
Saturday, July 18, 2015

I Scour the Internet: The Post Independence Day Edition for July 19th 2015


When is the Air Force Academy not the Air Force Academy?


When it's the Air Force Academy Prep School!

Say Whut??? But I thought...

Yep, y'all. It's true.

But first, some background...

Remember that day the Brown's tweeted those pictures of recent HS grad Hunter sitting in a conference room signing his life away....uh...I mean signing his Academy appointment papers?

Like any nosy person, back in May I popped over to the AF Academy's Official Website and read that Basic Cadet Training for the 2019 class would begin on June 25th and continue for 90 days until Parent's Day in September.

When June 25 came and went with nary a mention from  Janelle, Kody, and the rest of the sister wives parental units, I figured this would be yet another infamous Sister Wives Brown Family trip - this time to Colorado Springs - to send Hunter on his way.

And then, on July 14th, Janelle tweeted this:

Whoa...hold the phone! Basic Cadet Training started on June 25th, so what's going on? A living room member named Cheryl pointed out, maybe, he was accepted into the AF Academy Prep school instead of the actual AF Academy. I hadn't heard of the Prep school so of course, I let my finger do the clicking on the Official link she provided.

Lo and behold, there IS something called the AF Academy Prep School. In fact, apparently ALL of the service academies (you know, Annapolis, West Point) have Prep schools.

Who would've thunk it?

And guess who makes up a majority of the students attending? Yep, top HS athletes who did not get accepted into the more academically rigorous AF Academy, in this case. In recent years, the service academy prep schools have come under fire because of some questionable decisions - the same misdeeds universities were accused of  when it became known some top athletes never attended classes but still managed to stay in school with a barely passing GPA...or worse, graduating with a degree while being totally illiterate.

Now, the AF Academy Prep School isn't a walk in the park. A HS student can't apply directly to attend the Prep school: They still go through the actual AF Academy application process and be declined admittance  -BUT-  If they have compelling attributes (like being a star State athlete like Hunter) they could be admitted to the Prep School instead. Prep School students are still required to maintain certain academic and physical requirements for 10 months, as well as being required to join the Air Force Reserve. At the end of their 10 month Prep journey, they only have a 75-80% chance of being accepted into the AF Academy. Which is still pretty good odds considering 10 months earlier they were denied admittance.

But I maintained hope that Hunter was accepted into the actual AF Academy and maybe Janelle was doing one of those patented Brown Family smoke and mirrors, song and dance routines.

That hope all went out the window the next day when Janelle tweeted this -  erasing all doubt what school Hunter would be attending for the next 10 months:

Good Luck Hunter! Here's hoping in 10 months you are successful in being accepted at the AF Academy!

Some interesting links for further reading:

The United States Air Force Academy Preparatory School

NYTimes: The Military Prep School Scam

Military academies, including AFA, face criticism for using prep schools to fill athletic teams

In other Twitter News...

Over a month ago, Meri was acting like some giddy fifteen year old teenager on Twitter. Then, suddenly, her Twitter went dark on July 9th. This was her next to last tweet that day...

Holy catfish, Batman!


Well, I'm happy to report Meri has come back to Twitter life acting a bit more appropriately for a middle-aged polygamist who happens to be a spiritual wife of Kody Brown after becoming the ex-Mrs Kody Brown in order for sister wife Robyn to step into the legal role as the New and now very Pregnant Mrs. Kody Brown. I wonder who Meri was thinking about when she tweeted this little gem?

That's all for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet, so YOU can listen one more time to "The Joker" by the Steve Miller Band and "Money (Makes the World Go 'Round)" from Cabaret. Enjoy!!!!


  1. Good catch, CJ. As always, you are "on it!" (thanks to Cheryl too)

    No dissing of Hunter, it still is quite an accomplishment to make it into the Air Force Prep school, and I too hope he does well.
    But let's be frank, according to the link you posted, these prep schools are consciously looking for the athletes over the scholars.
    But putting that all aside since Hunter does fill that category......
    I find it hard to believe that Janelle and Kody did a simple little "oops" on calling it and posting that it was the Air Force Academy.
    Even *they* can't be that air-headed and not know the difference. Because if they are, let's hope Hunter doesn't have to introduce them to any of the who's who at the school.
    And if it was deliberate to appeal to the media and fans, then shame on them and their need to BS.

    1. I was thinking when Hunter said that, they didn't want to correct him on the net. which is fine. they shouldntbsaid anything. told Hunter to print a correction. Then they all could have congratulated him. Then it would just b a mistake. no foul.

  2. Well. Still a nice accomplishment for Hunter. I hope he does well, it's his ticket out of Crazyville. I somehow believe he knows that and will not let himself fail.

  3. I don't get what the big deal is. It's still the same school isn't it?

    1. Not the same schoolJuly 18, 2015 at 9:16 PM

      No it's not the same school. The prep school allows students who didn't make the cut for admissions, primarily athletes they want on the school's team, to spend a year trying to make themselves ready to go to the academy.

      Then if they do get in the next year, they are more or less taking the spot of a better qualified freshman. the academies are supposed to be training folks to be officers in the military. They are supposed to have high academic standards. This circumvents those standards and gets folks in because they can play a sport.....I'm not sure how being good at wrestling (or football, or basketball, etc) is relevant to today's armed forces....especially the Air Force.

      On top of that, Krody and his Krew knew exactly what school Hunter was accepted to, and they repeatedly stated it was the Academy. It is not.

    2. It is ABSOLUTELY not the same deal. I'm from Colorado and dated several cadets when I was in high school. The prep school is different and to say he was accepted into the Air Force Academy is an insult to those who truly have. My brother is a West Point grad, and the standards are extremely high. Also, I'm a little surprised, hunter showed up with a Mohawk/ rat tail hairstyle. That's so not in line with the military.

    3. I was accepted into Westpoint, and I was unable to attend because of an injury I sustained a few months before graduation. I attended Exeter for high school, so that opened several academic doors for me. I am NOT insulted that he made a mistake and called it the Air Force Academy. It happens all the time. People get confused, and it is still a big accplishment to be accepted into the preparatory school. The bottom line is that this young man is attending college which is uncommon for many young boys who were raised in the Apolistic United Bretheten. I am just glad to see him enrolled in school. Physical fitness is very important in the military, and sports require strategic planning, which is also very important in combat, so his physical abilities are just as valuable to the military as academics are. As far as his hairstyle is concerned, it is perfectly fine that he arrived as himself. They will give him the "makeover" he needs within the first week. Hunter's slip
      of the tongue does not take away from my accomplishments nor does it take away from the fact that I was accepted into Westpoint, so his statements do not insult me in the least bit. I wish this young man the best of luck, and I am proud of him for pursuing this. I am hoping that he does get into the academy, and that he makes the most of this opportunity. I think young people should be commended for pursuing higher education, and that people should support Hunter as opposed to putting him down, especially since most young men who are raised in the AUB are not allowed to attend college.

    4. It wasn't a "slip of the tongue " it was an omission that they all repeated over and over. I didn't say that Hunter is not to be commended for getting into the prep school! And ,yep..... Just checked with my brother who served 3 tours in Iraq , graduated from West Point, if he felt there was a difference . He said absolutely. The requirements are DIFFERENT. Maybe if you had completed the four rigorous years, you might understand.

    5. It appears that no one here is putting down Hunter.
      Rather, people are pointing out that his parents seem to have been purposely inaccurate in lauding his accomplishments.

    6. @Piper, thanks for you input. Do you think the Browns know the difference or are ignorant of the differences?

  4. Well, well, well: "Prep schoolers are paid, get free tuition and train with coaches in the intricacies of academy sports. Each is packed with athletes."

    "The school has no published academic standards, although Benyshek said students are required to get at least 1,000 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test - right at the 50th percentile."

    I'm not impressed.

    1. I think they are in the reserves until they get into the academy? If they do not get in they are discharged. We can pay and train and educate members of the reserves right? This is not just a school. This generation of kids just expects military means action. It's not a question of if it comes up in the next ten years or so. None of the duggar kids has even entertained the possibilities of the military.

  5. What the big deal is that they want us to buy their bill of goods about how great their kids have thrived in their polygamist household. If you have three extra Moms to help you with homework why are you doing poorly scholastically? Why should someone who can wrestle with another man on a mat in funny clothes get a break for his education.Wrestling will not translate to air force skills or be useful in a war scenario. Also folks Hunter is an Adult now. We can wish him well but he is not a child to be coddled.If he has delicate sensibilities he should not be in the services.

  6. Wait-Robyn is pregnant? How did I miss that? When is she due?
    And best of luck to Hunter! I hope he is successful and gains admission to the Academy next year.

    1. Yes, Robyn is pregnant and due around January 7th, 2016.

    2. Isn't Meri and Dayton's birthday right about then? Watch the baby come on their birthday, that would be ironic.

  7. "The school has no published academic standards, although Benyshek said students are required to get at least 1,000 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test - right at the 50th percentile."

    Huh? The SAT is 2400 possible points. 1000 points would not be "right at the 50th percentile." It would be just below the 42nd percentile. So, the academic standards are, "We're good with students who test in the bottom 40%, as long as they have big muscles." That's ridiculous.

    1. "50th percentile" means half of the people taking the test scored above that, half below. It's not a percentage of the possible score.

    2. Either way, it's a LOW BAR.

    3. Still higher than the bar set for top athletic picks at most universities. Having taught lots of today's "troubled youth", I can assure you that the Number One complaint of college and university professors is: over 30% of students require remedial Math AND English. The USAFA Prep school is just the equivalent. If there's any blame or shame, it's on the academic standards of the high school that awarded him a diploma😉 while the difference is (rightfully) a huge issue to those who are accepted directly to USAFA; I would imagine you'd be hard pressed to find parents of USAFA Prep, who specify Academy acceptance vs. Prep acceptance.

  8. Well, well, well! So Hunter is not necessarily a "Future Falcon." I do hope the best for him and hope that he can turn this last chance opportunity into a win. Maybe this explains Robyn's lack of congratulations on Twitter. I would find it admirable if she withheld her commendations because she knew they were not earned, but....I doubt that is the case.

  9. He will be wrestling which he is good at. He will be studying academics. We have no idea he could have done perfectly fine in school and able to do college work, just maybe not exceptional. His siblings are all attending college. He is willing to be military. He is not graduated from high school and staying home all day playing video games. The only unfortunate thing is confusing people.

  10. I think anything that gets the kids out is a good thing. Robyn wants all attention on her and her offspring only, I think she is even jealous of little Truly. It would probably be a bad existence for all the kids who are not hers, so I hope Hunter can make the most of this. It is not as impressive as the academy, but at least he still has a shot. He won't have to be at home when Robyn gives birth hopefully. She was ugly to him last time. She may have helped him become a better athlete, you have to get rid of that anger somehow.

    1. Word. I am so happy that all of the kids who have graduated high school have not only gotten to go to college, but have actually moved out and away. I feel for Hunter, Robyn purposely singled him out on national television and I don't recall one adult defending him. I will never forget the time Robyn blocked Truely away from her while she and one of her daughters was reading the plaque Christine gave the kids one Christmas. She really has no time for any of the kids who are not her own.

  11. The joker Batman has deleted his Twitter!
    Maybe the catfish was feeling the heat.

    1. He was feeling something...that's for sure! One less worry for Meri now, and the rest of womankind.

    2. Annnndddddd......he's back!

    3. Well, THAT didn't take long did it?

      If these people (meaning the Sister Wives) want anyone to take them seriously ever again, they need to invest in some better writers for this...escapade. C'mon, broke up with his girlfriend? Pullleeeze...

      But I'm seeing Meri's motivational/spiritual/mumbo jumbo tweets in a different light now. Since this is all apparently "for the show", perhaps they all need to start thinking long term, how the AUDIENCE will react to all these...manipulations. Sister Wives can not afford their fans/audience thinking they are being manipulated for ratings.

      So if anyone in particular is reading this, do the show a favor. Go off social media with this so-called...."friendship." Or better yet, cultivate a better class of "friends" to tweet with all day.

      As long as it's not The Donald.

      That's all.

    4. I still think the Browns should be worried about bringing in decent ratings for this next season. Many people are still ticked off with TLC over the Duggar fiasco on top of the Honey Boo Boo drama, many have decided to boycott TLC for their complete lack of regard for how women and children are treated. Ratings across the board may be lacking and if Meri's little story line with this guy does turn out to be fake, viewers will be extremely irritated.

  12. He is the 6th brown to go to graduate. Sounds like this is a no cost option. This is janelles third to go to college. Christine has two out. Meir has one out. That is a lot of kids to be in at one go. If they hadn't married Robyn they would be half way through getting the kids out of the house. They just moved into massive homes three years ago. Or is it four? And they are half empty.

    1. Great point, KMS. I started wondering the same thing when they first bought the houses. Meri has a giant house to herself, in another year Garrison and Paedon will graduate, leaving Janelle with just two kids at home and Christine with three. Their houses are all about 4,700 square feet. When you consider square-feet-per-person, that means that each of them has more elbow room than I would have if I lived in my own home alone. Granted, my house is a post-WWII bungalow, but if I lived in it alone...that's a lot of elbow room. And I'm not raising five zillion kids.

    2. Kody is planning on bringing on more wives to have more children. He needs those McMansions to house those new Sister Wives!

      Actually I think Kody did not consider his older kids getting the heck out of the cul-de-sac so soon after high school. He thought they would want to stay at home. The boys are definitely gone, but the girls could return home - particularly Christine's Aspyn and Mykelti who attend UNLV. It would make sense, financially speaking.

  13. CJ I usually love your posts but the tone of this one rubbed me the wrong way a little. It's an honest mistake on Hunter's behalf. He wants to spend his life playing sports and is line to do that, which I think is worth celebrating. Hunter has been one of my favorites for a long time and I'm happy to see him taking his own path to do what he truly wants to do.

    1. C. J. I do not agree that you used the wrong tone. I don't see that you are against Hunter. I feel that you are good and tired of the Brown's lack of honesty. I certainly am glad that Hunter is out of the house and away from the circus, but I hope he learns the lesson that words have meaning.

    2. That is not an honest mistake. The Browns know Hunter did not get accepted into the Academy. They lied.

    3. Not the same schoolJuly 21, 2015 at 1:53 PM

      Exactly. While I don't think any of the Brown adults have that many properly firing brain cells, you'd have to be brain DEAD to see your son's acceptance info and think that the prep school was the same as the academy.

      They lied, plain and simple.

  14. I live in Colorado Springs, home of the AFA. A friend's son was accepted into the academy last year on a basketball scholarship. He was in the prep school last year. He still has to commit to at least 4 years of Air Force after his schooling. If he doesn't fulfill that committment, he'd have to pay back the money spent for his schooling. Academic skills can be learned and developed past the age of 18.

    1. Indeed, that is a key difference here. If all he wanted to do was compete and have the bulk of his educational expenses covered, it sounds like he had some options. This one comes with a pretty important commitment.

      I'm trusting that Hunter was clear about what he was accepting with the offer and am willing to assume he made an honest wording mistake vs. attempted to deceive. And parents can be pretty clueless (though their track record does invite skepticism).

  15. This reminds me of when the Duggars called their one son a police officer for doing volunteer work and their daughter a concert pianist for being a mediocre piano player. There is something that rankles you about a devoutly religious liar and braggart.While we are on the topic Janelle is not a good business woman as stated many a time. Sending your other kids Mom out to collect welfare is not great financial planning. Kody does not look like a surfer dude -he is a fat guy who needs a haircut .They feed us this image how they want to be portrayed and some sop it up.Not me

    1. Yeah their second oldest son goes into law enforcement. And we saw dad completely disobey his son when out on patrol, which he should not have been with him the first place. I really wonder the power of the constable down there. I hope he didn't ask the son to do anything inappropriate.

    2. "And we saw dad completely disobey his son when out on patrol"

      You know that was staged for tv, right? Reality tv is staged.

    3. More a problem. His behavior was thought out.

  16. Personally, I think it is a remarkable accomplishment for a kid who spent much of his school-aged years in an uncredited AUB classroom to receive acceptance into the Air Force Prep Academy. By his parents' own admission, this AUB school was not academically rigorous enough to get their kids accepted into competitive academic institutions like the AFA. Hunter's perseverance and exceptional athletic abilities have earned him a second chance to achieve his dream. I hope he excels this year academically, so he receives the acceptance he desires.

    If I were Hunter, I would be a little irritated that his parents felt the need to embellish this wonderful accomplishment as if it isn't something to applaud on its own.

  17. Do you think his family makes him ineligible? Do you think he had to swear up and down not to engage in polygamy?

    1. Regarding Hunter getting into the AF Academy, or any of the other service academies: he's got to have endorsement of a member of congress or US Senator, and each can only nominate two (2) candidates per year. I did a bit of checking, and here's what I found in Utah, Nevada, Montana, and Wyoming, which I presume are the most likely providers of Hunter's recommendation.

      Utah's senators, Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee, are both LDS. Utah has decriminalized polygamy (thanks to the Waddoups decision), but as LDS members, I don't think either senator would be willing to incur the ire of their respective constituencies by nominating the child of a polygamous father.

      Nevada's senators, Harry Reid (D) and Dean Heller (R), are also LDS members. Same thing here re: pissing off the priesthood.

      Montana's senators: Steve Daines (R) is a Presbyterian, and Jon Tester (D) is a member of the Church of God--Anderson Branch, a particularly fundamental and conservative group founded in Indiana. Hunter doesn't stand a snowball's chance in Hell (just my opinion) of getting a recommendation from Senator Tester.

      Finally, Wyoming's senators, John Barasso and Michael Enzi are both Republicans, and both Presbyterians. I have almost no knowledge of the Presbyterians, so i can't predice whether there is some specifically anti-polygamy teaching within that church.

      I suspect I'm safe in presuming that the LDS members in the Senate would not write a recommendation. We shall see.

    2. @got2bdrc, thanks for researching all that. I agree that none of those senators would ever give one of the Brown kids a recommendation because of who their parents are.

    3. I don't that this fair. He isn't a polygamist. The polygamy isn't secret and something that could be used to get him to do something traitorous.

  18. Thank you CJ! You provide us something to talk about - even when it is relatively quiet in the cuddle sack. I want to give the parents the benefit of the doubt here, but I can't. Although I am always amazed at how clueless some parents are during the whole college application/acceptance process. I also am not buying that Robyn's failure to publicly congratulate Hunter had anything to do with her recognizing the difference between the AF Academy and the AF Prep Academy. If she knew the difference I am sure Robyn would have loved to point that out and would have taken advantage of the situation to diminish Hunter's accomplishments.
    When I read Janelle's tweets it is interesting that the day before they drop Hunter off she is still referring to the school as the Air Force Academy and it is only the next day that she correctly identifies where he is attending school. That is when I wondered could she be that out of it and not know the difference?! Is she that detached? But then I came to my senses! No parent, regardless how sheltered and clueless they are about our military could believe for one second that their son was accepted into the AF Academy. She is not a stupid woman. The process to apply for the AF Academy is very exacting and she would have to be aware that he was not accepted to the AF Academy and instead received an appointment to the Prep Academy.

    P.S. to CJ - I am not offended at all by the tone of your post! When I read your update it never even crossed my mind that your intent was to diminish Hunter's accomplishment of being accepted into the prep academy. We can all agree that this is an outstanding opportunity for him and wish him well. However, we can take the parents to task for exaggerating and misleading the public yet again.

  19. I wonder if a year at Prep combined with the first-class wrestling coaching is a back door entry into competitive wrestling?

    1. Oh gosh, I hope not. Surely Hunter has higher aspirations? Really, I'm serious. How many politicians graduated from a service academy?

    2. Thinking more like qualifying for the US Olympic team, rather than WWF!

    3. Another thing. In the photo accompanying Hunter's tweet about attending AFA, no one wears a military uniform. On the right, you can tell there are women present because their shoes peek out.

    4. Don't worry Anna Nominus- he will get his uniform and proper haircut asap. Once the new cadets are dropped off and families go back home, basic training begins.

    5. @ Anna Nominus, can you just see Hunter on "Lucha Underground"? I'd get such a kick out of that. Have a look:

  20. So happy to see another great update, CJ, thanks!

    I'm disappointed that the adults couldn't just be proud of Hunter for what he has achieved. Now that it's clear they deliberately tried to embellish the facts (multiple times, not just an oversight) it minimizes what he has really done. Was the prep school so beneath their expectations that they decided they should stretch the truth for public consumption? Hunter must feel great about that. Once again, way to go Kody & Krew!

  21. Upon reflection, I am looking at Hunter's post "I am super excited to say I will be attending the United States Air Force Academy" and I am leaning towards thinking that this may have not been a deliberate attempt from Kody & Krew to mislead us - it is something much worse!! These parents are so wrapped up in themselves and don't have enough time and attention to give their children that they have no clue as to what their kids are doing. They are not normal parents who would be involved, asking questions and they probably did not take the time to educate themselves on the process of applying for the AF Academy. They took Hunter's tweet at face value without even having a conversation with Hunter. Can't you just see Kody reading Hunter's tweet while he was at Robyn's house? Kody would be so puffed up over this news that he would retweet/congratulate the news without even a thought to have a conversation with Hunter about any of the specifics. It probably took Kody 4 days to even connect or see Hunter after that tweet. An involved dad would have been in the loop. An involved mother would have known her kid made an inappropriate announcement on twitter. I will probably get negative comments from others who don't like any criticism directed at the kids, especially Hunter, but responsible parents do not let their kids make posts like that. I don't want to see Hunter following in his dad's footsteps, thinking it is ok to stretch the truth. Because let's be honest everyone - this was a huge stretch of the truth on Hunter's part and that is not acceptable. If his parents have made him feel that in order to feel valuable and important (or to get attention from them) he needs to exaggerate the truth - that is NOT ok. He needs to know that getting into the Prep Academy was a worthy accomplishment and it needs no embellishment from him or his parents.

    1. Big Sky,
      You make a valid point. Certainly a good point about his parents not helping him to clarify on social media.
      My point was about the parents too, about their own embellishment of the facts.
      They may live a twisted life where Kody gets to bed-hop and his four women who are okay with it, but they haven't exactly been living under a rock, off the grid. They are seasoned print and film media hounds, seasoned web travelers, seasoned celeb pretenders. There is no way they could have been confused about whether their son was accepted and signing on to begin actual training as a Cadet in the Air Force Academy or that he was entering an Air Force sponsored prep academy. If they really did not know the difference and only found out when he actually arrived onsite, then that must mean that neither one of them was involved with any preliminary meetings or communications during his application and testing.
      Believable? Nah!!
      They knew.....and they knew when Hunter posted that it should have been clarified. made for good PR, good imaging during the season's hiatus.

      My concern for Hunter is that he could get some flack from school mates or teachers who may have seen his post. Surely, at least initially, he already has notoriety from being on the show. His classmates will check him out on social media. His parents could have spared him that.

      And no, CJ did not set "a tone" of derision towards Hunter.
      Her point was about the parents and their endless need to tweak the truth !!

  22. My two cents on what Big Sky was saying: I know of two families who have children attending West Point. I will say that both of those Mom's worked their tails off following around the boys, making sure that they met deadlines and hounding them about grades. intensely involved. I believe that is probably true for every cadet. The amount of hoops and recommendations are staggering. I know because I wrote letters of recommendation for both of these fine young men. So. . . Can I see Janelle doing 1/10 of what is needed? NOPE. Could Hunter get into the AF Academy without serious work from one or both parent? NOPE. Honestly, maybe that's the reason his coach (who I believe made this happen) got him into the Academy Prep. It was the best way to get Hunter on this path without the parental involvement needed.

    1. I meant moms. Plural not possessive.

    2. Missy, this is a very good analysis of the situation, I think. You are so right that Janelle nor really any of the Brown adults would have the fortitude to guide Hunter through such an arduous process. If it is not handed to them on a silver platter, they want nothing to do with it. Hopefully Hunter will develop a better work ethic while at the Prep Academy.

    3. @Missy & Anon 10:47; My sentiments exactly!! I just don't believe Hunter had a chance at the AF Academy with that group of parents. Even the most motivated, academically gifted, etc. students need to have parental guidance navigating through a military academy application process. None of Hunter's parents (real or imagined!) would put in the necessary legwork - soliciting the letters of recommendation, etc. all the hoops Missy mentioned. I also agree with you Missy that if we had to put money on who helped facilitate this - my money is on his wrestling coach!

  23. Missy you are so correct. They never put out any effort and want something to crow about.This is their pitch to say see polygamy parenting is great.Well ,it is not. Picture what his achievement could have been if he was growing up in a home where they were not doing mass production of babies and Mom was not left to raise kids mainly on her own.Abandoning your wife and kids to go sleep with another woman takes a lot away from a family.

  24. "Abandoning your wife and kids to go sleep with another woman takes a lot away from a family."

    Well said Anon 6:28! This is the true lesson of polygamy.

  25. I know this is completely off topic and random, but this been bugging me ever since I started a masochistic binge watch of Sister Wives. Does Meri have her eyeliner tattooed on?

    PS I love this site and your commentary Cynical!

    1. I really hope that harsh liner isn't tattooed on! I don't like knocking someones looks but with that liquid liner and oompa loompa foundation I think she really needs some guidance here.

  26. I am happy for Hunter, he seems like he has a good head on his shoulders, despite the fact that his father is Kody Brown. Well done.

    I would like to focus on the Meri thing, though. I haven't read any of her or her "boyfriend's" tweets other than what is posted here. What I see is a grown woman acting like an extremely passive-aggressive 13-year old. She is basically airing her personal life on a public forum, using coded catch-phrases, never coming straight out and speaking to the person or people that she is truly angry with, leaving her followers to speculate on what she means. This behavior is so childish, but at the same time, I feel sorry for her. She made this bed with Kody and now must lie in it (alone).

    If her intention is to use Twitter, etc., to somehow get back at Robyn and Kody, I have a feeling it's going to backfire on her. Robyn is Queen now. Poke at the Queen enough times and the King might finally get off his lazy butt and do something about it. And I don't know if Meri has the strength anymore at this point to deal with both of them - hence, her online and public flirtation with a complete stranger. It's her way of coping and attempting to feel somewhat good about herself because her real life is unbearably lonely.

    I am frustrated with her for staying, but I also kind of understand that she either doesn't know how to leave, or is afraid of what might happen if she does.

    1. Yesterday, Meri tweeted a meme that read as follows:

      Just because I post it. [sic]
      doesn't mean
      I'm going through it
      and it doesn't mean
      that it's directed at anyone
      Maybe it's just that
      I like what I read or what I see
      so I share it,
      I am Human!...

      Meri prefaced this with her words "There you go..."

      Frankly, after reading all of that, I've come to the conclusion that Meri has been "bulk" tweeting (spamming if you will) her own timeline and the timeline of her followers with new age, meditational semi motivational gobbly gook in an effort to appear relevant, "with it" and worldly, when in fact, those many tweets each day makes her appear to be shallow, naïve and unsophisticated.

      And she's a psychology major....smh....

    2. "And she's a psychology major"

      Well, sort of......since she has taken class so far?

    3. One class that gives her enough "knowledge" to be a danger to anyone who has become starstruck just because she's in a reality show.

    4. So whether Meri wants to believe or not, she is passive aggressively acting out her frustrations through what she compulsively tweets every day and then just as compulsively, what she tweets in conversation to her "friends" during the day and night. By using Twitter she makes sure the public worldwide will notice she has admirers....even though it's only a measly two maybe four people.

    5. It must really suck to see your husband all goo goo ga ga over a younger, more deliciously fertile wife. Such a bummer.
      I can understand Meri falling for a bit of attention without realizing the danger of online weirdos.
      Big lesson here.
      I'm sure there are feelings of despair over her loss of intensity and favor with Kody, but she's so locked into that lifestyle that it would be HUGE to stop that wheel.
      I wonder if it would be easier to have one's husband visit a high class brothel; at least it's not so personal (Amy Tan's "The Valley of Amazement").

    6. And that's the point about Meri.
      It really is pitiful (although deliberate) that she seems to want vindication in this form at this time in her life. A life that she signed on for and for which she helped to write the mission....until she was replaced.
      If her goal is inner peace/balance, this duplicitous behavior is not the way to win friends and gain respect. She is coming off as a fool.
      Would be far better to absorb some of those quasi psych/spiritual sayings, instead of just tweeting them.
      Talk is cheap, can be tweet-speak.

    7. I think Meri is going to leave as soon as the show is officially over.

  27. I agree it is passive aggressive but what do we expect? This is the toll living in polygamy has on one. Meri is emotionally abused and religiously repressed. I am constantly torn with this woman. On one hand I despise her being a poster person for promoting polygamy(wow almost alliteration with all the P's, sorry)and on the other hand I would not want to ridicule an abuse victim.whether she knows it or not, she is a victim, just like the woman whose husband hits her but she won't leave.Maybe because I am an old broad myself and no longer fertile and relevant in breeding circles, I feel her pain. My take is she is stirring the pot for ratings but in doing so is drawing on her own perspective. This is why her tweets ring true.

    1. Exactly, this is why I struggle with this show, and why I can't stop watching.

      At this point Meri is the person I focus on most because she is so clearly miserable. There is NO hiding it. She is overweight, much more so than when the show began. She gets random dizzy spells and her so-called husband doesn't seem to care. She signed away her legal marriage to Robyn, the most insufferable know-it-all I think I have ever seen. Meri is stuck, but at the same time, she is not stuck. She could leave this mess and possibly still find some fulfillment - she is certainly not old - but I don't think she will because polygamy "makes each of us better." She cannot possibly believe her own press at this point, can she? Is there a rule in polygamy that the more a woman suffers, the better her place in heaven? And why would you want to spend eternity with a man who clearly does not care about you?

      It's as plain as day to the viewers - Kody does NOT CARE about his first wife. He is all about Robyn now. When you almost fall down the stairs with a dizzy spell and all your "husband" cares about is getting your ass out the door so you can sign away your marriage...oh my goodness, I just don't even know anymore.

  28. In my reading I have learned they DO think suffering in this life will be rewarded in the next. If you call being eternally pregnant a reward and as you say living with Kody.who supposedly will be a God on his own planet. Like that would not go to his head and make him really fun to live with.Kody-retch is such a small man .

  29. Thank you Caringin Canada for reminding us that the Brown wives and children are victims. They have been raised or brought into a cult that rules by instilling fear of eternal damnation. Literally, they have been brainwashed into thinking their souls are at risk. For me, this is an absurd notion that is difficult to wrap my head around, but I accept that for others, following a religious doctrine is everything.

    Because of that, I have been wishing and hoping that Meri's college experience, monogamous friends and internet dalliances are showing her a different, more fulfilling way to live. Perhaps there is a mature, gainfully employed stud out there that will help her get her groove back. This is what I wish for all the wives.....except Robyn. She and Kody are meant for each other.

    1. And therein lies the problem/mystery with Janelle and her devotion and loyalty to the lifestyle.
      Janelle was NOT raised in the cult, nor was she brainwashed into entering Kody's Plyg harem.
      She was in a monogamous marriage before wanting to be Kody-wife # 2.

      And ironically, in the five years of the show, Janelle has always been the most enthusiastic wife to verbally stroke Kody when his flaws have been highlighted, and to defend the lifestyle when it is questioned.

    2. I agree wholeheartedly with the above assessments. This religious doctrine they follow is more of a cult in my view and I also hoped that by moving to Las Vegas and having less influence/contact from the AUB they could possibly begin to educate themselves that there is something else outside this religion. But then I look at Brady and my 5 kind of shows there's no hope! This family seemed to enlighten themselves that this religion was destructive and broke away from their church. Then what were they left with?? A man with 5 wives and a family who feels compelled to live this polygamous lifestyle even though they no longer believe in the doctrine that brought them together as a family - This almost makes less sense!! How could they live this lifestyle once they wised up?! At least we can excuse Kody & Krew as being brainwashed and victims of the AUB cult. What excuse does Brady and his harem have?

    3. I'm trying to word this so I don't offend, but my thoughts on Janelle have always been that she prefers to be in a marriage that doesn't require much from her in the way of intimacy, and sharing a husband with other women was a way to accomplish this. She has always struck me as wanting more of a friendship from Kody rather than a real husband/wife intimate relationship. Of course I am only speculating, but of all the wives, she seems to suffer the least amount of jealousy...either that, or she hides it the best.

    4. First impressions make Janelle appear to be the most balanced and "with it" of the wives, but after several seasons of watching her suffer in silence, I think she has deep emotional issues from early on. She appears (to me) remarkably insecure and unwilling to share her feelings. To me that kind of unhappiness and vulnerability is exactly what a cult looks for when recruiting new followers. She was easy prey during her divorce, and the attention she received from Kody was probably flattering and comforting. This is strictly conjecture on my part. I'm not a psychologist, but I do know that a little male attention when you are hurting will cause a girl to abandon all rational behavior.

    5. I'm not a psychologist either but I don't think Janelle was preyed on by a cult. It seems to me Janelle was the stalker who was infatuated with Kody. She relocated to Wyoming to be near him. She lived in a tent on land owned by Kody's father. Lucky for her Kody and Meri were polygamist so she could slip right in as another wife. Didn't she propose to Kody first? I don't see her as unhappy and vulnerable, but I do see her as very secure in why she wanted to be with Kody. If Kody had been a Southern Baptist, she would have converted to Southern Baptist to be with him. I guess I'm saying Janelle walked into polygamy on her own free will. I don't see her as a victim and I certainly don't feel sorry for her!

    6. And let's not forget that Janelle became infatuated with her sister-in-law's husband, Kody being her ex-husband's sister's husband, his brother-in-law.
      Which come to think of it, made Janelle his ex-wife and former sister-in-law to Meri...
      But then... Janelle became his sister's sister wife, making Janelle his new sister-in-law by marriage.....sort of. Oh, these crazy plygs just love mingling the branches on the gene tree.

      And going back to Janelle's abuse at the hands of Meri (and Kody).....
      It's not as if she didn't already know Meri and Kody's MO.
      She wanted him and apparently wanted to compete with Meri in the fertility contest.
      She won that contest hands down, having her first child before Meri had Mariah.
      I don't see Janelle as insecure or meek in any way. If anything, Janelle comes across as as indifferent to others, more like smugly detached.
      Kody is her focus.

  30. I really don't know one way or the other, obviously, but I do wonder... If Hunter and/or the Browns were deliberately trying to deceive people into thinking he was accepted into the academy vs. the prep school, then why did they eventually start referring to the school correctly (as the prep school)? If they were really trying to deceive people, wouldn't they have carried the deception forward for as long as possible...? That's certainly been their M.O. in the past....lie until they're called on the carpet. Then continue to lie, deflect, deny, etc.

    1. If Hunter and/or the Browns were deliberately trying to deceive people into thinking he was accepted into the academy vs. the prep school, then why did they eventually start referring to the school correctly (as the prep school)?

      Good question. Take a look at Janelle's tweets. On July 14th at 5:29AM Janelle called it 'Air Force Academy. On July 15th at 9:48AM she calls it 'AF Academy Prep School.'

      What happened in the intervening 30 hours? Only the Browns know for sure, but Janelle was the first Brown adult to indicate that Hunter was attending the Prep school and not the AF Academy as previously stated since the initial announcement 2 months ago.

      My opinion is that they didn't realize there was a difference until after their arrival in Colorado Springs, and they finally looked closely at the paperwork. Which confirms Big Sky's opinion that Kody and Janelle were so remote in their parenting, they had no clue exactly what school Hunter was attending until they were at the Academy checking Hunter in at 9AM on July 15th. I'm sure they were hoping no one would notice it.

    2. "......that Kody and Janelle were so remote in their parenting, they had no clue exactly what school Hunter was attending until they were at the Academy checking Hunter in at 9AM on July 15th."

      And that is a pathetic disgrace !!!! No other way to explain it or spin it.
      It's not funny, nor was it a casual slip up of wording. Not when it was corrected at the 12th hour. It is a glaring example of ignorant, careless parenting by people who tout how exemplary their lifestyle is for the children.

    3. There is also the possiblity that the Air Force Academy officials left word through the Prep School that they wanted this charade corrected immediately. The official academy may have been made aware of the problem of the Browns making false statements. Kody and Krew may have been told there would be legal ramifications if they did not correct this public mistake.

    4. Hmm.....true. That IS a possibility.

    5. This is the first that I have heard that there were Prep Schools for each branch. I've never known anyone that got accepted to any of the branches' academies. So, even if I knew someone had been accepted to a prep school version, I would have made the mistake of referring to it as the academy. However, since most parents are involved in the college selection and application process, and since this signing was an EVENT.... I think they should have known by the day of the signing. Of course, these parents are too involved in their Kody sightings to pay that much attention to their children. Having said that, I am glad Hunter is willing to do the year at the Prep School and the reserves in order to try to get accepted. Lots of people wouldn't. They would just pick a less stringent school to go to.

  31. I don't have much empathy for Meri, she chooses this life style. They choose to be on TV to educate us on how great polygamy is, and just how wonderful it is to have sisterwives to help out with the raising the children. How overcoming jealousy makes them a strong individual ----- bla bla bla (excuse me I just puked in my mouth - need mouth wash ASAP) Meri was a bully to Janelle and Christine since the beginning of their 'marriages'. It is sad that she wanted more babies and was not able to, however with this 'great' lifestyle and strong commitment to their church -it would seem to me she should feel blessed that she was able to have one of her own and to share the many other children from her sister wives. There is always a drama in her life; she was the last one to get to sign on the house - I demand a wet-bar. She is going to be an empty nester. Then she was falling all over the band (can't remember their name) and became their groupie. She made a big deal about not being able to help out as much with Robyn's hobby due to going back to college...which meant what one class. Seriously she is very immature so it does not surprise me that she makes a big deal on her twitter about this guy.

  32. They lie; they misrepresent; they lie...what else is new? I doubt that Kody or Janelle even knew the difference between the academy and the prep school...they have so little experience with academia and little experience with the military. Just like saying Mariah was, she was taking her pre-requisites for a science degree and then would enter her pre-med courses at a really good medical school. They care just enough about what their kids are doing to brag but not enough to know what's up. And can one feel sorry for her? She, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn are all grown ass women and should know when they are being crapped on....really....

  33. I guess I am not really understanding what the big deal is when it comes to Batman. There is no indication that Meri has communicated with him outside of Twitter, and their "conversations" are limited to 140 characters. So she exchanges a few one liners with him a few times a week, what is the big deal? There is an entire group of women who have devoted their days to investigating these interactions. They have a ton of conspiracy theories, and numerous suspects of who the illusory Batman could be. I do not see any indication that this was a romantic relationship or that she desired to meet him, he is simply a person she dedicated a few hundred characters on a keyboard to. People claim they want the show off the air, and yet they have devoted several hours to the Browns. They have formed group after group dedicated to discussing their lives, they comment on every post, they have formed a plethora of fake accounts just to discuss the Browns, and they have formed this investigative team to discover the Batman's true identity. I find it hard to believe that the execs over at TLC haven't noticed this, and that they are realizing that the so called dissenters seem to spend a lot of time focusing on the Browns. If people truly want them off the air, they need to stop discussing them, and stop giving them attention.

    1. Sounds to me like you've been drawn into the "drama." That's OK, it's addicting like candy, but on the positive side, you won't gain any weight by indulging yourself!!

      What's interesting is how you are able to relate all this info about conspiracy theories, and investigative teams. You even mentioned how many hours are spent. For a disinterested party, you certainly sound very interested.

      And yes, it goes without saying TLC has noticed the love/hate relationship that exists between factions that watch Sister Wives. They bank on it, and try to exploit it as much as possible. More viewers means more advertising dollars and that makes TLC very, very happy.

      So why don't you sit down, take a load off, and listen to The Joker...because Batman isn't his name, not yet at any rate. But The Joker, now that is a great description. Don't you agree?

    2. The big deal is people were trying to warn Meri she is being slowly suckered into believing those twitter people are true friends. When you look at the all the messages sent back and forth it amounts to more than 140 characters conversations. Imagine what's happening in private messages. I think Meri is being played by a team of grifters.

    3. TLC should have an intense course for their "reality stars" before they turn them loose on social media. Especially in the case of the Brown Family who probably had no presence on social media before their show. They are naive and clueless and combined with their penchant for distorting the truth it can only spell disaster. TLC should also help manage their images by exercising some control - honestly who at TLC approved that fan page of Robyn's?! She doesn't have enough followers to make it worthwhile, it only creates dissent and I can't imagine the positive of her running such a Facebook page outweighs the negative. I have never understood why TLC doesn't put more thought into the social media piece of their "stars." It's almost like they turn them loose to self destruct!

    4. Doubtful that TLC gives a damn about what trouble the Browns get into on social media.
      As long as fans and non-fans get the spelling right of TLC, that's very effective *and cost-free* PR for them.
      Add to that, the unmistakable benefit of the numbers of snarkers who, at this point, are probably keeping the ratings afloat over the remaining actual fans.

      It's even likely that TLC hopes the Browns continue the clownish antics to keep chatter juicy until the season opener. Maybe even possible that TLC has made suggestions to them about how to do just that?!

    5. Disinterested never. It is hilarious. All of this over 140 character tweets. One cannot help but watch and laugh. As to people trying to protect Meri, I highly doubt their motives are altruistic. I do agree that TLC probably loves all this attention which makes SW ripe for another season.

    6. Nicely handled, Cynical.

  34. why does tlc wait so long between seasons to air this show? fewer episodes and longer time between seasons...why bother with them at all? people move on from shows they forget about. in addition to all of the twitter blocking by the adults..seems so pointless

    1. Totally agree. Since the 19KAC has been cancelled, you would think they would ramp up and get this show on the air...there is a lack of programming with their two biggest shows now gone...but instead, nothing. I think they are over Sister Wives. I also suspect that there is something they are investigating which is putting the show on the back burner. They don't want any further embarrassment to the network

    2. I also suspect that there is something they are investigating
      So do I, CPA Carol. In June a TLC exec producer tried to follow The Joker on Twitter - and the Joker even noted someone from "Discovery Communications" was reading his blog and he mused "Why?" in his epic blog entry "Banned or Block." Which makes me wonder why would he bring it up? Hubris, much?

      TLC simply cannot afford another embarrassment after losing Honey Boo Boo last year, and 19KAC last month.

    3. Right off I will say that I think Jim Bob and Michelle were wrong in how they handled the Josh molesting scandal and TLC had good reason to cancel their show. However, I think it is questionable that people are fine with TLC airing a show that supposedly promotes polygamy, which the last time I looked is breaking the law. Polygamy has a legacy of over one hundred years of abuse of women, children, and the lost boys who have been kicked out.

      I also think Robyn and company need to tread very, very carefully this season with what they say about Robyn's ex husband and what allegations they make of abuse and neglect. People on both sides of the fence are going to be watching for one mis-step, false allegation, or skeleton in the closet.

    4. It's not about breaking the law. It's about the endangerment of kids. Mama June had contact with the man who she knew abused her daughter and still had a minor child at home. It was the public finding that unacceptable that caused the cancellation. The Duggars had been allowing a person known to offend access to their kids since 2002. And they have been on the show via TLC since 2004. And we know CPS or whatever it's called in their state looked into the matter in 2006. This really makes TLC look sloppy. It's not that someone committed a crime or can't be considered to have committed a crime that matters. It's sad we have been entertained by the side hugs and control and isolation when now we know it was to internally handle living with a known offender. And they made money off this? We know there was no way for the kids to say help, something is going wrong in my house. Someone is hurting me. This TLC special makes me sick that the family is participating. Unless it's to say how terrible they handled it and that they would handle it differently in the future. Hardly encouraging what they did.

  35. I think everything we are shown on Sister Wives is made up, none of it is really “real”. The premise of the show was supposed to show us how four women can be happily married to one man and raise all their kids together in one happy family.

    First off, the book they wrote pretty much lays it out. Three young women and Kody, through their faith, believed they needed to live plural marriage in order to reach the highest kingdom of heaven. Despite their beliefs, the wives are not friends and do not have a sisterly love. Yes, there were years when Janelle was working and Christine took care of the kids. But this wasn’t always the case. They also tended to move every few years. By the time they all figured out they could barely tolerate each other, they had a bunch of kids, bills (and bankruptcies) and were all pretty much stuck with each other.

    Then, there was a great new opportunity – the ultimate in Grifterville! A reality television show. You know the same network as those wonderful wholesome Duggars. But there is a catch….the producers want Kody to court another wife. They all rationalized this was “meant to be” and then Meri got to select Robyn. And thus the show began, their pockets become relatively full and they had a new sister wife and three new kids added to the family. So now there are cameras following them around and their lives are in the hands of the producers. So they have fake storylines - the Browns are going to be arrested! Robyn offers to be Meri’s surrogate! The wives run an online shop called MSWC! They buy huge houses and then have fake discussions over wetbars and hubby rooms! All producer driven. The only real storyline was when Truely almost died and that's kind of the fault of these adults running the family. Then nothing of interest happens, the storylines are drying up. Christine cannot take care of her own children and has no real options, so her Mom (who she had disowned) has to move in and help. Janelle is over it. Over all of it. She doesn’t even really want to admit she no longer “believes”, she now has kids and this show, she is stuck for awhile. So Kody in his infinite wisdom, pitches to the producers “how about we create a storyline where I have to divorce Meri in order to marry Robyn to save her children from her evil ex”….but that storyline falls apart because David Jessop starts making threats…so they imply that Kody “has” to adopt the kids because they all want to have the same last name. But really, all Kody wanted to was to make Robyn the official wife and that was Robyn’s plan all along. So, we get stuck witnessing Meri’s emotional breakdown (hey TLC, hope you provided some counselors for her) and then want us to watch the fallout? Another pregnancy? Why? Is that really what this family needs? Yet another demand for Kody’s limited time.

    So they continue to make up false stuff to get the interest going. They were probably planning on the “Hunter gets accepted to the Airforce Academy” but now instead its Hunter got into a prep school (still kudos to him but it IS different)…and now they have no real storylines. The wives all hate each other to various degrees, the kids are moving on and TLC has yet another show on the cusp of cancellation. So, did Sister Wives fulfill its mission? Do we believe that four women can be happily married to one man? No, they did not prove that to me. Did they prove it to any of you??

    1. Good summation from the very beginning to now!

      As has been often said since the frantic exodus to Vegas.....TLC (with full compliance from the Browns) made it up as they went along to keep the cash flowing on both ends.

      Did they complete their stated mission? Not a chance !!
      What they did accomplish was to expose the dark side of their Plyg-life in such detail that it became impossible to find any bright element. No matter how hard (or ridiculous) the faux scripts were crafted to show rainbows and unicorns, the reality of that dismal world of mistrust, jealously, depression, obsession and emotional deprivation was like an odor that was always evident.
      If they really did start out 'happy' and still were functioning relatively well before the great TLC windfall, it is quite apparent that the show and all the insanity they agreed to do to keep it going has decimated whatever concept they intended to sell to the world.

      What still is amazing is their capacity for collective duplicity. Wouldn't you think there would have been at least *one* member who had found the deceptions just unacceptable?

    2. No, they proved the opposite. I have a family member that believes in open marriage... who is now getting divorced. That's a direct correlation by the way, not a coincidence. They didn't prove their concept to me either.

    3. I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned that Christine did not always raise the kids. Those kids lived in another house for quite a while. Janelle moved back in with the others when they moved to Lehi. Before that she had to be raising them on her own. So only her youngest were with Christine while they grew up.

    4. No, CPA Carol, it hasn't been proven to me that sharing my husband with three other women would ever be an option. I can't imagine having such a fragmented and unsettled life. And they also weren't able to pull off the farce. Most of the viewers, I believe, could see right through them. We can all tell it's forced and contrived. I'm curious as to the path the children will take. I predict that none of them will have a polygamous relationship. Time will tell...

    5. According to the book Janelle still dropped the kids off with Christine everyday while she worked. So, yes, she did move out, but she was still very much intertwined with "the family."

    6. @CPA Carol - Thank you for your summation and NO! They did not prove it to me either. I think in the beginning of the show, many viewers were in the "honeymoon phase" and were willing keep somewhat of an open mind. Initially, the storylines seemed less contrived. With the addition of Robyn and their onslaught of one ridiculous storyline after another we came to realize that these people have always been miserable together. But at least they answered our questions about whether a family can lead this lifestyle in a functional way. No, they cannot.

    7. Such a great summation, CPA Carol--a pleasure to read, as well as the above comments.
      I heartily agree with a resounding "No!".
      I admit that I was among the viewers in the "honeymoon phase" amicably willing to believe that polygamy could be pretty cool. (My mother refers to this as the "goo goo ga ga stage".)
      Now I embrace the "time will tell" theory. The change in tides of fortune for this family has been quite a spectacle. If anything, this show has shown--very successfully--the downsides of polygamy. I feel like I'm better for the experience; not only by having watched the show but also by having had numerous discussions about it with you fine people. Thank you guys!

    8. They claim that Polygamy makes them.better, but yet they can't stand one another. If that was true, we'd see more Twit pics of the harem hanging out together (and not just during filming, birthdays & holidays). Instead we see Meri hanging out with other Z- list royalty in Vegas. And #2 & #3 hanging out with their booking manager at events. And we see Robyn, Kody & Sol hanging out together. So nope, they didn't prove it to me either.

    9. This just turned out to be another sad and tragic disaster of reality television. My feelings after the stringing along process, is that I truly dislike Cody and Robyn. I think the first three wives have a chance of some kind of chance to have follow-up shows. this is only because people like to see justice. Cody and Robyn will dredge out their days in welfare and eek their way through life.

  36. Just wondering if anyone else is watching Escaping Polygamy on LMN. It focuses on Kolleen Snows sisters helping people break away from the Kingstons.

    1. When it is on? I have not seen it yet but I want to!

    2. Tuesdays at 9 central on LMN. It seems more realistic then many reality shows. It is also very realistic in showing how hard it is emotionally for people to leave and how much they struggle after they do leave. As for the Brown clowns who feign ignorance about the abuse that goes on in these groups, one of the women they rescued came from the AUB church.

    3. @ AnonymousJuly 30, 2015 at 9:20 PM:
      I've said it before, I'll say it again: Kody Brown and his wives are friends with Heidi Mattingly Kingston, the mother of Andrea and Jessica. It's not just that Leah-Georgina Taylor was in the AUB, the same group as the Browns (and that her father immigrated illegally from England for the AUB). It's that the Browns are *friends* of Heidi. (Possibly of course also of Daniel Kingston himself.)

  37. Yes, I watch it. Because of my work schedule I have to catch it on Demand. I do think that it airs on Tuesday's but I am not sure of the time.

  38. For about the past month I am no longer able to view CC on TLC. My cable company W.O.W. said at first that it was my TV in a canned response email and then they called last night and said they would look into it after I said it was JUST that one channel. Some of the shows are re-runs and I know they have shown CC on the shows before so the excuse that CC is not available or something is not valid.

    Is this happening with any other Cable Company or is just W.O.W.? Can anyone else see CC with their TV on TLC? This all started just about the time trouble with 18 kids and counting popped up. I appreciate any help with this.

    1. Sorry to hear you're having problems with closed captioning on TLC. I have Cox Cable, LBL. I just watched My 600lb Life and was able to see the closed captioning when I muted my TV volume. Unfortunately, outside of Sister Wives I rarely watch TLC.

      I was able to find an old FB posting (a Detroit Fox station answering complaints from 2012). It doesn't directly address your problem, but it does show that cable company has a history of problems with CC. I hope you'll get the problem resolved soon!

    2. I also found this article from July 12, 2015. It doesn't say anything about CC, but makes me wonder what kind of outfit is W.O.W cable???

      Cable provider WOW says weekend attack on servers left Michigan customers without internet service

    3. Thank you. They used to be Knology but changed their name or bought them out or something like that. At least you showed me their Twitter name :)

      I had no clue about the DNS attack either. Goodness.

    4. I used to do cable TV support for a company called Charter. The internet outage could affect closed captioning -- I saw that with my customers. Usually you've accidentally hit another button like one labelled SAP. If you have children or pets, likely an accidental push did it. Otherwise, take off the battery plate on your remote and there should be a sticker or molded letters there with a model number for the remote, then google that and you should find instructions if the other suggestions don't help.

  39. I guess I'll just have to get the Cable company out. It's not just that one TV. We have 2 TV's on a cable box (Premium) and 2 TV's that are not on a cable box that just are wired to the wall and do not go through a converter of any kind. Neither one get CC on TLC. The TV's with the Cable box DO get CC on TLC. I just discovered that this afternoon since I never watch that TV unless DH is out of town. Well, one is in the Living Room and one is in the bedroom. I usually just watch the one in the kitchen. The other TV is in the guest bedroom. Actually I watch more TV on my computer than I do anywhere else but then I don't really watch that much TV. That's why I'm here reading and snarking rather than watching Sister Wives. If something comes up that is "must see" then I catch a re-run or watch it on youtube. DH is usually watching Golf or a Gun show and wouldn't be caught dead watching a show about Polygamy.

    Maybe there's just some fluctuation in the line or something. It is odd though. Thanks for the help.

  40. Can you look into getting comcast or xfinity as it is called now? My cousin needed CC and I had comcast. She said it was the best CC she had seen when she came to visit me. I think they serve all of Michigan. They are reasonably priced if you do a bundle package with Internet, cable, and phone. Do not, I repeat do not, get sucked into their movie packages though. I got Encore when I signed up because they were doing a promotion. The representative failed to tell me it ended after a certain amount of time. I got my bill, and Holy Moley!!!! I cancelled Encore very quickly!! Their On Demand services are great. They offer a lot of free movies, and they also offer a lot of shows from past seasons. I would also reccomend telling Xfinity you are not satisfied with your current service because they may give you a better deal to secure your patronage. When I called after the Encore problem, I threatened to cancel everything, and they gave me a sweet, permanent, deal to keep me as a customer.

    1. Comcast is the worst company our there. Their customer service is a joke. Also, since so many people called then up threatening to cancel, they are no longer allowed to give people "new customer promo" prices so they are just ridiculously overpriced.

  41. This Joker-fish stuff is getting crazier by the day! I've been checking here to see if anyone else is following what is going on. Well, to be honest, I don't think anyone can actually follow this crazy stuff! It really makes me wonder who's fishing who/(whom)?

    1. Well it's like this...since it looks like Meri has excused herself from the Twitter nonsense, it just seems like one social media group is trying to one up another group for what appears to be bragging rights. Most likely it won't even get a mention on the show so why waste the effort to discuss it in a public forum? But feel free to listen to Steve Miller Band's The Joker !!

    2. "But feel free to listen to Steve Miller Band's The Joker !!"

      Ha !!!
      CJ, I do so appreciate the way your mind works !!!

  42. So TLC is famous for running its shows over and over and over again. If I miss an episode of the Little Couple, no worries. I can catch it in one of their binge-fest marathons. I've seen the same 600 lb life episodes several times, but I can't recall Sister Wives ever being shown in reruns. Anyone know why that is? How does the network turn a profit on this show?

    1. Believe it or not TLC actually started showing episodes of Sister Wives during the day. It seems to be hit or miss...I know it was on last week.

  43. CJ, eagerly awaiting your next entry. Guess it's a good thing that there's no 'new' news.

  44. Wish we were discussing Escaping Polygamy!!!

    1. I have seen 3 episodes of "Escaping Polygamy". I am very impressed by Kollene and her friends. She has matured a lot since she appeared on "Sister Wives". It is admiral that after these girls escaped they focused on helping others escape also instead of just working on their own post-polygamy lives (which would have been very understandable). They seem to have good hearts and are looking out for other people, as opposed to the Browns who are just selfish, greedy, and shallow. Sweetie.

    2. Wish everyone were able to escape polygamy. But hey! It is now in the eye of the camera and people are talking. Things are happening. And thank you to all!

    3. I wish the show were more popular so it could get more exposure. The sadness and hopelessness in so many of these kids eyes is heartbreaking. At the same time it is very inspirational to see the support network that the escapees have created. This should be the picture the general public sees of polygamy so that people can see how harmful this lifestyle is. The Browns are reprehensible people making money off promoting this lifestyle that is so harmful to so many.

  45. Hey Jinx! I've been lurking for years enjoying your blog. I have a friend that knows a person who works on the show. It's been fun comparing the tv version to the real version. You are doing a great job.

  46. The lack of Kodyworld material available to blog CEO's like Cynical Jinx in preparation for yet another season may well forecast the success (or lack of) in store for the the new season.
    CJ, and others like her if they exist in cyberland, have kept this show afloat long after its sell-by date should have expired.
    Seriously, after all the just plain ridiculous and non-believable nonsense the show has foisted on viewers, especially in the last four years, the lack of current enticing material suggests that Kody and his harem *and TLC* have finally run out of gas to fuel this faux show.
    What we may witness come September is the last gasp of desperation for the final season paychecks for both the Browns and the producers.
    Truth Is.......
    No one cares that Sobbin is pregnant. Her glow as the new *young* thing has faded into a deliberate, calculating bitch and wannabee.
    Also, no one cares that Meri is/was web trolling for attention and kicks, while being the suffering, replaced # 1 wife. Meri was the key witness to the deception from the beginning. She surely had Kody's ear from the very first negotiations with TLC. She surely ok'ed bringing on Sobbin..for ratings, which of course also promised the money. (And the Vegas move and the McMansions, trips, perks, etc)
    Nor does anyone care that Janelle and Christine continue to stay on as occasional bedmates/child moms for Kody's public ego. And realistically, what would either of them do without the cash and/or the perks of being associated with the show even after the fact??? Both of them have kids leaving and both are left with emptying houses and few kids at home. Both of them are one -dimensional Kody-ites.

    And cares about him because the show "showed" all there is to see about him.
    He is an idiot.....a VERY lucky idiot !!
    Let's hope he is not so idiotic to have squandered all his oh, so easily earned TLC money.

    1. You hit that nail right on it's very Robyn-like head, Amused. This has been the worse summer between seasons in many years. I'm not very optimistic about the next season - it's got a definite been there done that vibe to it.

  47. I have been helping with harvest on our farm and have not had the *pleasure* of turning on TLC for over 2 weeks - are there any previews out yet for the new season? Do we know for sure if the new season is actually starting in September? I would think if it's coming back in a month there would be previews by now of all the faux drama. Please CJ - can you make sumptin outa nuttin and entertain us with a post??!

  48. Hi Cynical:

    Not sure if you already knew this, but Sister Wives is filming in Girdwood, Alaska (a ski town near Anchorage) this week.

    1. If they are in fact filming in Alaska, it will probably be about their wonderful ski vacation and will last for 3-4 episodes. This show is beyond boring. Who wants to see them take more trips. This show is way past its expiration date. I would rather watch paint dry than be subjected to more of them nonsense. Been there, done that. This show was supposed to be about their day to day life and how they function as a family in their homes. Not on how they can take a vacation. A vacation from what "Job". Not tuning in for season 6. I have no clue on how they will make the show interesting this season. Repeat stuff is boring. The Browns are not relevant. What will make people want to tune in. People want to be entertained and this show does not do this for a lot of people. Even some of their so called fans are seeing the light. Most of their drama is fake. Makes me think that these women are on drugs. They perform like robots. All except the head baby mama Robyn. Gosh, I would love for one of the other women to write a tell all. Now this would be interesting as long as we are told the truth. As much as I like the kids, I don't want to see a show geared toward their kids. This blog is the only thing interesting about Sister Wives. I agree with the other posters that CJ's blog has kept the show running. CJ should get paid by TLC. Heck, TLC should make her the head writer. The longer the Browns stay off tv, the quicker their fans will move on to other more interesting shows. I can't wait to see who they will go up against on Sunday night. There are some good new shows in the line-up for Sunday. Will the Browns be able to compete. I think not.

  49. Kody and the harem are "skiing".............!!! we KNOW for sure that the TLC "trip" list has run dry.
    Didn't they already do run a ski script where and when Meri injured her knee 2 or 3 seasons ago?

    Oh, wait, that was one of those *special* one-on-one outings where Kody struts his stuff as an attentive husband to just one of his ever adoring and ever grateful wives.

    Yep....sure sounds like this (last) season will be a buffet of recycled BS, even including a redo of Sobbin the Madonna. Snarkers, prepare to be underwhelmed..

  50. I honestly think they are going to take on a fifth wife to save the show. They brought in Sobyn just to get the show so I don't think it's a stretch to think that they will bring in another to keep the money train coming in. I also have a sinking feeling that the next wife is going to be Sobyn's live in nanny/maid/slave because Mrs. New Legal Wife could control her easily and therefore more likely to be on board with the plan.

  51. I got a kick out of a tweet from the Seavey's, Iditarod champions, who operate a kennel and lead dog sled tours. They said they were contacted by the show and asked if they could film at their kennel (not sure if they also wanted to arrange a dog sled ride) and the Seavey's turned them down. They said it "didn't seem to be our kind of show." Wish other businesses were not so desperate for publicity and would also turn them down!!
