
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Worse Sister Wives Summer Hiatus Ever...

Kody's "What, Me Worry?" look
I have been so numbed by the lack of reasonably informative social media activity by the Browns, that I completely overlooked this minor fact...

The last regular Sister Wives episode aired on March 1, 2015. I don't mean the tributes to Meri, Robyn or the Season Tell All (which usually doesn't tell us a darn thing) either. Those don't count.

The last regular episode was almost 6 months ago! And this isn't the first time there was a way too long hiatus. Now I ask you, what show can continue to exist when it's not even on TV?

The American audience is well known for it's fickleness. I can only think of one entertainer that survived an extended absence from his audience, and that was Elvis Presley.

Elvis had talent, though. The Kody Brown Family's only talent is how the Original Three Wives can continue to Stand By Their Man when he is obviously so smitten by his new legal wife #4 Robyn that he has finally, been able to impregnate with another of his spirit babies.  Robyn should be hoping she's having twins because she is way behind in the spirit baby making game. After all, as Christine (who thought she would be Kody's final "wife") said in the first season, "By gosh, they better be having sex..." or words to that effect.

Robyn contemplating becoming Kody's legal wife

And having sex is what those two lovebirds have been doing for over 5 years now. With only one spirit baby being born. In the same timeframe, Christine and Janelle were able to push out a majority of Kody's spirit babies. He is, however,  still less prolific than Brady Williams or Joe Darger in the impregnating your sisterwives with spirit babies arena.

Kody NEEDS that fifth, young, and fertile sister wife to remain competitive. He's not even running a close race anymore. And we the audience want to see the meltdown of Robyn when she realizes, just like Christine did, that she is no longer Kody's "last" wife. Legal wife she still is, but if he starts courting his fifth...well let's just say Robyn's true colors will make yet another appearance.

That will be an epic meltdown!

Back to the present, the Browns still have not figured out how to use social media effectively. Robyn thinks all she needs to do is say "Hi, I'm Robyn. Kody's 4th wife." and fans will stumble out of what ever nook and cranny they are hiding in, to seek her out.

Well, that was a major fail, Robyn.

Meri thought all she needed to do was to retweet literally hundreds of self-help, motivational, wearing your heart on your sleeve type memes to her followers. She even tweeted a meme that pointed out how if something is retweeted it's because she thought it would be interesting to read, not that it was describing what was happening in her life.

Uh, huh...yeah. Like Meri started tweeting that crap right after the audience found out not only did she divorce Kody in September 2014, but he almost immediately married Robyn in December 2014. And then in June, guess who's pregnant.

I call this a "Saving Face" ploy.

Many thought this was Meri's cry for attention from an otherwise occupied Kody. Unfortunately, the only person to notice Meri's pain was a Joker who preceded to make her the laughingstock on Twitter. Well, Meri helped a little, too.

Note to Meri: If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Next time get references, or at least use Google for goodness sakes!

And Christine still occasionally tweets about her children, with Janelle retweeting about whatever she finds interesting in her Twitter timeline. Another note to Meri: Janelle's retweets are what that meme was describing!

Just this week, we found out from comments on the Sister Wives Official TLC Facebook page (and from comments here in my living room) that Kody and his Ko-dypendents© were being sighted in Alaska. There was even a picture of Logan, with his girlfriend, in front of an Alaskan glacier on his instagram.

Let's just hope TLC sprung for plane tickets from Vegas to Alaska, because otherwise, that would be one gosh awful drive...especially with a pregnant Robyn in tow. YIKES!!!

I thought I would turn over the rest of this posting to some of the questions, thoughts, that were left on the previous posting.

Big Sky August 10, 2015 at 5:44 PM
[...] Please CJ - can you make sumptin outa nuttin and entertain us with a post??!

Cynical Jinx: Here's my best effort. Enjoy!

Polyjammies August 10, 2015 at 7:11 PM
Hi Cynical:
Not sure if you already knew this, but Sister Wives is filming in Girdwood, Alaska (a ski town near Anchorage) this week.

Cynical Jinx: Thanks Polyjammies. Ok, everybody let's crank up Google Maps!

sewcrafty27  August 11, 2015 at 11:16 AM
[...] The longer the Browns stay off tv, the quicker their fans will move on to other more interesting shows.

Cynical Jinx: Yep, Kody is no Elvis Presley, that's for sure!

Amused August 11, 2015 at 8:39 PM
[...] Yep....sure sounds like this (last) season will be a buffet of recycled BS, even including a redo of Sobbin the Madonna. Snarkers, prepare to be underwhelmed..

Cynical Jinx: Just like every other season. The only question left is, just how low will they go - will the saga of Kody adopting Robyn's children be superceded by Robyn having morning sickness now? And please, no Robyn talking like she's the senior spokesman for the family. #RememberTheOriginalThree

Anonymous August 12, 2015 at 10:56 AM
I honestly think they are going to take on a fifth wife to save the show. [...] I also have a sinking feeling that the next wife is going to be Sobyn's live in nanny/maid/slave because Mrs. New Legal Wife could control her easily and therefore more likely to be on board with the plan.

Cynical Jinx: Oh, to bring in a fifth and have her living with Robyn would be soooo delicious...But alas, I think Meri will be the lucky wife to be roomies with a fifth. Luckily for Robyn she lives right next door to Meri so she'll still be able to clean Robyn's bathrooms like Mindy did!

Big Sky August 12, 2015 at 11:32 AM
I got a kick out of a tweet from the Seavey's, Iditarod champions, who operate a kennel and lead dog sled tours. They said they were contacted by the show and asked if they could film at their kennel (not sure if they also wanted to arrange a dog sled ride) and the Seavey's turned them down. They said it "didn't seem to be our kind of show." Wish other businesses were not so desperate for publicity and would also turn them down!!

Cynical Jinx: Thank goodness the dogs didn't have to suffer with that crowd! Can you imagine Kody driving a dog sled, his hair blowing in the Alaska wind? And of course, current legal wife would be his precious cargo, while the Original Three are forced to run behind Kody. Thank you Seavey's for saying NO WAY to Sister Wives producers!

Finally, CPA Carol wrote an essay summarizing the Brown Family Television Journey on the last posting. Here's a link (hopefully it will take you directly to her comment) and the first paragraph so you'll know what to look for:

CPA Carol July 27, 2015 at 3:12 PM
I think everything we are shown on Sister Wives is made up, none of it is really “real”. The premise of the show was supposed to show us how four women can be happily married to one man and raise all their kids together in one happy family.

Click here to read the rest...

And this just in....

Mark your calendar! The Sister Wives return to TLC on Sun. Sept, 13th 9/8! WATCH an Exclusive Video from The Wrap:
Posted by Sister Wives on Wednesday, August 12, 2015



Cynical Jinx


  1. Sorry Anonymous. Google is your best friend. Good Luck!

  2. information:

    1. Goodness gracious. Robyn could barely contain her happiness and Meri keeping up the façade if she keeps repeating to herself "It's for the kids, it's for the kids" that might miraculously become true. But the sad thing is, it won't. Meri got outplayed by Robyn, who will NEVER let go of being legally married to Kody. smh...

    2. Thanks for the link, Sisterwivesfail!!

    3. What a boring clip. So not interested.
      But I AM interested in your recaps, cj. You are brilliant!

    4. Meri lost the game. I think we've been seeing that this summer in her twitter account. I wonder if the television programme will admit to her loss? I doubt it. It's for the kids. Gross.

    5. I wonder if the television programme will admit to her loss? I doubt it.

      So do I, Sisterwivesfail. It certainly looks like Meri will get the martyr edit this season.

    6. I watched the clip, and the whole interaction is crazy. Robyn's first response to Meri's announcement that the divorce is final is, "So that sucker's done?" as she gloats. Yet, they both shed crocodile tears. Meri declares that she now wants to be a team player now, as if TLC didn't present a special episode on the divorce as Meri's self-sacrifice.

      And, no Brown clip would be complete without reminding us of how they're so persecuted as polygamists. After minimizing the dissolution of Meri's legal marriage, Robyn says, "We have to play by their rules," and Meri adds, "But they're not our rules."

      Last thought: It's crazy that Kody wouldn't have received official notice about the divorce, since he was a party to it. If that were true, Meri would have been tweeting it to "Lover" as an FYI, and Robyn would have been dragging him to a 24-hour wedding chapel as soon as she learned, rather than pausing for the talking head to slam Meri for telling her before Kody. They can't contain their hate and competition.

    7. Meri really did lose the game and Robyn didn't do a very good job of hiding her happiness at the finalization of the divorce. Those who watch the next season will probably be watching the implosion of the family.

    8. I think we've been watching the implosion for years now. First the houses were going to fix everything. Then the commitment ceremony was supposed to fix everything. I'm sure the next thing will be the new baby. This family is just broken, period. No stupid Brown bandaid is going to fix it. Trading the old wife for the new one seems like the last straw. Time will tell, but this family looks pretty broken to me.

    9. she'll be filling up that bar she needed so badly.

  3. I had been missing your posts, love them! Greetings from a portuguese fan <3

  4. Good Job, CJ. That was really some Stone Soup that you had to work with. It is not your fault that they are so boring when producers are not writing the storyline. I have cut my cable so I look forward to this page to keep me up to date on the SW shenanigans. Thanks for trying to create something out of thin air.

  5. That new preview looks old. Like I've seen it before. Nothing really new.

  6. Great job, CJ, providing something out of nothing. That takes "real" talent.

    The question du jour is why, oh why do reality shows, like TLC's stable of said shows especially, assume that filming the participants of a show at various, and at times incongruous, locations makes for enticing viewing??
    The assumption that filming the families with all their warts in airplanes or giant RV's, then on to hotels and/or campsites and destination activities somehow makes them more palatable to watch is just not so. If anything, it shows even more warts. Think of the Browns at Plymouth in Season 2 or 3, where they came off as crass and ignorant. (especially Christine)

    Watching any of the road trips with *any* reality show, the thought always occurs to me how much of an intrusion and pain in the butt it must be to other travelers and tourists who have to be inconvenienced while production/ filming of "reality stars" is taking precedence.

  7. Thank you CJ! You never disappoint! Your best effort was above and beyond - you constantly amaze me with your ability to pull something together out of the krew you have to work with!

  8. Watching the Browns travel makes me so nervous because you have the slugs AKA Janelle and Christine who just pile crap in the vehicles and then you have Meri who has no children to fuss with and she is bragging about she is up and ready to go but has to wait on the others and then you have poor fragile and misunderstood Robyn who must have the boy folk look after her and help her....and when things are to her liking the veil of helplessness lifts and the ugly comes out.
    Then there's the man-child Kody and he just runs around slinging his oilcurls about and fusses at the first child to cross him...and speaking of children, they are caught in the cluster-buck of the parents' travel's just sad.
    Then I remember me traveling as a single parent with my two children from CA to AR and back and to Yellowstone and other places and how I planned everything down to the food to take, ice chest to pack, games for the kids to play, pillows and blankets...well, you get the idea and all I can think of us, where did these fools fail at common sense learning....and then I remember that there is no way four women can dare think about packing and planning for the trip when they will be in close proximity of their love interest and his other love least at home, they can slam doors and hide but on the road, they have to see it...they have to smile...they cannot upset the cart because then they will be the one that will be humiliated in front of their nemesis. And the stress of their kids being good so that no one can say oh my god, did you see how her kids acted? Really, it's abuse for the wives to have to go through all of that.

    1. Remember the Plyg-cation episode when The Dargers and the Browns travelled to the California beach? It was so obvious Papa Joe Darger (and his sister-wives consisting of twins and their cousin) were not impressed by Brown chaos. What was it that Papa Joe said? "Don't tell me to be ready to go at a certain and then you not be ready" or words to that effect. I remember how mad Janelle was but Meri liked Papa Joe's organizational skills.

    2. just PERFECTLY summed up a Brown Family Vacation. It's actually pretty disturbing at the heart of are so right, the women have to face each other in close proximity, while pretending to be having a wacky great time for the cameras...not to mention all the kids, caught in the PMS crossfire (because that's all it really is, right, Kody)?

      And you have me rolling with "oilcurls." This needs to be patented and put on a t-shirt at MSWC pronto.

  9. Mr Petite Terror comes from a family kind of like the Browns and They are consistently (woefully) unprepared for the slightest trip, even just to go to dinner. Luckily we don't spend time with them anymore, for many reasons.
    I vaguely remember the Duggars making a comment that they live on 'Duggar time' though wasting time is quirky and acceptable because you had more kids than you could reasonably handle.
    I can't help but feel like this is a theme in fundie families? Everything seems to be on 'daddy' time or 'daddy' needs, not the children's. Every mom I know (even those with stupid big families) are like generals when it comes to travel. They plan trips like sieges to war and chaos is the Nazi front.
    I am constantly astounded that a family with that many women and moms (the Browns) is so incapable of transporting children. If the big selling point of polygamy is 'help' and 'bonus' moms they are doing a pisspoor job of showing the benefit.
    Whenever the Brown women say how much they appreciate having 'help' with their kids in reminded of that scene in Princess Bride where Inigio Montoya tells Feznick 'I do not think that word means what you think it does'...because I'm a nerd and a child of the 80's.

  10. In the title *worse* should be *worst*

    You don't have to publish this; just letting you know.

  11. CJ, I do remember the Darger/Brown trip and how castrating Darger Alpha male was to Brown Clown Kody. BTW, thanks for putting this together....pickings are slim and my hat is off to you for taking a sow's ear and making a silk purse.

  12. If there was to be an opinion contest on which Kodyworld trip had the most snarkworthy favorite would be Kody-Village Idiot getting doused by the "brown" hose of the RV. That was SUCH a funny and fitting scene for the harem master.

  13. well he isn't referred to as the "brown" clown for nothing

  14. Watched the clip. These people cannot communicate without using words to express their fillings like "weird". They have no vocabulary. I guess they are going to play up the adoption story, and Kody takes his daughters to the beach to bond..more BS from them.

    1. I don't know if you used the word "fillings" on purpose (I suspect you did), but this always bugs me about the's pronounced "feelings," not "fillings." I know it's their accent but sheesh...especially since they use the word like 196 times per episode.

      I would like to add "I Need to Express My Fillings" as a cute saying on an apron for MSWC.

  15. I think no family deserves more than maybe four years in the spotlight. We learn too much. No one is that interesting. There are 7 billion people on earth, find another person to make interesting on TV. I know some are invested to see what happens next. But with social media former families can keep perfect strangers up to date on the graduations, weddings and babies to come. Remember when once a year a family of multiple is featured on TV? Why the in and out day to day intrusion over years?

    If the real plan was to prove how special polygamy is then why only feature one family..sister wives, my five wives, polygamy USA all tried and failed. Try a different family. If we saw another family living like the Levi house days, and another, and another maybe it would seem more typical? We would believe each kid was raised by them all. The first episode Kody walked into janelles place to say good morning before work. We saw a mom cook for two families worth of kids. We saw selflessness and cooperation.

    1. "The first episode Kody walked into janelles place to say good morning before work. We saw a mom cook for two families worth of kids. We saw selflessness and cooperation."

      But.....after watching staged scene after staged scene lo these five years in Kodyworld, one has to wonder if that opening scene was also staged for effect.
      Kind of hard to swallow that Kody was such an attentive father/husband back then since we now know that at that time of that filming he was already courting (negotiating) the deal with Sobbin. And all the wives knew it. As did TLC.

      Selfless, cooperative? Maybe...since that is the Plyg expectation for the women?
      Happy? Not so much, as further scenes certainly indicated.

    2. I think the first few episodes were the most real actually. Then they started inventing problems. The police staking them out. The exodus. The quibbling over fairness of resources. The trips and the parties. At least then it looked like they were going through the motions of liking each other. I'm certain Kody kept up with Janelle since she actually left at one point according to family history. And she was the full time working person at the time. Christine was pregnant and born into the life. Meri was thrilled with bonus kids since she had one and grew up with it. She wasn't in danger of leaving in school and pt working. Christine caring for the other kids we see even in Vegas. I mean she really considers them her kids.

    3. I agree that the first few epps did present them as contented in their plyg world.

      However, it couldn't have been too contented or real if Kody had already successfully pitched the show for money, and in doing that, he (they) had agreed to bring on # 5 for needed ratings spice, especially since bringing on a 5th wife w/3 kids would require larger quarters.
      Larger quarters with a ridiculous high drama script that would get them out of Lehi and guaranteed ratings!!

      If educating the non-plyg world about their Plyg lifestyle was their motivation, with Janelle happily (by her own admission) working full time with Christine as the energetic and dedicated in-house childcare worker and Meri doing her part time thing (whatever that really was) in their habatrail cluster of apartments......
      then why did they immediately set in motion dramatic actions and events to change it all up, graphically showing the underbelly of the wives discontented psyches, Kody's greed and their collective sense of entitlement... and their disdain for non-plygs.?

    4. *oops* Should have said # 4 wife...!

      Easy to let "# 5" slip out since that is possibly their next ratings move...... :)))..

  16. Seavey's IdidaRide Sled Dog Tours FaceBook page blew up (sort of) over his comment that he turned down Sister Wives filming there LOL.

    Seavey said "I don't think they meant us any harm, and we do lots of tv shows, but i have three daughters"

    One poster said "We met him and one of the wives on one of their many dates to Disneyland. Good call imo to not do the show."

    1. Thanks for the info, LBL. For those who are interested, Seavey's is in Seward. If you look at the Google Map of Girdwood, moving south on the map you'll see Seward. I wonder if they rented RVs again? I wonder if Kody used the white water hose to flush out the black water hose? Guess we'll have to wait to see!

    2. I wonder if Meri and Sobyn got to stay in hotels with Kody again while Janelle and Christine had to stay with the kids?

    3. Seward ALASKA? Wow, putting all those kids through college must be a snap, financially. Do you think the students all got loans and aid? Kruddy was so opposed to helping them out. After all, he has many wives and they all have exceptional needs for major travel vacations for themselves as couples or family extravaganzas with their entire overbred brood.

  17. The way Meri speaks KILLS me. I just watched the clip and shuddered watching and listening to her. Why does she say FILLS instead of FEELS??? How does she not know how to say such a simple word correctly? Robyn is just as bad! It drives me nuts and prevents me from watching the show. Just wanted to vent. :)

    1. People pronounce words differently in regions of the country.

    2. Oops! It should be "in different regions of the country".

  18. I think this is why Meri either cries or blows up in anger so easily. She cannot articulate her feelings with an adult vocabulary and resorts to emotional outbursts. Their biggest words are "actually" and "literally".
    They suffer from "group speak" as they all sound the same in certain words.

  19. To CPA Carol's point, prior to the show, I knew the definition of polygamy and vaguely followed the raid in Texas, otherwise I didn't know anything about polygamy. Thanks to "Sister Wives" I now actually have an opinion on polygamy, have learned about fundamental Mormonism, and learned all about the disfunction of sister wives. This show has done the opposite of its intent. It educated me on how bad polygamy is.

    1. If there was a "like" button, I would push it now because I feel exactly the same about polygamy. I think it stinks for the wives, the children and the husband too. No one is ever really fulfilled and the resources (time and money) are spread too thin. What a strange choice to make in this day and age. I think most of the kids will not follow in their parents footsteps.

  20. CJ, I love your choice of the crazed Kody picture. Kody's hair looks like it all sprouts from one spot on the top of his scalp, just like those dolls whose hair can be lengthened by tugging it out from a hole in the top of the head. Come on TLC, how about marketing some action figure Plyg dolls? Kody's hair could 'magically' grow, and think what fun accessories the wives would have. They could all come with snap on bulgy bellies for weight gain or pregnancy depending on your mood.

    1. Lol true stuff

    2. The action figure of Meri would say "I need to express my fillings". (Thanks laurakaye.)

  21. Watching the clip, I assume Meri had Robyn come over to tell her because it was Meri's great 'sacrifice' to Robyn and her children to 'give' them her divorce; the final piece of the gift has occurred. But Meri's gift seems totally lost on Robyn and, to me, to us. How is the general public supposed to watch this season when the main characters are totally confused, making jokes and simply using one word to describe the situation 'weird!' OMG, I don't know how the producers can bring any cohesion to this. Cynical Jinx - you have your work cut out for you. ha

  22. Agree about the clip.
    Watching Meri stumble to sound spontaneous was just more Brown BS. Is she really that inarticulate, or, even after five years of producer direction, is she still that bad an actor ??

    Also yelling "up here' as the camera pans down her staircase to catch Sobbin coming up was soooo lame. As if it all is a covertly spontaneous conversation for Kody-Idiot yet to hear !!

    TLC, just stop with the silly, stupid and insulting nonsense.
    The viewers are bored and savvy to all the scripted BS.
    This crap is NOT the way to keep the show going !!

    1. Also yelling "up here' as the camera pans down her staircase to catch Sobbin coming up was soooo lame.

      That scene really showed how much empty space those McMansions have. But it really reminded me of the Beverly Hillbillies. The only thing missing was Granny yelling she was out at the cement pond doing the laundry!!!

    2. "..........was Granny yelling she was out at the cement pond doing the laundry!!!"

      LOL....too, too funny !!!!!!

  23. The expression on Kody's face in the top picture can only be described as diabolical, he looks like a fiend and I would be frightened if I encountered him on the street.
    In the group picture, Meri has her hand placed over Kody's solar plexus (not the first time I have seen her in this stance), is this to denote possessiveness or an effort on her part to contain his radiating good vibes out to the universe?

  24. At Anon 9:14; Consider who is standing to Meri's left! Janelle. No way is Meri going to take that arm and wrap it around Janelle's waist like you see Christine doing to Robyn. My bet is putting her hand there on Kody not only demonstrates possessiveness, but it is a way to avoid contact with Janelle!

    1. Great observation Big Sky, and who needs a hug more than Janelle. Some sisterhood!

  25. a grown a** woman with a vocabulary of "stupid" and "weird". That's how Meri continually described her fillings towards Robyn being a surrogate..crying with Kody and Mariah on the couch..this is stupid and weird

  26. Completely irrelevant but I get a kick out of this (how Christine and Robyn's families are connected):

    Something else- I wanted to do an update about the situation within the AUB soon. Pinesdale was pretty much in apostasy last time I checked. I wonder where Kody Brown and wives stand in all this - what's their view on the current AUB leadership situation? Do they support molester Lynn Thompson as their prophet? I mean, they have family in Pinesdale. They must have SOME kind of opinion. I wish this wasn't a TLC show. Then these things might be discussed rather than this badly acted nonsense. :(

    Have you been watching "Escaping Polygamy", CJ?

    1. I really (rilly?) look forward to reading about the AUB in pinesdale. I had no idea they were basically in apostasy! Why is that?

  27. Only thing I can think of that would have been funnier would if they had gone to Wasilla and filmed with Sarah Palin like Kate plus 8 did. Anybody catch that show? Kate whined & whined the whole time about everything and Palin just looked at her like ?

    Now that would be an episode worth watching almost. Kodester and how ever many tents it would take them. I'm sure he would demand his own. Slapping those bugs and watching Sobbyn whine. And Palin telling them to toughen up.

    1. Now that would be an episode to watch!! Robyn would be just like Kate and loser Kody would leave Janelle and Christine out camping in the wild with the kids. I'm sure Meri would have her a hotel room too because she is from Vegas and would be wearing sandals like she did in the New Mexico campground.

    2. Robyn and Meri require a room each.

  28. Robyns dialoug in the clip about Kody should be there instead of her to learn the divorce is final is a reflection of the blow back she got for being at the divorce signing. They always address with each season past topics discussed here to clean up any misconseptions they perceive on there part.

  29. *claps hands at a new CJ post*!!!

    LOL at the image of Kody's nasty hair whipping in the Alaska wind as he attempts to steer a group of sled dogs through the snow with that doofus smile on his face. Seriously, I am laughing in my little office at work and hoping no one walks by and wonders if I'm okay.

    Unless Kody does court a 5th wife, I think I am done with this show. I am over the constant tears, over Robyn's mouth, Kody's stupid hair and vacant expressions, Meri's wetbar, etc. I would, however, tune in to see Robyn's head explode at the thought of another wifey taking a room at Chez Brown.

    And PLEEEEZE give the Browns and the Palins a meeting! I would LOVE for Kody, who knows everything, to be taken down several notches by Sarah - heck, I'd watch that, too!

  30. This might have been brought up AGES ago, but what I have been wondering is WHY is Kody not required to pay child support for any of his kids?? I don't get it? Here we have a man who publicly admits to being the father of 14 children yet he pays no child support. How exactly does that work in Kodyworld? Obviously social services in Vegas knows about them, why take no action?

    1. Your joking aren't you because for all his faults Kodouche does keep his family with a roof over their heads and food. The early days were tough but since the tv show and move to Vegas he has done well for his families. They don't have to dumpster dive like some other polygs. Social services has enough on their plate than to deal with a man who is taking care of the physical needs of his family members, unlike a lot of men who are not polygs.

    2. "Kodouche does keep his family with a roof over their heads and food."
      ".....move to Vegas he has done well for his families."

      With all due respect........Huh !! Is this a joke too??
      Nooooo.......Kody-Idiot doesn't keep his family fed and sheltered in Vegas.
      The TLC paychecks do.

      And to be even more accurate, TLC's *sponsors* do the deed by committing the monies.
      Now taking it to the next predictable level/ reality, the viewers actually and factually do it by watching, creating* the ratings numbers*, which then are used to entice the sponsor monies.
      Kody had only to sign away his family's privacy and dignity. (and the other adults agreed too)

      Kody Brown is a narcissist who found a pot of gold in marketing his harem and children.
      No hard work, no dedication.....just greed and a lack of any legitimate work ethic.

      And they did "bleed the beast" in the early days, and likely will again if needed.

    3. Back in the early "rough" days, I think Kody paying for their food would have been more appropriate than us the taxpayers paying for it

    4. Kody would only have to pay support if the mom petitioned or they made up an agreement in mediation. They need to show who dad is to get the kid welfare. Or the mom if dad has physical custody. You can have affairs and father kids while married. Kody could be only married to one of these women and only have kids with one of these women and still have their family qualify for SNAP. Lots of parents pay support and have other current spouse and more kids and one or both families qualify for aid and it's not polygamy. It's a break up.

    5. And to be specific - Kody did not provide for the kids during the 'early' years. WE the taxpayers did that. The Browns can NOT provide for their children - w/out either the taxpayers help or the TLC teat. And lets not forget the bankruptcies. Oh the bankruptcies. WE all paid for that as well.

    6. you shouldn't have more children than you are able to feed. Don't feel this should be the taxpayers problem and it shouldn't matter if you are polygamous or broke up. it shouldn't be my problem Think about what you are doing keyword is think

    7. Actually, kids are the ones paying for the Las Vegas homes.... because that is who is actually the favorites of the TV viewer. Those of us who continue to watch are rooting for the kids to grow up and out. Maddie, Logan, Hunter, Aspyn, etc... that's who are earning the money. When they all decide they are done being filmed, the show will stop.

  31. It looks like there are going to be lots of storylines in the upcoming season of SW. The new baby, possibly the trip to AK, and... I just saw my first SW commercial for the new season and it looks like they're hoping Kody 'adopting' Robyn's children will be a draw, too. The commercial I saw tonight was Kody asking the kids "Would you guys like me to adopt you?" Then Robyn's oldest daughter (although I didn't recognize her at all, I'm assuming it was her) ran into his arms when he asked the question. UGH

    I can't wait to see how they're going to go about explaining the legalities of him doing this since the kids still have a living father, but I guess they'll spin it somehow or just ignore the obvious and not mention that fact.

    1. I really hope they don't go there with an adoption.

    2. I have a question, and I mean this seriously:

      Have Robyn's kids, especially her girls, been somehow brainwashed by Robyn? They have always shown a very dramatic attachment to Kody, and I can't understand why. I'm sure Kody hangs around Robyn's place more than the other wives, given that she is the wifey du jour and King Sol lives there, but even going way back, I recall Robyn's girls really fawning over Kody and clamoring for his attention. This strikes me as more than a little weird.

    3. Have noticed since the beginning that Sobbin's daughters, particularly the oldest one, clamor for not only Kody-Idiot's attention (and yes, that includes blatantly hanging on him), but also for making sure to be front and center of the pack with exaggerated expressions and vocalizing when the cameras are rolling.

  32. Thanks for another great post, and for all the commenters too. I read here regularly but haven't really posted. Like so many here, I am so done with this show. I was intrigued in the beginning and wondered how a woman could share a man that way. I don't agree with it at all, and at first I thought wow, they seem to be able to make it work. But as time goes on, what a mess it has become. I would also watch if they were real about their feelings - I mean we all see it - the underlying anger etc. I keep hoping for them to come to their senses but that's not likely to happen. I really don't care for Robyn and do feel that she was the catalyst to break it wide open. I am totally not interested in watching Robyn and Kody. I really feel for the kids, and wish Janelle and Christine would grow a pair, for the sake of their kids. I truly don't understand why he would "have" to adopt these kids - it's just such a mess and although it is like a wreck you can't stop watching, I'm gonna stop watching!

    1. I would like to know if Kody's name appears on ALL of his biological children's birth certificates?

    2. Exactly ,I think if the general public found out he was not on the birth certificate some would wake up and smell the coffee on the welfare fraud item.Not to mention on the bankruptcy forms he claimed kids not of him and Meri.

  33. So, my husband and I are building a new home. When it came time do go through upgrades for our home, we were astounded to find out that Banisters for the stairwell are considered an "upgrade" . GrNted there were different types and prices for the banisters but my husband questioned, if we don't buy banisters, what will the builder put in? The answer was...cement walls. So of course I laughed knowing the only place I'd ever seen cement walls in new homes was in the Browns homes. That clip reminded me that Meri cried and bought, and dug her heels in for a wet bar, but was ok with cement walls for banisters.

  34. If Kody thinks he can adopt his step kids simply because he married their mom, he is a bigger fool than I thought. If Robyn thinks we don't know that her children's father has to sign away his legal rights to those kids, she is really living in lala land. But, for Kody and Robyn to ask her kids if they want Kody to adopt them and have those kids react with such glee is sick. Even if their biological father is a piece of crap, to pit his children against him by asking them to pick is as bad as asking the child to lie about their father. You cannot tell me that the child that runs into Kody's arms with happiness that he is going to adopt her isn't either at the moment or in the future going to feel guilt for betraying her father. As horrible as the sperm donor was to me and as horrible as he was to his children, I would never ever ever try to alienate them from him or never try to remove him from their heart. I wouldn't do that because I know that in their heart of hearts they believe he loves them and I know they love him. How can Kody and Krew and the TLC people think alienating those step kids from their father is going to make good tv and if the father is such a loser that he signs over his rights, why celebrate that publicly ....oh they are such losers.....And, really, I could care less watching Robyn birth another baby....I hate the idea that the other wives have been shelved so to speak and that in their world, women lose their value after they no longer have babies and that is an on going theme with Meri...she doesn't know where she fits....anyway, I will watch it so I can snark but truthfully, they are losers with a big fat L and I feel so sorry for Robyn's children from another baby know.

    1. This. A thousand times this. This is heartbreaking for those kids, even IF (a big IF we simply do not know) the dad is a piece of trash. Shame on the Browns and TLC.

  35. TLC is posting little videos updating us on Robyn's pregnancy. Do they really think the public cares that much about her pregnancy?! I think not!

  36. It was torture watching the pregnancy update. Robyn, in true form, speaking like a kid who practices at becoming a ventriloquist. Why can't her mouth move when she speaks?! If she would just unclench her jaws and let her mouth move normally her speech and enunciation would improve. It is just the strangest speech affectation. And...I know we don't like to comment on the kids, but I was fascinated at how tall her 13 year old daughter is. I believe Robyn has listed her own height at 5'9" (in response to all those naughty comments from people mocking her Victoria Secret expenditures) those long legged gals can only buy long pants online at VS. I would say from the video that Robyn's daughter is even taller than Robyn.

  37. This Meri Facebook page that went up yesterday is bizarre.

    1. Not as bizarre as that Sister Wives Club page that refers to Kody's first three wives as 'those other members' when explaining why the spotlight is on Robyn.

    2. I don't think I've seen that page. Ha.

  38. Anybody think Kody's name will show up on the Ashley Madison list of customers? At least that would be interesting and get them ratings.

    1. Ha...from you're lips to Heavenly Father's ears, honey. ;)

    2. when Kody got that computer for his birthday, he did not seem too excited to have to "work".

  39. Sooo long time reader, first time poster. What on earth is going on with Meri and all the Twitter accusations/relationships? Can someone explain? It's so very hard to follow and make sense with so many levels of arguing and name calling.

    1. It looks like it's one social media group pitted against another social media group with Meri in the middle. Since the people involved aren't even affiliated with the show, until Meri tweets something about it, it's really not worth discussing, don't you agree?

    2. Absolutely. It all seems so childish. Is this the price of "celebrity?"

  40. While Sister Wives might be having the worst hiatus ever, the Duggar family is having the best cancellation withdraw ever!

    TLC sure knows how to pick them. Thanks so much for the posts on the Brown family and all the comments here.

  41. Given the Dugger debacle and the older HBB mess, and also the reports that reality shows in general are losing fan bases unless they are newer ones with titillating themes like "Naked and Afraid," TLC may be forced to shelve Kodyworld if all they are offering this season is is another Sobbin birth and the adoption of her kids.
    At this point even if trolling for wife #5 was on the table, I'm just not sure that even that would keep the ratings up.The group as a whole are as defined and predictable as they can possibly be. Not a good omen for future interest.
    It could be said that for snark value, watching Sobbin deal with Kody drooling over a would-be successor would maybe create a bit of tepid snark fun, but since the scenes are so scripted and padded with BS, what's the point? Like watching reruns over and over until you just have to find something else to watch out of acute boredom.
    TLC should be damn glad this blog and others like it exist, for without this ongoing stimulation, the show would have been history at least 2 years ago.

    1. I COMPLETELY AGREE. CJ's blog is the only thing that's kept my interest in the past 3 years and I don't plan on watching the next season. I will keep checking in here though, I love reading CJ's blog...Thank you CJ, you rock

  42. I'm visiting kinfolk in Vegas who don't live far from the cult-de-sac, which I drove by this week. Driving by there reminds me that, aside from the "reality" show, these people have lives and children. At least five of those children have graduated from high school and gone on to higher education. Compared to the Duggars, fundamentalists, and other polygamists, that's darned good. Somewhere along the way, somebody did something right.

    1. All good colleges, too. I've never thought the Brown women were bad mom's. I don't think Kody is a great dad, but all his adult children go to school and work. I really believe our children are the biggest reflection on ourselves and they have 5 adult children who are good, contributing members of society and are good people.

    2. on Madison's instagram someone asked her if she was going back to Utah State and she said no.

    3. That news about Maddie is sad. Hoping she's decided to go somewhere even further away :) and not being forced to return home. Not slighting UNLV, but she's one who really seems to need some space.

    4. "Somewhere along the way, somebody did something right."
      ^Yeah, the kids themselves. It's pretty motivating to get yourself on your own when you come from a turbulent home. ;)

    5. If the kids are getting scholarships that is not earned money.If they are getting loans that may involve debt which their parents have not taught them to be responsible for paying off. Their parents use welfare and bankruptcy as a tool.I would like to be proven wrong but I see problems ahead.Who taught them work ethics ,living within your budget-not the parents.

    6. "If the kids are getting scholarships that is not earned money"
      -No, it is. Bursaries are awarded to low-income students, but in both instances you have had to earn good grades to get the money. So even if they are collecting a bursary (I'm not sure we know that) because they just put Janelle or Meri as mom (could that even be a thing with the publicity), then they still earned the marks.

      Anyway, I'm giving the kids the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise. I doubt the older kids actually approve of how their parents have gamed the system anyway (see Maddie's contempt). It is possible to have parents who were poor examples of civic stewardship and turn out to be a good citizen. Sins of the father is a terrible burden on a young person.

  43. Considering that Kody and his harem have been banking TLC monies for five years and live in their 4 McMansioned cuddle-sac, one would certainly expect that their kids would at least get high school diplomas and attempt higher education.
    The same as millions of other kids whose parents do not make easy TV money and have never bilked the system....and have real jobs and even 2nd jobs to pay for it all.

    1. I'm failing to see how their children working hard and choosing to attend good colleges has anything to do with the adults grifting? The struggle of a kid's parents doesn't make the accomplishment of attending college any less significant.

    2. I don't think anyone is downgrading the Brown college students.
      All young people entering and attending college are to be lauded for that choice.

      Putting aside the Brown parents "struggle", and let's face it, in their case it is "choices," just don't see why that warrants such acclaim that their kids are going to college.
      They are normal kids making normal choices. And good for them.

    3. It does not. Education is the key that will open the door out of the life they grew up in. I hope they all have the opportunity to grow and learn

    4. what is "bilking" the system?

    5. Google is your friend, anon 9:17PM...

  44. All of these thin skinned adults blocked many fans and others on twitter over a year ago for perceived slights. You would think some of their PR would include cleaning some of that up since it is so long between seasons and the seasons are so short.

  45. well...the previews are starting on TLC. No one looks happy. what a joy this season will be..lots of sad faces and Kody justifying why he must marry Robyn. This

  46. Just don't think I can do it. Would rather follow the kids on their way out of there.

    1. Now "watching the kids on the way out of there" is a show I would adore. I am tired of the Brown adults. They made their choices years ago. They continue to espouse the same views they did when they joined this offbeat culture. It is fine for them, but I hope and pray that their children will choose something different. I would indeed watch those kids making a life for themselves.

  47. Anyone else bothered and already bored knowing that the new season looks like a rehash of events which took place well over half a year ago ?
    Events which already hit the news ages ago and have been thoroughly autopsied and snarked.

    CJ, as skilled as you are, finding "new" news THIS season will be a challenge.
    But my money says you will do it anyway !!! :)))

  48. Amused; yes, I am both bothered and bored!! You have summed it up perfectly. Even if their news was fresh and current (which it is not) the production on the show follows the same predictable formula making the show format tedious and boring. Who needs to watch a whole minute of "coming up" before the show goes to a commercial break? Then the entire minute is replayed after the commercial.... The biggest turn off for me is watching the above preview for the new season where Meri informs Robyn the divorce is final - are you kidding me!!!- this happened LAST September! ONE YEAR AGO!! Probably another reason why it is so painful to watch that preiview clip; Meri and Robyn are horrible actors and that was all a reenactment. It is insulting to the viewers intelligence to suggest they were filming this live a year ago for a season debuting now. They should have disclaimers before the beginning of the episode!! "What you are about to see is a poorly done, eye twitching, reenactment of an event that never happened a year ago."

    1. ""What you are about to see is a poorly done, eye twitching, reenactment of an event that never happened a year ago."

      Big Sky (and we love your "big sky" even though we don't live there, but have visited)

      Yes, Yes and Yes !!!!!
      It IS insulting in every level !!!

  49. The Brown;s have filed a new law suit this past wednesday. They are citing the gay marriage ruling. That legalizing same sex marriage shows laws restricting consensual adult relationships are outdated. They argue that their show Sisterwives shows polygamous marriages can be as healthy as monogamous. Do they really think their relationships are shown as healthy? is this a publicity stunt? to coinside with the new season?

    1. "is this a publicity stunt? "
      Good catch, Milo.

      My guess would be a resounding "YES."
      Probably dreamed up by a newly hired PR person...or by TLC.
      Obviously they need *something* to keep them in the news.

    2. We all knew this was coming. They will use the same argument, that the government should not be involved. The only real argument the government can use in return is that the federal benefits were designed to be used by only two parties.... and that is not really totally accurate since any and all ex-spouses get half each of a person's social security, regardless of the number of them.

    3. Well, they can't sit around to be upstaged by the creeptastic plural family they visited whenever (haha...usually I look up the facts, but I'm so over the Brown Clowns that I Just. Don't. Care). You know the people I mean...the greasy dude who worked, convinced his wife by first wishing he had two of her. The dude who got on the floor and played guns with Kody. He supposedly filed the same sort of suit. But I'm sure that, since they were able to win their other court case and they saw Utah's cohabitation laws overturned, they think their the legal saviors who will restore Joseph Smith's vision for his church: "Yay! All the nookie I can get!"

    4. They sure do cry a lot to be in such a healthy relationship

  50. Okay, so my husband is getting close to the age that he can apply for social security and we found out that because I have always made much more money than he, that he can draw social security off of me too. I don't plan to ever retire but even if I did, I could draw on mine and I have retirement at my job. But, here's the kicker, when Christine and Janelle need to draw social security, they cannot draw off of Kody...Janelle can draw off herself; Meri can draw off of Kody because she was married to him; if he and Robyn stay married long enough, she can draw off of him and maybe share the amount she gets with Meri or they both get a percentage, which isn't much; but Christine has not worked so she has no SS benefits and she isn't married to Kody so she can draw off of the deal for her and really Robyn is how will they survive being old....I know Robyn and Meri will say we will make sure the other wives are okay but how will they do that with their meager benefits? And you know they are not saving money; how could they?

    1. Whether or not Robyn gets benefits, Meri still gets half of the amount Kody gets. It's not reduced based upon how many total spouses, ex-spouses are drawing from the account. Kody could marry each in turn, and they could each draw ---- but he won't. If they were going to do that, they would have already done it. I don't think it matters anyway. I think each of them are drawing a salary from the Brown Family Entertainment corporation, so they will each draw from their own account when the time comes.

    2. I see Robyn shaking her tail feathers at a new man (although that concave profile of hers is only going to get more Hagatha-esque as time progresses). Christine, though--well, I hope her sister wives are as good as their word support-wise, or that Kody has purchased some decent life insurance. Your assessment is a chilling one, runKodyrun. Christine, who is the least savvy and the most prone to magical thinking, is by far the most vulnerable when real life comes a-calling.

    3. I couldn't imagine depending on Meri or Robyn. These women don't care about anyone. SELF CENTERED is the term i'm looking for. They seem to enjoy watching a sister wife in distress.

  51. It doesn't seem like the Brown's plan for anything. The tax payers will have to pick up the slack as always.

  52. In the new clips of the season of sisterwifes, Kody and Robyn seem to be pretty darn happy and kissy to be getting married. So much for getting married to be able to adopt her children. Looks like Kody and Robyn are getting married because they are "in love" and not a family reshuffle for legal reasons. Robyn can;t keep the sh.. eating grin off her face.

  53. Ok so I was twitter stalking and it looks like Maddie is on Montana and Mykelti is in Utah now...anyone have any word on this? I wonder why Maddie is I'm Montana. Doesn't Robyn have family there? Is Mykelti going to school in St. George now?

    1. I peeked at her Instagram profile out of curiosity after seeing the comment here that she said she wouldn't be returning to USU. There were several recent photos of her cuddled up with a guy. Pure speculation, but I wonder if she followed him there. BTW, memory may be shaky, but I believe her comment confirming the USU statement included a "not this year" qualifier. Too lazy to go back and confirm her exact wording this morning,

    2. i'm rather disappointed with how maddie's life appears to be going. the guy she is with appears to be a camo-wearing gun-nut. living in montana is fine in and of itself, but when i hear about the daughter of an AUB polygamist moving there, i just think of pinesdale and i worry. i don't like the sound of not returning to USU one bit. maybe janelle was right when she worried that maddie would meet some guy and give up on her dreams.

    3. It's what her mom did.

      There are 6 kids in college now. Three are janelles. Maybe they could not afford it. It's out of state tuition. It also was an odd choice. From the photos it did not look like she completely joined the LDS church. I think she left the AUB. To go to that school and not be LDS must be odd. Also all the women are either going on missions or marrying. Most her friends there are LDS there. They will be 19 which is mission age for sisters. And then there are those marrying. She did as much or more than her moms when it comes to education. She may not be done. I hope she gets a skill/degree/something to be able to earn a living.

    4. I completely agree about being nervous that she is moving to Montana. My dad used to live there, I was Christened there. It's a beautiful and wonderful state. But when it is the daughter from an AUB family I automatically thought maybe she was headed to Pinesdale to find a husband. I would hate that, especially for Maddie.

  54. Anyone else catch the latest preview? Kody announcing that it "is mine and Robyn's wedding day" and "basically we are going to elope" ??!! What does that even mean? He sounds so immature. However, as much I was trying to pay attention to what he said, I was completely distracted by his hair. He chose to wear it in the hideous pony tail the day of the wedding. Maybe he has his wives confused? I distinctly remember him saying that the ponytail only appealed to Janelle!!

    1. @Milo, That's EXACTLY what I thought when I watched the preview. If they are selling this as a "reshuffle" why look so obviously gaga on camera? They look like two giggling immature teens in love. I guess they just can't help themselves because we all know the real reason they married and it had nothing to do with adopting Robyn's kids. These people couldn't stay on script if their lives depended on it!!

  55. Yes, Kody's samurai-esque ponytail is ridiculous. And yes, Sobbin's witchy-poo smirk is telling.

    And if these clips were the best TLC producers had on hand to herald the new season, sure looks like TV Kodyworld is already in trouble.


    2. That's what logic would indicate....but some of the worst women (to other women, to their spouse, to the world) are NOT attractive. There is a 'Robyn' in our circle and she is the least attractive both physically and emotionally person I have met in real life and she demand everything from everyone. Her poor stupid husband is just so pleased to be married that they live on the verge of bankruptcy but she has upgraded her engagement ring every two years since I've known them (5&1/2 years now, I'm waiting to see if she goes for a third time) and the tackiest designer purses (the kind with the logo all over). I think some people are just assholes.
      We expect it from menacing looking people and almost accept it when they're beautiful, but no matter what some people are just parasites. It has to be chemical or something. I cannot imagine a healthy brain functioning that way.

  56. I'm positive that we will see Kody and Robyn having a lovely, low-key, yet tasteful wedding day, so as not to upset the other wives, especially Meri.

    BWAHAHAHA...*snort*...yeah, right.

    I laugh every time I see the previews. I can't believe they are regurgitating the crap that happened one year ago and presenting it as "new." As much as I hate myself for watching, I do it so I can run back here and read CJ's hilarious recaps and the comments.

    1. Ditto on all points.

      However it does appear to be that this season will be the grand finale for Kody-Idiot and his hapless harem.
      There simply is nowhere else to go in the RV's.
      Bets that Alaska may be the last TLC-funded trip.

      Nothing interesting left to speculate about Kody having the chronic hots for Sobbin. Once the official marriage deed was done....Yawn !! Who cares !!??
      And BIG yawn on another Kody spawn via Sobbin. ZERO interest!
      Nothing left to spin about Sobbin's kids needing a new daddy. Just more TLC/ Kodyworld bullsh*t !!

      Meri's lame attempts to convincingly follow the martyr script of the big "D", so silly and non-convincing. !!. They ALL were on board with that divorce script.
      Janelle..what's to say?! She is just "there."
      Christine...again, nothing to interest anyone other than she needed her mother there to spike ratings. Major fail on that one!

      The kids.......some are there, some are in college. Anything else?? *shrug*

    2. Don't worry laurakaye - I promise you that the rest of us also hate ourselves for watching! You are not alone!!

  57. There is no question that the Browns are grifters. Heck, they swindled me into buying their stupid book. But after watching the show for several years now, I am also convinced that Kody is a true narcissist.

    I am not a psychologist, so my opinion isn't exactly medical, but the disorder is defined as "a person who is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and others."

    I could site about 100 examples of Kody's behavior from the show that I think fit this definition, but I think it would be more fun to open that up for comments from all of you.

    I'll kick it off with personal adequacy. Kody's need to constantly put his wives in their place at family meetings as he declares his word final is infuriating. When he told Janelle they were shelving the fitness center idea in favor of the "hobby business", I felt so bad for her. I thought - take your fifth of the money and buy a franchise, but I could tell that none of the wives would ever go against Kody's final word. He controls everything.

    1. The only one who ever throws it back at him is Robyn and he tucks his tail like a puppy. The way he treats Christine and Janelle is disgusting. It's obviously emotional abuse. TLC needs to stop exploiting all of these awful people and their "lifestyle". I can't even watch the channel anymore. Too much turmoil.

    2. Mix and match these Disorders with SW cast members:
      Borderline Personality Disorder (likes to stir shit up), Narcissistic Personality Disorder (likes to manipulate people), Bipolar Disorder (wild mood swings). Throw in garden variety low self esteem and women trying to put on happy faces for their children (and the camera - their major source of income) and there you go: Sister Wives, the teevee show

    3. A potentially successful fitness center as a means of income would be a more reasonable risk so of course kody vetoed that. He's dumb and irresponsible. I think he's so gross and I think he's wives are gross for letting him be their leader.

    4. "a person excessively preoccupied with....vanity." Well how about that HAIR of his? The wives discuss his hair, how they like him to wear it...They even talked about Meri getting out a straight iron to style it...

  58. Here's my take on his behaviour for what it's worth. For me, the most memorable example of him "not seeing the destructive damage" was when they were enroute to the lawyers office, Meri was in her upper hallway and clearly stated that she felt faint...he totally ignored her distress and couldn't hustle her out the door fast enough. No empathy whatsoever---just gimmee what Robyn and I want.

  59. Yes, Kody is a narcissist, but who wouldn't be with four women fighting for scraps of his attention?

  60. How powerful Kody must have felt running in a circle around the cul de sac as his wives were paying for his dominion. Vomit-inducing stuff.

  61. I have an awful feeling that at this point I see this show going on for several more seasons. Just look at the Duggar's show's history, it was duller than watching paint dry and its ratings were sub par (well up until the last couple of seasons when all the weddings and babies happened). It took a couple of sex scandals to emerge to take that shit storm down. I have a feeling that Sister Wives falls into TLC's pocket of old reliable shows that get just enough viewers to consistently continue sell commercial spaces.

    1. Also, I think there's a strong possibility that TLC will have trouble vetting people and getting material for reality shows. They gave an extremely bad rep now. I think TLC will try to squeeze more material out of the Browns, and I can only hope it comes in the form of wife #5.

  62. PEOPLE!! It was right under our nose. CJ; I feel like we've all been asleep at the wheel! I am 99.9% certain that the man Madison followed to Montana is none other than PAPA JOE's son, Caleb DARGER.

    It makes sense given that none of the Brown's seem alarmed about the coupling (although, truthfully, I don't know what alarms them as parents) and it explains why Meri would feel comfortable retweeting Maddie's tweets about Caleb. The good news is that there are several articles about Caleb renouncing his family's polygamous values. Caleb joined the mainstream LDS and has performed his mission.

    I did a quick search of Madison's name combined with Caleb's and it led me right to our old sisterwives blog (CJ - it was comforting to see all your old posts there with your same avatar!) On the old blog it was noted that Caleb was very interested in Maddie and that was over 3 years ago. I compared his pictures as best I could with the pictures Maddie has posted on instagram and I am fairly convinced it is Caleb Darger - but I invite anyone and everyone to correct me if I'm wrong!!

    Wouldn't that just be rich - the one Darger who has rejected polygamy pairing himself with the one Brown who has also rejected her this a win??!!!

    1. Now that would be a fantastic spin off show! They parents have not sold or even made polygamy tolerable to the general public. I was more sympathetic before the Browns, Dargers and polygamy USA. What would be nice is to see that kids get away and they get away with the blessings of family. Janelle and Kody should be good, they left their faith they were born into. Kody spent two years trying to convince people to be LDS. And wouldn't it be odd for his daughter to completely make that change. Papa Joe probably less thrilled. But he is a grown up.

  63. They need to start marrying off some of those older kids. There is NOTHING TLC loves more than weddings. Barf.

    1. Big Sky...... do you mean the guy with the beard and baseball cap? If so, that's not Caleb Darger. I followed his blog for the two years he was on mission - he posted weekly, and included many photos - usually each week. BTW the blog has now been made private! (Give Me This Mountain).

    2. Re Caleb Darger - Also there are good recent photos of Caleb on the Darger Family FB.

    3. My Apologies to everyone for jumping the gun on Maddie's boyfriend! Please forgive me, I think I was a bit punch drunk when I posted last night. I saw recent pictures of Caleb Darger, bearded, and thought for sure this was the new love interest. My quest started innocently - after reading the above comments that Maddie moved to Montana - I thought I would turn my Big Sky Eye to her instagram photos in case I could identify for everyone where in Montana she landed....

  64. A friend spotted Kody and the Kodettes today, arriving into the Las Vegas Airport. All the kiddies were missing, so I'm guessing it was something related to MSWC or a wife and hubby vacation.

    1. The new season starts in a week so I'd say they were doing interviews. Don't they have a new lawsuit?

    2. Okay, Christine tweeted that they were visiting Hunter at the Air Force Academy Prep School (must be Parent's Day), so that would explain the airport sighting. There's a picture, too. Funny how even Kody is looking pregnant...and why can't Kody ever wear something other than blue jeans?

    3. I want to correct my info and say the trip was from Vegas to Denver, so, something in Denver.

      She posted a few pics and the first thing that jumped out to me as I was scrolling through the feed was Kody's hair. :-p

    4. "....and why can't Kody ever wear something other than blue jeans?"

      Anything else requires ironing or dry cleaning??
      Easiest to stash at each house??
      Key piece of attire for his iconic surfer/motorcycle/laid-back dude look???
      Too lazy/stupid/unsophisticated to figure out what else to wear???
      All of the above??

  65. Kody's gut is just amazing..those shoes..what a catch. Too much fake tapioca pudding and no exercise.
    All of those afternoon naps are catching up with him.

  66. There is one thing I'd still like to see - what happened to Meri and Janelle working on their relationship? I can see that being some drama to fuel the season. Probably won't happen though.

    1. That was so 2 or 3 seasons ago! Most likely not gonna happen! Generally when people really want to do something, they just do it! Without hemming & hawwimg about it! Kind of like, Kody & Robyn wanting to be legally married. There wasn't really a family discussion about it, they just went out & did it!

  67. I saw them all at the mall tonight in Colorado's parent's weekend for the academy and probably the prep school too. So weird to see them in person...

  68. Chapel Hills, Citadel, or Briargate? Trying to get a sense of how classy they think they are. ;)

    1. Chapel medium classy :)

    2. Excellent, I can totally envision this! :)

  69. FYI !!!!

    The hiatus is almost over! Eight more days til the season premiere of Sister Wives!

  70. Yeah! Can't wait for the snark! Hopefully we will see new material! Haha, who am I kidding.

    1. CJ,
      It has been said *many* times...........
      You have kept interest alive on the TLC-faux trials and tribulations of Kodyworld for several years. Kody and his Harem owe *you* quite a debt !!!

      Yes, Browns, the viewing (and snark) world already KNOWS about the divorce, and the new marriage, and the adoption, and Sobbin's pregnancy and Hunter.

      No doubt, Janelle is still all about working out and real estate (yeah, sure) and Christine is all about *whatever* and Meri is rambling around lost in her empty 5 bedroom McMansion.
      Oh, almost forgot, Kody-Idiot is sporting the greasy, balding, man ponytail-bun.

      Now it is all down to how contrived the scripts and ridiculous scenarios will be courtesy of TLC and the Browns for this upcoming season. Any guesses on just how bizarre and stupid??

    2. Predictions:
      Meri will enrol in one (1) more course at college and be so pressed for time, will fall behind on cutting and pasting her little Hallmark moments sentiments.
      Janelle will sell a home by herself and will be so pleased with herself, will have a double helping of mock tapioca.
      Christine will be pizzed that Kody and Robyn eloped...robbing her of the party planning and new dance step opportunities.
      Robyn will once treat us to the spectacle of her home birth and just as insincerely as before offer to surrogate for any of the other "wives" that may choose to avail themselves of her womb. She would be confident making this offer as no doubt she is the only "beneficiary" of Kody's conjugal visits.
      Kody will dethrone Sol from his spot atop his shoulders (if new child is male) as soon as new offspring is able to sit up..Sol will be relegated to piggyback, clutching frantically to Kody's dangerously thin ponytail. Breanna will still be clinging pathetically to Kody's knee. Truly will maintain her position like gum on the sole of Kody's shoe

    3. WOW this was perfect! Captured all the characters quite nicely.

    4. Thank you Leslie...see y'all next Sunday night.
      Sandy Wood

  71. So I was just on the sisterwives Facebook page, and for the first time since its been created ,an actual sister wife has commented. Meri (or a TLC employee) has written a very long statement regarding everyone's mistreatment of poor Robin. I'm thinking TLC realizes that they're going to lose a lot of viewers with the show highlighting robins pregnancy, so once again, Meri's been asked to save ratings for the show. Also, in other news, a lady commented that she'd seen the Browns at a restaurant and the Browns were completely rude. She said Meri was a total bitch.

    1. Why am I not surprised that the Browns were rude? They're probably bad tippers too. And they can cry me a darn river about Robyn not being liked. She's done absolutely nothing to endear herself to the viewers and the latest stunt with her becoming the legal wife was the nail in the coffin for her likability. Guess she should have thought of all that before publicly bashing the father of her first 3 kids on national t.v. every single chance she got.

      Meri's letter is ridiculous, once again Robyn is having someone else fight her battles which isn't going to help anything. Must be because poor little Sobyn is having meltdowns and might not want to do the show anymore which freaks the other wives out because this is their gravy train. Meri just needs to stick to being Catfished or pretending to have a new boyfriend.

    2. Yawn!!! How convenient of Meri to do so 1 week before their season premiere?!? Seems to fake & forced. Not buying the BS she's trying to sell! Just another PR stunt on her part to try to boost ratings for next Sunday. Since they had a huge doozy of backlash from the divorce from Meri/ quick marriage to Robyn fiasco.

    3. Meri does not like to be intrerupted while eating,,she did that at In and Out burgers too

    4. Something happened and all the Browns have unblocked me on Twitter. TLC must have caught up to them. we're you unblocked too?

      anyway, I saw this multi page letter that is three images each over three posts going on about defending, loving Robyn, her kids her kids, you know the drill. both Janelle and Christine retweeted but not Kody or anyone else. I don't believe what she wrote as she blamed the editing of show...well they should demand the show be more accurately edited if true. doubt it.

  72. I don't think Sobbin has any intention of wanting to quit the show. None of them do.
    They need the show like the rest of us need oxygen.

    And if Meri's current FB defense of Sobbin Purity Brown is any indication of where TLC is taking the show, then let the games begin.
    Sobbin made a colossal fool of herself on Twitter a few months back. There is no defense of that.
    Also...she is portraying the role she signed on for 5 years ago. The Spoiler !!

    And if Meri, having agreed to divorce the idiot for future scripts and ratings, now is the designated "voice" to smooth the waters of discontent about Sobbin for the viewers (can't really call them fans anymore).....THAT is just crap.
    Meri, of all the original three, is the least articulate, least believable when it comes to expressing *how it really is.* At least Janelle has stayed true to her "disconnected" vibe. Christine is still the ditz who needs special handling and she owns that.
    Meri, on the other hand, has waffled between her legendary "lover" tweets to agreeing to being the ultimate selfless social worker and allowing Sobbin to replace her legal-wife status.
    Inconsistent??? Hollow?? Ratings hungry/driven??

    Bring it on, TLC !!

  73. Yeah! What Amused said! Lol! Look, this is so transparent even the JYD could see that it is all for the show. This little rant is no different from the carefully leaked divorce rumor. And at this point, who really cares? We don't like Robyn because she is unlikeable. She is that girl we all knew in high school who was snotty to everyone who didn't kiss her feet. We all know her type and we don't like her. It's ok, TLC needs to get that and realize that we don't want story lines based on her. Except, she won't allow a story that is not about her. Ok, the kids are going to college. . .so Robyn pulls out the Dayton storyline. She gets the divorce from meri but makes it about adopting her kids. It is too late to unring the bell. TLC has thrown down this gauntlet by putting her front and center, now people are turning off their sets. This is a problem for TLC because they have lost some hot programs lately in such a way that they can't use them in reruns and they are desperate to fill airtime. This rant and Robyn's baby will not bring viewers back. They will try but no one is watching.

    1. I am VERY curious to see what the ratings look like for this season. I predict they will be down, about where Brady and Wives were when they were cancelled. People are disgusted with TLC and the Brown bunch.

      Missy said it, Robyn just isn't likable and I doubt she ever will be. Her attempt to get more people to like her after her major Twitter war was to create her own Facebook fan page where she lets her junkyard dog friend run even her fans off. She just doesn't get it. She knew darn well what people would think of her weaseling her way into legal wife status, now she gets to live with the consequences. She is the legal wife, but now everyone sees how she really is and openly doesn't like her, it's what she wanted after all.

  74. where on facebook is this comment of meri's? there are so many comments, are meri's mixed in with that?

    1. You can see it on Meri's twitter account too. I found her cat-fishing romance to be more interesting to tell you the truth.

  75. It's on the far left column of the Facebook page. I had a hard time finding it too. Either TLC or Robyn wrote it I bet.

    1. I really don't think Meri would be able to construct that letter, with proper grammar and punctuation. I just don't! Can't wIt to read CJ's commentary on this. I live for hers and everyone else's snark.

    2. The nerve of the viewers to not like Robyn, who do we think we are? I do not like Robyn, never have, never will. Kody maybe able to force the sister wives to tolerate Robyn in their living rooms (and bedrooms) but that's where his power ends. The rest of the world doesn't have to act like they like Robyn. Meri thinks the viewing public owes it to them to watch, although I can't figure out why even she would think the world is interested.

    3. Thank you for letting me know where to find "the letter". No wonder Meri did not want Kody to open her transcripts on camera. Could someone not have proof read it? This family is so thin skinned about viewer feedback. I was blocked by all of them well over a year ago. Remember when Kody told the kid's in season one that the internet and chat rooms were not "safe"? I think Meri needs to stay off of TLC facebook. Her comments will only serve to alienate anyone left that would watch their reality show. It is their own actions that have turned people off. When the original Sisterwives blog ended, the facebook for TLC became an outlet for those wishing to respond to episodes that became more and more contrived. Meri is the one who distanced herself from her sisterwives, and admittedly so. She can speak up all she wants, it will not change how people have come to the conclusion about them over this past six years.

  76. Meri's FB dissertation is actually fun to read.
    Seriously, does TLC really think the viewers will be moved by that?? Or convinced that our gal, Meri actually wrote it? Because if she did, where the hell has she been hiding these lucid thoughts and presentation all these 5 years? Lordy, these people are just putty in TLC's hands.

    Viewers who did watch the tearful "I'll lend you my uterus" soapy scene minutes/hours after Sobbin birthed Sol for the cameras, also saw that most private, soul-stirring offer required shooing all the family, including the Idiot, out of the room because it was *shhh* so special an intimate conversation.
    Except that....the exchange just happened to be *acted out* in the presence of a full camera and sound crew!!
    Just stop!!!! TLC, KodyKooks.....just stop the BS !!

    1. FAKE! TLC must be getting desperate about ratings this fall....People aren't going to be tuning in to see another Sobyn pregnancy because it's like watching the bad guy win and eat his cake too. If TLC is smart they'd make this next season focuses more on the kids and their activities since the kids are the one likable part of this show.

    2. As Milo mentoned above, Meri cannot express her thoughts/"fillings" without using the words "stupid" or "weird." I am agreeing with Amused and all the rest of you that Meri did not write this!

  77. I will admit I am torn. I've set my tv to record and changed my mind and deleted it 3 times already

  78. I took a look at Mer's letter retweeted by Christine....I wish I had just stopped right there! But no, I had to take a look at some of Christine's tweets. My favorite from Truely's first day of school, "I picked up Truely from school and asked her about her favorite thing today and she just said, where's my dad?" Leave it to Miss Rose Colored Glasses to add a hashtag of "daddyslittlegirl" If she wants to pretend that in her world Truely really cares where Kody is - more like Truely wants to make sure he is not lurking back at their house and she will find him there when she walks in the door!
    Is this normal that you pick a kid up from school and in the middle of the afternoon they would want to know "where's my dad at???" At 3:30 in the afternoon I always knew where my dad was. It's called a JOB. The fact the kid has no idea where her dad is at in the middle of the day is indicative of their unstructured lifestyle. This just again shows to me how crazy these people are. If Christine thinks a question like this is cute instead of alarming, she is completely out to lunch!

    1. interesting, I took Truly's question of "where is Dad?" completely differently and in a sad way. it was her first day of kindergarten, a big deal. More than likely he was at Robyn's and my reaction was that if it was Sol's first day, Kody would be there for the drop off and pick up. I imagine she was disappointed especially he he was there for other kid's first days. she is Daddy's Little Neglected Girl!

    2. So very true. There's a reason Christine's Twitter handle is rose colored glasses. She's not looking at life with any sense of reality. Are we supposed to believe this is the SAME Truley that could barely look her dad in the eye last season ? The same one who politely said no thank you to Kody when he wanted a hug in front of the cameras? This is the exact reason the show is losing viewership . They're trying to force feed us rainbows and tulips, when it's clear they're just a dis functional , lazy bunch, who's enjoying the gravy train all while perpetuating a lie. And if Meri and Robin can't handle the scrutiny, they should get off our televisions and all of social media.

    3. "where is my dad?" Daddy's little neglected true. When i took my grandson to kindergarten you would see moms and dads that would pick up and drop off children. Because my daughters husband was overseas (military) i helped out taking Nathan to school and picking up. Lots of fathers picking up kids and dropping off. I doubt Kody ever participated in school activities for the kids until they were older, and just the boys.

  79. I completely agree. The only reason I would have wanted to know where my Dad was is because he was the one who picked me up, he worked nights and my Mom worked days so someone was always there for us. WORKED, another word not used much (or practiced) in Brown World.


    Looking at Meri's twitter letter is MUCH more interesting though. I had to look up Handwriting analysis since those little circles just cried out to be analyzed.

    "A circular dot is generally made by one who has not yet reached maturity, usually a teenager. The writer of the circle I dot is usually gullible and naïve. He presents a paradox: One the one hand he wants to stand out from the crowd, but on the other hand needs their acceptance."

  81. Sorry anonymous commenter, but we are very mindful of what is discussed about the children in my living room.
