
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Off Topic Thursday for November 13, 2014

Isn't it ironic that the SW's production company states accuracy is important but they still spell "premieres" wrong?
According to the producers of Sister Wives website, the new season should be starting December 21st...

I think that due to recent Honey Boo Boo "tragedy", TLC may wait until January 2015 - which was when the new season of HBB was supposed to start. At any rate, the Browns must be secure in the belief that their fans will wait patiently until the official announcement is made by TLC.

While we wait, here's a couple of playful tweets from Meri, with a galpal, as they visited the Las Vegas Strip recently.

At least Meri's on the Strip and not frequenting the Fremont Street Experience in Downtown Las Vegas like they did a couple of years ago! It must have been Kody's night with another wife but how wonderful that Meri has plenty of galpals to spend leisure time with either at Disneyland, on a Pacific cruise, or on the Vegas Strip!

But this tweet of Meri and Christine's Gwennie using some kind of weird photo filter is...well...weird!

Oh noes!!! Meri has gone from VLL to Danny Gokey full time! Run for your life, Danny!!

Here Meri is showing all her fans she does still gets sales for LIV products...

Oh darn, looks like this sale was to a "family friend". It's a pity sale...

Robyn was let out of her cage long enough to tweet AND participate in a walk for Autism at UNLV...hmmm...I wonder where Meri and Janelle were? And I'm pretty sure Kody's sidewall bald spots are beginning to meet at the top of his head. Who wants to bet how long before that tuft of hair falls totally out?
Oh look! Here's another picture of the Browns. I don't know, but I do question the choice of footwear worn by Kody and Aspyn...and that looks like Kody's youngest brother hamming it up in the picture!! Mindy must have been there substituting for Janelle and Meri!

On the Maddie front...I'm impressed she's remembered learning about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, but saddened that her mothers haven't benefitted from this knowledge, poor dears...

On a lighter note, however, she tweets...

You and me both, Maddie!

Where Maddie is full of deep thoughts, Mykelti, on the other hand, hasn't quite grasped the concept of self-amusement/self comforting. For Example: Sending out an SOS for companionship when feeling under the weather...

But it must really suck to have her cry for help go unanswered by her newly forged sorority sisters, answered instead by bonus mom Robyn...who offers up herself and King Sol to keep her company!

Not to be outdone, thirty minutes later bio Mom Christine answers the call...but only offers up 2 bio-sisters and no mama to keep her company...

Janelle has now taken over the role of amusing the fans with her idle tweets...

This next tweet reminds me of Steve Martin's golden oldie "Cruel Shoes."

Wouldn't it be funny if these were the shoes Janelle was talking about??? (Thanks to Sharel for sharing this picture in my FB living room!)

Looks like instead of wasting her time tweeting, Robyn is making Thanksgiving Cornucopia Baskets. If I were one of the sister wife recipients, I'd stay away from the fruit or maybe have Mindy taste it first...

Where's Meri's tweet I wonder?????

On the BabyHuck newsfront, looks like he's still improving every day! Here's the lastest from his grandparents and Mom Karlie...

Brady decided to share this link to his father's self-published book. I added it to my Kindle (what's that saying about a fool and her money?) ANYWAY, don't worry, there will be a book review...I've got to justify wasting...oops spending $7.99 for this self-indulgent tripe, right???

Now to my guilty pleasure,  90 Day Fiancé...All right I agree, it's an acquired taste, but boy, does it ever deliver on drama!!!

In the last episode, at the bridal shop Danielle's own daughter remarked that the gowns she was modeling looked like Shrek...OUCH!!!

I have no doubt that Mohamed is a scammer, but he has met his match in Danielle. Some rumors floating out in the internet is they got married, did not "comsumate their marriage (there is a God), but he had to leave the country because Danielle lost her job and could no longer support him. If he's smart, he'll stay in Qatar(where his FB says he's located), change his name, get some plastic surgery on his manboobs and get an annulment. Danielle is baaaaaaad news, dude.

Oh, did I mention Danielle is 46 while her boytoy is only 26?

Also on the delusional front, there's Jason and Cassia...In my book, just another case of a scammer (Cassia who wants to be a swimsuit model) getting scammed by a psycho who lives with his dad. If you check out the video, notice even the inside of his old Chevy Camino (how old IS that car) looks like it's falling apart and has no inside door panels...Run Cassia! Run like the wind and don't look back! Or you might find yourself floating in that green slime filled swimming pool in the backyard!

That's all for now...More updates as they happen!


  1. If Janelle's biggest excitement is new bath salts, I am thinking she is not working and probably has no intention to work again.

    A part of me is glad that Meri is out "painting the town red" but then another part is sad because her husband is nowhere to be seen and she seems so desperate for attention. I hope she meets a nice man while out and leaves Kody for him. Kody would die.

    Robyn definitely doesn't look pregnant (like most of us have been saying). I wonder how TLC is going to play that story line out? Maybe they should try to marry off Mariah, look at how well that is going for the Duggar family, epoch ratings.

    After the Honey Boo Boo incident, the Browns better be careful what they do and who they associate with or they'll be cancelled too. I don't think everything in their past or present is kosher.

  2. Someone posted this link in the comment section:


    1. Yes, I went to that tumblr website. Basically, it's a reposting of information culled from the facebook accounts of Danielle (which is public), internet articles and comments plus unconfirmed speculation. Besides the speculation aspect it's like a one stop shop for all the stuff out there on the internet about Dani and Mohamed. I think it just went live today.

  3. Kody needs to be careful putting King Sol on his shoulders. It looks like Sol was about to pull out the last pieces of hair holding the hideous ponytail.

  4. I haven't visited here in a while so I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but can anyone follow the Honey Boo Boo story without crying or vomiting in anger?
    I don't want to stir the pot or trigger any emotions that this sort of story may begin, I just can't stop seeing the most awful things about this family...and aside from swift cancellation I have not noticed much from TLC.
    I wonder how closely they are holding the reigns on other reality families, I wonder about the Browns and their connection to the abuses in polygamy in particular.

    1. I'm ashamed to say that I was duped. I only saw a couple eps of HBB, which was extremely gross. But I thought people didn't like them because they were poor, unsophisticated and just gross. While I didn't consider myself a fan per se, I didn't see how they were any worse than the other reality show folks who happen to have more money. I also hated the way the girls talked to June, but I guess now we know why. I cannot believe TLC gave them a show knowing this horrific event was in their past. The oldest girl seemed off/slow to me, and I'm quite sure this is why. It's a sick, sick world.

    2. What more can TLC do, really? They cancelled, the production company got all their equipment out, TLC made the obligatory offer of counseling/tutoring to the children (which probably won't be taken up) then they got the hell out.

      Quietly behind the scenes, no doubt, there is someone at Discovery Legal checking the rest of the families who have shows on the air with a fine tooth comb.

      But really, at least as I see it, TLC has no obligation to any participants other than whatever was covered in their contracts. They weren't employees, they were contractors, period.

  5. I am glad that Meri is having some fun with her friend. Do we know what is up with her and UNLV? Seems like last season she was excited to become a student but it doesn't look like she has mentioned starting classes.

    Seems like they are all still relying on TLC money to pay the bills because we all know that LIV and MSWC isn't going to go far.

  6. On the lead pic of Kody and babes at the top of the thread is written......

    ** We Are Storytellers.......
    "Accuracy is important, as is sensitivity and respect for our subjects and our audience.
    We consider ourselves "caretakers" of these people's stories. " **

    Could someone help me out?
    I am at a loss to figure out WTF this line refers to..........???

    Are they now hawking storybooks?
    Now launching a new biz.....ghosting writing for others?
    Lame attempt to refute all their published and filmed lies?
    Pathetic and transparent effort to pander to fans/ audience.. fans whom even they realize are sick of all the BS ?
    Haven't a clue, or am I missing something?

    1. The picture is from the F8 productions website. F8 produces several other reality shows including the Duggars' 19 Kids and Counting. I believe this is what they mean by saying they are caretakers of their subjects stories.

    2. Thank You, CJ !! Now it makes sense.

      Although it does leave one questioning F8 Productions' interpretation of *accuracy* !!!

    3. Speaking of F8 productions and Duggars.... If ound it almost humorous that they sent Sister Wives practically all the way to Duggarville on that road trip but didn't get the two large families together for a little visit. Seriously, they couldn't have been more than an hour away from the Duggars. I'm sure Jim Bob would have loved to give Kody some pointers on impregnating someone far after nature says not a good idea. LOL

  7. Haha ... Christine's tweet sure sounded passive aggressive to me!

    Meri loves the attention she's getting from staying away from the family. When will she finally accept that the plyg life is not for her?

    Why is Kody ALWAYS holding Sol?Hug another one of your kids or let someone else hold Sol. The only reason he's hugging his daughter above is because Robyn hasn't shoved Sol in his arms! (Geez...did I just answer my question?) I bet he can't ever get to the others because Robyn is always shoving that kid at him. Sol is sure cute though!

    Can't comment on the other shows since I don't watch. Watched M5W last season, but not this time. Didn't even make it through the first ep before I deleted it. Do not like Brady, and I seriously feel sorry for the women, esp #2. She is a hot mess.

    1. He is like mama Duggar. The baby is his buddy until weaned or the next baby comes.

    2. Except he skipped right over Truely.

  8. About the HBB debacle.....
    What puzzles me is how TLC, the network, and whichever production company produced it (admittedly, I didn't look that up) did these entities *not* do their homework on this woman, June? Wouldn't they have done that since they are beholden to sponsors and vulnerable to corporate sanctions?
    Or didn't it matter to anyone as long as the ratings stayed up??
    Talk about child exploitation and child endangerment !!

    If the father of the 2nd daughter (and now this week, June has verified that he is *also* the father of the 3rd daughter) was publicly exposed on a "reality show" that catches predators and he was subsequently jailed for his crimes of child molestation... wasn't that enough for the TPTB to not pursue or to suspend filming HBB??.

    So this cretin of a mother has allowed two convicted child molesters to father *three* of her children!!.
    And lied and duped the viewing public while she pocketed several years of easy money !!
    She is the lowest of lowlifes.

    And this media world is getting scary.!!

    1. I think the answer why TLC did nothing was that June LIED. I think TLC started seeing the true story when she started "seeing" McDaniel again. I don't think it's a coincidence that after a commitment ceremony with Sugar Bear, June suddenly announces 6 months after McDaniel got out of prison that she and Sugar Bear broke up. And then about 30 days later, the crap hit the fan and TLC cancelled the show because June violated the morality clause in her contract.

      June was stupid. She thought she could deny deny deny her way out it. Well, it didn't work out that way. I really think McDaniel was filmed with June by the production company. Meanwhile, he was quietly vetted by TLC who found out the truth about the guy. Now, I don't know who exactly leaked those pictures to TMZ...some say it was McDaniel's own daughter-in-law, but if she did, exactly what did she expect to gain from it? Was she trying to shakedown TLC? Who knows what those people were thinking. Anyway, June made that infamous video that was on her facebook where she again tried to deny deny deny. But she slipped up. She said (I'm paraphrasing) " I wanted my fans to know what's been going on the past couple of months." THE LAST COUPLE OF MONTHS? That would be 30 days before the Sugar Bear announcement! That tells me right there TLC told June she was in trouble, telling her the show was in limbo until a final decision could be made. I bet you a skyscraper full of attorneys retained by TLC got paid a s***load of money to get the network out of this mess. And as quick as the video went up, it was gone. TLC cut their losses and erased every bit of HBB footage from their website. The HBB TLC FB is still up, but all entries after September 12th have been deleted.

      I really think it was TLC that broke the story to TMZ. And now June is telling more lies that her 14 year old's father is also the father of her 18 year old. WHO, is cooling his jets in prison for getting caught trying to have sex with an underage decoy - caught on film on that NBC show To Catch A Predator. She said she wanted the 14 year old to have "closure". But June had that same 14 year old giving interviews to radaronline about this mess. Sick...June is so sick she can't see how this is NOT a vindication but rather further proof of just how stupid she truly is!!

      Bottomline, I have a feeling TLC had no idea the depth of June's depravity until recently. TLC would have no reason to question June on her previous relationships, which came out directly from June's lying mouth AFTER she was fired. TLC did what needed to be done, and did it swiftly. I really don't blame TLC, I place the blame firmly on top of June's portly head!

    2. No doubt, June is a skilled scammer and liar. I do remember a piece on her from 2 years ago, that in her past she had been arrested for passing bad checks. However, the article was vague about whether she did time for that crime.

      I also saw a piece today that when TLC shut down the show, they agreed to give her partial pay for the canceled season. They probably did that to avoid further press coverage and legal hassles, because you just know that some publicity-hungry lawyer would take on that case, no matter what the outcome would be.

      Between having her for a mother, and three of the kids having the two fathers they have, and then doing that show and being expected to act out all those putrid, debasing scenes for the world's entertainment, those kids may be emotionally scarred for life.
      Can you imagine what it will be like for them all as they grow older and look back on how humiliating and degrading that show was, and how they were portrayed?
      It was a freak show from the beginning.
      As bratty and obnoxious as Alana became, that poor kid is in hell.
      June should be kept away from all of them.

    3. To be fair did she know either man was a pedophile before she had children with them? No wonder she is scared of marriage. I think it's awful he wasn't in jail longer and then have an enforceable way to keep him away from children once out. Can you legally keep a man convicted away from his own kids after release? If so does she know you can do that? I feel awful. A victim is now exposed. Another child has the public know their father did that to children. It just gets worse and worse. At least she didn't buy a McMansion they are about to lose.

    4. He molested June's oldest child, there are court documents detailing it and she hooks up with him as soon as he gets out of prison? Unforgivable in my book...

    5. Meg,
      Exactly !! There is no redemption for this.

      And the fact that she hooked up with him immediately on release suggests she had been in communication with him while he was doing ten years for molesting Anna.

      Plus, she didn't believe her own child when told what he was doing to 8 year old Anna.

    6. Did she hook up or did she give him contact to his child but did it with her present so he wasn't alone with her? Could she prevent him from contact? They aren't supposed to be around children but since he hasn't been arrested for being around children I wonder if their own kids are exempt. And if so is she required to keep her daughter in contact with the man. I just find it odd that a man released and likely on a registry hasn't been taken back into custody with this public outing.

      Obviously the daughter has the credibility.

  9. From the looks of the photos above, it appears that Kody's expressed desire (command?) that he would have more children has not come to fruition---no one looks pregnant!

    As Meri IS actually married to Kody, that she has to spend all her time running around without him is a pretty sad statement. However, it is understandable that she would be doing this as there is no reason for her to sit around an empty house hoping he might show up now and then.

    1. I am actually glad to see Meri out having a good time.
      I am reading Amy Tan's "The Valley of Amazement" about courtesan life in early twentieth century China. Though the multiple 'wives' are referred to as '1st wife', '2nd wife', etc., all wives other than the first are referred to as concubines. The book was a little slow getting into, but worth the initial work once it gets going.
      I recall in Tan's "The Joy Luck Club" that in cantonese '4th wife" sounds like 'die wife' and was regarded as an unlucky number, especially for the position of wife.
      Meri is exploring the limits of the lifestyle pretty fearlessly. Clearly, Kody is not the only one having fun. It would be great to see more of this in the other wives.

  10. Every break, I hope that Kody will look in a mirror and realize that his hair has to go. Sigh. I guess "the hairball" is coming back.

  11. TLC knew exactly what they were getting with June and family. From the time the show started there were stories thru the press about her and her past. A lot of people gave this family a pass because June stated she put the money in trusts for the girls. Who cares, their lives were and are totally screwed up and now it's all over the airwaves for public consumption. Redneck or not, their family has always had issues well beyond a little 'grossness' and it was public knowledge, TLC just chose to ignore it. Unfortunately, June is her & her family's own worst enemy, she is what she is and clearly has no intention of changing for anyone!

  12. I think TLC knew all about June. They had previously used her in a show about extreme couponing and another called Toddlers and Tiaras.

  13. 1. Seeing, under the Browns, the phrase "We are storytellers..." is priceless, because, BOY HOWDY, are they ever (even tho it was about F8). 2. Robyn's hair is way lightened...guess she was feeling left out by her blonde SWs? 3. She doesn't look pregnant yet, and we all know Kody wants more kids. "Wife" #5? (oh, if only.)

  14. Are we reaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllly having a conversation about Mamma June having better procreation options than a man seen on To Catch a Predator??!!! SERIOUSLY??? I can't even GO there! The first time I ever saw the wog on TV on Toddlers & Tiaras was enough to scare the crud out of me!!! How many pickings does she really have to chose from??! Sugar Bear was probably the only candidate that erred on the good side of things!

  15. This blog is so hard to read on and post on. It is tedious going through all the tweets and pics to just get to the bottom to see if there are new comments. I am sure it is hard to keep this up but it is not much fun to read.

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