
Friday, November 28, 2014

I Scour the Internet: The Post Thankgiving Day Edition for Black Friday, November 28th 2014

I've been saying this for what seems like eons, but...What the heck have the Sister Wives, Kody Brown and their assorted entourages really been doing since the last season ended?

Yes, we have tweets, but the pictures are just a few paltry crumbs divvied out to the screaming fans eager to see more.

And once again, the inevitable question of "When will Sister Wives return to TLC" has overtaken the usual question of whether Robyn was preggers or not.

Both questions remain unanswered on the TLC run Sister Wives Facebook fanpage and in the few tweets tweeted out to fans by the Sister Wives.

Their lips are sealed until TLC tells them they can loosen them. No more Mama June spilling the beans, right?
And then this gratuitous picture of Kody with Sister Wife #2 Janelle posing with KISS last week. I'd say maybe they need a publicity manager to get their name out there to the public, instead of their booking manager.

I mean, KISS scared ME when I was in college. Is publicity like this going to grow their fan base enough to increase the ratings of their TV show?

Maybe they DO need to hire Mama June...

And then there was the  oh so "clandestine" trip to Hawaii Kody made with Robyn (amazing how Kody just happened to send a tweet that included his location for all to see), and the solo trips legal wife #1 Meri made down on the Las Vegas strip, to Disneyland and  a Pacific cruise with various galpals. Even Janelle made a trip to an unknown city, tweeting a picture of the city outside her hotel window at night.

We want to see these slugs actually meeting the common folk. Shaking hands with the masses before taking their money in the Brown family owned, and overpriced My Sister Wife's Closet online store. Maybe even stopping to say hello and taking pictures at walkathons instead of cheesy aren't we cute pics of the family, standing still, with Kody in sandals (no walking shoes needed cause he ain't walking no where) with King Sol sitting high atop his shoulders. As usual.

They have a reputation to uphold, right? And after Rosemary Williams' revelation about the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father, who is now the head of the church Kody's Sister Wife #3 Christine's grandfather and grand-uncle once headed, they should be out there screaming their heads off right?  Wrong.....

So here we are, perhaps a month away from a new season. And as usual, the Browns are hanging around like so many giraffes with their heads in the sand, lifting them up occasionally to try to look cool.

At least they didn't take another trip to Disneyland this week...And where is Mindy?

Let's talk about tweets, shall we?

In typical Meri style, she moved from Thanksgiving celebrating to getting her house in order for Christmas. She even allotted some time to send out a tweet about MSWC...

Oh boy. But then meri retweets her newest obsession, mainly, Danny Gokey's online store. Is she crazy? Do you ever see Walmart retweeting Target ads? Major fail...Plugging another store? Where's your loyalty, Meri Brown?

Meanwhile, while Robyn wasn't complaining about how tired she kind of tweeted how much she loved her fans...Oh and she tweeted about her MSWC Black Friday Sale (ends tonight at 12 midnight PST in case you're interested).

At least Robyn tweeted ONLY about her Closet...

But Robyn does need to talk to Meri about her loyalty issues, if she dares!

Kody took time out from his busy, productive day (yeah right) to tweet a couple of pics of his Thanksgiving feast at Meri's McMansion. Unless the camera men were hiding, this holiday does not appear to have been  filmed for the show....hmmm....

From a different angle, we see the table making a sharp 90 degree turn in front of Meri's infamous wet bar...being used for pitchers of drinks. How appropriate!

Janelle was the first to tweet a picture on Thanksgiving of Savanah and Truely out for the count on Meri's precious sofa.

But she was back to her usual tweeting how on Black Friday she dragged her sister out to the gym. Well, they do say misery loves company, right?

Yesterday, Christine had the thankless job of managing the consumption of dinner rolls, which is weird because you'd think she would be cooking more than rolls, right??? ...

Here's what Meri tweeted out as her offerings for the feast....

The Dargers provided their fans with ELEVEN photos of their Thanksgiving...Thank goodness they stayed away from fairy tales...

In case you missed it, this is what the Darger's tweeted earlier this week...YIKES!!

Anyway, they also tweeted out to one plural family, but noticeably left another family out of their well wishes. Three guesses who that was (and the first 2 don't count!)

Kody probably thinks he's too good for a TMZ article that iconic saying..."Any publicity is good publicity." Right Brady?

And that's all for now...Remember, I Scour the Internet So YOU Don't Have To !!


  1. The Dargers are Creeping me out. Sleeping Beauty????? Papa Joe Darger you are disturbing!!!!!! Was that Happy Thanksgiving to My Five Wives really a well wish or was it just to remind everyone about Brady's bankruptcy? Hmmmmm.......

    1. I was going to say exactly what Monogamous Apostate said about Joe Darger.....has to mention rape?? and just previously about "the importance of touch for good connective sex.." (!! is there any other kind... ) just sayin'.. Has he got sex on the brain?
      He once said on a TV show "it's not about sex...." but he's the one who mentions it.... and just at the time when we have been reading/hearing about how his Dad married his 16 year old daughter to his best friend..... and then took two 16 year olds as his 3rd and 4th wives....

    2. Joe Darger creeps me the f*ck out. I just read the link about his sister, the one whose mother was eventually married to the same guy as she. Good Lord have mercy. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This religion has some deep issues.
      The Brady bunch looks miserable in that photo.
      The Browns look better every day.
      Thanks, Cynical, for the succulent Thanksgiving leftovers. Much enjoyed.

    3. While I do find Joe Darger creepy, I do appreciate the fact that he talks a lot about rape culture, victim blaming and the importance of not policing ones sexuality. He recently tweeted an article about the Bill Cosby allegations and has posted quite a bit about not forcing religious morals (for example: modesty standards) on others. While Brady likes to call himself a feminist, I really do think that Joe does a good job at highlighting the double standards that women face in regards to sex. So yeah, creepy...very creepy, but at least he is trying?

    4. He is manipulate. They are all master manipulators. Papa Joe, Brady, and most definitely Kody.

  2. Why does Thanksgiving "break the bank" ? I can see that it might be difficult for Brady and Co.. having been declard bankrupt..but they do seem to have "gone over the top" with the thanksgiving food...... but why does Papa Joe "relate" they do usually eat every day.....don't they? and they do have birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas etc as part of their year.........

    1. I think Darger is talking about how expensive feeding a large family like theirs can be. I do remember Brady saying on the show last year it costs over $4000 a month just for food and the wives were very happy the Thanksgiving meal was being financed by Brady instead of coming out of their food budget. I don't think Brady family is over the top with food, and they grow their own vegetables.

    2. Okay, "anonymous" (yes, you at 3:52 pm who is clearly a rep for the Dargers or the Bradys).
      So the Williams' meal was "financed" by Brady instead of coming out of their food budget. Let's consider apples and oranges, here. Makes no more sense than adding another child while undergoing bankruptcy.
      What is 'over the top' with food anyway? Growing their own veggies? Not quite like multiplying the fishes. A fool over his head, this Brady is. Saving lots of money growing his own veggies, he is not.

    3. Probably b/c they have to buy multiple turkeys & hams which alone can easily skyrocket their holiday grocery bill. But since they chose this lifestyle, they should just suck it up & quit complaining. Or they could just serve a more economical alternative main course. Not everyone serves the "traditional" Thanksgiving meal at their gatherings.

    4. They do eat every day. No idea why it would cost more on one particular day. Most the of the stuff is dramatically lowered in the store because of the holiday. If anything they might eat for less?

    5. Oh, it won't break the Brady's bank, that is for sure. They'll just put it all on credit and then declare bankruptcy so they won't have to pay any of it back.

      Of the Brown wives, Christine was on food stamps before they show.

      Love how these adults feel fine popping out baby after baby and expect others to pay for it.

    6. Yep.

      I Love how it supposed to sound better because Brady is going to pay for his whole family himself instead of making the wives pay for it out of their budgets? What a stand up guy. He shouldn't have any money of his own as all of it should go to his offspring. (There should not be anniversary presents and dates for the selfish adults.)

  3. *finally cleaned up the kitchen from Thanksgiving.
    It was a perfect day......adults, kids and lots of food.
    Hope everyone in the Living Room had a good day*

    CJ, Lots of juicy Plygg stuff....thanks so much !!

    Uh, yeah...Joe Darger is one kinky guy. Sex is private, yet he *always* brings it up !!
    We thinks you doth protest too much, Joe. We really do !

    This comment probably belongs in the previous thread but we discuss all Plygg families here, so here goes...

    The fanfare about Nonie's pregnancy is bizarre in that when this whole "I want a baby" BS started last season, she had a 3 year old (Tailee) and Rhonda had a 2 year old. Yet. they are pitching this storyline as if the "family of 24 kids" has had a dearth of little ones, and so consequently they are all over the moon about *finally*.....a new baby !!
    Ridiculous? Contrived? Typical hyped and planned BS ???

    Paul's reaction is not only understandable, it looks like the film and editing crew liked it too, and chose to include it.
    Poor kid, unless it was planned in the scripting, he has likely paid dearly for it.

    1. Poor kid, unless it was planned in the scripting, he has likely paid dearly for it

      Yeah, that death stare from Nonie was very visible!

      It seems to me this whole business about having more babies stems from the fact that these ladies were brought up that their main purpose in life was to have baby after baby until they no longer were able. That's the commonality between LDS, AUB, FLDS etc...women are to submit to their priesthood holder and give birth to spirit babies to build up/populate their husband's kingdom in this world and the next.

      Brady shook up their terrestrial world when he broke away from the AUB and put a temporary ban on his wives having babies. So in a way, there has been a dearth of babies so to speak as 2 wives only have 4 kids (Rosemary and Rhonda), 2 wives have 5 (Nonie and Robyn) and Paulie has 6 kids and will soon be tied with Nonie when she gives birth to her 6th.

      I look at it this way. Nonie wants to be Brady's #1 wife. She works with him so she automatically sees more of him each day than all the other wives. Nonie HAD to get pregnant again because in the scheme of things Paulie still had more worth having brought 6 kids into the world vs Nonie's 5. It was inevitable Nonie would be getting pregnant, and I don't think she will stop at this one, either. She will have more babies than Paulie whether they can afford it or not!

      I have a feeling Rhonda's adoption storyline will fall by the wayside however once they move to Washington..

    2. True, the wives' reason to be is to produce yearly, if possible.
      You bring up the competition to be the top brood mare That dynamic with Nonie was blatant last season. Perhaps that is why she is so annoying, She is like the pain in the butt kid in school who was strategic and sucked up to all in authority to gain status....while sabotaging anyone who got in her way. And all the other kids had her number and barely tolerated her.
      CJ, Your point is quite true.....It really is all about positioning with the master, which is why plyglife is so damn hard to fathom for the women.
      Even if they produce a record number of kids and have their temporary glory as the blue-ribbon producer, eventually nature will intervene on their fertility. And then the stud master will keep adding new and younger stock. Like Kody did, and likely will again.

      Wonder which wife will get to replace Nonie in the office during her post-partum weeks?
      Or will we get to see her nursing the baby while she files invoices ?
      Agree about the adoption storyline, it has nowhere to go.

      After thought:
      Who giggly welcomes a film crew into the bathroom while you read your PG test ?
      Obviously, Nonie does...!!!

    3. Don't forget Betheney Frankel on RHoNY too...She was shown sitting on the toilet peeing on the stick. I knew right then if the poor guy married her it wouldn't last long...

    4. I wonder if Paulie and Meri would stay with Brady and Kody if they weren't the legal/first wives? It is ironic that the first wives in both families appear to be the most over it and least engaged with the rest of the family?

      I also don't see how it is fair that Brady told 2 of the wives they can only have 4 kids, yet Nonie gets to have her sixth? Am I missing something?

  4. MSWC is now selling beauty products. OMG..what, a cure for a red nose? concealer for a whole in your chin? Herpes concealment? or maybe the beautiful bleach Janelle uses on her hair....OOO nooooo..
    Christine is tweeting they all use and love them...drum roll is soap. They are selling soap.

    1. I would have thought they'd be selling fake tanner with how much Meri uses of it.

    2. yeeeeeeees! fake tanner and black lipstick and frosted white eyeshadow for the micky mouse look

    3. "OMG..what, a cure for a red nose?"


  5. I was finally able to finish last week's episode today. I wonder if Paul's reaction was in part based on him having a lot of responsibility for the younger children, and now he'll have more which means less free time to be a kid his age. Oh, and also with another younger child, there would be less income, which equates to less things for him.
    I was impressed that he was able to hold in his anger/disappointment. I did catch how he mentioned that he "couldn't say it here" or something to that effect. I feel bad for the kid, as the usual reaction to a new baby is excitement, not dread.

  6. The adoption story line is perverse. No way, any agency would hand over a kid to this environment. Can you imagine the outrage from the public. It is thee most ridiculous story line ever. And Rhonda's frantic phone calls, one after another...BS. Who cares if the agency doesn't "know" your family. Number 1, you are lawbreakers.


  7. Some of the other mothers' older kids seem not too pleased either.

    I spy some strange faces in the Brown family Thanksgiving meal pic. How I wish the younger woman sitting next to Robyn was/is a potential Sister Wife ;)

    Brady wrote quite an interesting blog about his "rage."

    1. Mykelti sure looks thrilled in that picture!

      It would be awesome if that was a potential new wife for Kody just to watch Robyn flip out.

  8. You missed the TMZ post?
    No way to sugarcoat it -- being a polygamist is expensive during the holidays -- but "My Five Wives" patriarch Brady Williams has it more than covered this time around.

    Brady has 31 mouths to feed this year ... and the grocery list is both impressive and financially depressing.

    2 Turkeys
    1 Ham
    5 lbs of Yams
    20 lbs of Mashed Potatoes
    2 large bowls of Stuffing
    1-2 gallons of Gravy
    3 dozen Dinner Rolls
    5 large Salads
    1 pot of Corn
    2 large Veggie Trays
    1 large Cheese & Cracker Tray
    1 large tray of Cheese-Stuffed Celery
    8 cans of Black Olives
    4 large cans of Stuffed Green Olives (a family fave)
    1 large jar of Cranberry Sauce
    4 quarts of Baby Dill Pickles
    3-4 gallons of Holiday Beverage

    That doesn't include dessert ... we're told the Williams clan can choose from 15-20 varieties of pie.

    At least they'll be saving on electricity ... all electronics are banned on Thanksgiving. No iPods, computers, phones or TVs permitted.

    So you plop yourself on the sofa and do what?

  9. In harmony with Caramel Brownie's statement further up-thread......
    These people *have chosen* to have these mega-huge families, so the fact that they post copious lists of food and food costs is not interesting nor an impetus for others to feel the need to say "Oh, poor you."

    Do they understand that their large living costs are not cause for others to be impressed or concerned about how they accomplish it all?
    They chose it.....and now Bradyville is broadcasting their "poor us" laments while they too are getting hefty TLC money, right along with Kodyworld !!!
    Meanwhile both groups profess to keep adding to the mouths to feed.

    Please......all of you *paid* Reality TV Progressive Plygs........
    Just stop the whining about finances !!!

    Given Kody and Brady's past history (and surely Brady's recent financial events) ....
    All of you never had it so good !! !!!!

    1. That is what made me so angry and pissed about Kody and krew whining each season about finite resourses or needing money for college or heaven forbid 4 mcmansions, using each show to pitch the MSWC. They were getting TLC money and speaking fees.

  10. I was just looking at Mariah's twitter, and I saw a picture that she posted of a little boy wearing sun glasses and a BIG BROTHER T-shirt. This was sep 14th, and she said something about loving to spend her Sundays with this kid or something like that. The glasses are so big i really couldn't tell if it was Sol , or if she was just pitting that picture up there to have people wondering if Robyn is prego or not.

    1. I think it's a picture of her cousin in UT. Meri retweeted the picture saying she would see him in a week. She then went to UT to see VLL in concert and to see her new niece. The kid must be Meri's nephew...

    2. Thanks CJ, I can't really see very well and the glasses were so big I couldn't tell.

  11. At least the Browns use real dishes for their Thanksgiving dinner. Anyone know if the Duggars used dishes, or did they haul out the usual Sam's Club throwaway stuff?

  12. I find it interesting that Robyn wanted the formal dining as well as Meri so they could have th bit family dinners. They can't all fit. What is the point. They are going into overflow rooms anyway. Is this why Meri needed that blasted hobby room that required and additional bedroom upstairs too? She could have used the dining room like christian and janelle or not expanded her bedroom to use up the room next to hers.. I'm just still floored by all her extra, extra rooms.

    1. It keeps up the illusion of a McMansion = Mansion = lots of rooms. But I agree with you, each wife has a big barn of a house with horrible floor plans. They have that huge bus station size pergola in the side yard...why didn't they set up Thanksgiving outside instead of snaking those tables through the greatroom then around the corner.

  13. Back to the Dargers...... have you seen the latest from Papa Joe? to circumcise or not to circumcise.... ( re* your children) geez.....
    That guy has his mind on a certain part of his anatomy and no mistake.... why on earth would he bring that subject up? and why doesn't he think of his sons...will they be happy he's asking that on the web?

    Some of those commenting have said - which I agree with, that it is a private matter and not to be discussed on the web (unless it is adults talking to adults in a general way) ..... why is he doing this? will his sons' friends start asking them if they have had it done???
