
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sister Wives LIVE TWEET PARTY for 1/18/15 !!!

It's L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!!



Hey, isn't that Moroni Jessop?

Prepare yourself for MORE Kody BLOVIATING!!

While Robyn indiscriminately BLOCKS TWITTERS !!

Are YOU on her list tonight???

It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!



  1. Robyn's tweet wishing Kody & Janelle an anniversary day "full of mushy, gushy, lovey dovey romantic things" is just too funny. It sounds like it was written by a 13 year old who's secretly hoping their day totally sucks!

  2. I just cracked a beer. It's the only way I can watch this crap! I have to watch it if I'm going to snark and I do love snarking!

    1. mixed a vodka and grapefruit juice....uhhg my husband had to leave the room..he just can't listen to Kody.

  3. Has Ken spoken out about being villianized on nation TV...for two weeks now? Seriously new low, Browns.

  4. Meri....when Christine said that she was upset that every body is mad at her and Meri said, then don't do things that make us mad...I wanted to hit her...really. They are totally blaming this on Christine and have the couch scenes with the three against Christine...they are totally picking on her. Now he says she is erratic and having PMS. OMG.

    1. That might have been the bitchiest comment Meri has ever made.

    2. I'm still trying to recover from watching Meri dig through Maddies fridge and PREACH about healthy food lolol.... are you kidding me??
      Does Meri even know what healthy food is?
      Meri never met a double cheeseburger sandwiched between 2 pizzas that she didn't want to scarf down in 3 bites!
      Meri... go look in your own fridge and leave Maddie alone!

    3. My goodness!! Meri looks like a Oompa Loompa! She is completely orange

    4. I am honestly relieved that going to UNLV to study psychology was just a plot line...can you imagine Meri as a therapist? Especially working with "at risk youth?" Such a petty, mean bully.

    5. There was a tweet that said she starts college on Tuesday.

  5. Christine-LEAVE KODY! What a jerk. Hormonal? He takes no responsibility and the other wives are such jerks to her.

    1. I am screaming at the TV. PMS!!!! You have got to be kidding me! I cannot believe he is so ignorant! What do these women see in him?
      He has no more patience?

    2. I can't believe that she agreed with him and then defended him saying that to her. As if that was a perfectly reasonable response. Crazy and deluded!!

    3. I also couldnt believe that Christine didnt get mad at Kody for that stupid PMS comment!!!!! Ugh!! Christine can be feisty, but then she eventually folds.

    4. Christine does that all of the time. That is her MO. She always ends up apologizing and that is just one more reason she works my nerves! She needs to own what she does and stop backing down. No spine whatsoever.

    5. His shriveled balls are clouding his judgment.

  6. Now they are all mad at Christine and blaming her....Meri and Robyn's dig at Christine, wow! I agree that Christine just blew all of this out of proportion and either it's scripted or she is really upset, who knows, but this is one case where we really see how those sister wives stick together....yeah buddy....Robyn said it best, others might think we are supporting Kody to be the number one wife....yeah, Robyn, that's what it looks like to me. Throw idiot Christine under the bus and roll over her a couple of times.

    1. It's like watching a kid get picked on by the other bullies in the playground.

  7. Christine, you are being abuse. This is abuse. If your family therapist has not addressed this get a new one. You need to leave, you deserve better. This is not how husbands treat wives.

    1. She is totally ABUSED by Kody and the other wives. Someone needs to pull her aside and help her. I really felt bad for her tonight. It doesn't matter how she acted.

      Christine's girls will most likely end up with horrid men because of the way Kody treats her.

    2. Kody's comments about not dealing with her when she is mad were just awful. Guess when you have 3 other wives you don't need to deal with any of the bad stuff, you can just leave. How Christine can stay with a man who doesn't want to deal with her feelings is beyond me. She could be the most difficult woman in the world, but as her husband, he owes it to her to at least listen to her point of view.

    3. Anyone notice that Kody seems close to tears as he is "standing up" for himself against Christine? Seriously, Kody, it's like you have some manly metaphorical PMS in which you get preachy with b*llsh*it and cry to give testimony to your plight. He also did it later at dinner (the one Janelle left), putting on his manly airs and speaking in a high pitched Mommy voice about "what a good husband" he really is. Blech.

  8. Kody describing other plural families as train wrecks...pot calling the kettle black much?

    1. I think he must be referring to their bed sharing buddies back in MO

    2. Good grief! Kody thinks he and his 4 "wives" are judge and jury to decide whether this family is doing polygamy correctly right?#$!?! When was he installed as head of the FLDS/AUB/PlygsRUS? His conceit and narcissism have no bounds.

    3. My husband cracked up when Kody said this and he turned and looked at me, "Are they the benchmark? There's a thought."

  9. Kody needs to meet other Polys cause he wants to see if they are happy....cause it can be train wrecks. Like his family...train wreck.

  10. Holy Crap...he was a polygamous before he knew what it mean, you were an adulterer before you found a name that made it sort of acceptable to have sex with other women. Give me a break.

  11. This new plyg guy has something "off' about him. He reminds me of Papa Joe Darger.
    Dunno....can't put my finger on it. He wants a show.......that's obvious !!

  12. Ok, new polyg Montana guy--is he chewing tobacco? He talks like his mouth is full b

    1. Ha !!! I knew that accent sounded familiar. Mushy-speak !!

    2. I am LDS so when this guy says that he was a practicing Mormon all of his life and was shocked and hurt when they excommunicated him, I don't buy it for one minute. In all of my years in the church, I have never heard anyone even hint that polygamy is ok. This man is fishy just like Kody. His reality is twisted. When kody says that he wants to meet poly families to see how they do it and that he is facinated by polygamy, I wonder what he observed all of those years living with the AUB and watching his parents???? Good Grief! BS meter is fully pegged tonight.

    3. But when you belong to a church that thinks everyone needs to be a member, you plan and prepare for a mission when you are old enough to save birthday money, it is hard.

      I don't understand why a person who left the LDS cares whether they are cast into outer darkness or not. Didn't they leave? I can't imagine kody coming back from a mission was so easily swayed and don't believe for a second he had never heard polygamy was a problem.

    4. I also found it funny that a person would expect the LDS to just ignore the fact that he was practicing polygamy. Of course he was excommunicated. Why would you want to stay in a church that doesn't believe what your beliefs are?

      Meri/Robyn/Christine all grew up in polygamy. Kody's parents were raised in it, left for a while and came back to it while Kody was on his mission. They lived Lehi, had an AUB church tie, they don't get to act as if polygamy is all a mystery to them.

      Finally., since the Browns used to live in Billings, Kody's family still lives close, and Robyn's x also lives close, I don't believe the Colliers when they say they don't know any polygamous families.

    5. His voice/accent instantly reminded me of Heath Ledger's character in Brokeback Mountain

  13. His wives look related like really closely related.

    1. You're right., Run. They do. Ewwww !!

      Speaking of eyes, Kody eyes are almost receding under that caveman forehead these days.

    2. I thought I read somewhere they are sisters...

    3. It was on ThePrinciple's tumblr...

    4. What??? They are identical twins? Why didn't they mention this on the show? Weird.

    5. Didn't the one say she was way young when they got married (like 20) and that the other already had two kids? Maybe they didn't want to get into the teenage pregnancy thing.

    6. She left him and marries someone else. Then they all got together later.

    7. Okay, that's why the one daughter made a comment about them all being blood. I thought that was strange since one of the wives had kids with another man.

    8. Yes, but the girl that was doing the talking seemed to sound a little unusual...but one of the wives had an odd way of taking too. I kept thinking that they both might have some type of disability. But maybe it is some type of regional dialect? They aren't from Montana. The women are from Ohio according to an earlier post.

    9. Wow! Identical twins? And they didn't even mention that they were sisters, let alone twins! In the picture shown on the above link, It appears that each sister has two children. They mentioned on SW that one of them had rejected the polygamy idea at first, had married another man, and had two children with him before "things went bad". So she brought two children to the marriage, and the other two were supposedly fathered by Nathan Collier. (I can't remember if they now have more than 4 children total.) The child who was talking to the Brown teenagers said that she pretty much considers only her "blood" siblings as true siblings - (which makes perfect sense, since the others are actually her cousins).

      I think it was very deceptive of TLC to omit the information that the two wives are sisters - let alone twins. The Dargers were upfront about the blood relation of their wives. Aren't they twin sisters and a cousin? - And wasn't one of the sisters married and had children with another man before joining the Darger family? Wait - this sounds a bit like the Colliers.

    10. IKR, Anonymous @ 11:10pm. Being sisters is important, but being identical twins is crucial to their story and relationship. Whether it was TLC or the women themselves who left it out, it was incredibly deceptive! And, if they're being deceptive about this huge piece of information which is important to the story, what else are they either leaving out or twisting and WHY?

    11. They (the Colliers themselves on the episode) said there were 8 people (including them) living in the home, and that 3 older children had grown up and moved out. They said the eldest two were Vicki's from prior to Nathan. They also said that Christine had left the family, gotten married/divorced to someone else and had kids from that marriage, then came back. So, I don't know how many of the 8 children total were fathered by Nathan. One of the daughters said she only considered the 'blood' ones siblings.

    12. Just my opinion here but I think that article is being sarcastic by using the term twins. I did the same thing myself last night on FB post. Christine Collier replied to a tweet last night and said that they are not related, they just look alike.

    13. You are right, Kelly E. My bad, they are not sisters after all.


      If the Colliers are hankering for a reality show, judging from what I saw last night with the tobacco chaw in the cheek (or was it his lip - hard to tell), the gun arsenal in the basement and the swooning wives, Bro Napalm© better come up with a good gimmick and having twins for wives fits the perverted bill.

      TLC will have finally found a replacement for Honey Boo Boo!

    14. Honestly, who knows what you can believe LOL. I'm trying to figure out how the Browns watched last night's show together at Robyn's house.... and then still managed to get to the Blue Man Group show which I think began at 9:30. We know Christine wasn't dressed for the show at Robyn's because Meri pointed out that she had the same plaid shirt from episode. Things that make you go... hmmm lol

  14. Christine, Go to the store right now and buy some limburger cheese. Tonight leave it in all three of these horrid sister wives' mailboxes and underneath Kody's Lexus door handle. What horrid people.

    Christine is just a brainwashed religious zealot and an abused wife who doesn't know how to express her feelings since Robyn has joined the family. The rest of the Brown adults are just very bad people. I hope Christine sees the light that Polygamy is not the way to heaven and she can give the tell all interview.

  15. Truely seems more excited about the truck than Sol. Surprisingly, Kody doesn't seem to notice.

    1. Agreed. Kody ignored her like he always does. I'm not sure it's possible for me to dislike him any more than I already do.

    2. Absolutely appalling, but I shouldn't be surprised. What an a$$. His treatment of Truely leaves me speechless....I'm at a loss for words to describe it right now!

    3. His treatment of Truely is clearly his contempt for Christine coming out on that child. Neglect and mean-spiritedness. He makes a big deal of how Sol wants to see the truck while Truely is dancing around so excited. Too bad he tasted too nasty for the wasps!

  16. Christine needs to be rescued from herself !!
    She really does !!

  17. Two wives run to check out Kody's sting but the kids checked out Truely's sting. These people....OMG.

    1. Yeah, that whole scene was pretty incredible. From Kody ignoring Truely who desperately wanted in the truck (Christine's son had to help her), to almost trampling her when he saw a wasp, to batting the wasp in her direction, to rushing to Kody's aid and not her's....incredible.

    2. I know! Kody who THOUGHT he got stung and poor Truely who did get stung. Notice the real man of the bunch got in the truck to get the wasps out. It wasn't Kody.

    3. Paedon was also very considerate in his couch comments to Dayton. Good for you, Paedon, nicely done!

  18. Putting Dayton on an ATV seems absurd. His fear is extremely legitimate. Are the other kids wearing helmets? I didn't notice.

    1. Yes, thank goodness, all of the kids were wearing helmets -- thanks to the Collier family.

  19. Okay, I know David has asbergers but they sure did make a show of his reluctance to ride again....

    1. that boy can never ride another one of those things again, no questions asked, Asperger's or not, as far as I'm concerned. He JUST had surgery and it's not an irrational phobia. But this type of immersion technique can be dangerous even with trained professionals, which the Browns are pretty much the opposite of.

  20. I swear....
    this is in response to anyone asking/wondering if he had a helmet on when injured.
    Always covering their butts.

    1. I thought the same thing...why else have the camera film this poor kid putting on a helmet (especially since his eye is obviously still healing)? I'm finding the Brown adults especially nauseating tonight!

  21. Why does Kody keep talking about all these "rumors" ??? I don't get it. He only knows this dude through social media so where is hearing the rumors?

    1. HA, he's hearing the 'rumors' on social media because the Colliers have been talking about taking a 3rd wife ON social media. They don't hide like the Browns did and still do.

  22. Wow...Kody's trying to look manly by playing with the guy's gun collection. He failed.

    1. His man clogs sure didn't help him in that area!

  23. Is there anything that Kody is responsible for??? Gah

  24. Did Janelle just make a feminist statement....women cannot be reduced to their biology...yeah.

    1. I'm fairly sure that feminist statement will be revealed to be a dig at Christine for being "hormonal," and not a criticism of Kody of being a misogynistic butthead.

    2. wait, never mind, she was pissed at Kody. Too bad she didn't speak up but rather excused herself. And poor Kody, he "almost felt abused," because he almost believed he was at fault.

    3. Janelle plays it for the cameras. She slinks out the door hoping to look liberated.
      Whom does she think she is kidding?
      hmm....Janelle, you play dirty, don't you.

    4. Now she's saying that some of what she said was edited out AND that part of why she had "sensitivity" towards the subject was that she used to be discriminated against. Yet she stays married to Kody.

  25. i am joinng twitter just to tell Robyn and Kody what fu--ing idiots they are..Robyn first! It's not like its a freaking horse and you have to get back up on it, like in Kody world. These people are beyond idiots. Look what a fourth wife and a few bucks have done to an already common sense deficient group of people.

    1. You mean pressuring a child who is still recovering from a surgery due to a horrific ATV accident to get on an ATV, thus causing him to have tremendous and understandable anxiety, in front of a national audience is not common sense?

    2. I told her just that and she blocked me..

    3. Why does he ever need to get back on one? Not everyone rides those things, it's not like driving a car.

    4. The blocking people is not a good idea. She should be kissing her follower's butts. Ah, she will realize that when her mansion is foreclosed on.

    5. Probably not even then. When their houses are foreclosed on it will be because they're polygamists.

  26. Holy crap, was that that guys wife in that picture. She looked about 14.

  27. This guy is skeevy !! The women look and sound "stabled"....!!

    1. Sounds like they were groomed....raised Catholic and turned into polygamists. Creepy weird! And they tried it out first, then one leaves and marries someone else and had kids. Went back because she just couldn't get him out of her mind....sketchy!

  28. Dayton seems like a great kid

  29. Good for Janelle leaving. Although....Notice she didn't stick up for Christine back at the campground. She realized if this gets put on national TV people will react negatively so she covered her arse.

    1. Nobody even responded when she said she going to sit in the car. Guess it's her turn to be frozen out by the sisters now that Christine has begged for forgiveness on behalf of her PMS.

  30. Okay, I know this topic is petty and already been cooked and fried. We already talked about all the praise about Mykelti's fashion sense and budding career.

    But.... in the brief couch chat with the older girls at the very end of this ep, Mykelti is wearing a short aqua-colored jacket. A jacket that must have come from Meri's closet which in turn actually had to have come from one of the younger girl's closets.
    Mykelti, good lord, that jacket did you no favors with buttons straining and showing multiple belly rolls .If your jacket was that overly snug, you needed to at least unbutton it while sitting, like most women would. Sorry, but that does not show fashion sense.

    1. I saw that, too, Amused and just had to SMH. Her personal fashion sense is just horrible. I think Mykelti likes to doodle and dream of movie stars and red carpet events as an escape. She has a huge hill to climb before she is able to turn her self professed "obsession" into a marketable career.

  31. Whoa, that twitter pic of Christine and Robyn in front of Robyn's xmas tree. Sorry, but the former "trophy wife" is looking kinda rode-hard-put-away-wet. She looks older than Christine.

    1. The rapid rate in which Robyn has aged is shocking! Doesn't she have some type of illness? She can't absorb nutrients or something?

    2. Christine looks like she's aged a lot in the past couple of years too. Going back to the first episode you can hardly recognize Meri or Mariah. Kody's losing his hair at a rapid rate. Kind of makes you wonder what's really going on in that family, doesn't it?

    3. Wow...I can't believe they took that selfie and posted it...most people don't post such an unflattering pic of themselves. They retake the pic until they get a good one! Nothing like a good old witch photo! Every time I look at that photo think to myself, wow a fitting wicked witch pic of the wicked witch herself!

  32. Just when I thought it was impossible to despise that asshat any more than I do, he proves me wrong. Speechless for the moment.

    1. I agree! I'm still speechless today. I'm not sure I'm able to process all the s#!t that I viewed last night!

      I've gotten into the habit of watching the previous episode that airs right before the new one each Sunday. I read the blog and then watch the show for things that have been pointed out over the week. It is always fun to look for the things that I missed the first time around. I'm not sure that I can do that next week because I'm so sickened by what I saw last night.

  33. Help! My DVR cut off the last sentence of the preview for next week. It sounds like christine was going to say that her mom is coming to live with her because none of the other wives will help her raise her kids. Is that what she said? Did anyone catch that?

    1. She liked the idea of helping raise her sister wives kids. They haven't been able to do that there.

    2. Im kinda hoping Christine will pin Mean Meri to wall on that.

    3. She's a freaking stay at home mom with a 4 year old and 3 other kids living at home. Her life isn't that hard. Most single moms have to work and have it much worse than her. Christine refuses to get a real job. Has she ever had a 40 hour a week job? Give me a break.

    4. Given what happened to Truely when she had the flu, Ithink more adults in the household is probably a good idea. In today's episode it was her son (not any of her 5 parents) that took care of Truely when she was stung by a wasp. Christine seems easily overwhelmed and clearly the "your kids are my kids" idea that was pitched to us in season one is not really the case with the sister wives. That said, I suspect Christine's mom was brought in to introduce a new plot line, maybe to compete with the Brady's as ex-AUB. Otherwise, it seems like Mindy would have had more of a role on the show, rather than just the behind the scenes Nanny to Robyn's kids (while she "works crazy, insane hours," getting her nails down or something)

    5. I was wondering. I thought that maybe she said something like I liked the idea of raising my sisterwives children but none if them will help me (janelle out of the house selling houses, Meri going back to school, robyn being robyn) so I had to ask my mom to move in and help. I was hoping that she was saying something refreshing and honest. Thanks for filing me in. For a minute, I thought there was going to be truth spoken.

    6. I think it's interesting that Christine says the reason she decided to be a plyg is that she liked the idea of having sister wives to help her raise her kids. WHY? Why does she think she needs other women to help her with her children? I don't get it. What about the religious factor, Christine? What about your legacy? Other than Kody who wants his own planet, why aren't the religious beliefs first and foremost (heck, they're not anywhere on a list of priorities for them!) with any of the Browns? Why wouldn't having women close to her kids, like their aunts, be enough since many plygs don't live in very close proximity anyway? What's with her about having or being a sister wife for this reason?

    7. If she hadn't admitted last season that she more or less admitted that she turned over most of the child care duties to Aspyn, and if we hadn't seen Logan tending to his own siblings (and whatever stragglers wandered into Janelle's section), I'd feel a little sorry for the overwhelming burdens of Christine's life (at least those related to child rearing).

      But she did, and I don't. Still convinced mom is coming to fill in the gap that Aspyn and Mykelti's departure left.

    8. Guess Sobyn won't share her nanny with Christine. Still can't understand why Sobyn needs a nanny i the first place. If Kody were a real leader he would step up and have the wives set up a schedule to handle child care issues etc. However, that would entail dealing with conflict and Kody just won't, instead he runs. No wonder his family is in constant chaos. Contrasting him with Joe Darger and you can see the difference. I bet Joe's wives have no problems dividing up childcare duties. Could you imagine one of the Darger wives having a exclusive nanny? Nope.

  34. I hope Kody & Meri are getting lots of backlash on Twitter tonight for their mean girl & super ass acts in tonights episode!!!

    1. Monog Apostate,
      I hope you are right !!
      I hope Kody's mouth has dealt the final blow. He is a knuckle-dragger.

      But will the harem close the wagons around their golden boy to assure their adoring female sycophants that Kody is harmless and was just a victim of bad and unfair editing??
      Won't surprise me if that will be on their tweets. That or he was just having an "off" day..
      PMS, Kody? As in....Perpetual Male Stupidity ??!!

    2. Janelle is sly.
      Went and sat in the car.....guaranteed to make herself noticed by default.
      A classic P/A move.

    3. Janelle is a classic case of passive aggressive. Still whining about Meri being mean to her 20 years ago because she refused to stand up for herself and put an end to it. Instead she harps on it for decades making herself look like a martyr and Meri like a witch.

  35. Janelle if women weren't having their biology held up to their face they wouldn't be breeders for a fake planet like you. They would have kids they wanted with a man who loved only them. You would get to be in the church hierarchy if not for being defined by your biology. It appears one of you has to always go against the party line to remain in good public opinion and to fuel a conflict storyline. The talk Kody was going to have "alone ' with Christine -on public T.V. was disturbing . He was using authoritarian language and acting all patriarchal. I half expected him to spank her and not in a 50 shades of grey kind of way. Christine when you demean yourself and are a piss poor role model for your daughters. Kody

  36. This whole thing was a setup. This happened two years ago (the tweet) and they drug it up to create tension. In the process issues that Kody has with Christine came out. The sisterwives had no problem going along with an opportunity to bash Christine. She dug in her heals about moving to Las Vegas and accepting Robyn. This was payback. All of the Kody and Christine marriage issues are being used to make an episode. There is no chemistry problem with Ken and Christine, the problem is Kody does not respect Christine's opinion. Does Kody really have friends?

  37. Picking one gun being compared to picking only one wife. Somebody please explain this?

    1. I think the literal translation of the "picking one gun is like picking one wife" simile is "misogynistic bull sh*t"

  38. Hey Kody,here's a definition of PMS for ya! PMS=Putting Up w/ Men's Shit

  39. Robyn must have her twitter feed on some sort of block. I got thru to Kody but Robyn's is filtered. Christine and Kody blaming PMS is BS. He just does not want to hear what she has to say. He is shutting her down. They have apologized for his nasty behaviour for so long he knows he can get away with abusive verbal behaviour. Remeber when girst meeting with the therapist in Vegas he said, the therapist was a feminist and might lay the blame on him? O geez i wonder can one let alone 4 women have a so called marriage eith him. I doubt his daughters that have left will be back. They have seen first hand how he treats women.

  40. This polygamist man talking about choosing one wife and disowning half his children because of the morman church....ironic? or purposeful to Kody's point of view. It made Christine's point and went right over Kody's head.

    1. Yes I liked how he said the sheriff's department could kick down the door and drag him away and imprison him. Yet, this past week the local newspaper articles about this episode have all started that it is only a misdemeanor crime. And no way is this guy from Montana with that accent, he is an import from somewhere.

    2. Yep, it's a misdemeanor. And, why do they say the women would have their children taken away? Unless they're abusing or neglecting them, I don't see how that would happen. Why do the plygs always use that, as well as the man going to prison, as an excuse for their fear of the law?

    3. You should not have had 4 and children with the other three unless you divorced and truly lived a divorced relationship with the previous wives.

  41. Never forget the cruel "Nacho Diss"

    I hope Christine's mom can get her daughter to wake the eff up!

    1. Wow. I just actually watched that. Im sickened Christine would actually stay and defend this guy. Kody is disgusting and her staying with him is even more disgusting. These people are sick.

  42. With? Did I hear that right? Plyg Collier says that he takes responsibility for his actions and if one wife is jealous then he takes action to fix the problem.....the douche Kody says that it isn't his responsibility, it is up to his wives to change their feelings.

    1. Kody used to play sensitive, super plyg husband for the cameras too, back at the beginning of the series. Now his true colors are showing.

    2. You heard it right, Anon at 9:45 PM.

    3. Yes, that's Kody for 'ya, never taking responsibility for anything. Narcissism and ignorance at their finest.

  43. Kody is not responsible for his wives emotional reactions? wow apparently he has no responsibilty for the emotional harm he caused by bringing Robyn into the family. I think Christine has had a very rough five years So Kody played no part in abandoning Christine. It was all PMS.

    1. By Kody's logic and actions Christine must have the world's first case of Five year PMS. That's about how long he's been ignoring and marginalizing her, and it can't be for any other reason, right?
      It's just her lady time...all the time.

    2. Colliers put the Brown clan to shame with the way they described the way they decide whether to bring another wife into the family - maturely, thoughtfully, carefully, and slowly. Contrast that with the Browns who decide for questionable reasons, little forethought or planning, rushed, and haphazardly thrown together to make a tv show.

  44. MrSpock is weary of people being "shocked" or "hurt" because everyone does not "accept" their lifestyles: to wit: Nathan being excommunicated from his local LDS church---really, Nathan, that was a surprise? Stop blabbering about it---you flaunted the rules, they showed you the door.

    Kody's plan to ignore Christine during her "time" each month is hardly the action of a "loving" husband. Of course, Kody is not Christine's husband---but maybe Christine is the real winner here---getting to spend less time with someone who doesn't want to spend time with her in the first place.

  45. The twit pic of Kody Meri & Dayton looks forced. Like someone told Kody to try to at least make it seem like he was having fun & enjoying himself... Lol

    1. he looks deranged!

    2. There's a high degree of craziness hiding behind those beady eyes!

    3. I was struck by the way Meri was all moony eyed over Kody.

  46. This is the first time this show has angered me!! I think Kody, at best is not bright, but wow, I saw the jerk in him tonite. And none of the wives have the guts to tell him what a jerk he is!!

    1. It's definitely up there with the episode where Kody dug the grave for the still alive and wagging it's tail not sick-seeming dog, the one where poor Truely almost died because no one realized she was dehydrated after having the FLU (eating cake and buying flowers and stuff), and the infamous tell all where Kody told us on no uncertain terms how he was not only not physically attracted to Christine in the beginning but actually repulsed by her.

  47. Aren't most of the wives going through menopause or peri menopause by now? His comments are ridiculous.

  48. These relationships will always be a mess until Kody realises he has a responsibility to meet the needs of each wife. That's his responsibiltly as a husband. New guy ply gets it and Kody just continues to be a jerkl and spouts off about how it's not his problem. If I work too many hours I know I have to make time for my partner. If he isreally busy one week he knows he has to make extra time for me. That's how it goes. Other than Merit and Robyn, I hope the other two get out. Janelle is in self preservation mode and Christine is deserves better. Let the hitches figure it out for them self.

    1. Excuse extensive typos...I do not do well on a tablet!!!

  49. I once again did not watch the episode, but I was reading the tweets as it was airing. Kody wasn't getting support for his statements. I also didn't watch Kate Plus 8, but remember the production crew showing her in all her horrible glory, and the viewers left in droves. Then, production didn't have to deal with her anymore.

    I have to wonder if that is what is going on here. The Browns think the drama will increase ratings, while production knows it will tank them. After the pregnancy announcement brouhaha last year, with many real fans stating they were done, and the viewership seeming to show it, I think they are burning through the film they have already and plan to say goodbye to the Browns.

    Someone on PTV stated the viewership numbers, but I can't find it at the moment. It was stated as not being good, even for TLC, and falling since the premiere. The last few weeks have been playoff Sundays though.

    1. Insomnia is a bitch.... PTV user Absolom posted on Jan 14 re the Family Meltdown episode that viewership was 1.354 M viewers and a .5 rating. I still don't see where she says it is bad, so maybe I didn't read that and just inferred it.

  50. First what was up with these idiots taking Sol on the raft? Or filming Dayton's first back time on the ATV? Way to sell your kids out guys.

    So those 2 wives were sisters? That really doesn't surprise me, the adults all seemed like straight up hillbillies. I wouldn't be surprised if the husband turned out to be a cousin of the wives either. The sad part is, he still showed more concern and love towards his wives than Kody ever has. Everyone see how Kody just sat there with his beady little eyes getting smaller when Nathan said that if one of his wives feels jealous it is his fault and he needs to fix it? Everything that happened in this episode showed that Kody isn't in it for polygamy, he is in for himself. He doesn't care or have the ability to be a successful leader of a plyg family because a real leader doesn't put his wants/needs first, but puts the family's needs first.

    Then Kody straight up tells Christine that he is just going to ignore her when she has a problem because he doesn't want to deal with it. My husband ever said that to me, my next phone call would be to a divorce lawyer. Christine said she wanted to know the other family's rotation schedule, well I want to know Kody's official rotation. I bet he is hardly ever at Christine's house.

    WTF is up with Kody always holding Sol? It is beyond weird at this point. I couldn't believe that Kody barely cared when Truely got stung by the wasp. If Sol had been stung I am sure he would have been all over it. Mykelti and Aspyn really are Truely's moms, so sad.

    On that note, I love how Janelle's 3 oldest kids are missing in action, they have Kody's number. I honestly cringed at Janelle's tweet about how she found out she is allergic to certain foods and is now losing more weight. Girl, give it up. You've been trying to lose weight for 3 years now and have maybe dropped 20 pounds.

    1. HA, I saw that tweet, too and had to SMH. She's nutz to tweet that because she thinks she's allergic to dairy that there's nothing for her to eat. LOL Her problem is that she eats too much, pure and simple and her food 'allergy' doesn't make her hold onto the weight either, unless she's eating it, of course!

    2. He would have passed Sol onto someone who knew what they were doing.

    3. Janelle is looking for any reason but the obvious for whey she is still overweight. Dakota Justice has shared her tips and succeses on this blog and others. Janelle would be wise to listen is she is reading.

    4. Some people's bodies do react to certain foods as toxins, as well as substances in our increasingly toxic environment, and their bodies may not be able to easily excrete them through the GI system or sweat.
      Also, prolonged stress (high cortisol) levels can incur increased allergic responses.
      I have a friend who has a BS in nutrition and a Master of Acupuncture, and has studies alternative health and healing modalities and environmental health for over 20 years, who is technically obese despite years of varying approaches.
      It took me awhile to really get that not all fat people are simply consuming more calories than their bodies need and/or not getting enough exercise. (most, yes, but not all).

  51. Why was Janelle the only lady to exit the "Bitches Be Crazy" discussion at the table? Why was no one else offended? Was Kody actually melting down at his end of the head of the table? Is it possible that TLC has just been holding on long enough for this family's polygamy boil to burst on national television? Did Nathan C. say that he was a polygamist before he knew it was a thing? Did he realize what he was revealing? Did Christine look as if she was afraid of being sent away from the popular kids' motor home table? Did Kody say that Christine has been dealing with PMS for the last five years? And by PMS, did he mean Robyn?

    1. Kody admitted to Nathan that the years since bringing Robyn into the family had been very hard. He asked Nathan if he really loved the woman he is courting as a possible 3rd wife. Judging by that question, I think Kody is acknowledging that he was lusting after Robyn - with no consideration about how bringing her into the family would affect his other wives. He wanted Robyn for his own purposes, and didn't give a s**t how it would affect the others - especially Christine who was pregnant at the time. I was very offended by the passionate kiss he shared with Robyn when he was on the way to the hospital where Christine was in labor with Truley.

  52. I'm curious if Kodys supposed life long friend, Ken, even attempted to reach out to him on Twitter at all? I'm also curious what the Dargers, Williams & AUB are saying about the Browns now after tonights episode?

  53. Looks like they're just going to keep rehashing stories from past seasons & hope we don't remember they've already been there done that....the 20 year old Janelle/Meri feud, exploiting Christine's emotional issues (only this time it's PMS instead of postpartum depression) & visiting other oddball plyg families to discuss persecution. I just hope they don't decide to take Janelle's new puppy on a road trip to Utah- we already know how that worked out for the last poor dog.

  54. I hope to hell this show IS a set-up. I hope there ARE closed door pow-wows between the producers and the Browns where plots are and have been discussed and agreed upon.
    I hope that they DO have a bucket list of potential BS scenarios, filming and playing them out on as needed basis to keep those vital ratings.
    I hope that Christine is actually a willing participant who for whatever reason agreed to be the show's "dysfunctional"star. There is no other conclusion to accept while watching this last episode.

    The "alone" talks between Kody and Christine where he essentially he tells her she is a nut case and her emotional outbursts have been in effect for the last "five" years were expertly filmed for the world to see. Alone, private talk ?? Hardly! (five years?...hmm, the length of the show)

    Nah... just a contrived scene with good camera and sound work. If that was "real" and Christine was that emotionally fragile and volatile, she would have run from the camera. Anyone would.

    Just like the "alone" talk Sobbin requested with Meri right after the second coming birth, where everyone was shooed out of the room so Sobbin could speak to Meri "alone" for the "I'll lend you my uterus" BS. . "Alone" with a camera and sound crew rolling ! Right !!

    Christine has been the pitiful wife everyone must placate. Think back to the cheap watch w/rainbow watchbands gift from Sobbin and Kody to shut up her whining...all filmed and aired. For Christine to agree to be this season's star "problem," complete with plyg- defector and anti-plyg activist mother moving in, has been a carefully scripted plan. It has to be!
    Maybe Christine is a far better actress than ever imagined.

    Reality shows seem to need an element, a standout star, who raises controversy and opinions. They have all taken turns being the aggravator. This seems to be Christine's year, big time.
    I hope so, for if not, they may as well rename this season as "The Public Humiliation of a SisterWife"

    (Kate Gosselin learned quickly that being a bitch for the camera boosted ratings and paid well....until then it didn't. Now she is pimping those kids again, trying on a new image.)

    1. A Grody Little PonytailJanuary 19, 2015 at 9:18 AM

      Amused, I have been thinking the same thing about Christine since last week's episode. We know she's an actress (if you can call it that), we know she's dramatic, she likes attention, she's manipulative, etc. I think Kody does treat her terribly, but I also think she agreed to overly do the Ken text situation and some other things.

      P.S. to CJ, I am so glad I found this blog! I loved your posts on the SWB and so glad to find your community again.

    2. Happy you found us AGLP!!! Enjoy!!

  55. Nathan said they were planning to build a duplex on their property so each "wife" would have her own kitchen and they would all share the basement. Hello? A duplex? What about that "third ring" he wants to add? Maybe she can live in the wasp truck. Further, the way Nathan's "wives" cozied up to him on the couch will become a crisis because where will #3 sit? Draped over his neck? Groveling at his feet?

    Also noticed that Nathan only had a commitment ceremony with #2---that is what he called it---and what is that anyway? MrSpock will answer that question---it is nothing---(see e.g. the ceremony of mama june and sugar bear).

    On another note, apparently Kody believes he is the the Chosen One, selected to roam about looking for plyg families and deciding whether they are happy or not...if he is using his own "wives" as the measuring stick it would only take a weak grin from then the other plyg families to meet the Kody happiness standard.

    1. MrSpock, Kody doesn't just get to decide if they're happy or not, he gets to decide whether they're "doing it right". I'd like to know why TLC wasn't there to film him being crowned King of Polygamy and B.S. Chancellor of Family Dynamics and Happiness.

    2. "Maybe she can live in the wasp truck." LOLOL.

      I'm trying to decide if that's better or worse than living in a storage box in the backyard...

      I just can't even.

    3. Maybe they put off building until they decide whether or not to add the third wife...then they can build a tri-plex. Better yet they could Brown's Lehi home and get out of Montana all together! They said themselves that they were the only polygamist family in the Billings area. Considering it is the largest town in the state, they obviously don't fit the norm for the area.

    4. He has to call it a committement ceremony or he really is a bigamist. That is illegal to have more than one legal spouse at the same time.

    5. Montana recognizes common law marriage so it's bigamy either way.

    6. That's just it Mr. Spock, it is nothing. Too bad these women have low enough self-esteem to buy the lies.

  56. Kody never recognized Christine's postpartum depression. That went on a long while. He was too wrapped up in his hormones with Robyn to help or support her. Now he is just going to ignore her and he is a victim of PMS. He is lucky he is not a victim of being smacked up side the head and paying child support, How do these women put up with him.

  57. One thing is for sure;think what you might think about Brady, Papa Joe, and the other plyg men; Kody is the least self-aware of them all. Brady tries to make it up to Robin b/c he knows that's what is expected of him by society. Kody flat out belittles and denounces the thought of even making an effort. Such a first class jerk.

  58. This episode was scary, and forced me to actually say something instead of lurking. The look in Kody's eyes (so squinty is was hard to see) was so mean, so vicious. It let us see the emotional and psychological abuse these women have endured. Their excuses for his behavior is typical abused wife behavior.

    1. Lenor, totally agree with you. I was quite taken aback. He was vicious and maniacal.

    2. This episode REALLY bothered me too...."what a D*@K" was all that I could say.

    3. MrSpock concurs that Kody displayed some very non-loving, controlling behavior and made it all about what HE wants, not what his "wives" need. *raises BOTH eyebrows*

  59. I agree with Amused. I really honestly hope all of these “issues” are discussed with the family in advance by the producers. Like Janelle says something like “hey I did that ridiculous climbing the wall thing, crushing the scale, weight loss thing last season and Meri cried about her wet bar a few seasons back, and Robyn has milked the MSWC thing to death…Christine it is your turn to take over the storyline for this season. So they can’t decide what could be interesting about Christine’s life so they come up with a fake storyline about being so offended by Ken (who was a few seasons back, one of those shark-like monogamists) that she and Kody are on the verge of breaking up. Seriously? Does anyone really buy this storyline? And Ken just happens to bow out at the last minute? Really? I would like to hear from Ken via social media (Ken, please post here on this blog) and see if any of this is real. They spent two episodes arguing about Ken. Are we to believe that an entire vacation was ruined by this argument? About a text from Ken? Do we believe Kody would even share his text messages with his wives? Don’t they have a lot more to argue about? Why can’t we see what they really argue about? That’s what I would really like to see.

    I also agree with Mr. Spock. Kody believes it is his job is to check out all other plygs and determine if they are happy? Hey, Kody, why don’t you check on your own family and wives? Are they happy? No! So why are you the Head of Deciding Plyg Family Happiness? Is this a service you sell on MSWC? Come on now! The only good part of the whole thing was Plyg Collier taking responsibility for his wives unhappiness by trying to change himself or the way he handles things and Kody’s take on how he thought that was unnecessary because it’s up to his wives to make themselves happy. Thanks for confirming that Kody – always thought that was the case. Nothing is Kody’s fault…got it. Misogynistic, yep.

    I also agree with other posters that there was unnecessary risk to two of Robyn’s children. Sol should NOT have been on that rafting trip. Truely shouldn’t have been on it either. Not safe for such young kids. Even if the raft guy said it was ok, use some common sense and keep the little kids behind. And the Dayton/ATV thing. Good God people…it’s not like he HAS to conquer this fear. It’s not like where you have to go to school or have to get in a car. This is an ATV. He does not ever have to get on one again if he doesn’t want to. Why does Dayton appear to have more common sense than his multiple parents

  60. So, according to that Tumbler site,
    All five wives on My five Wives are cousins?! YUK!

    Karlie also married into her family.

    Marlene from Polygamy USA married her first cousin Isaiah!

    Lovely isn't it.

    Surprised Sister Wives aren't more closely related!

    1. Actually, I think they are all related. I can't even begin to untangle the branches of that family tree, but I'm pretty sure Cynical Jinx has done some blog posts about this.

    2. Yes, but none are blood first cousins, etc. it's all step or by marriage etc...


    3. Oh my word. Don't get me started with the sister wives! Actually, Christine is related to Robyn's ex-husband (his mother is her aunt I believe so they are 1st cousins?) so Dayton, Breanna and Aurora are her nephew and nieces as well as distant cousins.

      I've read that Kody's maternal grandmother was an Allred so supposedly he is also related to Christine.

      Back to Polygamy USA, remember Rose Marie Cawley? She got married but no one outside of Centennial Park knew her husband's name. Well, ThePrinciple figured she must have married Jared Knudson. I moseyed on over to Rose Marie's facebook, and guess what? She's changed her name to Rose Marie Knudson. Which, if it's marriage as usual, means she has now married into her father's 3rd wife's (Teresa Knudson) family, whose brother Rob married Amanda Matthews Darger (Papa Joe's daughter from a different father).

      Of course, we all should know that Kellie Barlow, who married Hyrum Timpson, is Isaiah Barlow's (married to Marlene) sister, and that Isaiah's second wife Becca (Rebecca Timpson) is a 1st cousin of Hyrum.

      Now this is where it gets a little complicated. Rose Marie's father Michael Cawley is the son of Claude Cawley who is the brethren Rose Marie and Michael spoke with when she turned herself in. This is significant, as Claude Cawley is half brother to Centennial Park's current leader John W Timpson (same mother, different fathers), who just happens to also be the father of the good looking hunk (and Kellie's hubby) Hyrum Timpson - whose late mother Susie (not his birth mother but a sister wife of Hyrum's actual mother) was the sister of Ole Uncle Art Hammon. I need to check but I believe I read that Hyrum's mother was Susie's sister.

      That's all for now because I'm getting a big old polygamy family wreath headache!

    4. How many charts did you have to draw to get all those family relationships, CJ? Wow! The funniest part is when you started the 5th paragraph with "Now this is where it gets a little complicate..." Ha! Ha! MrSpock thought it was complicated beginning with the 2nd sentence!

    5. Don't forget, Marlene is first cousins with her husband Isiah! Gross!

      I knew that Christine was cousins with Robyn's ex.

      However, at least Robyn and Christine themselves aren't sisters or first cousins,etc.

      I wonder if Principle Voices didn't approach the Brown family for the show b/c they are the least related to each out of all the families. At least none of the wives are sisters or 1st cousins. Perhaps not even 2nd or 3rd cousins. None are Kody's cousin either.

      Kody and Janelle are step-siblings, but at least they didn't grow up together.

      I still can't get over marrying your sisters or 1st cousins husband though. Even grosser marrying your actual cousin or sibling. Soo gross.

      Maybe that's why

    6. @Baylor, it grosses me out enough that Janelle used to be married to Meri's brother. That's just crossing the line in my opinion. At least none of the Brown wives are sisters or first cousins or closely related to Kody. Probably helps that Kody didn't come from a recent plyg family.

      @CJ, interesting that Robyn's kids with her first husband are actually close cousins to Christine and her kids.

    7. But you know what, nothing absolutely NOTHING compares with the 1st cousin, half-sister, uncle marrying nieces marriage practices of the Kingston group. And guess who's related to the Kingstons? Why, it's old Papa Joe and wives!

      If the Dargers can turn a blind eye to the abuses of the Kingstons, can you imagine what Papa Joe would do as a legislator? Check out this rather complimentary blog post about the passing of a Kingston group member.

      Be afraid, be very afraid...

    8. Oh...And I forgot the forced marriages. too...

  61. What I learned about polygamy from last nights episode:
    1. Kody does not take responsibility for any emotional abuse he throws at his wife or his concubines
    2. The sister wives always take Kody's side and offending concubine is told to shut up and keep quiet
    3. In polygamy, you can not only marry your wife's sister-in-law but her cousins, or sisters, or twin
    sisters...even identical twin sister
    4. If there is imminent danger like wasps, it's best to abandon the child near the wasp and if one of the
    children are stung, not a big long as Kody is okay
    5. When women are on their periods, it's always best to leave them alone; in fact, in Kody's world, it's best if they stay away...locked in their homes...unclean...unholy...unpleasant.

  62. From the Twitter feed, I found this link (in which the writer posits that Kody's attitude about his wives' emotional state is the more reasoned position). I post here, though, purely as a reality check on Janelle's ongoing(??) health and fitness chatter.

    1. I saw that link earlier and read it also, just sounds like a Brown supporter trying to make him look like less of an ass.

      Collier is right, if his wives are jealous he needs to look at his own actions to see if they are the root cause. Yes, everyone is ultimately responsible for their own reactions and feelings, but the root of the problem needs to be addressed by the parties involved....thus Kody needs to pull his head out of his ass and fix the shit pile he has created with Christine.

      It is unfathomable that he would tell her that He is just going to ignore her when she is PMSing. WTH is going through his mind? Oh wait, impossible to figure out how a crazed zealot thinks.

      And I still haven't figured out what the hell happened when they went to the dinner together and Janelle walked out. That was just too bizarre. I have to watch that again to process that entire thing. I couldn't figure out what the hell Christine was trying to get across and then Kody had to jump in and take over so he can be the center of attention. Then he jumps at the chance to bring PMS into the conversation so he can belittle Christine even more.

      This episode was sickening, but then again it somewhat fit the bill of what a lot of us have been waiting to see...the crazy train starting to derail.

  63. Whether this show is scripted or not it is sickening. If they scripted it when Kody's lines were written in he found them acceptable and agreed to them.Which shows his views and biases against women.

  64. I believe Kody and the other wives were telling Christine to KEEP SWEET.

    Kind of Warren Jeffs-ish of them isn't it

  65. The Browns have crossed the reality TV into the "Drama Soap Opera" TV. They have probably watched a lot of "Housewives" shows to know that they need some REAL good arguing and drama to make this show continue on. They think they are giving the audience what they want and as long as the "Nielson" viewers continue to watch them....they will continue to have a show.

    If for some reason the Browns read this blog please pass on some of the advice from the suggestions that everyone here is giving see...this is the perspective that we are seeing and your producers are portraying you out to be.

    * Meri, don't wear white on the couch as you are sitting next to Robyn.

    * Kody, the majority of your audience are women...YOU A$$...I hope you just wiped out half of your viewership last night and converted some of your FB peeps that think you all "are such a sweet loving family"

    * Christine...OK, you have set the groundwork for your storyline, but really don't let the producers lower your just doesn't look good. Also have you decided to put your hair up in that sorry looking "Poly" bun for the episode? Was that to remind us that we are watching a Polygamist "show"

    *Jenelle.....GET OUT!!! Once you leave I bet the weight will melt off.

    *Robyn....Your almost 3 year old child (episode I'm thinking was filmed in July) needs to get rid of the bottle.

    Love how not even the Collier children have no plans to marry into a Poly life.

    1. Also, note to Kody... it was painfully bad acting when you told the other SW's you were going to speak to Christine in private to spare embarrassing her (while Christine dramatically cringed at the table of course). Odd how the other wives can't be around but the camera crew can tag along for this very serious "private" discussion. Stop with the fake storylines don't act well enough to pull it off!

  66. I am a week behind everyone else because I dvr the show and watch it when I have nothing else to watch. I had to laugh when Kody made a big deal out of having a "connection" with Maddie after he was at her apartment. From what they showed I sure didn't see any connecting between them, just him getting her some food.
    Also, I would have been offended if someone would have come into my new apartment and went through it like they did. I know they thought it was cute, but I thought it was disrespectful to Maddie!

    They don't seen to have any boundaries when it comes to anything, but boy if
    they think someone else steps across their boundaries it becomes a BIG deal!

    I will be curious someday to read an update on that family and where they are and who is still hanging in there waiting on Kody to throw them a scrap of his attention.
    Christine says monogomy is boring, but I have to say that if she thinks polygamy looks the least bit like something the vast majority of people would want to do, she is very mistaken. I wouldn't trade my life for their lives for anything!

    1. Amen, Crimson! Just the thought of living that way makes MrSpock want to leave the Galaxy. MrSpock is thankful not having been born to that least being born to it explains, to some extent, why Meri, Christine and Robyn are sticking with it. It does not explain other plyg families such as the Colliers or the one in Missouri...women always vying for one man's attention. How depressing!

    2. Crimson, I don't for the life of me understand Christine's statement that Monogamy is boring. Our relationship life isn't boring because, you see, we have our spouses with us every single night. Polygamy is boring cause once every three or four or six nights, Christine has Kody at her house while the rest of the time, she raises her children alone, eats alone, watches TV alone, etc. . Also, if Christine thinks her chaos is excitement, wrong again...most people, even those with a lot of kids, don't have children running wild...that's not excitement. Christine, like the polygamous folks I've seen, are very immature with very little life outside of their family. Only recently have they started doing things like the rest of us have been doing all vacations, concerts, art shows, etc. Yes...Christine...we actually have a much more exciting life with less chaos and much less stress. Because you have never lived in a monogamous lifestyle, you cannot judge how our lives are; however, you put your pitiful life out there for us to see and it ain't all of that.

    3. Christine is accustomed to crisis.
      Crises increase cortisol levels.
      Prolonged increased cortisol levels tax all the body's mechanisms, lead to adrenal stress, and can potentially lead to weight gain and/or disease states.
      Doesn't Robin have some sort of adrenal insufficiency problem? Repeat cold sore episodes indicate stress, she has gained some weight, no new baby yet...

  67. We have Aspergers in our family, an Aspie male adult who also has a son with the syndrome.
    No two Aspies will have exactly the same MO, however there are a few standards that are usually present.
    1-Aspergers folks are NOT comfortable with spontaneous chitchat.
    2- They do not read social clues readily or accurately. They take spoken words or actions literally.
    3-They are not deficient in IQ, rather, many are above average.
    4- They do usually have a serious countenance (facial expression) which can be *misread* as sad or angry. (Dayton will never be an easy smiler/ giggler....and so what)
    5- They crave alone or quiet spaces when frustrated or overwhelmed.
    6-They are chronic "thinkers." hence when they do speak it can be surprising profound.

    Sobbin bringing (allowing) the camera in the car when she had just said *he seeks a quiet place when he is anxious* was beyond bizarre and stupid. (if it was at all real)

    If the boy wanted to rode the thing on his own, that's great. It should have taken place in private to make it as comfortable as possible for him.
    But.... if this was a producer driven, have-to-do bit.just for was cruel and it showed *an appalling* lack of consideration and awareness.
    But then, these ARE the Browns....led by Kody Brown.
    The self-appointed reigning, progressive, Plyg Ass-Hole of them all !!

    1. The Brown adults have shown they have no boundries when it comes to using their kids for storylines. Seems like they could care less until they get backlash from the viewers. When people were tweeting their shock about Sol being on the raft trip, Robyn very quickly blamed it on the producers and rafting guide...could she not figure that one out herself?! Then again she's the same woman who thought sticking a camera in Dayton's face about the ATV's was somehow acceptable behavior. No wonder the kids fly the coop the minute they turn 18.

    2. I got feeling that they left him alone for awhile. Then maybe he went and stood around the ATV and thought about riding it. I do believe that the adults maybe pushed him into it, but let him make the final decision. I thought the interaction between the boys on the sofa was pretty neat. I think they have handled his integration into the family pretty well now...Maybe not so much at first as I recall some fight scene and Meri screaming at the boys.

    3. When I was in college I had a professor that was a river guide during the summer, he took his 3yo along all the time. I think it depends.on the pace of the river and the quality of the guide on your boat. I have to say I want paying close attention to the river ride because I was still trying to digest the dinner scene. I did however notice that when Aspyn fell out of the raft, they appeared to be in water that wasn't very deep, it looked liked she could have easily stood up in the water....but again I was distracted at that point and have to watch the episode again.

  68. You know what would be really awesome?! If we actually got to see one of these families kids not only not be fundamentalist Mormon and not be plygs, but not marry someone with the last name of Jessop or with a plyg background too. Definitely not to their own family either.

    I was so happy to see Karlie not be AUB and be monogamous. Then I find out she married a Jessop and into her own family. Disappointed.

    Maybe Maddie can marry someone who isn't even Mormon and has zero plug blood.

  69. I know of two different teenage boys who have been killed in separate events when the ATV they were riding flipped on top of them and crushed their hearts.
    One was close (metaphorically) to home--my son played baseball with him, and both of his parents teach in our school system. So sad.
    I find myself reiterating to my son: "Go for a ride on a dirt bike. Stay off of ATV's--they are heavy and known to tip."

  70. The Blue Man group pix shows what Kody would look like with all that hair cut.

  71. Have we seen Hunter this season yet?! I don't recall seeing him and I know he hasn't left yet.

    Christine, if I was you, I wouldn't be fighting with Kody over a text. I would be bringing up the real issues. Like his neglect of Truely. I would be telling him tinput Solomon down every once In a while and pick up Truley for a change.

    1. I think that's what the fight really was about -- years of slights. The text/Ken issue is a pretext. They have so much baggage and resentment between them. That's why the text reasoning seems so fake. They are fighting about other things.
