
Friday, January 23, 2015

Sister Wives Review: S08Ep03 Courting Another Wife 1/18/15

I don't know which was nastier...

The disheveled condition of Christine's RV...

Or watching Kody cleaning the sewage encrusted black sewer hose with the white water hose - which is only supposed to be used to connect the park's water supply to the RVs water tank that holds potable water.

You know, the water you use to wash your hands, dishes, to bathe, or maybe even drink if you're thirsty.

Let's hope the Browns brought along a large supply of bottled water. And that the next family  renting the Browns' RVs brings a lot of chlorine bleach to clean out those contaminated white water hoses.

But, for the love of all that is good and holy, TLC, please....PLEASE.... I am begging you guys PULLLLEEEEEEZZZZZZEEEEE!!!!!! Enough with the never ending argument between Kody and Christine...

Kody's an A$$....WE GET IT!!

Christine's an IDIOT...WE GET IT!!

Janelle, Meri and Robyn REALLY DONT GIVE A DAMN....SO WHAT'S NEW????

So here's the Cynical Jinx version of the Great Kody and Christine Blowup Part II.


Meri: Oh my gosh...what is that horrible SMELL!!

It REEKS out here!

Robyn: is smelling pretty rank right now.

Kodiiieeee, can you make it smell better? I need to block some more followers on twitter and I can't concentrate because it's smelly out here...

Janelle: You guys, you know what they say...He who smelt it, dealt it!!!

Kody:  For crying out loud. Are you women all PMSing or what?

Stop making those faces immediately! This is MY show!

I make the dumb faces, dammit!

It does smell, though...Like it's coming from over...

Christine: All right, all right! I admit it! It was me! I couldn't help it, OK?

I wish I could make it smell better, but I just don't know how.

If only Ken had apologized to me 5 years ago!

I feel so bad right now...I am so embarrassed!

Heavenly father, please take away this awful stench so that it doesn't follow us all the way to Billings Montana cuz we don't want the Colliers to think we are cheap jerks when we re-gift this inappropriate reproduction our pawn shop benefactor gave to us as thanks for borrowing enough money to keep MSWC open for another day...Amen.

That's not exactly how it went down, but trust me. This version is infinitely better. And shorter.

Here are the highlights of the remaining 15 minutes of the show.

The Khaotic Kody Krew© met up with the new polygamists on TLC's block, Nathan Collier and his wives Vicki and Christine and children at their home.

They ate barbecue, which Christine Brown appeared to enjoy immensely.

Kody wanted King Sol to see Nathan's big yellow truck, but it was full of wasps that buzzed around a lot, causing Kody to move faster than he has in years...

A casualty was little Truely, who was bitten on her back by a wasp Kody had shooed away from him.

Kody thought he was bitten on his forehead, and screamed for someone with fingernails to extract the stinger before it left permanent damage.

Meanwhile, Nathan swatted at the wasps with his mighty ball cap.

The wasps did not survive.

Nathan showed off his extensive gun arsenal collection to Kody, who appeared to be absolutely ecstatic to hold another man's gun in his hands.

They talked plyg man talk, with Nathan saying to Kody how if one of his wives became jealous of the other wife, it was his fault.

Kody coached Nathan in the Principle according to Kody Brown, where nothing is the man's fault and if his four wives got jealous, it was THEIR problem to sort out, not his.

Kody then asked some embarrassing questions about the woman Nathan was courting as his third wife.  Nathan took his guns away from Kody for his own safety.

Isn't it weird how Janelle doesn't really look upset?

Later at a restaurant where the Colliers and Browns enjoyed glasses of lemonade, Janelle got tired of Kody bloviating about his wives and their monthly hormone issues, and left to go pout in the car.


Both families went rafting, where Aspyn got thrown out of the raft onto rocks in the water.

She survived.

Kody ceremoniously presented the Collier family with the pawn shop re-gift, proudly pointing out the "humor" of a polygamist bringing a third wife home to meet his other two wives.

The Colliers appeared to be thrilled with the gift.

Well, most of them did.

I'm hoping that next week's episode, where Christine's mother moves in, is more exciting than this mess TLC concocted for episodes 2 and 3. I just don't get the direction of this season. The ridiculous argument that never seems to end. The dumb road trips to nowhere. Sister Wives that should be more accurately referred to as Unhappy Baby Mommas.

And Kody acting like a complete a$$hole. This season he is definitely not getting the hero edit. At this point, I think only two things can redeem this franchise and guarantee another season:

1. Kody courts a fifth. Mind you, he doesn't need to marry her, just court her. And if you're reading this TLC, make it an ex-Vegas Showgirl, please.

- OR -

2. Robyn gets pregnant. Even better, Robyn and Christine get pregnant. Oh hell, how about Robyn, Christine and MARIAH getting pregnant!

Oh yeah, that would be ratings gold!!! I'd watch!!!

And please, no more new polygamists. Enough already. WE GET IT!!...


  1. Well said,CJ. I am posting without benefit of coffee, but I wanted to get a few things down while I have a chance. It looked to me like not only were the wives doing Kody-damage-control over his asinine behavior but also Nathan Collier (have you seen his ever growing list of friends...I'm one--don't judge---) has been busy giving his friends..err..followers...err stalkers the good news about the Brown Clowns. He says how smart Meri is with the principle; how manic, I meant energetic, Christine is; how assey...I mean classy Janelle is; and how big, I mean how much depth Robyn has. And of course he raved about the kids and Kody and explained the wasps. But, rubbing my hands together rapidly, we saw it all...every bit....and like CJ, I think it stunk of really bad RV sludge that Kody is so proud he knows how to empty...well...sort of knows. My favorite stinkers were Kody and Christines faux-fight and I mean faux. I also loved Kody's manly show of putting his foot up christine's ass and reminding her that when she is like this, he is going to walk away and banish her from camp...yes he did. Kody's manic episode of slinging his head and raving on and on about women's you know that time of the month just made me sick...what are they 10...oh...women, you know have this thing....Nathan, I know and mine are in synch, thank god, now I have two bitches and Kody wait, listen, I have four...and three are premenopausal and one is just a raving witch chin bitch...oh and you should know they all have boobs and wear bras and I see their bra straps and you know....yes, Kody boy, that is how that conversation looked you fool. Then Meri and stupid Robyn's 12 year old responses of gasp...hehehe...we are girls....look at our boys talking about our female stuff. Egad. I wanted to gag. I don't even know where to begin with Janelle's behavior, which the colliers seem to think is you shove food meant for five down your gullet and then claim you are not losing weight cause you are allergic, you are not classy. When you feign offense and wobble out of a restaurant to go set in the car, you are not classy. My final thought before I run to drink the coffee and get the body ready for work (you know Browns, that place where we go and do things other than doodling...not that I don't doodle, but my work isn't the doodle) is that Kody, really, you go to a friend's pawn shop to borrow some money to keep your wive's doodle hobby going...really? We really believe that one too. After being turned down by real venture capitalist folks AKA as more trouble than a 5th wife, you want to save face so you stroll into this friend's shop and with confidence for the camera say, we know we can get the money and low and behold, mother of a god head, out comes the savior with why yes but please let me have some collateral..oh, you know...your wife's doodles will work. I love your wife's doodle and my noodle and her doodles....okay a little too much. But did you notice how everyone shook his hand but Robyn....oh, thank you kind sir with money, Imma gonna keep your name right here next to my cold stone heart and when I leave this wretched man, I want have all these nice things and money to give away...I smile cause I want to not for the camera.. And that, CJ and friends is how I took their road trip.

  2. There was nothing real about the fight Christine and Kody enacted for the cameras. Let us think about this. At the same time Christine is positing that Ken is "not safe," she is planning to bring her mother to the pllyg compound to live. Now, how does this work. Ken made an offhand remark or two saying Kody should not be practicing polygamy. Christine's mother has openly worked to end polygamy. Her mother knows the situation from the inside out...and she has stated that she wants to destroy it. Shouldn't she have to apologize to Kody before she moves into the compound? Oh wait...Kody doesn't own the house...Christine does. What if Janelle's mother should choose to move in. Would she move in with Janelle, or with Meri...because Kody also owns Meri's house and Janelle's mother is also Kody's mother. Hmmmm! It's a little too early for me to figure this out. Thanks CJ for your wonderful review.

  3. CJ

    When you get time, could you please explain what 'NOT SAFE' actually means when it comes out of Christine's mouth? Because 'NOT SAFE' to me means something like 'running with pencils', which is not what Christine means. She doesn't care if her kids run with pencils, get stung by wasps, and so forth.

    1. ROTFL!!!!! Completely agree. But good luck finding a coherent or reasonable explanation for anything that these folks spew out. I really think half of the time this Krew has the lights on, but no one is home... (If you know what I mean)

      As a baseball mom and athlete, when I think of "not safe," it means "out." For example,
      "The runner tried to steal second base, but the catcher threw him out. Ergo, the runner was NOT SAFE."

      Perhaps we should add this to the running list of vocabulary/terms the Browns frequently use but make you wonder if they really know or understand what the definition of said word means: flippant, dogma...etc (wife?).

    2. NOT SAFE = Any person who openly questions the polygamous lifestyle, and/or does not immediately embrace the Brown's choices. If you are not a starry-eyed fan, and you also say something like, “I have some real concerns about polygamy," you are probably NOT SAFE.

      NOT SAFE RED ALERT = Similar to "NOT SAFE," above, but involves a questioner who uses logic, reason, and higher-effort thinking. This type of uber-threat is more dangerous because the Browns in general and Christine in particular don't have glib, pre-fab, stock apologist comebacks.

      For example:

      Christine: "Polygamy is wonderfully freeing [pronounced “free-ink”] for women, because sister wives are there to support each other. And, quite frankly, I love having my alone time!”

      NOT SAFE Person: “But your sister wives are busy doodling jewelry, polishing wet bars, and tweeting about food allergies. Are you really getting quality support there?”


      NOT SAFE Person: “Didn’t you once bargain with Kody to get more time with him? If you have to bribe him with floor space in your garage just to get a little of his attention, is it possible you have more alone time than you really want? Do you ever long to reach out for him in the middle of the night, only to find a cold, empty place in the bed beside you? Haven’t you ever had a bad day and wanted, more than anything, a strong shoulder to lean on or a kind listening ear...but couldn’t find it because the man you call your husband is out on a play date with another woman?”


      Like that.

    3. Not safe means you think differently than we do. Cult members cannot handle having someone point out that they are in a cult. Rather than try to reason with you they just run away screaming "don't have anything to do with that person--they are NOT SAFE!"

      How else could the cult leaders maintain their power? You don't want your sheeple doing anything crazy like thinking for themselves. The leaders tell the sheep what to think, how to act, how to live, what to believe.

      Christine seems to have the reasoning skills of a 6 year old. In their culture, that's probably an attractive trait in a woman.

  4. Thanks CJ and Runkodyrun for those great recaps. I must say tho' that while the topic of the fight was "faux", I think the real relationship and feelings came out. You can ad lib your way thru the set-up fight for only so long before "ugh oh, this Sh*t just got real." I hope that it is all fake because I don't know how they can sit in the living room and watch each other be so ugly and tweet happy thoughts. And the funny thing is that the FB crowd who seemed to believe that it was mostly real and they are one happy family, is stirred up worse than the wasps. I remember hearing how Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz' children were so confused by their parents acting so loving on "I Love Lucy" while fighting their way toward divorce at home. Kody - now kids, I want you to know that your moms and I are just pretending so you can have these big houses and those Disney trips. Kids - either "aint seeing a big difference from business as usual" or "get a real job and get us off this Days of my Wives soap opera." Just like they do on hoarding shows, they need to offer the kids aftercare. And I hope that therapist is fake 'cause this is the worst advertising you could get. And one of the Collier wives did not look like she liked the regift. Would you want to be gifted with an 19th century racist illustration to hang in your living room even if another black family (who you only know thru social media) gave it to you, Here your third "ring" ought to get a laugh out of this. That was another pretty weak "when we live plural marriage" explanation and the wives ducking their heads all over Nathan reminded me of Danielle on 90 fiance. Too bad Christine's mom will prob be restricted from speaking her mind.

  5. And since CJ brought up possible plotlines, I wanted to reposted something I put on the main living room page. I would really like to hear others’ ideas.
    1) Kody spending quality time with his children, one on one or small groups. Barking orders doesn't count and it's not baby sitting when it's your children.
    2) Someone get a real job, My Sister Wives closet does not count.
    3) The Browns engage in charity work, and I mean all adult Browns, soup kitchen, Habitat,etc. something for someone else.
    4) Participate in a book club with non "plygs." Bonus points if the book is by someone who left FDLS or other polygamous group.
    5) Bet where Kody has to shave his hair if he loses.
    6) If RV trip have to happen, Kody drives an RV and sleeps in it every night with the kids. All wives in motel rooms and make sure that Kody doesn't sneak into any rooms. Then they are banned from RV parks for life when Kody is caught with white hose.
    7) The Brown adults take a financial responsibility class. Suggestion, Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey which is faith based.
    8) Browns meet with former reality stars that had lives negatively impacted by show or lives fell apart after reality gravy train dried up.
    9) A secret poll of other 17 children - Do we need more children in this family? and/or Vasectomy for Dad.
    Whatcha think?

    1. #7!!! Can you imagine them going through Financial Peace classes??? ROTFL just thinking about it!

      I'm sure they would just chalk it up to some boring monogamist unsafe ideas. I mean really, financial responsibility? Planning for the future? Denying your every want? That is so not the Brown mentality.

    2. Plot lines...I like the idea of Christine getting pregnant before Robyn. I know she is emotionally fragile but it would be great!

      I thought maybe that is why she got so upset during the tell all last season. I thought she was preggers and everyone was making a big deal out of Robyn maybe being pregnant. It's possible that she could've been and had a miscarriage. I guess we will never know.

      Maybe that's why her mom is moving help her out with another kid? Wishful thinking on my part I'm sure.

    3. Christine being pregnant would make for good TV but seriously the the last thing she needs. Poor Truely has already been in harm's way too many times in her short life and Christine is one hair flip away from a total meltdown. Not to mention the last thing Kody needs is another kid to ignore.

    4. #9: They pretty much have polled the kids openly about what they think about more siblings. The older kids are not in favour, especially Hunter, and the younger kids are happy to have more playmates. At least until they are expected to parent a newborn because Robyn's too busy 'designing' her jooery. Doesn't seem like Kody needs a vasectomy, given how closed all the baby factories have been for a while now.

    5. A Dave Ramsey financial intervention would be priceless! Can you even imagine what he'd say about those folks? He'd open a can o' whup ass!

  6. Was this the episode where Dayton rode the ATV? 'Cause I need to talk about that.

    First of all...and this might come out all jumbled because it made me so blindingly angry...if one of my children had a bad accident on an ATV - bad enough to require surgery, mind you - I would NOT NOT NOT then take me entire family out to ride ATV's, KNOWING it would make the child who went through the surgery very uncomfortable and likely downright SCARED. What are the "adults" (and I use that term very loosely) even thinking with that crap? I realize they were visiting the Collier's, but as an ADULT and PARENT, you step in and explain: Look, my son just had surgery due to a pretty terrible ATV accident, so we AS A FAMILY are going to support him and pass on this particular activity. But they didn't!! And not only that, they all looked on as Dayton got back on another ATV and took it for a spin. In what universe is it necessary for a child to get back on a contraption that injured him to the point of needing surgeries?

    Oh my gosh...I am sorry for all the angry CAPSLOCK. I just could not believe what I was seeing. And I have been watching this show since the beginning, shame on me for not knowing better and getting angry in the first place. These are the Browns. They have no shame or empathy.

    The ONLY good thing that came out of this episode was the couch interview with Dayton and Paedon, where Paedon told Dayton how brave he was for taking that ATV ride, and Dayton replied, "Thank you, Paedon." You could sense some true brotherly love between those two boys. Thank goodness they have each other, because as the older kids leave and their parents are a collectively clueless bunch of idiots, they will have each other to depend on.


    I am exhausted.

    1. My favorite scene in this episode was the couch scene with the boys. It was very touching and I think it showed that the boys have learned to get along and also accept David.

    2. I agree with you completely that the family as a whole could have foregone the ATV excursion so that Dayton would not have felt pressured in any way to get back on an ATV.
      Paedon showed such class and compassion in his support of Dayton. He also was helped Truly away from the wasp infested truck. I was so moved I actually had had a dream that I told Paedon that he's a really good kid (my first ever dream with a Brown member..weird, huh?)
      He might very well be the most nurturing of the boys, having grown up with a houseful of women. I think he'll make a very attentive father some day.
      Cynical, great job with the review, as always. Your cleverness is so funny.

    3. I'm still pondering that whole situation. I can totally see the Kreep saying that Dayton needs to man up and face his fears. However, Robyn is usually pretty good about taking care of Dayton's special needs. Something was just very off about it.

      I'm probably giving Sobbin' too much credit. Most likely the producers of the show came up with the idea and she went along with it to insure the gravy train keeps rolling.

    4. I actually thought Robyn seemed concerned about Dayton...when she realized he was standing by the A TV, she went to him to talk to him and see how he was doing. She helped with the helmet etc. I found her believable for the most part.

      The van scene when he was upset was deplorable, that made me mad. I thought it was too invasive, they could have just filmed her up to the point of getting in the van to talk to him and left it at that. It could not have been comfortable for him.

      I agree that it seemed off and there may have been a lot of pressure from his "faux dad" to man up. I can totally see that happening. The same a$$ that doesn't believe the kid has Aspergers, but instead is just "quirky."

      The entire thing was weird. I know they got a lot of flack for this stunt....but at the same time I can kind of see that maybe Dayton really wanted to get back on an ATV. If that is something that he likes to do with his siblings and friends, he may have wanted to try it again.

    5. The whole thing was unnecessary and insensitive. Dayton didn't just need surgeries, he was permanently disfigured because of his accident. They could have done pretty much any other activity. Completely inappropriate.

    6. Free Dayton! He seems like such an awesome kid who has been handed a lot to deal with and some not so bright parents.

  7. CJ, your choices of those head shots of the Krazy Five Brown adults were perfect !!!!

    Kody-Idiot looks like he stepped out of a time machine from the Neolithic Period into today, and somehow found his way to a Gap for some clothes to trade for his animal skins and club.

    Meri looks like she too shared the time machine with Kody-Idiot !!
    My Gawd, that is a nasty picture of her. Meri, get some hair conditioner.... and never make that face again....yikes !!! She looks like she is ready to hurt someone....and... could easily do it !!

    Janelle looks like she is saying, "No way! I do not weigh that much. Damn scale must be broken."

    Christine looks like what she is.....miserable, confused, inept.

    Sobbin's Pic.. "Uhh,....Does anyone have any spare ExLax ???? "

  8. IMO Nathan schooled Kody when he said he takes full responsibility if one of his wives are feeling jealous. It spoke volumes about how their family dynamic could work way better than the Browns who have a husband that cares less about their feelings. Kody really came across as a horrible individual in these past 2 episodes and whether or not the fight between him and Christine was fake or not, I found myself feeling bad for her because I think she finally let us see some true emotion about being hurt since Robyn joined the family. Which Sadly, Kody admitted to Nathan that when Robyn joined it became the essential downfall of their family. I don't understand how anyone with compassion could look at Christine, recognize what caused her so much pain the last 5 years and do nothing about it but then marry the problem.
    This show has really frustrated me because the emotional trauma is so obvious at this point. The whole family needs consistent therapy and not just to be filmed but for real.

    1. T-shirt, your comment about Kody's advice to Nathan is very telling: Kody's comment that make sure you really love this person because that best friendship will be destroyed and that third wife can usurp the harmony...well not in those exact words. I think for Christine her favored position as the energetic wife that came in and became a buffer between Meri and Janelle was totally usurped by Robyn and Meri's friendship with Robyn or supposed friendship with Robyn became strained after Robyn's pregnancy. Remember in the one episode when the wives were talking about how a wife who is pregnant and has a young baby gets more time with Kody because that wife needs him more? Meri, I suspect, didn't like having Robyn come in, get pregnant, and have a baby taking what she felt was due her...the comment she made to Janelle that...I feel like the other wives think me wanting a larger house is taking from them....hello...Karma bites that big fat ass. Anyway, Kody told it all in this episode: he demonstrated his misogyny; he demonstrated his lack of democracy; he explained how unpleasant bringing in a new wife is; and he showed how little he protects his children. yep...a real jewel.

    2. Kody just doesn't get it. His derp look when Nathan was talking said it all. Kody can't handle polygamy, he's not a good leader. He went into it for all the wrong reasons, probably a good mixture of pleasing dad and sex with different women weekly. Kody is too selfish to care about anyone else's feelings, he just expects everyone to be happy and if they have any problems to deal with it themselves. Hence Janell and Meri fighting for over 20 years, Meri getting the same amount of grocery money as wives with 6 kids, Christine and Robyn not liking each other, and his blatant favoring of wives and kids.

    3. I came across this quote earlier today and it applied too well to the Browns:

      It is not a lack of love but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages."
      -- Friedrich Nietzsche

  9. Jobs. These people need real jobs. Too much time on their hands. I hope this is the last season. These grifters do not deserve another one.

    1. Unless they have another baby, a kid gets married, or Kody takes a 5th wife, I don't see the show lasting another season.

  10. I can't believe I am about to post this...they will probably take away my snark card....but for the second time in a row.....I kinda saw Kody's side. OMG, don't throw rocks at me, maybe I'm drunk or something!

    Did you catch the part where Christine said something to the extent of "It's been going on for a while and I finally figured out it was PMS". She is the one who attributed her behavior to PMS. Serve it up on a silver platter and hand it to that Neanderthal jack wad and you just gave him an excuse for everything. Now any time he has an issue with her, bam, it must be that PMS she told me was causing her behavior.

    Christine is always making excuses for her behavior. "Wasn't that awful? I was so mean! But I said I was sorry" all while she's wearing a huge cheshire cat grin. I think that is why Meri made the comment "quit doing things you have to apologize for". That's what Christine's MO seems to be. Do and say anything I want then say I'm sorry and it's all excused. Ya, so not the way life works. Honestly, Christine is so emotionally stunted, dealing with her must be exhausting.

    That being said, hell no I don't agree with what the Kreep said and hell yes he's using it as an excuse. However, the dipsh*t was given that little gift of an excuse by the other dipsh*t. What a sick mess of dysfunctionality.

    1. Okay, I think Kody handles everything wrong, including his fight with Christine, and is a total ass in general...but I saw his side too. I think Christine is just as annoying and was wrong. I totally get why she wouldn't want Kody to hang out with Ken anymore, but she drove it into the ground wanting an apology from the poor guy. Both Kody and Christine bug me. Don't forget when she made fun of Logan's poor roomates last season or monogamists.

      I see Christine as someone who has done a lot of dirty things (I would like to know what she's really done to Robyn) and when called out on it plays innocent and turns herself into the victim.She is a great liar (I never knew men could be such bastards) and has seen a lot in her life (she is plyg royalty). Don't forget she milked the system (food stamps anyone?) and declared bankruptcy (thank you Home Depot for the free appliances!) and still doesn't have a legit job.

      Her whining about needing help with her kids pisses me off. What exactly does she do again all day? She certainly isn't cleaning her house and mock tapioca doesn't take all day to cook. I officially had it with Christine when she just couldn't possibly work the hours it took to be a realtor and leave her kids, but it was just fine for Janelle to. How nice of her. Maybe her depression would be helped by a part time job at Target (and the Browns could use the discount) but I am sure that's below her too. When she stops playing the victim of Kody and actually does something I will have some sympathy for her. As it is, she has 6 healthy (now) kids, a beautiful house, a reality show, and a healthy body. She needs to get it together and start setting a good example for her kids.

      Also, anyone else noticing her and Janelle don't seem as close?

    2. I'm glad to see someone else say this. Christine drove me nuts this episode and the previous one. (1) Ken's comment was true from his faith's perspective. She took it as an out-of-the-blue personal attack but he was simply stating what Kody would have to do to be back in good standing with the Mormon church. I'm pretty sure any mainstream Mormon would say the same thing. And (2) Christine wasn't the only wife insulted by it. Janelle and Robyn were also affected but they didn't fly off the handle about it. Christine's tantrum was just weird.

      I have a family member who has terrible PMS -- it may even be considered PMDD. The family has to walk on eggshells for several days each month. Even if the family doesn't trigger her rage, something else will and she will escalate the issue until she's arguing (screaming, throwing things, etc...) with anyone and everyone. It is exhausting and it gets old FAST. I have no idea if Christine is that bad or not, but IF she is I can totally understand Kody saying he would just walk away. You can't engage with someone in that state of mind so why even bother? He would just be spinning his wheels.

      And I think it's weird that Christine said she used to think PMS was a bunch of bologna. Maybe in the past she could handle her monthly hormonal changes with grace but apparently she can't anymore. Hmmmm.....newfound general deep unhappiness perhaps? In any case, it's not fair for her to act like that and then say "but you guys can't be mad at me!". I think that's ridiculous and I thought Meri's comment about "then don't do things to make people mad" was spot on.

      I have sympathy for Christine -- really, I do -- but lashing out (perhaps on a regular basis) and then expecting others to just sweep it under the rug is naive. I have sympathy for all these people. None of them seem happy. How sad to feel like you have to live this way to please God.

    3. He can't just decide a woman in his life has PMS, pregnancy hormones, menopause and decide he can just throw up his hands and walk away either. I really don't understand this. People don't like their spouses friends in their entirety. He isn't her friend. This is normal. Further the man isn't able to join Kody, why is this an issue. Why must christine be made to realize she is being unreasonable in her distain for the man who said something she doesn't like and would like an apology before her man can go and play with him? Why must Kody be convinced Ken did something wrong? Kody is trying to be right. Why is he trying so hard? They need to watch Frozen with the little ones and listen carefully to the song. Why all the travel to meet up with poeple besides the kids? We get they are unusual in Vegas. Let it go. Are they in hotels at Disney? Do they own a place to crash out there?

    4. She might want a doctor to make the diagnosis.

  11. What is so interesting and telling is that wayyyyy back when this blog was yet to be born, and CJ was front and center on the other blog....
    When the saga of Kody taking yet another sexbuddy began, there was thread after thread of how it was possibly going to negatively affect the existing dynamic of the core of their group. How it was going to affect the existing relationships between the three original wives. How this new younger wife with three kids was going to change the whole picture, financially and emotionally for the rest of them.
    And this was even before the producer-driven fake police-prompted exodus from Lehi !!

    The possibilities for chaos were ripe. Christine WAS pregnant, and by the timing that we now know about his "courtship" with Sobbin, was perhaps a fait accompli while even she knew Kody was "in luv" with Sobbin.
    Certainly TLC/ F8 was happy about the promise of the acquisition of a 4th wife since that would be a great entree for boosting the show's initial acceptance, and of course, for those all important ratings.
    Sad to say that almost everything that was chatted about possibly happening way back then has come to pass in spades.

    Meri has become sullen and angry, packing on emotional weight. Janelle has checked out even more than her original stance, which was simply being "present".at best.
    Christine, the one most affected by being usurped by another wife, has unmistakable emotional issues which are really painful to watch.
    And Kody gets to bask in the limelight, garnering sympathy, as a Plyg guy just "doing his celestial duty."
    It was all there to see and to predict watching SW from the beginning..

    My question....How many times has this sick, destructive scenario played out in all the Plyg households in this country?
    God help these women !!

    1. You took the words out of my mouth! This family needs help. The best thing they could do would be to send Sobyn packing and move back to Lehi. I remember from the very first time we met Sobyn, my mom and I knew she was going to tear the family apart. It was too late to bring in a new wife, especially one with as much damage as her.

      It will be interesting to see what the tell all book 10 years from now says, there's got to be some major stuff going down in the Brown family that we don't know about. With the exception of Janelle, all the adults have aged 15 years in 5 and have gained major weight. No one appears to be happy, lobotomized Janelle just seems neutral, while the adult kids are all running for the hills.

    2. Speaking of the fake police prompted exodus from Lehi, can some tell me if they've ever seen the Kody Krew explain just how they were able to just throw their junk in a moving van and high tail it Vegas? I've seen the episode where he's telling the family that they're moving in three days, and it just doesn't add up.I don't know how things play out in Vegas, but I find it hard to believe that anyone, much less this bunch, could have housing in place for one family, let alone four, with three days notice. I may have missed something, like maybe they all stayed in hotels for a while or something I don't know, but the whole scared of the police story seems like just that.A story...

    3. but I find it hard to believe that anyone, much less this bunch, could have housing in place for one family, let alone four, with three days notice. I may have missed something
      In the exodus season, Kody took several trips to Las Vegas, including one trip that included Robyn and Meri, specifically to locate housing in Vegas. That was the first episode with Mona the Real Estate Lady. Anyway, she couldn't them the houses they wanted so she got them a large vacation rental for 30 days. Or was it 90 days. Once they moved into the vacation rental, they decided rather than find one house for all of them they would live in separate houses but the same school district. All of this was in Season 2 episode 11 "Sister Wives in the City of Sin" . The season finale ended with Robyn going to Meri's rental to give her the good news she was pregnant.

    4. My question....How many times has this sick, destructive scenario played out in all the Plyg households in this country?

      There was a very interesting documentary that played on Discovery network (including TLC) way back before Sister Wives. The reporter was Dawn Porter (who later married that O'Dowd actor from the movie Bridesmaids). Anyway, she visited two families: Moroni Jessop's family (he officiated the commitment ceremony for the Colliers) and a family from Centennial Park (it was a different family from the ones featured on Polygamy,Usa).

      One thing I remember from this doc was Porter sitting down with the first wife of "Boyd", a wealthy Utah businessman who wanted to remain anonymous. She explained that she lived a monogamist marriage for over 20 years when out of the blue, Boyd (his real first name btw) decided to bring in wife #2 a much younger woman. She said she was devastated. She said she had heart palpitations whenever she walked into a room and saw her husband sitting with this woman. She said any wife who said it didn't matter, that they didn't get jealous were LIARS. Eventually, Boyd brought in a 3rd wife. Just like Big Love, the first wife became seriously ill and almost died. Her sister wives took care of her household and children (and Boyd...)while she recuperated. She said after that experience, she began to see the women in a different light.

      She did offer this: The first wife is the happy housewife until the second wife shows up. The second wife is considered the "home wrecker" who breaks up the happy home of the first wife. The third wife is the mediator. She will unify the wives into an efficient machine - an "institution". The fourth wife has the easiest role of all, she merely steps into the efficiently runned institution . I believe this wife was a school teacher - her sisterwives are both teachers at the Masada Charter School in CP at least the last time I checked a couple of years ago. Their house was 3 levels (I think) and HUGE. Boyd had his own bedroom called his "man cave".

      So this does bear out what you describe as the destructive scenario. The only difference I see is that these women (particularly the CP variety) are so "hardcore' and anti-monogamist (except for Boyd's first wife it seems). When Dawn spoke with the 3rd wife, she flat out said they do not marry for love - love is fleeting. They marry for eternity. So they choose a man they feel is worthy of them. I remembered thinking how Kody would NOT be worthy according to CP criteria. A short version of this documentary is available on you tube. It was called "Forbidden Love: Polygamy" with Dawn Porter.

    5. Thanks, CJ...I appreciate the info. I will check out Forbidden Love.
      Another possibile difference in the family you mentioned is that it sounds like money was not a problem. And that the wives worked, at least they had a life/identity outside of the harem.

    6. Thanks CJ . I guess I missed a lot of the first couple of seasons and I only remembered seeing Kody telling the kids they were moving. I didn't see any footage of them in between the loading of the truck & the moving into the rentals. Makes me wonder just how much I've missed in the last couple of seasons. God knows they were a lot easier to watch in the beginning than they are now!

    7. Thanks, CJ...I appreciate the info. I will check out Forbidden Love.
      My pleasure, Amused! It's very interesting and yes, Boyd and wives are wealthy. At the other extreme, Moroni Lopez Jessop (if you look at the Live Tweet post that's him behind the Colliers) is not wealthy. He is now a monogamist as his 2nd wife left him and married another man. But his blog is very interesting!

      Thanks CJ . I guess I missed a lot of the first couple of seasons
      My pleasure, anon 2:16 !

  12. First, did anyone see the quick scene where Janelle was sneaking ice cream at the camp? Blink and you'll miss it. So much for that diet.

    "Kody, who appeared to be absolutely ecstatic to hold another man's gun in his hands", CJ, you won the internet for the day with that zinger! It is funny how when another guy comes around Kody lights up, for his wives or daughters, not so much.

    The Jan. 11th episode had 1.3 million views while the Jan. 1.6 million viewers. Guess people wanted to see the train wreck of meeting the Colliers. Still not great ratings.

    This family seems more dysfunctional by the episode. Why any of the wives stay is beyond me. Kody is no prize. Guess running around the cul-de-sac isn't that great of a work out. The adults should all do weight watchers together.

    I wonder if Kody ever saw how hard he was getting slammed on their TLC fan page when fans were invited to ask him a question? Man, 99% of the questions were ripping Kody a new one. Maybe Kody will go on a blocking spree like Sobyn did? Lol. I would hate to see what Sobyn would get asked on that page, they hate her. She'd have to delete everyone.

    1. I didn't see anything wrong. I thought it was cereal she was eating but ice cream is ok too. As long as eaten in moderation.

    2. does Janelle look like she eats anything in moderation? especially someone who seems to have sugar or carb issues. Just one bite can torpedo a diet. She did a video a couple years ago about eating on a specific food plan of protein. Pallelo or something like that.

  13. I can't seem to reply to the comment that this is in response to, but I was thinking about that grocery money thing the other day...

    I wonder if Meri gets as much of Kody's cash as the other girls do because A) they got more food stamps/WIC than she did because of being single moms/having so many kids and B)Janelle has said she didn't share her income with Kody (which may or may not have been true) but she may have split it with Christine, her daycare provider, which would give Christine earned income which would give her the earned income credit on her taxes.

    So, if Kody has always been a half hearted provider, Meri's "equal share" may have been inequitable, but it might have been offset for the other ladies by their other income sources. Of course, Meri used to work to (at a gift shop? and she claims with troubled youth) so she probably did still have more disposable income then they did!

    Now that no one is actually working (apart from what has to be equal TLC paychecks) I have a feeling things are less "fair" then they used to be...

    Anyway. Had to say all of that here because my husband is tired of hearing it and he doesn't have the luxury of running across the cuddle sac to get away from me. ;)

    1. I've been tracking this train wreck so long (via show and, yes, their book) that sometimes the specifics get muddy for me, but I honestly don't ever remember hearing that Meri got the same amount of money for her household needs as all the other wives did. Now, when it came time to buy houses, she was allowed an equal budget (and actually ended up with--marginally--the most expensive home), and I believe wholeheartedly that each of the Brown adults takes an equal share from the TLC pie. But what I remember from the early, early days of the show is that funds were distributed according to household need.

      But I may not be remembering that accurately, either. I'd have to re-watch the whole series again, and life is too short... :)

    2. Life is seriously too short to rewatch all of this! :) I thought they had said it sometime in the first season, and then when they were taking about funding Mariah's college I thought it was implied by Kody saying Meri needed to use her portion of their money since she had fewer kids to spend it on. I am definitely making an inference on that one. I just thought the idea was really interesting. :)

    3. I remember Kody making a similar dsyatement about Meri having less household expenses and needing to use the 'extra' out of her budget. I also recall Mariah seeming to have newer/nicer brand clothing and electronics than any of the other children (aside from getting a car purchases for her in lieu of mom or dad's hand me down vehicle).

      I 100% believe Meri received the same portion of money as the other 'wives' if not more so...compensation for all the spirit babies she was denied.

      I also recall Christine's unit in the Lehi house having the older appliances from Meri's unit (regardless of the fact that the family claimed Christine did the majority of family meals), yet Meri had the most updated kitchen.

      Jinx might recall better than I can, but didn't Christine have quite a bit of Home Depot financing debt in her bankruptcy paperwork, even though she lived in the less updated basement unit?

      She may have shared her 'soulmate' but she scrapped (or connived) for every accommodation and financial perk possible. One thing that can be said for Meri...she may have lost time and companionship but she and her daughter kept all the resource benefits possible in a plural wives situation. Nicer unit, largest house, private school and university for her daughter and a car purchased while her bonus kid lay nearly dying in the hospital.

      Her kid has some messed up ideas of self worth and relationships, but her mom advocates for her financial comfort and future better than any of her sisterwive's.

    4. Think of this: The Brown kiddo raised in a way that would make her more likely to be entitled is the one who wants to be a sisterwife. Maddie (and Aspyn. Mykelti and who knows how many of the others )will likely find one man who loves her and gives his husbandly attention undivided just to her. (Don't you love how Kody doesn't understand math? When you take one man's love and spread it across four women it is DIVISION, not multiplication!) There is every likelihood that undivided attention from one spouse (I mean he sleeps with just them every night, not that he doesn't have jobs, friends, or hobbies) will probably make them feel adored.

      If Mariah does follow through with her inclination to be a sister wife she will be in for a painful reality--she will not be the singleton with the privileges. She will not be a princess. She will be one of many broodmares appreciated for her baby making abilities, and perhaps married to a man she feels called to who doesn't have much affection for her...

      I don't want this to happen to Mariah, or any of them, or heck, any kid ever! But if she does happen to have entitlement issues-she was certainly made to look it on TV, but that could easily have been normal growing pains edited to look far worse than they were! I would be terrified of seeing my adolescence edited for reality TV viewing audience!--being a sister wife will really knock her for a loop. It will not be all she dreams it will be.

  14. The action on the TLC Sister Wives Facebook page regarding questions for Kody is priceless. I see a formal apology to Christine coming and a lot of staged action to make Kody look like a prince. He is quite possibly one of the most loathed men on TLC right now for his horrible and childish behavior.

  15. So the Collier's became polygamist because the husband couldn't decide which woman to marry? What a great reason to enter this destructive situation. I can have some sympathy with the decision being based on culture or religion but to shape your entire life on the fact that you can't make up your mind? Now why, as a wife, would you follow this person?

  16. Over on the Collier FB page, he is busy blocking and deleting all those who say bad things about him or Kody. Now saying bad things to both of these men is really logically challenging them. The poster might mention some very true and very rational argument against polygamy such as the pain that Christine was in and that is enough to say why are you attacking our family...but no, I'm not attacking your family...I'm simply asking how fair is it that....and then it's your name calling...what are you so angry and name calling, calm down....and so the idea of disagreement being haters is typical of many polygamist men and women and also true of other extreme fundamentalist who have a very narrow view of life or the words of God. You give a rational explanation why all men and women are created equal based on the constitution and they say but the bible says this and then you say to the fundamentalist but we have a separation of church and state and they say but this country was founded on....and soon the white man...err...fundamentalists is saying calm down....why are you yelling....why are you calling me names....and that is what the patriarch has done to these women who live in these narrowly defined homes and those definitions are from the words of the men in their lives....Christine....just sit down and STFU.....Sadly, when the new wives come into the picture, the other wives suffer in silence around the man and pay back the new wife through actions of verbal and emotional abuse or in some instances in the way the children are treated. I will not let any man, even my husband, shut me up. When he offends me or says some misogynistic crap, I Ms. runKodyrun admits he is still after all these years, a works in progress, I will not allow him to run those scripts: calm, I am calm and you know I'm calm...I'm explaining very logically this thing to you and because you, mr white male, don't like having your misogyny shut down are saying I'm not you know dear husband what my not so calm affect you want to see her today? If not, let me finish. To all the men who read and post here, I'm sure you guys are not misogynistic, not even a bit....but Mr. RKR is an older man and is still pretty set in his ways but he is learning...every year he learns something very new about Ms. RKR....back to Kody and the Kodetts...Kody will not learn from the wives because they have nothing to offer but sex, babies, and their growth into making him happy.

    1. You may not like what I going to say...

      It is Nathan Collier's page. He was reacting to what he perceived as attacks against his family, his way of life. His actions were appropriate - he deleted the content that was objectionable and took the extra step of blocking those posters so they could not do it again. That is his right, because it is his page.

      Mind you, he didn't arbitrarily block people who never posted on his page - rather, he stepped in and managed his page from being overrun by people who wanted to argue, say negative things and just be plain nasty.

      I saw what was being posted. I agree with his actions.

      This is what he said as explanation for his actions:

      The Colliers
      22 hrs · .

      "We started off the day having to remove posts, ban access and unfriend several people who had penetrated and violated both our family page and my personal wall. My sincere apologies for the filthy comments and especially for my friends who were specifically targeted.

      What we saw today is nothing new. What we saw today is sadly one of the most powerful and illogical of all human emotions; we saw pure hatred. The very basis of racism and genocide and most all other man made atrocity is hatred of those who are different. Whether you hate someone because they are a different color, nationality, sexuality, religion, physical attributes, social class or any unlimited number of reasons, hate is hate and hatred is vile.

      In the ignorance of youth I have hated illogically and I know what it looks like. As I matured I grew past my hate and today I embrace ANYbody who wants to coexist with me in peace. You don't have to approve of my choices as I'm not seeking approval; I only want tolerance as I extend it equally.

      I cannot imagine a life that's so sad that one is compelled to hurt others through actively spreading hate. It must be miserable to live with such bitterness. To actually spend your time seeking out those who are different so that you can spread your repulsive vitriol must be a sad, lonely and miserable existence. Despite that they attack me, I can only pity them."

      In my life, I have been called names because of my race. Should being called a "jungle bunny" by a white boy at my school simply that child's effort to "logically challenge" me based only on the rather evident fact that I was Black? I don't think so. Was my 5th grade teacher correct in logically challenging the civil rights movement by saying in class "Viola Liuzzo deserved what happened to her. She shouldn't have been there in the first place." Viola Liuzzo was MURDERED by white supremacists while driving civil rights activists from the airport in Alabama. Again, I don't think so.

      As I matured, I learned to pick my fights carefully. Just like Gandhi and MLK, sometimes being non-confrontational was the best, more effective strategy. Charging into a KKK meeting shouting expletives will only get you killed. Writing newspaper/magazine articles, holding rallies, having discussions, etc, of the evils of racism were more effective ways of changing public opinion.

      So what I am saying is this. I provide my living room as a place where people can discuss reality shows about polygamy. I do not discriminate against those who are either pro or con, all are welcome here, as long as all involved remain civil to each other. But that is my living room and I certainly don't expect other "living rooms" to be as open to lively discussion about the pros and cons of polygamy.

      And remember, there are many many groups set up to educate others about polygamy and its abuses. Channel your energies towards those who need it the most - those who have chosen to leave polygamy and are now destitute.

      This is my opinion. Your opinion may be different, but that's OK.

    2. Point well made, CJ. Even on the internet, we should have some ability to draw appropriate boundaries. And while I may find Collier's thinking about polygamy and the role of women badly skewed, I do find his points about hatred and vitriol on his own FB page totally valid. I hope--I really, really hope--that he really means what he says about accepting all others who want to live and let-live; I hope that he is as inclusive of all races, sexual orientations, and religious/political ideologies as he seems to be claiming.

      Now, if he had a TLC fan page that INVITED comments, he'd have to suck it up; as I've often said, don't ask for my opinion unless you actually WANT it. :)

    3. Two things stick out from reading Collier's response to the mayhem on his page.
      (and glad you posted it, CJ)

      !- His response was clear, articulate and pointedly appropriate given it was on his page, and about his page.
      I wish the filming and editing of their scenes had shown this side of him instead of the two wives velcroed to either side of him, and his gun collection as a backdrop for his man-to-man chat with Kody about Plyg life.

      2- TLC surely knows the anti-plyg sentiment out there even among viewers, yet they continue to show the Browns with other Plygs.
      Other Plyg families whom initially the Browns are obviously scripted to say "are friends of theirs" which falls hollow since there always seems to be awkward, unfamiliar moments when the Browns first meet these people. Also, the questions posed to each other in these outings are hardly what you would expect between *established friends.*
      Again, it all seems scripted for the show.

      However, the hateful FB responses to these "guest" families on their pages should be a concern for TLC. Wonder if it is ??

    4. However, the hateful FB responses to these "guest" families on their pages should be a concern for TLC. Wonder if it is ??

      Amused, I don't know but I agree with you. It should be a concern, but what could they do other than warn the "guest" of what may happen.

      I have a feeling what happened is a gaggle of "goblins" saw the opportunity to piss off a lot of people and ran with it into a brick wall named Nathan Collier. A number of "innocents" unfortunately got swept up into the feeding frenzy and were also blocked. It is apparent this isn't Nathan Collier's first time at the internet rodeo...he saw a threat and got rid of it using the tools provided by FB. Simple.

      If the "goblins" had done their "homework" they would have known this guy isn't Brady Williams or Kody Brown. He literally appears to be a "shoot first, ask questions later" type of personality. Meaning, he will take out the threat first, and then explain why he took them out, in detail, afterwards. He doesn't wear that black hat for nothing...

  17. Jeez jinx...where did you grow up that any of that was remotely acceptable? That's ridiculous.

    1. During the 1960's that was business as usual. The incidents I described happened in 1964-1965 in California at an US Air Force Base no less. Let's just say some people were not happy about the Civil Rights Act that was passed. Even in 1968 it wasn't that much different. For a short period of time my mother, brothers and I lived with my aunt in a predominately black neighborhood in Phoenix. When MLK was assassinated, the mayor put the predominately black neighborhoods under a 9PM curfew. The white neighborhoods did not have a curfew and we heard stories of white teenagers driving through our neighborhood trying to start trouble. A month later, my mother moved us into another neighborhood where we were the first black family. We lived there for 3 years (til Dad was again stationed in California). I remember the neighbors being nice to us, except for the neighbor directly across the street from our house. They never spoke to us and when my parent's sold the house, we heard they bought it to control who would live there next. That was 1971. Just imagine what it was like when my mother was growing up in the 1940s !

    2. Cj, it was families like yours,on the cutting edge of the civil rights movement, who made the country better. Your family had a difficult time but through your example and your strength, you changed perceptions. Thank you. We still have a long way to go but it is valuable to look back at where we gave been and see progress. What would have been the norm then, is now illegal or socially unacceptable (in most areas). Difficult times for sure but I am grateful for families like your family who went about their business quietly and with their heads held high. In a different sense, you "put down your bucket" and showed people that different is not less.

    3. CJ, thank u for sharing about your experience, all I can do is shake my head. I will never understand why this type of ignorant hatred exists, because unfortunately although not as common we see it still today.

    4. CJ, Unfortunately, I saw exactly what you described growing up during those years in the Northeast too.
      Racism or any manifestation of it, be it words, attitude or actions was a guarantee for punishment in our home. By my parents choice, we lived in integrated neighborhoods.
      Sad to say, my siblings and I saw, first hand, what ignorant people will do and say.
      It was wrong then, and it still is.

  18. Can we talk about the Collier kids? I loved how the parents were like, 'We're raising our kids openly as siblings and they love it!' and the kids were like, 'Meh. I don't really talk about it because people just assume if I say I have two mothers that they're lesbians. Also, these other children here are not really my brothers and sisters. Just a product of my parents' messed-up sex lives.\

    1. It wasn't really explained whose kids were from previous relationships and how many were actually Nathan's. But all the stuff he said was kinda vague as to who, what, when. I was going thru that section making notes and then I thought, okay way too deep here.

    2. I thought they said that one wife had two children from her first marriage. They were grown and out of the house. I thought they said three children were grown and out of the house.

  19. New clip about how the family has changed and Christine putting Robyn on the spot about not letting or asking her for help and instead getting a babysitter.

    1. Thanks for sharing that link. Confirmation that Mindy exists. WE ALL WORK??? The look on Robyn's face after asking Christine if her comments were for real and being told yes. Pure dumbfounded - you can almost see the gears grinding and smoke coming out of her ears from an overload. We are prob being played for a sucker again, but this section has some bits that hint at real emotions. I'm interested if their tweets will reflect the fallout of PMS gate tonight.

    2. I've discovered that I'm anxiously counting down the hours until tonight's show....wth?

      I'm wondering what type of damage control they will go into after that mess last week. I know they film and then months later put the talking head scene together....makes me wonder if they ever want to reshoot some of those for damage control.

    3. They work????

      Note their body language on the couch, Kody is leaning towards Christine, away from Robyn and Meri is leaning away from Robyn and the rest of them. Robyn has thrown such a wench in their lifestyle.

    4. They all seem to be on edge & their faces are cringing b/c they don't really know what Christine is about to say & put them(well mostly Robyn) on display for all of America to witness!! Christine basically confirmed what most of us already knew. Their family dynamic has been breached & crumbling. It happened when Robyn arrived! I honestly believe their family dynamic would've been ruined by any woman entering as the 4th wife, after 16+ years.
      And seriously, they all work? What exactly do they do? Job titles please, to at least give us a hint or something. Guess they consider filming TLC "work"!?!

    5. Is "wench" a typo, Anonymous? :-) :-) :-)

    6. They "work" on the show and maybe MSWC. Perhaps maybe even still LIV.

      Anyone notice Robyn walking in and out and around her house barefoot on that clip. Her feet are as black as Janelle's were that episode a long time ago. Gross!

    7. For the love of Pete! MrSpock just watched the film clip and says, "Meri, if you want a 'relationship' with the younger kids who are still around, then go make it happen! No one is stopping you." Have kids come over after school and study with you, make cookies, go to a isn't that hard if you put out the effort---buy STOP CRYING!!!! Arghhhhhh!

      And, yes, Browns, tell us about your jobs---what the heck are they?

    8. My first thought when Christine told Robyn that she was upset about Robyn getting a sitter (nanny) was WHY ARE YOU SAYING THIS NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME? Isn't this something that should have been discussed as a family, or between the two of them, a looong time ago? People! Figure out how to communicate! Good grief, you share a husband, you "work" together, your kids all share siblings... talk to each other!

    9. Seriously, Are they serious?, you are SOOOO right. And, Meri, stop crying!!!!! MrSpock is done with your tears! MrSpock is beyond irritated with the continuous waterworks! You have made MrSpock lose his Vulcan cool!

    10. Thanks for posting that clip. I (snarkiest of snarkers) was sincerely moved watching this. I'm dumbstruck by how honest it feels, and by how little insight they seem to have over how far in the ditch their lives have gone. On this blog and on the Previously TV forum, people have been saying for years that it was too much upheaval and fundamental change all at once that hurt the family. Just bringing on a fifth wife would have been a terrible hurdle to jump, especially after being a four-adult unit for SO MANY YEARS. But the glare of the cameras, the lure of easy wealth, and the pseudo-celebrity has really put the last nail in the coffin.

      My impression here is that these women, especially Christine, Meri, and Robyn, DESPERATELY still want to cling to their illusions about polygamy and their faith, even while it disintegrates and slips through their fingers. They're ending up with all the downsides and none of the so-called perks.

      All the supposed benefits that they have always claimed are there for polygamous women DISAPPEARED when they shifted their lives around so radically. We all see that, but I think for them it's the fabled frog-in-a-pan-of-water scenario; they were so busy being TV stars and rolling around in their unaccustomed material gain that they didn't even see what we could see all along: that what they claim to be living and what they ARE living are not the same thing.

      And PS: The message to Robyn, even if it's just implied, is always going to be "Our polygamous life was working fine until YOU came along."

    11. I love how it appeared that Kody didn't have a word to say, but then finally found a way to support Robyn by saying having her Nanny was a win win situation and the shot end with Christine saying no.

      This should have been discussed as a family before Robyn ever hired a nanny. I want to see what their jobs look like. Reality people, millions of others raise families and work full-time...Meri, Janelle and Kody should all have jobs. Their kids are either out of the house or school age. Christine, Truely is almost school age, figure out what you , can do to one she is so you can start bringing in some money.

    12. Seriously, Are they serious?, you are SOOOO right. And, Meri, stop crying!!!!! MrSpock is done with your tears! MrSpock is beyond irritated with the continuous waterworks! You have made MrSpock lose his Vulcan cool!

    13. Thankyou so much for the link! Ironically, it seemed very honest. Christine (who normally makes vague statements) was very blunt and clear, with logical reasoning. Janelle (who is normally checked out) nodded the entire way through the rant. Meri (who normally has a love fest with Robin) leaned away from her and cried. Kody was abnormally silent. Robin was dumbfounded. This really shows how far their "family" has degraded since Robin came into the picture.

    14. News flash for the Brown wives: if you want to play part in the lives of all the kids--DO IT! Un-a$$ your chair and walk over to a sister wife's house to say hi and play with her kids. Arrange play dates, attend school functions, host slumber parties or lunch parties, or other activities at your house for all the children, with or without the other mothers present. Take them out for a coke, one at a time. Write them notes and leave them on their pillows. Call them on the phone "just because". Nothing is stopping you from building relationships with those kids if you really want to--except, perhaps, laziness and a lack of imagination. You all live, what? 100 yards from one another? Families separated by thousands of miles have close intimate relationships with their siblings', cousins', or other children. Be a little proactive. And enough with the waterworks, already. No kid likes a whiny, sniveling adult.

  20. Just looking through the tweet feeds on lasts weeks blog and I see that Meri posted a tweet on the 22nd that she is in her first college class. Good for her! Gives her something to do and maybe stay out of the drama! Not sure that is possible though.

    1. Be nice if we'd see some of that on the show and if the dire predictions of being pulled further out of the family come true. After all those relationships outside the sister wives are "so much easier." Duh, sharing a professor aint like sharing a hubby!

  21. So was the prayer circle on last weeks episode all for show or what? Because that prayer didn't seem all that sincere to me! Kody should be praying in private everyday to help him become a kind & more understanding person. Maybe he's too narcissistic to change for the better.

    1. I cringed during the prayer....seems so contrived at this point. May have been believable in the beginning but not now.

    2. Exactly! It just felt very wrong esp after Kody announced that he was gonna have a "private" talk with Christine & didn't want to embarrass her or something like that... It was more like a scolding as kody was talking down to her.

  22. Because I now don't believe a shred of what they tweet, other than what TLC has mandated they do for PR......Meri may be taking "a class' or she may be polishing her bar.
    Really, who cares !

    But seriously...."A" class ?!
    She could accomplish that by signing up at a local HS for any night class for adjunct studies. Meri, please stop the BS !!

    Janelle, you too ....with the "I have to hand out keys" BS. !!

    Sobbin, you need to put your doodling book away and call it a day for the Junk Closet !! need to call your agent for some new gigs.
    After last week's epp, your PR image acutely needs a redo.

    NONE of you work.....Beyond the bi-annual filming and checks from TLC !!!
    Stop the BS, all of you...pullleze !!

  23. Another sneak peak video clip:

    1. Grifter,
      OMG !!! Thanks !!
      Hmmm....I see Mykelti is still sporting that fetching, multi-roll blue jacket.
      Geez, didn't *anyone* suggest that she unbutton that thing?!!

      Broke each other's cell phones and laptop??
      Must be nice to have such expensive and expendable tech toys.

      Snarking on, so it isn't just the viewers !!

    2. Exactly - How violent and immature must you be to be throwing and breaking cell phones, laptops and knives! Did one of their parents model that behavior? I wonder if that's why Truely screams, as well. She may be a dramatic child, but she may also be mimicking a parent.

  24. I wonder how many times Christine will say "not safe" tonight...I'm guessing 2 or 3 while discussing her mother being ex-AUB. I also wonder if she'll run & hide in the bathroom if her aunt decides to swing by & visit the mom?

  25. I think Christine asked her mother to move in to compete with Robyn's "nanny." She's childish like that. What the heck does a woman who should have an advanced degree in cooking, cleaning and child rearing need with a nanny?

    Also, why was Janelle seeming uncomfortable that Truely would be staying with them? Further proof that they spend absolutely no time together as a family. Their "faux-to" shoots and fake selfies together and boring tweets are just that - fake, fake, fake and all for show.
