
Sunday, December 14, 2014

LIVE TWEET PARTY for 12/14/14 for 90DayFiance and MyFiveWives!!

My living room is now open for early 90 Day Fiancé and My Five Wives partyers!!

Are you ready? Come on in, view the tweets and join the discussion. All in the comfort of My Living Room!

And you don't even need to dress up, much.

So kick off yer shoes, get comfy and sharpen up yer snark. There's still room on the couch!

Let the snarking begin!!

Tweets for My Five Wives

Tweets for 90 Day Fiancé

Don't forget the new season of Sister Wives premieres on January 4, 2015!

For selected tweets from Kody Brown and his Sister Wives, click here for the lastest edition of I Scour The Internet.


  1. Danny's father is absolutely appalling! My jaw dropped at his talking head regarding Amy as his daughter.

    1. I think Danny's mother looks more mixed race than Amy does! Wouldn't that be funny if she were?

    2. Ok, hear me out....

      I watched the last few episodes a couple of times. This show has become my new obsession. Anyhow, I think it is POSSIBLE that TLC encouraged the storyline about "Danny's dad is a racist idiot" I am not saying he isn't racist but I don't just smacked of some acting and editing.

      During the talking head with Danny's parents, the Dad said something to the effect that he would never consider Amy "family" (as his wife said she would) but more on the outer fringes....(which is outrageous!) but then later when he said that Amy made everyone feel comfortable or something like that and he was smiling, they were in the same exact place and pose as the earlier "I wouldn't consider her family" conversation.

      Ang magically after spending a meal with Amy's family and joking about dowry cows, he know has a new respect for other cultures?

      I think it's all been a put-on. Maybe the dad wasn't excited about Amy but the extreme behavior and then extreme turnaround makes me feel this was a plot line developed by TLC.

  2. Half of the tweets for M5W seem to be from Brady & Wives themselves. Another quarter or so are about the Long Island Medium knock-and-shock. M5W has no audience and no storyline. (That's not news.)

    1. Thank you Grifter Lives! Something was wrong with the coding on one of the twitter widgets so only tweets to and from @BradyAndWives were being shown on the ticker, while none were shown from #MyFiveWives (the entire audience).

      I fixed the widget...a little late but better than never!

  3. Brady on the women's concern that he'll be overloaded, supporting his brother's start-up: "I can see why they feel that their concerns are valid, but they're not valid. I can handle it." He's such a jerk.

    A major plot for tonight's episode: potty-training a 3-year old. What is this show's scatalogical fixation?

    1. I'm replying to myself to add Brady's other philosophical thought:

      "I hate country music. It literally makes my butt itch."

    2. I noticed when the wives 'confronted' Brady when he was washing dishes about taking on too much responsibility, Paulie was nowhere to be found. She either does not like confrontation or does not like to 'act'. Not sure which.

    3. Maybe she doesn't have a problem with him doing the dishes. years long lurker of the old sister wives blog, just found this one but have read in all in a month (I needed this fix bad)1st time poster but it's killing me. will figure out how to post when I catch up, right now i'm "poo pooing on polygamy" and started out curious with a live and let live attitude. The shows that were suppose to make me see it was ok have shut me down

    4. Anon @7:26 pm - That is exactly what happened to me. I saw nothing wrong with consenting adults choosing to live plural marriage UNTIL watching Sister Wives. It was so clearly detrimental to those families. Then, when the Brown's didn't explain their religion, I had to look it up, found Sister Wives Blog, and the writing was on the wall for me.

      If they had even attempted to explain why plural marriage is a part of their belief system, I probably never would have looked any further, and still had my live and let live attitude.

      Also, I believe Paulie still has her job, so she may not have been around to witness the miraculous act of Brady washing dishes. I don't believe for a minute that he washes dishes when the cameras aren't there.

      The Williams are trying to do and say what viewers have said they wished the Browns had done. For instance, Brady making a tweet about going bald and therefore cutting his hair. We wanted to know how the Browns grocery shop, and got an episode where they all went together, even though at that time it was apparent they were living in separate households. Then the Williams showed one wife shopping for a big dinner, and purchasing food for the entire family. That probably rarely happens.

  4. Brady and what Brady wants are the only things that matter. It's obvious that the wives don't get a voice at all, even when they try to have one. It's completely mind-blowing that any woman in this day and age would choose this lifestyle for themselves and their children. Also, begging a 3 year old to go on the potty? Yea, that works.

  5. This show is dead in the water.
    TLC, you picked the wrong horse......or should we say, wrong stable of plygs...this time.

    Brady is a bore.
    Yes, he is a different type of Plyg than Village idiot Kody, but still, Brady is a colossal bore.
    And you can't make him or his harem entertaining or interesting with stupid, redundant plots and scripts. It simply cannot/ will not work.

    1. The show comes on so late for me (11:00pm) I fell asleep watching it. I did wakeup for the pitiful skit of the wives and their pillowcase Bradys. It was sad to watch the wives laughing but the children looking appalled.

      If TLC is smart, they would make MyFiveWives the "serious" side of polygamy. The side Kody Brown doesn't want the public to see. No more cutesy taking 2 wives on dates, toilet training the 3 year old or that gosh awful family night film festival. Show it like it is. The loneliness. The jealousy. The wives expressing their feelings being out of a religion they grew up believing.

      TLC must know by now the Sister Wives fans HATE this show. So instead of marketing it like Sister Wives Another Family, focus on how the Williams women navigate through their lives with a man clearly overwhelmed by the mess of a life created when his father Rod became an AUB member and took on wives. People would be interested in that!

    2. Wise advice, CJ !!
      TLC, you would be wise to consider this perspective.

      The Brady Show cannot compete with SW as long as SW has a fan base, snarkers included. Keeping M5W's on with the current agenda of attempting to be a SW2 only screams how empty and trite it is.

    3. Yes CJ spot on. I ead Rosemary Williams blog about her abuse as a child. The information in it about the AUB was very interesting and mindblowing. Now that would be a story line. I wonder how Kody and Krew feel about Rosemary giving that info publicly since they have gone out of their way to hide from anything having to do with their religion. No wonder Kody insisted on focus on "lifestyle". Kody and wives had to know Rosemary;s father. Mariah went to that church for her school. How do they feel about a predator in their midst? The patriarchal sturcture of polygamy would be a good place to start with Kody, and asking him real questions. I am sure everyone on this blog could come up with some excellent questions.

    4. I meant to add the AUB and how the structure there allowed sexuall predators to thrive under the protect the men at all costs and their patiarchial status.

    5. Amen, Cynical, amen. It amazes me that TLC continues to ignore the one thing that could truly garner the ratings. Plus, it would be cheaper to more boring family side-trips.

    6. Cynical, you have such great insight. I am always impressed by your comments.

  6. I said it in your FB living room & I'm saying it here plus adding a few more thoughts ;) That woman makes my ears hurt. Geez, it's so exhausting just to listen to Danielle's whiney, crying & moan talking to Mohammad. Damn woman you're 41 yrs old! Start talking & acting like it instead of trying to be a broke ass cougar in heat on the prowl.

    1. But wasn't it amazing how Danielle's voice changed when she was behind closed doors with no cameras? She lost that whiney voice and sounded pretty demanding..."Yes or No Mohamed." No pleading at all.

      There are a couple of rumors going around at PVT forum that suggests she was paid by Mohamed's family to marry him so he'd get his green card and eventually bring members of his family to the US. I don't know if that's true but something outside of being on the show is making him go through this marriage. His family pressuring him to get his green card could be the missing link...

    2. Dang I missed that part since I was distracted making popcorn. I'll have to rewatch it. That rumor could possibly be true & would mmakea little more sense as to why he would stay with her & continue to go through with that madness. I thought they had 90 days to decide if they want to marry or not? If not then they go back to wherever they came from? So why was he on the phone with a lawyer, saying he was stuck? What did I miss?

    3. Some of his statements seem to support that rumor. It was crazy, though, that he went to a lawyer on his wedding day and still decides to get married. That couple, in particular, is such a train wreck.

      I think that he has to marry her, due to family obligation, if the rumor is true, and because he feels that he's gone too far or he's too close. Now he has to endure.

    4. Poor Mo Smo is the sacrificial Is Danielle really the best he could do? Or was she the only dumb one enough to "fall in love" & take the marital plunge?

    5. I'm getting a creepy vibe about Mo being around Danielle's four kids, specifically the teen daughters. He's actually closer in age to them than Danielle. Anyone else feel uneasy about this?

    6. I think Mo cares way more for the welfare of Danielle's girls than their own mother like having food to eat, clothes and shoes and a roof over their heads. I don't get an uneasy feeling at all from him.

    7. When I read that post on PVT it had an air of truth to it. I just watched 90 Day online and it seems more true. Especially his comments to his friend on the phone about not wanting to come to America and losing at every turn.

      I also watch Cassia and Jason's parts with the knowledge that they have posted on twitter to contact TLC regarding a spin-off show for them. Now, I can't see anything but acting, where before I thought producer set-ups. From Cassia's expression in the car on the way to the auction, to Jason's smirk when he thought the camera was off, they are playing to the cameras.

      I do think her tears at the car were at least somewhat real. She probably really was missing her family and friends, and remembering the fun she had that didn't include sitting at an auction house.

    8. Ok, first off, what is PVT? I must know!

      Mo and Danielle must have had an agreement in order for him to consider marrying her. I think they are both manipulators. It would make more sense that someone in Mo's family paid Dani to 'marry' Mo and now Mo feels stuck with the decision. There is no love between them at all. Not even a spark. I think by saying "they need me" he is trying to validate for the TV audience (and possibly government people who monitor things like this) that he is doing it for reasons other than the green card.

      And I rewinded a few times to catch Jason smirking into the camera. And Jasons' dad has a vehicle because he took Jason to the airport in someting other than the cramped truck. So, definintely some acting going on there.

    9. Ok, first off, what is PVT? I must know!
      It's a forum that replaced Television Without Pity. The url isé/

      This is where they have any spoilers posted:


    10. Wow CJ, thanks! I spent way too many hours last night on that site. Fascinating!

    11. "she was paid by Mohamed's family to marry him so he'd get his green card and eventually bring members of his family to the US"

      It's about the only explanation that makes the hell could he sleep with her unless there was something dire hanging over his head? The woman is just repulsive!

    12. I'm with CPA Carol; I've spent too much time on Previously TV, about 90-Day Fiance. I always think of DJ - who tipped everyone off to that site.

      90-Day Fiance is such bad TV, but I'm not totally ashamed to admit that I watch it. In contrast, outside of this CJ's living room, I deny that I ever watch M5W. There's just no joy in it or in watching it.

    13. I recently rewatched the movie "Tootsie" in which Dustin Hoffman disguises himself as a women to get an acting job. In the special features, he talked about researching the role and how to get the cadence of a woman's voice right. He said the voice coach explained that often women, when speaking to men, tend to lilt/raise to a higher tone words at the end of sentences even if the sentence is not a question.
      Funny, I have a kind of low voice for a woman, but I have noticed that when my husband is in a 'bad' mood I do this. Don't want to anger the bear, or something.
      Like "motherese" the way moms or people talk to babies or animals, to sound completely non-threatening. Maybe like a survival mechanism.
      Of course, wanting to not sound like a mad jerk on tv would be a voice modulating motivator.

    14. I agree with Snarkaholic about Danielle and Mohamad's relationship, and I think the same is true about Daya and (can't remember his name). I've known a number of people who have entered into "arranged marriages" with families in the Philippines, with the understanding that there would one child, and the US citizen would be responsible for sponsoring the Filipino family members to enter the US. It happens all the time--often, the US citizen is a Filipino-American with family back in the Philippines who will serve as go-between. The sight of 80 year old US citizens married to 17 year-old Filipinas turns my stomach, but there you go. Life is cheap when almost everyone is poor.

    15. often women, when speaking to men, tend to lilt/raise to a higher tone words at the end of sentences even if the sentence is not a question.
      This is so true. My first manager explained this to me and I've passed it on for 40 years ever since!

    16. I just love you, Cynical.

      (just came from a holiday concert and am feeling sappy...)

  7. I couldn't help but notice that 5 year old Karlie didn't seem much too happy in the family picture they showed. Must of been the stress of her mom constantly crying and her dad adding constant moms.

    Nonie and her morning sickness is annoying. I can't help but wonder if she exaggerates to get attention and rub it in everyone's face.

    Noticed Paulie didn't go to Brady to express concerns about the business.

    1. Maybe that is why they has to script and film a story for family film night. All of the pictures of their kids from the past are too depresing to show the public.

  8. Brady thinks he can handle five wives, 24 children and one on the way, and still devote time to his brother's start up. He's still in college too, isn't he? Even if he's only taking two courses, that's at least two evenings a week in class, plus commuting and study time. Unless he can figure out a way to stretch time, there's no way he can do all of it with any reasonable level of quality. He'll work himself into an early grave. I hope he's got a huge life insurance policy to take care of his huge family!

  9. Oh Yeah, Nonie is the reigning M5W queen of drama and of "look at me, I am pregnant.!!!!
    It was comical to see her draped on the lawn chair during their meeting. If she felt *that* ill, she should have skipped attending. But we have learned this much from last season. Nonie would not miss a camera opportunity...ever!! Instead she lounged, reveling in looking all pale and wan and muttering a few words while holding her belly.
    Good Lord...the other four wives sitting there have had *19* pregnancies between them. Burt Nonie must be coddled and showcased and gifted with ginger and "poor you's."
    Uhh !! Shades of Sobbin Brown.

    Two thoughts for you, Nonie....
    1-You campaigned to be pregnant. Obviously it was to be a starring role for you in the show.
    And...If any of this show is authentic, even Brady *said* he didn't want to.
    But the plot line and script was for you to be filmed pleading and then *hoping* to be pregnant.
    So, here you are !!
    And, your last baby was only four years ago, so why all the faux drama about forgetting how it goes?

    2- How would you like to have an hour long commute to and from work in rush hour, on congested highways, only to come home to other kids and duties...and all with the joy of acute morning sickness?
    Millions of pregnant women have done it and do it every day.
    You only walk across a doorway to your *job.* !
    Just shut up !!

    1. Worse - even the first-time pregant, monogamist daughter had to check about "Aunt" Nonie's pregnancy and give her advice (lemondrops). And, the girl is now employed as Nonie's back-up at the brother's company, since Nonie has the worst morning sickness ever experienced - even though she's a genius with the financial software package, according to Brady.

    2. Remember when Brady was hesitant when Nonie wanted to have another baby and commented on how her pregnancies effect her? Now I know what he means. And all of the other wives have gone through this, too. She needs to suck it up, this is what SHE wanted, the heck with the family finances or what Brady "really" wanted, she had to have another baby. So, Nonie, just quit the drama and get on QuickBooks pronto.

    3. Amused, I enjoyed that entry. Funny and observant.

  10. Film festival? right out of the Kody Brown show. These people had to make a film because my guess is that they did not have pictures of the kids growing up like the browns did. It is so obvious the producers are playing the brown playbook, which is playing the big love book. so much effort into creating a topic when their real story would be so much more interesting

  11. Damn, even on my DVR I can't *stand* this LI Medium chick. I don't believe in all that for one thing. but also if I wanted to watch her show, I'd watch her show. it's intruding on my personal time!!!

    1. I can't stand the LI Medium either and I never will watch that show. It was like PBS pledge week with her mess interrupting the flow of 90DayFiance and My5Wives. And it screwed up my DVR big time. At first it refused to record the show automatically and I had to manually record. Then it cut off the last 5 minutes of My5Wives.

    2. I so agree - I was so annoyed - When it first interrupted the show, I thought I had fallen asleep and missed what I was watching. I almost deleted it before I realized they were cutting into my show. I can't stand LI Medium!!

    3. I highly resented this show being inserted into everyone's viewing schedule.
      If TLC thought that was a clever PR move, they need to rethink that type of ploy. I don't watch LI Medium.
      It was very annoying..and ironically, cut off the DVR complete capture of all of this week's M5Ws. No way do I plan to go online and see what I missed at the end.
      Not too smart, TLC...or did you deliberately sabotage Bradyville ??

    4. Add me to the list of those who thought inserting the LIM into the show and into 90DF was unacceptable. If her show is strong enough, they don't need to waste our time messing up the shows I enjoy and try to dvr. So, yes I did miss out on the end of M5W and don't feel like searching out the ending so I guess I missed the family film festival of Brady pillows.

    5. Now I understand why my DVR didn't record Sunday's episode of M5W. I thought it wasn't on. Drat. I can't stand that Caputo woman either.

  12. Oh CJ l agree with you there. Her voice grates on my last nerve. The helmet hair and claw like fingernails make her look like a clown. She met with the family of a missing women here in Illinois. The husband is already in prison for killing his 2nd wife. Family asked "spirit "where they could find her body and spirit apparently told them to stop searching. Brilliant . I could have told them that. When the family came back they said she is phony and made them feel worse for getting their hopes up.

    1. Isn't she being sued for being a fraud? I thought several folks who had "readings" said they were interviewed prior to filming and that's what was discussed in the "reading". Is it true? I never watch her show because she is frightful to look at and seems to be a con artist, just saying...

  13. It is official !!!
    TLC and/or Bradyville is lurking in CJ's Living Room. No question !!

    Several times last season and for sure, in last week's episode, Brady said that he worked *FOR* his brother, and that his brother owned the construction company. And that fact was noted here a few times, particularly when Brady's bankruptcy hit the news. Especially since in the bankruptcy papers, he only claimed personal debts ???
    But now, this week, the story is that he has *employed* his brother for many years and is now going to help him get a company started in iron working. Huh !!!???

    Why must these shows switch up their stories with no thought nor care to viewers saying (with good reason)..stop the BS !!! Is anything in these TV plyg shows the truth??

    Hell, Is anything TLC puts on their reality lineup the whole truth !!??
    Is everything always ripe for casual rewrites when BS is spotted?
    Considering the cover up on HBB....probably so !!

  14. This week's Live Tweet Party starts here! My Living Room is now open!!!

  15. Sister Wives Promo:
    1. Kody: Plural marriage is difficult. Do not try this at home.
    2. Janelle in therapy, asking if she should forgive (him or them)
    3. Kody, walking toward the door, announcing another woman is moving in.

    Also, M5W holiday greetings before 90-Day Fiance.

    1. 3. Kody, walking toward the door, announcing another woman is moving in.
      Are they finally acknowledging Mindy lives with Robyn as her nanny/housekeeper or could it be Christine's mother who had to be called in to help her after Mykelti and Aspyn moved into their own apartment...

    2. Maybe his mother since his father passed away.

    3. Sadly for them AND TLC, most of us have learned to expect anything resembling transparency from them. Also assuming these will lead to a big old glob of nothing

    4. Or, rather, learned to NOT expect anything... :)

    5. Hey Cynical somebody over on the SW facebook page said the same thing about Christine's mom moving in. Did you see that?

    6. But just remember who said it first Anon 1:16!

      Seriously though, I mentioned it because I noticed Christine's mother was the only MIL shown in the Thanksgiving pictures. Other than that, I think it's either a MIL, or even Kody's mother moving in. Or, maybe it's even an exchange student. Who knows?

  16. It is refreshing to hear Rosemary admit that the reason for the plural marriage was for salvation purposes...that that was their original reason for going down that path...MrSpock would have liked for that segment with Rosemary to be longer----to explain how she feels about it now.

  17. Ronda just threw Paulie under the bus!

    1. Probably by saying that Paulie is the one that counts down each day till she she's Brady and so the 2 night rotation may be hard for her. I suppose saying that she may not be as open to the idea.

    2. Before Brady left for Las Vegas, he told Paulie to call him any time during the trip, if she got too upset about her son's leaving on his mission. Also, one of the earliest episodes included a segment where Paulie called Brady to unjam a window on another woman's (Rosemary's?) night. That rotation doesn't seem to mean isolation or "no contact," at least in Paulie's case.

    3. Guess that's a perk of being the legal wife, GL!!! LOL

  18. So they are going to try a trial time of 2 days at a time with Brady as their rotation. Ladies, ladies, are nuts!!!! Stop the insanity! Each of get your OWN man...

    1. MrSpock sees a tweet that they all hated the 2 night thing and stopped it.

    2. You'd think that they would have thought of it or tried it some time earlier in their 15-20 years of marriage. It wasn't even a plot line in this episode, unless it was the 1000th way to show how needy these women are, or what a wonderful leader Brady is.

    3. If I were "married" to Brady, Kody or any other man that couldn't be satisfied with just me, I would vote for month long rotations and I would be sure to be off with one of my other husbands when my month rolled around.

  19. Weird hotel room in Las Vegas ... they have the pool to themselves?

  20. Not sure what to make of all the sound bites in the SW promo...doubt if they mean anything earthshaking as all such promos usually turn into nothing when the actual show comes on. Can Robyn have a baby or can't she? Who is Janelle trying to forgive? (MrSpock wagers she is not talking about the other "wives" or Kody) Blah, blah, blah...

    1. If it's anything like the previous seasons, there's the possibility that's the last time anyone will see those sound bites!

    2. For sure, those SW promo soundbites have become a joke.....just dangling carrots.

      Haven't watched Bradyville yet. Funny how the show just doesn't generate urgency to watch at all. DVR will wait for me.

    3. Not even dangling carrots usually... just promo material that seems to never make it into the show. Why watch them, you know?

    4. I watched it, and I'm actually upset that I wasted an hour of my life. Back to 90-Day Fiance!

    5. Grifter Lives,
      Yep, an hour of them is getting really tedious.
      At least with the DVR, I can cut out commercials and FF when Nonie and/or Rhonda are on.........LOL

    6. At least your DVR works Amused...I think mine is giving up the ghost!!!

    7. Sponge Rob Square Face 'cannot have a baby'...what a joke. She does NOT want to be saddled with another baby. Poor Kody....what is he to do since he insisted that he WILL have more children. Not going to happen...ever! She is most likely on birth control and I can't blame her either. Stop the insanity....

    8. CJ,
      Yikes, you really have to get that DVR fixed.
      No one should have to watch Bradyville *or Kodyworld* in real time. No one !!

      BTW, I think that the person moving in to Kodyworld is probably a female cat or dog !!
      Kody, the Village Idiot, would think that was a clever joke.

      And what little I saw of Bradyville this week in between FF-ing.........
      Nonie IS a whiny, cloying, passive/aggressive, sisterwife sabotaging, self-absorbed bitch.
      Geez,....she is annoying !!

      And looks like Rhonda is vying for #1 spot in loving the camera.

      Good for Rosemary for cracking a few *blue* jokes.
      She would do soooo well if she got out of that madness and joined the real world.

  21. I am just going to say it........and it applies to Kody Brown too.

    Bradyville is a train wreck and it just amplifies the point that these progressive Plyg harem masters cannot and do not "love" the women in their stable equally. They can't and they don't. Adding new stock is only to fulfill their twisted concept of their manhood.

    Paulie is the first wife.....who had to endure "her husband and father of their soon to be born first child" bringing on Robyn as his new bedmate at only "8 months" of her marriage.
    How could that have felt ??
    No wonder Paulie speaks in timid, barely audible tones. No wonder she barely holds it together and cries so easily 20 years later. She was married for way less than a year, was pregnant for the first time, while her "man" is doing someone else right in front of her.
    And he then added 4 other women for her to compete with !!

    Robyn is a throwback to prairie dresses and keeping sweet. She, of all of them, seems to be the most suited to the lifestyle. Unfortunately, that also resigns her to be the most depressed, needy, unfulfilled but always hoping, perfect wife of a Plyg master. She is chronically sad, anxious, and desperate for validation. And she will forever be on that quest with Brady as her lord and master.

    Rosemary was a card-carrying plyg child, who came to it because that is what a plyg girl child should do. But Rosemary sees through the bullshit. She knows that their version of the lifestyle is not authentic. She is trying to cope, but knows it is really futile. She may actually love Bray in an adult way. But she sees the hypocrisy and stupidity of Brady servicing 5 (or more in the future) women.
    I get the feeling that Rosemary is ashamed of her choices..and is very frustrated.

    Nonie is an attention addict. She is clearly highly competitive for attention. She is the "wife" that the others will never trust. Brady must have brought her on for kicks and giggles. (sex)
    Her MO is one that other women would despise.....does not make for warm fuzzies.
    Nonie is a stealth Plyg wife.

    Rhonda is the one that got away, but eventually was corralled.
    Rhonda basks in the light as being known as Brady's true soul mate.
    She too, like Nonie, likes attention, however the difference is that she has much more reason and status to expect it from Brady, surely more than any of the other of his bedmates.
    But.she will never have all of him....not with four other rotating beds waiting for him to perform..and not with two and a half dozen kids.

    Brady is no different than Kody.....Both are pitiful excuses of men and fathers.

    1. One thing you are not addressing is that these women grew up in this religion. It was all they know, just like being a Catholic or Muslim or Jewish. In their religion they marry for their salvation in the afterlife so it doesn't matter if they marry a man with one or more wives because they are not marrying for love. How do you know Paulie didn't demand Brady find another wife to secure salvation of her unborn child? You don't know. Their religion had nothing to do with love. It all about salvation in the afterlife that counts.

    2. Except that now they are not in their birth religion as per Brady's choice.
      Now these five women are adrift in an untenable situation where they are dissed by their religious family and unwanted in the community. Or so they say.

      To say that their religion/ plyg marriage had/ has nothing to do with love, and that all the wives were and are onboard with that, is also then saying that all their filmed desires and emoting to be "loved" by Brady as evidenced by plot after plot of each wife pining for his presence and physical love suggests that the whole premise of the show is a sham. ??

      Since jealously and hurt feelings seems to be key aggravates for the women, why is that.... if they didn't expect to love and be loved?
      If salvation is the main motivation and the more the merrier would be the ideal, why all the jealously and unfulfilled expectations ?

    3. She would not have had to worry about her salvation. If he died early she would be resealed to someone else. In fact if he left the church and the women hadn't they would have been resealed. But here is the problem. For them to become LDS which is the likely transition as they seem to be focused on Joseph Smith and that is the one in their area in large numbers, they are going to have a hard time finding a LDS husband at their ages. Further I hope their son when he marries has a public service first. His entire family cannot convert to enter the temple to see him marry.

      The women of this generation if they were born catholic and decided to be Jewish no one would warn them they could go to hell for it. There is plenty of conversion in the world of religion. Neither or stay or burn in hell faiths anymore.

      Brady took another wife cause his wife was pregnant. Some won't do it while pregnant. Plus she would be less fertile while breastfeeding. He would be wasting time not trying to achieve a pregnancy with another woman when she was waiting to deliver and then stop weening. Besides once they are plural they are completely under control of the community elders. Shared secret.

    4. Since jealously and hurt feelings seems to be key aggravates for the women, why is that.... if they didn't expect to love and be loved?
      For me, that answer is simple. They are human beings who want and need to be loved. What is unnatural, in my opinion, is the sharing of the husband by many wives. There is only one person benefited by this arrangement - and it ain't the female of the species!

      The women of this generation if they were born catholic and decided to be Jewish no one would warn them they could go to hell for it.
      I'm not so sure about that statement, kms.

      She would not have had to worry about her salvation. If he died early she would be resealed to someone else.
      You're forgetting that a Mormon man (including fundamentalists) can be sealed to many women, but a woman can only be sealed to one man. If the fundamentalist man fell out of favor with his church and was excommunicated, THEN the wife would be unsealed and resealed/assigned to another man. Otherwise, she remains sealed to the husband in the afterlife. (for time and eternity).

      Further I hope their son when he marries has a public service first.
      Most LDS (at least the one's I knew) do exactly that. They had a service for non-LDS family members and then a separate sealing service in a Mormon Temple. I have heard of some only having the one service in the Temple, which meant the wife's (in this case) parents could only attend the reception afterward. They were not pleased, but...that's the way it went down.

      I remember the same thing happened to the Dargers when their daughter Amanda married Rob from the Centennial Park group. The Dargers had a wedding in their home for the couple because they would not be able to attend the wedding and sealing of their daughter in Centennial Park.

    5. In the US you can't seal in the temple if you have a civil ceremony before without waiting a year. Unless one just joined and then they can a year from baptism which could be less than a year from the civil ceremony. In the US they may do a ring ceremony after for all, but they are quite clear that this is not a wedding, that they were already married in the temple and use it as a missionary opportunity to share with Nonmembers how swell it was they were sealed even if they couldn't be there. In most countries the state requires a public service. So they are able to do the public thing for all and not wait the year ban on the sealing. Since they are in the US if he marries in the temple none of them will be there. So I hope he marries publicly then waits a year for the sealing. Not that I think he should have to wait a year to be sealed. It's their ridiculous rule that is based on geography. As for the dargers they have different rules.

  22. I certainly think that the William's family is much, much more likable than the Browns. I agree with a lot of the assessments of the women, especially Robyn and Nonie. I don't understand some of the anger towards them because of it, though. I suppose for people who have not grown up in a high-control group like theirs, they wouldn't understand the pressure, shame and fear used to control the actions of the group. At this point what are they supposed to do? I think they are all trying to make the best of the situation they got themselves into before they woke up to reality. I don't see them promoting their lifestyle at all, they have said multiple times they only entered into it because of their religion. You might make a different choice in that situation, but they are all making the best choices they know how for their families.

  23. I sort of agree with the idea that maybe Robyn (Kody's last mistress) may be taking birth control. That might even be why Meri has not reproduced. She wasn't infertile because she has had one child and has been pregnant. I might be wrong about both women, but when you think about Meri being the only wife with one child, who gets to be the place of peace and calm...Kody has said it and so has Meri...he comes to my house for organization and quiet. In the early years of their marriage, as Christine and Janelle had baby after baby, she could travel with Kody with less drama and less money than taken Janelle or Christine and their broods. Now as Robyn has had one child, I can imagine her life with her kids and Kody's baby is much more clutter and, like the other wives' homes, not a good place for Kody to land too often or for too long. So, with her possibly shutting down the oven, Kody has not hope for more offspring than to bring in a younger wife. Now that would be something I'd watch; however, watching the same story lines unfold as in the past will make for a dull and probably low ratings show. If Kody doesn't step up and get some excitement going (Kody, I don't mean a road trip, or a party, or a family meeting), I believe their gravy train is coming to the end of the line. So, I thought I'd give him a few pointers: 1) a newer and younger wife; 2) a huge sister drama between any of the wives; 3) a huge drama between Kody and one of his wives; 4) a real look into the lives of the wives...waking up, getting kids ready for something, cooking, cleaning, gossiping, you name it, we'll watch it; 5) less Kody and a lot less Meri and Robyn; 6) a day in the life of a food addict...Janelle; and finally, 7) a day in the life of a neglected and sexually frustrated mistress (Christine).

  24. I agree with Sisi, and I think the mothers each want their children to have solid relationships with all of their brothers and sisters. Plus, and I'm just guessing here, it's likely that some of the children are closer to sister moms than they are to their birth mothers, so that dividing into five separate family units would be wrenching for those children who look to another mother for the closeness and intimacy they need from a mother figure.

    As for Brady's timing between Paulie and Robyn, KMS' observation has real merit. If he was intent on populating Planet Brady as quickly as possible, it makes sense for Brady to take another wife while the first is pregnant and nursing. According to Carolyn Jessop's book, sex is for procreation only, so men aren't supposed to lie with pregnant wives. Taking on a new wife, while traumatic for the pregnant woman, is probably in keeping with the Williamses' former church's rules about marital relations and procreation. Which shows us all just how effed up the AUB is!

    1. Carolyn Jessop was from the FLDS, not the AUB. Different groups...

    2. It's not the FLDS group only that abstains during pregnancy. The schedule can change for all these groups to help a woman get pregnant. Not every AUB may do this. But some sure could. It would give the very pregnant tired woman a break while giving another wife some extra chances to start a pregnancy.

    3. The AUB is different.....but not that different. Same ideology.

  25. "Which shows us all just how effed up the AUB is!"

    got2bdrc, True !!!
    The fact that TLC chose to air shows with these Plyg families was an open invitation for public opinions and judgement.

    In the beginning of SW, for some of us, myself included, it was an opportunity to see the fictional "Big Love" concept in real practice. It seemed like a great idea, hence we all watched,
    However, it was not the window on plyg life that was expected.

    Instead of seeing an alternative lifestyle that DID work and benefit the members, it showed all the dark and dreary specter of women who struggle every freaking day with depression and repressed anger.
    No amount of TLC-produced saccharin intros of "we love our life" could mitigate what eventually was shown. That held true for SisterWives, and is now evident in My5Wives.

    CJ, of course, absolutely, it is all there to see....."There is only one person benefited by this arrangement - and it ain't the female of the species."

    I am not faulting the women, particularly in Bradyville. They are as hog-tied to the life as if they are chattel. But I also cannot ignore their sad plight. Who can if you watch this show?!

    Kody's deal is a bit different now, His harem has tasted the spoils of stardom, his wives are consciously aware of how they are perceived. They are much more able to give "the finger" to any critics while they possibly plan for their future. For them, the bloom is off the rose of "we just love each other and Kody." They are exposed now.

    Will some of Brady's wives eventually get to that place?? I sincerely hope so.
    TV Plyg shows are all about watching women struggle to honor and value themselves.
    And in that process, show their children that different life options are their birth right...and are possible..

    1. I also was very interested in the beginning to see the dynamics of this life of one husband and three wives living under the same roof, but separate and raising so many kids....but for me it all came crashing down at the "Tell All" obvious that they were NOT happy, but were not going to admit it or "Tell All".

      Now that they have tasted the Independent life these women (SW) will not be returning to the life of "One Family under one roof", which means when the money train will these very independent women. If Brady takes his wives to Washington and builds 5 different homes...he will also see the same direction of his wives....maybe a good thing.

  26. I truly feel that the Brady clan is far more likable then the Browns. Especially Rosemary, I think she may end up leaving because she sees through the BS. As far as the Browns, I really hope that Janelle and Christine wake the F up and get out of there. Robyn cries all day and Meri uses fake tanner and pretends to drink at her wet bar. I don't understand how their show continues on when nothing new happens. Its all scripted. I am more interested in seeing how real it actually gets, when they know Kody prefers Robyn. I give this show 1 more season, unless like the previous poster said, they spice up the plot line. 90 days though, now that show, is the best worst TV ever. Mohammed is obviously there for the green card and my gay radar is going off...

    1. Maybe Meri is a closet drinker!! In Big Love, Barb starts drinking wine much to the horror of her sister wives!

  27. Did anyone else notice the filthy floor in the first scene on Sun 12/14 episode of My5Wives? IDK whose house it was or which child was shown, but one of the blonde headed preschoolers walked down a short hallway past what looked like a large cardboard box (dishwasher size. I couldn't really tell what it was tho.) on the left and the floor in front of it was filthy with what looked like dirt caked in, what was at one time, a spill. I'd be horrified if my home looked like that especially w/cameras there.

    And, maybe I was tired, but Nonie's nasal-ey speech is driving me crazy. I wonder how she breathes.

    1. That was Tailee that was walking around. I think she was going to feed her pet.

    2. I didn't notice a filthy floor. What I saw was an unfinished floor. The tiles were missing and it was the subflooring that showed. That's why they had that rug trying to cover it. Big deal.

    3. Brady is a contractor.

  28. Just watched the M5W episode where Robyn suggests two nights in a row with Brady for each wife. If Nonie's looks could kill, there would only be four wives to share Brady's time. Nonie is so passive-aggressive, "I don't want to be stuck with something I don't like". I thought sharing was supposed to help women overcome jealousy--clearly, plural marriage did little to improve Nonie's character. I loved hearing Brady put Nonie in her place, though!

    1. Yes! I laughed when I saw that look. I like to assume that it is pregnancy hormones that are making her like that, but she seems to be using that as an excuse to show her (unreasonable) feelings at the expense of others. She is the most controlling of the wives I believe.

  29. So with Brady's son leaving for 2 years....couldn't he have postponed the Vegas trip to the following week so that he could spend his last few days with him?

    I also checked out that hotel and the room they were in in's called "The Swingers Suite", how ironic.

    1. Brady acted like he didn't really know enough about the hotel room he booked, yeah right.

  30. Hi Sara B!!

    I appreciate your feedback. Thank you very much!

  31. I still say that Kody's trailer tease about "another female coming to live in the house" is all about a female animal. I didn't pay attention enough to note just *whose* house he was in while filming that bit. But I bet it is a dog or cat.

    Significant, isn't it, how sparse the comments are about Bradyville?
    The attention dies out shortly after an episode airs. It is quite obvious that few care or are piqued enough to follow with cyber chatter about such a boring, predictable redo of SW.
    I actually checked and none of the other online blogs are seeing much My5ives traffic either.
    Sorry Brady, but you may not get that TLC moola to build 5 houses in Washington.
    Sad for your wives, though. They deserve (perhaps excluding Nonie) to have a chance to view life through eyes other than yours. in CJ's Living Room, we await the darlings of the Vegas SW Plyggie cuddle-sac stars. It should prove be a lavish snark fest.
    Kody and his babes do not disappoint in the snark-food dept !!

    Really.... *what else* can the producers come up with that won't be ridiculous and laughable!?! Anything from this point on, including the trials and tribulations of their whiney, entitled college kids, and the latest money scheme, will be their usual BS.

    Happy and Merry Holiday Wishes to All !!!!

    1. I still say that Kody's trailer tease about "another female coming to live in the house" is all about a female animal.
      Yep, that's what I think, too. I think it's Janelle's newest addition to her household, Miss Sacha a dog!

      Significant, isn't it, how sparse the comments are about Bradyville?
      I saw on PVT someone said that the ratings were 800k with a 4 (or was it .4) share. That's worse than Escaping the Prophet and that was pulled halfway through it's run...

      Kody and his babes do not disappoint in the snark-food dept !!
      Good gracious the premiere is TWO HOURS LONG!! I don't know if that's good or bad...

      Happy and Merry Holiday Wishes to All !!!!
      Thank you Amused! Same to you and Everyone! Happy Holidays!

    2. I'm obviously in the minority, but I would much rather watch My Five Wives than Sister Wives. They seem to be (so far any way) much more honest about their situations.
