
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Live Tweet Party 90 Day Fiance and My Five Wives for Sunday 11/16/14

My living room is now open for early partyers!! Free admission if you're going commando under yer kilt!

Are you ready for this week's Live Tweet Party in My Living Room?

That's right, you can view and join  My Five Wives live tweeting all in the comfort of My Living Room!

And as an added treat, enjoy a Tweet Party for 90 Day FiancĂ©, too !!

And you don't even need to dress up, much.

So kick off yer shoes, put on yer best Prairie Dress and sharpen up yer snark.

Join the Party and Let the snarking begin!!

Tweets for My Five Wives

And in case you haven't heard, BradyAndWives are adding another mouth to feed!

90 Day Fiancé


  1. Did I miss 90 day??
    What happened with Mohammed??

  2. I have been flipping back and forth between this and football because of the preview of Danielle last week. There have already been TWO very clearly production staged situations. One, with the brother interrupting snuggle time, and the second with Cassia finding the adult magazine. She went straight to it. It would have been more believable if they showed her snooping around through a bunch of boxes first.

    Isn't Amy (?) staying with the brother so that they don't have snuggle time? That way it doesn't go too far? This show would be better if the production just let it unfold naturally. It would still be a train wreck, but I wouldn't find myself rolling my eyes so hard.

    1. Just watched the episode. The whole Jason being into soft porn storyline is "old". He sells the mags on ebay...big deal cuz he's making money!!!

      And yes, the brother interrupting Amy and Danny stunk of producer inspired drama. It would be passable IF the people involved were better actors.

  3. So, Brady has been talking about how great his company is doing---yet, they are talking about moving to Washington---then what does he plan to do?

  4. Why leave at 2:00 a.m.---dumb---he is right about the wildlife issue in the dark---plus, the young kids will be all off schedule.

  5. Teepee time---wonder how they will keep the mosquitoes out...

    1. Grandpa Rod will scare off the insects by exposing his "junk". Sorry, I couldn't resist!

  6. Nonie---preggers---per commercial for next week.

  7. Grandpa Rod and little Tailee are the only hope for saving My Five Wives.

  8. Grandpa and his junk.... just.... eww!

    1. That whole discussion was disgusting, as were the conversations about where/how to relieve themselves during the road trip or in the woods. They really have no material.

  9. Amy's boyfriend is an a$$. His brother is an even bigger a$$. Run Amy run for the hills.

  10. At the risk of sounding really bitchy........THIS show is a crock !!

    First the now predictable, repetitive plots/ storylines...
    1-Rhonda gets several talking head spots *again* for her breast cancer scare, about having to now go every 6 months instead of once a year.
    Uh, yeah, medical assistant Rhonda, that IS the routine !!
    But now that her health is *somewhat a non-worry* she is looking out of state for a child to adopt...yawn. Gee, we DO know that already, don't we.
    (Rhonda's slooow articulation and drama eyes are getting really annoying. Not as manic as Nonie but running a close second)
    2- And of course, Rhonda was weepy....again.

    3-Speaking of Nonie...of course, for her, it's another repeat of more crying. This time to grandma about those PG tests just not turning positive.
    But hope springs eternal on that front. Of course it does!

    4- Watching all the frenzied packing for a road trip ala Kodyworld......I expected to see Meri Brown stepping in to bark orders and organize the loading of the cars.

    5- Nonie's daughter Tailee (sp) is apparently now the official talking head for the kids of Bradyville. I lost count after the 5th spot. Cute, cute child, but seriously, a bit of overkill.

    * Honestly, .the obsessive camera attention to that child, encouraging her to be cute and dramatic, was a disturbing reminder of how TLC first presented HBB when she was younger and cute and engagingly vocal.*

    6-Grandpa is still as "out there" by design.
    Loud, attention glutton and so, so obvious loving his camera time !!! And still choosing to not wear underwear.
    However, where the show has lost me forever is the bit where Gramps is told *by his grandchildren* that his privates were on display. And even that bit aired later in the ep, before, when he was instructing the kids on how to erect the teepee, it was obvious that more than a few of them (girls included) were getting an unsolicited look at gramps' jewels. So when TLC staged the phony talk between Brady and his dad, where gramps says, " Son. they told me "my junk" was showing"...what does that mean?" disgust level for BS went thru the roof. Really, TLC, really !!!

    Really, TLC...a former Secret Service agent wouldn't know what that means??
    Are you are so desperate for plots and giggles that you needed to stage and throw that bit in??
    Into the same show where you have a grandma celebrating her 5th anniversary of cancer survival and every other scene you are showcasing a sweet little 4 year old girl talking to the camera ???
    You needed to put in the fact that Grandpa wears a kilt and doesn't wear underwear around kids !!!!???

    And no, Brady...your dad is not "eccentric"...the word is "Exhibitionist" !!!

    1. the obsessive camera attention to that child, encouraging her to be cute and dramatic, was a disturbing reminder of how TLC first presented HBB when she was younger
      That's exactly what I was thinking...however I don't think she'll end up as bloated as HBB in 4 years.

      Really, TLC...a former Secret Service agent wouldn't know what that means??
      I have a feeling there are about 50 retired Secret Service agents (the uniformed variety) who knew this guy back in the day laughing their heads off while screaming I TOLD YOU THAT GUY WAS A NUT at the top of their lungs.

    2. She's STILL talking about her breast lump? When I was undergoing my last ultrasound on my benign lumps a few weeks ago, I asked the tech if there were any women who didn't have a lump, because I don't know any. She only does the ultrasounds when a lump is already found by exam or mammogram, but she didn't know anyone who didn't have a lump either.

      I understand her mother had breast cancer, and that would be concerning, but it sounds like she has been assured it is okay and they would just keep an eye on it as a routine matter of treatment. I haven't watched this year, but last year I found the whole storyline irritating. I know two people (closely, more in general) who have had breast cancer, and it just seemed kind of disrespectful.

      Soooo glad I missed grandpa.

  11. The reason women get mammograms and ultrasounds is to find and keep track of lumps and changes. She does have a higher risk of it becoming a problem but if she keeps up and they do find a problem it should be able to be removed before it causes mischief. Her entitlement to yet another child really bothers me. Why is her house better than a woman in college or high school just not at the correct place to start parenting? It just seems like a bucket list item to check off.

    1. The reason women get mammograms and ultrasounds is to find and keep track of lumps and changes.

      That is why I find it distasteful. I said disrespectful earlier, but I think distasteful is better. Last season, when Paulie sat down at her table and asked her about having an x-ray, Rhonda busted into tears and mentioned that she was having the lump she had checked out previously looked into again. At the time, it seemed to me to be a routine check-up, which was exploited for the show into a cancer scare. It was a routine follow-up. If she was actually in fear of cancer, after being told it was benign before, she needs to get some perspective. On a later post, someone posted she was stating that she was still cancer free. She NEVER had cancer. I find it distasteful.

      Since they copy everything else from Sister Wives, they should have done like they did with Meri and the colon cancer; explain that there was a family risk and she was being checked out, while encouraging viewers to do the same. There were three or four episodes last year, and every episode this year about a routine follow-up for a condition that affects probably every woman.

      Regarding the adoption:

      Last year at the family meeting where adoption was brought up, Brady said something along the lines of, "I'm willing to file suit over that!", and I immediately thought of the Browns. But, the Browns wouldn't discuss it, so TLC gets a new family to file suit over something. They haven't discussed the fact that, polygamy or not, she either has to be single or married, not co-habitating. But why let little facts get in the way of their persecution.

  12. Am I the only one that noticed Rhonda forgot Nick when they were leaving for Washington? The caravan is leaving, and one van stops. We hear Rhonda say "oh no, I forgot Nick!" And she wants to adopt? Try keeping track of your own kids, people.

    1. What was really interesting about that was that the editing elves chose to leave in her shout, but declined putting in any footage about going back to get him.
      So.....Was that just another bit of routine TLC Plyg show contrived BS...thrown in for extra drama???
      Or did she really forget a toddler now "home alone" ??
      We will never know....!!!

    2. According to one of the tweets from the Bradys last night, the Nic thing was a joke.

    3. Ahh !! Thx, Spock !
      Jokes are needed for this show......

  13. We have done long road trips (East Coast to Wyoming) to see grandparents. We would never leave at 2am....poor planning. We have left, however, right after work, one of us slept, children "played" and then the other parent drove through the night while the kids slept like normal and the other parent slept. We continued to alternate until we reached the 24 hour mark and got a hotel. We were all off of our regular schedule and grouchy but slept well that night for another day of driving. And vowed to never do that again. It was too much. I can't imagine 20 hours straight, no driving relief and a ton more children that we had.

  14. I don't even WATCH that waste of time that is M5W but I notice that Brady asked if their daughter should be on more next season.
    I dunno, with ratings of well under 1 million viewers, I think it presuming a LOT to think there will BE a next season, even with the Baby Huck drama.

    1. I kind of wonder if there will be another season myself. They aren't exactly bringing in the ratings right now. However, they will be having a baby which will be somewhat more interesting. Still wondering how Sister Wives is going to swing their next season with no baby/pregnancy.

  15. Will Brady move his stable to Washington and build his own TLC financed, forested cuddle-sac near Grandpa, so that Grandpa will be the new star of the show and pull in badly needed ratings, especially from folks who enjoy watching a senior who gets his kicks flashing among other bizarre behaviors.

    Or will Dangling his Dingle Gramps get his own spin-off....???
    Actually he should audition for a "senior" version of Naked and Afraid, if there would be such a version. He would be a shoe-in for the gig !!!
    With his Big Foot scouting experience and teepee making skills, what senior woman wouldn't want to brave the elements with Ol Rod and his *staff.* ??/!!

    1. Dangling his dingle ... Oh Amused, you are a mess! :)

    2. "you are a mess!"


    3. Amused, if you're unsure what that means it's a term of endearment :) In the southeast it basically means "you are too funny!" My friend from Illinois was unsure how to take that as well the first time my mom said it to her!

    4. Haha ... thanks LuvDivided. That's exactly what I meant, hence the smiley face. Sorry Amused ... I'm a Southern Gal!

    5. Aw, Jasmine, thanks !! In that case, you too are a good mess. LOL
      And LuvDiveided, thanks so much for taking the time to clarify. That was really nice of you.

      I'm a Yankee from the wasn't sure. LOL
      BTW..I love Southern sayings, so I am adding this one to my fav list !!!

  16. I want to see more of the other wives and their children... so tired of Rhonda and Nonie and their kids... let us see more of the others! I noticed it was Tailee and Arwen mostly on camera. As for adoption, let that storyline go, too long and drawn out ala Brown surrogacy, and focus on the other folks... otherwise I quit watching. I am sick and tired of boring, boring and more boring...

  17. So they just announced via facebook that Nonie is pregnant! Wow!

    1. Please don't let it be a televised birth.......a remake of Sobbin and Sol !!
      Nonie is definitely enough of an attention addict to want to go right along with that.
      More camera time for me, yippee !!

      But at least now Nonie won't need all those extra nights with Socrates Brady to seal the deal, so maybe the other wives will get their nights back on schedule.

    2. Something tells me Crazy Nonie's gonna have a firm grip around Brady's "junk" when she goes into labor. Each time she has a labor pain, she's going to make sure Brady feels it too!!!

    3. Oh, I agree with you on that, CJ.
      Brady had better just move all his clean undies and plaid shirts full time into Nonie's apartment, cuz she is going to be super needy even long before labor and delivery.

      Last season there was a scene between Brady and Nonie where she was filmed saying the "I want a baby" blah, blah and his response intimidated that his concern was that Nonie was extremely "emotional" last time. They left that a bit nebulous, but it does suggest that Nonie is emotionally high maintenance when pregnant.
      Could she be even more manic? Guess so!
      Better do some yoga and/ or heavy Zen reading, Brady, because you are going to need it !!

      *Geez, Is it me or is it is getting so that TLC just effortlessy switches out SW plots with Bradyville wives and thinks that no one will notice. *

    4. In one scene, Nonie is having her heart-to-heart with the mother-in-law about how she can't get pregnant. The mother-in-law makes some vague reference to spirit babies. In the previews for next week, Nonie announces that she's pregnant near the teepee. That wasn't an extended trip. So she may have already known that she was pregnant when she had that conversation with the mother-in-law.

      Also, several of the sister wives noted that they rarely see Brady's parents or that their kids don't know them, but they all staged these soul-bearing conversations with her, like there was such intimacy.

    5. Agree......TLC-created intimacy. We should all be used to it by now after SW.

      Especially since Nonie (or one of them) announced that the last time they went there en masse, there was FOUR less kids.
      So depending on the age of the fourth youngest child, the whole family haven't been there for that many years.. And.....those four youngest kids wouldn't know them much at all.

      BS and more BS.

    6. I can hear Kody screaming and stopping his feet in rage right about now.....

  18. Yup! Just can't believe they announced it on Facebook before they announced it on the show. Wonder if now with Baby Huck drama, how that will affect her pregnancy/ need for attention.

    Also, did anyone else notice how Brady told the kids that the Washington trip was going to cost him a "boatload of money"? Really? They didn't fly, they drove. They are staying at his dads house. Not in another house or hotel. They didn't even rent any motel/hotel rooms along the way. So the only expense was gas for several vehicles for that long a trip, which can add up I'm sure. However, I would think TLC would pick up the tab for that.

  19. Grandpa is gross, gross, gross! Freeballing is just plain nasty; while wearing a kilt it's unsavory (unless you're Mel Gibson); in front of children it's borderline degenerate. On a lighter note, Tailee is a little cutie!

    Did you see the amount of food the Williams women prepared for lunch? 30 sandwiches--that's about 5 loaves of bread! Maybe that's what Brady was talking about when he said the trip would cost him big bucks; gas for 5 vehicles can't be cheap either. They should take advice about transporting all those kids back and forth from the Duggars (although the Duggars have no sense of time or punctuality).

    Regarding the "couples" on "90 Day Fiance": Chelsea should suck it up and move to Nicaragua so her man can continue his music career. Jason seems very nerdy and I get a weird, pervy vibe from him--Cassia should fly like the wind. As for Danielle and Mohamed, she strikes me as having abandonment issues. She should work those out before she gets into a relationship. I see Mohamed hanging out just long enough to get his green card, and then it's so long to Danielle, her clinginess and her bad debts.

    1. As for Danielle and Mohamed, she strikes me as having abandonment issues.

      Oh my gosh, when she was literally hanging on to him whimpering how she was afraid he would leave her after the damn cellphones were shutoff for non-payment, she is lucky I wasn't part of the film crew. Definitely I would have dropped a boom mike on that square head of hers yelling "Quit your sniveling and PAY YOUR BILLS!"

    2. But wouldn't they need to spend that much on food anyways at home? I also can't believe that TLC didn't pitch in for gas and food. Maybe they didn't. Either way, I thought he shouldn't have made that comment to the kids. That was as cheap a vacation as a family that size could make.

    3. @ Baylor, I agree with you--the family's finances should not be the children's concern. Likewise, it's true that with a family that huge, visiting the grandparents is probably the least expensive vacation option. Plus, it's good for the kids to build relationships with their grandparents. I kind of like Stella, Brady's mom. She seems to be nice, and wise, too. The five wives could learn a lot from her--and she must have the patience of Job to put up with Grandpa's shenanigans!

    4. I can get 10 sandwiches out of a load of bread without using the ends. Three loaves at $2 not on sale is $6. Plus whatever they put inside it.

    5. How old is Danielle? She looks older than she acts. It's weird.

    6. @kms, I keep forgetting that we're talking about food and gas prices in the Continental US. I live in Honolulu, where bread is about $5 a loaf, sandwich meats could be around $15 per pound, and gas is over $4 per gallon. Thus, I perceive Brady's expenditures as twice as high as they probably are. Another question: since Brady filed for bankruptcy, I wonder if the Williams family qualified for SNAP assistance, which would reduce their outlay for groceries?

  20. On 90-Day Fiance, when Danielle was crying about how afraid she was that Mohammed would leave her, he was pretty unsympathetic. He set himself up with several escape routes to leave her if they marry, and they would all be her fault. He turned away or moved further away every time she sought reassurance or affection. Danielle's the obvious train wreck, but her story got less airtime last night. Also, she has the most visible support network - although her whole family seems to keep their distance.

    The scene where Cassia finds a Playboy magazine was pretty unbelievable. First, she just jumped up and cleaned as soon as they left the home. Then, she was offended by the Playboy Magazine she happened to find immediately, although she aspires to be a bikini model, was bored by the swimwear at "Brazilian Bikini," and has skin like she's spent too much time on the beaches of Rio.

  21. Poor needy Danielle is going to get hurt. She should just finish raising her daughters to the best of her limited abilities and forget about men...period! Mohamed is just looking for a sugar mama and Danielle cannot even pay her own bills much less support a man child. What was she thinking?

    1. I feel that TLC is exploting Danielle. She is clearly not competent to be in a relationship. Her children do not deserve to be put through this drama. I question why TLC would want to be part of their story.

  22. They are using Tailee for kid cuteness to get another season..shades of Sol or Truely? and for what its worth i dont like Rhonda saying she is "cancer free" from her mamogram . That implies she had it..this walking to the edge of cancer and using it as a drama plot makes me mad..

  23. MrSpock was wondering if grandma and grandpa could even name all the Brady kids when they first arrived in Washington.

    1. Sorry - I thought the Grandmother was creepy, too. Pretentious? Said how wonderful the SW's were but I thought her face to face conversations with them were sort of... cold? Then when she opened the quilt up, it was not the reaction I had expected. "Okay, let's get this folded back up and on to bear cookies"... and where are Gem Ball's other wives??

    2. Spock,
      After the reported 10 years since they had all been there....agree, it would be quite a feat for those grandparents to name all 24.
      Name Tags??

      I didn't find Grandma creepy. But "pretentious" ??.... Yes !!!
      The conversations, especially with Nonie, looked scripted and acted. But then, since Grandpa is such a "ham" and since Nonie has shown how much she loves her camera time, I guess this particular wife of grandpa figured she may as well get into the act too.
      Besides, doesn't TLC pay for face and dialogue time?

      The quilt gifting was a nice touch as far as pushing the awareness of Breast Cancer.
      I applaud the attention given this issue as well as all the wives getting mammograms.
      But Rhonda needs to stop the "I am cancer free" rhetoric. It really is an affront to
      women who have had the dreaded Dx, and who had to endure the subsequent treatment.
      TLC...just stop this storyline !! Enough !!

  24. I wonder if Brady was told by TLC they need to have new babies in order to have a compelling show. So maybe Brady suggested to the wives: who wants to have another baby. Wives 1-3 said no thanks, I am good. Rhonda can't have any more babies (health issues?) so she was given the fake adoption storyline. And then let's pretend that Nonie can't get pregnant. And then she gets pregnant the next season. Adding another child isn't a good story line to me after hearing how burdened Brady feels by all of his obligations and how expensive kids are (and the bankruptcy thing).

    At this point, the only thing M5W or SW can do to pick up the ratings is to have one or more wives leave or add another wife. More kids is not the answer.

  25. Did you see that show risking it all? I liked it so much more than any of the multiple wives shows? I know this is a living room for the plyg shows but it might be fun to talk about.

  26. Are we getting a new tweet and picture post soon?

    Nonnie posted a preganant picture of herself and Karlie posted her story about her premature labor.
