
Friday, December 19, 2014

I Scour the Internet Five Days til Christmas Fifteen Days til Sister Wives Premiere Edition for December 20 2014

Have I mentioned yet that Sister Wives "Winter" Season premieres on January 4th, 2014? AND it's a whole TWO (that's 2) HOURS LONG! I don't know about you, but I am simply tickled a lighter shade of cappuccino.

But you know, I've been saying this since My Five Wives started their second season.

You just can't get good snark out of  Brady Williams and Wives. Every time I try to watch My Five Wives I wind up falling into a deep sleep. And I have a feeling I'm not alone!

So to say I am eagerly anticipating the new season of Sister Wives is an understatement.

I want the snark...I need the snark...I will not be denied the snark any longer!

I feel much better now.

Now what's been happening this week with those Kwirky Klowns consisting of Kody and his Kodettes©. Let's check out their twitter tweets, shall we?

Looks like Robyn is into the giving part of the season. How nice it is seeing an adult Brown actually thinking about people outside of the family cul-de-sac.

Of course, Meri must keep up the Brown tradition of doing as little work as humanly possible. Remember when she tweeted about the Spot in Phoenix?
What transpired next I'm now calling the Battle of the Mean Girls.

Mean Girl Cynical Jinx calls out Mean Girl Meri Brown on Twitter, and Mean Girl Meri Brown tries to laugh it off and tells Mean Girl Cynical Jinx to just "Google It, B...." (My interpretation, of course)

Eventually Mean Girl Meri Brown relented and tweeted at the last possible moment the actual address of The Spot. Oh looky. It's not in Phoenix, it's in GILBERT Az about 25 miles to the east. Oh well...Looks like Mean Girl Cynical Jinx was right after all!

You better sit down for this one. Kody decided to help out a friend by tweeting his followers for help, and I called him out on it!

Folks, Hell has frozen over. Kody actually does reply. I had to sit down and fan myself cuz I thought for sure I was going to faint when I saw his response...

Kody's tweet may actually clear up a question a lot of people have had since the Browns moved to Sin City. Mainly, are they still members of the AUB. Considering Mr Browniac's response, it kinda looks that way, doesn't it? [And did he just "out" his friend Shane at the same time? Oopsies!]

On the topic of "noble gestures" a FB user kindly posted a link to youtu be's policies and guidelines concerning contests on December 16th directly on the piano store's FB account.

Oh oh...somebody's got some 'splaining to do.

Looks like the piano store may have (OK,drop the may have and call it like it is) violated some contest policies...specifically that the contestants need to be 18 years old or older, and that the contest should be a game of skill with the winner determined by "a set of clear judging criteria."

The BIGGEST problem was the store's criteria that "The video with the most views WINS!!" Oopsies #2. According to  youtu be's policy that is/was a big no-no. Verbatim, the policy states "You may not utilize channel functions, such as video likes or view counts, to conduct your contest."

Oh well, I guess has those policies in place to keep contests fair and to avoid the shenanigans "reality stars" like  Kody and his Kodettes© tried to pull on twitter by marshaling their combined 386 thousand followers to help their friend in his "noble gesture" to donate that piano if he won. Too bad Shane wasn't friends with Anderson Cooper who has 5.43 million followers or Oprah Winfrey with her 26.1 million followers. He might have actually had a shot at winning that piano!

The commercial for the new Sister Wives season (you know, the "Winter" season that begins on January 4th 2015) started rumors that Kody not only was bringing another female into the house, but that the female was in the form of wife #5.

I'm happy to report we have solved that rumor and can categorically tell you the female moving in is a real bitch!

Then again, we could be wrong...stay tuned! [And let's hope those aren't actual NAILS pounded into the wall to hang those stockings]

You have to love Janelle. First she tweets about how hard it is to find a family friendly TV show like TLC's The Secret Santa to watch with her kids....[plug plug plug that TLC special!]

and of course, her reminder tweet to her followers of the new season...

But then in the next tweet, she retweets not only another cable network, but possibly the most violent, gory TV series out there...

Hey, is that Robyn's picture on the side of that truck?

All righty then...

Back in Darger Land...Here's Papa Joe trying to look FIERCE...and succeeding in looking like a fierce serial killer on the run!

Papa Joe even threw his hat into the news pundit arena by commenting about those North Korean hackers bringing Sony to its knees this month. What's unusual about this posting is how he has ignored the Brady Williams Clan whose TV show is still being shown on TLC.

And speaking of  Brady Williams, he shared an update on his grandson BabyHuck...

Well that's all for now. And remember. I Scour the Internet So YOU Don't Have To!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Everyone!


  1. Wow, what a difference a few years of TLC money and individual McMansions can make for certain folks.

    Gone are the days of our gal, Janelle, looking bored and out of it for all the SW couch chats. Now she is front and center working the tweets for TLC's show schedule.
    Its like she has had a personality implant. Work it, Janelle, work it.

    Gone are the days of Meri only wanting her wet bar and Kody time.
    She is now so high up into the celebrity mindset that she alerts people to "where she will be"......Wow!!! Pretty soon she will need her own agent to bring in the sheep/ fans.

    And pray tell, and pardon my ignorance, but what does she and the alerted folks do once they all rendezvous at said "Spot" ??
    Lectures on Plyggy life? Latest Closest items? Mutual swooning over Meri's pick of latest, up and coming boy bands? What gives?
    Or has Kody's over-bronzed, one and only real wife started a new career that we will hear all about come January?

    Oh, the suspense and anticipation !!! It's like a post-Christmas present !!!
    Thanks CJ.....inquiring minds just have to know !!

  2. So Meri did her meet and greet but there are no pictures? Did anyone show up?

    1. Only one person tweeted to her about being glad to have met so it looks like it was a bust.

  3. "Here's Papa Joe trying to look FIERCE...and succeeding in looking like a fierce serial killer on the run!" Oh CJ you make me laugh! Papa Joe has always given me a weird vibe, maybe this is why...

    Glad the Brady's are over, they mostly depressed me so I stopped watching a few episodes in. The Browns just have that certain something that makes watching them so entertaining and fun to snark on. I wonder if we'll get an extra long season this time like TLC did with 19 Kids and Counting due to Honey Boo Boo being cancelled?

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!

  4. Papa Joe has always given me the creeps. The beard does not suit him. I'm wondering if comments the Williams have made on te show, about the church, have alienated them from everyone involved in the AUB.

    I have a feeling the Browns tweets will be less and less personal as time goes on and more heard towards monetizing off twitter by promotion of events and products. CJ, print Kody's response and frame it; it isn't often King Kody responds to us mere mortals!

    1. Agree. Papa Joe has dagger eyes. Yikes! I wouldn't want to be in his "kingdom."

  5. Robyn's tooting her own horn reeks. She really wants to improve her public persona but doesn't quite get that in order for her to improve her image, she needs to do more than buy for two kids and she doesn't need to be a tooting her chops about it. Show your charity don't tell it. For instance, making profit off of charitable organizations is wrong, which is what you tried to do when you were selling your JOOOLRY for breast cancer awareness and autism pins. Likewise, anytime any of the wives run for a cause, they run their own publicity. They really need to hire some real publicity folks instead of their friends. LOL. Again, major fail, Robyn.

    1. She tries too hard and it doesn't seem genuine. You don't brag on social media about how great you are and then throw out how your life was so hard too blah blah blah. Girl just doesn't get it and never will. Although I am happy an adult in the Brown family actually did something for someone else for a change.

    2. Ok, Janelle's stocking placement looks weird. Are those push pins? A half million dollar house (nearly) and no real mantle?

    3. Yeah.....if you really want to teach your kids to care about others less fortunate, you do so in a way that they learn about caring and giving without expecting anything back.
      And that includes not expecting public social media "atta-girls" posted by Mom.
      Doesn't she realize that parents should inspire their kids to be charitable routinely, and not have to make it a tweet-worthy event? really are always just off the mark.
      Or did you need to contribute a tweet along with the other Brownies, and this is what you came up with? Speaking of which.......Christine, where are you !!??

      Big Papa Joe's pic.......
      He must be a real joy to deal with when pissed off !!!!

    4. Robyn and Kody=Clueless sociopaths.

  6. I may regret saying this, but I hope they talk about the "Closet". It looks a lot better than it used to and they fixed some of the grammatical mistakes. The product is still awful and nothing I would ever buy, but I would like to know who helped them with this. Is it making any money? I know we will never know the truth, but it could be kinda interesting.

  7. I think to some degree all the Brown wives try too hard. They all try too hard to get and keep Kodys attention. Meri tries too hard to appear generous to her sister wives and accepting of having to share what was once all hers. Janelle tries too hard to look like she's engaged in the family and gives two rips about what's happening to all of them. Christine tries to hard to make herself look like "plyg royalty", as if her pedigree has any meaning outside of her small sphere of knowledge. Robyn tries too hard to look like the "hip, modern, emotionally intelligent" wife. All of them try much too hard to make themselves look like intelligent, competent business people who are willing to take calculated risks and work both hard and smart to support their family. With the Browns, it's all show, and almost no go. For me, that's what makes it so easy to snark them; it seems to me that they've all painted bull's eyes on their chests and hold signs saying, "go on, I dare you!".

  8. I need to find a place to stream this in the UK. My usual place is no longer accessible :(

    1. Try projectfree.TV It take up to 3 days after airing to be uploaded.

  9. Well, it looks like Mariah and Meri celebrated part of their holiday at their favorite haunt--Disneyland! They have spent more time at a children's amusement park than most children ever will, and it still burns me that they traipse around blowing thousands of dollars on these little trips. The Disney company has been such staunch defenders of traditional families in the past...ol' Walt must be spinning in his grave! This is not the type of publicity he would want!
