
Monday, January 19, 2015

Sister Wives: Selected Live Tweets from 01/18/15 Episode

A gift for the Colliers from the Browns. So inappropriate it's actually kind of funny...

Gee Whiz where do I begin....Judging from the tweets  a day later, even the Browns had trouble sorting out that mess of a show last night.

Robyn took time out from blocking tweeters to tweet this gem to those followers she still had left. Next time don't forget the #SisterWives  because those of us who have been blocked by you don't want to miss one tweet from your agile thumbs!

Now here's an interesting reply from a fan...I'm guessing she doesn't want to incur the wrath of Robyn, necessitating her blatant Brown nosing by saying "agreed".  But I'd like to think she also realized:

Guns + Kody Brown = DANGER

What is it this week with Meri going overboard with the King Sol pics being tweeted. One picture was enough, thank you very much!

And how sweet of Meri to make sure the Colliers felt welcome being on their show...yeah, right...

Good grief, could Kody look any nuttier???

Enough already, Meri...but I guess Kody's birthday didn't fall on her night... hmm

Here's a gem...Umm Meri, we think the same thing every time we watch you on your show.

Nice to see Kody say something about how "brave" Truely was when stung by that wasp. Unlike her daddy dearest who ran away like a little girl!!

And Kody had the cojones (although they were a bit shrunken)  to tweet this as his "answer" to Ken's text sent so long ago I'm certain George W. Bush was still President.
C'mon Kody, you certainly proved your point by leaving King Sol and Truely at the mercy of those killer wasps in that truck while you ran off to safety. If I were Christine, I would be feeling particularly vulnerable right now, know what I mean?

I've come to the conclusion the best Kody tweet is his sign off tweet...

Some brave soul needs to tweet back Bye Felicia! I double dog dare you. I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU!!!

On to Janelle.  So was this tweet directed at Christine or Kody??
Yeah, but what good would that be if it's shelved forever? Is that really productive? Btw, I think she takes this stance from LDS that teaches its members to "shelve" any doctrine that doesn't quite make sense right now, because, eventually it will. Yeah, tell me about those golden tablets again?

Oh Janelle now reading those same pseudo science articles Kody reads??? Give me a break Janelle, really? You need to talk to that lady from "Fat and Back." She would tell you to eat sensibly, control your caloric intake, and EXERCISE EVERY DAY!

And look at this next tweet. To have your "husband" treat you like you were a disobedient child instead of the mother of six of your children. PULEEZZZE!!!  Where's the respect???

A lot of fans twitted how disgusting Kody's behavior towards Christine was. Earth to Janelle...time to stop being Kody's cheerleader...he's a jerk and you look like a jerk when you defend him unequivocably!
Onward to Christine, whose best tweets are the ones about her children. In this case, Truely and the Wasp incident.

Truely being brave was an understatement. Her father acted like he had uncovered a hive of millions of killer bees ...and ran leaving his three year old and five year old to fend for themselves. Thank goodness Nathan Collier, the new Polygamist on the block, took charge and batted those damn wasps to death with his baseball cap!

Now here's a tweet that isn't flattering for either woman...Next time ladies, no close up selfies with Christmas decorations as a prop.

Let's see, it's either pictures at Disneyland or with the Blue Man Group. It's always Disneyland and the Blue Man Group...Hey what two things do Kody Brown love besides himself? Disneyland and the Blue Man Group!!

I expect a picture of the Browns with DJ Ashba next time, @agelv! Hear me????

That's all for now!!!


  1. The Blue Man group pix shows what Kody would look like with the scraggly, permed mane cut. I can't separate his appearance from his personality, so I can't say which is better. And Christine's mom is going with the expensive entertainment over responsible spending family MO. But hey, what's the prob with that? It's not like they have 5 kids in college plus 12 at home, expensive homes and virtually no jobs....oh, wait.....

  2. The tickets were comped! That's what @agelv does. She gets them tickets for free.

    1. The tickets were probably comped, but they may be paying her to be their publicist. Also, they give away those tickets at timeshare presentations. Somewhere, Kody tweeted that he's seen the Blue Man Group 5 times already.

      Did someone say that they live-tweeted during Sunday's show before going to the Blue Man Group, and it was the trio's birthday?

    2. A Grody Little PonytailJanuary 20, 2015 at 12:07 PM

      I sure hope they were comped and not paid for out of finite resources, ha! I was thinking when I saw that photo, they seem to go to so many concerts and events. As a wife of one husband with two small children, we couldn't do that. Not even once a year! My husband works full time for the city and I work part time and stay home so no daycare costs. They are so weird with money.

  3. I have lost all respect for Christine's mother. After standing up and leaving polygamy, she is has now chosen to insert herself 'smack dab' into the the polygamist nest. Why oh why stand up against something and then move in with 'it'...don't understand at all. She must have dollar signs for eyes. This will end badly. Oh the drama we are going to see...drum roll please.

    1. She's either doing the show because the producers have told the Browns they need to amp up drama by introducing a new family member - which is ironic because I'm certain the producers meant Robyn getting pregnant, not Christine moving in her mother...


      Christine asked her mother to stay with her as her live in support system. Frankly her sisterwives appear to be less than supportive, preferring to hide their heads in the sand when witnessing Kody's cruel behavior towards her and most likely thanking their lucky stars it's Christine in the hot seat with Kody and not them.

      I'm thinking it's the latter, and it's nice to see a mother's love for her child trumping a "pro" or "anti" religious dogma position for a change.

    2. All valid and good points CJ,,,food for thought!

    3. CJ you nailed it on all accounts...they are like battered kids sitting there while one of their siblings is being abused and thankful it's him or her and not them. But, for a battered kid, he or she feels so much guilt when a sibling is abused but the sister wives seem to enjoy seeing Kody angry at one of the other wives. They are so warped.

    4. I think Christine's Mom moving in is also due to financial reasons. She grew up polygamous, had her first child immediately after high school (we saw that in the pre-views IIRC). I don't know if she was a first wife, or subsequent... so I wonder if she has much money saved or much social security or much other income.

    5. " Oh the drama we are going to see...drum roll please"

      Annnnnnd that's what they are BANKING on.

    6. I think it's for drama. Plus, her daughter is probably living better than she ever has so Christine might want her mom to enjoy some of the TLC perks with her.

  4. Sorry, to repeat myself, but that picture of Robyn just weirds me out. She looks like she's auditioning for Hansel and Gretel the Musical, and she ain't trying out for Gretel...*shudder*

    1. I'm sure that's the look she has on her face when she's blocking people on twitter. Rather frightening, isn't it????

      And no, I still can Let It Go!

    2. oops, that should be I still CAN'T Let it Go!

    3. Don't you let it go, CJ! You REPRESENT for all souls blocked by a Brown!

  5. The husband laughed for 5 min straight at that picture of Kody. I can't decide if he looks like a pod person from invasion of the body snatchers or a robot. And what the heck kind of icing is on that cake? Is it just me or does it look like there are human fingers used as icing. Next time just stick with a nice vanilla glaze and crop the weirdo out of the pic. Its like a Halloween party gone wrong.

    1. Omigosh, Kody's crazed expression in that birthday picture would scare those pod people into going back to their planet! I mean that's really a scary looking mug he's got going there!

    2. That cake is from Nothing But Bunts. All their cakes look like that. They are chain that is big here in Vegas. BTW, the cakes are really good.

    3. Speaking of Cakes. . . did you see that Meri tweeted that she would be making an appearance at a Bundt cake shop in Sandy UT? What kind of agent books your appearance at a cake shop? And what d list "celebrity" do you have to be to think that is a good gig? a cake shop? Really? (rolls eyes)

    4. What kind of agent books your appearance at a cake shop?

      That's one of Meri's gigs for their LIV International MLM. She always goes to small, hole in the wall restaurants (like recently in Gilbert AZ), private homes, club houses to get people to sign up. She used to go to a cake shop in American Fork (I think where they got Robyn's wedding cake) but it's since gone out of business.

      I suppose it's a cheap way to run her LIV business.

    5. kool-aid and bundt cake...sounds finger-licking good

  6. What's with the cheap, white vinyl mini-blinds in mcmansions? Can't the hedonists take a few dollars put of their vast entertainment budgets and get some decent window coverings?

    1. Well, considering Kody and his Kodettes© financed the cost of their window treatments (those cheap a$$ blinds), and major appliances (including washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc), on their mortgages I would say, that's a big NO!!!!

    2. You would think with Meri being able to sew, Christine's mom being a sewer, and Mykelti being into fashion that they could put together some pretty Roman shades, curtains, or some sort of window coverings.

    3. Christine's mother may have general sewing talent, but it does take a certain amount of decorating talent to choose the correct fabric for curtains. Something tells me the best Christine and Mykelti can come up with, would look like that burnt orange/gold gown Christine wore at the commitment ceremony. Or worse, Meri's first choice of fabric for her dress.

    4. You can take the plyg out of the compound.....but they will always have that poverty mentality. Spend every penny as fast as you can get it on cheap crap.

      Look at Christine's and Janelle's houses. Dirty, nasty, not taken care of. It's a lifestyle that they keep even though they should've moved beyond it.

  7. Hi. Long time reader and first time commenting. Robyn is really blonde and old looking. Christine looks absolutely miserable. Meri is a terrible person and Janelle is super passive aggressive. I'm so tired of My Sister Wife's Closet. Honestly, I don't see it going anywhere especially after Kody's pms comments. When is anyone going to mention how big Meri has gotten? She's a shop compared to season 1. Janelle has gained the weight back for sure. I don't think she'll ever leave but it would make good tv. I wonder why Kody hates Christine so much? She was the favorite before Sobyn. Btw love that name ;-). God help them when the tlc checks stop coming. They'll be back in Lehi in a flash. Seriously, does Kody work? Sol is clearly his favorite but Sobyn better give him another baby soon before she gets replaced. Meri is has been forgotten by Kody because there's no kids in the house and her not having any. Janelles kids hate Kody. Particularly Maddie and Hunter. Dayton shouldn't have been forced upon the atv at all. I wonder how David Jessop feels about his kids being referred to as Kody's? Oh and Christine is an emotional abused woman. I've experienced it and recognize it from a mile away. Sorry for the long post and I love the blog.

    1. Welcome Creole Cutie to My Living Room!

      I wonder why Kody hates Christine so much?

      Good question! You know, in the days before Sister Wives, Christine was actually the polygamy activist in the family. She was an Allred and, as Kody was so proud to say in the first season, she does have polygamy "royal AUB" blood coursing through her veins.

      So when did it all go wrong? I think her life started to unravel when Kody started courting Robyn. I don't think Kody ever loved Christine and I wonder if her family pressured him into marriage. She mentioned in their book and the Natalie Morales Tell All that on her wedding day she saw the look on Kody's face and she suddenly realized he was not ready to get married to her.

      But they still got married and now I think they playact at being happy together for the cameras. And then last season, there was Truely mentioning that she starts to scream when her daddy yells, which I thought was a very strange thing for a child to say...unless...

      I'm not surprised that Christine's mother is now living with her.

    2. My thoughts on Christine and Kody's relationship is that Christine thought Kody was hot and chose him for her husband. He probably didn't have much say or felt he wasn't able to say no. He's made it abundantly clear he wasn't attracted to her. While she was his baby making machine and took care of all the kids Kody probably kissed her butt and overlooked the fact that he wasn't all that attracted to her and that she irritated him because he was getting what he wanted out of her. Once she ended her baby making days, he no longer had coddle her and treat her like a princess. It doesn't help that Kody and Christine appear to have similar personalities and both seem like they suck all the energy out of a room, want to be the center of attention, and have some sort of ADHD.

      Robyn better watch out, Kody isn't going to be coddling her much longer if she stops having his babies. She's no longer a trophy wife unless you're wearing beer goggles and doesn't bring anything but drama to the family. Meri is his first love and legal wife, and Janelle used to make money, is easy to get along with, and according to him is a good kisser. Kody is probably hoping Christine will leave and he can put her replacement in her mansion.

    3. IMHO, Kody married Christine to assure him getting his Planet. Same reason he married Janelle. He loved Meri, & he had the hots for Robyn.
      He didn't "love" Janelle, as evidenced by his treatment of her for so many years.
      He barely tolerates Christine. Perhaps having her mother there, Mom will be able to open Christine's eyes to the emotional abuse she suffers--as long as Mom's comments are just "in passing" and don't put Christine on the defensive.
      Narcissistic Peter Pan wanna be who thinks it's not his responsibility to be concerned with the emotional well being of anyone but himself--
      asked the Collier guy if "he loved her"--the woman he's courting for his 3rd --
      I want Tameron Hall to ask Kody the same question regarding Janelle & Christine on the tell all--but not to tell him ahead of time. If he says yes, then Kody why he treated them like brood mares, rather than people he"loves".

    4. He can't put anyone in Christine's mansion because that sucker is in her name as is the debt. Kody's name is only on Meri's mansion.

    5. Thanks for the welcome! I think y'all are right. He never loved her. I think he loved her as the mother of his children but nothing more. I think he has a friend love for Janelle and thee hots for Robyn's ovaries. Meri is the only pne he truly loves. I think Christine's mother will get into her head. Especially since she is seeing it first hand. So Kody is a polygamy social climber by marrying Christine? Makes sense to me. It breaks my heart to see him ignore Truely. I think he hates the fact that the last child Christine gave him was a girl. Robyns girls are just as annoying as she is. I think they'll for sure marry the polygamy way. They want to make their new daddy proud. Plus Robyn wouldn't have it any other way. Also, Christine can suck the life out of a room at times.

    6. Love this blog! I agree with the above comments about Kody and Christine. He seems to resent her, and acts like it is takes so much effort to be with her and keep her happy. (Which he obviously doesn't) I also agree that her life truly did fall apart when Robyn came into the picture. I have got to say it really ticks me off when Kody gets all huffy about Christine needing to be treated like a princess and I just want to scream at the TV and say hello pot meet kettle! He is the biggest princess of all! And Meri and Robyn ARE the mean girls on the block. What jerks!

    7. Yeah but Robyn has now turned on Meri. She's the new Queen Bee and Meri is definitely her little worker bee.

    8. I don't know, I think Christine is the only wife he can openly despise and know that she won't leave him. Meri is the only legal wife - she ain't going anywhere - her life's mission is to welcome new wives into the fold and then spend as much time as possible making them miserable. Janelle is the only wife with the life skills to leave his ass. Robyn is his last hope to help populate KodyWorld. That leaves Christine as the odd wife out - she is done having babies, she eats nachos, she gets PMS.....come to think of it, if these were legitimate reasons for a man to leave a wife, my husband would've left me years ago.

      It really sickens me to watch Kody openly hate Christine, and for her to sit there and take it.

    9. It is all fine and dandy for Christine to embrace polygamy when she is the last chosen,the youngest and the newest flavour . When there is a new woman after her which to me would say I wasn't enough or good enough she gets bitter.She is an example of why polygamy does not work.Thank you Christine for now advocating against polygamy by being a national symbol of an emotionally abused polyg woman.

    10. Anonymous 10:49. Now you've got me thinking. What if Christine really did decide to leave Polygamy. What if she cut a deal with TLC to pay for a spinoff of her leaving him and the faith. She could take her kids, dump the house and become an advocate for those who are trying to leave an abusive faith. Imagine the publicity and the good she could do. Imagine! She could bank the money, move to a smaller house with her mom, start her own life and be just fine. Wow! That would be good tv!

    11. "It is all fine and dandy for Christine to embrace polygamy when she is the last chosen,the youngest and the newest flavour "

      I think that is it exactly. It was just so darned easy when she was the newest wife and the other women had to deal with their jealousy over her. When she got a taste of her own medicine, it didn't go down so easily.

      I think she planned to be the last wife and was and is still pissed that her little plyggy princess dreams got dashed by Robyn.

    12. Kody is completely shallow and self-absorbed. I think he thought at one period of time that Robyn was his soul-mate, not Meri. I only say that because when his father died, he said he really understood meeting ones soul-mate late in life, when referring to Janelle's mother and his father. So, I had the impression Robyn was his soul-mate. Now, I think Robyn has been able to keep up the illusion on the "honeymoon phase", but with her refusal to have babies and being the buffer for Meri's problem with Kody. Truthfully, I don't think Kody would give a damn if every wife left him and his kids renounced him. He wants to be the center of attention and would just find more sad, low-self esteem woman, and unfortunately have more kids. There's hope for Christine, remember how scared she was of the lady that helped women escape polygamy. Her reasoning, she was scared that she may of been talked into leaving Kody. I think it has crossed her mind, but it has to be a gradual process without her becoming defensive or classify someone as "not safe".

  8. Love the tweet about how Kody "knows it all and is very responsible" when it comes to guns. Nice of Robyn to reassure us that even someone totally inept at finances, social skills, parenting & maintaining multiple wives can be super responsible when it comes to firearms.

    1. Right there, that one statement shows just how deluded Robyn is. That man is a walking time bomb with all those guns.

    2. We are what you would call gun enthusiasts and I can tell you that a true safe gun owner would NEVER claim know it all and that a gun owner who thinks he/she knows it all is the most dangerous kind of gun owner!

    3. Kody probably wanted to meet the Colliers just to see Nathans gun collection.

    4. "Kody probably wanted to meet the Colliers just to see Nathans gun collection."

      Caramel Brownie...was that like "gun collection" wink, wink? I do believe that Kody is very interested in some of the things that other men have....

    5. do gun enthusiasts typically lay all their guns on the floor in a big pile and then sit crossed legged around it? Seemed bizarre to me.

    6. I think maybe what Robyn was actually trying to say is that Kody is a know-it-all! At least that's what I think of him. Gosh how can these people be such idiots?

    7. "do gun enthusiasts typically lay all their guns on the floor in a big pile and then sit crossed legged around it?"


      I'm sure Kody wanted to grab the biggest gun and fire it repeatedly (take that however you wish)...but perhaps even the producers and cameramen looked around at the 6 wives and 126 children running around and wisely decided that it wasn't a good idea.

    8. "do gun enthusiasts typically lay all their guns on the floor in a big pile and then sit crossed legged around it? Seemed bizarre to me."

      Yes, actually sometimes they do and that did not seem bizarre at all to me especially if you have one gun enthusiasts visiting another. Nathan's collection was quite impressive and I'm sure Kody was extremely jealous which I'm sure made Nathan extremely happy.

      TLC just loves the attention and what's a better attention grabber than a Montana polygamist with a collection of guns??

  9. Kody's eyes (and general facial expressions) really are becoming terrifying.
    When the wives gushed during their 'tell all' about his 'goo-goo' eyes, all I could think is how horrifying it would be to see those above me or across the bed from the best of situations I think Kody looks like a skeez and in his worst (filmed moments) more and more like a serial killer.
    I am not joking. His eyes creep me out. They're like rat eyes or haunted doll eyes.

    1. He looks like Charles Manson.

    2. Yeah he's got some beady creeper like eyes. I think his harem was just trying to defend him(as usual) since he got tons of not so favorable comments about his eyes. And it didn't work, b/c people are still

  10. Eh, I guess the haunted dolls eye thing was a joke. Still crazy scary, though.

  11. The idea that Kody has really never loved Christine is spot on. And while she has given birth to six kids, only one of those six is a boy. Janelle, on the other hand, gave him four boys and she reminds the others of those four boys often. For whatever reason, Kody thrives on his sons and doesn't know how or care to relate to the females, including his wives. Kody's idea that females are all beneath him because they are emotional and have those nasty monthly things that drive him mad because they are hormone controlled and not rational like him...yeah right. He is a douche to the 100th power.

    1. I think Truely not being a boy is another reason he is so antagonistic towards Christine.

    2. I don't know who my heart breaks for more...Truely or Dayton.

    3. Yes! He even admitted that one of the reasons he was able to talk Christine into have another baby was by convincing her she might have another boy. I feel terrible for Christine's son (Paedon?) because he is in that house with women where he hardly sees his dad. I bet if Truely had been a boy Kody would be around a lot more.

    4. Yes Paedon! What is a Kody Henry VIII? He cuts you off emotionally unless you produce more boys for him? How sad for Truely.

  12. I still think the Mom move is a major producer move to rev up a whole new pocket of drama.
    As to why Christine's mother would agree to do it is another question.
    If it was just about her needing a place to live, that could have been done quietly, out of camera range, like Sobbin's sister was for so long.
    *shrug* There is *something* in it for her....??? Time will tell.
    Maybe a Plyg daughter living with her ex-Plyg mother show?? Who knows??!!!

    This whole "mother" move smacks of a storyline and ratings grabber. They have propped it on the trailers and then with the visit to her house, and Christine's several filmed references to "Mom is moving here in *6* weeks.". And what was that visit to her house about anyway? Why the need to see her house and her belongings except to set up for big drama about her having too much stuff come moving day ??

    SO, SO obvious what is coming !! Will it be Kody vs mother-in-law, or will it be mother vs daughter, or will it be mother and daughter against Kody, or Kody and mother-in-law against Christine (because of her mood swings)....or a shifting back and forth?
    A producer's buffet of possibilities!!!

    AND....the best part is that it probably won't happen this season! This season is for the set up and pumping of the storyline.
    Wouldn't surprise me if the last ep for this season will be the actual moving day with a few choice, tantalizing clips of exchanges between them all....
    And then..... the "tune in next season" cliffhanger!!

    (uhh, hate posting from a tablet, sorry for any glitches)

    1. I'm curious about the real reason why her mom is movibg in. Either way, I'd be a lil hesitant, esp with the Browns past financial woes. I'd be extra leary of leaving my home & moving in with them. Where will her mom go when they're not able to afford those homes anymore??Looks are always deceiving. Just b/c they live in overpriced homes doesn't mean they're financially stable.

    2. Caramel B,
      Something IS just fishy about this new ploy. I agree !!
      It doesn't make any sense given the mother's marital defection and avid anti-plyg activist stance !

    3. Christine cut her mother dead when the mom left polygamy claiming that her mother was "no longer safe". What an awesome daughter to support her mother like that. Mom is going through a divorce and leaving the only lifestyle she has ever known and good old Christine cuts her off. It says so much about Christine's character.

      Mom is moving in to save the poor faux princess from reality. The reality of being a single mom without her older daughters to raise her kids and take care of her household is just overwhelming her. It's pathetic.

  13. What I want to know is, who told Robyn that making her hair blonder and blonder would be a good idea?! Her hair used to be one of her best features. Did Kody tell her something that triggered it?!

    1. I like Robyn's highlights. It's the long, fake nails that distract me. Christine has been sporting those lately too. They're like claws. I don't get it. Especially when shorter nails are far more in fashion these days.

  14. I think she did it because Sol's hair is so very blond and the other wives have blonder hair. She didn't want anyone thinking that Sol belonged to anyone else besides her and Kody. JMHO

    1. Maybe. If so though, that was a dumb move. It's obvious she is not a natural blond. Everyone knows Sol is hers. Sol has blond hair now, but who knows how long that will last. She looked so much better and younger with her natural hair color.

    2. If you think the blond hair looks bad.... just wait until she starts with the orange glo! Something tells me she getting real close with

    3. She might be greying. Some light highlights help to make that change less noticeable. Unfortunately, I have some experience in this area. :( I don't hate on other people for hair color choices. It's a struggle for me.

  15. Considering some of the many unfortunate pics, maybe Sobbin is hoping that going blonde will make her look less witch-like?

    *Hint* Sobbin, It's *not* the hair ...!!!

  16. I don't understand why Kody doesn't love Christine. Out of all the wives, she would be my favorite. I like her personality and I think she is attractive compared to the other wives.

  17. So, yet another lie by the Browns? They mentioned more than once that they had been interacting with the Colliers via "social media" before the meet-ups. Yet the paranoia Nathan just signed up for Twitter on January 9. Christine Collier signed up this week. Are they lying out their behinds again, or do the Browns interact on another platform? I generally stay away from their FB page, because their supporters scare me. Just curious. Also voting for "they're lying, again." as the most likely answer to my own question.

  18. Sol looks just like his mother...I don't see a lot of Brown in him; although, there's no doubt he is the son of Kody. All of the wives' children look like their mothers: Mari and Mariah; Maddie and Janelle; Turely and Christine...They have features of both parents but there's no denying which child belongs to which mother. I think she is coloring her hair to fit in with the other wives and maybe to hide some grey hair...maybe. She sure has aged a lot over the last few years but then who wouldn't age living in that stress.

    1. I see so much of her in Sol. He has Kodys coloring but that's about it. The fact that she is now blonde is bizarre to me. The dark hair is much more flattering and she looks 10 years older now. But then again look at her mom.

    2. It might be to hide gray. One of my aunts was a brunette and she added blond highlights as she went gray.

  19. Does it look like Sol finally got a haircut in those pics with Meri?

  20. Which sisterwife has listened to Kody moan and groan and bitch about Christine since Robyn showed up as a fourth wife? My guess is Robyn and Meri. I don't think Janelle would tolerate listening to Kody gripe about how Christine did not accept Robyn into the family after sixteen years as a group. Kody has blown off Christine's depression and post partum issues for five years. That is why Meri just continued to clean her counters when Kody called when truely was in the hospital and late for Mariah's going away party. Christine has been the punching bag for years. So now they will use her for a story line to keep the TLC gravey train going. Sick greedy people.

  21. There is something so "off" about those tweets - not just the ones above, but most of the Browns' tweets. I can't quite put my finger on it......they are conducting their personal lives via a public timeline. Vague tweets with deep messages are clearly meant for each other. Wishing each other happy birthday, anniversary, etc., on a public timeline has always been bizarre to me. Maybe it's my age. Why wish the person in the room next to you (or, in the Browns' case, in the same cuddle-sac) a "happy birthday" on social media? Why not just skip on over there and do it in person? Why do people need to make sure that personal messages are displayed for he public to see? I have always thought that people who use social media in this way are fronting in some way - it's like, "Look at how much we all LURVE each other! If it's on social media, then it must be TRUE STORY." It seems very subversive, and I don't even know if that's the word I'm looking for.

    Basically - it creeps me out and I don't believe a word of any of their 140 characters.

    1. A Grody Little PonytailJanuary 20, 2015 at 12:05 PM

      I agree laurakaye966! You see on the show how they are not super close and then Meri or Robyn or whoever will go one Twitter and do a super friendly "have a great birthday, blah blah blah" post. It seems so fake.

    2. Totally! They have to tweet birthday wishes because you KNOW they ain't skippin' over to each other's houses on the daily. They're not a sisterhood, they're just frenemies.

  22. A Grody Little PonytailJanuary 20, 2015 at 12:04 PM

    Speaking of weird tweets and stuff the Browns say...has anyone ventured to the SW Facebook today? TLC asked for questions for Kody. Wow! Most people are really getting on him about his meanness to Christine and his favoritism with Robyn. It makes me happy to see the majority are starting to see him for the sinister character he really is. Sorry if this is off topic. I am fairly new to posting and love to read all of the comments on here!

    1. I went to peek, because I was curious (usually avoid it -scary place, their page). Whoa, had the tide turned, at least on that one post. Which, considering it was a request for questions for Kody, his distinct absence was quite an affront. Well, you asked. Jerk.

    2. I love your name!

      Anyway, if his favoritism is so obvious on the show, just think what it is like in real life? Maybe TLC should realize viewers want to watch a show about the wives, not the husband. Every show seems to center around Grody, ugh.

    3. Christine is defending him on Twitter now..... geesh!

    4. Oh my God. I jus dry read through the comments on the Facebook page and one of the Brown apologists said (in response to a comment about Kody needing a job) that she was pretty sure Kidy was or used to be an architect.


      I might die. That's how hard I'm laughing. That page is glorious.

    5. A Grody Little PonytailJanuary 22, 2015 at 10:00 AM

      Anon 1:42pm, thanks! It took me a while to come up with. :)

      LaPetiteTerror, an architect, that is hilarious! If Kody designed a house, I'm pretty sure it would crumble. With his history of hanging lights for certain commitment ceremonies...we've seen all we need to see!

  23. Meri takes shots at Christine on twitter during the show all the time. Now Meri has another medium to be abusive and passive aggresive to her sisterwives, although ive never seen one aimed at Robyn.I am blocked by Robyn so i can't see hers now. Robyn tweets Sol was "so brave" about the rafting, Christine says "so brave about the wasp sting, and Kody repeats it. So yes i agree they conduxt theeir real time relationships on a public platform. Weird people. I think Kody is cracking

    1. Meri and Kody are meant for each other. Both horrid people. Meri doesn't dare challenge Queen Robyn though. At least not until Kody gets tired of her

  24. The last thing that any of the Brown kids need is more candy. Sol is still little and small, I wish Meri wasn't giving him candy to end up overweight like many of his older siblings. You would think that with 3 of the wives being so overweight and the 4th one heading there they would be cracking down on what they all eat. They should start working out together like the Dargers do.

    1. The last thing Meri needs is candy LOL

    2. To me it looks like Sol found Meri's stash.

    3. Is it just me or would you give a 3 yr old milk duds? They just seem like a choking hazard to me for a toddler anyways. Also I'm thinking that's left over Halloween candy & the crappy stuff that no one really wants is all that's left. So Meri just keeps giving it to Sol since Lil kids don't know that much difference between the really good candy like Snickers, Reese's, Kit Kat,etc...and the crappy candy that no one wants.... Lil
      Remember Kody tweeting about having tons of candy but hardly any trick or treater's? Why would you expect tons of trick or treater's when ur gated community only has like 9 houses & ur family occupies 4 of them?? Not sure why kody would expect lots of trick or treater's from outside the gated community?!

    4. Ton of candy = pacified wives?

      Kody must've heard somewhere that chocolate cures PMS when nachos don't do the trick.

    5. Hey now! I love Milk Duds! LOL. :)

    6. Lol...I like Milk Duds too but they're not my first choice ;) I forgot what candy mix they come in, but that's usually what's left over. Kind of like the Dots that come in the tootsie pop & tootsie rolls candy mix.

  25. Have to throw in my two cents in the discussion about the relative status of the various women Kody Brown boinks.
    1. I believe Kody loves each of the women, although the dimensions of his feelings vary quite a bit.
    2. Meri's in it for the long haul; she's the only legal wife and plays the marriage like a game of Monopoly. Throwing in the towel would mean LOSING the game to the other three, and that will never happen. Kody likes their history, likes that there is a huge empty house for him to hide in at will, and likes that Meri will always side with him in procuring another woman.
    3. Janelle loves the man; she considers him a catch (sadly, she doesn't believe she could do better). Even though she gets irritated with his behavior, her M.O. is to let things slide to keep the peace. Kody knows Janelle is devoted, and loves that she doesn't ride his ass; he respects her work ethic and more pragmatic world view.
    4. Christine has always loved Kody, and in the first two episodes of the first season of the show, their interactions with each other are really sweet and fun-loving. What she said of their relationship (PRE-ROBYN) is that it was "so easy." Kody started out by nabbing a plyg princess, and found himself with a woman seriously dedicated to the Principle who was a personality match for him; she was fertile and fervent. Her inability to cope with being displaced by Robyn is now extremely enraging to him; what he is basically saying to her is "Shut up and be happy again!! Your heartache is your problem!!"
    5. Robyn is no longer starry-eyed about plyg life; she was in lust with Kody, but lust rarely lasts. She popped out a child immediately to secure her place as a Brown Breeder, but has since gotten stars in her eyes about being a designer/entrepreneur. All the extra childcare help she expected from her new sister wives did not materialize, and she is either having doubts about a fifth baby, or is having trouble conceiving. Kody's lust for Robyn has waned considerably since the beginning. She's not popping out those final children he wanted, and her desire to jump in the middle of the sisterwife drama every time there was a conflict got on his nerves. "Too pretty to cook" is now just ONE MORE FRIGGIN WOMAN FOR ME TO ENDURE.
    Finally, I have always thought that the little negative stories that Kody tells about all the women except Meri (mostly platonic feelings for Janelle, grossed out by Christine's nachos, Robyn's divorce "ick factor") are primarily a defense mechanism, a way to deflect any claim that he took on subsequent "wives" due to indiscriminate lust; if he sort of pretends like he wasn't completely attracted to them, that fits better with having noble intentions.

    1. 1. I agreed with.
      2. You hit Meri on the head.
      3. Janelle is the best friend.
      4. Christine is vwry much in love by herself. I think he really misses how easy things were. She needs counseling for her depression.
      5. Robyn has definitely taken off the rose colored glasses. I guess she figured Christine wpuld dp her for what she did her Meri and Janelle. I don't think she wants more kids and is afraid to tell Kody cuz he will find another wife.
      I think Meri is the only one he is head over heels in love with.

    2. Redwood curtain, what a great analysis.The last sentence is an interesting theory, but I'd have to add that "the little negative stories" also stem from his narcissistic, insensitive and a person's worth is based on what they do for me. And you are so right about the bloom off the lust with Kody/Sobyn. She was such a chirpy little plyg cheerleader and starry eyed for Kody. The true colors are flying all over. Great reply as well, Creole Cuite!

    3. 5. Robyn is no longer starry-eyed about plyg life; she was in lust with Kody

      I don't believe Robyn was ever in lust with Kody. I think what she saw was dollar signs and status when she first heard about Kody.

      Janet Bennion is an anthropologist/researcher who spent some time in Pinesdale MT and the AUB. She noted that in the AUB culture, there were certain women who took advantage of being able to "divorce" their current priesthood holder because he proved to not be worthy in her estimation. That would mean, not making enough money to support their family, being lax in religious beliefs (like having a gambling addiction like one well know plyg wife's former husband) etc. A women could go to the leadership council, plead her case and if the leaders agree, she would be "released" from her spiritual marriage. Once released, she could asked to be reassigned to a more worthy man, if she wanted.

      What happened, was some women used this in order to climb up the plyg social ladder by marrying "up" after each release, until they found a man best suited to provide them with the means and social/religious standing they desired.

      I think Robyn is definitely one of these plyg climbing women. She lived in Pinesdale with her ex-husband. Once the TLC gravy train ends, and MSWC goes bankrupt, she will leave Kody, ask for a release and scope out her next polygamist. This time one with a good work ethic and the wealth to support her.

      But I do agree with all your other points, including that Robyn was not getting the support she expected from her sisterwives. I wouldn't be surprised if the original 3 REFUSED to have their teen daughters (Mariah, Aspyn, Mykelti, Maddie) babysit/house clean regularly at Robyn's - that's why Taralyce suddenly showed up on the scene, later replaced by Mindy.

      I have a feeling if TLC/Producers tell Kody he needs to court a 5th to keep his show, he will in a heartbeat!!!

    4. I agree about the 5th wife to keep the gravy train going. What a sad thing if they all go along just to maintain that lifestyle. But it also would not be surprising. Look and learn from your parents' mistakes, Brown kids. Robyn trading up, that is right on point. Serve her right to not be considered by anyone who is a "step up."

    5. My take on them....

      Kody can't love anyone. He is a textbook sociopath. Robyn is too. $$$

      Meri and Janelle have turned their emotions off. It comes out in Meri who is a caustically manipulative person and it comes out in Janelle who is a manipulative passive aggressive.

      Christine is just a brainwashed religious zealot. I think she really enjoys the kids but is so abused that she can't function in life.

      Polygamy is so great!!

    6. Regarding Robyn asking for a release from Kody...this might be a dumb question, but can she do that? Who would she ask? I understand it happens in closer polygamous communities, like the other show set in Centennial Park, but that was one big plyg community/town, with defined leaders. I guess I thought the Browns were more "rogue," living by their own rules and doing things the way they want - I mean, the way Kody wants. Is there someone the wives could actually go to and say, "I'm out, reassign me to someone else?" Very curious about this. Assuming they ever wanted out, could they do it within the confines of their religion?

    7. I wouldn't be suprised if Robyn is already planning her celestial divorce. Probably why she isn't having anymore children. I do see her as a social ladder climbing type. I'm surprised the ex hasn't sued her for slander yet. If Kody os forced to take a 5th wife I'd bet it would be her sister. Remember how he looked at her the one time they did show her on camera? My idiot picked up on that fast! She would want someone that wouldn't undermine her.

    8. I just had to watch this weeks episode after the reviews. Kody is a psychopath and it was eery they way he said to Christine, "I am so disappointed in you." It was as if he wanted to physically hurt her and was showing restraint. I am personally disappointed in the lack of emotionally maturity shown by Robyn when the wives and Kody were meeting about Christine's attitude. Robyn showed no compassion towards her and was so smug. I thought Robyn was suppose to bring all these positive, communicative characteristics to this plural marriage. All I saw were mean girls Robyn and Meri. It seems like an abusive relationship for Christine. Later in the episode I thought it was ironic that Kody joked that he was being an abusive husband. And how sad was that that Christine blamed her real feelings and behavior on PMS?

    9. And how sad was that that Christine blamed her real feelings and behavior on PMS?

      I'm getting the feeling that what's wrong with Christine is more than PMS and could be the reason for the sudden need to move in her mother. Of course, the next episode previews "hinted" at her mother giving her own explanation for moving, but being that Christine admitted seasons ago she was on meds for "depression" maybe she just can't cope any longer. Who can blame her?

  26. Whatever Kody's version is "of spousal love" is increasingly hard to witness !!

    I guess the end result and proof of success of his process will be just how many of his 14 (to date) natural children from women he allegedly"loves" in *various* degrees will follow his (and their mothers') Plyg version of "love" in their lives. ??

  27. Christine just tweeted about the fight she & Kody had and wants everyone to "please stop beating him up over it". Reminds me of Janelle's tweet explaining the real reason she walked out during dinner was due to her sensitivity issue from some former workplace discrimination. Thanks for clarifying Janelle...good to know it wasn't on account of Kody's offensive ramblings!

    Kody has no problem verbalizing every moronic thought that pops into his head because the 4 minions will always come through and loyally defend him.

    1. Kody is probably sitting there telling Christine, "See what you have done? Look what you made me do and now people are beating me up."

      Classic emotional abuse

    2. "See what you have done? Look what you made me do and now people are beating me up."

      And you just know that is *exactly* what he is still whining about it.
      And also that the other three "sistas" are doing their own suck-up routine of cheering him for his public martyrdom at the hands of bad, crazy, PMS-ing Christine.

      These women, all of them, are terrible role models for their daughters !
      They exhibit sabotaging behavior toward each other, female diminishing another female. Behavior that ultimately hurts them all, and only benefits their master.

    3. I just looked at Christine's tweets. Unbelievable. She wrote that she was right; Kody was right; Ken was right. If so, why did we waste two weeks on her drama?

      Typical polygamist revisionist history.

  28. In the beginning, when Kody was in his “see what a great polygamous husband I am, not your false stereotype” he touted how he had done the emotional work and investment in each of these relationships as opposed to mistresses, etc. Robyn would always chime in with her vast knowledge of prostitute price points. Now we see the truth of the “emotional work” Kody meant. You (wife) are totally responsible for your emotions, said emotions are never to inconvenience me and you are responsible for all my emotions as well. The reason all these “adults” act passive aggressive, over react, etc. is because of this system they are in. You can’t talk about your true feelings because they don’t dare question plural marriage and face the reality. So all the emotions come out sideways. It’s like the elephant in the room with alcoholic families, we can’t talk about the elephant so we focus that unexpressed emotion on something else. “The troublemaker” is a popular role. Kody and polygamy are the real problems, but the cost of facing that is too great.
    And my heart aches for Truly. I’ve known of many men that when they are done with the girlfriend/wife, they are done with her children, too. Truly brave about the sting = used to being ignored/didn’t take attention from Daddy. They swarmed Kody like he needed an epi-pen injection. You would think after almost losing her, they would be more protective. I remember when Sol was born Kody saying, he looks like MY boys. Those who have observed that the girls are less important to him are right on point. I hope this did wake up some of the FB fans.

    And Amused, I hope the kids all run from plyg life, esp. girls. Unfortunately history tends to repeat itself.

    1. Kody is a salesman. If his only remaining saving grace is that he is well informed about guns, he is an epic failure as a man. He needs to pull out that man card and throw it away because he is bankrupt as a human being. He is deserving of every insult coming his way and more.

  29. well.........TLC facebook did welcome questions for Kody from fans....timing is suspect..maybe they did not expect such a vitriolic response since Kody is such a lovable reality star.

    1. I snuck over to FB and they are pretty hot over there. Lots of long time fans not liking the Kody they are seeing. But still defenders - if you dont't love them don't comment. Don't think ole Kode will be doing Q & A anytime soon. Funny Mr. Shriveled balls, lots male and female thought a real man would stand up to friend and defend wife.

    2. Looks like the Browns bright idea of adding even more fake drama into the show this season kind of backfired!

    3. Couldn't happen to a more deserving group !!
      They dabble in half truths and outright lies. They rewrite their own written and spoken words.
      They dupe their fans and solicit them to buy ugly, over-priced junk.

      If Kody's despicable performance on this epp is prompting the sycophants to finally smell the manure of Kody and his world.......well, he did his thing and he deserves the fallout.

      Too bad the four kodettes can't and won't ever smell the stench.

    4. I'm just amazed at how many people have swallowed the Brown Kool-Aid. Ew, brown Kool-Aid...that's like yellow snow. Don't drink it!

    5. I hopped over there (Facebook) to see what all the fuss is about and they are giving it to him with both barrels. One poster asked what kody's job was and another helpful soul chimed in that she read "somewhere" that Kody was an architect! Ha! As if he can do math! Several questions are along the lines of when will Kody be answering these question? 15 minutes after never! Love seeing him get what is coming to him.

    6. An architect? That is hilarious. It does seem like a dumb move on TLC's part to ask fans for questions for Kody and then not have him (or an authorized representative or something) answer at least some of them.

    7. Almost 2500 questions/comments waiting for Kody over at TLC/Sister Wives facebook.... unfortunately he seems to be avoiding it like the plague! Now that's what I call a massive PR fail.

  30. You know, I found it very telling of Kody when Nathan said that before he enters the bedroom of the woman who is spending the night, he goes and "tucks" the other wife that is gross but Kody smiled but didn't say, yeah, it's important to reassure...blah blah blah. But the idea that both men realize that no matter how long they have been in their present relationships, the wives still have deep seated angst about sharing their man....Nathan, in his attempt to prove he is a good man, delivers with somewhat of an honest statement...I try to make them happy so I tuck her in...I think those words were very telling in how the wives really feel...insecure, lost, anxious, sad, etc.

    1. Isn't is just SO AWFUL? Getting in bed with my husband every night is one of the sweetest parts of my day--a little chatting, laughing, snuggling, maybe some lovemaking. When I try to wrap my mind around living the plyg life, just imagining myself getting into "our" bed, and having him come in, sit on the edge of the bed for a couple of minutes, knowing he's about to got sleep with another woman in the room down the hall...ARGH! It literally makes my stomach turn. I have news for all these guys: You can't BE sweet enough or kind enough to make up for ripping that woman's heart out night after night, week after week. Not possible.

  31. A comment by Nathan Collier stood out to me big time - he said he fell in love with two women, could not choose, and THEN felt called to polygamy. Or did I hear him wrong? The fact that he COULD NOT CHOOSE - does this not prove he doesn't actually love either one? If you love someone, you enter into a bizarre concept called a "COMMITMENT." You don't justify your roving eyes by falling into polygamy after the fact!

    I don't know why I constantly try and understand this lifestyle. If any of the women seemed somewhat normal, well-adjusted and happy, I might attempt some understanding. But they all seem miserable and "off," personality-wise. At one point during a couch session, one of Collier's wives was giggling so hard during that she couldn't even sit up - I think they were on the subject of sex. I mean, WTH?!

    1. I do the same thing.....I try to really understand why they have chosen to be polygamist....but I just cannot see 1 single thing that makes it appealing!
      And Collier's wives acted like silly, giggly teenagers to me.......I was totally unimpressed with them.

  32. Nathan's "tucking in" of the wife he is not spending the night with reminds me of Brady's (My 5 Wives) practice of going to each bedroom and saying good night before he settles down. I remember in the episode where Brady was visiting his dad this last season he drug himself upstairs on his bad knee to say good-night to every woman. I wonder if Kody did that when they lived as a family in Utah. Even though their houses are now close, I doubt he makes the effort. However, I am 100% sure I would not want a man fresh from another woman's bedroom to come stay in mine. As runKodyrun mentions, that is a bit gross. I am not cut out for plyg life. Nor would I want a daughter of mine to choose the lifestyle.

    1. If I recall, in one of the earliest episodes, Kody may have made rounds to say good night to each wife in the Lehi house and then explained it to the camera. It was an early episode, and just one.

    2. Kody is too damn lazy & inconsiderate to emotionally accommodate his harem. Kody probably just sends a group text, "GN, love ya'll :-*"

    3. Kody said good morning to janelle before she left the house. I'm assuming he did to Meri or Christine, whoever didn't have him that night? Goodnight is kinda a creepy time since he about to go sleep and perhaps fool around with another one. Before leaving the house makes more sense.

  33. I find it telling that some of the older teens were on this trip, but were not really shown. I saw Mariah and Aspyn in the footage, but not once were they shown speaking. I wonder if they didn't want ot be featured, or if this season is just taking a different direction. Notably, I did not see any of Janelle's older kids. I suspect they do not want to be seen with this group any more.

  34. Hmmm....Nathan's statement about tucking in the one wife before he sleeps with the other makes one wonder just what his version of "tucking in" actually consists of.....???

    He strikes me as a guy who isn't into the official Plyg lifestyle as much as a guy who simply wants many options for sex to be handy and on-site. He found two women who apparently like that arrangement and now he is looking for a third.

    TLC just may sign this guy and his growing harem as yet another novelty act.

  35. Amused I am with you.....I think the guy just didn't want to have to "pick" one of the women so he became a ploygamist so he could have as many as he wanted......
    They acted strange to me.......I sure don't see a spin off show with that group anymore than I did with that group from Missouri.........overall they just seem to be people who live a strange lifestyle.

    1. Yep ! A horny guy who likes variety and women who accommodate.
      Standard recipe for plural lifestyles where the man is the rooster.
      And obviously, it can sell if the group manages to catch the attention of a second-rate cable network.

    2. He also inserted some random, nonsensical statement (nonsensical in this context) about "being polygamous long before I knew it." Don't recall the exact words, but it came off as an attempt to make it sound inborn and inevitable - instead of horny doofus conning two unsuspecting girls into going along for the ride.

    3. Thank you! I thought I caught more than one comment of Collier's that suggested he wasn't even thinking about polygamy until he found two women and couldn't make up his mind. Enter polygamy - problem solved! Religious beliefs covers my need to bed two women 'cause I just can't choose! LOLZ, now I don't have to!"

      And the whole concept of "tucking in" a wife before he beds the other gives me a literal shiver down my spine. Can you see Kody lovingly "tucking in" each wife before heading to the boudoir of that night's rotation assignment? I barf a little just thinking about it.

  36. Kody should replace his freaky Twitter cartoon drawing with that freaky pose from the birthday picture. It is more fitting.

  37. I noticed it still says "Robyn and Kody's daughter or son" in subtitles? Doesn't the kids real father care? What's his deal? And long time lurker first time commenter here :)

    1. I noticed that too. I'm a stepmother and it pissed me off royally. It shows a campaign by Grody and Sobbin' to alienate those kids from their real father. Sobbin isn't even married to Grody, so he isn't even a stepfather. He's nothing more than Mommy's boyfriend.

      When this show is off the air, I hope the real father of those kids will come out and tell everyone what the heck is really going on. The only explanation I can think of is Sobbin' is required to pay him child support due to the TLC money so he's keeping his trap shut.

    2. Robyn wouldn't be required to pay him child support unless he had primary custody, which he doesn't. I'd imagine he's keeping his mouth shut for one of two reasons: 1)he really, really sucks and we don't know it, but we assume Robyn is worse because we see her or 2)he's protecting his family and church by not speaking out publicly. I suspect it's both.

    3. The kids are really limited in filming. Maybe the family actually puts money aside for the three kids and that would be motivation. They are old enough or almost old enough to decide to live with him. So there is that protection too. And he does seem to see them frequently. Their only view of their opinion of dad isn't the screen. If Robyn is also saying things it's time to go to dads, meaning her ex then it's probably an overreaction. They do say over and over again they are from a prior relationship. Can't say prior marriage cause that would suggest she is married to a married man.

      I can't believe two years later is when he needs to get back on the vehicle. If your kid is in an accident if they are okay you put them back on, if not seek medical help. There is really no reason he has to operate such a vehicle. The longer the time after the accident the harder it is. Two years! Does she have primary custody? Remember when Madison fell off the horse they told everyone not to ride. Why the horse was still around why knows? The adults were totally unnerved about it. Grandma took care of calling a chiro to pop things back into place. Is is something about that part of the country where the kids have to do such things?

      What irks me is how they ship the older boys to Wyoming every summer. Please tell me they earn and keep a nice wad of cash.

    4. Anonymous 8:17, the question of child support depend on the statutes in the state that has jurisdiction over their divorce. For instance, in California family court uses a (rather complex) formula to determine child support. The amount of time each parent is with the children is only part of the formula. It's possible for the custodial parent to be ordered to pay child support to the noncustodial parent, if there is a high enough discrepancy in income. The formula is intended to create a more equitable lifestyle for the child between the two households, regardless of custodial arrangements. Again, though, it depends on the laws they're subject to.

    5. I used a Utah child support calculator: estimating that Robyn makes about 250,000 a year and her ex 40,000, and that he has the kids 111 days (the minimum amount I could put in because I doubt they're there more than that) and with her 254 days, he would still have to pay her $498 a month in child support. I'm guessing at the income and days, of course.

  38. Meri Brown is tweeting that she will be at a Nothing Bundt Cake store in Sandy Utah the 23rd, inviting friends, and fans for what? a cake eating contest? she is promoting cakes now?

    1. I'm sure it's to promote their green goo pyramid business....the more people they have buying/selling LIV stuff, the more money they make! I have noticed they aren't promoting it on the show lately- in the past there were always bottles of green water popping up on camera!

    2. She certainly looks like an advertisement for cake-eating.

    3. "She certainly looks like an advertisement for cake-eating"

      Ha! Body by Bundt! It could be their new business! "Now you can look just like a Brown sister wife--eat bundt cake and coffee with a stick of butter in it twice a day just like the Brown Clowns"

  39. I was wondering whether Christine grew up with the emotional abuse that she is now experiencing. If she saw her mother treated in this same ugly way, she might just think that it is acceptable behavior.

    I was totally nauseated by the gloating of the other wives at Christine's predicament. I expect nothing kind or decent from Kody, but was surprised by the ugliness of the other women's behavior. This seems to be the behavior that polygamy produces: the race to win approval by the "man". For an inadequate narcisist like Kody, the competition for his favor must be a real turn on.

  40. Christine shouldn't take what Jody's friend Ken said personally. Remember the friend who's wife said "gross" about Kody having four wives. And Robyn is so annoying when she uses that mocking voice ex hospital staff, other sister wife. She is the person who plants that little bug in someone's ear.

  41. Takes two people to make a mood. I think she is not right to be mad at Ken and get an apology but that is no reason to blame her for the mood of the rest of them. Why are they constantly talking about. Meet the man or not. This didn't have to be talked about on and on. She didn't have to cave to your perceptions of the situation just like you didn't have to ask the man to apology. It is Kody. It's not PMS. There is something wrong with Kody. Can't just blame everything on PMS. Marry a man if you are afraid of women. Gosh.

  42. This current conversations about Kody's reprehensible behavior toward Christine or toward *any* of the women who have signed on to *service his wants* and to bear his children, is key to my disgust with this show, or any other show showcasing a similar setup.

    These current TV Plygmen call themselves "progressive" Plygs to distinguish themselves as different from the evil, despicable Warren Jeffs of the Plyg world.
    But are they?? Are these new version Plyg harem-keepers that much different in their subjugation of women?

    The fact that they don't marry minors and beat and starve their harems and beat and molest their children is certainly better than the actions of the hardcore Plyg masters.
    But watching Kody's performance in this epp, his utter disdain and dismissive mocking of Christine and of female functions is both ignorant and hateful.

    What can his "daughters" think watching their father do that for the viewing public ???
    Have they seen that behavior and attitude from him all their lives and especially when the cameras are not around? Probably so.
    What does that do their self-esteem and self-confidence...and to their expectations of what they can expect "and deserve" from the future men in their lives???

    Just as important....What is Kody teaching "his sons" about equitable respect between women and men? Respect for women....mothers, sisters, girlfriends, aunts, grandmothers, wives.?
    How can those boys learn to live in a mutual relationship when all they see is male dominance?

    And these SisterWives...these *adult* women, these faux wives, these "Mothers" who cannot see what they are getting paid to do....*to show the world* about their lives.
    But the world does see it and it is hard to fathom why any woman would settle for so little...
    For herself and for her children !!

    Joe Darger's militant MO was blatant from the first documentary on them.
    And Brady's deal is right there too. He keeps his harem like a well tended kennel owned by a kindly breeder.

    1. You nailed it. I think all of us worry about the children and wish them happier and healthier relationships. They will need way more self awareness than their dad. Hopefully being less in the religious "culture" will open their options. I remember hearing Janelle make an off-hand but kinda chilling comment that Maddie would be in trouble if some guy came along saying the right things. That family "therapist" should be dealing with this.

    2. You know, I have a hard time imagining any of Janelle's older children choosing "the lifestyle." They're smart. They've seen the toll it's taken on their mother (likely never in "favored" status), seen how she was exploited for $$, etc. Trusting that, if I'm wrong (probably about the males. Can't see Maddie jumping in.), they'll do so with eyes wide open and a commitment to not make their parents' many mistakes. Just don't see it, though, at least from her older three.

    3. "I have a hard time imagining any of Janelle's older children choosing "the lifestyle."

      I hope you are correct. Unfortunately, history demonstrates that kids who grow up seeing abuse are often abusers themselves or end up a victim of abuse in their adult relationships.

      Polygamy is the norm for the Brown kids. Kody may say the kids are allowed to choose whatever lifestyle they want, but his behaviors say something very different.

      I think Christine the faux princess said it best when she was talking about the kids not choosing the parents' religion and lifestyle, "Then what was all this for?"

  43. My sisterwife's closeted husbandJanuary 21, 2015 at 5:37 PM

    Anyone elseen notice the pile of random crap on Meri's precious wet bar???? Guess she ate all the pastries

    1. much for needing the x-large McMansion just so she could get the wet bar!
      (P.S. I absolutely cannot stop laughing at your chosen name...priceless!!)

    2. My sisterwife's closeted husbandJanuary 22, 2015 at 4:21 PM


    3. For Meri the things that stood out for her that screamed expensive in the model home was the deck and wet bar. That's what she said she wanted.."i may want a deck and a wet bar" She also wanted the upgraded carpet at 10 grand a pop but after going over budget she had to relent. Whether the wet bar made sense or not, it was an upgrade and Meri is all about the upgrades.

  44. Anyone else notice that despite his effort to show his perfect handling of RV sewage, he was rinsing the black hose with the white one again. Didn't the knowledgeable RVers say that was a no no?

    1. Yep, I saw it, Emma. He was once again using the potable water hose to rinse the sewage line. Dysentery anyone? The hilarious part of it is that you know damned well that we had to watch repeated moments of Kody and the sewer line because he INSISTED that they film him "getting it right" this time. NOT.

    2. Funny how this super responsible and vastly knowledgable gun owner (according to Robyn) still can't figure out what hose to use. I wouldn't want to be within 50 yards of the guy when he attempts to clean his firearms!

  45. "He looks like a kid who finally gets his turn at the ice cream truck window or Santa's lap"... Bwhahahahahaha
    Good one Amused!! :)

  46. Abuse is abuse and he is an abuser... children protective service anyone?
