
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Off Topic Saturday for November 22, 2014 : TLC Reality Shows Go On Without HBB! LIVE TWEET PARTY RIGHT HERE TONIGHT!

One day it's there...
And 24 hours later, it's gone...

Can we talk?

I think the Honey Boo Boo Saga has finally reached it's end, thank goodness. TLC has officially pulled the plug on the Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Official FB Fan page.

Hopefully, the next time we hear from HBB, she'll either be graduating from High School,  getting married, or both.

In the meanwhile, perhaps Uncle Poodle will lose his verified Facebook account for shamelessly stirring the pot with accusations and new "proof that June lies" (as if we need more proof) and then  deleting said truth because he wants to take the high road.

Brother, if you were taking the high road you wouldn't be saying things you delete 24 hours later. The first time I can understand, but it got old after the 3rd time. Move on Poodle. TLC will not be giving you a show.

For the morbidly curious, here's the latest on Uncle Poodle's FB...But you better hurry. According to past behaviors, these postings have only a few hours left to remain on his FB timeline before getting deleted....

For the first time, I'm actually yearning for the simplicity of the Kody Brown Krew...

Case in point. Meri's sudden venture into Ann Landers mode (with a polygamist slant of course) with these heart warming affirmation statements...

Oh, how sweet. It looks like Meri's words were to help out her dear sisterwife Robyn in an hour (1:00AM Thursday Morning to be exact) of extreme need....

I wonder what could have upset Robyn so? Was it something another sisterwife said? Was quarter hubby Kody involved? Well, we need look no further than Janelle's tweets to get the answer to those questions....
Was sister wife Robyn upset she didn't get to see KISS?? Well, like Meri said, just forgive them, Robyn...OK???

And of course, booking manager extraordinaire doesn't's proof positive (kind of) that Kody and wifey #2 actually breathed the same air as KISS...although I wonder what hand signal Mighty Gene Simmons was making above Kody's head. Boy, I'd like to hear Gene's thoughts about polygamy ... he looks so....thrilled...

While Kody and Janelle were gallivanting with their booking manager (apparently they also went to a party for one of AGLV's other "clients"), Meri was working her you know what off doing the MLM thang again. Guess they need to qualify for a new car (or a conventional mortgage, perhaps)...
And here she goes into LIV selling mode ...
Wait, Meri's not finished yet. She even adds her own testimonial for the stuff. OK Meri. We want to see proof of those dropped pounds !!!

Meanwhile, someone left Kody alone with Solomon...

Why wasn't Mindy the Nanny/Housekeeper watching him? Don't they know how irresponsible Kody is around his own children?? Leave it to Meri to tweet out an explanation (kind of) why Kody was tasked with such an important duty....
Makes you wonder if Mindy took a short vacay or found less taxing work elsewhere like Robyn's sister Taralyce (and Mindy's predecessor)  did. Time will tell!

Thank goodness, there's Maddie...who tweets out about five of her siblings. What a difference from the usual self-indulgent tweets we normally see from the Brown Klan...

But then we have Maddie's mom Janelle, who might learn a thing or two from Maddie about social media.

For example we all know why Janelle tweeted this - but unfortunately we also are aware that if it was Kody's choice to make, he'd stay home. Heck, he'd stay home if he WASN'T feeling a little bit sick!!

And how appropriate was this tweet the morning after her  night/early morning partying with Kody. Is that what she means by getting strong to play elsewhere??

Just file the next tweets under Major Suck Up to TLC...

Looks like TLC is making sure their talent knows who pays their salary by requiring this loyalty test statement to be tweeted to their fans. How surprising Kody's tweet is missing....hmmm...

Hey, thanks @TLC!! And I'm not even paid by them!

Finally, we have Christine tweeting out a thank you to Robyn, a tweet about MSWC and a tweet showing off daughter Ysabel...

Not to be left out of the social media arena, Papa Joe Darger tweeted about sex and Charles Manson. Frankly speaking Papa Joe, would you (or any other reasonably intelligent man) really want the type of woman who's attracted to Charles Manson? And aren't you rubbing it in (so to speak) that there won't be a lot of touching going on between Charlie and his bride to be???

And who doesn't think Papa Joe is showing up ole Kody Brown by tweeting how he's helping out others. I mean do you really expect Kody to help ANYONE? Kody's giving back to society is getting photographed with KISS, of course.

On the BradyAndWives front...

Nonie is showing off her baby bump...

While Brady is cuddling with grandchild Baby Huck...

And just when you thought it was safe to go out into the internet...

(I found the FAQ and Beliefs sections to be...very interesting...)


There's a new blog entry (supposedly originally dated 11/11/14) from Rosemary Williams where she claims being sexually abused by her father, the new leader of the AUB!

The news media is picking up this story...but it is strange how within days of announcing their website, this bombshell! I wonder what TLC thinks?

Something tells me they have guaranteed themselves a third season if this is legitimate.

The story apparently is true!!! This is from their BradyAndWives Family FB page!

Well, that's all for now...More updates as they occur!


Pink and green is such an obnoxious color combination, don't you think? Anyway, this week only I've combined Off Topics with the Live Tweet Party. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Rumor has it that tonight's episode of 90 Day Fiance will not have a segment on Dani and Mo (bummer) but I'm including their Twitter live feed anyway....

90 Day Fiance Tweets

My Five Wives Tweets

*** non embedded photos are from Facebook***


  1. Starting with Nonie's preggo pic.....
    Just wish I could care about Nonie, but honestly, I don't. She is annoying, cloying and a bad actress. Certainly politely wish her a healthy pregnancy and birth, but beyond that, this whole premise, beginning last season, with her as the 4th wife whining and begging for a 6th child,, making it the 25th child to feed, just didn't work at all. Did the viewers *really* need to see or care about all that ?
    It is simply not a wow.
    Uh, silly me...ratings, Amused.....ratings !!

    That pic of Brady holding the baby bears a striking resemblance to the late James Gandofino /Tony Soprano. Brady is looking pretty rough and weathered there. But then again he *is* a grandfather, still making babies, and expecting # 25 child.
    Of course, in Plyggyworld that is the usual routine, obviously, but Brady is really looking old and beat up.

    Very sorry to read that about Rosemary. Of all the Brady wives, if given the opportunity to have an actual, camera-free sit down with just one of them, I would choose her.. However, there is a pathos, an air of sadness about her that she does cover up with a genuinely appealing personality.
    CJ, I agree with you..*that* storyline could guarantee them a 3rd season.
    ** *I just hope to God, TLC didn't dictate when she would go public with it. ****

    The SW tweets......shrug.....the usual boring stuff from them.
    Sobbin must be a mess if everyone has to boost her via tweets for all the world to see.

    Will say that in the fan pic with KISS, Janelle does NOT look any slimmer. So all her "going to workout" tweets for the last year at least, may be in her mind.
    Funny, though, how Meri is horning in on Janelle's shtick with all that.
    If Meri would just stop wearing clothes 2 sizes too small, she would look thinner instantly.

    1. she could be working out for hours each day but if she's not tracking her food intake she's not gonna lose much weight.

    2. Amused, agree with everything you said.

      I cannot believe a man who has 24 kids and who recently declared bankruptcy is having another baby. Gross. Best wishes for the baby of course, I hope it has an easier life.

      Rosemary is my favorite Bady wife, I feel terrible for her. All the Brady wives seem to have an air of sadness.

      Janelle looks thinner than when the show started, but not that much. She is styled better for sure though. The body language between her and Kody isn't that great. Kody should start thinking about losing weight himself.

      If Meri went 2 sizes up and stopped with the orange tanner she would look instantly better. I wish her and Christine would hire a stylist to help them choose appropriate clothes and hair styles.

    3. Dakota,
      Been saying it all along......
      Janelle should have heeded the advice and info you have posted about fitness, weight loss and food choices. And....she wouldn't have had to pay a dime for that counseling. !!

  2. Forgot all about June and the HBB scandal. Just goes to show how quickly we can and probably should forget about forgettable people.
    Good riddance to that whole crew. Their five minutes (3/4 years) of fame was no doubt VERY profitable for June and TLC. Hope those kids can somehow live down that show as they get older.

    Thx for all the news, CJ.

  3. I actually kind of like the ornament they've come out with this year. However, I would never pay the $10.39 they want for it. Five dollars max is what I would be willing to pay.

  4. First, thank you Cynical for such a delicious pre-Thanksgiving treat. I was in need of a mental break when I came to hang out in your living room, and you did not disappoint.
    I think Janelle actually looks pretty good in that Kiss picture. My first thought was that her outfit flattered her figure, which has not objectively changed that much over the years we've been seeing her. She looks so happy. I think that the "my love" reference was a bit gauche and maybe sent the Robster over the edge in need of understanding from Meri...who knows. Like when Meri refers to him as "lover". Eeeew, people, put a seatbelt on that talk within a public forum.
    Ysabel looks adorable. My 12 year old recently got braces too--very exciting at first.
    I am repulsed by Joe Darger's comments about sex and touch---eeew again. Of all the polygamist males we have seen showcased in these 'reality' shows, he would be my absolute LAST pick for the kickball team (right?!) I am astounded that there is enough room in that marriage for three wives and his big floggin' ego. Lord have mercy.
    It is obvious that the Browns are loving their TLC status. Maybe they will make a story line out of Robin's difficulty conceiving. It would make for some huge tears. Maybe her inability to continue procreating Kody's line has resulted in less attention from Kode for her. He sure looks like he's having some fun with Janelle, who just might be what he considers his "intellectual equal" of the bunch.
    Logan looks like he's having fun. Good for him.
    Browns, if you are reading this, Happy Thanksgiving and welcome back.

    1. Yep, I would bet the farm that Janelle's night out with Kody sent Sobyn over the edge. I don't think Meri is the one comforting her anymore though....

      Sobyn better watch out, Kody is not going to take to her fertility issues kindly. Remember when he told Meri he'd be having more kids with or without her? Her fertility issues would make a good story line, don't know if the public could handle all the tears though.

    2. thank you Cynical for such a delicious pre-Thanksgiving treat
      My pleasure, Bemused!!!

  5. Would be interested to hear from the Brown Krewe re. Rosemary's posts and the AUB...not expecting anything, however.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if this was part of their reason for wanting to leave the church and strike out on another path religiously.

  6. I cannot imagine ANY of the Brown women (or Kody) being as open and well spoken about a struggle (especially one so horrific) as Rosemary has been.
    Abuse is so much more common than we usually see, and I can only imagine how prevalent it is when large groups of children are marginalized as commodities like we have witnessed (and read) in polygamy.
    I don't even know what to write, I'm so tired and demoralized by how many women not only share this experience, but go their entire lives believing it is somehow something they must carry on their own or hide.
    I want to shake the mothers that put their priesthood holder, husband, boyfriend, etc above the safety and well being of their children.
    Not just in sexual abuse, but in the development of their overall value...I KNOW it's not at all the same situation, though I cannot help but recall Christine discussing the rooster and polygamy with the Richards(?) daughter. How charming she thought it was that the hens followed the male---blindly and almost without will.
    The more I watch reality television the more my head hurts and my heart breaks.
    Damn the patriarchy. Damn the shitty structure that makes these stories so godawful common place.

    1. I work in child welfare and I was recently talking to a counselor from a counseling center that specializes in sexual abuse and she said one out of every two children are sexually abused.

    2. I find that extremely hard to believe...I would want to see some excellent research and statistics to back up that claim. Really---what is that based on?

    3. 2nd Attempt to Post

      1 in 2 children being abused seems crazy high to me, but I remember a professor saying 1 in 5 women will experience some form of sexual abuse in their lives (which is hideous enough) maybe it's close?
      God I hope not.
      Perhaps the numbers are higher in certain fringe groups? Does your friend work with specific subsets?

    4. MrSpock thinks "statistics" are thrown out into the arena of public opinion far too often without the proper scientific/statistical research to back them up. What data did the professor have? What data did the "counselor" have? Little, if any, MrSpock would surmise.

      For example, MrSpock has two siblings---so there are three---and none were abused as children. MrSpock's spouse is one of seven children----again, no abuse---ergo, there we have TEN children without any abuse. Now, is that basis for any statistical conclusion based on a 6 billion or so Earthly population? No...but we also do not have 5 of those 10 children who have been abused---which it should be based on that "counselor's" faulty assessment of the world. As the collective you might be able to tell, MrSpock gets super-annoyed by "facts" backed up by nothing. MrSpock might explode again.

    5. One in in five women is 20%. One in two children would mean 50% of all kids are sexually abused. The boy number is much less than the girl number, but I think that has more to do with being able to recognise the abuse. Maybe they meant half the kids the place she works at? If she really believes that is the number in the general population she should not be in that field.

    6. Mr Spock, I think this is the study/stat the professor referenced. It's been several years though so I'm not certain.

      The 1 in 5 or 1 in 6 stat falls under dispute depending on what is classified as 'rape' rape, coercion, assault, and attempted rape.
      Depending on a person's definition of either acts the numbers could vary greatly.

    7. That little hen and rooster conversation bothered me. How simplistic. Yes, I love hens and the way the rooster protects them.
      I do not see myself in the hen analogy.
      Rather, I am like a female eagle who mates for life with one other eagle.
      Joel Osteen (the pastor) has often questioned his church members by asking "Do you want to peck on the ground with the chickens or soar like an eagle?!"

    8. I have always been squicked out by people anthropromorhizing their intentions on animals...especially in the way Christine did.
      We are not animals. If we were animals I would certainly hope we were more like gorillas or Dolphins, not chickens.
      There is a reason we say 'like a chicken with its head cut off' or call people without honor or bravery 'chicken'.
      While they are delicious when battered and a delightful addition to salads, they are not role models.
      They are delicious idiots...which gives them at least one thing in common with the Browns and as I am not a canibal I think we can guess what the common denominator is.

  7. Didn't Kody and Krew used to live in the same town as that rapist doctor who targeted mormon women? I read about the whole thing and it is heartbreaking. I grew up mainstream mormon but stopped attending church when I left home. It is horrible how religion makes women feel ashamed of their bodies and places so much emphasis on purity. I remember women who had sexual contact with someone other then their husband were compared to licked cupcakes and chewed up gum. It took me years before I could begin shedding my guilt.

  8. Why didn't Kody have to be thankful at TLC for anything?

    1. Hopefully they left Kody off the list because someone at TLC finally realized what a loose cannon he is via text...and speech...and body language disaster.
      But, it's probably more likely that they noticed a show about 'Sisterwives' focuses a shocking amount of airtime to neither a sister nor wife.
      I'm mean really, what could Kody even say? 'I'm so thankful that my needs and whims are above those of every member of my family and that I am never held responsible for my hurtful and careless actions...and also man-y-tails!'
      I doubt that would fit in 140 characters.

  9. Uhhhhh !!!
    We are off and running...tears !!!
    No, wait.........smiles. Big surprise. Pregnant !!
    And really Brady, you find it "amazing" !???

    Uh, Oh...another McMansion !!??? Can irt be !!???
    Just One ???

  10. Why do they keep bringing up the Paulie v. Rosemary "feud"? This is REALLY tiresome.

    1. Agreed. Very contrived coversations. However Rosemary's comment about Paulie being invested in Brady but not the family reminded me of Meri...

    2. The 'feud' is tiresome because it is used as a poorly-acted story line. The comment about Paulie being only invested in Brady seems to ring true, however. These shows could be gold if only they were properly mined. A sit-down with a REAL discussion about the jealousies, difficulties, and advantages (there are some?) inherent in polygamy would be so much better than the glossed-over, made up drama that centers around a particular episode's theme. Why does TLC not see this? Is it because these women have spent so many years of trying to tamp down personal desires and unpleasant feelings that they are now incapable of digging deep for genuine emotion or self-evaluation? Too bad then for the Brady/Brown gravy train and TLC's ratings. They are choosing poorly written/acted scripts over a more relatable (and ratings garnering) human story.

  11. ...especially with Grandma Yoda...the wise woman of Washington...spare me!!!!

  12. Tailee Time ...again !!

  13. Oh no......upcoming discussion with Grandpa Yoda (aka KiltMan) about Rosemary and Paulie....oh noooooo!!!!! MrSpock is going to EXPLODE!!!

    1. (getting out the plastic sheets and discretely spreading them beneath MrSpock to protect the furniture and rug)

    2. Thank you, CJ. MrSpock is not used to such emotional feelings....

    3. No problem at all! (putting wet vac back in closet)

    4. Grandpa is a tool. He made the hair on the back of my neck nauseous.

  14. OMG !! Here we go again !!
    5 lots, 5 houses !!
    Where is Magic Mona ??

  15. They seem somewhat serious about moving near the Yodas in Washington---but, if they are going to build or add on to a house...that will take a long, long time.

    Oh, her comes Nonie---she just told the other "wives" she is expecting.

  16. I liked the "Veranda" Kiss !!!
    That Brady sure is a romantic fool.....or a TLC dream of a camera ham.

    Stella is the Dr. Phil/lyis for plyg wives on how to Keep Sweet.
    She tells Rosie that she is one of the "special ones", uhh, which of Brady's wives are the "not-special" ones??? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Taileee Time/....Again !! (now up to 3x so far)

  17. Oh - the crying about the engagement ring - it's such a seminal moment. And, it's all to show what a sensitive guy Brady is.

    I wish the producers would stop filming these people as they're eating. Their table manners are disgusting.

    1. Grifter,
      So, so agree. They need to shut off the cameras when these people eat.
      Nonie pops something in her mouth right before she does her big drama reveal and then chews visibly while talking Nasty !

      And speaking of the baby reveal........
      After 24 babies, the reaction was more than a little over the top. They acted like it was akin to the second coming.
      More SW stuff....looks like shades of the hoopla around Solomon !!

  18. And I call BS on Nonie "just" finding out she is pregnant. She looks noticably pregnant in this ep.

    Is it me?.....Rhonda looks quite a bit heavier too. As does Rosemary.
    Are the Brady girls going the way of the Kodettes now that they too have the show ??

    1. I agree, Amused. Rhonda looks much heavier; it shows in her face.

    2. Prior to Nonie announcing her pregnancy she, Brady, and Robyn(?) decide to zip line instead of horseback riding because Nonie MIGHT be pregnant...regardless of Robyn being absolutely TERRIFIED of heights, and the fact that Nonie has previously been pregnant, it never crossed their minds that pregnant women can't horseback ride.

      Thank goodness Brady mentions that concern (I'm sarcasming so hard right now) they could have gotten into a potentially pregnant and potentially jostling situation.

      Luckily zip lining is like angel kisses and a gentle breeze. Wait. No it's not. It's awesome and scary and adrenaline pumping (which seems kind of bad for a fetus) and like something that hurtles you across the sky.

      I visited 8 different zip lining websites and each said they absolutely do NOT allow pregnant participants. Many suggested even possibly pregnant women should avoid the activity.

      I honestly can't tell if Brady is that big of a jackass (buying ice cream for a possibly diabetic baby anyone?), or really that g-d clueless and selfish.

      I was just complimenting this family on seeming more affectionate and loving than the Browns, until I saw Robyn(?) peer pressured while shaking and crying into facing her greatest fear--on the off chance that Nonie might be pregnant. They choose something even more dangerous and terrifying for the wife too meek to cause a scene.

      I'm pissed for Robyn and sad for a baby born to someone as bizarre and off putting as Nonie.

    3. It kills me to type that name. My beloved grandmother was named Nonie and I hate that her face is slowly being replaced by such a sour and self absorbed lump.

  19. WOW! Nonie's son, Paul, who is 15, says his mother has been "brainwashed" by the group over the years and that he will never practice polygamy----a wise, wise young man... He says "Three more years of high school left and 'BOOM' I'm outta here!"

    1. ...oh, he was making these comments about his mother having another baby---that he had asked her not to have any more babies...

  20. Paul is the most sensible one of all.

    Yet another contrived scene: Brady and Nonie take their kids to the woods and gather them to announce that they're having another baby. The oldest child is miserable; the younger ones don't seem to react at all. Then, they all clear out.

  21. Ohhhhhhhh !!!
    Cliffhanger before commerical....Dissension in the kid ranks about another baby.
    I like that they actually filmed that............
    But....'s yet *another* SW redo.........ala Hunter and Sobbin.

    1. Paul appeared genuinely angry and upset about the baby...either that, or he is a very good actor.

    2. Apparently, he was sent to Time Out, because he wasn't at the big family announcement, and they noted it. That didn't stop Brady and Grandpa Yoda (very funny, MrSpock) from patting themselves on the back for being such studs. At least Grandpa Yoda wore shorts for the announcement.

    3. I agree, Spock. It's Either/ Or.....!

      And didn't Brady pull a Kody card out of his pocket and went for the "you feel that way because you are a teenager"
      No Brady...the kid is disgusted by you and the lifestyle.
      And Paulie's pregnant daughter wasn't thrilled either !
      At least, some of these kids are not plyg-brained.

    4. Agree he looked genuinely upset. Brady and Nonie say express yourself but don't really say anything negative because this is a happy moment and WE are happy. (Selfish Narcissists) The Grandpa's reaction to the pregnancy is down right creepy. (Another Selfish Narcissist)

  22. Brady and Nonie were so dismissive of Paul's feelings. He was genuinely upset and Brady got that fake sing song voice and started going on about how happy he was. My husband is the oldest of 8 and was 16 when his parents told him there was going to be another baby. Hubby reacted the exact same way that Paul did. I am so upset with the way this situation was handled. Sad thing is that now Paul is on twitter saying he was a grump. Nope, Paul was just acting like a reasonable young man who knows full well that 25 kids is INSANE! Also want to add that I can't imagine having Nonie as a mother, she seems like a drama queen. Talking about Karlie's baby shower saying that she can't wait for it to be her turn blah, blah.

    1. Oh, that is too bad (re. Paul saying he was a "grump"). Paul, if you read this blog...YOUR feelings were genuine and not apologize for them.

    2. Yep, Nonie is a drama queen AND an attention glutton !!

      And can you blame these kids? They live in essentially a row of apartments. None of which seem too spacious judging by the living rooms and kitchens.
      SIx kids would be a bit congested.

      But hey....they have a TV show now.
      It's the Duggers and Browns all over again.....TLC = New digs to house the horde.
      Oh wait....didn't Uncle Poodle spill the beans that even June is moving bigger and better now too ?!

    3. I had my last child when my older kids were 20 and 17. They were furious with me initially. Pauls reaction is perfectly normal . It especially makes sense with their outsized family.

    4. I'm the oldest of four; my mother had my youngest brother when I was 16--my other siblings were 15 and 12. Like Paul, I was really upset when my parents told us there would be another child, so I understand a little of what Paul might be feeling. I don't see how Brady feeds and clothes the wives and children he already has. Adding one more child seems selfish and irresponsible. Even with the TLC money, it's got to be a struggle. I hope all goes well with Nonie and the baby, but even more, I hope Brady will be able to provide the financial and emotional support all his wives and kids need.

    5. Their statements about their finances were all over the place in last night's episode. First, the $3M house was too much - Rosemary said 10x too much. And,the $800K house was above budget. They seemed happy at the $400K plots of land, but then said they'd have to build, which would cost a lot of money. Brady said, "I'm a builder. That's what I do."

      They talked about how they couldn't afford some of the homes, but nobody discussed the additional cost of a 25th child. Also, when discussing a possible move, nobody discussed the job market, transferring colleges, etc.. They just lauded what a logistical feat moving their family would be.

      Brady was then emphatic in his heart-to-heart with Grandpa Yoda that his construction company was doing great, after a rough patch, because Grandpa Yoda challenged Brady about being over-extending emotionally and financially. According to Brady, however, construction in UT was booming, and his brother's company was doing really well. Only a few of the 5 adults work, and they're not in high-paying, career-track positions.

    6. Good post, Grifter Lives !
      Yes, no discussion of a 25th child to feed, clothe and educate. Such scripted BS.

      If Brady is suggesting that because he is a builder, then five houses on five lots would be a piece of cake, he is delusional.
      Unless....he plans to run those house costs through his brother's business, and if so, he had better be really careful on preparing/ reporting those invoices for material, equipment and labor. The IRS looks closely at contracting businesses.

      But let's be real here...if the game plan is for Bradyville to do a major upgrade like Kodyworld did....then TLC is a big player in the scheme. Money is no more an issue than it ever was for the Browns with their McMansions.

      Just think, 2 or more seasons of phony new house dramas, glitches and tears !!
      Don't we all have the SW T-shirts on that crap ??
      Really getting old, TLC.....stale and boring !!!

    7. The comment about the baby shower from Nonie really rubbed me the wrong way. Has that family had a baby shower for all 24 babies before hand? Because if not, then Nonie better not be getting one. What's the point? Between them all, they should have more than enough baby stuff. Karlie is a young girl, pregnant with her first baby, and in a mongamous marriage. There won't be 25 kids in her family. It seems that Nonie wants to play at being as young and in the same situation as Karlie. She's not. She soo rubbed me the wrong way!

    8. There is nothing more disgusting than a parent being jealous of their child. Nonie so wants to take the spotlight off of Karlie and her pregnancy. You don't have a shower for your second child let alone your TWENTY FIFTH!

  23. Where are Grandpa's other wife's? Keep the kids out of the ocean! I live in Washington and the Pacific ocean is cold and strong. It could sweep the little kids out in a second.

    1. Rod Williams had 3 wives when he moved to Washington. Wife #2 left him but Wife #1 and #3 are still with him. We've only seen wife #1 on the show so far.

    2. Thank you! I've been wondering!

    3. There was an older blond woman sitting in a chair at the baby shower I thought might be Rod's other wife. She looked not quiet as old as Grandma Yoda (ha, love it) but definitely much older than Brady's wives. She also looks like the random other kids we've seen on the trip.

    4. Agree about the ocean, Anonymous at 10:41 PM. MrSpock grew up in Oregon...we were always told, "Never turn your back on the ocean!" It is a lesson MrSpock has never forgotten, especially after being knocked down by a wave on the Oregon Coast at a very young age, being dragged out to sea, only being rescued by my father as he tore after me. MrSpock was very young, but that incident is burned into my mind. (Thank you, DAD!)

  24. I just started watching the 2nd season of My Five Wives and as miserable as I think their individual marriages are, I can't help but notice how much friendlier Brady's wives seem than the Browns.
    I even saw the wives hugging each other when one cried and laughing in GOOD nature at one another's jokes. It was a weird change.
    I'm scared.

  25. Obviously the editing elves over at TLC have control of the sequencing and care not a whit about continuity. Even though the baptism supposedly took place later in this trip, Brady is on his feet walking just fine, unaided with crutches, down the beach for the baptisms.

    Watching Brady and Grandpa almost beating their chests like silverbacks in the forest (or the dominant Bigfoot) at the news of baby #25 was disgusting.
    What? Do these men judge their personal worth in life by how many eggs their sperm can fertilize? We can only hope that more than a few of the male children in that family will have different ideas about life and self worth.

    Robyn continues to be difficult to watch. That woman is so fragile, so lost in all of that madness.

    1. MrSpock also noticed that Brady was walking just fine at the baptism. Speaking of the baptism, as a Christian, MrSpock has no objection to Brady doing a baptism, but MrSpock did find it objectionable that Brady used that vehicle as a so-called "coming of age" ceremony---which is not its intent, Biblically-speaking. These folks are just making things up as they go now that they have left the AUB.

    2. The Mormon and Fundamental sects baptize their children at the age of eight rather than as infants. They say eight is the Age of Accountability, when they are capable of committing sin, being able to recognize right from wrong, and are accountable for their behavior. That is what Brady was referring to as "coming of age" I think. So rather than making things up, they are still following their old religious practices, despite what they like for us to think.

    3. Brady said that in the AUB, only bishop (or priestholder?) was able to baptize children. Then, he said that he was qualified to baptize his own kids, because he's their father. He totally omitted that he was a bishop in the AUB. I thought that they wanted to intentionally flaunt their interpretation of an AUB sacrament for the show - either to spite their old church or to convince themselves how progressive they are.

      Having a young child (<8) interpret the baptism in the talking head after was gratuitous. It was obvious that she didn't even understand the significance of the event, even though she said, "I can hardly wait until I'm baptized!'

    4. Brady said that in the AUB, only bishop (or priestholder?) was able to baptize children
      Don't forget the AUB is a fundamentalist sect of Mormonism. This is a definition of Priesthood from

      "What is the priesthood?
      Official Answer
      The priesthood is the authority to act in God’s name. The same priesthood authority that existed in the original Church established by Jesus Christ exists in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today. The Church is directed and led through this authority.

      All male members of the Church who are prepared receive the priesthood in order to help lead the Church and serve Heavenly Father’s children. A man with the priesthood might serve in some of the following ways:
      ◾Leading congregations of the Church
      Performing the ordinances of the Church, such as baptism
      ◾Blessing those who are sick

      God expects those who hold this sacred priesthood authority to follow the example of Jesus Christ and serve with love, gentleness, and kindness."

      From what I've seen, it looks like the children are being brought up as LDS, which was Brady's affiliation before he joined the AUB. He can baptize his kids as priesthood holder for his family as he is responsible for the religious upbringing of his children.

      And yes, just like in Big Love, this appears to be the Church of Dad as I don't think Brady's gone back to LDS but he still continues the precepts of Mormonism for his family's religious needs.

    5. Except the wives were laying hands on Rhonda. They are basically taking some practices and adapting them. The one son looks to have joined the LDS church and expressed interest in doing a misison for them. The parents can't rejoin the LDS church and remain married in any sense of the word. I feel this is how we ended up with a problem with the offshoots of the LDS church. Back when it was made illegal it was retroactive. What to do with a wife/husband you promised to be with through life and after death, and what of the kids. It should have simply not be legally recognized and stopped moving forward. They have been living with the scriptures so long it's hard to think beyond them.

  26. Last night, I read through Cassia's twitter feed. When not telling people to "f*ck off," and insisting American's have no sense of humor, she was insisting that all of the stuff shown that makes her look bad was edited or producer inspired. I should say that some of the people deserved to be told to f*ck off; one made a comment on her mom having double chins.

    She said that she had never seen a floor that wasn't all tile or all wood, but a little of both. Then insisted to a commenter that, "It didn't happen that way" referring to how the clip was edited.

    She insists that she doesn't want to be a model but wants to finish her journalism degree, and she was told to say that. I disagree though, since her twitter is full of her posting photos of her in a bikini while making dumb faces that I think she thinks are model-like.

    Finally, in response to several tweets about her reaction to finding a Playboy, she insists it is a joke, and the female body is beautiful and she also looks at porn. Then she posts a photo of herself on a bed, in a bikini, with what she seems to think is a surprised or angry look (I really can't tell for sure), having lifted the pillows to display several Playboys, tweeting to whatshisname that she found more porn.

    She stated that the producers wanted drama and she gave it to them. I do believe this. Too bad she isn't a better actress.

  27. Gotta say, after Watching Nonie's behavior tonight, that I am honestly worried about how she is acting concerning babyhuck.

    She is such an attention hog.

    I can now see her doing 1 of two things.

    1) Acting all smug and talking about how that hasn't happened to her in any of her pregnancies and how easy it has been for her.

    2) Act all terrified it will happen to her and constantly call Brady and demand he come over over any little thing.

    1. Baylor,

      My money is on option # **2** !!!
      Nonie is very good at "demanding".....however, she stinks at acting.

      Keep remenber her shrieking "Don't change me" in season one.
      THAT was pitifully bad acting.

    2. Her "Don't change me" rant actually made me laugh it was so pitiful. It's absolutely embarrassing. And if she does go one way or the other with the pregnancy drama, my bottom dollar is on #2 as well. And it makes me sick because she has no idea the stress that the parents' of that premature baby are feeling. Out of all the wives she rubs my the worst. Paulie is a VERY close second though.

    3. Yup, but you know she will probably make comments about how she hopes her baby will receive as much attention or love, etc
      She has no idea about the stress but will still envious about all the attention BabyHuck and Karlie are getting.

  28. I hope that Brady is done sowing his seed. There is enough of his DNA in the world.

  29. Re: LaPetite Terror Nov 24 4.10am comment - pregnant woment not supposed/allowed to ride... here in the UK both Princess Anne and her daughter Zara Phillips rode well into their pregnancies, and this is well documented on film.

    1. @ Anonymous November 25, 2014 at 2:25 AM: While it's true that Princess Anne and Zara Phillips continued to ride while pregnant, both of them are experienced, world-class equestriennes. As such, they're accustomed to the bouncing and probably have sufficient muscle strength to keep themselves upright and injury-free. The Williams wives don't ride often enough, I'm guessing, to build the same level of strength, and don't look nearly as physically fit as either Anne or Zara. If I were Nonie, I'd pass on zip lining, horse-back riding, and most other hard physical sports till after the baby is born. Why take chances when they're not necessary?

    2. Anonymous November 25 2:25

      I do not mind if anyone horseback rides, I was merely making an observation that Brady and his wives agreed that riding was far too dangerous for a possibly pregnant woman...but zip lining was fine.
      If you'll notice, most of my post discussed the act of zip lining and provider sites strongly warning or outright refusing to offer their services to expecting women.
      Additionally, most of my European friends have vastly different notions about what is appropriate during pregnancy than what we learn and or accept in America.
      Personally I feel people are already too involved in the bodies of other women, especially those who are pregnant--I would never have commented on what I think another woman should do with her body other than to remark on an obviously staged or suspect plot device.
      My Five Wives used Brady's 'concern' as an opportunity to further the 'is she or isn't she' storyline and highlight how sensitive and in tune with his wives Brady is. Obviously TLC is attempting to show that THIS family is 'different'.
      The Williams' aren't your grandma's style of polygamists. BUT, they may be her Sisterwive's...

  30. Well it is safe to say that all "reality" shows come to an day.

  31. Happy Thanksgiving, All!

  32. Thank you MrSpock! Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone here in my living room!!

  33. Off topic....... please go to The Principle read about/ and see a video of Danielle, Joe Darger's sister, who tells of her life in the Darger polygamist family Wow! she is now anti-polygamist and has joined a mainstream Christian church. Please go and see/read ! !

    1. Here's a link to the video:

      Danielle Barlow Darger

      Just a warning...the video is about an hour long, and the accompanying article will make your head spin with all the marriages, but it's still very interesting! Makes me wonder what Papa Joe really thinks about his sister...

    2. Amazing how she moved from an extreme religion to another one more to her liking. Her mother must really be into going to heaven with her daughter's husband. That's what I find hard to understand. How could a woman marry her daughter's husband and not see how weird that is?

    3. Thank you for posting that link! My heart breaks for Danielle Darger.
