
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I Scour the Internet: The Tax Day Edition April 15, 2015

I'm trying to decide which is worse: Reading Robyn "The New Mrs. Kody" Brown's fanpage or paying taxes.

Paying taxes. Hands down.

So what have the Brown's been up to so far this April?

Well, let's take a look, shall we?

First of all, another High School Teen Brown is graduating and has been accepted to attend the US Air Force Academy!

Excellent Job, Hunter!!!

In late March, Daddy dearest deflected a tweet if Hunter had made a college decision yet...that sneaky devil...


But then Hunter must have gotten his Official Notification and he triumphantly took to Twitter to announce it!

His proud Mama tweeted off this congratulation...

And even bonus mom Meri tweeted off her congratulation....

Kody took the lazy way out and just retweeted Janelle's congratulations. And Robyn...

Well, Robyn didn't say one word. Nothing...Nada...

When approached on her fanpage, she gave this explanation...

Let's think about this. All four families live within spitting distance of each other. Supposedly they are in touch with each other least that's what they want their fans and followers to believe.   Robyn simply didn't get the "memo" it was OK to tweet about Hunter's appointment to the Academy and was too busy to ask.

Guess they aren't as communicative and "close" as the TV show wants us to believe.

But notice how she includes that the other wives "...don't announce everything [about] my kids either..." prefaced with the words " need to know..." No Robyn, we the audience only need to pay taxes and die. That's all we need, thank you.

So there lies the true reason for her silence: the other wives don't announce everything about her kids. Wow... And she wonders why she has an image problem.

Since I'm talking about the Newest Mrs. Kody Brown, this is as good a place as any  (besides the Recycle Bin on my Desktop) for the following postings from her fanpage.

Just file these under Robyn Puts to Rest Internet Rumors...

I just wanted to set the record straight about something. Here are the facts.I am friends with Kendra. I have never...
Posted by Robyn Brown Sisterwife #4 on Monday, April 13, 2015

Unfortunately we've heard this all before. And being a "public" figure, one would think she would be careful of the friends she know those old sayings "with friends like that who needs enemies," and "guilt by association,"  know what I mean? I think it's time she takes a hard look at what her friend is posting because it is not a pretty sight.

She won't have to wonder why she has an image problem. She will know.

At least her next posting does put to rest a nasty rumor that she (and/or her ex-husband) had a drinking problem.

While I am on here I should probably clear up another rumor. I was the one who added the NO drinking, NO rated R or...
Posted by Robyn Brown Sisterwife #4 on Monday, April 13, 2015

If you want a good laugh, read through the comments where a "certain group of commenters" starts clashing with another group over who is right or wrong.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready to depart the hell known as Robyn's fanpage. One moment please while I click my heels and murmer "there's no place like Twitter...there's no place like Twitter..."

Janelle showed her followers that she may not be the brightest of the sister wives with this political faux pas...

Poor Janelle must have been sleeping during her American History and American Government classes. Some names quickly comes to mind: John Adams and John Quincy Adams, William H Harrison and Benjamin Harrison, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

Thank goodness the reporter from the New York Times who wrote a story about the Browns last year politely reminded Janelle she might want to rethink her tweet...or at least explain what the heck she was talking about...

Really? Hmmmmm.....Maybe going to Twitter wasn't so good an idea after all...

But wait, there were birthdays this month. Here are some tweets!

And even Meri's Acorn sent a birthday greeting to Truely...

So that was the first two weeks of April. To close out this edition, here's a cute tweet of Hunter brushing his sister Truely's hair...

And remember, I Scour the Internet So YOU Won't Have To !!!!


  1. Highlights that stuck out from her Kendra tweet.....

    "She does not talk about the things her and I discuss in our conversations. "
    Oh, Sobbin........*her and I* ......really ?!

    " Do I know everything she says? No."
    Cop out, Sobbin....major cop out. Of course YOU know what she says.

    "Do I agree with everything she says? I don't know. "

    You don't *know* ?? What a ridiculous response.
    Think, Sobbin.....think about your answer to that one.
    If you don't know.... then what DO you know? Anything.......nothing?

    "I am not on the sites where she comments. I don't usually read what she writes."
    Is "usually" the operative word here? I suspect so.
    Wonder if usually means whenever she is prompted to read what her defender has said.

    Yeah, CJ, Janelle apparently isn't the brightest bulb in American History.
    Along with your four mentions, guess she forgot that had Bobby Kennedy lived and won the nomination and was elected, he and JFK would have made "family" history too.

    1. Bobby served as Attorney General during Jack's Presidency as well.

    2. Amused and CJ have it right about poor Robyn. Her answers to fans and her attempt to "set the record straight" seem to history revision or just made up on the spot as she types.

      Kendra said on another site that she sends Robyn copies of everything she posts about Robyn.

      "4 out of 5 of our college students belong to sororities and do volunteer work." Logan can't belong to a sorority unless adopted as a mascot and Mariah certainly hasn't mentioned belonging to any such group. With every Robyn post there seems to be a half truth or outright lie.

      It looks like Robyn wants fan approval enough to claim she behaves as a well-liked reality show character would. My mother used to quote the old adage, "birds of a feather flock together". Robyn, Kendra and Nathan seem to fit that description. Are they dim or just socially maladroit? bgee

    3. Kendra and Nathan chased away this one girl who was a fan. Talk about lacking comprehension skills. Kendra was fat shaming the girl so I guess she was stalking her and looking up her profile? Nathan blindly joined in. What a scary combo. A stalker and a gun enthusiast who have taken it upon themselves to "defend" a self proclaimed martyr polygamist.

  2. Robyn is throwing major shade at her sisterwives with that tweet. LOL She just cant be the bigger person at anything. I want to like her, I dont think shes a bad person. But, she makes it so easy to not like her. Lol

    1. Girl just doesn't get it, at all.

  3. I thought Mariah's picture with Truely was very attractive. Nice to see her genuinely happy and laughing.

    1. I thought the same thing. She looked very pretty in the picture.

    2. The "genuinely happy and laughing" piece really made a difference, didn't it? Just reinforced for me how frequently she's been captured in some dour mood. Not totally her fault, from an editing standpoint. But...

      Well, let's just say this was a pleasant side of her to see.

    3. Nice to see Mariah talking about a sibling other than Sol.

  4. In Janelle's defense, the presidency was not meant to be a family business. The fact that some throughout our history have tried to make it one doesn't mean that it is a good idea for the country.

    1. Just so out of context. More "informed" than what other dolts in that cul de sac tweet. Guess that happens when you have no tweet-worthy life.

      Sorry. The fact her older children show some potential for exemplary, accomplished (and private) lives still mystifies me. They obviously got some capacity for groundedness from her. But drive and determination leading to personal and professional success? Um...

    2. I agree with Janelle too, I don't get what political party you're in, some fresh blood with no previous family ties to the presidency would be nice.

    3. Count me in Janelle's camp, too. And I'm also a fan of more term limits. Public office in the United States was intended to be a civic service, not a career. I'm tired of all the same people and same families from both sides of the aisle. Enough already.

  5. "I have a busy life. A very busy life."

  6. That's pretty amazing news about Hunter! The Air Force Academy only accepts 10% of its applicants.

    1. And I think it requires a recommendation from a Nevada US Senator. Hunter has done very, very well!!

    2. or a US Congressman. A guy from my high school was appointed to West Point (he was ROTC all 4 years of hs) - his recommendation was from Sen. Barry Goldwater. We had no idea until it was announced in the newspaper.

  7. I am surprised that Janelle is worried about the Presidency. I highly doubt that the wives vote. Apparently Kody is a registered Republican who has not voted for years.

    1. Janelle flipped when Christine attempted to sit at the head of the table. When Christine changed to the other end it was Janelle who said "That's the other head! You can't sit there!"

      I'm sure she doesn't believe a woman can be president and won't vote for one. I mean if you can't sit at the head of the table, how can you sit in the oval office?

    2. Janelle didn't flip when that happened, Kody did. He's the one who showed his colors as a male chauvinist. Janelle then responded with an uncomfortable "Wow" and snarky comment, which seemed more directed at pointing our Kody's lunacy, not directed at Christine.

  8. I always felt the comment that Janelle was the brightest one in the bunch should not be a major compliment.She is not in the running with some geniuses. The fact she shares not only a man but a man like kody (blech) makes her seem more than a little off . She was not born in a crazy cult she volunteered.How smart is that.

    1. Smart enough to get on television for 5 years!

    2. ..,and, to the extent that she may have helped the others game the system, potentially criminal. Nope, no badge of honor for that one.

    3. there will always be trash on T.V. There is a difference between smart and opportunistic.

    4. "Smart enough to get on television for 5 years! "

      So does that make Mama June smart too?

    5. I have never thought that Janelle is smarter than the average person, but every. single. time. she is shown in interviews or talking heads she comes off like a friggin' genius compared to her husband and sister wives. Which is really just more a sad statement about how mentally lacking the Browns over 30 are.

  9. CJ, great job as always. I have to say that once the season ends, I worry that we will not have the snark factor but then you keep us up to date through the tweets but now (rubbing my hands together) we have the Robyn's image page....oh my! Where do I start...I don't know. Here's the thing about Robyn and improving her image, she wants to improve her image without doing anything. She doesn't want to really engage with her fans or her haters; she doesn't want to do good things such as volunteering; she doesn't want to do things with the bonus kids unless it involves filming; she doesn't want to do things with the wives, unless there is a camera near. Robyn, how shall I say it, is the kid in the sandbox who comes to play but stands there holding her toys as she looks for a reason to get the other kids in trouble....she gets mad or gets her feelings hurt and then grabs her toys even tighter and runs home with her toys and leaves the other alone while she and her can see where this could go but I will spare you all.....that image, once stuck in one's mind, can leave lasting scars.

    While I have read comments on one of your other fine posts about trolls and us being trolls, I beg to differ with that definition of a troll.....we don't go to her facebook page or her tweeter page to antagonize her or her lovely, slightly brain-damaged fans....we go there to learn and watch and creep and then bring it all back here so we can do appropriate rhetorical and discourse analysis on what they say so we can read between the lines and get the subtexts so we can then get the truth....We know that polygamy, even in the best of circumstances, hurts women and children, so our jobs are to collect facts and analyze data and sadly for the Browns, they do provide us with lots and lots of we analyze the data and then we put it all together and we have fun along the way too. We don't harm anyone....and Robyn......OMG....Robyn just opened up a laboratory for our picking and not only do we have her posts but her responses and she actually answered me, anyway, back to the deal of her providing us with a new lab.....I say, CJ, since you are so good at analyzing data, you owe it to mankind to go in to that lab, fully armored of course, and retrieve that data for the good of women folks, men folks, and all animals that could come in contact with mad meri or sobbyn robbyn........yes.....

    1. Chuckling here, rKr !!

      Great synopsis of where it all stands.
      Yes, thanks are always due to CJ for her reliably skilled efforts, and of course, some kudos to the Browns for their consistent supply of "pickings."
      One hand does wash the other.
      Apparently even someone in Kodyworld appears to have figured out that fact of life.
      Or maybe TLC has held a training class.

    2. LOL!!! runKodyrun you are most definitely NOT a troll !!! I know that for a fact ;-)

      But there are some that are suffering from a bad case of arrested development on both sides. Sifting through the gosh awful detritus is a real chore!

    3. CJ, you are on to me.....dang. I do find that even asking questions can, for the fans of the Browns, come across as being a hater. And, I have provided some sound logical arguments against one or two comments, but like you, I have found that the Browns and their followers are unable to process logic...

    4. I just left the other living room on facebook and saw where someone revealed the secret of our living room.....hahahah....we know for a fact the Browns have been trolling here and the other site for years. The poor lost fan probably thinks she is going to get some good vibes from the Browns for giving them this information....I wanted to go snark but stopped myself because I am at work and am supposed to be working with my students. LOL. On a brighter note, this place is going to get some major busy from the fan trolls, which shall forever be called the Brown's FARTS or Fans Attempting to Report Trolls to Sobyn......don't you love it? Those awful Brown FARTS...okay, that may be a little gross but I thought it was cute.

    5. Browns FARTS....Bwahahaha!! Hilarious RKR!! Seems like us
      snarkers can't get a fair shake. Can't help if close minded folks can't appreciate our quick wits & charming personalaties ;) To them, We're either trolls or haters.

  10. Janelle's comment seems more like she disapproves of a woman running the White House. Why else would she preface it with an apology? The Brown women don't even run the hobby business, Kody is their leader on that one too.

    Robyn seems to be making the hole deeper. And by deeper I mean I'm actually concerned about integrity of the tectonic plates. That screen capture is a perfect example. Instead of rambling on about how busy she is, she could have said something like "Oh geez, I meant to re-tweet that! I talked to Janelle about it today!" I mean that would be plausible at least; you aren't going to think to re-tweet it if you discussed it in person. Not that I believe that, just maybe someone should throw some social media management classes in her direction if she's going to take on the "trolls".

    1. Robyn just needs to give it up at this point. She isn't improving her image at all.

    2. Lots of people feel a need to preface many opinions with apologies these days. I didn't think her comment had anything to do with a women running for president. I took it at face value and it represent a view being expressed by lots of people about lots of different candidates today.

    3. Didn't have to mean Hillary or only her. Isn't Jeb Bush interested?

    4. Emma - I agree with you, there is a Clinton and Bush running. It didn't sound partisan to me.

    5. I'm Anon 9:18: In Canada we have Pierre Trudeau's (former Prime Minister) son, Justin, running for Prime Minister. Frankly, we had an astronaut running against him for the party leadership who is stronger in his leadership, intelligence, and wisdom. So I see Janelle's point and frustration. I was thinking of that whole "head of the table" weirdness a few seasons ago, maybe I read too much into that?

  11. So glad that Hunter made it into the Air Force Academy. He can truly escape from the cult-de-sac. Kody won't be able to bring cameras to the school and use Hunter's accomplishment to promote himself.

    Robyn's "Like" Page. OMG. It's painful to read that crap. The Sycophants! The Trolls! Nathan and Kendra! and most of all Robyn! OY! OY! OY! OY! and OY!

  12. Wow, for the first time I went Robyn Brown Sisterwife #4's fanpage dedicated to herself, and it is a huge mess. Kody should really help her out and tell her to stop it. She isn't making anything better, she is just showing the world how disfunctional her life really is and her "friends" are digging an even bigger hole for her to fall into. Not smart sweetie, not smart.

    I wonder if the other wives are secretly laughing about this "fanpage" and just sitting back eating popcorn and enjoying watching the train wreck? They probably know no one can tell her anything because she won't listen anyway and are letting her dig her own grave. Robyn comes off seriously deluded on her page. If I thought she was off before, this page really proved it.

    I bet if Janelle or Christine set up a fanpage they'd have more than 550 likes.

    1. Not sure any of them would recognize "a huge mess". They've all been living in one for years and proclaim it makes them better people. WTH

    2. Yes!!! I keep checking to see how many likes she has and it's ridiculous how few she has.

      And I'm laughing thinking about the other wives quietly watching and eating popcorn.

    3. @Tall Girl - I think it would be fun to have a pool on when she will be forced to shut the fan page down. It is utter chaos. The winner could get to borrow CJ's avatar to use as their own for a week!

    4. Once the new season starts again and people are interested she'll probably have some major blow ups on the page and there'll be lots of inner-fighting. She seems to thrive off the drama though so unless kody or TLC makes her shut it down it may stay up permanently. I won't be surprised if Facebook eventually shuts it down. She's already lost fans because of her "friends" defending her on the page.

  13. Robyn's new FB page gives a little glimpse into what it must be like for her sisterwives every day: Robyn will never miss a chance to butt in, never miss a chance to put her personal spin on everything from soup to nuts, to always ALWAYS have the last word, and make certain she has a handy for all occasions. Because SHE is so very very important.

    Well, she can blame the public's perception of her on crappy editing, but this FB fiasco is Robyn-in-the-Raw. And guess what...she's even worse WITHOUT editing! I guess she's never read Proverbs, particularly the one about how it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    1. She's sure not coming across as someone who wants to improve her image...her devoted fans are jumping all over people who ask questions while she's busy bobbing and weaving around giving any real answers. Silence would have been a smarter choice but I get the feeling she's just loving the attention!

    2. Exactly Redwood, she is trying to show the world who she really is, but in reality she isn't a nice person and it comes across crystal clear. The thing is, she THINKS she is a great, kind woman, but she really isn't and everyone else besides a few deluded friends and family members can see it. So even when she is just being herself, the public still doesn't like her, but she cannot understand why.

      I imagine Christine and Janelle and all her "bonus" kids avoid her like the plague. She must be such an energy sucker with her neediness and drama.

  14. I couldn't care less about Sobbin's fan page. She is a so hopelessly steeped in her own self-image that she cannot see or smell the stink of her own creation. If that fan page makes her feel validated then she needs mental help. Or at the very least, she needs a meaningful life that does not require soliciting vapid strokes from strangers.

    However I am grateful for CJ and the others who dare to go into that reported mess of trolls and sycophants and provide snark fodder.

    Because yes, thanks to the Browns, I do find the plyg life definitely injurious to women and children. And if snarking on the blatant inequities of it all helps to shed needed light...count me in for the snark.

  15. Robyn's lame response to the person who asked why she didn't tweet the good news is classic Robyn. It just shows what a little, immature mind she has. She still holds a grudge against Hunter. And like a wicked stepmother, she can't bring herself to congratulate him on this tremendously good accomplishment. And I agree, her excuse "... they don't tweet everything my kids..." Seriously?

    1. Yes because tweeting about something as exciting and noteworthy as getting into the airforce academy compares to something they might not have tweeted about her tweens - like what? one of her girls had a ballet recital and they didn't mention it??! You can bet Robyn didn't miss Hunter's tweet as I imagine she is monitoring all the bonus children's social media so she can call them out to Kody when they misbehave on social media. She had to be well aware that Hunter and the others shared his news. It is just too incredulous to believe she didn't see it.

    2. Besides her Solomon gets a lot of tweeter attention from the other kids and moms. What is complaining about?!

    3. I was trying not to read too much into that 'they don't tweet about my kids' comment, as that was one that could legitimately be taken out pf context. Though it's rich, given how much we see of Sol, from everyone...

      The other three kids? Well, I trust they're just being kids. The girls are a little young to be having legitimate, tweet-worthy accomplishments. Dayton seems to have expressed a desire for more privacy in the past. It would be nice to hear about him (besides "great kid." We can see that.). But the others may be respecting his preferences. If his mom wants to share, well, that's between her and her son.

      But no. Whatever they're doing, it's not the same as getting into the AFA, major wrestling victories, class presidencies, and other milestones reached by some of he older kids. If she doesn't get that, or uses that to get in another dig or discount Hunter and this significant accomplishment, well then, that's just another example of how small and petty she reall is.

    4. Long time lurker, first time commenter!

      Does anyone know if Robyn publicly congratulated Logan, Aspyn, Mariah, Madison, and/or Mykelti when they went to college, either on Facebook or Twitter?

    5. Welcome Anon 9:28!

      Off the top of my head, I believe she did on Twitter.

    6. One of Robyn's big problems is that she just doesn't seem to understand how badly her little passive aggressive comments are taken by the public. If she was really working on being liked she should have just said, "Oops, I am a little late in congratulating Hunter's exciting accomplishment in being admitted to school, I was waiting for Janelle to announce it first, way to go Hunter!" or just a simple "Way to go Hunter in being accepted to the school of your choice, we are all so proud of you!" would have been more genuine.

      Show the world who you really are, don't bicker with them over petty things, but the real her is petty and puts herself and her kids above her bonus kids and their moms. Still didn't see a genuine tweet from her about Hunter. Guess he told her where the bear poops in the woods too many times for her to ever really like him.

      Robyn is always going to come off looking badly because she she just isn't a pleasant woman and is unable to fake it.

  16. You know, I used to think all the Sol tweets by Meri and Mariah and some of the others was because they might actually favor him but now, after her snarky response of how they don't always tweet about her kids, I think that Meri and Mariah may have been tweeting and posting about him because they either were told to by Kody or because they trying to keep Robyn happy so Kody wouldn't gripe about how poor Robyn's kids this or that. The subtext of her actions and her comments and responses are now revealing some of the motivating forces behind Christine's tweets about Truly and Hunter and those of Meri and Mariah that spotlight Robyn's kids. When you think about Christine's post, they include all of her kids---her bio kids, Meri's tadpole, and Janelle's kids. I rarely if at all see her post about Robyn's kids. She did post about David's eye. But, overall, it seems that maybe there is a little passive aggressive tweeting war going on and Robyn's failure to acknowledge birthdays or Hunter's good news or even anything about Maddie makes me believe that she is holding a grudge...on the other hand, leave it to Christine to shove it in her face.....looookie, looookie, here's Hunter over her brushing Truly's hair and here's Hunter going off to a great military college and wasn't that something Mariah said like at the beginning of the show and Kody sort of laughed at her. Janelle on the other hand is always taking the highroad, tweeting and retweeting but staying away from Robyn....I really think that there is much more to the absent step parent Robyn's involvement or lack of involvement with her bonus kids and Christine's over thinks a war of bonus moms is going on and it looks like Christine is winning, hands down...Robyn is one of those people who keeps a score...I did this and you didn't; you went to Mexico and I didn't; I went to Hawaii, but she went here; I didn't tweet cause they don't tweet.....for her, life as a polygamous wife is about keeping score: what they do, what she does, what he does with them, what he does with, that must be an awful life.

    1. Sobbin has chronic *I* problems.
      She should see a doctor.

    2. A Grody Little PonytailApril 17, 2015 at 1:09 PM

      I have always thought all the Sol posts from various family members were a means to suck up to Kobyn/Rody. Can't decide which moniker to give them lol.

    3. Fascinating angle, rKr!

      I'm not on twitter. Does she post equally about all of her kids?

    4. I still think there might be something to the thought that the other wives are okay with Kody spending so much time with Sol and everyone makes sort of a big deal about Sol because they think/know that Robyn isn't stable enough to handle him full time. Seriously, she doesn't appear to have a real full-time job and yet she has to have a nanny for 2 teenagers, an older elementary school aged child and a 3 year old? It's weird.

    5. Anonymous 2:21, I think you may be right. She has been known to fly off the handle and her behaviors on the twitter and the Facebook do not show a woman with much emotional intelligence. Also, she doesn't seem to really engage. It's hard to describe parental engagement but when one sees it, you know. One can hold a baby, meet its needs, even love on it but still not have a deep emotional connection. Christine seems to have the emotional connection but she lacks motivation to do the day-to-day tasks...she seems to me to just like and enjoy the fun parts and I can say that because I, too, have been known to spend the day playing with my kids instead of you know doing the laundry. Maybe Meri and Kody have some plan for after the show that doesn't include Robyn...maybe the legal marriage is to insure an easier custody hearing. Something to me is way fishy with the way that Meri did what she did and you're right, Robyn isn't the soundest of minds.

    6. There could be some game-playing with Christine. After all, she's not allowed to express her real feelings without consequence. Another part of me feels that any attention she gives Meri and Janelle's kids is that she really *was* the "bonus mom" to them. Maybe not all hearts and flowers. This lifestyle sucks overall. But she seems to have played a huge role in their growing up. I can see more legitimate investment in them on her part.

      Maybe with a touch of "gotcha" mixed in. Maybe.

    7. Anon 8:12, yeah, Christine did play the bonus mom role a lot better than any of the other wives. Christine was the stay at home mom and she home schooled the kids. Plus, she seemed to be the one that got the kids off to school and was there doing homework with the ones that did go to school. I think one her largest complaints with Robyn is that Robyn has not allowed her to have that bonus mom role with her kids. I assumed it was because Christine wasn't able to handle all those kids after her older girls left home; however, that lack of entering the polygamous culture seems, to me anyway, to be what Robyn is doing. She speaks the talk of sister wives this and sister wives that but Christine calls her out on it by saying, you weren't there form me, none of the wives were there to help me when I needed you and you don't want me there for you. I really believe that Christine, of all the wives, is in it for the sister wife connections. I agree with those who believe that Janelle simply fell in love with her sister-in-law's husband and went for him, and let's face it, Kody isn't that smart so it would be very easy for Janelle to impress him....I don't think Meri was really prepared for the sharing of the husband; particularly with her sister-in-law. While none of us can be 100% sure if the dynamics of the women, the things we see on TV, the things we read from the wives on twitter and facebook are good indications that the wives are not in this for the relationships with the wives but in it for Kody...Christine seems to genuinely care about all the kids and wants her identity maintained as the bonus mom for all the kids and the best cook and the best family person. Janelle seems to enjoy the bonus mom for allowing her to work without worrying about who is watching her kids. Meri just seemed to be entitled...from what I've read. I really think the reason Robyn is so unlikeable is she tries to be all of those things: the bonus mom (when it is convenient), the provider (she wants to take care of the family), the entitled could go on and on.

    8. "I really believe that Christine, of all the wives, is in it for the sister wife connections."

      Agree, rKr.
      Despite Christine's dippy behavior at times, I have always thought that she is the one true Plyg wife in Kodyworld who was/is in it for all that sisterwife life is supposed to be about. She lived it as a child and she has chosen it as her identity as an adult. Unfortunately, none of her current sisterwives appear to grasp her old school version of the lifestyle.

      Yes indeed, Janelle is as deliberate and self-centered as Kody, just in a much quieter, subtle way. Perhaps that is what attracted her to him.. She wants to do her thing, wanted to produce a litter of kids for him, but, by her own admission, did not want the hassle of 24/7 mothering/teaching. She was happy to leave every day and earn money.

      Agree also that Meri has been emotionally and spiritually discontented since Janelle set her sights on Kody. But there was nothing she could do about it, lest she lose Kody.
      And that dynamic set in motion a vibe in her that as the one true legal wife, she had to be valued in the mix above the others, one way or another. Sad, really.

    9. Christine obviously has low self esteem she is with Kody. She had difficulty maintaining a real estate career with kids but yet millions of women work with kids.I think that is her easy out minding the kids. How does this work if all the women want to stay home. This is a polygamy sales pitch I've heard that their kids do not go to daycare. to me it is not a plus to send your kids with the other woman.

    10. I never understood the appeal of real estate - as practiced by successful professionals - for Christine, anyway. It takes hard work, hustle, and a lot of other qualities that she simply doesn't appear to have. I suspect she latched onto the "flexible hours" notion without computing that that meant "long hours, nights, weekends..."

      That said, there are myriad other jobs that would be a better/more realistic option for her. IF she were serious. Which I don't believe for a minute she really ever was. Those jobs don't pay for McMansions - or food for hungry kids, college tuition, etc.

  17. I think Robyn should try a couple of chocolate martinis to calm herself down.

    1. She's very devoted to blabbing that she's never been drunk. Can you imagine what she'd do on social media if you got a couple of stiff shots of tequila into her?

    2. Sobbin on a tequila bender could be fun to see.

      Super crying jag *for sure*
      eyelashes askew
      mascara/eyeliner dripping down to her chin.
      too trashed to care
      manic non-stop selfies
      yells at Sol to get in his own bed
      tells Kody he is a disppointing idiot... and that he needs viagra
      admits she hates the "damn"Junk Closet.
      tells Chirstine to STFU about all her kids
      tells Janelle that the Junk Closet was NOT a hobby....and STFU about her kids too
      asks Meri if there is a return policy on Kody !!!!!

    3. "Asks Meri if there is a return policy on Kody" ...I LOL'd & I'm still cracking up!!! Good one Amused ;)

    4. Lipstick on a plygApril 18, 2015 at 8:04 AM

      This really had me laughing! Love it!

    5. Lipstick on a plygApril 18, 2015 at 8:04 AM

      This really had me laughing! Love it!

  18. Hey there! Apologies if neither Air Force Academy nor Robyn's fanpage connected, but there are few things that I really wanted to bring to your attention:

    1) Christine Allred Brown's full paternal uncle Vance Allred is doing an "AUB unmasked" documentary (she only has two paternal full uncles cause her father Rex Allred only had those two siblings)

    2) More on Christine Allred Brown's only full maternal uncle Floren LeBaron jr (Annie's brother) and his own cult [note: strong language]

    3) The family of Vicki and Valerie Darger (Joe Darger's identical twin wives), the Kelsch clan (Vicki and Val were born as Vicki Jessop Kelsch and Valerie Jessop Kelsch), has introduced inbreeding (intra-family marriage) as new doctrine.

    1. I would like to watch this documentary.

    2. @The Principle; Thank you for dropping by this blog and posting - you have always been a great resource! Speaking of AUB and Allred's; did anyone see that little nugget of non information on Robyn's fan page regarding this?! A poster asked her if they identified with the AUB as their religion or the Allred group. Robyn declined to comment!! Seriously she wouldn't identify on her fan page their religious affiliation. She said it is their policy to not publicly identify with their church. WHAT??? What the heck does this mean? I am going to say its because they don't want to tithe their TLC $$ to the AUB and they have mostly likely either broken away or had a falling out. They have gone rogue and they are now the Church of Kody!!

    3. Seriously she wouldn't identify on her fan page their religious affiliation. She said it is their policy to not publicly identify with their church. WHAT???
      Yes, that has been their "policy" since the show began. It's been speculated that the AUB was not pleased about the reality show from the beginning and that the church couldn't stop Kody from doing it but could tell him not to mention the church's name. For a couple of shows they claimed they were Independents (like the Dargers) because their church did not have a "branch office" in Nevada. I don't believe they were ever completely broken off from the AUB. Earlier this year there was a competition sponsored by a piano store in St George. Kody put one of the contestants on his twitter asking people to go vote for the guy on He said the guy was A Member Of His Church....which leads me to believe the Browns are STILL affiliated with the AUB.

    4. The Principle tumbler: I have been doing a little research involving the fundamental polygamous women's hair. I think I read on either on your site or another that many of the more fundamental do not cut their hair because when they die, they will use their hair to wash first Jesus' feet and then their husband's...gross....but also, I wondered if there has ever been any research that connected the puffy hair and long pigtail as a yonic and phallic symbol? There is a huge deal of research that links the geisha girls and women to their hair styles while in training and then after being a full geisha. The hair is said to be a yonic symbol.....I wonder if the puffy hair around the face and back to the braid has ever been linked to any sexual connotation? I did read an interview with Oprah and she asked them about the hair and they said it was tradition...I am sure if it does have link to sexual connotations, it would be totally through some subconscious thing. What are your thoughts?

    5. @ runKodyrun: Well, that is a question that can't be answered - the subconscious is ... well... subconscious. My first impulse would be to say "no, I don't think so". Reason:
      Not everyone is supposed to have very high hair, only those with a certain face shape. The others are somewhat flatter.

  19. I posted on the previous thread but am posting again here as it seems like that one has gone cold. I deleted the other comment.

    I haven't checked in for awhile and wow, things are happening even with the show off the air. Robyn has really reached a level of desperation for wanting to be liked. It's sad really,pathetic even. Someone close to her should stop her. Now.

    CJ, I am impressed, as always in your ability to spot the riff-raff when they wander in. Even the ones whose comments are disguised as advise or concern. Hats off to you! This is why I never visit any of the other sites. Too much crazy to wade through,and I'm just not as savvy at spotting those creepers.

    Any truth to the story that Meri isn't returning next season,or is that a false rumor. Sorry if this has been discussed I said, I haven't been on lately.

    1. I wonder this myself. From Meris tweets it sounds like shes trying to find her direction in life. But, then again, it could be nothing. It could be a ploy to have us watch their show. Its all or nothing with the Browns. Lol

    2. Thank you kimbagirl!

      Any truth to the story that Meri isn't returning next season,or is that a false rumor.

      I don't remember if this has been discussed here, but my thoughts are that it's a rumor, possibly to drive up interest in the show. I can't see Meri giving up her access to d'listed singers and music groups and her fabulous life as a reality show star living the life in the comfort of her McMansion in a gated cul-de-sac.

    3. I think it is someone getting (understandably) confused with Meri getting divorced meaning Meri left the family. Normally that's exactly what it would mean.... but not with this bunch. Although I still would not be surprised if Meri actually eventually does leave the family. The divorce was heartwrenching, and she may be surprised at how her feelings for Kody change afterwards.

  20. This is sort of off topic, but this summer, I am taking a road trip from AR to WY then over to ID then Seatle and then back down to Salt Lake City and then down to Lehi....I couldn't get that close without running over to take a snapshot of their house. I am hoping that while in that area that I get a chance to see some of those prarrie dressed, funny hair styled, wives running around. If I do, it is ever okay to take pictures? I go to the Middle East often and while there, it isn't unusual to see a man and his multiple wives, all walking behind him in order of favoritism,of course, and you cannot take pictures of them....I have been known to take pictures of other things and accidentally gotten pictures of some of the wives but it is risky business. So, while in the land of the fundamentalist polygamist, is it okay to take a picture. Could I ask them to pose...probably not. But for sure, if I see them, I will snap shot...and the house too. And if I get anything really worthy, I will send to CJ for her examination to see if she might want to use it as background for cruising the internet so we don't have to.....won't that be great? Of course this is all coming in July, the hottest month of the year, but I will be taking PhD students with me, so they will actually get out of the air conditioned car and sweat while taking pictures...I must not sweat, if possible. Plus, if there were any Brown's FARTs near, I'd not want to be trolled to know? (the PhD students are young and could outrun the trolls while even the oldest troll could catch me since not only do I not sweat, I don't run. LOL....)

    1. If I do, it is ever okay to take pictures?
      Now this is my opinion. I would be cautious, as well as respectful. Over twenty years ago I visited some friends who lived near the Castro District in San Francisco. I'll never forget there were street signs on the main street that forbade tour buses and warned tourists not to take pictures of the people going about their lives there. I asked my friend what was going on and he explained it seemed the residents felt they were being put on "display" as if they were animals in a zoo with all the tour buses with people snapping their pictures. I was more interested in the architecture but I put my camera away. So I would be careful not to offend.

      Pssst...I hope you're going down to St George. That's where you'll be sure see them in prairie dresses. The polygamists from Hildale/Colorado City shop there. I wish you could go down to Centennial Park - that place is just as scary as Hildale/Colorado City, but I'd like to hear (and/or see) your opinion of those huge mansions there.

      Enjoy your trip...and don't "glisten" too much and keep that car motor running for a quick getaway!!!

    2. I'll second what CJ says about being respectful. I live in a polygamous town (non-prairie-dress wearing) and the dress-wearing folks shop at the Walmart I shop at. I see people taking their picture and I can see their embarrassment and resentment. The women usually have their children with them too. Even when people are acting like they are taking selfies or a picture of the rotisserie chicken, the women know what is going on. I feel bad for them. I am the first to snark on the Browns here and at PTV, because they have put themselves on TV and invite the snark with lies, inconsistencies and scripted "lifestyle". But living with it in real life and seeing how these women and children get treated by the public is another thing. Please be respectful.

      As far as Colorado City (Short Creek) goes, that is another story. You can see the houses from the highway, so all you have to do is pull off onto the shoulder and click away at the houses. They are really interesting to see. Huge and only partially completed. In all my times driving through the town, I have never seen anyone out and about, but I have seen the big tinted-window trucks driving around (God Squad).

    3. I'd be interested in knowing where in the middle east it's "not unusual" to see a dude with multiple wives, walking behind him in hierarchical order :| . . . I can assure anyone that it is indeed unusual.

    4. Anonymous 5:32, I happen to live in the Middle East and in an Islamic country. Actually, it is NOT common in the UAE. Nor is it common in (especially the Christian areas of) Lebanon.

  21. Sorry, Hunter... US Naval Academy grad here...

    GO NAVY!!!

    1. MrSpock concurs as a Navy Veteran----- GO NAVY!

    2. Another Navy Vet here- 1977 to 1997. Also Air Force brat - ;-)

  22. In regards to pictures and privacy Janelle sent out a message once on facebook or twitter to come on down to one on the kids car washes and gave the address of the event. So if you are ponying up some money they are for sale. Therefore I do not think they can pick and choose. They threw themselves into the limelight . Likewise with the polygamists communities. If you are going to live life like an oddity you will be treated like one.

    1. Odd to you maybe, but not to them. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Even people you think live their life as an "oddity".

    2. I don't even like my kids taking pictures of ME unless they ask me first. Let's all be the example that we would wish to see in the world.
      Oh yeah, CONGRATULATIONS HUNTER! I am equally impressed that you took the time to brush your little sister's hair--what a sweet guy.

  23. Thanks for keeping it respectful, CJ. I lived in Utah (not far from Lehi) for the first 30 years of my life and never once did I see anyone who could be visibly identified as a polygamist. In fact, I've been flat-out shocked to learn how prevalent polygamy is in Utah and Salt Lake Counties. I honestly had no idea. I don't think I had my head buried in the proverbial sand, I think they were/are just that good at hiding it.

    I see why they've worked hard to keep it secretive; I've yet to see anything positive in the "lifestyle."

    1. MrSpock tooled around Utah in 1984 and found it was easy to pick out the polygamists in a local restaurant---one guy, two gals snuggled up---yep, right there.

    2. Your polygamy radar (wish I could think of a clever new word for that) was much more sensitive than mine, Mr. Spock.

  24. At this point, Robyn's deranged spiral has gone so public that not addressing it in the next season would be condescending to the viewer. It's the elephant in the cul de sac that now more than an ever needs an explanation. Kody can't have his heir to the clan acting so. ... like herself.

    1. "At this point, Robyn's deranged spiral has gone so public that not addressing it in the next season would be condescending to the viewer."

      Heh: As if condescending to viewers was a problem for this show!

  25. I doubt Janelle cares one way or the other about the 2016 election, or of the process in which it takes place. Does anyone think these people actually vote?
    I think she was just trying to be somewhat relevant in lieu of tweeting anything even remotely akin to the strange style of the new Mrs. Purity Brown.

    However, it was an uninformed comment as it was stated in her tweet. There have been many *relatives* who have held office through America's years, both simultaneously and generational.
    Good, bad, or indifferent, politics has been a key element in many families's DNA throughout our history, just as it has been in many other countries.

    That is really admirable news about Hunter !! He should do very well at the Naval Academy.

  26. While politics may have been and may still be the "family business," I agree with Janelle. The thought of a Clinton-Bush race makes me gag.

  27. Interesting that poster from Utah has not seen FLDS or plygs out and about. I see some at least once a month. In restaurants, hospitals, Wal-Mart and even an upscale private pool where the owner, LDS, allowed a whole clan of kids to come and take private lessons and allowed them in street wear in the pool. That made me very angry because, as a member the rules for proper swim wear attire and other great for a nice place to swim. I imagine they came for Jeff's clan as there was a big compound near the pool that was shut down after the law caught up with him.

    1. FLDS swim? I thought they were forbidden to swim.

    2. The LDS missionaries are not allowed to swim

    3. I found this in Carolyn Jessop's book Escape:" I didn’t own a bathing suit and never considered swimming in the ocean or even a pool during the week we spent in Hawaii. FLDS members are usually not allowed near water because it’s considered the devil’s domain. We’re taught that if you put yourself in a place where the devil has sole power, he can take your life."

      Jessop, Carolyn; Palmer, Laura (2007-10-16). Escape (p. 171). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

      But she also wrote: "But this belief was often ignored. People swam in the FLDS, but only completely clothed. If your body is covered, swimming is considered daring, but not evil or wrong."

      Jessop, Carolyn; Palmer, Laura (2007-10-16). Escape (pp. 171-172). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

      So...the excerpts support both OP Sara and anon 2:16 in reference to FLDS and swimming. IMHO...

    4. Why is it wrong to let some kids swim in a pool? I think the owner can make any rule he wants and apply it whenever he wants. He made an exception for a relgious objection to another faith. That isn't wrong.

    5. I don't believe the poster was objecting to the kids - she was objecting to them being allowed to break the rules and wear street clothes. Every pool I have visited has stringent rules about no street clothes allowed. Proper swim wear is important to the cleanliness and maintenance of the pool.

    6. You can let a dog inside a business if they are an assist animal. How is this different to make another kind of accomoodation?

    7. You can let a dog inside a business if they are an assist animal. How is this different to make another kind of accomoodation?

      Over 30 years ago I was talking to the owner of the apartment complex where I lived. My apartment looked over the pool. One of the owner's pet peeves (besides non-residents sneaking into the laundry room) was people wearing street clothes in the pool. According to her, the dyes used in street clothes not only messed up the chlorination but the filters too. I have to admit, the pool was gorgeous.

      Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is if it's a private pool, and the members aren't allowed to wear street clothes, then the "guests" should follow the same rules. Same with a public pool, too.

      Sorry but the assist animal argument doesn't apply in this case.

    8. @Cynicaljinx: I think that has since (more recently) been put on the list of things that are completely forbidden. I mean, for the first time ever the FLDS now sticks to the Word of Wisdom. You can't eat chocolate anymore, no cell phones other than ones without internet access and from which you can only call certain numbers within the Priesthood (and those only for those married over 18), you need to do even weirder voodoo with your garments to not desecrate them, no "normal" female hygiene products (you need to use some... cloth...and wash it...), no sex, no new marriages etc etc and I think swimming landed on that list.

  28. christine posted a new blog post about truely's birthday on the closet website. just thought i'd mention it.

  29. That "poster from Utah" hasn't lived in Utah for over 15 years. Clearly times have changed. Even in Utah.

  30. Robyn "twittered" happy 25 to Meri and Kody. How weird is that

    1. Very weird. And if we're to believe Meri and Kody's divorce is not a reflection on their love for each other -- why wasn't there a big celebration for it? Why didn't the other wives and kids through a huge honking party? I doubt Meri and Grody even saw each other yesterday.

    2. "Happy 25th" to Meri and Idiot from Sobbin........Really?
      New Mrs. Brown sends anniversary wishes to old, former Mrs. Brown

      Just goes to show how phony it all was.......the divorce/ the new marriage!!!
      *** Ratings. ***.!!!! That's all any of it was ever about !!
      Just contrived, scripted BS to get another season!!!

    3. Posting that was probably the most mentally demanding exercise Robyn faced all week! It would have been a tough call for her.....if she ignored acknowledging a major milestone anniversary she would be accused of not recognizing this special event....if she publicly congratulated them she would invite the wrath of all the fans disgusted with the divorce she helped to engineer. What to do? What to do? Of course Robyn chose the latter to ingratiate herself to Meri and Kody.

    4. At the risk of sounding judgmental (who, sweet li'l ole me?), every time I see a post from Robyn having anything to do with Meri and Kidy, I just get the impression that Robyn is rubbing salt in an open wound. Each message has kind of a "nanny nanny boo boo" vibe. Though I can't imagine being even nominally attracted to Kody, if I were Meri, I would have to hold back from snatching Robyn bald. I don't believe the divorce was Meri's idea, and I don't believe Robyn feels gratitude. I believe Robyn egged Kody into manipulating Meri into the divorce, and now, Robyn feels victorious and even more entitled than she did before.

  31. Yesterday was Meri and Kody's 25th wedding anniversary -- according to the tweets. Where is the huge fabulous celebration for such a monumental event? You would think Robyn would have put on the bash of the century since Robyn is sooooooo grateful to Meri for divorcing Grody. (sarcasm)

    1. What's interesting is all the bonus wives tweeted something about the anniversary, and Kody retweeted them PLUS made several tweets himself, including pictures of the wedding and current pictures of him and Meri. However, Meri has nothing on her twitter feed about the anniversary. Her posts go from April 20 to April 22. Her twitter feed is full of inspirational saying repostings and very little personal comments anyway.

    2. Me thinks the Browns are playing games with the viewers for raters. Speculation that Meri is leaving might raise the numbers.

    3. Me thinks you are right.

      Could be the covertly dramatic divorce and hush and rush wedding has attracted more bored skepticism than applause, so now it's on to plan B to nail down interest and ratings for the coming season.

      Planting sneaky whispers of Meri leaving would make sense as their logical next step in preparing for next season's scripting...and ratings.
      Sure, why not?

    4. Their whole life has been spent lying.

      His marriage to Meri became a lie the minute he added Janelle. The divorce is a lie. The marriage to Robyn is a lie.

      Viewers have been misled before about a storyline. Their reasoning for things, McMansions, exodus, gym, investors have all played odd odd or dropped. Even the are we going to have another baby storyline has been a bit untruthful. He keeps bringing it up. She says no. And then suddenly it's again an issue. She says no. Then again it's an issue with Robyn offering. Suddenly she is thinking about it. And he is suddenly against it when she is for it. I wonder if they tried and it didn't work? This is why the kids were not excited about the houses. In the 6 years we have seen the familly, give or take, we see have seen the same thing. Maybe cause there are so many people?

      I do wonder though how often Meri gets her night. Christine and Janelle may also be done with babies but they have children in the home. If the goal is a bunch of kids you spend more nights trying to get the ones who can get pregnant pregnant.

  32. Well if Kody tells a judge he no longer has anything to do with Meri, Janelle, And Christine the Judge may let Kody adopt If the kids Bio dad allows it. Next step wouldn't surprise me at all. Or maybe Meri goes and hanges out with the Bio dad? Hum You reading this tlc?

    1. LOL I love it......

    2. After Kody just announces he is having a wedding anniversary with another woman?

  33. When you look at the four wives individually with Kody, they all look so happy; however, when you look at them as a group, they don't all look happy. In the pictures above where Christine and Kody are together, she looks absolutely happy and content. I think of the individual wives' pictures with Kody, Christine and Kody do look the happiest. While he seems to smile with the other wives, with Christine, he grins from ear to ear, which is kind of crazy considering that he seems to be so hard on her. I guess all those years that she was the last wife and the youngest wife, she probably was the place he could go without having to try to settle quarrels between Meri and Janelle...I suspect he missed that relationship with her...and Robyn cannot be that person that Christine was because she is so controlling and so manipulative and so greedy with his time. From my observations, I think he missed that place with Christine and from her sudden weightloss and their seemingly close connection, I think he has found his way back to her, which is probably driving Robyn nuts. Robyn's ability to usurp Meri's place in the family and her attempt to usurp Janelle's place only provides the audience with her greed and her desire to manipulate and be in control...but I doubt she could ever be that fun wife that Christine was and finally is or the wife that was the safe place between dueling wives....she is now one of those dueling wives...She and Meri can act like they are BFFs all they want but clearly if Meri was jealous of Janelle, she must really hate Robyn, so when he is with each one, he must hear the drama all the time....Janelle and Christine are looking pretty dang good to him...and Christine is even more so becoming that place of refuge. I cannot wait for the tell all book from one of the girls....I hope it is one of Christine's....

  34. Why is it wrong to let some kids swim in a pool? I think the owner can make any rule he wants and apply it whenever he wants. He made an exception for a relgious objection to another faith. That isn't wrong

    yes, it is wrong. The rules are CLEARLY posted. No street wear, cut offs in the pool. Only proper swim wear allowed. Let the FLDS kids swim all they want. My beef was this is a PRIVATE facility for members only. I swim there 3 times a week. These people were not members and he got a lot of flack for allowing them in. He said they needed private lessons and paid for the use of the pool. I lost a lot of respect for him after that. The Life Centre in Sandy Utah was about 10 mins away from Jeff's Cottonwood Canyon compound. TJ, the owner, manager allowed them one 6 week session after so many people complained.

    1. That is why it's an exception. If they were Muslim you would be okay with it.

    2. kms, I actually agree that exceptions to regulations like pool rules should be made to help accommodate people whenever practicable so that everyone can have reasonable access. But with all due respect, you can't know what any poster would or would not be okay with--the Muslim remark is kind of presumptuous.

    3. KMS, because I have travelled a lot to the Middle East, I can tell you that when Muslim women swim in public pools, they swim in very modest swimming other words, the material that their swimming clothes is made from is the same kind of material that most swim suits are made....they just have more material that covers arms, legs, and boobs and butts. It's not the same as someone like the Duggers who go into a pool with long jean skirts with sweats underneath and three shirts on the top...I don't know how they can get in and out with the weight of all those clothes

    4. But every Muslim here doesn't travel and buy swimwear from the Middle East. I know plenty that wear a swim suit and then wear lose clothing over it for the pool or they just don't go. And the FLDS or AUB aren't traveling to the Middle East to buy the conservative swimwear. They would find those suits too form fitting. I know what you mean.

      I don't understand why a religious accomodation does not rise to the level of a accomodation for people with special needs. I realize I'm in the minority.

    5. kms, One of the main reasons people can't swim in regular street clothes is that is is a safety issue. A long skirt could get caught in a drain,etc. also if they don't want to show their body, they can google modest swim suits. There are companies that special in swimwear that is made to cover all parts of the body, even the hair. Orthodox Jews wears these suits all the time.

  35. What Robyn said:

    "I am too busy to comment on Hunter's accomplishment because I am too busy, and also none of my sisterwives ever comment on MY kid's accomplishments so why should I comment on theirs? Plus I am just too busy. I have a busy life full of busyness!"

    What Robyn should've said, if Robyn were a normal, empathetic person:

    "My apologies for not congratulating Hunter sooner on his acceptance to the Air Force Academy! This is huge for him and his future, and I couldn't be prouder!"

    And leave it at that.

    Is it possible that this moron is simply jealous of Hunter, because Hunter clearly adores Truely and always has? Those two have a special connection that I find absolutely sweet. Hunter does not bow down to King Sol - you KNOW that has to drive Robyn crazy.

    She is so twisted. I used to think sociopath was too strong a word to use on her because I thought she was simply clueless. But now I think otherwise. Every move, every tweet, every FB post is manipulated to take any and all blame for everything and throw it to someone else, ANYONE else, as long as it's not her. That is scary.

    1. Classic passive/aggressive MO.
      And in her case, throw in a hefty sprinkling of entitlement mentality for extra special dysfunction.

  36. At this point in the Land of Kody, we see so many things just falling by the wayside.
    Or... were they ever really even there?
    Were they just a creation by a creative PR person over at TLC production staff (and later suggested by an equally creative book editor) ?

    For instance, given Sobbin's rather terse response to why she didn't immediately jump on the Tweet wagon about Hunter's Naval Academy acceptance coup, what happened to her saccharin opening line of "It's as if we should have been there together all along"....??? Together???
    Hmm.....sure looks like they all are distanced to such an extant that they don't communicate/interact in person at all, and then do not even respond (or perhaps even read) tweets originating from surrounding houses a mere breath away ??
    What' up with that, Kodyworld??

    Such a dedicated, close, devoted family that doesn't tell two of its key members that a divorce is happening....well, *supposedly* doesn't tell.... UNTIL the cameras are in place ????
    Now would any proclaimed "one for all, and all for one...we love each other" family really do that?

    There are many, many other examples of how far they have strayed from that slick, mushy/gushy opening declaration about who and what they all are..... and how they love/love their world.

    To Kody and you ladies of his world......
    Help us poor viewers out here, we are so confused..!!!
    What gives??
    Is what you all present *as a show* just a figment of *our* imagination?

  37. In a recent tweet with a picture of Kody and latest wife, it looks as though he got a haircut! Not short, but it's not such a hot mess, either.

  38. So any comments about recent Meri tweets? I think she's leaving.

    1. She will never leave, this is just her passive aggressive way at letting the world know that it isn't her day with kody. it is also a way to drum up speculation for their next season. you have to remember that kody's wives are not the most emotionally mature women out there!

    2. Something is going on in her life that is difficult for her. But, i just cant see her leaving...

  39. realityisnotrealMay 3, 2015 at 7:14 AM

    AnonymousMay2, I was wondering the same thing. Looks very suspicious. I think she's leaving, too.
    So, what does this mean for the tv show/TLC? Yet another reason why TLC should have pulled the plug last season and not let this travesty wear on. TLC and the Brown family should be embarrassed. But they are not, because they are in it for the MONEY. Period. Disgusting.

  40. Meri's tweets are depressing and have been for a couple of years. She seems like a woman with a lot of internal struggle and unhappiness that in her mind is brought upon her by others. I wish she could get a grip, get over it, and just get on with her life. The kid is grown and gone so she needs to get out of the cul de sac and live life as fully as she can and enjoy every day to the fullest. If she's lonely, I would suggest she find a man who can enjoy life with her on a full time basis. For me, this show has only demonstrated that the polygamist life is a crummy way to live for all concerned, the man, women and children -- they all get deprived. This show makes me appreciate my husband even more! I appreciate this blog because I can share my views with like minded people.

  41. Does anyone know if CJ is OK?

    1. Does anyone know if CJ is OK?
      Yeppers, I'm still here and doing fine...knock on wood!

    2. Good I was getting concerned to !

  42. I don’t think any of these women will ever actually leave. There is too much speculation going on in regard to Meri’s tweets. Maybe the only reason for the tweets is to keep fan interest during the off season so when the show starts again ratings will be high because people will want to watch to see if Meri leaves. The Browns’ have to know the rumor on the internet is that Meri is leaving, but they aren’t saying a word. When Meri and Kody divorced the family made a statement that Meri was not leaving the family.
    When I watch this show all I see is four very unhappy women who cry a lot and don’t even seem to like each other and function as four separate households, not one big happy family. How do so many viewers of this show see the Browns as one big happy functioning family? That’s what I don’t get.

  43. CJ...great capture of the Brown Clown's social interactions with their fans....

    Meri is passive agressive in a very high school girl mentality way. She honestly posts these cryptic messages that we all know are aimed at the other wives, Kody, or the fans....she wants people to see her pain or notice her actions and if they don't, out comes the messages....but just like a high school girl, her messages are so easy to read: Her falling...I am alone; my husband is with his new wife; I am sad that no one is here to keep me company; here people, look at me and see me and see my pain but it's okay, I will be okay...I'm strong. She is so easy to read. Even on the couch sessions and she does that resting bitch face smile as she smirks and says, we'll see....yeah right.

    Yesterday, Kendra, you all remember her, she is the defender of all things Robyn, called me a troll on Robyn's fan page. That was sort of sad considering that I was giving very good advice to Robyn and I guess after that advice sat on the fan page for a week or two, Kendra had had enough and just flat out called me a troll, so I had to explain to her what a troll was...and explain to her that I had not attacked Robyn or her fans; that I had not tried to pick a fight...I did add that a troll was a person who attacks and name calls and acts well like the way she was acting. But, since I did get the notification of activity on Robyn's page, I did a little looking around and all that talk about connecting to her fans was like all her other big died as quick as she brought it life...there are fans over there begging her to respond to their posts...not going to happen; Robyn wants to improve her image but doesn't want to actually WORK at it....I suspect that the entire group of parents have an aversion to work and that strong woman crap, give me a break...they are door mats for Kody and for each other. Really! Finally, Robyn has posted on twitter about needing to buy a bunch of mother's day gifts and I wondered if she was going to gift all the mothers in her life with their junk jooolry? That is funny.

    I did like the recent post of Maddie telling her mother how great she is and how much she has learned from her and it made me wonder if I have ever seen any of the kids post anything like that on the baby daddy's twitter account and I have to say that I doubt they have. The boys see him as a joke and the girls see him as the thing that makes their mothers I doubt any of the kids will ever say, hey dad, thanks for teaching me how to be kind, how to respect women, how to be responsible, how to be a good father, how to be a good know, the typical things most kids say to their monogamous dads. Of course, Kody and his wives think all monogamous men cheat...and that us poor monogamous women are being made fools of...cause men are like lions and need multiple women in their packs...forgetting that lions kill the cubs of other lions....that part of natures perfect order they forget to mention....and the rooster thing...if there are more than one rooster in the hen house, he, too, breeds with the hens so the hens end up with multiple husbands.....or communal relationships....let me stop before I start talking about guppies.

  44. After You post this maybe tlc will get them to post something nice about daddy o for Fathers day !!! Ya Think?

  45. MrSpock reporting in...been about the Galaxy...glad to be in a monogamous relationship...wondering how Robyn's plan to get the children adopted by Kody is going...have not heard of any "progress" in that area. Anyone else?

    Been reading about the Josh Duggar scandal----MrSpock raises both eyebrows at those revelations.

  46. ATTN CJ-----
    If you post anything about Josh Duggar/cancellation of 19 Kids, please let us know here and post the linky.

    I, too, have been reading and smh about JD. I am not really surprised. I disliked him the most (closely followed by JimBob) because he was just so pedophile creepy. I wonder if his wife Anna knew about his history before they got married.

    Now the mcmansion that Jill Duggar lives long before they will have to sell and move back in with the big family? I was aghast when I saw their home! They have no real source of income other than the show, so......??? Gonna be difficult to keep the lights and a/c on without income.

    Thoughts, Anyone?

    1. The Mcmansion that Jill lives in is the father's. They are flipping it, so in the meantime she is living in there. That's what the dad does, he's in real estate- along with many other things. I assume they've been making money since they've been very young. What I can't stand is also the younger sister, who is barely 21, and her younger husband, living in the other home that they did up for them. It looks like they are playing house. I hate how that could encourage other young people to get married thinking that's what real life looks like. It's not!!
