
Saturday, February 14, 2015

I Scour the Internet: The Post Valentine's Day Pre Mardi Gras Edition for 2/14/15 OFF TOPIC SATURDAY too!

After all the excitement these past 2 weeks, it's about time we settle back and enjoy what is left of  Valentine's Day and anticipate the partaying  in store for Mardi Gras on February 17th!

So even with the restructuring going on in the cul-de-sac, it appears that for the Browns, life still goes on...kind of...

Hunter has proven himself to be quite a wrestler this weekend. He has been crowned, for the second time, 195lb Nevada State Champ!

Here are some congratulatory tweets...

From himself:

From his bonus Mom, Meri :

From his good old Dad, the new Mr. Robyn Brown:

From his bonus sis, Mariah:

From his proud mom Janelle Brown:

And from a fan, we have this group photo...Ha!! For once Kody has taken a picture without King Sol hanging on for dear life to what's left of his DaDa's hair.

I'm still not sure where the new Mrs. Kody Brown was, perhaps she was taking the picture? Or maybe she got lost? Well, at least she did retweet Kody's tweet about "second sons." You see, King Sol is Mrs. Kody Brown's second son, too.

Meri tweeted about having a weird dream...and yep, this does qualify as a weird dream...

Well, I suppose we should be happy it wasn't  an old ad for Maidenform know, "Last night I dreamed I went to the Opera, in my Maidenform Bra." Although I think it would make for a hilarious skit...Meri, in a Maidenform bra, singing with Danny Gokey...priceless!

Of course, Meri wants EVERYBODY to watch the remaining episodes of Sister Wives...

It is, after all still ratings sweep month until Feb 29th.

Now this is really funny! I can't believe their little Mykelti actually tweeted this!

Shocking, I tell you! And oh so deliciously witty! Although I don't think Kody and Christine will see the humor...

Since today was Valentine's Day, Papa Joe Darger tweeted this greeting to his followers....get it???

What was totally absent (which a number of you noticed) were the Lover, Let's Get It On tweets from Meri to former legal husband, the new Mr. Robyn Brown. In fact there were no Valentine's Day greetings at all from the Brown parental units. I'm guessing they are wanting to keep their  profile kinda low, being they really can't afford another #BlockingSpree  from the new Mrs Kody Brown decimating their already dwindling fanbase, especially when it's a ratings sweep month! Bwahahahahaha!

At least Christine retweeted the nation's First Lady...

That's all for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet so YOU don't have to!!!

Happy Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras!!


  1. Nice to see Kody giving kudos to Hunter for his great accomplishment.
    Nice work Hunter!

    1. ...although he did need to remind people that he has accomplished the same. Good o' dad!

    2. Of course, because the only reason that Hunter is a wrestler is because of Kody's success. Gag! Maybe he is a good wrestler because he has a lot of anger and the physical nature of the sport allows him to work it out without patricide. Good for Hunter! Please pack your bags so that you are ready to move out as soon as your embarrassing graduation dance party is over! Run Hunter!

    3. Student anthropologist is correct - the Kodster is a showboat.

    4. Kody should have been born to a carnival family.
      He is a natural barker...the person whose job it is to entice the people to come into to the sideshow,

  2. "Parental Units" I love it, as though they are inerchangeable.

  3. Congratulations to Hunter on his State Champ. title. I hope this gets him a big fat scholarship to a good college. All of Janelle's children seem to be very popular, smart and outgoing. I hope they are all very successful in their chosen careers.

  4. Mrs. Kody Brown couldn't go to the wrestling match because she was busy doodling her name in her notebook. "Mrs. Kody Brown, the legal one". "Mrs. I'm number one now KodyBrown"

    1. She was probably in the bathroom putting on her 1" long fake lashes.

    2. Speaking of Sobbins' signature eyelashes....

      In that one scene where Sobbin was whining about needing help for the Junk Store if she is to have another Kodyclone, she sure did look VERY different without her eyeliner, shadow and spidery eyelashes.
      I think that is the first and only time she has ever been filmed sans any eye makeup.
      No wonder she held up the camping activities to make sure she had her face on.
      She even had her eyes done for Sol's birth !!

    3. I kind of like the natural look Robin had going during the baby talk. She had the naked vulnerable thing going for the very personal scene they had to portray. Both she and Christine rock a natural look better than the too much make-up thing.
      (Kody too).

    4. I'm sure she was there somewhere. I can't imagine he would stray too far from his shrunken balls that she seems to have control of !! They're probably locked in a box along with their marriage license in her puree.

  5. Ugh, Kody makes everything about him.

    It's amazing how well all the kids are doing considering how unstable all the parents seem.

  6. hm, back when Kody was in high school, it must have been a weak year for varsity wrestling in Utah.

    1. LOL....good one !!!

    2. He was probably in good shape naturally from ranching with his Dad, which likely helped his wrestling strength.
      My mom grew up working on a farm, really doing the work of a man by 13, and her strength was intimidating (as the youngest of 4).

  7. Meri's attempts to keep viewers interested is coming a bit too late. It's amazing that not one out of 5 Brown adults ever considered the possibility that their strategic "leak" would backfire. It'll be interesting to see to next round of ratings!

    1. Agree, Corgi !!

      By promising that "now" you may get "some" answers stretched out over the next 3 weeks of shows is not only stupid, but just plain insulting.

    2. The living room may be what helps to keep the show going, they should be grateful. If it wasn't for the enjoyment this blog brings me, I wouldn't be watching. Cynical Jinx is the only thing that makes this show fun for me anymore

    3. I think there will be a temperay hike in viewers then crach and burn.

  8. Doesn't seem like the "restructuring" leak boosted the ratings at all, in fact it did the opposite. Feb. 8th's ratings were 1.33 million for the anthropology episode and 1.1 million for the Sobyn episode, down from 1.69 million from their premiere in January. Do they not get that viewers do not like Sobyn Robyn and don't want to see her "win" again? Instead of generating interest I think viewers are disgusted with them and are starting to tune out.

    The Browns better start to prepare for possible cancellation at this rate, those are pretty close to My Five Wives' ratings. Happy Fat Tuesday everyone!

  9. Go Hunter! Wrestle yourself free from the circus! Hunter may channel some frustration through wrestling; I think Kody just liked the special male touching.

    Unfortunately, a true look at a fundamental Mormon plyg family will never be possible because their is always a shadow leadership that will never let that part of it be told. It doesn't matter if it's a "benevolent dictator," the leadership controls their lives. The "freelance" plygs as I would call them (Missouri threesome and the Colliers) don't help. It's a culture of secrecy and manipulating the system, there can be no true "see how normal we are." But a show on those who do leave and can talk about it. Not just dramatic escapes but the deprogramming and struggles to live a new life. Their faith seems strange to most of us, but what is their faith journey when they leave? These would be interesting to me.
    Unfortunately all our unscripted, manipulated reality shows don't seem to be able to deal with real emotions and issues. I watched the first few seasons of The Real World. It was a different show before the participants were so aware of the process. The early groups did really grow a bit in their understanding of other waysw of life, Pedro Zamares on season 3 did so much for AIDS cause. The first groups had career ambitions and we saw that. Many later had success in those areas - Judd Wynick, Sean Duffy and The Miz to name a few. Now (I gather from clip shows) it's all get them drunk, hook up and fight. Maybe a true LEARNING Channel wouldn't sell.

    Well, I just can't wait to be fed tiny nuggets of BS (sorry, Meris, I meant truth) that will lead to a thrilling pile of nothing. Happy Snarkentine's Day! Loved the garage of Valentine cards and gifts!

  10. One of my post from the tweets was removed and I don't know why so if I mess up again, I humbly apologize. It is not my intent to inflame or agitate. I agree with all the posters who think that Hunter and the other kids have some deep seated anger issues. I'd be angry to if I had a father that came in and out of my life wrecking havoc and causing my mom to cry. Children's self esteem is so tied to the family unit and how mom and dad interact with each other and how they interact with we have a mom sitting home while the dad is with other women and the child sees said dad only when it is his mom's turn...or in the case of Christine, when the dad is mad at the mom, maybe not for weeks.

    Kody is a classic narcissists and we see it when he makes everything about himself....they wrestle, I wrestled.... He is particularly involved in his boys' lives in terms of sports, muscles, and even womanizing...I believe he has said something to the fact that the boys will turn on the charm for the ladies or something like that but for the girls, it's cover up those boobs and don't know, cause all sin happens when a woman's breasts or part of her breasts are seen...don't be making boys sin. When I think about dangling the revelation of the reasons why he divorced one wife to marry another, I want to vomit in my mouth...gross. That is why tonight, I am only going to read the blog. I cannot stand the fools and will watch vicariously through your posts. Meri's smirk is killing me and Kody's ignorance is going way past what I normally tolerate.

    1. All so true about watching tonight, runKodyrun, but, MrSpock cannot but help but watch the weirdness which the Browns see as normal. No matter who tells the Browns that their family dynamic is a constant emotional merry-go-round for the woman and children, they will not believe it. Christine mentioned last week that she hopes any "report" from the "anthropology" students will show, in the end, that her family "works." But, if the anthropology students don't make such a report, it will not faze her. Because no matter how opened their eyes have been in the past few years to the world outside Lehi/AUB, the adult Browns will just cling harder to their beliefs---no matter who gets hurt, how absurd they are, or whatever.

      And speaking of Robyn, MrSpock re-watched last week's episode (the 1st one) and was again amazed how Robyn can even keep a straight face at some of the things she says. Specifically, she was talking about being upset that her children would hear the anthropology students talking about men and women living together (sexually speaking) without being married, but it is the way she put it: That she didn't want her children to hear about a man and woman living together without them being LEGALLY married. She used that term without a second thought how ridiculous it sounded coming from someone who, up to December 2014, was living EXACTLY that way in front of her own children, i.e., living with a man WITHOUT the LEGAL bonds of matrimony. Now THAT MrSpock would like to see her explain on a "Tell All."

  11. Janelle had tweeted an article about Hunter's win. Typical Kody quotes take up about 1/3-1/2 of it, but, it's not about him...

    Brown’s father, who at times has received critical acclaim for his reality series, says he’s proud of the maturity his son has displayed, during and after filming, while always being in a spotlight he never asked to be in.

    “They can’t follow him to the school, they can’t follow him to his wrestling career, they can’t follow him to wrestling tournaments,” Kody Brown said. “It’s called “Sister Wives” — it’s not about him. It’s about those mothers, and it’s about their children when we’ve got the opportunity to film them. That actually sets him free on a level.

    “I’d love to make an entire episode about wrestling, but it’s not about me, it’s not about him, it’s not about wrestling.”

    1. Paragraphs 2-4 are the actual article. I haven't seen critical acclaim for his reality series anywhere!

    2. Kody says it's not about him. The show is pretty much only about him.

  12. Ooops, the Valentine Garage comment was on Previously TV forum by Black Widow. I'll share here if that's kosher to do.

    "Vday cards written by the kodster, chock full o spin

    (cut to scene of kodster running from house to house, shaking his hair like the golden retriever he is_

    "omg this is soooo wacky! I don't even know what to get anyone! " ( does obligatory furrowing of brow nervous heh heh laugh , looks off into a galaxy far, far away..) "ok ok focus, where did I put the cards in bulk from the plyg costco ...oh YEAH I remember now!"
    Cut to kodster going into some corner of Janelle's garage storage- he looks around furtively, but still tossing the hair and doing the laugh that punctuates almost every bs-y statement.
    "Ok this is how this vdays 'personalized' messages are going to read:

    Meri: "thanks for being my best friend, through thick and thin.....thanks for being there from the beginning of all this madness babe" (doesn't get that 'best friend' not only is not really sexy or romantic- it sounds creepily like 'man's best friend'- you know, kind of like that 'fidelis' charm thingee, calling to mind 'Semper Fi' , Marines and St Bernards. SMH) sticks card on top of 'free casino dinner and show ' coupon

    Janelle: "Happy Valentines ! I'm so proud of you!" (totally doesn't get that weight references=not cool) . Sticks on top of some kind of aspartame-laden costco diabetic chocolates. Draws a smiley face on the box.

    Christine: writes " our secret: I'm so glad you never had anyone but me babe, but you'd never know it by how wild and crazy you are!" sticks on to 50 shades book and bookmarks it with a red licorice vine. ( he totally doesn't get 50 shades book is kind of lame, and Christine hates red licorice)

    Robyn: writes: "our secret: I'm secretly glad you weren't so innocent before me. There was never any ick factor- you even make sloppy seconds seem so ladylike though, soul mate!" sticks it on cheesy knockoff victoria's secret lingerie in a size that doesn't fit her now or go with the attempt at 'ombre/brownde' new hair."

  13. Remember when Robyn threw a fit when some of the Brown kids balked at signing the mission statement at the sacred commitment ceremony? “If they don’t, they can move out!” she barked. And then, when the kids got antsy during the ceremony rehearsals. Kody threatened “If any of you misbehaves during our commitment ceremony, I’ll kick you out of the family,” Wonder if Meri misbehaved and was on the receiving end of a threat and her punishment was giving up her legal married status? Adolph and Eva sure run a tight ship.

    The family that preys together...

    1. Looks like the college aged kids took Kody's and Robyn's threats to heart. They all have moved into their own places now. I don't count Mariah.

  14. I think there has been mention of "several" episodes yet to come, but my online TVGuide lists only the two one-hour shows tonight. Next Sunday, they list "My 600 Pound Life" - (and they don't yet show the schedule for the Sunday after that). Does anybody have information from other sources about how many episodes are left for this "season"?

    1. TLC announced there were 8 episodes in this season. The question is - are they counting the Robyn journey (last week) and tonights Meri's journey as episodes. If they are...tonight is the finale. But there should still be the Tell All. And at least on Amazon, the "journey" episodes aren't being offered for sale. I guess we'll find out for sure tonight...

    2. Out of curiosity, I checked iTunes. The Robyn episode is available but as season only.

  15. Just wondering what everyone in the living room thinks they are going to tell us tonight....I'm totally at a loss as to what they could possibly say that would make any sense....I agree with other posters that the Browns deserve an IRS visit

    1. IRS -I can help facilitate that. That's all I can say.

    2. I'm thinking it will be Brown Business as usual. No new info and a cliffhanger with Meri opening the door to the attorney's office...then fade to black. To be continued...

    3. I do not believe we will ever find out why they did this. For some reason they believe we are interested. I am just watching parts of it because I cannot believe that these women see anything in this manner. I find it very telling that the kids are jumping ship as soon as they can. In my heart of hearts I believe Kody is gay. He defends his masculinity too much and is totally clueless for s man surrounded by so many women. I think he truly hates women.

    4. Every time he talks about "man card" I respond that my man doesn't need a card to prove he's a man. No doubt by anyone.

    5. cpa Carol please do, and anonymous 5:12 p.m. I agree. I remember when they did a school chums visit with people he went to high school with and a few said alot of them believed he was gay. To me he has all these women to try and cover for himself. That's why he doesn't understand them the way a Real man/ husband would try to . You know without making them feel lower than him or anyone

  16. The older kids are pretty amazing, and I think that says a lot as to how they were raised back in Lehi, and how involved Janelle has been in their daily lives while in Vegas....I get why Janelle goes along with the farse that is Kody world, the TLC gig allows her to be a full-time mom for the first time, and i think she really enjoys it ....ALL of her kids are super active at school, that takes up all your time...I believe it when she says all she does is drop off, pick up, grocery shop and do laundry.... sounds about right to me... You can tell by her tweets and the kids' pages, that Janelle is at every sports game, science fair, girl scout meeting, etc Good for her! She's earned it, she carried that family for years...I also think she is probably pretty up front with the kids, she is probably pretty honest about the money from the show being what has allowed them to be comfortable, so if that means they have to fake a fight in the parking lot, who cares, the way they think, they are helping their Mom...

  17. Notice the explaination won't be clear tonight. Just start to be clear. Whatever clear means in Kody and Meri speak.

  18. In solidarity with CJ and others, I have stopped following all of The Browns on twitter. I do not support grifters.

    1. I will watch tonight as usual. My problem is that I keep falling asleep before it's over. I watch so I can enjoy the blog. Thanks CJ

    2. hide the children - ha! I just called my Mom to tell her not to bother with the 2nd hour tonight for sure because the Robyn one last week was just a rehash of previous seasons, nothing new. She asked me what happened last week, I said, "The anthropology students visit?' She admitted she didn't remember anything and realized she had fallen asleep too! How many other viewers out there are falling asleep?!

    3. CPA Carol, please do report them to the IRS. They flaunt a lifestyle that we know they can't afford.

  19. Vikings will return to the History channel this Thursday.
    Lagertha leaves Ragnar Lothbrook after he tries to convince her to accept a second 'wife' who will continue to bear his children.
    Lagertha is a 'shield maiden'. She would not allow herself subject to the humiliation of there being another wife.
    She eventually returns to Ragnar's community and greets him as her equal.
    So awesome. Viking women had rights equal to men in many ways.
    SW seems like just the opposite.

    1. I absolutely LOVE Vikings. Finally an entertaining show with strong women!

    2. I love Vikings too. Lagertha is such a strong woman, Rollo is totally handsome and I keep wondering what will happen to Siggy, she is clever. I thought it came back March! So glad you mentioned it returns this week.

  20. I am in for tonight for one reason. I want to see that this sham is ending tonight.
    However ,am prepared that there will be the usual "Tell Nothing" epp which will, hopefully, mark the final closing gong.
    Looking forward to the impending blurbs announcing that SW is dusted and done.
    It is time for these fakers to exit to the bone yard of defunct shows. !!

    On to other more interesting, entertaining shows !!!

  21. FYI....the LIVE TWEET PARTY is happening right now in the room next door. Click here for easy entry pass the security guard! :


    1. LOVE the Vikings, never fall asleep and I have to leave my house at 6 am to be on time for work. Re watching last weeks SW episode, sort of.. Robyn makes the comment that" it's scary we're giving these students the power to tell the world what we are". You've got to be kidding me!!! The students could do no more harm to them than what they have already done all on their own. Also it is quite obvious that Meri and Robyn are trying way too hard to appear to have a normal relationship with each other. In the talking heads over the s'mores incident Robyn was rolling around on the couch like a complete idiot, again NOTICE ME, NOTICE ME. I missed this last week, must have been nodding already. I thought the prank as they called it not even funny, guess I was too monogamist to get it

  22. I get too distracted by trying to read tweets and watch, but hell folks. Antoinette asked Robyn about how Kody interacted more with her kids and the Robyn then precedes to blame the children. Kody only wants to be with kids who want be be cuddly etc. but THE CHILDREN don't want that (she said), it's not Kody's fault. WTF!!! If they are trying to make her more sympathetic, that blew it. But maybe folks won't think that through. Thank God my parents didn't just love us when it was easy or only when we were reaching out to them. But then I didn't have part-time parents. If anything, when we withdrew or acted out that was when they tried to get more involved. And when the natural teenage pulling away happened, we had a relationship with my parents. They worked at being good parents, even though one was struggling with a mental illness.

    Kody just admitted again with no sign of regret that he's a poor father "with his daughters."

    Now the students are sucking up after sex talk.

    My husband noted at halfway talk there was no divorce talk. Ten minutes to go and still nothing as predicted.

    The students were punished with iconic joolery.

    Just mainly had to rant over Sobbin's pushing the blame to kids. Of course, she had to throw down with Christine speaking for Kody. Get used to it, Christine, there's a new sheriff in town. Chritine does take everything too personally because she can't be honest about the real problem and her real fears!

  23. Oh my good, the students and their conclusion made me puke although it was not unexpected.

    Last 2 minutes here comes Meri.

  24. For those of you not watching. The new episode will be in 2 weeks. They tried to play it like Kody had no idea. She was telling Kody and Robyn first in coming scenes. At end of episode she said she'd been thinking about it for 5 yrs since Robyn came. She phrased it to lawyer as "legal divorce."

  25. Y'all don't have to watch the show. All the full episodes from this season are free on YouTube.

  26. Not Robyn's behind the scenes epi and they put them up days later.

  27. Helen VanPatterson PattonFebruary 19, 2015 at 9:44 AM

    Whatever reason the Brown's give for the divorce, it will not be the truth. We know to expect that by now. I am sure it is related to money, as many others here have noted. The divorce will allow Mariah and Meri to go to college and receive government help since she is a single mom with no income. Otherwise, they would be spending all their fun money on an education for one child. Kody is slick. He probably convinced everyone it was the best idea to marry Robin because she has the youngest children and it will be a while before they have to pay for college. In the meantime, this was Kody's way to be married to his only true love and the other wives bought it hook, line, and sinker. They all probably think he is so unselfish, thinking of everyone but himself. He now has everything he wants- he don't have to use any of his precious TLC money to pay the expensive college bills and he has the only wife he truly wants.
    I am happy to see that the older kids don't seem to fall for his BS.
    Did anyone notice the flashback to Robyn breaking the news of being pregnant to Meri, and Meri seeming so happy for her? She couldn't hide her real feelings, though. Her neck was red as blood and that showed me that she was really upset about it inside. However, she couldn't risk saying how she felt because she would be shunned by Kody and the cameras would show the truth about what they have been lying about all alone- that they are just one big happy family.
    I don't care how people live their lives. Polygamy is not for me but if it works for someone else, that is not my business.What I don't like about the Brown's is they milk the government and the world and get to lay around the house like they worked for their money.
