
Sunday, November 30, 2014

UPDATE 12/4/14 Live Tweet Party 90 Day Fiance and My Five Wives for Sunday 11/30/14


It's Official!! Sister Wives returns to the TLC airways on January 4, 2015 with a special 2 hour episode!!!

Enjoy a Pre-Cyber Monday Live Tweet Party!

My living room is now open for early 90 Day FiancĂ© and My Five Wives partyers!!

Are you ready? Come on in, view the tweets and join the discussion. All in the comfort of My Living Room!

And you don't even need to dress up, much.

So kick off yer shoes, get comfy and sharpen up yer snark.

Join the Party and Let the snarking begin!!

Tweets for My Five Wives

Tweets for 90 Day Fiancé


  1. Hi everyone! I've missed you all horribly...
    ok, so is the Brady bunch broke or not? Last week Brady told his Dad they were very blessed regarding finances, yet we know, they filed bankruptcy in June, and they were in Washington over the what gives?
    I'm sick of feeling manipulated by TLC...tell the truth already...about something, anything

    1. ITA! I am having such a hard time watching this season and I think its because I KNOW they filed bankruptcy so the story lines seem incredibly stupid given their financial situation. Rhonda quits her job (which had medical insurance and she clearly has medical issues), Nonie getting pregnant (more expenses, more mouths to feed), kids going off on mission trips...sorry but if you are broke to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars, you don't quit jobs, add kids, consider adoption, send your kids out of the country and move across the country to be near your kilt-wearing all get jobs and suck it up. I don't believe anything any of them say anymore. I believe this show, like the Sisterwives, is scripted to the point of total fiction.

    2. "I don't believe anything any of them say anymore. I believe this show, like the Sisterwives, is scripted to the point of total fiction."

      That IS the rub, isn't it, CPA Carol !!!
      These shows are filmed months in advance of airing. They are scripted nonsense which may actually contradict what is really going on with either family !

      You know a show is bad and phony when you feel stupid *and duped* for watching it !!

  2. Exercising: They could get some exercise videos or just walk every day if they need something more "organized." Spoke to soon: Brady suggests Rosemary get a trainer. Yep, I know what you are all thinking----shades of Janelle....

  3. But, MrSpock hopes Rosemary---and Janelle--- will succeed in their goals.

    Brady is going to spend the night in his MAN CAVE---Rosemary calls his man cave "a glorified dog house." THAT was funny!

  4. Okay, so Brady is thinking of spending one night a week in his man cave....say what? The wives are not digging this idea. If Brady wants alone time...why not just go to the "cave" for an hour or so---why does he think he needs a whole night by himself once per week. MrSpock cannot speak for all monogamous couples, but that would be pretty weird in MrSpock's world where monogamous couples actually spend their nights together for the most part.

    1. When you choose to have 5 wives and 25 children, you kind of lose the right to need 'alone time for a whole night a month'...ok a few hours a month is fine...but those kids and wives need some attention. Sorry, Brady, no sympathy from me

  5. Wow !! Does TLC/ F8 have a big board somewhere in the brain busting room with a check list list of tried and true scenarios and contrived plots for their Reality Shows.....most notably, their growing stable pf Ply shows. Brazzaville is becoming interchangeable with Bodywork.

    Wives with issues of sadness, jealously, competition and depression. Check !!!
    A horde of children, some more camera worthy than others. Check !!!
    Road trips with scripted events and glitches. Check !!!
    Overweight wife whose fitness journey becomes a storyline. With a trainer of course, and mandatory weigh in. Check !!
    Pregnant wife or wives with accompanying dramas, adding to horde. Check !!
    Ongoing financial whining and petitioning for sympathy. Check !!!
    Harem master complaining of just about everything. Check !!!
    Kids leaving for college. Check !!
    Moving to bigger houses. Oh Yeah !! Check !!!
    Man cave (actually Sugar Bear of HBB had this plot first) or manly activities for the master to get away from it all. Check !!
    Renewal, Recommitment, New rings..etc...etc ceremonies. Check !!!
    Parties for any and all reasons. Check !!
    Visits out of state to Grandma and Grandpa. Check !!!
    Episodes and dialogue that tests the patience of any normal viewer. Check !!

    And tonight's show is only half over...........!!!

    1. Whoops, Bradyville........Kodyworld......... IPad be damned !!

    2. Man cave (actually Sugar Bear of HBB had this plot first) or manly activities for the master to get away from it all. Check !!

      Man cave??? That is STRAIGHT out of the Big Love storybook - Bill told his wives he wanted a day off a week to be alone and rest. His wives didn't like it, either.

    3. Ohhh, you are right !! Forgot !!
      Yesssss.....Bill needed a night off !!

    4. Amen, Amused.

      The scripts are being followed to the T. I do not like Janelle and Rosemary being singled out as needing to get trainers and lose weight. Do not exploit women who are overweight and emotionally fragile. I do not like that. How about if they get Paulie some counseling to see if she can be a more generous and pleasant sisterwife. Is being overweight really worse than that? URGH

  6. Umm Brady? You don't deserve any free time or any money to yourself. You made that choice when you married 5 wives and made 24 children.

  7. Gosh, what else can Brady subcontract out. Hire a trainer? He is just another man letting her down. It is impossible, just like janelle. The entire famliy needs to change for a mom to change the eating habits. And they don't. And they have such a large number, even if their family isn't with the bonus kids and spouses you are often feeding anyone and everyone. That means cheap bulk calorie intence choices. Him in a room alone with his devices is very dangerous idea. Least in front of them they can see what he is doing.

  8. Okay, decathlon morphs into a final event of a pie eating THAT makes a lot of sense if the whole idea is being healthy, etc. ... *shakes head"

    1. Agree, Spock !! Stupid, stupid !! But that's showbiz.

      And who baked the 24 pies?
      They looked like vanilla pudding was just piled in aluminum pie tins.

    2. MrSpock likes pie...but that was are all food eating contests. Ugh. MrSpock surmises the "wives" did NOT make those alleged pies and the more one thinks about this the more one wonders why Brady and crew went along with that portion of the decathlon. If they were trying to get out a message about good health and family time, why not end on a positive note?

  9. Is anyone else getting tired/ bored with Brady being all sheepish and contrite on cue ??
    Funny how Paul was itching to pull a joke on his father.
    Some repressed resentment there , ya think??

    Also.......Brady has said that he works **for** his brother. He refers to the construction company as being *owned* by his brother. Yet tonight he talks about all the jobs *he* has coming in and whines about how will he get to them??
    And his brother acting surprised to hear it.......Strange !!?

  10. Re 90 Day: Do you think that Danielle is really as low functioning as she is portrayed? It makes me really uncomfortable the way she is exploited. I feel like she should be in some kind of group home or something. She is clueless.

    1. The lady's got a rap sheet longer than Mohamed's.....arm.

      Mostly judgments for non payment of traffic tickets to the city of Norwalk, at least 4 evictions (including one under the name of Danielle Mullins Jbali from October 2014), and that pesty credit card fraud that she pled down to forgery. The only one who was exploited (or attempted to be exploited) was Mohamed! She wanted someone to take care of her and hooked her claws into a gigolo from Tunisia. She isn't clueless - the lady played the Playa!!!

    2. I have to say that Danielle appears to emotionally troubled and I also feel she is being exploited. I did not know about her fraud abuse though so I guess she plays the part well. Mohamed really needed to do some research on her...what a mess. I find this couple sad and distasteful.

    3. So that crazy grin she has must be duper's delight!!

  11. Just in case anyone still cares about Mama June.....she wants Sugar Bear back.

    1. I don't see any way that the Boo Boos will get their show back. I will never watch anything with Mama June on it again, ever. She is poison now. I feel for her kids, she sure messed them up.

  12. I think what Mama June wants most is to get the show back. She might be delusional enough to think that reuniting with Sugar Bear might do the trick, but I believe the die has been cast. She is so unstable that TLC would be NUTS to air the next season - even though it has already been filmed. Too much dirt was uncovered. Let's hope that Alana can be turned into a "normal" child when she isn't taking part in TLC's scripts of gross talk and actions. I really feel sorry for all of the girls, and wish them the best in the coming years.

    1. And now with the newest scandal of Anna creating a PayPal account and Fundme for the sole purpose of fans "donating" their hard earned cash to support her lazy you know what.

      I never watched the show regularly, but my BFF read that Anna's daughter is disabled? Does anybody know about this? Besides having that extra thumb, of course. She said that was the reason Anna couldn't work...

    2. She doesn't appear disabled at all in the show. Her daughter is adorable. She's very animated.

    3. The baby has an extra thumb? And she can't work because of that? Really?

  13. Anyone notice Nonie keeps mentioning/reminding everyone that she is pregnant every chance she gets?! The constant talk of morning sickness and being to tired to do things is so obvious. She even made Rosemary's workout session about her so what.

    1. Yes, it was impossible to miss.
      Nonie is an attention addict. No question about that !!
      The camera and crew perfectly enable her addiction.
      Unfortunately, she may be the downfall of that show among the many other reasons to tune out. Nonie's MO is so obvious, so irritating, that it is getting easy to eliminate the whole show off the DVR if she is going to be showcased all season.

      Frankly, the only wife who has the potential to be even a little interesting is Rosemary. And we can see where TLC is taking her story. It's a shame that she is being equated with Janelle now, because she is not like Janelle at all.
      *Rosemary *has a warm disposition, intelligence,..and a sense of humor.

      They tried hard to make Rhonda prominent, but they may have exhausted any additional Rhonda plots. She comes off now as having no common sense...just clueless and silly, really.

      Robyn is just sad to watch. That women needs a good therapist and a few close understanding friends. And maybe a husband/ father of her kids to be there 24/7.

      Pailie is the only legal wife and has no personality. Nothing else to say.

    2. I wonder if Rosemary was pressured to open up about her past abuse for ratings. That would be one way to please Mr. Philosophy.
      Paulie seems like she regrets leaving the church; all the women do, to some they are floating around without a rudder. I don't think she wants to move, either, though the extent to which the women go to in order to curry the favor of Mr. Philosophy is astounding.
      Brady's ego got him into climbing the church ladder, up up up toward the 7 wife total, and his ego is what pulled him out of the game as well. These women are all along for the ride (and not one can really say "at least I'm enjoyin' the ride...").
      Nonie is grating to endure as she scrambles to the top of the heap.
      Lauren is to the Williams family as Aspyn is to the Brown family. Beautiful young women. Find your strength.

    3. Bemused, I thought the same thing about Rosemary's disclosure...AND the timing of it.
      Sort of fortuitously took the spotlight from Brady's bankruptcy, huh?!?

      The Bradys do seem like a lost tribe of seekers who have made crucial decisions which have produced 24 children, and now because of Nonie's agenda, soon to be 25....and they do seem adrift.

      There is little to nothing to applaud or watch about this Brady group.
      It feels like watching children (the adults) trade their identity and souls for TLC money....because due to their life choices they now sorely need it.

    4. I think Nonie not only brings up her pregnancy constantly for the attention, but perhaps to also hurt the other wives.
      Afterall, wasn't she one that said in a previous season that it's hurtful to see a sister wife pregnant sometimes because it's a constant reminder that your husband is sleeping with her too.
      Yet she won't shut up about her pregnancy ever. She's not fully showing yet, so she Is constantly mentioning and throwing it in the other wive's faces.
      Rosemary once said that it would be hurtful if Brady told another wife she could have another baby after he told her no. So what does Nonie do?
      She goes to Rosemary's house when it's supposed to be about motivating her to get healthy and starts talking about her pregnancy.
      Nonie is a mean and passive aggressive piece of work!!

  14. It's so much easier to snark about the Kody Brown family. They give us so much material to work with, and the wives wholeheartedly drink the polygamist kool-aid. I find it harder to knock the Williams family. They seem to be a somewhat lost group of adults who feel stuck between the tenets of a religion they no longer believe in and their desire to raise their children in a healthy (unbroken) family environment.

    When I watch the confessionals with Robyn and Rosemary, I can't help but wonder if they are setting themselves up for independence. They will be finishing school around the same time all their kids will be leaving for college. What would be left to keep them in a part-time marriage? Both women are beautiful, talented and bright. I have no doubt that they would each find a loving husband that would give them 100% of his attention and support.

    As for Nonie, Paulie and Rhonda - I foresee a fierce competition to be the last Williams wife standing, and as a viewer, it seems obvious that Rhonda is the real love of Brady's life.

    1. I enjoyed this insight, anonymous.
      The Browns, at least, stand for something. More of a target of interest.
      It feels bad to hit a man when he's down, and the Williams' sure are down. There seems to be a lot of regret among the wives...too sad.

    2. Agree !! It is much easier to observe and snark the Browns.
      All the snark-worthy ingredients are there. Greed, blatant narcissism of Kody, blatant sniping from wives, conscious entitlement, and colorfully expressed cynical views of non-plygs. It is all there for the snarking.

      The Browns are just sad. Sad to watch, sad to continue to watch.

    3. Of course.....meant to say "Williams" are sad to watch.

  15. I must say that Rosemary Williams seems to be the most likable of the Williams wives. Though she's got the self-esteem of a dust mop, she's warm, caring, and she's got a quick wit (as evidenced by her comment that Brady's man cave is a "glorified dog house"). I feel badly for her that she's feels inferior because of her weight, and that she's got Barbie and Cinderella for sister wives; in reality, I think she's the most attractive of the five! *free Rosemary*

    1. In light of Rosemary's recent allegations, which I wholeheartedly believe, I think it is understandable that she might have some self-esteem and body issues. It's not uncommon to use food as a way to stuff a traumatic experience deep inside. I admire her courage for speaking out about her abuse, despite the fact that her father remains a powerful presence in the community where her home is located. I sincerely hope that she has not received an threats against her or her family in retaliation for her actions.

    2. I agree with both posters. I believe Rosemary is the most likeable of the wives, she certainly has a great sense of humor and I think she is beautiful. Many of us carry extra pounds, that does not lessen our value!

    3. Rosemary is also the most talented out of the wives and seems to have the best sense of humor.

  16. The disclosure could have been because now they are in another state, away from the group. It is safer for their kids who were already in a hostile environment.

    The Brown women do not appear to be needy or needing Kody at all. It's more like oh, you are here again. Even when he is present in a big group they act as if they are on their own. Brady's wives seem to only have needs. Like they need five days worth of attention to dump on him. While the Browns all picked each other the Brady group didn't seem to. I wonder if a few wives were pressed into the situation to either punish/ keep him in line or reward him for some loyalty. I know some of the brown women are not chummy but I think they didn't want to be chummy from the start and that makes it okay.

  17. 90 day rant here....what is with Cassia's hair? Is it just me or does she look like she put a fork in an electric socket?

  18. Rosemary's story made the DailyMail. Here is the link to the story:

  19. RE: Sister Wives--That is quite an update! A polygamist lesbian?? Is that Kody?

  20. I've stopped watching the boring Williams family a few episodes ago and mostly because I can not stand Nonie. But I did want to stop by and say I can't wait for the Brown family to come back. Lol.
    Who would have ever imagined I would be saying that?

  21. Polygamist lesbian---what's next? Polygamist gay guys? 'Suppose so. But, none of these people are really "wives" and/or "husbands"---just a bunch of people sleeping around with the same group.

    And, then there is Kody, oh, so happy that so many women are allegedly applying to be another "wife" for him---and how they, the Brown Collective, are "turning down" all such offers. What an ego!

  22. A TWO HOUR SW !!!
    Just think..... TWO hours of Kody !!!
    TWO hours of Kody popping up every five minutes for his zillion, inane talking head spots.

    No question........this is destined to be a DVR/ FF night !!

  23. I can honestly say when I saw the news of the new "Sisterwives" first reaction was "UGH". Please oh please be the last season. The contrived, produced drama is more then I can handle...5 Wives is right up there too. I'm finding very little to watch on TLC more and more (but love The Little Couple).

    Question.....I did not read Rosemary's blog or whatever she opened up about her "molestation accusations", she said she is saying something now so the abuse will stop??? 20 years later...really??? How about 15 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago....or when she married Brady, they could have put a stop to it. The AUB people must be laughing at them....they get their "Big Rootin Tootin TV Show" and now they start accusing and throwing their money around. Rosemary must be shouldering a ton of guilt...if it's true, how many more in the past 20 years has he molested?? Now that the construction business is BOOMING....they really are going to have to get out of Dodge.

    I find it VERY difficult to watch 5 Wives due to the switching of stories around that don't match up with other stories that they are saying. They also need to realize that the children are going to bail on them the moment they can ....their 25 children will quickly downsize as they graduate from high school.

    1. Maybe you should read Rosemary's blog before expressing your so called conclusions. It will answer the questions that you ask.

    2. Victoria Reynolds, who is a former member of the AUB and now a human rights advocate, wrote this today in a group I follow on Facebook, Sister Wives and Other Lies :

      "What people fail to understand is that in these totalitarian, patriarchal environments, it takes tremendous courage for any female to come forward, especially in the understanding that these men are considered to be representatives of God and without fault. Secrets like these are always dealt with internally.... And, I guarantee you it is much more prevelant than we will ever know."

      So instead of questioning why Rosemary came forward, let's take a stance of supporting her for coming forward. If you would read what she wrote in her blog, I believe you'll begin to understand the courage it took for her to speak up about the abuse she suffered.

      Thanks for your understanding.

    3. If anything, I wish TLC would center a show around Rosemary and her firsthand account of the abuse in that plyg sect.
      If not an on-camera interview with Rosemary about it, should she prefer not to, then at least TLC could do some research and fact finding/ reporting on the subject. It would be a welcome change from all the stupid, scripted crap so far this season that is directly out of the SW's playbook.

      It DID take an enormous amount of courage on Rosemary Williams's part, and it is also an admirable gesture on her part to speak for the countless and faceless/ nameless women who grew up with this depravity, as well as an attempt to advocate for all the children who may still be vulnerable.

      If nothing else comes out of Brady Show, this could be a door opening for Rosemary to claim her own identity.
      It is a far cry from Christine Brown's shameful denial about not knowing anything about "the bastard men" in her birth version of the faith who were preyed on young girls.

    4. The abuse in that sect is horrifying. The Principle blog reported that Rosemary's uncle, Joseph Blaine Thompson (her father's brother), was indicted on ten counts of sexual abuse against children. The abuse started as young as age 7 and continued until the girls married. There were allegedly pregnancies and Joe was a proponent of incest and "pure blood lines". Joe is also the father of the 17 year old girl who was married off to 50 year old Rod Williams, Brady's father. Yep, she was both Rosemary's cousin and step-mother. She's the second wife who left Rod.

      Hopefully more women like Rosemary will speak out about the abuse, leading to further investigations and indictments.

  24. Ummm. So of all the clips they've filmed for the upcoming season of sister wives, TLC picks a clip of a weird encounter with a self-proclaimed lesbian polygamist to tease the new season. You could tell both Robyn and Kody were creeped out when she nervously propositioned them, and as a viewer, I was uncomfortable watching it.

    Looks like we will be subjected to another season of mysisterwifescloset updates. Their Be Values are in like 4 boutiques in LV now, so no worries viewers. They should be able to make all four balloon payments with or without the TV paychecks:/

  25. Robyn's contemptuous look when talking about the lesbian polygamist is typical Brown hypocrisy. "Accept us but we don't accept anyone."

  26. Did you read the article in link about the new Sister Wives season?

    The article highlights
    - a flurry of mixed emotions over Mykelti's and Madison's HS graduations
    - Family bands together to deal with a potentially risky surgery involving their son Dayton.
    - New business partnership opportunities prompt a serious discussion (just one) about long-term goals

    That doesn't sound like much action for the 8-episode season, especially when the two-hour premiere could be 2 or 4 of episodes of the entire season. Thankfully, there's no pregnancy teaser or weight loss journey.

    1. I didn't realize there was a link. Thank you. I may have to take a pass like I did this year on My Five Wives. I find MFW incredibly dull, but am kinda waiting for the implosion on SW. I just don't want to give them my viewership numbers.

  27. I just can't get excited about the HS graduations, since we've already seen pix on twitter, along with college activities, etc. etc. I feel sorry for the fans in other parts of the world. I think someone posted that they haven't even seen whether they got into the McMansions. I suspect that little teaser with the lesbian may have been the full extent of that interaction.

  28. TLC has really scraped the bottom of the barrel for this clip. The Brown's will not talk about sex, it so offends them. but will exploit someone of another sexuallity for ratings? and then pontificate about it with eye swiping (Robyn) less then accepting faces and dialogue? Could these people be any more close minded or less accepting but yet plea for religious freedom? will not be watching
