
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

UPDATE !! Off Topic Tuesday: Guess Who Had A Birthday and Other Select Tweets for 10/27/14

"We're getting Here Come Honey Boo Boo's time spot!"

Boy, has the past seven days been busy!

First, the Jodi Arias  sentencing trial started, and recently finished it's 4th day of deliberation (and have already lost 2 jurors!).

Then there was that big old mess in the Honey Boo Boo house that TLC expertly cleaned up quickly - like a surgeon lancing a festering boil on the ass of humanity (I sort of made that up).

I need some penicillin, stat!

But leave it to our polygamist buds to keep us monogamist harlots from walking the streets like zombies, by entertaining us with their tweets. (I sort of made that up, too)

Ah, right...

So what's been up with the Brown Krew?

Robyn is still on lockdown, but her handlers did allow her to tweet about her favorite son, King Sol. Has it been three years already?

Of course, the rest of the Brown sister wives, along with Meri's acorn and Robyn's nanny/housekeeper Mindy, contributed to the mutual admiration festival celebrating the third birthday of Kody's latest offspring.

But I'll never understand Meri's need to retweet what should be between family members...such as this tweet from Mindy.

Of course, Meri was compelled...COMPELLED to tweet about her most wonderful offspring...probably mumbling under her breath how Mariah is much more important than former galpal's Sol...

And then of course she had to give kudos to bonus child's Hunter's recent wrestling 2nd place victory.

I wonder why Meri was hanging out at the airport? Was she picking up traveler Janelle? Or did Mariah just have to come home, again. Oh please tell me she wasn't stalking VLL!!!

No surprise here from Kody. Yeah, yeah. Sol's just a chip off the old block, right Kody? NOT...

And of course, Kody tweeted his approval of Hunter's wrestling was soooo close. I wonder if Kody practices what he preaches? Motivational fuel? Pride and depth?

And how nice to retweet Coach Wike's tweet about shoes...

Kody just had to make a female fan feel like an idiot. I think Kimberly had it right. Kody would be doing a lot of running away from his wrestling opponents nowadays!

I don't understand Mariah's tweets sometimes when it's about Sol. It just seems so...weird, especially when she has five other brothers that she has never tweeted about so...glowingly.

Of course, Aspyn tweets about her latest love, selling trinkets for Alex and Ani. If I were bonus mom Robyn I would be very upset Aspyn is not selling MSWC to her sorority sisters...

Here's a tweet from Janelle. How tranquil, but at first I thought it was a forest fire. You know what, I still think it's a forest fire...Run fer yer life, Mr. Fisherman!!!
Alas, Janelle couldn't be with the fisherman of her dreams because she had to pick up the slack left by the TLC intern on their official TLC Facebook fanpage. Thank you for answering the question of the decade "What is a cube of butter?"

And another thanks to Janelle for retweeting this bit of Mormon history...

I love how Janelle let it be known that no one from the Brown's Kamp travelled to Iowa to cheer Hunter at his wrestling match.

Hmmmm....Isn't it funny how Janelle chose to take a picture of this city at night? Almost like she didn't want us to know where she was...Guess what, Janelle. If you don't want people to know where you are, DON'T TWEET YOU'RE TRAVELING!!!

At least Christine started tweeting pictures of Truely again.

This past Sunday, @BradyandWives showed they are getting the hang of Live tweeting...

But they could have done without the obligatory We Love Our Husband tweet...UGH!!!

And when did Kody Brown ever thank the audience for watching their show???

On the Brady and Wives family Facebook, Brady challenged fans to show him their piles (LOL).

Well Brady, here's my pile o'books... on my Kindle, of course!

So there, Mr. Philosophy Major!!!

And in case you haven't heard, there's a big hole in the TLC lineup now.

Yep, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo has gone bye bye for good...

If you missed the commotion. First, there was this 10/23/14 posting on the family FB page...Denying everything of course.

And then, a day later, there was this video...Guess TLC don't like playing games especially when convicted child molesters are involved...

Hmmm...Looks like the rumors Mama June were true about her seeking legal counsel. They most likely advised her how dumb it was to talk about her "problems" to fans. It's a shame because that video, where she announced to fans that TLC had called her that morning to tell her the show was cancelled, was priceless. Deny Deny Deny is the name of her tune...

The rest is history...

Looks like that morality clause Kate Gosselin wrote about does exist!

UPDATE 10/30/14

On a serious note: This from the Williams and TLC...

Well, that's all for now. More updates as they occur!


  1. I loved "Wife No. 19!" So much history I never knew.

  2. I love how the bindings of the books in Brady's "pile" don't show the least amount of wear. I doubt those books have been opened. He just loves to be Mr. Know it All doesn't he?
    and they took down June's video finally apparently - of course it's been replicated on hundreds of other sites now.

    1. Brady needs to put a fr*ggin seatbelt on his ego. So smarmy.

  3. Where to start? Where to start? Janelle with her we be and have been so persecuted. Least you forget, heifer, please remember what your people did to my people: and while you can say what you want about states running your polygamists ancestors out of town for marrying multiple women and children...yes least they didn't kill your folks like your folks did mine. So stop with the we been persecuted.

  4. Regarding Brady's invitation to show him "your piles": doesn't he know that "piles" is another word for hemorrhoids? That particular kind of "piles" people should keep between themselves and their doctors! (Sorry for the crass humor, but I just had to say it!)

    1. It was my bad, got2bdrc...Brady only wrote the singular "pile" while I wrote the plural "piles". I know, I know...I don't know what came over me this morning! ;-)

    2. Cynical, don't sweat it...such a little error on an otherwise absolutely splendid commentary. Once again, such a pleasure to read...well done!

  5. I do wonder if Mariah's fixation on Solomon has to do with her wanting to maintain the "favorite, most well behaved child" title.

    A lot of the Browns struggled when Robyn joined the family. Perhaps she portrays an over-the-top love for Solomon, and thus, Robyn (and her other kids), so that she can maintain her well behaved title??

    I also wonder if it is perhaps her response to Solomon being the King Child. He seems to be favored so she goes out of her way to love him so that she can one-up him...??

  6. This story about TLC and Honey BOOBOO just makes me ill. This damages children for the rest of their lives. The rest of their lives they will question like the oldest daughter WHY? why did my mother not protect me. I can only imagine the devastation the oldest daughter is feeling to watch her mother rekindle that relationship with the man that harmed her so permantly. sad sad sad

    1. Milo,
      I totally agree with you. The more I read about June, the more angry I become. A man who forced her eight year old daughter into various sex acts, threatened her, and played mind games with her is still a man you talk to. And, when your daughter described those sex acts, you questioned her honesty...she was eight. OMG. Now, she is letting that same man around her other of which is eight years old. This woman is not working with a full deck.

    2. Yep, June showed throughout the show that she was missing vital pieces of logic and any real evidence of "parental" savvy.

      HBB just needs to disappear off the grid of current and/or failed Reality shows.
      I just hope Child Services keeps a watch on them.

    3. I have been in countless arguments with people saying how much Honey Boo Boo's family (June in particular) really seemed to have there lives 'together'.
      I've been in similar arguments about what the Browns try to display to the world...sooner or later the dirt comes out or came corrupts.
      There is usually something pretty odd or wrong if your day to day existence, your mere family is 'interesting' enough to film and market.
      'Normal' people and healthy families don't often get offered television shows. Most people do not want their awkward, sad, or even triumphant moments on display for the world. So I'm not at all surprised when these people turn out to be deeply disturbed and or damaged.
      We know what happens to child stars, I can only wonder (in horror) what future scientists and physiologists find out about the affects of reality filming in childhood.

    4. Oh I expect in 10-15 years we'll see Alanna on one of those VH1 retro shows, reliving the 2010's. those stupid pop up shows that my ex always enjoyed watching for some reason.

    5. Well said la petite

    6. June is stooopid fool. Another example of you can take the girl out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl. TMZ is saying that she has stayed in love with this idiot all during her relationship with Sugar Bear. She was just waiting for her "real love" to get out of prison. Horrible woman. Sugar Bear should seek custody.

      In California I don't think they would let a registered sex offender live in a house with a child. I guess Georgia is different?

    7. I always knew Mama June was missing a few screws, but all her kids need to be taken away from her. Poor Honey Boo Boo and the rest of them. Awful situation.

  7. CJ, I love your book collection!!!!!! Plyg books are way too fascinating to stay in the "to read" pile.

    Brady dump your books and spend time with YOUR OFFSPRING.

    The tweet from Janelle does look like a forest fire is brewing in the background. LOL
    Janelle seems to imply she has an obsession with mountains and mountain men. I do have a question for her. What the heck are you doing with pretty boy Kody? I don't think he would last a day in the mountains. Come to think of it I don't think Janelle would last too long in the mountains either unless she stayed in a hotel. Remember the day she lived in a Teepee?

  8. Love is not an EquationOctober 28, 2014 at 12:48 PM

    Janelle... who calls 1/2C of butter a cube? What's wrong with just saying a stick?

    Why do the Brown clowns only tweet (and re-tweet) about the same 3-4 kids constantly? Are the rest of them not equally adorable and note-worthy?

    And I love your Kindle shot, CJ... mine is so similar! I highly recommend "Shattered Dreams" by Irene Spencer to any one looking for a good read from a reformed plyg wife. As bad as the Browns & Brady's are, this book opened my eyes to the horrific life so many women have endured as a result of polygamy.

    CJ, have you ever thought about doing some book reviews on here? We could even do it book club style and read along with you.

    1. It depends on where you live - why is saying "stick" better? In some parts of the country butter is called cube, primarily in the west. Regional differences, not a big deal.

    2. MrSpock is from the west and never heard anyone on the West Coast call a stick of butter a "cube."

    3. I live in Cali and we've always called it a stick of butter, but I wonder about TLC because this type of thing has always come up when they post these silly recipes and they could just say 1/2 cup butter and have done with it...

    4. I'm from California....stick of butter here.

      If you care. lol

    5. Californian here, I've heard cube and stick. I think janelle was referring to a 'slab' or 'pat' of butter as a cube and that's why the tweeter called her in using cube as a unit of measurement...unless janelle uses an entire cube of butter in her bulletproof coffee.
      Wait. That wouldn't surprise me either though.

    6. I'm from west of the Mississippi and have heard it often and see it in many of our family recipes.

    7. I too am from the West (USA) and my butter comes in 4 rectangular prism shaped units that we call sticks. Each stick is 1/2 cup. In my mind a cube would be a stick cut in half. However we do not put butter in our coffee so I am not a butter expert.

    8. Pacific Northwest here - cube of butter! I did not know that a cube of butter could also be called a stick until I was in my twenties and perusing cookbooks in earnest. While our butter is not actually cube shape, it is slightly fatter and shorter than 'sticks' of butter found elsewhere. Scroll about halfway down at and you'll see the difference (there really is a difference).

      For CJ: I can't believe I actually came out of my hole to weigh in on butter nomenclature. I've been a fan of yours since the old Sister Wives Blog and I was overjoyed when I discovered you here. Thanks for all your work. I stopped watching the show halfway through the last season, but I'm still a living room regular even if this is my first post.

    9. Hi Agnostida!

      Congrats on your first post!! See, it wasn't so bad was it????

    10. Another one from California, have only ever called it a stick of butter.

      A dark comedic book on polygamy that I read recently and recommend is "It's Not about Sex My Ass" by Joanne Hanks. I think I have read almost everyone of the books you have on your kindle CJ, and they've all been informative!

    11. Native Californian raised by a native Iowan. It was cube in our house. I think the point of all these replies shows that calling each other names for such petty things is sort of pointless. Viva la difference, at least as far as gobs of butter go.

    12. It blows me away how incredibly rude some folks are being in their comments on the original FB posting (TLC SW Page) of the pancake recipe (I mean the most current posting, since they've posted it before).

      Folks outside of the US don't do cubes or sticks. And what about the people who use tub butter? I suspect that this is being done on purpose by TLC to create hits on the page. SO very easy to just say "1/2 cup butter:" and have done with it. It's like those older recipes my Mom has in her box that call for "2 #10 cans of *insert ingredient here* or those old pioneer cookbooks that call for "five cents worth of oil of lemon".

  9. To CJ, I agree with Love is not an Equation--a book club type blog would be really interesting and fun, and some of the books about polygamy already have reader's guides, either in the book itself or somewhere online. If we can get this started, I'd love to play!

  10. Love is not an equation..someone who does not cook would call it a cube...and someone who does not really have recipes but allows TLC to post recipes of all things from the Browns on their facebook

  11. Brady's need to flaunt his academic prowess is about as blatant and un-convincing as when Kody staged that mock wrestling match in Christine's garage. Or when he rode a motorcycle, balding hair a-flying !

    It ain't working, Brady !!
    Did you impress with your "book pile?". Uhh, No !! A resounding "failure".....!!!
    Suggest you trade in that pile of unread philosophy books in exchange for Economics and Business Admin.

    Kody Brown and Brady Williams.......The Yin and Yang of Male Plyg Narcissism.

    1. Such a fine line, Amused...the yin and yang of male plyg narcissism. So profoundly true, I am absolutely fixated on the thought.

    2. Brady seems like the type of douche who reads in public only so he can prominitely display his book cover.
      As an avid reader I agree that those spines look too pristine to be well or even completely read. BUT, how else would we know he's super smart and sensitive if he doesn't show us what he's reading?
      Heavens! Are we to just watch his show and glean his intelligence and sensitivity from his actions and demeanor? That would be insane.
      Out of the church or not, Brady is definitely trying to repair kody cro magnum's impact on the public perception of polygamy.

    3. Regarding out of the church (AUB), I think it is very interesting that Rosemary's father, Lynn Thompson, is now the president of the group after the death of LeMoine Jensen. I wonder how he feels about his daughter being on this show and not being in the church anymore. Of course, it could be that he has so many kids that he is not all that aware of it ...

    4. I so agree Amused. He's trying to differentiate himself, I guess, from the typical public view of what a polygamist male is. Unfortunately, it's working since there are still some "fans" falling all over them. I, personally, find Brady and his wives very suspect. I am not buying that they are polygamy done right.

    5. "Brady is definitely trying to repair kody cro magnum's impact on the public perception of polygamy"

      Agree, LPTerror.
      And if that is his mission, there is a fail there too since Brady has managed to further cement the reality of the Plygmen's control and manipulation of their women. The Brady wives are even more visibly insecure, fragile and tentative than the Brown wives.

      True, Kody is an "in your face" narcissist with a juvenile, totally me-centric delivery, where as Brady rules his harem with sad sack passive/aggression, laced with sensitive "love ya's".

      Brady will always get better press than Kody because Brady knows and uses the right buzz words. However, both men know how to ultimately turn any situation to be about *them.*
      There is a sly quality to Brady. Kody is too clueless and overtly self-centered to be sly.
      But both of them manipulate their women like chess pieces.

  12. I'm surprised Truely doesn't know how to write her name and alphabet yet. This scares me as Christine loved the stay at home mom big.

    1. Maybe in a polygamist compound Christine might be considered good at homeschooling. She seems to be barely literate in the real world so it doesn't surprise me at all that Truly can barely make her letters. Having half of Kody's genes don't help Truly either.

    2. My son is about Truly ' s age. He cannot write his name yet, and only knows a few letters. He is in public preschool, and we frequently work on writing here at home. Just bringing this up because all kids learn and develop at different rates. (It us a personal sore point when people point out what they think a 4 year old "should" be doing academically. )

    3. Don't forget that Truely started preschool in September. Christine tweeted a picture.

    4. Having been active in my homeschool community for 12 years and getting paid to teach others peoples kids in my home, I have seen multiple philosophies on the best way to educate a child. And it all seems to turn out ok in the end. I know a family who did not teach their eldest daughter how to read until she was 12. She is now 19 and in college earning straight A's. I wouldn't worry too much about what a child does at 4 years old. Some don't pull it all together for quite some time and it really has nothing to do with the mom. Mine own son was reading by 4 years old but then lapsed around 3rd grade and then took off again. Each student has their own journey, even if they are in school.

    5. Not trying to be funny here, but who waits until a kid is 12 to teach reading? And why? I have never heard of that, and I don't understand.

    6. Gosh she is still practicing her name. The point is she is working on it. Many don't start school until kdg. She did send the child to preschool. The child has access to writing instruments and a surface to write on. All these things are what the mom should be doing. Let's not criticize a four year for her letter writing. Or a mom who is clearly working on it. The older kids from three moms have made it into college. I think they if the kids are capable they will be fine.

    7. Jasmine, the family's reasoning was, wrong or right (notice it's not what we did), was that she did not show an interest in it. Apparently, the child is right-brained and reading was too much analysis for her brain as she soared in other areas like art. Regardless, she is now earning straight As in college.

    8. Anon 4:49
      You are "expecting" a 4 year old to write her name?
      I would much rather see a 4 year old learning about her world through play! And lots of it.
      The time for formal learning will come all too soon.

      It's the clueless parents who push their children to "learn" so soon that reap regret later when they realize how precious these early years are for children.

      I HAVE a 4 year old.
      She can speak 3 languages but she can't write her name...
      She self-taught the numbers and addition (really, she did), but she can't write her name...
      and NONE of that knowledge was pushed on her.
      She picked it up through ... get this ... PLAY!
      That's right.
      As she was being a normal (at the time) 3 year old, and simply loving life, she picked up skills and knowledge that astounds even me.
      She has never once wet the bed and has never worn a pull up at night...but she can't write her name.

      Plus, remember your sensitivity hat...
      not all toddlers (and that's what Truely is) are the same.
      Some may have developmental delays.
      Your toddlers (if you ever had any) may still wet the bed at the age of 9, or they might not be able to ride a bike, or maybe they can't brush their teeth well...but doggonit...I bet your toddlers could write their names at the age of 4.


  13. I wonder if Christine knows what d'nealian is. Pretty sure most schools teach this kind of printing letters theses days. She is teaching the old fashion way of printing letters to Truely. But then of course this is Christine we are talking about....

    1. D'nealian is a good writing program...the formation of printed letters leads well into cursive writing. Unfortunately, elem. schools in my area/state (I work in one of them as a librarian) have stopped teaching cursive just as they have stopped teaching spelling. So sad...TOO much emphasis (time during day) is spent on reading instruction and not on other skills. My own daughters did not get enough science in elementary school.

    2. Christine has a child is college and managed to do a lot of the child rearing to Mariah and Madison and Logan all in college as well. Let's not sell the woman short. She was the home mom and some years they homeschooled.

    3. Christine's got 2 in college - Aspyn and Mykelti !!!

    4. You are right. In fact mykelti did a number of college classes while in high school for dual enrollment or whatever it is called. How could I forget?

    5. Dual Enrollment isn't what it appears to be. You do not earn an associate's straight out of high school in most cases. A good college is writing intensive. The courses for dual enrollment are not. They are not prepared for the upper level courses required for a bachelor's degree.

      I think Aspyn and Mykelti flourished in Vegas. Also, we don't know what their GPA's were or if the were awarded any scholarships or not.

      I just went through this with my daughter whois a freshman at The University of Idaho. When she left me when she was junior midway through the year. Her high school in Idaho told her she was a senior. Promised her she'd graduate a year early. She didn't.

    6. D'nealian?
      Not for me or any of my kids.
      And..who doesn't know what D'nealian is these days?
      That's what everyone grew up with from my generation.

      As a homeschooling mom with lots of experience, I can tell you that there are much, much better programs for handwriting out there...well, really ... just one that stands above the rest, and it's not an antiquated writing like D'nealian. ;)

      Just sayin'...

    7. It is still good that a child did college classes in high school. I don't expect high school students to leave with 60 college credits. The point is with all the children and bonus children in adulthood managing to move on to college, and in this person case doing so while in high school is certainly a sign that Truely will be reasonably educated by these folks.

  14. BSW, I had to google d'nealian handwriting--it looks great! I have a friend who just started teaching first grade (Bless Her!), so I'm sending her this link, too! Thanks for sharing; it looks like this would be a much easier way to learn to write than was practiced when I learned to write in the early Jurassic era. those stone tablets were really heavy :-)

    1. @got2bdrc....d'nealian printing with it's curvy tails ease's children into writing in cursive. Penmanship is becoming a lost art these day's.

  15. I have never heard of Alex and Ani. I think Robin should really pay attention to the things that Aspen posts so that she knows what people actually like and want to wear. That stuff is really cute. The garbage on MSWC does not even compare. I haven't looked at prices but I am willing to bet it is much less expensive if college kids can afford it. Truthfully, the stuff they sell on MSWC would not be stuff most adults would pay for to begin with. It looks like stuff designed by little kids.

    1. Nor I. Charms aren't my thing, I'm still a wrap bracelet person in the style of Chan Luu (hers are the best but it's easy to find knockoffs at $25 or less now).

  16. I want to know when The Peoples Couch is going to do a segment on Sisters Wives. I sure don't want to miss that show.

  17. LOL! at the butter discussion above! MrSpock has never heard butter referred to as a "cube" anywhere and MrSpock has lived and travelled in many places. "Pat" of butter, yes, but never "cube." But, MrSpock now lives in a strange place where casseroles are called "hot dish" and rubber bands are called "binders." MrSpock refuses to give in to those particular regional terms.

    Next Sunday's "Five Wives" show: It appears that everyone is on the verge of tears and/or depression and/or hurt feelings because people might not show up for 4th of July---because the Williams' have left their religion. Puhleeze---not another weep fest! And, puhleeze, are we supposed to feel sorry for you because you are being "rejected" due to your "lifestyle" by a) friends from your former religion, and/or b) family members who are mad because you left your religion, and/or c) the world at large because your are polygamists? Give it a rest!!!!!

    Ladies, go to work, declare your independence and stop circling around Brady like he is some sort of god---it is really amazing to watch how you grovel, fight, claw, and weep for the crumbs of attention he throws your way...don't you every look in the mirror and take stock why you continue to put yourselves through this? It seems akin to being in an abusive relationship that a woman refuses to leave---hoping it will get "better" but it never does. Double dates, single dates, group dates---it doesn't matter---none of you will ever get the time you want with Brady---it is never going to happen.

    1. As I watched the 5 wives marathon last Sunday, it struck me that the whole family is in a crisis of faith. Several of the more successful ex-plygs have written books and expressed their dismay at the difficulty of making good personal decisions once they left the culture of "rules". Rhonda is conflicted about medical care, all of them about birth control, the tattoo, piercing their ears, the roles of women in society, etc. In the fundamentalist cults, rules, no matter how silly, are provided with "heavenly father" keeping score on the performances. Carolyn Jessop spoke of feeling adrift. They know that AUB or FLDS is not what they want but now what? One can understand Brady looking for just the right set of rules in philosophy and the wives being troubled by each deviance from former hard and fast regulations. Their religion seems so silly to me that it is hard to think that they don't breathe a collective sigh of relief and get on with life. However that doesn't seem to be the case with Carolyn Jessop, Flora, the Wall girls, etc. Managing their personal lives sensibly seems to come after stumbles and a period of adjustment.

      The Williams haven't provided as much snark material for me yet as Kody and the Kodettes have. But I wonder if that is because the Williams were very committed to AUB and the "rules" while Kody is committed to what Kody wants and needs. AUB said no to Robyn but Kody said yes and we've had several years of a goofy but entertaining ride down the rails to what surely will be a train wreck.

      As for Honey Boo Boo, Mama June is low intelligence, without morals or scruples and shouldn't be let out without a keeper much less allowed to procreate and raise children. I only caught one cooking show with June and that was like watching some curious beastie in a zoo.


    2. Hi, Anonymous October 29, 2014 at 11:58 AM, this might get your inner snark going: is it my imagination, or did Brady really go into Rhonda's bedroom and ask Rhonda to comb Brady's hair in preparation for his "date" with Rosemary? Did Brady really say to Rhonda, "I wish I could stay with and comfort you about this cancer thing, but I've gotta take Rosemary to dinner"?

      I can understand that Brady might feel conflicted: made a previous engagement, now Rhonda's had an unexpected announcement. But asking Rhonda to comb his hair so he can go out with another wife? I would have poked him in the eye with the comb! Insensitive much, Brady?

  18. The Honey Boo Boo family has always bugged me. I'm glad TLC gave them the boot. June has a total gross factor about her. From the beginning I suspected there was something that family was hiding.

  19. We have discussed in the past how much polygamy ages the women in the religion, just as we have seen (undeniably) the hard changes across the faces of Robyn, Meri, and even some of the younger Brown girls...
    But since we are are kind of talking about 'Mama June', can I say I am astounded that she is 34 years old????
    I've commented on Robyn looking far older than her true age, and concluded that polygamy is just a harsh and unpleasant life (McMansions or not), but damn Mama June.
    She looks as terrible as she actually is. Is TLC putting something in the water if their stars? Is being 'interesting' enough for your own reality show just inherently unhealthy? All of these stars look terribly unwell, and I can't help but wonder what the cause really is.
    Usually when people come into a bit of money or are placed in the public eye they make efforts to improve or refresh their appearances, but the TLC stable of talent seems to look worse every year.
    Reality TV must be a harder life than my non famous (one husband) middle class lifestyle. I am 31 soon to be 32 and still get carded when I try to buy a lotto ticket (or last week a fishing knife which you have to be 'over 16' to purchase).
    I'm not a health nut, never had plastic surgery, and eat far too much sugar. How on earth are these people aging so badly?
    That alone should indicate reality TV is not part of a healthy lifestyle.

    1. It's not a reality show that "aged" Mama June. It's her lifestyle of poor choices - diet, men, getting pregnant by various and sundry abusers, no education. I'm trying to remember what my grandmother used to say about people like Mama June...ah yes, that "she's lived a hardscrabble life."

      TLC's "stable" of stars generally DO start looking stylish, unless, as in the case of Mama June and company, their "shtick" is to be backwoods Georgians who supplement their poor diet of sketti with roadkill. That eat out of mixing bowls. And thinks that a fun evening is farting or smelling each other's breath. (Those examples are from the only 2 episodes I've ever watched)

      But TLC deserves no awards. They exploited these people and then cut them loose when the real reality of Mama June dared to show it's ugly face. She is what she is...a liar who made yet another poor choice by associating with a man who spent 10 years in prison for molesting a child - the lowest of the low on the criminal scale. A liar who thinks it's appropriate to have her 14 year old daughter make statements to the media - having her own child lie for her.

      So in my book, it just shows that reality TV will exploit what many people consider to be the fringes of society to make a buck. Or as Honey Boo Boo would say, A dolla makes reality TV holla.

    2. I'm convinced that TLC KNEW. Certainly they must have known. Even back in 2012, the tabs were posting June's and her babydaddys' arrest records and mugshots. Radar got ahold of the legal documentation/arrest record for the molestation done to Anna by this guy. It's horrifying reading...June's name is on it as well. There is nothing that will convince me that TLC DIDN'T know about this and just figured that no one would find out.

  20. Anna from HBB exposed June's phony denial.
    That poor kid !!! What could it have been like to be on that show with her mother.
    No wonder Anna acted so odd and detached.

  21. I had read rumors as far back as a year ago that Anna was estranged from her mother, and was living with her grandmother, and only pretended to be living with June during filming. Then, recently, I read that Alana is the only child in the custody of June, and the only one living full time with her. According to the rumors, all three of the other girls were living with their grandmother except during filming for TLC. I am a survivor of sexual abuse by my father, and I can tell you that it really screwed up my life and adult relationships. I suppressed the memories until they came tumbling out when I was in my 40s, but I can see the effect they had on my self-esteem throughout my life. I'm glad to see that TLC has cancelled the show, even though they have a whole season of film in the can.

    1. @Anon 8:18, I am so sorry that happened to you. To me, abusing a child is unforgivable and causes so much damage for the rest of that child's life. Sometimes the child can never get over it. How a parent could do that to their own child is inconceivable.

  22. The man really should still be in jail. Or in a community without kids. He shoud not be around them. They should not be around their former abuser. And that should be on the abuser. It should have been a condition of release. It really should never of happened to be a question of did she see him or not.

  23. Did anyone else watch the Home Sweet Bus show on TLC last night? Something seems a little "off" about the parents. I probably won't watch future episodes.

    1. I only watched about 10-15 minutes of it. I agree, something is not right. I can't imagine sitting around that small "living room" with so many people, all of the time. The dad looked like he was getting mad with all of the noise behind him when he was trying to drive. It looked like he wanted to yell, but was biting his tongue because the cameras were rolling. I also think it is odd that the older son, wife and twins are on the bus too. Again, too small of a space and the privacy issue for a young couple! Privacy issue for the older couple too. What have the children heard and witnessed?

    2. We watched it....we actually have met people who live like that full time. My teen son thought he'd go insane if he had to live like that. He said his space bubble would not allow for such craziness. Yes...something was off. Unless I'm getting jaded to religious fundamentalism, huge families, limited spaces and finances. Huh...sounds like I'm *almost* describing my family....not quite.

    3. Odd, Odd, Odd....Something is for sure not quite right. What are they teaching their children for heaven sake. At what point or how in the world does the oldest son start to make money and save and provide for his wife and kids????? God is good and God will provide, but meet him half way and get a job. The whole concept worked for the parents because they had a house and belongings that they could sell and go for it....but the children are not in the same boat.

      OH WAIT.....let's call TLC and have them create a show for our screwed up family and we will make milllllllllions!!!!!! And we can buy a brand new 2015 Newmar Ventana 4369 w/extended chasis and outdoor flat screen!!! HA HA HA AHA HA HA HA HA HA

      This was a "No way will I watch this show" show. For sure!

  24. Yes, MrSpock watched part of it but had to turn it off. The family is very Duggar-like in their control of their children as was immediately evidenced by the 4 sons discussing what "obedience" to their parents means. It means instantaneous, without questions, etc.--- exactly like the Duggars. MrSpock is not trying to diss the bus family or the Duggars but finds the parents' need to over-control their children to the point of smothering unhealthy.

    As for the bus itself---yes, absolutely no privacy. MrSpock was wondering how the twin babies ever were conceived....?????? Motel stop somewhere?

    1. The backroom of a church? The bathroom in the Laundromat? In the bus with a sign on the door. "IF THE BUS IS ROCKIN' DON'T COME A KNOCKIN'"

    2. The "first time obedience" concept is taught in parenting classes. My husband and I chose to take a class when our son was a toddler that taught that and a bunch of other chapter 15 was all about Pain how to inflict it to get results but not get spotted. We opted to finish the class, take the good and leave the bad. Originally on the good list was first time obedience but we quickly saw that as a continuous power struggle and at 2 years old, I opted for parenting by example instead. As he grew older, we found our own way and began to see how detrimental many of the lessons were. (note: we abandoned the chapter on pain immediately.)

    3. That kind of stuff makes me ill. My precious daughter has made it to tween-hood with us never laying a finger on her. The worst that has ever happened to her is missing storytime or spending 5 mins in her room, and she is a pure delight and so well behaved .. but she definitely does not "obey the first time" either.

  25. File this one under unimportant yet noticed observations about "The Brady Show".....

    Couldn't help but notice how *sparse* the table was set for the Brady/Paulie daughter to host a dinner with/for her parents to tell Dad her pregnancy news.

    Just a bare table with four plates, a knife and fork each, and four glasses of water.
    No placemats, no napkins (paper or otherwise), no salad, rolls, no condiments.
    Maybe a candle or two would have added a bit of warmth to the forced festive air?

    Sort of looked like a last minute TLC mandated staging to me.
    Or maybe not?

    1. Agree, Amused...MrSpock also thought that was strange...not even a salt shaker.

  26. Praying fot Katlie's baby. MrSpock knows the anxiety engendered by a premature birth...all turned out well, so hope the same for Karlie's little one.

  27. Just read about the Brady baby. Scary stuff. Feel so bad for her.
    Can't help but wonder how Nonie is reacting.
    Just noticed her last name is now JESSOP. Wonder if his family is polygamous.

  28. Thank you, CJ, for the update on Karlie's baby. Praying for baby Huck and the entire Williams family. I don't agree with many of their choices, but no family deserves the challenge of a preemie. I hope the baby will grow up strong and healthy in every way!

  29. Upsetting news about the preemie. Thinking they filmed that ep about her announced pregnancy in June (Father's Day)...she may have been 2 months (hopefully a little farther) at that time. Counting forward, the baby may have come at 6 months or so. The NIC Units can and do miracles with those tiny babies. Hope their story goes that way.

  30. I'm sorry to hear about the premature birth of Karlie's son, I hope he stays strong and fights hard!

    I would like to comment however on how horrible of a reaction Nonie had during the father's day reveal. I managed to get through the episode until Nonie made Karlie's pregnancy about her. It was unnecessary and rather hurtful and I'm glad I'm not the one who has to live with her in my family. It was the wrong time and very fake of her to say she was genuinely happy yet her crying about not being the pregnant one made me so upset!

    Sorry about the rant! Lol. I really just couldn't wait to come yell about it!

  31. I just checked the BradyAndWives family FB...they've said baby "Huck" was born approximately 15 weeks early.

    1. Wow! That's 24-25 weeks. Just made it to viability. Scary. Wonder what happened.
      Can't help but wonder if we will be seeing this in Season 3. Can't help but wonder if Nonie will be making inappropriate comments about this too, if it will will scare her if she is pregnant alread since she is now in the 'high risk" category, or if it will scare her off trying.

      Hope they have alot of support and wishing the best for Karlie and her son.

    2. Prayers for that little boy and for his parents.
      He has a long road to go at that extreme preemie status, but it can be done.

  32. I saw the tweet & picture of Aspyn wearing Alex and Ani bangle bracelets, but I didn't realize that she might be selling them to her sorority sisters. Did I miss something? In any case, according to the Alex and Ani website, That's $100-$200 worth of metal on Aspyn's arm. Yeh, competition for MSWC. I feel these girls drifting farther and farther away from the Brown family.

    1. I went and checked out the website too - NOT cheap jewelry. Obviously MSWC is missing the target. I find it ironic that these are CHARM bracelets. MSWC is all about the charm necklaces and bracelets. Guess these young ladies want stylish jewelry and not to be reminded to "be (fill in the blank)"
      And yes, I agree that they are drifting further and further. Such a good thing. I believe Aspyn even said at one time that she didn't know if polygamy was for her or not. I think if you asked her that today, the answer would be, not.

    2. She's selling it? MrSpock did not see that in the tweet. Nevertheless, yes, most strange to be advertising a competitor to MSWC---not that Aspyn shouldn't wear such things---just that there's no reason to take away from a family business---so, don't tweet about it.

      Perhaps MrSpock is not "up" on jewelry trends, but, to MrSpock the bracelets on MSWC and those from Alex & Ani aren't all that different---A&A might have more---but all the bracelets are bangly, etc.

      And, at the risk of being banned from CJ's Living Room--- MrSpock has never thought the offerings on MSWC were all that different from anything seen at Claire's or JC Penney's or Target or wherever---MrSpock will not purchase anything from MSWC ---but also does not think it is any "fuglier" than anywhere else...and----cannot believe MrSpock is going to say this but---MrSpock even likes some of the items.

      Should MrSpock now beam him/herself out of the galaxy?

    3. "Should MrSpock now beam him/herself out of the galaxy? "

      Nah, Spock !! Stay in this orbit.

      Just different strokes.....!!
      Maybe you are just channeling some new galactic styles?

    4. Up here in the NY/NJ Alex & Ani are very big! Teens, 20'somethings, Moms & Grandma's wear them. On top of that even the DisneyStore online is carrying a line of them. It seems to my that Aspyn catches on to "trends" faster than her bonus mom. She could very well be working at a store for the line..either way if she is selling them she is making money. Fat chance if she did any work for MSWC would they even pay her. Kuddos to her to try to make some cash why going to school.

    5. Thank you, all MrSpock's galactic travels, have yet to visit a Kody-type planet...MrSpock wonders if Kody or his wife plus four truly, truly believe that is their future...would like to hear what they really think deep down about that...if their religion is worth living to them, then it should be worth sharing with others on every level...

    6. Awwww Mr Spock, I love your comments and hope you stick around on this board :)

      I also love charm bracelets and have bought some cute, trendy costume jewelry at Target, JCP, etc, but I have not seen anything on MSWC that I would buy, even if it were sold somewhere else. The thing is, if you're going to try to sell fashion/style, you gotta have some first.

  33. Anon 7:58. This photo is of a really cute bracelet and I don't know how a struggling college student can drop that kind of cash for a bracelet. This is one more case where the illusion the browns want us to believe is not the reality that they live.

  34. Hoping for the best outcome for the baby. That the medical staff are caring and clever enough for this baby to grow and thrive.

  35. I can so see why Aspyn would wear and push Alex and Ani bangles over the crap her dad's other girl friend sales. Robyn's stuff is for a very very limited audience...middle aged, immature sister wives. These wives still are drinking the PLYG koolaide that says, no you're not in it for giving a man variety, or for stroking his ego you are in it for the love between you and the sisters. You gals are all one happy family and so you love each other and work toward making this man happy. They still believe in the patriarchal propaganda from the PLYG patriarchy. Even though they know it's BS. The reality of that life is emotional pain and suffering; they have experienced the emotional crap, they have watched their mothers and aunts experience the crap; and here they are making jewelry to sale to their limited fan base that depicts this paw print love. The sad truth is that not only is the jewelry ugly and poorly done, but it doesn't have a motif other than pushing polygamy. Really! Go Aspyn, wear what's cool. Leave the nest and all the crap from the nest behind.

    1. I wonder if it is a subtle slap in the face to Robyn? She is Christine's daughter after all.

  36. As a mother of a premature baby. I feel so much for them. It is beyond a stressful time and nothing more heartbreaking than having to reach through to just touch your baby. The worst part is when you are discharged and you have to LEAVE your baby. I sat in the NICU as much as they would allow. All of my prayers and good vibes go to her and her husband. My baby is 9 months old now and doing well, but just seeing the photo brought tears to my eyes.

    1. All so true, Sara...been there, too.

  37. June's mother has now come forward with details of Anna's molestation.
    And she does state that she has reservations about Boo Boo's safety with June.
    At least it is good to know that someone in that family has scruples, and that she is is/ was willing to act on them for the sake of the children.


    1. The above link didn't open for me. I did a search, and came up with this one:

      The problem may have been the . before http - or some of the text after the sequence of numbers.

  38. Curiosity!!!! Who or what takes pictures of all those house/street numbers for the "I am not a robot" box? How does that come about?

    1. I know !!! I know!!!

      The pictures are from Google Street view!!!

    2. But how does it become part of a blog? Does the BlogMaster do this?

    3. Yes, the admin of a blog can "turn on" the verification if needed - at least on Blogger. Since the blog is usually moderated anyway, and Blogger flags comments that look like spam (thus preventing them from being published) I've turned off the verification step.

    4. Gracias for the explanation

  39. And on other fronts, the St. George, Utah police are keeping the world safe from dancing:

  40. New pics of Robyn on twitter. Girl is NOT pregnant. Unless she is is something like 2 weeks pregnant. She has gained a bit of weight though.

    1. Yep. Wonder how disappointed Kody is that he married a fourth wife and has only gotten 1 kid out of her in 4 years?
