
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I Scour the Internet: The Almost Post Cinco de Mayo and Pre Mother's Day Edition for May 5th, 2015

Goodness gracious, have the Browns  lost their direction with this divorce and remarriage or what?

I almost wish for the old days when the family (or a parental unit) would take a quick trip down to Disneyland for some R&R. Every single month. Or when Meri and Kody would leave town for their anniversary and you could always tell when it was anniversary time because Meri would flood her twitter feed with comments talking about her "Lover" this or "Lover" that.

I miss how Kody would begrudgingly throw Christine a few crumbs of attention by taking her to a dinner and a gondola ride, if she was lucky, on her birthday or anniversary. Or taking Janelle on a "business" trip to the boonies of Arizona for their anniversary.

Those days are now gone, it appears. At least for the present.

It seems the backlash from Kody's divorce and marriage to the New Mrs. Kody Brown in order to "legally restructure" his family was a bit more than the general viewing public could bear.

And now the Browns are in overdrive trying to rehabilitate their "image" that they are still a wonderful family, like the Duggars but without all that religious stuff to keep the separate parental units together.

Damage Control is a bitch.

Yep, it seems polygamy has taken another couple of steps backward, thanks to the Browns. It makes me wonder what they will do next, besides creating the New Mrs. Kody Brown's fanpage.

We can only hope it's not a Kody Brown fanpage. Please...

So what have the Browns been doing lately? Well, Christine's birthday was on April 18th. What was unusual was the uncharacteristic cheerfulness exhibited by Kody and his new bride Robyn.

Christine, if I were you, I'd throw away any food the New Mrs. Kody Brown prepared for you, especially if it was piece of fruit, like an apple.

That tweet has Robyn's fingerprints all over it. When has Kody EVER tweeted something so sickeningly sweet to Christine?

We are talking major damage control here!

What a difference a few years and a divorce can make. No more tweets calling Kody Lover, or teasing what flavor of ice cream would best describe their marriage. Meri's twitter silence was deafening.

Not one tweet in return from Meri. Love is strange, and so is divorcing your legal husband of 25 years because HE wanted to restructure HIS family, legally.

At least Robyn doesn't appear to hold any grudges against the Original Three Sister Wives....or does she?

And talking about grudges, looks like Robyn and Kody were invited to a swanky Celebrity Auction at an Art Gallery.

How nice of Kody to invite his followers to an event being held in an art gallery at Caesar's Palace. And Kody, autocorrect is your friend!

And how nice of Robyn to retweet Kody's tweet to her followers she hasn't blocked, including the Original Three Sister Wives in the cul-de-sac. Just in case they didn't see it the first time...

It must have been a shock when Kody realized no one inside was asking to take their picture. Luckily, outside the Art Gallery, Kody was able to coerce a passerby to take a picture for posterity (and twitter to prove he actually was there)

Kody doesn't look "dressed" for the occasion. From the pictures I saw, the men who attended were dressed casually, but had the good fashion sense to wear their shirts tucked into their pants, rather than hanging out. Like Mr. Robyn Brown...

At least it appears Kody must have picked up a new "fan" as well as a painting. Let's hope Robyn refrains from going all #blockingspree on them in the future!

Back to Meri. Her tweet timeline was suspiciously missing any mention of her aniversary, so uncharacteristic from her old habit of calling Kody "Lover" over and over and over, again.

Then, out of the blue there's this tweet, made on the same day Kody tweeted what he and the new Mrs. would be doing that following Saturday at Caesar's Palace....

And she showed her followers how she is a bonafide college student, by tweeting a picture of her UNLV Student ID...

She also took time out of HER busy day to tweet about a bonus kid, in this case Mykelti, unlike a particular sister wife who shall remain nameless but is the new legal Mrs. Kody Brown...

and this interesting tweet about human behavior...

Yesterday, Meri took yet another stumble. Call me silly, but this doesn't sound normal...

Not to mention her continuing insomnia problem...

We get it Meri. You are tweeting this stuff to generate interest in your reality show. Enough already. We promise we will watch the next season, we promise!

[It's really hard typing with crossed fingers!]

Janelle had a lot to celebrate...Two of her boys went to their High School Prom....

And she painted Las Vegas Red with her booking agent the night before Kody and Robyn's Art Gallery appearance...

Just last Sunday, the family surprised her with an early Birthday Party...Hey, you don't think her party was filmed for the show do you?

And last but not least, Robyn's MSWC, expertly managed by her CEO hubby, recently notified their FB fans that an interested third party actually had the guts to review some of their "products". But I wonder why they didn't send the expensive stuff? Read all about it...

We sent products to the Dream of Jeanie Blog and this is her review! Check it out!
Posted by My Sisterwife's Closet on Tuesday, April 28, 2015

All I got to say is, I don't need to be sent "free" product in order to voice my opinion. The t-shirt looks like a child got a hold of a Sharpie and went to town. The ring is weird looking and was on sale in the bargain basement of MSWC. And I'm not 15, so I really don't want or need a plastic pastel colored watch. I  asked a friend's daughter about a plastic MSWC watch and she doesn't want one either. She doesn't wear a watch she says. She looks at her phone for the time.

That's all for now, and remember, I Scour the Internet, so YOU don't have to...


  1. Holy crapola! These guys have a booking agent? People want them to appear at their events? I wouldn't invite them to the opening of an envelope. SMH

    1. If you ask them to open an envelope Sobyn would probably beat the other women down to get to do it, Then speak for all of them!

    2. Lol. Opening of an envelope! That's going to crack me up for DAYS!

    3. HAHAHAHA I am not sure which is better, the original comment of the subcomments

  2. The days of Kody & Meri's "lover" tweets are sure she tweets about her physical ailments and he tweets about outings with the new legal Mrs. Brown.

    1. I really wish that each of the original "wives" would go out and some man show them what real love is all about, and that they deserve to be treated as precious as the way Grody treats Sobyn ugh! I think if they felt real love they would be shocked at what all they have missed over the years.

  3. Meri's tweets absolutely kill me! On the show I think that Meri comes across as quite mature and Christine comes across as an emotional child, but on twitter it is the complete opposite.

    1. I hadnt thought of that. Interesting!!

    2. totally agree! I have always wondered about this myself

  4. Do you think the Browns get paid for appearances?

    1. I wouldn't pay them a cent but I suppose some charities or groups will pay them if just for their being on a tv show.

    2. Jon Gosselin got paid to go to alot of events. It was weird!

    3. I can't see a charity hiring them for a gig. I just don't see them being a big draw.

      Having worked in a theater, it's not uncommon for narcissists to hire a booking agent to search out gigs. Usually the relationship is the other way around, an event is looking for talent, but these guys will cold call VENUES looking for gigs. Which makes me wonder what the appearances clause is in the TLC contract. I know the Duggars have done non-TLC events and performances.

      However, if you look at poster behind them, you can see there's a "live celebrity painting event" called "Sights and Sounds" which is the event. More than likely just an open event that the Brown's attended and the celebrity is the painter himself, Kush.

    4. If they weren't so darn lazy they could get paid right now. Look at Kate G. She used her Bullcrappery and her limelight status to make tons of money speaking. The Browns are fools.

    5. I can totally see Kody trying to get on Dancing with the Stars. I've never watched it, but I would for that. :)

    6. I wouldn't be surprised at all! Can you imagine the poor woman who would have to be his partner? Also he could get his Legal wife to get the woman to become the next brown victim or new girlfriend. Yuck!

  5. Bemused BystanderMay 5, 2015 at 8:56 PM

    Thanks for the interesting update, Cynical. Such a pleasure, as usual.

    1. Yes! I've been obsessively compulsively checking the blog for an update and it was absolutely worth the wait. Thank you!!!

    2. You're welcome, Bemused Bystander!

    3. Janelle's Booking AgentMay 6, 2015 at 3:40 PM

      Thanks from me too. I kept checking and checking again hoping that you still had the stomach for it. But if you didn't I'd certainly understand. I think we all would.

    4. So glad I am not the only person who checks all of the time :D Thank you CJ!

  6. The bloom really is off the rose in Kodyland.
    Problem may be that beyond all the BS, phony plots, bad acting and outright lies, and five years of being on public display, there just isn't anything interesting *or real* left to see.
    They are Yesterday's news. Stale bread. Dried-up mascara.
    Even if Meri left (and she won't), even that would be anti-climatic since it has been speculated about to death for the last three seasons.

    We now know all there is to know about "their" version of Plyg Life.
    We know who and what they are.
    Mission accomplished !
    The man can be a flaming ego-crazed idiot, but he still rules his harem. He can even "restructure" the legal pecking order at will.
    The wives are compliant to a fault.They are miserable and dysfunctional, yet they still do his bidding, however passive aggressive their actions may be. They take turns being the neurotic du jour, sabotaging each other, engaging in addictive behaviors. They have collectively and effectively shown,just how dismal the plyg lifestyle really is for the women.

    They can tweet away with the news of comings and goings and birthdays and anniversaries. They can agree to act out all the silly, stupid plots and events that TLC dreams up for the camera.
    But they cannot undo or rewrite what their show *has shown.*

    1. Last night I watched the three hour Duggar special about a decade of Duggars giving birth. Remember, the Duggars and Browns share the same production company.

      While the cutesy background music and talking heads work with the Duggars, they do NOT work with the scenery eating Kody who must appear in almost every scene. Even in the sad scenes, when Michelle found out her unborn baby did not have a heartbeat, you could see the sadness in Jimbob's eyes, hear it in his voice. Flashforward to Truely and her kidney failure scare where Robyn had to wake Kody up to tell him Christine was taking Truely to the emergency room. Kody's lack of emotion in his dead, shark like eyes was chilling. Even more chilling was when Kody was on the phone with Meri telling her Truely was indeed in kidney failure, and Meri kept cleaning her counter top looking totally uninterested. I believe that one scene was the jumping the shark moment for Kody and's been downhill ever since.

      I agree with you 100%. The Browns may be polygamists, but they have not shown the audience that polygamy "works". If anything, with the recent "legal restructuring" they have shown how this polygamist tried to work around the laws to get his way.

      You know, those laws we monogamists follow. Because bottomline, they think they are better than us, and our laws.

    2. I have watched the Duggars since the beginning and yeah, they are in a crazy cult too, but they have it much more together than the Browns. I think the big difference is that Jim Bob Duggar is a good head of the family, is organized, doesn't spend more than he makes, and has a genuine connection with Michelle everything Kody is not. When TLC leaves both families, the Duggars will still have their house that they paid off and their properties, the Browns will be losing their ridiculous mansions.

      Also, I always like to note that even with 1 wife, Jim Bob Duggar has 19 kids, more than Kody's 14 bio kids among 4 wives and 17 if you count step kids.

    3. Interesting, CJ, that you bring up the laws that monogamists follow. Those very same laws that include paying taxes, not scamming the system with bogus "single" mothers and their kids for freebies..
      And oh yes, the Browns surely have routinely showed disdain for monogamists with haughty ridicule and condescending comments. All of them have done that at some time during the last 5 years.
      So just who has paid for their food stamps when they indulged in those programs, naming just one of the several welfare programs they could, and likely did, hook into as down-and-out single mothers?
      Ha ! Surely not other Plygs, that's for sure !!!
      The scum of the earth Monogamists did !!! We paid for their "life choices."

      If they had been successful in presenting psychological/spiritual benefits from their harem lifestyle, the show would have had some merit. After all, the first season was touted by ALL of them as a platform for educating and sharing what polygamy was *really* all about.
      The "good" version as opposed to the evil Jeffs's version.
      That all sounded really good after the fictional Big Love show had just ended.

      But that premise and promise of "informing" had downgraded and disappeared even before the end of the first season when #4 Sobbin was slipped in, and then the Frantic, Phony Flight to Vegas became center stage.
      Painfully obvious that the initial proposed brand and focus of SW was all fictional too.
      They all were in it for just yet another form of "benefit." $$$$

    4. Bemused BystanderMay 6, 2015 at 7:29 PM

      This thread very well summarizes the take away from the Brown saga up to this point. Nice input from all three of you.
      I am not vested in the Duggar saga, but from what I have seen here and there, I would assert that JimBob truly loves, respects, and honors his wife in a selfless, caring way. That says a lot about a man (or person).
      Having a narcissistic bent may incline a person toward having multiple spouses from which to garner attention, but it does not make for a palatable companionship based in equanimity.
      Poor Meri.

    5. No. He lusts after her. And he controls his kids. The adult kids rent off him. In most cases work off him. He insists on his own little universe. The people are not in the world. They display for the world. It's about his need and he knows she will because she was told to always say yes so he doesn't seek it elsewhere.

    6. Anon 1:40, I'm going to respectfully disagree about the Duggars having it more together than the Browns. From my perspective, it's like comparing a two separate train wrecks. Both of them have dark and dubious potential fallout. Based on what I've seen from other posters, many seem to agree that the Brown kids seem to have the healthiest opportunities for breaking from the dysfunction of their parents, and for all their weirdness (and that be a deep pool of weird...) the Browns are far more open-minded about the world around them than the Duggars are.

    7. " comparing a two separate train wrecks. Both of them have dark and dubious potential fallout."

      Agree !!!
      Dugger kids appear to have more authentic identity with "their religion" and the parents are apparently devoted to just each other. However, the adult children are expected to stay close within the ranks, and the girls particularity are kept sheltered, functioning as 24/7 onsite caregivers/nannies to the younger ones until they marry. Not a lot of room for individual thinking or actions.

      Brown kids appear to have leverage for personal expression and, unlike the Dugger kids, are encouraged to pursue higher education. Ultimately though, the Brown kids will either choose to repeat the plyg life, or if they reject the plyg life, find a way to comfortably reflect back on their childhood and on their father having had sex with four women routinely, relegating their mothers to be just one of many.

      Tough call for both sets of kids. All the kids lacked quality "father" time.
      Both families of kids have had to endure cameras and being on public display.
      Both family scenarios could set the scene for possible therapy sessions.

    8. Amused, I love the "dried-up mascara" comparison...too funny!

    9. Corgi,
      At this point when I think of any of the kody babes now, used up, gluey thick mascara comes to

      And speaking of the babes......
      Why would Meri tweet her college ID pic? "Kids" do things like that !!
      A big of compliment fishing there.....ya think?!

  7. Interesting Tweet from Kody:

    "Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown 17h17 hours ago

    Kindness is NOT weakness. It takes strength to forgive and behave with MANNERS in the face of negativity. Nice, 'cause it matters!

    Ummm. Ouch. Did he just "Keep Sweet" to Meri?

    1. ENOUGH with the vague, passive-aggressive tweets, Brown Klowns! This is such a massive pet-peeve of's like, "Oooh, I'm all tweets are deep and rich with hidden meaning...guess who I'm directing this at? LOLZ, I'll never tell! Look at me, I am so interesting!"

      All five adults just need to get in a ring and duke it out. The last Brown standing gets their own planet! My money is on Christine, BTW.

    2. Thank you, CJ, for continuing to give us an opportunity for snark. If my graduate students knew I hang out in your living room, they'd express their gratitude. The more snark I leave here, the less I have to spread around their term papers. (Evil Chuckle)

      Regarding Kody's post: may I suggest that everyone behaves with MANNERS all the time. Sometimes, we display good manners, such as when we open a door for someone, or chew with our mouths closed, or queue for services and patiently wait for our turn. Other times, we behave with poor manners, such as when we harangue the driver who just cut us off on the highway, let an elevator door close in someone's face, or take the last doughnut without asking if someone else would like it. It takes strength to practice good manners when presented with negativity. Bad manners in a negative situation is simply meeting like with like.

      Note to laurakaye, May 6, 2015 @11:16AM: I hear they are bringing back, "Celebrity Death Match". Wouldn't the Browns be perfect for that show? I'd even order it on pay per view. Forget Mayweather and Pacquiao; Meri and Christine vs. Janelle and Robyn would be the match of the decade. :-)

    3. Bemused BystanderMay 7, 2015 at 6:46 PM

      Hey, got2bdrc, I like the manner in which you explain that we each have our manner of dealing with situations. English prof?

    4. To Bemused Bystander @5-7-2015, 6:46 p.m.: No, not an English professor--Human Resource Management. However, I was well-schooled in the peculiarities of English grammar by an 8th grade teacher that took written communication seriously, and had the basics of rhetoric beaten into me by a dissertation committee that insisted that I express my written opinions with clarity and brevity. Thanks for asking, and for reminding me of the teachers to whom I am eternally grateful!

    5. Speaking of kindness......Robyn's Tweet is very telling. "Only a fool mistakes kindness for weakness.... because being a sociopath Robyn knows that kindness IS most often a weakness that she can prey on.

    6. LOL @got2bdrc. I came here to escape the two essays I have to write for my certification! Obviously one can argue, effectively in your case, that Kody was just giving general advice. But like all things Kody, it's poorly timed (eww). The divorce: on their silver anniversary year. The kiss: when Christine is in labour. The advice: during a week where all the gossip, fan, and viewer blogs are humming that Meri is in a depression. Anyone who thinks nice is a great response to negative behaviour has never worked in customer service. Being nice, that's how you get spit on. Professional and assertive, not nice and kind. I maintain he was "keeping sweet" to one of his wives. While you assert this is rhetoric, the timing and the general level of the Brown's tweets suggests otherwise. There is a persistent theme here of juvenile behaviour.

  8. I have watched the show from the very beginning. I have read their book. I have read online forums and I have read the blogs. In the end I'm just really sad at how they have allowed their life to play out. If you go back and watch those first episodes you see a very different family than you do now.

    I'll never understand the divorce thing. I've always thought that Meri made her own bed with the whole bring in more wives thing....but on earth did she do that!!??

  9. Kody, if you don't own a suit to wear to attend a show at an art gallery, I'm sure you could borrow one from one of your sons. Sheesh.

    And Robyn wishing Meri and Kody a "Happy Anniversary" takes the cake.

    What Robyn really meant was: "Happy Anniversary..oh, wait, not really - I broke up your marriage! I mean, Happy "Pretend" Anniversary! LOL! Now me and "Lovahhhh" are off to attend a swanky dress-up art show while you try not to trip over your own shadow! Love, WIFE #1"

    P.S. I WIN!!

    1. Love this. I can picture Robyn giggling like a school girl saying this. "I won, you lost" neener neener.

    2. I wonder if Robyn will ever realize she won a worthless man-child who will always put himself first and that really wasn't worth winning?

    3. Ha! Very true. He is not a prize at all. Maybe in plyg world, he is?? Lol

    4. Bemused BystanderMay 6, 2015 at 7:32 PM


    5. IM DYING! hahahahaha! You nailed it! Everyone go home :D

    6. They should have brought a framed picture of their My Sister Wife's Closet logo to hang in that upscale art gallery!

  10. Has Logan all but disappeared?
    Maddie said she was going to leave social media after high school graduation, I thought, but thankfully hasn't. Aspyn seems quite a lot. Even Mariah isn't out there too often. It seems like kids would be more into social media than the adults. Do we know or have enough interest in the middle kids to sustain the show? It is suppose to be about the adults but it seems like we really appreciate the kids. You know?

    1. It's interesting watching the older kids adjust to living in LV. The younger kids will have spent a major part of life in LV with cameras around for part of the year so I think they will become mini Kodys wanting that camera attention. You can see it in Truly as she poses all the time for pictures or when she knows the production crew is filming. Christine said it was cute the way Truly poses but I don't think so. Little Sol will most likely be the same way.

    2. I enjoy hearing about Logan. He is a very wise young man. I like how he is not thinking about becoming a polygamist while he is in college. He just wants to be a regular college kid, and not feel the pressure of choosing. He is bery much Janelles child. He has a great head on his shoulder. Just like his bio mom, he is very logical.

      ;) From his and her instagram btw

  11. Truly, this family has become so boring to watch. I don't even have the energy to snark about them anymore. Even that feels old and boring. The Browns are unwilling to show the true reality of their family, expecting the public to fall for some sanitized fairy tale version of their polygamist "lifestyle." It's inauthentic, and it's obvious to the viewers. If Kody and Krew wants to clean up there public image, here's a suggestion...stop lying and offer up a little reality for your reality show.

    1. TLC sure got their eyes opened about how fans felt about Robyn. TLC now knows the majority of people who watch Sister Wives hate Robyn and her facebook page doesn't do nothing to change their opinion. TLC cancelled the wrong polygamy show.

    2. Too bad they probably centered the ENTIRE next season around Kody and Robyn. It makes one wonder about the production companies.

    3. And if the TLC heads are stupid enough to feature Sobbin and Kody-Idiot as the central figures on the heels of Sobbin's manic witch's hunt for any posters/dissenters who did not tow the adoring party line, then they may as well cancel now.
      Is it not obvious that not only did the all important *majority* of viewers NOT buy the phony story of why the legal wife "restructuring" took place????.........
      But also....NO ONE CARES !!!

  12. The comments are priceless on the Dream of Jeanie site.

    1. Those comments are far from priceless, and they don't sound like real customers wrote them. You can't expect a credit card company to charge back a store if you still have the merchandise no matter how cheaply made you think it is and why bother ordering something if you think it is overpriced to begin with?

    2. I think a few of the comments are real and a few are from trolls.

    3. Actually Anon 4:42 - that's not exactly true. If you try to return the merchandise- contact the merchant and ask for return address, RMA, call tag etc and they fail to respond OR they say don't bother to return it, or you send it back and they refuse the delivery - that is considered a valid attempt to return the merchandise.

  13. It's somewhat of a feat that the Browns can be even more boring and slow-moving in real life than on their show.

    Meri tweeted for a few days about taking a tumble once. She nearly appropriates Janelle's "fitness = sanity" line about walking in her tweet. She's apparently discovering morning walks, after she claimed to be a regular early-morning runner on camera. (Janelle recently identified herself as a runner.)

    On the show, she planned to go back to college about two fall semesters ago and was afraid to tell Robyn. Then, in other tweets, she planned to return in the 2013-14 academic year or January 2015 post-divorce. With her showing off her ID, she may have just gotten around to a class or two in an upcoming summer session now.

    Janelle's tweets are a pathetic version of "Plygs - They're Just Like Us!" Her family celebrated her birthday! Her sons went to prom! Her day-to-day wardrobe that seems to double for a Wayne's World costume can't be helping MSWC, even if it's a hobby business. Wayne's World, by the way, was the 1990s, not the 1980s...

    Robyn seems to be asserting her control. She could have been the one who took the Meri-Kody would-have-been silver anniversary picture. We may see it in MSWC's sale of discount tarnished, silver-plated joolry, commemorating the date. Robyn got a trip to Hawaii - Meri got another nature walk, just like when she was told that there'd be no IVF.

    As for Robyn's birthday tweet to Christine, "I am so glad that you were born lassie." That missing comma could be a freudian slip. ("Now be a good girl, and fetch and sit.") It's almost as impersonal as Robyn's (and Kody's) totally failing to acknowledge Janelle's birthday which falls around the same time.

  14. Thanks for scouring the Internet for us! I'm ready for this farce of a show to be over, but I do enjoy all the snark . The last few episodes actually made me ill. I hate how they insult the viewers.

    1. Glad you enjoyed this edition! ;-)

    2. What will we watch and snark on then though? I have to agree. Its bordering on nt being fun anymore,.... they are def on their way out. I hope that they find something else good to replace them!

      And I hope that CJ will write about the next new thing! :D I cant imagine just watching tv anymore, I love to read tv blogs :D its apart of the experience now

    3. Amen -- I'm ready for next "new thing" too. I think the plyg story line has run it's course and I haven't watched the show in some time. I just read the blog and their insipid tweets on occasion. The snark is the BEST part and I love it! Thank you CJ.

  15. laurakaye wrote: "All five adults just need to get in a ring and duke it out. The last Brown standing gets their own planet! My money is on Christine, BTW."

    I'd pay big money to see that!!! I agree Christine probably has a lot of pent up frustration and anger.....I imagine she'd say as she hits Kody,"Keep Sweet My Ass!!!!

  16. Meri's ID photo is much more natural than when we see her on the show. Her smile seems unforced and she's attractive. I commend her for going back to college.

    1. Her latest profile picture on Twitter looks really nice too. That's the only thing that makes me wonder if she really is cleaning house since she is looking better.

  17. The recent photo of Kody and Meri, Kody's hair where the light shines thru his thinning hair line, looks like he has two devil horns.

  18. Well, snark is what we do, so I'll just say it: they have enough money to do D-land, etc. WHY doesn't Meri get bonding on her brown tooth, or veneers?

    1. I agree with you. On shows like Survivor the contestants are without many amenities including hot showers and deodorant for over a month but their teeth are always perfectly white because they are given those whitening strips. When you are on tv people want to see perfect teeth. That lady on Real Housewives paid thousands to get her boyfriend's teeth fixed.

    2. I don't really care about seeing perfect teeth because of TV, but that front tooth of hers is extremely noticeable--distractingly so, IMO. It's doubtful that it's something that could be whitened--looks more like something caused by illness or injury. It's just one tooth, though--why not have it attended to? They have the money.There are major dental procedures that could take care of Janelle's "gummy" smile, but I'd not suggest that even in my snark, because it's a pretty big undertaking that includes minor oral surgery. I just wonder if Meri realizes how very noticeable that discolored front tooth is. (I realize how shallow this sounds, and I don't actually walk around judging people in real life. But if you want to put yourself out there so publicly, maybe consider a little dental tweak? Now I'm laughing at myself--thank GOD I don't have a reality show where everyone wondered why I didn't do something about my tremendously fat ass...)

    3. Thank you all for mentioning the tooth so I didn't have to start the conversation! I was wondering if anyone else noticed....then I decided that I was shallow and now I am glad to be vindicated!! But why would we just stop at pointing out her tooth? I want them to wear better fitting clothes. I cannot for the life of me imagine being filmed and wearing such ill fitting, unflattering clothes. Meri seems like appearances are important - remember the crazy episode where she styled Kody's hair? And then looking at this recent picture of Meri and Kody reminds me of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston when they colored/highlighted their hair to match each other. I think we have a little of that going on here. We can't say teeth aren't important to her or she wouldn't have spent the money for Mariah's braces (actually she would probably do everything in her power for Mariah) but why not attend to her own tooth? I got such a kick out of some British friends we had visiting and they constantly commented on how straight and white Americans teeth are - they said the general public looked just like they see everyone on t.v. and that Americans have beautiful teeth! I do agree with the other poster that the first thing all tv stars (whether reality stars or other actors/actresses) do is to fix their teeth.

    4. I bet Meri has a terrible fear of going to the dentist and dealing with it. I know going to the dentist is one of my least favorite things ever so I can sort of understand. What I don't understand is why she wouldn't just put on her big girl pants and deal with it.

      And not to be a broken record, but I will never understand why they don't all get together and invest in a stylist to help them to dress more appropriately and attractively for their body types? They should also hire some to teach them how to apply their makeup the right way. I swore after the first season aired and they actually watched themselves on camera they'd come back looking waaay different for season 2, but they sure didn't.

  19. It's been said many times before and should be said again.....and again...

    Without the creation and efforts of the old SW blog (of which CJ was also a key contributor and co-manager) and without a doubt, the last few of years of CJ's Living Room, the Brown harem would now be nothing but a discarded, distant memory.
    Doubtful there are that many rabid, delusional fans left to keep it in the air without the snarkers also tuning in.
    Which makes it even moronic and self-destructive that Sobbin went on her "banning" freakout eliminating opportunities for productive dialogue ...and continued interest.
    Someone in that clueless compound has to know that the snark on here did and does relay into ratings numbers.

    So Browns, while you are reading and begrudgingly grateful that CJ has once again created yet another thread to keep your existence known, you may want to also read and realize that even snarkers get bored with relentless BS.
    Snarking on hollow, phony scenarios gets old. Commenting on contrived plots and manipulating tweets is also unworthy of interest, which I dare to say, WILL impact ratings.

    I am hearing "taps" in the distance for the show. It's time has come.

    1. YES sooo much YES!

    2. Yes Amused, I agree! I've been reading comments here & sometimes I don't always post b/c y'all have pretty much said, what I was thinking. I also like to hang out in CJ's other living room on FB. I don't think their Fall ratings will be that great either, so I can hear Taps too! Time for the Browns to exit stage left.

    3. Even their few actual fans who like them were shaking their heads over Kody divorcing Meri to marry Robyn. That was not a good move because it showed how damaging their lifestyle really is.

  20. I just saw a promo for 20/20 tonight: There's a segment, Escaping Polygamy, where a mother returns to try to retrieve her children, but faces opposition from the community.

  21. hide the childrenMay 9, 2015 at 11:20 AM

    I lost my comment prior to posting so I hope I don't end up double posting. I think Robyn looks terrible in the picture in front of the gallery with Kody. She looks much older, a lot heavier and frumpier (if that's a word) than she did at the end of last season. At the same time Meri looks much prettier in the face. Being Kody's favorite must be hard on a woman. I've never been a fan of Meri or Robyn but I find it ironic that if Robyn is the trophy wife then Kody won some kind of contest in hell.

    1. Ive never thought that Robyn was/is the trophy wife. Ive always thought Janelle was the prettiest, she was just hiding behind her weight. Now with her weight loss, you can truly see how naturally pretty she is. Meri is also pretty, i just didnt think her orange glow suited her. Lol as well as her choppy haircut. I think with a better haircut and better hairstyle, she can look 10x better. I think Christine is "cute"lol with her bubbly personality, and button nose, i think shes cute. I can picture Robyn in a Flds dress, being 30, yet looking 60 due to stress. Lol

    2. hide the childrenMay 10, 2015 at 2:42 PM

      I don't think Robyn is the most attractive but I remember the other wives sitting in a café talking about how Kody deserved a younger, more attractive wife, I think they all view her as the trophy wife. I also remember Kody telling her she was too pretty to bake or cook (can't remember which) but I took it as a real slam to the other wives. Robyn definitely sees herself as the one Kody wants to have sex with and said so much when she identified herself as the sex wife during one of the interviews. In my opinion Meri has looked very haggard the last few seasons but has done it all to herself. My point is that Robyn will look awful when she has spent as much time with Kody as the others have

    3. I find it ironic that they act like Robyn is any sort of "trophy wife" when I think all 3 of the other wives are more attractive than her by far. Guess it was because Robyn used to be the skinny one? Either way, all 4 wives are more attractive than Kody deserves.

  22. Did anyone see the photos this morning of Hunter at the Air Force Academy? It looks like most of the Mom's (no Christine, but Christine's Mom is there) and most of the older children are there. But NONE of the younger children are there except for... what for it... Solomon!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! Remove the SuperGlue!

    1. hide the childrenMay 9, 2015 at 7:04 PM

      You didn't think Queen Robyn would let King Solomon be left out of a photo op did you?

    2. I suspect that Robyn is the kind of mom that breastfeeds her children until they are 5.

    3. I suspect that Robyn is the kind of mom that breastfeeds her children until they are 5.

      She's not that good of a mother.

      I remember reading a tweet from Robyn that as long as she was breastfeeding King Sol, she would not be getting pregnant. And that she would breastfeed him until she thought he was ready. I figured that meant she didn't want to get pregnant again for a long long time...which is what happened.

      Now she uses the excuse of "I want to have another baby, but I'm too busy with work" which translates to "we've been trying, but I'm not as fertile as I use to be..." Which meant she was on par with Meri as only having one of Kody's spirit babies, while Christine and Janelle gave birth to a total of 12. Gee, how will she keep Kody from looking for #5? he's got a lot of spirit babies waiting to be born. Ah ha! By getting him to make her the legal wife. Betcha SHE won't allow another woman into that family as wife #5!!

    4. Not only do I heartily agree that Mrs. Sobbin Purity Brown would rather go sans false eyelashes and eyeliner for eternity than let another breeder/playmate in the Kodyfold, I also think she is pretty dense about breastfeeding as a guaranteed form of birth control.

      There are cases where a woman can be nursing and still can get pregnant. My mother was one of them. Usually it can happen when the nursing time frame is prolonged.
      But then, Sobbin has been known to say a lot of things that are less than accurate.

    5. hide the childrenMay 20, 2015 at 4:39 PM

      I don't see Robyn letting another woman in either but I'd sure like to watch her going crazy if Kody was courting one, especially a younger prettier one. That would keep me watching.

  23. Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms, those living and those in spirit !!

  24. On the subject of the Meri/Kody-Idiot celebratory anniversary tweets......

    Can it be any more absurd that they ended the season with the heart-wrenching, pitiful plot of Meri having vertigo and tears as she signed her divorce papers *on camera* with Sobbin (and Idiot) barely containing their impatience to just get that pen finalizing the deed?!

    Yet then....the utter Bullsh*t of the "Happy 25th to you two ol' lovers" tweets...!!!

    THIS ....this final BS is why the show has so jumped the shark and needs to just float off on a barge headed for the junkyard of stupid, phony shows which have finally even trumped their own stupidity.

    1. I thought Robyn's tweet was particularly mean, especially when she added " I love you both" or something like that.

      Yeah, we saw the "love" Robyn. Robyn was almost giddy with excitement going to the lawyer's office. And you know what I think. If Robyn REALLY CARED about Meri, she would have read the sadness of the moment, not made little jokes (yelling "That's what I'm here for!" was uncalled for and rude rude rude) and excused herself from being a witness to the demise of Meri's marriage. But no, she was front and center. And she wonders why people don't like her. SMH....

    2. Absolutely right!!!
      For that filming, she came off as cold and calculating as any of the bitchy divas on any of the HouseWives shows. At least on those shows, the designated bitches own their roles with impunity. Those women don't play the martyr and victim, and they relish the fan hostility because they can take it to the bank. But Sobbin expects and wants fan adoration even as she sticks it to whomever is to be her target of the latest script.

      *Sobbin*, you know you read please, take this to the bank.
      You need to own it !! You came on the show to be the "spoiler" !!
      You got your debts paid, got a new "daddy" for your three kids. got unending, exciting camera-time, got your McMansion, got a bogus business to pretend and brag about, got a qualifying Kody-baby, bumped Meri and now have legal status .
      Impossible to see you as anything else but a conniving player.

  25. I thought you should see these:

  26. Cynical Jinx or anyone else, have you watched "Married at First Sight" ? Would you consider recapping another show when Sister Wives is cancelled?

  27. Does anyone know if the brown's version of polygamy requires the man to have a certain number of wives to get into "heaven"? I seem to remember one group said the men had to have 5 or more... That might tell us if Kody is going to go looking for #5.

    1. Three wives are required in order to reach the highest level of heaven I think but maybe 5 wives are required in order for Kody to get his own planet.

    2. Bemused BystanderMay 15, 2015 at 6:12 AM

      "Favorite Wife" author and one of her 'sisterwives', who also wrote a book about her experience in polygamy (her name eludes me) were both married to one of the LeBaron brothers (the clan living in various sites in Mexico); there were 7 wives altogether in that marriage, which I believe is the ultimate goal in FLDS/AUB-type polygamy.
      I think the Koran suggests a 4 wife limit.

    3. Bemused BystanderMay 15, 2015 at 5:36 PM

      Irene Spencer...
      On another note...look at how fast Brady Williams was climbing the polygamy ladder with 5 wives; and then his belief system evolved. What a trip.

    4. Three is celestial. Why on earth would God want 80% of men not to get to the highest level of heaven?

  28. Now it sounds like the court drama will be related to the case with Utah and polygamy. I hope they lay off the desire to strip David of his kids and have Kody the gluten steal them away for 25% of his nights for the few years they have left as minors.

    1. Can you expand on your comment?

    2. Which one?

      The court drama seems to be advertised as polygamy related, not adoption related.

  29. Thanks CJ for another incredible scouring. I have been so amused at Meri's behavior: her worry about her class grade...barf. If we weren't convinced of her high school ways on her twitter page, we can now truly say she is one step above a ninth grader. Her posting about her success while acting like she was worried while only having one thing in her life to do and that was prepare for ONE CLASS. What an idiot she is. And Robyn, what the hell is her thing...I, like so many others, knew her quest to improve her image was really just her biding time until her baby daddy made his rounds back to her. Oh, please, like we cannot figure her out. Meri and Robyn are so predictable and easy to read...even though they think their passive aggressive attempts at manipulating each other and Kody are concealed....they are as transparent as their false eyelashes and spray on tanner. We see it all. Meri falls or has insomnia or takes a trip the moment Lover Boy heads out the door and Robyn, bless her heart, hits the internet to be victimized by cyber bullies...and then her friend comes to her rescue when what she really wants is her baby daddy to pay attention and either pull her away from the keyboard or stand up for her but he could care less...he has the same mentality as some absent parents: out of sight, out of mind. Yep...that's Kody...kid not in the room, let her dehydrate; wife home alone, let her eat soup; .... Once he moves on to the next wife, the ones not present are not present....he is what I call a real douche.

  30. You are so right RunKodyrun!!

  31. Submissive wives.. WTH? Is TLC losing it? Are they out of ideas?

    1. I honestly think TLC got their inspiration for Submissive Wives and My Husband's Not Gay from watching the Sister Wives crew. Wonder what they'll dream up next?!

    2. Hmmm....
      "My Plyg Husband Is Not As Dumb As He Looks" ??

    3. Oh, did the Duggars get renewed?

  32. Regarding that old picture of Meri and Kody standing by the pine trees......Either Kody has a really long body and short legs or Meri has very long legs and a short body. or both? It just looks weird.

  33. I noticed that as well, but hey, the human race comes in all different shapes and sizes. We're not all Barbies.

  34. Anyone catch the tweet from Meri on the 18th? A skeleton sitting on a bench: "Me waiting ... for my sister to visit me" Seems to me she is very isolated! Which sister do you think she is referring to or all of them ? Or maybe all of them??

    All I can say is run Meri, run!! As far asbnd as fast as you can!

  35. I know we don't talk about 19 kids here very much, but their oldest just admitted to molesting 5 people when he was a teenager. 4 of them were his younger sisters.

    1. OMG !!!!! You mean the oldest son who now has three kids of his own??

    2. Yep, Anon 5:37, I was just checking in on the same thing. I'm wondering if 19 Kids will go the way of Honey Boo Boo. Not a moment too soon, IMO.

    3. When I heard this it brought a few questions to mind.

      1. Why would a curious 14 year old boy experiment with his sisters? (yuck!)
      Could it be he had been abused?

      2. Why did ALL FOUR sisters remain silent until another victim spoke up?
      Could it be they were already programed to keep these kind of secrets quiet?

      3. Why do all four sisters, now grown, show love and respect to their brother, show excitement for his growing family, go on vacation with him, and take their boyfriends on a vacation to meet him?
      Could it be they realize he was only acting out what was done to him, and all of them?

      4. Why did he tell his parents?
      Could it be they are not the culprits?

      5.Why did Jim Bob take him to the police, and tell the elders in their church?
      Could it be he was trying to warn them of someone else?

      When the dust settles from this I believe we will find that many of the Duggars were abused by someone in their church. I truly feel sorry for the family.

    4. I was wondering if anyone was talking about this. Who would have thought out of all the huge family shows on TLC that John and Kate Plus 8 would be the least horrific?
      Between the Browns, Honey Boo Boo's, the Duggars, and the Gosselin's TLC has found some incredibly dysfunctional and stomach churning (not to mention heartbreaking) families to showcase. What is it about reality TV that seems to attract monsters?
      What are the odds? Are so many families really this broken? I'm beyond upset. I think TLC might be cursed. Seriously. I'm starting to wonder if they've angered a witch or something.

    5. I hate that these poor girls went through what they did. I can't imagine the betrayal they must have felt and then to be identified (no names directly, but pretty obvious based in the police report) to the whole world. It's sickening.
      I am done with TLC. There is no way they didn't know about 'Mama June' and this incident with the Duggars. I can't believe they were in the dark on this. They have paid for and profited from enough human suffering and sickness to last 100 lifetimes.

    6. I just heard this too, thought it was just drama but he admitted to it? His sisters?? Oh, no.

      I'm sorry to any Duggar fans here, but I never had the stomach for that show. I couldn't handle Michelle's keep-sweet Minnie-Mouse voice and Jim-Bob with the perfectly-coiffed hair.

      I came here first when I heard, to see if anyone was discussing it. I feel sick for those poor Duggar girls, now more than ever.

    7. Anon 8:34, that's my first thought as well. Josh was probably groomed and became a predator. It's that or he's the fall guy.

      The cognitive dissonance amongst the evangelicals on the TLC board is mind boggling. The mental leaps in logic to justify this as a "mistake" (especially compared to other current events). Oh Josh made a mistake in digitally raping his sisters ...right... but that black kid walking home shoulda known better. Jesus, am I glad I'm an atheist. It makes me wonder if these women are so beaten down, so controlled, so bound, that they can't see the horror in this. Did they also experience this and it's normalized for them?

      Well... I guess realizing the ENTIRE SHOW has been a frigging lie means the fans are having a pleasant vacation in the land of denial.

    8. I thought this was an interesting article about the mindset of the sect the Duggars belong to - about how the husbands control the wives. There is applicability here with the Kodester too and how he rules the roost on the cuddle sac.

    9. The Duggars are such hypocrites. Their constant spreading of hate towards the gay and transgender community with the threat that they will molest our little girls and all the while they protected their son who was molesting their little girls (he was 14 and later 14 and the youngest of the little girls was 5 and the oldest 10). A lot of folks have said it was close to someone playing doctor; kids in their young years play doctors not teens and when teens experiment, it is with someone their age and not babies. The fact that the parents make their daughters cover from head to toe as if their bodies are the root of all evil and they make them paste those smiles on their faces with never a right to disagree or argue and the fact that there was never one place those girls could go but to their parents makes me sick. While I know there are some good folks who homeschool; for the most part, home schooling, for some, is a trap for their children--a trap because they cannot tell others if they are being abused; a trap because they are denied information; a trap because they are indoctrinated day and night into their parents' crazy world; and I could go on but I think you all know what I mean. People like the Duggars who home school and who use their children as free nannies and free laborers for their companies should have their children removed from the home. They, like the polygamous sects, think they are above our laws. To them, sexual assault is a sin to be handled by the church while to the rest of us, it's a felony and should be handled by the courts. I am saddened by the way they protected their son at their daughters' expense but more importantly, I am saddened that at 14 and later 15, this teenage boy was so curious about sex that he was grabbing the breasts of his sisters who were really not even developed, their teenage babysitter, and a family friend's daughter. It isn't uncommon for a boy on the playground to tease the girls around his age and if it becomes a problem and the girls cannot handle it, the school will, but Josh had no social experience with the opposite sex other than that closed environment and the social decorum that our boys learn in school was denied him so the forbidden fruit that was covered from head to toe so it must be at fall, because his obsession and to be truthful probably still is. Those Duggars need to go to jail...plain and simple

    10. Agree, Run, with all you say.
      No, the parents will not go to jail, nor will their son...but the empire the parents have created as TV stars has been derailed. They may still do a spin within their own fundie world doing guest appearances for awhile for damage control and income.

      What is bizarre and amazing is that the parents signed on with the TLC show *knowing* this ugly blot on their brand of wholesomeness was lurking behind closed doors. They knew that not only their daughters knew it, along with any other older kids in the family at that time. and likely the grandmother in residence, but also the church elders, the friend the son was sent to live with for those few months, and even the police. Surely there were perhaps even others who knew as gossip traveled along the proverbial grapevine?
      It makes perfect sense now why they kept their kids sequestered from other kids and other kids families beyond just their closed social fundie concepts.

      Could they really have been that arrogant and myopic to think that it would never come out?
      Did Josh Dugger himself, in taking on a public political job, never consider how having baggage like this could be a nightmare waiting to unravel?

      He obviously had a serious problem at that age. A problem that needed acute intervention and followup. It can happen in the worst and best of families.
      However, putting their kids on TV at that point in time was a horribly irresponsible decision !!!
      Subjecting those girls to camera scrutiny had to be torture for those young girls.
      Going through the motions of "Look at us and our chaste way of life" was a mockery and one that THEY knew was BS.

      Uhh...yet *another* bunch of adults who will look into a camera and lie for the almighty dollar (or for a McMansion)

  36. I am so upset by the Duggars! The parents had a responsibility to protect their daughters and they didn't even get him counseling. What a horrible failure that those girls had to live with him for years after that. They should be pulled from the air. I get that it was a difficult situation considering he was a minor at the time but there must have been a better solution that just sent him away to do physical labor for a few months.

  37. WTH is with TLC???? Do they do ANY background checks on potential reality show stars??
    Is anything "real" in truth !!??

    The Duggers' first special was filmed and aired shortly after the Josh mess had imploded. Allegedly, when their show debuted, he had just returned from a forced hiatus from the family by living with a friend doing home renovation....which originally the parents had told police was a legitimate Therapy camp. They lied. This *therapist* was a family friend in the building trades. Apparently they merely removed him from the home for about 3 months to do some physical work.

    What is reprehensible and damning for those two parents is that those four young girls (Josh's victims) were thrown into having to make nice (hmm....keeping sweet??) for the cameras to support their parents' new income stream. How horrible it must have been for those girls?? And may still be??
    Victims of incest molestation who have to continue to live in proximity to their molester have an even greater level of long term psychological damage.

    And then, the mother of Honey Boo Boo comes out today and threatens TLC with a lawsuit unless they cancel the Duggers, since HER show was canceled due to molestation charges coming to light, she wants to make sure the Duggers are fired too. What lowlifes!

    Uhh........really, TLC ??!! Network about "Families" ??!!
    Kody Brown and his griffing past (and present) and the relentless lies and shams on SW !!!
    Brady Williams and his bankruptcy past.
    Boo Boo Clan
    Toddlers and Tiaras

    1. Everyone appears normal until you get to know them.

  38. I'm reading I Fired God by Jocelyn Zichterman. Has anyone else read this?

  39. I almost checked it out at the library, however, I find that I am fed up with reading books about repressive religions and cults, I think I'm saturated. I am grateful for CJ and all the others who work to keep everyone's eyes open.

  40. I thought the comment about TLC and Submissive Wives was some kind of joke. Oh for the love of all things insane.... it's really a show. Ugh!
