
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sister Wives: Should TLC Pull the Plug?

Something rotten is festering in the Sister Wives Cul-de-Sac.

In the early seasons, the audience was shown that, although the  Kody Brown family consisted of a man, his Original Three Wives plus a brand new fourth wife and all their combined "bonus" children, this religion-based polygamous family was just like every other family.

Or was it?

We followed a goofy husband, played by Kody Brown with an enthusiasm bordering on manic, gingerly traipse through the minefield of dealing with four women.

We watched as a very pregnant Christine, helped by her sister wives Janelle and Meri, set up an well-worn  baby crib in her sparsely furnished bedroom while their "husband" Kody wooed and courted a woman he blatantly called his "girlfriend" - a woman named Robyn who inconveniently lived a couple of hours south of the Brown's Lehi homestead.

We watched Kody driving his expensive Lexus convertible, even though his wives were shown driving cars held together with faith, and duct tape. A lot of duct tape.

And then, as the cherry on top of a three scoop polygamist sundae, we watched as Kody married his fair maiden Robyn, and then embarked on an extended honeymoon to San Diego.

An expensive honeymoon, courtesy of TLC. An expensive honeymoon that Kody's Original Three wives never had.

We watched in disbelief as Kody announced plans to move away from Lehi. Seemingly without a thought to the financial as well as mental costs, Kody chose to uproot his  children from their friends and school, away from their church and extended family to the "promise land" of Las Vegas Nevada.

It quickly became clear Sister Wives was not about the women in a polygamous marriage, but about the HUSBAND. Scenes of Kody driving breathlessly from one wife's rental house to another became commonplace. Eventually when the Browns moved into their overpriced, barn-like McMansions in a gated cul-de-sac, we were treated with scenes of Kody running from McMansion to McMansion, with his stringy, greasy,  thinning hair blowing in the breeze he's artificially created.

Tyra Banks would be proud...Kody's even got the smize down pat!

But even a smizing Kody Brown was not enough to keep viewers...viewing.

Thus, the annual Kody Brown Family Road Trip was born. Plyg-vacation starring the polygamist Joe Darger Family. The "Let's Copy Big Love Roadtrip" along the Mormon Trail, followed by the Route 66 trip to meet the polygamist Nathaneal Richards family in Missouri. And more recently, the Montana Road Trip to Hell where Kody not only showed how he REALLY feels about Christine, but gave viewers the opportunity to meet gun-loving polygamist Nathan Collier.

It's summertime again,  and we are suffering through a "drought" of reality shows featuring polygamists. My Five Wives was cancelled due to low ratings. Season Two of Polygamy, USA never materialized.

Rumors started. Is Sister Wives next on the chopping block?

After all the shenanigans from the past couple of weeks, I'm almost willing to say "Yes! Please, TLC, put the audience out of it's misery by cancelling Sister Wives. Puleeeeezzzeee????"

This summer has been excruciating. Following the adult Browns on Twitter and Facebook during the off season has become a major chore. One would need a roadmap to maneuver through all the bull excrement left festering in the middle of the road by the social media incompetent Kody and his Ko-dypendants ©.

But what's really weird? Kody appeared to be the SANE one of the bunch, with Robyn and Meri leading the pack of cray cray on the loose with 24/7/365 unsupervised access to Twitter!

I venture to add, if Robyn and Meri were to suddenly disappear from social media altogether, They. Wouldn't. Be. Missed.

Without going into too much detail (because I simply don't want to discuss "entities" that have not, and according to Robyn, will never appear on Sister Wives), I'll address some of those big old Pink Elephants  parked all over my living rooms.

Is Meri having an affair?

If she is, surely she could have done better. The social media imposters highlighted on MTV's Catfish Show are more believable. Is that Twitter guy  the best she can do? Damn!!!

Did Meri leave the cul-de-sac forever?

Do chickens have teeth? And for the record, I always thought for something to be confirmed, it should be actually...confirmed. You know, by a reliable source or two. For example, in the case of the recent breakup of Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck, not only were there 'rumors' of a breakup,  there was the report of 'His and hers moving vans' seen outside their home. Meri left...for a vacation, apparently. Big difference. I'll believe it when I see it on Huffington Post.

Why did Robyn recently tweet...
Your guess is as good as mine, because later she wrote this on  the TLC Official Sister Wives Facebook fanpage...

Really? Then WHO, pray tell? This will probably come to Robyn and Meri as a surprise, but sometimes, when communicating with a lot of people, you can't be too vague or coy in your comments. I'm beginning to believe this habitual vagueness is actually a defense mechanism used by sister wives (in a passive aggressive way of course) to stick it to another sister wife. Wake up and smell the Postum percolating. Most people grow out of this kind of passive aggressive behavior as teenagers. When you are an adult, and you have a beef against someone, tell them direct! And please don't use Twitter to deliver the message!

Are these shenanigans a plan for keeping fans interested in Sister Wives during the long, hot and boring summer?

It's beginning to look that way. Even the announcement of Robyn being pregnant with Kody's second legitimate child (thanks to Meri paving the way for Kody to marry Missy Robyn by divorcing him) didn't get people all hyped up for the next season. If anything, the announcement brought out some feelings that Robyn held out getting pregnant until Kody made her his legal spouse. And for reference, this was played out fictionally in the HBO series "Big Love",  when Bill divorced long suffering wife Barb in order to marry spiritual wife Nicki Grant so he could legally adopt Nicki's daughter Cara Lynn. It didn't turn out well for Bill.

Why did Kody acknowledge Meri's friendship with her Twitter "friend"?

I don't think he did that intentionally. For some reason, I see Robyn nonchalantly saying to Kody "Hey hon, since you're watching Batman on TV, how about tweeting what he means to you to your followers?" And Kody obliged....

To which Meri's Twitter boy pal tweeted this meme in response...

Now THAT's maturity! We can only hope SOMEONE jumps on this opportunity to stage a knock down, drag out confrontation right in the cul-de-sac. The loser can clean up all that bull excrement!

So there you have it. Now if you'll excuse me, those pink elephants were cute, but they left a heck of a mess in my living rooms.

And what are YOUR thoughts?

Cynical Jinx

photos: TLC, FB, Twitter

For those of you following Twitter, here's a Twitter feed that might interest you...

Will he come through and be a Hero? Or a Joker?


  1. I agree! Great post!

  2. Beautifully written. I'm not sure how you keep it all straight. Janelle and Christne are relatively quiet on social media, is it because they're smarter than the other two? Have more kids, although most are older and can fend for themselves? Or just don't give a rat's behind what the others are doing?

    1. I like to think Christine and Janelle are laughing at all this petty drama watching Meri and Robyn dig their own graves. It's like watching a train wreck.

  3. Simply a scintillating synopsis of the Kody Show. Bravo !!!

    CJ, You took the last five years of SW excrement and managed to condense it into a review that *does* effectively beg the increasingly nagging question.....Why are they still on the air??

    They are now caricatures of their initial personas. All of them!
    I would rather watch reruns of Big Love. At least that show kept you guessing, and had competent actors. Kodyworld is now nothing more than re-fried, rehashed, tweet-shamming nonsense!!

    You are right in that if Sobbin's pregnancy is already proving to be a yawn (and it is), they are going to have an uphill trek to keep the necessary ratings and those TLC paychecks.
    The houses, the college bound kids, the divorce, the legal wife switch, the trips, the backyard celebrations and even another Kody-clone are done and re-done..
    Short of Caitlyn Jenner joining the harem..what is left?

    The only thing I can think of to justify yet another season of this drivel is that there is a contract for this season and it would be cheaper to air the footage already filmed and get it over with than have to fight a lawsuit by the Browns.

    1. Bravo CJ indeed! I get the feeling the Browns are making you feel like you're losing IQ points just following their antics, thank you for continuing this blog.

      I think a lot is riding on this next season for the Browns and the future of this show. If ratings stay stagnant or drop TLC may use that is its excuse to cancel and move in a different direction. I predict a lot of fake crying, fighting, and hair flipping. Will it be enough though?

  4. I love your posts more than the show! Thanks for making me laugh one again! And how did I miss the batman reference. .. I saw Kody's tweet but didnt realize the batman reference till just now reading your blog. I dismissed it as more Brown idiocy (I feel as dumb as the Robyn wife #4.. oops #1 for not catching that earlier! )

  5. Wow, sneaky Robyn was really holding out on popping their 2nd kid together. She must have wanted him to put a ring on it. How convenient that she wasn't able to conceive for years but then was able to mere months after a legal marriage. humph. If TLC was able to cancel "Honey Boo Boo" and "My 5 Wives" with a snap of a finger, it's interesting they haven't done the same with this show yet. I suspect they too are bored with plyg life and are literally "transitioning" to shows about transgender people (riding that Jenner bandwagon) as they are rolling out a show called "I am Jazz" (soooo close to "I am Cait" huh)...

    Thanks CJ for giving us the space to vent and roll our eyes.

    1. What a coincidence that Robyn was finally able to get pregnant after she got what she's wanted all status. Will she get the other wives to slowly drop off and away so it's just her and Kody to make all of her dreams come true?

    2. She may get her dream come true but TLC will also go away. Then, the money will be gone, the free baby gifts and the frequent trips to Blue Man Group. I wonder if Kody will be as dreamy then. Will she be just as happy in a double wide with him?

    3. after the other women get their share. Robin only been legally married for a few months. So as long as the other women have minor children. they will get their share. Plus each wife owns their own home except Meri. I still believe they r being well paid by the plogymous sects for being the test case.

  6. What a treat!! I love your posts.

  7. Did anyone read about the Collier's petitioning for an *additional* marriage license a few days after the SCOTUS ruling for same sex marriage?

    Maybe they're hoping to build their own TLC empire...I was a little surprised that the Browns didn't do similar but then I realized Kody wouldn't want the financial responsibility and Robyn wouldn't allow the thought. She's done sharing and their 'family' has so many fractures an Olympic size pool full of super glue couldn't help.
    What a prize.

    1. Lipstick on a plygJuly 7, 2015 at 8:31 PM

      The Colliers DEFINITELY want their own show. Nathan is all over Facebook arguing and spouting his craziness. But people are excited that they petitioned for this extra license. They think it will open the door to legalizing polygamy. However, I think that most polygamous families will be like the Browns and be content to just have it decriminalization so they can still get public assistance as "single" women.

    2. The Colliers will never be able to get a free attorney like the Browns did. There was a specific provision in the law that made it a criminal act to live with more than one woman and call another your wife. It went too far.

      The Colliers don't have anything like that, and they are not personable. His facebook and twitter responses are just downright hateful. No one will want to take on his case for free, and it is too complex to do himself.

  8. While reading all of this, once word comes to mind.....juvenile. I can't believe these are adults acting like this. Adults who have 17 children among themselves. It's a scary thought.

    If this a ploy to garner attention for the upcoming season, they're more pathetic than I ever thought possible. Is this really the kind of attention they want and how exactly is it showing the benefits of living the polygamous lifestyle and making themselves better? And how is Kody okay with the world thinking Meri left him for another man? If the rumors that Meri has left are true, well good for her I guess, but just make a public statement and move on. Don't act like a pre-teen pitting your boyfriend against your ex husband on Twitter for the world to see. Or Meri could be having a major breakdown and is doing all this herself to get extra attention.

    For what it's worth, I think Meri has left or is thinking about leaving and thus the legal wife is doing her best to cause drama because she thrives on it and Christine and Janelle just won't engage with her attempts to cause problems. I still don't want to watch the next season though.

    1. "If this a ploy to garner attention for the upcoming season, they're more pathetic than I ever thought possible."

      Yep, *Pathetic* and desperate to keep the TLC income.

      Too bad "the Closet" didn't produce anything other than 3 years of good snark.
      They could use a dependable income stream once TLC calls in their chips.

  9. CJ...great review of the life of the show; I love it.
    The deal with why TLC hasn't cancelled the show is, and I strongly believe it to be true, that we keep the damn thing on because of our snark here. Remember, for reality shows, almost any publicity is good and we do keep the buzz going. I am conflicted because on the one hand, I despise the wives and that gross man but on the other hand, I love our group here...and I worry if the show ends, we will have nothing to snark.
    So, while we have the show, let us eat cake and snark away. I agree wholeheartedly with you that Robyn and Meri are playing a game of passive aggressive one up on each other. Their little adolescent posts and thoughts for the day are aimed at each other or the other wives and it is sickening. Just as cray cray Robyn uses her children to guilt the other wives, Meri also uses them, hence the pictures of Sol messing up her house....that was not a candid photop trust me. She and Robyn put that together to make everyone think they have this relationship that is so dang good but then they post these awful PA tweets at each other to reveal that no they are not close and in fact, they are in competition for not only Kody's affection but also for favors with the fans. They, for some reason, don't see the other two wives as competition and that may be because they know that Kody hates Christine and they know that Janelle isn't sexually appealing to him, so they only compete with each other. I am 100% sure that Christine' mother was moved her to keep her insane ass home and the kids safe. Janelle, bless her heart, she has no expectations for favor or love or time...she is so accustomed to taking the scraps that she continues to do so and her kids continue to fight for attention. Janelle has let her kids in such neglect from their father that the boys are constantly on the snapping end of the rope and sometimes it just takes one false move and they go nuts....I wonder what they does to the little girl. All the adult girls are so overweight that it is unhealthy and we all know that their weight is a direct reflection of their home life...they eat to satisfy something that is missing....look at all the wives.
    So, here's to the upcoming season with lots of snark coming from here and maybe...just maybe...there will be some drama that we actually see as text and not subtext.....way to go CJ

    1. Meri's "Twitter friend" has stated that he is not dating Meri and that he thinks polygamy is a sin. He even thanked the person who asked him if he was dating her for asking him directly. He said she was the first person to simply come out and ask him. I'm thinking that is the closest we will ever get to a "public statement" on the matter.

    2. I would also beg to differ on the adult children. Maddie, Logan, and Hunter are not overweight. I think they display a host of other problems though. Maddie is constantly trying to rebel against her parents ( joining the Morman church, and taking prom photos that feature her in a tight dress pressed up against her boyfriend), Hunter seems angry all the time, and Logan seems to be dangerously obsessed with his appearance.

    3. I'm thinking that is the closest we will ever get to a "public statement" on the matter.
      Unfortunately, it's beginning to look like this "friendship" is a summer production of Sister Wives, a webseries exclusively available on Twitter. Now, "The Joker" has told Meri basically his religion is better than her religion...saying the "dc" (he means Doctrine and Covenants) is horse excrement. Well, maybe it is, but who would insult a friend's religion like that? Oh wait, I think I see the story arc...Even though "The Joker" insults not only Fundamentalist Mormons and their mainstream LDS counterparts, Meri will redeem "The Joker" by summer's end. The Joker will have a "a ha" moment, embracing the differences between Fundamental Mormons and Catholics. He will suddenly see how polygamy isn't really a "sin" after all, since it works for Meri and her family. And then The Joker Man and his "girlfriend" will fly off into the Las Vegas sunset in his black matte Gulf Stream just before the beginning of the new season of Sister Wives. The End.

    4. Once again this reminds me of Big Love. This all seems very similar to when Margene started to fall for the juice mogul aND his cult.

    5. Once again this reminds me of Big Love.

      Yes, I agree. Big Love revisited all summer long. In addition to Margene, remember how Nicki Grant fell for the District Attorney prosecuting her father? And don't forget the sexual tension between Barb and Tommy Flute (manager of the Indian Casino).

      The obvious difference, Big Love was fiction. Sister Wives, or in this case the off season "real" life of Meri and her sister wives and spiritual husband in a gated cul-de-sac is not supposed to be fiction played out in detail on Twitter.

      If this does turn out to be a "hoax", their few followers (and let's face it, compared to other mainstream reality shows, their fanbase IS sorely lacking in numbers) will not be amused to learn how they were manipulated and "used" this summer.

      It's almost as if the Browns simply do not understand what their audience/fans want to see. Just like they have no clue how to run MSWC. How sad is it to read about Meri acting like a 15 year old teen instead of the middle-aged, forty something woman that she is.

      And they need to remember what happened to Big Love after all those different storylines failed to impress HBO. The show was CANCELLED.

      Maybe, that's what they want...

    6. Nev and his Catfish crew need to get involved because that is what all this bs looks like. It's a bad episode from the Catfish show on MTV!

    7. CJ, I agree with you on the Brown's lack of understanding of how to work their fan base. I attribute it to arrogance on Kody's part and ignorance on all of the adult Brown's parts. I think they have lived in such a closed minded culture they are unable to predict how normal folks will respond to their attention grabbing plot lines such as the divorce of Meri...they really thought people would see that move as a good thing but what happened was fans began hating Robyn even more and became suspicious of's a no win situation with these idiots. I am surprised that TLC hasn't said, need to grow up and pay attention to social network and the news and react accordingly but not so much...that's the arrogance and ignorance....they are a sinking ship for sure.

    8. And another major difference between Big Love's eventual cancellation and Kodyworld's inevitable demise is that the characters/ actors on Big Love collected their checks after the final taping and then headed for their next auditions or job.

      The defunct actors in Kodyworld will no doubt resort to other less proactive means for dealing with debt and living expenses. Foreclosures, doctored tax forms for MSWC, single mother benefits, college grants for fatherless children and anything else they can find for free and avoid real jobs. They will be creative, if nothing else !

    9. For some reason I can see Kody as a greeter in front of one of the lesser Vegas hotels.

    10. I so hope that Greeter's job includes a ridiculous costume !!!

    11. Bemused BystanderJuly 6, 2015 at 8:16 PM

      Thanks, Cynical, for another page-turner.
      Off-topic: if anyone out there has not yet seen Pixar's "Inside Out", this is truly a must-see. Richard Roeper (movie critic Chicago Sun Times) gave it an A+ and enthusiastically declared that it should be nominated in the Best Picture (not just Best Animated) category (Oscar). The animated short that is shown right before is called "Lava" and it will break your heart; like a teary appetizer to the teary main course. Perfectly and powerfully tender.
      Oh yeah, Cynical, even if SW gets cancelled I would still be interested in what you have to say (you really are that good).

    12. I would love to see Kody as a "greeter" at WalMart!

    13. "remember how Nicki Grant fell for the District Attorney prosecuting her father"

      That was not fictional. Or rather: Only the "fell for him" part was. So if they do something like that on SisterWives it would be "life" imitating art imitating life.... :/ The set up (plural wife infiltrates Utah court for information, does not disclose her family ties) was based on Laura Fuller, 10th wife of Daniel Kingston and frequent lawyer for the AUB, doing this during the trial against her husband in the case regarding severe physical and emotional abuse of two of his daughters with another plural wife, Heidi Mattingly. Heidi Mattingly is a friend of the Kody Brown family. I suspect that they met during court mandated therapy sessions (they share a shrink). These two daughters are Stephanie (now "Jessica") and Andrea Kingston on Lifetime's "Escaping Polygamy".

      BTW: Will you recap/review that show? Pretty please. :)

      Something else: I reblogged some posts from Mariah's and Aspyn's tumblr accounts a while ago. They are under my TLC Sisterwives tag (here: Mariah writes about the show and also what she thought when her parents moved her to Las Vegas.

    14. This is a great page CJ... Here's my take... Remember when the Browns were leaving Lehi and they had 3 or 4 things happen that "delayed" their journey (flat tires, car issues, etc)... Wonder why Kody didn't take that as a "Sign" from God that he wasn't supposed to leave Lehi. AND I do not believe they have taken the $$ from SW to pay off those lavish homes... If the show gets cancelled.... I see them moving BACK to the same house (Robyn could have Meri's quarters).......Whaddaya think? I may be wrong... but I don't think the Lehi house ever sold.... Diane (Sorry to use the Anonymous post....)

  10. I think the adult children are just figuring life out, like everyone their age. They are just doing it under a microscope or on display, if you will, because of their parents' choices. I think Christine was losing what little ability she had to function last season, and the mother was brought in. Kody is not going to take care of her.

  11. Drdawnffl, while I agree they are just like other children, trying to figure out life; I disagree about the microscope. For whatever reason, sisterwives hasn't become a hot item so the papparazzi don't seem to look to closely at the kids. I think if the kids were to do something really crazy, it might make the news but they are not watched like the Duggar kids are watched. I think that there are so many of those kids and from different wives so the shock effect of anything that they might do is minimal to the shock of their parents...But, even the parents are not followed and hounded, which is a testament to their irrelevance. But I do agree that Christine has lost the ability to function alone. And I agree that Kody could care less about Christine.

  12. I have become so disillusioned with TLC (and also with FYI for the Married at First Sight Season two fiasco). I believe the Sister Wives show started out "real" and interesting. But then, as they tend to do on reality shows, it became about fake storylines. Kody just had to get a fourth wife to get the show started and she ended up ruining whatever left that family had in the way of relationships. They traumatized their kids by uprooting them for false reasons (they were not being arrested, Kody was not going to jail) and turned those kids lives upside down. What little they had of Kody became really scarce with Kody spending all of his time with his new toy, Robyn. There was the season of emotional abuse towards Christine and the season of humiliating Janelle by making her "weigh in" in front of the world, the joke of MSWC and finally the ultimate horrible storyline: the divorce. I do not believe for one second that it was for "Robyn's kids"...the only nitwit that bought that story was Christine, since she is a nitwit and has been pounded down for so many years she has lost all sense of reality. After all the snarking I did on Meri and her wetbar, I have to say, I really felt awful for her signing those divorce papers. I believe Robyn said "make me the legal wife, or I am leaving". The rest of it was phony, their desperate attempts to put some focus on Dayton (who seems to be a great kid despite his circumstances) cemented for me that they were using him to come up with the lame storyline that Kody HAD to divorce Meri and marry Robyn "for the kids". As Robyn would say "Bull Crap"

    TLC will certainly cancel them after this season. They simply can't do anything more with them. They will lose their houses. I see Meri leaving with Janelle close behind. Then Robyn and Kody will gaslight Christine into losing her mind, she will leave and they will live the monogamous life they really want.

    What a bunch of grifters. TLC needs to pull the plug. Enough already. It's obvious that the whole thing is fake.

    1. Even Janelle wasn't buying the story Robyn and Kody were selling, you could just tell she was upset about it but too beat down to publicly admit it. This may have been the last straw for Meri. Who knows what's really going on with Christine, something sketchy happened for her mom to move in. I doubt her mom is encouraging her to stay.

      In the end, Christine will be the first to lose her home, then Robyn, then Meri, and Janelle may be able to hold on for a few more years, but eventually that culd-de-sac will be devoid of the Browns.

    2. I agree with a lot of what u said CPA, I just don't believe they will lose those barns they call homes. I still believe they r getting money from all the different sects of polygamy for being the test case. I could b wrong. that would b a wheel barrel full of money. I just don't know what's wrong with Meri letting Robin take over everything. We all know it's going to b much worse then Meri. I also agree this is last season for them. last season I was sick a lot so I only half watched it. I read about it on our blog. CJ does a better job then the writers. If TLC was smart they would hire CJ. We all know they read the be$t blog.

  13. CPA I kind of like your rendition of what might become of the clan but I do believe that whether the other wives leave or not, Kody will set his eyes on another wife or two because truly he is a narcissist and thinks he deserves subjects to adore him and the older wives do not adore him at all and even Robyn's contempt of him is showing...she loves that she gets to act on TV and once the program ends, I think she will high tail it to the next sucker. Kody really needs a couple of younger and more reproductively fit women......

    1. I see Robyn leaving as soon as the money runs dry once the show is over and Kody starts eyeing other women. She can't keep up with his need for more kids.

    2. Not only will Robyn leave when the money runs dry, you just know she will ask for 50% of whatever assets he still has.

    3. Does he have any? His name is only on Meri's house and maybe a car or 3. Robyn can't get the house because it is jointly owned by Meri and Kody and pre-dates their divorce, lt alone Robyn's marriage.

  14. When TLC rehashes SW scenes, it's so boring & irritating! But when CJ does it, she's on point, hilarious & entertaining! :) Way to go CJ!!
    So the next time the Browns come creeping in your living room, they'll get a reality check real quick! And just maybe, they'll finally see just how sad & pathetic their reality has become!
    Yes, it's time for TLC to pull the plug & wean these gifter$ off of TLC's tit!!

  15. I think Kody will suffer the most when the show is canceled whether Sobbin, or any of them, stick around after the fact.
    Kody Brown craves and needs the limelight as intensely as a drug addict needs their fix.
    He has spent the last five years living a true narcissist's ultimate dream.
    He was "Somebody" !! He was the "Man" !!!

    He had a horde of children to prove his virility. He had four live-in women vying for his crumbs of time and sexual prowess. He had four mini-mansions to park his feet at will.
    He was recognized and hailed even in the midst of a crammed Disney park.
    He got any and all perks, free tickets, vouchers....just for being "him."
    And best of all in a narcissist's psyche, the world got to SEE him in all his glory !!!

    He was both the glib ringmaster AND he was the starring act in the center ring of his own Vegas circus, his heavenly planet on earth.
    When the TLC curtain closes for the last time and the audience leaves without even a wave goodbye.......Kody will be the most affected.
    Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy/ ego.

  16. In hindsight Sobbin' appears pregnant in that selfie.

    1. How far along is Robyn supposed to be?

    2. According to Robyn she's due January 7 2016.

  17. CJ, your long awaited blog did not disappoint. Going back to the beginning and telling the tale of the Brown family was brilliant.Thank you for all of your effort.
    It is clear to me that that plug needs to be pulled. They've got nothing left to say, nothing left to offer. So in desperation, they fabricate storylines and manipulate with bogus teasers. I've always felt SW was better suited to be a documentary with occasional check-ins.

    Kody has put his family through the wringer all to keep his gravy train alive. Now they are acting out on social media in a last ditch effort to keep people interested. Their older kids are wisely doing their own thing. There is nothing left. A spinoff show with a wife shown leaving the family and starting over would be the next step,and something I'd consider watching. But could we even trust that it was real, and not just another fake storyline. They have zero credibility. So everything they do or say feels false. In all this mess the supposed true core of who they are,their religion,was never allowed to even be mentioned. Just spouting assurances that it is nothing like the other big, bad, scary Fundamentalist groups. Oh no, not them.
    So a show meant to give people a peek into the real world of polygamy is a smokescreen built on lies. Sounds like they nailed it. It's time for them to go.

  18. Silly question: Could it be that Robyn is a surrogate? I mean it would sorta make sense. They are losing (or not gaining) much of their audience. I wouldn't be surprise if she decides to have a baby for one of her sister wives and Kody for rating sake.

    1. Could it be that Robyn is a surrogate?
      That's a distinct possibility, one that could have increase ratings in September - the entire season even. But if that was the case, why the focus on a still spiritually married Meri having a very flirtatious, very very public Twitter relationship this summer? It ruins that storyline completely.

      Then again, Kody and his Kodettes© have a history of not quite understanding what their fans want to see. I would bet that if the Browns had played up the possibility of Robyn being Meri's surrogate this summer, they would have guaranteed excellent rating numbers for the entire season. But instead, this summer we have Meri retweeting those vague inspirational sayings at record speeds each day. It's obvious she's hurting for Kody's attention, so she goes overboard with the male Twitter friend. And Robyn doesn't help matters when she set up her own, self-indulgent "Like" Facebook fanpage to connect with her "fans" focusing primarily on her own family group and not her sister wives or their families. Robyn includes the other wives when it benefits Robyn, otherwise she ignores them completely. Case in point, her failure to congratulate Hunter on his appointment to the Air Force Academy because she didn't get the "notification" it was OK. Lame considering how the other family members (including Christine, and Meri) quickly tweeted their congratulations. And then say, well the other wives don't tweet everything about HER kids so.... was wrong on so many levels.

      So my opinion is, it's possible Robyn is a surrogate, but highly doubtful.

      What does everyone else think about this scenario?

    2. I do not believe she is acting as a surrogate. If she was, Meri's tweets would be different. I believe Meri wears her heart on her sleeve on twitter. Plus let's be honest, Meri really didn't want a baby and Robyn forced Kody to make her the legal wife. Robyn is all about Robyn. Shockingly once she got to be the legal wife, she got pregnant. Hmmm.

    3. Nah, I don't think she's a surrogate. I think their tweets would be teasing us along those lines in hopes of hooking us in to their next season if that were the case.

    4. Well I am still curious as to why Meri tweeted a picture of her and her doctor. I do remember on the show she went to go see her to discuss the possiblity of having another child. In the picture the doctor has a thumbs up meaning ??? Yes? The second picture they are hugging close. Who knows if Robyn is actually a surrogate it is very possible. And it would make for a good season to tune in. We shall see.

    5. No I don't feel Sobbin is growing a Kody-clone for Meri. She is too selfish and possessive to watch *or to trust* Meri to raise her child. Plus, as noted by the last season's divorce/remarrying events, Sobbin doesn't share well, does she?
      She wants it ALL !!

      However, having said that...I do think that it is plausible (and freakish) that in a last ditch ER move to "save" the show, these idiots would fake such a premise.
      They KNOW that the show AND the fan base is on very shaky footing. And WE know that these grifters will do whatever it takes.

      The adults pulled off filming themselves telling a roomful of crying children that they were going to have to move in 3 days or else dear old dad was going to prison, so sure, why not reopen the bogus rent-a uterus plot to grab another season of TLC money.
      Yep, it is possible !!

      It will be pure BS.... but has that ever stopped them?

    6. Meri can't get pregnant cause she's probably going thru her changes. She lost one child, but so did Christine. Keri can carry a baby she just don't have viable eggs. someone should have to donate eggs. Usually u don't borrow eggs from your friends. u don't know who donated it. person that donated it don't know where it goes. If Robin gave Keri a egg, she would b bio. mom. I don't see that working.

  19. I remember the scenes when Kody was courting Robyn and Christine was great with child and the kissing on his way to the hospital and while there asking about Meri's chances of having a was never about Christine but him running around and strutting and even saying, here I am on my way to be with one wife who is having my baby and I stop off at my girlfriend's know that scene was so adolescent. On the one hand he and the other wives say we don't discuss our bedroom activities but on the other hand, he has that good ole' boy snicker of look at these bitches all letting me run around here and do what ever I want. Robyn even said that when a wife is pregnant and has a new baby, she gets more Kody time...I wonder how that played out when the three older wives were pregnant at the same time and had new babies? I also wonder how that played out with Christine? I doubt he spent much time with her because as he said, he was courting he had to run up and down the highway in his sports car....The wives remind me of a friend of mine who was married to this real DB and he had a girlfriend on the side and he would leave his wife and spend days with his girlfriend until she pissed him off and then back to the wife...I used to tell her that she deserved better and he would tell her that I was a lesbian, which I wasn't and am not...not that there's anything wrong with that, but any woman who spoke up for his wife automatically became a dissenter and Kody is the same way...anyone who tries to save Christine is a dissenter and he warns her and she runs from them...As sad as I am about the way these women live, I cannot help but think how dumb they are and how crazy they are for putting their children through that abuse and neglect....and now here's Robyn great with spawn and the other wives are on their own again. Shit stinks in the cuddleshack..that's for sure

  20. CJ, it's always delightful to read your recaps. If print media weren't dead, I'd suggest you be a synopsis writer for TV guide (remember that little gem of a magazine?). You'd do a smashing job!

    As to whether TLC should continue "Sister Wives" for another season, I'm torn. On one hand, the storylines have been played out. We know a bit too much about the Brown familly to feel much more than meh about anything they might say or do. On the other hand, the Montana situation with Nathan Collier and family is heating up nicely, and I'd be interested to see if there's any fall out from the Montana case in Nevada, or whether Kody takes a page from Nathan's book and tries to get legal custody of Robyn's kids, or whether he continues to fight against the appeal of the Waddoups decision. That would make interesting TV--sort of Perry Mason meets Judge Judy.

  21. Thanks CJ for the update. I like this blog so much more than the show. I have not watched this show for 3 seasons. I only come here for the snark. Their so called fan base is very small. I have also noticed that not many people are commenting about the Browns on other sites. They are no longer relevant. People have lost interest with them and don't care what they do. I don't know anyone in my circle that watches this show. Most of them have never even heard of the show. I feel dumb bringing it into conversation. They look at me like I have lost my mind. The conversation is switched so fast to other more interesting issues. The Browns have lost the majority of their fans. TLC will soon realize this and cancel this train wreck. In today's generation, I can't see many women choosing polygamy. Women have worked so hard to gain independence from men that they find polygamy vulgar. I personally don't know of anyone just itching to be in this type of relationship. Women don't like sharing or being sloppy seconds, thirds or fourth. Kody is having fun going from house to house. And these women wait for his return like some adoring fools. I don't have any respect for these women. They claim that they choose to be in this type of relationship but at what cost. I only feel sorry for the kids. They are innocent victims of polygamy. I agree that adults can choose to live as they wish but to try and make polygamy legal will be an uphill battle. In polygamy women are not treated equally or fair. What woman in her right mind wants to live like this. People tune in an d see the big homes the Browns live in, see all the trips they take and the parties they throw and think that the Browns hit the jackpot. This is not reality people. Living polygamy is not all fun and games. TLC is only showing a small part of polygamy. Not all polygamist live like the Browns. Many of them live in secret and poverty. There are many who bleed the beast. This sect does not want polygamy legal because they will lose the benefits of having multiple children with no father in site. I cringe every time I read about some fan thinking Kody is a wonderful father and provider and they think these women are wonderful. Thanks CJ for your work on this blog. It is by far more entertaining than the show. I think TLC should hire you to write for them. Yes, take TLC off the air. They are done.

    1. Well said, SewCrafty. I, too, have stopped bringing Sisterwives into conversations. So funny, I work in an academic setting and sometimes, just to lighten up the lunchtime convos, I'll say, "Does anyone watch that show 'Sisterwives'?" To which I get blank stares and topic changing comments. It has sparked my interest in polygamy and I've read every book I can find on the subject. Polygamists would lose a lot of money if it became legal and I agree, legalization is not what they want at all. I do hope the show is cancelled and the Brown family has to make a living working at real jobs. In a way, having the show is their way to "Bleed the Beast".

  22. I am conflicted. I have lost any respect I might have had for this bunch and totally agree that it is time to cancel the show. My problem is that I want to see the aftermath. I want to watch as they lose the hideous homes they couldn't afford. I want to see Mariah parked outside staring at the house that has been repossessed. I want to see the first three wives run for their lives and the grotesque #4 trying to squeeze every last dime out of Grody. But once the show is over, the cameras will be gone. Will we ever see how it all plays out in the end? More importantly, will the diehard fans ever have the opportunity to see the reality of this mess?

    1. I agree with you. This show is a farce, but I do want to see the fallout. There is a lot going on that could make for some interesting tv...

      Robyn is pregnant, but I have a strong feeling she is eventually going to divorce Kody and take 50% of everything, and I think this was her plan all along.

      Christine's mom, who famously left polygamy, moves in. I am shocked that Kody would "allow" this to happen. Christine's kids are mostly older, so I'm not really sure what bringing mom into the fold accomplishes, unless it's to help Christine figure a way out.

      Janelle is so completely disassociated with what is happening with her "husband" and sister-wives. She is emotionally checked out. It's almost scary to watch, because there's no telling what she might end up doing. I hope she is the first one out, but I doubt she will be.

      Meri...OMG, Meri. First wife. Divorced for the good of the family (i.e. because Robyn wanted it). Empty nester. Empty life. Bitter. Dizzy spells, I assume, brought on by stress. Unhappiness written all over her face. Forms a Twitter-romance with some random guy, possibly as a way to make herself feel somewhat valuable - only to have Robyn publicly state that there ain't no way this guy jumps on the Brown gravy-train. If anyone is going to snap, it's Meri.

      Kody will take another wife.

      I mean...I kind of want to see it play out.

    2. Even if they cancel this show we will be watching various wedding, birthday, vacation specials like we do with Kate and the little people.

    3. I want to see Kody and the Kodettes reactions to the aftermath - because they brought it all on themselves and should have seen it all coming. The offspring, I want them to have fantastic lives far from the madness - even Mariah. I just hope they can learn from the Kodettes mistakes rather than the hard way.

    4. @Mom, nicely put! Meri is in the middle of a meltdown, it's actually kind of sad to watch. Janelle is gonna sit there and watch until she loses her house too. Christine already had her meltdown, why else did the let mom come in and help? Robyn is inevitably going to hit the road, and take Kody down with her. We will read about it from whoever writes the first tell-all or sells out to the tabloids.

  23. When we speculate about how much they make we can offically rule out the kids:

    1. Anon 9:21PM, thank you for that link! That was very informative. I totally agree. Wouldn't that be a great disclaimer at the end of every episode, "No child was harmed in any way during the making of this episode." Unfortunately, we all can only wonder at the harm done to those Brown kids during that terrible, We've Got to Get Out of Dodge episode.

  24. NO WAY Robyn is popping out that kid in January. I'm due with my 2nd in December and am barely showing now... she's much farther along. When i was that big last time, i was about 6 months along.

    1. I agree. That cannot be an accurate timeline. I know all people begin to show at different phases of their pregnancy, but she looks way too pregnant in that picture. I didn't even tell anyone about my pregnancies until I was 12 or so weeks and no one knew at all. I am beginning to think she WAS pregnant with that whole teaser thing at the end of last season and she miscarried, but then again, I also think they would have used that as a storyline. Robyn would have relished the attention she would have gotten for that. I have stopped trying to figure this group out.
      I do hope Meri getting therapy. She is obviously emotionally destroyed. And I did make fun of her so much for her wet bar and temper tantrums, but I feel so sorry for her since the whole divorce episode. It's like she gave up. She knew she was beat and just gave up. I wish she would leave - that would totally make ratings go up.

  25. I really want to know how Christine lost so much weight. She looks great!

    1. Where'd you see a pic of her looking skinnier? I haven't seen any pics of her since last season?

    2. Maybe her mom took over the cooking and started using real, whole foods hence the weight loss?

  26. I tend to think all of it is a PR ploy .... Love your recap CJ ! They need something to spice up their lives so TLC will renew their show .....

  27. I'm so on the fence about Meri's new guy (I've seen like 3 or 4 articles in the last few days speculating that they're together but the lazy journalists can't even get the guy's full name right).
    I'm not sure he's a catfish. Everyone is saying "Oh his social media accounts are so new... his name doesn't come up in searches." Well that's because he's been purging his older accounts and most of his new accounts only show his first and middle name... He had an account on a certain site from 2013 that has been recently deleted (you can still view it cached though) and he describes himself pretty much as he does now with a similar picture. So if he is a catfish... he's a pretty darn committed consistent catfish.
    The guy does seem crazy though- his bio is so self absorbed and out there; plus, he uses a few different last names in different places. At a minimum he's hiding something.
    I can only come up with a few theories to make sense of it all- 1) He's a genuine guy but he's only interested in Meri for the limelight or 2) He's genuine but he was hired to spice up the story this season (this guy's looks scream casting call). I somehow can't bring myself to formulate a theory where he's a genuine guy who's genuinely interested in Meri. Honestly, she hit the lottery if he's a real dude- she's not easy on the eyes or a nice person.

    1. Honestly, she hit the lottery if he's a real dude
      Sorry, but not even Meri deserves a fishy con artist.

  28. I enjoy your posts jinx. Have been reading since you started this and before on the previous site. The bloom is definitely of the rose with this "un"reality show. Probably like many viewers, I liked Sisterwives during the first season, before facts were revealed about the Browns. And the numerous inconsistencies between what they said on the show and what they wrote in their own book.

    The topic of Meri's friend makes me remember an episode from the first season of Sisterwives. Meri and Kody are out to dinner celebrating their anniversary. That was back in the very funny "Hello Lover" days when Meri and Kody constantly called each other "lovah". Meri asked Kody how he would feel if polygamy allowed her to have multiple husbands and their situation were reversed and Kody was just one of her husbands. Kody said he could not respond to that. The thought of another man touching Meri sickened him so deeply.

    This is the same woman that he is practically dragging down the stairs in the latest episode we saw. Meri is telling him that she doesn't feel well and has fallen the day before. He totally disregards her because he can't wait to rush her to the lawyer's office so that she can sign the divorce papers, with Robyn panting over her shoulder. What a crew.

    1. God no kidding! I'd forgotten that early scene! He really is a sicko.

  29. This looks like a polygamist show that is going to show some truth.

    1. This is the group Kollene Snow escaped. There were a couple of episodes shown last year and you're right Sara. It does not show the warm fuzzy, polygamy like the Williams, Browns and Polygamy USA shows do.

    2. Considering that the Kody Browns and Brady Williams families showed the only the BS side of Plyglife, is the audience who was vested in those sham shows ready to see the REAL side of the polygamy?
      We have already seen some of these women who have escaped that hellish lifestyle before, including Christine's mother and Kollene. Does anyone think thatthis new show will have legs and a following?
      And is this an indication that the bloated run of "We are Plygs and we all LOVE each other" has finally jumped the shark? Is "Taps" coming for Kodyworld after this final season?

      Speaking as one, I am ready to move on.
      No fears that CJ's Living Room will empty out when The Kody Show is all but a memory.
      There is more than enough snark-worthy shows to explore.

    3. People who romanticize the Browns and the other polygamous families they see on TV are not able to face the truth that polygamy hurts women and children. They rationalize that the bad ones like Jeff what's his name are just bad's not the polygamy but the person that is bad. They bought and drank the koolaide that polygamy can be just like monogamy just like some monogamous relationships end up with a man chasing women behind the wives' backs. They buy the stories that sister wives is good because of all the moms...that the moms in the cults are abused but never the Browns. You can point out all day how unhappy the Brown wives are and they argue that no...on the show....or they post this or that. I think there are about three types of fans: For some of the fans, I suspect, their lives are flawed and maybe they are either in an unhappy monogamous relationship where maybe their husbands make them feel insecure or they have had the monogamous cheating husband. So they can say when the Browns say all monogamous men cheat...yes, men are cheaters. I also suspect that some of the fans are just those people who like being able to semi approach someone on TV...they cannot separate reality star from star....they tweet to Kody and he answers and they think they have a friend from hollywood. And then there are the fans like us who are not fans at all but social scientists who watch the Browns for inconsistencies and we observe with open mind and read not just the text but the subtext...we call them out on this blog and on their social networking....we are described as trolls and are haters and are troublemakers. We get deleted and blocked and mentioned as those people who talk about the for us, when TLC cancels the show, we will continue discussing polygamy in one form or another because we didn't drink the koolaide and we continue to search for justice and truths. Those other fans will forget about the Browns until a tell all book comes out but we, oh, yes, we will continue to compare and contrast and when that tell all book hits the stores, we can say...hell, yeah,we said that, didn't we.

    4. Agree, run........agree!!!

  30. I think it's kinda funny that the joker runs a iyana fix my life fanpage....

    1. Oh wow I just found the page you referred to...crazy funny!

    2. ill be honest. I wanted it to be true. I wanted Meri to have found Twitter love with some guy that's younger and hotter than kody. I wanted her to proclaim idgaf and ride off into the sunset with batman. But after snooping for an hour last night and coming across that page and some other strange things, I'm not a 100% sure batman is even a man.

      Also His Twitter pic... I feel like I've seen this guy before. I can't place him but he feels so familiar.

    3. I got only as far as his Twitter page. I'm convinced it's some 13-year-old tweeting from his bedroom. Big, old flags of WTF-ness waving with every tweet.

    4. It's two women. Apparently very good friends of Meri. She even has pictures up of a vacation they went on. I would venture a guess that the whole brown family is in on this. Pretty messed up thing to do to their fans.

    5. Wow, Anon 11:34 am! And, if it's ever really found out that this is true, I think the gravy train will most definitely be over for this cluster*&^@! Seriously shaking my head at this "news"...

    6. The whole Batman situation is so embarrassing. Grow up! The fact that dude only has 7 twitter followers should be a big enough red flag. LOL He even tweeted to one of his staff and that account is also fake as hell. Could the Brown family be so desperate for the show not to end that they are in on this drama? This whole situation is ridiculous and I can't look away.

    7. What's weird is how he has a Twitter Follow Me button on his website, but as soon as someone actually clicks on it and follows him he has a tantrum and deletes them saying he doesn't know the person. I suppose his friend Meri personally knows all 100,000 followers on her Twitter. He acts like he's been in outer space for the past 20 years. The way he talks about his girlfriend while retweeting those pictures of women been groped is sick. Where did they find this guy?

    8. If I am reading those tweets correctly, The Joker promised an 11,000 donation to a kickstarter project and hasn't paid up. He says he is going out of town for the weekend. Hmmmm, either he is going to have to come back and explain his lack of follow through or maybe we will get a tweet from "Mark" telling us there has been an accident and he is no longer.....
      You can't keep up a fake persona forever and "he" is absolutely a fake!

    9. And as you predicted, assistant Mark failed to make the pledge on Friday as promised by the Joker. Oh dear, does this mean poor poor Mark will be fired? Or will the Joker still come through by the deadline? Will the Joker be a Hero or a Zero? Stay tuned....

    10. This is beyond silly. What a bunch of narcissistic a-holes. For them to think any of us would believe this sham. Meri surrounds herself with mentally unbalanced people.

    11. Mark who is 23 years old and went to college yet is baffled by the mysteries of technology.... Right. With a wealthy boss who conducts all his business thru Twitter. And demands his employees set up accounts. What a pack of weirdos meri has fallen in with.

    12. So, wait. Anon 7/11 10:51, "he" blocks followers as soon as they follow? Isn't rampant, blanket blocking a Brown Klowns M.O.?

      As if we didn't have enough reasons to smell a very large rat...

  31. I think SW's is doomed...nobody cares that Robyn is pregnant because she's not well liked (even by the loyal fans) & every other ridiculous storyline they've come up with has been rehashed a million times. Also, trying to sell fans on the story that the divorce was Meri's idea for the sake of Sobbin's kids was another huge fail. I think there's too many weird things going on in Kodyland for them to keep up the illusion that they're the happy poster family for polygamy.

    1. I agree. Here's a thought for them... how about attempting to discuss some of the things viewers were drawn to in the first place. How many times have we mentioned on this site that it was more interesting when they were living together, didn't have Robyn in the picture and were discussing things like how they shared space, responsibilities (and I use that term lightly), etc? Now its just four boring people and one weird dude living on a cul de sac. Or here's a thought... how about actually addressing the Meri/Janelle issue? They've played around with that in a "oh we're OK with each other" way for years. If there is another season and if that isn't addressed, I'm done. It was one of the things I actually liked about My Five Wives... that they addressed Rosemary and Pauline's issues. Oh well... now TLC/SW on with your drama that no one cares about.

    2. Anon 1:11, I don't think there's anything they can address that would work to revive SW. They're just played out.

    3. Totally agree anon 3:08...I can't think of anything new they could do to bring life back into that show!

    4. I suppose there are a few googly-eyed uberfans who want to see Robyn have her fifth child. But as for drama, the only thing that can revive viewers from their collective coma would be a fifth wife for Kody. And yes, I would watch that, especially if she was a gorgeous, fertile, 23-year-old virgin with a PhD, a lucrative career in astrophysics, and a flourishing hobby business as a vegan chef.

  32. Not only do I agree that SW is played out, I would be grateful if TLC would pull the plug as they did with 19K&C and HoneyBooBoo. I cannot tell you what a relief it is NOT seeing commercials for 19K&C every 5 minutes. Hope jimboob goes bankrupt and some the kids run away to fulfilling lives that they could never have imagined! Don't have to wish that on the cuddle-sac because I am certain it will happen. =\

    1. I have a feeling 19 Kids will be back, minus Josh of course. TLC never officially pulled the plug on 19 Kids like with Honey Boo Boo. I suspect when the controversy dies down, the show will be back in one form or another.

    2. It is suspicious they didn't cancel 19 Kids right away. If TLC is trying to wait it out it'll take a long time because that insane interview the parents gave is sure hard to forget!

    3. I am not so sure.
      Even if they wait for the social media chatter to die down and for the media to finally get bored with the story, putting them back on the air will charge it all up again.
      And even if Josh and his family are permanent no-shows, his victims will be showcased, refueling the questions and all the rehashing.

      Unless they are willing (or told) to do a grandstand attempt to plead with the fans to show solidarity (which would be really uncomfortable all the way around), the Jim Bob/Michelle "We have 19 Kids" show may be history.

      No doubt there can/will be a few specials a year, maybe more (yawn) books, special appearances with like-minded Quivers. But the Dugger show relied on sponsors, as does any show, to make a profit across the board. Those sponsors may not be willing now to pay for a show with such documented, public baggage, and with fans now jaded enough to speak out even after the fact.

    4. I would like to see 19 Kids cancelled - decisively cancelled, but as yet, that hasn't been done. I'm betting that there will be update specials for weddings and babies. I really hope they don't try to create some sort of spin-off series involving one or more of the adult children.

    5. I don't think there is any salvaging the Duggar Dynasty. Nothing puts the hurl factor into a reality show like sex crimes against children. Even fellow evangelists are disassociating themselves from this family. I predict their next tv special will be of the where are they now e true Hollywood variety.

  33. Another great post CL. You write extremely well and it always cheers me up when I'm having a down day. My only hope is that some of the women have stored away money over the years so when the they are cancelled, the kids don't go hungry.

    If there is one final season (some times networks end a show by advertising "the last season!" to milk more ratings) I hope that the editors make things less warm and fuzzy and add more realness to it. However, if they did, they probably would never get another family again (fine for me but networks care about that stuff).

    1. If they did add more reality (not fake 'reality') to a final season I'd have to think the ratings would go way up. I'd watch THAT show.

  34. I think some story lines that might help them is if Janelle and the other adult females actually went on a health program / fitness and that we saw some real results. Along with Meri/Janelle truly addressing there issues. The real reason why Christine's mom is living with them.

  35. I can't think of anything I want to see from them except Robyn falling from the throne while she is pregnant and Kody courting a younger, prettier, thinner wife. I'd like to see her get a taste of her own medicine and that's all I want to see

  36. I gotta admit I like the Joker's twitter feed best when it's on private.

    1. Same here.
      And his friend (who posted tweets recently of herself flying the one finger salute) looks astoundingly like Mama June!

    2. his tweets are now private, awwww shucks! so is the classy mama june look-a-like also the joker? i see meri and the joker don't talk as much anymore.

  37. The only thing that I could think to bring interest back to this sad show would be that one of the daughters is pregnant and one of the kids is gay. Boy, this would be epic. Can you hear the conversation Kody would have with the family. He would tear the rest of his hair out. Plus, make the baby bi-racial. Kody would have a cow. Now this, I would pull out the popcorn for a front row seat.

  38. Isn't it fascinating how many people, fans and snarkers alike, just *Do* Not* Care* about Kody and HIS world!!
    Just do not care:
    That Sobbin is breeding again.
    That Sobbin is now the head concubine, complete with notarized certificate.

    That Meri is cruising the web for attention......and pitiful enough to make it public.
    That Meri now fluctuates between sounding like a giggly, lovesick 14 year old, or a chronic depressive.

    That Christine is so clueless that she misses the point, any point...almost always.
    And that even her mother looks embarrassed for her.

    That Janelle is either working, or she is not working....and no one cares....because she is not believable.
    And even IF she is touted to be the smartest of the bunch by a mini, micro-inch, she is the biggest, most animated cheerleader for Kody-Idiot...making herself look like an idiot every time she does it.

    That Kody has proven his manhood once again, ...(gorilla chest-thumping sound) and surely is preening himself in every mirror of all four of his baby-makers' budget grade, pseudo McMansions.
    That he looks scruffier and sounds dumber than ever

    Bottom line.......NO ONE CARES !!!


    1. Amused, you summed it up perfectly!

  39. "That Sobbin is breeding again.
    That Sobbin is now the head concubine, complete with notarized certificate."
    First thing that came to my mind while reading that.... just like registering the b*%c# with the AKC huh? So over this show. I only come here to read this great blog!

  40. Robyn is now tweeting about how hard it will be for her to have Hunter gone. No joke.

    1. If Robin don't have Hunter to pick on. who will b next? o I don't think her Facebook page did anything to clean up her TV persona. I also don't consider her a prophet wife she might b thinner, but other wives r much prettier.

  41. Well, it's finally official. TLC has cancelled 19 Kids and Counting.

  42. According to Radar Online 19 Kids is officially getting pulled by's about time! I can only imagine what crazy show they'll come up with next to fill the spot. Maybe we'll be seeing Brady & his wives again?

  43. It looks like we'll be subjected to at least one more peek at the Duggars however. Copy and Pasted from the Washington Post:

    TLC is planning to air an hour-long, commercial-free documentary on childhood sexual abuse, a program that the network says will “include Jill and Jessa and other survivors and families that have been affected by abuse,”
    “We look forward to working with TLC on this upcoming special documentary and hope that it is an encouragement to many,” the Duggar family said in their statement.

    Hmmm.... Documentary? With real facts? They look forward? I'm skeptical.

    1. TLC seems to be trying to do some damage control after the Honey Boo Boo & Duggar revelations.

    2. No surprise on this.
      Even though TLC has pulled the plug on the lucrative show, they now want (have) to milk as much ratings (sponsor cash) as they can from it all. Pulling the show had to create a huge hole in their profit base.

      Not to mention how much the Duggers themselves need to do as much cya and image salvaging as they can for any of their other "products" out there like books, cd/dvds, speaking engagements, etc. Especially if they intend to market any future spin-offs of the married daughters.

      Both TLC and the Duggers must now look the convincing part of concerned and *informed* advocates for prevention of child/ familial sexual abuse.
      Too bad it wasn't in play 10 years ago. Too bad both TLC and the parents found it convenient to bury that "reality" for the other more alluring "reality" of big bucks.

    3. I'm very conflicted about the inclusion of the two Duggar girls in TLC's documentary about abuse. If I felt they were actually going to be allowed to discuss how their brother's abuse affected them or what kind of impact it had I would think it was empowering. Having heard their FOX News interview and their parents explanation that it didn't really matter because 'they didn't even know it happened' I seriously doubt any closure or healing would be or could be found.
      All this family has done is minimalize and marginalize the pain these girls experienced at the hand of those who should have protected them. I can't see how a documentary can happen when the girls participating are following a family approved script and I don't understand how any helpful discussion can happen in a setting like TLC has created.
      I'm glad the truth came out but I can't help but think this is just compounding harm at this point.
      I don't see how TLC or the Duggars can benefit or 'cover their ass' with a documentary about abuse if the abuse in question is written off as curiosity. All this will accomplish is to show that the Duggars either KNEW what was happening was horrendous and chose to ignore it or explain to the world that sexual abuse isn't a big deal if you feel bad about it after.
      This is a huge mistake. I really wonder what is going on at the TLC programming department, they've completely lost any grasp on reality.

    4. I think what is going on at TLC is akin to any business/corporation that has to scramble to undo or mitigate a situation that threatens their profits and future profits. No doubt there have been many high-level, back room meetings about how and what to do about cleaning this thing up sufficiently to keep viewers tuning in to their channel, and most importantly, to keep sponsors backing their fleet of shows.
      And since SW viewers well know that TLC is famous for the all encompassing end of season Q&A's which seems to be their version of a documentary, and which go nowhere except to further shroud the truth, this new Dugger deal will likely be a rehash of carefully crafted empty words.

  44. I am so glad the Duggars are done. I am super bored with the Sister Wives. My 600 lb life is too tragic for TV, and it's impossible to snark about the Little Couple. They are amazing.

    TLC needs a new cult family in its line up. I vote for scientology, please. There would be no end to the snark material on that one.

  45. Well now that the Duggars are gone, TLC will be hard pressed for some huge ratings. Hold on to your hats folks, Kody will have to court and marry another woman. The Browns will do their best to stay with TLC. Kody will jump thru hoops to keep them in the cul-de-sac. I just want the show to be cancelled. The show is boring and is just rehashing old material. i foresee the expiration date on Kodyworld. If they continue to follow script from "Big Love", (we all know what happened to Bill in the end) Kody will begin to spiral out of control. I only come here to read this fabulous blog. It is far more interesting than the show.

  46. Brady just wrote a very interesting post concerning TLC.

  47. Here's the link to Brady's questionable assertions about how wonderful TLC is:

    1. I think TLC did a good thing helping out Brady's wife Rosemary when she went public about her father abusing her. TLC didn't have to help because the show was already cancelled but the network did it anyway.

    2. Maybe TLC didn't "have to help" or maybe they did.
      But the fact that they stood by one of their employees, former or not, tells me that TLC understands on some level the intrusion and fallout these families must accept when signing on to expose their lives for money. Frankly, I have no sympathy for their plight, it was a choice they made for money.
      However, Rosemary was the one wife who seemed the most genuine and likable, and it is a shame that her back story really was so very painful and "real." Beyond whatever TLC offered to her in support, I hope that Brady, himself, has shown an increase of support to her, because their show surely didn't reflect that. She seemed to be his least priority of his wives.

    3. Redwood Curtain's post on Brady's blog was the only one with insight. And, the link above probably generated the most traffic Brady's blog has ever had.

      I interpreted that whole post as Brady's pandering to TLC in another attempt to get their show back on the air. He even goes as far as to guilt TLC by reminding them often that "We are family."

      As for the world-class counseling they received: It could have been that counselor who made the guest appearances on Sister Wives and was supposedly a polygamist expert. Or, TLC could have just offered a session with a counselor on staff or retainer already. TLC could even have paid for a few sessions or just offered a directory of providers near the Williams.

      Maybe TLC asked Brady to write that post for its own publicity, like a convenient Kody-Meri divorce leak. After all, most people who read that blog would be TLC subscribers. I just don't believe the premise or the timing of the post was sincere. If we see Brady, representing Rosemary, on that Duggar "documentary," I won't be surprised.

  48. The Duggars and their belief system has always struck me as cult-like. I had tried watching their show a few different times and have researched a bit about "Quiverfull" and "Bill Gothard". My personal opinion, scary stuff.

    Love this blog, CJ, we shall see what happens next for Sister Wives!!!
