
Sunday, May 24, 2015

I Scour the Internet: The Memorial Day, See Ya Later Duggars! Edition for May 24 2015

Funny story. A couple of nights ago my BFF called me, all breathless. "Is it true?" she asked. I gave her the good/bad news (depending on whether you're a hater or lover). She then said something that if I was walking I would have fallen right down on my ample posterior.

She asked me "How could something like that happen with all those wives around?"

I was shocked and puzzled. I gathered my thoughts, resisting the urge to take my telephone handset and bang it on the table while yelling "McFly! McFly!!"

Calmly I asked her,  "What do you mean?" "Well, aren't the Duggars the polygamists?" she asked.

", that's the DARGERS" I replied.

BFF had her first senior moment, and I was witness to it! Whoo Hoo!!!

So unless you've been spending time with Kody and his Kodettes© in their Kul-de-Sak, you've undoubtedly have heard about the latest scandal to rock the hallowed network halls of TLC.

Guess they are going to need to change the TLC group picture, AGAIN.

Here's the Official Announcement from TLC that appeared on the 19 Kids and Counting Official Facebook Fanpage (as of May 22).

Effective immediately, TLC has pulled all episodes of 19 Kids and Counting currently from the air. We are deeply...
Posted by TLC on Friday, May 22, 2015

And here's one of many online articles about Josh Duggar...

Statements from the Duggar family via
Posted by 19 Kids and Counting on Thursday, May 21, 2015

Yep, I have a feeling we can stick a fork in 19 Kids and Counting...they are DONE.

Oh, and one last thing...In case anyone was planning on going to this event sponsored by TLC, I have a sneaking suspicion the Duggars are going to be no-shows.

Alrighty then. So what's new with the Browns?

Well, besides birthdays, Meri either retweeting those inspirational tweet at an alarming rate (her followers must love her for cluttering up their timelines) or tweeting sweet, coy nothings that shouldn't ever see the light of day, nothing really. Business as usual in the old cul-de-sac.

But I have to say Meri's prolific tweeting to a male friend is getting a bit, uh... out of hand.

Far be it from me to participate in her rather immature (but somewhat entertaining) Twitter interchanges with a male "friend" who prefers to think of himself as a not ready for primetime semi-superhero aficionado of all things Meri Brown.  I think her followers are just as shocked as I am when reading them.

In my other living room, to protect the not yet a superhero FOM (friend of Meri), he's known simply as George Glass. You know, that George Glass from the Brady Bunch show. I simply call him The Joker. Like the Steve Miller Band song from years ago.

Either way, he appears to have quite the opinion about himself.

He recently warned his followers, all 37 of them:
"If you follow me because I'm friends with Meri you will be [blocked] immediately Lol"
Meri sure knows how to pick 'em, doesn't she? First Kody and now this joker. Sheesh!!

Getting back to a bonafide "reality star", Meri continues to inundate her followers with at least a hundred motivational memes a day...well it seems like hundreds.

Starting in this issue of I Scour the Internet, I've created a new outlet for Meri's motivational tweets and retweets. I'm calling it...

The Tao of the Former Legal Mrs. Kody Brown

Here's a sampling of her offerings for this weekend...

Where's Og Mandino when you need him?

Logan recently celebrated his 21st birthday.

First to tweet congrats was his bonus mom Meri:

And his biological mommy dearest, Janelle...

And of course, bonus mom Christine tweeted her congratulations, along with a cute picture when Logan was a young boy...

Robyn stopped whatever she was doing with Kody and tweeted out this congrats...Sounds like she forgave him for getting the heck out of the cul-de-sac as soon as he graduated high school...or she's sucking up to her new legal hubby...

Unfortunately, the best effort Daddy Dearest Kody could muster was to retweet his wives congrats...with the exception of...hold on to your chapeaus...the tweet of former legal wife Meri.

The next day was Kody's and his new legal Mrs's 5th spiritual wedding anniversary...

Of course, the Original Three tweeted out their sentiments:

Meri's, surprisingly enough, appeared to be civil...but is that a hint of snark I see in that second sentence?

And I do believe Robyn picked up on the umm...snark with this coy reply...

And goosestepping their way in solidarity were Janelle and Christine, who attached an oh so sweet picture of the happy couple along with her obviously restrained congratulations...

That's got to be an old picture. Kody's hair hasn't look that good in years!

I know this is a crazy thought, but ya'll don't think Kody and his new legal Mrs. will start celebrating two separate anniversaries each year? You know, one for their spiritual marriage and another for their legal marriage?

I wish I could say they are savvy enough to realize what a boneheaded idea that would be. But we ARE talking Kody Brown, so anything is possible with that King of the Boneheads.

That's all for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet so YOU can enjoy the rest of Memorial Day weekend!

Some people call me the space cowboy...yeah. Some call me the gangster of Love...


  1. Does Meri really have a boyfriend? Any idea what the others think of her "special" friendship?

    1. I just spent a few minutes on his twitter, and back on May 21 Meri mentions her friendship with his grandmother and that she is meeting him for lunch to meet his girlfriend. He has the same obsession with quotes that she does though.

    2. I went back about a week, and he has twitter conversations with two people, Meri and someone else, and talks about his girlfriend, but she must not have a twitter, or doesn't exist, because he never tweets to her. He also jokingly refers to tabloids following these conversations and that he would sue them (or something) if they posted it.

      It's juvenile and dumb, and they seem to crack themselves up. He also is always patting himself on the back for his business ventures, even offering Mariah a job. He's probably just a con artist or hanger-on.

    3. Wow, Meri is like a giddy teenager on twitter! Her friend talks about tabloids stalking their conversations, how he thought Meri was only 35 and when she says something about being old enough to be someones mom he replies that she is too young and too hot to be his mom. He keeps abusing the wink symbol ;) and she is lapping up that attention. Part of me thinks it is pathetic and the other part really can't blame her what with having a part time husband and all.

      Do all of these conversations show up on her followers feed? Like, are these *cough* totally innocent and *cough* not attention seeking conversations on Kody or her sister wives radar? I don't do twitter so I don't know how that all works.

    4. Someone on Robyn's Facebook page posted for Robyn to support Meri's relationship with Sam. Robyn replied in effect hahaha people are reading more into the tweets than there is. Robyn also makes it sound like everything is wonderful in Kodyland.

    5. If Robyn thinks that people are reading more into the tweets then she obviously hasn't read through all of them. Meri has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old and her twitter history is embarrassing. None of these women will ever leave.

    6. And none of the women will ever learn that social media is not a toy. How much you wanna bet Robyn had no idea about Meri tweeting that guy and like a village idiot ran to Kody to tattle on Meri.

  2. Jim Bob and Michelle sent Josh to a family friend who owned a construction company for some hard labor instead of getting him counseling?!!! The drive to touch private parts while they sleep is not something that goes away with some sweat and prayer. My thoughts are with the victims.

  3. Makes me ill to think the duggar parents are going to continue making money off their wholesome protective lifestyle when it was solely to enable to child abuser and keep a secret. Home school, home church, buddy system outside the house into adult years. They kept an abuser around minors 24/7 for over 6 years and then added more minors to the house and then sent the older girls to his house to babysit even. They took them away from any person they could tell it happened again. You think if he did anything once they were regulars on TV they would have handled it any better than when their only claim to fame was political office? I hope he loses any perk from that service. I hope no Duggar has a show. Even the girls only promote the parent dating rules and call it theirs. I really think no one should copy their lifestyle. I hope CPS has their eye on them and wish they were required to send the kids out of the house to the public school so there is a chance another secret like this heaven forbid has a chance to be handled properly. I am so mad at the parents. How dare they. He should have been out of the house. Jill and Derick had them stay with them when she found she was expecting. Did Derick know what that man was capable of? I suppose JB didn't want to go into debt to get a lawyer or house the boy elsewhere until he turned 18. And the parents have their kid destroy the report not to keep her privacy or the minor offender, everyone knows already. It was to keep the little dirty details of how they made their girls live with their abuser for years and keep it from getting the attention of the legal and CPS. Threw the victims under the bus again IMNSHO. I hope they investigate whatever happened to all the show money and that the kids are given their share for being slaves for them for years. I hope the adults leave home ASAP. I hope that ALERT place is investigated as well. This is beyond Josh. What the parents did and didn't do once they found is inexcusable. I hope an adult writes a tell all since they hid the public record of how they handled this. Wasn't for the kids but their own fiscal health. This was not a healthy response to incest and what to do about a juvenile offender. I hope the Duggars are done. Too many people excusing it. That is even more scary. It's more than what Josh did when he was a kid. If it even stopped. And what happened to him? The cover up could have prevented another crime from being discovered and another predator stopped. So disappointing.

  4. I am not so sure the Duggars are done - they've yet to say the word "cancelled". Pretty crazy at this point- all the foot dragging going on here. I think they must be brainstorming ideas on ways they can keep it going and the cash flowing in. So many right wing christian conservatives love the Duggars and have no problem with the show continuing. Very curious to see how it all plays out, and with Mama June entering the debate - don't know how TLC worms their slimy way out of it all, what a mess!

    1. When TLC cancelled Here Comes Honey Boo Boo TLC said nothing to the public evn though they knew the show was being cancelled. June even said she was told her show was in limbo for about 30 days before being told officially of the cancellation.

    2. I hope this show is cancelled. Even if Josh is off the show, it won't help because it is those awful, disgusting, sin-filled, hypocritical, greedy parents that make me irate!!! Jim Bob making such a big deal of the girls first kisses being at the altar and now knowing what really happened in his own home. I feel for the victims and I hope there will be hell to pay for Michelle and Jim Bob. The sooner I hear this show is officially cancelled, the better!! I'm beyond disgusted and I think TLC's response has been lame. CJ thank you for opening this up for discussion as I so badly wanted to see what others on this blog thought of this situation.

  5. Bemused BystanderMay 24, 2015 at 9:02 PM

    Dear Cynical, I love the new edition of "I Scour the Internet"!
    I am a grinner.

    1. Thanks Bemused Bystander! I was a smoker and used to play my music in the sun!

    2. Ha!!! Love it !!
      Yep, used to be one too.

    3. Some people call me Maurice...(yoo hoo)

    4. CJ, Lourdes, and friends, this whole Meri-Robyn-Kody triangle really makes me think of Max Raabe und der Palast Orchester's cover of "Tainted Love". For your listening amusement:

  6. Oh my goodness. Those Tweets of Meri's. I hope she's getting some help somewhere. If not, she should be. Some medication or something. She just needs to #RunMeriRun because it looks like she is on the edge of a breakdown if it hasn't already happened.

    1. I call bs on Meri's tweets. IMO she is just retweeting random quotes that she likes and trying to drum up interest for when their show starts again by keeping people guessing if her tweets actually mean anything. Which I don't think they do.

  7. Was Josh's wife Anna aware of any of this before they got married? I'm sure it was all explained as a misunderstanding of playing the doctor game. Those Duggar poor girls. Someone in one of your living rooms made an excellent point that the Brown's may be twits, but they are good about letting their children make their own choices and the Btown girls are encouraged to go to college. Something to be said for not living in the backwoods of Arkansas. No offense to those in this living room, because you clearly get it.

    1. Was Josh's wife Anna aware of any of this before they got married?
      I did read that Josh supposedly did discussed it with her prior to their getting marriage.

    2. It seems that many people are making excuses for Josh. It concerns me that it all seems to be about Josh. What about the VICTIMS? How can it be playing doctor when the girls were asleep? One of the sisters was four years old at the time. The girls are so controlled by their parents, I think they were told that the right thing to do is to forgive. So many questions yet to be answered. Apparently, Anna did know prior to getting married. She better keep her little girl away from him. Jim Bob and Michelle should keep ALL of their daughters away from him - especially the little ones.

    3. The real outrage is the parents put minor children at risk. They hid what he did, have him live at home. There is no statute of limitation morally on endangering your children, particularly since they never really stopped endangering the kids they already had in the home and the ones they added to the family. They made money off their kids the kids will probably never see. They may them live in a house of side hugs and layers and In seclusion. The environment of fear and danger is unacceptable. They are not fit to raise snakes let alone children. Anna left the kids with Josh which she spent time with Jill one episode. Okay there was a camera man there too. But honestly. All this chaperoning means squat when your son manages to assault a sleeping child in a room with at least 3-4 other girls. It was to protect what the parents did. Well beyond Josh's act.

    4. Jim Bob and Michelle Dugger can attempt to spin all the blah, blah fundie talk in the world, but it cannot and will not sanitize the fact that they had a 14 year old, pubescent son who was sexually preying on their young *sleeping* daughters...and... they covered it up and did not seek appropriate help for him OR for their molester daughters. Instead, they signed on to do a reality show for big bucks, pimping their kids as the brass ring.
      After what they had already been through , they set those young girls up in front of cameras to smile and be demure as perfect little fundie girls. Little girls who had been recently molested by their brother !!
      The parents' actions, or lack of, are beyond irresponsible. Their actions were/are disgustingly, pointedly negligent and deceitful!! Bad parenting to the nth degree !!!

      TLC simply cannot endorse such a travesty by keeping that show on the air.
      It will mean nothing to simply ostracize Josh from any future filming. The public *knows* what he and what the parents did and did not do.
      Besides, why would anyone watch without bias, knowing what those daughters had to endure.? Endure while their parents were receiving "awards" for exceptional parenting?
      That show is done.......and it SHOULD be !!

    5. Anon May 25....

      Since the Duggars seem to hate, fear, and avoid science at all costs perhaps they believe 'Playing Doctor' is reasonable under those circumstances. He's just 'playing' a game of 'sleeping coma patient gynological exam'.
      That's dark, sorry.
      I am not joking or making light of this situation because it's too sick and sad, but I also can't comprehend the logic behind the actions taken either, so my brain is literally tearing it's brain hair out in frustration.
      I think the main reason behind all of this-the reason none of it was handled the way a rational or San person would handle it- is because woman are not real people in that family/subculture.
      There is no autonomy.
      Women are vessels for their God, husband, and future children. Any religion or movement that puts purity above your mind or actions subjugated and marginalized you to an object to be handled will never be a safe or healthy environment.
      This is not something found only in the Duggars religion. We have seen shades of it in polygamy and fundamental branches of many Christian sects.
      It's pervasive and secretive. As horrible as this is and as awful I feel for the victims I am overjoyed that this has been brought to light and people now know to watch these movements a little closer.

      I never thought I would be impressed by the Browns' 'progressive' views.

    6. I never watched 19 Kids, but knew about their beliefs generally. So, when I heard Josh got caught in the bedroom of a girl when he was 14, I thought the suggestions that Jim Bob took him to a cop to set him straight because he was with a girl his own age made sense.

      Then I read the police report. In it, it is made clear that Oprah's production team sent an email to CPS after receiving it from a woman who knew the family was there for the show. The parents along with the entire church failed those girls. If Oprah decided not to interview them in 2006 because of that e-mail, I'm sure they shared why with TLC.

    7. The police report is disturbing. It looks as if those kids were coached by Jim Boob and Smoochelle so I fear that what actually went on was much worse. Josh never got treatment or assessed. We don't know if he is still victimizing people. If he was truly remorseful he would submit to an assessment and undergo counseling. He also would have considered his victims' anonymity and his family's well being by never taking that job in DC. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that most certainly his political opponents would have people working 24/7 to dig up dirt on him. It shows how arrogant and/or foolish he is. Jesus watched away my sins so it's all good??? Those victims need help and TLC better offer a licensed specialist to help them. I don't care about "help" for Josh but he does need to be assessed as he has children living under his roof and he comes in contact with his siblings and other church families.

    8. Monogamous Apostate wrote" It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that most certainly his political opponents would have people working 24/7 to dig up dirt on him. It shows how arrogant and/or foolish he is"
      AMEN!!!! Don't go pissing off the Lesbian and Gay community when you have skeletons in your closet. Don't preach that gay men are a danger to children when your doing the thing your accusing them of doing. Arrogant doesn't begin to cover his attitude.

    9. The problem is, we don't know if he was a victim before he became a predator. Most abusers were abused themselves. The whole family should b ordered into cpuncelling. Most defiantly taken off the air.

  8. How profound (and revealing) of Meri to tweet...
    ."Sometimes it's not the people who change, it's the mask that falls off."
    Wow!!! Spot On !!! Thanks, Meri !!!

    Couldn't have said it better myself about you all.
    The masks are finally off Kody and his Harem !!l.
    If we are to take Meri's pearl pf insight at face value (pun intended), they were NOT who they pretended to be. They wore disguises...could be called purposeful deception. Or just plain BS.

    Sister Snarkers, feel the validation !!!
    We were right all along.

  9. Definite shade!

    I'm glad you have what you ALWAYS clearly wasn't what he had had for the last 20 years.

    I never thought Meri was funny, but that gave me a chuckle.

  10. True fans of the show didn't like when Robyn ran to answer the phone, and then made a sly grin response. Then, it really hit the fan when the divorce happened. It was a moment of clarity for many of the true fans, knowing how they had been played for the last few years.

    The pain in Meri's face at the attorney's office, to everyone but Kody and Robyn, brought forth sympathy for Meri and hate for Kody and Robyn on twitter. It was clear that they had been lying to the viewers. We all saw it, but many fans did not, until the divorce. With HBB and 19 Kids imploding, they are probably safe for the next season, but I don't know how much longer people will watch. It's been boring for a long time.

  11. So once again, I find myself having to explain to my young daughter the failings of yet another family/person she grew up admiring. This is getting old.

    She grew up with the Duggar kids, watching them on tv from the beginning, As a teen, she can still rattle off all those ridiculous "J" names, in order, no less. And as with "Honey Boo Boo" and "Jon & Kate Plus 8," I have to once again sit down with her and explain what happened with the Duggars, and how those poor girls have no voices, and how this was allowed to happen under the supposed "watchful" eyes of their parents. Parents are supposed to PROTECT. But with 17, 18, 19 kids, etc., this becomes impossible. Jim Bob and Michelle are not parents. They have put every single one of their children at risk, under their own roof. They covered things up. And they profited big time.

    And this is what I have had to explain to my daughter. Having children does not make you a "parent," and no matter what, a real parent will move heaven and earth to protect their children. The Duggars are pathetic excuses for parents, and every one of those children should get counseling.

    It makes me sick and completely enrages me.

    1. I agree laurakaye. The mask has been pulled from yet another public "role model", and the truth is beyond disgraceful. With so many children, I always expected a few of the Duggar kids would stray from the family's values - experimenting with sex, drugs or (yikes) a formal education. But this was beyond even my cynical expectations.

      As parents, Jim Bob and Michelle made the clear choice to protect the reputation and the future of the offender over the psychological and physical well-being of the victims, some of which are their own daughters. Even with a public admission of guilt and remorse, the family hides behind religion, expecting their faith to excuse a behavior that is so egregious, it would land anyone else on a lifetime sex offenders list. This wasn't a case of a 15 year old boy getting caught at third base with his underage girlfriend. This was felony forcible fondling. If TLC doesn't cancel this program, it too is choosing financial gain over the best interest of the victims.

    2. well I guess this is what they mean by "the learning channel" these days... you have to do a lot of teaching to your kids because of their shows. All of these shows...all of them..these people are narcissistic and are doing it for profit. It's all disgusting to me.

  12. The whole Duggar situation saddens and disgusts me. I'm saddened for the girls who have been victimized, and even for Josh, who didn't receive the counseling that might have helped him understand his impulses and learn to control them. I'm disgusted at the Duggar parents, who dropped the ball so completely and failed to protect ANY of their children. And I'm disgusted by people on both sides of the aisle who use this situation to throw shade at their opposite numbers. The conservative Christian community's comments that the Devil brings up the past to stymie the efforts of the righteous are as off-base and shallow as the liberal and progressive statements that conservatives use the Bible as cover for their nefarious doings. Both groups have something very fundamental in common: they are both flawed, as we all are flawed. They are both trying to wrap their heads around a discovery that shatters their opinions of a family that has been placed on a pedestal for their lifestyle--a family that has been lauded by some and been the target of potshots by others. And they are both trying to determine how this news will inform their opinions about people, faith, family, and justice in the future.

    Personally, I think both groups and many of us on this and other forums, have missed an important point in the Duggar saga. That point is this: there's a difference between sin and crime; the two are not always mutually exclusive--some sins are crimes, too. God defines and forgives sin; the human community defines and punishes crime. While Jim Bob and Michelle may have acted in accord with their faith in terms of rooting out and dealing with sin within their family, they failed to act on the criminal aspect of the events that took place in their home, and I believe that it is this failure that engenders anger and vitriol from Duggar critics. I think it's the parental protection Josh received from having to deal with the consequences of his crime that many people find offensive and inexcusable; especially when it appears that the victims did not receive the same parental protection. Additionally, allowing the human need for distributive and procedural justice to be met might also have compelled the family to deal with the perpetrator's possible mental health issues, and seek resolution, protection, and counseling for the victims.

    I'm biased in this situation. As a sex abuse survivor myself, I like to believe that I know what the Duggar girls feel about what happened to them and what their lives are like now that the information has become public. Logically, though, I really can't know what the victims felt then--or now, because I was socialized differently and taught a different female/daughter role that the Duggars probably raised their daughters to assume. For myself, this news has brought up a lot of old memories and feelings that I thought I had banished from my consciousness--with the help of knowledgeable counselors and loving, supportive friends. Which just goes to show that I'm as flawed as both sides of the debate who have taken to public media to opine. None of us is perfect, and the Duggar saga is just another way to confirm the flawed, but fascinating nature of humanity and to reaffirm our collective need for both forgiveness and justice.

    1. This is the most thoughtful, intelligent, eloquent response I've read on the subject. Beautifully stated, got2bdrc. Thank you.

    2. Beautifully stated got2bdrc. It really does bring up old memories and feelings..for me 50 years on. I can't imagine what those girls are going through or feeling, i know i could not have handled something so shameful being made public and discussed in magazines and online. I hope they are getting the counseling now .

  13. Wow, that was some pretty interesting snark in Meri's happy anniversary tweet. It is most likely all an act to get more attention for the show, but there's a chance she's really pissed and on her way out. Either way you can tell she isn't happy with her life or Kody anymore.

    The entire Duggar situation is just sick. The rumors about Josh doing something inappropriate have been around for years. I am a member on Freejinger and there's always been talk about him doing something inappropriate with a girl in her bedroom, but most people thought it was just that, talk. Seeing as "alice" the lady who originally wrote the entire Josh/Duggar molestation situation up on message boards as far back as 2007, seemed pretty desperate to get the word about Josh and the Duggars out, I have no doubt that TLC knew about this years ago but chose to do nothing.

    TLC better watch their step, the entire network is setting themselves up for a major shake up or cancellation if they keep this up. The Browns should be ashamed to be on this network who okays child abuse and neglect.

  14. I agree with the previous poster, I always figured that a few of the Duggar children would stray from their family's lifestyle. With that many children, under that much limelight and pressure to conform it's inevitable that one or two would break with tradition and cause some sort of scandal. However I did not see this one coming, and I just want to say how sad. I am not sad for Josh he committed moral and legal crimes and deserves to be punished. Nor am I sad for Jim Bob or Michelle they ignored a problem, covered it up, put children at risk just for fame and fortune. I am however deeply grieved for the girls involved in this situation. How painful to be abused, then to have the perpetrator not only get away with it but have the crime go public for everyone to speculate on. I sincerely pray that the victims get the love, support, and counselling they deserve.

    On a completely separate note and tone, Meri does realize that jack died while floating in that ice cold ocean "not giving up" right? He would have been better off giving up and getting his own door or making Rose share hers just saying.

  15. Janelle just tweeted an article about the damaging effects of shame based sex education, hmmmmm I wonder how she felt about Robyn's purity speech?

    1. It's the Elizabeth Smart article from 2013. Smart shows the problem eloquently and honestly. She brutally attacks the patriarchal notions that kept her captured. Janelle throws shade, but I'd take this more as a "here Duggar girls, you aren't alone."

    2. I am glad she tweeted such an important article. Elizabeth Smart is an amazing woman.

      The whole purity episode made me feel ashamed. I really hope Janelle takes Robyn and Kody aside and explains to them what this article is about.

  16. hide the childrenMay 27, 2015 at 2:55 PM

    I wondered the same thing

  17. I've been intermittently following the Duggar scandal on a few snark-type sites and I just had to come back here and thank C.J. for this board and her commitment to keeping this space civil and safe. There are some truly ugly chat places out on the internet.

    Good work C.J.

  18. So now the Batman guys' tweets are protected on Twitter. At first I thought- wow, if you've nothing to hide, why hide the tweets?
    Then I saw Robyn's FB page and I have a theory.

    Someone on Robyn's page seems to know an awful lots about Meri's friend, and is happily sharing it all on Robyn's page.
    To me, this is exactly what happened when someone on FB 'just happened' to drop the info that they were searching for something about the Browns and public records and happened to find the divorce decree.

    This family will stoop to amazing lows to keep relevant and attract viewers for the upcoming season. They come back in September and are already trying to make us all believe that Meri has a boyfriend just so we will set our DVRs and see if it's true.

    I'm not buying it.

    Not again, nope.

    The Browns are phony con artists who will do anything to make an easy buck--except work.

    1. Completely agree with you NTtB! The way the show is edited the wives just seem so unhappy that you can’t help but hope at least one of them will find their way out. I don’t know how the wives (and a lot of fans) can’t see how they are portrayed on their show.
      This show hasn’t been real since after the first season. Reality is the Brown Family functions no differently than many other divorced or single parent families except Kody kind of sort of stays involved.

      I really don’t get how so many fans praise the Browns for having such high moral standards, great family values, etc. When in reality he is just a man that has one wife and three baby mommas.

      Why can’t TLC produce a show that really answers questions about how the Browns function as a family unit without all the fake drama? What happens if one of the wives has something breakdown in their home? Can they call Kody if it isn’t their day/night? Do all the children have access to Kody at any time or do they have to wait until their mother’s day/night? Who does the shopping, plans the meals, manages the finances, etc.? Does one wife watch another wife’s children when she is out on a date night? Why are Christine’s mother and Robyn’s (cousin?) living with them? Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose of sister wives? How exactly do these women support each other in their day to day normal routine?

      Fans tell them all the time how great it would be to have sister wives. If you want a sister wife, agree to let your husband get another woman pregnant. Convince the pregnant woman to move in next door. Put your husband on an every other night rotation. And there you go, you got a sister wife! I don’t get it. I really don’t get it.

    2. Love your name, NotTakingTheBait !!
      It speaks perfectly to what the Browns are attempting to achieve on twitter.
      They plant the little insidious tweet seeds, and watch them take root via fans. At this point it is probably an inhouse game, where they then laugh about all the speculation.
      Their bottom line is that nothing matters about reality and truth as long as the fans will be there in September for those all important ratings.

      TLC has shown repeatedly what is their bottom line. The Dugger debacle is just another addition to their list of bogus, contrived shows dubbed "reality" when they are anything but "real." Also doubt there are any TLC folks hanging their heads about the Dugger reveal.
      Instead they are probably in back room sessions scrambling to decide how to capitalize on it all. No question, they will come up with something to keep the fans/ratings which keeps the sponsors($) Duggers/19 kids was/is the anchor store for TLC's mall of reality shows.

      And no doubt we can expect TLC to institute similar phony "whatever it takes" efforts to keep Kodyworld on the air and keep that sponsor money intact.
      After all, we know they have already been doing "whatever it took" to keep viewers for 5 years.

  19. hide the childrenMay 31, 2015 at 4:47 PM

    I've been watching Sister Wives since the beginning, but I won't be watching next season. Quite frankly, I just don't care anymore. The kids have been the most interesting thing for the last 2 seasons anyway, in my opinion, and they don't show much about them anymore. I don't care if Meri has a boyfriend and Robyn has been the queen bee since she came into the family whether it was legal or not. Yeap, I just don't care about the show anymore. I've liked the blog better than the show for a long time. I'll still come here to see what's going on, but I won't tune in

    1. Tell it like it IS. I agree!

  20. If the Brown Clowns want to keep up with their TLC neighbors, Kody's fifth wife better be an ex-Amish, 600 pound little person with a hoarding problem....

    1. married into a gypsy family....

    2. who designs wedding dresses.........

    3. Who eats dirt and has 152 tattoos and 67 piercings and refuses to wear anything but pajamas with feet at all times. Oh, and has 27 pugs. We need the rescued animal angle.

    4. I was totally off base with my last post....the obvious choice for wife #5 is....Caitlynn Jenner! Now THAT would guarantee Kodouche stays on the air!

      Kody should start the courtship ASAP if he wants to keep the cult-de-sac in tact....

    5. Yessssssss!!!! Caitlynn Jenner!

    6. TLC should bring Stacey and Clint back and do a wardrobe make-over for the Brown women (just the moms).


      Or just set everything on the Roloff's farm.

  21. What happened in the Duggar house is horrible but I can't say I'm horribly surprised...anyone remember the first special about them? There were 16 people in 3 bedrooms, which means 14 kids in 2 bedrooms, which means more than likely multiple kids PER bed and if boys and girls weren't sleeping in the exact same bed, they HAD to be in the same point is there were Zero zero boundaries. Older kids were dressing, bathing, and feeding younger kids...go ahead and add in the complete and total isolation....and of course something HORRIBLE happens... before TLC theses kids had little to no contact with peers their own abe, only their siblings, they say so in their book. They couldn't afford all the home school social events where kids meet other kids until much later....that is not "wholesome" it is weird and professionally speaking a "maladaptive" environment...that's part of the conversation that needs time be had, extreme isolation is not healthy for kids

  22. Is meri brown pregnant? Check her Twitter she visited her ob/gyn and they both look really happy and excited?

    1. hide the childrenJune 3, 2015 at 3:54 PM

      If she is, I hope it's not Kody's. That would be a hoot!

    2. Wasn't this the Dr Meri saw on the show? They could be hinting that it's Robyn who's pregnant and not Meri.

    3. Why...why ..why would anyone in their right mind tweet about seeing their OB/GYN?

  23. Yes it is but isn't she meri's doctor not Robyn's...

    1. Meri shared her husband so I don't think she'd have a problem sharing her OB/Gyn !!

    2. I bet its just "Get your cervical cancer pap screen today! This message brought to you by TLC, ObGyns of America, and the letter Y. Y are you still tuning in to TLC?"

  24. I'm watching the Duggar interview, and the parents' explanations and reactions are unbelievable. They are clinging to their script for dear life, but I don't think that they or TLC can spin this away. They can't or won't elaborate beyond their feeble, but well-rehearsed, excuses and self-congratulatory conclusions.

    According to them, their daughters didn't even know what happened, until the parents asked them. Josh confessed to them, and they did the most that any parent could do. The event was many years ago - Josh was so young and it's behind him, but it's also, apparently, it was a life-changing event for him even to this day.

    Michelle cries on cue when necessary and invokes their piety often; Jim Bob seems to claim that he never had any idea about anything at any time. They are cartoon characters.

  25. Things that stuck out from the Kelly/Dugger interview...

    1-The parents said their son was "curious" which led to his fondling his sisters.
    Curious about maturing females? How does that play when one of his victims was his five year old sister?

    2- They said that the he couldn't be a pedophile because the incidents happened when he was 14 and 15, and for a person to be declared a pedophile, the age is 16 and above.
    They also said they had inserted "safeguards" in the house to restrict any male/female contact. So without safeguards in place, would the molestations have taken place beyond age 16? Given that they assumed they had taken care of the problem by simply preventing access, how would they then know if he "was healed" from his urges?

    3- If they were compelled to close the ranks on any disclosure and on any "normal" in house interaction between brothers and sisters, why then enter into a completely "abnormal" environment by then putting their kids on display on a world stage via the show?

    4- If they sincerely feel that their daughters are now being re-victimized by the media, why put them right back out there in yet another Kelly interview to air on Friday night?
    A daughter who just had a baby and the other one who is pregnant? Isn't that just feeding the media beast...and complete disregard for their daughters' well-being on all levels.?

    *this is the most glaring and disturbing one for me*

    1. Hooooo boy, that bit where Jim Bob was 'splaining' away pedophilia and asserting that Josh couldn't legally be one because of the difference of one year made me cringe in disgust and embarrassment. I'm not claiming Josh is a pedophile, just that his father should never have brought that up - making sure we knew that Josh couldn't LEGALLY be defined as one. Plus, even worse, the statement was used because Jim Bob was making sure that we knew and understood that Michelle had NOT claimed that transgender individuals posed a threat as possible child molesters but as PEDOPHILES. No soft coating that one. Basically, he was telling us that there was no hypocrisy in knowing what they know about their son AND AT THE SAME TIME Michelle making her many famous statements about the transgender community because...wait for it...their son is not LEGALLY a pedophile (at most a child molester?) while the transgender community CAN BE equated with pedophilia.

      It made my head spin.

    2. He sexually abused children of various ages. I don't care how old he is. I don't care how complicated it is for you to have victims and offenders in the house cause it wasn't your job to handle them both. The victims names were hidden. Why are they on TV if they are upset about the media, I'm talking the daughters doing interviews. The shame is the parents names in a report that would have been sealed if it followed to something giving him a record, That is ma and pa fault. Detailing how the parents let a known abuser access to their minor kids and that continues to this day. Shame on them.

  26. On a shamefully superficial note.....

    Is Megyn Kelly deliberately *trying* to look just like Kate Gosselin??

    1. Kate wishes she looked like Megan Kelly! Apparently you don't watch her regularly. Her hair has looked like this for months.

    2. I have seen her since she has had the longer hair.
      Just saying Megyn looked/ looks better with shorter hair. jmo.
      When the camera shot her from the back, the stringy piece hanging down her back from the mullet top looked ala Kate Gosselin. Sometimes extensions are not the best look from the back. Again, jmo.

  27. The whole Duggar thing really has me bothered...I wish someone somewhere would ask them if they feel their extreme "parenting" choices of withdrawing their children from society, having more children then could ever actually be meaningfully supervised, and their extreme sexual conservatism where mere hand holding is prohibited, if all this created an environment that would be impossible for a pubescent boy to navigate. I think it's important to remember that the Duggar kids had NO, ZERO, ZIP, access to tv, modern music, internet, movies, magazines...oh yeah, and not a single kid his age to even talk to about things (that wasn't a sibling)... the whole environment seems like the perfect breeding ground for problems

    1. But the parents did. You'd think a state rep would know what to do if many daughters had been violated.

    2. I think JimBob knew exactly what to do because he was a state representative. He successfully swept the incidents under the rug expecting it wouldn't be made public because his son was a minor. What he didn't count on was that the Oprah staffer would fax that email to the Arkansas police and that a police report would be generated that would be available to the general public for review. That was a major screwup on his part. If Josh had gone through the court system his record would have been sealed by the court. But he didn't and this is the mess that's left.

  28. What i find disturbing is the use of the word mistake, The Duggers use the word frequently....Josh made a teenage mistake. No a mistake is forgetting to turn your coffee pot off, losing your keys and so on. NOT molesting or sexually assaulting 5 girls. That's not a mistake, that's a felony.

  29. Having watched the interview with the two daughters, I am at a loss for what to think.
    They stated that they felt compelled to appear since they were two of the victims and felt that their version (and feelings) needed to be heard. Okay, I get that.
    It was also apparent that they were following closely with what their parents had already stated.
    They didn't know they had been violated until their parents told them. They were not in "trauma" from being informed about what their brother had done. In the interview, they too attempted to minimize the fondling and duration of it just like their parents had done.
    What was apparent is that the family has closed ranks, circled the most families do while in crisis. Both daughters appeared and stated to be more affected by the recent disclosure than of the acts themselves.
    So what did their interview accomplish other than parrot what their parents has already said?
    Not much!

    Were they coached for the ensuing dialogue since Fox's Megyn Kelly would have had to submit her questions in advance? Their lawyer would have insisted on that.
    Were the daughters first and foremost displaying family solidarity by doing that interview?

    Side note...
    When the older daughter, Jill, broke into tears when asked how she felt when she first heard about the InTouch report and then struggled to regain her composure, it was startling that her sister, Jessa, sitting not 3 inches away, did not offer any gesture of comfort or attempt any distraction or words while her sister was struggling. I was shocked. Given the same set of circumstances, I would hope that any one of my sisters would have reached out to me. One would think (hope) it would be a natural reflex, sister to sister..

    I was left with the sense that this family needs to just get off the TLC Reality Show train.
    Just end the star-glow and business of this type of notoriety. End it !!

    However, if they, any of them, choose to continue with the show, one must ask why?
    They have publicly stated their beliefs and lifestyle for 10 years. There is isn't anything else to showcase.
    So after all this, if they, any of them, attempt to stay in the TLC spotlight, it *has* to be only about money and ego.

    1. I think the reason that Jill and Jessa were coerced into doing the interview by Jim Bob is because they were already in negotiations with TLC for a spin off with those two girls specifically. Jim Bob is desperate to salvage something of the TLC money train. It is all so disgusting and I will never watch a moment of television involving this family ever again. I think TLC will have no option but to cancel this show in the end. The one I would love to hear from is Jana (the oldest daughter) -- I would love to know what that young woman really thinks and feels about her place in this family and what she suffered at the hands of her molester (s). The whole saga just turns my stomach.

    2. Agree.
      And if you are right about negotiations already taking place for a spin off with the the two married daughters..then it really is disgusting.
      To think that they also were there to curry favor (and visibility) with future viewers. Ugh !!

  30. Excellent Review CJ
    The thing that presses on me about both the Duggers and the Browns is their tainted world view. The have such a warped reality that they cannot for their own lives understand why so many educated and logical thinkers are against what they are doing. That's why they throw the persecution: the browns think because so many speak about the mental abuse of the women, the hostile living environment the four wives are trying to survive, and the competitive nature of getting Kody's attention that the women and children find themselves apart of, that we are persecuting them because of their beliefs or their life style...they cannot open their eyes and see that it's the abuse and not the multiple wives that we are against and the abuse is a result of the multiple wives. And the browns believe that they are the result of some liberal media persecution just because they are christians, not because they are hate mongers who push their hate down the throats of their neighbors (I got the robo calls from Mama Dugger), the right wing nut camp via Josh's anti gay and anti abortion pushing messages, and even on their crazy-assed show.
    The girls from both families are so pitiful; however, the Brown's girls are able to get out and experience life...sadly the Duggar girls are not so lucky. In the two Duggar girls who were Duggared (a new sick use of their name to refer to being touched by their brother and I sort of like it's irreverence to the Duggars and don't want you guys to think I am making fun of other victims) by Josh, one of the girls said, you know he was just like going by and seeing a girl asleep or whatever and he just was so sly he just grabbed a those aren't the exact words but I tell you the way that the girl said it was as if it wasn't a big deal. Maybe her life has been filled with her parents sugar coating what he did as boys will be boys and so she thinks it isn't a big deal....but both girls have yet to deal with what was done to them...they were both weepy and over reacted when they were talking about the revictimization, BTW, they chose to be on TV to tell their story and to admit they were the victims, of course, anyone with any sense could have figured it out...but the media didn't re victimize them; the media provided the truth about the consequences of having more kids than you can take care; the truth about hypocrisy,so now when North West Arkansas tries to get a law passed that provides equality to our gay friends and family and our transgendered friends and family, the truth about the Duggars will devalue their attempts to sway people to vote against it...their validity of good family values has been proven a fallacy and for that I am proud of the news media for going after them, just as they went after Justin Harris who rehomed kids to a pedophile...I will stop now...dang I need coffee.

    1. Okay, I should have done a quick read before posting....And the Duggars, not Browns, believe that they are being persecuted because they are Christians.....

    2. Years ago, back on the sister wives blog site I once posted something about the "Robot Cult Haze" that the Duggar kids all exuded. "They are too well behaved, too well mannered, too perfect. They are completely isolated from anyone who does not adhere strictly to their belief system. They adhere to their parents misogynistic cult beliefs much tighter than these kids[. . . ]And hardly any [Browns] will stay with the cult once they leave home. All of the Duggars probably will."

  31. Not that they would agree to it at all, but I would love to ask the Duggars -- Josh, his wife, his parents, the daughters involved -- if they would submit to a lie detector test to put things to rest and try to get closer to the actual truth for once and for all. I know that they're not admissible or totally effective, but there is some actual validity. Even if TLC required it to get their show back, would they? Or is it against their religious beliefs?

    1. Why would they need to do this? What would be the point of a lie detector test? The truth has already been told.

    2. They can't keep their story straight, too many contradictions -- one of the girls reported him before he confessed, then that story changed because they were all asleep; there was no professional counseling, then there was; there was fondling, then just a quick, sly 'feel'... The true story has not been told.

    3. The truth has not been told. It's be a contraction acknowledging a bad mistake happened but the details carefully prepared contradict. They were asleep and yet they say some of it was while awake. It's like Michelle saying the kids decide the dating courting rules and then says in her next breath daddy decided they could side hug. It's like saying Jill is a midwife when she was training to assist a midwife. The commenter on their slanted perception of the world and the feeling they are attacked being exaggerated is spot on. I want to know if the girls who sleep through abuse, sometimes, really were safe after the two times after he slipped? I want to know if they had a profession talk with the family and if they lied about Josh's living or really were approved to lock them in at night when it's clearly a fire hazard and unnecessary since he can move out at 18, even before they could have found arrangements. The actions taken don't suggest they talked to a competent therapist even in 2006. You don't decide you are not a victims cause you weren't conscious. And then some of them were awake. New victims were involved on those later slips that didn't have be victims. I want to know if his connections covered it up. If they have been paying hush money to nonfamily member victim. What if their family was the person going to the media? Don't they have a right not to see these people earn money for their lifestyle of purity and safeness and protecting and isolating their kids when it leads to an abuse cover up. These people run a church. They are mandated reporters now. If they don't report known abuse told to them by a person not the offender I hope their get their asses sued. JB going to their church at the time meant that church had to report. Josh talking to clergy is protected but JB saying my daughters were sexually touched by their brother is legally meant to be reported or criminal and civil consequences. JB and M should have been charged after the first event when more were harmed. I want to know if the judge and if CPS has an conflicts of interest. Like the cop he went to was a conflict of interest.

  32. What is going on with the Duggars is exactly why victims don’t tell. This is becoming a media circus and makes me feel like crap. What happened to me was way worse than what happened in the Duggar’s family. My abuser used the “if you tell it will destroy the family” against me. Finding out you are being touched in your sleep, in your own bed, regardless of the body location, is very unnerving.
    The police report should never have been released. The victims are being victimized by the media. Josh confessed which is absolutely amazing. My abuser denied, denied, denied and lied, lied and lied. He never touched me, I exaggerated, I was making stuff up, I was lying, I was mad because he didn’t do x,y, or z. After I had cut off all contact with him for several years, he actually had the nerve to call me and ask me “when I was going to stop all this nonsense”.
    The Duggars did do some things right. The parents were a united front, they did seek help, and they did not make their daughters feel like it was their fault. If the Duggars had gotten the law involved CPS would have either taken the girls away or Josh. How could any of you decided between children? No one knows for certain what they will do until they actually face similar situation. It is so easy to sit on the outside and pass judgement.

    1. I heard that if the parents had contacted the proper authorities like the police and CPS when Josh continued to molest his sisters that 2nd and 3rd time, his record would have been permanently sealed. But since the Duggars tried to sweep his problem under the rug, this is the outcome. The Duggars have themselves to blame and I don't see where they did anything right in this case.

    2. They can be his mom and dad if he lives elsewhere with dad. For the family sitting on the lap of two 20 year olds a car to keep them safe one would think incest of several girls would be enough to separate. They are continuing to allow him access to minors. They never stopped. In 2006 when children's got involved he was an adult male. They move out normally. Why did they have to reside in the home where the rest of the kids were locked up? Do you decide to risk your children being harmed? It is worse to not sleep under the roof with your teen than for your 5 year old to be fondled sexually, maybe even more. Did he fully disclose what he did? Is this the honor system? Josh could have lived with dad elsewhere. Mom with the rest of the family until he turned 18 and then on his own. They don't get to decide these awful things. The court and children's gets to decide because there is no way to see to the needs of each on your own. They decided to do the duggar thing and say to heck with the rest of the world. But there were in the world deciding all sorts of things and partaking in the process. When you allow someone to abuse you become the abuser. We only need to wait for one of them not to live off the name and in a duggar property and working for dad for one of them break the control of their parents to really know if it stopped. How they felt being prisoners with no one to tell, sent to boot camp at the age treated like a potential offender because of one family member. They didn't do Josh favors.

    3. What is going on with the Duggars is exactly why victims don’t tell.
      I have to disagree with you on that point. When I was growing up in the 60s-70s, if a woman was raped it was considered her fault. Period. If she went to court, her entire life was scrutinized with major finger pointing how SHE was the one at fault. Much like Josh, the perpetrators were allowed to go free, while their victims were left to pick up the pieces of their life and whatever dignity they had left. THAT's why victims were reluctant to pursue prosecuting the perps.

      The police report should never have been released.
      The irony of that statement is the police report would NOT have been released if Jim Bob Duggar had not attempted to hide what Josh had done by not officially reporting the incidents.

      The Duggars did do some things right.
      Locking children in their bedrooms at night to keep their older brother from molesting them is not doing the right thing. It's not normal, unless you live in a prison or jail.

      If the Duggars had gotten the law involved CPS would have either taken the girls away or Josh

      And the parents would not have the need to tell their daughters not to play with their brothers, not to hug, not to play hide and seek, and would not require their children to sleep behind closed, locked doors!

      Most important, a judge would have sealed Josh's records - meaning they would not have been released. And this whole mess could have been avoided.

      It is so easy to sit on the outside and pass judgement.
      Which is exactly what Jim Bob did. He took it upon himself to act as judge in this situation, and because Josh's transgressions were not properly reported until after the statute of limitations had expired, his police record was never sealed by a court of law. I agree that Josh's parents did not do him any favors, that's for sure.

    4. "It is so easy to sit on the outside and pass judgement."

      Which is why the whole situation is painfully ironic. Sitting on the outside and passing judgement is what the Duggars have been all about these past many years.

    5. "Locking children in their bedrooms at night to keep their older brother from molesting them is not doing the right thing. It's not normal, unless you live in a prison or jail."

      Absolutely !! That admission was so shocking, so insanely bizarre.
      Not only was it punitive to the children behind the locked doors, and an unforgivably stupid thing to do for fire safety as noted by another poster; it also may have set those "imprisoned" children up for serious trust issues moving forward as adults.

      As far as Jim Bob bungling the whole thing...yes, he did from day one. Yet he is still willing to throw up a smokescreen of flimsy excuses and feign outrage that the system is flawed and that they are being wronged.

      The only solution that makes any sense at all now is for that family to just disappear from TV, speaking engagements and interviews. . Eventually the tabloids and rag mags will lose interest when juicier stories are more lucrative. .

    6. Anonymous 12:42, It is so easy to sit on the outside and pass judgement. You're right, it is easy to sit on the outside and judge these people for what they failed to do, which was protect their daughters. I live in NWA, and I'm one of the ones who received hundreds of robocalls from MD as she tried to convince all of us that if we voted to repeal the anti-equality law or ordinance that had been passed in our city, our girls and women would not be safe. Josh Duggar, as you recall, worked for an organization that spreads hate--hate for gays folks, bisexual folks, lesbian folks, and transgender folks...they compare them to...get this...child rapists and molesters...they throw passages from the bible out to rile folks up...that spreading of hate, particularly if you are guilty of having Duggared your little sisters, does exempt one from the whole not being judged thing so yeah I judge. Finally, these people want to make birth control and abortions more difficult to get. Look, abortion is a hot topic but in the USA, they are legal and it is up to the woman and her doctor and to have a group of people yelling at women going into and out of family planning clinics and terrorizing them is just about as low as you can get. Here's my deal Duggars: you don't like gays, don't marry one; you don't believe in abortion, don't get one; you don't believe in birthcontrol, don't take it but stay our of my bedroom, my uterus (well, it's been gone for a while but if I still had it) and stay the hell out of my family planning...ain't none of their business so yeah, they get judged by me...that holier than thou attitude with their pushing their family on TV for the world to see and acting as if they are all that and the Virgin Mary and the truth is, she has raised one pervert and probably two...And you know something else, I raised a daughter and a son and I know there is no way that my son at fifteen years old would have never picked up a five year old little girl and tried to finger her or would have gotten excited touching her breasts...these people have some messed up shit going on up in that house....and you know what they say....the nut doesn't fall to far from the tree.

  33. The shocking truth of Josh Duggar lasted for me all of about 5 seconds. The cynic in me expected a dark skeleton would pop out of their family closet sooner or later. The positive side wanted to be wrong, but these days, the cynic almost always wins.

    When I watch both Sister Wives and 19 Kids, I am most troubled by common theme of submissive women as a means to achieve a Godly life. I am not a trained psychologist or sociologist, but my logic tells me that is an unhealthy and dysfunctional dynamic for both girls and boys to grow up with.

    The ultra-conservative approach to sexuality also disturbs me. In the Duggar's culture, even neck hugs are forbidden within the family. That says to me that they feel that giving their own children a big bear hug is somehow inappropriate?!?!?! As a young girl, I would have been mortified of myself and my body if I thought that simply wearing a tank top and giving my brother a full hug was tempting evil or impure thoughts. I'd love to hear a professional chime in on that one. What kind of problems can that kind of repression cause? If you are a young boy that hears everyday that sex is wicked and even looking at a girl's kneecaps or hugging your sister from the front side can open the door to the devil's temptation, would you become messed up in the head? Maybe I'm just wicked myself, but a little game of spin the bottle at a junior high party with a quick exchange of hormones seems like a much healthier way to learn about the opposite sex than chaperoned side hugs and relationship counseling with your own parents. It all just makes me cringe.

    1. I've always been creeped out by the premium and value placed on modesty.
      It gets to the point where you have to wonder WHY an adult would see so much sexuality in a small child's body?

    2. Why indeed...!!??? Huge creep alert !!
      Especially when those sanctimonious parents seem to get a kick out of telling the public AND their children that *they* did not adhere to the strict dress or behavior code in their youth and while courting.

    3. What gets me is the sense of entitlement these patriarchal lifestyles impart to the males, no matter how young. Objectifying females is the name of the game here.
