
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sister Wives LIVE TWEET PARTY for 1/25/15 !!!!

It's L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!!



Prepare yourself for MORE Kody BLOVIATING!!

While Robyn indiscriminately BLOCKS TWITTERS !!

Are YOU on her list tonight???

It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!


Sneak peak...Mykelti shows some skin! HORRORS!!!

And then this happened early Tuesday Morning!!!


This posting has reached 250 comments so I'm closing it now. Please continue your discussions HERE: Selected Tweets for Off Topic Wednesday, 1/28/15


  1. If (when) Meri cries, MrSpock will be chugging Tranya. Not sure if there is enough Tranya in the Universe to cover Meri's tears.

    1. That tranya comment cracked up my husband and I. You may not only run out of tranya but get all the way down to Mr. Scott's "it's green" liquor.

  2. Tonight, I will be getting all of my water for the week in because, like MrSpock, I am going to be chugging when I feel b S....

    1. Then you are REALLY in trouble, rKr. :-)

    2. I thought when the Browns went to see the christian Plygs that Christine said since her older girls were moved out, she lost her help and she was lost. Also, Maddie had already moved out too because she met the family after they began their, how is the timeline?

    3. Aspyn moved into the dorms....this time it looks like they are getting their own apartment. So they probably won't be moving back home like many college kids do during the summer.

    4. As for the timeline of things, based on past tweets the girls moved into their apartment in mid August and Granny Annie was moved at the end of August. The best I can tell from Janelle's tweets is that the road trip to meet the Colliers began around mid July. She was visiting her Mom on July 25 ... and "glamping" at Yellowstone on August 10.

  3. Interesting that Aspyn doesn't want to live polygamy even tho she has considered it before! Good for her! Hilarious when she asked Mykelti if she would want to be SisterWives with Mariah. Mykelti's facial expression was priceless & speaks volumes about how they really feel about Marian.

    1. That was great! Sisterwives with Mariah!!! Death wish! I think Mykelti has lost her mind.

  4. Don't know about anyone else, but at 18, my "belongings" would not have filled or half filled a large van !!
    Doesn't look like these kids have had to want for much?

    1. When I left home for college, I filled the turn of my little pinto and the back seat and that was sister's husband brought my bed and dresser up in his pickup.

    2. Me too......!! Limited *finite* resouces !! :)))

    3. If they had been planning for it, they may have collected enough for the two of them. When my oldest went to college, we started collecting furniture, kitchen stuff, etc. She has quite a bit of stuff by the rule we packed her.

      Some mom's start the cedar chest and filling it with rooms daughter's need when they are very young. I can see Christine doing this for her daughter's...helping them get their house in order for future husband.

    4. Tonight, Maddie - wearing a non-modest tank top, with her bra strap showing, and Daisy Dukes - said something about not wanting to be revealed as a hoarder. Then, her brother says that she is a hoarder or has a hoarding problem.

      This summer, Aspyn and Mykelti tweeted about not having anything in their apartment (after returning from Disneyland) and having to share a fork, because their apartment was so bare.

      Of course, during the move, Mykelti guards her mannequin - you know, for her fashion career.

    5. Yeah I remember that tweet. Didn't look so bare on the show.

    6. Didn't kody call it a dummy doll or something like that? Then saying Oh sorry I don't want to offend anyone. Since I'm an uneducated oaf....
      Yes kody, we already know this!! Lol

    7. Didn't kody call it a dummy doll or something like that? Then saying Oh sorry I don't want to offend anyone. Since I'm an uneducated oaf....
      Yes kody, we already know this!! Lol

    8. I thought that was Mykelti in the tank top saying she didn't want anyone to know she is a hoarder.

    9. Serena -- You're right. It was Mykelti. I have difficulty differentiating the children.

    10. I'd like for them to explain how these freshman college students can afford to rent brand new, minimum 2 bedroom, apartments; especially the ones that have not previously held a job. How much are they getting paid for being on the show!?! Gimme a break about the contradiction between their tweets when they first moved in about not having any silverware to their show of excess they put on for last night's episode. All that STUFF for people who've never lived away from home before is ridiculous, unnecessary and grossly excessive for college students.

      I'd like to know more about Mykelti's designing background and actual talent which looked weak when we saw her sketches and when she talked to the pro. She called her mannequin, or "dress form" a "dress doll", which is definitely not the proper term. It doesn't sound like she's ever had any mentoring or even a home-ec class. I wish her all the luck and hope her dreams come true, but OMG she's got a LOT of work and growing up to do and it's not going to be easy.

      Kody's tweet from last nite:
      @RachLTweets @rosecolored6 We KNOW it happens. We want to be judged for OUR own actions and beliefs. Many say we are part of the problem.

      BINGO Kody, You and your 4 "wives" ARE the problem, you've at least got that right. You're irrational, paranoid, egotistical, narcissistic, probably also suffering from histrionic disorder and the way you and your "wives" are teaching and reinforcing that thinking and actions for your children is shameful.

    11. Riddle me this: we all saw Christine's empty garage in the wresting mat episode. Christine made a comment that she has an empty garage because she doesn't own much stuff. So, where did an entire moving truck full of crap come from? No way was that contained in the girls' bedroom.

    12. They are apartments in university towns. It's isnt at all unusual. Part work, part working during high school, part parental help. Madison got a scholarship for the tuition. She has a campus job. Those were apartments specifically built for students. You can get housing for $400-$500 a month. The girls are sharing in Vegas. Carpet where the table should be isn't luxury. Even Logan was house sharing at some point. I hope the kids got show money. They should earn something.

  5. Wow did Kody just say that?? How rude!! When Aspyn says y'all are welcome to come visit us to Kody & Christine. Kodys dumbass response: "I probably won't, but ur mom will" Ummm, just wow!!

    1. Speaks volumes about him. He has no relationship with those kids. Real concerned about them, isn't he?

      Can any of you imagine your husband making that comment to your daughter? It's sickening.

    2. It is so sad! My family dropped me off at college (I was the oldest kid) and later my brother told me that when they drove away my dad had to pull over because he was crying. He came to visit me at my out of state college a few times, and when I got my first house in college he helped move me in and even stayed a few nights. I adored my dad and I knew that he adored me. He died two years ago... I had the honor of caring for him in his home, with my mom,while he was in the last stages of terminal brain cancer. My relationship with him was special and fun and it is beyond sad to me that Kody doesn't realize how lucky he is that he even has kids. I want to shake him and tell him to wake up!

  6. Haha ....Truly just dissed Kody big time on national TV!! Love it!!

  7. Kody, take off the stupid black headband. You look like a neutered Wonder Woman.

    1. Neutered Wonder Woman.... now that's the funniest thing I read in a long time. Still laughing.

  8. Truly rocks! Grody asked for a high 5, her response. "no thanks Dad."

    1. It really sounded like you said "don't fuck with me daddy" I know didn't, but it sure sounded like it. She doesn't like him at all.

    2. I thought she said "No high 5 for daddy", with her head down. Wow! Truely DOES NOT like kody & it shows! Guess he should've bonded with her when she was a baby like he's doing with Sol.

    3. So I've been looking for tweets from Kody & Christine to explain away as to why Truely reacted the way she did to Kody during the high 5 scene. Only thing I see is a tweet from Janelle quoting Truely. "Don't you know boy", ala Truely Grace.
      Guess I still don't get it.

    4. He tried to pick her up before the high five and she wouldn't have any of that! Wow she didn't want any part of him.

    5. I got the impression Kody doesn't interact very closely, if at all with Truely, thus her stand-offish reaction to him. I've also seen that with many of the other kids. It's like he's a stranger in their lives, which I imagine is very true. And, the older kids definitely don't respect him.

    6. I thought that scene was so sad. For a little girl to have such a negative reaction towards her dad it's just so sad.

    7. All snarking aside, it creeps me out how much Truely doesn't like Kody. Last season she didn't even want to sit by him at her birthday party. That little girl has probably seen him yell at mommy and knows how worthless he is. Back in the first season when Savannah was the baby, probably about a year older than Truely is now, Savannah and Kody had positive interactions. In fact, all the kids seemed to genuinely like their dad. Something strange has happened to this family.

    8. Never mind that she almost died because idiot dad didn't recognize a little one who is lethargic and has a fever is probably dehydrated. I wouldn't trust him much either.

  9. WTF is with the headband Kody is wearing? He must need it to pull back the four strands of hair on his forehead. SMH.

    1. I know! He looks like something out of an exercise video from the 80's. Hate to say it but even the ponytail would have been better than that headband.

    2. He looks like Richard Simmons! Only he has more hair.

    3. He looks like Richard Simmons! Only he has more hair.

    4. Geez, Karen! Don't insult Richard Simmons like that! Oh wait, he and Kody are similar in more ways than one!

  10. Cliffhanger before the commerical....Kody TH, eyes squinting....about MIL moving in...

    "We don;t know if we are lighting a match under a powder keg" Da...DA Dummmmm.
    (Uhhh.....a 6 yr. old could write this script )

  11. Watching this show, I would find it easy to believe that Aspyn hadn't moved out last year. But we know that isn't true. She may have come back for the summer, but she was gone last year. This production only shows what they find convenient to fool their viewers.

    1. I'm glad you wrote that! Aspyn was in college last year and living on campus (or in off-campus housing). They even highlighted her in that Brown Children Growing Up episode. Yet, Christine's crying about losing her two daughters and their leaving home, as if Aspyn hadn't moved out a year earlier.

    2. Aw, Geez, ladies.......
      You (we) aren't supposed to notice that !!

      Viewers are supposed to have amnesia, or be busy slurping up the kody-aid du jour and not remember.

    3. I think Aspyn lived on campus last year, but in a dorm room or at the sorority house and only when school was in session. That's different than moving into your own apartment. I can see why Christine thinks it's different.

    4. That's true Anon 5:11. Living in a dorm is not the same as living in your own apartment. For one thing, the dorm usually closed over Christmas and Summer vacations. For Christmas you could leave your stuff in the room until the door opened again in January. For summers, you had to pack up all your stuff and move it/ship it back home. I remembered all my belongings could fit into two steamer trunks which were counted as baggage (no extra fees) when I flew home on the Yellow Banana one year. The next year I had to ship them thru RTX??? RTS??? the precursor of UPS.

  12. Haha ....Truly just dissed Kody big time on national TV!! Love it!!

  13. Did I hear that right? A & M were on the couch, and one of them said that it's so neat, they are sharing expenses, getting out on their own being dependent........ Say WHAT???? You meant independent, right?

  14. And there are the tears. Drink up!!!

  15. Meri, you don't have the relationship cause they don't like your boundaries and you don't spend time with them....duh.

  16. Robyn had fake tears. Do I drink anyway???

    1. Drink...I say....Drink for and hope those false eyelashes come off the next time she picks eye boogers out to wipe on her pants.

  17. Oh God.....this really has become a Soap Opera !!
    tears, sniffing, eye gunk wiping.........Kody looking perplexed, as usual...

    Sooooo tired of the tears........!!! If it isn't the Brown babes, it is Brady's babes. longer interesting.
    *sniff, sniff*

  18. Mr. runKodyrun just said, you mean to tell me these fools think we believe this shit? I said, well, the idea is that we suspend the disbelief long enough to really see a bit of truth...then he says, wake me when it's over.

  19. They all went around the couch and cried about how the other sister wives victimized them: Meri for not having other children; Christine for Robyn's not asking her to watch her children; Robyn for hearing the others talk about how that dependence on each other is over. (But, Robyn didn't point out that King Sol is still a toddler.) Janelle, of course, interpreted to get to an apology.

    Before the tears, Kody declared the topic "women's issues," or something equally Neanderthal.

    Robyn explained that Mindy had to come in because they all work the same hours and work together. Alternatively, Mindy wants to be a substitute teacher in Las Vegas.

    1. Of course, Grifter Lives, it is women's issues. In Kody's world, child rearing, house maintaining, food buying, bills paying is all women's issues. Man issues: holding another man's gun; trying to control the women folk; shaking head like a nut case; traveling; and other fun stuff.

  20. Oh Lawd, I am gonna be sloshed long before this hour is up!

  21. Bottoms Up, Living Roomers !!
    Cheers !!

  22. I apologize for my random double posts! My tablet is on the fritz...I'll switch to my phone ;)

  23. Replies
    1. Must be showing a house, working out at the gym or has just removed herself due to sensitivity issues!

    2. No room left on the couch ??

    3. Maybe she was swept away in that river of sister wife tears?

    4. I just caught this line: Janelle will watch Truely when they pick up Grandma (even though we see Truely in the move scenes) over the weekend. Janelle lets us know that this is hard for her, because she's usually showing houses and working as a realtor on weekends. Thus,, she's offloading this responsibility on one of the younger daughters (Savannah?).

      Is that also a passive-aggressive jab at Christine? It totally disregards the nearly 20 years Christine spent watching Janelle's children.

    5. I thought it was while they reorganized christines house that she would be sleeping over at janelles?

    6. KMS - Thanks for the correction about when Janelle watches Truely.

      This scene happens after all the sister wives' crying about their fading closeness and support, so it contradicts their talking head. Yet, it shouldn't be such a statement for one sister wife to watch another's child or help out once. They're so incoherent.

      I didn't see Meri, the organizer, helping Christine get her house ready. And, Christine's house was an absolute sty, throughout, beyond just typical packing and unpacking. Also, they were disassembling a crib, when Truely's at least 4 years old already.

    7. Was that hoping that she would have sol sometimes like they used to coparent each other's kids. Christine just realized since they are not relying on each other but family she better get some family too.

      We changed the one side of our sons crib to work as a toddler day bed. Instead of the bars there was just a flat piece of wood where the mattress was to hold the thing together. It was a kit we bought when we bought the crib. When he was 4 we got him a twin. I didn't see the crib scene so I can't say for sure it had been altered into a toddler bed.

  24. BTW, whats the deal with Kate moving? Can't afford her mcmansion anymore?

  25. Oh geez, they're all on twitter over compensating & over selling their "united fun loving family" Whatever Browns!! We know y'all don't really like each other.

  26. Sure bring a dozen ex-large hula hoops when you go get granfma. Why not??
    Good for the cameras, huh. it my eyes or is Meri wearing NFL shoulder pads for this epp???

  27. Here we go - Kody's persecution speech, ranting about stereotypes, etc.

    Can we drink for that?

    1. "Can we drink for that?"

      Wll have to.........!!!

  28. Wai..Wha.... did anyone catch that promo for the Feb 8th episode?!

    1. Would be more interesting if a group of psych students went to study them!

  29. Ya know that SpongeBob movie is looking pretty intelligent right now.

    1. I killed off too many brain cells watching this - and not from our drinking game.

      So, Christine's mother isn't an anti-polygamist activist and was never anti-polygamy? She just wanted to help people who needed support. And, Christine's father and she divorced when Christine was 5 and there was a second wife. So - is that why Christine decided to be the 3rd wife? Do their morals shift when it's convenient?

      Also, aren't the Browns fundamentalist Mormons? So, why is Kody so appalled that Maddie wants to join the Mormon church? She had always been clear that she wouldn't practice polygamy anyway.

    2. Know this point I think the KodyKlowns have their own drinking game going.....

      *How many BS lines can we throw out in an episode,.and then completely reverse that story in another episode !! *

      It's either that.........or WE ALL have a collective hearing problem!!!

    3. He did encourage Maddie that her Mormon friends were good people.After all he once was mainstream Mormon himself so it must be true. Look at it this way. Like Brady's kids she can still remain in contact with her family they (Mainstream Mormons) are not antipolygamists like Her Mom's old group and she may later convert back over to polygamy when it is convenient or legalized. Isn't that the way they are hoping to go with all this campaigning about persecution. They want legalization so we can support all the children they can churn out of sad underappreciated breeders. It makes sense that occasionally you want to bring in new seed so Maddie can hook em and rope em and drag em in. The w ay they are moving out of Utah reminds me of one of those alien movies where they come to earth to lay eggs in the bodies of poor unsuspecting victims. Going back to Utah may be safer for some.

    4. Joining the LDS church means cutting her family out of their life for things like weddings. Weddings of their grandkids. The LDS church discourages public ceremonies in the US although they must have a public ceremony first in almost every country due to legalities. In the US most don't do the civil service that nonmember family can attend because they make you wait a year to seal in the Temple. LDS think everyone needs to be LDS. LDS are more upset about FLDS groups. It would be logical her picking university of Utah that she would eventually convert. Janelle hinted at it when they dropped her off.

      Kody don't be mad about the child bride thing when your mother in law married at 17. It just so happens the law allows children to marry with the consent of parents. He is scared by too many things that are not real. Maybe it's cause he knows he is doing something wrong?

  30. No boys talk from kody to Myketi & Aspyn?! Just a "take good care of each other & learn to be peaceful w/ each other. Drink water, eat well & exercise, OK?"

    1. I know...why no instructions on how to gouge a guy's eyeball out if he gets too close?

  31. Kody wins the PMS award tonight talking about persecution again- he looks deranged! They were afraid Christine's mom & her ex-polygamy friends were going to kidnap the kids- seriously?! Here we go...Christine's using that "not safe" catch phrase again.
    This episode is so weird.

    1. He has been so preoccupied with PMS lately,. that I think we should call him Kotex

  32. Kody says," people who leave our faith & become antagonistic, become a huge threat tour family "

    1. He's paranoid...and quite scary looking when he gets angry!

    2. He seriously needs some psych help - seriously. And, Christine, too - BIG TIME.

  33. Guess they're not having an episode next week b/c they don't wanna compete with Super bowl Sunday. An the previews for Feb 8th doesn't look too promising either. Same lame questions just with a younger group... Smh

  34. So, grandma was shunned for years. How lovely. Did she not contact her daughter? Did Christine refuse to have a phone conversation with her? Did Christine treat her mother the way she treated her aunt? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. And, it was Kody's mother who had to be the catalyst for the reunion - at the command of his mother. Christine could only reconnect with her mother with Kody as her escort.

      They're pathetic.

      Even through this alienation, Christine accepted the wedding dress her mother made for her. "Polygamists love free things."

    2. Interesting enough, I just watched the episode for the second time, and the whole wretched "rift" with her mother lasted about 6 months....if you listen carefully, it was six months that didn't talk....they make it sounds like 6 years...they are really desperate for drama...they are scrounging for anything here

    3. Could someone who owns their book please review the portion about Christine's mom and give us the timeline they published? I thought it was years, not six months.

  35. Looks like there will be a different family star with a different crisis each week now.
    Next epp....drumroll.......
    Maddie wants to go Mormon. Horrors !!!

    And an anthropology group will be "studying" Kodyworld, up close and personal?
    Including figuring out which wife is the "sex" wife?!!

    Ummm...haven't they been watching the show?

    1. "Haven't they been watching the show?" Exactly. Why haven't the Browns been under the microscope for TLC all these years? Robyn got to say the, "It's not safe," line here.

      I think another weekly theme will be Kody's hypochondria. Last week, it's a wasp sting. This week, it's over-exertion or exhaustion in the moves. Nevermind the near fatalities of the children...

    2. Well, hell, Kody can't let Brady be one up on him in that department!!

      Bring on the EMT's or the therapy lady for a house call.

  36. Did y'all see Robyn being sneaky & rubbing on kodys hand during the TH segment with her, kody, Meri & Christine, toward the very end of the episode? Oh Robyn, u sly Lil b***

    1. Yup- I noticed that! Hint to the anthropology student wondering who's the "sex" wife...look for the one rubbing his hand while batting the false eyelashes.

  37. Did y'all see Robyn being sneaky & rubbing on kodys hand during the TH segment with her, kody, Meri & Christine, toward the very end of the episode? Oh Robyn, u sly Lil b***

    1. I missed that, but my mouth dropped open when I saw Kody's enormous gut in the February 8th preview. He, too, has really doubled in size.

    2. Grifter,
      Yep, saw that too. Those jeans were ready to pop under that belly.
      Maybe Kody and Meri are somehow morphing into the same person !!
      They already have the hair down pat.

    3. Yes, sure did see that. Kody doesn't seem so crazy about Robyn as he once did. For most of the episode he was facing Christine and bumping knees with her.

      Kody is getting large and out of shape. He better get on it if he wants to keep being the sex god he thinks he is.

  38. Yep, Aspyn said it. Becoming dependent.

  39. Mindy sounds so incredibly busy with school and work and job hunting. How can she have enough time to babysit?

  40. Burp! This indeed was another drinking episode.

  41. There's so much to comment on. But, the greatest hypocrisy to me is that Kristine's mother - an apostate - is now "safe" enough to raise Christine's children, and Christine forgave her after only 6 months. But, after 2 years or more, Kody' friend Ken supposedly remains persona non grata in Christine's demented world and the family should have no contact with him any time in the future.

    Christine's mother's leaving her family, religion and community and then actively working against it garner about 10 minutes of an episode, but some comment (supposed joke) that Ken made to Kody alone two years ago or more garnered two episodes.

    Also, Kody gives the mother-in-law time to grieve leaving her home, but didn't ever offer that opportunity to all his children. Every time they return to their Utah house, there is a talking head, saying the home doesn't mean anything to them. Even Christine's mother supposedly is in tears, as she leaves, saying that she's happy to move in with Christine. And, she had a few weeks to prepare and process the move, which supposedly was such a natural progression of her close mother-daughter relationship.

  42. That child on a chair rolling down the street was dangerous.

    1. Yes it was but it was also an honest thing that young teen boys would do. I enjoyed it because it seemed unscripted and we don't see much of that.

    2. After the ATV accident, and the horse accident I would think they would not be happy about it. They seemed proud.

  43. Truly is a great example of kids being able to judge character, as we can see she has no time or patience for Kody...I've also noticed very few of the children seem close to Meri or Mariah...or really Robyn after her 'coolness' wore off.

    I will never get over how all the wives said Robyn was so hip and cool for the kids to have around. Then again, teens are notoriously fond of worn hard, speech impaired, 30 plus year old women who bang their grody ass dad...or wait, I'm thinking of texting. Kids today like texting.

  44. When Mykelti was packing her stuff in the garage I didn't see a wrestling mat. Was that only a plot for the show? Hunter is truly a wrestler. I raised one of those. Wrestlers do need to practice a lot, but we certainly never had a mat at our house. Those things are huge, heavy and hefty on the budget. So...where did the wrestling mat go.

    1. The mats most likely went back to Centennial high school where they got them for the show OR after filming they were donated by the HS to charity (and not Kody Brown). Either way those mats did not last long in Christine 's garage.

    2. CJ, I suspect that you are right.

    3. Kody probably figured it just wasn't worth it to have to spend the extra time with Christine, you know,PMS and all!

  45. When listening to Annie talk about her upbringing I noticed several interesting things. She was married while stll in high school. Although she chose her husband, he chose to court the girl "across the fence."

    1. Good point! How did she supposedly choose her husband, but the other wife was chosen by the husband. She is lying to make the AUB look not so bad. They probably drill these lies into the flock so much until these women really believe they did the choosing. But then the truth always comes out.

    2. Actually the other wife was chosen by someone else (either her husband's Dad or the pastor, cant' remember which).

    3. Yes, Annie said her husband's father or somebody mentioned him taking another wife. The point is that the girl didn't do the choosing.

    4. She said that she started to pray for a revelation about her husband at 14. At 16, she received it and realized that she wasn't attracted to him or liked him, so she decided that she better learn how to love him. Even in her retelling of her story, she never mentioned any heartache in leaving him - just everything else. Notably, she also said that raising children together is easy; being sister wives is hard. That's what the Browns are experiencing now, and they have no coping skills.

    5. Very good observation.When people are dishonest you have to watch carefully to catch the inconsistencies.

  46. The posters (and CJ) who said that Annie was moving in to watch the kids (and provide drama) were right. Not one word was said tonight about finances (even the Browns').

    I enjoyed watching the Browns keep referring to their work hours. They obviously mean their show, because the kids could be there (or at school) while they were doing MSWC design, packing, shipping, billing. They don't all have to go to the trade show. Christine could actually stay back and watch the kids.

    All I could think of was ' so glad the older ones have escaped'. Logan, Aspen, MyKelti, Maddie, and not so much - Hunter (because he was 3rd in line at his place), have all been the glue keeping the family together (and running) for several years now. Now, it's going to be Mindy and Annie keeping the family running so that the parents can continue to deny that polygamy doesn't solve their adult problems.

    Christine seems more immature each episode. Yes, she was the 'fun' one, but that is because she got to be the child. She never had to pay bills, work outside the home (no, I am not insulting stay at home Moms who act like adults), have an adult relationship that was anything more than dating. That's all her relationship with Kody used to be because she only saw him twice a week to do fun things. It's obvious she sees him even less. Truly treats him like the stranger he seems to her. She's so shy and uncomfortable around him.

    Robyn finally admitted that they are still 'single Mothers' in the TH - and that they never expect Kody to do any real parenting because he is there so seldom. Christine admitted that he interrupts her routine because everything else stops when he is there.

    1. I think Annie is there for drama, and Christine wanted to compete with Robyn's "nanny." She saw Robyn had free time to get hair nails done and hair frosted -lol- and private time with Kody. That Robyn is sneaky.

  47. Okay, I know you guys have noticed this but whenever one of the other wives is taking a beating through social network, none of the other wives steps to really defend her. Maybe one will throw her a bone like she has a good heart or is sooooo good making slop for the family but when Kody gets beat up on social network...they all come to his defense. Like crazy...all of those women defend the hell out of him. Also, Kody described her house as her house and later Kody said, well, it's your house. And some conversation between Annie and Christine about not wanting his time messed up or something and Annie saying something like so you rearrange your schedule for his visits or something like that. Wow....this is revealing...So, Kody, which is your house? YOur home? That's interesting. I thought he and each wife shared a home and expenses and raising the kids but now we are seeing that, like we thought, they are just chicks he visits to have sex with or fight with or sleep with or hang out where it's quiet. Gross, I tell you.

    1. That's the way the cult is set up. Everything focuses on the man. The women are pitted against each other, always in competition for the man's attention and approval. It's the perfect scenario for the whole mean girls behavior.

      Many expressed their anger for the women not coming to Christine's defense during the argument with Kody at the picnic table. It's their culture. If one of the "wives" is in the dog house, then you look better. I was actually surprised they didn't jump in on Kody's side to gain his approval.

  48. Christine really does not act as if she matured past 15 or 16 years old. Usually the oldest child, which I believe she was, matures than the younger siblings. I have never seen an adult so frightened of the big bad world as Christine.She has two teenagers and two elementry children left at home and needs her mom to raise them and run the house because the ones that did that job have moved out. When this family implodes, Aspen (the real parent) will be picking up the pieces of the Christine branch, and will be burdened taking care of infantile Christine and any underage siblings left at home. Mykelti, in my opinion, is the kid most like her dad and react like he would.

    1. I agree with everything you said. I have to SMH at Christine. She's so brainwashed, immature, and paranoid about the "dangers" out in the world. I've lost patience with her. Every time she opens her mouth about how frightened she is about everyone and everything I want to scream and almost turn the channel when Kody chimes in and reinforces what she's saying. They are crazy - and not in a good/fun way. If I was one of her kids I'd have run - fast - as soon as I could, away from their paranoia and hysteria. What an oppressive environment her household must be.

    2. I am just glad that although I'm sure Christine has expressed her fears of everyone else in the world to her kids.....the girls don't seem to share those fears. Matter of fact they can't seem to be able to wait to get out in the world!
      Christine should realize that anytime someone uses fear to keep you in a situation, it's probably not a situation you really want to be in.
      I'm glad her girls are getting out and experiencing life. I think they will do well!

  49. The only thing I found even remotely interesting about last night's episode was Mykelti and Aspyn's reaction to the thought of being sisterwives with Mariah. I think I actually snorted during that little exchange...

    - Lori

    1. Thought that was pretty funny AND telling.

    2. Kind of proved that the other Brown kids feel the same way we do about Mariah. She must be unbearable in person, I can't even imagine.

  50. I was reading Kody's tweets, and came across one where he jokes about something called a "banana box."

    Please, y'all...tell me that it doesn't mean what I think it means. PLEASE.

    1. You're safe. :) Annie's fabrics were packed in a freakishly large number of Dole banana boxes.

    2. Thank you! (whew).

    3. Of course if you google banana box and polygamy you might stumble onto an article about Owen Allred that contains some information about money laundering and large bills placed in a banana box....

    4. Oh, that is a priceless, missing piece of the puzzle, Kelly E. :)))))

  51. I'm sorry but for the life of me I just do not understand Christine saying that she hopes her mother can fill the void of Mykelti and Aspen leaving. Truely is her youngest and the others are very much old enough to mostly care for themselves. It's not like she has a house full of little kids to take care of so I don't get it at all.

    Oh and if they are gonna keep throwing around the "work" word then please tell us what this job is that you all have???

    Last point, wasn't it just last week that Christine was bragging (at the restaurant with the Colliers just before PMSgate began) that her monogamous women friends completely understood how she gets so much done because she has the help of sisterwives. Yet, this week on the couch it's all "we don't help each other ... you don't need me... blah blah blah" . Which is it Chrissy ??

    1. "PMSGate." LOLOL

      I agree, it would be helpful to show the adults actually "working." Things like taking orders, answering emails, packing joolry. Instead they spend time choreographing humiliating dance routines, throwing massive and expensive parties, and taking vacations.

      *sigh*...if it weren't for this blog I would not be able to stomach these clowns.

    2. Christine needs "help" because she's disorganized and immature and spends more time being jealous of her sisterwives than concentrating on her own issues. Since they were toddlers, she's depended on her older children to help raise the younger ones and she's just now having to manage it on her own and she can't do it.

    3. The void was helping with the kids and someone to talk to on a more grown up scale. I'm sure the talks with the older kids are more stimulating than with Truely.

  52. So Annie says that when she was about 14, she started praying about who she should be called to marry, and she didn't really like that person. I can't help but think about sly Kelly from Centennial Park who also had to pray about who to marry and ended up with the neighborhood hottie. Fascinating.

    I am just trying to figure out how this supposedly works. As a woman, you are told to pray about the man you will marry. But in the end, it goes through a group of men who ultimately make the decision, right? Is this just a way to make the women think that they actually have a modicum of control over their lives, when they truly have absolutely no say at all in who they marry?

    I just cannot wrap my brain around this lifestyle sometimes. Watching the Brown family just makes it so much worse!

  53. So I can't decide who has more fun reading this blog:


    The TLC writers?

    The Kody Klan?

  54. OMG -- did y'all see the condition of Robyn's house? Every square foot of the entryway, living room, hallway, and eating area had 'stuff' strewn everywhere. From random shoes, toys, shopping bags, backpacks, clothes - - it was everywhere and they were stepping over it. Had Mindy been on vacation? Dang - it was absolutely filthy! And she let it be filmed. SMH

    1. I noticed that. They are all messy, which I guess is fine if that's your thing, but gosh - not a neat one among them--with the exception of maybe Meri. And yes, with Meri not having kids, that makes sense. Point is, they just seem very sloppy. Plus, they don't work, so what's stopping you from cleaning your house? Also, if I was being filmed, I would definitely make sure my house was clean.

    2. "Also, if I was being filmed, I would definitely make sure my house was clean."

      That's exactly what I was thinking! "Cameras are coming kids! Everyone start picking up!"

    3. That was the biggest thing I took away from this episode, the state of their houses is a disaster!!! I could not believe Robyn would let them film her house when it looked as bad as it did. Wow. The kids should all be doing chores and helping them clean before they are allowed to roll down the cult-a-sac on office chairs. All those kids equal more man power to clean fast.

      I was surprised that even the carpets looked totally filthy. It was obvious how cheaply designed and put together the mansions are too, they already look dated and cheap. I bet by next year the homes will be really thrashed.

  55. Okay, when Janelle said she was worried about watching Truely (or something like that), I thought that was weird. Is something wrong with Truely that makes watching her difficult? Or, is it just that Janelle never watches anybody's kids - including her own - so she doesn't know what to do? Or are their relationships so strained that this family never interacts with each other at all, so this is like a really big deal? Either way, it sounded really strange to hear that from a sister wife about another sister wife's kids.

    Basically, what they have going is regular distant family or friendship dynamics - what it might be like with your cousin or a friend. I might be a little apprehensive about watching a family member's child if she doesn't stay over much. Or maybe if it were my friend's kid, but maybe not a close friend. This is not what I would expect from my sister wife - especially if it's my husband's kid. Basically, you don't all need to sleep with the same man to have the type of relationship you have. You're acting like cousins or frenemies.

    And no way does Kody parent those children, which is probably why overall they appear to be a decent bunch. When he says he probably won't visit Aspyn and Mykelti, I believe him.

    1. What am I thinking? They ARE cousins and frenemies. Sigh ...

    2. Janelle didn't raiser her own kids, why would she want to help out with anyone else's?

      It was very telling. You could tell by the look on Janelle's face that she didn't want to keep Truly and was concerned over the situation.

    3. I'd cut Janelle a break on this one. Truely is 4, right? Janelle's youngest is... 8? As an experienced mom of 3 whose youngest is 10, I'd still be a little apprehensive to watch a friend's 4 year old for several days. They are a lot of work at that age.

  56. So what did we learn...*or un-learn*.... in this episode of "As the Kodyworld Turns"...or "As the Stomach Churns".....???

    1- Christine, who has 3 teenagers left and who are gone all day in school, one of whom is a strapping, physically capable teen boy, and one four yr, old soon to be in pre-school and then school.....Christine needs "help" to manage life.
    Now that her two older housekeeper/ childcare giver/ logic giver, manager-daughters have moved on.....Christine MUST have help. WHY ????
    Is she that incapable of managing her household. Apparently so !!
    Is she lacking the ability to make decisions, plan meals, pay her bills, be a "mom"....Apparently so !!

    (Oh, and btw TLC, we DO remember that Aspyn already moved out LAST year.)

    Personally, I think the problem is that *Christine cannot be alone without another adult or mature child to tell her what to do.*
    Her four remaining children don't qualify yet, so her mother, despite al the anti-plyg baggage qualifies. Christine needs her own adult-child minder.

    2- Christine's mother's notorious anti-plyg stance and activism has been completely re-written to fit the new version of Christine and Mommy love. Yep, the very same mother who was forbidden to be near her grandchildren for fear of philosophical contamination !!

    But hey, This is Kodyworld....New episode, New version...
    Wasn't true...all is forgiven....back to rainbows and lollipop time in the cuddle-sac.
    I really, really hope granny is going stealth and will slip in her REAL thoughts about the "joys" of multiplying luv.

    We learn that anything in Kodyworld is BS......or soon will be in another episode !!.

    1. I am really bothered by Christine's riff with her mother. I don't understand how she could cut out her mother over a misunderstanding of her mother's position with the organization she started. (Does anybody know what organization this was? Does it have anything to do with Aunt Kristen Decker?) Seems so totally irrational to back herself into the corner believing that her mother was out to get her and her family, and possibly even take away her children!! Obviously that intellectual Kody supported this view too. All the heartache Christine created and relished, becoming self righteous about the false threat of her "unsafe" mother. Young children deprived of their grandmother, minds being poisoned, children being scared unnecessarily. Complete opposite of strong family values.

      Christine's recently revealed inability to take care of her kids and house is probably related to her serious depression since Robyn arrived, which was made less obvious by her eldest daughters running the household. I suspect that Annie will straighten out much of the dysfunction.

      Another thing. I don't get how Christine missed how miserable her mother was in her marriage. All she talks about is how wonderful it was having two mothers, while her mother was dying inside and had to leave to save her soul. Can you imagine Christine & Kody cavorting at their wedding with her father and his sister wife? Christine is another "me, me, me!" narcissist crippled by immaturity. But all will be fine. Her dear sweet mother has arrived to help.

    2. Of course Christine couldn't see how miserable her mother was, Christine only cares about Christine.

      After someone down-thread pointed out that they probably want the moms to move in so that they help pay on their monster house payments, I believe that. In Christine's case, she probably wants her mom to do a good deal of the cleaning, shopping, child care, and take care of getting the bills in on time. She is still like a 12 year old child.

  57. Has this been discussed? During Kody's rant about not having any other mothers-in-law move in with them, he never once mentioned a possible need or concern on the mothers in law's part. It was all "I" statements. "I" am not ready. "I" need to get used to one first. "I" make the world go round, etc.

    So irritating.

    1. Kody is a textbook sociopath. He would take ice cream from a child's hand if he wanted it.
      I, I, I, Me, Me, Me, Mine, Mine, Mine

    2. I'm pretty sure Monogamous Apostate that we have seen Kody take food from his children and his own mother! I agree. . . textbook.

    3. Everything is all about him, always has been and always will be. His mom probably raised him thinking he was the most special boy around, now he has 4 wives who think he is the sun and a bunch of younger kids who adore him and want his time which is perfect for his ego. However, you can see that his older kids stop caring at a certain point and see right through him. Too bad his wives don't see it.

    4. Yeah, Kody PROUDLY took food out of his children's bowls and his mother's hands. He probably has a personality disorder.

  58. Kody is so egocentric that everything that happens must be considered by how he is affected. When Truely was sick, he had to figure out how to divide his time between the sick toddler and Mariah. Also, he acts like someone who has an addiction to speed...buzzing around with no real focus. He could have ADHD and that might explain why he is always so rattled at everything every one says and does. I suspect that Christine is one of those mothers who is never able to get it together and as a result her children suffer and are forced to raise themselves and later on, raise their younger siblings. Janelle admits that she is more a professional person and not so much a housewife/stay at home mom; however, she does seem to keep things together for the kids. Logan was a big help to her and probably Maddie. I think that when the wives are unhappy and under stress due to that unhappiness, their children suffer. In all of the escape from polygamy stories that I have read, the adult children have similar tales of watching their mothers being upset and over looked both financially and emotionally. Women often talk about how they suffer through neglect and often abuse (financial, emotional, and sometimes physical). I think Nathan made a good point when he said that the secrecy of polygamy makes it easy for abusive people to have victims, but I don't agree with him when he says that having polygamy more mainstream will make abuse less likely. In Christine's life, the abuse she suffers at the hands of not only Kody but the other women is cruel. And, sadly, Christine doesn't see this as abuse but her needing to regulate herself. All abusive men and women should be called out and women and men in those relationships should remove themselves and their children. The brown clowns' attempt to paint their house of cards with happiness and togetherness is falling, one card at a time. Picking bits and pieces from their very scripted stories is finally putting their life in perspective: they don't support each other; they don't have relationships with each other or each others' children; they don't make homes with Kody...on and on and on and on

    1. Kody definitely has ADHD, Christine most likely does too. I loved how Christine's mom kept trying to tell Kody to calm down and focus on one thing at a time. Adult ADHD/ADD is a serious problem, it can stop otherwise smart, motivated people from succeeding. We've seen waht it has done for the Brown family. Kody is in no way able to be the head of a large family, he is unable to prioritize, focus, or put other people first.

  59. Glad there was no drama over robyns ex. Was that a misprint?

    1. I was waiting for that too. Maybe next week?

  60. Found an interesting article today on a FDLS compound in the Black Hills -- neighbors are trying to block them drilling a bigger water well. Basically the drift of the article is if they block the well permit, they can limit the number of members in the compound. Guy who owns the compound is Warren Jeffs brother.

    1. Another related link -- this one with how the neighbors deal with the compound. Paper seems to be doing a series about this situation.

      Another link -- how things were pretty under the radar until they requested a permit to drill another water well.

    2. Also considering South Dakota has prosecuted the most human sex trafficking cases in recent years, this may not have been the best place to move their compound. The sex trafficking cases have increased because of the Bakken Oil Field. The Billings Gazette has done a big series on the issue and South Dakata has been a big pusher in prosecuting cases. I can't seem ignoring the issue if they think something hinky is going on in the compound.

  61. Here's an article about the FLDS in Hillsdale from Saturday. Its most pertinent line is a quote regarding the fall-out of Warren Jeffs' imprisonment. "It’s easier for people to put it under religious persecution than the reality of why he’s actually in there.”

  62. Brady, of 5 Wives fame, thinks more of how he can change to be helpful. Kody? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Never!

    Christine's mom will have to do some serious downsizing to be comfortable or even fit in her space. Couldn't she have had a garage sale or some such things BEFORE she hauled it all over to Christine's? Ugh. What a logistical nightmare to figure out what goes where, what do we keep, what do we toss, what goes to GoodWill, etc.

    I so agreed with Janell when she said she didn't envy Kody, Christine, and Christine's mom figuring out how to set up boundaries. What a job that would be for a normal family, let alone this nightmare of a set up.

    1. I agree about the downsizing. When having my grandmother move in as a child, she got rid of most things. She moved in a bedroom suite and one rocker. She had a few things that could fit in her bedroom, but the amount of stuff Annie was planning to move looked to me to be the setting for a television show, not a real life situation.

    2. I agree - I didn't see any downsizing on Annie's part. She needs to rent a storage unit for all of that old fabric. And the bags she makes? Yikes, she'll never sell them! I wonder if she can even give them away! The fabric looked old, very dated, probably was starting to disintegrate from being stored for years in a damp basement, and the bags themselves didn't look very well made. It looked more like a hobby gone amuk than it did a business. Kinda like the Robyn's joolery business.

    3. I'm pretty sure that's where this is heading... Annie's bags being a new part of their MSWC "business". Eeek! And I, too, was fuming at how inconsiderate it was of her mother to bring all of that crap!!!!! Purge, lady, purge! Or maybe TLC is setting this up for Annie to cause trouble by storing her crap on Meri's wet bar. :)

    4. I'm pretty sure that's where this is heading... Annie's bags being a new part of their MSWC "business".

      And this was filmed in August? 5 months ago? Are Annie's bags now offered on MSWC? Probably not. MSWC never EVER coordinates merchandise being available when the show airs showing the merchandise. NEVER. So I agree with you Anon 5:40, Annie's bags will be sold on MSWC, available Spring 2017!

    5. The move is probably temporary (just for the show) and the rest of the stuff will be in storage.

    6. Anon 5:40 here... Yes! The Spring 2017 line... assuming she actually makes bags and it is not just all a ruse for Annie's fabric hoarding! LOL! They can call it "My Sister Wives Overstuffed Closet". (My Sister Wives Skeleton-Filed Closet needs to be saved for future uses. :))

  63. So all the grandmas will eventually be living with them to provide free childcare and presumably a portion of their Social Security checks and proceeds from the sale of their homes? Just a wild guess this is all about the money. And the free childcare.

    1. Ah, I didn't think about it that way, but I think you are right with the social security part. The Browns really are conniving aren't they?

    2. It's all about the money. Not only does she get childcare, she also gets some extra money from the SS checks, and house proceeds, if her mom does indeed own the house! That's what I thought from the very beginning!

    3. I don't think Christine's mom is old enough to collect social security. If she was 17 when she had Christine she would only be 57ish. I doubt she's over 60. My guess is that Annie wasn't doing well financially and needed to downsize. She'll probably get some TLC money, too. Mindy came in as a nanny (as did Robyn's step sister) but neither were ever really on camera. If Annie is front and center it's to "shake things up," and for some extra money.

  64. Can someone please help this poor boring monogamist get a grasp on this? Christine publicly calls Robyn out because Christine is just devastated that Robyn hired a nanny. Robyn is just awful for hiring a nanny instead of asking for Christine to help raise her children. Oh, and by the way, since Christine can't even take care of her own children and household, she is moving her mother in to help. WTF?

    Soooo, you can't take care of your own kids but Robyn is the bad guy for hiring a nanny instead of asking you to take care of her kids? More like Christine is pissed because Robyn has two teenagers who could've taken over for Aspyn in raising Christine's kids and running her household.

    Christine is so busy playing the victim that she is getting her stories crossed within the same freaking episode. I think that shocked look on Robyn's face was genuine. Why would she ask someone who can't even take care of her own kids to babysit for her?

    Christine's older girls didn't just move out to go to college--those kids fled from the crazy lady

    1. Did you hear Robyn ask Christine if she was serious? That scene felt very real, and it did seem like Robyn was caught by surprise. She's an actress, but I don't think she's that good.

  65. And the way that creep spoke to his "wives" in that scene! How can those women tolerate being treated like that? He has no respect for them.

  66. If I was Annie, I'd definitely be concerned about where I'll be living once the Browns no longer has TLC $ to help pay for 4 hefty mortgages & yearly taxes. Which brings me to question if the Browns are current on their property taxes? That's probably another reason why they were desperately seeking venture capital.
    We all know that the Browns don't have a very good financial history so that would definitely be weighing in the back of my mind. I just don't think they're really thinking or planning that far into their future.

    1. Wouldn't the property taxes be paid by the mortgage company? That's how my mortgage works.

    2. Property taxes are only paid by the lender if the buyer was able to include an impound account when they purchased the home. Some lenders don't offer an impound, and it is sometimes the buyer's choice. I've done it both ways--right now my lender doesn't make impound available--a bummer, because I prefer having it rolled in automatically each month to getting a fat property tax bill twice a year...

  67. The contradiction in the show is AMAZING!! Not only is it bad from one episode to another, but the SAME show! Holy Cow....I am quite sure not one of those Browns have one bit of say in what will be shown on TV...they all huddle around the TV on Sunday to see what got put in.

    Truely not going to Kody when he puts his hands out was ....PRICELESS!!! If he had any say in the editing I would imagine that would not be in it. Earth to Browns, earth to Browns....your production company is making you out to look like dysfunctional clowns on purpose!!!!!! Hellooooooooo.

    The mother-in-law is in it for the "Mama Drama" and a paycheck!!!!!!!!!!! The best part is she is going to have A LOT of awesome candid moments which this production crew is going to make sure gets on the show for us to see....It will probably be a lot of "under the breath" type of we need to keep our ears open or hopefully they put the caption at the bottom of the screen for us to read. LOL

    So....Aspyn thinks Mykelti should pay more rent because of a bathroom thing....Are they working???

    I bet Meri didn't go on twitter tonight because she knew this was a Non-Meri episode...why bother.

    Also the whole Jenelle watching Truely was REALLY weird. According to Christine "she packed her bags and could not wait to go to Jenelles, so she sat FOR HOURS waiting to go over" Huh????

    I'm done with believing that this is any longer a polygamist family what so ever....NO WAY!

    This is "Knots Landing" a la 21st century...except that its one man on the street and a bunch of
    Perimenopausal women headed for major meltdowns.

    Question to CJ.... Do we have any REAL contact for Tameron Hall???? Would really love for her to slip in some REAL questions for the mock "Tell All".

  68. Also....don't think Kody's mom will be moving in any time soon, cuz you know where she would have to live.......Meri's house!! NOT A CHANCE

    1. Not only would she most likely be miserable under the same roof with Mary, she would probably be chained to the stove making caramels for Robyn to sell on her junk store site. I'm guessing Christine's mom will be selling those awful bags on there before long. You can bet that if Kody gives the o.k. for a MIL to move in, it has to benefit him more than anyone.

  69. Wait a minute. . . If janelle was watching Truely, why was she in the shot in utah at Annie's house??? Bad editing? Or did janelle change her mind?

    1. I didn't catch that. There was a time earlier in the year when Janelle was tweeting about watching Truely. Now I wonder if that was just a set up for the show too.

    2. I caught that too, but there was an RV in the background. I'm assuming that was footage from their earlier trip to see how much she had to move.

  70. Have to comment on Kody-Idiot's Charles Manson darting eye flashing tirade on the terrible "untrue" news stories about poor, maligned plygs !

    Kody, we DO know that you really are "an ignorant oaf" as you stated, but haven't you ever heard the old adage of "me thinks you doth protest too much"??

    Kody..give it up. We get it!! You (and /or TLC) obviously do read the blogs. and it is all about damage control. But it isn't working.
    You are just NOT a good representative for a benevolent harem master of Plyg life.

    1. The look on Kody's face during that tirade was seriously creepy. There's a very angry guy (with very crazy eyes) hiding behind that fake goofball exterior- imagine what he's like without the camera around!

  71. Well, we may have an answer to the quesion, "Why does Kody always hold Sol and never Truely?" Sol is still young enough that he doesn't shy away from Kody. Truely on the other hand...doesn't want anything to do with him and she shows it over and over. I suspect Kody doesn't want to risk that kind of rejection on camera very often. I suspect that Truely has seen enough animosity between Kody and Christine that she wants none of it. Sol on the other hand probably sees constant flirting and lovey-dovey behavior.

  72. It seems to me that Christine's broken fantasy of sister wives raising each others kids has more to do with the show, the joolry trade shows, the travel, the Vegas night life, 4 extra kids, and the older kids escaping than just the move to Vegas. Before the show all the adults but Christine worked day jobs, and were home every night- plus extra relatives were local for when Christine needed a break.

  73. Kody has never directly addressed the abuse claims in the AUB church but on the one episode Collier gave the same line as Brady's wife who said bad men can hide because mothers fear having their kids taken away.Were the FLDS kids not given back knowing the parents were polygamist? Last episode he outright denied claims made by the antipolygamists because these are GOOD people, he knows them. One wonders what good people is to a chronically poor provider for his kids who can't model good parenting or being faithful to ones wife.

  74. What was up with Robyn's mom wanting to move in? Isn't she married and has her own sister wives? Hasn't she gone on about the wonderfulness of it all? However, she makes it sound like she would have no problem leaving all that behind. Interesting...

  75. Hi everyone! I've been a lurker on the blog for some time and after so long I thought I'd add my two cents. I'm a sociologist but I speak here from personal experience, and why I think Christine has this paranoia and fear of what's "not safe."

    My husband and I are an interracial couple and he comes from a very traditional background where he was expected to have an arranged marriage. His decision to have a love marriage created a rift between him and his family. When we first started dating, he repeatedly told me that our relationship was temporary, because he didn’t think he could ever disappoint his family. Because of the lack of trust between us and my anxiety over him leaving, I was extremely suspicious towards his parents and his community. Even after he told them about us and he decided to officially leave the community, I still had a lot of pent-up resentment towards his family and what they had said about me/to me. Before we got married I told my husband that I wanted to make sure I felt completely comfortable in our relationship and that I could trust him to never leave. We did eventually get married, because it’s very clear to everyone that I am my husband’s number one, and that I will always come first. Only once I felt comfortable in our relationship was I able to start forgiving his family, and to try to understand their position from a place of love and empathy, rather than fear and hate.

    Christine’s world was turned upside-down when Robyn came into the family. I feel like she's been fairly candid about that. Even during this episode, Christine talks about how things were before, and how their family situation has been permanently changed. I almost feel like Christine's decision to have her mother move in was a tit for tat...if Robyn gets a nanny while she designs her jewellery, then Christine gets her own nanny, also. I thought it was weird when Janelle said it will be a culture change, watching Christine's kids while the others are gone. Isn't the basis of their whole lifestyle and "culture" the fact that they raise their kids together? Why is it even a point of discussion?

    Anyway, back to my initial point. I think Christine feels incredibly insecure in her marriage and towards her other sister wives, especially Robyn. Christine has said that she doesn't feel special anymore. Kody says that Meri provides a quiet, organized house; Janelle is an intellectual equal; Christine was the fun one. It's obvious that Kody favours Robyn, and they seem to have had great fun on their extended honeymoon, their dates, etc. Christine wants to be a pixie princess whom Kody dotes on. If Kody avoids Christine because of their arguments, and turns to Robyn instead, what's Christine role in their family? In her marriage?

    Marriages change because the people in them change. Hopefully because they feel secure and safe enough to grow. If Kody was repulsed by Christine and married her basically because she was polygamy royalty, and then eventually Christine carved a niche for herself as the fun, easygoing wife who takes care of the others' kids and who reconciled the first two wives...that is a comfortable spot to sit in for 16 years. Imagine that role is your entire identity. And then suddenly you're replaced, and you're no longer the go-to babysitter. Your husband finds you incredibly irritating, and he finds your princess act frustrating, not funny anymore. Where do you go from there?

    You become depressed, and anxious, and paranoid. Just like I was paranoid when I didn't know if my husband would pick me or his parents. His parents lived hundreds of miles away and he fought with them all the time. Now imagine instead, my husband was picking between me and three other women, including a "newer model" who is much younger and still having children.

    I'm not saying their behaviour is justifiable, or even excusable. But, for what it's worth, that was my lengthy psycho-social analysis of the Browns.

  76. Also, did anyone else see Robyn's blackened bare feet when she was walking in and out and around her messy house before going to get Annie? She had black flip flops at first and was barefoot and the had flip flops again. You could see the bottom of her flithy bare feet. Gross!

  77. I just subjected myself to the Closet--it's been awhile. They have a LOT more crap for sale, but some things remain the same, such as the copy: "Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to have access to all your friend's closets?" So, no rushing to the fix bad punctuation that's been there since day one.

    No matter how much junk they throw up there, it just continues to be a flea-market of ugly. They also aren't on top of web maintenance, which MUST be seen to in a timely manner when the web is how you actually sell your wares. Example (besides the grammatical one mentioned above): in their list of filters, they include one for "Cyber Monday." Other filters choices take you to non-existent product, such as "Video." I'm thinking Sean the trainer is no longer part of the MSWC circus of values?

    There are two "handcrafted" baby quilts for sale now; they're fairly cute, but absolutely NOT worth almost $150 each! Not to mention, the Browns have made themselves the arbiters of which gender fits with which quilt, because lord forbid you buy the green and blue motif with jungle animals for a girl baby, y'all.


  78. Good Grief...Facebook is DOWN!!! Whoo hoo!!!
