
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Selected Tweets for Off Topic Wednesday, 1/28/15

At least  she was modestly dressed...

I thought I would take a little break from the "normal" Selected Live Tweets to just showcase some of those tweets that caught my eye recently.

Oh, and it gives me a little more time to work on my review.

So let's see what we got here...

Ah yes, now here's an interesting tweet in that normally the Browns tend to ignore the #MyFiveWives crew whenever possible. Of course, we've speculated that maybe, just maybe, it had to do with ....

1) Jealousy of having to share TLC programming space with another plural family.


2) The shocking revelations of Brady Wife Rosemary against her father, the current leader of the church the Browns are members.

 Let's take a look at the innocuous but very interesting tweet from Meri, shall we?

Crazy, indeed. So let's just speculate about this "random encounter."

First thing I noticed was no specific location being described. Like, were Meri and Rosemary walking down opposite sides of the street? Did they wave like idiots while running towards each other, ending in an embrace of Sister Wives solidarity and friendship?

Or did a PR person from TLC tell Meri since she was going to be in Utah and couldn't make the live tweeting during Sunday's episode, she would now be required to "tweet" a message to Rosemary to demonstrate TLC's new branding of all their reality talent being one big, happy family.

The cynic in me thinks it's the latter. The jinx in me would prefer the former. Either way, it would make for some damn good TV, so I hope the production company got it all on film...

Next up, we have some tweets from Robyn.

This tweet is kind of interesting because we've all been wondering exactly what Kody and his Kodettes© do for a living. Now although Robyn doesn't say what their jobs are, or what duties they have been assigned, we now have documentary proof that, indeed, these folks do work. Well, they think they work at any rate. And wasn't it rich for Robyn to try to justify hiring Mindy as her nanny/housekeeper to help her out. Confused or called out. You be the judge.

Now, y'all know Robyn and I are on the outs after she blocked my twitter. I could understand if I tweeted nasty or cynical tweets to her, but, truth be told, I never, ever wasted my energy to tweet her at all. Not even once. In fact. I've only tweeted Kody and his wife Meri - and Meri even responded with a LOL.

Ya'll don't think THAT was the reason for Robyn's curt diss of my twitter account, do ya'll?

Anyway, Robyn tweeted this magnificent gem to her followers that she hadn't blocked yet:

When I see tweets like this, I'm glad Robyn blocked me from her Twitter. How embarrassing for her daughter!

Thank you Robyn! Job well done!

Kody, Kody, Kody. When he isn't tweeting about wrestling or sounding like the polygamist version of Ozzie Osbourne...wait, I think he's beginning to look like old Ozzie come to think of it...

They share that maniacal look in their eyes.

Back to reality....

Kody retweeted this interesting gem from the @RealWaterCorp. Being that Kody still hasn't figured out how to correctly clean an RV's black hose (no you don't stick the end of the white hose into the black hose to flush the sewage out of it, doofus) maybe he thought by tweeting this, I'd get off his back.

He was wrong. But for those who slept through high school science lab, water isn't called the universal solvent for nothing...

And in the case of the RV white hose, water also carries Brown sewage.

We all know Janelle is into the Real Estate thang. Looks like she's hyping this app to drum up some business. At the very least, here's your chance to use an app of a reality star!

Thanks for the FYI Janelle! No Sister Wives next Sunday y'all!!!

Who would think to call a psychic line to find a pair of lost glasses. Yep, Christine Brown would!

Mykelti decided to show a little more than her pretty smile while posing with her "homies." What will Kody think?

Papa Joe Darger decided to show his mountain man side to his Twitter followers. Why do I always want to arm myself with a stake and cross when I see this guy??

That's all for now! Stay tuned for my review...


  1. Oh dear laaaaaaawd! Is that Mariah in that top photo??? Oh that's just unfortunate.....I feel bad for her! I can't even say anything's just awful.

    1. Yep, Mykelti certainly has doesn't she?

    2. Uhhh, yes.......certainly does have an interesting take on, and amount of ..."style."

    3. I think Mykelti looks like she has lost weigh. I did not even recognize Mariah. That is sad.

  2. While Grody may resemble Ozzie-- Ozzie is far more intelligent and articulate. Ozzie makes a lot more sense to me than Kodouche ever will!

    1. Kody reminds me of a middle aged Shaggy from Scooby Doo. Which is pretty pathetic for a grown man pushing 50 with a passel of kids.

    2. plus ozzie has better hair, even now...i don't have another social media account or personal e mail, don't want to tie it in any way, shape or form to my work i'm anon....poo poo on polygamy, have posted a couple of times before

  3. So Robyn must be talking about filming the show is their work. How else would they all be working the same hours? Even if they all work the closet, surely they don't all work at their separate duties at the same time. Anyways, they are delusional.

    Christine calling a psychic does not surprise me. She is just not very bright. I actually think she likes to play dumber than she really is. She may be dumb, but she's not that dumb. I think she puts on an act to appear more innocent, youthful, childlike - since that was her role in the family for so long. I think she really does know what she's doing though. She is sneaky. That's why she always says what she wants and then says she's sorry for saying it. That's also why she waits until she gets on the couch to bust everybody out. She is conniving and not nearly as innocent as she wants everyone to believe.

    1. I agree. Theres something about Christine that is so child like. And I remember Kollene making a comment that she is "fake" She used to be my favorite sister wife out of the 4. She always bursts out with a comment, then later apologizes. Own ur words!

    2. I think the real reason Robyn has Mindy there is because she doesn't trust the other wives or even Kody to watch her kids. If you notice, when all the wives went on a trip to look at dresses, she brought Sol with and the other kids were at their real dads. And anytime she goes places, Sol is with her. You never see footage of any of her kids alone with any of the other wives or Kody.

    3. Christine is dumb like fox, she is sly. She knows exactly what she is doing. I can only imagine the shenanigans she has pulled behind the scenes. Meri and Janelle, who both used to like her appear to be fed up with her too. I have no doubts she went total ghetto compound-style on Robyn at some point. Once her baby making days ended she probably felt a loss of purpose and identity, yet I don't see her trying to improve herself with refusing to work etc.

      It is interesting that Robyn doesn't trust her kids with the others. She must know Janelle has zero interest and Meri isn't going to be anyone's daily baby sitter leaving Christine, and Christine is so jealous of her that she must fear what she might do to her kids. Kody is a buffoon who shouldn't be trusted with a goldfish.

    4. Actually there are professional psychics that are legit- I am one & am a domestic violence counselor in the non profit sector.

    5. Christine seems very manipulative, as is Meri. That seems to be the polygamy way. I feel for them. Always having to compete for your husbands time, and affection. I just might become manipulative also. Lol its a "may the best woman win" attitude all the time. It has to get tiring. Its probably why all the grandmas, although fairly young, look like great grandmas. Lol

    6. I have used psychics and healer/counselors/shamans to my great benefit, at times in my life when I really needed some guidance. These were not people from a "Psychic Hotline" or anything, but people who have careers, have written books, and are well known in the alternative healing community.
      I get the feeling that Christine may have called the "Psychic Hotline"...but maybe not.

    7. I briefly worked for a psychic hotline 14 years ago...not psychic at all. I just had a phone line. Only requirement.

    8. In my do-gooder twenties I took a couple of homeless teens to a job interview with a guy who operated a psychic hotline. He offered me a job too, even though I told him I as a born again Christian I thought it would be wrong for me to do it.

      So...yeah. Strict hiring practices there!

    9. Christine is manipulative. They are all manipulative but Robyn is the most manipulative.

      Robyn keeps Sol with her because he's her trophy baby. It's a constant reminder to Kody and everyone else that she is the young baby maker. It is also a way to not have more babies. I don't know if she's still breast feeding but she was past 2 years old and that was always her excuse for not having to leave him. She "co sleeps" with him. That crib "that she never had for her other children" must have been a big waste of money. I think Christine really does love being around the kids and Robyn's kids would be fine over there. She is not the most responsible but NONE of those adults are responsible especially Kody.

    10. Monogamous....your comment about co-sleeping triggered a thought. The very first show of 5 wives had a scene where he was running around saying good morning and almost all the wives that were alone the previous evening had kids in their beds. I remember thinking wow, they are truly like many single mom's. Not saying all single mom's co-sleep, or that co-sleeping is a bad thing or that married couples don't co-sleep. I just related to that scene because I'm a single mom who co-sleeps. And the majority of my friends do the same. I know that part of the reason I did was because it did help me feel not quite so lonely when I first divorced....but I let kids sleep in my bed when I was married too, so it wasn't a new thing for us.

      Anyway I remember Kody saying that he had to move Sol to his own bed when he spent the night at Robyn s. And at the time I thought i bet you do buddy, I can totally see her having Sol in her bed when you're not around.

  4. My husband likes to watch this show about a builder Bryan Baumler a house builder and when I watch it I am creeped out because he looks like Darger. I keep seeing him working out his wives in the home gym. In regards to Mariah her face looked thinner in a previous picture you put up .I had hoped she was dropping some pounds. If the Browns put out a cook book weight watchers will not be endorsing it.

  5. Wow...I feel so bad for Robyn's daughter- can't remember how old she is, but that's just embarrassing. I really hate when the Brown parents do & say foolish things related to their kids.

    1. That tweet caught my eye right away. It is so completely inappropriate, I cannot even find the words - and I can't believe not one person in that stupid family called Robyn out and said, "Umm...TMI, dingbat - delete!" Just wrong.

    2. I still feel the worst for Robyn's kids. She has repeatedly shown that she is a poor mother who makes even poorer life decisions and their real dad has been bashed beyond belief publicly. I hope Mindy is a positive influence for them.

    3. It is freaky a mom would even repeat that let alone Tweet that. Horrors for that poor girl and who knows if it is even true. Robyn shows signs of being a sociopath.

    4. ITA, that was too weird!

  6. I think Mykelti looks good in that photo. I love her hair style.

    Thinking about the messy, dirty, cluttered and littered condition of Robyn, Christine and Janelle's houses. This is often what happens when you are given something you haven't earned. There is no appreciation. I know when my husband and I were finally able to purchase a nice home 10 years into our marriage, I was so proud of that house. Even though I had a job and two small children, I loved keeping the house clean and decorating. That those houses were so disgusting even when they knew they were being filmed shows a lack of self respect, laziness, arrogance and entitlement.

    1. no pride of all of the cars having spares on them until they blow. Or taped windows on Janelles car and the list is endless.

    2. So very, very true. I will never understand people who can't do the basic upkeep on their homes/cars. I think another element is that they know their possessions are "temporary" and can be repossessed at any time and therefore don't care to keep things nice for the next owner.

      I've always wondered how much Christine had to pay out once the lease on her house in Las Vegas was up. She trashed it. I couldn't believe how bad Robyn and Christine's houses looked on the last episode. I would be so embarrassed.

    3. I thought it was a good pic of Mkeylti also. And it does appear that she has slimmed down. What I noticed was that she really looks like her dad!

    4. ITA agree about how good Mykelti looks! Aspyn is also looking especially beautiful lately. And, I'll say it again, Christine is slimming up quite a bit too. In this last episode she looked to be smaller than Meri.

      I'm really happy for that bunch. They've had the shitty end of the polygamy stick for a while now, so I'm happy to see them break out in a positive way.

    5. Freya said... "I will never understand people who can't do the basic upkeep on their homes/cars. I think another element is that they know their possessions are "temporary" and can be repossessed at any time and therefore don't care to keep things nice for the next owner."


      I rhink it might have to do with the fact that they may have not had to work very hard for those possessions. Instead, that it was fast and easy money, thinking of their windfall via TLC, as opposed to working a steady job, saving some from each paycheck, and after a few months or years, being able to afford the purchase. I know I treasure and take meticulous care of things that were really important to me and that I had to scrimp and save for.

  7. I noticed a funny tweet from Robyn suggesting where someone can buy long/tall pants...yup, Victoria's Secret online! She must really like that place, although I'm guessing her store credit card is long gone.

  8. What can you say when Ozzie, Prince of Darkness, is the least scary looking of the 3 males up there?

    Robyn's tweet about how cute it was HER mom wanted to move in even tho' she has a house, husband and sister wife made me think - maybe she wants to flee her plyg marriage. Then I thought, na, it's probably all about the Benjamins.

    Let's see if the suspect "anons" from last post come over here. I was glad to see some speculation on who they might be. I was thinking of those comments, "that was harsh" and not like what I've experienced here. People may pound on the Browns but are generally respectful even if they disagree. Thanks for that CJ!

    1. Robyn's mother just wants some TLC gold..Vegas Robyn has a mansion and her mother wants to live in one.

    2. I bet Robyn ' s mom said something in passing and Robyn is making a big deal out of it to take in attention off of Christine and put it on herself.

    3. that's exactly it!!! She is making this big deal prolly about nohing!!! Just to take attention away from Christine. To give the impression that her mther and her and sooo close and that her mother is soo jelly and wants to live there bla bla bla

  9. Kody looks like the some of the images of the Chucky doll to me. Just saying...

  10. "Giving Aurora a big hug tonight and she says to me "Hey can you not breathe on my ear. It is making my butt tingle."

    Aw, come in, Sobbin.....really??
    Not only would most kids cringe if their mother shared that with the world, but the fact that Sobbin got a charge out of it speaks volumes about her mentality age.

    And CJ... "Ya'll don't think THAT was the reason for Robyn's curt diss of my twitter account, do ya'll?"

    Yah, I think.......!!!
    Sobbin sees you as the female "master" of the Living Room, and the fact that you didn't grace her with any tweets translated in that little mind of hers as a diss.. So she pouted and struck a preemptive blow.

    Either that.....or she is *skeered* of you !! You know.....youzz guyezzz in the Living Room.

    1. Do ya'll remember the first time some teenage boy blew in your ear? It doesn't make your butt tingle; it makes your GENITALS tingle. We've been concerned before about Aurora's neediness, but this incident raises huge red flags for me.

    2. Jane,
      Interesting point !! Yep, do remember that.

    3. That point is what made me think - How old is Aurora? When those, um, feelings started *happening*, while I was not aware of everything as far as sexuality is concerned, I definitely knew my butt did not tingle.

      Makes me wonder if Robyn gives her children any version of "the talk" or if they sort of shut their kids off about that aspect of life in hopes of keeping them from having premarital sex?

    4. Anon 6:29 according to Wikipedia Aurora will be 13 in June, so she's a 'tween.

    5. Ok- so 6th grade? I guess at that age,maybe her comment is not totally abnormal.

    6. 12 and a half...! Thanks, CJ, for the clarification
      Okay, that makes more sense.

      However, it still is weird that Sobbin chose to tweet that.

  11. Me think Meri must have been visiting the AUB Rocky Ridge compound when she ran into Rosemary.

  12. Maybe they passed at a TLC office.I asked Kody how he felt about no mention of The AUB scandal by other polygamists he said he was disappointed. I asked on their family site.And he was quick to respond.

    1. Anon 7:41...what AUB scandal did you asked about when Kody replied? I know Brady's wife recently disclosed abuse so just wasn't sure if it was that or something else I missed along the way.

    2. Wow, Kody responding us unusual, would you feel comfortable posting a screen shot so all of us could see?

    3. Do you mean Brady?

    4. Oops yes I meant I asked Brady abot his feelings on the lack of comments. He mentioned being disappointed in both church and other members lack of support.

    5. Thanks Anon..I figured it was about Brady but I wanted to be sure I hadn't missed any new AUB revelations!

  13. re: Joe Darger..."Why do I always want to arm myself with a stake and cross when I see this guy?"
    Cynical, this was my 'pure joy' moment of off-topic Wednesday. I feel the same way. You are so funny--I put you up there with the likes of Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Larry Wilmore (The Nightly Show, which replaced The Colbert Report time slot last week; my husband and I both LOVE it.."La-ry, La-ry").
    Your coverage of the Sister Wives phenomena continues to be a delight.

    1. Bemused and CJ,

      ITA !! Joe Darger does generate feelings of "grab the kids and run for the hills'....!!!
      What is fascinating is the fact that he seems to enjoy this image.
      Why else would he (or his harem?) post such disturbing pics if himself ??

  14. Now, y'all know Robyn and I are on the outs after she blocked my twitter. I could understand if I tweeted nasty or cynical tweets to her, but, truth be told, I never, ever wasted my energy to tweet her at all. Not even once. In fact. I've only tweeted Kody and his wife Meri - and Meri even responded with a LOL.

    CJ, honey, if you were my neighbor, I'd bake you a whole batch of cookies.

    1. Thank you redwood curtain. I'd like that, Yummy!

  15. Hello-program note- my DVR is telling me that on feb 8 there will be a special episode "Recounting Robyn's journey and the highlights of her first five years as Kody's fourth wife; discussing the early jealousies, bad hairstyles and everything in between" . Any bets on if Tamryn Hall will be there? Is this damage control because people really don't like her? What questions will they answer during the "everything in between" segment? Will they explain her past? Her work history? Education? How she courted the family? How she interacts with the other children? What that train wreck of a business is? If she has any money now after five years as Kody's mistress?

    There are so many questions. . .

    1. Ka-Ching for Sobbin.

    2. my DVR is telling me that on feb 8 there will be a special episode "Recounting Robyn's journey and the highlights of her first five years as Kody's fourth wife

      Boy, I thought you were talking about Feb 1 and all I had listed was Sex Sent Me to the ER. I can't tell you the thoughts that went through my mind....

    3. So long as it isn't about MSWC!!! OH PLEASE GOD!

    4. Do you think there will really be any new footage - or just bits and pieces from old shows - with maybe some commentary thrown in.

    5. Why does Robyn rate an entire show all to herself? Hmmm...I wonder what an anthropologist would think...

    6. New footage? Doubtful, but who knows.
      Let's just hope the narration behind all the clips is *not* done by Kody Idiot, King of the talking head spots.

      Doing this Sobbin Special does make the case for is the well running this low for show material? Or did Sobbin and/or Kody pressure the producers to do it as an image booster for her?
      And hey, are they going to do this for the other three Brown babes?

    7. trying to compensate for some flub up by christine for the segment not show on the tell all? trying to rehabilitate her ? was not able to do it because christine threw a fit about her being singled out? never had anything to do with a baby. The Bronws use and abuse all of the soap opera qualities of babies for story lines. How could the wives have agreed to this? I will not watch. I enjoy tis blog but these people have gotten to creepy to watch anymore.

    8. Maybe they're going to do a focus episode for each of the wives, going backward in time, so Christine next, then Janelle and finally Meri. I can't think of any other reason to do this, especially focusing on the wife I find the absolutely LEAST interesting. I'm with others of you--I have a strong hunch that MSWC will strongly featured, and I don't believe for ONE SECOND that we'll actually get to "and everything in between." Yeah, yeah, just like the end-of-season show is a "tell-all." Pull my other leg for awhile, TLC, 'cause I'm starting to walk with a limp.

    9. I bet they're doing it because even the loyal superfans seem to blame Robyn for disrupting the family (I'm assuming they never read the book cause they were a dysfunctional mess before she even came along). Now we get to watch her blame everyone else for the problems...the abusive ex, Christine's postpartum depression, having to run from the law, Hunter not accepting her, blah, blah, blah....

    10. Well, Fellow CJ bloggers, MrSpock here playing devil's advocate, how many on this blog have asked over and over for more focus on the "wives" as opposed to SW being Kody-centric? Maybe this is TLC's answer to that. ;-)

    11. Good point, Spock !!!
      And I will own my rants on that subject. LOL

      Problem is that at this point, those promised "highlights" of the last 5 years of Sobbin's *journey (side bar....really hope the buzz word, *journey* goes away soon) ....
      we are now left to question how many of those highlights, when filmed, were embellished, distorted or just plain fake?

      Upside is that the episode will probably re-energize some Pure Golden snark moments.

    12. So true Mr Spock! Just wish instead of serving up Sobbin's story (again) they would let Janelle & Meri dig into the details of that 20 year old that would be interesting!!

    13. I will need to drink up before I watch an entire episode on Robyn. Why oh Why????

    14. I don't think they have enough episodes to cover all the wives. And, if they do, there won't be a Kody episode. I can't imagine that the Browns would allow that!

      There were only 8 episodes this season, and we've seen 3-4 already. If they take off Superbowl Sunday, will February 8th be one episode about Robyn and one about the sociology students?

      More importantly, didn't the purity fable tell us all we need to know about Robyn's "journey"?

    15. I will not be watching her sobbin' story. But I will tune in here for the snarking afterward.

  16. What a waste of money taking all those vehicles and uhaul up to get Christine's moms thing. Would have been cheaper to get a moving company to do it.

    1. I was wondering too why all those people went. Cody, Christine, Meri ( who was swapping cars with Mariah), and the teenaged boys should have been plenty to do the job.

    2. Why is Meri swapping cars?

    3. Yes it was to show that many hands are the blessings of polygamy. But all those people taking up room and so many vehicles having people space taken it didn't make sense. Surely they have moving experience. Since she is downsizing a pod would be more than enough. Send a few boys to help her load the big stuff.

    4. Meri said she had to license Mariah's car. I thought it was odd....we can pay our fees and get tags through the mail....Maybe NV has different requirements???

    5. They ran out of story lines so long ago that all they can do now is jump into RV's to visit other polygamist or pile into multiple cars & move family members. Boring.

    6. Not to mention feeding everyone on this turnaround trip. I'm assuming, they did just go up there to load up & come back home all in the same day. Betcha they're wishing they would've saved some of their Disneyland $$ that they've splurged on over & over & over...

    7. Perhaps one should ask, "How many polygamists does it take to change a light bulb?"

    8. Maybe if producers were to show what really goes on in that family, thru wouldn't have to dream up such ridiculous plots.

      Come on, show us what a Brown Style Super Bowl Party is really like! Ha ha that tweet made me laugh because I wondered who is going to cook and what. On those party days do they all cook in their own kitchen acc then take it over to Meris ave set out on her wet bar. Do the wives get.together and plan a mask and what.they each need to prepare?

      With four houses, do the older kids hang out.or do they go hide from the younger kids ? My teens would hide.

    9. Sorry on phone, didn't see the typos....plan a meal..not a mask.

    10. Mr. Spock, I LOVE the light bulb comment!! It reminds me of another joke. How do you get a one armed polygamist out of a tree? Wave to him/her.

    11. But if they hired a moving company, who would do the hula-hooping?

    12. To MonApostate: How did that person get up in the tree in the first place?

    13. Regarding the Brown style super bowl party. I'm sure we'll see some twit pics of kody throwing the football with the boys & neighbors in the cult de sac (eye roll)

    14. Regarding the Brown style super bowl party. I'm sure we'll see some twit pics of kody throwing the football with the boys & neighbors in the cult de sac (eye roll)

    15. I thought Meri saying she had to license Mariah's car was odd, also. She implied she had to have THE car with her to do that, which is crazy. Nowhere I've ever lived have they wanted to see the actual vehicle. Strange, very strange.

    16. Shouldnt the car be licensed in utah by Mariah?

  17. How many women does it take ? At least three and one man to give them permission.

  18. Speaking of Sobbin's in house seminar on her "purity" ........
    Does anyone think they would dare to include that in her highlight montage??
    Would they be that self-destructive?? Or stupid ??

    1.'ll be there.
      Have to remind everybody that her purity was stolen by a bad man but along came King Kody to restore it...(talk about weird!). Lucky for Robyn he used his magic plyg powers to remove that nasty "ick factor" & make her Brown worthy! Now she's a joolery designer living in a McMansion- who would have guessed?

  19. I had some time to kill as I waited for my son to take his driving test so I watched the brown honeymoon special on YouTube. Wow! I am not sure that I watched that when it aired. Now, I am not sure it is the same family. If anyone has 45 spare moments this weekend. Just watch. Their candor, appearance and closeness is shocking. Compared to the mess that TLC aired last week, this family has been destroyed. It is very sad. If there are Browns lurking, go back and watch that show and then ask yourself what the heck happened!

    1. Oh my! I had a few minutes so I thought I decided to follow your advice and check out the honeymoon episode. I had never seen it either. I cannot believe the difference in this family. I realize that they were a few years younger, but...I just can't believe the difference. The women seemed to like each other--at least when Kody wasn't there. Janelle wasn't checked out at all. She was an active participant in the show. They admitted that they treated Logan as an adult male. Meri said something interesting--"When I am mad at Kody, I don't want anything to do with the family." I wonder if that means that she has been mad at Kody for the last few months. Janelle admits that she had been detached for quite a while. The kids were so young. Everyone was so much smaller. Wow, just wow. This family has not progressed well since this show began.

    2. The family is night and day different from how they started out. I wonder what they'll be like in 5 more years.

    3. Wow....not even close to the same people...I don't know if I ever watched that episode. I can see why the other wives said they didn't want to watch it either. He couldn't keep his hands of her, definitely not very modest or thinking of how his otherwise wives or Kids might feel about seeing him act like a horny teenager on tv.

    4. Wow. What struck me is how happy the kids are. Then later, look at the 3 early wives, all happy and sitting around like any other group of gal friends.

  20. Of course they want to do a Robyn episode because as stated she has a bad reputation. Sadly you cannot rewrite history but TLC can rescript it. All the new incoming fans will see her in a different light and buy all the lies . The problem with that is which wife will have to be the bad one. It can never be Kody's fault or the fact polygamy is emotionally abusive. As in Polygamy the woman bears the burden.

  21. Boy, howdy! It has come out that Kody has divorced Meri and officially married Robyn. I'm sure this is just for legal purposes but I wonder how Meri is taking this!

    (You can look it up for yourself on the Clark County Nevada Recorder's website)

  22. Sorry for typos using phone with stupid auto correct

  23. On all the sisterwives
    pages there are reports and copies of Kodys divorce from Meri in April and his marriage licsense showind he married Robyn on Dec. 12th. It is from cort records and seems to be true.

  24. On all the sisterwives
    pages there are reports and copies of Kodys divorce from Meri in April and his marriage licsense showind he married Robyn on Dec. 12th. It is from cort records and seems to be true.

  25. Oh my, it does seem to be true that Meri and Kody divorced. Just checked the Clark County records myself. Wow.

  26. CJ I just saw this, and I have to note that the diff between Kody's eyes and Ozzy's is that Ozzy is playing a part. my ex has many friends who have worked and/or are friends with Ozzy and know him when he isn't performing. He's NOT like that.
