I believe they'll lose many fans over this catfish issue. Because most fans are going to resent being lied to about the situation. So far they're presenting it as though poor Meri & her family are victims. They are too dishonest to publicly address the reasons behind Mgris betrayal, Meri's involvement and to start actually being REAL with the public. This situation could potentially save SW. If they'd do what a lot of people do when one cheats and actually start dealing with all the issues that caused it to come to something so drastic. People want them to be REAL. They can no longer get away with pretending everything is hunkey-dorey! If they were as presented, Meri never would've cheated on her hound dog. I believe even some of the more naive viewers aren't going to let them get away with playing this off as if they were the victims of some random crime.

    2. I saw that too, Milo! Too little, too late. When filming was happening Meri was all over Twitter and Twirter-pated over her new Twitter-lover. There was no indication of illness what so evah!

    3. More Brown Revisionist History. To me this show really demonstrat that the #1 value of them or plys in general is to lie. They spend so much time lying they probably don't know what is true or what telling the truth is even like.

  29. I've got a reported 9 hours ago that the "Joker" was arrested and being held without bond but is tweeting and on FB up until even an hour ago. Are cell phones allowed in jail?

    1. See the link I posted above about the joker aka catfisher. The joker/catfisher was arrested and released from custody after posting bond on 10/21/15. There were definite gaps on the joker/catfisher's two Twitter accounts of over 12 hours on one and almost 24 hours on the other with tweeting resuming on 7:29PM and 7:44PM on 10/21/15. The joker/catfisher claimed they were in meetings all day.

    2. Hopefully they were meetings with her Psychiatrist!!!

    3. Cells phones are taken when you're arrested. But you can use the phone and have someone else tweet for you like Teresa Guidice(sp) does. However, like CJ said, she was released on bail. But she left her mother in the clink! I guess cat fishing isn't very lucrative these days. I hope she liked jail because she is going to go back if she keeps defrauding and impersonating people. Her victims have bound together. She isn't going to get away with it any longer.

      The fact she pretends like she is some wealthy man is of course crazy. But the fact after everyone knows it's an older woman playing a character(s) that she is still at it is beyond crazy. It's insanity! Everyone knows she's full of shit. Like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar, standing there denying it. It's just so painfully obvious. I've never witnessed more desperation. Her real life must really be depressing that she can't even be herself online or in real life. Who travels from OK to CA under the pretense you're working for a character you've created in your head and that you ARE a character you've created. I think Meri and her family were in harms way. She welcomed a psychopath into her home and around her child. I am glad the catfish lives in OK not closer. She is super obsessed with Meri.

    4. Thank you for clearing that up. I really enjoy hanging out in your living room!

    5. Just checked out the mugshots of Catfish and her Mama, and of course the apple never falls far from the tree. Pathetic. Meri let this woman into her life - so scary. None of us can ever be too careful.

    6. Thank you for clearing that up. I really enjoy hanging out in your living room!
      My pleasure!!

      Who travels from OK to CA under the pretense you're working for a character you've created in your head and that you ARE a character you've created.
      LOL!!!! Not theJoker/Catfisher, apparently. "It" was found by In Touch Magazine to still be in Oklahoma instead of enjoying CA. Oh well, I suppose one can save a lot of money by sending imaginary people on business trips in imaginary private jets. Right???

    7. have you seen the picture of Meri and this woman at Disneyland? I have..they did meet up and with Mariah. what am i missing with the intouch story?

    8. I remember Meri tweeted that Mariah turned her down about going to Disneyland. Mariah was not shown in the pictures. Is it being reported now that she was there with her mother?

      A reporter from in touch went to Shidler OK, took several photographs of the catfish plus made an audio tape where she claimed her name was Kelly.

    9. I was referring to the trip to Disney. I don't pay attention to what the Joker is saying now.

    10. That tape was hilarious when the joker choked on her fake name. Who mispronounces their own name and has to restart? I know, a Joker!

    11. I can understand why cynical dosnt want to go too far discussing this catfish story. Or maybe not at all, it is getting crazy. I hope the Brown;s are taking this seriously. It really is the first serious scandal for this family and most of us have followed them from season one and its tempting to discuss every new detail. But im thinking this Joker is following every word written about it and its not going to go away until the interest dies down. I will do my part and talk about it no more.

    12. I think all that's been said is all that needs to be said. She's pathetic. Meri was vulnerable and duped. Tapes and photos are boring as can be. Watching her digress on her blog was entertaining for 2 seconds. She's dead to me. I agree to do my part and pay her no mind.

  30. I have listened to all of the voicemails on the Joker's website. They are still being released. I have to say i am shocked how hard Meri fell. She calls just minutes apart to say "I love you" over and over she calls and tells this complete stranger intimate details of her and Mariahs lives. Its almost like she was in such a dry spell for so many years of her life to utter the words i love you, that once she found someone, even though it was fabricated by this Joker, Meri could not stop saying it. I think there is something seriously wrong with Meri mentally. Not to be mean, but we have seen her change so drastically since the move to Vegas, i hope her family is paying attention, or her daughter and getting her some help. Not just tweeting over the problem.

    1. You know, if those voicemails are proven to be authentic, this sorry situation just shows how lonely and alone Meri was. Kody dropped the ball in his plural marriage. And this mess was the result. So in Kody's culdesac, the Original Three Wives, particularly Meri and Christine have been put out to pasture. Even Janelle shows the strain of plural marriage in that she has been incapable of losing weight. The only wife that appears to be happy is Robyn.

      TLC really dropped the ball by not calling out Sister Wives as a farce. Meri and Christine are unhappy. Older children check out of the culdesac as soon as they graduate high school. Meanwhile Kody laments he doesn't know his daughters, yet hops right into getting Robyn pregnant. And Robyn doesn't really care because it's HER children that are receiving all of Kody's attention.

  31. @ a comment from J-Mac about the wives reacting or not reacting when their caveman husband dissed Christine.. I agree that Janelle , who often gets a lot of praise as a level headed semi normal one, was just as non sister wifey supportive as the rest.
    I think we want to see them react like women who are like us. They're not. They've been immersed in a culture that doesn't really value women and even with bright lights & cameras on them they still have that mindset that the husband's feeling are to be validated and theirs..if they're the favorite yeah but if not..oh well.
    If not for the tv show, I really doubt that there would be any therapist called ever. No need for that. Those women have been taught what their place is and will be and no matter how hurtful or disturbing, it's the path God has chosen for them.
    The divorce and marriage to Sobby proved how ingrained it all is. The m a n decided to rearrange the marital order that has been in place for over 20 yrs, even though it would be shocking to a lot of viewers if it was revealed. Didn't matter, he was willing to risk it to get what he wanted in the way he wanted. Lucky for them they were able to cobble the health insurance/adoption malarkey together as a flimsy excuse.

    1. You're right about wanting them to react like we do. I don't even know these women and I coudnt sit there silently while someone is humiliated. That clip really does show their reality as you be described. I feel sorry for their kids. Religion did more harm than good in that family.

  32. I apologize if this isn't allowed so delete if so. In light of the speculation that the Joker is a female, one of the text messages stood out to me and I haven't seen anyone mention it. The Joker was asking about Meri's religion & she said she was more open minded than others in their religion. The Joker responded (I'm paraphrasing here but it's found on the March 8th texts) that (s)he wasn't sure what the religion believed in & worried if it was only a man/woman marriage or if stayed with the same (the same what, I'm not really sure.) It could be interpreted many ways but it sure seemed an odd comment/question to ask her. This situation makes me feel bad for Meri. It's sad that she stays knowing how badly she needs & wants consistent affection. For someone who is confident & only wants affection or marriage when it's convenient, it has the possibility of working (ie swingers) but it certainly seems the women in this family aren't emotionally equipped to deal with this lifestyle.

  33. In Dayton's case, given his unique outlook on life and especially in processing what he sees and hears, for his mother and King Kody to just blithely announce that his father had abdicated all legal ties including the fact that his father's name will be removed from his birth certificate, replaced by Kody's was deliberately cruel, bordering on abusive!!

    If that kid is getting *any* counseling at all, whether at school or somewhere else, I am sure that the suggestion would have been to not just thrust that info at him !!
    And for sure not in front of a camera for the world to witness, along with seeing the IDIOT stressing the poor kid out mocking and demanding a reaction of excitement and gratitude.
    Aspies do not emote like other kids. HOW could his mother NOT know that ??!!
    Why would she allow that ??!!

    1. I haven't stopped thinking about that since it aired. And to top it all off with baby news.

    2. It would seem to me that an autistic child would require a lot of Royn's time and she would more in-tune to his needs blah blah you know the rest. I am sure the last thing he needs is his mom to be pregnant with her FIFTH child, changing his paternal relationship and name and so on. If she truly cared about her son, she would be operating far differently.

      He is more mature than her in so many ways.

      Since so many people talk about Dayton, shall we take a bet for when The Loser Channel will do an "About Dayton" show, but Robyn will be in it more than him. Set two (or three) stopwatches out!

    3. ".....but Robyn will be in it more than him."

      And don't think for a second that Ego-Kody, man of a zillion redundant words, wouldn't be front and center too, gesturing and babbling his opinions.

    4. In a couch session with Robyn and Kody, when Kody stated that he didn't think Dayton has Asbergers, he just thought he was "quirky", Robyn immediately exclaimed "I have read the books, I have seen the tests". I thought it was odd that she didn't say something along the lines that she had doctor visits and tests. Just reading books and checking off lists of traits isn't a diagnosis. It makes me wonder if she has read books and that the school system has tested him, so he can qualify for extra help within the school, but not outside therapy or anything else.

      It's interesting how Robyn was so upset with Meri when she announced going back to school, because Robyn expected Meri to become a full on helper to Robyn since Meri had zero child obligations after Mariah left for university. Yet when confronted by Christine in a couch moment about how Robyn doesn't use her "sister wives" for help, Robyn didn't have anything real to say. I don't think Robyn really buys into the other wives with her kids...easily a control issue. She doesn't want to be bothered with their kids and she isn't willing to allow them near her kids. Goes all against the lovey dovey that she is always preaching about how great it is to have those sister wives on hand for wife and mother help...

  34. On a lighter note, I would love to see an animated version of this show.

  35. I don't blame you for not getting a review on. I'm sure no one else does either.

    We can only beat a dead horse so much.

    He's dead Jim.....

  36. @Anonymous 10/25 1:37pm ---- YES, animated in the style of SNL's old TV Funhouse! :D
    Thinking of SNL---- why haven't they done any skits about SW? Lots of material there......

    1. Lots of material there, true .....
      But.....alas, it's on a * 3rd* rate show. (Or is it now a 4th rate)

  37. I've got it!! Wouldn't it just fry Robyn's ass is Kody and Christine kissed and made up with her getting knocked up! We know this hasn't happened but having a sisterwife have a baby right on the heels of her own would really cause Robyn to have a hissy.

    1. Oh Ark, that would be good! Especially if Chrissie was carrying twin boys and Sobbin had a girl.

    2. I'd love Kody to date someone when Robyns heavily pregnant. Someone younger. Who will tell Robyn what she told Christine about having babies that it's "harder when you're older." Haha.

  38. I was watching some old SW clips on YouTube recently and it totally skipped my mind that Meri had a consultation with an oncologist in season 2 (Kody was present) to discuss her likelihood of colon cancer since her sister passed at such a young age of the same disease. This was later followed up by a colonoscopy (Kody was also present- and so were we, yay us).

    I also watched Christine and the burnt toast incident, which I still think is hilarious. But there was one scene when Robyn mentioned that it's really uncomfortable when Kody is around the wives at once because every wife is watching to see who he's talking to, how long etc. It's hard not to feel jealous. If it was that bad then- I can only imagine what conniving, passive-aggressive, narcissistic schemes she has cooked up to win Kodys attention in the past 4 years (including the orgasm- oh I mean natural delivery king sol). That tops Christine's epidural hospital birthing.
    My prediction Hash is coming out in the McMansion soaker tub.

    1. Reading your post something dawned on me. I wonder if these women aren't just so wrapped up in competing with each other that it's now about winning and NOT about Kody. I could see that happening. And they must be miserable, wow. Imagine making love to your man knowing he has a lover he is more into. Knowing he would rather be with her and is thinking about her, oh god I'd die.

  39. Who in the hell is gonna voicemail someone 72 times (so far) that they have never talked to, let alone met? I don't understand. Did the catfish have a male faking phone calls with Meri? You have got to have some serious "stir crazy" going on to keep up the same repetitive "come on baby, I love you baby, you're more of man baby, you're taller baby". This is insane.

    1. A Kody Brown wife, that's who!

    2. Yeh, I don't get this. Was Meri speaking to someone or not? Did she believe she was talking to a male voice or was it jusy texting and voicemails? I do not understand how she can leave messages as you all described saying "i love ypu" over and over if she never had a real verbal or in-person conversations? 21st century pen pal stuff? Thanks

    3. Call me cynical (Ms Jinx if you're nasty) but the catfisher is a known liar and con artist. The only way I'd believe those voice mails would be if the audio was examined by a forensic laboratory and certified as being authentic and not cobbled together from only 5 voice mails.

      On the other hand, if these WERE authentic, it just shows how bad off she was. If Kody had been doing his duty as a husband, she wouldn't be looking for affection from something (an insult to things) she met on Twitter. But, we know how Kody feels about this kind of he explained to Nathan Collier, it's his WIFE's problem and she has to work it out. And Meri tried to do just that....

  40. CJ, great review as usual. I popped over to the SW Facebook page just to read what their fans have to say. I think that a majority of their fans are so over thi family. The positive comments seem to be coming from across the pond shall we say. People in New Zealand are way behind in the show. Some of them have only seen the first two seasons. It's these people who are still in love with the Browns. I still can't see how people think that Kody is such a great guy and wonder father and husband. I don't respond to all of them because I feel that many of them are nut jobs like Meri's catfish. I find it sad that so many women don't see anything wrong with polygamy. I don't care if they have a choice or not, polygamy is still hurtful to women and children. Makes me wonder what TLC will have them do next to keep their ratings. Their ratings continue to decline. Even though I love this blog, I can't stand the Browns more. I don't feel sorry for any of the adults. They agreed to this for the money. Right now, I feel that they are using all of their kids for ratings. Yes, they read this blog every day. But shame on them for filming this adoption crap.

  41. In spite of all that has been exposed about the harms of polygamy, there are still plenty of lonely women that look at the Browns and think this is what love in a big family looks like, because they have never experienced anything better in their own lives.

    1. I noticed that too. My husband is a god compared to Kody. He picks up our son from school everyday, is extremely involved and gives me everything I could ever ask for in the way of being an excellent husband and father. Kody is a monster and they're miserable. I can't imagine thinking that's what happy looks like,

  42. Sorry not sure if this was mentioned up thread, but assuming that the adoption has gone through will Kody divorce Robyn and remarry Meri? That was the only reason (adoption) given for the wife shuffle.

    1. assuming that the adoption has gone through will Kody divorce Robyn and remarry Meri? That was the only reason (adoption) given for the wife shuffle.

      You'd think that should be the next step, but something tells me Robyn will never willingly give up that marriage license...well, not while Sister Wives is still on TLC. Once the show is cancelled, MSWC goes bankrupt and the McMansions go back to the mortgage company, I can see her divorcing Kody and demanding outrageous child support, which Janelle will be happy to pay.

      Seriously, you've made a very valid point. Once the court approves Kody adopting Robyn's kiids, the next logical step would be restructure the family back to it's original configuration. But Robyn will not see it that way and most likely has already made it known to the Original Three she will remain Kody's wife. It's kind of funny how they say a marriage license is just a piece of paper, but that's one piece of paper Robyn won't easily give up. If Robyn wants to "connect" with her fans and diffuse those haters, imagine how powerful a gesture of returning Meri's generosity by giving up that piece of paper so Meri and Kody can get married again.

      But sadly, the relationship between Kody and Meri may have been irrevocably damaged by her emotional indiscretion earlier this year. Now if Kody was smart, if Robyn makes an announcement she will divorce Kody so he can marry that would make for a fairy tale ending for Christine, and Robyn would look like a hero instead of a zero. Just won't happen.

    2. Spot on again CJ. He will be on the hook for FIVE kids, not just the bio ones he has with her should the marriage go kaput. Maybe the only thing that will save him is some of them turn 18 beforehand. I do hope Meri gets a huge chunk of his social securty (if he did anything to qualify for it) as she was married to him for well over 10 years.

      Is there any way to find out if his name is on any of the birth certificates with Janelle and Christine's kids? Since they brought it up that his name would go onto Robyn's kids certificates, I feel they opened that can of worms about the other kids. Who knows, he may not even be on Sol's since they were not legally married.

    3. Maybe a deal was made prior to the divorce and Meri blew it with catfish or she trusted Robyn and Kody and when it wasn't put back to original marriage , is when Meri strayed.
      CJ- the Christine happily ever after sure is a fairytale. Lol
      But you are right, there is no way the new Mrs. Brown would let go of the "piece of paper."

      I think we all saw Robyn manipulate the family from the beginning but I never, ever thought she would get Meri to give up her only claim to fame, that legal piece of paper.

      I just know that the baby factory was closed until she got that ring on her finger!

      Is that nanny, the hair stylist, I think she is Robyn's cousin, ??? Mindy??? Please correct me if any of that is wrong...anyway is she hanging around to be fifth?

      I believe that is pretty normal in this cult to train new wives. While working they get to know the family.

      This is how the Dargers married 2nd twin and how Tom Green lured teenage brides. By working as babysitters or staying with family.

      CJ , as a polygamy anthropologist please correct any of my misinformation. Thanks!

    4. Oh also forgot, watched "first look" on DISH, which features a few minutes of upcoming episode, the lawyer mentions how he has married, divorced, and remarried same couple in the past. Coincidence?

    5. Meri won't get anything. And Kody owns nothing. He will be 50 soon and all he has is debt and a bunch of mouths to feed. They'll be on welfare soon. The show is almost over.

  43. If you marry only to allow a person to get citizenship it's a crime. All this pretending to be married and exclusive only to pretend to divorce and then possibly pretend to divorce that women to remarry the first or another in the bed rotation seems just as fraudulent and one would think they could charge this circus with something. Meri and Kody should have divorced legally and remained single since they took on Janelle.

    1. It's not against the law for people to live together. There aren't any laws to stop two people from marrying or divorcing each other either. Thank goodness there aren't any laws limiting US citizens how many times they can get married or divorced because thousands here in the U.S. would be guilty!

    2. I hear what you are saying in this comparison. If he wasn't mayying her for live but "for the kids" so the could basically have new birth certificates generated, then it does seem not that far off from marrying someone not for love but for a green card.

    3. Two US citizens can freely and legally marry for any reason they choose: love, money, convenience, arm candy, or the merging of their model train collection. I may find their reasons despicable, but my personal distaste or moral outrage doesn't change the absolute legal right for two citizens to marry. The analogy of marrying for a green card just doesn't fit, IMO.

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. The url links to real life information and therefore not allowed. Yes, Kody is now listed on Robyn's McMansion. He's still on Meri's, too.

    2. Understand re the real life info available.

      Interesting though that the accompanying documentation supports the important fact she (Robyn) is now a married women vs unmarried.

    3. How does she/Robyn feel about those legals papers now? Still "useless pieces of paper" now that Kody's name is slapped on her house, on her kids, on her money (now legally community property) and she is legally on the hook with him now and not Meri?

    4. So if he is now on Robyn's + Meri's does this increase his credit worthiness? CPA Carol, maybe you could address this question. Would he be eligible for more credit?
      (Sorry don't mean to talk to other poster I just know CPA Carol usually weighs in on financial theories. )

    5. Well, said, Ark of Snark.

    6. Robin and Kody are pulling something shifty!

    7. The mortgage companies would not be happy to know that Kody is obligated to two different mortgages. As I am sure part of the agreements on each is that's he is living there.

    8. I am not sure that Kody has more credit worthiness. To add his name on the deed doesn't really mean he's on the mortgage (original post gone so I am speculating). What could Kidy be doing to make money? I don't know if they still do the LIV thing and we know MSWC is a sham. Probably won't matter- none of them will be in the houses in five years.

    9. If Kody was quit claimed on he has no financial responsibility to the note, Only if the house was refinanced and Kody and Robyn signed a new note would he be obligated for the note. It sounds like he was just added to the deed. On Meri and Kodys house they qualified as husband and wife as joint tenants. Kody and Meris house would be considered primary residence and being quit claimed onto robyns without refinance gives Kody the benefit of any appreciation without responsibility to the mortgage

    10. From what I remember from several weeks ago, when Kody was added to Robyn's McMansion, there was a financial institution listed next to his name. I don't think he was just added to the deed.

    11. interesting, then the liens had to be paid to get title..umh

  45. I watched that 15 minute clip last night and I have to say. These people need to learn how to speak
    proper english. All this using the words gonna, shoulda, woulda, ya instead on you... these are just a few examples of what they say. I am constantly shaking my head. The adults are the ones speaking like this.

    1. It's a regional accent like a Jersey or Southern or Chicago or Texan drawl. Not everyone speaks the same way. It's called diversity and I find it fascinating.

    2. As long as you can understand what's said, who cares?

    3. Anon @ 2:37, I always felt their speech was a sign of laziness, not taking the time or energy to pronounce their words correctly. I don't think it's a regional accent as I've never noticed others from Las Vegas or Utah speak like they do. It drives me crazy, too. lol

    4. yeah peeps from different parts of the country speak way different. I was raised in Montana and Utah, but now I live in the deep south. Weird thing is no one as ever said "I" have an accent. Its like they know its them and not me lol

    5. I've lived I'm CA, OR, NV, NC, FL & TX. People speak differently in each state. No need to judge them. You sound like your from your home state, they sound like they're from theirs. No big deal.

  46. Question: if anyone has an account, couldn't they look up any of the kid's names to see who is listed and end all our speculating? If Kody, for example, is now on say Dayton's birth certificate then we know this went through as hard as it is to believe.

    1. Someone would have to take the time to enter it. And that site is very unreliable.

    2. Nope, ancestry doesn't work that way. I have an account but ancestry won't show you any living persons details, to protect privacy, unless they are in your family and have granted permission. Sorry-- still a mystery.

    3. It is possible on Ancestry to see certain types of information on living persons by doing a search, but it only works if the information is digitized and is a public record. That's why you can find, for instance, marriage and divorce records of living persons, but not birth certificate info.

  47. WhyNotBrotherHusbandsOctober 24, 2015 at 4:44 PM

    Two days ago, Kody retweeted: "Anything the government gives you was taken from somebody else."

    Well, well, well. Looks like the pot is calling the kettle Brown. This tweet is enough to erase any doubt that Kody has a severe case of narcissistic personality disorder. Kody, you're only a few years off welfare--and let's remember the hundreds of thousands of dollars you've taken from "somebody else" via multiple bankruptcies and decades of social programs (yes, that's "somebody else" footing the bills to support your families)--but you go ahead and throw those rocks from your glass houses.

    1. Wow, he is truly a narcissist, you're right! If it weren't for WIC and food stamps his wives would be thin and his kids would've starved because KODY has more kids than he can afford to feed.

    2. Hundreds of thousands of dollars? Holy crap! really?

    3. Re. Kody's tweet: Actually, for all of us who pay taxes, the money essentially goes into a pool so that what we get back (whether roads, police, fire protection, SNAP, etc.) ---well---aren't we paying ourselves in some small way? In other words not everything the government "gives" us is exclusively from someone else--our money is in there, too.

    4. This kind of thing drives me nuts. It's okay for Kody's family to receive help but other families are just being lazy takers? Most benefit recipients are employed and work their butts off at low wage jobs with out the possibility of a reality show to give them temporary reprive and undeserved piety. And most bankruptcies are for medical bills, not tens of thousands of credit card bills like the Browns'. Hypocrite!

    5. Suggesting that Kody is too shallow to think that far.
      Or, he doesn't pay taxes, and does know the source of government handouts he and his troupe may have received.

  48. Bueller? Bueller? Anyone with want to give this a go?

  49. Brown is the color of you-know-whatOctober 24, 2015 at 6:44 PM

    I did a very quick search on Ancestry and the only thing I came up with was King Sol's birth (using Kody as my search term) in NV. And that was just a listing, no actual scan of a document. Utah says their vital statistics are private.

    I do believe I remember Christine talking about giving birth in the hospital with Truly (in an episode before she gave birth) and that was her first because the unmarried ones were "afraid" of having births in hospitals because there might be too many questions about the father.

    I do believe that it is the practice to NOT put the father on the birth certificate because then evil government (you know, the one that gave them all of the hand-outs all of these years) would have yet another reason to "get them."

    Totally off that subject: I was reading on their MSWC FB page how many people just ADORE them. And I have to wonder just what these same people would think if they knew all of the aspects of their "religion." Because no one in their right mind gets the whole king of a planet and let's populate it with spirit babies. And then they might call it what it is: A man gets to have a number of women fighting for his crumbs of affection so he can pretty much treat them like sh*t and they take it because their job is to learn how not to get jealous.

    1. If Robyn can stay married to Kody for at least 10 years she can collect on his social security at retirement age, right? Since Meri's legal marriange lasted more than 10 years, she could as well. Anyone know how that works (according to the laws in place right now...); i.e. does that get divided among legal spouses or 'ex-spouses' or is each entitled to a "full" amount? And if Kody were to 'go to be with the Lord', Robyn could, as a current legal spouse, collect social security benefits for all of her kids under 18 as well. If I were Robyn, as the one wife still bearing kids and having younguns at home, I too would want to have the legal marriage--it makes sense from that perspective. At this point, she shouldn't give up that legal status for anything.

    2. I doubt he has paid in that much that his kids would get a huge amount of money and remember, the survivors' benefits are divided....say he had 800 for survivor benefits, that gets divided between all his minor children and his wife wouldn't be eligible for his benefits until she turns then, I'm sure Robyn will have hitched her caboose to another engine...and those kids will be adopted by him....

    3. Reinforcing what everyone here knows: if your "lifestyle" discourages you from acknowledging major percentages of the family you are creating intentionally, especially to avoid taking the basic responsibilities that comes along with it, it's hardly one worthy of envy or emulation,

      Good heavens, they're despicable.

  50. No pressure, cj, but I'm eagerly anticipating your recaps! Can't wait!

  51. I'm with you on the religion thing "Brown is the color.....".I am so not waiting, on baited breath, to hear Maddie who is engaged will be getting-gasp-married. Is that not the natural progression when you are engaged? First engagement then wedding ,spare us the drum roll.And what is a wedding except a restructuring to these folks? Is Maddies marriage certificate to hold some special significance Meri's did not?I am not feeling it.I still see Aspyn as a front runner in the get a life and move beyond your horrid upbringing category . I am rooting for her.

  52. Hi , CJ and fellow posters. First time poster but long time reader of this very informative and well written blog. Enjoy CJ's and all the posters commentary on this "reality show".
    As many of you I started watching out of curiosity and thought the program would show the working dynamic of the family. Instead there was a quick glance at that life in Utah, then there was a new wife added to the mix and the "dramatic" escape to Las Vegas. Why go on national tv , take a new wife and slither away in the night if you are trying to avoid the law? For made up story lines do you think! When the Duggars started I found it very interesting how this family managed the everyday things that we take for granted (laundry, cooking, shopping and schooling). That story line got old quick so TLC added more trips for interest and the Duggars added more babies. That was what I thought SW was going to be about, instead we've seen this family deteriorate on a weekly basis to the point of no return. The mental and emotional abuse by Koduche to his family is awful. I've not watched this show in yrs. No need to watch when you guys & CJ give such spot on analysis. The Duggars and the Browns should have stuck with a 2 hr special once every year instead of all the made up storylines to add interest(which they didn't)

    A thought on Koduche adopting Sobbin's, kids between hers, Sol and the new baby that's 5 deductions for tax purposes with no strings attached. Only claimed I child with Meri. If he were named on the other
    kids birth certificates the state could go after him for back child support. Robbin showed up for the "gravy train"which looks like will turn to plain old dog food soon!

  53. I had to revisit the bankruptcy papers on Starcasm and noticed something I missed before. There is a list of tools of trade amongst which is a karaoke machine and misc. show props. Was Kody a performer not just a salesman or were they tools of the trade because he A) considers karaoke hard work or B) uses his singing skills to lure in unsuspecting victim "wives"? It struck me as odd. There are 7 children listed ages I to 9 ,yet no one wife, has 7 children.So the children are complied for bankruptcy purposes but discarded for SNAP purposes? Legal restructuring at its finest.Janelle on her papers was listed as property co-owner .I was wrong she is good with money-other people's.
