
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Selected Tweets from Sister Wives 2/9/15

Kody and his Four Wives


You know something? I have a message for the Browns...

To paraphrase Judge Judy, "Don't piss up my back and tell me it's raining."

Your audience is NOT stupid. We DO have the intelligence to see through this charade of Kody shedding one wife like so many hair follicles in order to marry the last fertile baby mama waiting in his cul-de-sac.

Barb Hendrickson contemplating her divorce from Bill
After all, it worked for Big Love, didn't it? Well, that was fiction and no, it didn't work. If anything, just like what has occurred with the Brown Family, it illustrated what little regard this particular family of polygamists have for the institution of legal marriage.

Simply put, one doesn't up and divorce a wife to solve a problem. Divorce should be the last resort. And frankly, I don't care what the issue was, or what explanation the Browns may come up with. This divorce stinks to high Celestial Heaven.

Now the legal spouse wasted no time during the show to tweet this to someone who must have ruffled the new Mrs. Kody Brown's feathers. I still don't know what word "expose" meant - autocorrect probably didn't either.

My dear Mrs. Kody Brown, you see, when you make a rather rash action of divorce  and then three months later Kody Brown marries the next wife waiting in line, well, it looks like the women in your "family" are simply interchangeable parts and that "legally restructuring" a family is a normal occurance.

Just like those spokes in a wheel Kody's mother likes to talk about, this divorce and remarriage only illustrated how interchangeable women are in plural marriage. In a not so positive way, I might add.

And then to take issue with tweeters who disagree with you. Are you serious? #BlockingSpree ? Seriously? During a ratings sweep month? Are you seriously MAD???

Well, I took to my twitter, and even though the new Mrs. Kody Brown blocked me at the beginning of the season, I didn't care. I tweeted this response for anyone to see!

As if on cue, Meri tweeted for followers to watch the upcoming shows. Literally milking the sympathy she's getting from others who think she got a raw deal.

But you know what Meri? You have chosen to live in the cesspit known as plural marriage to Kody, so don't expect many to follow pleas to watch the show, for you...

And then here's this beauty of a tweet from the new Mrs. Does anyone know what work ethic the new Mrs. Kody Brown is talking about? Please don't tell me it's that Keeping the Honeymoon Alive crock of you know what...come to think of it, it did work on

And this gem from Kody. Frankly Kody, I don't think the way you run your family exists anywhere else on this planet.

I was surprised to see Kody use the word "hubris". That's why I made sure to use it as a hashtag on my tweets. And Kody, it still takes a lot of hubris to actually say "It just takes confidence to be this vulnerable." while you and your new Mrs. block with abandon.

Better, Bigger and much more fun, but what about profitable? Is MSWC making a profit? Well, if #blockingspree is an indication, I'd say Nope...

And finally...

Thanks but no thanks Kody and Janelle. I'll be looking for a replacement reality show that I can understand without sacrificing my valuable brain cells and won't make my back wet and stinky.

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 I Scour the Internet: The Post Valentine's Day Pre Mardi Gras Edition for 2/14/15 OFF TOPIC SATURDAY too!


  1. Has the line up changed again?

    1. You mean the episodes for next Sunday? So far it is still "First a Verdict, Then a Lawyer" and Meri's Behind the Scenes. Two one hour shows.

    2. I absolutely love this blog.
      CJ, why haven't you commented on Meri Brown's very obvious eye lift???

  2. Crap, crap and more crap! A celestial planet built of crap.

    IF this legal restructuring is so the poor little step-kiddies can have insurance, I have three little words for the Brown's Affordable Care Act. Otherwise known as Obamacare. Yes, that's where ANYONE can get insurance coverage, so I don't buy it.

    I'm so sick of Sobbin with her tales of woe about her ex-husband. I've been on the other side, watching my husband getting lied about by his ex-wife and the emotional problems it causes the kids. You just don't do that! I'm sure David Jessip, Sr. would have plenty to tell the world, if he were so inclined.

    One last word of advice for the Brown's: Like Judge Judy says, "If you tell the truth you don't have to have a good memory."

    1. Judge Judy also says, "It doesn't make sense. And if it doesn't make sense, it's a lie."

    2. And given that Judge Judy is reported to be the highest paid person on tv currently - she makes approx. $45 million a year and works only 50-55 days a year - she must have some kind of smarts. :-)

    3. i have to correct the Judge Judy quote you erroneously stated. The correct title of her bestselling book (1997) is, "Don't Pee On My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining." It's a great book!

    4. The correct title of her bestselling book (1997) is, "Don't Pee On My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining."
      That is correct, but I prefer the back version and could have sworn she used that on her show. I may be wrong...clarification made...

  3. I am so sick and tired of the crap they are trying to convince their fans is true. Lies and more lies. I wish that the IRS would take a look at these grifters. They would have a field day trying to figure out this family. The IRS should look into how they file taxes, how they really got their mortgages, who claims the kids on their returns, how many exemptions they claim, are they using part of their home to qualify as a church, the list goes on and on. I wonder if they report all the free stuff they get from TLC. Do they report all of their assets. Kody Brown Entertainment should get an audit. I am on a rant due to some recent posts that I have been reading. Kody feels so entitled and thinks that he is untouchable. He should be in a cell next to Theresa from RHONJ. TLC has created a monster out of Kody Brown. He really thinks he is a celebrity and has fans. Wow, if they were really concerned about their crazy ass fans, then they would make a public statement in person and be able to answer questions. I would love for them to do a live show. I would pay to sit in the audience as long as the audience could ask them real questions. And finally, why are reporters scared to ask them the hard questions. It's like the Browns give them a list of questions that no one is supposed to ask. Come on, I want a hard hitting interview with real questions and not some of this kindergarten stuff. I love this blog but I will rejoice the day this show is cancelled.

    1. Oddly, he/they HAVE fans, though what I've seen from a lot of them indicates that if brains were black powder they wouldn't have enough to blow their collective noses. Not a lot of high-effort thinking going on there.

    2. the duggars get up to all kinds of similar tax twisting ideas like being a church, being a charity. why doesn't someone take those grifters to task? If you wish to out controlling slime balls - jimmy boob duggar would no. 1 & kody comes in distant second.

    3. That you, Kody? ^^^

  4. The only way robyn needs to be married to get insurance is if she wants to be a dependent of Kody - otherwise she could just but it the same way Kody is. Makes me wonder if the Kody Brown Family Entertainment Group is about to go defunct

  5. I hope we find another snark target cause I love this blog!

    1. I would respecfully like to nominate "Love at First Sight" which will premiere in March on A&E (also on FYI network). I am watching season One right now and it's fascinating! Kind of like 90 day Fiance with a Twist. Plenty of snark worthy material.

    2. My mistake..... its called "Married at First Sight". Two complete strangers get married (based on matchmaking professionals, psychologists, etc.). Its somewhat like a documentary but also a reality show.

    3. That sounds like a horrible idea. I MUST WATCH!!!!

    4. Whatever could go wrong with getting married to an absolute stranger? Now I must slam my forehead on the desk so my eyes will unroll and work properly.

    5. "Married at First Sight" is awesome! Would gladly snark with y'all if this show was the subject.

    6. Cynical: I love your blog, follow it all routinely, and have since you were on the other SW blog.

      However, I am so angry at the Browns that I am no longer watching this show. I also believe those of us commenting on your blog are hashing the same things over and over. Why give them any more energy?

      I am in favor or picking a new show to focus on, and I will remain a huge CJ fan!

      Did anyone catch "My husband's not gay?" or how about that "First Sight" show? Or even the Marriage Boot Camp series. There's plenty of fish in the sea.

      Our fan love for CJ should be 'MULTIPLIED NOT DIVIDED!" Let's take on a New Sister Show to snark on! HAHAHHAHA

  6. I don't know if this has been addressed but what job exactly does Kody have that entitles him to insurance and would give him a fake reason for the marriage to Robyn? LIV? I don't believe that. Also if that is his thinking, how about insuring Christine and her kids, with Truely being in dire need of health insurance.

    Also, I do believe the IRS is looking more closely at reality show people. "Restructuring" may not be ok with the IRS if done for fraudulent purposes. And that sounds like a "Janelle word" to me. I can see her saying "hey, let's tell the fans we are restructuring the family" and Kody high fives her and says "you knocked it out of the park".

    1. Kody said on the last episode that the Closet was their job.

  7. The only reason I watch this crazy show is because of this blog, so when you change the topic, I stop watching the Crazy life of the Browns. There isn't one single reason that they can give me that will explain why Robbin and not Janelle and not Christine has become the legal wife. I don't buy that the other wives accept this re-structuring and I am sure that once the camera is turned off, Christine, Janelle, and Meri storm off and don't give Kody a minute of their time until the next filming session. He needs to admit that polygamy doesn't work; it's bad for the women; it creates a pecking order as we have seen; and it is just germy. Gross.

    1. Maybe Meri wanted out to claim being a single person to apply for unemployment retraining scheme or student grant/scholarships etc to start her new life direction,rather than a a breeder.

    2. rKr, I couldn't agree more that there is absolutely no reason that could legitimately explain this restructure to me either.

    3. I could see Meri making the decision to legally divorce in order to get student loans/grants. I could also believe that that would be a convenient excuse to begin untangling herself a bit more from the family without saying so to anybody.
      Remember when Kody was courting Robin, and Meri asked him how he might feel if she had a lover? Remember the trip to Nauvoo where they found out that Joseph Smith's wives had 'brother husbands'?
      This could be a way of working through any resentment she might be harboring. How many times have we seen her neck all rashy (Christines's as well) when talking about an issue that is 'complicated'?
      Just sayin', what's good for the gander is good for the goose.

    4. There is no way I can see Meri would qualify for grants or subsidized loans with her TLC income .

    5. Yeah, I tend to 'forget' about the tlc money. Like the wizard behind the curtain, "there's nothing to see here"; none of our family income comes from this reality show. How would they make it without the show, considering the elevation of their lifestyles?

    6. I've gotta say I'm bracing myself for the sales pitch they're about to throw our way.
      I'm getting fed up with B*llsh^t, NV.

    7. Anon 2/11 3:57 Don't forget that the money from TLC goes to an LLC, not directly to the individuals. It would be relatively easy to manipulate the payments out, to make it look as though Meri had next to nothing.

    8. Yeah, mostly they come off as dumb as five boxes of rocks. Then we're reminded of things like the LLC and recall that they are downright cunning when it comes to figuring out ways to scam others to their own benefit. They've basically lived off of those smarts their entire adult lives.

  8. What REALLY TICKS me off is the "Was it hubris or a slick selling producer convincing us to do Sister Wives?." Hey, KODY YOU IDIOT!!! If you read your book it was Christine who was working for Principle Voices who kept getting approached to tell your story in the media. She turned them down until she casually mentioned to you how many offers she was getting and YOU said, "Why didn't you tell me, that?" You then sought out the media because you knew it would pay. Robyn sought out you because she knew it would pay. You were never vulnerable but Meri, Janelle, Christine, and your children felt vulnerable. Kody=Disgusting pig.

    1. And then he repays Christine by marrying the new wife that he wouldn't have gotten had Christine not been so vocal in the Princple Voices organization. And I bet she still has to save grocery money to visit her dad. Although she could have flown there for the cost of their movie tickets.

    2. Kody never read nor wrote his book. He only likes books with pictures. Especially ones that promise him a planet of his own. He's probably got a coloring book of his planet.

    3. LOL!! I can picture Kody with starter crayons in the throne chairs coloring away while Robyn doodles in her sketchbook.

    4. I bet Christine regrets ever telling Kody every day of her life.

    5. I can picture it Monogamous. Kody sitting on his (resale - stick to the story Browns) gilded throne. His remaining straw slicked back in a ponytail with his coloring book propped on his potbelly. His rodent eyes concentrated on his work of art and tongue stuck out the side of his pie hole displaying intense concentration. Robyn will be sitting next to him on a foot stool, frantically doodling some crown designs and an ermine trimmed robe pattern for King Kody, of which Meri will be tasked as seamstress. It will be convenient. They can create the throne room next to her hobby nook or is it an entire floor?

    6. The irony must be palpable to Christine; that her involvement in the Principle Voices as the then favorite wife of Kody Brown (well, the 'fun' one, the latest one, who gave him many children) was the harbinger of the reality tv/marriage to Robin experience.
      I wonder if that's why she clings to that as her ultimate truth, because to look that dark irony in the face is too painful.
      Recall when Kody was courting Robin and was feeling lovesick, and Christine was like "Oh, you need a marriage...a marriage will assuage that feeling". I was like eeew, if my husband was lovesick after some younger woman I would kick him to the curb for a fool. A fool, I say.
      Robin, why of why did you Grinch us with the lie that you had no wedding photos taken of just you and Kody. You on the stairs, Kody in the forefront with a huge grin on his face and arms crossed. Why are you taking our Christmas tree, WHY?!

  9. This divorce stinks to high Celestial Heaven.

    CJ you are spot on! And hilarious!

  10. CJ I love your tweet about the #BlockingSpree! I also fell victim to Robyn's frenzied twitter blocking- seems anything but "I love your family!" and nauseating pledges of devotion get blocked! Still amazes me these yahoos haven't figured out they need an audience to actually keep receiving a TLC paycheck. Seems the newly legal Mrs. Kody Brown is as stupid as her husband.

  11. so now they are all begging fans to keep watching? it wasn't that long ago Meri was saying just the opposite on twitter and had to be corrected. Did she she not say if you don't like it don't watch? and really Kody, is there any more slick salesman than yourself? takes one to know one!

  12. I was blocked by Robyn and got a nasty message of "so that was stupid, now all of your friends and social media contacts will know you have been blocked!) like i care

    1. I think this whole thing backfired and she has officially gone insane...I bet Christine's PMS isn't anything compared to Robyn's current state of mind!

    2. She's blocking people AND taunting them? She is dumber than a door knob.

    3. Ooh, Milo. You must be quaking in your boots. ;) Moron.

    4. Robyn honestly believes she is better than everyone else. She doesn't get it and never will. When no one is watching any longer she'll wonder what's wrong with everyone. Both ignorant and stupid....She's the whole package!!! What's sad is Kody obviously feels like she is the cream of the crop

    5. Robyn sounds like a 12 year old on the playground!

    6. I think, Milo, that you can wear being blocked as a " badge of honor" and be proud! Your friends and social media contacts will see you as belonging to an elite group and envy you instead of considering you as stupid. Robyn enhanced your reputation and sullied her own with her words and actions.

    7. i don't tweet or know much about it. I know CJ said she was blocked and some speculated just being on this blog got you blocked. I didn't know. I tweeted her during the Dayton ATV helmut episode and can't even remember exactly what i said... wasn't mean. I thought everyone that got blocked on twitter got that message. But yes, called me stupid and blocked me from seeing her tweets. I', so broken up about it LOL..She has a TV show to advertise her business and begs for business because all the kids need college and they need to pay for the HOMES! but blocks anyone that dosn't kiss her a---.

    8. Milo, Your "brush with celebrity" is hysterical. You should retweet her reply, especially if she blocked you, just so more people see it.

      Brady and Wives blocked me, right before they were canceled. Now, they're begging people to watch them on YouTube (instead of actually working). But that doesn't hold a candle to being blocked and then taunted by the new Mrs. Kody Brown. Granny C is right about the prestige!

    9. Milo, are you serious? That is the funniest thing I have heard all week. I think good ol' Sobyn Robyn is having a mental breakdown. Probably about 10 percent of the people who watch the show actually like the Browns and 1 percent of that like Robyn. She is cray. At least Meri has the common sense to want to keep viewers to keep the money coming in.

      I won't even comment on the Brady's blocking people, they're just sad. I wonder how TLC would feel about Robyn sending out nasty messages to viewers?

    10. Sorry, I just can't get over what she wrote you. She is calling other people stupid? People who might actually be watching her show? Oy. I just can't stop shaking my head.

    11. No wonder she gets along with KP the Junk Yard Dog so well.

    12. You should totally retweet that! Would love to see them try and spin that one!

    13. Maybe CJ should collect the rude messages that were sent to the block users and post them on this blog. Would really be interesting to read.

    14. Wait, wait. So she blocks people but sends them a Direct Message taunting them for it?

      Well hello, Twitter! Twitter doesn't take kindly to that behavior and will shut down her account for it, if you report it.

      You know she is reading this. Robyn- you truly are as dumb as a box of rocks.

      Learn social graces!

    15. That comment sounds like something straight from JYD's mouth.... Wouldn't be surprised if Robyn lets her access her twitter account to assist with the "blocking spree." Somebody needs to muzzle JYD...seriously.

      - Lori

    16. Yes, report her to Twitter. It would be hilarious if her account got shut down, she'd be devastated.

  13. Watching Sunday's two episodes was akin to eating something really foul tasting and continuing until it was finally gone. Only thing left was to wonder just how far the producers and the Browns are willing to go to continue with a show that has now become it's own mockery.
    And then realize that I just don't care!

    Relying on flashbacks for show content which then are being reinterpreted/ reworked with new talking head spots about them is now intolerable. They change up storylines that got the ratings in the first place as easily as they put on the tears and false eyelashes.
    Easy to see that the cast of characters (dismally inept actors) led by the King of Sham himself, are so shamelessly vested into the game of keeping the show and ratings going, that now their scripted lines and statements clearly refute what they may have said in past seasons.
    They *have* to know that fact....right ?? !! Don't they ??
    Do they care how bizarre and *not* believable any new (desperate) future storyline may

    This latest ruse of the "Divorce Leak" is so blatant, so unmistakably contrived, that it is insulting to anyone who has followed the show.
    There's no going back now. They have shot themselves where the sun don't shine.
    Because of their willingness and apparent ease to create and then recreate conflicting scenes, events, motives and details, there is NO credibility left...None !!!
    Damn, they have even contradicted their own many times it is now?
    And what they are willing to do and show about their children for ratings is, and always was, reprehensible !!

    Consequently, WHO CARES if the Idiot divorced Meri ?!
    If Meri agreed to it....Who cares why she did it??
    Who cares if he married Sobbin??

    We now confidently know *why* they do anything......
    It is all about the ratings and for their dodgy financial magic, plyg-style !!
    Why should anyone care about what amounts to lies and subterfuge by this group of pretenders and liars...and the network who hucksters for them??
    At this point why should Kody Brown, and those pathetic women who herd after him like chronic teenage groupies willingly spouting *lie after lie* to keep the money coming and to pump *his* stardom, get any more attention???
    WTF Cares?? Bye Bye Kodyworld.

    CJ...please bring on the new shows !!!
    Loved your thoughts..many thanks !!

    1. Your post sums up why I quit watching last year. Also, it's boring and a third of each episode is a "Coming up next" teaser.

    2. And another third is flashbacks.

    3. Great post! I wish we could send a copy to kody and the Kodettes and to TLC! I'm so over these people!

  14. When they don't even keep up with their own versions (like their book), I long for Tommy Lee Jones ala The Fugitive to walk up and say "Do you want to revise your BS story now?" Until they pulled SW from Netflix, I was watching the early episodes with new eyes. Didn't make it as far as purity speech, I wanted to watch that and burying the dog closer. The first episode Kody was manic giddy about being on camera. He was crowing, I guess they think if you can do good with 3 wives, you can do well with four. When their time is done I still want to be on the lookout for the crash and burn stories.

    Please IRS investigate. AS consenting adults I guess they are entitled to their warped "marriages" but not on our dime!

    1. I posted this question on a previous thread but it still burns me up...
      I in no way believe the Browns actually feared an arrest for bigamy
      -welfare fraud maybe (since Janelle did seem actually concerned and is probably the only one who actually realized how shady their finances are)...but not bigamy like Robyn claims.
      Even so, even if they TRULY feared arrest, how is running from police any more admirable than admitting they wanted to live in Vegas?
      Running from police seems so much worse (to me as a law abiding citizen) than moving because it no longer fit my 'lifestyle'.
      Fleeing the law and flaunting your crimes seems pretty popular with plygs like warren Jeffs and Tom Green, but isn't that the exact same 'brush' the Browns don't want to be painted with?
      For people who fear being lumped in with human trash like Jeffs and Green the Browns sure do follow a questionable playbook...bleeding the beast and scheduling marriages like quarterly reports.
      Why do they live the 'flight of the Browns' so much?

    2. Agree - but that wouldn't allow them to maintain the delusions of persecution. I don't think most people care if your religions beliefs are that little green men are coming from outer space to take us away, unless it steps on their toes (i.e. welfare or tax fraud). Since they can't admit to those crimes on TV without getting arrested, they have to work with what they've got.

    3. Adding to last post of mine at 6:31 am, if they in fact did commit any crimes other than polygamy.

    4. I agree they should go to jail along with Teresa Giudice for bankruptcy fraud.

    5. Anon 6:31, I agree they believe or want to believe they're persecuted unfairly, but even so, and especially in such a 'noble' cause like their ETERNAL SALVATION one would think they'd be willing to face the police and stand for what they believe non violently.
      Like civil rights and women's rights activists did...
      If they had broken no law but the unjust (in their mind) persecution of plural marriage than they had nothing to fear or run from. Whether or not I believe a law is fair I still would not knowingly break or run from the police.
      Running away does not show how persecuted polygamists are, it shows how little faith they have that they are actually fighting for a true cause...or how much they fear the police will find that is NOT lawful or moral.

    6. LaPetite, I posted this regarding their "welfare fraud" on the other thread, but I think it go swallowed up by the 350+ comments! :) I suspect the Browns were definitely committing SNAP fraud in Utah (food stamps, not welfare). This has seriously been driving me nuts!

      To get "welfare" (TANF) a child has to be deprived (usually has a parent out of the home or two parents who are unemployed or disabled). No one in that household would qualify for TANF if Kody's name is on anyone's birth certificate. Plus, to receive a TANF grant, the adult recipient(s) have to participate in 25-30 hours a week of a work activity. This pays about $8-$13 a day and the children are in daycare during it. Christine was home and not doing a TANF working activity (home school doesn't count). What we know Christine had was SNAP (food stamps). It is very unlikely that Christine would have food benefits with Kody on the birth certificate, and here's why:
      A man and woman who share children have to be included on the same SNAP benefit (with all income considered). Not only would Kody AND Meri's salaries most likely put the household over the limit, but it would have screamed bigamy to the state of Utah. Totally not "safe."' What most likely happened is that Christine claimed to be a tenant of Meri and Kody and did not list a father on her case. You don't have to unless you want TANF or childcare benefits. This would give her a maximum monthly food stamp benefit. All she would need for verification is a verbal/written statement from Kody or Meri stating that they provide food/shelter for no cost.

      Here's what gets me (and I mean REALLY gets me). For adults to live in the same household (same address) and NOT be on a SNAP benefit (income not considered), they have to buy, store, and prepare food together. Yet Christine proudly showed up her pantry and talked about how communal it was. Even Meri laughed about using her sugar. I honestly can't believe Utah hasn't filed and investigation just for the food stamp fraud. Maybe they did, it can take years. But Utah could (and really should) look into it. Season one is all the evidence one would need that Christine obtained the benefits under false pretenses (for stating she was a tenant of Kody, not allowed when adults share children and for not claiming Janelle, Meri, and Kody's income on the benefit as they all shared food and therefore would be one household). I know we don't know "for sure," but I don't think there's anyway 1) they would not qualify with all the adult's income (SNAP income guidelines are LOW) and 2)Christine bragged on television about the communal nature of their food (disqualifies her from being a separate household for SNAP).

      Oh, and Kody proudly talking about how they never committed welfare fraud. Christine looked horrified for a reason.

  15. I didn't have an opinion of polygamy when I first started watching this show, I hadn't really ever given it any thought at all. I would say that I now have an anti-polygamist attitude, and owe it all to Kody and the crew. I will say I am glad he allows his daughters to be educated, I hope they won't settle for the crap their mothers did.

    1. The Browns have officially made me dislike polygamy too. It isn't healthy for women or children even when it is between consenting adults.

    2. Being a working mother (and wife of 29 years), I can remember actually thinking that I could use a wife when I watched the first few episodes. I wasn't thinking about sharing my husband, I was thinking about coming home and supper already being cooked. Then my husband (who hates the show) pointed out that him and our kids would "no way, no how eat that crap". He thought it was interesting at first also(abt 2 episodes LOL) but said he saw more crying on the show than he'd seen in our entire marriage. He refuses to watch now

    3. Ironic isn't it? They set out to show the world that they are just a normal family and to prove to us all that they are nice normal people who are just misunderstood.

      Talk about an epic failure! They proved that they are lying grifters, lazy, crappy parents, and about 10 steps beyond dysfunctional. Did I mention vile? Did I leave out leeches?

      If this family was chosen by the AUB as the face of modern polygamy--the family most likely to convince the general public that polygamy should be legal because it is just wonderful and a healthy lifestyle--then the AUB made one hell of a poor choice. If this is their ideal family then I'm terrified to even think about how horrible the rest of the AUB families must be.

  16. What these Kody Brown imbeciles do NOT have the intelligence to get is that the vast majority of their "ratings" since season 2 have been generated by snarkers !!
    Yes, that's especially you,Sobbin.
    As CJ warned you, soooo not smart to screw with your viewers during "sweeps,".but you just can't seem to conjure up a brain like you can the fake tears, can you?!

    The Kodyworld devout sycophants are but an insufficiently small and meaningless number.
    And you can bet that TPTB over at TLC, those folks who have been trolling the blogs like this one for quite awhile, KNOW that the *Brown* stuff has all but hit the proverbial fan.
    No doubt those producers are now in jeopardy of soiling their designer pants.

    1. Their ratings are way down, the Sobyn episode was a record low from the looks of it.

  17. Ignorant Meri and creepy Kody have their nerve to say, if you watch the story will be revealed to you over the next three weeks; here's the deal Meri and Kody, your show isn't a good book that deserves to be reported on with the ending dangled in front of the reader as a marketing ploy to read the book. Your "reality" show is a train wreck that we can watch or not because we don't really savor the words as we hear them...your show isn't a pleasant experience like a good dangling the ending in front of our cart doesn't make us want to go on. The folks like us that watch your show will watch with or without the dangling carrot because you see, we watch for the train wreck...we watch for the snark. No matter what you tell us about your soon to be revelation, we won't care because the truth is, you are not exciting; your story isn't interesting; you are not likable or believable. When we watch your show, we cannot immerse ourself into your "reality" because of the train wreck of your life. We watch your show to make fun of you, to listen for the lies, to wait for the meltdowns, and to hope that someday a tell all will happen and we can say, yes...yes...I knew that.

    1. The only cliffhanger these morons should tease with is a real one. As in Krotchee literally hanging off a cliff during one of their infamous glamping ( cause you all know that "man" doesn't camp) trips. I think Christine could be standing on his fingers whipping him with the black camper hose. Ala Fifty Shades. Help me out here people!

    2. YES! Yes! Yes RKR :) ....The next weeks episodes teasers & cliffhangers are nothing but LIES!!! Just enough to entice viewers to watch the same BS!!

    3. Their teasers are ridiculous. Viewers have learned to take them with a gain of salt. It's like the headlines on the tabloids... you think there is going to be some huge bombshell being revealed but when you read the article it is much ado about nothing.

    4. I started watching SW after enjoying Big Love.
      Kody's flaw is his big ego, which led him to light up when Christine mentioned being approached by tv producers. That switch has led to the break-up of what, back in Lehi, seemed like a fairly cohesive unit. It's too late to turn back now.

  18. Well, I for one am endlessly touched by the great parenting that Kody demonstrates week after week. Sprinting from McMansion to McMansion of his loving band of baby mamas, staying just long enough to ignore his kids. To further celebrate their undying awesomeness, I'm going on-line to buy some ridiculously over-priced costume jewelry. Does anyone have $165 I can borrow...

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. On February 10. 2015 at 4:53 PM Christina wrote:

      I was thinking that MSWC must be close to being the last year Robyn could claim a business loss for tax purposes. I went to the Secretary of State page, and couldn't find it. So I searched by Robyn's name, and found her as a member of Kody Brown Family Entertainment. The business license expired on 12/31/14, and it is listed in default. [deleted link]

      In light of what we know now, it makes me wonder if they are dissolving the group so TLC pays them individually.

    2. See my earlier guess- maybe I was right!

    3. Thank you for deleting the link CJ. I also found MSWC and it is active until 3/31/15 with all five adults listed as members. So, my theory that the marriage may be because Kody and Robyn planned to file bankruptcy on the business doesn't hold much water since it would effect everyone.

      You can only claim a business at a loss for a certain amount of years. It used to be three, but I know some changes were made back during the recession. At some point, it becomes a hobby business, and you cannot write off the debt. In any case, MSWC has to be close; it can't be profitable.

    4. It looks like it. The Foreign Limited Liability Brown Entertainment company is indeed in default. I looked up My Sister Wife's Closet Domestic, LLC, and it's license is still valid. What is sad is that Robyn had everyone put their names as officers so she's going to take the whole family down when it goes under. I hope the other wives' homes aren't tied to secure credit for this hobby business. What am I saying? They have no equity in any of those houses!

    5. Replying to myself here, but bankruptcy still could make sense. MSWC is a registered LLC, so only the people who personally guaranteed any funds would be on the hook.

      I worked as a paralegal for 15 years and the practice was mostly contract disputes. Depending on your financials, which MSWC would not have had being a start up, most businesses would have required a personal guarantee or cash/credit card payment. We know Robyn wrote a check for jewelry before one of the trade shows, so a lot of the debt could be on personal credit cards.

    6. The other wives were total idiots to ever put their names on the MSWC joolery business. The fact that they didn't get the million dollars to pay off their homes like they wanted and that they are begging at pawn shops for a loan shows they are real close to losing their homes. If they can't make it now with the money from the show they are in big trouble.

    7. That's probably another reason why the older kids are getting their own places, just to have some sense of security to always have a home.

  20. I would hope the producer for the show has changed with him referring to him or her as slick. Once again someone may have to take responsibility for Kody's mistake. He has a real complex and loves to play the victim. If Meri is reading I would like you to know the only thing worse than you making the mistake of being with Kody, is wasting more time with him.

    1. Kody doesn't seem to appreciate that it's thanks to the "slick selling producer" they now have McMansions & paychecks.

  21. Even with the leaked info and the tweets telling viewers to "stay tuned for the truth" I am out. This show is so BORING. I flipped back and forth through the anthropology episode and made it about two minutes into the Robyn special. There is nothing there to hold my attention.

    1. Has anybody here substituted and episode of the the sister wives, instead of taking a sleeping pill? I do and it really helps! I put the re-runs on the computer beside my bed.....and in a few minutes I am off to sleep. With David Letterman ending in May and the Sister Wives on the brink, what the heck am I going to do? I need my sleep aids!

    2. Too bad Brady and his Bunch was canceled
      Their show was IDEAL for sleep provoking.

    3. I have fallen asleep watching both shows,but Brady and his expressionless, robot wives were especially sleep inducing. They all seemed so tired and listless. Beaten down. Made me depressed to look at them. Sad people.
      One down.One to go.

    4. How could the Anthropology students glean anything from this weekend? Kody pretended like he plays games with his kids and they interact with each other. Not true at all. They never see each other. BS as usual. Contrived. Stupid prank. Kody needs to manipulate at all turns.

  22. Hey there CJ! I thought you should read this :
    Crazy contrast to the show, right?
    Here is an explainer:
    Last but not least, I was hoping you and your readers could help me fill in the gaps here:
    Thank you so much!

    1. Principle Tumbler - I love, love, love your blog.

      I don't know how you sort through all those family wreaths, but it's fascinating and educational! Thank you

    2. I agree, I got lost in your blog the other night!

    3. Thanks for the info ThePrinciple!

    4. Being a fan of genealogy myself, I must admit my head is spinning after reading those chains of plyg begats.

      And Christine is such an absolute lying LIAR when she snivels that she "didn't know men could be such BASTARDS!"

      Yes, Christine. YES. You knew all kinds of evil bastard stories, even if you were plugging your ears and howling "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" at the time. You, your sister wives, and your man are all related by a variety of marriages, divorces, re-marriages, and odd-couplings among cousins and step-siblings and grandparents and, hell there may be a few family dogs in there for all we know.

      As the old saying goes, You can dress 'em up, but you can't take 'em out. The Browns are putting lipstick on pigs (or plygs, as it were); the stink of the whole twisted plyg system is clinging to the lot of them and will never shake loose, no matter how many times they dance and lip-sync at a party.

      This is what NOT SAFE really means for Christine: people will read the facts and see right through our charade of normalcy.

    5. Being a genealogy lover, I thought it would be fun to look at the Brown family. OMG....I was so confused that I ended up going to a 24 x 36 piece of graph paper and using 8 different colored pens. I still couldn't do it... too confused just after 4 generations with all the sister wives being related to other sister wives, etc.....and i was able to do my family back to the 1600's with very little confusion. Mind blowing stuff I tell you

    6. I'm right there with you, hide the children. I almost grabbed a sheet of paper, too, then started adding up the amount of time I've dedicated to hashing out this families stuff for the past couple of weeks. I nearly slapped myself. ;)

    7. Redwood curtain,
      "Lipstick on a plyg?" I am totally cracking up over that. Mind if I use it as my new handle?

    8. my guest, Are they serious.

  23. Remember when Kody said he was hesitant about getting involved with Robyn because she was a divorcee with three kids? I wonder how Janelle and Christine suddenly feel about being involved with a divorcee with 14 biological kids, three step-kids, and four baby mamas? #ickfactor #hypocrit

    1. You said it! The thought of sharing a bed with him and his beady eyes, dirty feet, and ponytail makes me cringe.

  24. What does it say about polygamy that four our of the five adults in the poster child family have been divorced?

  25. My sisterwife's closeted husbandFebruary 10, 2015 at 6:12 PM

    Ok so I just had the best idea for a tv show that we could talk about for ages....Basically "The Bachelor" but a Polygamist version where he chooses multiple "wives" and cameras follow them for the first year of "marriage". It's a train wreck waiting to happen!!

  26. Does anyone watch "The Americans"? I think Robyn looks a lot like Martha, the wife of Clark, who is Phillip the Russian spy in disguise.

  27. The part that I always found mind-boggling was there really *no one* in their little world or in TLC who mentored them on proper, smart viewer relations. No one to suggest that if changing their stories, then at least cover the holes and make them believable. Or were they told, and were either too stupid to follow the advice, or too arrogant?
    But....doesn't really matter any more.

    1. My sisterwife's closeted husbandFebruary 10, 2015 at 7:01 PM

      Honestly I think they honestly don't care. the majority of their fans are so blinded by them that they don't notice all the holes in their stories (ha- Freudian slip...originally typed HOES in their stories..nod to Robchin).

    2. They should be really careful right now if they are start, people who kind of like them are starting to see through them and their lies. This latest stunt has ticked off a lot of people and with Sobyn going off the rails.....

  28. All of Kody's tweets just show what a tremendous and complete douchebag he is. (Sorry for the vulgarity)

    He condescends to the academic, ("I thought that he would get this"), his audience ("Careful about judging what you don't understand") and the "slick selling" producer. None of these people can possibly know better more or differently than Kody. In fact, nobody on earth or in his celestial kingdom can, even as Kody's testicles continue to shrink.

    He only thanks and loves MSWC customers - because they're the ones giving the grifters money.

    Kody doesn't realize that the ancient polytheists (n.b.: not polygamists, thus 'unsafe') believed that the gods would punish hubris that offended them. It's hubris that leads to downfall.

    1. Hubris was the absolute worse offense, you are right. You know your ancient history/perspective.

    2. Great points, Kody is the classic narcissist, blaming everyone (professor, audience and slick producer) but himself.

  29. If they are trying to follow Big Love, I hope they read ahead to see the whole list before they start checking things off on the list:

    Get neighboring houses - check
    Get a 4th wife - check
    Run your own business - checkish (HomePlus and the Casino is much more successful that online tchotchkes)
    Divorce wife 1 - check
    Marry another wife - check
    Attempt to adopt new legal wife's kids - possibly pending
    Ruin neighbor's lawn/property - unknown
    Replace neighbor's lawn/property - unknown
    Get shot by neighbor whose lawn/property you replaced - unknown, but I hope they know this is the last item so they don't go ahead and do the 2 preceding items.

    1. They can replace ruin neighbor's lawn with ruin neighbor's pool!

  30. I don't understand why any of them care about being legally married. If all the ladies are equally married to Kody, then why do they bother with having any of the marriages legally recognized? The fact that the "Church of Kody" has blessed the unions should be enough. To divorce Meri and then marry Robyn makes no sense, unless it's part of some scheme to qualify for some sort of government benefits.

    1. Here's one theory: By divorcing Meri (and suspiciously done by 12/31/14), when Meri's little precious one files her FAFSA for financial aid, Grody's income isn't listed on it, only Meri's. And who would like to take a bet that right about now her only "income" is from LIV and packaging joolery for foolery? After deducting all of their business expenses, of course. And if Meri is going to go to college full-time, well, score more. But really, in today's world, at least in terms of federal grants, there's not that much of a gain. Less than $6000/year for each of them MAX.

      Then it actually makes sense for Grody to marry Sobbin since her kids are last to become college age. But what they didn't figure on is that at that point, even though Grody is the step-dad, he'd need to report his income on the FAFSA.

      And I don't buy for the minute the "shocked" faces of the other wives when Meri announces she saw a lawyer. They probably discussed this all together with Grody making the ultimate decision. And I think we all know what part of his body he thinks with.

    2. As *IF* Meri just breezes in with her "shocking news" to the blank staring other three who just happened to be there. Kodyworld BS. as usual!!

      1- When would they ever be found just sitting around together...just hanging...?
      By their own admission...Never !!

      2- Meri is such a pi$$-poor actress that even in that sneak peak, it just screamed phony camera shot. But then, in retrospect, weren't 99% of the scenes scripted and directed set-ups for the cameras? Yup !!

    3. Why would her dad not be listed on her financial aid? If anything his name and income would be considered for Robyns kids as step dad. I think it's social security death benefit. The spouse of the minor, and she has the youngest minor, also gets $. I hope lives long enough to see sol married with kids of course. Also he is against financial aid that is a loan.

    4. Very true Amused! They rarely hang out & interact with each other unless its scripted & film crew are around! Ugghhh!! These lying S.O.B's just irks my ass nerves to no end!!

  31. I was interested in the boys fighting story. Did I fall asleep or was that never resolved? There was such animosity and weirdness.

    I literally hit fast forward then stop & erase for the Robyn episode. Ick.

    You know, we watch and make the Brown Family Entertainment Inc income happen. But they need to understand that even those of us who are curious and like reality shows that are glimpses of lifestyles nothing like our own, will change the channel when 'ick' replaces interest.

    My current favorite reality show is Down East Dickering (certainly different than the office guys I'm around) and Vanderpump Rules which is rather awesomely awful fun. I do watch a few Housewife cities but I've been known to skip seasons when the cast or storylines got tiresome. And that is how I feel about Sister Wives. Like I'm about to skip a season. There was some sort of shift for me with Kody where his arrogance became meanness and his selfishness became reptilian and the whole thing started looking more and more like a fake farce where it is obvious they are getting paid to pretend their lifestyle is working when for most of the adults and children in the family, it is not.

  32. Great post CJ!

    To hear that there will be a 2 hour episode next week is completely insulting. I'm embarrassed to admit that I sat through the Robyn behind-the-scenes show believing there was new material explaining the divorce/marriage. But there was no new material, but just a complete rehash of the previous seasons. No way am I going to sit through a Meri behind-the-scenes. I haven't known any other show on any network to have so much filler and rehash - ever! How does their production get the green light from TLC for that? Aren't they embarrassed? I would be, I wouldn't want to tell anyone I'm behind the cameras or edit it etc. So many shows are pitched every year, the competition is truly fierce, how does this happen? Maybe this is really the final season. I can't understand how its stumbled along like this.

    And what happened to Janelle going to counseling and saying that she would finally work things out with Meri? Did that get derailed because of this ridiculous divorce? Where is the executive producer? I can't follow this. And it so basic too. Maybe with Kody at the helm, production can't count on what they have planned out to film?

    I have watched to read the comments and posts here, but I really don't know what I can sit through going forward.

    1. I find out everything I need right here in the living room. When it comes to Sunday night TV, I far prefer The Walking Dead to The Walking Douche.

    2. Same here and although I would hate to ruin my favorite show (TWD) I would love to see a crossover where Kody ends up as Zombie bait. OK that's mean, but now that I think about it I'm pretty sure even the brain dead walkers would avoid him.

    3. I'll take Rick Grimes (mmm mmm yummy!) any day over watching Kody & his mess of "wives".

    4. Wow, sounds like The Walking Dead must be a good show! You're all right, I can just come here for the recaps so I don't have to watch, if CJ will continue to do them. On Sundays I enjoy Once Upon a Time, Downton Abby and Housewives of Atlanta.

    5. "And what happened to Janelle going to counseling and saying that she would finally work things out with Meri? "

      Ummm......let's see...5 top possible reasons

      5- Janelle went for her second appt and fell asleep?

      4- She forgot why she was there and had to go back home and read that chapter in the book?
      3- Meri wanted dibs on the camera time or else she would bust Janelle's story wide open?

      2- TLC shelved it because Janelle cannot cry as convincingly as Meri and Sobbin.

      And the #1 reason....
      Because TLC thought it lacked the proper BullSh*t volume for even the easily duped rabid fans.

    6. More Reasons:
      6. Finite Resources, especially since Robyn is the only one suspected to need health insurance
      7. Janelle would actually have to move herself to get to the appointment as well as contemplate and articulate her own thoughts. It's too far out of her comfort zone of staring silently and pretending to be elsewhere when sitting on interview couches.
      8. Her two sons broke into another fight about riding shotgun, even if they don't accompany her.
      9. Robyn made her work at MSWC, which caused her to...
      10. Seek therapy at the Silverton Casino's buffet (work ethic, you know)
      11. Now that Kody and Meri divorced, "What's the big deal?"

    7. Interesting that Janelle tweets about behind the scenes w/ Meri episode for next week. They must be desperate b/c we know they don't like each other!!

  33. So true Bianca..the teasers and promos are never cohesive with the show. All of the rehashing is tiresome.
    They can try and build it up on twitter all day long but they never come thru with what they built up. All of the gimmicks for ratings is transparent. When the show is cancelled we should all throw a party in Vegas and invite the Browns.

    1. Hey Milo - exactly, its not cohesive and tiresome. No one has time for this.

  34. I cringe at how Kodumb and the moms treat the children. As a mother of two boys myself, I was appalled at how they handled the situation with Garrison and Gabriel. These poor young men need a dad everyday, not one who shows up when he takes the occational break from Robyn. Kodass actually admitted he his not around enough to effectively discipline the kids. Breaks my heart. I cannot in good conscience support this mess any longer. I will no longer watch th show. But, CJ, I love this blog and will keep visiting your living room to laugh at Kodumband his new legal Mrs.

  35. Janelle's boys show so little respect to Kody. They sit there while he rants on and on and his lack of experience dealing with these kids is apparent in his lack of confidence and his over dramatizing his words and his facial expressions. His affect doesn't match the seriousness or his intended reaction from them. They look at him smirking or hiding smirks and the older ones don't verbally respond but you know, I suspect that when the cameras aren't rolling, should Kody try to discipline them, they argue with him or walk away...I just get that vibe from what isn't done or said. The security cop, I'm not buying it. They threw him in for effect because anytime I've ever seen a security guard or a cop get involved, there have been back up calls made. Finally, Janelle's kids seem to be the most violent to each other which smacks of some deep seated anger issues. I know boys fight and often that fighting involves wrestling; however, Janelle's kids seem explosive and quick to throw punches. I am from a family of ten kids and the three older boys argued a lot but they didn't hit each other. Likewise, my older five sisters argued a lot too but there was never any slapping. I just get the feeling that Janelle's boys are not happy with their father and they probably see him for the douchebag that he is.

    1. "If I'm disciplining all the time, my children never feel loved by me" - Kody Brown, season 8 episode 5.

      This guy is what we call in Canada a "douche-canoe", meaning he exceeds the limits of being a douche. Especially since he's leaving the entirety of the rearing and the discipline up to the moms... but he's the leader of the family... what? Is he delegating? LOL

      Seriously, they need to take all those FAITH and LOVE signs down and just put up Kody-isms in the McMansions.

      Aside: I have been missing CJ since late 2013! I only discovered this blog on Feb 1st! I missed it!

    2. Janelle's boys are counting the days til they can leave, as are all of the kids save Mariah who is counting the days til she can move back. Unless she's taken offense at no longer being the golden child of both legally and spiritually married parents. I hope TLC captures THAT tantrum if that is indeed the case.

    3. I bet Mariah gets an awakening and chooses another route than polygamy. You know seeing her mom de-throned shook her to her core. If she does get married to a plyg she won't last more than a couple of years.

    4. They should not respect him. In fact I am thinking his boys would do lots of big things, just to get dads bad attention. Maybe that is why the men carry on with polygamy. They needs lots of attention to make up with getting so little growing up?

    5. Douche-canoe.
      Thank you, anonymous Canadian, for letting us in on this awesome name.
      I recall the old blog, and how I, too, couldn't believe my luck when I found this one. In fact, when I did some fact checking about the Nauvoo trip, I noticed that it was Cynical that had written up that article. Good as ever (thanks, Cynical).

    6. He sure does seem to give Robyn's girls and their baby together more attention than his bio kids. Robyn's daughters are all over him...

  36. I know what LDS stands for. Not sure what the F stands for in FLDS......unless it's.....
    OK, that must be it, given that Kody has NO fathering skills whatsoever.

    1. While I believe it stands for fundamentalist (which totally describes these people who drink, swear, and hang out on the Vegas strip) I think we should make our own list.

      You started with fatherless and I'll throw in FAKE.

    2. Frumpy, Fat, Fictional ...

    3. Saying fundamentalists can't use Latter Day Saint in their name, that only the LDS church can is like saying only baptists can call themselves Christians. Fatherless is insulting to the kids, not the men who change beds every night. Everyone has a dad. How he uses him time is his doing, not theirs.

    4. How about Failed--Failed Latter Day Saints sounds pretty accurate

    5. In relation to the Browns: F is for Freakshow, and Fraudulent, Freeloading, Fictitiously-Forced-to-Flee, Flailing or Free-Falling, and Forsaken... I better stop now.

  37. I will be sad if/when CJ gives up this blog, I've been following for years, but at the same time props for having stuck with this crazytrain for so long. It's mind-blowing trying to unravel their webs of lies. I suppose the only easy part is that 75% of their current shows are flashbacks and regurgitation of old shows.

  38. PrincessKodyFebruary 11, 2015 at 6:19 AM
    Same here and although I would hate to ruin my favorite show (TWD) I would love to see a crossover where Kody ends up as Zombie bait. OK that's mean, but now that I think about it I'm pretty sure even the brain dead walkers would avoid him.

    Kody would be chasing zombies. They would scatter!

    1. Hahaha I could see that!

    2. zombies have no use for Kody. They would starve to death.

  39. runKodyrun, I raised 3 boys and I agree with you. Boys can fight over things without someone getting hit! I would be willing to bet that the family dynamics in that house when nobody is looking is loud and hostile, and Kody stepping in to be a "dad" in front of the cameras probably infuriates them!
    I bet if those kids could say what they really want to say we would get an earful! Of course we never will hear unless they grow up and do an expose on their lives with the Brown bunch!

    All I can think when Robyn talks about having another baby is this........."Just because you can.....doesn't mean you should" Give those kids are break and actually raise the ones you have....stop bringing more into the doesn't make you more of a man makes you more of a joke!

    1. Crimson,
      I agree. He claims to be a husband but without the time invested to nurture the relationship. As soon as he gets to one of the wives' houses, he eats, disrupts the routine, sleeps with, then leaves the nurturing there. He claims to be a father, but he lacks any of the characteristics of a nurturing parent...he comes in, eats dinner, passes out on the couch, makes his way up to the baby mama's room, bangs the mom, leaves as soon as the sun comes up...parenting without commitment...or as I like to say, sperm donor only.

    2. And that is just the women's perspective . Think how the kids feel.

  40. How does Robyn even have a single minute in the day to spend blocking people on Twitter - I mean, gosh, she is so super busy with MSWC 24/7 that she barely has time to apply false eyelashes!

    Seriously - a mom of four kids (one special needs and one with serious attachment issues) with a business to run (even if the business is a joke) should not have time to screw around on Twitter blocking people. Put down your phone and pay attention to your children.

    And even as I type this, I know it's for naught. Robyn is all about Robyn.

  41. I think Meri plans to go back to Utah to be close to Mariah, at some point anyway, possibly when this gravy train runs out. Or maybe even before that and go back to school up there or something.

    Since Mariah left, she has been like a fish out of water on that cuddle-sac. Janelle still has three kids left at home, Christine has four, one of whom is very young, so she could be there for a while. And now after being dethroned by Robyn, she doesn't care anymore about Kody. Robyn will push out another baby or two. Meri is done with it all.

    They can keep the spiritual marriage up if they want.

    1. I think Meri is going to leave back to Utah after the show is over too. She looks so done.

  42. Robyn should be careful if she gets pregnant again, that seems to be when kody adds a wife. Just saying

    1. Well it would serve her right, then just maybe she would understand the pain she put Christine through. Although I would be willing to bet money Robyn would put a stop to any potential courtship b4 it turned into anything.

  43. It's not like Robyn is super young (20's), she's closer to 40 than 30. Granny would have said mutton dressed as lamb! Babies shouldn't be her focus, she needs to deal with the 4 she has.

    Kody & krew your 15 minutes is about 30 seconds past expiration. Please head towards the exit. Thank you

    1. Kody & krew 15 min of fame is more like 2 yrs expiration!!! Lol Like someone mentioned before, how can TLC continually get away with showing the same BS clips rehashed season after season? TLC just needs to pull the damn plug already on SW

  44. "behind the scenes look on @MeriBrown1"

    Please tell me we are not going to be treated to watching #MeriBrown1 following around VLL and loosing her Cookie

  45. cynical jinx, have you checked out brady and wives youtube channel? it reeks of desperation.

  46. The best part of being done and placing a moratorium on getting anywhere near the stench of the Kodyworld BS is that we can snark to our hearts content....and NOT contribute to their ratings..and by extension, to their paychecks. Even if not a ratings family, "I" will know that they don't get my time or attention.

    However reality bites hard where Plygs are concerned.
    From season one, when the super sleuths like CJ were offering documented evidence of the Browns' history of "bleeding the beast".... *aka you and me and all the other American taxpayers* has been an ongoing thorn in my paw that these lazy, grifting, liars...and let's call them for what they are, "welfare thieves" . get to cash in on my and your hard-earned, law-abiding tax money to continue their life of "taking without paying." Thes people "give" nothing, they only "take."

    And when the show ends and they find a way to covertly squirrel away any available TLC monies, they WILL go back to exploiting the welfare system.
    All of them !! Count on it !!

    ** They are loathsome people !! **

  47. I can't stand to watch another episode of SW. Not after that stunt Brody and The Chin pulled on Meri ( and Mariah)
    That said, Is There ANYONE Who Will PLEASE See To It That The Browns Will Be Reported To THE IRS????
    And please let us know?

  48. Lets all look on Twitter for any comments about Robyn blocking someone and retweet those making sure "@TLC" is included. Would be funny to see if TLC starts to notice the uptick about the #blockingspree. Pretty please. Humor me.

  49. "Don't leave us here with Mrs. Petrovic!" can now be "Don't leave us here with Mrs. Brown!"
    Love that Nikki line.

  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. MrSpock does not have a twitter account. How does one "report" a block to TLC?

    2. Further, how does "reporting back" shut down someone's account?

    3. Annon 7:53 pm good idea. I just followed TLC and will be sharing away my experience of being blocked by Robyn. #blockingspree

    4. Unless there's a way to send an email to TLC or Twitter, the only thing I know is to post a tweet like this and hope they see it "Hey @TLC Robyn at @LuvgvsuWngs blocked me." and then add something of your choice like "how dumb" or "counter-productive," or "childish," whatever message you want. Get others to if nothing else.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. I'm sensing a little bit of a mob mentality going on here...look, I get it that robyn has a lot to learn as far as marketing her only source of income, but attacking her via social media is not the answer. Just sit back, wait for the show to be cancelled, and then anxiously wait for the 2 year update special. And then laugh to your heart's content. They're digging their own grave right in front of us, no need to bully.

    9. Kody blocked me. Big deal, I've been blocked by #cancelsisterwives

  51. I have finally brought myself to watch the rest of the Anthropology episode. Kody is so disgusting. I turned off the "All about Robyn" episode on Sunday and I don't think I could ever bring myself to watch it. Puke.

  52. One would think someone would be embarrassed to admit they are a 1/4 time parent---but Kody seems to not be the least bit ashamed. MrSpock surmises that parents on deployments in our Armed Forces are more hands-on than Kody.

    MrSpock keeps wondering what the Brown dynamic will be among the 4 "wives" and Kody when all the kids are grown and gone---How does that work in plygdom?

    Off topic to whomever mentioned they liked "Cuttthroat Kitchen" --- MrSpock does not like that show because 1) Alton Brown is too full of himself---as witnessed many time on Next Food Network Star, and 2) many of the sabotages are so ridiculous that even the best chef cannot overcome them---thereby taking away from the competition..MrSpock finds that highly annoying.

    We will learn nothing from the upcoming Trial/Lawyer or Meri Episodes...ergo, there will be nothing for us to "understand" as Meri and Kody keep tweeting. We all already understand---polygamy is hell for the women, a playground for the men, and no place to raise children.

    MSWC will go down the drain.

    TLC: Constant recycling of "The Great Utah Escape" story line does not make it true. However, MrSpock will not be surprised to see it played---once again---in the Meri Episode.

  53. Were the Brown's at the luxury movies? Galaxy Theatres? I call BS on the tickets only being $170.00 for everyone. Don't you have to have reservations at those places? I haven't been to a regular movie theater in a while but I have been to a luxury theater once in the past 3 years. Maybe I'm wrong but it sort of looked like a luxury place.

    1. Frankly that whole family is starting to need the luxury sized seating. How can they spend multiple seasons addressing Janelle's struggle with her weight while they silently balloon out of happiness? I think not.
      Especially after all of the sympathy Robyn required in her struggle to gain weight?
      Maybe the Browns are nicer than I thought, because I would have a hard time keeping a straight face and holding my tongue.

    2. I say this as a formerly obese teen...I know it's wrong but I can't even explain how much I enjoyed my 10 year reunion and seeing all the people who teased me for my weight or made me feel terrible about my appearance and diet get fat while I (healthily) wore a size 2.
      It was sweeter than I'd like to admit.

    3. I really wonder how much weight Jenelle has lost total or if she would really admit it. I wonder if she really were to lose 100 lbs......would she admit it?????

      Even though she looks really different from the beginning....What is going on with her stomach, it looked odd to if something was protruding from it (when she sat on couch).

      I also just want to say....Kody does NOT BBQ on a regular basis (only for camera...Im sure), if he did BBQ on a regular basis he would have a bottle of water by the BBQ to put out the flames on those fatty steaks he bought. What a FOOL!!!! I felt so bad for their visitors as they sawed through the steaks.

    4. Your feelings at your 10-year reunion are nothing to feel bad about, LaPetite Terror. "Kudos!" to you!

  54. MrSpock surmises that parents on deployments in our Armed Forces are more hands-on than Kody."

    Profound summation, Spock, and most likely true.
    There is no defense of this facet of the Plyg culture. The children lose out.

    1. I cringe when Kody pretends he's a great parent...he's simply a narcissist who rotates by every 4th day to say hello.

  55. The all-about-Meri episode seems to abort Janelle's confronting her - unless the Meri episode is never-seen-before videos of Meri's kitchen sharing, running off with Kody on business trips, and the cat fights through the years, while Janelle comments on how they affected her. However, I think we'll see Janelle say, "We were so young and figuring it out," interrupted by some loud outburst from Christine and then some outlandish false memory from Robyn, who was actually in a monogamous marriage in Wyoming then.

    I still suspect that we're in the final days of the Browns, which is why we're suffering through the endless flashbacks and rehashed storylines - they're cheaper to produce. We'll have to see if everyone is dressed in the same clothes as the Robyn episode. TLC could have taped them all in one session or just reused the footage of their reactions to cut costs.

    1. MrSpock thinks Robyn was in Yoming at the time, Grifter. ;-)

  56. MrSpock keeps wondering what the Brown dynamic will be among the 4 "wives" and Kody when all the kids are grown and gone---How does that work in plygdom?

    The house is never without offspring as Plygman marries younger, fertile women.

    1. "Eeewwwwww," as poster Eeeeewwwwww might say.

  57. Look at TLC's website and tell me Sister Wives doesn't look like a dying show. In the section where you can tour the Brown's homes, there is also a section titled "Blogs" where Jangle is going to "update" us on her weight loss journey and Robyn's blog is intended to - well - who knows what? Anyway, neither blog has been updated since 2013. Typical TLC nonsense. Introduce something and then not follow through. I don't know what I object to more; this crazy family or the horrible editing/producing of the show. And Krody's tweet is very telling when he says "most will be revealed over nxt3weeks!" Notice the the use of the word "most" My guess is we will never know the real reason because how do they tell their viewers they legally restructured their family for better opportunities to work the system? They will package it up as some BS to protect Robyn's children and I hope the people who claim to be fans don't buy what they are selling.

    1. So very true, Big Sky (you must be from Montana). MrSpock, too, noticed that very important word "most." The switcheroo has to be financial in nature---and even if the Browns admit as much, it still won't be the whole story. While Robyn tweeted that the "wives" are "ALL married to Kody," it would be only human nature for her to feel a great deal of satisfaction at being the legal wife---but she will never admit that---never, never, never---unless she admits it to Kody. One can only imagine the private conversations between Mr. and Mrs. RealKodyBrown on that subject.

    2. I'm with you, Mr Spock. No matter how much they may declare that all the women are equal in their celestial unions with Kody, you know the divorce and remarriage really had to be painful for Meri. Human nature, as you say.

  58. Did Madame Tussaud's Vegas do a wax figure of Kody? Because in the top picture on the right it looks like it. Seriously though, is that Botox or the usual overdone makeup for the tell-all (tell-nothing, deflect deflect deflect) specials? I have not followed them for at least a year, but he doesn't look real. They've managed to make him look both scary and funny. Just say no to the black eyebrow pencil Kody!
