
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Review: Sister Wives S08Ep02 "A Family Meltdown"

All I have to say is, Old Faithful wasn't the only thing that blew it's top in this episode of Sister Wives.

I had some issues with this latest episode of living the plyg life with Kody and his Kody-pendents©.

You know what? I don't care about the stupid argument between Kody and Christine over something Kody's childhood friend Ken texted to him years ago. I simply don't.

I don't feel pity for Christine because this is the life she chose. I don't feel pity for Kody because he also chose this life and to procreate with the Princess of Polygamy.

Does Sol look like he's enjoying this mess? NO HE DOESN'T!

I do feel pity for their many children, particularly Sol, who at one point was stuck in the middle of the argument, held firmly in his idiotic father's over-reacting arms.

The look on that child's face says it all. Kody and Christine should be ashamed of themselves!


I was somewhat relieved when Robyn showed up and took Sol out of the crossfire.

True to form, however, instead of  Robyn taking her son far away from the situation, she stands off to the side, obviously relishing the fight so much she didn't want to miss one minute of it.

Great parenting, Robyn.

And why was Meri standing there, too? This was an argument between Christine and Kody, yet two other sister wives felt the need to interlope? Why didn't Meri say "Guys, people are staring and this is being taped. Stop it now!" And where was Janelle? Hiding under the RV???

I swear these people have fetid fecal matter for brains!

Look, this is the deal as I see it...

Christine has to know Kody is an obnoxious jerk. In their book Becoming Sister Wives, Kody recounted how her eating nachos with chili and cheese was just so disgusting, he called off getting married to her for a while. And in their 2nd Tell All, when Natalie Morales pointed out to Kody how hurt Christine was by what he wrote and said about her, THE DOG REFUSED TO APOLOGIZE!! In fact, he looked Morales straight in the eyes and said "I was just being honest." Later in a separate interview alone with Morales, Kody again refused to apologize and said "You asked me a question. I stated where I was at the time." How perfectly narcissistic.

Kody ain't giving up an inch on this argument.

So Christine, I ask you. If Kody won't even apologize for embarrassing you in front of millions of TV viewers AND those millions who bought your book, what makes you think he'll ask his friend Ken to apologize to you for a condescending text?

And as if this whole stupid situation wasn't enough, guess who cancelled his playdate with old school pal Kody?

Yep, Ken apparently decided he didn't need the Christine and Kody drama after all. No doubt Ken was always the smart one in the Kody and Ken dynamic friendship duo.

What a waste of time and angst. The very least that could have happened on this trip would be the black water hose shooting Brown  feces up Kody's self-righteous nose!

Let's hope Kody remembers the white hose is not for cleaning the crap out of the black hose this time around.

So what was the purpose of this road trip to Hell?

Beats me. Being that in real time, this trip occurred very shortly after the Route 66 road trip shown last season. Was it all for the drama of filming Kody and Christine having it out? Or to show Kody  slowly driving Christine insane with his never ending narcissistic, unyielding, cruel behavior towards her?

Your guess is as good as mine.

I suppose the production company justified the added cost by saying they needed to tie up some loose ends. Like, for example, the less than exciting footage of Janelle depositing Maddie off at her college apartment. Notice how I didn't mention Kody?? That's because I still don't believe he was actually in the car with Maddie and Janelle when they drove up to Logan UT.

Well, here's the short version. Kody felt that his last meeting with Maddie didn't go over well, so he tried to bribe her with food for her apartment in exchange for a father-daughter talk. Maddie agreed because she's no fool. Free food is free food. And it was delicious how in her talking head, she said even though Kody wants her to tell him everything that's going on with her, she never will.

Perhaps Kody should have made a better effort to be with her while she was a child because the grown up Maddie ain't playing the "Connect with Dad by telling him your secrets" game.

Maddie simply doesn't care. Bye Felicia!

Buh, Bye!!!

I still don't understand why two wives stay in a motel, while the other two wives (plus Mindy) stay at a RV park. And it's always the same two wives, too: Legal wife Meri and yearning to be the legal wife Robyn with her 4 kids.What man would leave two RVs filled with young girls and 3 women alone with NO male presence in a strange RV park? Kody Brown would.

And it turned out the motel was the same one Kody and Meri stayed at on their honeymoon. Of course, Kody had to remark "If I had remembered, I would have stayed 'here' last night" as if he really spent the night in the RV park with his other women plus Mindy. Nope, I ain't buying it.

And the face Robyn made when Kody told her, well, let's just say if I'd been Meri, I would have made sure that face would be a permanent part of her anatomy. Not everyone got their honeymoon paid for by TLC like Robyn did, wench!

There were a couple of "what the hell" moments  still left in this episode for me.

For example, Kody talking about his testicles shrinking whenever he thought about asking his friend Ken to apologize to Christine.

Kody and Robyn actually borrowing money for MSWC from a man who owns, among other businesses, a pawn shop!

Call me silly, but anyone who thinks this guy loaned MSWC money using some junk jewelry for collateral, I've got some land to sell you in the Nevada desert.

Christine's mother leaving her home to move to Las Vegas because she's tired of living alone. Does this look like a woman who will be happy to move into Christine's home surrounded by Kody Khaos?

And finally, Christine trying to look contrite when she says she may have ruined the trip for everyone, and she doesn't know how to fix it.

Puleeeezzzzeeee!!!! Own it Christine. Yes you ruined the vacation on purpose. And you are not sorry about it. I'm sure when you're in bed you laugh out loud while you think how you made everyone feel just as miserable as you do.

I need a King Sol and Truely fix to help take away the stench from all this Brown BS that was in this episode!!!

Next episode, the Browns Meet More Polygamists.


Looks like King Sol got his hair cut!!!!


  1. Thanks for another fantastic recap CJ!

    Not much to add except : Do you all think the Browns spawned something for some $ (not iconic joolry & not for $100,000). And Christine reminds me of one of my family members who is truly not happy until everyone is miserable. She has ruined countless vacations, holidays, & special events. It's what she *does* and everyone knows it. Christine definitely does this too. Could Janelle be any more checked out? She is so emotionless. Even regarding leaving her daughter in another state. I think she's heavily medicated. Good ole Ken wasn't available. I wonder if that means he didn't want go participate in the show again yet they drug his name through the dirt anyways. Serious lack of any real storyline already.

    1. *pawned. Stupid auto correct. Although spawned is rather funny considering...

    2. I have a SIL who tries to ruin every holiday/family get together. It has gotten to the point where we no longer invite her and my brother to things, which sucks because we then don't get to see my nephews, but we couldn't deal with the negativity any longer. I would hate to have a sister wife I couldn't get away from.

  2. Christine looks as old as her mother in the above photos.

    1. I was thinking that too. And her mom looks a lot thinner than Christine or her daughters are. Maybe she will teach the kids some healthier eating habits.

  3. I really think Christine's mother is moving in with her out of desperation. Now who's desperation?, I'm not sure! I think that either she's moving in because she can't afford to maintain a home on her own, or she's moving in to help Christine be more able to pay bills at her place. Either way I think it's a bad move because they will all probably be looking for a place to land in the very near future. The TLC gravy train is just about out of track & I can't believe any of these women have enough brains to have been saving for a rainy day.

    1. Christine's Mom seems to have aged between the Mother's Day episode and this one... and it's only been a year. She has to be financially desperate, because otherwise she could move into a condo in Las Vegas and get her goals (not to maintain the outside of a home, and to be close to most of her grandkids). Why else would someone who left polygamy move in with her daughter, the polygamist?

    2. Or..... Christine's Mom has agreed to join the Kodyworld circus and has been added to the TLC F/8 payroll as a new character and a new storyline.
      Just sayin........

    3. I too think it's a storyline. They offered her a paycheck to bring the drama. Which mother is most likely to cause conflict? Why the ex-plyg of course. It's all manufactured by TLC and these people only see those $$$

    4. With Aspyn and Mykelti gone, Christine lost her nanny/baby sitters and probably wanted to compete with Sobyn having a family member move in and nanny for her too. I don't see anything good coming of this. You can just see the hate oozing out of Christine's mom's eyes when dealing with Kody. Maybe she'll talk some sense into Christine?

      If my daughter's husband ever said that he wasn't attracted to her and that he was disgusted by her eating nachos on national television, and then made out with his girlfriend while she was giving birth, I would be out for blood. Not to mention belittling her in public and calling her petty on social media. I would be out for blood. Kody better watch his back. Sobbyn too. I wouldn't want to mess with Christine's mother.

    5. Kody better watch his back...I wouldn't want to mess with Christine's mother.
      If memory serves me, I believe Christine's mother is a member of the LeBaron plyg tree branch...'nuff said.

    6. Just did some googling to confirm...Christine's mother is Ruthann Elizabeth LeBaron. Ruthann's father was Floren Donald LeBaron, a brother of the infamous Ervil LeBaron who ordered the murder of Rulon C Allred - who started the AUB and was Christine's grandfather. You can read about the murderous Ervil LeBaron here:

    7. Thanks for the sleuthing, CJ. The plot also thickens with these folks.

      Christine's grandfather on her mother's side was brother to the man who ordered the hit on her paternal grandfather. In other words, Christine's maternal great uncle ordered the murder of her paternal grandfather.
      But .....Christine "never knew men could be such bastards!! "

    8. I almost expect Christine's mother to be a non-entity in the show, like Mindy. Kody wouldn't allow some woman to challenge him or criticize him on air. He would be incapable of defending himself, especially if Christine and her mother sided against him together.

      If Christine's mother is shown, it will probably be in a talking head where she claims that her experience in polygamy was bad, but Kody is so wonderful, or family is so important. Or, she'll have to profess how grateful she is to the wonderful Kody for allowing her to live there, because family is so important. We won't see Kody off-camera, aiming his birthday rifle at her.

      Although they've already sold their souls for their McMansions, and now they're offering to sacrifice Kristine's mother, I don't think that the Browns would give up a cent of their payday to someone else, especially if the gravy train is ending and they're so desperate that they're begging at pawn shops.

    9. Sweetie, All valid points !!
      Assuming that what is being shown is "real"..!?

      Seriously doubt that the Pawn Shop begging was legit, any more than last season's Venture Capital was authentic. Still remember the female alleged VC with the bursting cleavage at a "business" meeting???
      On paper, the pawn deal sham probably sounded like a good ratings getter, but it was badly done and reeked of BS.
      As for not wanting to share their TLC moola with anyone else, doubtful that they have any say in what the producers want to do to boost ratings. This show is in survival mode now,

      Besides, Kody now having to occasionally break bread with a "known defector"...!!!.!! Just think of all the irate TH's for Kody....rodent eyes darting, permed hair flying, hands waving as he spouts his twisted wisdom...and venom !! Ratings GOLD !!!

    10. Maybe kody pawned his assault rifle & Robyn pawned her guitar that kody got her a few Christmas's ago?!? ;-)

  4. Sadly, I think that among all their family, they are the wealthy ones. That's why, everyone(all the MILs) will move in with them sooner or later according to Kody.



  6. Kody-pendents!!! Made my night!

  7. Wow, Cynical, I am so impressed with your review. When my review buzz is over, I will read it again. That good. Merci beaucoup.

  8. CJ I was cracking up(as usual) while reading ur re-cap! Thanks for the much needed laughs. Ur snark was on point!! :)
    Now I'm sure this is already been asked, but why in the hell is Sol still on a bottle? Dayuumm Robyn, it's time to ween ur boy off the tit & bottle! They do sell sippie cups, ya know? He can't go to head start while still sucking on those things...smh
    The pic above of Robyn's horrid expression at the motel is hilariously priceless. And I call BS on Meri & Kody just so happened to remember that's where they honeymooned. They knew damn good & well but was too embarrassed to say. So now that makes me wonder where Christine & Janelle got to stay on their special night?? Janelle probably stayed in a tent & Christine probably another type of no tell motel. I betcha if Robyn went back to their honeymoon destination she'd be sure to let everyone know!! Lol

    1. Exactly what I was going to write, King Sol is way too old for a bottle. Guess since he is most likely Sobyn's last child she is doing her best to keep him young. He apparently cannot walk either since Kody has to carry him all the time. Let King Sol have some fun and run around!

    2. I agree. Why wasn't he playing with the other kids? He seems resolved to having someone hold him. Most kids his age are ready to get down and play. I think it is because Robyn needs to keep him baby-like so Kody doesn't demand more kids.

      Kody always carries him around but there is no interaction between them. Who holds a baby without looking at them, making them laugh, or engaging on some level? Kody-The Sociopath!

  9. I hope that Christines mom moving in will have a positive impact & influence on Christine. Hope she will finally leave kodys douche ass! It's very clear that kody just don't seem to give a damn about Christine period!! He was still being a jerk to her on twitter about this episode. But we all know that their problems run much deeper than this episode.
    Also I don't think Kody & Christines mom will have to worry too much about triggering each other since kody doesn't seem to spend too much time at Christines anyways!!

    1. I hope Christine's mom will open her eyes too!

      Kody was not getting love from his sycophant fans this week. A lot of people were repulsed by his Tweets and he is too lazy to go back and block everyone. That's why he checked out and said "had enough."

    2. Kody's public treatment of Christine has always been bazaar. She basically bartered her garage away for his wrestling mats to get him to spend more time with her. He then told her to save her grocery money in order to visit her dying father. Meanwhile he took wives 1 and 4 on trips to Mexico on 2 different occasions. WTF is going on in that relationship and why does she stay? Maybe once Truely goes to kindergarten Christine will get some gumption and get off her butt and get a JOB and get some self-esteem and leave.

    3. "once Truely goes to kindergarten Christine will get some gumption and get off her butt and get a JOB and get some self-esteem and leave."

      I don't think that will ever happen. Christine is dumb as a rock and will go to her grave fighting and grasping for Kody's attention. She seems to truly believe she is some kind of princess who should be taken care of. She can't take care of her own kids or household. If she is a princess then she's the Princess of Pathetic.

    4. I totally agree with Snarkaholic. She will NEVER leave because she would have to get a real JOB. She has stated before that she didn't want to work, she wanted to be the stay at home mom. The only way she would ever leave him would be to marry/join another plg family. I remember her saying on the episode where Aspyn left for college how much she would miss her because Aspyn was the one running the house. Aspyn seemed to take more pride in having a new home than Christine did.

    5. Another reason Christine's mom is moving in- to run the house and raise the remaining four. Out of the four, I think the two oldest are a handful and Christine needs the help along with her mama chipping in for living expenses.

  10. Seems like whenever they're filming kody & Christine, Sol is always in tote. Now that's gotta be a slap in the face to Christine & fuel her even more.

    1. When isn't Kody holding Sol? Maybe it is because Sol is the only one who isn't able to run away from him yet? Remember when Christine asked Truely on her birthday if she wanted to sit by daddy and she said no? Smart girl.

    2. and his hair was perfectly combed for his close up! for a child out camping he sure was coiffed and camera ready

  11. Great job, always !!

    "Bye, Felicia" it...funny !!

    Agree about first Kody holding Sol while they argued, then Sobbin continuing to keep him there while she and Meri gaped and enjoyed the drama. Warped people !!

    Can't say it enough......*Anything for the show !! *

    1. It's got to be awful going on a vacation with your husband, his 3 other wives, and all of their kids. Then you have everyone watching while you fight with him? I know my husband and I get into some fights on vacations because of the stress of traveling. I think I would snap if I had sister wives who were competing with me for my husband watching us fight, with their smug looks of satisfaction.

      This is exactly why polygamy sickens me, how can these women take it? Constantly fighting for a crumb of attention from the man, hoping that he prefers you to your sister wife, and knowing he is sleeping with every one of you while you wait home alone. No wonder all 4 wives are overweight and look older than they are. And no wonder Grody eats it up and walks around like he is the cock of the block, he literally is.

  12. Meri's body language on the couch is bizarre. I could have sworn she was wiping a tear when sitting there with the other wives. She is so expressive with her downer attitude when the cameras roll, and in her twitter feed. She takes shots at Christine on twitter while the show is this how these people communicate now? I thought they watched these episodes together. What a mess..i don't think therapy will help.Meri wasted no time disengaging the family once the money came in. So many issues. This is on so late at night i watched it in bed with the volume down, but my husband who i thought was aleep opened one eye and said the are the stupidist most immature people i have ever heard..HA!


  13. Why do they keep meeting up with polygamists like its a novel thing? They reproduce like rabbits. There are tens of thousands of them.

    Kody treats christine horribly just like Bill treated Nikki horribly on Big Love. The reason is he can. She was raised in this. So Kody can get away with more. I do think they are the only ones with a give and take. He endures Meri. He seems more like robyns buddy. I just don't see a spark with Janelle.

    Is Robyn giving Sol breast milk? It looks like a disposable bag inside the outer bottle shell like you might use for breast milk. Maybe it's for easier cleaning for the trip? I am sure he won't be using a bottle in college.

    1. "The reason is he can."

      And that answers every single question about why Kodouche does anything. That's the reason for every nasty, obnoxious, thoughtless thing he does. He is the key to their salvation and he can do anything he darned well pleases.

    2. He is the key to their salvation and he can do anything he darned well pleases.
      And this forms the core of Christine's internal angst - She knows...KNOWS Kody is not a good priesthood holder but yet he still holds the key to her salvation in the afterlife. And to make matters worse, he simply is not well versed in the tenets of his adopted AUB faith. Hell, I don't think he was that knowledgeable as LDS either. No wonder his sister said it was all about the sex with him - because that's the only thing he's done well...fathering children!

      I always thought it would be Robyn to leave Kody and ask the AUB leadership for reassignment to a more worthy man (once the money runs out, of course). Now I'm wondering if possibly it could be Christine who will make that final break away from him.

  14. Kody sure does fixate on hormones. Hunter's testosterone, Christine's PMS, hormones in the mouth, does he not know how to explain his failings on anything else? His nut sack sling....good grief he is simple minded.

    1. Milo,
      I think Kody's fixation on hormones and sexuality is the mentality that any man living in that life style would have to have. In order to watch the women they profess to love hurt and in order to neglect those women and children, the man has to have some rationalized excuse and for those men, I suspect the testosterone versus the estrogen is as good as any and as close to biology that any of the fools can come to terms with. Of course, you notice he doesn't say a lot about the pictures that Logan posted a while back of his very buff and increased muscled self...which, in my experience, comes from adding a few extra testosterone supplements (legal or not). I think what he said to Maddie about doing whatever she had to protect herself (i.e. her virtue)...what a fool he is.

  15. Janelle's bedroom dresser and bathroom was a mess. She keeps a messy home. I would not want to be next in line to have Kody after Janelle. She seems not that clean.

    1. I thought the same thing about her bedroom and bathroom. Mine certainly isn't spotless but I can't believe she allowed them to film in there.

    2. I don't understand it. The only wife's house that is "tidy" seems to be Robyn's...and that's due to Taralyce and later Mindy doing the cleaning. I hate to say this but I will ;-) I suspect Christine's house to be in the worse shape...

    3. Meri's house always looks very clean and the next cleanest seems to be Robyn. I think Janelle and Christine's houses are about equally clean, or rather equally messy.

  16. I never really considered how weird it is that Kody doesn't feel the desire or need to be present at the campsites. I asked my dad and husband what they would do in that situation and they both looked at me like I was crazy...why wouldn't I stay? Was the general consensus.

    I forgot that my dad and husband love me (more than their own comfort) and care for my safety though, so it wasn't really the same scenario.

    I can't imagine what kind of husband I would have ended up if I was raised with a man like Kody. Naomi Wolf has an interesting theory in her book Promiscuities. She talks about how our fathers are the guides for what we expect and accept from the men in our lives...if you grow up in a culture where your father's comfort is superior to your happiness and safety you probably let certain things go.

    1. My husband would never go off and leave me alone at a campsite or at a hotel. I don't think there is one man in my family who would leave his wife and children alone. LaPetite Terror, you have a very good point.

    2. Yes, good point, LaPetiteTerror. Any "man" or "father" would do that by instinct.

      But don't forget that on these produced trips, there are production crews also onsite.
      They must be sleeping somewhere nearby too, which would enable Kody to opt out of the rigors of doing the manly thing and staying with his wives and kids in the RV compound.

      Like Meri and Sobbin, Kody the Alpha Maniac must have the amenities of a hotel.

  17. CJ, great review as always. While I'm with you on the what-were-they-thinking, I started thinking that I don't think there has ever been an episode where Kody and Janelle had a disagreement or an argument. We have seen drama with Meri and Mariah's graduation, and drama with Christine all the time. He has sort of argued with Robyn over her hobby doodles, but I cannot think of one time when he said something hateful to Janelle. When she didn't want to dance, he seemed to joke with her but not really jump on her or slam her like he has the other three wives. I think he knows that she ain't afraid to leave. When she talks about forgiving Meri she says them so it's Meri and Kody and maybe even Christine. So with Janelle, he treats her a little more cautiously and seeming more respectful. If she will leave a room where he and his other three clowns are laughing and having fun, it can be inferred that the competition with the other wives isn't that big of a deal. When Christine and Kody argued, you can better believe the other two wives stood there enjoying the hell out of the drama. But, I don't think Janelle hangs around in the stress and if what they are doing is stressing her. So, I think Kody knows that while she is committed to his nuts in the sling, she isn't committed to him in the same vein or with the same to-the-end like the other wives. She will leave and he knows it and then to save face, he and his sling supported nuts will have to make a trip elsewhere to have the conjugal visits with wife number three. I don't think Maddie or the rest of Janelle's kids, for that matter, like Kody. Maybe they still remember the separation and their mother's pain of mean Meri and Kody's treatment of their mother and the kids. I always pulled for Janelle but I don't have any respect for her. The other women were born into that way of life, so one can assume it is a part of their beliefs and would take a lot to save them from the life of sadness and mistreatment, but Janelle was never a part of it until she was grown. All the wives remind me of cows in a field busy chewing their cud watching and waiting for the bull to come in so they can show their asses to the bull and maybe he will ride their rump for a while....sad way of life: to either get attention by being a sexy cow or by being a mean cow....a cow is a cow.

    1. During Robyn's honeymoon episode, Janelle wouldn't take any calls from kody BC she was upset w/ him. Of course, later on in a TH segment she basically blamed herself & excused kodys selfish behavior like she always does. Another time when she disagreed that Meri should get a big house just like the rest of them. I can't remember if this was for the rental or mcmansion or both. But in true fashion Janelle form, she justified everything(eye roll)

    2. Eye rolling right there with you Caramel Brownie!
      Janelle is the Kodyette who *always* fronts for him. Always strokes him.

      RunKodyrun, I agree with you overall, but I respectfully disagree that Kody fears Janelle leaving the cuddlesac.
      Janelle has had an ongoing "Huh...what? I'm supposed to pretend to be interested? Oh, okay" vibe that has played out time and again. The first 3 years of the couch chats, her MO was that she just sat there, looked off in the distance, seemingly bored, just waiting for the director's sign of "cut" !!!

      Kody is probably "nicer" to her because she requires little to no energy or attention from him, and gives little back except to prop him when the others aren't.. or won't.
      Which is why this season's big story with her and the therapist w/ her TH spots about Mean Meri and Klueless Kody is bogus....but is obviously necessary to keep the ratings up.

    3. I remember during the first season Kody and Janelle took a camping trip for their anniversary. They couldn't find sleeping bags (typical Brown disorganization) and Kody wanted to buy new ones. Janelle was adamant that they would not be wasting the money on new sleeping bags. Kody pitched a little fit and Janelle swiftly shut him down by saying no and walking away. They ended up using blankets/comforters instead and Janelle basically said "see, we didn't have to waste the money" and Kody agreed.

      I almost see a mother/son relationship between the two of them. Janelle appears to be an indulgent mother of times to Kody. Strangely enough, Kody never does say bad things about Janelle or says anything about her appearance. It would be pretty dumb of him to say anything negative about Janelle when she probably made more than him and had control of the money. She can tell him not to buy something and he needed to listen, but think Christine had that kind of power? Janelle could threaten to leave and actually follow through, Christine would need help. He has also been shown trying to touch Janelle, hug her, and be affectionate to her while she pulls away. Can't forget he bought her that sign talking about what a great kisser she was. He is/was most likely more attracted to her than he ever let on because he is scared of ticking off Meri.

    4. I think Kody avoids making waves with Janelle because he actually needs her. She's a reliable cheerleader & ego feeder, she'll defend even his most obnoxious behavior, she won't throw princess tantrums and she never requires nice Mexican beach vacations. Of course her greatest value to him has to be the fact she'll work a real job & use her paychecks to support this large dysfunctional family like she did back in Utah. That'll come in handy when TLC finally ends this madness!

  18. I haven’t had a chance to post yet, just read all the juicy snark. Glad I waited until the recap b/c I would have wasted my time sharing how a husband and wife should/how my hubby and I would handle the non-“thrilla in Manilla” fight. But you, CJ, brought me away from that b/c as you pointed out we and Christine all know Kody is an insensitive jerk. End of story. It doesn’t matter if Christine’s feelings are valid, paranoid, overblown or whatever – they don’t matter to Kody. Hell, Kody said it himself about it being reasonable but not reasonable to him! I am honest enough to admit that I had a period where I would try to get men I was involved with to do or be what they never would be. And there was drama. When I became aware of the pattern and decided to change, I met my wonderful mate of over 20 years. But I didn’t come from a “culture” that had generations of telling women that their spiritual duty is to share a husband and be sweet.
    Yes, this was a set-up and just in case we weren’t going to pick up on Kengate, we had flashbacks of Ken and Janelle saying that some won’t like the suggestion. It’s also a set-up because Kody has no friends! Narcissists don’t have friends and I seriously doubt that there has been much, if any, interaction with Ken since the filming. What a coincidence that Ken was not available, IF he was even called.
    King Sol literally in Christine’s face during the initial squabble is a great reminder that “Robyn’s son is my favorite and your daughter won’t even sit with me, I ignored her to the point of hospitalization”. The only kid who can’t run away, LMAO.
    The wives (esp. Sobbin) reminded me of kids when a sibling is in trouble, “but I’m being good, aren’t I, Daddy?”
    I couldn’t help but be struck by Kody “reassurance” that Christine was “way up there” to a friend “I’ve known since kindergarten” was pretty lukewarm, with a tone of sarcasm “since kindergarten” versus how long he’s been burdened with Christine.
    My husband who doesn’t watch as much as I do (but has loved snippets from her), beat to the punch when Kody was complaining about “princess behavior and said, “That’s what HE does!” Another good one from hubby. When I commented that during lip sync that Kody pointing at the “change in his pocket” looked more like he was pointing at his package, hubby said, “maybe he has a roll of quarters in there.”
    Pawn Shop, BS. Even tho’ it’s a reality show (in Las Vegas) as well, the Pawn Stars would have laughed them out of the place. “Let’s see, you can’t sell this stuff but that’s your collateral?” If TLC/Sisterwives lurk here, get the message. The business is a sham! Forced out of Lehi is a sham! You are not fooling us but at least try to fool us in a more believable way.
    I hope all the child escapees have good scholarships, because when this gravy train goes off the rails I hope they don’t get dragged down with it. Sobbin keeping Sol on the edge of the fray? None of these folks seem to think of the effect on their children. Hopefully, the damage caused by this show has some redeeming value in opening the kids’ eyes and motivating them to do as Maddie and run and never go back. Keep strong, Maddie, you are a great kid.
    Christine’s mom, I’ll have to wait to see how that plays out. But hey, TLC NO ONE thought it was a 5th wife!
    Sorry this was so long, had to get some off my chest. Might as well face it, I’m addicted to snark.

    1. Welcome Emma Christian! Enjoyed reading your insights!

    2. You are so right about the other wives acting kids when a sibling is in trouble! I was thinking the exact same thing while they were sitting around the table giggling about Christine's meltdown and dutifully nodding their heads while Kody vented his frustration. Funny how not one sister wife thought it might be nice to follow Christine into the RV & see how she's doing...nope, these loons just sit there hoping Kody will choose them to bunk with for the night instead. These women continue to prove they are competitors- not friends, not sisters.

    3. Emma C,
      No apologies needed for the length. Enjoyed reading your take on it all.
      Welcome !

      Absolutely true, no pawn shop in Vegas or anywhere else would consider "can't sell" junk as collateral. But their faux junk business is a tax write-off and contrived storyline anyway.
      TLC isn't interested in fooling snark viewers, it's the diehard, gusher fans they hope to snare with BS like this.

  19. @CJ, you write the best episode recaps/reviews! If you ever want a career change, I'll bet there's a future for you as an entertainment reviewer. You could be the Siskel and Ebert of "reality" TV!

    Does anyone know how or whether the Browns would be subject to criticism from the AUB for giving shelter to a known defector? Christine's mother left an influential AUB family of her own volition. Wouldn't this bring the highest level of condemnation from "the powers that be" within the AUB? Aren't members in good standing expected to shun runaways completely? At this point, Kody's mom-in-law is twice the heretic: she renounced a "proper" plural marriage to one of the fine, upstanding sons of a prominent AUB family, plus she doesn't seem to have remarried, thus choosing of her own free will not to align herself with a priesthood head. I wonder how that will play with the AUB leadership--maybe we could ask Rosemary Williams what her father would think of such a state of events?

    Emma Christian, welcome to the snarkfest! I really enjoyed reading your very first post--you're just as sassy as the rest of us! Just what we needed to keep us on our snarky little toes!

    1. Does anyone know how or whether the Browns would be subject to criticism from the AUB for giving shelter to a known defector?
      Good question! I thought Christine mentioned in Becoming Sister Wives that when her mother left her father, she gave up all contact with her children. I do remember her mother married when she was only 16 years old ( Isn't it amazing how many 16 year olds are married in the AUB??). But the AUB certainly has tolerated Brady and Wives long after they left the fold, haven't they? Anyway, I think Kody is looking at this as a way of keeping Sister Wives in production with new storylines. I wouldn't be surprised if the AUB knows nothing about Ruth moving in with daughter Christine.

    2. Thank you very much got2bdrc! Glad you enjoyed the review!

    3. The AUB will know now, CJ. ;-)

  20. Thanks so much for the kind words, Bugs me that even re-reading it I missed some mistakes.

    Did anyone else yell at the TV when Kody said that most friends/family think he is crazy because of his plyg life - THAT'S NOT THE ONLY REASON!

    What do these people do all day outside of TLC plots? Only Janelle pretends to have a job that we see no filmed evidence of. As far as I can tell, Meri never followed thru on her "bomb" and went to school. Show us just 5 minutes of Sobbin's insane hours outside of silly meetings or fake investing missions. Kody's time as MSWC CEO can't take much time. And as far as we know, Christine has never worked a day outside her home ever. Go work at Disney.

    And I wouldn't let Kody hold my drink while I unlocked the car, much less priesthood holder/planet king/whatever. I would rather take my chance on hell than that, after all I'm headed there according to the LDS/AUB.

  21. Sorry, they don't look this long when I'm typing them in. Ah well, back to boring monogamy.

  22. To the Brown Family (if you actually do read here): MrSpock has mentioned this before but there is a grammatical error that needs to be changed at MSWC----- "friend's closets" should be "friends' closets" in the "About Us" section of the MSWC homepage. MrSpock does not understand why that change has not been made after all this time or why you or whomever works on your site has not noticed this. Every good foot needs to be put forward in the world of commerce.

  23. Truly is a beautiful little girl, but she does not look well.

    Was there not a time when Christine did not want to have anything to do with her mother?

    kody does not have any testicles to shrink..

    1. I have to say, as much as I am annoyed by the parents, those two little kids on the couch were absolutely adorable.

    2. Aren't they so cute? I love the screen shot of Truely holding Sol's face. sweet. And then I thought of how Christine would probably like to grab Kody by the face and the shot took on new meaning. I think that the children are cute but I object to them being paraded out in front of the cameras to make the Browns more likeable. They know that little children are cute so every episode, out they come. I believe that is why Kody is always holding Sol. He is hoping to be seen as a more sympathetic parent and a better human being. He would need to hold a whole orphanage to change my opinion of him.

    3. Good observation.and pathetic, really.
      Kody has to shield his obnoxious, annoying self behind a pre-schooler to garner public favor.
      Yep, that is a Kody-move for sure.

    4. I absolutely agree. It is not a good idea to use children on reality TV who can't speak for themselves. I don't see anything good coming out of that. I was just meaning that they are beautiful children.

    5. I have the same problem with the 5 wives show. We get the cute little girl every 5 minutes. And with baby Huck we get a blow by blow on facebook. They definitely use these kids to promote the show.

    6. Baby Huck is a different situation because he was born premature. I didn't see the baby being used to promote My 5 Wives at all and it was nice they thought enough of their fans to keep them informed of his condition. It's not like they forced you to read their facebook. And don't the Duggars do the same with their young children as the Williams with Tailee? Most likely the producers want the little kids on the show for their cuteness.

  24. Best run blog on the 'net!

    Thanks Cynical Jinx!

    1. You're absolutely right JB! Thanks again Cynical Jinx for all the time & effort and for inviting us all into your wonderful livingroom!

    2. My pleasure, JB and Boston Corgi!

  25. KUDOS to MADDIE for calling it what this whole mess is... The Brown Chaos!! I am penning myself with that name now, Ladies and Gentlemen, so pls do not steal it!
    You know The Brown Chaos I'm talking about... the kind that makes your bowels rumble, your bowl stained and unflushable.. ah yes, The Brown Chaos ; )
    Okay, another thing that bothers me with the website? Is why does it still have the Korean lettering on the moving shots on the homepage? Because they are using a very bad & cheesy foreign website template. I guess it's as cheesy as their foreign products they are trying to hurl around in this world, so maybe it is par for the course.

    1. I have heard the Browns use the term Brown Chaos a lot. It's a euphemism for them being unorganized, the disunity amongst them, etc. They think it's cute, but I think a family that size needs some structure in order to function well. They have none.

  26. Did someone say Janelle has a Lexus SUV? Wow! The Browns must be making a pretty penny these days. That reality show must be paying them pretty decent to be able to pay the mortgages and drive at least one luxury vehicle. We know the jewelry business isn't getting much of a profit. None of them do anything outside of that, that we know of. If Janelle is making sales, her commission isn't enough to support that many people. But, even if they are making good money, it is not wise to live in such expensive homes, go on such expensive vacations, drive such expensive vehicles. There are just too many people to support now and down the road. Polygamists (and others with large families) simply do not have that luxury, unless they are like multi-millionaires, and even then those millions don't go far if you don't spend wisely or make good investments. While I wouldn't expect them to be in rags and drive on bald tires (like when they first started), I would expect them to be a bit more modest.

    1. Why are they going to pawn shops to beg for money? Their finances do not make sense. None of their financial choices are good. A lexus SUV, they are sure moving up from when they needed duct tape for their broken car windows!

      If Janelle is working, and this is a big if, does anyone really think she is going to be willing to share her money anymore?

    2. If her actions in the past are any indication, yes, she will not only share her money she will even pay for a new house for Kody's fifth wife.

      I've been thinking (always a dangerous past time for me) and I think that new Lexus actually belongs to KODY. Janelle knows the heat Kody got for his Lexus sports car. It isn't the same as the sports car (still pricey though) but she remembers the backlash. So her solution would be to let the audience think it's her car - to make up for the old car she drove with the duct taped window and missing hubcap while Kody tooled around town in his Lexus.

    3. In the opening shot of the episode of the cul de sac..there was a car with a spare tire and no hub not much has changed

  27. I enjoy how Kody and the Kodettes manage to find so much adult time to themselves...i.e., sitting around the picnic table discussing Ken, sitting around the kitchen planning a song/dance routine to humiliate their latest nest-flyer...sitting around the dining room table talking about the bounty that is My Sister Wives Closet...without any kids running around and interrupting?!? I only have two kids and for several years could not go to the bathroom without someone banging on the door. Where do they stash all the young' uns when the adults are conducting business (or whatever you want to call it)?

    And man, for someone running a "thriving" business 24/7, Robyn sure has a lot of downtime.

    1. I know...guess she's not as buried in work with design doodling and running MSWC as she would like us to believe!

  28. laurakaye,
    I agree with what you said. They do seem to have a lot of free time to waste on their foolishness. I'm guessing that the older kids get stuck raising the younger ones. It's no wonder they leave at the first chance.

  29. Christine's mom is moving in:

    So, I wonder if it is financial. On one of the tweets it said that her mom makes purses with all of the fabric and that all of it had to come with her. If Robyn is thinking that she wants MSWC to be a boutique than what a good idea to bring in another (sweatshop) worker. Christine's mom can make purses to sell like an ETSY shop. Will that be the next storyline? It seems to me that Christine LOVES when a storyline is about her and if she goes too long, she will push her obnoxious face into the camera and reclaim the attention. Is all of this for facetime? Nothing that she says is true. I used to think that she was such a good mom (the best of all four) but now I am not so sure. Time will tell.

  30. Kody sure makes a lot of statements about not knowing what do, or does not understand how to deal with...kid's and women..all of which he has an abundance of.

    1. Must be a missing chapter in the Harem Master Handbook because Brady sighs and whines the same woes about his harem and horde.
      Someone needs to tell these stud bulls that no one is listening.

  31. Regarding the pics abovee of Kody and Meri and Robyn during the big motel revelation. I've seen that facial expression on Meri SO MANY TIMES--that faux golly-gawrsh-twinkle-eyed-tee-hee bullshit face. They refer to sex with the emotional maturity of 12-year-old children. And Robyn, consider method acting, won't you? Because, we know you don't actually give crap one about this motel goofiness. And for good reason: WHO FREAKING CARES??? Meri and Kody started screwing on the regular when you were a toddler, and probably they still do, and again, who gives a crap?

    PS: Meri looks like she chooses her sweaters and jackets out of Ysabel's closet. They're ridiculously tiny on her.

    1. Redwood,
      Yes, yes and yes !! All of it !!

      And yes, that face of Meri..just as you spot on !!
      She is not an attractive woman, and that face always punctuates the visual of a smug, dorky, over-grown pre-teen.

  32. I can't believe the curse words coming out of the mouths of these people. Robyn and Janelle and Kody? My guess is that it has always been this way and they are just not able to hold it in anymore. When was the last reference to their church? The whole reason for this mess? Now we have Kody sharing descriptions of his man parts..what will Tamron Hall say? I really can just hear Robyn throwing down choice words for her sisterwives. Kody really said he did not give a shit? They are doing this to stay on TV

    1. Milo, I caught that too! They made such a big deal about the kids using "swear" words, and here they are doing it on national TV themselves. Hypocrites, but most of us know they are fakers and shakers anyway.

      Also, what will Tamron say? Not much ... "Oh I love this family. You made me cry." Bring back Natalie!!!

    2. When they have "where are they now?" updates and they are desperate for money, bring on Natalie then. They wil have to submit to get cash.

  33. Mr science about kissing hormones is confused about PMS?

    1. Imagine the hormone exchange then. No wonder he acts like a teenage girl so much!

    2. Very good point, kms. One would think that a man being around so many women of multiple generations would have some clue a) about PMS, and b) about women, in general Not that all women are alike or men are alike---but, after living with three of the "wives" for a couple of decades, you would think, with a modicum of effort, Kody would have some notion about their personalities/moods/triggers/etc. and react accordingly. That he seems to lack this awareness in many situations MrSpock posits it could be due to 1) not ever thinking about it, and/or 2) trying to juggle so many people that it becomes impossible to really hone in on those who should mean the most...or 3) it is scripted.

    3. Excellent insights, MrSpock. I would say all three posits could be true. And since they don't seem to have a Brady type schedule, Kody probably cuts out when any wife's mood is not to his liking without having to overwork his brain looking for a pattern. Always love how you phrase things. Might be in part because I am a Spock fan all the way back to the first run of the original series.

    4. Spock,
      Probably all of three of your suggestions are true. However, the powers that be (the powers holding the purse strings) likely have made #3 the winner.

      Assuming that the vast majority of viewers are female, someone over at TLC must have figured a PMS storyline would fly. My guess is that it will generate lots of chatter.
      Since Mr. Amused refuses to watch Kodyworld, but does occasionally walk by and throw out comments when it is should interesting if he catches any of the PMS bits. LOL

    5. Emma, MrSpock would blush at your compliments except Vulcans ---even half-Vulcans---keep such emotions in check. ;-)

  34. Sol needs a freaking hair cut! Gawd, I hate that look on little boys. And a bottle????

    1. From Meri's tweet it looks like King Sol did get a haircut...or maybe his hair is pulled back in a ponytail?

      Let's hope Robyn is able to wean him off that bottle before he gets to high school!

    2. So good to see little Sol with a haircut. He was looking like an unkempt, uncared-for ragamuffin, even when clean and neatly-dressed.

  35. In the episode "Infertility and Nesting," Kody shoots down Janell wanting to open a fitness center and says "I don't want to go broke just trying to be in my passion." Now the family is going broke working on Robyn's passion! Robyn should have just opened an etsy account.

  36. These guys have WAY too much time on their hands. They worry and fret about stupid stuff and have no direction in their lives. Money tends to do that. The only great season was the first season, where it showed how the family interacted together and the adults actually worked and lived within their means. It's a ridiculous show these days and I've stopped recording it.

  37. Long hair on boys can look great, if the child is groomed and clean. Both my boys had hair half way down their backs, and we got so many compliments. The only negative comments came from old biddies, or uptight mormon moms.

  38. I think his hair got cut. I think the next boy needs the name of Sampson.

  39. Okay, why does Meri need an office?

    Also, do you all think she ever was that loving toward Janelle's kids when they were little? Like in the way she is with Sol?

  40. Wow, from the looks of it....It appears that Meri tweeted a picture of her and Kody, on Janelle and Kodys anniversary day.

    1. Yup. That sounds like something Meri would do.

      Also no, I doubt Meri was ever as loving to any other child as she is to Sol except to Mariah.

      Who knows if she really feels that way about Sol or if it's all done to please Kody and/or hurt Janelle and Christine.

      I'm glad they cut Sol's hair. I hated that long hair and am neither old nor Mormon. Some boys just don't carry the long hair well.

  41. The tv listing describes tonight's new episode as "Kody and Christine's blowup continues...". I have the feeling they're going to beat this foolish storyline to death.

    1. Bostin Corgi,
      I think your feelings are right on the mark. No surprise that they got so much juicy footage, along with post-meltdown THs with Christine and Kody and of course, the nosey sisterwives, that they stretched it into several epps.

  42. I'm watching the episode from last week and wow...we should have known something was up because Christine was right under Kody and Meri's back view was huge...Orange is not her color.

  43. Christine should be upset with Kody for not treating Truley the same way he treats Sol. Forget about what some old high school friend of Kody thinks. Kody carries Sol all the time. Poor Truley- he didn't even care that she was next to that truck. And I feel bad for Paedon too. He seems kind of forgotten.
