
Saturday, November 1, 2014

I Scour the Internet: The Post Halloween Daylight Savings Fall Back Edition for November 1, 2014

Halloween Party in Lehi with Kody being his normal self

You know it's fall when it's time for Daylight Savings Fall Back of the clocks, and Kody Brown and Family celebrating Halloween in the cul-de-sac.

I suppose in view of the Honey Boo Boo debacle, the Browns (and TLC) want to appear as normal as possible. If that is even possible!!

That's a chore in itself when you've got Kody to deal let's take a look at how well they managed this task, shall we?

Meri starts out the Brown's Halloween fest with these series of tweets...

And of course, this obligatory retweet of Nanny Mindy with Meri adding her 2 cents...

Robyn was also able to sneak in a tweet about King Sol...So far two adorables and one nuts...

She also retweeted this tweet from their booking manager...I guess Christine and Janelle weren't invited...Robyn doesn't look preggers, but Meri...hmmm....

Here's a nice tweet from Mykelti...looks like she enjoyed a Halloween breakfast with her Mom, who apparently didn't make the list to join Robyn and Meri for lunch...

But when I opened the instagram link, what a surprise! I suppose this was Mykelti's version of a "trick"...

At least Mariah knows who her parents are (and doesn't want anyone to forget, either) :

Along with Disneyland, it seems Halloween is the Browns next favorite thing.

And Kody retweeted not one, but TWO tweets from Robyn's Nanny/Housekeeper/Cousin Mindy. At least he didn't add an "adorable" comment...yet...

Ah...Kody, I don't think "wantonly" is the appropriate word...unless you're dressed as a monogamist harlot roaming the cul-de-sac for klients...which would be a pretty kewl kostume actually...

But maybe for Christmas, instead of an expensive laptop or gun, his wives should invest in a $5.00 dictionary because he seriously needs help! He even had the nerve to get sassy about his faux pas when someone pointed it out...I guess he meant this to be humorous...

Hey, it's not even 9:00 yet (according to the timestamp on his tweet)...typical Kody behavior to not finish a job or task. He takes his candy and heads over to Robyn's...

Maddie tweeted a pic of herself in makeup to dear old dad...

Janelle even gets into the Halloween swing of things by tweeting guessed it...King Sol. Oh...and she let her fans know the Halloween party was at Robyn's McMansion. No wonder Kody was in a hurry to stop handing out candy at the gate to the cul-de-sac!

How strange there weren't any twitter pictures of Janelle or Christine enjoying the party at Robyn' least Christine did tweet some pictures of Truely in her costume and with treats for her pre-school class, and Ysabel and Gwendolyn made up for their school party...

Sneaking back over to Mykelti's and Aspyn's Instagram to get some more pictures of the Halloween party...

If you look real hard you'll see Christine and Robyn! Seems like a rather subdued party. Where were their neighbors Deidre and Bill?

That's all for now...and remember, I Scour the Internet so YOU Don't Have To, and don't forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour for you unlucky people who follow Daylight Savings!


  1. Kody needs a larger cowboy hat! That picture of Robyn and Meri at lunch? Robyn looks just like she did when i saw her last month in Las Vegas...she is not pregnant.

    1. Nope, not pregnant. What's their story line going to be for next season now?

  2. Is mindy using meri's orange tan lotion? It sure does look like she is.

    1. I noticed that too! She looks unnaturally tan/orange. Maybe just bad lighting but either way I hope it's bottled and not from a tanning bed. Polygamy ages these women enough without the extra skin damage from tanning!
      Just do your poor skin a favor and let it be, ladies!

  3. Question........
    Janelle, why are there never any pics of Savannah ?
    Is she camera shy or do you just forget about her in preference to popping out workout trivia (phony or not), food and bizarre combos (butter in coffee) retweeting anything Sobbin's mentions of King Sol, scenery pics.... and of course, your arduous work schedule handing out keys to Mona's new buyers.........but no Savannah?
    What gives, Janelle ??

    ** Now how long will it be before the tweets of Savannah start coming.......? **
    (tapping fingers........waiting ).

    1. We would like to see tweets about Savannah, Ysabel, Gwyn, Paedon, and Gabriel. Give the middle kids some LOVE!

      Tapping Waiting....

    2. Who is Savannah?

    3. It took a couple days but there is now a tweet about Savannah. LOL, they must read this blog.

  4. I went through a notoriously (or at least notoriously well known within my family) chubby phase as a child and slimmed down once I graduated from high school.
    I've notice most of the Brown kids seem pretty slim until the age where they start taking on responsibilities... Or maybe start to understand what is happening in the family?
    I think there is a lot of stress eating in this group. Wouldn't you know it, the women seem the most affected.
    Who knew blessings were so high in fat?

    1. Stress and a combination of female hormones hitting at puberty equals a huge body change.

      On another note, what have they done to Robyn to age her so terribly?

    2. I know right?! Robyn says she is soo happy being in a poly arrangement. However, she LOOKED much happier/healthier/younger when she was an "unhappy poor single mother" and in an "abusive miserable mongamous marriage."
      If she ever leaves Kody and writes a book, bet you the TRUTH will all come out and might explain her rapid aging since being with the Browns.

    3. Baylor, that is an interesting idea... I don't wish Robyn any unhappiness, but if she did leave and write a book I would most definitely read it. Now that would be fascinating!

    4. I guess in Robyn's case waiting for your night ages you.

  5. Hooray for being in Arizona--no clock turning for me! ;)

  6. I agree swbfan..I'm in Phoenix and it is a chilly day! and a chillier night...finally!

  7. Could someone please explain Robyn's "costume" to me???

    1. The bloody witch of the Brown Circus.

    2. I think she is a weirdly modest (and caped) version of Wonder Woman?

    3. Little Red Riding Hood?

  8. Mykelti is a knockout! Quite the beauty.

  9. Arizona here, too. Lovely last night!

  10. Regarding Kody's Lehi Halloween photo--is that a costume, or is he just giving himself a facial? I don't see much difference--mussed hair, rumpled shirt. Perhaps he is disguised as himself--talk about irony!

    As for Daylight Savings Time, we don't fool with the clocks in Hawaii either--regardless of the time of year, there is always 12 hours of daylight followed by 12 hours of darkness. It is kind of a hassle, though, when live TV programming happens earlier or later than normal because of Daylight Savings Time. (How does one "save" daylight, anyway?)

  11. They put a bunch of Halloween photos on the SW facebook page. There are a couple of full length ones of Robyn's costume. It is a wonder woman costume that covers her entire body, except for her face, hands and feet. Weird. The pictures are pretty boring. The comments are CRAZY! I didn't look at all the photos but I did see one of Janelle. She is wearing a short dark wig. Her sycophant fans are raving about her weight loss. I don't see it. At all.

    1. Someone commented that they are Wonder Woman pajamas and that you can buy them at Walmart for $10. Why would someone pick out an adult onesie that look nothing like the character they are trying to portray and then wear it for Halloween? I guess they were out of She-Ra pajamas, lol.

    2. Thanks for the heads up, I went to the FB page and although it does not in any way resemble WW, at least I can get more of an idea of what the outfit looks like. Funny, that Papa Joe Darger just posted how the creator of WW was in a "polygamist" relationship. Of course the article he linked stated (correctly) that Marston had a wife and a MISTRESS.

    3. I bet she's pregnant.

  12. Those Halloween pictures. Nothing changes. Solomon had more than his fair share of pics put up. Kody is holding Solomon and only Solomon. What else is new?! Same old Same old.

  13. So it takes a freaking halloween costume for Meri to realize that maybe the "over-shirt" should be longer then the "under-shirt".....on her.

  14. Mindy could have dressed up as Meri for Halloween....she totally could have pulled it off.

  15. Obviously, a high percentage of people anywhere would come off badly in Reality TV editing that makes ordinary life experiences into overly dramatic Events but these women's histrionics is just plain tiresome.

    The plyg women have spent too much of their entire lives taking care of too many children; the chore of childrearing is constant and never-ending - from childhood sibling responsibilities far into late adult years - from generations of overbreeding and the cycle of familial overpopulation. At the same time, they are constantly, desperately competing for the attention of their husband, each needing a partner in all this responsibility that is just for her, always on her side, but she will never get that.

    I'm trying to be understanding about their speaking on-camera which may be the only time they have a captive audience to indulge in self-absorbed, silly, whiney, yammering.

    However, having tried to excuse what I find most un-relatable and off-putting about these people, hello, I will never understand the stupidity of having so damn many children then incessantly carrying on about infertility or lack of adoption options for polygamists as if their clan needs a 25th child or whatever. It's as dumb as women who support the Taliban. Really, it is just beyond comprehension.

    These people are not just fiscally bankrupt, they are totally lacking common sense as they arrogantly crowd the world with their crummy DNA and babies they and we cannot afford.
