
Saturday, January 31, 2015


This just in...

On the Sister Wives TLC FB, this was posted today at 4:56PM....

"OH MY GOD!!!!! It has just been leaked. Kody and Meri have divorced and he legally married Robyn!!! I bet Janelle and Christine are just overjoyed."

Now the person who posted this bit of info is a "SW goblin" if you know what I mean. So I had to verify the info first...

You better sit down, kids.

IT'S TRUE!!!!!

From the online records for Clark County...


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  1. Woah. Poor Christine. Does that make her
    last wife? Also, isn't this another stolen story line from Big Love?

  2. Now, are they going to continue the show with Meri as a part of it, or are they finished? Will we be treated to a new show next Sunday where Robyn and Kody are the only couple? What do the kids think of this development?

    1. I can picture them on the couch trying to explain how the divorce changed nothing for them, that it's just a legal formality and that they're going on as if nothing happened because, you know, they're all still sisterwives who are there for each other, all still 'wives' of Koduche anyway, so the divorce doesn't make a difference. It'll be all BS, just like everything they try to explain, especially when it comes to emotions.

      Personally, I can't imagine how Meri is handling this. The hurt and blow to her self-esteem must feel unbearable at times. I hope she's getting her feet under her, feeling some independence and autonomy and will take the divorce as an opportunity to use her education to make a new life for herself. Do I think it's likely that'll happen? No, but I wish she would.

  3. I wonder if this has to do with her ex-husband issues. Divorced in name only, etc

    1. And there is almost three months inbetween the two. This has to be about money

    2. I think it is definitely because of Robyns ex. Now Kody is legally their stepdad, that adds a level of security. I would love to hear David Jessop shed some light on the issue! I wonder if he watches the show.

  4. Cheaper than a baby.
    Cheaper than bringing in a fifth wife.
    Big Love Playbook certified.
    The TLC check still gets split the same way.
    And I bet this is why next week's show is ALL ABOUT ROBYN.

    1. DING DING DING....

      We have a Winner!!

    2. Late to the party tonite.......!!!

      Yes, Yes,Yes, Yes and Yes !!
      All points a BIG Yes !!

      Should now be called "Sobbin Scores #1 !!!

    3. I wonder about that no change in the TLC split. Not sure Meri's spirit children will be paid for if she is not the legal wife. Robyn strikes me as pretty greedy herself.

  5. Holy Canoli!!! I wonder if they were planning to spring this on the public as part of the "All about Robyn" episode coming up? (Also wondering for you researchers... what kind of twitter posts were happening on the dates of the divorce and remarriage? Anything special?).

    1. I'm looking CAmom but it seems the twitter posts doing that time were not extraordinary HOWEVER there are a couple from Meri and Robyn that will make eyebrows rise. Also, how interesting that during the week of 9/12, that was when Janelle took the elder kids on a road trip. I'm still compiling, so hopefully by tomorrow I'll post the tweets and let ya'll decide. Kind of like live tweets in reverse!

    2. I'm excited for this post!

  6. Anon, they're stuck together like glue. They all are in the same culdesac for better or worse.

    Must be hell for Christine and Meri. But yet, I don't feel sorry for any of them. Just the kids.

    this also might explain why the teens who are graduating are so quick to leave the compound even thought most of them are going to school right in LV. I would want to be out of that zoo too.

    1. I think this also explains why Robyn was so quiet on twitter last fall, too. TLC was afraid she would spill her guts.

  7. They had to have been planning this as far back as a year ago, I do believe.

    1. Right !!! No way was this a happening just in late summer, early fall of 2014.
      This was planned and plotted carefully !!

    2. I still think courting a 5th wife would have made for more lasting TV interest. This is really beginning to stink of PR stunt that this info just happen to "leak" a week before an entire episode of just Robyn.

    3. Except that l don't believe it was leaked. A poster on a tlc page saw something about Kody raping a black woman. It was one of those bogus ads. She went to the records dept. in Vegas to see if Kody had a police record and stumbled across the divorce. She posted a copy on our page. Some one else looked up the marriage license and posted that. One of our members is the author of the Examiner article and she took it from there. Also apparently Kendra had told someone about the marriage in a pm.

    4. She went to the records dept. in Vegas to see if Kody had a police record and stumbled across the divorce.
      Sorry Karen, but each court has a separate search engine. It may look the same, but the items you can search under are different.

      For example, if this person was searching for CRIMINAL activity and clicked on the Civil/Criminal Search, they would come up with nothing listed. So how could she stumble on the divorce? (Hint: It's not a Civil/Criminal court matter)

      BUT, if someone was LEAKING the information out, they would need a "logical" reason for conducting the search. Ah...the bogus ad gambit. And the rest is history as they say...

      It's the TIMING that is suspicious here. Two weeks before an hour episode that will showcase Robyn's journey in the Brown family, someone suddenly gets the urge to go searching Clark County Court records and then miraculously finds a bombshell and takes it to social media.

      Nope, if it doesn't jell it ain't aspic. This was no example of serendipity.

  8. CJ - Congrats on having the only news of this (well my limited googling ability didn't find it anywhere else).

    I am really bad at following the timeframe the show is currently showing. I think we are in the summer? I'm too pessimistic to think Meri got out. I can't say she is my favorite anymore, but anyone of them escaping would be good news. I'm thinking this is more Big Love inspired, some sort of legal issue for Robyn. I wonder if they had another "spiritual wedding" for Meri.

    What does that mean for the title/mortgage of Meri's house?

    Does this mean we have to hear about Robyn more? argh.

    1. Oh definitely there was a spiritual wedding for Meri. Or if they were following the Big Love playbook, a "commitment" ceremony for all the wives, which Meri refused to attend.

    2. Im confused. Divorced as in no longer together?? If so, im stoked for Meri. If not, there has to be a legal reason why this happened. They are such hot messes!! Man, if Robyn wrangled Meris husband away and became the legal wife, damn shes good!! She seemed so sincere to me at times....

  9. WOW. Just wow.

    My first thought was that this has something to do with legal wranglings and Robyn's ex husband, but there's something UBER-SKETCHY here, and I can't wait to see what kind of damage control/phony-baloney spin they put on it. Would really like to see FB and Twitter blow up on this...

    I wonder if Meri and Kody call each other Barb and Bill...ya know, for fun.

    1. SOMEBODY calls them Barb and Bill, that's for sure!

  10. Just had a thought that maybe Mariah would get more $$ for her private college if her parents are divorced?

    1. a) favorite and b) longest time until her kids need financial aid for college? I don't know... I do think the whole thing is pretty shitty for Meri especially but also for Janelle and Christine...

    2. Hmmm. You may be on to something. Maybe Meri wanted to be a "single parent" so Mariah could receive more financial aid for college.

    3. CAmom, excellent point! Out of the three mothers, Robyn is the only wife who won't have a child graduating from high school for at least 3 years or more. Not to mention, Meri, Janelle and Christine all have college enrolled offspring, with Hunter the next to graduate this year.

    4. Does he have to be legally married to someone? He could have divorced Meri without marrying Robyn. This could very well be a publicity stunt (it does stink) but if it's not and it was done for Queen Mariah then Meri dealt herself a really bad hand! Robyn owns him now and won't give up the marriage until the money is gone. Meri just lost all her power. Robyn doesn't have to be buds with old Meri anymore. Meri it's Karma! Janelle and Christine come out of this with the same old nothing. Their weakness annoys me.

  11. So is Meri still a "wife"? Is Robyn now the 1st "wife" since she is the only one leagally married to deadbeat Cody? I am so confused. Run, Meri, run! This has got to have something to do with Robyn's three older kids.

    1. Meri just isn't the legal wife anymore. And yes, she's free to run away if she wants to! Robyn is now the legal wife of Kody.

  12. Totally big love. Maybe bio dad of Dayton, Aurora and Brianna gave up parental rights and Kody wants to adopt?

    1. VERY possible, Anon 6:38! Robyn's ex was my first thought, too. That makes complete sense to me.

    2. that was my guess. I actually hope that's what it is. That's almost noble.

    3. The Browns don't do anything noble reasons!! Just sayin'

  13. Let's look at assets. if Meri's house is owned by both her and kody and he never gave up his share then marrying Robyn he would have interest in two houses -NO? It could be a publicity stunt as mentioned as the sanctity of marriage holds no meaning for them. It could be a way for Robyn to prove to Kody she is all in. Either way the ratings for the next show will go up. temporarily at least. I'm thinking about the old friend saying get rid of three wives and come back to the fold.

    1. Sadly anon 6:48, I have a feeling the release of this info was a publicity stunt to increase viewer numbers. Too bad this wasn't leaked in December - that would have helped their season premiere ratings tremendously. The Feb 8th episode(s) better have higher ratings or that show is doomed!

    2. The house situation would all depend on the divorce agreement. Meri and Kody could still own it together or Meri could buy Kody out, or he could have given up his interest. If there was a change, they would have to go through the bank. If it is Meri's only, she would have to apply for the loan in her name only. Of course, TLC could help out with the financing which I think they did the first time around. As for Robyn's house, same thing. If Kody wants his name on the deed, they have to refinance, etc.

    3. It all makes perfect sense why the info was leaked when it was. February is sweeps month. December is a dud of a month for tv ratings/advertisers and except for holiday specials, not much money is spent trying to get viewers. Feb - now that's a different story and one we see happening more blatantly all the time. Sisterwives - leaking the divorce and marriage info. Kate Plus 8 - air extremely controversial footage of Kate losing control the last week of Jan to get more viewers for Feb. Gosh, it can be found in almost all of the reality tv shows on the air - something is manipulated to draw viewers!

  14. Brad Pitt Adopted Angelina Jolies kids when they were not married.

    1. That's because he's "Brad Pitt". I don't think that's typical at all.

    2. Angelina's adopted children you mean? they didn't have another dad trying to retain parental rights.

  15. Meri would need to refinance the house into her name only since I imagine there is a mortgage. Kody would have no interest in Robyn's house unless they refinanced her home into both their names. And this is not a move to get Mariah more money. Meri is a divorced single mom...kody is still legally Mariah's dad. Both incomes (TLC) count towards financial aid qualification.

    1. For financial aid purposes the student only has to report income of one parent (whichever one receiving most of their support from, so usually custodial parent)

      I have two kids in college and they've only had to report my income because I claim then on my taxes. They have never been asked for the other parents income.

      When I'm fillimg out the parental part of form, they basically ask for income and account in savings. Dint ask about caddie of home or other assets.

    2. Stupid auto correct....didn't ask about value of home....

    3. Now if memory serves, I thought their current mortgages were of the high interest, interest only variety where they had 2 or 3 years to qualify for a conventional mortgage. I wonder if Robyn couldn't qualify and Kody had to marry her so she could get the conventional loan. Just something to ponder - all speculation on my part. ;-)

    4. CJ, you may be on to something. I wonder if Robin has been spending more money on material things and Victoris's Secret. I bet she could not qualify to refinance her home. I wonder what other kind of financial trouble she is in, who paid the hospital bills for Dayton. His surgeries were not cheap. She probably has a lot of medical bills. Will we ever know the truth. I doubt it unless Meri writes a tell all book. Robin could be so devious that she planned the whole thing in order to be the legal wife. She found a way to become the legal wife and to keep them in the cul-de-sac. I do not feel sorry for any of them. I just hope the kids come out unharmed.

  16. Did Kody and Meri legally divorce? Or is Kody committing bigamy? If they did divorce, when? Maybe this is why Meri wasn't with the family blast week while they live tweeted? Wow. Just wow. I actually feel really sorry for them all right now. Whoa.

    1. According to the first picture, the divorce decree was granted on 9/25/14. Kody and Robyn were married on 12/11/14, almost 3 months later and exactly 3 months from the 9/12/14 date Kody and Meri filed for divorce.

    2. Thanks CJ. I couldn't see the dates on my phone.

  17. these fools never cease to amaze me. wonder whats next?

    1. Meri moving back to Lehi and Kody courting and marrying wife #5 to move into Kody's home he shared with the now absent Meri.

    2. Bingo! I have been wondering if that would happen. It would put Meri closer to Mariah. It would give her some distance from the situation. It would answer a need for privacy. I suspect "yes."

    3. I don't see Meri giving up that big house in Las Vegas without a BIG payout.

    4. Nor would Meri want to give up her new groupie lifestyle following VLL around as well as all her new friends. But, would she be closer to Disneyland if she returned to Lehi?

  18. Meri has got to still be in the picture since they just posted those birthday pictures, right? I can't quite wrap my brain around this one.

    1. I suppose that's the "beauty" of plural marriage. They supposedly don't care about man's law - so Meri is still considered a "spiritual" wife and member of the family. She just isn't the legal wife any more. But that brings up the question of why Kody married Robyn...

    2. Or they were just pretending for the show? Keeping up appearances, hoping no one would find out? This happened in Sept, right ? So they kept it under wraps for a while.

    3. If they are all still spiritual wives, why go through the divorce with Meri and legal marriage with Robin? There must be reasons - Meri wants out, Robyn needs the marriage for some reason - financial, Robyn's ex, ratings for the show, etc.

  19. My mind has been officially blown tonight! I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this scandalicious news!! Thanks CJ!! U never fail to disappoint ;)

  20. Wonder if Meri is gonna change her twitter handle from Meri1 now?

    1. Caramel Brownie, She will probably alter it slightly. She may opt for something like Meri1luckybiotch!

  21. They're divorcing so as to save merI's house for all that's left to live in once the show tanks. Meri and kody probably sunk more money into their jointly owned home so there's more to lose. Show's on life support.

  22. Whatever the reason, we can almost guarantee it's stupid, short-sighted, and aimed at gaming SOME system. A bunch of grifters and frauds, every single one of them. Rewarded by TLC, trash central. Sickening.

  23. Given that last weeks episode was supposed to include Robyn and issues with the ex, this is most likely a custody battle. Robyn's living arrangement would have become a court issue. Not sure this will help that, as they have a reality show. As for money, Kody's income still counts on Mariah's financial aid forms. Not sure how the house is affected. What did the divorce papers say? I can't believe that he bypassed Janelle. Wonder what the kids think?

    1. Yes, mythoughtis, there is a specific reason that it is ROBYN that got the legal hitch, and the real difference between Robyn and the rest of the women is that she has children with another man. I'd wager there's a custody consideration of some kind.

      (As for Meri's house, divorcing doesn't NECESSARILY mean they had to re-fi. I can co-own a house with anyone, even an ex-spouse.)

    2. I agree about the refi...I meant for meri to own the house by herself it would need to be refinanced.

  24. I have a theory, We all thought Meri was going back to school last fall....she didn't start until this month, spring semester. As a single woman, she might have access to federal funds for school.

  25. Does Meri qualify for financial aid for herself since she is now an unmarried student. These people know all the tricks! This will boost ratings for sure.

    1. Financial aid is awarded based on financial need. She's still earning something, but no longer has a JOINT income to show. (Honestly, though, the tuition at UNLV is pretty damned cheap.)

    2. I wouldn't put it past this family! I can't believe people on facebook and twitter are speculating that she is leaving the family and the religion. I hope they actually get called out on their scams once and for all!

    3. Pretty much anyone can get unsubsidized student loans regardless of income. But it is very unlikely Meri would get any kind of grants, TLC income is too high.

  26. I think the is a period of time that has to be met before on can qualify for student aid as a single person, and meri has yet to meet that.

    1. Each year you fill out the FASA form for financial aid based on your previous year income. It really doesn't matter if you are single or not. It is based on your household money.

  27. MrSpock has travelled the galaxy but has never seen anything like this!!! Captain Kirk has nothing on Kody Brown in the womanizing department!!! MrSpock's eyebrow may remain raised in the upright position in sheer amazement.

    1. Mr. Spock are u not a Dr., as in Dr. Spock all do respect....?

  28. Whatever the reason, I think this may eventually divide their "fan" base & it will hurt them in the end. Yes there ratings may go up a couple of episodes, but that's only because people want to get the scoop & hear the Browns side of everything. After viewers has time to process this big mess, Kody will be the most hated guy in reality tv.

    1. I totally agree! I have the feeling this will not go over well with their fans regardless of why they did it.

    2. Especially with some fans moaning and groaning about a whole episode on Robyn. This maybe a miscalculation on someone's part...I wouldn't doubt if Kody didn't come up with this gameplan...well, it didn't work on Big Love, I don't think it will have any long term effects on ratings besides the Feb 8 Robyn episode, and then the ratings are gonna tank big time.

  29. Unless there is more that we do not know---and, undoubtedly there is---Kody still has no more legal say about Robyn's 3 oldest children than he did before. Merely being a step parent confers nothing in the legal sense.

    1. MrSpock, if Robyn's ex were to terminate parental rights, Kody would be more likely able to legally adopt them if he was married to their mother. (Of course, this is all complete speculation, but it would make a non-Spock kind of way.)

    2. Yes, but only with the termination of those parental rights. If that hasn't happened, Kody is no more---legally---to those children than he was before.

  30. the TIMING. Thinking about it, I feel that the Browns TIMED this news to leak NOW. the week the show is on SuperBowl hiatus, and the week before the All About Robyn show airs. RATINGS.

    1. Exactly. They will make this all about saving Robyn but in reality I truly believe they did this for financial gain. Meri and Mariah can get more financial aid and ratings go up. Well played.

    2. Agreed. I think this was leaked on purpose for maximum effect.

    3. I agree, but it will only help with ratings for the remaining shows in this season. I think that the divorce is the last nail in the coffin for the show.

    4. Yes! Feb is sweeps month when networks introduce new shows, blockbuster episodes, all fighting for as many viewers as possible so they can grab as many advertising dollars as they can get their hands on. It's big business.

  31. I also think it's clearer why Maddie was in such a rush to leave and get as far away as possible. They've known the plans for some time of course. It's clear that she has little love for Kody.

    1. Yeah the older kids are over it & most definitely want to get as far away from Kody as possible.

  32. Meri is nobody's fool. She has always been for her and Mariah, and if kody did sign over his stake in the home then meri has been paid for all the time she's been with him, and an expensive home is her retirement nest egg. She's just not gonna step aside for Robin w/o being paid to do so.

    1. But, if she wants to sell that house and get out who would want to buy it?

    2. After the show's cancelled the other houses will be foreclosed on and sold to other families. If meri can hold on for awhile then she'll be alright in the long run . Esp. If the others are chipping in.

    3. Maybe this is the reason for the remodel at the old house. Wasn't Meri the one with Kody when they went to look at the progress and she suggested higher end remodel. I may be wrong but I remember something.

    4. Meri's right to divorce him now and demand alimony based on the last few years with straight TLC income, instead of his commissions as a neon salesman. If all the money is split via Brown Entertainment, then the amount would be more complicated.

      She should also move him out of the house and let him live with Robyn, the most children and Mindy, who'd be primed to be Wife 5 (or 4).

    5. The Lehi house is probably in Meri and Kody's name. So, she will get half of the income - rent or sale. I'm not sure how much alimony she would get. I assume they make about the same amount of money and he has all those dependents to support - LOL - could he prove that he helps support them - it would be a tough sell - all 3 spiritual wives seem to take care of their own selves and children.

  33. Apparently the word "commitment" has a different definition in the Kody Brown dictionary. So do the words "wife," "love," "honesty," "work," "job," ....more?

    1. They definitely have no real reverence for the legal institution. It's their spiritual commitment/ceremony that "counts" in their world. Apparently begin legally married to someone has about as much gravitas for them as buying and selling a car.

  34. Weren't they in Hawaii about that time?

    1. I think you're right. So they "eloped" to Hawaii?

  35. Well, it appears that Meri has been hoisted with her own petard. In the book and on air Meri says that she encouraged the relationship between Kody and Robyn. Having a 4th wife was a good thing in her eyes. I wonder what her thoughts are now. Does she regret this? Her position has changed. I wonder how this was presented to her. No matter how it came about what problems it was supposed to fix, what troubles it has helped to avoid, this marriage between Kody and Robyn has to be painful for Meri. I wonder if Kody and Robyn will get another 11 day honeymoon.

  36. We'll never know the real reason...they'll just spin it however they want and expect people to believe it. All the loyal fans who blame Robyn for ruining the family are going to really hate her now! The whole thing is just weird.

  37. MrSpock will now backtrack some on the recent rant about Meri crying too much---if this is all true---and it certainly appears that way from the records---MrSpock indeed feels sorry for Meri. What a life---a true believer wondering what hit her. She probably saw something like this coming---no wonder she cried all the time. Whatever the explanation from Kody, it will never be sufficient to explain this mess he has largely created.

    BUT, maybe it was MERI who wanted the divorce---maybe she FINALLY saw the light and said, "No more, I am out of here!"

    1. But according to their tweets, she's still around, in the family, spending time with Kodyetc

    2. I don't know if Janelle would want to legally marry Grody but Christine probably would have loved it. Having Robyn be the legal wife is just another mean fu to the other two women.

  38. Maybe Robyn wanted a legal marriage before she has another kid?

    1. I doubt it, karen. First, she already has his kid, so that ship has sailed. Second, insisting on a legal marriage to legitimize a new child casts aspersions on all of Janelle's children, Christine's children, her own Solomon, AND flies in the face of their stated beliefs: that in their god's eyes, they ARE married.

  39. I knew Robyn was conniving the first time I saw her. Somehow I just knew she would come out on top. Some people don't really care all that much if they're on top of a dung heap, as long as they're on top! Wonder how long before we will be watching all the wedding planning for Meri & Kody? Month long honeymoon & all.....

    1. Conniving indeed!! Robyn probably already has a life insurance policy out on Kody in place now that she's the legal wife.

    2. CB, I bet she does too. He had better watch his back though, with Robyn's financial history I just can't see her being willing to pay the premiums for very long .lol

  40. Sorry but if this was done for any reason other than really divorcing he has just spat on his marriage to Meri.

  41. I am disgusted. Honestly sick to my stomach. What a gawdawful jerk of a human. All of them, actually.

    1. It makes me feel sick too. What is wrong with these people?

  42. No, TLC, Browns - whoever the hell is monitoring this site - I will not be watching the Robyn's special journey episode. I didn't care before. I have even less interest in the insider's view of how this scam artist weasels her way into legal status.

    Highly doubtful I'll watch another episode, period. Tired of supporting liars and fakes, pretending their "lifestyle" is so much better. Also sick of TLC's pandering to the lowest common denominator. Hope this bites you in the ass, like the HBB crowd did. You lie down with pigs...

    1. Time to rename the show "Sister Lies"

    2. "Sister Lies" Yes, I love it Mr. Spock!

    3. "Sister Lies" is a more fitting title!

  43. WTF? I don't ever see Meri letting go of her legal status willingly, not even if it had something to do with her "bonus kids". Something major must have happened. As someone else pointed out this was around the time Kody and Sobyn went on a trip to Hawaii. So fair for the other 3 right? I hope Janelle and Christine see now that Kody never saw them as real wives but would do anything for his Sobyn. Sickening.

    The Browns better be careful, fans of Big Love were furious when Bill divorced Barb to legally marry Nicki so they could adopt her daughter. I am actually so sick of how Kody treats women that I think I am going to take a break. It's raising my blood pressure too much. How can these women be so pathetic?

    1. And the MOST pathetic will be if Meri stays in the fold---that will be even more pathetic than Christine and Janelle staying.

    2. Meri has to have one foot out the door after this, or at least I would hope. What an ego blow to lose her "legal" wife status.

    3. I would hope that Meri only agreed to do this knowing she has an escape plan she's just waiting to execute once the show is cancelled.

      I just cannot get over how many bad decisions these people keep making for their family. They have completely destroyed their family in less than 5 years. A new wife after 16 (?) years, the move to Las Vegas, the move to separate rentals, the mortgages for 4 separate homes, on and on and on. Stupid, stupid.

  44. Maybe this has something to so with the liens on her home?

    1. They don't need to get married to take care of the liens. Robyn needs to pay the bills that are causing the liens.

  45. I think the Browns have completely abandoned the religious aspects of polygamy. They are just in it b/c its now just their chosen lifestyle & its how they choose to coexist & keep bringing in TLC $$. But we all know that the $$ won't last & there's a price to pay for fame even at a Z- list level. These fame whores have officially sold their souls for the Almighty $

  46. I am thinking back a few days when an "Anon" poster suggested that the Browns only did and said what the producers wanted and that we fans should understand it is a "Reality Show"...emphasis on it being a "show".
    Well okay then........
    Ratings were sinking.....5th wife didn't seem feasible for several reasons, biggest one being that the rabid fans possibly would go do the Big Love number and have the suffering 1st wife be the expendable martyr and take the BIG one for the team.

    And MOST important....get those guaranteed RATINGS for a couple more seasons.
    Gotta keep that money flowing !!
    As for ever getting "the show" to offer and film the "REAL" story......*never* gonna happen !!! Oh, there will be lots and lots of sheer BS......but nothing real.

    Just think of the Honey Boo Boo debacle.....every week there was a different angle in the tabloids. And June obviously thought the press hype was going to keep that show on and the ratings going.

    Brady's money woes made the papers last year, but the season's subsequent show never referenced it. In fact, it probably helped the ratings !!

    As for the Browns, this whole thing stinks to high heaven of a plan to keep the show going.
    And it really isn't the high drama it sounds like...not for them !! Legal marriage is nothing more than a have to do... as they tell it.
    After all, for all we will ever know, behind closed doors, it is simply a different piece of paper with Sobbin's name rather than Meri's. And since from day one, the script was Big Love centered anyway, they all may be fine with it as long as it continues the money train.
    BullSh*t artists of the highest order.

    Makwes sense that if anyone wanted the big switch for any other additional reason beyond the ratings= money factor, it would be Sobbin to insure herself and kids and future kids to be legal and entitled down the road.

  47. Hmmmm?? Wonder if the the Browns will be all watching together next week in Robyn's house & live tweeting?? Lol

    1. You mean Kody and Robyn's house, right? The legal house. The big house. The main house. The center of the family from which all good things flow. You mean that house?

      Poor Meri. At least she still has the wet bar. Well, for now. I'm sure Robyn will find a way to take that too eventually.

    2. Yeah, really !!!

      Those tweets should be interesting, if for no other reason than for their creative fiction value.
      There may be quite a BS contest between the lot of them.

      And since it all went down officially in September, sure does *prove* how bogus and misleading their tweets have been for at least the last 5 months.

      Such Liars, Such Phonys !!! TLC must be so proud of them.
      Now it all makes sense when they have all whined about their collective *work hours*.....!!

    3. Yes & Yes to both of y'all!
      Maybe that's why Thanksgiving was hosted at the "main" house in 2014?!

    4. Actually Amused, on the day she and Kody filed for divorce, she tweeted she was having fainting spells. A strange thing back then, now kind of understandable. And all her tweets about love, forgiveness, blah blah blah.

      What really urks me right now is the special about Robyn on Feb 8. I just got this gut feeling TLC or somebody leaked this info to boost ratings for that episode.

    5. Cynical, I can't wait to see the tweets you gather from the divorce time period and wedding time period. Thank you for keeping us in the loop.

  48. I don't really believe much of anything that the Browns try to make us believe on their show, but I do think that Meri has been seriously detached from the family. Her body language on the couch has been downright rude. Looking the other way. Giving dirty looks. Rolling her eyes. So has she been divorced this whole time?

    1. Possibly, Piper7. Aren't the couch interviews taped after the show has been edited?

    2. The weight gain for Meri this season is huge - stress will cause that!

  49. If I was one of the Original 3, I'd be highly pissed. If they let TLC talk them into doing this for the Big Love storyline, then they are bigger idiots than I thought. If this is all sneaky Robyn's idea and she was plotting this all along, then dayum! I'd sleep with one eye open in that compound.

  50. If Meri stays Kody will have three divorcees as wives. How do they explain this to the kids? It is not like marrying Robyn makes Kody any more stable in appearance to a judge. Unless he drops the other wives.Is this why Dayton has been filmed and his surgery discussed.This is way out there even for Kody and the concubines

    1. " How do they explain this to the kids?"

      Probably the same way they explained the frantic exodus to Vegas....
      They LIE......with drama thrown in for added color !

    2. Easy. The legal marriage is meaningless to them. It's just something they can use as a tool when it benefits them. It's the celestial sealing performed by their church that matters. The same is true in the Mainstream LDS; the celestial sealing is what is really important to them. So don't worry little children! This is all perfectly normal and healthy and good for everyone. NOT!

  51. Would like to hear the Dargers & Williams thoughts on the Browns messy drama. Betcha the Dargers don't wanna go near & hang out with the Browns anytime soon.

    1. MrSpock would also like some HONEST comments from the Dargers, Williamses and Colliers---and a REAL grilling from an aggressive journalist.

    2. I'd just like to hear Dr. Phil ask them what the he!! were you thinking?.....

  52. That's probably why they were trying to hustle so much for investor $ all under the guise of MSWC. The Browns knew they were planning this divorce#1/Marry#4 all along. They needed the extra $$$ to help pay for it all. Divorce fees, elope/honeymoon to Hawaii & the bribe/nursing fees(Meri's cruise & Janelle's family trip) Explains why Kody agreed to let Christine's mom move in. Hell at this point, anything goes with this family as long as they gain something from it.

    1. Wonder how Grandma Annie feels about her "wonderful son-in-law" now? That IS what she called him in the episode we just saw.

      One can only imagine the spin the "adults" have put on this by way of explanation to the children. The "adults" should feel beyond ashamed...but MrSpock is sure they do not.

      TLC, you have let your audience down in a truly cold-hearted way by hiding this information. If the show was really chronicling SW lives then this needed to be front and center last fall and TLC should have been running a "special" or something instead of letting the viewers continue to think all was "as usual" in SW land. You have sunk really low with this debacle---unless you truly did not know---and if you did not know then speak up now.

  53. It just makes no damn sense to get a divorce & then stay in a "spiritual" marriage/union!! These grifters just irks my ass nerves to no end! I'm sick of them continuing to gain financially from not doing anything at all but working the system. This is their version of bleeding the beast!!..smh
    If they're doing it for tax purposes, this has to be considered some sort of fraud. I hope it eventually catches up with them & they will all be held accountable for their actions, esp Kody, Robyn & Meri. It just doesn't seem right or fair! Ugghh!! To think they're openly doing it all under the sanctity of religious freedom!

    1. I have a feeling they are trying to show us monogamists that for them, marriage is more than a "piece of paper" filed with the county recorder.

      I would have believed that, if Kody had not married Robyn and had remained "spiritually" married to his four "wives".

      You know, the opposite of what Bill Hendrickson did to legal wife Barb in Big Love.

      But so far, Kody has followed the Big Love playbook to a T. I now expect Meri to buy a convertible Mini Cooper and name it "Honeybee." And Christine or Janelle to suddenly get the urge to help the less fortunate by working as a volunteer on a medical cruise ship to Mexico.

  54. Jinx I see you have now added falsifying public documents to your resume. There is no Case Number in the Clark County database that matches your 'document'. D-14-5, with a cross reference number of D?

    Nice try.

    1. She's not falsifying anything. Go on ( yourself and search for Kody Brown. It's 100% legit. Marriage licenses have been public online for as long as I can remember in Las Vegas.

    2. Nice try anon. Just searched For it myself and there it is. Move on.

    3. Interesting sites, thanks for the links. Interesting to see who has liens on their homes

    4. I thought I would wake up today and it would all be a joke .There's something about Meri(No alluding to the movie) that makes me believe she would take this as a slight.Even if she agreed to do it for publicity or legal gain. All that differentiated her was that she was the legal wife. The one true love match. Now how can the sappy deluded viewers believe this was ever the case. I was thinking last night how you can meet someone who is unattractive till you get to know them then you see their inner beauty. Over the years Kody has exposed his inner ugliness one too many times. Robyn managed the difficult she won and lost at the same time.

    5. anon 4:09AM, I redacted the information. I assumed (in your case wrongly) that readers would look the info up online to see for themselves if they wanted to verify validity. Here, I'll even give you a new word to learn...

      to redact:

      to obscure or remove (text) from a document prior to publication or release.

      Like others have noted, if you want to see the complete case number, or the full name of the attorney that handled their divorce and his full phone number, LOOK IT UP YOURSELF.

      I have a feeling it may be a challenge for you, but you can always ask someone to help you out.

      Thank you. You may leave my living room now.

  55. Wouldn't that be nice, and wouldn't that be an incentive to continue watching this farce??
    But it is never going to happen.
    I think the chances of TLC or any legitimate media outlet choosing to expose these grifters is slim to none. The scammers themselves would never agree to it even IF the price was right. They are simply not wired for truth.

    The final, lasting lesson and undeniable fact about all of these Plygs is that their **culture** is one of crafted deception and exploitation of the government system, using any method and available loophole for financial gain and avoidance of responsibility.
    If that is/was the goal of TLC putting these plyg families on display, it has been a rousing success.

    To Spocks point about the other plygs like Williams, Dargers etc coming forward to comment, I completely agree. Unless they would do it clearly and not in plyg spin talk, their silence will just validate the whole disgusting specter of Plyg scams and dishonesty.

  56. Well, isn't this a fine kettle of fish? This is either all a stunt or real. Let's assume this is a wonderful brain child of Kody to save the family or Robyn's kids.

    1) this undermines the entire premise of their lives. Their "calling" to the life by undercutting the first marriage and their strong spiritual roots. Poppycock!
    2) meriah? Where does this leave her? How would she feel about this? A tailspin, I presume. How much psychological damage can these parents continue to inflict upon their children?
    3) Christine? What must she be feeling after having her meltdown over the summer? That was filmed and the emotions were still raw all pointing towards robyn joining the family as a cause and now robyn has leap frogged to the first wife? I would imagine that this will not be the first and last "divorce"in this mess. You don't divorce a mistress, right?
    4) Janelle? She is the "best friend" who has been emotionally inching out the door for a couple of years now. Maybe there is more to the absence of janelle in the recent episodes and her distance during the tweeting. She is not married to him at all. She doesn't need a document to show that she is leaving. She just changes the locks on the house that she owns and builds up her career.
    5) robyn. Some have speculated that this has to do with custody. I say no. Why would Kody adopt her kids? If her husband is not a great guy then the courts will see that, it seems that someone is manipulative here and it has nothing to do with the ex.
    6) TLC great job getting us talking about this before a rehash episode on robyn. What about our Anthropology students? Did they see this change in social structure? Why can't you figure out that timely truth is better television than whatever this is? I'm out. I won't be watching your overweight little people who want to be polygamists or gold hunters, or whatever your new programming is. Shame on you!
    7) Kody He is either a first class idiot dancing for the cameras or he was just played by a first class con artist. I don't know which. As others have mentioned, If she takes out an insurance policy on him, we will soon be following this story as a dateline special. Be afraid Kody.
    8) the children. True or fabricated, this is painful to them who cannot separate the feelings and the fiction. That is the tragedy here.
    9) wow. Just wow.

    Sorry for the length and the capitalization errors. A tablet is a challenge to post on.

    1. "I won't be watching your overweight little people who want to be polygamists or gold hunters, or whatever your new programming is. Shame on you! "

      So true !! The array of these fake shows is out of control.
      As soon as they have a "hit" show, the look-a-likes follow quickly.

      How many survival (now even nude ones) shows can there be? Or Alaskan fishing/homesteading, or gross weight loss, or various Little People, or hunting for gold on land or sea, alligators, varmints, timber, ghosts, etc, etc, etc The glut of these faux shows has reached insane numbers. And they ARE all contrived, save for a rare few.

      And of there are the Plygs !!

  57. If anyone is doing this for ratings - even as a secondary factor - it's backfired with this viewer. Just removed the show from my DVR. It will not be returning.

  58. CJ,
    I cannot wait for more of your investigative work! I am looking forward to finding out what was happening on twitter during the time frames of the divorce and the marriage. I am also curious about what the rest of the family was doing during those times. I can't wait to see what you dig up! Thanks so much for this blog! Sincerely, I appreciate your hard work so very much.

    1. Are they serious.... I am with you on all that you said !!! I'm too lazy to research this neat stuff. Thank you, CJ !!!!

  59. I see a suspicious Anon above with those accusations about CJ.

    I am really stunned and I feel bad that it affects me like it has. I had always thought how sad it would be to court a 5th wife just to keep the gravy coming but somehow this is worse.

    I hope this was not TLC's idea, but they bear responsibility either way for helping create this. The "normal just like us" plyg families have only made their image worse.

    I agree with many we will never know the truth unless someone really does a tell all. Hell, they may have a legal document to curtail tell alls. To me it smacks of Kody (with Robyn influence) because in his ego world, he would think this would help the ratings. Just as he couldn't see that his treatment of Christine, tweets and TH about Kengate only dug the hole deeper. The man who wasn't ashamed to make out with girlfriend as his "wife" was giving birth. The list goes on and on.

    MrSpock, yes maybe a bit of sympathy Meri's way. Christine's over the top emotions (prob need for mom) and Janelle's checking out are all seen in a different light. Their defenders should rethink what kind of parents these people are. Even trying to justify this as to provide for children financially would be hollow looking at their sending habits. Yes, the reality show is their work. But these are real children who will pay the real price for this for the rest of their lives.

    I remember the early days of TLC that were so different. The Lying Channel and Sister Lies are the right words. Thanks CJ for all your hard work!

    And as to the Anthropolgists, no doubt a sham, let them study the effect that reality TV has on the families. I think it's times for laws to protect the children. Notice their religion is being trotted out in commercials?

    Wonder what the true believers over at FB think?

  60. I don't think this was driven by or even just suggested by TLC nor do I think it's ratings driven. I think there has to be some sort of monetary gain that comes from it in how they are structuring their personal finances. And maybe something to do with Robyn's custody, but more likely just financially driven and somehow offers them a way to maximize their personal strategy to "bleed the beast." Still just bottom-feeders.

    1. I'm with you. This is all about money, Just another 'scamming the government' move.

  61. As someone pointed out, Meris body language has been very telling, now we know why. This divorce happened by the time the film crew wrapped up filming. At the time of the couch sessions, she was already the ex-wife. Whether planned as a family, it still has to tear her heart out.

    And, like others, I can't believe she went quietly! I wonder how this affects the other wives? I can't imagine Christine handling it well, but with Mom there who knows.

    I'm curious to know if he is on the deed for Meris house....does anyone know how to do the search and find out? That would be great info!

    1. I searched this morning, using the links given up thread, and he is still listed on Meri's house.

  62. From CJ's. comment further up thread.
    (I always have trouble replying to specific posts once the count goes above big deal )

    CJ said, "What really urks me right now is the special about Robyn on Feb 8. I just got this gut feeling TLC or somebody leaked this info to boost ratings for that episode. "

    Yep, that anonymous "someone" whose assigned job it was to leak the bombshell.
    And you just know that they (TLC and the Browns) are licking their lips and rubbing those money-grubbing hands together watching all the chatter leading to epic numbers for Feb 8 ratings.
    Irksome, you bet......and disgustingly blatant !!

    1. I don't know...even fans cannot stand Robyn, to me this will alienate viewers more than attract them. Sure, the special on Sobyn will probably be a draw, but after viewers will probably stop watching/being as interested because they are disgusted with the way Kody has treated his first 3 wives.

  63. As many others have pointed's a total scam. Kon artists. The whole lot of them. I bet they planned the entire plot. It was the only way to get all the houses. Robyn got an unconventional loan and this is their solution to getting out of it. Just wait a few months...they'll refinance and there will be documents to prove it. Not to mention this was conveniently performed at the end of the year. Now, for tax purposes, Kon Artist Kody will attempt to claim Robyn's kids for the next fiscal year. And I call the following story lines for the next season...adoption of Robyn's kids(attempted or successful who knows?), more exploitation of them, how unfortunate...emotional fall out drama of the 'divorce,' and more false information regarding their financial status (personal and/or business). I hope the IRS catches wind of this and audits the entire Krew. Then again, they (The IRS) are just as corrupt...

    As for Robyn's ex. They have some 'splaining to do. If this divorce is all a ploy to cover up their financial scam to get the houses, which I expect it is, and they're using Robyn's kids (and a potential custody battle) as decoys the ex will certainly play a roll and will have to be villanized as in Big Love. But if the ex is such a bad guy, why does he have visitation rights? Either way, Robyn can't dig her way out of that hole. Something even the most loyal of viewers would question. Scripted BS in order to get ratings.

    As a monogomist I may be boring according to Christine. But at least I can say my husband didn't marry me for spiritual advancement, money, or social standing. By his actions, Kody has been proven to do all three. I guess a legal or spiritual marriage 'license' holds no value for him.

    1. Does the decree state a reason for divorce? Isn't that normally required? Irreconcilable differences, Kody is a greedy ass, etc etc...

      Am I reading the document correctly? He even made Meri foot the approx $300 dang bill?

    2. Kody may attempt to claim Robyn's kids for 2014, but it will all depend on Robyn and her ex's divorce agreement for tax deductions, for the children.

    3. Las Vegas is a no-fault state. You don't have to state a reason. I found it interesting that the document lists them as joint petitioners. Typically one party is listed as the petitioner, but good old Meri and Kody are DIVORCE PARTNERS. Doesn't that just make you feel warm and fuzzy all over? Whatever their underlying reasons, its a typical Brown family manipulative scheme.

  64. Divorce Talks Begin:
    I can just picture Janelle's response as her name was floated out as #1 wife: She quietly slips out the back door,muttering "No Siree Bob-Not Me-No Way-No How!" "You'll have to catch me first!"

    Christine: " It just doesn't feel safe" "Anything free in it for me? Cuz, well..I like free stuff." "So maybe"

    Robyn (Smugly and Sheepishly with rocks in her mouth) " I'll do it for the sake of this family".."Please see my value to this family"

    Meri: "Come outside girls and check out my new Convertible Mini Cooper"..."One ride apiece" "Then take a hike..the whole lot of ya"

  65. Do the records tell us what Kody will be paying in alimony? Great tax write-off, especially when the guy concerned will never pay a penny to the woman he divorced. (Seen it happen before in AUB). All five of these adults are colluding for some kind of financial gain or other benefit.

    1. There is a lot of speculation here about divorce elements that are typical to NORMAL divorces (normal, meaning two people who actually don't want to be together anymore and are planning to create new lives apart). That's not what happened here. This scammy plan dissolves their legal marriage, but all the usual details are moot (dividing assets, etc.) Alimony is only awarded if one of the parties SEEKS alimony, and I guarantee Meri agreed to this move in order to martyr herself for the "family," believing that it is her spiritual commitment to Kody that actually binds them. Cheap as I am, I would bet most of what I own that this is connected somehow to Robyn's ex and the custody of their children. Will they exploit it for the sake of ratings? HELL YES. But Meri allowed herself to be the sacrificial lamb here.

      Another poster said that Meri is "nobody's fool." I disagree. I think Meri has been Kody Brown's fool for a very, very long time.

  66. Meri would pay taxes on whatever spousal support she is paid.

    1. I'm not sure there would be alimony involved. If yes, Meri would have to pay taxes on it. The smarter thing to do would tell Kody to give up his share of the house. Then she can deduct the interest on her taxes and if she doesn't lose the house she will get the profits from the sell - if there are any.

    2. I doubt there would be alimony. This seems like something they all arranged together, no different than transferring the title of a car between family members or "selling" the car to a son/daughter for $1. Of course I think being legally married to Kody is worth less than $1, but that's just me.

    3. Doubt if she is getting any if all have equal shares of tlc money

  67. Replies
    1. thank you for doing your best to protect our privacy.

  68. Wow! I feel honored that you would use my post on SW page in your blog CJ! This goblin may post immature and rude things on SW page from time to time, but that amuses me and I don't have to explain myself to anyone. However, I ASSURE you that TLC has nothing to do with the leak. A couple members of my FB group were browsing public records and came across it themselves yesterday. It was a complete shock to all of us. I posted it on SW page and it went viral in minutes. I know Kody and his "wives" didn't sleep a wink last night. I bet they are concerned that this scandal could be the end of them, just like Mama June's scandal. In my opinion, this divorce and marriage is for fraudulent financial purposes.

    1. I hope this is the end of them. It gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. I can no longer watch the show, even for snark value. I refuse to watch anything that is so damaging to women and children.Thanks for posting, bet you've woken up a lot of people.

    2. Wow! I feel honored that you would use my post on SW page in your blog CJ!
      Thank You! I thought you would like that.

      This goblin may post immature and rude things on SW page from time to time, but that amuses me and I don't have to explain myself to anyone.
      I couldn't have said it better. Brava, Maeve, Brava!

      A couple members of my FB group were browsing public records and came across it themselves yesterday.
      Kudos to your members, Maeve. It's wonderful to see they have research talents.

      It was a complete shock to all of us.
      I'm sure it was!

      I posted it on SW page and it went viral in minutes.
      Here, let me help you. Looks like your arm is getting tired from all that patting yourself on the back you're doing!

      I know Kody and his "wives" didn't sleep a wink last night. I bet they are concerned that this scandal could be the end of them, just like Mama June's scandal. In my opinion, this divorce and marriage is for fraudulent financial purposes.
      Perhaps, interesting, but could you explain what financial purposes and why these purposes would be fraudulent? Think about it and get back to us when you can.

      I suppose I could agree with you if it weren't for the fact that this very scenario of divorcing one wife then marrying another was played out on the HBO series Big Love. And any fan of Big Love knows how that played out in the end. Like I've said many times the past 24 hours since this all went "viral", I wouldn't be surprised if Meri buys a new convertible Mini Cooper and names it Honeybee. Just like Barb did.

      And the timing. Don't you think it strange that 2 weeks before a special 1 hour episode about Robyn and her "journey", this revelation suddenly is uncovered?

      Research this if you will: The Principle of Occam's Razor. TLC is no fool. Higher ratings means more advertising dollars. How do you raise the ratings on a tanking show? Leak information the general public might find newsworthy. Oldest trick in the book. I bet they've doubled the ratings for the Feb 8 episodes. Bravo! TLC Bravo!

      Of course this is my opinion, Your mileage may vary. I respect that.

      Thanks for the visit Maeve. And thank you very much for the civility you've shown. Say hello to everyone under the bridge for me. Let me show you to the door.

  69. How does one choose a name? Which of the profile choices do I pick?

    1. You pick Name/URL. It's easy. Skip the URL box, only fill in the name box.

    2. You must choose name/url and then just type a name. You do not need to use a url. It works quite easily that way.

  70. I think this whole thing is simply Robyn trying to re-write history. After all, they should have been together from day one!

  71. "I know Kody and his "wives" didn't sleep a wink last night. I bet they are concerned that this scandal could be the end of them, "

    As well they should be !!
    If this really is all on the Browns.... and *not* TLC produced, then they will reap what they have now sown. They just may have tanked their own show. Just like HBB's June.

    It's one thing to be on a mostly scripted show pretending that it isn't.
    It's quite another thing to change up your own chess board without telling your employers, the ones who are paying you by selling your old one to the public.

    That is..... *IF* this is all on the Browns being secretive, and really was an accidental find.

  72. Hey does anyone know if this could possibly hurt their lawsuit against Utah? Or will it not even affect it?

  73. Explains why we no longer see "Lover" tweets exchanged between Meri & Kody no more.

  74. I do not put any blame on TLC. This is strictly a Brown scam. The truth will leak out. And further, I don't think they give a ding dong about their "religion" anymore. Scamming scammers.


  75. We really, really need to not reward this sham with our eyeballs, especially on Feb. 8. This needs to backfire on them, big time. Dirtbags.

  76. Long time lurker, first time poster. I have tolerated the show, but have loved this blog. I was thrilled to have found it after the demise of the other. I appreciate the respect given to all views, and the efforts of CJ.

    Sister Wives has really jumped the shark this time. I feel for the women involved in this mess. They truly have no sense of self worth. This is all they have ever known, and will ever know. I only hope that the children will be alright.

    Thanks, CJ, for all you do. This blog has been a learning experience for me.

  77. Wow....................................Just, wow.
    Custody issue's for Robyn perhaps? Or future storyline? I still read here often but long gone are the days that I try to understand these people.

  78. "Say hello to everyone under the bridge for me. Let me show you to the door "

    CJ......Love your style !!!

    Sub-bridge-dwelling trolls are a special bunch, aren't they/! .

  79. Meri should stick it to Kody by losing weight, going to school, getting a job and enjoying her wet bar in the peace and quiet of her own home. Kody can stay at Robyn's end put up with the kids and noise and mess, while wishing he were back at Meri's house.
