
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Somebody had a Birthday Yesterday!!!

We're loving the Sister Wives love for Robyn's birthday!
Posted by Sister Wives on Saturday, October 10, 2015

Yep, the new legal  Mrs. Kody Brown celebrated her birthday yesterday.

Frankly I could care less, but we were getting to 250 comments (Warning Will Robinson!!) on the Live Tweet and the Meri Admits posting, and being that I haven't finished my review of the last episode I thought...well maybe....and the rest is Herstory.

So Please...continue your conversation here. Most likely I will combine last week and Sunday's episode into one review.

Oh, and see y'all at the Live Tweet Party tomorrow!!! Until then, here's my favorite picture of the Birthday girl!!!


  1. This is how these two gals come out of twitter time out?! To profess their mutual admiration for each other? In my mind, not a good PR move. Every time they post pictures of just the two of them celebrating major family events (each other's birthdays, etc.) it just perpetuates this whole mean girl thing. That it's "us against them." At this point, a better strategy would have been a picture of all 4 wives together celebrating Robyn's birthday. This just continues the whole narrative that most fans can't stand!

    1. I'm thinking only Robyn and Meri could muster up a believable happy face!

  2. The Lion and the Tinman right there.

    1. I'm not sure those are happy faces

    2. also no spiritual wedding band on meri

    3. also looks like Robyn's locket is spurting out some kind of a strange mist. Maybe it wasn't the koolaid after all. If I were Meri and Robyn offered me an apple, I wouldn't eat it.

    4. Meri has not been wearing her spiritual band since the divorce. She also looked numb about the adoption. She couldn't even fake for the cameras the "joy" she felt that since "she" offered up the divorce to facilitate the adoption. That is not the way it went down. At all. I do think she cares about all of the kids. I really don't doubt that. But that is not why they got divorced. Everyone knows that except Christine who is really so far away from reality she doesn't count.

    5. I'm not sure Meri cares about all the kids equally. Hers and Robyn's seem to "over-ride" the others in several instances, not trying to argue, just an observation. Maybe to score points with Kody, who knows? I don't think what they showed is what went down either, I don't believe anything they show anymore though.

    6. I really think Meri thought after the divorce, she would have a happy ever after with her new beau/chick/you know.

  3. That pic makes perfect sense to me as the predictable BS spin coming from them.
    No doubt there were desperate PR/damage-control, closed-door meetings about the avalanche of speculation out there about:
    !- Sobbin issuing the ultimatum to Kody.....more kids only if and when I am legal wife.
    With the covert deed leaking to the media prematurely last season.

    2--Sobbin and Kody shanghaiing Meri into giving up her #1 throne.

    3- Browns and TLC conjuring up the adoption story of Sobbin's kids to cover the "real" story.

    4- Sobbins pregnancy being an obvious bust for those all important ratings

    5- Meri engaging in that stupid internet romance following her wifely demotion, then adding Sobbin's JYD muddying the waters of whether Sobbin knew and used that info about Meri.

    So sure, it's easy to see that the immediate plan is to include pics of 2 of the 3 major principals in all of this phony drama being aired so far this season, with the two of them just hugging, grinning and maybe singing Kumbya.
    Sure, what else would we expect from Kodyworld....!.
    Now if they were really trying to shut down the chatter, they would have gone for broke and stuck Kodyman in that pic too. SO why didn't they???
    My guess is because Kodyboy has become a major liability in viewer tolerance and loyalty.
    Even the diehard fans are defecting from Kody worship.

    1. Robyn knows her baby making parts are about to expire and she knows that once she can no longer pop out babies, Kody will go on the prowl for a younger version so he can keep on keeping on with that stupid her way to seal her status was to be legal...number one so when the new wife comes in, she can control every thing....

  4. I have been so far behind am i am now finally catching up with SW and your great blog!

    One thing that stood out and CJ if this is out of line, please don't post it. I am getting a really uncomfortable vibe about Aurora and Kody. Why is he talking about her so much? He has so many other kids....none of them are talented? And why was she sobbing? Is she really happy? What exactly is going on there. Which girl was he lip kissing a few epidoes back? I am starting to really feel icky about Kody and Robyn's kids.

    And by the way, IF their bio dad did sign away his custodial rights or whateve, why does Kody want them to be happy and give him a high five? Their dad basically just told them and the world that he won't fight for them. That has to be devastating. I don't care how they try to paint it, doing that is just wrong. And Kody had to beg for happiness? They were crushed their dad walked away. Or as Dayton said "I am baffled". TLC, quit letting adults abuse their children. This is way to painful to watch, I feel that some responsible adult needs to intervene. . They are seriously damaging not only Robyn's kids but the other kids as well.

    1. CPA Carol, those are my thoughts too. The entire adoption story gives me the creeps, I can't say why. Not to mention there's just something so wrong about cornering a man into signing over his parental rights when his kids are teenagers. Dayton seemed really sad about it. This isn't going to go as smoothly as Robyn and the Kodester think.

      I do wonder if this adoption has created a ton of resentment between the kids still at home. Kody has already admitted to neglecting Christine's kids because he was mad at her, how do they feel about Kody re-arranging the family to adopt Robyn's kids? I bet there is a ton of resentment. Mariah probably had a huge wake up call in the past 12 months.

    2. Glad this was brought up again.

      Both the clearly *odd* Aurora stuff...
      And the despicable way those kids were expected to cheer and celebrate Kody, while digesting *what* they just heard about their father...all .while being filmed !!!

    3. CPA Carol, you're not alone feeling those uncomfortable vibes. A few days ago I even discussed with my BFF who used to watch SW. She also felt the daughter's behavior was inappropriate ....if the girl was 3 or 4 maybe not, but a teen??? No way and Robyn shouldn't be allowing that kind of behavior.

      I think the reason Kody praises Robyn's girls while ignoring his other girls with Janelle and Christine is because he has bought into Robyn's world that her children were neglected and she was an abused wife. From the beginning, when Robyn told her kids to call Kody Daddy ( and mind you this was BEFORE they were married) she was going to get Kody to adopt her kids no matter what. Too bad Kody wasn't smart enough to question how an abusive parent was allowed to have his children unsupervised during Christmas and summer school breaks.

    4. I've mentioned several times that I am uncomfortable with Kody & Robyn's girls relationship as it is shown. And I am a woman who has never been sexually taken advantage of or abused by a relative. And I have a very affectionate family also. Since I haven't been personally exposed to this I almost wonder if I am being paranoid to think it, but it makes me very uneasy feeling. I wouldn't think it odd (coming from a hugging kissing clan myself) except he is not near this "friendly" with his own children. He isn't this "friendly" with some of his wives.

    5. CPA, you are not alone; my alarms started going off last season when Robyn's older girl was lying on Kody...not sitting, but lying on him...and it wasn't like a little girl leaning on her dad or uncle, but it was her legs over his legs and it was just icky to watch.

  5. The Sisterwives Facebook page wished Sobyn Robyn a happy birthday yesterday and the comments were BRUTAL. It's not that she is just not liked, she is despised. Guess everyone watching can see through her fake tears and lies to see the real her. Meanwhile most of the comments I've read about the Meri fiasco have been fairly positive towards her, at least 90 percent pro-Meri and understanding why she would want to step out on Kody. Everyone has seen how Kody treats his wives like chattel and plays favorites. I can just imagine Kody is livid and ignoring Meri for now.

    Anyway, happy birthday to Kody's favorite brood mare, you've got about 5 more good years to pop out babies for Grody until he puts you out to pasture and gets a newer, younger version. Then you'll start getting the Christine treatment. Better hope Meri sticks around for a while, otherwise the next season is going to be all about finding her replacement since Kody has to keep his man-card up to date.

  6. what, no bannanas in the picture? this was staged to offset the Intouch article about trouble in paradise with these two.

  7. During the painting the boat scene with Robyn, Christine, and Kody, did anyone catch that exchange between Christine and Kody? (I know this is totally off topic, but it just popped into my head).

    He's ragging on Christine about how she's been mad all week and it escalates really quickly and he snaps "Cry baby!" at her like a schoolyard bully. He was going to say more and that is when Robyn snaps "Stop it!".

    It really bothered me. He was becoming vicious. What would have happened if Robyn wouldn't have shut that down. It was like he was blinded by anger and forgot the cameras were there. I've always assumed he was a verbally abusive tyrant behind closed doors, but that was disturbing. I cannot fathom a grown man acting like that to his "wife" at all, let alone in front of others. So immature and aggressive over something so petty and stupid.

    1. Yep, he is a petty, nasty, budding Napoleon.
      As for him pulling that attitude toward Christine in front of a live camera, that shows just how arrogant and careless he is now that he fancies himself "a star."
      As you said, he has to be even worse when the cameras are not there.

      Takes all of us back to square one of snarking.......
      *What do ANY of these women see in that puffed up, balding, beady-eyed, self-centered little jerk??!!! *

    2. I don't think Kody even likes Christine very much, let alone respects her. I was watching some episodes yesterday from Season 6 and back when Kody was setting up wrestling mats for Hunter he ended up putting them in Christine's garage. She pulled him aside and whispered to him that if she let him set up in her garage instead of Janelle's she wanted him to come to her house more often and she wanted more grocery money. They all laughed about her blackmailing him etc...but I think there was more to it. She didn't ask for those things willy nilly.

      Honestly. I don't think they have the regular and even rotation of attention to the wives and I don't think they have had it in a long time. Those episodes were from 2-ish years ago....

      I think only Robyn and Janelle get treated civilly. Janelle because she puts no demands on him and he has said they are like "buddies" and probably only talk about finances. Robyn is the love of his life. Period. He will always favor her.

    3. Wouldn't you love to see one of his wives (Christine especially) do one of those old "billy jack" moves and drop him like a sack of potatoes?

    4. The thing that keeps bothering me is on their anniversary trip when Kody tells Christine "Honor the family, and I will love you." He flat out tells her his love for her is conditional and to me seemed to imply that he didn't really love her right now. What a thing to say to your wife of 21 years and mother of 6 of your children. And the useless "marriage counselor" just sat there smiling blandly while Christine acting like she had seen the light and Kody was being totally reasonable. I have actually never like Christine that much, but now I just feel so sorry for her.

    5. Roslyn, every once in a while, we get teeny, tiny slivers of reality amidst the "reality." I've always considered that exchange between Kody and Christine to be one of the former. No ringing endorsement of their "lifestyle" - and a peek into the true imbalance/unfairness to Christine and ESPECIALLY her children. And let's face it, they're HER children. He's just the sperm donor.

    6. Kody doesn't like Christine very much. They're both people who like to be the center of attention and suck up all the air out of the room, although I think Christine is a better person than Kody at the end of the day. Christine also has the nerve to call Kody out on his crap and he HATES that. Now that Christine has been replaced with Robyn Kody doesn't even have to pretend to like Christine anymore.

      If Kody treats Christine so badly in front of the cameras, think how he acts behind closed doors? Think about why Truely seems to despise Kody so much? No many 4/5 year old kids act that way about their parents, even absent parents are that age. I hope this isn't true, but Kody just may be a monster in real life. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the kids are happier when he isn't at their house.

    7. I agree with Anonymous at 11:33 AM in that I'm sure Christine can dish it out as good as she gets it. She and Robyn are similar in that way, and they're pretty good at ganging up on him together.

  8. I pressed on the link on the sisterwives and other lies page and one of the videos that pooped up was Rebecca Kimbel Sisterwives food stamps to fame. I the comment section she said her an Kody share a paternal grandfather.I thought Kody's family was new to polygamy starting with his Dad.She also said she is related to two of his wives. I really enjoy feisty Rebecca and wish I could share her video every time someone says he provided for his kids.

  9. Per the pic, Meri is desperately grasping at straws to win back Kody's favor. Meri knows this will never happen unless she kisses Robyn's behind. I don't believe for one second there isn't turmoil going on behind closed doors. I also wonder if this bumped Christine up the favorite line, or if Kody remains as apathetic as ever. Janelle will emotionally & physically retreat until this mess is over.
    I went back and watched the "Divorce" episode. I don't know if I believe the whole Robyn ultimatum divorce theory, but I do believe Robyn fed Kody the adoption bit who in turn, fed this to Meri--> guilting her into a divorce. Also, notice the timeline of the divorce & remarriage on the show???
    In REALITY, Kody & Meri were divorced Sept 25th, 2014. Kody & Robyn were married Dec 5th, 2014. Why the wait? I thought they were rushing to get the adoption process started. Why wait over a month????? Also.. New baby was conceived around mid-April 2015. (According to a conception calculator using her due date)
    They very well could have married for the whole adoption bit, but...the no baby till marriage license fits too.

    1. I think there were several weeks between the time they signed the divorce papers and the time that the judge approved of the divorce. I think they mentioned 6-8 weeks on the show. Is September 25th the day the papers were signed, or the day Meri got the email from the lawyer saying it was finalized? If it was when the papers were first signed, then 6-8 weeks later to be approved puts the finalized date in mid to late November. Of course, TLC wants us to believe that they spent some time trying to convince Meri to be at the marriage ceremony, decide who all should be there, should they have a party or not, etc, so that would have taken some time, too. LOL

    2. No, they were filed 09/12/14 & divorce decree granted on 09/24/14. Once your divorce is granted, you have papers in hand that day. So, Kod-yn could have married on 09/25, but they waited. Plus, anyone else wondering the actual timeline of the parental termination/adoption? I've never seen such a fast one in my life. Having been through a divorce & both parental termination/stepparent adoption, I'm seeing huge gaping holes in their "reality."
      It must be exhausting living 2 lives.

      Did anyone see the new pics of Kody & the girls at the Hard Rock Cafe in Vegas last night??? Very much looking like a United front. Meri looks like she's dropped a good 20lbs since we last saw her.

    3. Anon 12:29; saw the pictures and thought the same thing! My guess is there's nothing like the prospects of a handsome 6'6" new lover to get yourself in shape!! That combined with the recent stress of being publicly humiliated would cause some weight loss. I am at a loss over all the older pictures of Meri where her complexion looks so nice, I just cannot imagine why she would tan/spray tan to this extent. It is so unnatural and unflattering. People have commented before on her orange complexion, in the pictures from the "red carpet" last night she is the strangest color yet.

    4. I'm not buying Robyn's claimed due dates- when they did the boat race at the pirate festival Robyn was already showing and that was in April. Not sure why they would lie about her dates, but she has looked farther along than her dates all through this pregnancy.

    5. Robyn has gained a LOT more weight this time around - that may be why she looks "farther along." You can see it in her face.

      I don't buy the divorce ultimatum theory, either. Even if Kody does have favorites, I doubt he's going to admit that. Not to his wives, not even to himself. It would ruin the vision he has about his plygtopian arrangement. I think he acts like an ass because he's delusional about a LOT of things, including his own awesomeness.

      Now, I can see the family coming to a point where they reach an understanding about the future. I think Meri's been wanting out for a few years now, and the divorce was her way of testing the waters to see if independence is what she really wants. I wouldn't be shocked if we see her separating for good after the show's done. I can also see Janelle and Christine following suit as soon as the younger kids are a bit older. Pretty soon, there will be no more excuses left.

  10. Does anyone else think they are more like the FLDS than they want to admit? I think the AUB is supposed to be less extreme, but I have read some disturbing things about them too. When a wife and children are taken from one man and reassigned to another in the FLDS are they all required to act happy and forget their original husband/father? It seems that in these polygamous sects everyone is interchangeable. The individuals don't matter, just the group. One wife/husband/father/mother is just as good as another, so why get upset when your dad signs you away or you spouse " restructures" the family? Feelings don't matter much when you have your own planet to populate, right?

  11. Per past comments about Kody being controlling and arrogant in general and the way he treats most of his wives, I think that he's so full of himself that he's lost touch with reality. I don't doubt that he's got women coming out of the woodwork and trying to position themselves as Wife #5...women that are most likely and most definitely younger, prettier, thinner, glamorous and adoring. Interested ONLY because of his fame and money. Looks-wise, being homely, paunchy, balding and beady-eyed, he is just another guy. Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and countless other psychopaths, murderers and all-round famous jerks have their admirers, so be it. He is proof that evolution can go in reverse.

  12. Mary is celebrating Robin's birthday that is BS more propaganda that the Browns and TLC

  13. Anon 803 you are right. Interchangeable replaceable as long as the cult agenda is observed.Let's see Higher ups have missused funds in both groups. Both have incest sex abuse scandals to deal with. Both put their members under stress they must just suck up or leave their contribution into the cult behind.Both have used illegal means to gain funds. FLDS child labour as proven in court. The AUb Virginia Hill as proven in court. Both have women accessing welfare food as they will not provide properly. Both have knowingly and willfully broken plygamy laws. Both have underage marriages. Both follow a prophet unquestioningly till recent years. I won't go on. Sund choices and tell it all

    1. Hello No Share...excellent comparison.
      Just wanted to point out from your quote..."Both have women accessing welfare food as they will not provide properly. "
      It's not just food stamps but full welfare grants, as single mothers they receive a cash grant, food stamps, Heath care and other benefits such as WIC coupons etc...all this X amount of children equals a lot of tax payer dollars. I read that those huge families of 50 children bring in thousands of dollars a month.

    2. In my state, if an single mother applies for any benefits, the state will go after the absent father. Is this not the case for Montana and Nevada?

    3. They only go after them if they're using cash aid.

    4. Also, until the show began, did those kids even have Kody's name on the birth certificate? I am not convinced that Janelle or Christine put Kody Brown as the father.

  14. CJ, I don't know if this has ever been shared on here before but I came across this blog discussing psychopaths when I was looking for another SW website :
    It was really interesting to me because it was written shortly after the show started, but the author comments on a lot of the same things we discuss here all the time (Kody's narcissism, his shark eyes when he gets angry, the fake persecution, Robyn's emotional instability). She makes a pretty good case that Kody has a personality disorder and that's not even counting the last several seasons! Anyway, I thought it was interesting and that I would share.

    1. CJ, Hoping it's okay to c&p from that article....if not, I urge others to go and read it.

      A small sample.....
      "Empathy is obviously not Kody’s forte. Adulation and agreement with him are rewarded with radiant smiles. But observe closely Kody’s reactions when any of the four women express their hurt feelings or voice any negative opinions. You’ll notice that his usual sunny, happy-go-lucky expression becomes instantly replaced by a focused, almost predatory, stare."

      As LuvDivided noted, interesting that this article was written when the show first aired..5 years ago. His behavior was that obvious to a trained eye.

    2. Interesting read... Thank you for sharing LuvDivided!

      I have wondered too about Robyn and any disorders she may have. One image that I have had a hard time putting out of my mind is when she was blubbering about how monogamous women can never experience what it's like to have Meri make the sacrifice she did for her (Robyn's children). She meant this as a positive. I, in no way, saw it as a positive experience. I would never want someone to have to suffer so much for my and my children's benefit. Why in the world would she think that is a selling point for polygamy? It seemed to me to be twisted and sick.

    3. Something else I thought was interesting was what the author of the article said responding to a comment about the move to Vegas: "It looks like Kody Brown is using the media coverage and the fact the police investigated their lives as a result
      (but as of yet didn’t make any arrests) to strike fear in the hearts of his wives and family in general. That way he keeps them focused on the external “threat/enemy” instead of on the jealousies and power relations inside the household. This was particularly necessary given how jealous his three wives were initially when he acquired a fourth one.
      This is a classic psychopathic move, to shift focus and blame from a problem caused by the psychopath and the power imbalances
      inside the relationship with him to other, largely imaginary threats." Sounds legitimate!

    4. Great article! That does sound really legit that Kody could make such a huge deal about the investigation just to change the anger his first 3 wives were feeling about Robyn into something else and get to move where he's always wanted to.

    5. My vote is that the move to Vegas was more about getting new digs for a larger family. Their Lehi house did not have four kitchens and woulnd't have the extra spce for the increase of Robyn's addition. Robyn and her kids were in a totally different building. In a way, she is lucky because she never lived a single day under the same roof as Meri or "under Meri's roof."

    6. Yes! Kody is a textbook psychopath. He has no empathy for any of his wives or children. He pits them against each other and he makes the children of the respective wives suffer if they are not in his graces. This includes Robyn but because they are of the same mindset they have formed an alliance. Both Kody and Robyn are very calculating, manipulative, and vindictive. I have always contended that Robyn is also a textbook sociopath. Robyn sought this family out when the word got out that they were getting a TV show. While talks of the show were in the making, she just happened to visit her cousin in Lehi. She pretended to use the bathroom in the middle of the church service and just happened to wiggle her booty as she walked past Kody. That got his attention. Her cousin just happened to have a BBQ where she made contact with Kody again before the dance. He was already on board. I'm sure she learned about the dynamics of the Brown family from her cousin or someone and figured Meri would be the one to manipulate to get into the family. She made Meri feel like a best friend after the dance and Meri invited her to be the 4th wife. (This is my theory based on reading the Brown's book.)

      Read the Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout. It's an easy read and really sheds light about why sociopaths do the things they do. I started reading about sociopaths because of a coworker. It really helped me avoid this person and understand why she did the things she did and how she was able to convince people so easily.

    7. MA - I am completely on board with your theory! I have always thought Robyn targeted Kody. This nonsense that it was fate or some chance meeting is fabricated. Robyn manipulated Meri into thinking it was her idea for Robyn to join the family. We've all seen how naive and easily manipulated Meri is. Even though Meri would not find it easy to share Kody with yet another wife, she just couldn't resist adding a wife she thought would be her bestie. Neither Janelle or Christine were her picks - after the "courtship" fell through of the first potential wife (and in the book, it sounded like Meri really had a crush on that girl) the subsequent wives to Kody were not ones Meri spent time courting herself like she had the 1st girl (and I'm saying girl because I don't believe she was an adult).
      Meri completely underestimated the havoc Robyn would cause - watching her bear Kody's babies - having to give up her status as legal wife - watching them live in some perpetual honeymoon state.....

  15. When Meri first started her light flirtations with the Joker on twitter, I thought Meri had hit the jackpot. Until I googled his name- fake name, fake business and exact same profile used under a different name. If something sounds too good to be true…. If the Joker had been real Meri would have been gone from the family. Now I think this catfish situation has sealed her fate and she will never leave.

    I kind of miss the old Meri when she was so infatuated with the band. She seemed happy. The Joker says Meri was incredible happy when they were in their relationship. However, she sure didn’t sound happy from the few voicemail recordings I listened to.

    Thank you for reminding me CJ that the bottom line is he does not exist. But a part of me can’t keep hoping maybe there is something real to this situation.

  16. Women want romance, passion, unconditional love and to have a man make her feel special. Unfortunately in polygamy that can’t happen. I guess what Kody was telling Christine is we can’t have a special romance between you and me because I’ve got three other women to consider. I felt so bad for Christine.

    In the Old Testament of the Bible sure men did have multiple wives, but it didn’t work out for any of them. For many of the men in the Bible having a harem was their downfall. They had to marry the single older sister in order to marry the woman they were really in love with. Having children from multiple wives caused sibling rivalry. Polygamy caused hate, discontent, jealously, distrust. Which is probably why the practice was done away with in Christianity.

    Polygamy marriages don’t appear to have anything to do with love, but are more like a business deal.

    1. I think you're right about these marriages not having anything to do with love. I think maybe the most important emotion in a polygamous relationship is fear. If you truly believe that your place in eternity depends on being involved in a plural marriage and being in good standing with the "husband ", then surely you would put up with just about anything out of pure fear of what will happen if you don't. The men think they have to accumulate at least 3 wives(I think) and as many children as possible. Minor details about the individuals like their thoughts, feelings, and personalities don't matter. I said before that the people are interchangeable. It's a numbers game for the men.

    2. Thank you Anon 9:10 - I think that the total disregard of feelings and emotions of the wives and children is what makes this show so uncomfortable to watch. Kody said some time ago that any of the wives were free to leave anytime they wanted. Where exactly would they go?

      Now it appears the women are trying to circle the wagons and show a united front. Fear of losing the show, fear of being on their own, fear of reality?

    3. "Fear of losing the show, fear of being on their own, fear of reality?"

      In no particular order....all of the above !!??

    4. Thank you for pointing out the true biblical descriptions of polygamy. The scriptures have never painted the practice as Godly or righteous. It is certainly present in the Old Testament and has always been surrounded by pain, jealousy and bloodshed. It has absolutely never been mentioned as a gateway to heaven. However, the Bible does warn us very clearly about false prophets...

  17. I hate that I have to be an annoying English nazi.... But the phrase " could care less " is actually "could not careless " because if you "could care less " then that means it is possible for you to careless..."could not careless" means you actually could not care any less. And I have been reading this blog long enough to know you really could NOT careless!


    2. Nice one, anon 9:42
      I enjoy every post no matter the grammar , spelling or content.
      Thanks CJ for all your hard work!!!

    3. Ohhh, Anonymous @ 9:29am.

      You are right about the commonly misused phrase "I could care less" when the proper phrase should be "I could not care less". (but, I think we all know the writer's intent no matter which words they use, right?) You started out well, but then YOU erred correcting someone else which caught my attention and I could not (see what I did there? lol) help myself from replying.

      As I'm sure you're aware, the word "careless" has a different meaning and is used in different contexts than the two words care and less used separately. Your spelling or misuse of the word "careless" was a careless mistake ;-) but I'm sure it doesn't mean you "care less" about spelling and word usage.

      Let's snark about the TLC show Sister Wives here and leave the grammar and spelling policing to sites dedicated to those subjects. Thank you CJ for inviting us into your living room and for being such a gracious hostess!

    4. Anon. 9:12; sending you hugs xxxxxxxxx

    5. Anon 9:29, I am an English professor, and I second Anon 9:12's comment about leaving the grammar nazi comments for those sites dedicated to grammar, punctuation, and usage. I would hate for people to stop posting because they felt we were going to critique their sentences. On that note, thank you CJ for inviting us into your living room and for being such a gracious hostess...I like that when I come in here, I don't have to edit the hell out of my writing; I do that enough in my academic life.

  18. But wouldn't care less have to be two separate words? Does careless as one word not mean something like to be less than cautious?On a separate note I was thinking today that that anthropologist said she was surprised Kody was not controlling.Wonder if she saw the rock tower episode or the boat building segment.

    1. I think any "professionals" brought on the show have to be kody approved, which is why I don't feel like there has been a true professional opinion shown on the show yet, even the interviews (or tell alls as they call them) are lame. You'd get better opinions and interviews if you pulled random strangers off the street. Even then, they probably wouldn't be allowed to speak to the women alone since they think the rest of the world is a bunch of "horn dogs", just after their women. Kody is afraid of any perceived competition and absolutely should be, he's nothing to most all but his sheltered little group of worshipers, quite sad

    2. Agree Nancy and Pat are completely useless as counselors. We all remember Kody calling the legitimate counselor in Sedona "The Crazy Lady."

  19. Does anyone know if Mary can be excommunicated from their church for flirting or For intending to have an extra marital affair? I am curious what the policy is in FLDS on matters like this.

    1. I'm ex AUB. Meri is AUB, and a Fundamentalist Mormon, but not FLDS, which is strictly Warren Jeffs' mob. She won't be excommunicated, because strictly speaking she didn't break her so-called marriage "covenants. However, I doubt she will be allowed to participate in the rituals in the "Ordinance Building"/"temple, until she thoroughly repents of her emotional "affair." This unhappy public shaming is likely to only cement her more firmly into the cult.

    2. ANON 12:31, What would her penance consist of? Is it a public shaming or an admittance of wrong doing in the church? Or Kody saying she is forgiven? Just curious.

    3. Excellent question i would also love to know what would the penance consist of?

    4. I didn't even think the Browns were members of any particulat church. TLC has never shown footage of them even getting ready for church except for services in one of their own living rooms. ( correct me if I'm wrong)

    5. I personally asked Robyn about the allegations about her prophet and SEx abuse and incest she said he was not proven guilty. She said they would handle it their way. Did I mention I took pictures of the response . I was not going to refer to it online without back up. So unless they have another prophet who also is also accused they are still AUB.

    6. There's no public shaming (that's already happened). She would just have to meet with leaders to convince them that she's truly sorry; will never do it again; and pledge allegiance to AUB, its leaders, and beliefs. They are definitely members of the AUB cult. They don't usually mention this for two reasons. 1. The previous leader was unhappy with them going on TV, so they agreed not to mention the cult name, and 2. They want to portray their polygamy as a true "choice" rather than the religious obligation that this is. It's part of their doctrine that women who refuse to live polygamy will be destroyed by God.

    7. As to the sex abuse scandal concerning their leader. Lynn Thompson, Robyn is in denial like many members of AUB. Thompson is accused by multiple women of sexually abusing them as children, or as teens. These women are his relatives, including daughters. And yes, Robyn is right, AUB will "handle it their way," which will be to brand the victims as liars, bully dissenters into silence, sweep it all under the rug, and carry on as usual. That's the AUB way. There's a lot about this on the Sound Choices Coalition Facebook page.

  20. Kody doesn't have to be overtly controlling because he already has three women begging for his approval, and a fourth well on her way to no longer being able to extricate herself. The relative fame from the show means that Kody could probably have a 5th wife tomorrow if he so desired.

    The most insidious control is exerted by creating a situation in which people appear to 'choose' of their own free will, when in reality, they have no option but to obey. Take for instance, the modern job market. Most people can't get by without a job. But getting a job is 'optional'. (Except, it actually isn't, because being unemployed means lower social status, poor health and even worse nutrition.)

    And, as large corporations become increasingly the only game in town in terms of employers, the conditions and pay people accept decrease over time. People end up like Christine, begging for grocery money, while living on foodstamps.

    And yet, most people who work for large corporates would still be offended (just like Christine) if you insinuated that they are in any way 'not free'. Of course, many of them have to turn up to work whenever their boss says, have limited free time, are curtailed in what they can do in that free time thanks to invasive testing, etc.

    This has turned a bit overly political, but I think there are comparisons to be made between wage slavery (which occurs when people find themselves in a terrible economic climate, with only bad and worse decisions to choose between) and polygamy, where women believe that they must be in a polygamous marriage to reach salvation.

    The overarching point being, Kody can sit there smugly and tell his wives that they have a 'choice', when any choice they make other than to please him will result in pain. Frankly, Meri's catfish could not have gone any better for Kody. She's been made a public example of to all the wives as to what happens if you try to stray. Not only do you not get love, you get public humiliation to the nth degree.

    Some people might say Kody is angry at Meri, and he probably is, but he's probably also smart enough to realize that what Meri just did put the rest of the family on life-long lockdown. They're still free to choose whatever they like, they just have to choose him.

  21. I cleared my dvr of sister wives episodes, but decided to take a quick look at a few scenes of the divorce episode before deleting it. Re-watching combined with everyone's great insights posted above gave me an "AHA" moment!
    This notion in Mormon Fundamentalism that family members were interchangeable and often "reassigned" has bred a culture where wives and children reattach themselves to different husbands. It is also not unheard of to shuffle marriage certificates among wives depending on what is financially advantageous. It would not be unusual in their culture for a husband to divorce a wife and marry another.

    Meri said in the divorce episode that she had been "thinking about divorcing Kody for 5 years." Who thinks about something for 5 years?? More likely she has been dragging her heels for 5 years!I

    Meri also said that when Robyn joined the family this was always the plan. I think it had been made clear to Meri that Kody expected her to divorce him. I cannot imagine Robyn joined the family without making Kody promise her legal wife status. I am sure as another poster suggested Robyn played the abused wife/children card and she needed this added security for herself and kids. Robyn would need to be the legal wife in order to give Kody some type of guardianship or rights over the children. All the wives seem to be brainwashed into thinking that is critical. For Kody, this would probably be the path to remove the "ick" factor from Robyn and her children. He would need to make them his own like property.

    My educated guess is that Robyn always had the expectation that Kody legally marry her. Her need to pretend like Kody is the father of the children, having them call him "daddy" before they were even married - insisting this is the way it should have been from day one...etc. Robyn knew that the clock was ticking with regards to the pretense of Kody adopting her kids - two of them are already teenagers. I think Robyn had finally had enough with Mary dragging her feet and she knew if she didn't force the issue soon it would be irrelevant given the age of her kids.
    I don't think there is any mystery about the divorce - other than the timing. Robyn got tired of waiting, put pressure on Kody - who in turn demanded Meri divorce him. TLC borrowed straight from the Big Love script and turned it into a storyline allowing Meri to look selfless. What Kody didn't bargain for was how important the legal marriage status was to Meri.

    1. If Kody pushed Meri into divorcing him because Robyn pressured him into it then Meri would be horribly angry and resentful towards Robyn, and that doesn't seem to be the case ( aside from the phony birthday photo). I have no idea what the real reason was- only that I doubt it is what they say.

    2. I'm sure Robyn totally painted herself and her kids as damsels in distress in hopes of bringing out the white knight shit in Kody and the friendship warrior in Meri, but ...a new wife prospect making big-assed demands like that? Naw. That would make even the biggest idiot dude feel gamed, and I'm sure it would have brought out the big "NO" from the other wives. As long as Robyn was sweet, kind, and group-adaptable, Meri would root for her and Janelle and Christine wouldn't have a reason to withhold their approval. If she were making waves, they would have been more than justified.

  22. I used to think that Kody was just a goofy idiot who didn't have a whole lot of control over his family. As the seasons of the show march on, I realize how wrong I was. I think Kody has a cruel side and is far more controlling than we are shown.

    I feel for Meri. I think it's tragic that she has been raised to believe she needs Kody to get to heaven. I don't think she'll ever leave this lifestyle, and I hurt for her.

    I'm so glad that the kids seem to not be fooled about this life. I think the family getting this show was terrible for their marriages, but the best thing that could have happened to the kids.

  23. Yes, there seemed to be something very odd about Kody’s relationship with Robyn’s daughter. He was significantly more affection with Aurora than he is with any of his biological daughters and his comments regarding her suggested a favoritism for her over his own daughters. I wonder how they feel about that? He also was warmer and more affectionate with her than he is with any of his wives, save for Robyn. Aurora’s tears were passionate and troubled, suggesting some emotional issues (probably from being this situation). Kody kissed Breana on the lips before leaving for his trip with Christine. I think its weird for a man to kiss his step daughter on the lips, unless she is still very little. I never kissed my dad on the lips that I can remember. And this coming from the man who forbids his teenager daughters to kiss their boyfriends, because of the hormonal response.

    And then poor Christine. She seems like a warm, giving and affection care giver. She gave birth to 6 of his children. She also seems to be the most sincerely happy about the adoption of the other wives. She appears to be the most willing to take care of the children of other women in the family. Kody treats her badly and she doesn't deserve this, telling her she has to earn his love, but honoring his family i.e.. making Robyn happy, was downright cruel. Taking a therapist on their vacation, was humiliating, she should get the romantic trips that other wives can get. Her anniverisity trip was just a meal lesson about treating wife number one, better. Even though Christine already treats amazingly, considering the situation.

    Meri looks crushed, broken and depressed. She didn't want this divorce and the reasons for it are bs. I don't blame for looking for love outside her relationship. I think it sad she found another attention-seeking abuser, but abuse is cyclic.

    This season is most depressing yet. I watched wondering if Kody would be able to balance his passion for his new wife, with other wives and three families, hoping that he would be able to. But he seems to have failed completely. It is amazing this kind of sorrow and abuse is broadcast on TV, normally this is the sort of thing that kept behind closed doors. Very sad and a poor example of a poly family. The family of my five wives, was not perfect, but definitely a better example of this life style.

    1. Anonymous 2:06,
      The thing that I have found most disturbing about Kody's and Robyn's daughters' relationships is that he tries so hard to show the audience that they are just like his kids; hence, he kissing the girls on the mouth and they laying on him. Normally, when we see men, particularly step fathers, show those kinds of what we think of as intimate connections with their girls and more importantly their step daughters, we throw up red flags. I doubt Kody is grooming those girls but I do think that Robyn probably gripes that he treats his bio kids better and so Kody tries to show her and the audience that he loves all the kids equally. However, and here's the problem, he isn't affectionate with his biological daughters. He doesn't kiss them on the mouth, hugg them, nor do they lay around on him. I suspect, it's like Christine said, when he has a problem with her, her children suffer because he doesn't come around. On the other hand, I really believe he spends more time at Robyn's and he works at building a relationship with the girls. They seem to feel more freedom to interact physically with him...and he seems to work at interacting with them. It bothers me to my core to seem him peck on the head of one of his bio kids but hug and lip kiss the step kids...there's something grossly wrong. Having said that, I don't think he is grooming them for a new wife or anything like that...he is just trying to make Robyn happy.

    2. Maybe Kody is just trying to 'bond' by passing them his hormones. ICK!

    3. I came from a pretty physically affectionate family and often snuggled with and or kissed both parents on the face or mouth. I would still 'cuddle' my mom when I was sick well into my early 20's (but I was also pretty immature).
      My dad stopped being as comfortable with the kisses and cuddles when I started developing breasts and hips. I don't think it was necessarily because he saw me as a sexual being or 'woman'
      So much as the last time I recalled kissing him goodbye some woman gave him a dirty look for being a 'cradle robber'. He was so embarrassed and creeped out and had to very gently explain that there is nothing wrong with me wanting to be affectionate but that after a certain point it might seem strange to others.
      I've never liked when people made broad assumptions about what is appropriate or not appropriate because each person has different limits and ideas of what is a normal amount of affection...but with the history of polygamy and the shady happenings in their church Kody should be more aware of how a grown man being overtly affectionate with a teenaged girl looks.
      Even if there is nothing going on I still wouldn't want a man like Kody hugging or kissing any of my kids...for the cold sores alone.

  24. That picture of them at the Hard Rock is them "just trying too hard". Meri has her hand on Kody and she is next to him and Robyn on the outside. I call BS. Meri put it all at risk with her behaviour. The show, what was left of it, physical security to herself and the kids. This woman she was catfished by has been photographed in Meri's house, at Disneyland and at a LaQuinta in Vegas. Why did Meri never figure out there was no Samual? She continued to bring this woman who is not right in the head into her life,and now they are all smilesss on a red carpet? They havnt been on a red carpet and out in i bet years...humm..a sex scandel for the Brown's, does Meri have a brain?

    1. I will Christine looked like she lost some weight and looks amazing in those pictures!

    2. Christine looks very pretty. Sobbin's hand on her pg belly is like "HEY look at this!"

    3. TheGreatAndWonderfulOctober 15, 2015 at 12:09 PM

      The body language in the Hard Rock photo confirms for me why I believe this show will probably end soon. This photo tells me that the Browns are not capable of being authentic. They are going to pretend it's no so bad. That Meri & Kody are fine now. Better than fine because we all know it's always been Robyn hanging onto Kody. Robyn was purposefully placed on the end. Fans are going to want this addressed in an honest manner. I believe even the more naive fans will be able to detect the level of BS they're selling.

      How they could not only salvage the show but increase viewership would to be very honest with the audience in reveling what caused the affair to begin with. To be honest about Meri's willing and active participation. And to address the fact that in order for this to have happened it had to have been because the entire family if not doing well (as is evidenced by all of the emotional eating, cheating, addictions to religion, MLM, etc.).

      And the People interview (second one) confirm my suspicion they would play the victim card. As prefaced by Meri's previous comment about wanting to help "other victims." Meri, I feel sorry for someone cheating on their spouse who gets Catfished like I feel sorry for someone out to shoot someone else & ends up shooting themselves.

      But the fact remains, this family is being directed by a narcissist. Kody, ever the narcissist wears two masks. The public persona and the real Kody. He would rather die the reveal to the world the truth of who he truly is and how miserable he and his wife, girlfriends and kids are and have been. The entire Kody Brown "show" is a facade. He is perfect to work in MLM. It shall about selling a perception, a non tangible dream. Just like the Sister Wives show, what viewers are of being sold is not reality 99% of the time. Just as 99% will lose money when they join Kodys MLM scheme. And just as Kody doesn't have the income to buy a Lexus on his own, none of them have the income to buy those homes on their own. The MLM company leases a car to help Kody sell a dream to naive people. While TLC fronts the money so the Browns can also front like they are living at a certain socioeconomic status. When in reality, they can only afford to live in those home so as long as TLC is convincing enough people that the Browns are a happy, comfortable, healthy, secure family. But without TLC, the homes will foreclose. Without the MLM making payments, the Lexus would be repossessed.

      Pay no mind to the narcissist behind the curtain! He is the great and wonderful Kody brown! All is well and good in Oz. Everyone is happy, healthy! Ignore those tapes of Meri. They're like Dorothy falling asleep in the flower. We don't need to talk about or think about it because everything is wonderful in Oz!

    4. Christine is by far in my opinion to be tHe cutest. She could easily find a real husband. She would love having a man love and adore her. She has no clue what that feels like. I was disgusted when I read Kody called her a crybaby. I've been married for 12 years and my husband comes to my side and tries to fix whatever upsets me. It's not him upsetting me. What's the point of being married when your husband bullies you. That's no marriage. That is what I call abuse. And the kids are seeing that and learning how they deserve to be treated. Christine just needs to work on ever self esteem. She needs to dress more flattering, cut her hair, style it, work out, get a job and bail on Kody! I know she could do it!

  25. What a great blog and being from UK was shocked to discover the recent Meri scandal on here. I do think this is for real unlike the divorce / adoption story.... I feel there's something we don't know about went on there. Bet Kody baloney has given Meri a real hard time over this, not because he's heartbroken but more like concerned about possible fallout and damage to "the brand". This season he's more unlikeable than ever overdoing the goofiness act with Christine when really he can't stand her, it's becoming such a farce when we can all see he only has eyes for his rockin' Robyn. I'd say to Christine and Janelle maybe Meri too the time is ripe to get out of this mess, much as I love to watch it's starting to implode and I don't see it going on much longer so they should jump ship now turn the tables on this shambles and profit financially with tell all tv appearances, books and possible follow up show of their own Life after Sister Wives. They may have driven themselves into this cul-de-sac now it's time to reverse right out of there.

    1. Well you guys are really behind in the U.K. go back and read the Cynical Jinx and you can catch up. The germans seem all gaga over Kody and crew and post on their page a lot.

  26. My apologies to Julie S . I accidentally zapped one of your comments when I dropped my kindle!!! My bad!!!

  27. So, browns have totally averted the elephant in the room. Photos of Browns at the Hard Rock Cafe with Chrisrine and Meri posing as front runners.

    1. But the5th picture shows a scowling Kody leading Robyn through the crowd. The Original Three Wives are no where in sight.

  28. Where are you seeing these photos?

    1. Radar online

    2. Oh my goodness, look at Meri with her hand on Kody's arm! They really are just going to sweep this under the rug like nothing happened. I wonder if the Catfish resulted in higher ratings last night.

  29. Ok, anyone else notice that yet again, Kody comments about "their" kids... I mean saying things like "her kids"when discussing the children? Should he not be saying his kids? This grates my nerves because essentially he is labeling them by mothers, but not calling them his. I get that they all have different mothers, however, he was noticeably saying it this episode. I also feel uneasy in the dynamics of Aurora and Kody. Something is not right...

  30. I think this is an old pic because Robn looks VERY large in the Hard Rock Cafe photo. I wonder if she continues to gain weight and never lose the weight she's gained, along with the desperation of Meri now to please Kody if this means Meri could be more favored than Robyn! Also, I honk Kody will get a young fertile wife soon. Wouldn't surprise me if Robyn's daughter gets pregnant at 18 by Kody and they play it off like she "had her purity stolen from her" by some in named heathen. -FeverPitch

  31. The statistical chance of child abuse increases by 33 when a non-related male is in the home with children. Of course there are many wonderful step fathers that would NEVER. However, for some men they don't treat other peoples kids the same. And for some men, particularly those that only value women for what they can offer them, men who view women as sex objects, breakfast makers, etc. having Jon-related females, especially young developing ones is just too tempting for them. In the FLDS & LDS communities they at least used to commonly marry their step daughters. I know LDS denounce plural marriage. But if their founders were alive today, they'd be FLDS not LDS. And plural marriage is every LDS members goal in the afterlife. So they're not as distanced from it as they'd like others to believe.

  32. CourtOfPublicOpinionOctober 15, 2015 at 12:38 PM

    Hey, guys. I need an update on an old issue. I don't actually watch SW because they annoy me. But I love reading the blog. I was wondering what happened to them getting their real estate licenses? Did any of them pass the exam? I am guessing they quit? Or couldn't pass? What was their excuse for it not working out? And besides their online jewelry store and the MLM scheme, do any of them now work?

    Did think they're going to cancel the show in 2016. They can no longer pretend everything is fine, we know the truth. But there too used to lying to be honest. Fans now know they've been lying the whole time. I suspect a peek in interest then a sharp decline and cancellation.

    How will they pay for their houses? Even IF they were paid off, they would all need very good paying jobs to pay for living expenses, electric, gas, water, garbage, taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc. But they're not paid off. I'd estimate they'd need to make 3-4x their mortgage. Unless the y win the lotto, they're losing those homes and everything the wasted on the hem so far. And I think the mortgage company knew they would lose them. Think about it. The mortgage company then gets everything the Browns have paid into them PLUS they get the homes back to resell. Now, for an even higher amount.

    1. Wow, such doomsday scenarios for SW show and lives. I like the show. I like this blog. I hope the people and show continue to evolve. If that includes a wife leaving, fine. I hope one or two of them think about a spin off show. Think of names: Life without Kody. Divorced Sister Wives. The kids could visit and collect (hopefully) trust funds from both shows.

    2. I'd watch a spin off of anyone except Kody and Robyn. As narcissists would rather die than allow the world to see their true selves. I want to see them being authentic. I think what may have happened is they feel pressure as the self appointed representatives of plural family to hide how troubled they are. But we are all troubled, it's part of the human condition.

      I know losing the homes would be heart breaking. I hope they can keep them. They can if TLC keeps the show on through the conclusion of their mortgages and if there are at least four excellent incomes to pay for living expenses and to maintain the homes properly. Since TLC can cancel on a moments notice, I'd love to see them all working or in school.

      Do you know what happened to the real estate? By now they could have earned enough in commissions to not rely on TLC money. Which I feel should be treated as a windfall, not as their bread and butter money.

      Who is your favorite? I like Christine more than the others. I see no redeeming qualities in Kody or Robyn. But that's because I was raised by two narcissists. They convince the world they're sacrificing, wonderful, thoughtful, hard working, etc. Behind closed doors they're jealous, controlling and have not a spec of empathy for anyone but themselves. Very painful way to grow up.

  33. These are my questions:
    How many times a week or month are all 5 adults in the same room together, outside of when they film those icky couch scenes?
    How many times a week or month does the entire family, all wives and children still living at home, have a family meal together?

    It is those scenes, if they happen, I would like to see along with the dynamics of the meal being put together, people assembling, them all sitting together as if they are relaxed with what should be a common occurrence. And I don't mean a party. I mean a normal family meal, if they exist. And I would like to see how they interact. If they don't eat together then I guess Kody eats with whatever wife he is spending the night with? Is that how it goes?

    Anybody notice that big wide driveway at one of the houses that has a wide gate that goes to the two backyards that were just either left dirt or hopefully gravel by now (to cut dust)? Obviously for Events, both private and filmed (Brown Family Entertainment and AUB functions). The houses back up on a stretch of land with no houses - maybe a wash or something. Quite the setup and private.
