
Sunday, September 13, 2015




It's Sister Wives  L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!!



Prepare yourself for MORE Mr. Robyn Brown  BLOVIATING!!

While the new Mrs. Kody Brown indiscriminately BLOCKS TWITTERS !!

Are YOU on her list tonight???


It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!

ps...don't forget, Robyn's Preggers and Maddie's ENGAGED!!!!



  1. Maddie had her heart broken and now she is marrying rebound guy. It smacks of desperation like Mommy stalking Kody first in a teepee then in the guest room.Then as concubine number one. Why would these women egg Maddie on ? Do you not want the next generational to do better? Guess misery loves company.

    1. They are egging her on because Caleb is Erica Brush Brown's brother(I tracked it back through old myspace pics on several Brush and Brown accounts.) Maddie is keeping it in the extended family and I bet they feel pretty safe with this.

    2. Ahh, that does explain it and I bet they do feel very safe with Caleb. They seem to adore each other, I just really hope they never go the polygamy route. I think Janelle knew Maddie was going to look for a man who offered her security and stability, something Kody never did.

      I honestly expected Logan to be the one getting engaged soon, not Maddie.

    3. I'm behind on the news. When did Maddie break up with the previous boyfriend? And who is Erica Brush Brown in relation to Kody?

    4. Erica Brush Brown is the widow of Kody's brother, Curtis.

    5. So are Maudie and this guy cousins?

    6. Sounds like he's her uncle through marriage

    7. she is 18 and he is 28, what the heck? 18 is too freaking young to get married!

    8. Maddie left the AUB for the Mormon chuch, right? Is her new fiancé a Mormon as well?

    9. Maddie is marrying her dead uncle's brother in-law.

  2. MrSpock is ready, present and accounted for. Maddie is 18 so she can do what she wants, but she sure will be missing out on those young, wonderful ,single college years that only come about once.

    1. Janelle knows her daughter well. She worried about Maddie leaving school for a man. She was right. I hope that Maddie enjoys great happiness in this new venture in her life.

    2. And we all thought it was so strange that Janelle was worried about Maddie leaving college for some guy! Just six months ago Maddie was posting pictures of herself with another guy at a dance. I wonder how long she's been with Caleb?

    3. the other guy was just a friend, nothing romantic at all. i don't want to discuss someone's sexuality on here but trust me, they are just friends.

    4. Please don't make kids too soon, Maddie!!! She most likely has Daddy issues and has had low self esteem role models as mothers minus Robyn who is just a sociopath. On top of all that she's lived her high school life in the lime light. She will need to find herself whether it be in college or through a job. I'm hoping she's not creating an "ideal" monogamous marriage with kids to recreate what she didn't have growing up. That can turn out bad. I have always liked her and am rooting for her.

  3. Weddings saved "19 kids" for a while. They generated excitement from their fans. Maddie may well add some pizzazze to a dull season. But as played out a few months ago...even the weddings could not save the brand for the Duggars.

    1. True, I wonder how long the Duggars could have kept going with the weddings? I bet if they hadn't been cancelled Josiah's wedding would be right around the corner instead of the relationship being called off.

      I wonder if there is any information on Mariah, Mykelti, or Aspyn dating? Since Maddie and Mariah are open to becoming sister wives themselves, their dating a man with wives already would be a real ratings draw for a few episodes at least. I am very curious about the ratings tonight....

    2. Sorry, I mean Mariah and Mykelti are open to becoming sister wives, not Maddie and I hope Maddie never does become a sister wife!

  4. A Grody Little PonytailSeptember 13, 2015 at 4:07 PM

    I don't even care that the show is back on and won't be watching, but I'm so glad you all are back to comment!

    1. Ditto, Grody. I've been done with them for a season-plus, but I can't quit you guys. :)

    2. You took the words right out of my head, Grody Little. I've missed CJ and y'all during this dry spell.

    3. you didn't miss anything, it was a snooze fest as usual. i'll let my husband keep it on the channel with football next week.

  5. OMG !! I am "trying" to stomach this rehash pre-show.....ughhhhhhh !!!

    Watching Sobbin and her Idiot-puppet being "called" to Meri's house for a "talk" (the subject matter being a big mystery) and having to watch Meri do her so, so bad *ACTING* as she faux stumbles to tell Dumb and Dumber that she has just come from the lawyer about filing for uh, uh, uh *a divorce* is barf provoking. Not sure I can watch this.........may have to resort to the DVR after a pepcid.
    They are soooooooo phony, so transparently, insultingly phony.

    And yes indeed.....
    We didn't count on their desperation to keep those paychecks coming would include....scratch college/now a wedding. Our bad....we should have seen that coming !!!

    1. I agree! I'm watching the divorce episode, with never-seen-before footage. It's worse and more appalling than I remember.

    2. I stopped the dvr recording as soon as Shaggy and Daphne were "called" to Velma's house. I'm officially done with this FOREVER.

  6. I'm certainly out of the loop...but is the fiance the brother of the wife of Kody's brother Curtis who recently passed away? Complicated!!!! Is this family Mormon?

    I hope this wasn't met with enthusiasm because it meant a TV wedding. I'm rather appalled at what has happened to our future attorney.

    1. I was sad at this news. I realize she's very young, but she seemed to know what direction she wanted for her life. Janelle was sure right about her and she does know her daughter.

  7. Now we are at the Lawyers. Tears and tearful music !!!
    Sorry to be so blunt........this is not only annoying and redundant, but it is truly is puke worthy !!!!!

    A load of scripted, contrived BS to stay on the air !!! Such pitifully baddddd acting !!
    Seeing it again only ramps up how bad they all were in following the ridiculous scripts from.....'
    "a year ago" !!! Yes TLC.....a freaking YEAR AGO.

  8. We should not be fooled by the timing of this engagement announcement. I hate to think that Maddie has been co-opted into making her announcement to suit TLCs schedule, but...

    1. All TLC and the adults care about is that by saying it will happen "in the future" will stay onboard.

    2. I just watched the clip where Kody was wishing his kids would have a longer "couretship." I wonder how he feels about Maddie moving in with no marriage vows.

    3. "courtship" sorry about that!

  9. Laughing now at the wrap-up show with Christine in those super black, xx-long, daisy duck eyelashes.....!!!

    1. I don't know how she keeps her eyes open with those things glued onto her lids!

    2. But we all know why none of her caring sisterwives will tell her she looks odd.Everytime a sisterwife looks bad ,you look better.

    3. Her caring sister wife Robyn probably provided the make-up artist,

    4. You said it Monogamous: "Junkyard Dog Makeup Artistry, at your service!"

  10. The Browns won't be live-tweeting tonight. Gee...I wonder why?

  11. Please Madison, tell us you are continuing college!

    1. She has more options in Billings than other areas in the energy belt. There's at least one private college and, if I recall, a Billings campus of either Montana or Montana State. But it won't be the same (or easier) than the residential college experience she would have had at USU.

      That's not a bad thing per se: that's not everyone's cup of tea. But I was sad to see at least one tweet in her stream of the "Oh, goody! He gets the weekend off!!" variety.

      I hope she doesn't lose herself - or her earlier goals - in the process. But I fear she will. Apparently willingly.

  12. Janelle tweets:
    " Hi everyone. Due to some unavoidable conflicts we won't be live tweeting tonight's episode. We will miss the interaction - enjoy!"
    "Thanks all for the concern! Everything is great on this end. It does feel odd to not be "visting" with you , but family first :)"
    So no one in this entire huge family thought to set aside some time during the premiere to interact with their fans? Seriously Janelle?

    1. Corgi, No kidding !!

      "Conflicts".......and no one knew about it till just now !!
      And Interesting that Janelle was appointed to announcement.
      Janelle who doesn't like to be noticed....!1??...

      Cowards and total ingrates to their *fans* !! The very people who fuel the TLC paychecks.

    2. I hope that they are not at Maddie's wedding.

    3. Here's this for a thought. Maybe Kody and Robyn got served papers from her ex husband. He should sue them for how they are using his kids for TLC dollars. I think that it is wrong that TLC would use a phony adoption for ratings. They know that there is no way in hell Kody can adopt the kids without their real biological father agreeing to give up his rights. Why did they not do this first. Why go through the divorce without first making sure that you can adopt the kids. This is something that should be done in private and not broadcast for all the world to see. Just not right TLC. I hope the kids father finally put an end to this fake drama. What these grifter won't do for money. They have known for months that their premier was last night. Would could have possibly prevented them from tweeting their adoring fans. Barf barf.

    4. Did anyone hear what Kody said in next week's episode? I couldn't quite make it out, but it sounded like "their attorney has been trying to serve Robyn's ex papers for the last 4-5 weeks?
      And then saying ," we'll go to war, if we have to"
      I'm guessing David Jessop isn't giving up his parental rights just so Klown Brown can adopt his kids. So this whole fake adoption story line was pointless & going nowhere. All it's gonna do is get Robyn's kids to possibly turn against & be bitter towards their bio dad, & that's just not right! Shame on the Browns & TLC for going thus route.

    5. I did hear Kody say they have been trying to serve him for "x" number of weeks. We know that is probably total BS because David Jessop has a job. It's easy to find someone when they work at a Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning company. (If that is accurate.) Kody is probably BSing because he knows that adoption won't happen. He and Robyn are most likely making it look like they can't find the "deadbeat." Liar, Liar pants on fire! Her chin is as long as a telephone wire!

    6. Monogamous Apostate, I agree with the assessment of BS. And I find it just AWFUL that they're making all of this a plot line for mass consumption. That man, whatever his supposed faults, absolutely does NOT deserve to have his private life hung out for the whole world to see. I find all of this so disturbing. My dearest hope used to be that Kody would take a 5th. Now it is that some brilliant and ruthless attorney would represent David Jessop and would sue the crap out of Robyn and Kody. They suck.

    7. Yes liar liar pants on fire indeed!!! Besides doesn't David Jessop live in a small town? How hard can it be to get served where I'm sure everyone in that town knows everyone?!

  13. I didn't realize the new season starts tonight. I don't think I'll be able to watch this season if Kody keeps wearing his hair in a ponytail. >:oP

  14. I am wondering why, if there are supposed to be bonus scenes, are we seeing the same old boring scenes from last season, where is the new footage? Also, if the marriage to Robin is just to adopt the kids and no other reason, why run off to Hawaii? Why have a honeymoon? Why not just go to a lawyer/jusice of the peace to get married? Why not keep it low key since the whole point is adoption? After all, occording to them, this changes nothing!

    1. Trips = the required film footage.

      And the lowly viewers are NOT supposed to notice the fake contradictions.

    2. Probably because TLC foots the bill for the trips. And if it's free, you know the Browns are going to be all up in it.

  15. So is Madison living with this guy already? If so, I guess Kody's college lectures didn't do much good.

    1. They live in the same town, not the same home.

  16. Really, Robyn thinks Meri should be a part of the planning of the new marriage. and did Meri just make fun of Robyn?

    1. "...and did Meri just make fun of Robyn?"

      LOL......Hmmm.....How did that line slip through the editing ???

    2. I know, right? She even did the whiney voice and all.

  17. If they keep on saying it, we're supposed to believe it: The "restructuring" is just about adopting the kids.

    Oh, and they've been a team through the whole restructuring, even though we saw an hour of Meri's deciding alone to divorce, etc..

    1. And *must* Sobbin begin every bloody sentence with "Like...."

    2. did anyone notice how it was really all about Robyn? her: "i want to be at the signing" "I want Meri to be at our ceremony" I, I, I. And when she met kody at to get the license she said :"meri is the one who started all this" This was not in any way about her kids. In the state of NV, it is NOT required for a man and woman to be legally married for him to adopt her children. Just because the bio dad doesn't pay child suppt or see the kids as often as she would like to get rid of them, doesn't mean he's a bad father. Nor does it provide a legal standpoint to severe his rights. He will have to agree in writing to give up his rights. Only then will grody kody be able to go through with TRYING to adopt the kids. I'm guessing that Mr. Jessop is NOT going to allow that to happen!

    3. Robyn's contrived crying is making me want to scream!!! She's so "touched by Meri's offer" but she manipulated the whole thing. Meri is quite a manipulator herself but seems to be blind to Robyn. Meri will just take out her resentment, (after she realizes what she's done),on Janelle and Christine. Robyn is the MASTER MANIPULATOR. This is sickening. If Kody or Robyn didn't have below normal IQ's they would be very dangerous. Christine, Janelle, and Meri...DON'T LET ROBYN TALK YOU INTO LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES. The show money will dry up and I think Robyn is that kind of dangerous. Kody would be in the background approving.

  18. "It's just about the kids." Riiiiight.

  19. I wonder about Robyn's first husband, they pretty much say flat out that he 'has not been in her children's lives for two years, isn't paying child support' etc. Is this true? I thought there were some anonymous comments here in the past year saying he and his family have kept quiet, but were mad about how he was being portrayed.

    1. Brown is the color of you-know-whatSeptember 13, 2015 at 6:22 PM

      It could very well be that her ex-husband doesn't have to pay child support. It could be that her income is greater than his and say, if he provides health/dental insurance, she would need to contribute towards that, as would he, and the net result is that he isn't ordered to pay. Just a guess. I don't know how the calculations work where they once lived.

  20. Ive missed you CJ and everyone else here...but you know what...I'm ready...I'm ready to start watching whatever new show you want to write about, I'm in... The Browns are killing me with boredom, if we stopped writing about them and reading about them here we really could sink their battleship...TLC missed the boat when they dumped My Five Wives, the AUB is in a middle of a huge power struggle, which was prompted by Rosemary's confronting her father about his sexual abuse...I would rather watch the Darger family, they have been through a lot over the past two years... or how about Polygamy USA, i loved that show, those people were completely up front about this is how they thought God wanted them to live...even Escaping Polygamy about the Kingston Clan was interesting (in a dreadful, i cant believe this shit happens kinda way) i just cant handle anymore Brown Clown drivel...its repetitive, staged, insincere and boring.

  21. This interplay between Meri and Janelle and their "problem" is clearly scripted. They both had to keep stopping and think before speaking to get it right.
    Ridiculous !! Breaks for a commercial now with the teaser with the close-up of Meri coldly, slyly asking "why do you want it" ???? Straight out of the afternoon soap opera playbook !!

  22. MrSpock is irritated that they all improperly use the word "I" when "me" should be said instead. They all do it----slopply, sloppy grammar. e.g. Kody says, "Meri invited Robyn and I over to her house." ARGHHHHHH!!!!!

    1. They think it's proper English. It's more offensive than the "paperwork" of the legal divorce. If it is just paperwork, then Meri shouldn't be the martyr or in tears 24/7, or against planning Robyn's wedding.

    2. There he goes again......Kody's........ "her" and I ...!!!

    3. I also cringe listening to Meri speak. Her sloppy and lazy speech habits make me want to scream. Rather than saying feel, with hard Es, she pronounces the word 'fill'. The word that really gets me is her pronunciation of the word you. She pronounces it 'yuh'. Listening to her is like fingernails on a blackboard to me. I feel like shouting at the tv, "come on Meri, put some effort into forming those words". LOL

  23. Meri has the resting bitch face down! Janelle just needs to drop this!

    1. Meri...Girl! You need all the friends you can get. Monogamous women have wonderful friendships and can easily work through issues together. You Plygs want to be friends with your sister wives but block every effort. Janelle run from Meri. She's not being real. She's using you for a story line. So you chased her husband 20 some years ago. Y'all are plygs that's what you do. I no longer feel sorry for Meri. She's not real either. Christine and Janelle RUN!!!!!

  24. I am not believing how much of bitch Meri is being to Janelle....really?

  25. Meri wanted to see Janelle sweat it out.

  26. Janelle is wondering why there have been problems between Meri and her all these years? Seriously??? MrSpock can provide the answer with one word: POLYGAMY.

    1. It's funny, you divorce someone's brother and then sleep with her husband and it can make that other woman a little bit angry....

    2. Yes it is funny how that might upset a lowly monogamist but these highly evolved polygamists are different. It's up to the woman to choose her husband with help from God and a lot of manipulation. Robyn pretended she had to use the restroom in the middle of the church service where she was "visiting." She made sure she walked in the aisle where she could shake her hoo ha and booty when she passed the guy that was about to get a TV show. It was all by chance of course just like Janelle's one night tepee experience on Kody's dad's ranch, At least Christine was honest about wanting to be Kody's third wife and ate nachos right in front of him.

      Polygamy makes each of you soooo much better.

  27. Yes, Meri, you are divorced.

  28. Robyn's team is the three: Kody, Meri, Robyn....and then Kody, surprisingly, makes sense by saying but then Janelle and Christine...blah blah blah

  29. HUH !!!???
    Did Sobbin just say she wanted a three-way ?? LOL !!!

  30. Okay, so Meri acts like this isn't a big deal but she wants to be a part of their marriage ceremony and is disappointed that Kody is against it...then Robyn and Meri both say it's Kody, Meri, and Robyn because it's a divorce and then a legal wedding...this is just one example of why Janelle and Meri don't get along...there's an entire move here to separate the four wives into us and them....we are the two wives that this is important for and the other two have nothing to do with's sort of like that bully on the playground that says, let's just us play and cut out those two.....

  31. Oh Good God.....
    Sure that's right, Kody-Idiot.......

    NO ONE is going to KNOW the *private* date.
    Tell that to the tabloids who published it LAST YEAR !!!

    This show is beyond ridiculous !!!

    1. Heheheh....we ALL knew the date before they even made any sort of public announcement. Why must they treat us like this? I swear. I really think that Christine is actually an evil mastermind, writing the entire show on her nights off from Kodink.

  32. Kody's so hip, wearing his bluetooth and ponytail! He must have ripped out that ponytail for the talking head after.

  33. Does this Jacket make me look thinner?

  34. I am not watching or recording show but if I a, reading this right did Robyn and Kody get married with Meri present and not include Janelle and Christine? if Meri's post-divorce m.o. is to further box J & C out, then then those two really have no one to blame but themselves for not calling the other alleged adults/parents out for such wrongdoings. j&C, everything is not hunky dory, those other three think you are irrelevant and a joke.

    marry each other, sell those homes and get outta there.

  35. I started out switching between Sister Wives and Fear The Walking Dead before quickly realizing the zombies were more interesting & better actors...I chose the zombies. Wonder if the Browns have considered changing the title since these "wives" sure don't act very sisterly? Maybe Fear The Crying Sister Wives or Fear The New Legal Mrs B....the possibilities are endless!

    1. "Fear the Rob-Chin." "Fear the Ponytail." "Fear the Cuddle-sac."

      Oh, the possibilities!

    2. Those are hilarious..."Fear the Rob-Chin" has a nice ring to it!

    3. I realize this title has already been used, but "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" would be a good one to replace "Sister Wives".

  36. I was watching my Dallas Cowboys play!! :) I'll be watching SW later just so I can snark. But from yalls comments, it seems it was a snoozefest. Plus comments from TLC's SW FB page, majority still does not like Robyn & is pretty much over the Browns!

    1. I barely made it through the first episode and didn't watch the second hour. Please Cynical Jinx pick a new show. I love your recaps and snark but I just can't do another season of the Brown Family.

  37. Bullcorn!! They want us to believe that the others didn't know the date of their legal marriage?!? But it's well documented on Twitter, that Meri & her acorn was off at Disneyland & Janelle had taken the older kids on a road trip. Not sure where Christine was during this time.

  38. We need a like button. That is the truest statement on any sisterwives site anywhere. He is dumber then a tree stump.

  39. So I was on meri's twitter and ended up on notbatmenyet. He is alluding they did have a relationship and that she should go ahead and make a statement. It's very obviously towards meri he makes sure to blame anti polyg for the whole situation. When I did a little digging I saw that sam cooper (notbatmanyet) was called put for being a woman known for cat fishing. Cj can you look into this? I don't know if this had already been discussed but I saw it and had to snark. BTW love the blog. Longtime reader!

    1. Hi Anonymous!!

      As sordid as this story is, unfortunately Meri apparently did call this joker a Twitter "friend", who in "his" female persona did go to Disneyland with Meri and even was allowed pass those famous cul-de-sac gates into Meri's home office.

      As this person has never appeared on Sister Wives, and Lord have mercy never will, I'd rather not give this joker any attention in my living room. Suffice it to say, the Joker who is writing this script not only needs to work on their foreign accents, but their creative writing skills as well.

  40. If none of this matters (it's just a piece of paper), why are they still reacting?!
    At least throw in a comment that "I was surprised to be upset since the piece of paper
    Means nothing!"

  41. I don't believe I'm actually going to say this, but kudos to Kody for shooting Robyn's plans for a second wedding celebration down. He made the right decision. I don't care what she said, Robyn wanted another party. You can tell it irked and hurt her when Kody said "I don't even want to remember the date." She wanted an EVENT. Kody was thinking about his other wives for once. Robyn? Her shit eating grin coming out of the building said it all. It meant something to her.
    Also, did anyone notice when Kody was at Christine's house playing with Truly that Robyn's youngest daughter was also there. Probably trying to rob some attention. She looked dazed and bored when Kody was playing with Truly.

    1. I agree! For once I found myself agreeing with Kody. He did the right thing in not making a party out of it, or a big deal at all. I thought he seemed sincere about not wanting to upset Christine and Janelle by only inviting Meri. This was the first time I thought he showed compassion and made the right choice! And yes, Robyn totally wanted a big celebration and party. I never ever thought i would say this, but Good for Kody!!!

    2. I agree with you guys! Surprisingly Kody actually thought of the feelings of Christine and Janelle. It was weird that Robyn and Meri didn't seem to think of them at all. Why did Robyn keep mentioning wanting her kids there, why couldn't she stay on topic? But then, who knows how this show is edited.

    3. Was anyone else slightly put off by watching Kody pick up Truely like that while she was wearing a dress?! Let's class it up, people.
      Overall, I was impressed by the spin the editors were going for, and for the most part, achieving. These two 'episodes' show a united family (codeword 'validation', codeword 'truth', codeword 'honesty', codeword 'hardhat' (last one's a joke)), a competent and sensitive leader (Kody), wives and children fulfilled with paternal attention.
      It was like re-creating Duggarworld.

  42. A few observations about last night's Kodyworld Kluster F........
    Just my opinion which in today's economy is worth about 1/2 a cent.

    ** Was a deal offered to Meri in which if she agreed to divorce the Idiot in order to bump the ratings leading into this exchange for the first 2 hour special being literally a marathon of Meri talking head spots ???
    It got so that I would have settled for some lamer than lame archived Brown celebration footage. or even a start to finish video of Kody Idiot's hair being curled.
    Anything other than Meri's big face filling the screen *again* with her halting BS lines.
    Damn, that was painful and exhausting.

    ** They made specific mention that the "laws of the land" do not apply to them and their faith.
    They go through the motions of silly, meaningless (as they see it) marriage and divorce applications which mean nothing to them. Yet, they happily complied filling out welfare and bankruptcy applications. Apparently those "laws of the land" were okay to follow !!!
    Hypocrites....griffting, amoral hypocrites !!

    **Bad enough that the first hour was insanely boring, but the lack of continuity was dizzying.
    Who at TLC had the job of essentially copying and pasting clips together and calling it an hour's worth of a preview show??

    **The Tamaron reunion clips were equally ridiculous and all over the place. Lazy editing on TLC's part.
    It appears that even TLC is into feeling entitled to air a bare minimum of quality (credible) production.

    ** Bottom line for me at the end of it all...
    1- Just like a person squints in sunlight or sun-glazed snow, I found my self tuning out the words and blatant BS and just looking at them all as if from a distance.
    The result was being repulsed that these four women do indeed settle for having sex with this cretin. They settle for being in his "rotation" line.
    Yes, Sobbin, he said It.....He "rotates" you all for sex.
    And you all say you love him and you all love the life. So be it.

    2- Watching last night was a terrible waste of time.
    Time that I cannot retrieve nor justify.

  43. Okay, just a few snarks here: Let's call last night what it was...a re-hashbrown (hehehe); Meri's favorite moment is when she gets to look down on Janelle and say, I am so over it.....and let's not forget the mean girls on the playground---Robyn and Meri saying...yes they said it...the divorce and marriage doesn't affect anyone but us three--Kody, Robyn, and Meri...then there's Janelle trying so hard to figure out what is wrong with the relationship with Meri...let's start with you were her sister in law and you divorced him and married her slept with her husband in that tiny trailer and probably made grunting noise when you had popped out babies faster than a guppy and you know you held it over her don't be all coy about why you two don't get along and finally....which two women could live together...Christine you admitted it...only you and Janelle could cohabitate and share that man and Robyn and Meri would have to cohabitate and share that man....not one of them said, oh, wait, we could all live together....nope....So, again we see how polygamy isn't all that and a bag of chips. For real.

    1. "you slept with her husband in that tiny trailer and probably made grunting noise when you had sex"

      Snorting with laughter yet slightly nauseous at the thought!!!

    2. Agree with your accurate summation of poor, poor Janelle's inability to grasp where it all went wrong for her and Meri.
      Hey, do you think that even they are smirking and choking on delivering those lines for the camera?

      Speaking of the camera, if Kody-Idiot was to have his big moment at the car saying how all he wanted was for Sobbin and him to quietly steal off and get married with no fanfare since it warranted none.......then why the cameras??
      Why the big build up leading to it and making it a pivotal scene?
      ALL of it is for the show........for the money!

    3. I don't think I'm ready to put the entire blame for the Meri-Janelle schism at Janelle's door. According to their book, during the early days Meri was constantly criticizing Janelle for Janelle's housekeeping--down to the minutiae of how to fold the laundry and the order in which the dishes should be washed. It takes two to feud, but I'm guessing the sister wife relationship wanted was one in which she got to be boss, and when Janelle wouldn't play, Meri decided to get even. One nasty mean girl and one passive aggressive (but withdrawn) mean girl make can make life hellish for each other. That Janelle realizes now that resolution is possible shows she's matured a bit. That Meri would say she didn't think it would be worth the effort shows that she hasn't grown up at all, and continues to be bitter because she didn't get her own way.

    4. "That Janelle realizes now that resolution is possible shows she's matured a bit." someone else said, the producers realized they opened the door on this scripted story line last season and it went nowhere, so since they will need to make this season include a plot with each harem wife, Janelle needs a story line of her own.
      And of course, to keep the drama enticing, Meri feigns being obstinate.

      Sorry, but Janelle is just another one of the actors. A reticent one, perhaps, but still on the payroll, and by her own admission last night, is still a vested, devoted member of the Kody Show. And who can really say that their book, which was quickly written to sell the show, was accurate and factual?
      This is reality TV.....a vehicle to make, and to keep making, money.

    5. There will never be resolution in my opinion....Meri and Kody have always been a team and Janelle and Christine were considered "the help." I think Meri and Kody saw how googly-eyed Janelle was over Kody and so they married her in for the income. Janelle was always able to carry a full-time job and pop out those babies. They picked googly-eyed Christine because she would provide childcare, and income from welfare. Christine is also plyg royalty and was able to pop out the planet babies.

      This is why Meri was thinking of Kody, Robyn, and herself as a team during the episode last night. She still thinks she is part of Kody's team. Robyn and Kody don't need her on the team anymore so she's being transitioned to "the help."

    6. Robyn and Kody don't need her on the team anymore so she's being transitioned to "the help."

      OH SNAP.

      This sentence just clarified for me some of the mind-numbing BS spewed forth by the Sister Wives. And also why Meri told Janelle to talk to the hand when Janelle came forward to see if they could work out their stuff...because if they did somehow work it out and come to an understanding, Meri would no longer have anything to hold over Janelle's head, and then Meri herself would be relegated to the Leftover Wives Club.

      WOW. The dynamics between the wives is just SO. MESSED. UP.

  44. Hey, when I try to comment, and it does the thing that says I'm not a robot, I only get a picture with no directions so it takes me like thirty minutes of guessing before I get posted.

  45. I'm curious to see the ratings for SW premiere. When do they come out?

  46. So social media let the world about maddie getting married. If they marry LDS I the temple it will be as interesting as Robyn's wedding since it can't be filmed. Heck their families may not be allowed to attend the service.

    All the show did was recap?

    I would like all networks to only feature a person on reality TV for 3 years. Allowing a single 1-2 hour special annually. That is about all the new material and information needed by the public as to what is different and new. I would like kids to be paid in an account parents have no control over and is theirs the day they turn 18. So they can leave.

    It's sick to be worried about mama June's kids, the gosslins and the Duggars not having anywhere near enough money if any after being displayed and ruined by TV. I don't want that to happen to the Browns.

    I'm not worried about maddie marrying. She is in the western part of the US. She is in Mormon country. It's entirely common for a woman to marry young. Have kids. The culture is set up for that. They may not finish college on time. But not everyone does. And maybe her dream has changed since she was 17. Many change majors and focus. Janelle said it best. She wants them all to have a skill or degree. At first she wanted to do hair and then be an entrepreneur. Then two years later it was law, probably cause of the court cases. It may not have been a real goal but let's have one of the kids want to defend their parents.

    If the other kids got married but did it plural wouldn't it be a secret for the spouse and their family?

    1. Kms, something tells me Sister Wives may not LAST long enough to film Maddie's wedding!

  47. I forgot to mention, Robyn trying to cry at the divorce signing, but yet again no tears!! Bwahahaha And did Kody really think, taking Meri out to dinner after they signed the divorce papers was just gonna make it all better?! No matter how much he was trying to smooth it all over & reassure her. It was basically like trying to put glitter on poop & present it as something special, all the while it still stinks!

  48. I watched about 15 minutes, then moved on to another show...I taped it so if I get bored enough I'll watch the rest. Those are the most unhappy women I have ever seen! I would feel sorry for them except for the fact that they choose to live that way. If they think they are showing the "good" side of polygamy, then it must be even worse than I have always thought it was!

  49. And why oh why are they all using the same tired ass tag lines??? They're all BS!! This lifestyle hasn't made any of the better. Meri doesn't even trust Janelle nor does she want to fix their so called relationship.

    1. Oh my, agree 1000%. Those lines are a joke.

      We should come up with new ones:

      Meri: As long as I have my wet bar, it's all good.
      Janelle: .............................
      Christine: I didn't know men could be such bastards. Oh, not YOU, Kody! *giggle*
      Robyn: Hang on, I need to adjust my tiara.
      Kody: What was that sound? Meri fainted? How's my hair look?

  50. Long-time lurker here, love the blog CJ!! I watched my Dallas Cowboys kick some butts last night so didn't get to watch until this morning. Can I please get those two hours of my life back?? I only have one thing to say...Janelle should have bitch-slapped Meri and knocked some shit hanging on her walls off as she stormed out!!! Why in the hell would she want any kind of better relationship with that hateful oompa loompa orange shrew?? I really don't think that I can stomach another season of this crap. And somebody please tell me why this show is an ENTIRE YEAR BEHIND??? My Five Wives sure didn't drag along like this. Let me close by saying that I have really enjoyed all of the comments over the years and I think you are all great!!!

  51. Gotta read the article on All About the Tea about Meri being catfished by that "notbatmanyet" person and Kendra's role in it. It's pathetically sad.

    I wonder if Kendra was egging it on to help her bff Robyn become wife #1 and get Meri out of the picture permanently....

    1. My official response concerning Meri's unfortunate "encounter" with this joker is above. Let this be a cautionary tale to be careful who you call a "friend" on social media. At the very least, use Google for goodness sakes! And remember there's truth in the saying "Birds of a feather flock together..." so if one doesn't want their reputation tarnished, run like the wind from JYD and DON'T LOOK BACK!!

    2. CJ, anyone, I'm drawing a blank and need to buy a vowel (actually, I'm just calling/asking a friend); who or what is "JYD"?

    3. She who can not be named. Robyn's very own junkyard dog protector, supposed business partner, and BFF.

    4. JYD........JunkYard Dog

      A feral canine that is used to snarl and attack at will.

  52. There is nothing more that can be said about this family that hasn't already been said. Boring. Re-Hashbrowns is the best name for them and exactly what they are. We need a new show asap.

    I'm stuck using my Kindle to watch Sister Wives off Amazon....Holy wonder Kody and his Kodettes featuring The New Mrs Kody Brown took a powder and refrained from showing their sorry faces on social media last night. You know it's bad when Kody comes off being the voice of reason....and Robyn....Her abhorrent behavior leaves me speechless. Sorry Meri but Robyn has played you like a Stradivarius violin....

    1. it really was 42 minutes of misery wasn't it?

    2. CJ, me sucked.

    3. I feel ya CJ!! I felt the same damn way after I caved & watched it. I should've stuck to my guns & stuck to the blogs & FB. I only watched the 1st hr tho.. I skipped the fluff tell nothing part.

  54. I can't believe I watched Sister Wives in real time yesterday. That's a sad commentary on the lack of programming on other channels. I've always watched this show On Demand when I'm super bored and desperate for a little reality snark.

    Honestly, I couldn't believe they spent so much time on events that took place over a year ago. It made me think that this footage was actually all on the cutting room floor with plans to cancel the show until Honey Boo Boo turned into a PR disaster and had to be cancelled. Am I the only one who got the feeling that the Browns were frantically trying to be "raw" and "unfiltered" in this episode in an attempt to be good TV?

    My impression of Janelle's request to Meri for couples counseling was actually a bit different than some of the previous posters. I found it really if she was being forced into this conversation by producers as a way to create a storyline for herself for the season. By Janelle's own admission, Meri has approached her many, many times (off camera) with similar olive branches, only to be rejected over and over again. I was glad Meri called her on it when she asked "why now?" I think it's just another way for Janelle to paint herself as the good wife and Meri as the bitch.

    As far as the adoption storyline goes, I am curious how it will play out. It seems there has been plenty of opportunity for Robyn's ex-husband to make a public statement or have an attorney make a public statement in his defense. Does anyone know how paternity is perceived in the fundamentalist Mormon culture when a couple divorces and remarries? Who do the kids spend eternity with? Do they transfer their spiritual residence to the new family's planet, or do they stay with the old planet? Can they visit both planets? Can a "paper work shift" change a child's eternal life when it has no impact on the parents'? Enquiring minds want to know.

    1. "Am I the only one who got the feeling that the Browns were frantically trying to be "raw" and "unfiltered" in this episode in an attempt to be good TV?"

      No, I got the same feeling. It felt like they were trying wayyyyy too hard to address their critics and were trying to lay groundwork for the season's storylines and make good tv.

      "Does anyone know how paternity is perceived in the fundamentalist Mormon culture when a couple divorces and remarries? Who do the kids spend eternity with? Do they transfer their spiritual residence to the new family's planet, or do they stay with the old planet? Can they visit both planets? Can a "paper work shift" change a child's eternal life when it has no impact on the parents'? Enquiring minds want to know."

      I asked myself the same questions. I wondered if or how another man's biological children become part of a new husband's planet. Does a piece of paper, which they object to in the first place, change paternity in their spiritual world?

      It felt like Meri, Kody, Robyn were treating her children like property such as cars and furniture that change hands in a divorce when they talked about 'getting' her children if anything happened to Robyn. Well, hey, here's a novel concept for the Browns - they don't or shouldn't ever 'belong' to you! They already have a biological father and no matter how they try to replace him w/Kody, he'll always be their father and a part of their lives. I'm sure they love him and the way the adults in this show have inferred things and talked about him it has to be hurtful to the kids and their father. It's shameful and disgusting behavior and yet they sit in their McMansions on their cuddle-sac with their better-than-thou attitudes and are miserable inside. I don't believe in it, but in their case, I say it's perfect karma and couldn't happen to more deserving people.

      I didn't think it possible, but after the episodes last night I dislike the show and the Brown clan even more than I ever did. They brought the controversies all together in a nice neat package and succeeded in bringing my feelings about them and what they're doing into an even clearer view. The preview clips of the coming season at the end of the second hour turned my stomach. I couldn't delete the show fast enough.

    2. I agree with your assessment of Janelle. Even Janelle admits that Meri has extended an olive branch, and Janelle never accepted. Its too late now. I agree with Meri "why??" Im sorry, Im in the minority, but Janelle isnt always the victim.

  55. Like I've said before.....TLC must be really hard up for shows! Stopping beating this's dead!

  56. This was just awful...they continue dig themselves in a hole with this show and it's just a storyline to cover for their fractured family. Kody adopting these kids is the last story they could come up with that makes Kody the good guy. He has failed at polygamy, it's obvious he has become the hated monogamous man.
    Could Meri be any more bitter? She turned that conversation with Janel around to blame her because she never accepted Meri's olive branch..what BS..

    1. Yup Meri is definitely bitter! She was definitely channeling her hurt from the divorce fiasco to being a mega bitch to Janelle. It's like when you are already in a foul & hurt mood & you come across someone you don't really like then you don't have a problem telling them how you really feel. Little kids, drunk & extremely pissed off people usually tell the truth! ;)

  57. I wonder if Maddie will get sealed in the temple? If she does, none of the Browns will be allowed to attend. They aren't LDS. Now THAT would be an episode worth watching!

    1. A lot of people do a "mock" ceremony. Even if your whole family is temple worthy, only x amount of people can come so they get sealed and then some will write their own vows to perform in front of family/friends.

      Back in my LDS days a lot of people I knew did this because they wanted the big TV-style wedding and a temple ceremony is not. Some people had 300+ people at these parties. It was like a regular "wedding" except all of the religious and legal portions were complete.

      I suspect Maddie's wedding may end up being similar to this.

    2. I hope she marries where everyone can see and doesn't put her family through one of those awful ring services where they remind those sitting down how awesome the temple sealing was and how they were not worthy and this isn't meant to be an exchange of vows. If the family lived in all but 3 countries on the earth they could do the public ceremony and have families present for vows and then walk into the temple straight away instead of waiting an arbitrary year to be sealed. LDS seal dead couples to each other. What on earth could happen in a year that they have to race to the temple. Two generations ago most married at home and then travelled weeks later to the temple for the sealing. Nonmembers want the couple to seal the same day. They don't need to peek through a window or enter the place. They just want to see a real wedding. I think no family should be in the sealing room if either the bride or groom has a nonmember/nonworthy grandparent, parent, sibling.. It's an elopement and inviting the non attending parents for pictures outside. It's a kick in the gut. The rules say no vows at the "ring ceremony".

    3. As a Catholic, the Mormon rules for marriage are foreign to me. What does all this mean - the distinction between a sealing and a ring ceremony? Why would someone not be permitted to watch? Why would you have to wait a year? I'm so curious.

    4. Waiting a year is an outdated practice. When an LDS couple gets married, their ceremony is being sealed in a temple. Sealing is eternal (here and afterlife). The only people who can go inside the temple for a ceremony are people who are "worthy", which means in good standing with the church. There are certain things they have to do to be worthy (tithe, attend church, accept church callings, completed mission). Non-mormons can't go to temple ceremonies at all.

      A ring ceremony is the exchange of wedding rings (temple vows don't include exchanging rings) and usually the couples will say something. They are "vows", but sound a whole lot like them.

      If a Mormon gets married outside of a temple sealing, their marriage is not valid to the LDS church, regardless of legalities. Most couples who convert after marriage will eventually get sealed.

      Marriage/baptism of the dead is something entirely different.

  58. Cynical Jinx, I think you may have one of the hardest writing jobs in the blogosphere...that of recapping the Brown Family Circus. Not only is 85% of it reheated poo, but the remainder is made up of facing down Meri and her orange, caked-on makeup (if she ran her fingernails down her cheeks, would they leave tracks?), and Robyn making constipated faces while she attempts to squeeze out fake tears. And that's not even including Kody and his skanky locks and refusal to wear anything not made of denim. You deserve an award!

    I didn't even watch the show, yet I logged on here with a quickness this morning, just to read the snark that you and everyone here does so well. BRAVO! Please keep your sanity during what has to be the last season of this trainwreck! I sense you might be starting to come apart, but who can blame you?

    1. Thank you laurakaye! I'm not coming apart but I am getting a wee bit tired of Kody and Krew and their entitlement issues....particularly Robyn.

  59. Calling all CJ Living Room lawyers !!!

    Never been divorced, not yet asking a question.

    Wouldn't *both* parties who are named in a divorce filing be alerted when the divorce decree is final??
    Or would it be only be the person who filed it getting the "email" ?
    Just wondering.....thanks !!!

    1. Please stop with your logic and reality. There is none of that in the Klown world. ;o)

    2.'re right !!

    3. I don't even try and figure them out anymore because it seems like every time their lips are moving they're lying.

    4. Parties are notified simultaneously...whether by snail mail or least in MrSpock's state.

    5. I wish you could like a post here;) I thought that whole scene was rather fabricated. Of course Kody would be notified separately from Meri. In a divorce, the parties aren't expected to pass along messages to each other. Can you imagine?

    6. Well, I suppose it is possible that Kody didn't provide an email address and Meri did, so when the document was entered and available electronically, Meri got an email of the notice that something was filed in the case from the court. Or, since it appeared to be an uncontested divorce and they only had 1 attorney, the attorney was provided the final decree and he sent it to Meri.

      In this day and age, some courts no longer do any paper filings and it is all electronic or a combination. I don't know how they do it in Las Vegas, but it is possible that the papers hadn't arrived to the parties before the attorney got the electronic copy that he sent.

  60. Its all to protect Kody from being the bad guy in the divorce. It was Meri's idea, Meri is the martyr and don't forget it would require Kody to know how and be willing to use a computer, you know, the one he got for his birthday and was disappointed with.

    1. He didn't lift a finger. Meri and Robyn took care of everything. His only job was to show up and sign papers. Business as usual in their world. He's too important to be bothered with mundane details. Remember, he's a CEO!

  61. Ok. here's my 2 cents..
    Robin was fuming that her legal wedding was being downplayed and that Kody kept insisting that it barely mattered. She was so pissed!!
    When she kissed him at the car,she was obviously giddy and practically squealed. It was the only honest moment of the show.
    And Meri's way of saying "ya" instead of "you" while she was talking to Janelle, not only made her sound extremely stupid, but also was rude and bitchy.
    That's all I have. The show sucked. I'm pissed at myself for watching,but I have been watching old shows on Hulu all summer, so I was weak. The good news is Call The Midwife season 4 was just released on Netflix!!

    1. Yup Robyn definitely was pissed about her legal marriage being downplayed. You could see the disappointment in her eyes & sour puss facial expressions!

  62. So here are some Tweets. I've been wondering why the Brown Family keeps posting those stupid Pawn tweets. Now I know. And the last Tweet I found under Mykelti Tweet is an old one but just made me LOL considering.

    Madison ‏@MaddieR_
    There have been a lot of questions on me finishing school. YES. I will go all the way through till I finish with my Law degree.

    Mykelti Brown ΣΣΣ ‏@Mykelti15_B Aug 25
    Lovin my new job @familypawnutah #familypawn #greatdeals #stgeorge

    Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown Apr 2 Las Vegas, NV
    @Mykelti15_B sorry to be so literal, my dear, but....NO! No child brides. No, no, no, no.....NO! Now go meet a nice young man. Love , Dad.

  63. Isn't St. George a polygamy hot spot? So what is Mykelti up to?

    1. She's paying off that loan Kody and Robyn owe the pawnshop when they borrowed money for My Sister Wifes Closet!

  64. When Maddie tweeted that she plans to complete college/law school, Meri's response was "Good! It will be awesome to have a lawyer in the family, along with all those doctors! :-)"

    So who's "all those doctors"...didn't Mariah decide to become a physician's assistant instead? I don't think the Browns can even remember all the different stories they come up with .

    1. I think Logan is planning on doing the PA route too.

    2. Yeah it's a slap in the face to actual doctors when you act like a medical position is the equivalent. 12 years of school for a doctor. 6 for a PA. Very different.

    3. With all due respect to the professionals I'm about to mention (and for whom I have HUGE respect), let me see: Logan and Mariah are working to be PAs and that = doctors. Hunter is in the Air Force prep school and that = being in the Air Force Academy. Does that mean Maddie is going to become a paralegal?

  65. I thought Logan was going to be a physical therapist.

  66. I'm disgusted with how forced and scripted this show has become. The first few seasons were fascinating, I just couldn't believe women could put up with this crap. Now I see them as lazy, entitled, and doing absolutely anything TLC tells them to do to try to get ratings. It's just sooooo fake.

  67. So the Browns couldn't live tweet last night during their season premiere?! But they're tweet tweeting away today??

    1. One thing the Browns are very good at is alienating what few fans they have left. Makes you wonder who they're taking advice from?

  68. Could someone please tell the JYD in a polygamous marriage? She seems to be involved in some polygamous advocacy groups on facebook.

  69. Could someone please tell the JYD in a polygamous marriage?

    No, she is not....

  70. Obviously someone has been reading all the comments about the viewers noticing Kody doesn't pay any attention to Truely. Did anyone else notice that there was a little scene of him playing with her? If it hadn't been just for the cameras it would have been cute.

    1. The whole fricin show is push back to viewer comments. Robyn spouts them all the time, and Kody.

  71. Ugh. Getting married at 18 is the end of it for Maddie. She won't finish school. Taking a year off and announcing your intent to marry someone a decade older than you is not how you prioritise your education. After all that snarking against her family for so long she's basically jumped right out of the house and into the arms of an older man. No wonder the sister wives are so pleased. She'll probably be pregnant before she's married at this rate.

    Maddie seems to have inherited her mother's talent for saying what makes her look good while simultaneously taking the worst possible path. Right down to allowing her wedding to be used to boost Sister Wives season ratings.

    It's disgusting, honestly. What a waste.

    1. Sounds like Maddie's got daddy issues.

    2. She said she was converting to LDS. It is not uncommon to marry young. Especially for women. It's more odd for their to be a single senior graduating than a married one. It is also not uncommon to have a short courtship. She already did a year of college. If she didn't marry she would be off away from school for almost two years on a mission then would come back and marry soon while taking classes again. When she was 15 she wanted to open a business. When she was 17 she wanted to be a lawyer. She could want something else next year.

    3. Yes, she could. Which is why most responsible parents these days say 'Don't get married until you are 25'.

    4. There is something about health issue continuing unt your mid twenties and divorce decrees covering children into their twenties if attending school that is extending childhood in an unhealthy way. I married after grad school and living on my own a few years. I just didn't meet the guy yet. What is nice about living in the US is you get to gradual earn independence. Jobs and driving begin around 16. You move out for school at 17 or 18 depending on your birthday. I know some cultures have parents supporting their kids until marriage long after college is done but that is usually cultures that encourage a kid or two and requires that kid to support you in old age. In the US we raise kids to become adults and support themselves early on and save for our own retirement.

      Occupations change. I was the only person fresh out of undergrad in grad school. Your future isn't set because of what you studied at 18, you can study something else depending on economy or change of interest or maybe cause you are away from your parents supporting yourself and now can pick the major you really want not what they picked for you.

    5. I agree. Not to be a negative Nancy but there's basically no way she's going to become a lawyer now. If she was staying in college I'd believe her, but leaving school after 1 year to get married when she had a scholarship makes me doubt her intentions. Meanwhile Mariah whom we've always snarked on is still in school and on her way to actually becoming a physician's assistant.

    6. The point isn't whether or not you can study something else after 18, of course you can. The point is that Maddie has thrown in the towel on school, run off with a much older man and intends to marry him while SELLING her wedding story to the papers and allowing the announcement to be used to sell her parents' tawdry reality tv show. While Maddie was still at home, she talked a big game, but the moment she left home she basically started walking the sister wives path step for step, complete with chucking in a scholarship for an older man.

      While she could still go on to do law, nothing about the series of choices she's made since she left home suggests she will. Everything suggests that the next big Brown announcement will be Maddie's first kid - followed by her talking endlessly about going back to school a la Meri.

      As Anon said, at least Mariah is still in school. At this stage, Maddie is the only Brown kid to basically bail out of independence and run straight to the arms of another older male authority figure.

    7. Ugh, I am with you 100 percent.

  72. Might be giving Kody too much credit, BUT I figured Kody decreed that no one would watch Sunday's show in order to avoid having the other wives witness Robyn's "wedding". He probably just didn't want to deal with the emotional roller coaster again.

  73. Then he shouldn't have agreed to let it be filmed. Fat chance of that ever happening.
    Kody only thinks in terms of what will keep his faux-show on the air and those checks coming.

    And how much weight would a Kody "decree' have anyway when he can't be the TV warden in 4 houses at the same time??? The others watched......why wouldn't they.
    The moratorium on tweeting was probably down to his (their) expectations that the incoming tweets would be less than sweet.

  74. Off topic - But Hagar's Harem post September 13 at 6.26pm re The Dargers - "they have been through a lot these last two years" .....I've obviously missed something. Can someone clarify ?

  75. I just had to look at the ratings. I can't wait for CJ's review. I know that she will have a great blog post as usual. I did glance over at the ratings and Fear the Dead was the clear winner of the night. Sister Wives had 1527 and 0.5 for Sunday nights. I don't know if I am right or not but for their show on March ! 2015 their number was 2792. This is a big drop in viewers. It's probably going to be down for future shows. I can't wait for CJ's review to let us know the real deal.

    1. Low ratings!!! The "Countdown to the New Season" BS hour got even lower ratings. 1102 and 0.3. Yikes!! Way to go with those story lines Meri and Robyn. It takes team work to flush a show down the toilet. Maybe this is why they stopped getting comped tickets and were doing their own PR work which included Facebook "Like" pages. TLC could see the crash coming but these buffoons decided to stick with the divorce story line?

    2. I was waiting to see the ratings too, thanks for posting! I was thinking they'd be low, but not that low. Between TLC losing viewers because of all their scandals and the Browns doing everything possible to alienate fans this shouldn't surprise anyone. Maybe the Brown Clowns should have put some more effort into Live Tweeting to connect to the fans they still have. Also, I think this blog and the haters are what really keep the show going (not that you should stop CJ!).

    3. Thanks for posting the ratings Sew Crafty b/c I've been curious too! These low ratings make me smile!! :) The divorce Meri & quickie marriage to Robyn has definitely detailed the Browns TLC $$$ train!! Bwahahaha

    4. The dismal ratings are no surprise as the show is boring as hell and the rehashes are more than I can take. I didn't watch the show last season and I tried to to watch episode one the other night and couldn't make it past the first 15 minutes. But I LOVE this blog and come here daily because you people are wonderful!!! I wish we could all talk about something other than this stupid show. I like snarky conversation that doesn't get too mean or vicious.

  76. Okay, so in the sit down and lie to...whoops...sit down and talk to what's her name, the idea of PDA came up and the wives agreed that they might like to start doing a little pda in front of each other...I can see it because I can see it, here it comes:
    Kody, arrives at the pizza place and says, if we mention you on the show, will you hook us up?
    Meri, grabbing his hand and rubbing his thigh, sweetie, scoot over by me
    Robyn, grabbing the other hand and stroking his head...on his shoulders, no rated X here
    Christine sitting with mouth aghast and she says, well hell, and she climbs under the table and proceeds to take off the shoe and rub the foot as she says, you know, I always get the sloppy seconds, the contaminated kiss, and now I have the feet.
    Robyn, shaking her head as she pinches Meri and says, you know, if you scoot over a little, I can also rub his thigh....
    or know, Robyn, I never get close enough when we are all together to do the PDA
    Robyn....who cares.
    Meri, I'm just saying, I don't feel needed and ya gotta know I don't feel a part of anything
    Janelle, you all embarrass me with all this drawing attention to yourselves...I'm too sophisticated and educated to participate in this fight for touching but Kody, you know, I have a new calculator and if you want, I'll show you how it works and we can be all intellectual together.

  77. There was not one couch session where all the wives were together. Kody and all the wives. It was the first time i had seen this.

  78. Sunday's episodes were as dull as a My 5 Wives episode.

    One of the few things that intrigued me was how all the Browns had to call each other for every dumb reason. They inadvertently showed how detached they are from each other, and how attached they must be to their cell phones.

    Meri had to call Kody (not Robyn) to come over to discuss whatever... right then and there. Kody was more than willing to stop pretending to sod Robyn's backyard to do so. The former ranch hand even said, "Robyn's making me..."

    Meri (?) interrupted Kody's staged playtime with Truely with some fake-urgent phone call. Even Robyn had to call Kody to meet to get married. They probably left from the same house. They could have gone in the same car to the same place.

    They all live next door to each other. Some of their backyards connect. None of them works, or all of them work together all day, if you believe them. Couldn't, wouldn't they see each other or visit each other daily - especially Kody on rotation?

    Yet, in those episodes, we saw several of them calling each other, asking what they were doing, and running over only when told that there was some hot issue that had to be addressed.

    The other unintentional revelation was what we all knew would happen seasons ago. Meri's living all alone in that big house. It doesn't even seem to be Kody's sanctuary anymore. She converted one of those guest bedrooms into her office, separate from MSWC business. She really sold her soul and gave up her husband for that McMansion.

  79. When Grody and the chin were going in to their "totally unimportant it's just paperwork shuffling" marriage ceremony, is Grody carrying a camera bag? He's carrying a black bag that sure looks like a camera bag.

  80. "Grody and the chin" haha!!!!!!

  81. I tried to watch this mess, but ended up falling asleep. I was quite alarmed by Meri's appearance though...her hair needs serious deep conditioning, and she looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet. I hope she is ok
